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Ucsp Final Exam

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Saint Nicholas Academy

Basic Education Department

Senior High School Grade 11
Understanding culture, society,
And politics

Name: ______________________________ Section: ________________ Date: ______________



Test I. A. Read carefully and match the following definition presented from column A to the
Appropriate items in column B. (2 points each correct answers)

Column A Column B
1. A social institution found in all societies that unite people in A. sacred
cooperative groups to oversee the bearing and raising of children. B. faith
2. a social bond based o common ancestry, blood, marriage, or C. religion
adoption. D. descent
3. a legal relationship, usually involving economic cooperation, sexual E. residential
activity, and child bearing. patterns.
4. people who to spite not being related or related through marriage, F. endogamy
choose to define themselves as a family also called “fictive kin” G. exogamy
5. Parents, children and other kin. H. polygamy
6. Composed of one or two parents and their children. I. kinship
7. Marriage between people of the same social category. J. monogamy
8. Marriage between people of different social category. K. nuclear family
9. Marriage between two people. L. family
10. Having more than one spouse at a time. M. marriage
11. patrilocality, matrilocality and neolocality. N. family of affinity
12. The system by which members of a society trace kinship over O. Extended family
generations. P. homogamy
13. A social institution involving beliefs and practices based on Q. heterogamous
recognizing the sacred. R. polyandry
14. Belief based on conviction rather than scientific evidence.
15. Set apart as extraordinary, inspiring awe and reverence.

B. Multiple choice, Choose the best answer that corresponds to the statement. (2 points each
correct answers)
1. A formal religious organization with broad mainstream acceptance.
A. cult B. church C. sect

2. A set of common beliefs and ritual practices that bind people in a predominantly secular society.
A. civil religion B. religious syncretism C. ritualism

3. A social relationship that can create family ties and typically involves sexual intimacy, in which
people live together as unmarried partners.
A. family B. illegitimate child C. cohabitation

4. A small religious community whose beliefs and practices are at odds with dominant culture.
A. cult B. church C. sect

5. Religious movement that advocates strict adherence to traditional principles in all aspects of social
life, usually based on literal interpretation of a religions sacred text.
A. Fundamentalism B. Pentecostalism C. existentialism

6. Belief in the existence of a God of Gods.

A. Theism B. Catholics C. Humanism

7. An inner sense of meaning or purpose, especially as it involves a person’s relationship to

something greater than the self.
A. religion B. Spirituality C. Theology
8. Small dissenting faction of a church that promotes new belief and practices.
A. cult B. church C. sect

9. Something extraordinary, to be treated respectfully, with reverence and awe.

A. Sacred B. God C. Religion

10. Symbolic actions, typically performed at specified times, that help evoke an emotional bond
among participants.
A. religious activities B. service C. Rituals

11. A system of social stratification differs from class in its rigidity and in the basis of legitimating.
A. class B. status C. caste

12. Designated differentiation of groups in the communal sphere in terms of their social honor and
social standing.
A. class B. status C. caste

13. It is referred to as social differences based on economic divisions and inequalities.

A. class B. status C. caste

14. It is a term when people are allowed and are capable of moving from one class to another class.
A. social status B. social mobility C. Social Class

15. Filipino families consider it as a ‘’Ticket to success’’.

A. education B. profession C. job

16. Communist manifesto referred to as owners of the means of social production and employers of
wage labors.
A. bourgeoisie B. working class C. land owners

17. Who is the richest Filipino in 2014?

A. Andrew Tan B. Lucio Tan C. Henry Sy

18. Father of scientific socialism

A. Karl Marx B. Erik Ericson C. Max Webber

19. Refers to formal and informal process of transmitting the knowledge.

A. vocational education B. Education C. seminars

20. French sociologist analysis education and combined it with neo-weberian analysis.
A. Pierre Bourdieu B.Jean-Claude Passeron C. Randal Collins

C. Instruction: write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.

_____1. Kinship by marriage is based on the classic principle: blood is thicker than water.
_____2. If one person has only one partner at a time, and then moves on to another partner after
severing the relationship with the first is called polygamy.
_____3. Marriage is an institution that admits men and women to family life.
_____4. In matrilineal descent, only males pass on their identity to their children.
_____5. Social recognition, as long as there is kinship by blood, is not important in determining
consanguineous kinship.
_____6. Kinship creates society and society creates the state.
_____7. When one becomes the member of consanguineal relatives of both father and mother, it is
known as bilateral descent.
_____8. As a primary group, the size of a family is necessary limited and considered as a smallest
social unit.
_____9. The family is guarded only by social taboos and not by legal regulation.
_____10. There is no human society in which some form of the family does not appear.

120 items Good luck Students

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