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BTT Arena Combatants

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BehindTheTables: ARENA COMBATANTS by Orkish Blade ( Originally posted at www.reddit.



Use these tables for inspiration or roll them up randomly. Some of the tables could be rolled more.

d8 The arena is... d6 The crowd is made up of mostly... d6 The crowd’s attitude is...
1. An ancient stone structure used for 1. Merchants, nobles, and the well-to-do. 1. Rowdy and festive.
centuries. 2. Soldiers and camp-followers. 2. Eager and excited.
2. An old stone structure used for 3. Local artisans and shopkeepers. 3. Relaxed and easy-going.
generations. 4. Local peasants and unskilled workers. 4. Hostile and tense.
3. A wondrous construction with grand 5. Foreigners and travelers. 5. Disappointed and angry.
stands, trap doors, and elevators. 6. Slave, servants, and laborers. 6. Rowdy and rebellious.
4. A sturdy wooden structure, recently 7. Sailors, pirates, and knaves.
built. 8. People of all social strata.
5. A crisp stone structure, recently built.
6. A set of rickety wooden stands around
a dirt ring.
7. A circle of rope surrounded by INDIVIDUAL GLADIATORS
spectators and a few cages.
8. An underground pit with spectators d8 The gladiator is armored in... d12 The gladiator fights for...
leaning over a railing above. 1. Nothing. 1. The love of the sport.
2. A leather vest. 2. The love of someone he cannot have.
d8 The games are being held... 3. A leather jerkin. 3. Pure bloodlust.
1. In honor of the sovereign’s birthday. 4. The hides of exotic beasts. 4. A chance to deal out sadistic torment.
2. In honor of a historical anniversary. 5. A breastplate. 5. A chance at freedom.
3. In honor of a recent military victory. 6. Chainmail. 6. A chance at vengeance.
4. To turn a legitimate profit for the 7. The costume of a foreign adversary. 7. A chance to escape from life
organizers. 8. The costume of a military hero. imprisonment.
5. To turn a gambling profit for the 8. A chance to escape from execution.
organizers. d12 The gladiator is wielding... 9. A chance at redemption.
6. To dispose of prisoners. 1. A spear. 10. God and country.
7. Strictly to entertain the masses. 2. A gladius (shortsword). 11. Fortune and glory.
8. To determine a champion for a 3. Two shortswords. 12. Strength and honor.
dangerous quest or traditional 4. A spear and a shield.
ceremony. 5. A shortsword and a shield. d12 On the gladiator's face is...
6. A heavy flail. 1. A nose ring.
d8 The main event is... 7. A morningstar. 2. A garish earring.
1. A battle royale / grand melee. 8. A huge axe. 3. An empty eye socket.
2. A reenactment of a historical battle. 9. A whip. 4. A grisly scar.
3. A duel between two arena champions. 10. Brass knuckles. 5. A haughty sneer.
4. A duel between a champion and a 11. A net and trident. 6. A look of panic.
severe underdog. 12. An exotic, curved blade. 7. A look of sadness.
5. Feeding prisoners to beasts. 8. An eager grin.
6. A battle of man versus beast (one or d10 The gladiator fights with... 9. A frame of long, beautiful long hair.
more bears, chimeras, dragons, giant 1. Hit-and-run tactics. 10. Ferocious sideburns.
spiders, lions, owlbears, tigers, or 2. Making a direct assault. 11. An unruly beard.
wolves). 3. Making a mad charge. 12. A long-braided mustache.
7. A chariot race or foot race. 4. Fancy footwork.
8. Feats of strength. 5. Unpredictable lurches. d12 On the gladiator's body is...
6. Masterful combat maneuvers. 1. A tattoo of a sea creature (a fish, a
d12 The day’s champion wins... 7. Kicking and stomping. kraken, a mermaid, an octopus).
1. A heavy purse of silver. 8. Lots of taunts and jeers. 2. A tattoo of a great beast (a bear, a
2. A sizable purse of gold. 9. Lots of screaming and shouting. boar, a dragon, an eagle, a lion, a
3. An expensive and ornate weapon. 10. Lots of head-butting. wolf).
4. An expensive and ornate piece of 3. A tattoo of a skull.
armor. d12 The gladiator is... 4. A tattoo of a weapon (a dagger, a
5. A floral crown and a fine silver chain. 1. A well-trained slave. spear, a sword, an axe).
6. A floral crown and a bejeweled gold 2. A poorly-trained slave. 5. A festering wound.
belt. 3. A seasoned veteran of the arena. 6. A frightening scar.
7. A fine silk cloak and a bejeweled silver 4. A veteran of warfare. 7. The brand of a slave.
chain. 5. A prisoner of war. 8. The brand of a soldier.
8. A petition of the sovereign. 6. A political prisoner. 9. A pronounced gut.
9. A position of honor in the army and a 7. The son of a poor man. 10. A frightening amount of bulging
purse of silver. 8. A drunk. muscles.
10. A position of honor in the sovereign’s 9. A captured criminal. 11. An obscene amount of oil.
guard. 10. A former pirate. 12. An intimidating amount of hair.
11. A week of pampering and pleasure 11. A de-frocked priest.
and a purse of silver. 12. A favorite among the ladies.
12. A night with one of the nobles’ wives
and a purse of gold.

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