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BTT Military Companies

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BehindTheTables: MILITARY COMPANIES by Orkish Blade ( Originally posted at www.reddit.



Use these tables for inspiration or roll them up randomly. Some of the tables could be rolled more.

d20 The company’s colors are... d8 The company specializes in... INDIVIDUAL SOLDIERS
1. Black. 1. Siege-breaking.
2. Red / scarlet. 2. Holding redoubts. d12 The soldier is...
3. Gold. 3. Frontal assaults. 1. A farm boy.
4. Forest green. 4. Skirmishes. 2. The son of a miner or fisherman.
5. Royal blue. 5. Patrolling. 3. A veteran of gladiatorial combat.
6. Violet. 6. Flanking maneuvers. 4. A veteran of warfare.
7. Silver / light grey. 7. Guerilla tactics. 5. A prisoner of war.
8. Bronze. 8. Foraging. 6. A political dissident.
9. Tan / khaki. 7. The son of a poor man.
10. Brown / beaver. d8 The company is notorious for... 8. A drunk.
11. Dark grey / gunmetal. 1. Taking no prisoners. 9. A fugitive criminal.
12. White. 2. Scarring or branding prisoners. 10. A former pirate.
13. Maroon. 3. Incompetence. 11. A failed craftsman.
14. Sky blue. 4. Cowardice. 12. A favorite among the ladies.
15. Navy blue. 5. Singing bawdy songs.
16. Dark brown / chocolate. 6. Romantic escapades. d12 The soldier fights for...
17. Teal / turquoise. 7. Eating everything that is available. 1. The steady pay.
18. Yellow. 8. Drinking too much ale and wine. 2. The love of someone he cannot have.
19. Orange. 3. Pure bloodlust.
20. Olive green. d6 Most soldiers in the company are 4. A chance to deal out sadistic torment.
outfitted with... 5. A chance at vengeance.
d20 The company’s banner features... 1. Patched leather armor. 6. Gold to repay debts.
1. A skull. 2. Leather armor marked with the symbol 7. Gold to aid a family member.
2. A clenched fist. of their liege lord. 8. A chance to escape from life
3. A flame. 3. Helms and breastplates emblazoned imprisonment.
4. A shield. with the symbol of their liege lord. 9. A chance at redemption.
5. An arrow. 4. Well-maintained chainmail. 10. God and country.
6. An axe. 5. Well-worn scale armor. 11. Fortune and glory.
7. A hammer. 6. Newly-forged scale armor. 12. Strength and honor.
8. A sword.
9. The sun. d12 Most soldiers in the company are d12 On the soldier’s face is...
10. The moon. equipped with... 1. A large wart.
11. A bear. 1. Longswords and shortbows. 2. An eyepatch.
12. A bull. 2. Longswords and crossbows. 3. An unsightly scar.
13. A dragon. 3. Longswords and shields. 4. A haughty sneer.
14. A falcon. 4. Shortswords and longbows. 5. A look of sadness.
15. A lion. 5. Shortswords and shields. 6. A stupid grin.
16. A raven. 6. Mornngstars and crossbows. 7. An eager grin.
17. A scorpion. 7. Battleaxes and handaxes. 8. A frame of long, beautiful long hair.
18. A snake. 8. Warhammers and shields. 9. Ferocious sideburns.
19. A stag. 9. Spears and shields. 10. A neatly-trimmed goatee.
20. A wolf. 10. Longspears and shortswords. 11. An unruly beard.
11. Pikes and shortswords. 12. A lush, thick mustache.
d10 The company’s commander is... 12. Halberds and handaxes.
1. A brilliant strategist. d10 The soldier carries…
2. A scion from a prominent family. d8 Most soldiers in the company are... 1. A blade with soft leather tassels
3. An outcast from a prominent family. 1. Trained men-at-arms. dangling from the pommel.
4. A dashing swashbuckler. 2. Militia men. 2. A blade with a carved hilt (ivory, jade,
5. A brutish thug. 3. Veterans of war. soapstone, ebony, mahogany, or oak).
6. A celebrated war hero. 4. Prisoners of war. 3. A blade with beasts sculpted into the
7. A disgraced knight. 5. Conscripts from a city. steel of the guard (dragons, lions,
8. An anointed knight. 6. Conscripts from peasant villages. scorpions, snakes, spiders, or wolves).
9. A career soldier 7. Convicted criminals. 4. A blade made of blackened steel.
10. A former arena champion. 8. Green boys. 5. A highly polished blade.
6. A token from a sweetheart.
d6 The company’s attitude toward their 7. A token from a parent.
commander is... 8. A letter from a fallen comrade.
1. Friendly and loyal. 9. A trophy from a fallen enemy.
2. Respectful and business-like. 10. A ribbon from a faraway maiden.
3. Cautious and uncertain.
4. Terrified and tight-lipped.
5. Disappointed and disrespectful.
6. Agitated and restless.

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