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BRP - Handouts Pack

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Based on the Basic Roleplaying system created by Steve Perrin, Steve Henderson, Warren James, Greg Stafford, Sandy Petersen,
Ray Turney, Lynn Willis

Jason Durall and Steve Perrin

Cover Art Design & Layout

Loïc Muzy Adam Szelążek

Artists Character Sheets

Loïc Muzy, Grzegorz Bobrowski, Giorgio Baroni, Manuel Castanon, Dan Zappone
Charlie Creber, Antonia Doncheva, Shen Fei, Andrey Fetisov, Piotr
Foksowicz, Matt Forsyth, Ossi Hiekkala, Chris Huth, Tomasz Additional Credits
Jedruszek, Michelle Lockamy, Phu Thieu Mac, Lionel Marty, Daria Pilarczyk, Rick Meints, Michael O’Brien, Jeff Richard
Loïc Muzy, Simon Roy, Dimitar Stoyanov, John Sumrow,
Cory Trego-Erdner Special Thanks
Ken St. Andre, William Barton, Bill Dunn, Sam Johnson,
Producer William Jones, Rodney Leary, Ben Monroe, Mark L. Gambler,
Neil Robinson Gordon Monson, Sarah Newton, Sam Shirley, Mark Morrison,
Richard Watts

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First American Edition, 2023, Version 1.00

Published in the United States of America by Chaosium Inc.
3450 Wooddale Court, Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Copyright © 2023 by Chaosium Inc. All rights reserved. Product Identity elements in this product include all artwork, illustrations, and
Basic Roleplaying is copyright © 1981, 1983, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1998, 1999, graphic design, including runes and geometric symbols that are not part of the
2001, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2023 by Chaosium Inc.; all rights reserved. Latin alphabet or Hindu-Arabic numeral system, and all trademarks, including
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BRP for new players
Basic Roleplaying has only a few core concepts at its heart,
and once your players know these, they’ll be fine.

Characteristics are usually 3–18 (the higher the better).

Most issues are resolved with a percentile dice roll (D100).

Make a characteristic roll (usually a characteristic ×5) when there is

no opposition and a resistance roll when there is an opposed force.

A resistance roll is based on equal forces having a 50/50 chance against one another.
The more unequal the forces are, the greater the difference. Only one side rolls: either
the active side or the player. Both chances add up to 100%.

Skills are rated in percentages (the higher the better). Roll low on percentile rolls to
succeed. A roll of 99 and/or 00 is a fumble. A roll over the skill rating is a failure.
A roll equal to or under the skill rating is a success. A roll of 1/5 the skill rating is a
special success. A roll of 1/20 your skill is a critical success.

Usually, roll full skill rating on percentile dice. If there’s no reason the skill can’t be
performed successfully, it’s Automatic, so don’t roll. If it’s Easy, double the skill rating.
If it’s Average, do not modify it. If it’s Difficult, cut the skill in half. If it’s Impossible,
don’t even roll, as it always fails.

Occasionally, skill ratings are modified by a value (usually within the range of ±20%) if
an outside factor makes things more challenging or aids the attempt.

Characters’ lives are measured in hit points. These are lost through injuries and other
harmful situations. When a living being runs out of hit points, they die.

Characters’ lives are measured in hit points. These are lost through injuries and other
harmful situations. When a living being runs out of hit points, they die.

Characters may have powers such as mutations, psychic abilities, magic, or superpowers.
Most powers use power points.
optional rule checklist

Following are all the optional rules and their effect in play. M Literacy (page 46): Useful whenever reading and writing
is less common.
M Skill Ratings Over 100% (page 37): Essential for high-
Characters and Character Creation
M Choosing Characteristic Values (page 10): Players assign powered settings with hugely competent characters.
characteristics where they want, resulting in characters
more suited to their preferences.
M Projection (page 93): Necessary when using superpowers.
M Higher Starting Characteristics (page 10): More robust
and generally more competent characters. System
M Education/Knowledge Roll (page 19): Useful for games in M Opposed Skill Roll Systems (page 113): Largely a matter
the modern settings. of preference.
M Cultural Modifiers (page 18): Best in settings with M Encumbrance (page 118): Useful for grittier, combat-,
dramatically different cultures and societies. survival-, or travel-oriented games, especially when paired
M Nonhuman Characters (page 222): Used in high fantasy with Fatigue.
and science fiction settings. Combat
M Point-based Character Creation (page 10): Characters are M Eliminating or Reversing Statement of Intents (page
designed by the players, allowing for precise customization. 124): This speeds combat considerably.
M Step Six (page 11): Results in competent and well-rounded M Initiative Rolls (page 124): This adds randomness to
characters. combat round-to-round.
M Increased Personal Skill Points (page 16): Characters are M Power Use in the Action Phase (page 124): Emphasizes
professionals with prior experience. powers in combat.
M Hit Points per Location (page 21): Useful for very combat- M Attacks and Parries over 100% (page 131): Best with high-
intensive settings, ideally with Armor by Hit Locations. powered fantasy and superhero adventure, though combat
M Total Hit Points (page 20): Characters can survive gets somewhat slower.
M Dodging Missile Weapons (page 133): Best for games
considerable damage. If only player characters and
important nonplayer characters use this, gameplay where combat is exaggerated and unrealistic.
M Dying Blows (page 131): Useful for giving a beloved player
becomes very heroic.
M Fatigue Points (pages 24): Best used in gritty, combat-, character (or hated villain) a dramatic ending.
M Armor by Hit Locations (page 177): Best for detailed and
survival-, or travel-focused games.
M Sanity (page 218): Useful in games with horror elements. simulation-oriented games.
M Distinctive Features (page 25): Primarily for flavor, useful M Damage and Hit Locations (page 133): Best for detailed
everywhere. and simulation-oriented games.
M Freeform Professions (page 32): Useful for customized, M Miniatures, Maps and Virtual Tabletops (page 138): Best
difficult-to-categorize player characters. for detailed and simulation-oriented games.
M Aging and Inaction (page 120): Useful for long-term
campaigns where characters age significantly.
M Allegiance (page 211): Useful for games with gods that
Skills actively intervene in the world.
M Skill Category Bonuses (page 23): If skills are important, M Fate Points (page 113): Players can spend power points to
skill bonuses are useful. Not compatible with Simpler Skill adjust dice results and introduce narrative elements.
M Passions (page 214): Allows characters to act in personality-
M Simpler Skill Bonuses (page 23): A simpler approach to driven fashion.
M Reputation (page 216): A useful metric for achievement
skill bonuses. Not compatible with Skill Category Bonuses.
M Complimentary Skills (page 38): Useful in any game or and fame.
M Personality Traits (page 203): Useful to help define
M Acting Without Skill (page 34): Allowing a minor chance of characters and nonplayer characters alike.
success in any skill, regardless of training. Freak luck might
break suspension of disbelief in some games.
the resistance table

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

1 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

2 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 – – – – – – – – – – – – –

3 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 – – – – – – – – – – – –

4 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 – – – – – – RANGE OF – –
5 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 – – – – – SUCCESS – –

6 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 – – – – – – – – –

7 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 – – – – – – – –

8 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 – – – – – – –

9 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 – – – – – –
Passive Characteristic

10 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 – – – – –

11 – 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95

12 – – 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95

13 – – – 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95

14 – – – – 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95

15 – – – – – 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95

16 – – – – – – 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

17 – – – – – – – 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

18 – – RANGE OF – – – 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
19 – – – – – – 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
20 – – – – – – – – – – 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70

21 – – – – – – – – – – – 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65

22 – – – – – – – – – – – – 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

23 – – – – – – – – – – – – – 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

24 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

For success, roll D100 equal to or less than the indicated number.
Attack and Defense Matrix
skill results table Attack Roll Parry Roll Dodge Roll Result
Critical Critical Critical Defender parries or dodges damage, no other result.
Critical Special Special Attack partially deflected or dodged and achieves a success.
These are the ranges for critical success, special success, Attacker strikes defender and rolls damage normally.
and fumbles. The results for special successes incorporate Defender’s armor value subtracted from damage. Parrying weapon or
the number range for critical successes. Whenever a roll shield takes 2 points of damage.*
result is in the range of both a critical and special success, Critical Success Success Attack marginally deflected and achieves a special success. Attack does
the results of the critical success (if appropriate) should be full damage† plus normal damage modifier and appropriate special
applied, not both. result. Defender’s armor value subtracted from damage. Parrying
weapon or shield takes 4 points of damage.*

Base Chance Critical Special Fumble Critical Failure Failure Attack achieves a critical success. Attack does full damage† plus normal
damage modifier (or attacker may choose a special success instead).
01–05 01 01 96–00 Defender’s armor value is bypassed.
06–10 01 01–02 96–00 Critical Fumble Fumble Attack achieves a critical success. Attack does full damage** plus
11–15 01 01–03 96–00 normal damage modifier (or attacker may choose a special success
16–20 01 01–04 96–00 instead). Defender’s armor value does not apply. Defender rolls on the
appropriate fumble table.
21–25 01–02 01–05 97–00
Special Critical Critical Defender parries or dodges attack; no other result. If attack is parried,
26–30 01–02 01–06 97–00
attacking weapon takes 1 point of damage.*
31–35 01–02 01–07 97–00
Special Special Special Defender parries or dodges attack, no other result.
36–40 01–02 01–08 97–00
Special Success Success Attack partially parried or dodged and achieves a normal success.
41–45 01–03 01–09 98–00 Defender’s armor value subtracted from damage. Parrying weapon or
46–50 01–03 01–10 98–00 shield takes 2 points of damage.*
51–55 01–03 01–11 98–00 Special Failure Failure Attack achieves a special success. Attack does full damage** plus
normal damage modifier and appropriate special result. Defender’s
56–60 01–03 01–12 98–00
armor value subtracted from damage.
61–65 01–04 01–13 99–00
Special Fumble Fumble Attack achieves a special success. Attack does full damage** plus
66–70 01–04 01–14 99–00 normal damage modifier and appropriate special result. Defender’s
71–75 01–04 01–15 99–00 armor value subtracted from damage. Defender rolls on the appropriate
76–80 01–04 01–16 99–00 fumble table.

81–85 01–05 01–17 00 Success Critical Critical Defender blocks or dodges damage; no other result. If parried in melee
combat, attacker’s weapon takes 2 points of damage.*
86–90 01–05 01–18 00
Success Special Special Defender blocks or dodges damage; no other result. If parried in melee
91–95 01–05 01–19 00
combat, attacker’s weapon takes 1 point of damage.*
96–00 01–05 01–20 00
Success Success Success Defender blocks or dodges damage, no other result.
101–105 01–06 01–21 00
Success Failure Failure Attack strikes defender and rolls damage normally. Defender’s armor
106–110 01–06 01–22 00 value subtracted from damage.
111–115 01–06 01–23 00 Success Fumble Fumble Attack strikes defender and rolls damage normally. Defender’s armor
116–120 01–06 01–24 00 value subtracted from damage. Defender rolls on the appropriate
fumble table.
Each +5 Etc. Etc. 00
Failure — — No damage; no effect.
Fumble — — Attack misses completely and attacker rolls on the appropriate fumble
table. Defender unharmed.
* If the parrying weapon or shield is destroyed during the parry attempt, roll the attacking weapon’s normal damage and
STR+SIZ Dam. Mod. STR+SIZ Dam. Mod. subtract the points of damage used in destroying the parrying weapon or shield. The remaining damage penetrates the
2 to 12 –1D6 33 to 40 +1D6 parry attempt to damage the defender (armor still protects). If the attacking weapon is destroyed during a successful attack,
damage is still inflicted on the defender and the weapon is broken at that moment.
13 to 16 –1D4 41 to 56 +2D6
** This is the damage which that type of attack would normally do. This is not the same as ‘maximum damage’. For a
17 to 24 None 57 to 72 +3D6 greatsword, full damage is 2D8 on a normal success, 2D8 bleeding damage on a special success, and on a critical success it
25 to 32 +1D4 Ea. +16 +1d6 does 16 damage ignoring. Damage modifier, in all cases, is rolled separately and added afterwards.
skill list by category

A complete list of skills divided by category follows. Each entry also lists the page of that skill’s full description.


Artillery (various) 38 Bargain 39 Art (various) 37 Appraise 37
Brawl 39 Command 39 Craft (various) 40 First Aid 41
Energy Weapon (various) 6 Disguise 40 Demolition 40 Gaming 42
Firearm (various) 41 Etiquette (various) 41 Fine Manipulation 41 Knowledge (various) 45
Grapple 43 Fast Talk 41 Heavy Machine (various) 43 Literacy (optional) 46
Heavy Weapon (various) 43 Language (various) 45 Repair (various) 50 Medicine 47
Martial Arts 47 Perform 48 Sleight of Hand 50 Psychotherapy 33
Melee Weapon (various) 47 Persuade 48 Science (various) 50
Missile Weapon (various) 47 Status 48 Strategy 51
Parry (various) 48 Teach 52 Technical Skill (various) 52

Shield 50


Insight 45 Climb 39 Projection 48
Listen 46 Dodge 33 Ride (various) 48
Navigate 48 Drive (various) 40 Stealth 51
Research 50 Fly 41 Swim 51

Sense 50 Hide 45 Throw 52

Spot 51 Jump 45
Track 52 Pilot (various) 48

Natural Weapon Attack and Parry Fumbles Melee Weapon Attack Fumbles
D100 Result D100 Result

01–25 Lose the next combat round (or this one if no action has yet been taken). 01–15 Lose the next combat round and are effectively helpless.

26–30 Lose the next 1D3 combat rounds (this includes this one if no action has yet been taken). 16–25 Lose the next 1D3 combat rounds and are effectively helpless.

31–50 Fall prone. 26–40 Fall prone.

51–60 Fall prone and twist ankle; modify MOV by –1 MOV for 1D10 full turns (and all combat turns 41–50 Drop the weapon being used.
within them). 51–60 Throw weapon 1D10 meters away.
61–75 Vision obscured; modify all appropriate skills by –30% for 1D3 combat rounds. 61–65 Lose 1D10 points of weapon’s hit points.
76–85 Miss and strain something; lose 1 hit point (in the attacking limb if hit locations are being used). 66–75 Vision obscured, modify all appropriate skills by –30% for 1D3 combat rounds.
86–90 Hit nearest ally for normal damage or use result 76–85 if no ally nearby. 76–85 Hit nearest ally for normal damage or use result 41–50 if no ally nearby.
91–94 Hit nearest ally for special damage or use result 76–85 if no ally nearby. 86–90 Hit nearest ally for special damage or use result 51–60 if no ally nearby.
95–98 Hit hard surface; do normal damage to self (in the attacking limb if hit locations are being used). 91–98 Hit nearest ally for critical damage or use result 61–65 if no ally nearby.
99 Blow it; roll twice more on this table (cumulative if this result is rolled again). 99 Blow it; roll twice more on this table (cumulative if this result is rolled again).
00 Blow it badly; roll three times more on this table (cumulative if this result is rolled again). 00 Blow it badly; roll three times more on this table (cumulative if this result is rolled again).
Melee Weapon Parry Fumbles Major Wound Table
D100 Result 1D100 Result
01–20 Lose the next combat round (or this one if no action has yet been taken), and are effectively 01–10 Severed leg tendons cause limping; fused ankle bones cause limping; back muscles or spinal nerve
helpless. damage bend the torso to the left or right; a shattered knee cannot bend; or make up a new wound
effect. Lose 1D3 DEX and reduce MOV by the same amount. The character is still able to fight.
21–40 Fall prone.
11–20 Much of the nose has been sliced away; multiple scars deface both hands; an ear has been cut
41–50 Drop weapon being used.
off; a livid scar lends an evil cast to appearance; or make up a new wound effect. Lose 1D3 CHA.
51–60 Throw weapon 1D10 meters away. The visible and unappealing deformity cannot be disguised. The character is still able to fight.
61–75 Vision obscured; modify all appropriate skills by –30% for 1D3 combat rounds. 21–30 Wrist or hand damage; a slab of arm or shoulder muscle has been cut away; a chunk was hewn
76–85 Wide open; foe automatically hits with normal hit. from thigh or calf muscles; spinal nerves are damaged; several fingers or toes are severed; or make
86–90 Wide open; foe automatically hits with special hit. up a new wound effect. Lose 1D3 STR; this loss may change what weapons can be used. The
character is still able to fight with a weapon, but not a shield.
91–93 Wide open; foe automatically hits with critical hit.
31–40 A punctured lung leads to a weakened respiratory system; deep stomach wounds become chronically
94–98 Blow it; roll twice more on this table (cumulative if this result is rolled again).
reinfected, or belly wounds weaken digestion and general health; kidneys and liver are damaged;
99–00 Blow it badly; roll three times more on this table (cumulative if this result is rolled again). or make up a new wound effect. Lose 1D3 CON; reduce MOV by the same amount, and hit points
may be lowered. The character is still able to fight.
Missile Weapon Attack Fumbles 41–50 Concussion damages hearing and limits Listen and Insight to maximums of 65%; injury to the head
D100 Result thereafter require Luck rolls each time to use any Mental skills; blows or cuts which affect depth
perception leave missile weapon skill ratings at a maximum of 65%; multiple wounds to the face
01–15 Lose the next attack or other activity.
and neck limit the skills of any Communication skills to a maximum of 65%; or make up a new
16–25 Lose the next 1D3 combat rounds or other activity. wound effect. Lose 1D3 INT; this loss may affect the character’s ability to use any powers, such as
26–40 Fall prone. sorcery. The character is still able to fight.

41–55 Vision obscured; modify all appropriate skills by –30% for 1D3 combat rounds. 51–60 Refer to 01–10, but expanded to the loss of one or both arms or legs. Lose 1D6 DEX and reduce
maximum MOV by that same amount. The character is unable to fight.
56–65 Drop weapon; which slides or bounces 1D6–1 meters away.
61–70 Refer to 11–20, but the major wound now includes worse mutilations. Lose 1D6 CHA; it creates
66–80 Do 1D6 damage to weapon’s hit points (or use result 81–85 if the weapon has no hit points).
one or more visible deformities that cannot be disguised. The character is still able to fight.
81–85 Break weapon; regardless of weapon’s current hit points.
71–80 Refer to 21–30 for examples of mutilating cuts and losses. Lose 1D6 STR, perhaps adjusting
86–90 Hit nearest ally for normal damage or use result 56–65 if no ally nearby. damage modifier. The character is still able to fight.
91–95 Hit nearest ally for special damage or use result 66–80 if no ally nearby. 81–90 Refer to 31–40 for various wounds to the vitals. Lose 1D6 CON; may affect hit points and damage
96–98 Hit nearest ally for critical damage or use result 81–85 if no ally nearby. modifier and reduces MOV equal to the CON loss. The character is unable to fight.
99 Blow it; roll twice more on this table (cumulative if this result is rolled again). 91–92 Bad facial and vocal cord injuries. Lose 1D6 CHA. The character is still able to fight.
00 Blow it badly; roll three times more on this table (cumulative if this result is rolled again). 93–94 Broken bones and severed ganglia. Lose 1D6 DEX; from now on the character can only use one-
handed melee weapons. The character is still able to fight using their remaining arm.
95–96 Nerve damage to left or right arm. Lose 1D6 DEX; hereafter your character can only wield weapons
or equipment in their undamaged arm. The character is still able to fight using their remaining arm.
97–98 Nerve damage to both arms. Lose 1D6 DEX; though the legs are fine, neither arms nor hands can
wield anything. The character is unable to fight, unless using their legs or head butts.
99 Mutilated with vicious wounds. Lose 1D3 points each from CHA, DEX, and CON. The character is
unable to fight.
00 Deliberately mutilated after collapsing. Remove 1D4 points each from four characteristics
(gamemaster’s discretion). The character is unable to fight.

Conditions of Medical Care

Medical Conditions Effect on Healing Rate
Poorly equipped, unsanitary, and/or full of stressful Caregiver (doctor, nurse, healer, self, etc.) must
elements; patient is mobile and exerting self heavily succeed in a Difficult First Aid or Medicine roll for
(combat, rugged travel, etc.); or receiving no medical any healing to occur. If successful, the patient heals
care whatsoever. normally (1D3 hit points/week); if unsuccessful no
healing occurs. A fumble inflicts 1D3 additional hit
points in damage.
Decent and sanitary conditions, restful environment, The patient heals 1D3 hit points naturally.
care provided, only moderate physical exertion.
Excellent conditions and equipment utilized, The patient heals 1D3 hit points naturally; a further
environment conducive to healing and restoration, full successful First Aid or Medicine skill use allows
bedrest and therapy, full-time high-quality medical possible additional healing (page 41 and 47).
care provided.
magiC spell summary psychic abilities summary

Following are the most known magic spells. Each spell’s Each ability costs a minimum of 1 power point to use, with
cost per level is given in parentheses, and each spell’s effect additional power points spent for longer duration or effect.
lasts for the duration of the spell. Range is usually a multiple of POW.
M Blast (3): Ranged, does 1D6 points of magical damage M Astral Projection: Leave physical body and travel in
per level. psychic form.
M Change (1): Transforms 3 SIZ points of an item or being M Aura Detection: Perceive the aura emanated by a
per level. living being.
M Conjure (type) Elemental (1): Summons or dismisses M Clairvoyance: Project awareness into another place.
an elemental of a specific type. M Cryokinesis: Create an area of intense cold on an area,
M Control (1): Allows control over a target’s mind, re- object, or target.
quires a resistance roll. M Danger Sense: Detect danger from other characters
M Countermagic (1): Reflects incoming spells back at the or situations.
magician. M Dead Calm: Resist mental shock or delay the effects of
M Dark (1): Fills an area with darkness. sanity loss.
M Diminish (1): Reduces one of the target’s characteris- M Divination: Ask a higher power for guidance and insight.
tics by 1 per level. M Eidetic Memory: Perfect and total recall of previous
M Dispel (1): Eliminates existing spell effects, may banish experiences.
supernatural beings. M Emotion Control: Affect the emotional state of a target
M Dull (1): Reduces a weapon’s attack chance and damage. or targets.
M Enhance (1): Increases one of the target’s characteris- M Empathy: Detect the inner feelings of a target or targets.
tics by 1 per level. M Intuition: Detect a certain person or class of item.
M Flame (3): Ranged, does 1D6 points of fire damage per level. M Levitation: Floating movement above the ground.
M Frost (3): Ranged, does 1D6 points of frost damage per level. M Mind Blast: A psychic attack against a target.
M Heal (3): Heals 1D6 points of damage per level. M Mind Control: Controlling the physical body and will of
M Illusion (1): Creates 3 SIZ points of an illusion per level. a target.
M Invisibility (1): Each level makes 3 SIZ points of an ob- M Mind Shield: A protection against psychic interference
ject or person invisible. and attacks.
M Lift (1): Lifts 3 SIZ points of an object or person per level. M Precognition: A brief glimpse into the future.
M Light (1): Fills an area with light. M Psychometry: ‘Read’ past emotions associated with an
M Lightning (3): Ranged, does 1D6 points of lightning object or place.
damage per level. M Pyrokinesis: Heat an area, object, or target to extreme
M Perception (1): Allows the magician to detect one thing temperatures.
within range. M Sensitivity: Detect psychic emanations or supernatural
M Protection (1): Adds 1 point of armor value per level beings in an area.
against physical attacks. M Telekinesis: Manipulate and move objects mentally.
M Resistance (1): Reduces damage from heat and/or cold M Telepathy: Read minds or speak mind-to-mind with a target.
by 1 point per level.
M Seal (1): Joins two inanimate objects together.
M Sharpen (1): Increases a weapon’s attack chance and
M Speak To Mind (1): Allows mental communication be-
tween the magician and a target.
M Teleport (1): Teleports 3 SIZ points per level anywhere
within range.
M Unseal (1): Separates two connected objects.
M Vision (1): Allows the magician to see what is happen-
ing elsewhere, or in the past.
M Wall (1): Creates a barrier to protect your character.
M Ward (1): Defines an area protected by Blast and
M Wound (3): Causes 1D6 points of damage per level.
sorcery spell summary

Following are the sorcery spells from this secution, categorized by types, with the range of spell levels in parentheses. Each spell
costs 1 power point per level, and each spell’s effect lasts for the duration of the spell (usually a sorcerer’s POW in combat rounds).

Augmentation Spells Manipulative Spells

Cloak of Night (1–4): Adds +20% per level to Hide. Curse of Sorcery (4): Causes target to suffer a disfiguring feature.
Leap (1–4): Adds +20% per level to Jump. Fury (1): Enrages target, speeding their attacks.
Sureness (1–4): Adds +20% per level to Stealth. Inescapable Bonds (3): Immobilizes target, requires a
resistance roll.
Characteristic Spells Liken Shape (4): Assume the image of another person.
Bolster the Soul (1–3): Adds 3 points per level to POW. Muddle (1): Disorients target.
Inhuman Plasticity (1–3): Adds 3 points per level to SIZ. Pox (1): Reduces target’s power points, requires a resistance roll.
Lightning Speed (1–3): Adds 3 points per level to MOV.
Relentless Vitality (1–3): Adds 3 points per level to CON. Occult Spells
Suppleness of the Serpent (1–3): Adds 3 points per level to DEX. Brazier of Power (4): Creates a reservoir of power points.
Titan’s Strength (1–3): Adds 3 points per level to STR. Chain of Being (4): Creates a pool of power points.
Unearthly Beauty (1–3): Adds 3 points per level to APP. Undo Sorcery (1–4): Cancels various sorcery spells.
Wisdom of the Sage (1–3): Adds 3 points per level to INT. Ward (3): Creates a magical alarm.

Combat Spells Summoning Spells

Hammer of the Gods (1–4): Adds 1 point damage per level to Summon Demon (1): Summons a demon.
blunt weapons. Summon Elemental (1): Summons an elemental.
Hell’s Razor (1–4): Adds 1 point damage per level to cutting
Utility Spells
Bird’s Vision (1): Controls a bird and sees through its eyes.
Sorcery’s Sharp Flame (1–4): Adds 1 point damage per level to
Breath of Life (1): Provides breathable air underwater or
impaling weapons.
Sorcerous Armor (1–4): Adds 1 point of armor per level.
Farsight (1): Doubles range at which something can be seen.
Talons of the Beast (1–4): Adds 1 point damage per level to
Heal (2): Restores lost hit points.
unarmed or brawling weapons.
Keen Ear (1): Carries spoken words across great distances.
Unbreakable Bulwark (1–4): Adds 1 point of armor per level
Refutation (1-4): Protects against Undo Sorcery
to shields.
Vermin’s Vision (1): Controls vermin and sees through its eyes.
Witch Sight (3): Determines target’s POW.
Enhancement Spells
Make Fast (1): Glues together two inanimate objects.
Make Whole (1): Repairs a broken item.
Midnight (1): Creates an area of darkness.
Moonrise (1): Creates a floating globe of light.

Elemental Spells
Bounty of the Sea (4): Fills an area with water.
Fires of the Sun (4): Fills an area with flame.
Gift of the Earth (4): Fills an area with dirt.
Wings of the Sky (4): Fills an area with wind.
superpower summary

These are the superpowers in this section. Invisibility: Each level turns 1 SIZ point invisible.
Leap: Adds to the normal jumping distance, horizontally and
Absorption: Absorb energy from an attack and turn it into vertically.
power points. Protection: Each level reduces the level of an attacking energy type.
Adaptation: Each level allows survival in one hostile Regeneration: Each level returns 1 lost hit point per combat round.
environment. Resistance: Each level resists 1 point of damage from a single
Alternate Form: Each level is an alternate body to switch into. energy type.
Armor: Each level provides 1 point of protection against a Sidekick: A loyal associated character.
specific energy type. Size Change: Each level adds or subtracts 1 point of SIZ.
Barrier: Each level creates a 1-meter-square section of Snare Projection: Each level is 1 STR and/or SIZ of a net, web,
protective wall. rope, or other confining snare.
Defense: Lowers the chance to be hit by –1% per level. Stretching: Stretch body into different sizes and shapes.
Density Control: Each level adds or subtracts 1 point of Super Characteristic: Extra points in STR, CON, SIZ, INT, POW,
density (SIZ). DEX, APP, or EDU.
Diminish/Enhance Characteristic: Lowers a characteristic by Super Movement: Each type involves a unique method
–1D6 per level. of movement.
Drain: Each level drains 1 hit point, power point, fatigue point, Super Sense: Each type improves an existing sense or adds an
or sanity point from a target. extraordinary aspect to the sense.
Energy Control: Allows creation of and control over a specific Super Skill: Each level adds +20% to a specific skill.
energy type. Super Speed: Each level adds an additional action or movement
Energy Projection: Allows projection of a focused beam of each combat round.
damaging energy. Teleport: Each level allows instantaneous teleportation of 1 SIZ
Extra Energy: Each level provides +10 additional power points. point of an object or target.
Extra Hit Points: Each level provides +1 additional hit point. Transfer: Each level allows transfer of 1 hit point, power point,
Flight: Each level allows self-powered flight for 1 SIZ point. fatigue point, or sanity point to a target.
Force Field: Each level offers 1 point of protection against a Unarmed Combat: Increases ability in unarmed combat.
specific type of energy. Weather Control: Alters or creates weather in an area.
Intangibility: Allows movement through solid objects.

Sample Poisons

Poison Speed of Effect POT Symptoms

Arsenic ½ to 24 hours 16 Burning pain, vomiting, violent
Belladonna 2 hours to 2 days 16 Rapid heartbeat, impaired vision,
Black Widow venom 2–8 days 7 Chills, sweating, nausea.
Cobra venom 15–60 minutes 16 Convulsions, respiratory failure.
Curare 1 combat round 25 Muscular paralysis, respiratory
Cyanide 1–15 minutes 20 Dizziness, convulsions, fainting.
Rattlesnake venom 15–60 minutes 10 Vomiting, violent spasms, yellowish
Scorpion venom 24–48 hours 9 Intense pain, weakness,
Sleeping pills 10–30 minutes 6 Normal sleep; each additional dose
increases chance of respiratory
failure by +5%.
Strychnine 10–20 minutes 20 Violent muscle contractions,
random mutations

Roll D100 to determine mutations (or pick, at the gamemaster’s discretion). Adverse conditions are marked with an asterisk*

Result Mutation Description

01–03 Adaptability Survival in unusual environments.
04–05 Allergy Skills reduced by contact to an allergen.
06–09 Biped (Quadruped)* If two-legged, forced to walk four-legged.
10–12 Camouflage Skin has a concealing texture or color.
13–15 Coloration Unusual coloration (minor only).
16–19 Congenital Disease* Suffers from a debilitating disease.
20–22 Decreased Characteristic* Characteristic decreased.
23–25 Disease Carrier* Carries (but is immune to) an infectious disease.
26–29 Group Intelligence Part of a hive mind.
30 Hands Has extra hands or prehensile limb.
31–33 Hardy Resistant to damage.
34–35 Hybrid Has an animalistic trait.
36–37 Imitation Imitates an animal’s natural trait.
38–44 Increased Characteristic Characteristic increased.
49–50 Luminescence Emits a light from body.
51–53 Metabolic Improvement Has a beneficial but unusual metabolism.
54–57 Metabolic Weakness* Has a disadvantageous and unusual metabolism.
58–60 Natural Armor Has natural armor (scales, horn, hide, etc.).
61–65 Natural Weapon Has natural weapon (spine, claw, teeth, etc.).
66–67 Pain Sensitivity* Low resistance to pain.
68 Pheromone Emits chemicals that can affect others.
69–70 Reduced Sense* Impaired or missing primary sense.
71–72 Regeneration Able to heal rapidly.
73–74 Sensitivity Has an unusual affinity for a substance.
75–76 Speech (Mimicry) Can imitate animal noises or speak clearly.
77–81 Structural Improvement Has an unusual and beneficial body form.
82–86 Structural Weakness* Has an unusual and disadvantageous body form.
87–89 Venom Emits a natural poison.
90 Wings Has wings and can glide or fly.
91–00 Gamemaster or Player Choice Pick or roll again.
* Adverse mutation.

Demons and other creatures of chaos are inconsistent in their appearance and powers. Just as living beings have mutations,
unnatural creatures may have chaotic features. If desired, each individual chaotic creature may have one or more chaotic features,
rolled or chosen from the following table.

D100% Chaotic Feature D100% Chaotic Feature

01–03 POW+1D6 51–52 CON is –2D6, but regenerates 3 hit points per round until dead.
04–05 POW+2D6 53–54 6-pt. armored skin. If already has armored skin, +6 to its current armor value.
06 POW+3D6 55–56 MOV 12
07–09 DEX+1D6 57–58 Absorbs 1 or 2 points of any magic or sorcery cast against it, adding the amount to current
10–11 DEX+2D6 power points.

12 DEX+3D6 59–60 Can launch a POW vs. POW attack each round; if successful, target loses 1D6 power points.

13–14 STR+1D6 61–62 Explodes upon reaching 0 hit points, causing 3D6 damage to all within three meters. Armor,
shields, etc. will protect against this, though weapon parries cannot.
15 STR+2D6
63–65 Appears far more dangerous than really is.
16–17 CON+1D6
66–67 Can turn invisible at will when not in combat.
18 CON+2D6
68–70 Reflects 1- or 2-pt. magic or sorcery back at user.
19–20 Never surprised.
71–72 8-pt. armored skin. If already has armored skin, +8 to current armor value.
21–22 Absorbs 1 point of any magic or sorcery cast against it, adding +1 power point per spell.
73–74 10-pt. armored skin. If already has armored skin, +10 to current armor value.
23–24 Spits acid of 2D10 POT 1D6 times per day, six-meter range.
75–76 12-pt. armored skin. If already has armored skin, +12 to current armor value.
25–26 Breathes 3D6 fire 1D6 times per day; single target, three-meter range.
77 Appears utterly harmless until it enters combat.
27–28 Reflects 1-pt. magic or sorcery back at user.
78–80 Regenerates 1D6 hit points per combat round until dead.
29–30 Highly flammable; if ignited burns all within three-meter radius for 2D6 points damage
until extinguished. 81–82 Can leap vertically or horizontally ten meters from a standstill.

31–32 Hypnotic pattern on skin; viewers must succeed in an Idea roll or be stunned for 1D3 rounds. 83–84 Undetectable through magic or sorcery.

33–35 Appearance is confusing; all attacks against it are at –20%. 85 Appearance extremely disorienting; all attacks against it are at –40%.

36–37 Large and valuable gem clearly visible on body. 86–87 Extremely valuable gem (or gems) inside creature, discovered if creature is cut open.

38–40 Regenerates 1 hit point per combat round until dead. 88–90 Makes agonizing screams continually.

41–42 Can attempt to befuddle a target each round in addition to any combat, with a POW vs. 91–92 Overpowering stench causes nausea in any who breathe near it. If target fails a Stamina roll,
POW resistance roll. Failure puts the target into a confused and highly suggestive state. To all actions against this creature are Difficult for 1D6+2 rounds.
perform any actions, the target must make a Difficult Idea roll, and may be ordered by the 93–94 Reflects 1D6+2-pt. magic or sorcery back at user. Roll randomly each turn a spell is cast
creature to act contrary to their normal wishes. Resisting these commands also requires a against the creature to determine how much is reflected.
successful Difficult Idea roll. 95–96 The hideous appearance of the creature demoralizes those who it beats in a POW vs. POW
43–45 Creature seemingly invincible; appears to take no damage until it reaches 0 hit points, resistance roll. If target fails, all actions against this creature are Difficult for 1D6+2 rounds.
then falls over dead. 97–98 SIZ +2D6
46 Invisible until it attacks. 99 Roll twice again on this table. If this is rolled again, add another two chaotic features, and
47–48 Appearance is extremely confusing; all attacks against it are at –30%. roll again, etc.
49–50 Poison touch of 2D10 POT; natural attack must do 1 hit point of damage for poison to work. 00 This creature has CHA 5D6 and is particularly endearing. It attacks with a CHA vs. INT resistance roll.
Failure causes the victim to befriend the creature, perhaps even offering to serve it. The creature may
have up to 1D6 current companions of this nature, at the gamemaster’s discretion. The charmed
character may even fight friends to defend the creature.
Primitive Melee Weapons
Weapon Skill Base Dmg Attk Special Range Hands HP Parry STR/DEX Mal Value SIZ/Enc
Axe, Hand Axe 15 1D6+1+dm 1 Bleeding Short 1H 12 Yes 7/9 — Cheap 0.5
Club, Heavy Club 25 1D8+dm 1 Crushing Medium 2H 22 Yes 9/7 — Cheap 2.0
Club, Light Club 25 1D6+dm 1 Crushing Medium 1H 15 Yes 7/7 — Cheap 1.0
Fist Brawl 25 1D3+dm 1 Crushing Short 1H — No1 — — — —
Grapple Brawl 25 Special 2
1 Entangle Short 2H — No3 — — — —
Head Butt Brawl 25 1D3+dm 1 Crushing Short — — No — — — —
Kick Brawl 25 1D3+dm 1 Crushing Short — — No — — — —
Knife Dagger 25 1D3+1+dm 1 Impaling Short 1H 15 Yes 4/4 — — 0.2
Net Other 05 Special4 1 Entangling Medium 1H or 2H 6 Yes 12/10 96–005 Cheap 3.0
Spear, Long Spear 15 1D10+1+dm 1 Impaling Long 2H 15 Yes 11/9 — Cheap 2.0
Spear, Short Spear 15 1D6+1+dm 1 Impaling Long 1H or 2H 15 Yes 7/8 — Cheap 2.0
Torch Club 25 1D6+flame6 1 Crushing Medium 1H 15 Yes 6/9 96–007 — 1.0

Primitive Missile Weapons

Weapon Skill Base Dmg Attk Special Rng Hands HP Parry STR/DEX Mal Value SIZ/Enc RF

Axe, Hand (thrown) Axe 10 1D6+½dm 1 Bleeding 20 1H 12 No 9/11 — Cheap 0.5 1/CR
Blowgun Blowgun 10 1D38 1 Impaling 30 2H 49 No /11 — Cheap 0.5 1/CR

Bola (damaging) Bola 05 1D4+½dm 1 Crushing 15 1H 1 No 9/13 — Cheap 3.0 1/CR

Bola (snaring) Bola 05 Special4
1 Entangling 15 1H 1 No 9/13 — Cheap 3.0 1/CR
Boomerang Boomerang 05 1D4+½dm ½10 Crushing 50 1H 3 No 9/11 — Cheap 0.5 1/CR
Bow, Self Bow 10 1D6+1+½dm 1 Impaling 80 2H 6 No 9/9 — Cheap 0.5 1/CR
Club, Light (thrown) Throw Throw 1D6+½dm 1 Crushing 20 1H 15 No 9/7 — Cheap 1.0 1/CR
Dart Dart 10 1d6+½dm11 1 Impaling 20 1H 4 No /9 — Cheap 0.5 1/CR
Javelin Javelin 15 1D6+½dm 1 Impaling 25 1H 10 No 9/9 — Cheap 1.5 1/CR
Knife (thrown) Throw Knife 15 1D3+½dm 1 Impaling 10 1H 15 No 7/11 — Cheap 0.2 1/CR
Lasso Other 05 Special4
½ Entangling 10 2H 1 No 9/13 — Cheap 1.0 1/5CR
Net (thrown) Other 05 Special4 1 Entangling 5 1H 6 No 9/12 96–0012 Cheap 3.0 1/3CR
Rock (thrown) Throw Throw 1D2+½dm 2 Crushing 20 1H 20 No 5/5 — — .05 1/CR
Sling Sling 05 1D8+½dm 1 Crushing 80 1H 2/1213 No 7/11 — Cheap 0.1 (.1)14 1/CR
Spear, Short (thrown) Spear 05 1D6+1+½dm 1 Impaling 15 1H 15 No 12/10 — Cheap 2.0 1/CR
Spear, Long (thrown) Spear 05 1D10+1+½db 1 Impaling 15 1H 15 No 12/10 — Cheap 2.0 1/CR

Historic Missile Weapons

Weapon Skill Base Dmg Attk Special Rng Hands HP Parry STR/DEX Mal Value SIZ/Enc RF
Arbalest Crossbow 15 2D6+4 1/3 Impaling 90 2H 14 No 11/9 1
93–00 Average 10.0 (0.5) 1/4CR
Bow, Composite Bow 05 1D8+1+½dm 1 Impaling 120 2H 12 No 13/9 — Average 0.5 (0.5) 1/CR
Bow, Long Bow 05 1D8+1+½dm 1 Impaling 90 2H 10 No 11/9 — Cheap 0.5 (0.5) 1/CR
Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow 25 2D6+2 1/3 Impaling 55 2H 18 No 13/7 97–00 Average 8.0 (0.5) 1/3CR
Crossbow, Light Crossbow 25 1D6+2 ½ Impaling 40 2H 10 No 9/7 96–00 Average 3.5 (0.5) 1/2CR
Crossbow, Medium Crossbow 25 2D4+2 ½ Impaling 50 2H 14 No 11/7 95–00 Average 5.0 (0.5) 1/2CR
Crossbow, Repeating Crossbow 25 1D6+2 12 Impaling 60 2H 12 No 9/7 91–00 Expensive 7.5 (0.5) 1/CR3
Knife, Throwing Missile 15 1d4+½dm 1 Impaling 20 1H 10 No /11 — Cheap 0.2 1/CR
Shuriken Missile 10 1D3+½dm 2 Impaling 20 1H 5 No /13 — Cheap 0.1 1/CR

1. STR requirement with a cranequin (hand-crank) is 11; STR 15 when used without one.
2. Has ammo of 12 and takes five rounds to reload entirely.
3. A repeating crossbow has an ammo capacity of 6, 8, 10, or 12 bolts. It takes one combat round per bolt to reload a repeating crossbow.
Primitive Shields
Name Base Chance Skill AV/HP Damage Attk Special Burden Locations STR / DEX ENC Value
Primitive 10% Shield 10 1D2+dm 1 Knockback Light Arm 5/7 2.0 Cheap

Ancient and Medieval Shields

Name Base Chance Skill AV/HP Damage Attk Special Burden Locations STR / DEX ENC Value
Buckler 05% Shield 15 1D2+dm 1 Knockback Light Arm 5/7 1.0 Average
Full Shield 15% Shield 22 1D4+dm 1 Knockback Moderate Arm, Chest, Head 11/9 5.0 Average
Half Shield 15% Shield 15 1D2+dm 1 Knockback Moderate Arm, Chest 5/7 3.0 Average
Heater 15% Shield 20 1D3+dm 1 Knockback Moderate Arm, Chest 9/9 3.0 Average
Hoplite 15% Shield 26 1D4+dm 1 Knockback Cumbersome Abdomen, Arm, Chest 12/8 7.0 Average
Kite 15% Shield 22 1D4+dm 1 Knockback Moderate Abdomen, Arm, Chest 11/9 5.0 Average
Large Round 15% Shield 22 1D4+dm 1 Knockback Moderate Abdomen, Arm, Chest 11/9 5.0 Average
Round 15% Shield 20 1D3+dm 1 Knockback Moderate Arm, Chest 9/9 4.0 Average
Spiked 15% Shield 20 1D3+dm 1 Impale Moderate Arm, Chest 9/9 5.0 Average
Target 15% Shield 15 1D2+dm 1 Knockback Light Arm, Chest 5/7 3.0 Cheap

Modern Shields
Name Base Chance Skill AV/HP Damage Attk Special Burden Locations STR / DEX ENC Value

Riot Shield 15% Shield 16 1D3 + dm 1 Knockback Moderate Abdomen, Arm, Chest, Head 9/9 3.0 Expensive

Advanced Shields
Name Base Chance Skill AV/HP Damage Attk Special Burden Locations STR / DEX ENC Value
Energy Shield 20% Shield 25 1D2 + dm 1 Knockback Light Arm, Chest 3/3 1.0 Expensive

Modern Melee Weapons

Name Skill Base Dmg Attk Special Rng Hands HP Parry STR/DEX Mal Value SIZ/Enc
Brass Knuckles Brawl Brawl +2 1 Crushing Short 1H 18 No 5/– — Cheap 0.1
Chainsaw Improvised 20 2D8 1 Bleeding Medium 2H 20 No 11/11 97–00 Average 8.0
Knife, Butcher Dagger 25 1D6+dm 1 Impaling Short 1H 12 No 5/7 — Cheap 0.3
Knife, Pocket Dagger 25 1D4+dm 1 Impaling Short 1H 9 No –/5 — Cheap 0.1
Knife, Switchblade Dagger 25 1D4+dm 1 Impaling Short 1H 7 No –/5 99–00 Cheap 0.1
Taser, Contact Other Brawl Special1 1 — Short 1H 7 No 5/7 97–00 Expensive 0.3
Modern Missile Weapons
Name Skill Base Dmg Attk2 Special Rng Hands HP Parry STR/DEX Mal Ammo Value SIZ/Enc RF
Flamethrower Other 05 2D6+fire 3
1 — 25 2H 6 No 10/8 93– 6 Expensive 8.0 ½ CR
Gun, Machine Machine Gun 15 2D6+4 1, 3, or Impaling 90 2H 11 No 9/5 00 40 Expensive 3.0 1 or 3/CR
burst or 1/CR
Gun, Mini- Machine Gun 15 2D6+4 33 Impaling 400 2H 14 No 16/12 98– 4,000 Expensive 6.0 1/CR
Gun, Submachine Submachine Gun 15 1D8 2 or burst Impaling 40 1H or 2H 8 No 9/6 98– 32 Expensive 2.0 1 or 2/CR
Pistol, Derringer Pistol 20 1D6 1 Impaling 3 1H 5 No 5/5 00 1 or 2 Average 0.3 1/CR
Pistol, Flintlock Pistol 20 1D6+1 ¼ Impaling 10 1H 8 No 7/5 95– 1 Average 1.0 1/2CR
Pistol, Heavy Pistol 20 1D10+2 1 Impaling 15 1H 8 No 11/7 00 8 Average 1.5 1/CR
Pistol, Light Pistol 20 1D6 3 Impaling 10 1H 6 No 5/5 00 8 Average 0.7 1/CR
Pistol, Medium Pistol 20 1D8 2 Impaling 20 1H 8 No 7/5 98– 12 Average 1.0 1/CR
Revolver, Heavy Revolver 20 1D10+2 1 Impaling 20 1H 14 No 11/5 00 6 Average 1.5 1/CR
Revolver, Light Revolver 20 1D6 2 Impaling 15 1H 10 No 5/5 00 6 Average 0.7 1/CR
Revolver, Medium Revolver 20 1D8 1 Impaling 25 1H 12 No 7/5 00 6 Average 1.0 1/CR
Rifle, Assault Rifle 25 2D6+2 2 or burst Impaling 90 2H 12 No 10/5 00 30 Expensive 3.5 1/CR
Rifle, Bolt-action Rifle 25 2D6+4 ½ Impaling 110 2H 12 No 7/5 00 5 Average 3.0 1/CR
Rifle, Elephant Rifle 15 3D6+4 1 or 2 Impaling 100 2H 12 No 13/5 00 2 Average 4.5 1 or 2/CR
Rifle, Musket Rifle 25 1D10+4 ¼ Impaling 60 2H 12 No 9/5 95– 1 Average 3.5 1/2CR
Rifle, Sniper Rifle 204 2D10+4 1 Impaling 2505 2H 10 No 12/7 98– 11 Expensive 4.0 1/CR
Rifle, Sporting Rifle 25 2D6 1 Impaling 80 2H 12 No 7/5 00 6 Average 3.0 1/CR
Shotgun, Automatic Shotgun 30 4D6/2D6/ 1 or 2 Impaling 10/20/50 2H 14 No 11/5 00 8 Expensive 4.0 1 or 2/CR
Shotgun, Shotgun 30 4D6/2D6/ 1 or 2 Impaling 10/20/50 2H 12 No 9/5 00 2 Average 3.5 1 or 2/CR
Double-barreled 1D66
Shotgun, Sawn-off Shotgun 30 4D6/1D67 1 or 2 Impaling 5/20/— 1H 14 No 9/5 00 1 or 2 Average 2.0 1 or 2/CR
Shotgun, Sporting Shotgun 30 4D6/2D6/ 1 Impaling 10/20/50 2H 10 No 7/5 00 5 Average 3.0 1/CR
Spray, Chemical Other 25 Special8 1 — 2 1H 2 No 3/7 91– 6 Average 0.2 1/CR
Taser, Dart Other 20 Special1 ½ — DEX 1H 8 No 3/7 95– 1 Expensive 0.5 1/2CR

1. Stuns target (see Stunning, page 154).
2. Many modern firearms have burst fire capabilities (see Autofire, page 142).
3. If a target is hit by a flamethrower, it is on fire and takes 1D6+2 points per round in additional damage until the fire is extinguished (see Fire and Heat, page 148).
4. Sniper rifles are usually equipped with a bipod, doubling the chance; without a bipod (or similar stabilizer), reduce the base chance to 10%.
5. Sniper rifles are usually equipped with telescopic scopes that double their effective range; if without a scope, the range is 125 meters.
6. Shotguns do damage by range; the first increment is the first damage dice, the second is the second, etc.
7. Shotguns do damage by range; the first increment is the first damage dice, the second is the second, etc. Sawed-off shotguns are not effective beyond 20 yards.
8. Chemical spray is a low-POT contact poison (see Poisons, page 151). An example type of chemical spray might have 2D6+12 POT, instant effect, and cause blindness if the target fails a resistance roll vs. CON. It is Difficult to shoot into
a target’s eyes, but Easy at point blank range, making the chance unaffected.
Advanced Melee Weapons
Weapon Skill Base Dmg Attk Special Rng Hands HP Parry STR/DEX Mal Value SIZ/Enc
Axe, Vibro- Polearm 10% 2D8+4+dm 1 Bleeding Medium 2H 20 Yes 11/5 98–00 Average 3.0
Knife, Vibro- Dagger 25% 2D4+2+dm 1 Bleeding Short 1H 16 Yes 7/7 99–00 Average 0.5
Lance, Stun Staff 15% 1D6+dm+stun 1
1 Knockback Long 2H 18 Yes 9/5 98–00 Average 2.5
Sword, Energy Sword 10% 2D10+dm2 1 Impaling Medium 1H 30 Yes 11/15 99–00 Priceless 1.0
Sword, Monofilament Sword 05% 3D122 1 Bleeding Medium 1H 12 No 5/15 91–003 Expensive 0.5
Sword, Vibro- Sword 20% 2D6+3+dm 1 Bleeding Medium 1H 18 Yes 9/7 97–00 Expensive 1.5
Whip, Shock Other 05% 1+½db+stun 1
1 Entangle Long 1H 10 No 7/9 97–00 Average 1.0

Advanced Missile Weapons

Weapon Skill Base Dmg Attk⁴ Special Rng Hands HP Parry STR/DEX Mal Ammo Value SIZ/Enc
Pistol, Blaster Pistol, Energy 15% 1D8+2 2 Impaling 15 1H 14 No 7/5 99–00 30 Average 1.0
Pistol, Disintegrator Pistol, Energy 05% 3D4+1 1 — 10 1H 12 No 7/5 96–00 10 Expensive 1.0
Pistol, Electromagnetic Pulse Pistol, Energy 20% 2D6 vs. tech 5
1 — 15 1H 12 No 7/5 98–00 20 Average 1.0
Pistol, Flechette Pistol, Energy 05% 2D4 6
1 or burst7
Impaling 15 1H 14 No 5/7 99–00 6 Average 0.8
Pistol, Laser Pistol, Energy 20% 1D8 3 Impaling 20 1H 14 No 5/5 99–00 20 Average 1.0
Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Energy 15% 2D10+2 1 Impaling 30 1H 18 No 7/5 98–00 12 Expensive 1.2
Pistol, Shock Pistol, Energy 15% 2D4 1 Knockback 15 1H 12 No 5/5 98–00 12 Average 1.0
Pistol, Stun Pistol, Energy 25% 2D6 stun 2
1 Knockback 15 1H 16 No 5/5 00 12 Average 1.0
Rifle, Blaster Rifle, Energy 10% 2D8+3 2 Impaling 60 2H 20 No 9/5 99–00 20 Average 1.0
Rifle, Disintegrator Rifle, Energy 05% 3D6+2 1 — 30 2H 18 No 9/7 96–00 10 Expensive 2.0
Rifle, Electromagnetic Pulse Rifle, Energy 25% 3D8 vs. tech5 1 — 75 2H 18 No 7/5 98–00 12 Average 2.0
Rifle, Laser Rifle, Energy 15% 2D8 2 Impaling 100 2H 20 No 7/7 99–00 20 Average 1.5
Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Energy 10% 2D10+4 1 Impaling 70 2H 18 No 9/7 98–00 16 Expensive 2.0
Rifle, Shock Rifle, Energy 10% 3D8 1 Knockback 50 2H 18 No 9/7 98–00 12 Average 1.5
Rifle, Sonic Rifle, Energy 10% 1D3+2 8
1 Knockback 50 2H 16 No 7/7 97–00 36 Average 2.0
Rifle, Stun Rifle, Energy 20% 2D8 stun9 1 Knockback 50 2H 22 No 7/5 00 24 Average 1.5

1. Roll damage and pit it vs. the target’s CON in a resistance roll. If target loses, they are stunned for 1D3+1 7. A flechette pistol fires clusters of flechettes, either one ‘shot’ or a long burst that empties the magazine. Each shot
rounds (see Stunning, page 154). is a single attack, doing 2D4 damage.
2. Reduce the target’s armor value by ½ (round up) versus this weapon. 8. A sonic rifle damages living targets each combat round it successfully strikes them. Against an unliving target,
3. If you fumble an attack with a monofilament sword, make a Difficult Agility roll to avoid hitting yourself. If you the damage per round is rolled in a resistance roll vs. the target’s CON, armor value, or hit points (gamemaster
fail, your attack hits you in addition to the roll on the melee weapon fumble table. Damage ignores ½ armor choice). If the target fails, it shatters or is damaged and non-functional.
value (round up). 9. Roll damage and pit it vs. the target’s CON in a resistance roll. If the target succeeds, they take minimum damage
4. Many missile weapons have burst fire capabilities (see Autofire, page 142). (2) instead of the rolled damage. If target loses, they are stunned for 1D3+1 rounds (see Stunning, page 154).
5. If the target is a robot, machine, or uses electromagnetic energy, roll damage and make a resistance roll vs. the
target’s CON. If successful, the device is stunned for 1D3+1 rounds (see Stunning, page 154). If the damage
is higher than the target’s hit points, it is knocked ‘unconscious’. Damage from EMP weapons is temporary, and
lost hit points can be restored with a Repair roll.
6. Against a foe with hardened armor (metal, plastic, or plates), a flechette pistol does only ½ damage (round up).
Primitive Armors
Name AV Random AV Burden ENC Skill Modifier Fits SIZ Time Locations Value
Helmet +1 +1 point Light 0.5 –5% to Perception skills ±1 1 Head Cheap
Hide 1 1D3–1 Light 3.5 None ±3 1 All Cheap

Ancient and Medieval Armor

Name AV Random AV Burden ENC Skill Modifier Fits SIZ Time Locations Value
Chain 7 1D8–1 Moderate 20.0 –20% to Physical skills -2 3 All Expensive
Clothing, Heavy 1 1d2–1 None 2.5 None ±2 1 All Cheap
Helmet, Heavy +2 +2 points Light 2.5 –50% to Perception skills ±0 1 Head Average
Helmet, Light +1 +1 point None 1.5 –15% to Perception skills ±1 1 Head Inexpensive
Lamellar 6 1D8–1 Moderate 18.0 –15% to Physical skills ±1 2 All but head Expensive
Leather, Soft 1 1D6–1 Light 3.5 None ±2 2 All Inexpensive
Leather, Hard 2 1D6 Moderate 5.0 –10% to Physical skills ±1 2 All Average
Leather, Cuirbouilli 3 2D3 Light 5.0 –10% to Physical skills ±0 2 All Expensive
Padded/Quilted 1 1D2–1 None 3.0 None ±2 1 All Inexpensive
Padded/Quilted, Heavy 2 1D3–1 Light 4.0 –5% to Physical skills ±1 2 All Inexpensive
Plate, Full 8 1D10 Cumbersome 25.0 –25% to Physical skills -1 5 All but head Expensive
Plate, Half 7 1D8 Moderate 18.0 –20% to Physical skills -1 4 All but head Expensive
Ring 5 1D6 Light 10.0 –10% to Physical skills ±1 2 All but head Average
Scale 6 2D4–1 Moderate 20.0 –15% to Physical skills ±1 2 All but head Average

Modern Armor
Name AV Random AV Burden ENC Skill Modifier Fits SIZ Time Locations Value
Ballistic Cloth 3/51 1D3/1D6–1 Light 4.0 –10% to Physical skills ±1 1 Arms, Chest Expensive
Bulletproof Vest, Early 4 1D4 Moderate 11.0 –25% to Physical skills ±1 2 Chest Expensive
Bulletproof Vest, Modern 4/8 1
1D4/1D8 Light 8.0 –5% to Physical skills ±3 2 Chest Expensive
Clothing, Heavy 1 1D2–1 None 2.5 None ±2 1 All Cheap
Flak Jacket 4 1D4 Moderate 8.0 –10% to Physical skills ±2 1 Arms, Chest Expensive
Helmet, Heavy +6 +3 points Light 3.5 –25% to Perception skills ±1 1 Head Average
Helmet, Light +3 +2 points None 2.5 –10% to Perception skills ±2 1 Head Inexpensive
Riot Gear 12/6 1D10+2 Moderate 12.0 –10% to Physical skills ±1 5 All2 Expensive
1. First value is vs. melee or low-velocity missile weapons; second value is vs. firearms.
2. Includes helmet.

Advanced Armor
Name AV Random AV Burden ENC Skill Modifier Fits SIZ Time Locations Value
Adaptive Mesh 6 1D4+2 Light 2.0 –5% to Physical skills ±1 1 All Expensive
Assault Armor, Light 8 2D6 Moderate 12.0 –10% to Physical skills ±1 2 All1 Expensive
Assault Armor 10 2D4+2 Moderate 16.0 –25% to Physical skills ±1 3 All1 Expensive
Energy Armor 1–202 —2 Light 4.0 –5% to Hide, Stealth, and Perception skills per AV Any 2 All3 Expensive
Helmet, Heavy +4 +4 Light 5.0 –15% to Perception skills ±1 1 Head Average
Helmet, Light +3 +2 None 2.0 –5% to Perception skills ±2 1 Head Average
Powered Assault Armor, Light 4 14 2D6+2 Cumbersome 36.0 –20% to Physical and ±1 4 All Priceless
Powered Assault Armor, Heavy 5 16 4D4 Cumbersome 48.0 –50% to Physical and Manipulation skills ±1 5 All Priceless

1. Includes helmet. 3. Can not be worn with other armor.
2. Energy armor can be set by its wearer for any value between 1 and 20 points of AV. Each combat round the armor 4. Light powered assault armor modifies STR by +3 and DEX by –3 (adjust relevant values when worn). Armor
expends charges (power points) equal to its AV. Standard armor power supplies hold 200 charges; each damage includes helmet.
point absorbed costs 1 additional charge. Energy armor does not allow random armor value; use the set AV. It 5. Heavy powered assault armor modifies STR by +6 and DEX by –6 (adjust relevant values when worn). Armor
takes 5 DEX ranks to adjust the AV. includes helmet.

melee hit location table (option) Dishonorable Act Honor Lost

Attacking an unarmed foe –5%
Cowardice –5%
As described in Hit Points per Hit Location (page 21), your Desertion from battle –5%
character’s hit point total is divided among their body parts, Refusing to offer mercy when it is deserved –5%
as well as being kept track of as a total. When an attack Plundering a holy place of your religion –5%
is successful, roll a D20 and use the result to consult the
Discourtesy to someone under your protection –10%
appropriate hit location table. Humans use the standard hit
location table, and other body types have their hit location Flagrant cowardice –15%
tables provided in Nonhuman Hit Locations tables in Treason against your allies –15%
Chapter Eleven: Creatures. If your character is not humanoid, Breaking an oath –25%
your gamemaster should indicate the correct hit location Attacking or stealing from the weak –25%
table you should use.
Killing someone weaker than oneself –35%
Hit Locations Rape or sexual assault –50%
D20 Roll Result Description Killing family members –50%
1–4 Right Leg Right leg from hip to bottom of foot
5–8 Left Leg Left leg from hip to bottom of foot Despair
8–11 Abdomen Hip joint to bottom rib cage Result Duration of Despair

12 Chest Ribcage up to neck and shoulders 1–3 1D10 combat rounds

13–15 Right Arm Entire right arm 4–7 4D10+10 combat rounds

16–18 Left Arm Entire left arm 8–9 Until sunset, sunrise, or similar length of time

19–20 Head Neck and Head 10 1D3 game days

Some situations, such as cover or mounted vs.

unmounted characters, modify what hit locations are
available to be hit in combat (see the relevant entries in
Chapter Seven: Spot Rules).
personality traits

You can describe a nonplayer character’s personality to determine the opposing trait’s value, as it’s apparent. Assign
numerically, just like a skill or passion (page 7). An easy values as desired or pick relevant ones and divide a D100 roll
method to do this is a personality trait scale, where a trait is by 2 and add 50 to the result, for a spread of 51–100. Or roll
described as a percentile value of 0 to 100. A value of 0 indicates 3D10+70 for extreme cases.
that the personality trait is nonexistent, and a 100 is always Personality traits can guide your roleplaying of the
representative of that character. nonplayer character by simply looking at the value, or you can
Personality traits are paired with an opposite, such as roll to see how the nonplayer character behaves. Success with
Aggressive vs. Passive, and the value of the opposite trait is one trait means they act on that character trait, while failure
equal to 100 minus the initial personality trait. A quick means means that the opposite trait is followed. You may also choose
of shorthand for this pairing is ‘Aggressive 90 | 10 Passive’, for to utilize special or critical results for these rolls, but only in a
example. Someone with 50 | 50 in a trait the Personality Traits general sense.
sheet below helps make this easy to keep track of these traits For example, the characters meet the nonplayer character with
for nonplayer characters. You can use some, many, or all these the ‘Aggressive 90 | 10 Passive’ personality trait spread, and one of
to define your nonplayer characters. them behaves rudely to the nonplayer character. You know from the
spread how they’re likely to react, but you decide to roll, just to see
Personality Traits what happens. Any roll of 01–90 and the nonplayer character reacts
Initial Trait Value | Value Opposing Trait aggressively, while a roll of 91–100 indicates a passive response.
Perhaps they’re distracted or unwilling at this time to get into it with
Aggressive ___ | ___ Passive
the characters?
Impulsive ___ | ___ Cautious
Extrovert ___ | ___ Introvert Skills and Personality Traits
The Insight skill may be used to quickly determine a nonplayer
Optimistic ___ | ___ Pessimistic
characters personality trait spread in a general sense, or
Stubborn ___ | ___ Receptive
Psychology might be used for long-term analysis. Don’t reveal
Physical ___ | ___ Mental the actual values, but rather a particular strongly lean in one
Patient ___ | ___ Nervous direction or the other.
Emotional ___ | ___ Calm Though it is extremely unlikely to have a player character
Trusting ___ | ___ Suspicious performing Psychology on a nonplayer character for an
extended period, you may allow a successful Psychology roll
Leader ___ | ___ Follower
to affect a single paired personality trait in the same fashion
Greedy ___ | ___ Generous
that it restores lost SAN. Roll to see whether SAN points are
Energetic ___ | ___ Lazy restored, but instead of adding SAN, instead use the result to
Honorable ___ | ___ Dishonorable shift a particular personality trait by that many points in the
Brave ___ | ___ Cowardly desired direction. Treatment time is identical. This way, through
Curious ___ | ___ Incurious patience and therapy, a successful Psychology roll can ‘help’ a
nonplayer character change their natural inclinations towards
Dependable ___ | ___ Unreliable
a desired personality trait.
Pious ___ | ___ Irreligious
Honest ___ | ___ Dishonest Personality Traits and Player Characters
You can also use personality traits for player characters, if
Clever ___ | ___ Dull
desired, treating them as you would for nonplayer characters.
Humorous ___ | ___ Dour
They become like passions (page 7), augmenting activities
Conservative ___ | ___ Innovative or being consulted when provoked, with experience checks
For example, a nonplayer character is highly aggressive, with a value if successful. The player always has control over what their
of 90 on their Aggressive personality trait. The opposing trait is Passive character does, but if they make a successful roll on one trait
and thus has a value of 10 (100–90=10). A nonplayer character with and decide to act according to the opposing trait, you should
an Aggressive 90 is ready to pick a fight, answers any challenge, and have them automatically make an experience check for that
usually escalates to violence, while someone with Passive 90 usually opposite trait. When one trait increases, the other is decreased.
backs down from conflicts and avoids any direct confrontations.
If they wish to seek treatment for this trait, see the rules for
You do not need to determine all the personality traits for your Psychology (above).
significant nonplayer characters. Instead, choose one or a few
relevant ones and assign values to them. You don’t even need
Reputation Gains
Deed Gain Examples
• Swearing an oath of some import. • Having a popular blog, writing a book, being a minor celebrity, etc.
• Defeating an equally powerful foe. • A weird accident or stroke of luck.
• Outstanding use of a skill; achieving success in a noteworthy endeavor. • Lying and being discovered.
• A noteworthy marriage. • Minor criminal acts.
• Taking part in a great journey. • Breaking an oath of import.
Notable +1D3 • Becoming a parent in a fortuitous birth. • Acting discourteously to guests in your home or hall.
• Having an important guest in your home or hall. • A particularly significant fumble or visible failure.
• Making a shrewd alliance. • Losing a family member or ally.
• Taking an important part in a worship ceremony. • Breaking an alliance.
• Having some local media (newspaper, scribe, minstrel, etc.) talk about you. • Minor sacrilege.
• Bringing minor shame upon one’s family.
• Swearing an epic oath. • A freak stroke of luck.
• Defeating a superior foe (or number of foes). • Earning a major enemy.
• Critical use of a skill when it is important. • Significant act of sacrilege.
• An outstanding success in an extraordinary endeavor. • Betraying or bringing harm to someone under your protection (such as a guest).
• A prestigious marriage. • A major criminal act.
Extraordinary +1D6
• Having twins/triplets/etc. • Breaking a major oath.
• A major alliance. • Kin-slaying.
• Being the subject of a popular tale, well-known song, or a major news story. • A spectacular fumble or highly visible failure.
• Publishing a popular book or releasing a popular piece of music. • Bringing major dishonor upon one’s family.
• Featured in a very successful media performance.
• Achieving a legendary success at a nearly impossible endeavor. • Featured in a popular book or documentary.
• Leading an army to victory or defeating one single-handedly. • Building something epic like a new major temple or palace.
+2D6 or
Heroic • Defeating an enemy of divine or immortal nature. • A spectacular defeat.
• Marrying a king or queen or becoming one. • Slaying one’s parents or children.
• Being the focus of a divine prophecy. • An act of the darkest treachery or infamy.

Reputation Modifiers Temporary Insanity Duration

Observer is… Modifier Result Time Affected
…from the same family, company, or locality, or has mutual +25% 1 Five minutes (one turn)
2 One hour
…well-traveled, follows gossip/news, is well-connected. +10–25%
3 Two hours
…from the same culture or region. —
4 Twelve hours
…from outside the character’s social network or cultural group, or is out of touch –25%
with recent news. 5 One day

…from outside the area where the character earned their Reputation, but within –50% 6 Two days
the same geographical region, or is of a different generation. 7 One week
…from outside of the geographical region where the character earned their –75% 8 Two weeks
Reputation, or many years removed from the character.

Temporary Insanity Sanity Losses

Result Description and Effects Source of SAN Loss Potential Loss
1 Catatonia; the character assumes a fetal position. Something unsetting and grotesque, or a sudden scare 0/1
2 Stupefaction; the character babbles incessantly or stares into space without seeing anything. Minor unnatural creatures (zombies, werewolves, vampires, etc.) 0/1D3+
3 Paranoia; the character is lucid but convinced of unreasonable suspicions about almost anything. Scene of a violent death, finding a dead body 0/1D3
4 Phobia; the character stricken by great fear of something related to the source of the insanity. Finding a mutilated or mangled body 1/1D4
5 Amnesia; the character cannot remember who they are or what happened to them during or Witnessing a gruesome death 1/1D6
around the time of the SAN loss. Suffering minor torture 1D3/1D6
6 Suicidal despondency* or a death-wish; the character is convinced that their own death is their only Reality-challenging visions (Chaos, unnatural corruption, etc. ) 0/1d8
means of escaping the mental torment.
Freakish and horrible monsters 1D2+/1D6+
* The character can never be forced to perform a suicidal act, and the gamemaster should use this result carefully,
Being afflicted by some horrible transformation 1D6/2D10
paying attention to the sensitivity of the player(s) involved.
Monstrous alien gods 1D10/1D100

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