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Annual Report 2020

Producers of
high-quality coal.
This report includes forward looking statements relating to future events and expectations.
While these statements reflect expectations at the date of this publication they are by their nature not certain and are subject to known and unknown risks.
Whitehaven makes no representation, assurance or guidance as to the accuracy or likelihood of fulfilling any such forward looking statements (whether express
or implied) and, except as required by applicable regulations or law, Whitehaven does not undertake to publically update such forward looking statements.

FY20 in review 2

Introductions 3

About us 5

Resources & Reserves 12

Directors’ Report 15

Operating and financial review 25

Remuneration Report 37

Financial Report 62

ASX additional information 120

Glossary 122

Corporate directory 123

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 1


FY20 in review
Financial highlights
– Net profit after tax before significant items of $30.0 million, a decrease of 95% on FY19
– Underlying earnings before interest, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) of $306.0 million, a decrease of 71%
– Operating cash flows of $146.4 million, a decrease of 84%
– FY20 earnings reflect the softening of gC Newcastle thermal prices and the impact on run of mine (ROM)
production of previously reported labour shortages and dust events at our largest mine, Maules Creek,
and the scheduled eight week Narrabri mine longwall move
– Net debt of $787.5 million at 30 June 2020
– Dividends of $312.2 million were paid during the period
– Refinanced our A$1.0 billion secured bank debt facility, now maturing in July 2023
– $468.8 million of available liquidity.

Results summary FY20 FY19 % change

Revenue ($m) 1,721.6 2,487.9 (31%)

Underlying EBITDA ($m) 306.0 1,041.7 (71%)

Net profit after tax before significant items ($m) 30.0 564.9 (95%)

Operating cash flows ($m) 146.4 916.4 (84%)

Dividends (cps) 1.5 50 (97%)

Unit cost per tonne ($/t) 75 67 12%

30 June 2020 30 June 2019

Net debt ($m) 787.5 161.6

Gearing (%) 20% 4%

Operational highlights
Equity ROM coal production for FY20 was 16.5Mt, 4% below the previous corresponding period (pcp), reflecting
the eight week Narrabri longwall change out, the challenging production conditions at Maules Creek due to labour
shortages and disruption due to drought and bushfires, and the impact of unmapped historical underground
workings at Werris Creek.
Equity coal sales, including purchased coal, were 16.6Mt, in line with the pcp.
Equity own metallurgical coal sales were 17% of total FY20 sales, below pcp of 21%.

Consolidated equity production and sales – continuing operations1

Whitehaven total (000’s t) FY20 FY19 % change

ROM coal production 16,539 17,172 (4%)

Saleable coal production 14,638 14,684 (0%)

Sales of produced coal 14,201 14,873 (5%)

Sales of purchased coal 2,376 1,615 47%

Total coal sales 16,577 16,487 1%

Coal stocks at period end 3,047 2,602 18%

1 Continuing operations do not include Sunnyside or Rocglen mines, which have transitioned into rehabilitation phase.

2 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Chairman’s introduction
skill and dedication in managing a noting that in its World Energy
tough year and a testing confluence Outlook 2019, the International
of events and circumstances. Energy Agency estimated
that more than US$1 trillion of
The arrangements implemented
capital invested in existing global
by management to protect
coal-fired generation – most of
against COVID-19 were swift,
which is located in Asia – is yet
comprehensive and effective.
to be recovered. We expect our
Other demanding and complex
customer nations to capitalise on
issues that arose during the year
their installed and planned coal-fired
were also successfully overcome.
power generation to underpin their
From supporting our operations
economic recoveries when the threat
through the worst drought since
of the pandemic is either eliminated
Federation, to quickly addressing
or can be sustainably managed.
acute labour shortages, to
managing the growing appetite We continue to expand our
for environmental, social and business, geared towards increased
Dear Shareholder governance (ESG) strategy and production. Our key development
performance data among our projects, Vickery and Winchester
FY20 was not a year anyone could investment community – it was South, will help us to further diversify
have predicted. Even for our sector, a commendable team effort. our product mix, with a greater
which is accustomed to having to weighting towards metallurgical
weather cyclical lows, it has proven At the same time, charting a path
coal low in impurities. Our strong
to be a uniquely challenging time. away from COVID-19 and towards
relationships with customers in
COVID-19 has been remarkable in better performance and greater
India will put us in good stead to
terms of its rapid onset and spread, prosperity means acknowledging
meet the forecast growth in demand
and the significant disruption it has those areas where we have not met
for metallurgical coal in that market,
caused to global supply chains and the high standards our shareholders
in particular once Vickery and
entire economies. expect. Let me assure investors
Winchester South are operational.
that every member of the Board
At the start of the pandemic, many is cognisant of the need to address We continue to work with a range
of our key customers in North Asia these aspects, including in relation of stakeholders to share our views
acted decisively to respond to the to improving our environmental on the role high-quality coal will
threat of the virus, as did Australia compliance and delivering greater play as part of the continuing global
itself. Since that time, these nations consistency of output from our energy transition, as well as a range
have been able to demonstrate larger mines. of other ESG-related issues. In FY19,
considerable resilience even while we reported against the voluntary
others faltered. This meant that The road out of the current
recommendations of the Financial
through the second half of FY20 economic downturn and our
Stability Board’s Task Force on
our coal remained well sold in many company’s transformation to
Climate-related Financial Disclosures,
of our key markets – a fact that also a more efficient, cost-effective
and have done so again this year.
gives us optimism for the time when producer will not always be easy.
we are better able to contain and But there are good reasons to Our business remains robust, with
control COVID-19 worldwide. be confident, starting with the the right assets, people and strategy
fact that we have toughed-out to continue to deliver value for our
Notwithstanding the fact that low points in the cycle before and shareholders over the medium to
demand held up relatively well, delivered for patient shareholders long term. On behalf of the Board,
we could not evade the downturn in the periods that followed, and I would like to thank shareholders
in price that negatively affected that will inevitably follow again. for their ongoing support.
all key energy commodities.
I acknowledge that serious and We have also invested significantly
real challenges persist in this in our leadership capability
area, but they are by no means and structure.
insurmountable. The fundamentals of our business
remain strong, and we have a The Hon. Mark Vaile, AO
On behalf of the entire Board,
positive role to play in the local Chairman
I want to take this opportunity
to commend Managing Director and global economic recovery,
and CEO Paul Flynn and the entire and indeed in a more carbon-
Executive Leadership Team on their conscious world. It is worthwhile

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 3


Managing Director and CEO’s introduction

shape to commit ourselves fully to Environmental compliance is

the task of Zero Harm for our people, another area where we must address
workplaces and communities today some more recent shortcomings.
and into the future. While our year-on-year record of
environmental compliance is good
Relatedly, our COVID-19 response
considering the growing scale of
demonstrated our adaptability
the business, FY20 outcomes fell
and resilience in the face of new
significantly short of what we expect
threats. Our crisis management,
and what the community and other
HSE, and production teams
stakeholder groups deserve. Material
worked together seamlessly in a
improvement in this area is essential
fast-moving environment to design
to maintaining our broader social
and implement measures to keep
licence to operate and to meeting
our people and communities safe,
the high standards required in the
as well as maintain continuity of
Australian resources sector.
production. Crucially, this meant our
contributions to local communities, In this context, FY20 also saw
businesses and the economy could us round out changes to our
Dear Shareholder continue with minimal disruption, management team that represent
I am pleased to present Whitehaven providing North West NSW with a significant investment in the
Coal’s Annual Report 2020. a strong sense of optimism. leadership and governance
structures required to drive change
As you know, it has been a tough We also continued work on our
where it is needed. Individually and
year and our company has not been development assets during the year,
as a leadership group, I am confident
immune to the challenges brought with an approval for our Vickery
we have the right mix of experience,
about by COVID-19. While demand Extension Project now in hand after
skills and interpersonal qualities
in our key overseas markets held up a comprehensive technical evaluation
required to take the company
relatively well through the continuing and community consultation process.
to the next stage of its evolution.
pandemic, the abrupt decline In addition, work progressed on
in economic activity worldwide various aspects of our Winchester Finally, a word on climate change.
negatively affected pricing for our South Project alongside our proposal This year, we continued to review
mix of thermal and metallurgical to extend the life of the Narrabri and address climate-related risks and
coal products. Indeed, the significant Underground Mine to 2044. opportunities, and prepare for the
contraction in coal prices was the release of our second Sustainability
While the cyclical lows we
single biggest factor in reaching Report. Once again, we will respond
approached towards the end of FY20
a disappointing underlying net to the recommendations of the Task
may signal price improvements in the
profit after tax of $30 million for Force on Climate-related Financial
near future, significant uncertainty
FY20, a decrease of 95% on the Disclosures, after becoming the first
about the global economic recovery
previous year. pure-play coal company to do so
and associated changes in market
in FY19. Having completed this and
Together with subdued demand, conditions remains. Against this
other work, we remain confident
we also grappled with a number of backdrop, we will be cautious
about the continuing demand for
production-related issues, from the about allocating further capital to
high-quality coal in a more carbon-
planned longwall move at Narrabri our growth pipeline. This time will
conscious world, particularly in our
to unplanned stoppages and labour not be lost, as we will continue to
key markets across Asia, and the
shortages at Maules Creek. However, challenge ourselves to reduce the
major role it will play as part of the
our ROM production of 20.6Mt fell build and operating costs of our
global economic recovery.
within the guidance range, and, important projects.
pleasingly, customer demand for our In closing, let me reiterate my thanks
In the closing stages of FY20,
high-quality coal is as strong as it has to all our people for navigating a
we commenced our business
ever been. With that, I want to thank difficult year and for their continued
improvement program, Project
the 2,500 members of our workforce commitment to the task that now
STRIVE, which is designed to achieve
who contributed to this result. lies ahead. On behalf of the entire
greater consistency of operational
management team, I also extend
Amid these testing circumstances, performance, improve productivity
thanks to our shareholders for
it was especially pleasing to record and lower costs. Implementing
their continued support, and
some big wins, none more notable the core recommendations of
I look forward to a strong FY21.
than delivering our best ever safety this review will be a key priority
result. The Total Recordable Injury for us through the first half of
Frequency Rate of 4.13 was the FY21 and will help ensure we
lowest in our history and it continues are well-positioned to maximise
the trend of improving safety earnings when coal markets
performance over an expanding begin to rebalance and recover. Paul Flynn
production base. We are in strong Managing Director and CEO

4 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020



Whitehaven Coal is proud to be the leading Australian

producer of premium-quality coal. We are the dominant
player in Australia’s only emerging high-quality coal basin.

We help power developed and We operate four mines (three delivery, safe operation, and targeted
emerging economies in Asia where open-cut and one large underground investment in the local economy
there is strong and growing demand mine) in the Gunnedah Coal Basin and community.
for our product, particularly for use of NSW. Our operating assets are
in high-efficiency, low-emissions We are proudly local, and around
complemented by two high-quality,
coal-fired power stations. 75% of our 2,500-strong workforce
near-term development assets,
lives in the local communities around
Our purpose as a company is being Vickery, near Gunnedah, and
our mine sites. We believe in helping
to support and sustain regional Winchester South, in Queensland’s
communities grow, ensuring benefits
communities by exporting high- Bowen Basin. Over our almost
flowing from our operations are seen
quality thermal and metallurgical 20-year history, including 12 years
and felt locally.
coal from Australia to the world. as a publicly-listed entity on the
North West NSW is the focus Australian Securities Exchange,
of our capital investment and we have developed a growing
workforce presence. reputation for excellence in project

Port of Abbot Point


QLD Moranbah
Port of Hay Point
NSW Gunnedah
Moranbah Sydney
Winchester South Project


Port of Gladstone


Maules Creek Mine

Narrabri Tarrawonga Mine 0 50 100
Narrabri Mine km
Boggabri Vickery Extension Project
Gunnedah CHPP Tamworth

Gunnedah Werris Creek Mine

Coal Basin
Gloucester Key:
NEW SOUTH Muswellbrook
Whitehaven Coal
shipped to premium
WALES Singleton Asian markets Projects

Newcastle Current operations

Sydney (PWCS and NCIG Coal Terminals)

6 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Purpose, vision and principles

Purpose Principles
To support and sustain The following principles guide our interactions internally
regional communities by and with external stakeholders.
exporting high-quality thermal
and metallurgical coal from
Australia to the world. Safety
The safety of our people, workplaces and
the communities around us comes first.
Vision We are committed to Zero Harm.
To be the benchmark coal Safety Teamwork Respect
investment on the ASX.
We work collaboratively and support one another.

Safety Teamwork Respect Respect

We foster a diverse and inclusive culture
and deal with all stakeholders
Teamwork Respect
Integrity Value Excellence
Safety Teamwork Respect
Safety Teamwork We are honest
and do the right thing.

Integrity Value
Value Excellence
We create value for shareholders,
Teamwork Respect
customers and local communities.
Integrity Value Excellence

Integrity Value Excellence


We deliver on our commitments.

Integrity Value Excellence

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 7


How we create value

Business inputs
1. Assets: We are the dominant 2. People: To ensure we optimise our 3. Financial: We deploy our financial
player in Australia’s only emerging physical assets, we seek to attract, resources carefully to maintain
high-quality coal basin with a recruit and retain the technical, our reputation as a reliable and
footprint in one of Australia’s specialist and central office staff cost-efficient producer focused
highest quality metallurgical with the skills to support the on delivering value for all our
coal basins. Our mine assets needs of the business today shareholders over the long term.
are complemented by a large and into the future. Our disciplined capital allocation
fleet of heavy mining equipment approach keeps our balance
in addition to mine support sheet strong and provides
infrastructure and rolling stock. flexibility through the cycle.

Governance and reporting framework

We seek to design and implement corporate governance and management arrangements to manage our exposure
to political and regulatory risks and to observe best-practice management measures in relation to health, safety,
stakeholder engagement and business integrity.

Our value proposition – Customers: We form long-term – Procurement: We are firmly

relationships with our customers oriented towards working with
We identify, develop and to provide raw materials that regionally based suppliers in
operate high-quality, cost-efficient, support the efficient utilisation recognition of the contribution
long-life coal assets and distribute of industrial assets including of local enterprise to long-term
the financial and non-financial coal-fired power plants and community prosperity and
returns to shareholders, employees, steel blast furnaces. cohesion.
customers and the communities
– Infrastructure and logistics: – Environment: We are responsible
where we work and live.
We have supply agreements with stewards of the natural
Our community and social compact Australian businesses focused environment, and maintain strong
depicts the process whereby our on the efficient movement of our sustainability practices through
capital investment is recycled product, contributing to shared each stage of the mining process,
through a value chain including sustainability goals through our from development to operations,
employees, suppliers, customers value chain. closure and rehabilitation.
and community members. – Community: We work with – Industry: We are members of
local councils, business groups, various industry associations and
Our business focus the agricultural sector, charitable participate in policy forums on
organisations and a range of local issues associated with ensuring
We seek to ensure continuous service providers to share the Australia’s resource endowment
and sustainable value creation by economic and social dividends can better support sustainable
applying our human and financial of mining and maintain our development here and abroad.
capital to the following key areas. social licence to operate.

Business outputs
Employees Community Customers Investors
We provide skills We support local We offer a reliable supply We aim to provide strong
development pathways communities through of high-quality coal to and consistent returns
and stable regional direct investment, job support economic and to shareholders and joint
employment in a safe creation, partnerships social development in venture partners from our
and rewarding work with local suppliers the Asian region. existing portfolio of mines
environment. and working with with upside potential from
community groups. key growth assets.

FY20 value created

– Approximately 75% – $365.4 million spent – Exported 20.2Mt of – $14.9 million returned
of our 2,500-strong with local suppliers high-quality thermal to shareholders through
workforce based in – $3.15 million spent and metallurgical coal dividends
regional areas with local Indigenous – Supported emission – Total shareholder return
– $209.1 million in businesses improvement initiatives of 66% over the past
wages paid – Supported the Narrabri by supplying high-CV, four years
– 9% of workforce Clontarf Academy low-impurity coal to – $306 million in
identifies as Indigenous. and the Girls’ Academy help reduce absolute underlying EBITDA.
at Gunnedah. coal consumption
in Taiwan, and meet
Korean seasonal
sulphur content limits.

8 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Our community and social compact

Identify, develop and operate

high-quality, long-life,
lower-cost coal projects

Leave an economic and Promote local economic

social legacy that outlives growth and sustainability
mining operations through permanent
job creation and local

Instill community trust Help build local community

through responsible capacity and viability
environmental stewardship through direct and indirect
and community partnerships intergenerational investment
in education, health, skills
and infrastructure

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 9


Our strategy

Our vision is to be the benchmark coal investment on the ASX.

Our strategy is to own and operate large, lower-cost mines producing a mix
of high-CV thermal coal and premium semi-soft coking coal, and to increase
our share of the growing market for these products in our region.

Our framework to deliver on our strategy is focused on seven key areas.

Disciplined growth We have invested in high-quality, large-scale, long-life assets that allow the
and capital management business to efficiently manage the cyclical nature of the commodities sector.
Towards a bigger, more We expect to grow our portfolio from a managed level of approximately 21Mt in
productive Whitehaven 2020 to over 40Mt by 2030.
As some of our smaller foundation mines reach the end of their lives, our business
is oriented towards scaling-up larger existing operations and delivering on our key
development assets, Vickery and Winchester South.
Maintaining capital discipline and a focus on productivity gains over an expanding
production base will continue to drive returns for shareholders.
Investing in Our track record of growth and our strong development pipeline make us
our talent pipeline an attractive employer for committed and motivated people who value being
a part of a community and achieving goals. As the largest private employer in
Attracting and retaining
North West NSW, we will continue to communicate the benefits of our regional
the right people
location – and that of our development site in Queensland’s Bowen Basin –
to attract talent to support high performance and further expansion.
Latent capacity We are actively assessing and pursuing opportunities to access latent capacity in
our mines through upgrades to mobile equipment as well as fixed infrastructure.
Unlocking future value
These opportunities help us realise the full extent of the resources at our mines
and enable us to do more with less.
Premium products The supply of high-energy, low-ash and low-sulphur coal globally is constrained
for premium markets but, at the same time, demand for coal with these attributes is increasing in a
world seeking to minimise atmospheric carbon emissions. Our quality assets and
Leveraged to the quality
strong customer relationships in the key export markets within our geographic
end of the spectrum
region mean we are able to attract premium pricing for our products.
Diversification Our business produces high-quality thermal coal and semi-soft coking coal
of product range (SSCC). With the purchase of Winchester South, we have set a path to increase
our exposure to other metallurgical coal products. We can also optimise
Building a more
revenue by responding to prevailing pricing spreads between the thermal
resilient portfolio
and SSCC markets.
Innovating Productivity of the coal mining industry has improved over time as equipment
has become bigger and more efficient. At Whitehaven we employ large equipment
Delivering the
matched to the mining conditions at our operations, including ultraclass and
technology dividend
autonomous fleets at Maules Creek.
Opportunistic M&A We take time to critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of our business and
market dynamics. Where acquisition opportunities present themselves, we review
Keeping a vigilant eye
and act on them appropriately. We do this in a measured and disciplined manner
on structural shifts in
with the objective of creating longer-term value for our shareholders.
the market

10 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 11


& Reserves.

Whitehaven Coal Limited – Coal Resources – August 2020

Measured Indicated Measured + Inferred

Resource Resource Indicated Resource Competent
Tenement (A) (B) (A + B) (C) Person Report Date

Maules Creek CL375 AUTH346

372 174 546 44 1 Mar-20
Opencut* ML1701 ML1719

Narrabri North
ML1609 143 153 296 – 1 Mar-20

Narrabri South
EL6243 144 170 314 8 1 Mar-20

Tarrawonga EL5967 ML1579

36 18 54 13 2 Mar-20
Opencut ML1685 ML1693

Tarrawonga EL5967 ML1579

10 15 25 14 2 Apr-14
Underground ML1685 ML1693

Werris Creek
ML1563 ML1672 9 1 10 – 1 Mar-20

ML1620 2 3 6 0 2 Mar-19

ML1620 – 3 3 1 2 Mar-15

CL316 EL4699 EL5831 230 165 395 110 2 Jul-15
EL7407 EL8224
Vickery ML1464 ML1471 ML1718 – 95 95 135 2 Jul-15

MDL 183 130 300 430 100 3 Oct-18

Gunnedah ML1624 EL5183

7 47 54 89 2 Jun-14
Opencut CCL701

Gunnedah ML1624 EL5183

2 138 140 24 2 Jun-14
Underground CCL701

EL6450 EL6587 – 4 4 7 2 Jun-14

EL7430 103 135 238 134 4 Jan-13

EL7430 – – – 73 4 Jan-13

Oaklands North
EL6861 110 260 370 580 2 Jun-14

Pearl Creek
EPC862 – 14 14 38 5 Nov-12

Total Coal Resources 1298 1695 2994 1370

1. Mark Benson, 2. Benjamin Thompson, 3. Troy Turner, 4. Greg Jones, 5. Phill Sides.
* Maules Creek Joint Venture – Whitehaven owns 75% share.
** Narrabri Joint Venture – Whitehaven owns 77.5% share.
*** Dingo Joint Venture – Whitehaven owns 70% share.
# The Coal Resources for active mining areas are current to the pit surface as at the report date.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 13


Whitehaven Coal Limited – Coal Reserves – August 2020

Recoverable Marketable Competent

Reserves Reserves Person Report

Tenement Proved Probable Total Proved Probable Total Date

Maules Creek CL375

330 120 450 300 100 400 1 Mar-20
Opencut* AUTH346

Narrabri North
ML1609 97 5 102 93 4 98 2 Mar-20

Narrabri South
EL6243 – 121 121 – 114 114 2 Mar-20

Tarrawonga EL5967 ML1579

24 10 35 20 8 28 1 Mar-20
Opencut ML1685 ML1693

Werris Creek
ML1563 ML1672 7.1 0.4 7.5 7.1 0.4 7.5 1 Mar-20

ML1620 – – – – – – 1 Note

Vickery CL316 EL4699

– 200 200 – 178 178 1 Mar-15
Opencut EL7407

Total Coal Reserves 458 456 916 421 405 826

1. Doug Sillar, 2. Michael Barker.

* Maules Creek Joint Venture – Whitehaven owns 75% share.
** Narrabri Joint Venture – Whitehaven owns 77.5% share.
# The Coal Reserves for active mining areas are current as at report date.
## Coal Reserves are quoted as a subset of Coal Resources.
### Marketable Reserves are based on geological modelling of the anticipated yield from Recoverable Reserves.

Information in this report that relates to Coal Resources and Coal Reserves is based on and accurately reflects reports
prepared by the Competent Person named beside the respective information. Greg Jones is a principal consultant
with JB Mining Services. Phillip Sides is a senior consultant with JB Mining Services. Benjamin Thompson is a Geologist
with Whitehaven Coal. Mark Benson is a geologist with Whitehaven Coal. Doug Sillar is a full time employee of RPM
Advisory Services Pty Ltd. Michael Barker is a full time employee of Palaris Ltd.
Named Competent Persons consent to the inclusion of material in the form and context in which it appears.
All Competent Persons named are Members of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and/or
The Australian Institute of Geoscientists and have the relevant experience in relation to the mineralisation being
reported on by them to qualify as Competent Persons as defined in the Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration
Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (The JORC Code, 2012 Edition).

14 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


For the year ended 30 June 2020

Directors’ Report
For the year ended 30 June 2020

The Directors present their report together with the consolidated financial report
of Whitehaven Coal Limited (‘the Company’ or ‘Whitehaven’), being the Company,
its subsidiaries and the Group’s interest in joint operations for the year ended
30 June 2020 and the auditor’s report thereon.

1. Principal activities
The principal activity of Whitehaven Coal Limited and its controlled entities (the ‘Group’) during the period was the
development and operation of coal mines in New South Wales and Queensland.
In the opinion of the directors, there were no significant changes in the state of affairs of the Group that occurred
during the financial year that have not been noted in the review of operations.

2. Directors and Executives

2 (a) Directors
The directors of the Company at any time during or since the end of the financial year are:

The Hon. Mark Vaile AO As Deputy Prime Minister of Australia and Leader of the National
Party from 2005 to 2007, Mark established an extensive network
of contacts throughout Australia and East Asia. His focus at
Non-Executive Director home was with regional Australia and particularly northern
Appointed: 3 May 2012 NSW. As one of Australia’s longest serving Trade Ministers from
1999 through until 2006 Mark led negotiations which resulted
in Free Trade Agreements being concluded with the United
States of America, Singapore and Thailand as well as launching
negotiations with China, Japan and ASEAN.
Importantly, early in his Ministerial career as the Minister for
Transport and Regional Services, Mark was instrumental in the
establishment of the ARTC which operates the Hunter Valley
rail network.
Mark brings significant experience as a company director having
been Chairman of Aston Resources, CBD Energy Limited and
SmartTrans Limited and a former independent Director on the
board of Virgin Australia Holdings Limited. Mark is currently a
Director of ServCorp Limited which is listed on the ASX (since
June 2011), Stamford Land Corp which is listed on the Singapore
Stock Exchange, a Director Trustee of HostPlus Superfund and
Chairman of Palisade Regional Infrastructure Fund.
Former ASX listed directorships in the last three years:
Chairman, SmartTrans Holdings Limited (April 2016–June 2018);
Director, Virgin Australia Holdings Limited (September 2008–
December 2018)

16 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


John Conde AO John has over 30 years of broad based commercial experience
across a number of industries, including the energy sector,
BSc, BE (Electrical)
and was chairman of the company prior to the merger with
(Hons), MBA (Dist)
Aston Resources. John is chairman of Cooper Energy Limited
Deputy Chairman (since February 2013) and The McGrath Foundation. He is also
Non-Executive Director president of the Commonwealth Remuneration Tribunal and
Appointed: 3 May 2007 a Non-Executive Director of the Dexus Property Group (since
April 2009). He recently retired as chairman of Bupa Australia
and New Zealand. He retired as chairman of the Sydney
Symphony Orchestra in May 2015. He was previously chairman
of Ausgrid (formerly Energy Australia) and Destination NSW.
He was formerly chairman and managing director of Broadcast
Investment Holdings, as well as a Non-Executive Director of
BHP Billiton Limited and Excel Coal Limited.
Former ASX listed directorships in the last three years: Nil
Dr Julie Beeby Julie has more than 25 years’ experience in the minerals and
petroleum industries in Australia including major Australian
BSc (Hons I), PhD
and US resources companies and as Chief Executive Officer of
(Physical Chemistry),
the ASX listed coal seam gas producer WestSide Corporation
Ltd. Julie has technical, operations and strategy expertise and
Non-Executive Director has held senior and executive positions in coal mining, mining
Appointed: 17 July 2015 services and coal seam gas after commencing her career
in coal and mineral processing research. Julie was formerly
the Chairman of the Queensland Electricity Transmission
Corporation Limited, and Non-Executive Director of Gloucester
Coal Limited, OzMinerals Limited, CRC Mining, Queensland
Resources Council and Australian Coal Research. Currently Julie
is a Non-Executive Director of Tasmanian Networks Pty Limited.
Former ASX listed directorships in the last three years:
Director, Oz Minerals Limited (April 2016–May 2018)
Paul Flynn Paul has extensive experience in the mining, infrastructure,
construction and energy sectors gained through 20 years
BComm, FCA
as a professional advisor at Ernst & Young. Paul was formerly
Managing Director Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of the Tinkler
Appointed: 25 March 2013 Group and was instrumental in the merger of Whitehaven Coal
Previously Non-Executive with Aston Resources. Paul joined the Board of Whitehaven
Director on 3 May 2012 and assumed the role of Managing Director and
CEO on 27 March 2013. Prior to joining the Tinkler Group, Paul
Appointed: 3 May 2012 was the managing partner of Ernst & Young’s Sydney office and
a member of its Oceania executive team. As a partner for over
eight years, Paul managed many of the firm’s largest mining
and energy clients across Australia, Asia, South and North
America. Paul has also fulfilled various leadership roles with
large corporations on secondment including as the CFO
of a top 50 listed company.
Former ASX listed directorships in the last three years: Nil

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 17


Directors’ Report
For the year ended 30 June 2020

2. Directors and executives (cont.)

2 (a) Directors (cont.)

Fiona Robertson Fiona has a corporate finance background, with more than
20 years’ experience as CFO of ASX-listed emerging and
MA (Oxon), FAICD,
mid-tier mining and oil & gas companies preceded by 14 years
with Chase Manhattan Bank in London, New York and Sydney,
Non-Executive Director in corporate banking, credit risk management and mining finance
Appointed: roles. Previous Non-Executive Directorships include ASX-
16 February 2018 listed oil and gas producer, Drillsearch Energy Limited where
she chaired the Audit & Risk Committee and Heron Resources
Limited. Currently Fiona is a Non-Executive Director of Bellevue
Gold Limited (since May 2020).
Former ASX listed directorships in the last three years:
Heron Resources Limited (April 2015–July 2020)
Lindsay Ward Lindsay has more than 30 years’ experience across industries
including mining, exploration, mineral processing, ports
BAppSc (Hons I),
management, rail haulage, power generation, gas transmission,
GradDip (Mgt), GAICD
transport and logistics. Having started his career in the mining
Non-Executive Director industry, Lindsay has held a wide range of leadership and
Appointed: operational roles. He is currently CEO of Palisade Integrated
15 February 2019 Management Services, which has eight diverse infrastructure
assets under management. Prior to this, he was the Managing
Director of Dart Mining, a Melbourne-based exploration
company, and a Non-Executive Director of Metro Mining Limited.
Lindsay also has extensive mining experience having worked with
BHP Australia Coal (Bowen Basin – Queensland), Camberwell
Coal (Hunter Valley – NSW) and Yallourn Energy (Latrobe Valley
– Victoria) in various mine engineering and senior leadership
roles including Mine Manager and General Manager. Lindsay
is a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company
Directors and is an experienced Director of both listed and
unlisted companies.
Former ASX listed directorships in the last three years:
Director, Metro Mining Limited (October 2011–February 2019)
Raymond Zage Raymond is the founder and CEO of Tiga Investments Pte Ltd.
He is also senior advisor to Farallon Capital Management, L.L.C.,
BSc Finance
one of the largest alternative asset managers in the world, and
Non-Executive Director a Non-Executive Director of Toshiba Corporation, which is listed
Appointed: on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk, which
27 August 2013 is listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Raymond has been
involved in investments throughout Asia in various industries
including financial services, infrastructure, manufacturing, energy
and real estate. Previously Raymond was the Managing Director
and CEO of Farallon Capital Asia, and prior to that worked in
the investment banking division of Goldman, Sachs & Co.
in Singapore, New York and Los Angeles.
Former ASX listed directorships in the last three years: Nil

18 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


2 (b) Senior Executives

Paul Flynn –
Kevin Ball – Timothy Burt –
Managing Director and Chief
Chief Financial Officer General Counsel and
Executive Officer
BComm, CA Company Secretary
Refer to details set out in section 2(a) B.Ec, LLB (Hons) LLM
Appointed Chief Financial Officer
Directors on page 17.
of Whitehaven Coal in October Timothy joined Whitehaven as
2013, Kevin Ball has over 25 years’ General Counsel and Company
experience working in the mineral Secretary in July 2009. He has
and energy industry across coal, more than 20 years’ ASX listed
oil and gas and in complex company legal, secretarial and
consulting practices. governance experience across a
range of industries. Prior to joining
A finance graduate of the
Whitehaven, Timothy held senior
University of New South Wales,
roles at ASX listed companies Boral
Kevin is a Chartered Accountant
Limited, UGL Limited and Australian
having spent 11 years with Ernst &
National Industries Limited. He
Young at the commencement of
holds a Master of Laws from the
his career predominantly in EY’s
University of Sydney.
natural resources group and has
a graduate Diploma in Geoscience
(Mineral Economics) from
Macquarie University.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 19


Directors’ Report
For the year ended 30 June 2020

2. Directors and executives (cont.)

2 (b) Senior Executives (cont.)

Ian Humphris – Scott Knights – Michael van Maanen –

Executive General Manager – Executive General Manager – Executive General Manager –
Operations Marketing and Logistics Corporate, Government and
BE Mining (Hons) BEcons (Hons) Community Affairs
BA (Hons)
Appointed Executive General Scott was appointed Executive
Manager – Operations in April 2020, General Manager – Marketing Michael has nearly 20 years’
Ian is a Mining Engineer with more and Logistics in August 2014. experience across corporate
than 20 years’ experience in the Prior to joining Whitehaven communications and public policy
Australian resources sector, with he was Vice President Sales, roles in both the government and
a diverse and deep background Marketing and Logistics for private sectors. He was appointed
across open cut and underground Peabody Energy Australia. Scott Executive General Manager –
operations. Ian was most recently has over 25 years of experience in Corporate, Government and
Vice President – Health, Safety and a wide range of commercial roles Community Affairs in May 2018.
Environment at Peabody Energy including marketing, sales, logistics, Prior to joining Whitehaven, Michael
Australia. Prior to this, he fulfilled a management and business strategy was a founding Partner of Newgate
broad range of senior roles covering in the commodities sector, working Communications and led the firm’s
many aspects of that business, for Peabody Energy, Rio Tinto, PwC mining and resources practice group.
including managing the company’s and Renison Goldfields Consolidated. Michael was previously a ministerial
open cut operations, supply chain advisor in the Howard Government
and infrastructure assets. Ian began and worked in a range of national
his career in resources as a mining security policy roles for the
engineer in various Queensland Departments of the Prime Minister
mines before transferring to the and Cabinet, Foreign Affairs and
New South Wales Coalfields and Trade and Defence.
working in senior roles for a number
of mine owners and for mining
services provider, Thiess.

20 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Leigh Martin – Mark Stevens – Sarah Withell –

Executive General Manager – Executive General Manager – Executive General Manager –
People and Culture Project Delivery Health, Safety and Environment
BA (Psych & Sociology), Grad Cert BSc (Hons), MSc, MBA BSc, MEngSc
HRM, MMgt Leadership, MSc (Psych)
Mark joined Whitehaven as Executive Sarah joined Whitehaven as
Appointed Executive General General Manager – Project Delivery Executive General Manager –
Manager – People and Culture in January 2020. Mark has more Health, Safety and Environment
in January 2020, Leigh joined than 30 years of Australian and in July 2020. Sarah has more than
Whitehaven from Broadspectrum, international experience in project 20 years’ experience in the mining
where she managed capability management and delivery across and resources sector with a proven
and culture across a complex infrastructure, coal, and oil and gas. track record of delivering major
workforce of 14,000 on a range of A qualified Mining Engineer, Mark mining approvals, effective safety
major projects and infrastructure has successfully delivered projects and governance systems, and
assets. Leigh has also held roles across all phases, from concept excellent HSEC performance.
across HR, talent and organisational to completion, with a combined Sarah has held senior positions
development both domestically and capital cost in the billions, most across open cut and underground
internationally at UGL, BHP, Tabcorp recently for the Australian Rail Track operations in both NSW and
and the Queensland Government. Corporation’s Inland Rail project Queensland. Most recently Sarah
and prior to that, for Santos GLNG. led the HSE function for BHP’s
NSW Energy Coal and BMC division,
and has also held roles at Coal &
Allied and Peabody.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 21


Directors’ Report
For the year ended 30 June 2020

2. Directors and executives (cont.)

2 (b) Senior Executives (cont.)

Brian Cole – Jamie Frankcombe –

Executive General Manager – Chief Operating Officer
Project Delivery
BE (Mining), MBA (Technology)
BE (Civil-H1), M Eng Science, MBA,
Fellow IE Aust, C P Eng., M AIMM Jamie was appointed Executive
General Manager – Operations in
Brian was appointed Executive
February 2013 and his title amended
General Manager – Project Delivery
to Chief Operating Officer in
in June 2012.
June 2018.
Brian has more than 35 years of
Jamie was previously Director
experience in heavy engineering
Operations at Fortescue Metals
projects and operations at an
Group Ltd. Prior to that he has had
executive level in the energy related
extensive senior experience in coal
sector and has been focused on
mine operations and development
the Maules Creek project and other
including as the Chief Operating
brownfields capital projects within
Officer of PT Adaro Indonesia,
the Whitehaven portfolio.
Executive General Manager –
Most recently Brian managed the Americas for Xstrata Coal and
construction of the three stages of General Manager Operations
the third coal terminal in Newcastle for Xstrata Coal’s Hunter Valley
for NCIG with a combined capital open cut operations.
cost of circa $2.8 billion.
Jamie holds a Bachelor of
Brian retired in December 2019. Engineering (Mining) from
Wollongong University and a
Master of Business Administration
(Technology) from APESMA
Deakin University. Additionally
he holds First Class Certificate
of Competency qualifications for
both the NSW and Queensland
coal industry.
Jamie left Whitehaven in
December 2019.

22 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


2 (c) Directors’ interests

The following table lists each Director’s relevant Company-issued shares and options, as notified by the Directors to the
Australian Securities Exchange in accordance with section 205G(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), at the date of
this report.

Ordinary shares

Mark Vaile 1,509,317

John Conde 708,620

Julie Beeby 65,000

Paul Flynn 1

Fiona Robertson 45,985

Lindsay Ward 35,000

Ray Zage 9,200,000

1 Mr Flynn held 1,241,869 Company-issued options as at the date of this report.

2 (d) Directors’ meetings

Following are the number of Directors’ meetings (including meetings of committees of Directors) and the number of
meetings each Director attended during the financial year.

Health, Safety,
Audit & Risk Environment Governance &
Directors’ Management Remuneration & Community Nominations
Director Meetings Committee Meetings Committee Meetings Committee Meetings Committee Meetings


Mark Vaile 13 13 6 6 3 3 – – 1 1

John Conde 13 13 6 6 3 2 – – 1 1

Julie Beeby 13 13 – – – – 4 4 1 1

Paul Flynn 13 13 – – – – – – – –

Fiona Robertson 13 13 6 6 – – 4 4 – –

Lindsay Ward 13 13 – – 3 3 4 4 – –

Ray Zage 13 12 – – – – – – – –

A – Number of meetings held during the time the Director held office during the year.
B – Number of meetings the Director attended.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 23


Directors’ Report
For the year ended 30 June 2020

3. Other
3 (a) Dividends 3 (c) Indemnification and insurance of officers
Paid during the year Indemnification
Dividends of $312,197,000 were paid to The Company has agreed to indemnify, to the fullest
shareholders during the year ended 30 June 2020 extent permitted by law, all current and former directors
(2019: $464,854,000). of the Company against liabilities that may arise from
their position as directors of the Company and its
Declared after end of year controlled entities. The agreement stipulates that the
The Directors resolved not to pay a final dividend Company will meet the full amount of any such liabilities,
with respect to the year ended 30 June 2020. including costs and expenses.

Insurance premiums
3 (b) Share options
During the financial year the Company paid premiums
Shares issued on exercise of options in respect of directors’ and officers’ liability and legal
expenses insurance contracts. Such insurance contracts
During the reporting period 1,360,181 options
insure persons who are or have been directors or officers
were exercised.
of the Company or its controlled entities against certain
Unissued shares under options liabilities (subject to certain exclusions).

At the date of this report there were 3,708,203 The directors have not included details of the nature
unissued ordinary shares of the Company under of the liabilities covered or the amount of the premium
options. Refer to note 5.5 of the financial statements paid in respect of the directors’ and officers’ liability and
for further details of the options outstanding. legal expenses insurance contracts, as such disclosure
is prohibited under the terms of the contract.

3 (d) Indemnification of auditors

To the extent permitted by law, the Company has agreed
to indemnify its auditors, Ernst & Young, as part of the
terms of its audit engagement agreement against claims
by third parties arising from the audit (for an unspecified
amount). No payment has been made to indemnify
Ernst & Young during or since the financial year.

3 (e) Rounding
The Company is of a kind referred to in ASIC
Corporations Instrument 2016/191 and dated 24 March
2016 and, in accordance with that Class Order, all financial
information presented in Australian dollars has been
rounded to the nearest thousand unless otherwise stated.

24 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


4. Operating and financial review

Financial headlines
– Net profit after tax (NPAT) of $30.0 million, a decrease of 94%
– Statutory EBITDA of $306.0 million, a decrease of 69%
– Net cash from operating activities of $146.4 million, a decrease of 84%
– Net debt of $787.5 million at 30 June 2020
– Dividends of $312.2 million were paid during the period
The following table summarises the key reconciling items between the Group’s EBITDA and its profit before tax.

FY20 FY19

Whitehaven Coal Limited – Consolidated $ million $ million

Revenue 1,721.6 2,487.9

Net profit after tax before significant items 30.0 564.9

Significant items after tax (refer to note 2.2 Significant items) – (37.0)

Net profit after tax 30.0 527.9

Underlying EBITDA 306.0 1,041.7

Rehabilitation expense (refer to note 2.2 Significant items) – (40.5)

Statutory EBITDA 306.0 1,001.2

Net interest expense (refer to note 5.2 Finance income and expense) (36.0) (32.9)

Other financial expenses (3.1) (8.0)

Depreciation and amortisation 1

(224.6) (224.4)

Profit before tax 42.3 735.9

1 The prior year ended 30 June 2019 includes $12.3 million of accelerated depreciation recognised in connection with the replacement of the existing hydraulic
cylinders with higher capacity hydraulic cylinders at the Narrabri mine. This has been disclosed as a significant item in note 2.2 of this financial report.

Review of financial performance – Equity ROM production of 16.6Mt in FY20 was 9%

below the 18.4Mt produced in FY19. The decrease
FY20 NPAT of $30.0 million was 94% below FY19 in FY20 ROM production contributed to decreased
NPAT of $527.9 million. Following are the key features sales of produced coal and increased unit costs.
of the FY20 NPAT result. The decrease in ROM production was a result
– A continuing strong safety performance with a of the following factors:
pleasingly low TRIFR of 4.1 at 30 June 2020, well – Productivity at Maules Creek was impacted
below the 6.2 at the end of 30 June 2019. adversely by turnover in experienced operators
– A $45/t decrease in the EBITDA margin on sales and by dust events. The rate of turnover in
of produced coal in FY20 to $21/t from $66/t in FY19. experienced operators led to a decrease in
skill levels, and the replacement of departing
– A $41/t decrease in average A$ realised prices,
operators lagged exits during H1 FY20. Dust
to A$104/t in FY20 from A$145/t in FY19.
events disrupted December quarter production
– A decrease in FY20 sales volumes which due to production stoppages and the lowering
contributed to an increase of $8/t in FY20 of truck speeds to ensure safety when visibility
unit costs compared with FY19. was diminished.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 25


Directors’ Report
For the year ended 30 June 2020

4. Operating and financial review (cont.)

Review of financial performance (cont.)
– ROM production at Narrabri reflects the impact Maules Creek
of the eight week longwall move in Q2 FY20, – The strip ratio increased, compared with FY19,
which incorporated an additional two weeks to consistent with the natural progression of the mine
upgrade the longwall’s hydraulic leg cylinders, as it approaches the 20 year average.
ahead of commencing mining panel 109.
– There was a drive to reach pit bottom so that in-pit
Production was adversely impacted for 20 days
dumping could commence. Overburden movement
by a weighting event which caused a deferral
in FY20 was characterised by out-of-pit dumping
of 500–600Kt of longwall coal production.
and a resulting increase in haul distances and haul
– Gunnedah open cut mines production (excluding elevation. FOB costs per tonne are expected to
Sunnyside) decreased by 19% to 3.8Mt (FY19: fall over FY21, FY22 and FY23 as in-pit dumping
4.7Mt), mainly due to Rocglen entering into the increases to reach 100%.
rehabilitation phase in the final weeks of FY19.
– Shortages of skilled workers, including truck drivers,
For the continuing operations at Werris Creek
reduced equipment utilisation and productivity.
and Tarrawonga, full year production was
Dust and smoke haze also had an effect (as a 24x7
slightly down on FY19 due to the impact of
operation still to achieve 100% in-pit dumping,
more extensive former underground workings
Maules Creek has been disproportionately affected
at Werris Creek than anticipated and heavy
by these conditions relative to our other open cut
rains in the March quarter.
operations that operate five days a week and which
– Gross revenue decreased by $766.3 million to have shorter haul distances). During the March
$1,721.6 million in FY20. The decrease was driven quarter, manning requirements at Maules Creek
mainly by the decrease in average net realised prices were met fully and the focus shifted to investing
and, to a lesser extent, decreased sales volumes. in skills development to improve utilisation of
Following are the key drivers of A$ realised prices equipment and the productivity of our workforce.
during the period. – The Company continued to focus on producing high
– The Newcastle globalCOAL Index price averaged quality thermal product to meet market demand.
US$65/t for Newcastle quality thermal coal in FY20, This strategy, combined with the seam mix during
US$34/t below the average of US$99/t in FY19. the period, increased the proportion of coal washed
The Group realised an average price of US$66/t with a decrease in overall yield relative to FY19.
for its thermal coal sales in FY20. The Newcastle – ROM production was weighted to the June quarter
globalCOAL Index began to soften in late FY19 with 39% of FY20 production delivered during this
before reducing further in Q4 FY20 due to the period. While this production came at a lower than
impact of COVID-19. average cost during FY20, a significant proportion
– The Group realised an average price of US$89/t remained in inventory at year-end. Coal stocks at
in FY20 for its sales of metallurgical coal products, 30 June 2020 of 2.0Mt were well up on the balance
down from US$119/t in FY19. The realised price of 1.2Mt at 30 June 2019.
reflects a combination of sales under quarterly
benchmark linked and index based contract
pricing structures.
– Equity own metallurgical coal sales were 17% of
total FY20 sales, below the 21% achieved in FY19.
– The AUD:USD exchange rate decreased to 0.67
in FY20 from 0.72 in FY19, partially offsetting
the decrease in realised prices.
– Sales of produced coal decreased to 14.3Mt
from 15.6Mt in FY19. The decline in sales volumes
reflects the decrease in ROM production.
– FOB costs of A$75/t in FY20 increased from
A$67/t in FY19. Unit costs were impacted by
the following activities.

26 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Other Lower mining fleet utilisation and lower productivity rates

– There was an increase in strip ratio at the contributed to an increase in the depreciation costs per
Tarrawonga mine relative to the prior corresponding tonne. Depreciation per tonne has also been affected
period, consistent with the natural progression of both by depreciation of Rehabilitation and Biodiversity
the mine as it approaches its life of mine (LOM) assets and by an increased proportion of overburden
average of 10:1. movement relative to coal production during the period.

Increased unit costs of demurrage, overheads and

under-utilised logistics costs arose from the lower
ROM production during the period.

Cash flows & capital management

FY20 FY19

Cash flow summary $ million $ million

Operating cash flows 146.4 916.4

Investing cash flows (268.0) (193.8)

Financing cash flows 108.8 (714.9)

Cash at the end of the period 106.8 119.5

Capital management 30 June 2020 30 June 2019

Net debt1 787.5 161.6

Undrawn syndicated facility 362.0 840.0

Gearing ratio1,2 (%) 20% 4%

1 Calculated in accordance with the senior facility covenant requirements and therefore excludes lease liabilities recognised upon adoption of AASB 16 Leases of
$130,313,000 (2019: $134,111,000).
2 Net Debt/(Net Debt plus Equity).

Whitehaven holds a strong capital base to maintain Investing cash flows

investor, creditor and debt market confidence and
Investing cash outflows during FY20 of $268.0 million
ensure the business is well positioned to support
were $74.2 million higher than FY19. This was
attractive future growth opportunities.
primarily due to:
Operating cash flows – the acquisition of the fleet to underpin the
Cash generated from operations of $146.4 million in FY20 expansion of Tarrawonga ($75.4 million);
decreased 84% relative to FY19. This was driven largely – replacement of hydraulic cylinders at Narrabri
by the decline in the EBITDA result which reflected ($16.5 million);
the decline in coal prices relative to FY19 and the ROM – investments in access to, construction and
production performance in FY20. ROM performance was uprading of water infrastructure ($19.3 million);
the key driver of the reduction in sales of produced coal
– consideration paid for the acquisition of EDF
during the year. Operating cash flows were also impacted
Trading Australia Pty Limited ($19.7 million).
by the rehabilitation expenditures for work undertaken
at Rocglen and Sunnyside, and the payment of corporate This was partially offset by the payment of the final
taxation. In addition, there were timing related impacts instalment in respect of the acquisition of Winchester
associated with investment in Narrabri development, South in FY19 (FY20: nil).
overburden in advance and working capital.
Expenditure on major development projects – Narrabri
Stage 3, Winchester South and Vickery Extension –
continued as the Group progressed these key projects.
Throughout the cycle, Whitehaven has continued
to allocate sustaining capital to each of its mines
to maintain safe and productive operations.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 27


Directors’ Report
For the year ended 30 June 2020

4. Operating and financial review (cont.)

Cash flows & capital management (cont.)
Financing cash flows and capital management – investment in sustaining and expanding production
of $268.0 million;
Net proceeds from financing activities during FY20
were $108.8 million, largely comprised of the following: – the final FY19 dividend and interim FY20 dividend
of $312.2 million;
– net proceeds from borrowings ($478.0 million)
– new equipment finance leases at Maules Creek
– payment of dividends ($312.2 million) and the conversion of a number of AASB 16 right
– payment of lease liabilities ($79.8 million). of use asset leases into traditional finance lease
A final dividend in respect of FY19 of 30 cents per share,
totalling $297.3 million, was paid in September 2019. An – lease repayments in respect of AASB 16 right of
interim dividend in respect of FY20 of 1.5 cents per share, use assets.
totalling $14.9 million, was paid in March 2020. This was partially offset by operating cash flows of
Net debt at 30 June 2020 was $787.5 million, an increase $146.4 million.
of $625.9 million from 30 June 2019. Gearing of 20% There was $468.8 million of available liquidity at 30 June
marked an increase from 4% as at 30 June 2019. The 2020 consisting of $106.8 million of cash holdings and
increase in net debt was driven by investment in the $362.0 million of undrawn capacity under the senior bank
business and returns to shareholders during the facility at 30 June 2020.
period. The components of the increase are as follows:

Review of operations

The TRIFR decreased to 4.1 at the end of June 2020, from 6.2 at the end of June 2019. Whitehaven’s TRIFR remains
well below the NSW coal mining average of 14.6. The Company is committed to achieving zero harm to its people and
environment, and management is striving for better safety performance across all operations.

Production, sales and coal stocks

Whitehaven share (000t) FY20 FY19 Movement

ROM Coal Production 16,632 18,358 (9%)

Saleable Coal Production 14,841 15,817 (6%)

Sales of Produced Coal 14,511 16,017 (9%)

Sales of Purchased Coal 2,376 1,615 47%

Total Coal Sales 16,887 17,631 (4%)

Coal Stocks at year end 3,074 2,754 12%

Note: Tonnages in the above table include saleable coal production and sales of produced coal from Sunnyside of 174kt and 232kt respectively (2019: 417kt and 416kt respectively).
The tonnages in the table above are presented on an equity basis. Production tables and associated commentary set out in the mine-by-mine analysis
are presented on a managed (100%) basis.

FY20 saleable coal production and sales of produced coal were below the previous corresponding period.
Following are key features of the period:
– ROM coal production was below the prior corresponding period.
– Opening coal inventories were drawn down in H1 FY20, supporting both saleable coal production and sales volumes.
– ROM production was weighted to the June quarter in both periods with 40% of FY20 and 32% of FY19 ROM
production delivered in the June quarter respectively.
– Equity product stocks at 30 June 2020 were 1.4Mt, an increase of 0.5Mt compared to the 0.9Mt at 30 June 2019.
This resulted from an increase in the proportion of final quarter ROM production being processed in FY20
relative to FY19.

28 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Maules Creek

Ownership: Whitehaven 75% and Operator; ICRA MC Pty Ltd (an entity associated with Itochu Corporation) 15%;
J-Power Australia Pty Ltd 10%

Maules Creek 100% (000t) FY20 FY19 Movement

ROM Coal Production 10,726 11,720 (8%)

Saleable Coal Production 8,190 9,200 (11%)

Sales of Produced Coal 7,906 9,309 (15%)

Coal Stocks at Year End 1,976 1,160 70%

Note: Tonnages in the table above are presented on a managed basis.

Maules Creek ROM production decreased by 8% to 10.7Mt (FY19: 11.7Mt), owing primarily to labour shortages, and
dust and smoke events associated with drought conditions and regional bushfires. The labour shortages were largely
filled in the third quarter and the focus shifted to investing in skills development to improve utilisation of equipment
and the productivity of our workforce. Record ROM production of 4.2Mt was achieved in the final quarter of the year.
This coincided with planned access to the high yielding Braymont seam, a return to a full roster of labour and improved
excavator productivity.
Saleable coal production decreased by 11% to 8.2Mt (FY19: 9.2Mt), reflecting both the decrease in ROM coal production
and a decrease in mine yields from 82% in FY19 to 80% in FY20. The decrease in mine yields over the 12-month period
was related to seam mix and a continuing focus on producing high quality thermal product to meet market demand.
During the second half of the year, Maules Creek reached pit bottom in the first of three planned locations. Access to
pit bottom has created in-pit dump space that has delivered shorter overburden haulage distances and elevations than
have been experienced in the last two years. In-pit dumping is expected to increase to 100% of overburden material in
FY23. The transition to 100% in-pit dumping is expected to improve operational productivity and decrease unit costs.
24 x 7 operation of the first overburden autonomous haulage system (AHS) fleet commenced during the June quarter.
The second AHS fleet is scheduled to be commissioned in Q3 FY21 with the remaining three fleets scheduled to
commence at six month intervals over the following 18 months.


Ownership: Whitehaven 77.5% and Operator; J-Power 7.5%; Upper Horn Investments Limited 7.5%;
Daewoo International Corporation and Korea Resources Corporation 7.5%

Narrabri Mine 100% (000t) FY20 FY19 Movement

ROM Coal Production 6,111 6,447 (5%)

Saleable Coal Production 6,547 5,630 16%

Sales of Produced Coal 6,215 5,705 9%

Coal Stocks at Year End 793 1,018 (22%)

Note: Tonnages in the table above are presented on a managed basis.

Narrabri production decreased by 5% to 6.1Mt (FY19: 6.4Mt). The decrease in production was a result of an additional
two weeks taken to upgrade the longwall’s 398 leg cylinders that took place during the longwall relocation in the
second quarter and a weighting event in March that caused a deferral of 500–600kt of longwall coal production.
Following these two events, the Narrabri operation has delivered strong production performance. In April Narrabri
recorded 1.0Mt ROM production – the second time in its history that it has recorded one million tonnes in a month.
Saleable coal production increased by 16% to 6.5Mt (FY19: 5.6Mt), reflecting improved mine yields, with annual yield
increasing from 94% in FY19 to 99% in FY20. The improved yield partly reflects operational improvements at the CHPP.
The next longwall move from panel 109 to 110 is scheduled for the end of Q3 FY21.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 29


Directors’ Report
For the year ended 30 June 2020

4. Operating and financial review (cont.)

Review of operations (cont.)

Gunnedah open cut mines

Ownership: Werris Creek Whitehaven 100%; Rocglen Whitehaven 100%; Tarrawonga Whitehaven 100%;
Sunnyside Whitehaven 100%

Open Cuts 100% (000t) FY20 FY19 Movement

ROM Coal Production 3,851 5,055 (24%)

Saleable Coal Production 3,624 4,977 (27%)

Sales of Produced Coal 3,690 4,979 (26%)

Coal Stocks at Year End 978 1,172 (17%)

Note: Tonnages in the above table include the discontinued Sunnyside and Rocglen mines that have both transitioned into rehabilitation.

Gunnedah open cut mines production decreased by 24% to 3.9Mt (FY19: 5.1Mt). The decrease is primarily due to
production ceasing at Rocglen. For the continuing operations, Werris Creek and Tarrawonga, the full year production
was slightly down on FY19 due to the impact at Werris Creek of more extensive former underground workings than
anticipated and the heavy rains in the March quarter.
The reduction in saleable coal production and sales in FY20 reflects the ROM coal production decrease and the
weighting of ROM coal production to the final months of the year. The increase in production in recent months
is a result of the full utilisation of the new fleet at Tarrawonga during the June quarter.
Rocglen and Sunnyside rehabilitation is progressing well, with major earth moving activities at Sunnyside scheduled
to be finalised in H1 FY21 and at Rocglen in H1 FY22.

Development projects

Vickery and Environment, the Vickery Extension Project was

approved by the Independent Planning Commission
Ownership: Whitehaven 100% NSW on 12 August 2020 and is now proceeding through
Vickery is an approved open cut mine in the Gunnedah the necessary secondary approvals and the federal
Basin with a 20-year mine life and marketable reserves approvals process.
of 178Mt. The mine will produce a majority metallurgical Progress on design work for the CHPP, rail spur, and
coal for steel-making, with the balance being high quality other site infrastructure continues. Work is continuing
thermal coal destined for premium export markets in on draft Management Plans including those required
our region. for Secondary Approval, such as for noise, air quality,
Following extensive public consultation and an exhaustive cultural heritage and traffic management.
review by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry

30 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Winchester South Infrastructure

Ownership: Whitehaven 100% In FY20, the Hunter Valley supply chain faced
challenges including the effects of bushfires, flooding,
The proposed Winchester South open cut metallurgical train derailments, periods of high seas and COVID-19 –
coal mine, situated in Queensland’s Bowen Basin, all primarily in the second half of the financial year.
continues to progress through the Queensland Our close relationships with major suppliers has
Government’s major project development process. allowed us to work through these issues and deliver
Studies to support drafting of the Environmental the required tonnes to customers.
Impact Statement (EIS) have been advanced. Progress
on design work for the CHPP, rail spur and other site Rail track capacity
infrastructure continues.
Whitehaven contracts its below rail capacity from the
Work, including further coal quality drilling, continues Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC). Expansion
on the maiden JORC Reserve estimate for the project, and track upgrade options have been identified for
with an expected release date estimated to be the Whitehaven’s additional capacity requirements within the
end of 2020. Gunnedah Basin through improved operating efficiencies.
These include the ARTC Network Control Optimisation
Narrabri Stage 3 extension project currently being implemented. Whitehaven is
continuing this work with ARTC to ensure long term
Ownership: Whitehaven 77.5% rail logistics costs are optimised.
The project seeks to convert Narrabri’s existing
Rail haulage capacity
exploration licence into a mining lease and use the
existing portals, CHPP, rail loop and associated Whitehaven has capacity within its two long term rail
infrastructure to extract, process and ship 80–100Mt haulage contracts for all current NSW based mine
of ROM coal using the longwall mining method. The production plans including the initial ramp up production
project involves extending the longwall panels planned profile from the Vickery Expansion Project. The NSW
for the mining lease south of the current main roads related haulage contracts allow Whitehaven to align
into the contiguous Narrabri South Exploration planned increases in production with rail capacity
Licence area, to extend the approved life of the by giving notice to the rail providers of the need for
mine from ~2031 to ~2044. additional capacity. Whitehaven has also continued
to progress efficiency projects with our rail haulage
The project has received its Secretary’s Environmental
operators providing benefits for all companies.
Assessment Requirements (SEARS) from the NSW
Government as well as its Environmental Protection Port capacity
and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 referral from the
Federal Government. Whitehaven has been incorporating Whitehaven holds contracts at the Port of Newcastle that
these requirements in the preparation of an EIS, which allow access to all three export coal terminals to support
it plans to lodge with the NSW Department of Planning, planned shipments. Whitehaven will require additional
Industry and Environment (DPIE) in Q1 FY21. port capacity for the forecast production ramp up
over the coming years, noting there is sufficient surplus
Exploration capacity to support these production increases at the
existing terminals including the planned increase at the
Whitehaven maintains several exploration and potential NCIG terminal where Whitehaven is a major shareholder.
development projects in Queensland and NSW. These Analysis continues on the timing of options to secure
are early stage projects where activity and spending long term capacity most efficiently.
is undertaken to keep the tenements in good standing.
Following the acquisition of the Winchester South
tenement, Whitehaven has commenced analysis of
options available for the logistics task in Queensland and
alternative infrastructure requirements. Owners of both
port and track have been engaged regarding existing
capacity and expansion opportunities. Whitehaven will
work with these parties to ensure a robust logistics
solution for the project.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 31


Directors’ Report
For the year ended 30 June 2020

4. Operating and financial review (cont.)

Events subsequent to reporting date Risks relating to Whitehaven’s future prospects
In the interval between the end of the financial year Whitehaven operates in the coal sector. There are many
and the date of this report there has not arisen any factors, both specific to Whitehaven and to the coal
item, transaction or event of a material and unusual industry in general, that may individually or in combination,
nature likely, in the opinion of the directors of the affect the future operating and financial performance of
Company, to significantly affect the operations of the the Group, its prospects and/or the value of Whitehaven.
Group, the results of those operations, or the state of Many of the circumstances giving rise to these risks are
affairs of the Group, in future financial years, other than beyond the control of Whitehaven’s Directors and its
the following: management. The major risks believed to be associated
with investment in Whitehaven are as follows.
On the 12th August 2020, following extensive public
consultation and a detailed review by the NSW
Volatility in coal prices
Department of Planning, Industry and Environment,
the Vickery Extension Project was approved by the The Company’s future financial performance will be
Independent Planning Commission NSW. The Project impacted by future coal prices. Factors which affect
is now proceeding through the necessary secondary coal prices include the outcome of future sales contract
and federal approvals processes. negotiations, general economic activity, industrial
production levels, changes in foreign exchange rates,
Outlook and likely developments changes in coal demand, changes in the supply of
seaborne coal, changes in international freight rates
Thermal and Metallurgical Coal Outlook and the cost of substitutes for coal. The Company
does not currently hedge against coal price volatility.
Thermal coal and metallurgical coal market fundamentals
deteriorated due to the impact of COVID-19 but quickly Foreign currency risk
found a floor.
As the Company’s sales are predominately denominated
For the seaborne thermal coal market, a combination in US dollars, adverse fluctuations in the US$/A$
of Chinese government import restrictions and the exchange rate may negatively impact the Group’s
lockdown of Indian and northern Asian economies financial position.
reduced demand and saw prices fall. At current coal
prices, the price arbitrage between Chinese domestic The Company uses forward exchange contracts to
coal and imported seaborne coal is at record levels. hedge some of this currency risk in accordance with
Supply side responses to these historically low prices a hedging policy approved by the Board of Directors.
initially emerged from USA, Canadian and Colombian
exporters, and more recently from Indonesian and Acquisitions and commercial transactions
Australian producers.
Acquisitions and commercial transactions undertaken
Actions taken by steel producers across Asia and India with the objective of growing the Company’s portfolio of
to initially defer metallurgical coal shipments in response assets are subject to a number of risks which may impact
to weak domestic steel demand softened the price for the ability to deliver anticipated value. Risks associated
hard coking coal. The price for SSCC and PCI coal has with acquisitions include:
similarly softened.
– operational performance of acquired assets not
The short-term outlook for thermal and metallurgical meeting expectations;
coal is dependent upon post-pandemic economic – anticipated synergies or cost savings being delayed
and industrial recovery in our region. In recent weeks or not being achieved;
there have been positive signs in the affected markets
– adverse market reaction to proposed transactions; and
that industrial activity is recovering, resulting in the
resumption of term contract shipping schedules and – the imposition of unfavourable or unforeseen
increasing spot demand. The long-term outlook remains conditions, obligations or liabilities.
healthy as the need for industrial products such as steel, Whitehaven’s commercial processes are designed
cement and alloys, and electricity generation remain to reduce the likelihood of these risks materialising
strong for the future growth of Asia, Whitehaven’s as a result of a commercial transaction.
export market.
Capital requirement risk
There is a risk that insufficient liquidity or the inability to
access funding on acceptable terms may impact ongoing
operations and growth opportunities.

32 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Whitehaven manages liquidity risk by holding a prudent Infrastructure risks

level of available cash, maintaining adequate committed
Coal produced from Whitehaven’s mining operations
credit facilities which have been provided by a diverse
is transported to customers by a combination of rail
panel of Australian and international banks and
and ship. A number of factors could disrupt these
refinancing committed credit facilities well before
transport services, including a failure of infrastructure
they become current liabilities.
providers to increase capacity in order to meet future
Whitehaven had $468.8 million in liquidity (cash and export requirements.
undrawn facilities) available as at 30 June 2020.
Rail and port capacity is obtained predominantly
through long-term contract arrangements which
Capital Allocation and Development risks
include take-or-pay provisions which require payments
There is a risk that circumstances (including unforeseen to be made irrespective of whether the service is used.
circumstances) may cause delays to project development, In the event utilised capacity is below contracted
exploration milestones or other operating factors, capacity, there is a risk Whitehaven will be required
resulting in the receipt of revenue at a date later than to pay take-or-pay charges for capacity which is not
expected. Additionally, the construction of new projects/ used. Whitehaven seeks to align these take-or-pay
expansion by the Company may exceed the currently infrastructure obligations with the Company’s
envisaged timeframe or cost for a variety of reasons forecasted future production.
outside of the control of the Company.
Geology risks
Missed opportunities to invest or a failure to effectively
allocate capital or achieve expected return from There are inherent risks associated with estimating coal
assets may also lead to a failure to achieve expected Resources and Reserves, including subjective judgements
commercial objectives. and determinations as to coal quality, geological
conditions, tonnage and strip ratio. The Company’s
Operating risks Resource and Reserve estimates are determined by
suitably qualified competent persons in accordance with
The Company’s coal mining operations are subject to the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results,
operating risks that could impact the amount of coal Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC Code).
produced at its coal mines, delay coal deliveries or
increase the cost of mining for varying lengths of time.
Cyber risk
Such difficulties include weather and natural disasters,
unexpected maintenance or technical problems, failure Whitehaven’s operations are supported by a
of key equipment, higher than expected rehabilitation robust information technology security framework and
costs, industrial action, labour shortages and higher back-up data infrastructure. However, computer viruses,
than expected labour costs. unauthorised access, cyber-attack and other similar
disruptions may threaten the security of information and
Geological uncertainty is also an inherent operational risk
impact operational systems. The Company manages this
which could result in pit wall failures or rock falls, mine
risk by continuing to invest in systems to prevent such
collapse, cave-ins or other failures to mine infrastructure.
attacks and undertaking staff training programmes.
The Company has in place a framework for the
management of operational risks and a comprehensive Counterparty risk
group insurance program which provides insurance
The Company deals with a number of counterparties,
coverage for a number of these operating risks.
including joint venture partners, suppliers and customers.
Counterparty risks include:
Water security
– Non-supply or changes to the quality of key inputs
Water is critical to Whitehaven’s mining operations as it is
which may impact costs and production at operations;
used for various purposes including dust suppression and
coal washing. Whitehaven’s ability to access water may – Failure to reach agreement with joint venture partners
be impacted by a number of factors, including drought, which could impact the Company’s ability to optimise
changes in government policy and regulation and value from its projects; and
scarcity of supply. The inability to access sufficient – Failure of customers to perform against long-term
water may negatively impact on Whitehaven’s costs, take-or-pay agreements.
future production and financial performance.
Counterparty risk is assessed prior to entry into any new
Whitehaven regularly monitors the water balance at each arrangements and, if necessary, appropriate risk control
of its sites and investigates opportunities to minimise mechanisms are put in place. Whitehaven proactively
water usage and secure alternate, reliable water sources engages with its counterparties to manage instances of
to build resilience against water availability risks. non-supply and quality control and to ensure alignment
of expectations.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 33


Directors’ Report
For the year ended 30 June 2020

4. Operating and financial review (cont.)

Risks relating to Whitehaven’s future prospects (cont.)

Environment and safety risks and licence to operate Climate change risk
A range of health, safety and environmental risks exist The physical and non-physical impacts of climate change
with coal mining activities. Accidents, environmental may affect the Company’s assets, production and the
incidents and real or perceived threats to the coal markets where its high quality coal products are
environment or the amenity of local communities sold. These impacts may include severity and frequency
could result in a loss of the Company’s social licence to of weather patterns, policy and regulatory change and
operate leading to delays, disruption or the shut-down coal demand responses. Further details in relation to
of operations. Potential environment and safety risks climate change risks will be provided in the Company’s
include equipment failure, human errors in underground 2020 Sustainability Report to be released later this year.
operations, vehicle and mining equipment interactions
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has forecast
in open cut operations, roof fall hazards in underground
under its Stated Policies Scenario (its central scenario,
operations and spontaneous combustion risks.
which assumes that all of the Nationally Determined
The Company engages with a number of different Commitments (NDCs) as provided by countries
stakeholders in the communities within which it operates. after the 2015 Paris COP21 meeting are met in full)
Stakeholder related risks include: that global coal demand will remain stable until at
least 2040 – with relatively stronger demand in the
– the requirement to comply with the Native Title
broad Asian region, Whitehaven’s key export market.
Act 1993 (Cth) which can delay the grant of mining
The IEA regularly makes projections about world
tenements and impact the timing of exploration,
coal demand based on various future scenarios for
development and production operations;
energy development. The Stated Policies Scenario
– the ability to reach agreement with local landholders is the IEA’s central scenario in its most recent World
in relation to acquisition and/or access terms which Energy Outlook (2019). Alternate scenarios include the
may delay the timing of project development; and Current Policies Scenario (highest projected coal usage)
– notwithstanding the contributions made to the and the Sustainable Development Scenario (lowest
communities within which the Company operates, projected coal usage). Further details are available at:
local communities may become dissatisfied with the
impact of operations or oppose new development
projects. There is also the possibility of anti-coal COVID-19 risk
activism targeted towards the Company’s projects.
As with most businesses around the world the COVID-19
Whitehaven has a comprehensive environmental, pandemic has presented a range of health, commercial
health and safety management system to mitigate and financial risks to Whitehaven. This includes risk to
the risk of incidents and to ensure compliance with continuity of operations, and potential disruptions to
environmental and safety laws. The Company also the movement of goods and people. Since before the
has a dedicated community relations team that engage pandemic emerged in Australia, we have been carefully
with local communities to ensure that community planning to ensure continuity of supply of inputs, and
issues are understood and addressed appropriately. have taken a range of steps – including direct advocacy
to key government and other stakeholders – to ensure
Further details in relation to how the Company engages
our workforce is ready to respond to the pandemic and is
effectively with the communities in which we operate
not adversely impacted by domestic border restrictions,
and steps which the Company takes to maintain its social
limiting the operational impacts we have experienced.
licence to operate will be provided in the Company’s
Whitehaven, and the resources sector more broadly,
2020 Sustainability Report to be released later this year.
has so far demonstrated its resilience in the face of
COVID-19. It has been widely acknowledged that the
Environmental regulation comprehensive suite of measures adopted across the
The coal sector is subject to a broad range resources sector quickly became the model for others to
of environmental laws, regulations and standards emulate. The development and rapid implementation of
including in relation to greenhouse gas emissions. our response plan kept our people safe and supported
Evolving regulation and standards could result continuity of production and employment. More broadly
in increased costs, regulatory action, litigation or, the experience of responding to COVID-19 has validated
in extreme cases, threaten the viability of an operation. the robustness of our WHS systems and procedures
and ensured our preparedness to manage any future
Whitehaven actively monitors legislative and emerging risks of this nature.
regulatory developments and engages appropriately
with legislative and regulatory bodies to manage this risk.

34 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


The exceptional circumstances stemming from the in developing Southeast Asian nations. In contrast,
pandemic have resulted in uncertainty surrounding lower-energy and/or higher-impurity coal basins globally
public health and the global economy, including impacts have traditionally been the first to exit the seaborne coal
on energy and industrial markets. Short-term demand market during times of declining demand, and this has
for both metallurgical and thermal coal has contracted been borne out during the first half of CY20. We expect
as a result of measures employed in many countries our customer nations to capitalise on their installed and
to slow the spread of the virus. Despite uncertainties planned coal-fired power generation to underpin their
surrounding the economic outlook, the fundamentals economic recoveries when the threat of the pandemic
of our business model remain robust. Throughout the is either eliminated or can be sustainably managed.
pandemic, our portfolio of coal products have remained Whitehaven actively monitors and responds to all
sought after and well sold under long term contracts to factors with potential to impact global supply and
the cornerstone high-energy, low-impurity coal markets demand for our products.
of Japan, Korea and Taiwan, as well as emerging markets

5. Auditor independence and non-audit services

5 (a) Auditor’s independence declaration
The auditor’s independence declaration forms part of the Directors’ report for the financial year ended 30 June 2020.
It is set out on page 36.

5 (b) Non-audit services

During the year Ernst & Young, the Company’s auditor, has performed certain other services in addition to their
statutory duties.
The Board has considered the non-audit services provided during the year by the auditor and, in accordance with
written advice provided by resolution of the Audit and Risk Management Committee, is satisfied that the provision
of those non-audit services during the year by the auditor is compatible with, and did not compromise, the auditor
independence requirements of the Corporations Act 2001 for the following reasons:
– all non-audit services were subject to the corporate governance procedures adopted by the Company and
have been reviewed by the Audit & Risk Management Committee to ensure they do not impact the integrity
and objectivity of the auditor; and
– the non-audit services provided do not undermine the general principles relating to auditor independence as
set out in APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, as they did not involve reviewing or auditing the
auditor’s own work, acting in a management or decision making capacity for the Company, acting as an advocate
for the Company or jointly sharing risks and rewards.
Details of the amounts paid or payable to the auditor of the Company, Ernst & Young, and their related practices
for non-audit services provided during the year are set out below.

Consolidated Consolidated
2020 2019

In AUD $ $

Non-audit services

Ernst & Young

Taxation compliance services 30,000 125,000

Other non-audit services 32,994 69,790

62,994 194,790

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 35


Auditor’s independence declaration

Ernst & Young Tel: +61 2 9248 5555

200 George Street Fax: +61 2 9248 5959
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
GPO Box 2646 Sydney NSW 2001

Auditor’s Independence Declaration to the Directors of Whitehaven

Coal Limited

As lead auditor for the audit of the financial report of Whitehaven Coal Limited for the financial year
ended 30 June 2020, I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief, there have been:

a) No contraventions of the auditor independence requirements of the Corporations Act 2001 in

relation to the audit; and
b) No contraventions of any applicable code of professional conduct in relation to the audit.

This declaration is in respect of Whitehaven Coal Limited and the entities it controlled during the
financial year.

Ernst & Young

Ryan Fisk
26 August 2020

A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

36 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


2020 Remuneration Report


We present the Remuneration Report for the financial reduced STI outcomes for Executive KMP. STI awards
year ended 30 June 2020 (FY20) for which we seek for performance during the year were assessed at
your support at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) 28% of the possible award.
in October. More than 98% of votes cast at last year’s
In relation to LTI awards, the 2017 LTI Costs Hurdle
AGM were in favour of the resolution to approve
Award that was tested following the end of FY20 failed
our 2019 Remuneration Report.
to achieve the gateway and lapsed in full. Tranche 1 of
Our objective is to provide a Remuneration Report the 2017 LTI Relative TSR award also failed to satisfy the
containing the key elements that are important to relevant performance condition and therefore lapsed in
our shareholders and to present that information in a full while Tranche 2 of the 2016 LTI Relative TSR award
way that is clear and readily understood. This includes vested at 64.2%.
details of realised remuneration outcomes for our
Further details of the LTI awards that were tested
Key Management Personnel (KMP) for FY20 and
in 2020 are set out later in this report at section 4.2.
performance against the Short Term Incentive (STI)
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Long Term
Incentive (LTI) performance conditions. Changes to remuneration framework for FY21
Our executive remuneration framework is designed The Board continues to consider Executive KMP
to be aligned to shareholder interests while operating remuneration in the context of our strategy, relevant
to incentivise and reward senior executives to execute benchmarks, and retaining and appropriately rewarding
our strategy to build a portfolio of assets that is our leadership team.
cost-competitive, and to develop and operate that There will be no changes to fixed remuneration for
portfolio of assets in a safe and sustainable way. Executive KMP in FY21 with one exception (detailed later).

Whitehaven’s performance in FY20 We have well-developed plans for strong growth at

our operations and from new operations, including the
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) recently approved Vickery Extension Project and our
Paul Flynn is supported by a strong executive leadership Queensland metallurgical coal project – Winchester
group. In FY20 the CEO completed a structural change South. A strong executive leadership group has been
of the executive leadership team, detailed later in assembled to support our growth agenda.
this report. The Board believes that with the strength
of its existing operations and its high-quality asset For FY21 the Board intends to retain the existing
development pipeline, the Company is well positioned remuneration framework but to improve alignment
to continue to grow, improve its performance and of the framework by introducing, in addition to the
deliver value to shareholders. existing two components (Relative TSR and Costs),
an additional LTI component related to delivery of
FY20 was a difficult year from both a coal markets strategic objectives. The change does not alter the
perspective and from an operating perspective. total reward opportunity for Executive KMP but rather
Coal prices realised an average of A$104/t on own reallocates the LTI opportunity across three elements
coal sales in FY20 in contrast to the FY19 average of (Relative TSR, Costs Hurdle and Strategic Priority
A$145/t. The decrease in realised prices was the principal Delivery) each with hurdles and each underpinned
cause of the decrease in EBITDA and cash flow from by a gateway condition to be satisfied prior to vesting.
operating activities between FY19 and FY20. However, in
FY20 the Maules Creek operation was affected adversely Shareholders will be asked to consider the changes as
by the impacts of drought (smoke and dust events) part of the FY21 LTI grant for the CEO. The Resolution
and by the increased levels of staff turnover that had proposing the LTI grant to the CEO, including details
been induced by the higher coal price environment in and explanations of the changes, will be set out in the
FY18 and FY19. At Narrabri 398 hydraulic leg cylinders AGM Notice of meeting.
were safely changed during the longwall move in the We have also made a number of refinements to our
December quarter but in February 2020 difficult mining Short Term Incentive Plan for FY21, including to increase
conditions caused a deferral of between 500Kt and the weighting of environmental metrics. The overall STI
600Kt (managed) longwall production. These operational reward opportunity remains unchanged.
difficulties (together with the closure of Rocglen in late
FY19) contributed to lower production and 1.3Mt lower
volumes of own coal sold than in FY19, increasing our
Non-Executive Directors’ fees
unit operating costs. There was no increase to Non-Executive Directors’
fees in the year, nor is any proposed for FY21. There
Remuneration outcomes for FY20 is no proposal to change the maximum aggregate
Directors’ fees pool.
In relation to STI awards, market and operating
performance achieved in FY20 have delivered We thank the Executive KMP and their teams for their
continued commitment and contribution to Whitehaven.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 37


Directors’ Report Remuneration Report

For the year ended 30 June 2020

Table of Remuneration
Report contents
1. Introduction 4. Remuneration outcomes for FY20
1.1 Key management personnel for FY20 4.1 STI outcomes for Executive KMP in FY20
1.2 Summary of Company performance 4.2 LTI outcomes for Executive KMP in FY20
1.3 How do remuneration outcomes align
to FY20 performance? 5. Executive KMP employment contracts
1.4 Executive KMP realised remuneration outcomes
6. Non-Executive Director remuneration
2. Remuneration Governance 6.1 Setting Non-Executive Director fees
6.2 Current Non-Executive Director
3. Remuneration framework fee remuneration
3.1 Summary of Executive KMP remuneration 6.3 FY20 Non-Executive Director remuneration
components in FY20
3.2 Fixed remuneration 7. Executive KMP statutory tables and additional
3.3 STI awards and structure for FY20
7.1 Executive KMP statutory remuneration table
3.4 LTI awards and structure for FY20
7.2 Movements in options and rights held by
3.5 Policies and conditions of rights awarded
Executive KMP
under equity plans
7.3 Movements in ordinary shares held by KMP
7.4 Related party transactions and additional

38 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


1. Introduction
This Remuneration Report forms part of the Directors’ Report.
In accordance with Section 308 (3C) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act), the external auditors,
Ernst & Young, have audited this Remuneration Report.
This report details the remuneration and fees during FY20 of the Key Management Personnel (KMP) of the Company,
who are listed in the table below. For the remainder of this Remuneration Report, the KMP are referred to as either
Executive KMP or Non-Executive Directors.

1.1 Key Management Personnel for FY20

The table below details the remuneration of KMP during FY20.

Name Role held during FY20 Committee positions held

Non-Executive Directors

The Hon. Mark Vaile AO Chairman and Chairman of Governance & Nomination Committee
Non-Executive Director
Member of Audit & Risk Management Committee

Member of Remuneration Committee

John Conde AO Deputy Chairman and Chairman of Remuneration Committee

Non-Executive Director
Member of Audit & Risk Management Committee

Member of Governance & Nomination Committee

Dr Julie Beeby Non-Executive Director Chairman of Health, Safety, Environment & Community Committee

Member of Governance & Nomination Committee

Fiona Robertson Non-Executive Director Chairman of Audit & Risk Management Committee

Member of Health, Safety, Environment & Community Committee

Lindsay Ward Non-Executive Director Member of Health, Safety, Environment & Community Committee

Member of Remuneration Committee

Raymond Zage Non-Executive Director Nil

Executive KMP Role held during FY20 Dates

Paul Flynn Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Full year

Kevin Ball Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Full year

Timothy Burt General Counsel and Company Secretary Full year

Ian Humphris Executive General Manager (EGM) – Operations From 6 April 2020

Scott Knights Executive General Manager (EGM) – Marketing and Logistics Full year

Michael van Maanen Executive General Manager (EGM) – Full year

Corporate, Government and Community Affairs

Leigh Martin Executive General Manager (EGM) – People and Culture From 13 January 2020

Mark Stevens Executive General Manager (EGM) – Project Delivery From 28 January 2020

Brian Cole Executive General Manager (EGM) – Project Delivery Until 31 December 2019

Jamie Frankcombe Chief Operating Officer (COO) Until 11 December 2019

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 39


Directors’ Report Remuneration Report

For the year ended 30 June 2020

1. Introduction (cont.)
1.2 Summary of Company performance

FY20 at a glance

EBITDA Four-year total Total Recordable

shareholder return Injury Frequency
(TSR) Rate

$306m 66% 33%

Company performance for the last five years

A snapshot of key Company statutory performance for the past five financial years is set out below:

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Revenue ($m) 1,721.6 2,487.9 2,257.4 1,773.2 1,164.4

Statutory EBITDA ($m)1 306.0 1,001.2 1,002.2 714.2 224.1

Net profit after tax ($m) 1

30.0 527.9 524.5 405.4 20.5

Share price at year end (dollars per share) $1.43 $3.66 $5.78 $2.87 $1.082

Basic EPS (cents per share) 3.0 53.5 53.1 41.2 2.1

Diluted EPS (cents per share) 3.0 52.4 52.1 40.7 2.1

Shareholder distributions paid (cents per share) 1.5 47 33 – –

Total Reportable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) 4.1 6.2 6.9 7.4 10.6

Environmental Enforcement Action Frequency Rate (EEAFR)3 3.9 1.9 2.1 4.2 8.1

Managed saleable production (Mt) 18.4 19.8 20.9 20.8 19.7

1 Statutory EBITDA and net profit after tax for FY18 has been restated for the adoption of AASB 16 Leases. Statutory EBITDA and net profit after tax for
FY17–FY16 has not been restated for the adoption of AASB 16 Leases.
2 The opening share price for 2016 was $1.32.
3 An Environmental Enforcement Action is defined as a warning letter, an official caution, an order, a penalty or a prosecution. Where a single piece of enforcement
correspondence notes a breach of more than one approval or licence condition, each breach is counted separately.

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1.3 How do remuneration outcomes align to FY20 performance?

Component Principles Outcome

Fixed Total fixed remuneration There will be no changes in TFR for Executive KMP in FY21 with one exception;
Remuneration set with reference to market the Executive General Manager – Corporate, Government and Community Affairs.
(TFR) benchmarking and individual

STI Reflects the performance Performance outcomes did not meet all of the objectives set and therefore
of management during the the below target STI outcomes reflect this. While safety performance has improved,
performance period, relative the ROM production, free on board (FOB) costs per tonne, net profit after tax and
to performance conditions environmental objectives were not met. Consequently no awards were made for
set at the start of FY20 these performance areas.

The Executive KMP STI outcome was 28% of the maximum possible STI.

See section 4.1 for more details on STI outcomes.

LTI Reflects long-term overall The LTI awards granted under the 2016 (TSR Tranche 2) and 2017 (TSR Tranche 1 and
Company performance Costs Hurdle Award) LTI plans reached the end of their respective performance periods
and the delivery of value and were tested after 30 June 2020.
to shareholders over the
performance period Due to the TSR performance of 66% over the four year performance period the LTI awards
granted under the 2016 (TSR Tranche 2) LTI plan vested at 64%. The LTI awards granted
under the 2017 (TSR Tranche 1) LTI plan failed to satisfy the performance condition and
therefore lapsed in full.

The Costs Hurdle Gateway and the Costs Hurdle Target were set in 2017. Actual costs
for FY20 of $75/t exceeded the Costs Hurdle Gateway and the 2017 Costs Hurdle Award
lapsed in full.

See section 4.2 for more details on the LTI outcomes for FY20.

1.4 Executive KMP realised remuneration outcomes

As set out in section 1.3, the Remuneration Committee is of the view that while the Company and the Executive KMP
have had a challenging year, the Executive KMP have continued to execute successfully the Group’s long-term strategy.
The table below gives shareholders a better understanding of the actual remuneration outcomes for Executive KMP
in FY20. It includes:
– fixed remuneration earned in FY20
– STI earned in respect of FY20 performance (including the cash component payable in September 2020
and the deferred component awarded in equity, which may vest and become exercisable in later years)
– LTI that reached the end of its performance period in FY20 including the impact of share price growth between
the grant date and the test date
– any non-monetary benefits provided to Executive KMP in FY20 (including fringe benefits).
The amounts disclosed in the table, while not in accordance with accounting standards, may be helpful for shareholders
as they demonstrate the link between Company performance and remuneration outcomes for Executive KMP for FY20,
as summarised in section 1.3.
For further details on STI and LTI outcomes for FY20 refer to sections 4.1 and 4.2 respectively.

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Directors’ Report Remuneration Report

For the year ended 30 June 2020

1. Introduction (cont.)
1.4 Executive KMP realised remuneration outcomes (cont.)
LTI4 Vested Total
FY20 vested LTI 6 including
deferred at face share share
STI2 Total equity value of Total price price
Name FY TFR1 cash Severance cash STI3 award Other5 remuneration growth growth

Paul 2020 1,530,000 267,750 – 1,797,750 267,750 217,079 12,900 2,295,479 59,541 2,355,020
2019 1,500,000 603,750 – 2,103,750 603,750 948,092 12,500 3,668,092 2,585,637 6,253,729

Kevin 2020 714,000 87,465 – 801,465 87,465 78,581 – 967,511 21,554 989,065
2019 700,000 181,913 – 881,913 181,913 343,201 – 1,407,027 935,979 2,343,006

Timothy 2020 612,000 74,970 – 686,970 74,970 66,794 12,900 841,634 18,320 859,954
2019 600,000 169,050 – 769,050 169,050 291,721 12,500 1,242,321 795,583 2,037,904

Ian 2020 152,732 18,710 – 171,442 18,710 – – 190,152 – 190,152

Humphris 8
2019 – – – – – – – – – –

Scott 2020 637,500 78,094 – 715,594 78,094 67,410 – 861,098 18,489 879,587
2019 625,000 176,094 – 801,094 176,094 287,162 – 1,264,350 788,699 2,053,049

Michael 2020 420,000 51,450 – 471,450 51,450 – – 522,900 – 522,900

van Maanen
2019 375,000 114,461 – 489,461 114,461 – – 603,922 – 603,922

Leigh 2020 197,404 24,182 – 221,586 24,182 – 5,375 251,143 – 251,143

Martin 8
2019 – – – – – – – – – –

Mark 2020 211,749 25,569 – 237,318 25,569 – – 262,887 – 262,887

2019 – – – – – – – – – –

Brian 2020 345,000 – – 345,000 – 76,015 14,917 435,932 20,850 456,782

2019 690,000 174,182 – 864,182 174,182 379,238 10,432 1,428,034 1,034,258 2,462,292

Jamie 2020 448,087 – 935,000 1,383,087 – 110,619 6,450 1,500,156 30,341 1,530,497
2019 1,000,000 297,000 – 1,297,000 297,000 574,324 12,500 2,180,824 1,566,298 3,747,122

Note: for role held by Executive KMP during FY20 refer to section 1.1.
1 Total fixed remuneration (TFR) comprises base salary and superannuation.
2 STI represents the amount of cash STI that each Executive KMP will be paid in September 2020 based on FY20 performance. Refer to section 3.3 and
section 4.1 for further details.
3 Deferred equity STI refers to the amount of STI deferred into rights that are subject to further service conditions. While not yet granted, the STI is expected to be
issued at a volume weighted average price (VWAP) of $1.53. It is expected that rights issued under the STI will vest and become exercisable in two equal tranches
following the completion of FY21 and FY22. Refer to section 3.3 for further details.
4 LTI represents LTI awards made in 2016 and 2017 for which the test period ended in FY20 and which have vested. The amounts shown are the face value of the
awards at grant. Refer to section 4.2 for further details.
5 Other includes parking, motor vehicle benefits and other similar items.
6 LTI share price growth is the amount of the LTI award delivered by an increase between the face value VWAP used for the award that was granted and the
VWAP of a share at the award test date for those awards which vested. LTI outcomes are explained further in section 4.2 of this report.
7 Jamie Frankcombe and Brian Cole ceased to be members of the Executive KMP as of 11 December 2019 and 31 December 2019, respectively.
8 Ian Humphris, Leigh Martin and Mark Stevens were appointed as members of the Executive KMP on 6 April 2020, 13 January 2020 and 28 January 2020,

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2. Remuneration Governance
This section describes the roles and responsibilities of the Board, Remuneration Committee and external remuneration
advisors when making remuneration decisions. It also provides an overview of the principles and policies that underpin
the Company’s remuneration framework.

Remuneration governance framework Remuneration principles

The following principles underpin the

Company’s remuneration framework:
The Board maintains overall responsibility for the remuneration policy and is
– Remuneration is comparable and
responsible for ensuring that the Company’s remuneration structures are equitable
competitive within our comparator
and aligned with the long-term interests of the Company and its shareholders.
group in order to attract and retain
skilled executives.
Delegation and Recommendations
oversight and reporting – Short and long-term incentives
are aligned with the interests of
the Company and its shareholders.
Remuneration Committee
– Structures are equitable and reinforce
The Board has established a Remuneration Committee, whose role is to:
relevant Company policies such as
– review and approve the remuneration of the Executive KMP ensuring a focus on a safe working
– review and approve the remuneration policies and practices for the Group generally, environment for all employees and
including incentive plans and other benefits and on compliance with environmental
approval conditions.
– review and make recommendations to the Board regarding the remuneration of
Non-Executive Directors. – Reward outcomes are aligned with
performance with a signficant portion of
The Remuneration Committee has a formal charter, which sets out its roles and pay deemed ‘at risk’ based on challenging
responsibilities, composition structure and membership requirements. A copy of this KPI’s that are linked to the creation of
charter can be viewed on Whitehaven’s website. sustainable shareholder returns.
Further information regarding the Remuneration Committee’s role, responsibilities
and membership is set out in the Company’s Corporate Governance Statement.

External advice

From time to time, the Remuneration Committee seeks and considers advice from
external advisors who are engaged by and report directly to the Remuneration
Committee. Such advice will typically cover Non-Executive Director fees, Executive
KMP remuneration and advice in relation to equity plans.

No remuneration recommendations were obtained during FY20 as defined under

the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 43


Directors’ Report Remuneration Report

For the year ended 30 June 2020

3. Remuneration framework
The Company’s Executive KMP remuneration framework is based on a set of core principles and comprises both
fixed and at-risk remuneration components. This section details the components of Executive KMP remuneration
framework for FY20.

3.1 Summary of Executive KMP remuneration components in FY20

The table below summarises how the core remuneration principles and remuneration framework were applied during
FY20. The different components of Executive KMP remuneration mentioned below are described in greater detail
in sections 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4.

Attract and retain Structures are equitable Incentives are challenging Incentives are aligned with
skilled executives and reinforce relevant and linked to the the long-term interests of the
Company policies creation of sustainable Company and its shareholders
shareholder returns
Fixed remuneration (TFR) At-risk STI At-risk LTI

Cash Equity

– includes salary – 50% of STI is delivered – 50% of STI is deferred – provides the Remuneration
and superannuation as cash into rights to receive shares Committee with the flexibility
in the Company subject to to determine the nature,
meeting service based vesting terms and conditions of
conditions (with vesting the grant each year
periods of 12 and 24 months)

– reviewed annually – determined based on a mix – ability of the Remuneration – operated in FY20 as an award
by the Remuneration of financial and non-financial Committee to reduce the of 100% performance rights
Committee performance conditions number of deferred equity
instruments that vest if
subsequent events show
such a reduction to be
appropriate (clawback)

– benchmarked against – STI opportunity is set – the face value of the LTI
peer companies between 70% and 100% of opportunity is currently
TFR for target performance set between 80% and 120%
and between 87.5% and of TFR
125% of TFR for stretch

– set based on individual – vesting is subject to two

performance and experience independent performance
hurdles – Relative TSR and
Costs Target

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Mix and timing of Executive KMP remuneration

Executive KMP remuneration is delivered as a mix of fixed and at-risk remuneration. At-risk remuneration can be
earned through STI and LTI. It is delivered to Executive KMP over multiyear timeframes to create a layered retention
effect and encourage sustained performance.
The graphs below illustrate the remuneration mix for Executive KMP for FY20 (assuming target performance for
at-risk components).

CEO Other Executive KMP

Fixed TFR

31% 32% At-risk STI

38% 40%
At-risk LTI

31% 28%

The diagram below shows the timing for determining and delivering Executive KMP remuneration for FY20:

FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24

Total Fixed
Determined based on:
– Market benchmarking
– FY19 performance

FY20 Short term incentive

Executive Restriction period for Service Based
At risk based
Tranche 1 of STI Deferred Vesting Period
KMP on financial and
Equity Instruments – Tranche 2
Remuneration non-financial KPI’s

Long term Incentive Service Based

Vesting period
At risk based on performance against Vesting Period
for Tranche 1
relative TSR measure & cost hurdle – Tranche 2

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 45


Directors’ Report Remuneration Report

For the year ended 30 June 2020

3. Remuneration framework (cont.)

3.1 Summary of Executive KMP 3.2 Fixed remuneration
remuneration components in FY20 (cont.) Fixed remuneration received by Executive KMP is
subject to approval by the Remuneration Committee.
Benchmarking total remuneration Fixed remuneration is comprised of base salary and
While benchmarking is a useful starting point, superannuation. In line with Company policy and
it is only one input the Board uses to determine executives’ service agreements, remuneration levels
total remuneration for Executive KMP. Actual market are reviewed annually having regard to market
positioning for each individual may deviate from the benchmarking and individual performance.
positioning policy (above or below) due to considerations Fixed remuneration will typically be positioned between
such as internal relativities, experience, tenure in role, the 50th and 75th percentile of the market comparator
individual performance and retention considerations. group adopted by the Board.
Remuneration is benchmarked against an appropriate
market comparator group adopted by the Board.
The Board considers company size, complexity and
business challenges when it builds its remuneration
comparator group.
The market comparator group consists of Australian
listed companies, which have been identified as relevant
competitors of Whitehaven that operate in similar
business environments.
The objective of the Board’s positioning is to meet the
market so as to attract and retain a leading management
team while observing appropriate restraint in respect of
executive remuneration.

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3.3 STI awards and structure for FY20

The terms of the STI that applied during FY20 were as follows:

Feature Description

Performance period 12 month performance period from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020

Form of delivery, The STI for FY20 is delivered 50% in cash in September 2020 and 50% in deferred rights that are granted in
vesting and exercise or around October 2020, which on exercise entitle the recipient to receive one ordinary share in the Company for
each deferred right that vests. Half of the deferred rights vest and become exercisable following completion of FY21,
while the other half will vest and become exercisable following the completion of FY22, subject to meeting service
conditions. Vested deferred rights that have not been exercised by August 2030 will automatically be exercised.
No amount is payable on vesting or exercise of deferred rights.

Quantum (% of TFR) CEO: target 100% and stretch 125%

Other Executive KMP: target 70% and stretch 87.5%

Calculation The value of STI awards is calculated as follows.

of STI award
Value of Target Level of
= TFR X Opportunity X KPI result
STI Award

Performance Whitehaven has chosen performance conditions that link to our strategy and motivate outperformance of annual
conditions and business plans. The Board sets target KPIs at the commencement of FY20.
KPI weighting
The table below summarises the KPIs that were adopted as performance conditions in FY20, and the applicable
weighting of each performance condition.

Executive KMP excluding

KPI EGM Project Delivery EGM Project Delivery

Safety (TRIFR) 20% 10%

Net Profit After Tax (NPAT) 20% 20%

ROM production (managed basis) 20% 10%

FOB cost per tonne (equity basis) 20% 20%

Environmental Enforcement (EEAFR) 10% 10%

Individual leadership 10% 30%

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 47


Directors’ Report Remuneration Report

For the year ended 30 June 2020

3. Remuneration framework (cont.)

3.4 LTI awards and structure for FY20
The terms of the LTI grant made during FY20 to Executive KMP were as follows:

Feature Description

Form of delivery, LTI Awards granted in FY20 were provided in the form of performance rights, being rights to receive one
vesting and exercise ordinary share in the Company for each performance right that vests on meeting the relevant performance
conditions. Vested deferred rights that have not been exercised by October 2029 will automatically be exercised.
No amount is payable on vesting or exercising of deferred rights.

Quantum (% of TFR) CEO: 120%

Other Executive KMP: 80%

Performance period TSR Awards (50%): divided into two equal tranches capable of vesting and becoming exercisable after a three
and four year performance period, with each of the respective performance periods, beginning on 1 July 2019.

Costs Hurdle Awards (50%): FOB cost per tonne achieved for the year ended 30 June 2022 with the Costs Hurdle
Awards being tested at that time. Half the awards will be capable of vesting and becoming exercisable after the end
of the performance period. The remaining half of any awards that vest will be subject to deferral for a further year
before becoming exercisable.

conditions Component Details Reason the performance condition was chosen

TSR Award 50% of the award is subject to a relative This measure allows for an objective external
total shareholder return (TSR) performance assessment of the shareholder value created by
hurdle (TSR Hurdle) which compares the TSR the Company relative to a group of peers over
performance of the Company with the TSR a sustained period.
performance of a peer group of companies
operating in the Australian resources sector.

Costs Hurdle 50% of the award is subject to the Company This measure is aligned to the Company’s
Award achieving a cost per tonne target (Costs objective to be positioned competitively against
Hurdle Target) that will position the Company Australian coal producers in relation to costs
competitively on the then current cost curve. of production when measured on the then
The Board sets the Costs Hurdle Target as the current coal industry cost curve. Competitive
entry point to the first quartile in the published costs protect and preserve shareholder value
Wood Mackenzie data of Australia coal industry in difficult times and support enhanced returns
outcomes. A Costs Hurdle Gateway also applies when the commodity cycle recovers.
to ensure that a base level of cost control
is achieved before any of the Costs Hurdle
Award is capable of vesting.

Calculation The value of LTI awards and the number of performance rights granted is calculated as follows:
of LTI award
Target Value of VWAP of Number of performance
TFR X Opportunity = LTI Award ÷ performance right
= rights granted

TSR Awards: the TSR of the Company for the FY20 LTI grant is measured as a percentile ranking compared to
the comparator group of listed entities in the resources sector over the relevant performance period of the tranche.
The TSR comparator group was established before the commencement date of the respective performance period
and comprised the following companies:

Beach Energy Ltd Mineral Resources Ltd Rio Tinto Ltd

BHP Group Ltd New Hope Corporation Ltd Santos Ltd
Coronado Global Resources Inc. Newcrest Mining Ltd South32 Ltd
Evolution Mining Ltd Northern Star Resources Ltd St Barbara Limited
Fortescue Metals Group Ltd Oil Search Ltd Woodside Petroleum Ltd
Iluka Resources Ltd OZ Minerals Ltd WorleyParsons Ltd
Independence Group NL Regis Resources Ltd

Costs Hurdle Awards: testing will occur following the completion of FY22 based on the average costs achieved
on a Company-wide basis over the 12 month period from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022.

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Vesting schedule TSR Awards

Performance level Outcome as a % of target opportunity

75th percentile or above 100% of the TSR Awards will vest

Between 50th and 75th percentile Vesting will occur on a pro rata straight line basis
between 50% and 100%

At 50th percentile 50% of the TSR Awards will vest

Below 50th percentile 0% TSR Awards will vest

Costs Hurdle Awards

The Board has set the Costs Hurdle Target as the entry point to the first quartile in the published Wood Mackenzie
data of industry outcomes. As evidenced during the past two years, the Board will ensure that the Company
does not overlook shareholder value enhancing opportunities even if these opportunities are higher-cost mining
operations. Notwithstanding the vesting schedule below, the Board retains discretion to lapse any or all of the
Costs Hurdle Awards if the Board considers that vesting would be inappropriate in light of the intent and purpose of
the target. Full vesting will only occur if the Board is satisfied performance meets or exceeds the Costs Hurdle Target
as set out below. The Costs Hurdle Awards will lapse in full if the Costs Hurdle Gateway is not achieved. The Board
may, where it is appropriate to do so, recalibrate the Gateway and Target to take account of structural changes in
the Company’s asset portfolio (such as mergers, acquisitions and divestments) or other exceptional circumstances.

Performance level Outcome as a % of target opportunity

Target or lower 100% of the Costs Hurdle Awards will vest

Between Gateway and Target Vesting will occur on a pro rata straight line basis
between 50% and 100%

Gateway 50% of the Costs Hurdle Awards will vest

Above Gateway 0% Costs Hurdle Awards will vest

Retesting Any component of the LTI award that does not vest following testing will lapse immediately. There is no re-testing
of awards that do not vest.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 49


Directors’ Report Remuneration Report

For the year ended 30 June 2020

3. Remuneration framework (cont.)

3.5 Policies and conditions of rights awarded under equity plans

Malus and clawback Change of control

The Board has discretion to reduce or clawback all vested In the event of a takeover bid or other transaction, event
and unvested LTI and STI awards in certain circumstances or state of affairs that in the Board’s opinion is likely to
if subsequent events show a reduction to be appropriate. result in a change in control of the Company, the Board
The circumstances in which the Board may exercise this has discretion to determine that vesting of some or all of
discretion include: where an Executive KMP engages any unvested performance awards should be accelerated.
in fraud, dishonesty or other misconduct, a material
misstatement of the Company’s financial statements Cessation of employment
or other material error which results in vesting, or any
other factor that the Board deems justifiable. Unless the Board determines otherwise, cessation of
employment by:
Dividend and voting rights – Termination for cause: unvested performance awards
will lapse.
Rights carry no entitlement to voting or dividends prior
to exercise. Upon exercise of vested rights the recipient – Resignation or by mutual agreement with the
is entitled to receive a dividend equivalent payment Company: unvested performance awards will remain
(DEP) in respect of any prior period between the start on foot and subject to the original performance hurdle.
of the performance period, and exercise. Any DEP made However, the Board may at its discretion determine to
to participants may be made in cash or provided as lapse any or all of the unvested performance awards
additional fully paid ordinary shares in the Company, and ordinarily, in the case of a resignation, would be
as determined by the Board. expected to do so.
– Other circumstances: unvested performance
Prohibition on hedging awards will remain on foot and subject to the original
performance hurdle, with Board discretion to determine
Participants are required to comply with the Company’s
that some of the performance awards (up to a pro
securities trading policy in respect of their performance
rata portion based on how much of the performance
rights, options and any shares they receive upon exercise.
period remains) will lapse. The performance awards
They are prohibited from hedging or otherwise protecting that remain on foot will be tested in the normal course
the value of their performance rights and options. following the end of the relevant performance period.

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4. Remuneration outcomes for FY20

4.1 STI outcomes for Executive KMP in FY20
Before a financial year begins, the Board set target KPIs that link to our strategy and motivate outperformance of
annual business plans. At the end of the financial year, the CEO recommends to the Board the individual outcomes for
each Executive KMP. The Board then assesses and approves the overall STI outcomes for the CEO and Executive KMP.
The table below summarises details in relation to each KPI and the performance levels achieved in FY20.

Performance KPI Actual STI

condition measure KPI result outcome Comment
Safety TRIFR 4.13 Safety performance has improved during FY20 by 33%. The
TRIFR of 4.13 at the end of June 2020 fell from 6.16 at June 2019
and remains well below the NSW coal industry average of 14.7.
The Company has an aspirational goal of being the industry
leader in safety, and work to improve safety processes and
standards continues.
NPAT Net Profit $30.0m The trade dispute between the USA and China that started in
After Tax mid H2 CY18 continued during FY20 causing coal prices to soften.
While global demand for thermal coal remained relatively strong
seaborne coal import restrictions into China weighed upon coal
prices throughout the year. The coal price softened further in the
final months of the year due to the impact of COVID-19. Lower than
expected sales volumes and higher than expected costs adversely
impacted margins and net profit. NPAT was below Gateway and
no STI was earned.
ROM ROM 20.6 Mt FY20 ROM coal production was adversely impacted by factors
production production at open cut and underground mines. Labour shortages, dust
(managed) and smoke events associated with drought and regional bushfires,
affected Maules Creek. Legacy underground workings and the
impacts of wet weather when drought breaking rains finally arrived
in H2 FY20 were felt at Gunnedah open cuts. ROM production
was below Gateway and no STI was earned.
FOB cost FOB cost $75/tonne Below expectation ROM production and sales adversely
per tonne affected the recovery of the fixed cost base of the business –
labour, infrastrutcure and overheads. Consequently unit costs
for FY20 of $75/t exceeded the FOB cost target gateway and
no STI was earned.
Environmental Incidents 19.0 incidents The Board recognises the importance of compliance with
environmental approval conditions to maintaining the Group’s
standing in the community. The Group strives to adopt and achieve
industry best practice. In FY20, there were 19.0 incidents and
the EEAFR was 3.9 per million man hours worked. The EEAFR
exceeded Gateway and no STI was earned.
Individual Individual Individual based The leadership performance of the CEO is assessed annually by the
leadership based Board. A target result was awarded to the CEO. Awards to other
Executive KMP were based on individual perfomance.

Key: Stretch Below Gateway

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 51


Directors’ Report Remuneration Report

For the year ended 30 June 2020

4. Remuneration outcomes for FY20 (cont.)

4.1 STI outcomes for Executive KMP in FY20 (cont.)
The individual STI outcomes for Executive KMP for FY20 are set out in the table below. The total STI opportunity
at target and stretch, by Executive KMP, as a percentage of TFR is detailed in section 3.3.

Paid as Deferred Percentage of Percentage of

cash equity Total maximum STI received maximum STI forfeited

Executive KMP ($) ($) ($)

Paul Flynn 267,750 267,750 535,500 28% 72%

Kevin Ball 87,465 87,465 174,930 28% 72%

Timothy Burt 74,970 74,970 149,940 28% 72%

Ian Humphris 18,710 18,710 37,420 28% 72%

Scott Knights 78,094 78,094 156,188 28% 72%

Michael van Maanen 51,450 51,450 102,900 28% 72%

Leigh Martin 24,182 24,182 48,364 28% 72%

Mark Stevens 25,569 25,569 51,138 28% 72%

Brian Cole – – – – –

Jamie Frankcombe – – – – –

4.2 LTI outcomes for Executive KMP in FY20

Over the four year performance period to 30 June 2020, the Company has returned over $1.1 billion to shareholders.
For the TSR Award to vest in full, the TSR percentile ranking achieved over the relevant performance period relative
to the TSR performance of the comparator group would need to be at or above the 75th percentile. Between the
50th and 75th percentile ranking, vesting will occur on a pro rata straight line basis.
The table below sets out the LTI awards that were tested in 2020 against performance conditions and the results of
the relevant test. Additional information about the terms of these prior year LTI awards is available in the Remuneration
Report for the relevant financial years.

Performance Performance Vesting

LTI year period Tranche Test type Target achieved outcome

2016 1 July 2016– 2 of 2 TSR Award 75th percentile 10 in 22 64.2%

30 June 2020 or above

2017 1 July 2017– 1 of 2 TSR Award 75th percentile 20 in 22 0%

30 June 2020 or above

2017 1 July 2019– n/a Costs Hurdle $64/t $75/t 0%

30 June 2020 Award

52 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Executive KMP LTI awards vesting in FY20

2016 2017 2016 2017 Vested

Tranche Tranche 2017 Gross up Tranche Tranche 2017 LTI at face Vested LTI
2 TSR 1 TSR Costs for capital 2 TSR 1 TSR Costs value of share price
Hurdle Hurdle Hurdle return1 Hurdle Hurdle Hurdle LTI value award2 appreciation2
KMP Performance Rights Options $ $ $

Paul 89,702 Lapsed Lapsed 3,171 292,444 Lapsed Lapsed 276,620 217,079 59,541

Kevin 32,472 Lapsed Lapsed 1,148 105,862 Lapsed Lapsed 100,135 78,581 21,554

Timothy 27,601 Lapsed Lapsed 976 89,983 Lapsed Lapsed 85,114 66,794 18,320

Ian n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a – – –


Scott 27,855 Lapsed Lapsed 985 90,813 Lapsed Lapsed 85,899 67,410 18,489

Michael n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a – – –

van Maanen

Leigh n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a – – –


Mark n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a – – –


Brian 31,411 Lapsed Lapsed 1,110 102,405 Lapsed Lapsed 96,865 76,015 20,850
Cole 4

Jamie 45,710 Lapsed Lapsed 1,616 149,023 Lapsed Lapsed 140,960 110,619 30,341
Frankcombe 4

Award 30 June 30 June 30 June

Test Date 2020 2020 2020

VWAP – $1.21 $2.85 $2.85

Face value

VWAP – $1.53 $1.53 $1.53

Test Date

1 Refer to the Notice of 2017 Annual General Meeting, Resolution 6. This adjustment applies to rights issued before the ‘ex’ date for the capital return to shareholders
in November 2017 to ensure that incentive plan participants were not disadvantaged by the capital return.
2 As presented in section 1.4.
3 Ian Humphris, Leigh Martin and Mark Stevens were appointed as members of the Executive KMP on 6 April 2020, 13 January 2020 and 28 January 2020,
4 Jamie Frankcombe and Brian Cole ceased as members of the executive KMP on 11 December 2019 and 31 December 2019 respectively. The Board considered
Jamie Frankcombe and Brian Cole to be ‘good leavers’ and therefore have retained components of their unvested incentives, subject to any applicable
performance conditions that are required to be met under the terms of the grant.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 53


Directors’ Report Remuneration Report

For the year ended 30 June 2020

4. Remuneration outcomes for FY20 (cont.)

4.2 LTI outcomes for Executive KMP in FY20 (cont.)

LTI awards granted in FY20

A summary of the LTI awards granted in FY20 (i.e. the face value and the fair value of the LTI granted to each
Executive KMP) is set out in the table below.

Number of performance Face value of performance Fair value of performance

Executive KMP rights granted1 rights grant2 rights at grant date3

($) ($)

Paul Flynn 497,561 $1,836,000 $1,362,073

Kevin Ball 154,797 $571,200 $423,757

Timothy Burt 132,683 $489,600 $363,220

Brian Cole 74,797 $276,000 $204,757

Ian Humphris 4
– – –

Scott Knights 138,212 $510,000 $378,355

Michael van Maanen 91,057 $336,000 $249,269

Leigh Martin 42,798 $157,923 $117,160

Mark Stevens 45,908 $169,399 $125,673

1 Refer to section 3.4 for the terms of the LTI grant.

2 The face value of the LTI performance rights of $3.69 was calculated using the volume weighted average price of Whitehaven shares over the 20 trading day
period commencing 10 trading days prior to 30 June 2019.
3 The fair value for awards granted to the Executive KMP is based on the average fair value of $2.74 (for the fair value of each tranche from which this average is
derived – see note 5.5) per performance right as at 15 November 2019, being the grant date. The factors and assumptions used in determining the fair value are
set out in note 5.5 to the financial statements.
4 Ian Humphris became a member of the Executive KMP effective 6 April 2020.

5. Executive KMP employment contracts

This section sets out an overview of key terms of employment for the Executive KMP, as provided in their
service agreements.
All Executive KMP contracts give the Company discretion to make payment in lieu of notice. No notice is required
where termination is for cause. The contracts do not provide for any termination payments other than payment
in lieu of notice.
Treatment of unvested incentives is dealt with in accordance with the terms of grant. In general, under the STI and
LTI arrangements, unvested entitlements will be forfeited where an executive is terminated for cause or, subject to
the Board’s discretion, where they resign. In all other circumstances where the Board considers the executive to be
a ‘good leaver’, outgoing executives will generally retain their entitlements (subject to any applicable performance
conditions in the case of LTI arrangements).

54 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Managing Director and CEO

Paul Flynn was appointed as Managing Director and CEO of the Company on 25 March 2013. This table outlines the
key terms of Mr Flynn’s contract of employment.

Fixed remuneration Mr Flynn’s annual TFR for FY21 remains unchanged at $1,530,000 (FY20: $1,530,000). It includes salary,
superannuation contributions and any components under Whitehaven’s salary packaging guidelines and all
Director fees. TFR is reviewed annually.

Short term incentive Mr Flynn is eligible to participate in the annual STI plan, as described in section 3.3. At target performance, his
FY21 STI opportunity is 100% of TFR (FY20: 100%), with up to 125% of TFR for stretch performance (FY20: 125%).

Long term incentive Mr Flynn is eligible to participate in the LTI plan as described in section 3.4, subject to receiving required
shareholder approval. Mr Flynn’s LTI grant in FY21 will be 120% of his TFR (FY20: 120%). The award will be
provided 100% as rights to acquire shares: each right held will entitle Mr Flynn to receive one ordinary share
in the Company subject to satisfaction of the relevant performance conditions. The FY19 award was provided
in the form of 100% rights.

Other key terms Other key terms of Mr Flynn’s service agreement include the following:

– His employment is ongoing, subject to twelve months’ notice of termination by Whitehaven or six months’
notice of termination by Mr Flynn.
– The Company may terminate without notice in certain circumstances, including serious misconduct or
negligence in the performance of duties. Mr Flynn may terminate immediately in the case of fundamental
change to his role (that is, there is a substantial diminution in his responsibilities), in which case his entitlements
will be the same as if the Company terminated him without cause.
– The consequences for unvested incentive awards on termination of Mr Flynn’s employment will be in
accordance with the Company’s STI and LTI plans.
– Mr Flynn will have post-employment restraints for a period of three months. No additional amounts will be
payable in respect of this restraint period.

Other Executive KMP contracts

A summary of the notice periods and key terms of the current Executive KMP contracts is set out in the table below.
All of the contracts below are of ongoing duration.

Name and position (at year-end) Notice

Kevin Ball 3 months by employee

Chief Financial Officer 6 months by the Company
Appointed 16 December 2013

Timothy Burt 3 months by employee

General Counsel and Company Secretary 12 months by the Company
Appointed 29 July 2009

Ian Humphris 6 months by employee or the Company

Executive General Manager – Operations
Appointed 6 April 2020

Scott Knights 6 months by employee or the Company

Executive General Manager – Marketing and Logistics
Appointed 18 August 2014

Michael van Maanen 3 months by employee

Executive General Manager – Corporate, Government and Community Affairs 6 months by the Company
Appointed 28 May 2018

Leigh Martin 3 months by employee

Executive General Manager – People and Culture 6 months by the Company
Appointed 13 January 2020

Mark Stevens 3 months by employee

Executive General Manager – Project Delivery 6 months by the Company
Appointed 28 January 2020

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 55


Directors’ Report Remuneration Report

For the year ended 30 June 2020

6. Non-Executive Director remuneration

This section explains the fees paid to Non-Executive Directors during FY20.

6.1 Setting Non-Executive Director fees

Non-Executive Directors fees are designed to ensure that the Company can attract and retain suitably qualified
and experienced Non-Executive Directors.
Non-Executive Directors do not receive shares or any performance-related incentives as part of their fees from the
Company. Although there is no formal minimum shareholding, Non-Executive Directors are encouraged to hold shares.
Non-Executive Directors are also reimbursed for travel and other expenses reasonably incurred when attending
meetings of the Board or in connection with the business of the Company.
The Remuneration Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Board with respect to Non-Executive
Directors’ fees and Committee fees.
In 2012 the shareholders approved a total aggregate maximum amount of Non-Executive Directors’ fees of $2,500,000
per annum. No change is being sought to the total aggregate Non-Executive Directors’ fees pool for FY21.

6.2 Current Non-Executive Director fee remuneration

The table below sets out Board and Committee members’ fees in Australian dollars for FY20.
There have been no changes to Directors fees for FY20. No changes are proposed.

Chairman Deputy Chairman Member

Board $375,000 1
$262,500 1

Audit & Risk Management Committee $40,000 – $20,000

Remuneration Committee $40,000 – $20,000

Governance & Nominations Committee No fee – No fee

Health, Safety, Environment & Community Committee $40,000 – $20,000

1 The Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board do not receive committee member fees in addition to their Board fees.

The fees set out above exclude mandatory statutory superannuation contributions made on behalf of the
Non-Executive Directors.
In addition to the meetings that the Non-Executive Directors attended (as shown on page 23), the Non-Executive
Directors participated in visits to mine sites and in the Company’s annual Safehaven conference. While the
Board had scheduled additional visits to mine sites as well as participation in the Company’s annual safety day,
COVID-19 restrictions resulted in these scheduled visits being cancelled.

56 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


6.3 FY20 Non-Executive Director remuneration

The statutory disclosures required under the Corporations Act and in accordance with the Accounting Standards
are set out in the table below.

Short-term Post-employment
benefits benefits

Non-Executive Board & Non-monetary Other benefits Superannuation Total fees for services as
Directors FY Committee fees benefits (non-cash) benefits a Non-Executive Director

The Hon. Mark 2020 375,000 – – 21,003 396,003

Vaile (Chairman)
2019 375,000 – – 20,531 395,531

John Conde 2020 262,500 – – 21,003 283,503

(Deputy Chairman)
2019 262,500 – – 20,531 283,031

Dr Julie Beeby 2020 180,000 – – 17,100 197,100

2019 180,000 – – 17,100 197,100

Fiona Robertson 2020 200,000 – – 19,000 219,000

2019 199,663 – – 18,956 218,619

Lindsay Ward 2
2020 180,000 – – 17,100 197,100

2019 68,250 – – 6,484 74,734

Raymond Zage 3
2020 140,000 – – – 140,000

2019 140,000 – – – 140,000

Tony Haggarty1 2020 – – – – –

2019 63,768 – – 6,058 69,826

Total 2020 1,337,500 – – 95,206 1,432,706

2019 1,289,181 – – 89,660 1,378,841

1 Mr Haggarty retired on 25 October 2018.

2 Mr Ward commenced on 15 February 2019.
3 Previously, Mr Zage elected not to receive any Board and Committee fees given he represented a substantial shareholder of the Company. However, that
representation ceased, so Mr Zage elected to resume receiving Board and Committee fees, and the Board fees with respect to FY20 and FY19 were paid to
Mr Zage during FY20.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 57


Directors’ Report Remuneration Report

For the year ended 30 June 2020

7. Executive KMP statutory tables and additional disclosures

7.1 Executive KMP statutory remuneration table
The following table sets out the statutory remuneration disclosures required under the Corporations Act and has been
prepared in accordance with the appropriate accounting standards and has been audited.

Short-term Post-employment Share-based

benefits benefits payments

Salary Non-monetary Superannuation Termination Rights and Total Performance

FY & fees benefits STI benefits benefits options remuneration related

(A) (B) (C) %

Executive Directors

Paul Flynn 2020 1,505,000 12,900 765,964 25,000 – 649,185 2,958,049 48%

2019 1,475,000 12,500 1,212,423 25,000 – 146,859 2,871,782 47%

Other Executive KMP

Kevin Ball 2020 689,000 – 236,772 25,000 – 216,503 1,167,275 39%

2019 675,000 – 377,924 25,000 – 43,462 1,121,386 38%

Timothy Burt 2020 587,000 12,900 212,813 25,000 – 184,836 1,022,549 39%

2019 575,000 12,500 335,010 25,000 – 37,367 984,877 38%

Brian Cole2 2020 332,500 14,917 118,970 14,583 – 179,840 660,810 45%

2019 665,000 10,432 380,929 25,000 – 40,950 1,122,311 38%

Jamie 2020 444,735 6,450 197,399 12,500 935,000 211,881 1,807,965 23%
2019 975,000 12,500 623,628 25,000 – 79,389 1,715,517 41%

Ian Humphris1 2020 141,656 – 18,710 13,457 – – 173,823 11%

2019 – – – – – – – –

Scott Knights 2020 612,500 – 220,601 25,000 – 189,686 1,047,787 39%

2019 600,000 – 346,615 25,000 – 38,721 1,010,336 38%

Michael 2020 395,000 – 120,162 25,000 – 65,388 605,550 31%

van Maanen
2019 350,000 – 152,720 25,000 – 31,775 559,495 33%

Leigh Martin1 2020 185,887 5,375 33,288 14,295 – – 238,845 14%

2019 – – – – – – – –

Mark Stevens1 2020 196,877 – 42,210 18,703 – – 257,790 16%

2019 – – – – – – – –

Total 2020 5,090,155 52,542 1,966,889 198,538 935,000 1,697,319 9,940,443

2019 5,315,000 47,932 3,429,249 175,000 – 418,523 9,385,704

1 Ian Humphris, Leigh Martin and Mark Stevens were appointed as members of the Executive KMP effective 6 April 2020, 13 January 2020 and
28 January 2020, respectively.
2 Jamie Frankcombe and Brian Cole ceased as members of the Executive KMP effective 11 December 2019 and 31 December 2019, respectively.

(A) The amounts disclosed as non-monetary benefits relate to car spaces, motor vehicle benefits and other similar items.
(B) Comprises the cash component of current year STI (refer to sections 3.3 and 4.1 for details) and the fair value at each grant date of STI deferred rights expensed
over the relevant period for the service vesting conditions. The fair value for STI grants is based on the volume weighted average price of Whitehaven shares over
the 20 trading day period commencing 10 trading days prior to 30 June of each respective grant.
(C) The fair value for LTI performance rights granted to KMP is based on the fair value at each grant date expensed over the vesting period. The FY20 amount
includes the reversal of AASB 2 share-based payments expense due to lapse outcomes of costs hurdle LTI rights and options. The factors and assumptions
used in determining the fair value are set out in note 5.5 to the financial statements.

58 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


7.2 Movement in options and rights held by Executive KMP

The movement during the reporting period, by number and value of equity instruments in the Company held by
each Executive KMP is detailed below.

Balance Balance
as at Vested as at Vested and
1 July during Lapsed 30 June exercisable
Executive 2019 Granted Granted the year Exercised Exercised Lapsed (year of Forfeited 2020 at 30 June
KMP Instrument (number) (number) (value) (number) (number) (value) (number) grant) (number) (number) 2020

(A) (B) $ (C) $ (D)

Paul Performance
1,584,805 497,561 1,362,073 612,562 472,838 474,893 279,446 2016 – 1,330,082 139,724
Flynn Rights (LTI)

Options (LTI) 2,608,430 – – 455,521 455,521 719,723 911,040 2016 – 1,241,869 –

479,019 163,618 603,750 191,655 – – – – – 642,637 423,143
Rights (STI)

Kevin Performance
557,619 154,797 423,757 221,742 221,742 171,907 101,157 2016 – 389,517 –
Ball Rights (LTI)

Options (LTI) 944,229 – – 164,895 164,895 260,534 329,788 2016 – 449,546 –

163,176 49,299 181,913 60,688 145,478 396,501 – – – 66,997 –
Rights (STI)

Timothy Performance
474,677 132,683 363,220 188,481 188,481 146,121 85,983 2016 – 332,896 –
Burt Rights (LTI)

Options (LTI) 802,595 – – 140,161 140,161 221,454 280,320 2016 – 382,114 –

137,790 45,814 169,050 50,402 122,746 332,046 – – – 60,858 –
Rights (STI)

N/A – – – – – – – – – – –

Scott Performance
476,168 138,212 378,355 184,599 141,210 145,662 86,777 2016 – 386,393 43,389
Knights Rights (LTI)

Options (LTI) 810,001 – – 141,454 141,454 223,497 282,907 2016 – 385,640 –

138,469 47,722 176,094 52,076 – – – – – 186,191 123,286
Rights (STI)

Michael Performance
52,632 91,057 249,269 – – – – – – 143,689 –
van Maanen Rights (LTI)

– 31,020 114,461 – – – – – – 31,020 –
Rights (STI)

Leigh Performance
– 42,798 117,160 – – – – – – 42,798 –
Martin1 Rights (LTI)

Mark Performance
– 45,908 125,673 – – – – – – 45,908 –
Stevens1 Rights (LTI)

Brian Performance
604,449 74,797 204,757 245,026 245,026 189,959 111,779 2016 142,050 180,391 –
Cole2 Rights (LTI)

Options (LTI) 1,043,373 – – 182,209 182,209 287,890 364,416 2016 91,313 405,435 –

175,962 47,204 174,182 65,914 – – – – – 223,166 156,390
Rights (STI)

Jamie Performance
944,168 – – 371,290 371,290 288,182 169,280 2016 151,287 252,311 –
Frankcombe2 Rights (LTI)

Options (LTI) 1,580,107 – – 275,941 275,941 435,987 551,880 2016 167,796 584,490 –

268,887 80,488 297,000 102,081 238,800 660,181 – – – 110,575 –
Rights (STI)

1 Ian Humphris, Leigh Martin and Mark Stevens were appointed as members of the Executive KMP on 6 April 2020, 13 January 2020 and 28 January 2020,
2 Jamie Frankcombe and Brian Cole ceased to be members of the Executive KMP as of 11 December 2019 and 31 December 2019, respectively.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 59


Directors’ Report Remuneration Report

For the year ended 30 June 2020

7. Executive KMP statutory tables and additional disclosures (cont.)

7.2 Movement in options and rights held by Executive KMP (cont.)
(A) The number of rights granted during FY20 includes:
a. the FY19 LTI awards (further details are provided in section 4.2)
b. the deferred rights component of the FY19 STI award, calculated by reference to the volume weighted average price of the Company’s shares for the
20 day trading period commencing 10 trading days prior to 30 June 2019. The granting of rights occurred on 15 November 2019.
(B) The value of LTI performance rights granted in the year is the fair value of the performance rights at grant date.
The value of deferred STI rights granted in the year has been calculated using the volume weighted average price of the Company’s shares for the 20 day
trading period commencing 10 trading days prior to 30 June 2019 as fair value, being $3.69 per share.
Unvested LTI and STI awards have a minimum value of zero if they do not meet the relevant performance or service conditions.
The maximum value of unvested LTI and STI awards is the sale price of the Company’s shares at the date of vesting, or where applicable, on exercise
(plus the value of any dividend equivalent payment attaching to the award on vesting or, where applicable on exercise).
(C) The 2015 LTI Rights TSR Hurdle Tranche 2 fully vested during the year. The remaining 50% of the satisfied 2015 LTI Rights Costs Target Hurdle vested during
the year at a rate of 80%. The 2016 LTI Rights TSR Hurdle Tranche 1 fully vested during the year. 100% of the 2016 LTI Costs Target Hurdle lapsed during the year
due to the performance conditions not being met. The value of LTI performance rights vested in the year is the fair value of the performance rights at grant date.
Tranche 1 of the FY18 STI deferred rights vested during the period. The vested value of rights exercised has been calculated using the volume weighted
average price of the Company’s shares for the 20 day trading period commencing 10 trading days prior to 1 July 2018.
Tranche 2 of the FY17 STI deferred rights vested during the period. The vested value has been calculated using the volume weighted average price of the
Company’s shares for the 20 day trading period commencing 10 trading days prior to 1 July 2017.
(D) The year in which the lapsed performance rights, options or deferred shares were granted. Performance conditions were not met, and therefore 100% of the
2016 LTI Rights and Options Costs Target Hurdle award lapsed.

7.3 Movement in ordinary shares held by KMP

The movement during the reporting period in the number of ordinary shares in the Company held, directly, indirectly
or beneficially by Executive KMP and each Non-Executive Director, including their related parties is as follows.

Held at Received on vesting and Received as Other net Held at

No. of shares 1 July 2019 exercise of STI/LTI remuneration change 30 June 2020

Non-Executive Directors

Mark Vaile 1,509,317 – – – 1,509,317

John Conde 708,620 – – – 708,620

Dr Julie Beeby 55,000 – – 10,000 65,000

Raymond Zage – – – 9,200,000 9,200,000

Fiona Robertson 21,560 – – 24,425 45,985

Lindsay Ward – – – 35,000 35,000

Executive KMP

Paul Flynn 1,454,327 793,708 – (965,500) 1,282,535

Kevin Ball 538,767 509,538 – (308,305) 740,000

Timothy Burt 474,742 448,716 – (323,938) 599,520

Brian Cole 882,019 375,350 – N/A N/A

Jamie Frankcombe 1,044,760 847,358 – N/A N/A

Ian Humphris N/A – – – –

Scott Knights – 240,652 – (240,652) –

Michael van Maanen – – – – –

Leigh Martin N/A – – – –

Mark Stevens N/A – – – –

60 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


7.4 Related party transactions and additional disclosures

Loans with Executive KMP and Non-Executive Directors

There were no loans outstanding to Executive KMP or any Non-Executive Director or their related parties, at any time
in the current or prior reporting periods.

Other KMP transactions

Apart from the details disclosed in this report, no Executive KMP or Non-Executive Director or their related parties have
entered into a material contract with the consolidated entity since the end of the previous financial year and there were
no material contracts involving those people’s interests existing at year end.

Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Directors:

The Hon. Mark Vaile AO Paul Flynn

Chairman Managing Director
Dated at Sydney this 26th day of August 2020 Dated at Sydney this 26th day of August 2020

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 61


For the year ended 30 June 2020

Table of Contents
Consolidated financial statements

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income 64

Consolidated statement of financial position 65

Consolidated statement of changes in equity 66

Consolidated statement of cash flows 67

Notes to the consolidated financial statements 68

Directors’ declaration 113

Independent Auditor’s report 114

Notes to the consolidated financial statements index

1. About this report 5. Capital structure and financing
5.1 Loans and borrowings
2. Group performance
5.2 Finance income and expense
2.1 Segment reporting
5.3 Financial risk management
2.2 Significant items objectives and policies
2.3 Taxes 5.4 Share capital and reserves
2.4 Earnings per share 5.5 Share-based payments

3. Working capital and cash flows 6. Group structure

3.1 Trade and other receivables 6.1 Acquisition of business
3.2 Inventories 6.2 Group’s subsidiaries
3.3 Trade and other payables 6.3 Interest in joint operations
3.4 Reconciliation of cash flows 6.4 Parent entity information
from operating activities
6.5 Deed of cross guarantee
4. Resource assets and liabilities 6.6 Related parties
4.1 Property, plant and equipment
7. Other notes
4.2 Exploration and evaluation
7.1 Employee benefits
4.3 Intangible assets
7.2 Auditors’ remuneration
4.4 Provisions
7.3 Commitments
7.4 Contingencies
7.5 Subsequent events

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 63


Consolidated statement
of comprehensive income
For the year ended 30 June 2020

2020 2019

Note $’000 $’000

Revenue 2.1 1,721,609 2,487,944

Other income 3,495 3,930

Operating expenses (695,621) (734,858)

Coal purchases (220,658) (210,678)

Selling and distribution expenses (342,084) (324,131)

Royalties (121,215) (184,754)

Depreciation and amortisation (224,583) (224,459)

Administrative expenses (29,810) (26,185)

Share-based payments expense 5.5(a) (6,259) (7,684)

Foreign exchange loss (3,494) (2,356)

Profit before net financial expense 81,380 776,769

Financial income 957 2,092

Financial expenses (40,007) (42,993)

Net financial expense 5.2 (39,050) (40,901)

Profit before tax 42,330 735,868

Income tax expense 2.3(a) (12,294) (207,970)

Net profit for the year 30,036 527,898

Other comprehensive income

Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss

Net movement on cash flow hedges 5.2 10,289 (4,287)

Income tax effect 2.3(b) (3,087) 1,286

Other comprehensive income for the period, net of tax 5.2 7,202 (3,001)

Total comprehensive income for the period, net of tax 37,238 524,897

Net profit for the period attributable to:

Owners of the parent 30,036 527,898

Non-controlling interests – –

Comprehensive income for the period, net of tax attributable to:

Owners of the parent 37,238 524,897

Non-controlling interests – –

Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share (cents per share) 2.4 3.0 53.5

Diluted earnings per share (cents per share) 2.4 3.0 52.4

The consolidated statement of comprehensive income is to be read in conjunction with the notes to the consolidated
financial statements.

64 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Consolidated statement
of financial position
As at 30 June 2020

2020 2019

Note $’000 $’000


Cash and cash equivalents 106,760 119,535

Trade and other receivables 3.1 129,145 155,745

Inventories 3.2 175,593 148,939

Income tax receivable 2.3(c) 13,225 –

Derivative financial instruments 5.3(d) 8,286 47

Total current assets 433,009 424,266

Trade and other receivables 3.1 9,708 10,518

Investments 5.3(d) 37 37

Property, plant and equipment 4.1 4,154,994 3,841,872

Exploration and evaluation 4.2 591,343 547,089

Intangible assets 4.3 22,946 21,350

Total non-current assets 4,779,028 4,420,866

Total assets 5,212,037 4,845,132


Trade and other payables 3.3 189,474 197,731

Loans and borrowings 5.1 81,553 81,728

Employee benefits 7.1 30,430 26,510

Provisions 4.4 10,083 29,985

Income tax payable 2.3(c) – 288

Derivative financial instruments 5.3(d) 824 2,874

Total current liabilities 312,364 339,116

Non-current liabilities

Other payables 3.3 62,111 –

Loans and borrowings 5.1 943,008 333,529

Deferred tax liability 2.3(c) 384,920 390,068

Provisions 4.4 260,044 260,219

Total non-current liabilities 1,650,083 983,816

Total liabilities 1,962,447 1,322,932

Net assets 3,249,590 3,522,200


Issued capital 5.4(a) 3,003,964 2,980,933

Share-based payments reserve 15,253 16,909

Hedge reserve 5,223 (1,979)

Retained earnings 225,150 526,337

Total equity 3,249,590 3,522,200

The consolidated statement of financial position is to be read in conjunction with the notes to the consolidated
financial statements.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 65


Consolidated statement
of changes in equity
For the year ended 30 June 2020

Issued payment Hedge Retained Total
capital reserve reserve earnings equity

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

Note 5.4(b) 5.4(b)

Balance at 1 July 2018 2,993,458 13,948 1,022 474,384 3,482,812

Profit for the period – – – 527,898 527,898

Other comprehensive income – – (3,001) – (3,001)

Total comprehensive income for the year – – (3,001) 527,898 524,897

Transactions with owners in their capacity as owners

Dividends paid – – – (464,854) (464,854)

Share-based payments 5.5(a) – 7,684 – – 7,684

Transfer on exercise of share-based payments 15,814 (4,621) – (11,193) –

Transfer on lapse of share-based payments – (102) – 102 –

Purchase of shares through employee share plan 5.4(a) (28,339) – – – (28,339)

Closing balance at 30 June 2019 2,980,933 16,909 (1,979) 526,337 3,522,200

Opening balance at 1 July 2019 2,980,933 16,909 (1,979) 526,337 3,522,200

Profit for the period – – – 30,036 30,036

Other comprehensive income – – 7,202 – 7,202

Total comprehensive income for the year – – 7,202 30,036 37,238

Transactions with owners in their capacity as owners

Dividends paid – – – (312,197) (312,197)

Share-based payments 5.5(a) – 6,259 – – 6,259

Transfer on exercise of share-based payments 26,392 (7,366) – (19,026) –

Cash settled share-based payments – (549) – – (549)

Purchase of shares through employee share plan 5.4(a) (3,361) – – – (3,361)

Closing balance at 30 June 2020 3,003,964 15,253 5,223 225,150 3,249,590

The consolidated statement of changes in equity is to be read in conjunction with the notes to the consolidated
financial statements.

66 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Consolidated statement
of cash flows
For the year ended 30 June 2020

2020 2019

Note $’000 $’000

Cash flows from operating activities

Cash receipts from customers 1,744,954 2,442,211

Cash paid to suppliers and employees (1,555,020) (1,478,153)

Cash generated from operations 189,934 964,058

Interest paid (30,938) (34,371)

Interest received 953 2,088

Income taxes paid (13,513) (15,321)

Net cash from operating activities 3.4 146,436 916,454

Cash flows from investing activities

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 27 1,195

Purchase of property, plant and equipment (190,779) (92,847)

Expenditure on projects (57,567) (32,725)

Acquisition of shares in subsidiary, net of cash acquired 6.1 (19,679) (4,803)

Acquisition of Winchester South – (64,618)

Net cash used in investing activities (267,998) (193,798)

Cash flows from financing activities

Payment of finance facility upfront costs (13,650) (1,681)

Purchase of shares (3,361) (28,339)

Proceeds from senior bank facility 598,000 410,000

Proceeds from secured loans – ECA facility 51,671 –

Repayment of senior bank facility (120,000) (525,000)

Repayment of secured loans – ECA facility (11,908) (11,908)

Payment of lease liabilities (79,768) (93,116)

Payment of dividends (312,197) (464,854)

Net cash from/(used) in financing activities 108,787 (714,898)

Net change in cash and cash equivalents (12,775) 7,758

Cash and cash equivalents at 1 July 119,535 111,777

Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 106,760 119,535

The consolidated statement of cash flows is to be read in conjunction with the notes to the consolidated
financial statements.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 67


Notes to the consolidated

financial statements
For the year ended 30 June 2020

1. About this report

1.1 Reporting entity 1.3 Significant accounting judgements,
Whitehaven Coal Limited (‘Whitehaven’ or the estimates and assumptions
‘Company’) is a for-profit entity, and the principal In the process of applying the Group’s accounting
activity of Whitehaven and its controlled entities policies, management has made a number of judgements
(referred to as the ‘Group’) is the development and and applied estimates of future events that form the basis
operation of coal mines in New South Wales and of the carrying values of assets and liabilities, which are
Queensland. The consolidated general purpose financial not readily apparent from other sources. Judgements
report of the Group for the year ended 30 June 2020 and estimates that are material to the financial report
was authorised for issue in accordance with a resolution are found in the following notes:
of the Directors on 26 August 2020. Whitehaven Coal
Limited is a company limited by shares incorporated and 2.3 Taxes page 77
domiciled in Australia whose shares are publicly traded 4.1 Property, plant and equipment page 86
on the Australian Securities Exchange. The address of 4.2 Exploration and evaluation page 87
the Company’s registered office is Level 28, 259 George
4.4 Provisions page 89
Street, Sydney NSW 2000.
6.3 Interest in joint operations page 106
1.2 Basis of preparation
1.4 Summary of other significant
The financial report is a general purpose financial accounting policies
report, which has been prepared in accordance with the
requirements of the Corporations Act 2001, Australian The accounting policies set out below and in the notes
Accounting Standards (AAS) and other authoritative have been applied consistently to all periods presented
pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards in these consolidated financial statements, and have
Board (AASB). The financial report also complies with been applied consistently by all subsidiaries in the Group.
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Other significant accounting policies are contained in
issued by the International Accounting Standards Board the notes to the consolidated financial statements to
(IASB) and interpretations of the International Financial which they relate.
Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC).
(i) Basis of consolidation
The financial report has been prepared on a historical
cost basis, except for derivative financial instruments The consolidated financial report of the Company
that have been measured at fair value (refer to note 5.3). for the financial year ended 30 June 2020 comprises
the Company and its controlled entities (together
The Company is of a kind referred to in ASIC referred to as the ‘Group’). A list of the Group’s
Corporations Instrument 2016/191 and dated 24 March significant controlled entities is presented in
2016; in accordance with that Class Order, all financial note 6.2.
information has been presented in Australian dollars
and rounded to the nearest thousand dollars unless Control is achieved when the Group is exposed,
otherwise stated. or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement
with the investee and has the ability to affect
those returns through its power over the investee.
The Group re-assesses whether or not it controls
an investee if facts and circumstances indicate
that there are changes to one or more of the three
elements of control. Specifically, the Group controls
an investee if, and only if, the Group has all of
the following:
– Power over the investee (i.e. existing rights that
give it the current ability to direct the relevant
activities of the investee);
– Exposure, or rights, to variable returns from its
involvement with the investee; and
– The ability to use its power over the investee
to affect its returns.

68 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Assets, liabilities, income and expenses of a 1.5 New standards, interpretations and
subsidiary acquired or disposed of during the year amendments adopted by the Group
are included in the consolidated financial statements
from the date the Group gains control until the (i) Changes in accounting policy and disclosures
date the Group ceases to control the subsidiary.
The accounting policies adopted in the preparation
(ii) Foreign currency translation of the consolidated financial statements are
consistent with those of the previous financial year.
Transactions in foreign currencies are initially
recorded in the functional currency by applying Several amendments apply for the first time in the
the exchange rates ruling at the date of the current year. However, they do not impact the annual
transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities consolidated financial statements of the Group.
denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated As disclosed in the 2019 Annual Financial Report,
at the rate of exchange ruling at the balance the Group adopted AASB 16 Leases, AASB 15
date. Foreign exchange differences arising on Revenue from Contracts with Customers and
translation are recognised in the consolidated AASB 9 Financial Instruments in the financial year
statement of comprehensive income. ended 30 June 2019, effective from 1 July 2018.
Both the functional and presentation currency
of the Company and all entities in the Group (ii) Accounting standards and interpretations issued
is Australian dollars ($). but not yet effective
Australian Accounting Standards and Interpretations
(iii) Goods and services tax that have recently been issued or amended but are
Revenues, expenses and assets (excluding not yet effective and have not been adopted by
receivables) are recognised net of the amount of the Group for the annual reporting period ended
goods and services tax (GST), except where the 30 June 2020 are outlined below:
amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from
the taxation authority. In these circumstances, Amendments to AASB 3: Definition of a Business
the GST is recognised as part of the cost of In October 2018, the IASB issued amendments
acquisition of the asset or as part of the expense. to the definition of a business in AASB 3 Business
Combinations to help entities determine whether
Receivables and payables are stated with the amount
an acquired set of activities and assets is a business
of GST included. The net amount of GST recoverable
or not. They clarify the minimum requirements for a
from, or payable to, the ATO is included as a current
business, remove the assessment of whether market
asset or liability in the consolidated statement of
participants are capable of replacing any missing
financial position.
elements, add guidance to help entities assess
Cash flows are included in the consolidated whether an acquired process is substantive, narrow
statement of cash flows on a gross basis and the the definitions of a business and of outputs, and
GST components of cash flows arising from investing introduce an optional fair value concentration test.
and financing activities, which are recoverable from The amendment to AASB 3 is effective for reporting
or payable to the ATO, are classified as operating periods beginning on or after 1 January 2020. Since
cash flows. amendments apply prospectively to transactions or
other events that occur on or after the date of first
(iv) Notes to the consolidated financial statements application, the Group will not be affected by these
amendments on the date of transition.
The notes to these consolidated financial statements
have been organised into logical groupings to
present more meaningful and dynamic information
to users. To the extent possible, the relevant
accounting policies and numbers have been
provided in the same note. The Group has also
reviewed the notes for materiality and relevance,
and provided additional information where
considered material and relevant to the operations,
financial position or performance of the Group.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 69


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

1. About this report (cont.)

1.5 New standards, interpretations and amendments adopted by the Group (cont.)

(ii) Accounting standards and interpretations issued but not yet effective (cont.)

Amendments to IAS 1 and IAS 8: Definition Amendments to IAS 37: Onerous Contracts –
of Material Costs of Fulfilling a Contract
In October 2018, the IASB issued amendments In May 2020, the IASB issued amendments to IAS
to IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements and 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent
IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Assets to specify which costs an entity needs
estimates and Errors to align the definition of to include when assessing whether a contract is
‘material’ across the standards and to clarify certain onerous or loss-making.
aspects of the definition. The new definition states
that ‘Information is material if omitting, misstating The amendments apply a ‘directly related cost
or obscuring it could reasonably be expected to approach’. The costs that relate directly to a
influence decisions that the primary users of general contract to provide goods or services include both
purpose financial statements make on the basis of incremental costs (e.g., the costs of direct labour
those financial statements, which provide specific and materials) and an allocation of costs directly
information about a specific reporting entity.’ related to contract activities (e.g., depreciation of
equipment used to fulfil the contract as well as costs
These amendments are effective for reporting of contract management and supervision). General
periods beginning on or after 1 January 2020. and administrative costs do not relate directly to a
The amendments to the definition of material contract and are excluded unless they are explicitly
is not expected to have a significant impact on chargeable to the counterparty under the contract.
the Group’s consolidated financial statements.
These amendments are effective for annual periods
beginning on or after 1 January 2022. They are not
Amendments to IFRS 3: Reference to
expected to have a significant impact on the Group’s
Conceptual Framework
consolidated financial statements.
In May 2020, the IASB issued Amendments
to IFRS 3 Business Combinations – Reference to Amendments to IAS 1: Classification of Liabilities
the Conceptual Framework. The amendments are as Current or Non-current
intended to replace a reference to a previous version
of the IASB’s Conceptual Framework (the 1989 In January 2020, the IASB issued amendments
Framework) with a reference to the current version to paragraphs 69 to 76 of IAS 1 Presentation of
issued in March 2018 (the Conceptual Framework) Financial Statements to specify the requirements
without significantly changing its requirements. for classifying liabilities as current or non-current.

The amendments add an exception to the The amendments clarify:

recognition principle of IFRS 3 to avoid the issue of – What is meant by a right to defer settlement
potential ‘day 2’ gains or losses arising for liabilities
– That a right to defer must exist at the end of
and contingent liabilities that would be within the
the reporting period
scope of IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities
and Contingent Assets or IFRIC 21 Levies, if incurred – That classification is unaffected by the likelihood
separately. The exception requires entities to apply that an entity will exercise its deferral right
the criteria in IAS 37 or IFRIC 21, respectively, instead – That only if an embedded derivative in a
of the Conceptual Framework, to determine whether convertible liability is itself an equity instrument,
a present obligation exists at the acquisition date. would the terms of a liability not impact its
At the same time, the amendments add a new classification.
paragraph to IFRS 3 to clarify that contingent assets These amendments are effective for annual periods
do not qualify for recognition at the acquisition date. beginning on or after 1 January 2022. They are not
expected to have a significant impact on the Group’s
These amendments are effective for annual periods
consolidated financial statements.
beginning on or after 1 January 2022. They are not
expected to have a significant impact on the Group’s

consolidated financial statements.

70 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Amendments to IAS 16: Property, Plant and

Equipment: Proceeds before Intended Use
The amendment prohibits entities from deducting
from the cost of an item of property, plant and
equipment (PP&E), any proceeds of the sale of
items produced while bringing that asset to the
location and condition necessary for it to be
capable of operating in the manner intended by
management. Instead, an entity recognises the
proceeds from selling such items, and the costs
of producing those items, in profit or loss.
These amendments are effective for annual periods
beginning on or after 1 January 2022. They are not
expected to have a significant impact on the Group’s
consolidated financial statements.

Amendments to The Conceptual Framework

for Financial Reporting
The revised Conceptual Framework for Financial
Reporting (‘the Conceptual Framework’) is not a
standard, and none of the concepts override those
in any standard or any requirements in a standard.
The purpose of the Conceptual Framework is to
assist the IASB in developing standards, to help
preparers develop consistent accounting policies if
there is no applicable standard in place and to assist
all parties to understand and interpret the standards.
These amendments are effective for annual periods
beginning on or after 1 January 2020. They are not
expected to have a significant impact on the Group’s
consolidated financial statements.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 71


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

2. Group performance
2.1 Segment reporting

Identification of reportable segments

The Group identifies its operating segments based on the internal reports that are reviewed and used by the
executive management team in assessing performance and determining the allocation of resources. The performance
of operating segments is evaluated at least monthly based on revenues and profit before taxes and is measured in
accordance with the Group’s accounting policies.
The Group has determined that it has two reportable segments: open cut operations and underground operations.
Unallocated operations include coal trading, and corporate, marketing and infrastructure functions, which are managed
on a group basis and are not allocated to reportable segments.
The Group’s financing (including finance costs and finance income), and depreciation and income taxes are managed
on a group basis and are not allocated to reportable segments.
The following table represents revenue, profit and capital expenditure information for reportable segments:

Open Cut Underground Unallocated

Operations Operations Operations Total

Year ended 30 June 2020 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000


Sales to external customers 1,040,781 475,820 205,008 1,721,609

Revenue by product type:

Metallurgical coal 246,434 73,605 – 320,039

Thermal coal 794,347 402,215 205,008 1,401,570

Total revenue from contracts with customers 1,040,781 475,820 205,008 1,721,609


Segment EBITDA result 212,276 107,655 (13,968) 305,963

Depreciation and amortisation (224,583)

Income tax expense (12,294)

Net finance expense (39,050)

Net profit after tax per consolidated statement

of comprehensive income 30,036

Capital expenditure

Segment expenditure 94,832 91,797 61,717 248,346

72 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Open Cut Underground Unallocated

Operations Operations Operations Total

Year ended 30 June 2019 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000


Sales to external customers 1,696,424 567,994 223,526 2,487,944

Revenue by product type:

Metallurgical coal 433,074 101,011 – 534,085

Thermal coal 1,263,350 466,983 223,526 1,953,859

Total revenue from contracts with customers 1,696,424 567,994 223,526 2,487,944


Segment EBITDA result 777,967 247,531 16,186 1,041,684

Depreciation and amortisation (224,459)

Income tax expense (207,970)

Net finance expense (40,901)

Significant items before income tax and depreciation (see note 2.2) (40,456)

Net profit after tax per consolidated statement

of comprehensive income 527,898

Capital expenditure

Segment expenditure 30,898 62,945 31,729 125,572

Other segment information

Revenue from external customers is attributed to geographic location based on final shipping destination.

2020 2019
Revenue by
geographic location $’000 $’000

 Japan 844,007 1,255,751

 Taiwan 256,089 262,015

 Korea 231,217 351,328

 India 134,814 201,637

 Vietnam 61,888 67,861

2020/2019 Comparison
Revenue by  Malaysia 51,346 100,267
geographic location  Philippines 37,786 35,933

 China 28,507 66,541

 Indonesia 26,593 48,755

 New Caledonia 25,291 26,128

 Other 10,767 60,952

 Domestic 13,304 10,776

Total revenue 1,721,609 2,487,944


Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 73


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

2. Group performance (cont.)

2.1 Segment reporting (cont.)

Major customers
The Group has three major customers, which account for 28.1% (2019: 29.4%) of external revenue.

Recognition and measurement

The Group recognises sales revenue related to the transfer of promised goods or services when control of the
goods or services is transferred to the customer. The amount of revenue recognised reflects the consideration
to which the Group is or expects to be entitled to in exchange for those goods or services.
Sales revenue is recognised on individual sales when control transfers to the customer. The title, risks and
rewards, and fulfilment of performance obligation occurs when the product is loaded onto the vessel for delivery
to the customer.
The Group sells its products on Free on Board terms where the Group has no responsibility for freight or insurance
once control of the goods has passed at the loading port. Under these terms there is only one performance
obligation: the provision of goods at the point when control passes to the customer.
The Group’s products are sold to customers under contracts that vary in tenure and pricing mechanisms, primarily
being monthly or quarterly indexes. Certain sales may be provisionally priced at the date revenue is recognised,
however substantially all coal sales are reflected at final prices by the end of the reporting period. The final selling
price is based on the price for the quotational period stipulated in the contract.

2.2 Significant items

The items below are significant to understanding the overall results of the Group. The Company believes the disclosure
of these items provides readers of the financial statements with further meaningful insights to understand the financial
performance of the Group.

2020 2019

$’000 $’000

Included within the balances presented on the face of

the consolidated statement of comprehensive income:

Operating expenses

Rehabilitation expense1 – (40,456)

Depreciation and amortisation

Accelerated depreciation at Narrabri2 – (12,330)

Significant items before tax – (52,786)

Applicable income tax benefit – 15,836

Significant items after tax – (36,950)

1 The Group calculates its rehabilitation provisions based on a combination of its own estimates and rehabilitation cost calculators provided by resource regulators.
Rehabilitation cost calculators are issued by resource regulators for rehabilitation bonding purposes. During the prior year ended 30 June 2019, the Group
transitioned its rehabilitation provision calculations for most sites to the latest rehabilitation cost calculator available from resource regulators. This resulted in an
increase in the rehabilitation provisions within the Group of $138.5 million. The rehabilitation provisions will be re-assessed at each reporting date using updated
survey results and will incorporate the rehabilitation work undertaken during the period. The increase in the rehabilitation provision at 30 June 2019 for the mines
currently in rehabilitation, or approaching rehabilitation was recognised as an ‘Operating expense’ within the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.
The increase in the provision for mines that remain in operation was recognised as an addition to ‘Property, Plant & Equipment’ within the consolidated statement
of financial position.
2 During the year ended 30 June 2019, the Group ordered higher capacity hydraulic cylinders for the longwall roof supports. The new hydraulic cylinders will replace
the existing hydraulic cylinders following the change-out of the next longwall panel. As a result, the Group recognised an accelerated depreciation expense in
respect of the existing hydraulic cylinders.

74 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


2.3 Taxes

a) Income tax expense

2020 2019

$’000 $’000

Current tax expense

Current period 50,365 (186,774)

Deferred tax expense

Origination and reversal of temporary differences (61,965) (27,438)

Adjustments for prior periods (694) 6,242

Income tax expense reported in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income (12,294) (207,970)

Reconciliation between tax expense and profit before tax

Profit before tax 42,330 735,868

Income tax expense using the Company’s domestic tax rate of 30% (2019: 30%) (12,699) (220,760)

Non-deductible expenses:

Share-based payments (1,878) (2,305)

Other non-deductible expenses (359) 350

Non-assessable income (acquisition related) 2,326 –

On-market share purchases by employee share scheme trust reimbursed by the Group 1,010 8,503

Over/(under) provided in prior periods (694) 6,242

Total income tax expense (12,294) (207,970)

b) Income tax recognised directly in other comprehensive income

2020 2019

$’000 $’000

Deferred income tax related to items (credited)/charged directly to equity

Derivatives (3,087) 1,286

Income tax expense recorded in equity (3,087) 1,286

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 75


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

2. Group performance (cont.)

2.3 Taxes (cont.)

c) Recognised tax assets and liabilities

2020 2020 2019 2019

Current income Deferred Current income Deferred

tax receivable income tax tax (payable) income tax

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

Opening balance (288) (390,068) – (198,993)

Charged to income – corporate tax 50,365 (61,997) (186,774) (27,438)

Charged to equity – (3,087) – 1,286

Recognition of deferred tax asset on current year losses (50,365) 50,365 – –

Utilisation of tax losses – – 171,165 (171,165)

Acquisition of a subsidiary (note 6.1) – 20,561 – –

Adjustment for prior periods – (694) – 6,242

Payments 13,513 – 15,321 –

Closing balance 13,225 (384,920) (288) (390,068)

Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are attributable to the following:

Assets Liabilities

2020 2019 2020 2019

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

Property, plant and equipment – – (501,359) (460,817)

Exploration and evaluation – – (51,783) (30,580)

Receivables – – (5,601) (6,920)

Inventory – – (1,687) –

Investments 359 307 – –

Right-of-use assets and liabilities (net) – 632 (1,989) –

Deferred stripping – – (17,623) (9,954)

Deferred foreign exchange gain – 120 (2,286) –

Provisions 89,664 80,908 – –

Tax losses 112,370 33,273 – –

Other items 36 2,963 (5,021) –

Tax assets/(liabilities) 202,429 118,203 (587,349) (508,271)

Set-off of tax (liabilities)/assets (202,429) (118,203) 202,429 118,203

Net tax assets/(liabilities) – – (384,920) (390,068)

d) Unrecognised deferred tax assets

There were $21,771,000 in unrecognised income tax losses at 30 June 2020 (2019: nil).

76 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Recognition and measurement

Income tax on the profit or loss for the year comprises Offsetting deferred tax balances
current and deferred tax. Income tax relating to items
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset only if
recognised directly in other comprehensive income is
a legally enforceable right exists, and the deferred tax
recognised in other comprehensive income and not in
assets and liabilities relate to income taxes levied by
the net profit or loss for the year.
the same taxation authority on the same taxable entity.
Current tax
Tax consolidation
Current tax assets and liabilities are measured at
Whitehaven Coal Limited and its wholly owned
the amount expected to be recovered or paid to the
Australian resident subsidiaries formed a tax
taxation authorities based on the taxable income for
consolidated group with effect from 29 May 2007
the year, using tax rates enacted or substantively
and have therefore been taxed as a single entity from
enacted at the balance date.
that date. Whitehaven Coal Limited is the head entity
Deferred tax of the tax consolidated group. The entities within the
tax consolidated group have entered into a tax sharing
The deferred tax expense is the movement in the
arrangement which provides for the allocation of
temporary differences between the carrying amount
income tax liabilities between the entities should the
of an asset or liability in the consolidated statement
head entity default on its tax payment obligations.
of financial position and its tax base.
No amounts have been recognised in the financial
Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable statements in respect of this agreement as payment
temporary differences. Deferred tax assets, including of any amounts under the tax sharing agreement
unused tax losses, are recognised in relation to is considered remote.
deductible temporary differences and carried forward
The entities within the tax consolidated group
income tax losses only to the extent that it is probable
have also entered into a tax funding agreement.
sufficient future taxable profits will be available to
The Group has applied the Group allocation approach
utilise them. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not
in determining the appropriate amount of current
recognised for taxable temporary differences that arise
taxes and deferred taxes to allocate to its members.
from goodwill or from the initial recognition (other than
Under the terms of the tax-funding arrangement,
in a business combination) of assets and liabilities in a
Whitehaven Coal Limited and each of the entities
transaction that affects neither accounting profit nor
in the tax consolidated group have agreed to pay
the taxable profit.
(or receive) a tax equivalent payment to (or from)
The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed the head entity, based on the current tax liability
at each reporting date and reduced to the extent that or current tax asset of the entity.
it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will
Whitehaven Coal Limited and the subsidiaries in the
be available to allow all or part of the deferred tax asset
tax consolidated group continue to account for their
to be utilised.
own current and deferred tax amounts. The amounts
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at are measured as if each entity in the tax consolidated
the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period group continues to be a standalone tax-payer in its
in which the liability is settled or the asset is realised, own right. The current tax balances are then transferred
based on tax rates and laws that have been enacted to Whitehaven Coal Limited via intercompany balances.
or substantively enacted at the balance date.

Significant accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions

Deferred tax assets, including those arising from unrecouped tax losses, capital losses and temporary differences,
are recognised only where it is considered more likely that they will be recovered, which is dependent on the
generation of sufficient future taxable profits.
Assumptions about the generation of future taxable profits depend on management’s estimates of future cash
flows. These rely on estimates of future production and sales volumes, operating costs, rehabilitation costs,
capital expenditure, dividends and other capital management transactions. Judgements are also required about
the application of income tax legislation. These judgements and assumptions are subject to risk and uncertainty,
hence there is a possibility that changes in circumstances will alter expectations, which may impact the amount of
deferred tax assets and liabilities recognised on the consolidated statement of financial position. Other tax losses
and temporary differences not yet recognised may also require adjustment, resulting in a corresponding credit or
charge to the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 77


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

2. Group performance (cont.)

2.4 Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share
The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders and a weighted
average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year calculated as follows:

2020 2019

Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders

Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders ($‘000) 30,036 527,898

Weighted average number of ordinary shares

Issued ordinary shares at 1 July (000’s) 992,026 992,026

Effect of shares acquired during the year (000’s) (1,891) (4,480)

Weighted average number of ordinary shares at 30 June (000’s) 990,135 987,546

Basic earnings per share attributable to ordinary shareholders (cents) 3.0 53.5

Diluted earnings per share

Diluted earnings per share are based on the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders and a weighted
average number of ordinary shares outstanding adjusted for the diluting impact of potential equity instruments,
calculated as follows:

2020 2019

Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders (diluted)

Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders (diluted) ($’000) 30,036 527,898

Weighted average number of ordinary shares (diluted)

Weighted average number of ordinary shares (basic) (000’s) 990,135 987,546

Effect of share options/performance rights on issue (000’s) 12,869 19,853

Weighted average number of ordinary shares (diluted) (000’s) 1,003,004 1,007,399

Diluted earnings per share attributable to ordinary shareholders (cents) 3.0 52.4

78 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


3. Working capital and cash flows

3.1 Trade and other receivables

2020 2019

$’000 $’000


Trade receivables 97,435 113,441

Other receivables and prepayments 19,618 34,347

Receivables due from other investors in joint operations 12,092 7,957

129,145 155,745


Other receivables and prepayments 9,708 10,518

Recognition and measurement

Trade receivables, which generally have between 5 and 21 day terms, are recognised initially at fair value and
subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method, less any allowance for impairment.
Recoverability of trade receivables is reviewed on an ongoing basis.

3.2 Inventories

2020 2019

$’000 $’000

Coal stocks1 134,330 114,036

Consumables and stores 41,263 34,903

175,593 148,939

1 Coal stocks include run of mine and product coal.

Recognition and measurement

Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Net realisable value is the estimated selling
price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs of completion and selling expenses.
The cost of coal inventories is determined using a weighted average basis. Cost includes direct material, overburden
removal, mining, processing, labour, mine rehabilitation costs incurred in the extraction process and other fixed
and variable overhead costs directly related to mining activities. Stockpiles are measured by estimating the number
of tonnes added and removed from the stockpile; the tonnes of contained coal are based on assay data, and the
estimated recovery percentage is based on the expected processing method. Stockpile tonnages are verified by
periodic surveys.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 79


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

3. Working capital and cash flows (cont.)

3.3 Trade and other payables
2020 2019

$’000 $’000


Trade payables 59,892 63,157

Other payables and accruals 129,582 134,574

189,474 197,731


Other payables 62,111 –

Non-current other payables relate to deferred consideration payable on the acquisition of EDF Trading Australia Pty
Limited which is payable over five years. Refer to note 6.1 for more information.

Recognition and measurement

Trade and other payables are initially recognised at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost
when goods and services are received, whether or not billed to the Group, prior to the end of the reporting period.
Short term trade and other payables are not discounted. The amounts are unsecured and are usually paid within
30 days of recognition. Long-term trade and other payables are discounted to their present value based on
expected future cash flows. The unwinding effect of discounting trade and other payables is recorded as a
finance cost in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.

80 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


3.4 Reconciliation of cash flows from operating activities

2020 2019

Note $’000 $’000

Profit for the period 30,036 527,898

Adjustments for:

Depreciation and amortisation 224,583 224,459

Amortisation of deferred development costs 4.1 81,767 57,946

Development costs deferred 4.1 (110,610) (110,239)

Amortisation of finance facility upfront costs 8,782 6,446

Modification gain on senior debt facility 5.2 (8,673) –

Non-cash interest (expense)/income accruals 4,664 (56)

Foreign exchange losses unrealised 2,172 2,969

Unwinding of discounts on provisions 4.4 4,297 2,343

Share-based compensation payments 5.5(a) 6,259 7,684

Cash-settled share-based payments (549) –

Gain on acquisition of a subsidiary 6.1 (6,701) –

Gain on sale of non-current assets (1,765) (1,769)

Subtotal 234,262 717,681

Change in trade and other receivables 18,110 (45,855)

Change in inventories and deferred stripping (40,514) (23,984)

Change in trade and other payables (43,170) 29,120

Change in provisions and employee benefits (21,033) 46,844

Change in tax payable (13,458) 288

Change in deferred taxes 12,239 192,360

Cash flows from operating activities 146,436 916,454

Recognition and measurement

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash at bank and in hand and short-term deposits. For the purpose of
the consolidated statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents are equal to the balance disclosed in the
consolidated statement of financial position.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 81


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

4. Resource assets and liabilities

4.1 Property, plant and equipment

Leased Mining
Freehold Plant and plant and property and Deferred Deferred
land equipment equipment development Subtotal development stripping Subtotal Total
Year ended
30 June 2020 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000


Balance at
107,489 933,454 500,772 3,166,337 4,708,052 406,345 2,068,955 2,475,300 7,183,352
1 July 2019

Additions 35,621 144,745 258,253 22,904 461,523 110,610 427,785 538,395 999,918

PPE acquired as
part of subsidiary 968 28,321 142 35,416 64,847 26,071 – 26,071 90,918

Disposals – (17,953) (144,228) – (162,181) (75,669) – (75,669) (237,850)

Balance at
144,078 1,088,567 614,939 3,224,657 5,072,241 467,357 2,496,740 2,964,097 8,036,338
30 June 2020

Accumulated depreciation

Balance at
– (375,735) (255,415) (511,536) (1,142,686) (163,018) (2,035,776) (2,198,794) (3,341,480)
1 July 2019

– (54,799) (80,705) (96,544) (232,048) (81,767) (402,219) (483,986) (716,034)
charge for the year

Disposals – 17,953 82,548 – 100,501 75,669 – 75,669 176,170

Balance at
– (412,581) (253,572) (608,080) (1,274,233) (169,116) (2,437,995) (2,607,111) (3,881,344)
30 June 2020

Carrying amount
144,078 675,986 361,367 2,616,577 3,798,008 298,241 58,745 356,986 4,154,994
at 30 June 2020

82 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Leased Mining
Freehold Plant and plant and property and Deferred Deferred
land equipment equipment development Subtotal development stripping Subtotal Total
Year ended
30 June 2019 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000


Balance at
109,960 877,001 474,449 2,994,501 4,455,911 296,106 1,672,090 1,968,196 6,424,107
1 July 2018

Additions 964 59,258 58,687 168,225 287,134 110,239 396,865 507,104 794,238

Transfers – 1,192 – (1,192) – – – – –

PPE acquired as
part of Tarrawonga – – – 4,803 4,803 – – – 4,803

Disposals (3,435) (3,997) (32,364) – (39,796) – – – (39,796)

Balance at
107,489 933,454 500,772 3,166,337 4,708,052 406,345 2,068,955 2,475,300 7,183,352
30 June 2019

Accumulated depreciation

Balance at
– (322,488) (177,956) (421,176) (921,620) (105,072) (1,650,657) (1,755,729) (2,677,349)
1 July 2018

– (56,030) (89,009) (91,552) (236,591) (57,946) (385,119) (443,065) (679,656)
charge for the year

Disposals – 3,975 11,550 – 15,525 – – – 15,525

Transfers – (1,192) – 1,192 – – – – –

Balance at
– (375,735) (255,415) (511,536) (1,142,686) (163,018) (2,035,776) (2,198,794) (3,341,480)
30 June 2019

Carrying amount
107,489 557,719 245,357 2,654,801 3,565,366 243,327 33,179 276,506 3,841,872
at 30 June 2019

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 83


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

4. Resource assets and liabilities (cont.)

4.1 Property, plant and equipment (cont.)

Leased plant & equipment disclosures

All right-of-use assets recognised as ‘Leased plant The cost relating to leases with a contract term of less
and equipment’ above in note 4.1 relate to the plant than twelve months amounted to $9,823,000 for the
and equipment classification. year ended 30 June 2020 (2019: $9,124,000).
The cost relating to variable lease payments – that do not A maturity analysis of lease liabilities is shown in
depend on an index or a rate – amounted to $37,545,000 note 5.3(c).
in the year ended 30 June 2020 (2019: $34,243,000).
For future payments payable under leases which are
in place at the reporting date, refer to note 7.3(b).

Recognition and measurement

Property, plant and equipment Mining property and development
Property, plant and equipment are measured at cost Mine property and development assets include costs
less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated transferred from exploration and evaluation assets
impairment losses. Cost includes expenditure that is once technical feasibility and commercial viability
directly attributable to the acquisition of the items and of an area of interest are demonstrable. After transfer,
costs incurred in bringing assets into use. Subsequent all subsequent mine development expenditure is
expenditure is capitalised when it is probable that similarly capitalised, to the extent that commercial
the future economic benefits associated with the viability conditions continued to be satisfied.
expenditure will flow to the Group.
The costs of dismantling and site rehabilitation
Depreciation are capitalised, if the recognition criteria is met and
included within mining property and development.
Depreciation and amortisation is charged to the
consolidated statement of comprehensive income Biodiversity assets are included within mining property
on a units of production basis for mine specific assets, and development and relate to land acquired and
including mining property and development, deferred managed to fulfil the biodiversity obligations associated
development and deferred stripping. with mine approval. The cost of the land is capitalised
as a mining property and development asset which
All remaining assets are depreciated on a straight
is subsequently depreciated via the units of
line basis at the rates indicated below. Depreciation
production method.
commences on assets when they are deemed capable
of operating in the manner intended by management. Leased plant and equipment
– Freehold land Not depreciated At the inception of a contract, the Group assesses
– Plant and equipment 2%–50% whether a contract is, or contains, a lease based
– Leased plant on the right to use or control an identified asset
and equipment 3%–20% for a period of time, in exchange for consideration.
– Mining property and At the commencement date of the lease, the Group
development, deferred recognises a lease liability and a corresponding right
development and of use asset. The lease liability is initially recognised for
deferred stripping Units of production the present value of non-cancellable lease payments
The residual value, the useful life and the depreciation discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease
method applied to an asset are reassessed at least or, if that rate cannot be readily determined, the
annually. Any changes are accounted for prospectively. Group’s incremental borrowing rate. The right of use
asset is initially measured at cost which comprises the
When an asset is surplus to requirements or no longer initial amount of the lease liability plus any initial direct
has an economic value, the carrying amount of the costs incurred and an estimate of costs to dismantle
asset is written down to its recoverable amount. and remove the underlying asset.

84 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


The right of use asset is depreciated to the earlier stripping activity asset is subsequently depreciated
of the asset’s useful life or the lease term using on a units of production basis over the life of the
the straight line method and is recognised in the identified component of the ore body that became
statement of comprehensive income in depreciation more accessible as a result of the stripping activity.
and amortisation. Where the lease transfers ownership
For the purposes of assessing impairment, deferred
of the underlying asset to the Group by the end of
stripping assets are grouped with other assets of the
the lease term, the right of use asset is depreciated
relevant cash generating unit (CGU).
from the commencement date to the end of the
useful life of the underlying asset. Impairment
The unwinding of the financial charge on the The carrying amounts of the Group’s non-financial
lease liability is recognised in the statement assets are reviewed at each balance date to
of comprehensive income in financial expenses, determine whether there is any indication of
and is based on the implied interest rate or, impairment. If any such indication exists, the asset’s
if used, the Group’s incremental borrowing rate. recoverable amount is estimated. For intangible
assets that have indefinite lives or that are not
The Group does not recognise leases that have
yet available for use, the recoverable amount is
a lease term of 12 months or less, or are of low
estimated at each reporting date.
value, as a right of use asset or lease liability. Lease
payments associated with these leases are recognised For the purpose of impairment testing, assets are
as an expense in the consolidated statement of grouped together into the smallest group of assets
comprehensive income in operating expenses that generates cash inflows from continuing use,
on a straight line basis over the lease term. and which are largely independent of the cash inflows
of other assets or groups of assets – the CGU. The
Deferred development
recoverable amount of an asset or CGU is the greater
Deferred development mainly comprises capitalised of its value in use and its fair value less costs of disposal
costs (deferred development expenditure) related to (‘FVLCD’). In assessing FVLCD, the estimated future
underground mining incurred to expand the capacity cash flows are discounted to their present value using
of an underground mine and to maintain production. a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market
assessments of the time value of money and the risks
Deferred stripping
specific to the asset.
Expenditure incurred to remove overburden or waste
An impairment loss is recognised whenever the
material during the production phase of an open cut
carrying amount of an asset or its CGU exceeds its
mining operation is deferred to the extent it gives
recoverable amount. Impairment losses recognised
rise to future economic benefits. This expenditure is
in respect of CGUs are allocated to reduce the carrying
charged to operating costs on a units of production
amount of the assets in the unit (group of units) on a
basis using the estimated average stripping ratio for
pro rata basis.
the area being mined. Changes in estimates of average
stripping ratios are accounted for prospectively. The

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 85


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

4. Resource assets and liabilities (cont.)

4.1 Property, plant and equipment (cont.)

Significant accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions

Recoverable amount of assets Material changes in circumstances may affect the
assumptions used to determine recoverable amount
At the end of each period, the Group assesses whether
of CGUs and could result in an impairment of tangible
there is any indication that an asset may be impaired.
assets being recognised at future reporting dates.
If any such indication exists, the Group estimates the
recoverable amount of the asset. The determination of recoverable value for a CGU
is considered to be a Level 3 fair value measurement,
The recoverable amounts of CGUs and individual
as it is derived from valuation techniques that include
assets are determined based on value-in-use
inputs not based on observable market data. The
calculations. These calculations require the use
Group considers the inputs and valuation approach
of estimates and assumptions.
to be consistent with the approach taken by
Expected future cash flows used to determine the market participants.
recoverable value of tangible assets are inherently
Mineral reserves and resources
uncertain and could materially change over time.
They are affected by a number of factors including The estimated quantities of economically recoverable
reserves and production estimates together with Reserves and Resources are based on interpretations
economic factors, such as spot and future coal prices, of geological and geophysical models, which require
discount rates, foreign currency exchange rates, assumptions to be made of factors such as estimates
estimates of costs to produce reserves, stripping of future operating performance, future capital
ratio, production rates and future capital expenditure. requirements and short and long-term coal prices.
It is possible that these assumptions may change, The Group is required to determine and report
which could impact the estimated life of a mine and Reserves and Resources under the Australian Code
result in a material adjustment to the carrying value for Reporting Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves
of tangible assets. December 2012 (the JORC Code).
The recoverable amount of CGUs are sensitive to the The JORC Code requires the use of reasonable
below key assumptions. investment assumptions to calculate reserves
and resources. Changes in reported Reserves
– Coal price: the coal prices applied are based
and Resources can impact the carrying value of
on a consideration of third party forecasts and
property, plant and equipment, as well as provision
management estimates.
for rehabilitation and the amount charged for
– Discount rate: the discount rate is derived using amortisation and depreciation.
the weighted average cost of capital methodology
adjusted for any risks that are not reflected in the
underlying cash flows. A real pre-tax discount rate
of 11% was applied to pre-tax cash flows.

86 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


4.2 Exploration and evaluation

Exploration and evaluation assets $’000

Balance at 1 July 2019 547,089

Exploration and evaluation assets acquired as part of subsidiary acquisition 949

Exploration and evaluation expenditure 43,305

Balance at 30 June 2020 591,343

Balance at 1 July 2018 508,552

Exploration and evaluation expenditure 38,537

Balance at 30 June 2019 547,089

Recognition and measurement

Exploration and evaluation assets, including the costs Exploration and evaluation assets are assessed
of acquiring licences, are capitalised on an area of for impairment if:
interest basis and only after the Company has obtained
i) sufficient data exists to determine technical
the legal rights to explore the area.
feasibility and commercial viability, and
Exploration and evaluation assets are only recognised if ii) facts and circumstances suggest that the carrying
the rights of the area of interest are current and either: amount exceeds the recoverable amount. For the
i) the expenditures are expected to be recouped purposes of impairment testing, exploration and
through successful development and exploitation evaluation assets are not allocated to CGUs.
of the area of interest, or Where a potential impairment is indicated, an
ii) activities in the area of interest have not (at the assessment is performed for each area of interest or
reporting date) reached a stage that permits a at the CGU level, in line with the assessment disclosed
reasonable assessment of the existence or otherwise at note 4.1. To the extent that capitalised expenditure
of economically recoverable reserves, and active is not expected to be recovered, it is charged to the
and significant operations in, or in relation to, consolidated statement of comprehensive income.
the area of interest are continuing. Once the technical feasibility and commercial viability
of the extraction of mineral resources in an area of
interest are demonstrable, exploration and evaluation
assets attributable to that area of interest are first
tested for impairment and then reclassified to mining
property and development assets within property,
plant and equipment.

Significant accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions

The application of the Group’s accounting policy for exploration and evaluation expenditure requires judgement in
determining whether future economic benefits are likely, which may be based on assumptions about future events
or circumstances. Estimates and assumptions made may change if new information becomes available. If, after
expenditure is capitalised, information becomes available indicating that the recovery of expenditure is unlikely,
the amount capitalised is written off in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income in the period when the
new information becomes available. The recoverability of the carrying amount of exploration and evaluation assets
is dependent on the successful development and commercial exploitation or sale of the respective areas of interest.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 87


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

4. Resource assets and liabilities (cont.)

4.3 Intangible assets

Water access Rail access

rights rights1 Total

$’000 $’000 $’000

Balance at 1 July 2019 10,232 11,118 21,350

Additions 1,380 – 1,380

Intangible assets acquired as part of subsidiary acquisition 216 216

Balance at 30 June 2020 11,828 11,118 22,946

Balance at 1 July 2018 11,082 11,118 22,200

Additions 323 – 323

Disposals (1,173) – (1,173)

Balance at 30 June 2019 10,232 11,118 21,350

1 As part of the agreement to cancel previously existing infrastructure sharing arrangements, Whitehaven agreed to pay 10.1% of the construction cost of the
shared portion of the Boggabri – Maules Creek rail spur. In return, Whitehaven receives access to rail tonnes on the joint rail spur.

Recognition and measurement

Water access rights
The Group holds water access rights, which have been determined to have an indefinite life. The water access
rights have been recognised at cost and are assessed annually for impairment.
Rail access rights
Rail access rights have a finite useful life and are carried at cost less, where applicable, any accumulated
amortisation and accumulated impairment losses. Rail access rights are amortised over the access agreement.

4.4 Provisions

Movement in mine rehabilitation and biodiversity obligations provisions $’000

Balance at 1 July 2019 290,204

Payments made on rehabilitation and biodiversity activities (23,024)

Rehabilitation provision acquired as part of acquisition of subsidiary 1,643

Change in cost estimates (2,993)

Unwinding of discount 4,297

Balance at 30 June 2020 270,127

2020 2019

$’000 $’000

Current 10,083 29,985

Non-current 260,044 260,219

Balance at 30 June 270,127 290,204

88 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Under the terms of its mining licenses and project approvals, the Group is required to comply with certain rehabilitation
and biodiversity obligations. The Group maintains provisions for these rehabilitation and biodiversity requirements. The
Group continues to assess estimates of these obligations as further developments occur and additional commitments
arise that may be required to settle its obligations. However, based on current estimates, any potential changes to these
obligations and commitments in addition to those already recognised in the financial statements are not financially
significant to the Group.

Recognition and measurement

Provisions are recognised when: The unwinding of the effect of discounting
the provision is recorded as a finance cost in the
– the Group has a present legal or constructive
consolidated statement of comprehensive income.
obligation as a result of a past event;
The carrying amount capitalised as a part of mining
– it is probable that resources will be expended property and development assets is depreciated
to settle the obligation; and over the useful life of the related asset.
– the amount of the provision can be
For closed mines, changes to estimated costs are
measured reliably.
recognised immediately in the consolidated statement
Mine rehabilitation and closure of comprehensive income.

Provisions are made for the estimated cost of The amount of the provision relating to rehabilitation
rehabilitation relating to areas disturbed during the of environmental disturbance caused by on-going
mine’s operation up to reporting date but not yet production and extraction activities is recognised in
rehabilitated. The nature of rehabilitation activities the consolidated statement of comprehensive income
includes dismantling and removing operating facilities, as incurred.
re-contouring and top soiling the mine, and restoration,
Biodiversity obligations
reclamation and revegetation of affected areas.
Provision has been made in full for all disturbed areas The Group has, under the terms of certain mining
at the reporting date based on current estimates of licenses, obligations to perform works to establish
costs to rehabilitate such areas, discounted to their or upgrade biodiversity offset areas and to set aside
present value based on expected future cash flows. and maintain those areas. Provisions are made for the
estimated cost of the Group’s biodiversity obligations
The obligation to rehabilitate arises at the
based on current estimates of certain activities that
commencement of the mining project and/or when
the Group has committed to perform. These costs are
the environment is disturbed at the mining location.
discounted to their present value based on expected
At this point, the provision is recognised as a liability
future cash flows. The provision is recognised as
with a corresponding asset included in mining property
a liability with a corresponding asset included in
and development assets. Additional disturbances or
mining property and development assets. The
changes in the rehabilitation costs are reflected in the
unwinding of the effect of discounting the provision
present value of the rehabilitation provision, with a
is recorded as a finance cost in the consolidated
corresponding change in the cost of the associated
statement of comprehensive income. The carrying
asset. In the event the restoration provision is reduced,
amount capitalised as a part of mining property
the cost of the related asset is reduced by an amount
and development is depreciated via the units of
not exceeding its carrying value.
production method.

Significant accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions

Significant estimates and assumptions are made in determining the provision for mine rehabilitation and
biodiversity as there are numerous factors that will affect the ultimate liability payable. These factors include
estimates of the extent and costs of rehabilitation activities and biodiversity, technological changes, regulatory
changes, cost increases and changes in discount rates. Those uncertainties may result in future actual expenditure
differing from the amounts currently provided. The provisions at balance date represent management’s best
estimate of the present value of the future rehabilitation and biodiversity costs required.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 89


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

5. Capital structure and financing

5.1 Loans and borrowings

2020 2019

$’000 $’000

Current liabilities

Lease liabilities 81,977 76,532

Secured loans – ECA facility 11,908 11,908

Capitalised borrowing costs (12,332) (6,712)

81,553 81,728

Non-current liabilities

Senior bank facility 638,000 160,000

Lease liabilities 264,628 164,992

Secured loans – ECA facility 56,207 16,444

Capitalised borrowing costs (15,827) (7,907)

943,008 333,529

1,024,561 415,257

Financing facilities 1,414,720 1,269,876

Facilities utilised at reporting date 1,052,720 429,876

Facilities not utilised at reporting date 362,000 840,000

Financing activities during the financial year

During the current year, the Group refinanced its senior bank debt facility with a syndicate of Australian and
international banks. The new facility is a senior secured syndicated revolving corporate debt facility with an aggregate
limit of A$1.0 billion and is able to be utilised for general corporate purposes with bilateral bank guarantee capacity.
The term has been extended to now mature in July 2023.
During the current year, $120 million of debt drawn under the senior bank facility was repaid (30 June 2019:
$525 million) and $598 million was redrawn (30 June 2019: $410 million). The Group repaid $11.9 million of the ECA
facility during the year (30 June 2019: $11.9 million). During the current year, a new ECA facility was entered into and
in May 2020, $51.7 million of this facility was drawn down. The senior bank facility and the ECA facilities are secured
via a fixed and floating charge over the majority of the Group’s assets. Under the facility, the Group is subject to
compliance with gearing, net worth and interest coverage financial covenants.
Included within current and non-current lease liabilities are leases recognised in accordance with AASB 16 Leases
of $39,605,000 and $90,708,000 respectively (30 June 2019: $54,563,000 and $79,548,000 respectively).
Lease liabilities are secured over the leased assets to which they relate.
The fair values of loans and borrowings materially approximate their respective carrying values as at 30 June 2020
and 30 June 2019.

Recognition and measurement

All loans and borrowings are initially recognised at the fair value of the consideration received less directly
attributable transaction costs. After initial recognition, interest-bearing loans and borrowings are subsequently
measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.
Refer to note 4.1 for the recognition and measurement policy for lease liabilities.

90 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


5.2 Finance income and expense

2020 2019

$’000 $’000

Recognised in the statement of comprehensive income

Interest income 957 2,092

Financial income 957 2,092

Interest expense on lease liabilities (11,786) (12,901)

Interest on drawn debt facility (13,209) (8,620)

Other financing costs (11,942) (13,434)

Interest and financing costs (36,937) (34,955)

Net interest expense (35,980) (32,863)

Unwinding of discounts on provisions (4,297) (2,343)

Amortisation of finance facility upfront costs (7,446) (5,695)

Modification gain on senior debt facility1 8,673 –

Other financial expenses (3,070) (8,038)

Net financial expense (39,050) (40,901)

Recognised directly in equity

Net change in cash flow hedges 10,289 (4,287)

Income tax effect (3,087) 1,286

Financial income recognised directly in other comprehensive income, net of tax 7,202 (3,001)

1 During the current year, the Group refinanced its senior debt facility. In accordance with AASB 9, the net present value of the financial liability is required to be
recalculated when the contractual terms are renegotiated or otherwise modified. As the net present value of the financial liability did not change by more than 10%,
a gain on modification was recognised in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.

Recognition and measurement

Finance income comprises interest income on funds invested and foreign currency gains. Interest income is
recognised as it accrues, using the effective interest method.
Finance expenses comprise interest expense on borrowings; unwinding of the discount on provisions; foreign
currency losses in relation to finance leases; changes in the fair value of financial assets at fair value through profit
or loss; impairment losses recognised on financial assets; and losses on hedging instruments that are recognised
in profit or loss. All borrowing costs are recognised in the statement of comprehensive income using the effective
interest method, except where capitalised as part of a qualifying asset.
Foreign currency gains and losses are reported on a net basis.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 91


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

5. Capital structure and financing (cont.)

5.3 Financial risk management objectives and policies

a) Overview
The Group’s overall risk management program seeks to mitigate risks and reduce the volatility of its financial
performance. Financial risk management is carried out centrally by Group Treasury and monitored by the Group’s Audit
and Risk Management Committee under policies approved by the Board of Directors. The Committee reports regularly
to the Board on its activities and also reviews policies and systems regularly to reflect changes in market conditions and
the Group’s activities.
The Group’s principal financial risks are associated with:
– market risk
– credit risk
– liquidity risk

b) Capital management
The Board’s policy is to maintain a strong capital base so as to maintain investor, creditor and market confidence and
to sustain future development of the business. The Group defines capital as the total shareholders’ equity and debt.
The Board manages its capital structure and makes adjustments in light of changes to economic conditions and the
requirements of the financial covenants. To maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Group may adjust the dividend
payment to shareholders, return capital to shareholders, seek waivers or restructure its arrangements with its financiers
or issue new shares. The Group monitors capital using a gearing ratio, which is net debt divided by total capital plus
net debt.
There were no changes in the Group’s approach to capital management during the year.
The Group’s gearing ratio is calculated as net debt divided by total equity plus net debt.

2020 2019

$’000 $’000

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 1,024,561 415,257

Less cash and cash equivalents (106,760) (119,531)

Net debt 917,801 295,726

Equity 3,249,590 3,522,200

Equity and net debt 4,167,391 3,817,926

Gearing ratio 1
22% 8%

1 Calculated including lease liabilities recognised upon adoption of AASB 16 Leases of $130,313,000 (2019: $134,111,000).

c) Risk exposures and responses

Market risk – foreign currency risk

The Group is exposed to currency risk on sales, purchases and demurrage that are denominated in a currency
other than the respective functional currency of the Group, the Australian dollar (AUD). The currency in which these
transactions primarily are denominated is US dollars (USD).
The Group may use forward exchange contracts (FECs) to hedge its currency risk in relation to contracted sales where
both volume and US dollar price are fixed.
In respect of other monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies, the Group ensures that its net
exposure is kept to an acceptable level by buying and selling foreign currencies at spot rates when necessary to
address short-term imbalances.

92 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


During the current year ended 30 June 2020, a net foreign exchange loss of $3.5 million was recognised
(2019: net foreign exchange loss of $2.4 million).
The Group designates its forward exchange contracts in cash flow hedges and measures them at fair value.
The fair value of forward exchange contracts used as hedges at 30 June 2020 was $7.5 million asset
(2019: $2.7 million liability), comprising assets and liabilities that were recognised as derivatives.
At 30 June 2020, the Group had the following financial instruments that were not designated in cash flow hedges
that were exposed to foreign currency risk.

2020 2019

$’000 $’000

Cash and cash equivalents 17,082 53,521

Trade and other receivables 12,675 13,062

Trade and other payables (4,855) (9,394)

Net statement of financial position exposure 24,902 57,189

The following exchange rates applied during the year.

Average rate Reporting date spot rate

Fixed-rate instruments 2020 2019 2020 2019

USD 0.6714 0.7156 0.6863 0.7013

Sensitivity analysis
A change of 10% in the Australian dollar against the following currencies at 30 June would have increased/(decreased)
equity and pre-tax profit or loss by the amounts shown below. The analysis assumes that all other variables, in particular
interest rates, remain constant. The analysis is performed on the same basis for 2019.

Equity Profit or (loss)

$’000 $’000

30 June 2020

AUD:USD strengthening by 10% (2,674) (3,299)

AUD:USD weakening by 10% 3,268 4,032

30 June 2019

AUD:USD strengthening by 10% (6,161) (7,692)

AUD:USD weakening by 10% 7,528 9,401

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 93


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

5. Capital structure and financing (cont.)

5.3 Financial risk management objectives and policies (cont.)

c) Risk exposures and responses (cont.)

Market risk – interest rate risk

The Group‘s borrowings comprise both variable and fixed rate instruments. The variable rate borrowings expose the
Group to the risk of changes in cash flows due to the changes in interest rates.
Management analyses interest rate exposure on an ongoing basis and uses interest rate swaps to mitigate interest
rate risk.
The interest rate profile of the Group‘s interest-bearing financial instruments at the reporting date was:

Carrying amount

2020 2019

$’000 $’000

Fixed rate instruments

Lease liabilities (346,605) (241,524)

(346,605) (241,524)

Variable rate instruments

Financial assets 106,760 119,531

Financial liabilities (706,116) (188,352)

(599,356) (68,821)

Net exposure (945,961) (310,345)

Sensitivity analysis for variable rate instruments

A change of 100 basis points in interest rates at the reporting date would have increased/(decreased) equity and profit
or loss by the amounts shown below. This analysis assumes that all other variables, in particular foreign currency rates,
remain constant. The analysis is performed on the same basis for 2019.

Equity Profit or (loss)

$’000 $’000

30 June 2020

100bp increase – (5,994)

100bp decrease – 5,994

30 June 2019

100bp increase 21 (688)

100bp decrease (22) 688

94 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Market risk – commodity price risk

The Group’s major commodity price exposure is to the price of coal. The Group has chosen not to hedge against the
movement in coal prices.

Credit risk
Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty will not meet its obligations under a financial instrument or customer contract,
leading to a financial loss. The Group is exposed to credit risk from its financial assets, including trade receivables,
deposits with banks and other financial institutions, foreign exchange transactions and other financial instruments.
Maximum exposure is equal to the carrying amount of the financial assets, as outlined below.

Exposure to credit risk

The Group’s maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date was:

Carrying amount

2020 2019

Note $’000 $’000

Cash and cash equivalents 106,760 119,531

Trade and other receivables 3.1 97,435 113,441

Derivative financial instruments 5.3(d) 8,286 47

Investments 37 37

212,518 233,056

The Group’s maximum exposure to credit risk for trade receivables at the reporting date by geographic region was:

Asia 76,713 87,411

Europe 13,524 21,867

Australia 7,198 4,163

97,435 113,441

Trade receivables
The Group‘s exposure to credit risk is influenced mainly by the individual characteristics of each customer. The
demographics of the Group’s customer base, including the default risk of the industry and country in which customers
operate, has less of an influence on credit risk. Approximately 28.1% of the Group’s revenue is attributable to sales
transactions with three customers (2019: 29.4% with three customers).
The Group trades only with recognised, creditworthy third parties and generally does not require collateral with respect
to trade receivables.
Receivable balances are monitored on an ongoing basis and as a result the exposure to bad debts is not significant.
The Group recognised an impairment loss for trade receivables of $nil during the year ended 30 June 2020 (2019: $nil).
The aging of the Group’s trade receivables at the reporting date was:

Gross Gross

2020 2019

$’000 $’000

Not past due 95,953 110,938

Past due 0–30 days 1,351 2,492

Past due 31–120 days 131 11

Past due 121 days to one year – –

More than one year – –

97,435 113,441

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 95


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

5. Capital structure and financing (cont.)

5.3 Financial risk management objectives and policies (cont.)

c) Risk exposures and responses (cont.)

The policy of the Group is to provide bank guarantees for bonding requirements associated with the mining operations,
infrastructure assets and other purposes such as security of leased premises. Guarantees are provided under the senior
secured bank facility, secured bilateral bank guarantee facilities and unsecured bank facilities. Details of outstanding
guarantees are provided in note 7.4.

Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will not be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall due. The Group’s
approach to managing liquidity is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will always have sufficient liquidity to meet its
liabilities when due, under both normal and stressed conditions, without incurring unacceptable losses or risking
damage to the Group’s reputation.
Typically, the Group ensures that it has sufficient cash on demand to meet all expected operational expenses as and
when due, including the servicing of financial obligations. This excludes the potential impact of extreme circumstances
that cannot reasonably be predicted, such as natural disasters.
The following are the contractual maturities of financial liabilities, including estimated interest payments and excluding
the impact of netting agreements:

30 June 2020

Carrying Contractual 6 mths More than

amount cash flows or less 6–12 mths 1–2 years 2–5 years 5 years

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

Financial liabilities

Lease liabilities 346,605 396,920 47,169 47,090 83,203 176,637 42,821

Senior bank facility 638,000 638,000 – – – 638,000 –

Secured loans 68,115 74,113 5,796 5,805 11,099 30,170 21,243

Trade and other payables 251,585 254,015 189,597 – 16,176 48,242 –

Forward exchange contracts:

Outflow 150,862 149,360 107,160 26,267 15,933 – –

Inflow (158,403) (158,403) (113,969) (28,258) (16,176) – –

1,296,764 1,354,005 235,753 50,904 110,235 893,049 64,064

30 June 2019

Carrying Contractual 6 mths More than

amount cash flows or less 6–12 mths 1–2 years 2–5 years 5 years

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

Financial liabilities

Lease liabilities 241,524 285,649 46,477 39,831 63,036 90,389 45,916

Senior bank facility 160,000 160,000 – – – 160,000 –

Secured loans 28,352 30,849 6,512 6,373 4,190 10,238 3,536

Trade and other payables 197,731 197,731 197,731 – – – –

Forward exchange contracts:

Outflow 198,117 197,267 173,407 23,860 – – –

Inflow (195,430) (196,280) (172,295) (23,985) – – –

630,294 675,216 251,832 46,079 67,226 260,627 49,452

96 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


d) Net fair values

The following table provides the fair value measurement hierarchy of the Group’s financial assets and
financial liabilities as at 30 June 2020 and 30 June 2019.
– Level 1 – measurements based on quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities,
– Level 2 – measurements based on inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable
for the asset or liability, either directly (as prices) or indirectly (derived from prices), and
– Level 3 – measurements based on inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data
(unobservable inputs).
The Group held the following financial instruments carried at fair value in the consolidated statement of
financial position:

30 June 2020 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

Assets measured at fair value

Equity shares 37 – – 37

Forward exchange contracts – receivable 8,286 – 8,286 –

8,323 – 8,286 37

Liabilities measured at fair value

Forward exchange contracts – payable (824) – (824) –

Interest rate swaps – payable – – – –

(824) – (824) –

30 June 2019 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

Assets measured at fair value

Equity shares 37 – – 37

Forward exchange contracts – receivable 47 – 47 –

84 – 47 37

Liabilities measured at fair value

Forward exchange contracts – payable (2,734) – (2,734) –

Interest rate swaps – payable (140) – (140) –

(2,874) – (2,874) –

The fair value of derivative financial instruments is derived using valuation techniques based on observable market
inputs, such as forward currency rates, at the end of the reporting period. The amounts disclosed in the consolidated
statement of financial position are the fair values and are classified under level 2 in the fair value measurement
hierarchy. During the period the Group entered into forward exchange contracts to hedge some foreign exchange
risk. A number of these contracts remained open at 30 June 2020.
The carrying values of financial assets and financial liabilities recorded in the financial statements materially
approximates their respective net fair values, determined in accordance with the accounting policies disclosed
in notes 3.1, 3.3 and 5.1 to the financial statements.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 97


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

5. Capital structure and financing (cont.)

5.3 Financial risk management objectives and policies (cont.)

e) Financial assets and liabilities by categories

2020 2019

Amortised Amortised
cost Other1 cost Other1

Note $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

Financial assets

Cash and cash equivalents 106,760 – 119,531 –

Trade and other receivables 3.1 138,853 – 166,263 –

Investments – 37 – 37

Other financial assets1 5.3(d) – 8,286 – 47

Total financial assets 245,613 8,323 285,794 84

1 Other financial assets include $8.3 million (2019: $0.1 million) relating to derivatives in designated hedges.

2020 2019

Amortised Amortised
cost1 Other2 cost1 Other2

Note $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

Financial liabilities

Trade and other payables 3.3 251,585 – 197,731 –

Loans and borrowings 5.1 1,024,561 – 415,257 –

Other financial liabilities 2

5.3(d) – 824 – 2,874

Total financial liabilities 1,276,146 824 612,988 2,874

1 Loans at amortised cost are non-derivatives with fixed or determinable payments and are not quoted on an active market. Loans and payables are valued
at amortised cost.
2 Other financial liabilities include $0.8 million (2019: $2.9 million) relating to derivatives in designated hedges.

98 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


f) Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities

30 June 2020 30 June 2019

$’000 $’000

As at 1 July 429,876 607,476

Outflows from secured loans (11,908) (11,908)

Outflows from lease liabilities (79,768) (93,116)

Inflows/(outflows) from senior bank facility 478,000 (115,000)

Increase in secured loans 51,671 –

Increase in lease liabilities 184,849 42,424

As at 30 June 1,052,720 429,876

Consisting of:

Current loans and borrowings1 93,885 88,440

Non-current loans and borrowings2 958,835 341,436

1 Current loans and borrowings does not include capitalised borrowing costs of $12,332,000 (2019: $6,712,000).
2 Non-current loans and borrowings does not include capitalised borrowing costs of $15,827,000 (2019: $7,907,000).

The Group classifies interest paid as cash flows from operating activities.

Recognition and measurement

Financial assets Derivatives and hedge accounting:
The Group classifies its financial assets into The Group uses derivative financial instruments
the following categories: those to be measured to hedge its risks associated with foreign currency
subsequently at fair value (either through other and interest rate fluctuations arising from operating
comprehensive income, or profit or loss) and those activities. Such derivative financial instruments are
to be held at amortised cost. Classification depends initially recognised at fair value as at the date on
on the business model for managing the financial which a derivative contract is entered into and are
assets and the contractual terms of the cash flows. subsequently remeasured at fair value. Derivatives
are carried as financial assets when the fair value
At initial recognition, the Group measures a financial
is positive and as financial liabilities when the fair
asset at its fair value.
value is negative.
Financial liabilities
Cash flow hedges:
Financial liabilities are classified, at initial recognition,
The effective portion of the gain or loss on
as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or
the hedging instrument is recognised in other
loss, loans and borrowings, payables, or derivatives
comprehensive income in the cash flow hedge
designated as hedging instruments.
reserve. To the extent that the hedge is ineffective,
All financial liabilities are recognised initially at changes in fair value are recognised in profit or loss.
fair value. Amounts taken to other comprehensive income
are transferred out of other comprehensive income
The Group’s financial liabilities include trade and and included in the measurement of the hedged
other payables, loans and borrowings and derivative transaction when the forecast transaction occurs.
financial instruments. Hedge accounting is discontinued prospectively
when a hedging instrument expires, or is sold or
terminated, or when a hedge no longer meets the
criteria for hedge accounting. The cumulative gain
or loss previously recognised in other comprehensive
income remains in other comprehensive income
until the forecast transaction occurs.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 99


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

5. Capital structure and financing (cont.)

5.4 Share capital and reserves

a) Share capital

2020 2019

No. of shares $’000 No. of shares $’000

Fully paid ordinary share capital 1,026,045,885 3,003,964 1,026,045,885 2,980,933

Ordinary share capital at the beginning of the period 1,026,045,885 2,980,933 1,026,045,885 2,993,458

Transfer of shares by share plan – 26,392 – 15,814

Shares purchased by share plan – (3,361) – (28,339)

Ordinary share capital at the end of the period 1,026,045,885 3,003,964 1,026,045,885 2,980,933

At 30 June 2020, a trust on behalf of the Company held 1,591,838 ordinary fully paid shares in the Company (30 June 2019: 5,337,876). During the year, 5,246,038
of these shares were transferred to performance rights plan recipients and 1,500,000 purchased by the share plan. These were purchased during the year for the
purpose of allowing the Group to satisfy performance rights to certain management of the Group. Refer to note 5.5 for further details on the performance rights plan.

Terms and conditions of issued capital

Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Fully paid ordinary shares carry one vote per share, either in person or by
proxy, at a meeting of the Company and carry the right to receive dividends as declared. In the event of a winding up of
the Company, fully paid ordinary shares carry the right to participate in the proceeds from the sale of all surplus assets
in proportion to the number of and amounts paid up on shares held. Under the terms of the acquisition of Boardwalk
Resources Limited, 34,020,000 ordinary shares are subject to a restriction deed, which removes their entitlement to
vote, receive dividends as declared or participate in the proceeds from the sale of all surplus assets. These restrictions
will be released on reaching certain milestones.
Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of ordinary shares and share options are recognised as a deduction
from equity, net of any related income tax benefit.

b) Nature and purpose of reserves

Hedge reserve
The hedging reserve comprises the effective portion of the cumulative change in the fair value of cash flow hedging
instruments related to hedged transactions that have not yet occurred.

Share-based payment reserve

The share-based payment reserve is used to record the value of share-based payments provided to director related
entities and senior employees under share option and long term incentive plans. Refer to note 5.5 for further details
of these plans.

c) Dividends
Dividends of $312,197,000 were paid to shareholders during the year ended 30 June 2020 (2019: $464,854,000).
The Directors resolved not to pay a final dividend with respect to the year ended 30 June 2020.

Dividend franking account

As at 30 June 2020, $0.2 million in franking credits were available to shareholders of Whitehaven Coal Limited
(2019: $15.1 million).

100 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


5.5 Share-based payments

a) Recognised share-based payment expenses

2020 2019

Employee expenses $’000 $’000

Share options and performance rights – senior employees 6,259 7,684

Recognition and measurement

The grant date fair value of options and performance rights granted to employees is recognised as an expense,
with a corresponding increase in equity, over the period in which the employees become unconditionally entitled
to the options. The amount recognised is adjusted to reflect the actual number of share options that vest, except
for those that fail to vest due to market conditions not being met. Once the instruments have vested, no further
expenses are recognised nor reserves reversed in respect to costs already charged. However, where the share
rights or options have lapsed after vesting the Group transfers the equivalent amount of the cumulative cost for
the lapsed awards from the share-based payments reserve to another component of equity.

b) Types of share-based payment plans

Performance right and option grant to CEO and senior employees

The Company issued performance rights to the CEO and senior employees under the Company’s medium and
long term incentive (MTI and LTI) programs in FY19 and FY20. The terms and conditions of the grant are as follows.

2020 2019

Number of Vesting and Number of Vesting and

Performance rights instruments expiration date instruments expiration date

MTI 1,173,680 30 June 2022 397,596 30 June 2021

LTI tranche 1 492,613 30 June 2022 337,300 30 June 2021

LTI tranche 2 492,595 30 June 2023 337,294 30 June 2022

LTI tranche 3 985,190 30 June 2022/23 1 674,571 30 June 2021/22 1

Total 3,144,078 1,746,761

1 To the extent that the Costs Hurdle Award is satisfied at the end of the year of testing, 50% of the awards will vest and become exercisable immediately and the
remaining 50% will continue on foot, subject to a further one year service condition.

The performance rights are subject to a performance measure linked to relative total shareholder return (TSR)
and a costs hurdle. The TSR performance measure compares the TSR performance of the Company with the TSR
performance of a peer group of companies operating in the Australian resources sector. The costs hurdle performance
measure relates to the Company’s achieving a defined cost per tonne target. Detailed disclosures of LTI outcomes
against the target are provided in the Remuneration Report.
The table below details the outcomes of MTI awards that were tested in FY20 (or for which the test period concluded
on 30 June 2020) and the results of the relevant test.


MTI Year Test Type Performance Vested Lapsed

2017 Relative TSR 20th in 22 0% 100%

2017 Costs Target Hurdle $75/tonne 0% 100%

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 101


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

5. Capital structure and financing (cont.)

5.5 Share-based payments (cont.)

c) Movement in options and performance rights

The following table illustrates the number and weighted average exercise prices of, and movements in, options and
performance rights during the year.

Weighted Weighted
average Number of average Number of
exercise price options/rights exercise price options/rights

2020 2020 2019 2019

Outstanding at beginning of period $0.64 20,646,332 $0.58 22,952,635

Exercised during the period $0.32 (5,200,653) $0.00 (4,041,556)

Granted during the period $0.00 3,781,5541 $0.00 2,183,6582

Forfeited during the period $0.00 – $0.00 (89,819)

Lapsed during the period $0.66 (4,996,569) $0.00 (358,586)

Outstanding at 30 June $0.59 14,230,664 $0.64 20,646,332

Exercisable at 30 June $0.00 1,012,730 $0.00 882,319

1 Includes 637,476 performance rights granted during the year under the FY19 STI scheme.
2 Includes 436,897 performance rights granted during the year under the FY18 STI scheme.

The outstanding balance as at 30 June 2020 is represented by:

i) 1,360,175 options over ordinary shares having an exercise price of $1.21, exercisable between 30 June 2020 and
31 August 2021
ii) 2,348,028 options over ordinary shares having an exercise price of $2.85, exercisable between 30 June 2020 and
27 October 2022
iii) 186,615 performance rights over ordinary shares having an exercise price of nil, exercisable between 26 August 2020
and 13 August 2025
iv) 1,351,083 performance rights over ordinary shares having an exercise price of nil, exercisable between 26 August
2020 and 31 August 2026
v) 3,156,731 performance rights over ordinary shares having an exercise price of nil, exercisable between 26 August
2020 and 27 October 2027
vi) 2,046,478 performance rights over ordinary shares having an exercise price of nil, exercisable between 26 August
2020 and 27 October 2028
vii) 3,781,554 performance rights over ordinary shares having an exercise price of nil, exercisable between 26 August
2020 and 28 October 2029
During the year ended 30 June 2020, 1,360,181 share options and 3,840,472 performance rights were exercised
(2019: nil).
The weighted average remaining contractual life of share options and performance rights outstanding at 30 June 2020
is 6.3 years (2019: 5.7 years).

102 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


d) Option pricing models

The fair value of performance rights granted under the LTI program with a TSR performance hurdle is measured using
a Monte Carlo simulation model incorporating the probability of the performance hurdles being met. The fair value of
performance rights with the non-market performance hurdle (costs target) is measured using the Black-Scholes option
pricing formula.
The fair value of options with a TSR performance hurdle and non-market performance hurdle is measured using a
combination of the Monte Carlo simulation model and Binomial Option Pricing methods.
The following table lists the inputs to the models used for the years ended 30 June 2020 and 30 June 2019.



Performance hurdle TSR Cost TSR TSR Cost Cost

Grant date 15 Nov 19 15 Nov 19 15 Nov 19 15 Nov 19 15 Nov 19 15 Nov 19

Vesting date 30 Jun 22 30 Jun 22 30 Jun 22 30 Jun 23 30 Jun 22 30 Jun 23

Fair value at grant date $1.98 $3.43 $1.99 $2.10 $3.43 $3.43

Share price $3.15 $3.15 $3.15 $3.15 $3.15 $3.15

Expected volatility 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30%

Performance Right life 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years

Risk-free interest rate 0.8% 0.8% 0.8% 0.8% 0.8% 0.8%



Performance hurdle TSR Cost TSR TSR Cost Cost

Grant date 27 Oct 18 27 Oct 18 27 Oct 18 27 Oct 18 27 Oct 18 27 Oct 18

Vesting date 30 Jun 21 30 Jun 21 30 Jun 21 30 Jun 22 30 Jun 21 30 Jun 22

Fair value at grant date $2.98 $5.07 $2.99 $3.15 $5.07 $5.07

Share price $4.81 $4.81 $4.81 $4.81 $4.81 $4.81

Expected volatility 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30%

Performance Right life 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years

Risk-free interest rate 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.1% 2.0% 2.1%

All shared-based payments for existing employees are equity settled.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 103


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

6. Group structure
6.1 Acquisition of business

Acquisitions in the year ended 30 June 2020

On 31 December 2019, the Group completed the acquisition of EDF Trading Australia Pty Limited which owns a 7.5%
interest in the Narrabri Coal Project Joint Venture. The acquisition had an effective date of 1 July 2019 and brings
Whitehaven’s ownership interest in the Narrabri Coal Project Joint Venture to 77.5%. The completion of the acquisition
triggered pre-emptive rights in favour of each of the Narrabri Joint Venture participants (including Whitehaven).
All participants have elected not to exercise their rights.
Details of the purchase consideration, the net assets acquired and the impact of the acquisition on the Group
are as follows:

a) Purchase consideration: $’000

Cash consideration 17,640

Deferred consideration 1

Total consideration 98,796

Cash acquired as part of the acquisition (1,029)

Net cash flow on acquisition2 16,611

1 Deferred consideration on the acquisition of EDF Trading Australia Pty Limited of US$55 million is payable over five years and is not contingent.
2 Other acquisition related payments of $3,068,000 were made during the year ended 30 June 2020.

b) Assets acquired and liabilities assumed

The fair values of the identifiable assets and liabilities of EDF Trading Australia Pty Limited at 1 July 2019, the effective
date of acquisition were as follows:
Fair value
recognised on



Cash and cash equivalents 1,029

Trade and other receivables 2,036

Inventory 5,622

Deferred tax asset 20,561

Property, plant and equipment 90,918

Exploration and evaluation 949

Intangible assets 216



Trade and other payables (14,191)

Provision for rehabilitation costs (1,643)


Total identifiable net assets at fair value 105,497

Total consideration 98,796

Gain on acquisition 6,701

Acquisition related costs (6,679)

Total tax losses (tax effected at 30%) transferred from EDF Trading Australia Pty Limited were $50,532,000.
The Group recognised $28,761,000 of these losses and $21,771,000 remained unrecognised.

104 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


c) Impact of the acquisition on the results of the Group

From the effective date of acquisition, EDF Trading Australia Pty Limited contributed $45,833,000 of revenue and
$3,412,000 of profit before tax for the Group, as disclosed in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income
for the year ended 30 June 2020.

6.2 Group’s subsidiaries

The below is a list of the Group’s subsidiaries, all of which are incorporated in Australia unless otherwise noted.

Ownership interest Ownership interest

2020 2019 2020 2019

Parent entity
Whitehaven Coal Limited


Whitehaven Coal Mining Limited 1 100% 100% Maules Creek Coal Pty Ltd1 100% 100%

Namoi Mining Pty Ltd 1

100% 100% Boardwalk Resources Limited 1
100% 100%

Namoi Agriculture & Mining Pty Ltd 100% 100% Boardwalk Coal Management Pty Ltd 1
100% 100%

Betalpha Pty Ltd1 100% 100% Boardwalk Coal Marketing Pty Ltd1 100% 100%

Tarrawonga Coal Pty Ltd 1

100% 100% Boardwalk Sienna Pty Ltd 1
100% 100%

Tarrawonga Coal Sales Pty Ltd2 100% 100% Boardwalk Monto Pty Ltd1 100% 100%

Whitehaven Coal Holdings Pty Ltd 1

100% 100% Boardwalk Dingo Pty Ltd 1
100% 100%

Whitehaven Coal Infrastructure Pty Ltd1 100% 100% Boardwalk Ferndale Pty Ltd1 100% 100%

Narrabri Coal Australia Pty Ltd 2,3

100% – Coalworks Limited 1
100% 100%

Narrabri Coal Pty Ltd1 100% 100% Yarrawa Coal Pty Ltd1 100% 100%

Narrabri Coal Operations Pty Ltd 1

100% 100% Loyal Coal Pty Ltd 92.5% 92.5%

Narrabri Coal Sales Pty Ltd 1 100% 100% Ferndale Coal Pty Ltd 92.5% 92.5%

Creek Resources Pty Ltd 1

100% 100% Coalworks (Oaklands North) Pty Ltd 1
100% 100%

Werris Creek Coal Sales Pty Ltd1 100% 100% CWK Nominees Pty Ltd1 100% 100%

Werris Creek Coal Pty Ltd 1

100% 100% Oaklands Land Pty Ltd 1
100% 100%

WC Contract Hauling Pty Ltd1 100% 100% Coalworks (Vickery South) Pty Ltd1 100% 100%

Whitehaven Blackjack Pty Ltd 1

100% 100% Coalworks Vickery South Operations Pty Ltd 1
100% 100%

Whitehaven Project Pty Ltd1 100% 100% Vickery South Marketing Pty Ltd1 100% 100%

Whitehaven Employee Share Plan Pty Ltd 1

100% 100% Vickery South Operations Pty Ltd 1
100% 100%

Whitehaven WS Pty Ltd2 100% 100% Vickery South Pty Ltd1 100% 100%

Aston Resources Limited 1

100% 100% Vickery Coal Pty Ltd 2
100% 100%

Aston Coal 2 Pty Ltd 1

100% 100% Winchester South WS Pty Ltd 100% 100%

Aston Coal 3 Pty Ltd1 100% 100% Winchester South Coal Operations Pty Ltd2 100% 100%

1 These subsidiaries entered into a Class Instrument 2016/785 dated 28 September 2016 and related deed of cross guarantee with Whitehaven Coal Limited.
Refer to note 6.5 for further information.
2 These subsidiaries entered into a Class Instrument 2016/785 dated 24 June 2020 and related deed of cross guarantee with Whitehaven Coal Limited.
Refer to note 6.5 for further information.
3 During the financial year ended 30 June 2020 the Group acquired EDF Trading Australia Pty Limited, which owns a 7.5% interest in the Narrabri Coal Project
Joint Venture. Upon completion of the acquisition, the entity was renamed to Narrabri Coal Australia Pty Ltd.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 105


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

6. Group structure (cont.)

6.2 Group’s subsidiaries (cont.)

Recognition and measurement

Subsidiaries are entities controlled by the Company. Control exists when the Company is exposed to, or has rights
to, variable returns from its involvement with an entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power
over the entity. The financial statements of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements from
the date on which control commences until that control ceases. All intercompany balances and transactions have
been eliminated in preparing the consolidated financial statements.

6.3 Interest in joint operations

The Group has interests in the following joint operations, which are accounted for in the consolidated financial
statements using the equity method:

Ownership interest and voting rights

Country of incorporation 2020 2019

Narrabri Coal Joint Venture 1,2

77.5% 70%

Maules Creek Joint Venture2 75% 75%

Dingo Joint Venture 2

70% 70%

Ferndale Joint Venture2 92.5% 92.5%

Boggabri-Maules Creek Rail Spur Joint Venture2 39% 39%

Maules Creek Marketing Pty Ltd3 Australia 75% 75%

Boggabri-Maules Creek Rail Pty Ltd 3

Australia 39% 39%

1 During the financial year ended 30 June 2020, the Group completed the acquisition of EDF Trading Australia Pty Limited which owns a 7.5% interest in the
Narrabri Coal Project Joint Venture. Refer to note 6.1.
2 These entities have been classified as joint operations under AASB 11 Joint Arrangements, as these joint arrangements are not structured through
separate vehicles.
3 The joint operations above operate as the sales and marketing vehicles or manager of the related unincorporated joint operations and require joint consent
from all joint venture partners on all significant management and financial decisions. The group recognises its share of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses
of the above entities as joint operations under AASB 11 Joint Arrangements.

Recognition and measurement

Joint arrangements are arrangements in which two or more parties have joint control. Joint control is the
contractually agreed sharing of control over an arrangement, which exists only when decisions about relevant
strategic and/or key operating decisions require unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.
The consolidated financial statements of the Group include its share of the assets and liabilities, revenues and
expenses arising jointly or otherwise from those operations, and its revenue derived from the sale of its share of
goods and services from the joint operation. All such amounts are measured in proportion to the Group’s interest
in the joint operation.

Significant accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions

The Group assesses whether it has the power to direct the relevant activities of the investee by considering the
rights it holds with respect to the work program and budget approval, investment decision approval, voting rights
in joint operating committees and changes to joint arrangement participant holdings. Where the Group has joint
control, judgement is also required to assess whether the arrangement is a joint operation or a joint venture.

106 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


6.4 Parent entity information


2020 2019

Information relating to Whitehaven Coal Limited $’000 $’000

Current assets 315,415 692,782

Total assets 3,406,886 3,744,008

Current liabilities – –

Total liabilities – –

Issued capital 3,136,412 3,136,412

Retained earnings 255,221 590,687

Share-based payments reserve 15,253 16,909

Total shareholders’ equity 3,406,886 3,744,008

Profit/(loss) of the parent entity (3,950) 734,328

Total comprehensive income/(loss) of the parent entity (3,950) 734,328

6.5 Deed of cross guarantee

Pursuant to ASIC Corporations Instrument 2016/785 dated 28 September 2016, the wholly owned subsidiaries listed
in note 6.2 (refer footnote 1) are relieved from the Corporations Act 2001 requirements for the preparation, audit and
lodgement of financial reports, and directors’ reports.
It is a condition of the Class Order that the Company and each of the subsidiaries enter into a deed of cross guarantee
(the ‘Deed’). The effect of the Deed is that the Company guarantees to each creditor payment of any debt in full in the
event of winding up of any of the subsidiaries under certain provisions of the Corporations Act 2001. If a winding up
occurs under other provisions of the Corporations Act 2001, the Company will only be liable in the event that after six
months any creditor has not been paid in full. The subsidiaries have also given similar guarantees in the event that the
Company is wound up.
The Company and each of the relevant subsidiaries entered into the Deed on 27 June 2008 with subsequent
assumption deeds entered into on 27 June 2012, 25 June 2013 and 24 June 2020.
The following consolidated statement of comprehensive income and statement of financial position comprises the
Company and its controlled entities which are party to the Deed (‘Closed Group’) after eliminating all transactions
between parties to the Deed.

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 107


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

6. Group structure (cont.)

6.5 Deed of cross guarantee (cont.)
Closed Group

2020 2019

Statement of comprehensive income $’000 $’000

Profit before tax 40,830 735,868

Income tax expense (12,294) (207,970)

Profit after tax 28,536 527,898

Other comprehensive income

Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss

Net movement on cash flow hedges 10,289 (4,287)

Income tax effect (3,087) 1,286

Other comprehensive income for the period, net of tax 7,202 (3,001)

Total comprehensive income for the period, net of tax 35,738 524,897

Statement of financial position


Cash and cash equivalents 106,636 119,407

Trade and other receivables 131,117 518,183

Inventories 175,593 148,939

Current tax receivable 13,180 –

Derivative financial instruments 8,286 47

Total current assets 434,812 786,576

Trade and other receivables 9,708 10,518

Investments 37 37

Property, plant and equipment 4,154,697 3,841,575

Exploration and evaluation 591,343 186,427

Intangible assets 22,946 21,350

Total non-current assets 4,778,731 4,059,907

Total assets 5,213,543 4,846,483

108 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Closed Group

2020 2019

Statement of financial position $’000 $’000


Trade and other payables 189,426 196,028

Loans and borrowings 81,553 81,728

Employee benefits 30,430 26,510

Income tax payable – 288

Provisions 10,083 29,985

Derivative financial instruments 824 2,874

Total current liabilities 312,316 337,413

Non-current liabilities

Other payables 62,111 –

Loans and borrowings 943,008 333,529

Deferred tax liabilities 384,920 390,068

Provisions 260,044 260,219

Total non-current liabilities 1,650,083 983,816

Total liabilities 1,962,399 1,321,229

Net assets 3,251,144 3,525,254

Issued capital 3,001,564 2,978,429

Share-based payments reserve 15,253 16,909

Hedge reserve 5,223 (1,979)

Retained earnings 229,104 531,895

Equity 3,251,144 3,525,254

6.6 Related parties

2020 2019

Compensation to Executive KMP and Non-Executive Directors of the Group $’000 $’000

Short-term employee benefits 6,480 6,444

Contributions to superannuation plans 294 258

Termination benefits 935 –

Share-based compensation payments 3,664 3,848

Total compensation 11,373 10,550

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 109


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

7. Other notes
7.1 Employee benefits
2020 2019

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income $’000 $’000

Wages and salaries 186,490 169,971

Contributions to superannuation plans 12,265 10,947

Other associated personnel expenses 7,847 6,228

Increase in liability for annual leave 3,062 2,365

Increase/(decrease) in liability for long service leave (549) 436

Share-based compensation payments 6,259 7,684

215,374 197,631

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

Salaries and wages accrued 9,562 8,156

Liability for long service leave 318 867

Liability for annual leave 20,550 17,487

30,430 26,510

Recognition and measurement

Wages, salaries, annual leave and sick leave
Liabilities for wages, salaries, annual leave and sick leave are recognised in respect of employees’ services up to
the reporting date. They are measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liabilities are settled – that is,
at undiscounted amounts based on remuneration wage and salary rates including related on-costs, such as workers
compensation insurance and payroll tax.
Long-term service benefits
Liabilities for long-service leave and other long-term benefits are recognised and measured at the present
value of the estimated future cash outflows resulting from employees’ services provided up to the reporting
date. Long term benefits not expected to be settled within twelve months are discounted using the rates
attached to the high quality corporate bonds at the reporting date, which most closely match the maturity
dates of the related liability.
Defined contribution superannuation funds
Obligations for contributions to defined contribution superannuation funds are recognised as an expense
in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income as incurred.

110 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


7.2 Auditors’ remuneration

2020 2019

Auditors of the Company – Ernst & Young (Australia) $ $

Audit services

Audit and review of statutory financial statements of the parent covering the Group 553,927 571,625

553,927 571,625

Other assurance services where there is discretion as to whether the service

is provided by the auditor or another firm

Audit of joint operations 316,073 283,375

Review of National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 requirements 67,204 62,629

383,277 346,004

Other services

Taxation compliance services 30,000 125,000

Others 32,994 69,790

62,994 194,790

Total auditor’s remuneration 1,000,198 1,112,419

7.3 Commitments
2020 2019

a) Capital expenditure commitments $’000 $’000

Contracted for but not provided for and payable:

Within one year1 8,773 83,663

1 There were no commitments for capital expenditure beyond one year.

b) Lease commitments
Leases relate to property, plant and equipment with lease terms of between one and five years, as well as leases
recognised in accordance with AASB 16 Leases.

2020 2019

$’000 $’000

Within one year 94,258 86,308

Between one and five years 259,841 153,425

More than five years 42,821 45,916

Minimum lease payments 396,920 285,649

Future finance charges (50,315) (44,125)

Total lease liabilities 346,605 241,524

Included in the financial statements in note 5.1 as:

Current borrowings 81,977 76,532

Non-current borrowings 264,628 164,992

346,605 241,524

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 111


Notes to the consolidated financial statements

For the year ended 30 June 2020

7. Other notes (cont.)

7.4 Contingencies

a) Bank guarantees
2020 2019
The Group provided bank guarantees to government departments as a condition
of continuation of mining and: $’000 $’000

(i) exploration licences 257,877 235,826

(ii) rail capacity providers 27,936 27,936

(iii) port capacity providers 135,220 115,941

(iv) electricity network access supplier 22,470 23,534

(vi) other 10,785 2,072

454,288 405,309

b) Other
As previously reported, representative proceedings were commenced against the Group on 21 December 2018 in
the Supreme Court of Queensland by Nathan Tinkler as representative applicant. The proceedings were brought
on behalf of a number of parties who were issued with Milestone Shares (subject to restrictions on voting and transfer
until various development milestones are met) in Whitehaven Coal Limited in May 2012. The proceedings have since
been transferred to the Supreme Court of New South Wales and the representative applicant has been replaced by
Les & Zelda Investments Pty Ltd (ACN 148 907 573) as Trustee for the Les & Zelda Family Trust. The pleadings make
various allegations against the Group concerning an alleged breach of contract, misleading and deceptive conduct
and minority shareholder oppression in connection with the Milestone Shares. The Group has filed a defence that
denies those allegations. The proceedings are ongoing, and no trial date has yet been set.
Other than the above, there are a number of legal and potential claims against the Group that have arisen in
the ordinary course of business. The Group does not believe that these matters will result in any material adverse
outcome based on information currently available and no provision has been made for any potential adverse outcome.

7.5 Subsequent events

In the interval between the end of the financial year and the date of this report there has not arisen any item,
transaction or event of a material or unusual nature likely, in the opinion of the Directors of the Company, to affect
significantly the operations of the Group, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the Group, in future
financial years, other than the following:
On the 12th August 2020, following extensive public consultation and a detailed review by the NSW Department
of Planning, Industry and Environment, the Vickery Extension Project was approved by the Independent Planning
Commission NSW. The Project is now proceeding through the necessary secondary and federal approvals processes.

112 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Directors’ declaration
For the year ended 30 June 2020

In accordance with a resolution of the directors of Whitehaven Coal Limited,

I state that:
In the opinion of the Directors:
(a) the financial statements and notes of Whitehaven Coal Limited are
in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, including:
(i) giving a true and fair view of the consolidated entity’s financial
position as at 30 June 2020 and of its performance for the year
ended on that date, and
(ii) complying with Australian Accounting Standards (including
the Australian Accounting Interpretations) and the Corporations
Regulations 2001
(b) the financial statements and notes also comply with International
Financial Reporting Standards as disclosed in note 1, and
(c) there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Company will
be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable
(d) this declaration has been made after receiving the declarations required
to be made to the Directors in accordance with section 295A of the
Corporations Act 2001 for the financial year ending 30 June 2020
(e) as at the date of this declaration, there are reasonable grounds to believe
that the members of the Closed Group identified in note 6.5 will be able
to meet any obligations or liabilities to which they are or may become
subject, by virtue of the Deed of Cross Guarantee.

On behalf of the Board

The Hon. Mark Vaile AO Paul Flynn

Chairman Managing Director and
Chief Executive Officer

26th August 2020

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 113


Independent Auditor’s report

For the year ended 30 June 2020

200 George Street Tel: +61 2 9248 5555

Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Fax: +61 2 9248 5959
GPO Box 2646 Sydney NSW 2001

Independent Auditor’s Report to the Members of Whitehaven Coal


Report on the Audit of the Financial Report


We have audited the financial report of Whitehaven Coal Limited (the Company) and its subsidiaries
(collectively the Group), which comprises the consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June
2020, the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of changes in
equity and the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended, notes to the financial
report, including a summary of significant accounting policies, and the Directors’ declaration.

In our opinion, the accompanying financial report of the Group is in accordance with the Corporations
Act 2001, including:

a) giving a true and fair view of the consolidated financial position of the Group as at 30 June 2020
and of its consolidated financial performance for the year ended on that date; and
b) complying with Australian Accounting Standards and the Corporations Regulations 2001.

Basis for Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Our responsibilities under
those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial
Report section of our report. We are independent of the Group in accordance with the auditor
independence requirements of the Corporations Act 2001 and the ethical requirements of the
Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board’s APES110 Code of Ethics for Professional
Accountants (the Code) that are relevant to our audit of the financial report in Australia. We have also
fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
our opinion.

Key Audit Matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our
audit of the financial report of the current year. These matters were addressed in the context of our
audit of the financial report as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, but we do not provide a
separate opinion on these matters. For each matter below, our description of how our audit addressed
the matter is provided in that context.

We have fulfilled the responsibilities described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the
Financial Report section of our report, including in relation to these matters. Accordingly, our audit
included the performance of procedures designed to respond to our assessment of the risks of material
misstatement of the financial report. The results of our audit procedures, including the procedures
performed to address the matters below, provide the basis for our audit opinion on the accompanying
financial report.

A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

114 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Impairment assessment of Property, Plant & Equipment

Why significant How our audit addressed the key audit matter

At 30 June 2020, the Group’s Our audit procedures included the following:
consolidated statement of financial
• Consideration of the appropriateness of the
position included $4,155m of property,
Group’s identification of its single cash generating
plant and equipment relating to
operating mines.
• Assessment of whether the model used by the
As disclosed in Note 4.1 of the financial Group for their impairment test of the carrying
report, the Directors have assessed value of property, plant and equipment complied
property, plant and equipment for with the requirements of Australian Accounting
impairment as one cash-generating Standards.
unit. This assessment involves critical
accounting estimates and assumptions, • Testing the mathematical accuracy of the
specifically key forecast assumptions impairment model.
such as commodity prices, discount • Assessment of key forecast assumptions such as
rates, inflation rates, foreign exchange coal prices, discount rates, inflation rates, and
rate and recoverable reserves. These foreign exchange rates, with reference to external
estimates and assumptions are
observable market data and independent economic
summarised in Note 4.1.
analysis and with involvement from our valuation
We considered this to be a key audit specialists.
matter due to the value of the balance • Analysis of forecast operating and capital cost
in the consolidated statement of assumptions against historical performance and
financial position relative to total the latest approved budgets and forecasts.
assets, and the significant judgments
• Assessment of the work of the Group’s internal and
and assumptions involved in the
impairment test. external experts with respect to the coal reserves
and resources used in the cash flow forecasts. This
included understanding the reserve estimation
processes carried out, and assessing the
qualifications, competence and objectivity of the
Group’s experts and the scope and appropriateness
of their work.
• Evaluation of the sensitivity analysis performed by
the Group, focusing on the components in
impairment models where a reasonably possible
change in key forecast assumptions could cause
• Assessment of the adequacy of the disclosures
relating to property, plant and equipment in the
financial statements, including those made with
respect to judgements and estimates.

A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited 77

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 115


Auditor’s report
For the year ended 30 June 2020

Mine rehabilitation, closure and biodiversity provisions

Why significant How our audit addressed the key audit matter

At 30 June 2020, the consolidated Our audit procedures included the following:
statement of financial position included
$270.1m of mine rehabilitation, • Assessment of the Group’s process applied in
closure and biodiversity provisions. quantifying the recognition, review and approval of
the rehabilitation, closure and biodiversity
As a consequence of its operations, the provisions.
Group incurs obligations to restore,
rehabilitate and maintain the land used • Agreement of the forecast disturbed areas
for its operations. Rehabilitation and included in rehabilitation models to surveys
biodiversity activities are governed by completed over areas requiring rehabilitation.
a combination of legislative
requirements and Group policies. • Consideration of the reasonableness of cost rates
applied in deriving the provisions with respect to
Estimating the costs associated with government specified cost and bonding rates.
these future activities requires
considerable judgement in relation to • Consideration of the qualifications, competence
factors such as when the rehabilitation and objectivity of the Group’s experts, both
will take place, the time period required internal and external, who produced the surveys
for the rehabilitation to be effective, and cost estimates.
the extent and costs of rehabilitation
activities, technological changes, • Testing the mathematical accuracy of the
regulatory changes, cost increases, the rehabilitation models to support the provision
extent of ongoing maintenance balance.
following the completion of
rehabilitation activities and changes in • Consideration of the discount rate applied by the
economic assumptions including Group.
discount rate.
• Evaluation of the appropriateness of accounting
This was considered to be a key audit treatment applied to changes in the rehabilitation
matter due to the significant judgments provision.
and assumptions involved in the
calculation of these mine rehabilitation, • Assessment of whether the judgments and
closure and biodiversity provisions. estimates disclosures relating to mine closure,
rehabilitation and biodiversity provisions met the
requirements of Australian Accounting standards.

A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited 78

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

116 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Information other than the Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report

The Directors are responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the
information included in the Company’s 2020 Annual Report other than the financial report and our
auditor’s report thereon. We obtained the Directors’ Report that is to be included in the Annual Report,
prior to the date of this auditor’s report, and we expect to obtain the remaining sections of the Annual
Report after the date of this auditor’s report.

Our opinion on the financial report does not cover the other information and we do not and will not
express any form of assurance conclusion thereon, with the exception of the Remuneration Report and
our related assurance opinion.

In connection with our audit of the financial report, our responsibility is to read the other information
and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial
report or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.

If, based on the work we have performed on the other information obtained prior to the date of this
auditor’s report, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are
required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

Responsibilities of the Directors for the Financial Report

The Directors of the Company are responsible for the preparation of the financial report that gives a true
and fair view in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards and the Corporations Act 2001 and
for such internal control as the Directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of the
financial report that gives a true and fair view and is free from material misstatement, whether due to
fraud or error.

In preparing the financial report, the Directors are responsible for assessing the Group’s ability to
continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the
going concern basis of accounting unless the Directors either intend to liquidate the Group or cease
operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.

Auditor’s responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Report

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial report as a whole is free
from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes
our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit
conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards will always detect a material misstatement
when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually
or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users
taken on the basis of this financial report.

As part of an audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards, we exercise professional judgment
and maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also:

A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited 79

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 117


Auditor’s report
For the year ended 30 June 2020

• Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial report, whether due to
fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain
audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of
not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting
from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations,
or the override of internal control.

• Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing
an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control.

• Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of

accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the Directors.

• Conclude on the appropriateness of the Directors’ use of the going concern basis of
accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists
related to events and conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability to
continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are
required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financial
report or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based
on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events
or conditions may cause the Group to cease to continue as a going concern.

• Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial report, including the
disclosures, and whether the financial report represents the underlying transactions and
events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

• Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities
or business activities within the Group to express an opinion on the financial report. We are
responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the Group audit. We remain
solely responsible for our audit opinion.

We communicate with the Directors regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of
the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we
identify during our audit.

We also provide the Directors with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements
regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may
reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.

From the matters communicated to the Directors, we determine those matters that were of most
significance in the audit of the financial report of the current year and are therefore the key audit
matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public
disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter
should not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would
reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited 80

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

118 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Auditor’s Independence Declaration to the Directors of

Coal Limited
200 George Street Tel: +61 2 9248 5555 As lead auditor for the audit of the financial report of Whitehaven Coal Limited f
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Fax: +61 2 9248 5959
GPO Box 2646 Sydney NSW 2001 ended 30 June 2020, I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief, there ha

a) No contraventions of the auditor independence requirements of the Corp

relation to the audit; and
b) No contraventions of any applicable code of professional conduct in rela

This declaration is in respect of Whitehaven Coal Limited and the entities it contr
Independent Auditor’s Report to the Members of Whitehaven Coal
financial year.

Report on the Audit of the Financial Report


We have audited the financial report of Whitehaven Coal Limited (the Company) and its subsidiaries Ernst & Young
(collectively the Group), which comprises onconsolidated
the Remuneration Report
statement of financial position as at 30 June
2020, the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of changes in
equity and the consolidated statement of on the
cash Remuneration
flows for the year thenReportended, notes Mineto rehabilitation,
the financial closure and biodiversity provisions
report, including a summary of significant accounting policies, and the Directors’ declaration.
ReportWe have onaudited
the Remuneration
the Remuneration Report Report included in pages 25 to 49 of the Directors' report for the
Why significant How our audit addressed the key audit ma
In our opinion, the accompanying year ended report
financial 30 June of 2020.
the Group is in accordance with the Corporations
Act 2001, including: Opinion on the Remuneration Report At 30 Ryan
June Fisk 2020, the consolidated Our audit procedures included the following
In our opinion, the Remuneration Report of Whitehavenstatement Coal Partner
Limited for the year
of financial ended
position 30 June
a) giving a true and fair view 2020,
We have
of the complies
consolidated with section position
the Remuneration
financial 300A of of
Report the Corporations
the in pages
Group Act
30 2001.
25 to
as at$270.1mJune
26 49Augustofmine
of the 2020
rehabilitation,report for the • Assessment of the Group’s process app
and of its consolidated year
ended performance
30 June 2020. for the year ended on that date; and closure and biodiversity provisions. quantifying the recognition, review and
Responsibilities the rehabilitation, closure and biodivers
b) complying with Australian Accounting Standards and the Corporations Regulations 2001.
In our opinion, the Remuneration Report of Whitehaven CoalAsLimited a consequence
for the year of its operations,
ended 30 Junethe provisions.
2020, complies with Group incurs obligations to restore,
Basis for Opinion The Directors ofsection 300A of
the Company arethe Corporations
responsible Actpreparation
for the 2001. and presentation of the
rehabilitate and maintain the land used • Agreement of the forecast disturbed ar
Remuneration Report in accordance with section 300A of the Corporations Act 2001. Our
for its operations. Rehabilitation and included in rehabilitation models to surv
We conducted our audit in Responsibilities
accordance is to express
with Australian an opinion
Auditing on the Our
Standards. Remuneration Report,
biodiversity under based onare
activities ourgoverned
audit conductedby in completed over areas requiring rehabili
those standards are further described in thewith Australian
Auditor’s Auditing Standards.
Responsibilities for the Audit aofcombination
the Financial of legislative
Report section of our report. The Directors of the Company
We are independent of are
theresponsible for the preparation
Group in accordance with andauditor
requirements presentation
and Groupofpolicies. the • Consideration of the reasonableness of
independence requirements Remuneration Report in accordance
of the Corporations Act 2001 withand section 300Arequirements
the ethical of the Corporations of theAct 2001. Our applied in deriving the provisions with r
Accounting Professional and responsibility is to express
Ethical Standards an opinion
Board’s APES110on the Remuneration
Code of Ethics forReport,
Estimating based
Professional theon costsourassociated
audit conducted with in government specified cost and bonding
Accountants (the Code) thataccordance
are relevantwithto Australian
our audit of Auditing Standards.
the financial report in Australia.these
We future
have also activities requires
fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code. considerable judgement in relation to • Consideration of the qualifications, com
factors such as when the rehabilitation and objectivity of the Group’s experts, b
will take place, the time period required internal and external, who produced the
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
Ernst & Young for the rehabilitation to be effective, and cost estimates.
our opinion.
the extent and costs of rehabilitation
activities, technological changes, • Testing the mathematical accuracy of t
Key Audit Matters regulatory changes, cost increases, the rehabilitation models to support the pro
extent of ongoing maintenance balance.
Key audit matters are thoseErnst
matters& Young
that, in our professional judgment, were of most significancefollowing the in our completion of
audit of the financial report of the current year. These matters were addressed in therehabilitation context of our activities and changes in • Consideration of the discount rate appl
audit of the financial report as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, but we do economic
not provide assumptions
a including Group. 21
separate opinion on these matters. For each matter below, our description of how our discount audit addressedrate.
A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
Ryan Fisk
the matter is provided in that context. • Evaluation of the appropriateness of ac
Partner This was considered to be a key audit treatment applied to changes in the reh
We have fulfilled the responsibilities described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the matter
Audit due oftothe the significant judgments provision.
26 August 2020 and assumptions involved in the
Financial Report section of our report, including in relation to these matters. Accordingly, our audit
calculation of these mine rehabilitation, • Assessment of whether the judgments
included the performance ofRyan Fisk
procedures designed to respond to our assessment of the risks of material
closure and biodiversity provisions. estimates disclosures relating to mine c
misstatement of the financial report. The results of our audit procedures, including the procedures
Sydney below, provide the basis for our audit opinion on the accompanying
performed to address the matters rehabilitation and biodiversity provision
26 August 2020 requirements of Australian Accounting
financial report.

A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited 81

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited 81

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 119


ASX additional information

Additional information required by the Australian Securities Exchange Limited Listing Rules and not disclosed
elsewhere in this report is set out below.


Substantial shareholders
The number of shares recorded as owned by substantial shareholders and their associates in the most
recent substantial shareholder notices advised to the Company by these shareholders are set out below:

Percentage of Number of ordinary Date of substantial

Shareholder capital held shares held shareholder notice

Fritz Kundrun* 12.09% 124,042,252 17 Oct 2014

Hans Mende* 9.65% 99,054,726 13 Aug 2020

AMCI Group* 8.40% 86,170,596 17 Oct 2014

Lazard Asset Management Pacific Co 9.89% 101,493,276 20 Aug 2020

* The holdings of Mr Kundrun and Mr Mende both include the 86,170,596 shares owned by AMCI Group.

Voting rights Distribution of equity security holders

Ordinary shares Number of equity

Category security holders % of Units
Refer to note 5.4 in the financial statements
1–1,000 5,229 0.27
Options 1,001–5,000 6,294 1.68
There are no voting rights attached to the options. 5,001–10,000 2,510 1.89

10,001–100,000 2,713 6.96

100,001 and over 203 89.20

16,949 100.00

There are 6 holders of options over ordinary shares.

Refer to section 7.2 of the Remuneration Report.
The number of shareholders holding less than
a marketable parcel of ordinary shares is 1,942.

120 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Securities exchange
The Company is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.

Other information
Whitehaven Coal Limited, incorporated and domiciled in Australia, is a publicly listed company limited by shares.

Twenty largest shareholders (legal ownership)

Number of
ordinary Percentage of
Name shares held capital held





















859,784,793 83.79

This information is current as at 20 August 2020

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 121


ARTC Australian Rail Track Corporation
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
CHPP coal handling preparation plant
EBITDA earnings before interest, depreciation and amortisation
ECA Export Credit Agency
FEC Forward Exchange Contract
FOB Free on Board
FVLCD fair value less costs of disposal
FY19 financial year ending 30 June 2019
FY20 financial year ending 30 June 2020
HELE high-efficiency, low-emissions
JORC Joint Ore Resources Committee
KMP Key Management Personnel
KPI Key performance indicator
kt thousand tonnes
LTI Long Term Incentive
LW Longwall
m million
MRRT Minerals Resource Rent Tax
Mt million tonnes
MTI Medium Term Incentive
Mtpa million tonnes per annum
NCIG Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group
NPAT net profit after tax
PWCS Port Waratah Coal Services
ROM run of mine
SSCC semi-soft coking coal
STI Short Term Incentive
t tonne
TAL Tonne Axle Load
TFR Total Fixed Remuneration
TRIFR Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate
TSR Total Shareholder Return

122 | Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020


Corporate directory
Directors Registered and Principal Share Registry
Administrative Office
The Hon. Mark Vaile AO Computershare Investor
Chairman Level 28, 259 George Street Services Pty Limited
Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 2975 Melbourne
John Conde AO Victoria 3001 Australia
Deputy Chairman P +61 2 8222 1100
F +61 2 8222 1101 P 1300 855 080
Dr Julie Beeby (or +61 3 9415 4000)
Non-Executive Director Australian Business Number
ABN 68 124 425 396
Country of Incorporation
Paul Flynn
Managing Director and CEO Australia
Stock Exchange Listing
Lindsay Ward
Web address
Non-Executive Director Australian Securities
Exchange Limited
Fiona Robertson ASX Code: WHC
Non-Executive Director

Raymond Zage Auditor

Non-Executive Director
Ernst & Young
Ernst & Young Centre
Company Secretary 200 George Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
Timothy Burt
P +61 2 9248 5555
F +61 2 9248 5199

Whitehaven Coal Annual Report 2020 | 123

Whitehaven Coal
Level 28, 259 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
P +61 2 8222 1100

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