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Washpool Hard Coking Coal Project Feasibility Study Completed

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ASX RELEASE 19 J uly 2010

Perth: Level 2 Aquila Centre, 1 Preston Street, Como WA 6151 Telephone (61) 8 9423 0111Facsimile (61) 8 9423 0133
Brisbane: Level 11, 10 Market Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 Telephone (61) 7 3229 5630 Facsimile (61) 7 3229 5631
Thabazimbi: C/O Platina and Lood Avenue, Thabazimbi 0380, South Africa Telephone (27) 14 772 3337 Facsimile (27) 14 772 3337
Northern Cape: Stand 585 Opwag, Groblershoop, Northern Cape, South Africa Telephone (27) 798 816 459 Facsimile (27) 866 838 065
Indonesia: Level 2 Zone B Wisma Raharja, JI. TB Simatupang Kav 1, Jakarta 12560 Telephone (62) 21 7884 7214 Facsimile (62) 21 7884 7215
Washpool Har d Coki ng Coal Pr oj ect
Feasi bi l i t y St udy Compl et ed


Project Feasibility Study confirms the technicaland economic feasibility of the

The Feasibility Study proposes a 4Mtpa open cut mining operation producing
Capital expenditure is estimated at $320 million which includes provisions for
Cultural Heritage Investigation and Management Agreement for Project area
o Measured,Indicated&InferredResourceof185.5Mt.
o ProvedandProbableReservesof108.3Mt.

Aquila Resources Limited (ASX:AQA the Company or Aquila) is pleased to announce that
Washpool Coal Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Aquila Resources Limited, has completed the
Feasibility Study for the Washpool Hard Coking Coal Project, which confirms the technical and
economic viability of the Project.

The Project is located in the Bowen Basin in Central Queensland, approximately 260km West of
Rockhampton and 24km North West of Blackwater. It lies to the immediate West of the Curragh
mining operation and to the East of the Ensham Mine. The Feasibility Study proposes an open cut
operation mining 4Mtpa of run of mine (ROM) coal, to produce 1.6Mtpa of high rank hard coking coal
over a mine life of 25 years, with the coal to be exported through the proposed Wiggins Island Coal
Terminal in Gladstone.

This study commenced following completion of the initial concept stage in J une 2009. The work that
has been completed, is based on exploration programs undertaken between J uly 2009 and February
2010, which included both drilling and coal quality coring work and the associated technical testing. In
addition, a series of engineering studies have been undertaken to produce capital and operating cost
estimates for the Project.

Subject to statutory approvals and completion of further technical studies, construction of the mine
could commence in 2012 with first coal mined early in calendar 2013.

Washpool Hard Coking Coal Project Regional Plan

Capital Costs

The outcomes of the Feasibility Study, indicate that the Project can be developed for a capital cost of
$320M, which includes provisions for EPCM and contingency costs.

Capital Summary Base Case
Coal Handling Preparation Plant 53
Surface Infrastructure 136
Power 23
Pre-production 15
Subtotal 278
Contingency 42
Total 320

The surface infrastructure costs include the establishment of all coal handling, coal preparation,
site rail logistics requirements and buildings and roads for the mine.
The base case assumes that the overburden is stripped using cast, doze and excavate
methodology. The option of utilising a dragline from year two will be carried into the Definitive
Feasibility Study for further evaluation and if implemented will impact on the capital and
operating costs.
The base case also considers two options for the rail loop location, which will be carried into the
Definitive Feasibility Study for further evaluation. Both options would connect directly into the
Blackwater system.
Appropriate contingency allowances have been applied for this level of study of the Project.

Washpool Hard Coking Coal Mine Layout

Operating Costs

Results of the Study confirm that the mine can produce coal for approximately $106 per tonne (FOB
operating cost, excluding royalties, over the first ten years) and the mine has a life of 25 years,
although potential additional resource in the south east area of the mine where further drilling is
planned, may allow for a mine life in excess of 25 years.

Operating Costs
Cost per
Prod t
Mining and Processing Costs 87
Rail and Port Costs 19
Total 106

Investment Evaluation

The investment evaluation of the mine revealed a Net Present Value of $364million at a discount rate
of 10%, and an Internal Rate of Return of 30%. Revenue assumptions were based on an independent
marketing evaluation, where coal prices were discounted against the forward prediction for hard
coking coal price, so that the long-term assumption used in the evaluation was a coal price of
US$144/t. The long term exchange rate assumption of AU$1 =US$0.72 was based on ANZ forward

Technical and Engineering Studies

The Feasibility Study contains both technical reports (covering the technical requirements to mine the
hard coking coal from the open cut mine) and engineering studies (covering surface infrastructure,
coal handling and preparation, and logistics). In addition to the Washpool Coal team, work has been
undertaken by consultants and contractors experienced in Bowen Basin operations and the
development of capital and operating cost estimates for these types of projects. These capital and
operating cost estimates have been used to develop the project valuation.

Area Service Provider
Coal Handling Preparation Plant AusTagg
Surface Infrastructure Sinclair Knight Merz
Power Minecraft / Hill MIchael
Mining Options Study Xenith Consulting
Mining Reserves Statement Xenith Consulting
Coal Quality David Hornsby
Marketing Study MinAxis
Environment Sinclair Knight Merz

Updated Resource and Reserves Statement

Work completed by the Company during the Feasibility Study phase, which was released in May
2010, resulted in the total resource identified increasing to 185.5Mt, as follows:

Million Tonnes
Total measured
and indicated Mt
Indicated &
108.8 23.9 132.7 52.7 185.5


The initial Reserves Statement complied by Xenith Consulting Pty Ltd, which was released at the
same time, shows Proved and Probable Reserves as set out in the table below, giving an overall mine
life of up to 25years.

Proved ROM
Coal (Kt)
ROM Coal
Total ROM
Coal (Kt)
Coal (Kt)
Marketable Coal
Coal (Kt)
94,743 13,517 108,260 34,078 5,000 39,078

Exploration potential still exists in the balance of the Washpool and Mt Crocker Exploration leases
surrounding the Project area.

Coal Quality

The Washpool product will be a hard coking coal with very strong coking properties and a higher than
specification ash. Whilst the market acceptability of higher ash coking coal is growing, the marketing
strategy for the Project will be to target end users with a view to developing blends with weaker low
ash coking coals.

Parameter Unit Typical
Total Moisture (ar) % 12
Ash % 15
Volatile Matter % 20.5
Total Sulphur % 0.56
Phosphorus % 0.036
CSN >9
Max. Fluidity (average) dd/min 1000
Coke Strength After Reaction (CSR) 63
Coke Reactivity Index (CRI) 26
Gray King Coke Type G9
Romax % 1.35
Total Vitrinite % 84

Regulatory Approvals

Milestones achieved within the Feasibility Study phase, include:

Lodgement of the Mining Lease application;

Commencing the Environmental Impact Statement, finalising the Terms of Reference, and
conducting all the baseline studies; and

Executing a Cultural Heritage Investigation Management Agreement with the endorsed
Indigenous Party, the Kangoulu People.

Project Logistics

Washpool Coal Pty Ltd is a foundation shareholder of WICET Holdings Pty Ltd which has the
exclusive mandate from the Queensland Government to develop the Wiggins Island Coal Terminal in
Gladstone. The Washpool Hard Coking Coal Project has qualified for Stage 1 of the terminal and the
Company intends to continue its support for the WICET feasibility study through to the terminal
achieving financial close.

In addition, the Company is negotiating for capacity for both above rail and below rail services.

Summary of Study Outcomes

The Feasibility Study confirms the status of the Washpool Hard Coking Coal Project area as a major
coking coal resource and provides confirmation that this resource is economically recoverable with
open cut mining methods.

The Study recommends progression to the Definitive Feasibility Study stage.

Tony Poli
Executive Chairman

For further information regarding this announcement, please contact Tony Poli.

Telephone: (08) 9423 0111
Facsimile: (08) 9423 0133
Email address:
Visit us at:

The information in this announcement that relates to the Resource Statement has been based on information compiled by Mr
Rod Doyle, who is a full-time employee of Aquila Resources Limited. He is a qualified geologist (BSc Geology UOW 1978 and
MappSc UNSW 1988) with some 30 years experience in coal geology, coal mining and resource evaluation. He is a member of
the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and qualifies as a Competent Person under the JORC Code. Mr Doyle holds
shares in Aquila Resources Limited.

The Reserves Statement was prepared by Mr Ross Haupt who is a director of Xenith Consulting Pty Ltd. He holds a Bachelor
Degree in Mining Engineering from the University of Queensland with over 25 years experience in the open cut coal mining
industry and substantial experience in mining operations. Ross Haupt is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy and as such qualifies as a Competent Person under the JORC Code.

Mr Doyle and Mr Haupt consent to the inclusion in the announcement of the matters based on their information in the form and
context in which it appears.

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