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Preventing Differential Sticking and Mud Losses in Highly Depleted Sands

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The paper discusses an innovative approach using a deformable sealant additive to a water-based mud for preventing mud losses and differential sticking when drilling through highly depleted sands in South Texas gas fields.

Commonly challenges include lost circulation, differential sticking, difficulty logging and inability to reach target depth when drilling through depleted sands. Standard lost circulation techniques are not always successful and can complicate the problems.

The paper discusses a preventative approach using a newly developed deformable sealant (DS) additive at 2-3% by volume to a conventional water-based mud. This approach aims to prevent problems rather than cure them after the fact.


Preventing Differential Sticking and Mud Losses in Highly Depleted Sands

Alain Bachelot, Jean Ricaud, Gerard Arquey TOTAL E&P USA; Saddok Benaissa, Baker Hughes INTEQ

This paper was prepared for presentation at the AADE 2004 Drilling Fluids Conference, held at the Radisson Astrodome in Houston, Texas, April 6-7, 2004. This conference was sponsored by the
Houston Chapter of the American Association of Drilling Engineers. The information presented in this paper does not reflect any position, claim or endorsement made or implied by the American
Association of Drilling Engineers, their officers or members. Questions concerning the content of this paper should be directed to the individuals listed as author/s of this work.

Abstract applied in several different fields, while drilling through a

Drilling through depleted sands can result in a multitude series of highly depleted sands. These applications
of problems, such as lost returns, differential sticking, have reduced mud losses and have proven to be
difficulty logging and the inability to reach the target successful in preventing differential sticking. A newly
depth. Often solving lost circulation can be difficult and developed deformable sealant (DS) is added at a 2 to
costly as a result of non-productive time. 3% vol. to improve conventional water based mud used
Remedies to cure losses are diverse and sometimes in the area.
misapplied, possibly complicating the problem. Although operationally successful in the wells
Additionally, differential sticking zones can have a direct discussed, mud losses and pipe sticking continue to
implication on the selection of casing points and occur in some instances. Drilling fluid design, drilling
jeopardize the architecture of the well. When the thief engineering and geomechanics must be continually
zone is severely depleted, problem-solving approaches evaluated to push the drilling efficiency when drilling
such as cement plugs, squeezes, expandable liner and through depleted sands.
casing-while-drilling are used but can be costly and not The DS sealing additive is a component of a newly
always successful. developed High Performance Water Based Mud
The use of fluid management techniques, team (HPWBM). Additional details and case histories about
efforts and proper engineering has lead to the the HPWBM system can found in AADE-04-HO-14.
development of an innovative approach as an alternative
to standard methods. This approach prevents the Field Description and Geological Setting
problems and avoids the complex processes of curing Several small gas fields, located in Hidalgo and Starr
mud losses or stuck pipe. This new preventative counties in South Texas are operated by TOTAL E&P
approach with water-based mud has been applied in USA. Table 1 outlines the general well profiles in each
several different fields while drilling through highly field. The main reservoirs are in the deeper sections of
depleted sands. This methodology has proven to be very the wells and are generally depleted. Several highly
successful in preventing differential sticking, mud losses, depleted, tight and low permeability sands are present
and differential sticking. throughout the entire well. These 10 to 150 millidarcy
permeability sands can be exposed to as much as 8,000
Introduction psi differential pressure. These series of highly depleted
Lost circulation has plagued drilling operations for years. sands present drilling challenges when trying to reach
Generally the types of formations that are prone to lost deeper reservoir targets. Hydrostatic pressure to control
returns are cavernous and vugular, naturally occurring or over-pressured shale varies from field to field and can be
induced fractures, unconsolidated sands, highly as high as 14,000 psi, requiring an 18.5 lb/gal mud
permeable and highly depleted sands. Well known lost density.
circulation techniques such as bridging, gelling and This area has a complex subsurface geology, with
cementing are typically used to cure the lost circulation extensive faulting in the deeper sections. A sequence of
problem, but have had varying degrees of success. stacked sands separated by shale and lateral fault
These remedies are diverse and can sometimes barriers are typical of the stratigraphic column of the
complicate the problems associated with lost returns. area. Figure 1 indicates a typical pressure regime in
Often attempts to cure lost circulation can be difficult and these fields in south Texas.
costly, especially when considering the associated non- This geological setting makes it difficult to predict the
productive time. rate of depletion in the sands to be drilled, especially in
This paper highlights a case study using an deeper intervals. The severity of depletion of these
innovative approach to prevent, rather than to cure, lost sands increases the risk of mud losses and differential
circulation when drilling through a series of highly sticking. The increased potential for differential sticking
depleted sands. This approach helps avoid the complex often has a direct impact on the selection of casing
processes of curing drilling fluid losses. This new points and can jeopardize the architecture of the well.
preventative approach with water-based mud has been Typical pore pressure – fracture gradient distribution in
2 A. Bachelot, J. Ricaud, G. Arquey & S. Benaissa AADE – 04-DF-HO-27

the McAllen field shows a considerable degree of of the depleted sand may result in the use of smaller or
depletion. Sand formations depleted to as low as 350 psi larger concentrations. Refer to Table 2 for typical field
have been drilled. mud properties from mud program.
The numerous faults present in the deeper The innovative sealing agent is a liquid insoluble
formations often act as permeability barriers to the modified polymer that has excellent sealing
pressured sand reservoirs. All of these variables affect characteristics. It is designated to reduce pore pressure
the pressure distribution throughout the entire well profile transmission by bridging the pore throats in low
and make it very difficult to predict pressure in the permeability sands and shale micro-fractures. It is water
sandstone formations from well to well. insoluble and highly dispersible in fresh to saturated salt
Excessive drilling cost has been experienced in the water base mud. Because of its characteristics, DS can
past in these fields. This has been a result of the high bridge very small pores and reduce the fluid losses of
differential between the hydrostatic pressure and the water base mud in the low permeability depleted sand
depleted sand formation pressure, bringing about lost formations. This is especially important since other lost
circulation and associated differential sticking. When the circulation materials might not work effectively. DS is
thief zone is severely depleted, problem solving also dispersible in oil, so it is compatible with lubricants
approaches such as cement plugs, squeezes, and rate of penetration enhancement additives.
expandable liner and casing while drilling can be costly
solutions. The use of the DS additive was investigated Bridging and Sealing Mechanism
and successfully applied to the drilling operation. Because DS is designed using deformable colloidal
particles it will bridge at the borehole interface of low
Mechanical Stability and Well Planning permeability sandstone formations. This bridge not only
Drilling successfully through these series of depleted contributes to the external filter quality but also creates
sands often requires a delicate balance between an internal filter cake. Figure 4 represents results of lab
mechanical shale stability and controlling hydraulic testing showing an internal mud cake formed inside a 50
fracturing. Planning a directional well through a series of mD disk by a water based mud containing 3% DS.
highly depleted sands separated by overpressure shale These bridging and sealing characteristics will help
presents significant technical challenges protect the formation where lost circulation may be
These depleted sands have low permeability and encountered. This increased bridging appears to
small pore sizes and require a special sealant to provide enhance rock strength, as well. It accomplishes this by
an adequate bridging of the sands pore throats opening. increasing the formation fracture initiation pressure limit.
Another US operator conducted an extensive study on By increasing the fracture initiation limit, the initial pore
series of depleted sands typically encountered in South pressure fracture window is increased. This rock
Texas. Figure 2 indicates typical permeability distribution strength enhancement will allow the depleted sand to be
of the sand sections that are frequently encountered in drilled with the appropriate high mud weight mud
South Texas fields. These low permeabilities range from required to control inter-bedded pressured shale, while
0.1 to 150 mD and require a special sealing material to potentially reducing mud losses in the depleted sand
provide adequate bridging. Figure 3 shows that most formations. The internal filtercake resulting from this
conventional lost circulation material are too large and, bridging material results in a rapid reduction in
therefore, could be ineffective to bridge the low differential pressure between the depleted formation and
permeability sands. It is possible that these large size the fluid hydrostatic head. Figure 5 is a schematic of the
LCM materials also could be harmful to the fluid system effect of DS on high permeability external and low
because they contribute to the thickness of the filter cake permeability internal filter cake with relation to differential
and create a potential for pipe sticking. Numerous types pressure sticking.
of LCM have been used with different degree of
success. These conventional materials are often the Field Application
standard approach to cure lost circulation. However, The difficulties encountered when drilling through
when it comes to lost returns prevention in depleted depleted formations, to reach deeper objectives required
sand, they may be ineffective. optimization of drilling practices and drilling fluid design.
The project drivers for the South Texas fields are
Drilling Fluid Design numerous. Some of these drivers include:
An inhibitive water base mud with a low fluid loss was
selected to maximize the shale inhibition and minimize • The operator’s goal is to drill these wells at, or
the filtrate invasion in the depleted sands. The DS is below, the predicted drilling days curve, with
added to the drilling fluid prior to drilling the troublesome, lower well costs.
depleted sand formations. The concentration of the • Drilling occurs through complex geology, in a
sealing agent varies from 2 to 3% by volume. The highly faulted area.
degree of depletion, permeability and pore throat sizes
AADE – 04-DF-HO-27 Preventing Differential Sticking and Mud Losses in Highly Depleted Sands 3

• Drilling takes place through highly depleted 13 lb/gal mud weight for stability control. The objective
formations, which vary from well to well. of the addition of DS to the water-based mud used in this
• There is a narrow pore pressure-fracture field was part of the plan to reduce non-productive time
window, with a high potential for mud losses. (NPT). The DS was used to eliminate the mud losses
• The high differential pressure creates a risk of while drilling the depleted sand sections by adding at a
differential sticking. concentration of 3% by volume while drilling above the
• Complex casing designs are often required to first depleted sand. The flexibility in allowing the DS to
meet the production objective. be added to the drilling fluid while drilling aided in
• History has demonstrated numerous difficulties reducing operating costs.
logging and running liners.
• Hole stability must be maintained in the reactive Project results
and often pressured shale sections The 9½” and the 6½” sections were successfully drilled
• Water-based mud is desired for environmental without any mud losses or differential sticking problems
reasons. Fluid densities range to a maximum of in the depleted sands. Most importantly, logging
18.5 lb/gal. problems were not observed in these wells.
• To meet the drilling goals mud associated NPT
Future Work
must be continually reduced, by minimizing mud
While operationally successful in the wells discussed,
losses, stuck pipe, and hole reaming.
mud losses and pipe sticking have occurred in some
instances even with this new sealing/bridging additive.
Case History 1
Drilling fluid design, drilling engineering and
Technical background & project objectives: geomechanics must be continually evaluated to push the
When drilling the 9½” and 6½” intervals, a series of drilling efficiency envelope when drilling through
depleted sand sections were to be drilled. Some of depleted sands. Initial work on the inter-relationship
these sandstone formations were expected to have an between the drilling fluid design and geomechanics is
extremely low depletion pressures. Differential pressure presently being conducted. It is envisaged that a
as high as 8,000 psi is often observed in these fields. consistent geomechanics model will be fully developed
It was planned to use the DS in conventional water- as an engineering tool. This tool could be used to define
based mud to eliminate differential sticking, severe the operational limits of various mud weights with proper
losses and logging problems that had plagued the drilling fluids design. Such a model would enable a
operator on offset wells. The DS was to be added in a consistent and focused approach on the design of
concentration of 3 % by volume. This concentration was drilling fluid in order to effectively mitigate massive fluid
to be maintained throughout the 12 ¼”, 9 ½” and the 6 losses and differential sticking associated with drilling
½” intervals. through severely depleted sands or in narrow margin
environments. It is also envisaged that the approach will
Project results be eventually be applied to oil based mud drilling.
On the first two wells, all sections were successfully
drilled without any differential sticking or mud losses in Conclusions
the depleted sands. All logging runs were made without Field case histories indicate that drilling mud losses
incident. A reduction of several days in rig time was associated with severely depleted tight sands can be
achieved, compared offset wells, by reducing downtime reduced with the use of a newly developed DS product.
related to differential sticking, mud losses and logging Several conclusive benefits were observed with the
problems. This reduction in drilling days and cost was addition of this bridging/sealing agent. With a better
achieved with improvements to basic water based mud understanding of the sands pore bridging properties and
used previously in the McAllen field. This was the use of an internal mud cake approach, highly
considered a major improvement because differential depleted tight sands can be drilled successfully and
sticking, mud losses and, most importantly, logging economically. Some of the successes accomplished are:
problems had occurred on most wells drilled by the
operator in this field. n Improved drilling curve
n Reduced drilling days
Case history 2 n Stable and gauge hole
n Improvement on mud losses
Technical background & project objectives n Reduction in Total NPT
Severe losses and logging problems had plagued the n Establishing a learning curve
operator on offset wells. Several depleted sand
formations were planned to be drilled in the 14¾”
intervals of these wells. The adjacent shale required a
4 A. Bachelot, J. Ricaud, G. Arquey & S. Benaissa AADE – 04-DF-HO-27

9. Nahm, J. J.; Romero, R. N.; Wyant, R. E.; Hale, A. A.;

Acknowledgement Briggs B. R.; Smith, T. R.; Lombardi M. A.; Keedy, C. R.,
The authors wish to thank TOTAL E&P USA and “Universal Fluid: A Drilling Fluid to Reduce Lost Circulation
Baker Hughes INTEQ for permission to publish this and Improve Cementing”, SPE/IADC 27448, Dallas, Feb.
paper. The work, test protocol, discussions and 10. Rojas, J. C.; Bern P. A.; Fitzgerald, B. L.; Modi, S.;
comments provided by staff from both companies were Bezant, P. N., “Minimising Down Hole Losses”, SPE/IADC
very much appreciated. Special thanks Mike Knight with 39398, Dallas, March 1998.
Dominion Exploration for giving us permission to publish 11. Singh, B.; Emery, N., “Fracture-Gradient Predictions in
field data on Wilcox permeability and pore throat size; Depleted Sands in the Gulf Coast Sedimentary Basin”,
Cecil Hernandez and Ron Miller for their effort and AAPG Memoir 76, p. 125-129, 2002.
support. 12. Sweatman, R.; Faul, R.; Ballew, C., “New Solutions
for Subsalt-Well Lost Circulation and Optimized
References Primary Cementing”, SPE/ATC 56499, Houston,
Oct. 1999.
1. Ali, A.; Kallo, C. L.; Singh, U. B., “Preventing lost 13. Tare, U. A.; Whitfill, D. L.; Mody, F. K, “Drilling Fluid
circulation in severely depleted unconsolidated sandstone Losses and Gains: Case Histories and Practical
reservoirs”, paper SPE/IADC 21917, Amsterdam, March Solutions”, SPE/ATC 71368, Sept. 2001.
1991. 14. Verret, R. J., “Innovative Lost Circulation Squeeze –
2. Benaissa, S.; P. Isambourg, P. ; Ottesen, S. ; Marti, J. “ Solution to Deep Water Losses”, AADE 04, Houston,
Down-Hole Simulation Cell for Measurement of Lubricity
April 2002.
and Differential Pressure Sticking, paper SPE/IADC
52816, Amsterdam, Feb. 1999.
3. Dewar, J.; Halkett, D., Procedures Control Total Mud Nomenclature
Losses While Drilling in Deep Water”’ Oil & Gas Journal, HPWBM = high performance water-based mud
Nov. 1993. WBM = water-based mud
4. Dryer, G.; Gani, S. R.; Gauantt, G. “Innovative Perforation OBM = oil-based mud
Techniques Show Promising Results in Problematic Deep SBM = synthetic based mud
Depleted Sands”, SPE/IADC 47807, Jakarta, Sept 1998. BHA = bottom hole assembly
5. Jones, J. F., “Successfully Managing Drilling-Fluids PDC = polycrystalline diamond cutters
Losses in Multiple, Highly Depleted Sands”, paper OTC
ECD = equivalent circulation density
13107, Houston, April 2001.
6. Kurochkin, B., “Clay/latex mixture stops lost circulation in ROP = drilling rate of penetration
large carbonate fractures”, Oil & Gas Journal, August TD = total depth
1995. TVD = true vertical depth
7. McGill, M.; Seaton, S.; Valenziano, R.; Bruner, S.; Golden, ROB = rotating off-bottom
J., “Drilling Severely Depleted Sands in the Gulf of Mexico: WOB = weight on bit
The Benefits of Cloud Point Glycols”, SPE/ATC 38571, PSI = pressure, pounds/inch²
San Antonio, Oct. 1997. BETA = Baker Hughes Experimental Test Area
8. Monroy, R.; Mandujano, H; Tejeda, J.; Solis, E.; Rueda, MWD = measurement while drilling
F., “Pemex control lost circulation in South Mexico”, Oil &
LWD = logging while drilling
Gas Journal, Aug. 1999.
SPE/IADC 67735, Amsterdam, Feb. 2001.
AADE – 04-DF-HO-27 Preventing Differential Sticking and Mud Losses in Highly Depleted Sands 5

Table1. General well profiles by field

Fields Depth Deviation Max Mud WT

ft lb/gal
A 12, 000 Vertical 13.0
B 16,000 42o 18.5
o o
C 15,000 10 - 15 15.0
D 13,000 15 o - 20 o 18.5

Table 2. Typical field mud formulation and properties.

Products Concentration
Bentonite 4-8 lb/bbl
Lignite 4-6 lb/bbl
Lignite – Resin 1-2 lb/bbl
Lignosulfonate 2-3 lb/bbl
Polymeric Deflocculant 0.05 -0.2 lb/bbl
Caustic Soda 1-1.5 lb/bbl
Sulfonated Asphalt 4-6 lb/bbl
Bio Polymer 0.05-.15 lb/bbl
Barite To 18 ppg
Calcium Carbonate 1-2 lb/bbl
Lubricant 1-2 % by vol.
Mineral Oil 1-2% by vol.
DS 3-4% by vol.
Lime As needed to treat CO2
Density, lbm/gal 18.0
Depth, ft 14,000
Viscosity @ °F 120
600 rpm 113
300 rpm 63
200 rpm 44
100 rpm 23
6 rpm 6
3 rpm 5
Plastic Viscosity, cPs 50
Yield Point, lbf/100ft2 13
Initial gel, lbf/100ft2 5
10 min gel, lbf/100ft2 11
30 min gel, lbf/100 ft2 16
API filtration, mls/30 min 1.2
HTHP @300 F & 500 psi, mls/30 min 4.6
pH/Pm 10.7/2.9
Drill solids, % 3.2
ECD Bit 18.41
6 A. Bachelot, J. Ricaud, G. Arquey & S. Benaissa AADE – 04-DF-HO-27

Figure 1. Typical formation and pore pressure regime

Mud Weight

5.2 lb/gal
15.4 lb/gal
4.7 lb/gal

15.7 lb/gal

6.1 lb/gal
14.8 lb/gal

15.7 lb/gal

3.2 lb/gal
15.8 lb/gal

1.1 lb/gal

16.2 lb/gal
16.2 lb/gal

3.5 lb/gal

17.5 lb/gal

17.3 lb/gal
AADE – 04-DF-HO-27 Preventing Differential Sticking and Mud Losses in Highly Depleted Sands 7

Figure 2. Permeability Distribution - Sand Formations

8 A. Bachelot, J. Ricaud, G. Arquey & S. Benaissa AADE – 04-DF-HO-27

Figure 3. Particle Size Distribution - Sand Formations

AADE – 04-DF-HO-27 Preventing Differential Sticking and Mud Losses in Highly Depleted Sands 9

Figure 4. Internal Mud Cake Formed Inside 50 Md Disk WBM Containing 3% DS

10 A. Bachelot, J. Ricaud, G. Arquey & S. Benaissa AADE – 04-DF-HO-27

Figure 5. DS- External and Internal Mud Cake and Differential Sticking

Internal cake formed by

∆P deformable DS particles reduces
pressure differential between
the hydrostatic pressure of the
mud and the pore pressure
around the surface of well bore


Mud cake on wellbore

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