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Stabilizing Sensitive Shales With Inhibited, Potassium-Based Drilling Fluids

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Stabilizing Sensitive Shales With Inhibited,

Potassium-Based Drilling Fluids

Dennis E. O'Brien, SPE-AIME, Esso Production Research Co.
Martin E. Chenevert, SPE-AIME, Esso Production Research Co.

Proper selection of the drilling fluids to be used on considerations, however, suggest that water- based
a particular wellsite is an essential phase of any care- fluids be designed to perform the same function.
fully planned drilling operation. When this drilling is In recent years many new water-based mud sys-
expected to encounter water-sensitive shale zones, tems have been ·devised. 2, 3 Most of these rely on
the selection of the fluid becomes even more impor- polymer or combinations of polymer and salt to
tant. To maintain a stable borehole through such achieve a given level of inhibition. Low-solids drill-
zones, an inhibitive drilling mud will often be re- ing, using total or selective polymeric flocculants to
quired. The design of successful fluids for this type achieve controlled clay yields, has been an important
of application depends largely on a knowledge of step forward. The new directions that drilling fluids
the physical and mineralogical characteristics of the in general and inhibitive fluids in particular are taking
shale and its behavior when contacted by drilling promise still further advances.
mud. We shall discuss here procedures and experi-
mental results of laboratory tests in which a wide Causes of Shale Problems
variety of fluids and shale types were used. The data To investigate properly the nature of problems in
should aid in designing effective inhibitive muds. drilling shales one must first study the various related
Sensitive shale fornlations are encountered in most physico-chemical processes. The general class of
major oil fields throughout the world. These forma- shale problems presented in the introduction results
tions, referred to by a variety of names, including from the following interrelated factors: (1) shale
mud-making shale, caving shale, heaving shale, and hydration and swelling, (2) dispersion of shale cut-
sloughing shale, frequently cause wellbore instabili- tings, and (3) abnormal pressure.
ties. Drilling and completion problems associated In addition, other processes and borehole condi-
with such instabilities include the accumulation of tions tend to aggravate the instability. These include
fill on the bottom after trips, tight holes, stuck drill (1) time spent in the open shale zone, (2) in-situ
pipes, solids buildup in the mud, hole enlargement stresses and formation characteristics, and (3) me-
and washouts, and poor primary cement jobs. Stable, chanical and erosive action.
gauge boreholes, reduced rig time, and lower total
costs could be realized if efficient inhibitive systems Shale Hydration and Swelling
were employed. Presently the only way to insure Shales are basically sedimentary rocks that have been
success in many problem formations is to use laid down over geologic time in marine basins. They
balanced-activity oil muds. 1 Cost factors and handling are usually composed of quartz, feldspar, calcite, and

Laboratory and field studies have demonstrated that potassium cations at sufficien,t
concentrations in water-based drilling fluids can effectively reduce the swelling and
dispersive tendencies of clay-containing shales. Here is a unified classification method
for relating the amount of water-sensitive clay in a shale to the occurrence and severity
of wellbore problems.

SEPTEMBER, 1973 1089

a number of clay fractions in varying proportions. the situation without sacrificing expensive weighting
The most water-sensitive clays - montmorillonites, barites. Watering back is often required and many
illites, and interlayered varieties - may constitute as mud-control problems can re~ult. Such remedies to
much as 80 percent of the total weight of the shale, control solids may in other ways jeopardize a well-
and are responsible for a major part of the serious bore that is prone to instabilities. Fortunately, the
wellbore problems encountered. These clays, when use of electrolytes in the mud helps to control dis-
contacted by water-based drilling fluids, adsorb water persion as well as hydrational effects. The type and
by two accepted hydration mechanisms. 4 The first quantity of ionic solute employed, however, is im-
represents a small uptake of water normally amount- portant in achieving maximum inhibition.
ing to a deposition of only four molecular layers.
Free water is forced from the shales during the com- Abnormal Pressure
paction process. When their surfaces again contact Overpressured shales are a third area of concern in
moisture a potential exists for crystalline adsorption wellbore stability. As sediments are compacted over
of water. Although the degree of adsorption is geologic time, fluids are forced from the formation
small, and there is little or no visible swelling or into porous sand zones by the overburden pressure.
visible loss of strength, the hydration energies in- Frequently a shale section may be isolated through
volved are quite high. such processes as faulting and form a closed fluid
The second phase of the hydration process repre- reservoir. The fluid remains trapped in the shale and
sents much larger changes in the dimensions of the as the zone is exposed to increasing overburden pres-
clay particles. This hydration results from imbalances sures the pore pressure builds up above the usual
between the concentration of ions held at the clay hydrostatic value. In certain cases the pore pressure
surface and the solute content of the contacting may approach the overburden pressure itself. \Vhen
liquid. The degree of hydration, therefore, is de- a well is drilled through such a zone, the shale will
pendent on the electrolyte content of the drilling pressure-relieve into the borehole. Abnormally pres-
fluid. This does not mean, however, that swelling sured formations are best controlled by increasing
can be eliminated merely by increasing the ionic level the mud weight until the fluid's hydrostatic head bal-
to saturation. Swelling can be eliminated only when ances the shale pressura. Care should be exercised,
a semipermeable membrane is present - if, for ex- however, to ensure that lost circulation does not
ample, one were to use a balanced-activity oil mud result. While pressured zones are numerous and
(which does not allow water or ion transfer) or if quite often represent a significant contribution to
one were to duplicate the exact concentrations of wellbore instabilities, the solutions to the resulting
the various cations and equalize water activities so problems are basically physical and mechanical and
that no cationic exchange reactions could occur. The do not relate directly to the subject of this paper.
first of these examples can be realized in practice;
the second cannot. Other Causes of Borehole Instability
The uptake of water causes the shale to soften. A A number of other factors tend to aggravate well-
loss of strength results and the borehole can become bore problems caused by the phenomena just dis-
unstable. Since hydration forces are large, the poten- cussed. Since swelling and dispersion are rate-related
tial exists for large amounts of water uptake. The processes, the amount of time that fluid is in con-
shale is confined, however, by overburden stresses tact with a sensitive formation is critical. Shale
and can find stress relief only by expansion into the problems can be reduced by drilling the affected
wellbore. The well known sloughing or heaving shale zone and insulating it behind protective casing as
condition results. quickly as possible.
Certain formation characteristics and the types of
Dispersion of Shale Cuttings stresses imposed on the shale section can also be
A second important cause of shale problems is dis- important. If a shale is hard and brittle and contains
persion of shale cuttings. Although often included numerous microfractures, fluid invasion along these
with shale swelling as a single problem, this phe- defects will often be increased and hydration will
nomenon should be analyzed separately. Dispersion accelerate. Weakening and splitting along the bed-
refers to a continuous and often rapid disintegration ding planes and subsequent sloughing can occur.
of the shale surface as the material is contacted by Steep dipping of a formation and exposure to tectonic
a water-based fluid and swells. Some shales that swell stresses are factors that may aggravate a problem
significantly may exhibit little dispersion, and the caused by swelling or excessive pore pressures, but of
reverse may also be true. In general, however, the themselves they are rarely to blame for the problem.
degree of dispersion tends to reflect the amount of All difficulties cannot be eliminated by controlling
expandable clay present in the shale; therefore, there the fluid alone. The mechanical action of the drill-
is often an apparent link with water uptake by swell- string in the hole, including contact with weakened
ing. Dispersion effects at the wellbore face are usually sides of the borehole; fluid erosive action on the well-
overwhelmed by sloughing and heaving conditions bore face; and pressure surges and swabbing action
prompted by swelling. The effect on drilled cuttings during tripping - all these contribute to the severity
is a different matter. Uncontrolled dispersion may of the wellbore problems. In general, however, a good
lead to excessive buildups of finely divided, low- inhibitive drilling fluid should provide sufficient
gravity solids in the mud system. The surface stabilization to keep mechanical factors from appre-
handling equipment may not be able to control ciably affecting the sensitive formation.
amount of hydration is sufficient to make the forma-
Classification of Problem Shales by tion unstable. Differential swelling pressures, which
Clay Content result when a small amount of clay is surrounded by
It is convenient to classify problem shales according a completely nonswelling quartz and feldspar matrix,
to the amounts of water-sensitive clays they contain. are often blamed for such instabilities. Classes 3 and
These clays include montmorillonite, which exhibits 4 include the majority of shales that are involved in
large amounts of dispersion and hydration; illite, the most serious hole problems.
which swells and disperses to a more limited degree; The final category includes the very hard, brittle
and interlayered clays. These last are composed of shales, some of which have matrices with numerous
random interstratifications of both illite and mont- microfractures. Very little or no dispersion occurs
morillonite. Dispersion tendencies are high for these upon water contact. The over-all illite content is
clays since the intermittent layering reduces the fairly high, and there is some chlorite present. Forma-
number of strong bonds between particles. Since one tions of this type are recognized as having caving
portion of the structure hydrates to a greater degree and heaving tendencies. Swelling is limited but
than another, no uniform swelling takes place as in may be accelerated by the invasion of water along
the case of pure montmorillonite or illite. Instead, microfractures. Typically, large fragments of such
swelling differences occur and hydrational stresses formations are pushed into the wellbore to relieve
build up and weaken the structure. In categorizing, the pressure.
it is also helpful to include chlorite fractions since This systematic division of shale types should help
these clays, while only slightly expanding and rela- in interpreting and categorizing the results of labo-
tively nondispersing, do alter the over-all behavior ratory tests on formation samples. Once the com-
of the shale. Such a classification scheme aids in dis- position and characteristics of the shale are deter-
cussing the best type of inhibitive fluid to employ mined, the effects of various inhibitive fluids on its
in a given case. swelling and dispersive tendencies can be explained
Certain classification schemes have been proposed on the basis of clay mineralogy.
in the past. 5 - 7 Most of them have served well, but
each has its failings. A more comprehensive sorting Laboratory Testing Program
that fits the vast majority of shales encountered in A number of important factors must be determined
ordinary drilling practice is presented in Table 1. The before one can properly classify a shale and thereby
five classes are based on a combination of individual gain information about potential instabilities in the
and total clay content, strength, matrix characteris- wellbore. These factors include the over-all composi-
tics, and hydration and dispersion tendencies. The tion of the shale, and, more specifically, the amounts
first category includes those soft shales having a high of problem clays present, the degree of hydration
montmorillonite content, with some illite included. and swelling, and the dispersive tendencies of the
Large swelling and dispersion effects are encountered. material. The utility of specific tests for measuring
An example of this shale type would be the Anahuac shale compositions and water contact behavior has
(Table 2). Most shales designated as "gumbo" shales, been recognized for some time. Certain of these ex-
especially those with high adhesive and cohesive periments can also be used to test the perform.ance
tendencies, fall into this class. The second class of potentially attractive inhibitive fluids.
includes other soft shales with both high montmoril- The four tests of this sort that appear to be the
lonite and high illite fractions. The total clay content
in such shales is extremely high and swelling is pro- TABLE l-eLASSIFICATION OF PROBLEM SHALES
nounced. Dispersion is somewhat less than for the Class Characteristics Clay Content
first class, owing to the presence of chlorite fractions.
1 Soft, high dispersion High in montmorillonite,
Vermilion shale from Louisiana is an example of this some illite
type. Drilling personnel often refer to the shales from 2 Soft, fairly high dispersion Fairly high in montmorillonite,
these first two classes as soft, mud-making shales. high in illite
Classes 3, 4, and 5 generally include those that are 3 Medium-hard, moderate disper- High in interlayered clays,
sion, sloughing tendencies high in illite, chlorite
referred to as hard shales.
4 Hard, little dispersion, Moderate illite,
The third class includes medium-hard shales such sloughing tendencies moderate chlorite
as the Atoka and Midway, which are noted for their 5 Very hard, brittle, no High in illite,
sloughing tendencies. These materials exhibit a large significant dispersion, moderate chlorite
caving tendencies
degree of swelling, but only a medium level of dis-
persion. Both illitic and interlayered clay fractions
constitute a significant percentage of the shale's
weight. Appreciable amounts of chlorite are present, Clay Content (weight percent)
but discrete montmorillonite usually does not occur. Mont-
A fourth category is a hard shale prone to slough- Shale Class ,morillonite Illite Interlayered Chlorite
ing. Illite and chlorite normally compose the entire Anahuac 1 40.4 5.5
clay fraction and this fraction is only about 20 per- Vermilion 2 25.4 42.0 6.7
cent of the total weight of the shale. This variety Atoka 3 38.8 18.1 13.0
Midway 3 35.0 15.0 15.0
shows little dispersion in water. Although the clay
Wolfcamp 4 14.8 3.2
content is low (confined to illite and chlorite alone) Canadian
and the resulting over-all swelling is low, almost any Hard Shale 5 48.3 8.3

SEPTEMBER, 1973 1091

most useful are (1) X-ray diffraction analyses, (2) swelling transducers are employed. 1
adsorption isotherm studies, (3) swelling tests, and Shale test samples are cut from cores with a dia",
(4) dispersion tests. mond saw. These samples, usually ranging in length
from 0.8 to 1.4 in., have lh -in.-square cross-sections
X-Ray Diffraction Analysis and are cut so that swelling perpendicular to the bed-
An X-ray diffraction analysis determines the relative ding planes will be measured. The sample is placed
amounts of various minerals in the shale, including in a small polyethylene bag and then properly ori-
quartz, feldspar, calcite, and clay fractions. Although ented in the clamp. The clamp is tightened until an
the method is very useful for describing which clay initial 1,500 !Lin. strain is placed in the transducer.
fractions are present, the quantitative figures it yields The indicator is then set at zero and the timer is
for the proportions of the materials may be signifi- readied. The bag is filled with water or another test
cantly-in error. Estimates of total clay content are fluid and the timer is started. As the shale swells,
somewhat better and can aid in deducing shale be- the strain gauges record the deflection of the clamp,
havior. In general the method provides excellent and the strain in microinches per inch can be read
qualitative information. The data are sufficient in directly from the indicator. To convert these values
most instances to help classify the shale as to hydra- to a more appropriate unit, such as percent linear
tion and dispersion tendencies, and from this one swelling, the following formula is used:
can judge the severity of wellbore problems to ex-
pect during drilling. e - Ki
- y X 0~ X 10- 4 , • (2)

Adsorption Isotherms where e is the percent swelling, K i is the gauge con-

Adsorption isotherm tests are useful for determining stant for the ith gauge, L is the sample length in
the amount of water a particular shale would con- inches, and 8 is the indicator reading.
tain under various equilibrium conditions. With this Values for the percent swelling can be recorded
information one can estimate how much swelling will at various times. The most useful for comparing
occur in the formation. The difference between the different shales are I-hour and 24-hour values. With
in-situ water content and the equilibrium value sufficient data, swelling-vs-time curves can also be
measured by the test represents a potential hydra- generated. At the end of the test period the speci-
tional swelling limit. men can be removed and the surface dispersion
The water content of the shale is measured as and relative strength can be compared with those
a function of water activity or relative humidity before exposure.
defined as The test provides additional insight into the actual
swelling behavior of shales, even though it is not
a == p/Po , (1) conducted under pressure. Of the tests we have dis-
where a is the water activity, p is the vapor pressure cussed, it is the first that allows evaluation of inhibi-
in contact with the shale, and Po is the vapor pres- tive fluids. The degree to which swelling can be
sure of pure water at the same temperature. A range reduced by substituting inhibitive fluids for water in
of water crtivities is achieved using a number of the experiment can be measured directly.
saturated s~lt solutions (Table 3) placed in desic-
cators. Water contents measured at various water Dispersion Tests
activities can be plotted vs P/ Po to yield an adsorp- The final test of the series measures the dispersive
tion isotherm. 1
Normally, the use of the adsorption isotherm in- TABLE 3-WATER ACTIVITIES OF VARIOUS
volves estimating the in-situ water content for non- SATURATED SALT SOLUTIONS
preserved cores. A method of determining this value Desiccator Salt
has been described previously.1 By entering the iso- Number Employed p/Po
therm at the in-situ estimate one can determine the 1 ZnCI 2 0.100
equilibrium water activity. In general, the lower this 2 CaCI 2 0.295
value the more prone to sloughing the shale will be. 3 Ca(N0 3 )2 0.505
The isotherm also gives indirect evidence of how 4 NaCI 0.755
5 (NH4)2S04 0.800
much expandable clay - particularly montmorillon-
6 Na2C4H406 • 2H20 0.920
ite-is present. Combining isotherm data with X-ray 7 KH 2 P0 4 0.960
diffraction results (Table 4) shows that the shales with 8 K2Cr207 0.980
higher montmorillonite content in the first and second
class adsorb the most water and that the adsorption TABLE 4-COMPARISON OF X-RAY ANALYSES WITH
decreases as the classification number increases. ADSORPTION ISOTHERM DATA
Class Range of
Swelling Tests Determined Percent Water
To determine the actual degree of swelling for a by X-Ray Content at
Shale Analysis p/Po = 0.50
given shale sample, one must use a different test.
This test allows for measuring swelling rates at vari-
Anahauc 1 > 4.0
Midway 3 2.4 to 2.8
ous times and also indicates the degree ·of swelling Wolfcamp 4 1.5 to 2.0
that can be tolerated before the sample disintegrates Canadian
or fractures. For this kind of study, strain-gauge Hard Shale 5 0.4 to 1.0


tendencies of shales. It can yield a good forecast of system helps to eliminate some of the problems that
how serious a dispersion problem will be encountered occur when shale-control materials, such as inorganic
with a given formation. The test described below, it salts, are added to clay. Polymers and various selec-
should be noted, does not provide meaningful results tive and total flocculants have been known to provide
where oil muds are used or where the problem under somewhat more stability than bentonite. The long-
investigation is wellbore instability caused by swell- chain polymer structure and its interactions with the
ing; however, if cuttings are used that have substan- surface of shale cuttings can often reduce the level
tially the same water content as the natural water of dispersion dramatically if sufficient material is
content of the formation, the test will provide useful in solution.
information on the degree of dispersion that will With regard to hydrational effects, however, poly-
occur in the mud system as a result of the interaction mers have only a limited ability to reduce swelling.
between the cuttings and drilling fluid. The experi- Encapsulation theories for long-chain molecules pre-
ment is performed preferably with simulated shale dict that much greater reductions are possible-
cuttings obtained from a core. If no core material is greater, that is, than the 5 to 25 percent determined
available, cuttings from a previous well may be used. by experimentation. Such large reductions have not
However, these will have already been exposed to been found in our laboratory testing. Although the
dispersive forces and a large portion of the dispersible degree of improvement obtained with polymers is too
material will be gone. Nonetheless, enough is usually low to consider the material as the main ingredient
left to give an adequate description. in an inhibitive fluid, the results are better than for
A 6-10 mesh cut of shale chips is used. These bentonite alone or for bentonite in combination with
cuttings (at 10 lb per barrel of fluid) are placed in small amounts of additives. Swelling and dispersion
barrel equivalents (350 cc) of the various fluids to information indicates that polymers could be used
be tested. (This experiment can be used to compare successfully as primary viscosifiers in an inhibitive
inhibitive water-based fluids with the pure water in mud system and could, of themselves, measurably
the base case.) The jars of fluid are then hot-rolled improve shale stability.
for 16 hours at the normal circulating temperature A number of common polymeric additives, includ-
of the fluid. If this temperature is not accurately ing total and selective clay flocculants, were tested
known, 150 0 P is normally used. Rolling rates are to determine an optimal material for use in designing
such that typical annular shear rates may be simu- the inhibitive fluid. Midway shale cores, properly cut
lated. After they are removed and cooled at ambient and screened, were employed for both the swelling
temperature, the materials from each jar are care- and dispersion experiments. Dispersion results appear
fully wet-screened through 10-, 20-, 50-, and 80-mesh in Table 5. For all polymeric substances tested, both
sieves. The fines on each screen are oven-dried, the 10-mesh and the over-all recovery of shale chips
allowed to re-equilibrate with room temperature and were greater than for pure water after hot-rolling for
humidity, and then weighed. The percent recovery 16 hours at 150°F. More than half the additives pro-
for each mesh size is reported as well as the sum of duced total recoveries greater than 90 percent. The
these, which is listed as the total recovery. Percent clay flocculants as a group performed the best, which
recoveries are calculated by multiplying the weight is not unexpected.
in grams by 10. All material less than 80 mesh is Swelling-test results (Table 6) support the evidence
considered irrecoverable in normal field applications that a 25-percent reduction in hydration is about the
since the mesh on most rig shakers is larger than this. maximum achievable with polymers alone. Again the
Test results, in general, are highly reproducible. flocculants generally performed well, but XC polymer
The test temperature, rolling time, amount of shale inhibited best.
used, and other factors can be varied to fit the Many factors favor the use of Xc polymer as the
particular application. basic viscosifier for the type of low-solids, inhibitive
The four kinds of laboratory experiments we have system under consideration. 8 Rhelogical properties of
discussed are designed to obtain certain information XC solutions remain constant over a wide range of
about shale behavior. The tests are relatively simple, salt concentrations. Good dispersion reduction and
but they provide a great deal of valuable informa- superior performance in limiting swelling also con-
tion.· Swelling and dispersion tests, . in particular, tribute to its over-all desirability. Finally the mater-
are extremely important in evaluating inhibitive ial's availability, viscosity building characteristics,
mud systems. potential for crosslinking, and shear-thinning features
are better than those of other substances, such as
Results From Laboratory Testing Polymeric Flocculants A and B, which performed sat-
A laboratory testing program was instituted to in- isfactorily in both series of tests.
vestigate the effect of various materials on shale
stability. The recent successes of low-solids polymeric Polymer-Salt Tests
systems suggest the following suitable categories: To gain more information on the interactions of XC
(1) polymeric viscosifiers, (2) selective and total floc- polymer with shales a number of additional tests were
culants, (3) inorganic salts, and (4) combinations of performed. A series of dispersion experiments, again
all these. using Midway shale, included simple XC solutions,
XC crosslinked with Chemical A (a chrome com-
Polymer Tests pound), and the crosslinked polymer containing
The use of nonbentonitic viscosifiers in an inhibitive added concentrations of KCl. KCI was used because
SEPTEMBER, 1973 1093
a number of preliminary tests on other shales indi- reductions achieved with XC-KCI combinations is
cated significant improvements in dispersion and sufficient to provide a basic inhibitive mud system.
swelling reduction when the material was present. To see if another common salt could outperform
The crosslinking agent affected the Midway results KCI, we'ran another series of swelling tests on Mid-
to varying degrees. The addition of 3 percent by way shale samples contacted by various XC solutions.
weight KCI tended to increase total recoveries as Data from the tests (Table 10) indicate the over-
expected, but it also gave substantially better 10-mesh whelming superiority of potassium and ammonium
results (Table 7). The salt alone reduced dispersion salts. At equal concentrations, sodium, calcium, and
considerably. magnesium salts inhibit the shale only about 60 per-
Midway shale does not disperse much when poly- cent as well as the potassium and ammonium salts.
mers are present. Therefore, to judge the performance These differences can be explained in terms of clay
of KCI better, a readily dispersible shale (Anahuac) mineralogy, as we shall discuss later. Lower cost,
was used in a second series of trials (Table 8). In greater availability, and better thermal stability favor
water solution the shale disperses almost completely the use of potassium salts over ammonium salts. The
after 16 hours at 150oP. When KCI was present, the superior performance and low cost of KCI, therefore,
10-mesh and total recoveries were significantly above makes it by far the best common inorganic salt to
those for the polymer alone. Combinations of XC use in an inhibitive mud system.
and KCI gave the best results. A number of important features of KCI inhibition
Swelling tests on Midway shale samples (Table 9) are not pointed out by the data in Tables 9 and 10.
confirmed that KCI additions to XC solutions could Fig. I, in which Midway swelling-vs-time curves are
significantly reduce the swelling below the levels plotted for various fluids, confirms the extent of swell-
found with the polymer alone. Decreases as large as ing reduction. For exposure times greater than 24
79 percent were achieved. Performance at the maxi-
mum XC and A concentrations was less than ex-
pected, supporting other observations that salts work TESTS ON MIDWAY SHALE
best in lightly treated systems. The range of swelling
in 24·Hour
Percent Recovery That of
Percent Linear Swelling Water
Solution > 10 Mesh > 80 Mesh (total) Solution 1 Hour 1 Day Alone
2 Ib/bbl Flocculant A~~ 83.0 96.9 21b/bblXC 0.73 1.97 25
21b/bbl Flocculant 8* 79.4 96.7 2 Ib/bbl Flocculant A 0.52 2.02 23
2 Ib/bbl Flocculant C~~ 74.3 96.4 2 Ib/bbl Polymer L 0.49 2.05 22
21b/bbl Polymer A~~ 82.1 95.8 11b/bblXC 0.62 2.06 21
21b/bbl Flocculant D~~ 83.9 95.6 2 Ib/bbl Flocculant B 0.55 2.18 17
2 Ib/bbl Polymer 8 76.4 95.0 2 Ib/bbl Polymer W 0.82 2.43 7
21b/bbl Polymer C 80.9 94.7 2 Ib I bbl Floccu lant G 0.95 2.45 6
21b/bbl Polymer D 72.0 94.5 1 Ib/bbl Polymer E 0.72 2.48 5
1 Ib/bbl Polymer E 74.3 93.7 2 Ib/bbl Polymer D 0.67 2.49 5
21b/bbl XC 78.5 93.4 2 Ib/bbl Flocculant E 0.75 2.51 4
2 Ib/bbl Flocculant E 77.4 92.7 2 Ib/bbl Polymer C 0.91 2.52 4
2 Ib/bbf Polymer F 73.9 92.5 2 Ib/bbl Flocculant C 0.94 2.53 3
2.5 Ib/bbl Polymer G 82.6 91.9 2 Ib/bbl Polymer Q 0.82 2.54 3
2 Ib/bbl Polymer H 76.2 91.5 2 Ib/bbl Polymer P 0.86 2.58 2
2 Ib/bbl Polymer I 76.5 91.1 21b/bbl Polyme'r I 1.15 2.62 o
21b/bbl Flocculant F 67.5 91.1 Water* 0.96 2.62
2 'Ib/bbl Flocculant G 77.1 90.3 • Averages of multi pre runs presented.
2.5 Ib/bbl Polymer J 68.4 90.1
2 Ib/bbl Polymer L 83.1 88.8 ON MIDWAY SHALE DISPERSION
2 Ib/bbl Polymer M 75.7 88.7
Percent Recovery
2 Ib/bbl Polymer N 70.1 87.4
2.5 Ib/bbl CMC 70.2 86.9 Solution > 10 Mesh > 80 Mesh
2 Ib/bbl Polymer 0 65.4 78.3 Water 18.3 34.8
2 Ib/bbl Polymer P 63.7 77.6 11b/bblXC 68.0 92.9
2 Ib/bbl Polymer Q 66.6 77.1 1 Ib/bblXC + 4 Ib/bbl A 70.4 93.8
2.5 Ib/bbl Polymer R 61.0 75.5 1 Ib/bblXC + 4lb/b~A
2.5 Ib/bbl Polymer S 56.4 73.9
+ 1 1h percent KCI 63.5 95.6
21b/bblXC 68.5 93.4
2 Ib/bbl Polymer T 57.1 72.8
21b/bblXC + 61b/bbiA 80.2 95.0
2.5 Ib/bbl Polymer U 53.8 70.0
2 Ib/bbl XC + 6 Ib/bbl A
2 Ib/bbl Polymer V 47.1 63.9 + 1 1h percent Kel 76.6 95.0
2 Ib/bbl Polymer W 34.0 50.4 2 Ib/bbl XC + 6 Ib/bbl A
2.5 Ib/bbl Polymer X 21.1 42.0 + 3 percent KCI 91.2 96.2
Water)l< 18.3 34.8 3 percent KCI 91.4 95.2
*Averages of multiple runs presented. 1 Ib/bbl XC +3 percent KCI 90.8 95.6
hours, samples in contact with tap water will continue
to swell until they yield or fracture. Specimens in
contact with XC solutions or XC-NaCI solutions also
continue to swell but at a lower rate. After the first ~
<h 1ppb xc
day's swelling, however, the KCI samples. show no z 2.0 r------+------7L----::;~:...-.-~------J
tendency to hydrate further, and an equilibrium is :3 1ppb XC+3%NaCL
established. In fact, a slight shrinking occurs after ~
Con 1ppbXC+10%NaCL
about 36 hours (evidence that water penetrates into <
~ 1.0 r----~---f7L---~~------,~ 3%KCL
the sample faster than the ions can diffuse to the same 1ppbXC+3%KCL
point and that there is of necessity a lag time in 1ppbXC+SAT.KCL
reaching a final equilibrium). This feature has been
found only with potassium cations. The swelling o 1~0====::Z:::::::;:::::;~....L...L;"10:h0::----l----l--.....I--J-....L...L...:!1~00~0--....L-~~~
reductions reported after 24 hours, therefore, will ~ TIME-MINUTES
increase to 80 or85 percent after exposure for several Fig. I-Swelling-vs-time curves for Midway shale.
days. Samples removed from the KCI solutions are
firm and intact with little surface dispersion compared
with samples taken from NaCI solutions or tap water.
Additional shale types were tested to determine if A series of swelling and dispersion tests on an
KCI would significantly outperform NaCI as had been easily dispersible Class 2 shale from Canada conclu-
the case with Midway cores. In all instances (Table sively shows the superiority of KCI over CaCl 2 and
11) KCI solutions provided better inhibition. Swelling NaCI at equal concentrations (Table 12). Swelling
reductions were 2 to 4 times better than with NaCl. tests with tap water lasted only 1 hour before the
In concentrations of only 3 percent, the potassium sample broke. The specimen was completely disinte-
salt stabilized the Hoxbar and Wolfcamp shales quite grated when removed after 24 hours. Total recovery
well. Total reductions were lower for the Anahuac from a dispersion test was only 1.3 percent. CaCl 2
which had a high montmorillonite content. ' succeeded in inhibiting the shale somewhat, but the
swelling sample was partially disintegrated. Ten
percent NaCI was somewhat better, and the sample
Solution > 10 Mesh > 80 Mesh Percent
Water 0.9 Reduction
1lb/bblXC 0.6 12.5 Below
7.9 38.3 Percent Li nea r That of
1 Ib/bbIXC+ 4 Ib/bbl A Swelli ng After Water
1 Ib/bblXC + 4 Ib/bbl A Solution* * 24 Hours Alone
+ 1 112 percent KCI 30.2 47.4
Saturated KCI* 0.56
2lb/bblXC 8.2 12.7 79
10 percent NH 4Cp:c 0.74 72
2 Ib/bbl XC + 6lb/bblA 12.0 45.0
2lb/bblXC + 6Ib/b~A 5 percent KCI* 0.81 69
+ 1 112 pe'rcent KCI 32.7 54.8 3 percent KCI* 0.94 64
2 Ib/bbl XC + 6 Ib/bbl A 3 pe'rcent (NH4)2S04 1.01 61
+ 3 percent KCI 47.4 67.3 3 percent NH 4CI* 1.05 60
3 percent KCI 40.2 47.3 3 percent KBr 1.06 60
1 Ib/bbl XC + 3 percent KCI 33.6 58.5 3 percent KN0 3 1.06 60
3 percent KH 2P0 4 1.30 50
Percent 3 percent NaCI* 1.68 36
Percent Reduction 3 percent MgCI 2 1.83 30
Linear Below *Averages of multiple runs presented.
Swelling That of * ·XCconcentration = 1 Ib/bbl.
After Water
Solution 24 Hours Alone
1lb/bblXC 2.06 21 Percent
1 Ib/bblXC + 4 Ib/bbl A 1.73 34 Reduction
Percent Below
1Ib/bbIXC+ 4 Ib/bbl A Fluid Swelling That of
+ 1 112 percent KCI 0.99 62 Shale Class Environment* at 24 Hours Water Alone
2 Ib/bbl XC 1.97 25 Anahuac -1- 3% KCI 1.31 ** 19
2 Ib/bbl XC + 6 Ib/bbl A 1.86 29 3% NaCI 1.48::0 :< 8
2 Ib/bbl XC + 6Ib/b~A Midway 3 5% t<CI 0.81 69
+ 1 112 percent KCI 1.59 39 3%
2lb/bblXC + 6lb/bblA
+ 3 percent KCI 1.44 45 Hoxbar 4 3% KCI 0.95 53
3 percent KCI 3% NaCI 1.75 12
0.97 63
Wolfcamp 4 3% KCI 0.55 57
1 Ib/bbl XC + 3 percent KCI 0.81 69 3% NaCI 1.02 21
1 Ib/bbl XC + 5 percent KCI 0.81 69 * All samples have 1 Ib/bbl XC concentration.
1 Ib/bbl XC + Saturated KCI 0.56 79 * *Percent swelling after 1 hour.

SEPTEMBER, 1973 1095

TABLE 12-RESULTS OF ·SWELLING AND DISPERSION remained intact but was easily crumbled. The use of
TESTS ON CANADIAN SHALE KCI, however, not only reduced swelling significantly
Total compared with the other two salts, but also greatly
Percent Linear Sample Appearance Percent increased the recovery of shale chips. Additions of
Swelling After Swelling Shale
Solution (24 Hours) Test Recovery 1 lb/bbl XC further increased total recoveries to
Water Sample, broken Totally disintegrated 1.3 more than 90 percent.
10°A> CaCI 2 2.18 Partially disintegrated 5.0 Additional dispersion-test results for a number of
100A> NaCI 2.00 Intact, easily crumbled 8.8 sha~es are presented in Table 13. Data from previous
100/0 KCI 1.49 Intact, firm, solid 46.0 Anahuac and Midway experiments are also included.
1 Ib/XC, 100/0 KCI 91.6 Going down the table, the shales become progres-
sively harder and less easily dispersed. In all cases
XC-KCI solutions or KCI alone increases both the
10-mesh and the total recoveries. The percent
improvement obviously must decrease as the shale
>80 Mesh
Shale Class Solution > 10 Mesh (Total) becomes harder; but even for Sylvan shale 5 percent
Lake sand 2 H2 O 5.7 31.6
additional 10-mesh cuttings can be retrieved.
(16,180 ft) 1 Ib/bbl XC, 3% KCI 64.6 95.8
The How and Why. of Potassium Inhibition
Lake sand 2 H2 O 6.1 28.4
(16,390 ft) Ilb/bbl XC, 3% KCI 71.9 95.4 The data presented in the last few tables and figures
Lake sand 2 H2 O 9.4 33.7 all point to the XC-KCI system as an excellent candi-
(16,520 ft) 1 Ib/bbl XC, 30/0 KCI 79.8 96.1 date for a water-based inhibitive drilling fluid. Inter-
Lake sand 2 H2 O 13.9 41.8 actions of the polysaccharide chain with shale sur-
(16,650 ft) Ilb/bbl XC, 30/0 KCI 75.9 94.4 faces act to coat the material and reduce the swelling
Lake sand 2 H2 O 11.6 27.5 and dispersion in the case of XC. But certain
(16,800 ft) 1 Ib/bbl XC, 30/0 KCI 82.0 94.8
cations perform so much better than others? In
Springer 3 H2 O 54.9 57.5
30/0 KCI 88.1 88.2 particular, why do potassium .and ammonium ions
Ilb/bbl XC, 3% KCI 93.9 94.1 perform better than sodium, calcium, or magnesium
Simpson 4 H2 O 83.1 89.1 ions?
3°A> KCI 95.5 97.7 These questions can best be answered by returning
Ilb/bbl XC, 3% KCI 97.4 98.6 to clay chemistry arguments. It has been observed
Sylvan 5 H2 O 88.6 91.2 that the cationic exchange of potassium .for sodium
30/0 KCI 96.6 97.0
or calcium ions on montmorillonite or irtterlayered
Woodford 5 H2 O 90.5 92.4
30/0 KCI 97.5 97.7 clays results in a clay that, ·while still exhibiting inter-
layer swelling, hydrates to a smaller degree. The
potassium montmorillonites tend to become nonex-
EXCHANGEABLE CATION DIAMETERS pandable after slight heating or after drying and wet-
(Hexagonal lattice spacing ting cycles. 9 The water uptake and extensive swelling
for a 3-layer silicate: 2.8 A.) of sodium montmorillonite is likewise decreased· as
the proportion of exchangeable ammonium ions
Exchangeable Cations Ionic Diameter (A)
increases. .
NH 4 + 2.86
K+ 2.66 When potassium is present in the original solutions
Ca+ + 2.1.2 from which montmorillonite clays are formed, it is
Na+ 1.96 held with a greater bonding energy than other ex-
Fe+ + 1.66 changeable cations. 10 In addition, there is a selective
Mg++ 1.56 sorption of potassium by clays in relation to other
Li + 1.56 specific cations. 11
These characteristics of potassium and ammonium
SYSTEMS FOR DRILLING PROBLEM SHALES ion interactions with clay surfaces can. be traced to
two effects; namely, ionic size and hydrational energy.
Ability of KCl
To Provide Both ions are of the proper size (Table 14) to fit
SuffiCient snugly into the spaces between the two hexagonal tet-
Dispersion- Lim iting Hydration Is the Use of rahedral sheets that contact each other in the buildup
Shale Type Ability of KCI Reduction KCI Suggested?
of a three-layer clay packet. The ionic diameters of
Class 1 Good Fair Borderline; depends
on shale type. potassium and ammonium are 2.66 and 2.86 A, re-
Ctass 2 ExceHent Very good Yes. spectively - both very close to the available distance
Class 3 Excellent Very good Yes.
Class 4 Excellent Very good Yes. of 2.8 A. A cation slightly smaller than 2.8 A is
(Most) ,
desirable to allow for crystalline compaction.
Class 4 Excellent Good Borderline; depends
(Very hard) on shale type.
As a potassium system is dehydrated, the tetra-
Class 5 Excellent Very good Yes, in most cases. hedral sheets contact each. other and potassium loses
Class 5 Excellent Fair Borderline; depends its shell of oriented water and becomes slightly
on shale type. smaller. As the process continues, the contraction
fractured effect may force the ion into the free space of the
matrix) exposed surface. Once in position it is held tightly
and the following hold true: jeopardize thewellbore. Intrusion of fluid a~ong the
1. The potassium is as close as possible to the microfractures helps to accelerate swelling. Even 80
center of negative charge. percent reductions may not be enough to stabilize
2. The closed structure prevents significant rehy- the formation. To drill a gauge hole through shales of
dration upon exposure to water. this type, it is often considered mandatory to use a
3. The potassium is less likely to be exchanged balanced-activity oil mud. Potassium muds can be
for ,another cation since it is in a closed structure. used in such instances, but the chances of success are
Slightly larger cations, like ammonium, do not only moderate. Very hard shales in Class 4 may also
allow as close an approach of the layers. Smalle[ pose a borderline situation. These varieties also were
cations, such as the sodium or calcium ones normally often considered drillable only with an oil mud, but
found in montmorillonite, would be able to enter the laboratory studies indicate that potassium systems
lattice space, but are too small to effectively bind the should successfully inhibit. them. Each shale of this
sheets together fully, and rehydration leads to the type should be pretested before a definite recommen-
entrapment of a water shell and the opportunity for dation is made, however.
exchange. 12 ,13 At the opposite end of the scale, shales containing
The fixation tendency of potassium and ammon- large amounts of montmorillonite (Class 1) will still
ium ions, which once was attributed solely to this swell to an appreciable extent with potassium pres-
close fit within the hexagonal cavities of basal oxygen ent. The degree of improvement afforded may not be
planes, has a second important effect associated with sufficient to justify the cost involved, especially since
it. Low hydrational energies for exchangeable catio,ns most shales of this type are at shallow depths. Again,
appear to be important in determining high selectivity tests of the particular shale should enable one to
and fixation characteristics. Potassium and ammo- decide whether this, degree of inhibition is justifiable.
nium have the lowest hydrational energies of the If cuttings dispersion and not hole erosion is the main
species listed in Table 14. The low energies produce concern, then the potassium system may reduce the
interlayer dehydration and layer collapse; thus is problerri significantly.
formed a compact, tightly held structure. Table 15 reflects a combination of laboratory
Stabilization of problem shales by potassium ions, evidence and general observations on the potential
therefore, appears to take place in the following man- utility of potassium-based fluids.
ner. When montmorillonite is present, potassium The desirability of laboratory testing before using
exchanges for sodium and calcium and gives a more an inhibitive fluid in a problem shale zone cannot be
stable, less hydratable structure. Some hydration will overemphasized. If even small amounts of core
still take place since the mineral is not completely material are available from an offset well, the entire
nonexpanding. With illites the potassium replaces any series of laboratory tests, including X-ray analysis,
exchangeable cation impurities in the structure and adsorption isotherm, and swelling and dispersion
exposes the entire shale to,an environment composed studies, should be performed. This can also be done
of the same cation as is binding the illite fractions ifane can. obtain from another location shale samples
together. The amount of base exchange that occurs very similar to those one expects to encounter. If
is substantially reduced, especially where the illite cores are not available, then dispersion tests on cut-
content is high, and the shale remains stable. In inter- tings from a previously drilled well in the area can
layered varieties potassium works both on the illite be used to obtain minimal information. Without
and on the montmorillonite and reduces the amount samples of any kind one must estimate the classifica-
of differential swelling that occurs. tion by the depth of burial and any usable geologic
Potassium cations would be, expected to work best and logging data.
on shales having a large percentage of illite or illite/ Laboratory testing on a number of shale types, has
interlayered combinations in the clay fractions. The shown that the greatest improvement in shale inhibi-
previous data support this conclusion where KCI tion occurs as the KCI concentration is increased
solutions performed well on Class 3 and 4 shales like from low values to about 3 to 5 percent and main-
the Midway, Wolfcamp, and Hoxbar. tained there. Incremental gains by taking the concen-
tration all the way to saturation (about 25 percent)
Field Guidelines for Using Potassium Fluids are small. In general, therefore, the economical 3- to
Several general statements can be made regarding 5-percent level sacrifices little in performance.
whether a potassium system should or should not be Base exchange reactions, which occur with ex-
used on a particular type of shale. These generaliza- changeable cations in the shale an,d also with cations
tions are in line with the results from laboratory test- on the surfaces of clay added to the drilling fluid,
ing and field testing to date. F"urther field evaluations effectively reduce the potassium level in the mud as
may conclude that additional types receive sufficient drilling proceeds. Since the concentration must at
inhibitive action to remain stable. all times be great enough to guarantee inhibition, a
As explained above, potassium cations perform 5-percent level can be carried to allow for variations
best on shales containing large quantities of illite or due to base exchange. This is adequate when illitic
interlayered clays in the total clay fraction. This is formations are being drilled. If montmorillonitic
true as long as the shale is not. an extremely hard, zones are being drilled, with bentonite present in the
brittle Class 5 shale with a matrix containing numer- mu.d, the concentration should be increased to about
ous microfractures. In these cases a small percentage 10 percent to insure inhibition. Base exchange reac-
of the total swelling potential may be sufficient to tions will be rapid and numerous for the latter case.
SEPTEMBER. 1973 1097
A number of viscosifiers or viscosifier combina- used, and the results would be expected to be in-
tions can be elnployed in conjunction with KCl. These conclusive. The results have not been studied syste-
include bentonite, XC polymer, and bentonite-XC matically owing to a lack of sufficient data on most
mixtures. The added dispersion and swelling reduc- operations. Of the reported cases, however, the great
tion provided by the XC polymer favors its use, but majority have been successful and some have reflected
the particular type of system one. chooses will depend outstanding improvement. Service companies state
on a number of factors. Following are some general that the performance of polymer-salt muds, and XC-
guidelines for using these viscosifiers: KCI in particular, has been excellent.
1. Suitable prehydration procedures should be Some examples of significant improvements from
carried out when they are required with a particular potassium additions can be thoroughly documented,
potassium system. Dry bentonite should never be however. A series of wells in Wyoming was drilled
added to an existing KCI system. using various fluid systems. Four of the wells em-
2. At all times KCI levels should be maintained ployed either standard bentonitic or low-solids muds.
above the 3 percent minimum that has been estab- As the caliper logs indicated, there were senous wash-
lished. If the concentration drops too low, the outs in the boreholes. As a result, the primary cement
system's inhibitive and rheological properties (in the jobs were poor, which allowed communication be-
case of bentonite-KCI muds) can be affected greatly. tween zones and water production from the wells. In
3. A potassium-sensitive electrode or standard an attempt to get a better cement job by providing a
analytical test for potassium should be used to mon- more nearly gauge hole, three additional wells were
itor the fluid. A chloride test may not be sufficient drilled using KCI muds. The average KCI level was
to deduce actual KCI filtrate content since the chlo- maintained at less than 2.5 percent, which is below
ride ion is not selectively adsorbed by clays. that required for maximum inhibition. In general,
4. All additions of water to the circulating system wellbore gauge improved considerably, cement jobs
should be noted so that sufficient KCI may also be were good, and no major production problems were
added to keep the desired concentration. encountered later. (See Table 16.)
5. Foaming is a potential problem, especially Results from a Canadian well provide a definitive
when KCI concentrations exceed 5 percent by weight. example of the ability of KCI to inhibit a sensitive
With yield points above 10 Ib/100 ft 2 the foam may shale zone. Here a bentonite-XC-KCI mud was used
have difficulty breaking out of the, flu'id, and loss of to drill a troublesome shale section between 3,500
pump pressure may result if the situation is not and 4,500 ft. In Fig. 2 three caliper logs are presented,
corrected. A suitable defoamer, such as aluminum one for the test well and two for nearby offset wells
stearate in diesel oil, should be employed. At lower that employed bentonite systems without KCl. The
yield points the foam will break out easily and addi- log from the test well shows a noticeable improvement
tions of CMC or lignosulfonate will help to reduce at 3,087 ft when the KCI system was first introduced.
surface foam to a minimum. Similarly, the well shows superior gauge character
6. If necessary, flow properties can be increased in compared with the offsets over the entire range of
an XC-KCl system by adding more XC or by cross- the sensitive formation. The only washout zone
linking the existing polymer. (3,625 to 3~ 725 ft) reflected on the test caliper either
7. Rheological properties in a bentonite mud can is due to a particularly bad zone or may be linked
be built rapidly by adding more prehydrated benton- to an addition of 100 bbl of freshly mixed mud at
ite. The properties can be reduced by adding CMC 3,604 ft. This addition may have had a lower salt
or lignosulfonate. If very high carrying capacities are concentration than desired and thus may have affected
required, presheared asbestos may be added. Advan- the performance until the slug of fluid had been
tages may be derived from the synergistic effect of lined out.
the positive asbestos and the negative clay particles. The first of two field tests was performed recently
8. To help maintain potassium levels and mini- in South Texas using an unweighted 5 to 13 percent
mize cationic reactions, alkalinity should be con- KCI, 0 to ~ lb/bbl XC polymer mud.
trolled with KOH instead of NaOH. whenever Shale recovered across the shale shaker and a cal-
possible. This helps to develop an all-potassium iper log (see Fig. 3) showed that the KCI-XC mud
system. was more successful in minimizing shale dispersion
9. A thin, tough, impermeable filter cake can best
be achieved with a KCI mud by adding starch, CMC, TABLE 16 - COMPARISON OF FIELD PERFORMANCE
and some lignosulfonate. Total Time
to Drill to Qualitative
10. Maintaining pH levels in the 10 to 12 range Well Mud 8,500 ft Well bore Cement Problems
Number System ~ Gauge Job Production
and using suitable corrosion inhibitors will help to
reduce corrosion to an acceptable level. Standard 27 Fair to poor Poor Water
2 Standard 20 'Very poor Poor Water
Field Results With Potassium Muds production
A number of operators have employed potassium- 3 Standard 18 Poor Water
based drilling fluids in several wells throughout the production
world. In general these have represented individual 4 Low solids 27 Poer Poor Water
attempts to control problem shales by achieving some 5 Bentonite/KCI 18 Very good Good None
degree of inhibition. In many cases optimal concen- 6 Bentonite/KCI Good None
trations of potassium and other additives were not 7 Bentonite/KCI 21 Good to fair Good None


and hole enlargement than was a gel-lignite mud used not necessary to add any XC polymer in the bottom
in another well in the same field. Although the hole half of the hole.
did experience an average washout of about lh in., A second South Texas field test yielded even more
that was considerably less than the average washout impressive results. This well was drilled from 2,100
of 1 ~ in. in the offset well. to 11,050 ft with a KCI mud (5 to 12 percent). A
In the drilling of the KCI-XC well, reaming was particularly troublesome shale zone between 6,000
required (in the new portion of the hole only) on and 10,000 ft had caused significant hole problems
several bit runs. No fill or logging problems were on earlier wells. On the basis of previous drilling
encountered. experience, one could expect that there would be
Solids did increase to as high as 8 percent, but 100 to 200 ft of fill on bottom after tripping and
that is not considered extreme, considering the low that 500 ft or more might have to be washed and
level of dilution used. Because of solids buildup it was reamed. High levels of torque and .drag had also

TEST WELL 7" 15" 6" 16" 7" 16"

WATER TO 3087'
15'8000 6"
6000 j
KCL 3087'-5329'
OFFSET#l OFFSET#2 5" 7" 9" 11" 13" 15" )
j iii Iii iii i
6100 8100

-3100- WATER TO 4423' WATER TO 3597' BIT SIZE 6200 8200

4423'-5348' 3597' - 5310'
7" 9" 11" 13" 15" 17"
i I Iii I ii, , i ~"i ~", ~", lr', It: 1,5" 6300 ~

6400 8400 >

6500 8500

6600 8600

6700 ~ 8700

6800 8800

Fig. 2-Comparison of caliper logs from three

Canadian wells. 6900 8900

7000 9000
KCl XC POLYMER MUD 1550'-7300' GEL-LIGNITE MUD 1600'-7000'

7" 8" 9" 10" n" 12" 7 11 8" 9" 10" n/l 12" 7100 9100
o >

7200 9200

7300 9300

7400 9400

7500 9500

7600 9600

7700 9700

6000 7800 9800

7000 7900 9900

. . - . . _ - -..... 8000 10,(](::::XJ~:I-'---I"L--_--'

Fig. 3-Comparison of caliper logs from two South Fig. 4--Comparison of caliper logs from two South Texas
Texas wells. wells; offset well on left, test well on right.

SEPTEMBER, 1973 1099

been experienced. should be sufficient to allow cheaper and faster drill-
The troublesome zone included a section of ing and completion through certain sensitive shale
Midway shale that KCI inhibited well. The hole was zones.
drilled without any torque or drag and no fill occurred
through the operation. Two caliper logs (Fig. 4), one Acknowledgments
from the test well and one from the most recent We would like to express our appreciation to J. K.
offset, point up the superior gauge character of the Heilhecker, L. H. Robinson, J. F. Miller, and S. H.
KCI well. In the offset, a bentonitic water-based mud Scott for their assistance during laboratory and field
was used to 8,450 ft and an oil mud was used for testing.
the remaining interval. The primary reason for using
the oil mud was to control the shale. References
1. Chenevert, M. E.: "Shale Control with Balanced Ac-
Conclusions tivity Oil-Continuous Muds," J. Pet. Tech. (Oct. 1970)
The results of this research program, which was 2. Lummus, J. L. and Field, L. J.: "Non-Dispersed Polymer
designed to develop a superior water-based inhibitive Mud: A New Drilling Concept," Pet. Eng. (March 1968)
drilling fluid, may be summarized as follows: 59-65.
1. A unified classification method for problem 3. Shell, F. J.: "New Mud Improves Productivity," Drilling-
DCW (Nov. 1969) 47-50.
shales has been devised to aid in determining the 4. Darley, H. C. H.: "A Laboratory Investigation of Bore-
anticipated down-hole stability features of shales and hole Stability," J. Pet. Tech. (July 1969) 883-892.
in selecting inhibitive fluids. 5. Kelly, J.: "Drilling Problem Shales," Oil and Gas J.
2. A complete set of laboratory tests has been out- (June 3, 1968) 67-70.
lined to provide a thorough analysis method for 6. Kelly, J.: "A New Look at Troublesome Shales," Oil
and Gas J. (June 10, 1968) 94-112.
shales. Their dispersive, adsorptive, and hydrational 7. Mondshine, T. C.: "New Technique Determines Oil-Mud
characteristics determined from these tests can be Salinity Needs in Shale Drilling," Oil and Gas J. (July
used in classifying them. 14, 1969) 70-75.
3. Numerous laboratory tests have demonstrated 8. Deily, F. H., Lindblom, G. P., Patton, J. T. and Holman,
W. E.: "New Biopolymer Low-Solids Mud Speeds Drill-
that cations perform in different ways as inhibitive ing Operation," Oil and Gas J. (June 26, 1967) 62-70.
agents and that potassium and ammonium ions are 9. van Olphen, H.: An Introduction to Clay Colloid Chem-
by far superior. Potassium is preferred for field use istry, Interscience Publishers, New York (1963) 71.
because it is less expensive and more temperature 10. Marshall, C. E.: The Physical Chemistry and Mineralogy
of Soils, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York (1964)
stable. 1, 134.
4. A number of inhibitive drilling fluids can be 11. Sawhney, B. L.: "Potassium and Cesium Ion Selectivity
devised employing potassium cations. Potassium in Relation to Clay Mineral Structure," Clay and Clay
chloride is compatible with a wide variety of viscosi- . Minerals (1970) 18, 47-52.
12. Page, J. B. and Baven, L. D.: "Ionic Size in Relation to
fiers and viscosifier combinations. Proper levels of Fixation of Cations by Colloidal Clay," Proc., Soil Sci-
potassium to maintain in the field and a number of ence Soc. of America (1939).
field mixing and treatment guidelines have been 13. Pauling, L.: The Nature of the Chemical Bond, Cornell
established. U. Press, Ithaca, N. Y. (1940).
5'. Thus far, field data are encouraging, and indi- 14. Sawhney, B. L.: "Selective Sorption and Fixation of
Cations by Clay Minerals: A Review," Clay and Clay
cate that the system will perform well on many types Minerals (1972) 20, 2. JPT
of shale.
Paper (SPE 4232) was presented at SPE-AIME Sixth Conference
Potassium muds are not to be considered cure-aIls on Drilling and Rock Mechanics, held in Austin, Tex., Jan. 22-23,
for every shale problem one may encounter. Labora- 1973. © Copyright 1973 American Institute of Mining, Metallurgi-
cal, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.
tory and field experience to date, however, suggests
This paper will be printed in Transactions volume 255, which
that the levels of inhibition achievable with such fluids will cover 1973.


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