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IADC/SPE 62794

Drilling Practices and Sweep Selection for Efficient Hole Cleaning in Deviated
D. J. Power, SPE and C. Hight, Baroid, a Halliburton Company, D. Weisinger, SPE, and C. Rimer, SPE, Vastar
Resources Inc.

Copyright 2000, IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology

wells the drill pipe is usually located on the low side of the
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2000 IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling well bore, forcing the majority of the fluid to flow above the
Technology held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11–13 September 2000.
drill pipe. Annular velocity modeling of Herschel-Bulkley
This paper was selected for presentation by an IADC/SPE Program Committee following fluids clearly demonstrates this point. The shear thinning
review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the
paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the International Association of Drilling behavior of the fluid, combined with the yield stress
Contractors or the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the
author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the IADC or characteristics of the fluid do not favor flow in the restriction
SPE, their officers, or members. Papers presented at the IADC/SPE meetings are subject to
publication review by Editorial Committees of the IADC and SPE. Electronic reproduction,
below the drill pipe. Optimizing the rheology of the fluid to
distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written minimize this effect is an important part of well planning and
consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is
restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The design. It must be acknowledged that rheology modification
abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was alone cannot overcome the problem.
presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax
01-972-952-9435. A compounding factor associated with drill pipe being
eccentric is the fact that drilled cuttings will settle towards the
Abstract low side of the annulus due to gravity. Regardless of the
Cuttings transport in highly deviated wellbores is more drilling fluid rheology, it is almost impossible to clean a high
challenging and critical than in vertical wells. By optimizing angle wellbore without the action of drill pipe rotation3,4. Drill
drilling practices and sweep programs, on bottom drilling time pipe rotation acts to agitate any settled solids back into the
can be increased and the need for wiper trips minimized. Data flow stream. A solids bed will develop over time in the
from two geological side tracks drilled from the same vertical absence of drill pipe rotation, which can impact on the annular
wellbore are used to demonstrate the improved efficiencies equivalent circulating density (ECD), cause pack-offs and
possible when using weighted sweeps rather than high result in stuck pipe. Monitoring annular pressure just above
viscosity sweeps for hole cleaning in deviated wellbores. In the bit, together with accurate modeling and tracking of pick-
the examples discussed in this paper, over $500,000 in savings up weight, slack-off weight, torque and drag can provide
were realized by the operator through using optimized drilling valuable insights into the development of a cuttings bed. This
practices and engineered sweeps. Optimizing the use of information should be utilized efficiently to detect the onset of
rotation and circulation versus continuous sliding also can solids build-up down hole before the situation becomes
contribute to improved drilling efficiency. In addition, critical5.
computer simulation data are presented to support the field
observations. The use of sweep reports is an integral Well Details
component of tracking sweep performance. The two deviated side track wells were drilled in deepwater of
the Gulf of Mexico from a vertical well with 13-5/8” casing
Introduction set at 10,318 ft TVD, after drilling a vertical well, side track
Successful drilling of all wells requires efficient hole cleaning. #1. A high angle well, sidetrack #2, encountered a number of
When drilling deviated wells the challenge of maintaining tight spots on tripping, together with significant over-pull on
efficient hole cleaning is typically greater than when drilling numerous occasions. The sweeps used on sidetrack #2 were
vertical wells. Some of the primary factors contributing to high viscosity sweeps of 100 bbls in volume, pumped every
these greater challenges include drill pipe eccentric in the 300 ft. Typically no increase in cuttings volume was observed
hole, the need for slide drilling (to build angle and maintain at the shakers when the sweeps reached the surface. Back-
direction), and the resultant skewed flow distribution in the reaming was required on side track #2 when tripping out of the
annulus1,2. hole. When tripping out of the hole, any time the pumps were
The rheological characteristics of drilling fluids lead to a switched off the hole appeared tight. Once the bit was above
skewed flow distribution in the annulus for drill pipe that is the hole section with angle greater than 19 degrees the pipe
eccentric in the hole. When drilling deviated and horizontal

came free. The problems discussed here provide a clear The cost saving to deepwater drilling operations is significant,
indication of poor solids removal efficiency from the well. with in excess of $500,000 saved when drilling side track #3.
When drilling the third side track, a decision was made to
use weighted sweeps alternating with fiberous sweeps on Sweep Selection and Performance
every other stand. The weighted sweeps generated a There are several sweep formulation options available for
substantial increase in cuttings at the surface while the fiber improving hole cleaning performance but often little
sweeps demonstrated a minimal increase in cuttings volume at consideration is given as to what the most appropriate sweep
the surface. After drilling approximately 2,000 ft a wiper trip for the given conditions will be. Factors that need to be
was made, with no apparent tight spots and no over-pull. The considered when selecting sweeps include hole angle, fluid
weighted sweeps were +3.4 ppg over the drilling fluid density density, formation, cuttings diameter, drill pipe rotation and
(11.1 ppg) with a volume of 50 bbl. Beyond this point wiper fracture gradient.
trips were no longer applied. Each weighted sweep resulted in High viscosity sweeps do perform well in vertical and near
an apparent increase in cuttings at the shakers that was vertical wellbores yet they are not the best option for deviated
estimated to be approximately 30 percent above the drilling wells. The high viscosity effects force an even greater skewing
ahead cuttings return rate. Table 1 provides a comparison of of the flow distribution in a wellbore with drill pipe that is
the directional well paths for each sidetrack while Table 2 eccentric in the hole. The path of least resistance will always
highlights some of the key factors differentiating each well. be the wide gap region in an eccentric annulus. A
While the two sidetracks were not identical, an almost compounding effect that is generally not considered is the
impossible task with field wells, the conditions were such that effect of the fluid yield stress. A fluid that has a yield stress
a very valid comparison of drilling practices and sweep requires a stress be applied that exceeds the yield stress of the
performance was possible. Slide drilling and rotary drilling fluid for flow to occur. In the narrow gap region of the annulus
were typically applied, to varying degrees, on each stand for the shear stress is low. Should the fluid yield stress exceed the
both side tracks. prevailing stress conditions no flow will occur in the low side
of the annulus and thus minimal solids transport will occur.
Table 1: Well Geometry High viscosity sweeps can impose these conditions in a
Side Track #2 Side Track #3 deviated wellbore.
MD (ft) Angle MD (ft) Angle Weighted sweeps provide more appropriate action for
10,438 4.1 10,424 2.8 improved solids transport in deviated wellbores. The primary
10,778 11.7 10,710 10.8 factor associated with improved solids transport efficiency is
11,067 14.3 11,096 25.7 the buoyancy effect added to the system with weighted
11,633 22.5 12,062 61.4 sweeps. This reduces the settling velocity of the drilled solids
12,304 44.6 12,637 71.5 as well as allowing the weighted fluid to penetrate more
13,075 51.9 13,509 72.4 effectively the region below the drill pipe. A cost analysis has
14,154 511 15,148 70.6 also shown that using coarse weighting material rather than
14,635 48.3 15,917 69.7 conventional barite can deliver savings by eliminating the
15,504 46.8 16,552 68.9 need to dilute with base oil to maintain fluid density. The
coarse barite is removed by the shaker screens and is not
Table 2: Well Characteristics retained in the mud system. In this example the value was
ST#2 ST#3 estimated to be $5,500 per weighted sweep.
Open hole diameter, in. 12.25 10.625 Solids transport efficiency can also be improved through
Pump rate, gpm. 1210 740 the addition of traditional lost circulation materials. Materials
Annular Velocity, ft/min. 237 210 such as organic fibers or plant derived abrasive materials have
Interval length, ft. 5272 6234 been used with great success. In addition to improved hole
Drilling Time, hrs. 88.5 69.5 cleaning, these materials can also reduce torque values in
extended reach wells. Fiberous materials are useful for
Conditioning Time, hrs. 26 6
transporting large particles while the abrasive materials are
effective at eroding silt beds (beds of finely ground drilled
Value was delivered to the drilling operation on side track
solids and barite). Many record extended reach drilling (ERD)
#3 through the reduction in overall time required to drill the
wells have relied on the use of these materials for successful
well and the time needed for hole conditioning. In this
completion of the well6,7.
instance hole conditioning is referred to as short trips, back
It is important to highlight that the approach applied for
reaming and any other drilling practice that required drilling
fines removal is different to that for course material. Often in
operations to cease in order to dedicate time to improve the
deviated wellbores large solids are transported out of the hole
condition of the hole. Total drilling and conditioning time on
easily with conventional circulation and rotation. Apparent
side track #2 equated to 46 feet per hour while on side track #3
stuck pipe can result though from a build-up of fine solids.
this was improved to 90 feet per hour. Side track #3 required
Field experience has established that circulating an abrasive
39 hours less drilling and conditioning time than side track #2.
lost circulation material (LCM) with a weighted sweep can

effectively remove this build-up of fines. When these sweeps the field also provides proof of the superior performance of
return to the surface a large amount of fines can be seen at the weighted sweeps over high viscosity sweeps in deviated
shakers. At the same time a dramatic decrease in torque and wellbores.
drag can be reported.
Sweep Reports
Weighted Sweeps and ECD An effective method for tracking the performance of sweeps is
It is often considered that weighted sweeps should not be used to use sweep reports. A simple spread sheet can provide a
in deepwater drilling operations due to the narrow operating systematic and objective tool to aid in improving drilling
window between pore pressure and fracture gradient. It is efficiency. Capturing the key variables associated with sweeps
thought that the effect of the weighted sweep on the down hole can help the operator to select the most appropriate sweep for
pressure will be high enough to lead to formation fracture and future use. An example of the sweep reports used on sidetrack
lost circulation. An illustrative example is given to clarify the #3 is given in Table 3.
effect on equivalent circulating density (ECD) that a weighted Data obtained while drilling sidetrack #3 clearly indicate
section of fluid in the annulus actually has. A TVD of 10,000 the superior hole cleaning performance of weighted sweeps
ft is used and a mud weight of 10 ppg. Applying a 200 ft over high viscosity sweeps. Fiber sweeps were also run on this
equivalent volume of fluid in a 12-1/4” open hole section with well. Though not noted in Table 3, the weighted sweeps also
a mud weight of 14 ppg results in less than 0.1 ppg increase in brought larger cuttings to the surface. In this instance a
the equivalent mud weight in the annulus at TD. The synthetic fiberous material was used in the sweeps. This
hydrostatic head of a 10,000 ft column of 10 ppg fluid is 5,200 material has repeatedly been shown to be very effective in
psi. A 200 ft column of 14 ppg fluid relative to 200 ft of 10 boosting hole cleaning efficiency in deepwater risers.
ppg fluid equates to a pressure increase of 42 psi. The total
hydrostatic pressure with the sweep in the annulus is now Modeling Hole Cleaning Performance
5242 psi, or 10.08 ppg equivalent. Once the sweep is in the Several modeling approaches are published in the
riser the effect will be reduced. literature1,8,9,10,11,12. In this work two different approaches are
Consideration must be given to the increase in annular considered. A modified slip velocity approach that analyses
friction loss and also the increased hydrostatic head associated the average fluid velocity in the narrow gap region of an
with the cuttings that are suspended by the drilling fluid and eccentric annulus is compared to the settling velocity of
weighted sweep. Annular pressure losses for real drilling individual cuttings particles. The output from this model is
fluids typically range from 5 to 10 psi per 1,000 feet. For high given as transport efficiency. A detailed discussion of this
viscosity and high density fluids this range may shift to 10 to model is given eslewhere1,2. A value approaching one
20 psi per 1,000 feet. Clearly, a 200 foot section of sweep represents excellent transport, whereby the solids are traveling
fluid has very little impact on ECD due to increased friction at the same velocity as the fluid, while a value approaching
losses. negative one indicates poor transport where the settling
The primary concern associated with weighted sweeps in velocity is significantly greater than the fluid velocity. A
the annulus should be the increase in ECD due to more negative value for the transport efficiency can also indicate
efficient solids transport. The higher loading of suspended very little flow in the low side of the annulus.
drilled solids can greatly influence the ECD. A PWD tool can A second model, that incorporates drill pipe rotation,
be a valuable source of information regarding solids transport allows a more detailed approach to drilling simulation. This
efficiency. When a sweep is in the annulus the suspended mechanistic model, currently undergoing field evaluation,
solids loading should increase and be detected by the PWD applies a force balance approach with gravity, drag and
tool. When efficient hole cleaning practices are implemented, particle movement forces. Drill pipe rotation is modeled by
the increase in ECD due to the combined effects associated incorporating agitation, or particle lift frequency, with mean
with the sweep should not be large. Reducing pump flow rate drill pipe position based on well trajectory and geometry.
is a rapid and effective method of decreasing the ECD when Using this model it is possible to study the solids distribution
pumping sweeps should the need arise. It is imperative that the up the entire annulus, evaluating the effect of rotation and
pump rate should not decrease to a level that would allow sliding, as well as modeling the effect on ECD of circulating
particle settling, leading to cuttings avalanching and pack-offs sweeps.
or stuck pipe. Figure 1 shows the output data for side track #2 using the
On sidetrack #3 the ECD while drilling ahead was 11.5 first model, the transport efficiency model. In this case the
ppg, as indicated by the PWD tool, with an 11.1 ppg surface drilling fluid does not appear to perform adequately with
density for the drilling fluid. When running 14.5 ppg sweeps respect to hole cleaning performance, which agrees with the
in the annulus the PWD ECD increased to 11.7 ppg until the problems encountered while drilling this well. Simulating the
sweep reached the surface. This manageable increase in ECD transport efficiency of high viscosity and weighted sweeps
vindicates the use of high density sweeps in deepwater as a shows a dramatic improvement, with the weighted sweep
feasible option for improving both cuttings transport and showing the best performance. The actual flow rate used to
overall drilling efficiency. The performance data captured in drill this well was 1210 gpm for the most part. Similarly for
side track #3 the drilling fluid showed poor cuttings transport

efficiency while the weighted and high viscosity sweeps in cuttings transport that regular application of weighted
showed good performance, see Figure 2. The flow rate used sweeps in deviated wells can deliver.
to drill side track #3 was 740 gpm. The average annular Data generated using a more advanced drilling simulator is
velocities of both side tracks are given in Table 2. presented in Figures 5 and 6. This newly developed simulator
The transport efficiency model does not incorporate drill generates data for the entire wellbore, factoring into the
pipe rotation. On both side tracks, sliding and rotation were calculations the actual mode(s) of drilling used. In this way
used for each stand. The output from the transport efficiency hole cleaning under sliding, rotating or combinations of both
model can be used to indicate a worst case scenario. This can be modeled as a function of the rate of penetration (ROP).
model can also be used for optimizing the fluid properties and Data for sidetrack #2 are shown in Figure 5. Poor hole
sweep schedule in the design phase. The model is capable of cleaning in the case of slide drilling is indicated by the high
indicating the performance improvement due to changes in concentration of drilled cuttings below 14,000 ft. Extended
fluid rheology (FANN 35 data) and fluid density as well as periods of sliding while drilling this interval could be expected
indicating the effect hole angle and eccentricity have on hole to rapidly lead to torque and drag problems. Even
cleaning performance. combinations of sliding and rotating, as well as 100% rotating,
show that the cuttings concentration in the annulus is high.
Sweep Performance Modeling Assuming a 50/50 split between sliding and rotating, which is
Models can be used effectively to indicate the most close to what was actually applied in the field, gives a cuttings
appropriate sweep for specific well conditions. For the concentration high enough to cause stuck pipe and pack-off
scenarios discussed in this paper the modeling data agrees problems. These types of problems were regularly
with the field observations, i.e., weighted sweeps out perform encountered drilling sidetrack #2. Short trips were required
high viscosity sweeps in deviated wells. A clearer picture of frequently and pumps were always needed on trips due to
why this is so can be formed by considering the effect that apparent tight spots.
increasing the fluid viscosity and yield stress has on the flow Figure 6 shows the data generated from the drilling
distribution in the annulus. simulator for side track #3. The cuttings concentration in the
Figure 3 presents the effect of fluid yield stress on hole annulus for this well is significantly lower than for side track
cleaning performance. Clearly there is an optimal fluid yield #2, even given the lower average annular velocity and higher
stress for drilling deviated wells drill pipe that is eccentric in angle. For this well the number of short trips was dramatically
the well. If the fluid has a low yield stress value increasing the reduced and no incidences of packing-off were reported.
yield stress will improve the solids suspension ability of the Overall, the well was drilled much more efficiently, resulting
fluid up to a certain point, but beyond a certain value, the in significant time and cost savings. Modeling the drilling
transport efficiency decreases. This is due to the flow in the process using only slide drilling shows moderate cuttings
narrow section of the annulus decreasing to zero. Up to a concentration through most of the annulus with a small region
value of 6 lb/100ft2 the transport efficiency is improved. of high cuttings concentration towards the bottom of the well.
Above this value the performance decreases rapidly. Under One key factor of the model data is the very small
these conditions, with no drill pipe rotation, the shear stress in difference in annular cuttings concentration for 100 percent
the narrow gap region is below the yield stress of the fluid and rotating and 50/50 sliding/rotating. Side track #3 was actually
thus the fluid does not flow. drilled using 50 to 55 ft of slide drilling per 100 feet drilled,
When planning for intervals with angle build sections the with the rest drilled using the rotary. This serves to highlight
fluid yield stress must be considered in the fluid design phase. how critical and efficient rotation is for cuttings transport in
Allowing time for rotating and circulating together with the deviated wells. Without drill pipe rotation the efficiency of
application of engineered sweeps should be considered, even cuttings transport is greatly reduced.
though this does involve rig time. The use of sweeps in this For both side tracks #2 and #3 the drilling simulator data
scenario reduces the time needed to circulate the hole clean, or gave solid indications of the actual hole cleaning performance
to establish a manageable concentration of drilled solids in the while drilling these wells, demonstrating the power of the tool
annulus. for planning and executing drilling operations. The drilling
Figure 4 compares the performance of fluids with simulator can allow the user to plan and optimize drilling
increasing densities. In each case the rheology is held practices as well as troubleshoot drilling operations should
constant, using the FANN 35 data from the actual 11.1 ppg problems develop.
fluid used to drill each side track, something that does not
generally hold in actual drilling operations when applying Optimizing Drilling Schedules
weighted sweeps. Increasing the fluid density from 11.1 ppg In Figure 7 a comparison is made of the overall annular
up to 13.1 ppg shows a dramatic improvement in hole cleaning cuttings concentration for each well using different drilling
performance when simulating slide drilling. The higher modes. Clearly the inclusion of periods of rotation greatly
density provides buoyancy to the cuttings as well as helping to improves the solids transport efficiency in deviated wells.
increase flow into the low side of the annulus. The data When building angle, the data suggest that time should be
illustrated in Figure 4 clearly show the dramatic improvement dedicated to rotating and circulating out cuttings that
accumulate while sliding. After making connections is an

appropriate time to apply rotation and circulation, as well as 2. Green, M., Power, D., “Cuttings Transport Performance
circulate sweeps in the annulus, as the cuttings can be agitated Evaluation in High Angle Wellbores”, CADE/CAODC Spring
into the fluid flow stream and shifted into the vertical or near Drilling Conference, Calgary, Canada, April 7-8, 1999.
vertical region prior to going static for a connection. In 3. Easton, M. D. J., Nichols, J., Riley, G. J., “Optimizing Hole
Cleaning by Application of a Pressure While Drilling Tool”,
addition, once in this region the cuttings should not settle and paper SPE 37612 presented at the 1997 SPE/IADC Drilling
cause pack-offs or stuck pipe while slide drilling is used to Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 4-6, 1997.
drill ahead. Problems often develop in drilling operations 4. Sanchez, R. A., Azaar, J. J., Bassal, A. A., Martins, A. L., “The
when cuttings settle around tool joints or the bottom hole Effect of Drill Pipe Rotation on Hole Cleaning During
assembly in high angle sections. Keeping these sections clean Directional Well Drilling”, paper SPE 37626 presented at the
can help to eliminate time consuming pack-offs and stuck 1997 SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, The
pipe. Netherlands, March 4-6, 1997.
A number of opinions exist in the industry as to what a 5. Green, M. D., Thomesen, C. R., Wolfson, L., Bern, P. A., “An
safe concentration of cuttings should be. In order to minimize Integrated Solution of Extended-Reach Drilling Problems in the
Niakuk Field, Alaska: Part II – Hydraulics, Cuttings Transport
ECD and minimize the potential for lost drilling time,
and PWD”, paper SPE 56564 presented at the 1999 SPE Annual
modeling data suggests that the average cuttings concentration Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, October
be kept below 1 percent by volume. Average annular cuttings 3-6, 1999.
concentrations greater than 1 percent can have a significant 6. Naegel, M., Pradie, E., Beffa, K., Ricaud, J., Delahaye, T.,
impact on ECD. When applying slide drilling for extended “Extended Reach Drilling at the End of the Earth”, paper SPE
periods it must be acknowledged that a large portion of the 48944, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 27-30, 1998.
drilled cuttings will deposit in the deviated section of the well. 7. Meader, T., Allen, F., Riley, G., “To the Limit and Beyond –
When rotation is applied the action of drill pipe rotation will The Secret of World-Class Extended-reach Drilling Performance
agitate these cuttings into the flow and create a heavier drilling at Wytch Farm”, paper SPE 59204 presented at the 2000
IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana,
fluid. If cuttings are allowed to accumulate, this sudden February 23-25, 2000.
increase in effective fluid density when applying rotation can 8. Rasi, M., “Hole Cleaning in Large, High-Angle Wellbores”,
lead to lost circulation. Having agitated these cuttings and paper SPE 27464 presented at the 1994 IADC/SPE Drilling
switching back to slide drilling without circulating out the Conference, Dallas, Texas, February 15-18, 1994.
cuttings can lead to stuck pipe and pack-off when the cuttings 9. Clark, R. K., Bickham, K. L., “A Mechanistic Model for
settle out of the flowing fluid. Regardless of the rheological Cuttings Transport”, paper SPE 28306 presented at the 1994
properties of the drilling fluid, the fluid will not suspend SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New
cuttings indefinitely in a high angle wellbore. The cuttings Orleans, Louisiana, September 25-28, 1994.
will settle within a short period of time. Allowing regular 10. Chien, S. F., “Effect of Hydraulics and Fluid Rheology on the
Transportation of Drill Cuttings in Horizontal Drilling”,
circulation periods with rotation while the bit is off bottom
presented at the 8th Annual International Energy Week
and utilizing engineered sweeps can minimize the build-up of Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, January 28-30,
cuttings beds in deviated wells. 1997.
11. Santana, M., Martins, A. A. L., Sales jr, A., “Advances in the
Summary Modeling of the Stratified Flow of Drilled Cuttings in High
Optimizing drilling practices and application of engineered Angle and Horizontal Wells”, paper SPE 39890 presented at the
sweeps can greatly improve drilling efficiencies when drilling International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition,
deviated wellbores. When drilling angle build sections, Villahermosa, Mexico, March 3-5, 1998.
periods of rotation with circulation should be applied to agitate 12. Nguyen, D., Rahman, S. S., “A Three-Layer Hydraulic Program
for Effective Cuttings Transport and Hole Cleaning in Highly
any cuttings bed that may develop. Circulating weighted Deviated and Horizontal Wells”, paper SPE 51186, SPE Drilling
sweeps at this time can also facilitate more efficient solids and Completion, September 1998.
removal from the wellbore. Field data, together with modeling
data, support the use of weighted sweeps as the preferred hole Acknowledgements
cleaning sweep for deviated wellbores. PWD data demonstrate The authors wish to thank Vastar Resources Inc. for permission to
that weighted sweeps do not place excessive loads on the publish this work. Thanks must also be given to Dale Jamison and
wellbore in deepwater wells, and thus can be used safely in Baroid Drilling Fluids for development of the drilling simulator
deepwater drilling operations. Appropriate planning and the model.
use of accurate drilling simulators contribute to the success of
drilling operations. In deepwater operations hundreds of
thousands of dollars can be saved through optimized design
and execution of hole cleaning procedures.

1. Kenny, P., Sunde, E., Hemphill, T., “Hole Cleaning Model:
What Does the Fluid-Flow Index Have To Do With It?”, JPT,
November 1996.

Table 3: Sweep Report from MC 127 ST#3

Date Hole Depth Type Rate Vol. MW PV/YP Formulation Results
10/22/99 10.625 14075 hi vis 745 100 11.1 34/44 4 ppb viscosifier 5% cuttings increase
10/22/99 10.625 14171 hi vis 745 100 11.1 31/43 4 ppb viscosifier 10% cuttings increase
10/22/99 10.625 14268 hi vis 745 100 11.1 30/44 4 ppb viscosifier 5% cuttings increase
10/22/99 10.625 14388 wt’d 745 50 14.5 42/23 125 sxs barite 25% cuttings increase
10/22/99 10.625 14601 fiber 745 100 11.1 31/18 2 ppb fiber 5% cuttings increase
10/22/99 10.625 14820 wt’d 745 50 14.5 41/22 125 sxs barite 30% cuttings increase
10/22/99 10.625 15075 fiber 745 100 11.1 32/18 2 ppb fiber 5% cuttings increase
10/22/99 10.625 15220 fiber 740 100 11.1 32/18 2 ppb fiber 5% cuttings increase
10/22/99 10.625 15445 wt’d 730 50 14.5 44/20 125 sxs barite 30% cuttings increase
10/23/99 10.625 15820 wt’d 735 50 14.5 43/22 125 sxs barite 30% cuttings increase
10/23/99 10.625 16552 wt’d 730 50 14.5 44/20 125 sxs barite 20% cuttings increase

Figure 1: MC 127 Side Track #2 Cuttings Transport Efficiency


Figure 2: MC 127 Side Track #3 Cuttnigs Transport Efficiency

Figure 3: Transport Efficiency for Side Track #2 - Dependency on Drilling Fluid Yield Stress

Figure 4: Cuttings Transport Efficiency for Side Track #2, Effect of Density

Figure 5: ST #2 Influence of Drilling Mode on Simulated Annular Cuttings Concentration


Figure 6: ST #3 Influence of Drilling Mode on Simulated Annular Cuttings Concentration

Figure 7: Total (averaged) Annular Cuttings Concentration (vol%)

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