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RPD 20 GL - GS-R GB (20050614)

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Operation Manual

For the authorized specialist

Dual-fuel Duoblock Burner

RPD 20 GL-R / GS-R

04/2005 102.884.3016

General Information ............................................................. 3

Technical Data Sheet .......................................................... 4
Burner Construction ............................................................ 6
Mounting the Burner to the Boiler ........................................ 7
Combustion Air Fan Drive Modes ....................................... 8
Dimensioned Drawing for RPD Burner 20 - 100 ................. 9
Burner scheme Gas train .................................................. 11
Operation ........................................................................... 12
Hydraulic Valves and Instruments Group .......................... 12
Mounting Position Leak Test Ignition Gas Connection
Ignition Burner Type ZT0 ................................................... 13
Ignition Gas Solenoid Valve .............................................. 17
Oil Connection Fuel Oil Supply ......................................... 18
Oil Connection ................................................................... 19
Medium pressure screw pumps ........................................ 20
Burner Pump Assembly Electrical Connection .................. 22
Start-up Return Nozzle Rod RDN .................................... 23
Return Nozzle Rod MAT ................................................... 24
Start-up Nozzle Selection, Type W2-50° .......................... 25
Throughput Rate Charakteristics Heavy Fuel Oil .............. 26
Dimensions of the Mixing Unit ........................................... 35
Draw-out and Swing Mechanism ....................................... 36
Air Flow Adjustment
Oil Flow and Gas Rate Adjustment ................................... 37
Mechanical Compound Controller ..................................... 38
Pressure Setting ................................................................ 39
Oil Pressure Switch Air Pressure Switch ........................... 40
Setting Pressure Switches and Control System ............... 41
Automatic Furnace Controller LFL 1... / LGK 16... ............ 42
Flame Monitor Sensor Current Measurement ................... 43
Stellantrieb Schimpf .......................................................... 44
Solenoid Safety Valves ..................................................... 45
Pipe spring - Glycerine - Manometer
Bimetal - Pointer - Temperature controller ........................ 47
Flushing and Oil Feed Start Thermostat ATH 22 ............. 48
Gas Connection ................................................................. 49
Gas Motor Valve VK .......................................................... 50
Gas Pressure Regulator .................................................... 52
Gas Pressure Regulator .................................................... 53
Gas Filter Safety Vent Valve ............................................. 55
Diagram Pressure Loss ..................................................... 56
Preoperational Checks Functional Flow Gas Start-up ...... 57
Start-up Light Oil ............................................................... 58
Start-up Heavy Oil ............................................................. 59
Viscosity as a Function of Oil Temperature ....................... 60
Oil Start-up Burner Shutdown
Measures in Case of Trouble ............................................ 61
Exhaust Gas Test .............................................................. 62
SO2-content in Exhaust Gas
from Light Oil and Heavy Oil Combustion ......................... 63
O2, CO2, Lambda Conversion Table ................................ 64
O2, CO2, Lambda Conversion Table ................................ 65
O2, CO2, Lambda Conversion Table ................................ 66
O2, CO2, Lambda Conversion Table ................................ 67
Trouble Shooting Instructions ............................................ 68

General Information

Important information For the installation of an oil furnace Warranty

The burners of type RPD 30...100GL/ system, care should be taken to Manufacturer will not accept any war-
GS-E.../R... have been designed for the observe DIN 4755, TRbF (Technical ranty if the operating instructions have
combustion of natural gas or fuel oil. Regulation on Combustible Liquids) and not been duly observed in the start-up
The burners should be installed and the local furnace construction regulati- and maintenance of the burner and
taken into operation by qualified person- ons applicable in the country. damages have been caused by impro-
nel only who will be responsible for the per installation, incorrect adjustment,
proper performance of this work in Start-up unauthorized interference or operating
accordance with the applicable regulati- The furnace system should be started errors.
ons and guidelines. initially by the installer, manufacturer or
other specialized personnel. Prior to Burner installation and
Only duly authorized specialists should
taking the furnace system into opera- accessories
be entrusted with the installation of the
tion, make a test of all automatic con-
gas system.
trol, safety and control facilities for Boiler lining
Any repair work on monitors, limiters proper functional order and check them The boiler lining should be made of
and automatic furnace controllers and for correct setting if of adjustable type. heat-resistant materials (temperature
on the other safety facilities are allowed Furthermore, check the control circuits, resistance >1400°C). Take care that the
to be done only by the manufacturers fans, etc. for proper fuse rating, and burner flame tube is covered by the
themselves or specialists authorized by whether suitable precautions have been boiler lining over its full length.
them. Original parts should only be taken to prevent accidental contact. The open space between the burner
exchanged by a duly qualified specia- flame tube and the boiler lining should
list. Inspection and Maintenance be packed with mineral wool.
The furnace system should be inspec-
Standards and regulations ted and serviced at least once a year by Checks prior to burner installation
The following standards should be an authorized specialist of the installer
observed in the interest of a safe, easy- to ensure its proper functional order, 1 Check the mixing ignition unit
on-the-environment and energy-saving operational safety and energy-saving according to the boiler output.
operation of the burner: operation. Check the system for
absence of leaks and functional order. 2 Oil nozzles and mixing ignition
EN 676/ Gas burners with blower For the combustion analysis proceed as unit.
DIN 4788 described in the section entitled
„Exhaust Gas Test“. It is recommended 3 Pilot burner setting.
EN 267/ Oil atomizer burners
to conclude a maintenance agreement
DIN 4787
to this effect. 4 See dimensioned drawing for set-
VDE 0116 Electrical Equipment of ting dimensions of mixing ignition
furnace unit.
According to EN 676 and EN 267, the 5 Check the air cylinder for proper
user must be instructed in the operation function (possible damage in
of the burner and according to DIN 4755 transport).
and DIN 4756, the user must be intro-
ducted in to gas firing system. 6 Check the air damper setting
For the installation of a gas furnace according to flame pattern and fur-
system, care should be taken to nace chamber geometry.
observe DIN 4756, TRGI (Technical
Regulation on Gas Installations), the
Worksheets of DVGW (German Asso-
ciation of the Gas and Water Sector)
and the local furnace construction regu-
lations applicable in the country.
Screwed unions of metal used in gas
lines should be fitted with approved
sealing elements.
Prior to taking the burner into operation
make sure to vent the gas line, but this
should in no case be done through the
furnace chamber.

Technical Data
Data Sheet
Duoblock Dual Fuel Burner
RPD 20 GL-R / GS - R
RPD 20 GL-R / GS-R

Technical Data RPD 20

Burner output 500 - 3300 kW
Fuel flow rate (light oil) 42 - 278 kg/h
Gas flow rate 50 - 330 m³/h
Operating mode fully modulating
Fuel type Light oil / heavy oil / natural gas / special fuels
Automatic burner controller LFL 1. , LGK 16 or other approved models
Flame sensor QRA 2, QRA 53 or other approved models
Ignition burner MAT / Hegwein ZNVL (ZT0)
Ignition transformer D-52 L5 KV (MAT ignition burner)
Z112 K5 (Hegwein ignition burner)
Pump output at bar 700 l/h
MAT oil control block Gr. 1
Oil connection R 3/4" / 22 mm
Nozzle rod MAT-Gestänge / RDN
Nozzle MAT / Fluidics
Actuator Schimpf / N4
Gas connection DN 50
Gas control organ according to gas pressure
Weight 450 kg
Pressure loss in mixing unit 30 mbar or according to diagram

Output range







RPD 20

RPD 20 GL-R / GS - R


Operating mode dary stream. The flame shape may be Monitoring system
Fully automatic forced draught dual fuel adapted by adjustable twist dampers. Flame monitoring by means of flame
burner, safety equipment according to sensor and tested burner control box.
EN 267 and EN 676, especially desi- Control systems Combustion air monitoring achieved
gned for high turn down ratios. oil side: adjustable by means of return through differential air pressure switch,
flow system with compound controller resp. speed control switch in case of
Electric design and spill back nozzle. burner with speed control regulation.
Burner pre-wired and ready to con- gas side : fuel throughput controlled by
nect. All burner components wired to compound controller with adjustable Ignition
the burner terminal rail. Burner control cam disc and gas inlet butterfly valve. Direct electric high voltage ignition,
box supplied loose for installation in air side : by means of compound con- 5000 V, by means of an inbuilt ignition
separate control panel. Separate fitted troller with adjustable cam discs for pri- burner.
oil pump assembly. mary air (air dampers) and secondary
air (air cylinder).
Combustion air
Separate combustion air blower with
stable and pulsation-free characteristics
also on appliances with a high flue gas
resistance. The combustion air volume
is divided into a primary and a secon-

Details of boiler front plate

set screw M
length K

RPD A1 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B8 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 G H1 H2 H3 H4 K L1 L4

R 530 53,5 29 90 314 91 560 325 530 500 270 260 210 - 12 250 385 265 650 425 30 465 68

RPD L5 L6 M P1 P2 P3 P4 R T T1 T2 T3 U V W X Y Z LB C FI F2 F3

R 780 - 10 430 510 236 316 - 112 150 240 - 1/2" 2" 140 2x143 4x120 10 - - - - -

Burner Construction

13 2 1 14 19 18 20 21 23 26 24 28 27



4 17 16 15

5 6 29,30 7 32

1 Secondary air pressure switch 19 Turbulator Combustion air connection

2 Ignition gas valve group 20 Flame tube The combustion air connection (Item 7)
4 Inspection glasses 21 Burner tube may be mounted at intervals of 45° for
5 Terminal box 23 Secondary air control valve the RPD 30-60 version and 30° for the
6 Gas flow rate control damper 24 Extracting assembly RPD 70-90 version. The burner equip-
7 Secondary air connection 26 Burner housing ment plate with control block and all val-
11 Primary air damper 27 Ignition burner ves and instruments will be retained in
12 Sleeve 28 Nozzle rod the vertical position in any case.
13 Combustion air for ignition burner 29 Oil pressure switch
14 Flame monitor 30 Oil flow rate controller
15 Gas feed pipes 32 Electric actuator
16 Air guide valve
17 Gas nozzles
18 Nozzle

Mounting the Burner to the Boiler

The burner plate of the boiler must be

fabricated to the specified dimensions. Boiler lining
Mount the burner to the boiler with its
insulation backing. Apply a layer to gra-
phite or similar lubricant to the bolts and Burner flange sealing
tighten by equal amounts. Mixing igni-
tion units extended in length are availa-
ble for boilers requiring a specific
installation depth of the burner flame

Refer to the drawing for the mounting Mineral wool

dimensions of the burner and air duct
and exhaust gas connection, if any.

Boiler lining
The boiler lining must consist of heat-

resistant materials (temperature resi-
stance >1400°C).

Take care that the burner flame tube is

covered by the boiler lining over its full

The space between the burner flame Insulation Textile compensator

tube and lining is packed with mineral
Boiler plate
wool. Air duct

Burner mounting inspection Mounting bracket

1. Check the mixing ignition unit
according to the boiler output.
2. Adjust the pilot burner.
3. Refer to the dimensioned drawing
for adjusting the mixing ignition

Combustion air fan

Baseframe to anti-vibration mounting

Combustion Air Fan
Drive Modes

1. Direct drive Air duct and fan

In this concept the motor is coupled Baseframe: Pre-mount exactly.
directly to the fan impeller. The fan Do not prestress for
impeller is mounted directly on the mounting.
motor shaft end. The speeds used are
those of the drive motors only. The bea- Direction of rotation: Check for proper
ring of the motor shaft must be specifi- direction of
cally designed for the fan impeller used. rotation.

Recommendation: up to 10 MW out- Fans with V-belt drive should be chek-

put ked for V-belt tension after about 12
hours of operation and the V-belts
retensioned if necessary. If the V-belts
are not properly tensioned this will
cause slip with resultant lower speed
and a considerably reduced service life.
2. Drive via flexible coupling Mount the air ducts in a way to ensure
The fan impeller is mounted on its own an accurate and reliable fixing of the
shaft by means of a bearing specifically fan. Connect the air duct by means of a
designed for the purpose. The power is compensator to avoid transmission of
transmitted from the drive motor via a stress. The air ducts are made from 3-4
torsionally flexible coupling. The speeds mm metal sheet.
used are those of the drive motor.

3. V-belt drive
The fan impeller is mounted on its own
shaft by means of a bearing specifically
designed for the purpose. The power is
transmitted from the drive motor via V-
belts which can provide practically any
desired speed.

Dimensioned Drawing for RPD Burner 20 - 100

Oil, Gas and Dual-fuel Burners

(without external exhaust gas return)

Set screw M
Lenght K
Boilerplate holes

Attention for burners type U

Mixing unit see on separate

*) Note: If longer flame tubes are used, the extended lenght must be
Dimensions of RPD Burner 20 - 100 added to the dimensiones G, R, L5
Oil, Gas and Dual-fuel burners **) D4 = burner tube outside diameter
***) Flange acc. to DIN 2631 for RPD 20 to 70, and acc. to DIN 2633 for RPD 80, 90 and 100
(without external exhaust gas return)

RPD A1 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B8 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 G H1 H2 H3 H4 K L1 L4 L5

**) 100 % 50% *) MAT DG75 100 % *)

20 530 53 29 90 314 91 560 325 530 500 270 260 210 - 12 250 385 265 650 425 30 465 - 68 780

30 745 78 19 260 375 70 705 416 830 790 385 371 290 323 17,5 317 620 373 993 650 30 550 700 124 1350

40 745 78 19 260 375 70 705 416 830 790 423 409 340 367 17,5 442 620 373 993 650 30 550 700 95 1425

50 950 78 19 315 375 70 760 535 1030 990 470 456 380 410 17,5 370 675 475 1150 740 30 600 770 110 1620

60 994 78 19 315 375 70 760 622 1080 1040 520 506 420 455 18 312 700 497 1197 825 30 650 735 125 1695

70 1160 78 19 315 375 75 765 731 1240 1200 640 626 520 565 18 469 780 580 1360 900 30 740 - 170 1995

80 1350 75 19 315 375 75 765 860 1450 1400 740 710 597 646 18 600 820 675 1495 1000 30 700 - 185 2285

90 1700 75 3 420 375 75 870 890 1800 1750 883 870 675 - 18 810 905 850 1755 1100 30 745 - 190 2585

100 1700 75 3 420 375 75 870 890 1800 1750 945 922 830 - 18 810 905 850 1755 1100 30 745 - 190 2585

RPD L6 M P1 P2 P3 P4 R S1 S2 T T1 T2 T3 U DN W X Y Z
50% *) ***)

20 - 10 430 510 236 316 - - - 112 150 240 - 18x1,5 50 190 2x143 4x120 10

30 62 12 580 670 320 410 1265 140 497 160 192 491 346 22x1,5 80 248 4x92 5x126 10

40 50 12 580 670 320 410 1265 140 497 160 192 491 346 22x1,5 80 248 4x92 5x126 10

50 55 12 740 830 416 506 1743 115 595 181 250 530 376 22x1,5 125 319 3x152 5x156 10

60 62 12 750 840 470 560 1760 195 622 181 270 555 401 22x1,5 125 379 4x129 5x160 10

70 85 12 936 1026 600 690 2010 270 705 181 365 610 450 28x1,5 125 410 5x128 7x140 10

80 92 12 1102 1192 700 790 2320 310 800 187 310 707 495 28x1,5 200 489 6x125 9x128 10

90 - 12 1300 1390 742 832 2720 240 845 224 310 832 620 28x1,5 200 494 6x132 10x135 10

100 - 12 1300 1390 742 832 2720 240 845 224 310 832 620 28x1,5 200 494 6x132 10x135 10
Burner scheme
Gas train

RPD 30, 40 and 50 GL - R / GS - R

TRD 604 - 72 hr :
Burner scheme TRD 604 - 72 h
gas The 310, 311,312, 313, 313a pressure swit-
ches are approved in dual mode or under the
code of "special construction requirements",
the solenoid valve RL (182) in the return line
oil feed line is required.
TRD 604 - 24 hr :
The 310, 311, 312, 313, 313a pressure swit-
oil return line ches are designed in single mode. The sole-
noid valve RL (182) is built in if the return
flow pressure / ring line pressure exeeds 1
ignition gas
ignition electrodes EN :
The 310, 311, 312, 313 pressure switches
primary air are designed in single mode.
secondary air
The 313a max. pressure switch is not availa-
ble. The solenoid valve RL (182) is required.

Electrical heating cartridges for the oil bloc,

the nozzle rod and the hoses are used with
heavy oil burner versions only.

100 Burner
Burner scheme fuel oil EL und S (TRD 204-72h) 120 Secondary air cylinder
Tubing with VK-Controller 125 Primary air damper
gas 141 Ball valve
142 Gas filter
143 Pressure gauge with manual valve
oil feed line 144 Pressure governor
145 Safety shutt-off valve
147 Test burner w. push button valve
148 Safety blow off valve
150 Gas butterfly valve
oil return line 151 Ignition burner lance
152 Air regulating valve
ignition gas
153 Main gas solenoid valve
ignition electrodes 154 Safety shutt-off solenoid valve
155 Ignition gas solenoid valve
primary air 156 Ignition gas solenoid valve
air 157 Gas regulating valve
secondary air
167 Ball valve (only heavy-oil)
177 Pressure gauge with manual valve
178 Oil solenoid valve, feed line(115 V)
180 Nozzle assembly with shut-off valve
181 Solenoid valve, oil circulation (only
182 Solenoid valve, return line (115 V)
183 Oil hoses
Gas train TRD 604 - 72 h 184 Pressure regulator return line
185 Coupling
186 Electrical cartridge heater, oil bloc
187 Pressure regulator feed line
188 Trace heating, oil hoses
189 Trace heating, nozzle rod
310 Air pressure switch
311 Oil pressure switch, return line
312 Oil pressure switch, feed line
313 Gas pressure switch, low
313a Gas pressure switch, high
air 314 Gas leakage control
349 Mechanical compound controller

Always 1x178 und 1x182 electrical connected



Hydraulic Valves and Instruments Group

Complete hydraulic valves and The volume flow control valve installed Basic module
instruments group in the return pipe consists of a bush
pressed into the hydraulic valves and
instruments group and locked against
torsion and a control shaft. As the con-
1 trol shaft is turned, the contoured confi-
2 guration of the bush and shaft will
change the open cross section for the
oil flowing back and thus vary the oil
return flow rate. Control shafts with dif-
ferent control contour parameters are
available for adjustment to various oil
nozzle sizes. This concept ensures that
an excellent control characteristic and a
wide control range can be covered for a
The hydraulic valves and instruments great variety of applications. The control
group is an integrated concept that contour parameter is affixed to the con- Extension module
combines several functions of the trol shaft by means of an electric mar-
hydraulic systems of burners. Its modu- ker. The current position of the control
lar construction makes it possible to shaft is indicated by the position display.
meet a wide range of requirements and From the "min." mark (low load of bur-
conditions of installation. ner) the control shaft will turn clockwise
Depending on the level of equipment of to the "max." mark (full load of burner).
the hydraulic system, oil pressure swit- If the control shaft has been removed
ches and pressure gauges (3) may be during maintenance work care should
installed in the supply and return pipes be taken when reinstalling it to ensure
of the basic module (1). The solenoid the right mounting position of the control
valve in the supply pipe is of servo-assi- contour by observing the centre punch
sted type while the return valve is mark on the shaft end face. In the low
directly controlled. The solenoids of the load position (min.) the centre punch
two valves are electrically connected in mark will in any case point up (12
series which will prevent one of the val- o’clock position - see figure).
ves being opened alone if any of the If the hydraulic valves and instruments Control shaft installation
solenoids is defective. For the replace- group is used in conjunction with nozzle
ment of the solenoid valves during rods not approved as safety shut-off
maintenance work it should be ensured valve according to EN 264, an exten-
that the right valve type is installed in sion module (2) is available which
the correct direction of mounting. For incorporates an additional solenoid
mounting the solenoid valve in the sup- valve each in the supply and return
ply pipe (type 321 H 2520) it must be pipes. The extension module is atta-
ensured that the direction of flow shown ched directly to the basic module. The
be a stamped arrow on the valve flange modules are sealed against each other
is the same as the direction of flow of by O-rings.
the oil (from the pump to the nozzle Metal hoses are used for connection
rod). The solenoid valve in the return between the hydraulic valves and
pipe (type 121 G 2520) is marked with a instruments group and the nozzle rod.
stamped arrow opposite to the direction The hose lines must be protected
of the oil flow from the nozzle rod back against exterior mechanical damage.
to the pump. The hoses must be positioned and
mounted in accordance with the appli-
cable technical standards. For the
installation care must be taken not to
introduce torsional or buckling stresses
neither by the mounting procedure nor
by movements at a later stage. Speci-
fied bending radii of the hoses must not
be changed.

Mounting Position
Leak Test
Ignition Gas Connection
Ignition Burner Type ZT0

Mounting position Electrical wiring of gas valves Ignition gas connection

Gas pressure regulators and valves can Check that the data given on the name- An ignition burner is used to ignite the
be mounted in vertical lines in any posi- plate of the gas valves agree with the main gas flame. The ignition gas line is
tion within the 360° range. In horizontal mains voltage. branched out of the gas control group
lines they must not be mounted over- Open the terminal box of the valve. between the two gas valves and instal-
head and only 180° in the upper sector. Feed the connection cable through the led to the ignition burner on the shortest
The ball valve and filter can be mounted screwed union (conduit thread Pg 13.5) possible way. In the case of oil and
in any desired position. Take care that and connect the terminals marked dual-fuel burners the burner is ignited
the housing does not make contact with accordingly. with propane supplied through a sepa-
the wall and is clear by minimum 20 L = phase rate R „ propane connection. The igni-
mm. Do not use the spring bolt of the N = zero conductor tion gas flow rate may be adjusted on
regulator and the solenoid elements of = protective conductor the volumetric flow control valve of the
the valves as levers. (green-yellow) ignition gas valve or directly on the igni-
tion gas burner. The required gas pres-
Leak test Disconnectable joint sure for the ignition gas burner is 50-
Check the screwed joints and flanged An easy-to-disconnect joint with flat 150 mbar. It is advisable to install a gas
connections for absence of leaks. The sealing (e.g. compensator) should be pressure regulator upstream of the igni-
leak test of the joints should be made provided to allow the boiler door to be tion gas burner. The air pressure for the
under pressure using only foaming swivelled out if required for mainte- ignition gas burner should be between
agents approved by DVGW and not nance work on the boiler (furnace 10 and 30 mbar. The boiler back pres-
causing corrosion. chamber). This compensator should sure shall not be taken into account.
also be designed to accommodate the The air pressure should be adjusted in
axial or lateral expansion and absorb accordance with the gas pressure to
vibrations. ensure an undelayed ignition and a
good flame pattern.

Ignition Burner Type ZT0

Air Rp1 Gas RP1/2
normally left

* The outside diameter will be 50 mm for

tube lengths above 4000 mm and for all
high-grade steel tubes.
Mounting flange
View A
1 Transformer unit with built-in 7 Spacer ring
ignition transformer 8 Ignition electrode connection rods
2 Electrical angular plug connector 9 Gas tube
3 Gas connection, may be 10 Ignition electrode connection rods
connected on either side right and 11 Gas nozzle for natural gas or
left with gas test socket propane
4 Air connection, mounted to 12 Mixing chamber
transformer unit
5 Air test socket
6 Igniter tube, mounted to air flange

Ignition Burner Type ZT0

Technical Data

Technical data of ignition gas burner type ZT0

Fuel gases according to G 260

Flame power max. 120 kW
Flame length max. 600 mm
Gas connection Rp 1/2 right or left
Air connection Rp 1, may be turned by 4x90°
Air flow rate max. 50 m³/h
Air index 0.3-0.5; remaining air rate must be available from furnace chamber
Max. ambient
temperature 500°C in tube; if temperature is higher, keep combustion air
connected partly as cooling air; 0°C to +60°C in transformer unit

Transformer unit

Connection voltage 230 V, 50 Hz

Connector type plug connector
Power input ignition transformer 100 VA, 20% duty cycle (with thermal winding shield)
ignition 5 kV (2-3 seconds via automatic furnace controller)
Ambient temperature 0°C to +60°C
Degree of protection IP 54

Electrical connection

Cl. 1 (Mp)
Cl. 8 (Ph) ignition transfer, primary Use shielded cable Z 912 F 00 for flame feedback.
Cl. 10 ionization signal NOTE: The shield must not make contact with earth.

Construction according to sectional The ionization electrode and ignition When installing new electrodes these
drawing electrode are extended with connecting must be bent, cut to length and adjusted
The igniter consists mainly of the trans- rods (Item 8). These rods are installed as required.
former unit (Item 1) housing the ignition through the bottom of the transformer The internal resistance of the ionization
transformer, the igniter tube with air and housing in 2 ceramic insulators and car- system amounts to some megohms.
mounting flange (Item 6), a gas tube (9) ried by intermediate supporting rings Such a high resistance ensures a good
with nozzle (11) and the electrode car- (Item 7) spaced at 300 mm. insulating capacity of the electrodes and
rier ring (10). The igniter tube with the connecting rods. In a dust-laden com-
Rp1 air connection is bolted to the Flame monitor bustion air environment it is therefore
transformer unit. After the 4 bolts (Item An ionization electrode is provided for important to clean the insulators at shor-
4) have been unscrewed it may be flame monitoring. The flame signal is ter intervals. Humidity should be kept
removed or turned by 90° if required by generated by d.c. current which due to out. See also electrical function.
the position of the air connection. When the ionization effect and the rectifier The ceramic insulator of the ionization
turning the tubes care must be taken effect of the flame is caused to flow from electrode must not be allowed to heat
not to change the position of the inner the igniter tube earth via the flame to up above 500 °C because this could
supporting rings and rods because this the ionization electrode and via the con- lead to shutdown on trouble. Therefore,
might lead to operational trouble. necting rod to the amplifier in the auto- a minimum air flow rate (10-20 % of the
The gas supply may be connected eit- matic furnace controller. The ionization full-load rate) should be allowed to flow
her to the left-hand or right-hand ope- electrode and ignition electrodes are if this temperature is likely to be rea-
ning. The opening not used is closed adjusted in accordance with the dra- ched by radiation or convection with the
with a screw plug which also carries the wing. furnace chamber in hot condition and
screw-in gas test socket (3). The elec- the burner flame turned off.
trode support ring (Item 10) is mounted
to the end of the gas tube.

Ignition Burner Type ZT0

Gas Pressure Adjustment

Parts List

Gas pressure adjustment

In standard version the igniters are sui-
table for a working range 50-150 mbar.
If a higher gas pressure is required in
the customer’s order, the two threaded
gas inlet connections will be fitted with
restrictors by the manufacturer already.
The igniter will in this way be adjusted
to the pressure above 150 mbar.
If the higher inlet pressure is recognized
at a later stage only, a restriction to
maximum 150 mbar can also be achie-
ved by means of a ball valve, for

line Gas type Nozzle holes Flame length
P Propane 1x2,5 + 6x1,0 approx. 600 mm
M Natural gas 1x4,0 + 6x1,3 approx. 500 mm
N City gas 1x5,0 + 8x2,3 approx. 500 mm

Parts list

Item. Qty. Description Part No. Material

1 1 Transformer unit Z 112 K 5 Housing of GAL
2 1 Right-angle plug with 2 unions A5Z1 10-pole, max. 2.5
3 1 Gas test socket Z 138 Z 2 Ms 58
4 4 Hexagon socket head screw W 826 F 10
5 1 Air test socket Z 138 Z 1 Ms 58
6 1 Igniter tube with rolled-in mixing chamber and mounting Z 1050 Z...** GAL / steel
flange with Rp1 air inlet thread
7 * Intermediate supporting ring with 2 ceramic insulators Z Z 960 K 4 St VII 23
545 F11
8 2 Connecting rods Z 781 F...** Zinc-plated steel
9 1 Gas tube Z 521 F...** St 35
10 1 Electrode carrier ring Z 960 K 13 St VII 23
11 1 Gas nozzle Natural gas Z 330 F 4013 High-grade steel 1. 4104
Propane Z 330 F 2510 High-grade steel 1. 4104
City gas Z 985 F 1 High-grade steel 1. 4104
12 - Mixing chamber with mixing ring Included in High-grade steel,
Item 6 heat-resistant

* Quantity depends on pipe length: 3 intermediate rings per metre of tube length.
** Additional data according to type (tube length).

Ignition Burner Settings
Electrode Carrier Ring


Side view

110 mm for natural gas

90 mm for propane

Top view
Ceramic Z 545 F 11

Natural gas Ring W 715F 101

Propane Bush Z 789F 10

Electrodes Z 707 F 3
Preset amount of bend and adjustment
Cut ionization electrode to length according to gas type.

Ignition Gas Solenoid Valve

Type MVD 505 / 5 single-stage

Technical data:
Nominal bore: R1/2“
Max. operating
pressure: 500 mbar
Opening time: < 1 sec
Closing time: < 1 sec
Ambient temperature:-15°C to +70°C
Mounting position: solenoid in upright
position vertical to
Voltage/frequency: (AC) 230 V
(+10% -15%)
Duty factor: 100% CD
Degree of protection: IP 54, IP 65
Power rating: 15 VA

1 Cable union 8 Valve disk

2 Electric terminal box 9 Mud guard
3 Solenoid 10 Closing compression spring
4 Housing 11 Anchor
5 Screen 12 Main flow rate adjuster
6 Valve seat 13 Lock nut
7 Connector for 14 Protective cap
earthing contact K01/1

Main flow rate adjuster Solenoid replacement

type series MVD type series MV, MVD
Unscrew the protective cap and remove Disconnect the electrical terminals;
the lock nut to allow the main flow rate remove the screw cap; lift off the sole-
Protective cap to be adjusted. The main flow rate adju- noid. For installation proceed in reverse
ster is supplied ex works in fully opened order.
Turning clockwise will reduce the gas Electrical connection
flow rate. Feed in the cable through cable union
Turning counterclockwise will increase (conduit thread Pg 11). Make the electri-
the gas flow rate. cal connection by means of the screw
After having adjusted the flame control terminals in the terminal box of the sole-
on the gas burner make sure to tighten noid housing.
the lock nut again. Screw on the protec- Take care to observe the connection
tive cap again. diagram.

When installing the valve in the pipeline
take care to observe the arrow on the
valve housing and the required moun-
ting position. For screwing the pipeline
into the valve housing do not use the
magnet as a lever but apply a suitable
tool against the valve housing.
After installation make a test for
absence of leaks and proper operation.


Oil Connection
Fuel Oil Supply

Oil connection Ring line operation Oil pressure pump filling

For the installation of a furnace system lf several burners and storage tanks are Prior to initial oparation make sure to fill
care should be taken to observe the installed in a system or if there is a large the oil pressure pump and oil feed line
applicable rules and regulations. When distance between the burner and the with oil to prevent the pump from dry
installing an oil burner be sure to follow storage tank, a ring line system with running and getting seized.
the recommendations outlined for oil- gas-air separater will be needed for
fired furnace systems (DIN 4787, supplying the burners. Oil filter
DIN 51603 Parts 1&2, TRD 411). DIN NOTE: In case of pressurized oil feed,
4736 Parts 1 &2 describes the safety the suction pressure of the pump should lt is recommended to install a filter
requirements applicable to the oil sup- not exceed 5 bar. All lines must be directly upstream of the pump to sepa-
ply systems of oil burners. DIN 4755 fixedly installed, welded to oil-tight stan- rate dirt particles contained in the oil or
Part "Oil furnaces in heating installati- dards or connected with oil-tight unions any other foreign matter produced
ons (safety requirements)" outlines the or flanges. during installation. When a fuel oil unit is
safety recommendations for oil furnace Flexible tubes are allowed only as con- mounted this will be fitted with an oil fil-
systems of steam boilers. necting pieces between the fixed line ter already.
The installer has the duty to inform and the burner. The flexible tubes
himself of the regulations applicable to should be installed properly (in hanging
gas and oil furnace systems. position) and free of sharp bends. Starting the oil pump
For the installation of the flexible - Make sure all stop valves are
Fuel oil supply tubes take care these do not get open.
Complete oil feeding groups are twisted. They should not be subject - Check the pump for direction of
available for the supply of the fur- to torsional stress neither at the rotation.
nace systems with fuel oil. A fuel oil - The safety overflow valve in the
stage of installation nor during sub-
supply unit may consist of ball stop pump is preset at 40 bar and may
sequent movernents.
be readjusted by duly authorized
valve, suction filter, pressure gauge,
specialists only.
pump with coupling and three-
phase rnotor. All units are all finis- Pressure atomizer
hed ready for connection and The oil throughput rate of the nozzle
mounted with anti-vibration ele- and thus the burner output is controlled
ments on an oil collecting tray. by an oil regulator valve installed in the
The oil supply lines must be slelec- return line and coupled to the actuator
ted in accordance with the technical and compound controller.
instruction sheets and installed in
line with the applicable specificati- The oil throughput rates and oil flow
ons. The total pipeline length is pressures downstream of the nozzle rod
must be set according to the applicable
understood to be the length of all
nozzle characteristic.
horizontal and vertical lines and
As the oil control valve is closed or ope-
bends. The maximum permissible ned the oil throughput rate of the nozzle
vacuum at the suction port of the will be increased or reduced, respec-
pump may be -0.6 bar. A higher tively.
vacuum will lead to the escaps of The oil pressure upstream of the nozzle
gas resulting in an unsteady deli- rod must be set at 28 bar to 30 bar.
very and damage to the pump. Depending on the version this can be
All connections must be tightened can be adjusted either on the fuel oil
to avoid leaks. The sealing rings station or on the oil control block of the
used should be of copper, alumi- burner.
nium or plastic. In no case should
hemp or similar sealing material be
used. The pipelines must be clea-
ned before they are connected to
the pump.

Oil Connection
Fuel Oil Supply

Oil connection To avoid burner trouble due to entrained Oil pressure pump filling
For the installation of a furnace system air, a gas-air vent must be provided at Prior to initial operation make sure to fill
care should be taken to observe the the uppermost position of the ring pipe the oil pressure pump and oil feed line
applicable rules and regulations. When system. with oil to prevent the pump from dry
installing an oil burner be sure to follow running and getting seized.
the recommendations outlined for oil- The ring pipe pressure must be control-
fired furnace systems (DIN 4787, led in dependence of the fuel oil tempe- Oil filter
DIN 51603 Parts 1&2, TRD 411). DIN rature. It is recommended to install a filter
4736 Parts 1&2 describes the safety As can be seen from the chart below, directly upstream of the pump to sepa-
requirements applicable to the oil sup- the static pressure of the oil at 130°C rate dirt particles contained in the oil or
ply systems of oil burners. DIN 4755 must be minimum 3 bar, for example. any other foreign matter produced
Part „Oil furnaces in heating installati- during installation. When a fuel oil unit is
ons (safety requirements)“ outlines the Oil pressure in dependence of mounted this will be fitted with an oil fil-
safety recommendations for oil furnace operating temperature ter already.
systems of steam boilers.
The installer has the duty to inform 5
Starting the oil pump
himself of the regulations applicable to - Make sure all stop valves are
gas and oil furnace systems. open.
- Check the pump for direction of
Fuel oil supply rotation.
The operational reliability of a burner - The safety overflow valve in the


system depends greatly on the oil sup- pump is preset at 40 bar and may

ply conditions. 2 be readjusted by duly authorized

Oil supply lines must be determined specialists only.
according to the technical instruction
sheets and installed by strict adherence Pressure atomizer
to the applicable regulations. The oil throughput rate of the nozzle
All joints must be mounted with due 0 and thus the burner output is controlled
100 110 120 130 140 150 160
care to ensure they are absolutely tight. Temperature
Temperatur °C°C by an oil regulator valve installed in the
The sealing rings used must be made return line and coupled to the actuator.
from copper, aluminium or plastic. In no
The fuel oil withdrawn from the ring pipe
case should hemp or a similar material The oil throughput rates and oil flow
or gas-air vent is pumped to an oil pre-
be used. Make sure to remove any dirt pressures downstream of the nozzle rod
heater and on to the burner by means of
from the pipelines before mounting must be set according to the applicable
a high-pressure pump. The return oil
them to the pump. nozzle characteristic.
from the burner is fed into the ring pipe
As the oil control valve is closed or ope-
in any case and not directly into the
Normally, a ring pipe system will be ned the oil throughput rate of the nozzle
used. will be increased or reduced, respec-
In addition to the electric tracing lines, a tively.
ring pipe system for heavy oil installati- The oil pressure upstream of the nozzle
ons comprises the following major com- rod must be set at 28 bar to 30 bar.
ponents: Depending on the version this can be
can be adjusted either on the fuel oil
oil delivery pump, station or on the oil control block of the
oil filter, burner.
gas-air vent, and
pressure control valves.

The electric tracing lines and the tank

heaters will ensure that the fuel oil to be
delivered is kept in a pumpable state.
An oil filter must be installed in the feed
line upstream of each burner to avoid
that dirt particles and other impurities
possibly left behind after pipe installa-
tion cannot damage the solenoid and
pressure control valves.
Steam tracing or hot-water tracing
systems can be used instead of the
electric tracing lines.

Medium pressure screw pumps


Medium pressure screw pumps 2.4 4. Maintenance

Check direction of rotation of the motor Special maintenance of the screw
General and the pumps and protect the motor by pumps is not required. In case of
Screw pumps are rotating positive dis- means of a motor protection switch. damage to the pump of the installation it
placement pumps with strong suction, is possible that medium will leak out. In
which can be used with self-lubricating 3. Commissioning order to avoid subsequent damage it is
agents. recommended that respective warning
3.1 devices are fitted.
1. Application guidelines The pump must not be allowed to run
1.1 Shaft seals for normal versions Before initial commissioning of the
pump fill the pump with operating
Type of seal Max. supply Max. medium and open suction and shut-off
pressure Temperature
devices on the pressure side. The
Rotary shaft 0,5 bar 80°C
Packing rings 3 bar 150°C
medium must be free from solids.
Axial face seal 5 bar 150°C
1.2 Pressure relief valve With hot medium (above 100°C) heat
This valve protects the pump against the pump before starting (pump heating
overloading and should not be used as facility). ATTENTION! The medium in
a pressure control valve. This is absolu- the pump and pipes must be able to
tely necessary if a shut-off device is fit- expand freely during heating (develop-
ted in the pressure pipe. Standard ment of unauthorized pressures with
pressure setting unless otherwise requi- enclosed medium).
red at the time of ordering. Low pres-
sure pumps (type N) approx. 6 bar, 3.3
medium pressure pumps (type M) Viscous medium, which can only be
approx. 40 bar or 10% above the speci- pumped after heating, must be heated
fied operating pressure, as with C- first in the pump and pipes (pump hea-
types. By turning the adjustment screw ting as well as secondary heating for
in a clockwise direction = pressure pipes). ATTENTION! Heat expansion of
increase. the medium (see above).
When pumping heavy heating oil it is
2. Installation essential that cold starting of the pump
is avoided (use pump heating provided),
2.1 as this could also damage the shaft
Clean any plant parts (ensure no dirt or seal.
loose particles in the pipes) and fit pipes
(flange) without any stress. Observe 3.4
direction of flow as well as any possible Vent the pressure pipe during initial
heat expansion of the pipes. starting of the pump.

2.2 3.5
Ensure stress-free fitting of the pump or Switching off the pump: Residual static
base frame. pressure in the pressure pipe must no
exceed that of the permissible supply
2.3 Coupling pressure. If necessary, de-pressurize
Motor and pump shafts must be aligned. the pump through the non-return valve,
Axial play between the Coupling halves as this pressure pressurizes the shaft
approx. 1.5 mm. It should be possible to seal which in turn could damage the
turn the whole unit of pump shaft-Cou- seal. The same applies to parallel ope-
pling-Motor shaft by hand. Installation of ration of several pumps.
the coupling halves: Sliding on (tapping
not permitted) in heated condition (min.
100°C); Press plastic couplings home in
cold condition.

Medium pressure screw pumps

Technical specifications

Technical specifications
Flow rate Approx. 3 - 420 l/min
Operating pressure Max. 40 bar
Supply pressure See under versions
Operating temp. See under versions
Viscosity 1.0 E (6 cSt) to
100 E (758 cSt)
and greater
Direction of rotation Right, viewed from
Heating Supplied on request

Screw pumps have three rotating spind-
les, of which the main spindle supplies
the hydraulic power and the auxiliary
1. Main spindle The axial forces acting on the feed
spindles, which run free, have only a
2. Auxiliary spindle screws are balanced (compensated)
rotating function. The two-speed main
3. Enclosed housing by the compensating piston (9) and
and auxiliary spindles create supply
4. Pump housing compensating bores (8).
chambers within the enclosed housing,
5. Safety valve (adjustable)
which move constantly from the suction
6. Main spindle bearing
to the pressure side. Due to this prin-
7. Seal
ciple the screw pumps can also operate
8. Compensating bore
under high pressures, revolutions and
9. Compensating piston
provide strong suction, they are extre-
S Suction chamber
mely quiet and almost pulse-free.
D Pressure chamber

Versions Safety valve

Medium pressure screw pumps, as shown on the following pages, are supplied in All types of medium pressure pumps
various constructions. Depending on the application, the following types of seal can be supplied on request with or wit-
are available: hout a spring-loaded pressure control
valve. The valve is installed to protect
Axial face seal the pump and/or installation against
Temperature: Max. 150°C (above excess pressure, but cannot be used
150°C on request) solely as a control valve.
Supply pressure: Max. 5 bar (above 5
bar on request) Materials
Supply spindles Nitrided steel
Housing Grey cast iron
(M55 to M210) Nodular graphite
Rotary shaft sealing rings iron
Temperature: Max. 80°C Operating housing Al-Si alloy *
Supply pressure: Max. 0.5 bar Cover plate Al-Si alloy *

* Guarantees the best emergency

running characteristics and long
service life

Normal packing and rotary shaft seal

Temperature: Max. 80°C
Supply pressure: Max. 0.5 bar

Burner Pump Assembly
Electrical Connection

1 Stop valve
Burner pump assembly
2 Pressure/vacuum gauge
3 Ball valve
4 Oil pressure pump
5 Drip tray
6 Oil filter
7 Ball valve
8 Flange connection
9 Pump bracket
10 Pump-end coupling
11 Motor-end coupling
12 Electric motor

Electrical connection The installation material and all electri-

cal connections and earthing points
must be in accordance with the
VDE 0116 specifications and the local
regulations. The electrical connection of
the burner must be made as shown in
the circuit diagram attached hereto. The
electrical control lines are installed
through the screwed cable joints and
connected to the numbered terminal
strip in accordance with the circuit dia-
gram. Control boxes related to the bur-
ner must also be connected in
accordance with the enclosed circuit
diagram and VDE 0116 and taking into
account the local regulations. After the
electrical connections have been com-
pleted a check must be made for the
correct wiring of all items of the equip-
Also the direction of rotation of the air
fan and of the pump should be checked.

1 Electrical terminal box

2 Plug connector
3 Terminal strip
4 Cable bushings


Return Nozzle Rod RDN












Return Nozzle Rod MAT

Functional description The return flow rate is controlled according to the required
The oil delivered by the burner pump will enter the feed pipe output using an output pressure control valve.
(9) via the connection block (10). Approved shut-off valves are installed directly upstream of
Then it flows through the feed pipe (9) at the pre-set pressure the inlet to the nozzle rod in the oil feed and oil return lines.
directly to the return nozzle. Part of the oil delivered will be
returned through the return flow pipe (6) via the return flow
hole of the nozzle.

1. Union nut
2. Nozzle plate
3. Intermediate plate
4. Swirl chamber
5. Nozzle rod
6. Return pipe
7. Feed flow
8. Return flow
9. Feed pipe
10. Connection block


Nozzle Selection, Type W2-50°

Return nozzle

The nozzle type Fluidics W is a return

nozzle with integrated spring-loaded
cut-off needle. The throughput rate is
controlled by varying the return pres-
sure while keeping the supply pressure
at a constant level.
Prior to burner start, check the nozzle
size against the required output. It might
be necessary to replace the nozzle (see
nozzle selection diagram).

Nozzle selection diagram

The diagram shows the maximum
throughput rates of the return nozzles in
W 300
dependence of the supply oil pressure.

300 W 275 Supply oil pressure: min. 20 bar

max. 30 bar
Nominal supply oil
W 250
pressure: 28 bar
Return oil pressure: min. 8 bar
W 225

W 200
rate [kg/h]

200 W 180

W 160
Oil throughput

W 145
W 130

W 115

W 100


20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Vorlaufoil pressure
Öldruck [bar][bar] Example
Required oil throughput
Throughput rates shall apply to closed return rate 238 kg/h
Nozzle size according
Density: 840 kg/m3 to diagram W2-225
Viscosity: 5 mm2/s Supply pressure according
Nozzle type: W2-50° to diagram 28 bar

Throughput Rate Charakteristics
Heavy Fuel Oil

Return Nozzle MK 27
· Oil [kg/h]

2 alpha [°]

p return [bar]
Test conditions:

Article-No.: 145.513.5899

Throughput Rate Charakteristics
Heavy Fuel Oil

Return Nozzle MK 27
· Oil [kg/h]

2 alpha [°]

p return [bar]
Test conditions:

Article-No.: 145.513.5902

Throughput Rate Charakteristics
Heavy Fuel Oil

Return Nozzle MK 27
· Oil [kg/h]

2 alpha [°]

p return [bar]
Test conditions:

Article-No.: 145.513.5913

Throughput Rate Charakteristics
Heavy Fuel Oil

Return Nozzle MK 27
· Oil [kg/h]

2 alpha [°]

p return [bar]
Test conditions:

Article-No.: 145.513.5924

Throughput Rate Charakteristics
Heavy Fuel Oil

Return Nozzle MK 50
· Oil [kg/h]

2 alpha [°]

p return [bar]
Test conditions:

Article-No.: 145.513.5946

Throughput Rate Charakteristics
Heavy Fuel Oil

Return Nozzle MK 50
· Oil [kg/h]

2 alpha [°]

p return [bar]
Test conditions:

Article-No.: 145.513.5957,

Throughput Rate Charakteristics
Heavy Fuel Oil

Return Nozzle MK 50
· Oil [kg/h]

2 alpha [°]

p return [bar]
Test conditions:

Article-No.: 145.513.5980

Throughput Rate Charakteristics
Heavy Fuel Oil

Return Nozzle MK 50
· Oil [kg/h]

2 alpha [°]

p return [bar]
Test conditions:

Article-No.: 145.513.5979

Throughput Rate Charakteristics
Heavy Fuel Oil

Return Nozzle MK 50
· Oil [kg/h]

2 alpha [°]

p return [bar]

Test conditions:

Article-No.: 145.513.5991

Dimensions of the Mixing Unit
(standard versions)


Draw-out and Swing Mechanism

Burner Settings

Draw-out and swing mechanism ved, the air damper in the burner hou-
The duobloc burners type RPD are sing will also be accessible.
equipped with a draw-out and swing
mechanism. This makes it possible to NOTE: Before removing and swinging
pull out and swing away the complete away the central tube take care to
central tube for maintenance access to mount the draw-out and swing mecha-
the mixing head and for adjusting the nism, disconnect the electric plug con-
mixing and ignition units. nectors of the flame detector and
Prior to this, the fastening bolts of the ignition burner, remove the primary air
central tube must be unscrewed. The connection and disconnect the oil hoses
baseplate of the central tube carries the (in oil and dual-fuel burners) with the
ignition burner, flame detector, nozzle quick-action couplings provided for this
rod assembly (only for oil and dual-fuel purpose.
burners) and primary air connection.
After the central tube has been remo-

Burner head adjustments

Burner combustion head

In order to enable service work on the
burner combustion head and for adjust-
ments of the ignition system the com-
plete burner insert can be removed (see
burner hinge arrangement). In case of
component replacements or service
work on the components of the burner
head the correct position of the burner
head components have to checked and
if necessary the appropriate adjust-
ments have to be carried out.
The correct measurements can be seen
in the burner dimensional sheet.
The ignition electrodes must be set
according to the dimensions shown in
the diagramm.
As the spray pattern of the oil nozzle
depend on nozzle size the given dimen-
sions can only be approximations. It
may be necessary for the commission-
ing engineer to alter the base settings to
achieve the best start performance. The
distance between nozzle tip and turbu-
lator face depends on the nozzle spray
pattern and the size of the turbulator
core hole. The distance has to be adju-
sted by the commissioning engineer so
Burner combustion head that the oil cone will impinge on the tur-
1 Burner tube bulator.
2 Flame tube The works setting of the burner head is
3 Cylinder for air stabilization carried out as shown in the dimensional
4 Ignition Burner sheet. In the base setting the nozzle
5 Turbulator face is positioned flush with the turbula-
6 Nozzle tor inner hole i.e. setting "0".
7 Primary air duct It is recommended to note the distance
8 Gas nozzle between nozzle rod positioning bush
9 Gas lances and the end of the protruding nozzle rod
as reference position.

Air Flow Adjustment
Oil Flow and Gas Rate Adjustment

Air adjustment During adjustment care must be exerci- readily. The level of preheating depends
Check that the air swirler setting is in sed to ensure that over the whole of the on the viscosity of the fuel oil and can
accordance with the furnace/ combu- control range the air pressure at the be determined from the viscosity-tem-
stion chamber geometry and re-set if central pipe (primary side) is 1.5 - 2 perature diagram. The atomizing visco-
required. In order to ensure uniform dis- mbar higher than the combustion cham- sity is at 12 to 15 cSt.
tribution, close the air swirler at the air ber pressure.
pipe entry against air inlet. The air curve Gas adjustment
of the compound controller is factory-set Oil adjustment The gas damper is connected to the
so that the air cylinder is closed at mini- For taking into operation, the oil control mechanical compound controller by
mum settings and open at maximum block with flow control valve in the means of a transmission arm.
settings. return line will be preset. The pump The gas cam of the compound control-
The combustion air ratio (secondary air) pressure is set at approx. 28 bar and ler is factory-set so that the gas damper
to the fuel can be obtained over the the pressure upstream of the control is closed in its minimum position and
whole of the output range by turning the valve at approx. 5 to 18 bar. After loose- open in its maximum position.
screws, which is then checked by ning of the lock screws of the socket- The minimum and maximum positions
measuring the exhaust. headed studs and sliding ball, the con- and the intermediate positions of the
Before the compound controller screws trol curve is adjusted over the whole gas damper are also adjusted with the
can be adjusted, the lock nuts on the control range by means of the cam disk, electronic compound controller. The gas
front face and underside of the com- after which setting is then locked with pressure must be corrected by means
pound controller must be loosened. Set- the lock screws. of the gas pressure controller if neces-
ting of the primary air is also carried out sary. The setting must be checked by
via a cam disk and it can be set accura- Heavy fuel oil making a combustion analysis.
tely by adjusting the threaded studs as Heavy fuel oils must generally be hea-
required. With a large control range the ted up. On the one hand, this is perfor-
minimum combustion output is set by med in the fuel oil storage tank to keep
means of the primary air. the oil in a pumpable state because the
temperature must be above the setting
point. Further preheating is required in
the service tank, fluid preheater or elec-
tric preheater to ensure the heavy fuel
oil can be properly atomized and burns

Flame formation
Air swirler

Air swirler angle 0 - 20° Spindle-
Pressure loss 30 mbar flame

Air swirler angle 20 - 40°
Pressure loss 38 mbar

Air swirler angle 40 - 55° Average length
Pressure loss 45 mbar

Air swirler angle 55 - 70° Short
Pressure loss 55 mbar flame

Mechanical Compound Controller

1 Fuel-air compound controller 16 Return flow connection (only NOTE: For heavy oil operation, the oil
mounting bracket heavy oil) control block and oil flow rate controller
2 Secondary air damper control lin- 17 Feed line hose connector are equipped with electric heaters.
kage 18 Solenoid stop valve
3 Primary air control arm 20 Pressure gauge stop valve
4 Primary air control linkage 21 Oil pump pressure gauge
5 Primary air angular control arm 22 Oil feed connection from burner
6 Spring-loaded sliding block for pump
gas control 23 Oil pressure switch in feed line for
7 Hexagon socket head screw with lack-of-oil monitoring
pressed-in sliding ball (locked by 24 Oil return flow connection
means of hexagon socket head 25 Oil pressure switch in return line
screws on end face of cam wheel) for oil overpressure monitoring
8 Spring-loaded sliding block for 26 Limit switch for oil and gas opera-
secondary combustion air tion
9 Cam disk on drive shaft 27 Oil flow rate control linkage
10 Drive shaft 28 Bypass change-over valve (flus-
11 Spring-loaded sliding block for pri- hing valve)
mary air 29 Pump pressure adjuster for built-
12 Spring-loaded sliding block for oil in primary pressure controller
flow rate control 30 Bypass solenoid valve (flushing
13 Transmission rod for gas flow rate valve)
control damper 31 Return pressure gauge (only
14 Actuator with disconnecting unit heavy oil)
for manual operation
15 Hand wheel for manual adjust-
ment of mechanical compound

Pressure Setting

Oil pump pressure setting 2. Pressure setting at the control

Before commissioning the pump and oil valve (loop feeder pipe) at the
pipes must be primed and vented. burner pipe pressure

1. Pump pressure Light fuel oil setting

- 28 to 30 bar for light fuel oil Loop feeder pipe pressure 1,2 - 1,6 bar
- 30 to 32 bar for heavy fuel oil
So as to protect the pump against Heavy fuel oil setting
excess pressures, the oil pressure con- In order to avoid evaporation of the
trol valves of the high pressure pump water in the fuel oil, the pressure in the
have been factory set to 40 bar. The loop feeder pipe must be at least
effective pump pressure is set and adju- -see table:
sted at the burner control block or at the
pressure control valve.
Oil temperature Loop feeder
at the burner pipe pressure
125 °C 3,0 bar
130 °C 3,5 bar
135 °C 4,0 bar
140 °C 4,5 bar

Pressure control valve

In the piston-type pressure control
valve, a piston (1) movably arranged in
4 a cylinder is pressed against the valve
needle (3) by a spring (2). As the pres-
sure on the side of the valve needle
2 rises above the spring pressure, the
Return piston will be lifted and the oil caused to
flow over to the pressureless side.
For the installation of overflow valves of
this type the following general informa-
tion should be observed:
The spring side (spring can be seen
from outside) must in any case be cho-
1 sen to be the return side, i.e. the pres-
sureless side. Consequently, the
direction of overflow is from the pressu-
Light oil version Heavy oil version rized side to the pressureless spring
side. Any counterpressure on the return
side must thus be added to the selected
spring pressure setting.
Feed It is of no consequence for the operation
of this type of valves whether they are
3 mounted in continuous lines or at line
The desired pressure is selected by
means of the set screw (4). Turning the
set screw (4) clockwise will increase the
pressure, and turning it counterclock-
wise will reduce the pressure.

Oil Pressure Switch
Air Pressure Switch

Oil pressure switch Oil pressure damper

3 Oil pressure switches are provided to An oil pressure damper or a capillary
burners for monitoring the oil pressure. pipe may be installed in the connection
Depending on the burner design, the oil fitting (2) to make up for oil pressure
pressure switches can be installed eit- variations.
her in the return line only or in both the
return line and feed line. The cut-out Operating pressure adjustment
pressure will be selected depending on For adjusting the operating pressure,
the burner system data (ring line pres- remove the setting know (1) by pulling it
sure, oil nozzle, etc.). upward and reinstall it again the other
way round. After the adjustment has
been completed make sure to install the
setting know in its original position

Switching difference
The switching difference may be selec-
Setting Switching
Type Location ted on the pressure switches within the
range difference
limits shown in the table. For the adjust-
DSB 143 F... 0 - 6 bar 0,3 - 1,6 bar Return line acc. to DIN / EN ment, turn the threaded pin in the set
screw (3) for the switching point. One
DSB(F) 170 F... 15 - 40 bar 1,2 - 4,5 bar Feed line acc. to DIN/EN in pumps turn will change the switching difference
without quick-action stop valve by approx. 20 % of the total range of the
switching difference. The oil pressure
DSF 146 F... 0 - 10 bar 0,5 - 2,5 bar Return line acc. to TRD 604/ 72h
switch has a facility for attaching a seal.

DSB 158 F... 3 - 25 bar 1,0 - 4,3 bar Feed line acc. to TRD 604/ 72h

Air pressure switch Certification

The air pressure switch is provided for The pressure switch has been tested in
monitoring the pressure of the combu- accordance with DIN 3398 Part 2 and is
stion air fan. registered by CE/DIN-DVGW. It has
The pressure switch DL 50A has been been registered in other important gas
designed for switching on, off or over an consumption countries.
electric circuit in the case of changes of
the actual pressure levels from the set-
point setting. The pressure switch DL
50A can be used as overpressure,
vacuum or differential pressure monitor
for air and non-aggressive gases but
not for gases according to DVGW
Worksheet G 260/l.

Determining the differential pre- Switch function test

flushing pressure and adjusting the Test buttons are provided to check the
differential pressure switch switch functions for proper operation
• Burner in the pre-aeration phase. (with safety cut-out and interlock). The
• Measure pressure on test burner is normally run in partial-load
connection (2). condition when testing the safety
• Measure vacuum on test functions. On pressing button (4) the
connection (3). vacuum will be removed which causes
• Add the measured pressures. the differential pressure to drop below
• Set the scale to 90% of the calculated the required level. If it is necessary to
value. test the pressure switch functions under
full-load conditions this may be done by
pressing button (1).

Setting Pressure Switches and
Control System

Setting of the air pressure switch Infinitely variable control

Oil pressure switch
The differential pressure between bur- (modulating) with RWF 32 controller
ner housing (overpressure) and air box A universal controller type RWF 32 can
(subatmospheric pressure) is measured also be used with infinitely variable con-
with the burner in full-load condition. trollable burners. This controller is spe-
The pressure setting of the air pressure cially designed for furnace temperature
switch must therefore be smaller than and pressure control of burners using
the differential pressure measured. For constantly changing types of fuel.
adjustment, remove the protective hood Depending on the use, the RWF 32 will
and turn the setting scale accordingly. function as either PID, PD or P control-
ler. As the P part, which is correcting
Air pressure / gas pressure time and the D part can be adjusted to
switch circuit cover a wide range of limits, it is possi-
ble to adapt the control behaviour of the
installation to exact standards. The ope-
P rating time of the drive for compound
Setting of the oil pressure switch control of fuel and air must be at least 2
The oil pressure switch is factory-set. secs. for the "small flame - nominal load
The supply pressure switch is set in setting" range.
such a way, that perfect atomization is The actual value reading (temperature,
guaranteed. The return pressure switch pressure or combustion chamber pres-
is factory-set to 2 bar. sure) is achieved by means of sensors
The pre-set return pressure should nor- P 2 1 and range or zone plugs in the form of a
mally be 1 bar above the loop feeder resistance value. The control output of
system. After having set the correct the controller is a floating three-point
pressure ensure that the switch used to control reversible servo-
setting screw is securely locked. Switching functions of air pressure
motors. The control signals for the
switch/gas pressure switch
actuating direction OPEN (y1) and
With increasing pressure:
CLOSED (y2) are displayed by LEDs,
Gas pressure switch P1 opens
whilst the adaptation of the controller to
P2 closes
the control led variable and the required
With decreasing pressure:
specified value range is effected via the
P1 closes
so-called range or zone plugs, which
P2 opens
form the sensor part of the controller
KS 92 measuring bridge. The range or zone
plug is also fitted with the setpoint scale.
On the other hand, the setpoint value
generator itself, which can be changed
to be a remote setpoint value generator,
is a fixed component of the controller.

Setting the controller

Setting a complete, infinitely variable
heating installation required excellent
Setting of the gas pressure switch technical and controller knowledge. The
Remove the protective hood. Measure actual setting and commissioning of the
the gas flow pressure at full load and installation is made considerably easier
reduce by 20 % to obtain the shutdown by the special setting instructions
pressure. issued with the RWF 32 controller.
Proceed with turning the scale disk until An industrial controller type KS 92 is Comprehensive special issues are
the desired shutdown pressure is oppo- used for the steplessly adjustable bur- available if required.
site to the arrow. Note that scale values ners. This controller has been specifi- The differential pressure between the
are approximate values only. cally designed for use with burner
burner housing (excess pressure) and
Then slowly close the gas stop valve systems. It is mainly employed for tempe-
the air receiver (negative pressure) is
until the desired shutdown pressure has rature or pressure control operations in
measured during the full load adjust-
conjunction with burners with a steadily
been reached. Readjust the scale disk ment. The pressure set at the air pres-
adjustable fuel throughput rate. A specific
until the burner stops. sure switch must be below the
software system is provided for adjusting
Put the protective hood back in place measured differential pressure. To carry
the controller to the controlled variable,
again and tighten bolts. out the setting remove the protective
the desired setpoint range and the way of
actual-value recording. cover and turn the setting scale as
Technical documentation KS 92 PMA required.

Automatic Furnace Controller LFL 1... / LGK 16...

The LGK 16… type controller is desi-

gned to control and monitor burners
working according to a stepwise or
modulating principle. A detailed functio-
nal description with technical data and
project planning information with
respect to the automatic combustion
controllers can be found in the annex
and in the documents

LFL 1...-7451 D
LGK 16...-7785 D

Functional diagram
LFL 1... / LGK 16...

A = Starting type interval

A-B= Flame development interval
B = Burner has reached operating
B-C= Burner operation
(heat generation)
C-D= regular shut-off
t1 Pre-ventilating time
t2 Safety time
t3 Pre-ignition time
t4 Fuel valve enable
t5 Load regulator enable
t11 „OPEN“ run time of air damper
t12 „CLOSE“ run time of air damper

R= Temperature or pressure LR= Load regulator

controller LK= Air damper
G= Fan motor RV= Steadily adjustable fuel valve
Z= Ignition transformer FS= Signal of flame
BV= Fuel valve(s) ZBV= Ignition burner valve

Flame Monitor
Sensor Current Measurement

Autom. furnace controller LFL 1... Flame monitor with UV sensor UV current measurement with QRA 5
UV sensor with QRA 2... The UV radiation of hot flame gases is For an accurate UV current measure-
utilized for generating the flame signal. ment it is recommended to make use of
The radiation detector used is a UV- the tester KF 8832. If a normal meter
sensitive tube with two electrodes and (microammeter) is used for UV current
being live all the time. This UV tube will measurement it is advisable to make
ignite when subject to light from the the measurement as shown in the
190-270 nm range of the spectrum and figure. For this, a capacitor
thus cause a current to flow to the flame C = 470 µF, 15V (or with higher electric
signal amplifier. strength) must be integrated in the
The UV tube will not respond to the measuring circuit.
after-glowing refractory lining of the fur- Meter: 100 µA/Ri = 3 kΩ
nace, sunlight, daylight or light of the Connect the meter between the auto-
boiler room lighting system. matic furnace controller and the UV
The service life of the UV tube is about flame sensor QRA 5... (terminal 22 (-)
10,000 hours at ambient temperatures and 5 (+)).
Autom. furnace controller LGK 16... up to 50°C; higher ambient tempera- Take care to observe the right pola-
UV Sensor with QRA 5... tures will considerably reduce its ser- rity.
vice life.
Alignment of the UV sensor QRA 5...
Burners operated continuously or inter- The mounting flange is movable sup-
mittently for more than 24 hours without ported on the sensor tube to allow the
interruption (e.g. boiler sequence con- exact alignment of the sensor window
trol) or burners operated on steam boi- relative to the direction of incidence of
lers must be equipped with the the UV radiation.
automatic furnace controller of type
LGK 16... and its associated self-con- NOTE: The terminal (22) must be con-
trolling flame monitoring circuit (QRA nected to earth all the time.
For data and design instructions refer to Cleaning the sensor
automatic furnace controller: Check the UV sensor window for possi-
ble accumulation of dirt at regular inter-
LFL 1... No. 7451 D vals and clean if required. Take care the
LGK 16... No. 7785 D sensor window is free of dust all the
If upon cleaning the sensor does not
properly work it will be required to
replace it by a new one.

Sensor currents

Automatic Minimum Maxi-

controller required mum
Monitor with UV with UV
* LFL 1... 70 µA 630 µA
* LGK 16... ** **
* See technical data for automatic
furnace controller LFL 1 / LGK 16...
Recommended instrument range:
UV monitor 0 - 1000 µA ** See data on unit KF 8832 for sensor
current measurement.

Stellantrieb Schimpf

Typ 01-15/30
Typ 02-25/2500
Typ 02-25/3000

Technische Daten:
30 2500 3000
Voltage: 230 V AC 230 V AC 230 V AC
Frequency: 50 HZ 50 Hz 50 Hz
Operating time: 60 sec. bei 90° 60 sec. bei 90° 30 sec. bei 90°
Torque: 12 Nm 20 Nm 31 Nm
Limit switch 4 thereof 2 pot. free 4 thereof 2 pot. free 4 thereof 2 pot. free

Contacts: max.250 V 10(3) A max.250 V 10(3) A max.250 V 10(3) A

temperature: -10 °C bis + 60 °C -10 °C bis + 60 °C -10 °C bis + 60 °C
Protection class: IP 65, DIN 400 50 IP 65, DIN 400 50 IP 65, DIN 400 50
Installation position: no restriction no restriction no restriction
Weight: 1,7 kg 3,2 kg 3,2 kg

The actuator type ARIS-N is designed
as a controlling element for oil/gas or
dual-fuel burners with sliding or modula-
ting control concept. The actuator is
equipped with a short-circuit-proof syn-
chronous a.c. motor which drives a
shaft via a maintenance free spur-gear
unit with permanent grease lubrication.
The shaft end carries a coupling for
operating the controlling element for
fuel and combustion air. The actuator is
designed for two-wire control by control-
lers or switching units with change-over
contact (single-wire control is possible).
A feedback potentiometer is used as a
optional feature.
A conductive plastic potentiometer is
used for position feedback. The actua-
tor is TÜV-approved and permitted for
the application with electronic com-
pound controller.

Solenoid Safety Valves

For fuel oil EL, L, M, S according to DIN 51603


Function 2/2 electromagnetic safety shut-off valve and rapid action device actuated in oil-firing
equipment according to DIN 32725 (DIN EN 264). TÜV tested. Used as well in connec-
tion with atomizing oil burners according to DIN 4787 and oil firing systems with steam
boilers according to TRD 411.

Port sizes G1/2 / flange

Mounting Direct pipe mounting or with two threaded holes at the lower connection area (please
refer to dimensional drawing).

Mounting position Unrestricted

Material specifications Valve body from brass. Internal parts from stainless steel. Bearing plate from ruby and
elastomere from oil resistant viton (FKN).

Pressure range Please refer to the table.

Switching times With fuel oil EL and alternating current coils:

321 H types: switch-on operation approx. 300 ms,
switch-off operation approx. 50 ms
121 G types: switch-on operation approx.50 ms,
switch-off operation approx. 20 ms

Media Fuel oil EL, L, M, S (DIN 51603), please refer to the table.

Filter Filters according to DIN 32727 must be connected in series to the 321 H/F valve

Authorized minimum 0 - + 160°C


Ambient temperature 0 °C to 60 °C

Flow factors kv = 2 to 60 (please refer to the table). The tolerance concerning flow factors is +/- 15 %.

Electrical components 121 G and 321 H types:

High temperature and high capacity coil with screw terminal connection.

Coil housing Metallic housing covered with epoxy resin, 360° rotating, with Pg11 cable screwing.
System of protection IP 44. Galvanized metallic housing, 360° rotating, with Pg11 cable
screwing. System of protection IP 67.

Voltage 115 V / 50 HZ - 120 V / 60 Hz (T1)

( alternating current only )

Voltage tolerances + 10 % to - 10% of the line voltage.

Insulation class H 180 °C for 483824 and 483541coils .

Switch-on time 100 % admissible.

Power rating 19 Watt

Solenoid safety valves

321 H types Type:

Application: safety shut-off valve as 2/2 pre-controlled, closed when de-
rapid action device. Used as well in energized.
connection with atomizing oil burners
according to DIN 4787 and oil firing
systems with steam boilers according
to TRD 411. A strainer must be con-

121 G types Type:

Application: safety shut-off valve as 2/2 directly controlled, closed when de-
rapid action device for use in return energized by spring force.
pipes of atomizing oil burners accor- When the solenoid valve is de-energi-
ding to DIN 4787 and TRD 411. With zed the return line medium pressure
regard to current standards this valve (against arrow direction) still opens the
must be connected in series with the valve seat until 0,15 bar.
valve mounted in the supply line
(please refer to the schematic dra-
wing). arrow stamped on
the valve body

Pipe spring - Glycerine - Manometer
Bimetal - Pointer - Temperature controller

Pipe spring - Glycerine - Manometer

RF 63 - D 701

Port size G 1/4 A radial

Housing from refined steel 1.4301
Diameter 63 mm
Class 1.6

Scale range Order no.

0-6 bar -
0 - 10 bar -
0 - 16 bar -
0 - 25 bar 3333 261 128
0 - 40 bar 109 016 0374
0 - 60 bar 109 811 4290
0 - 100 bar 109 811 4303

Bimetal - Pointer - Temperature controller

TBW 31 H

Measuring instrument: Bi-metallic spiral

Port size G 1/4 "
Sleeve and locking screw on the back side
Housing CrNi , Shaft length 50 mm
Diameter 63 mm
Class 1.0
Scale range 0 - 160 °C
Order no. 109 015 9651

Flushing and Oil Feed Start
Thermostat ATH 22

(only for heavy oil)

Technical data Temperature sensor with and without 2. Connection

Setpoint adjustment: protective sleeve Feed the line through the self-sealing
For code 1: The temperature will be sensed by grommet Pg 11 and connect as shown
Adjust switching point from outside by means of the temperature sensor. Make on the connection diagram. The con-
turning the setpoint screw accordin- sure the temperature sensor is immer- nection diagrams relating to the thermo-
gly. sed in the fluid over its full length stats are fixed to the inside of their
because otherwise the switching point housing tops.
For codes 2, 20, 7, 70: may be subject to larger variations.
Remove the top of the housing and
adjust the switching point by turning
the setpoint screw with a screw driver
watching the interior scale.

Adjusting range: 20-150°C

Maximum switching current:

AC 250 V, 10(2) A, cosϕ=1(0.6)
DC 250 V, 0.25 A

Switching difference in measuring

system filled with liquid
TR, TW 3+1% standard feature
6+2% on request
1.5 ± 0.5% against extra price
1 Remote line 2 Temperature sensor 5 Terminal screw
Permissible ambient temperature 3 Protective sleeve 4 Pressure spring 6 Restart button (must move freely)
on switching head and remote line 7 For type attachments s, g and b
in use filled with liquid or gas max. For code „f“ and connection mode „Ü“ 8 For type attachment r
+80°C the temperature sensor will be locked 9 Self-sealing grommet Pg 11
by fitting a clamp to the capillary line
Operating fluid and securing the same by a screw in
water, oil, air, superheated steam the extended sleeve opening. For codes
„f“ and connection modes B, C, D, E,
Protection classification ES, Q and V the sensor is locked by the
EN 60 529-IP54 manufacturer by means of the terminal
attached to the capillary line.

Operation Electrical connection

The surface-type dual-thermostat works 1. Opening the housing Connection diagram
according to the principle of volumetric Remove the two sealable fillister-head Codes 11, 12, 22, 120, 220, 2020
expansion. If the temperature of the screws (1) at the housing top (2) and System I and II with change-over con-
fluid in the sensor system consisting of remove the latter. tact.
sensor, capillary line and membrane
changes this will also cause the volume
to change. The resultant lifting move-
ment of the membrane will actuate the
quick-break switch via a lever.

Switching function TR/TW/STW(STB)

If the temperature available at the tem-
perature sensor exceeds the limit set-
ting this will cause the switching ram of
the microswitch to be relieved of load
via the sensor system and the electric
circuit opened or closed. In case the
temperature falls below the limit setting
(by the switching difference) the micro-
switch will be returned to its initial posi-
1 Sealable screws 2 Housing top
3 Housing bottom 4 Housing journal

Gas Connection

For the installation and taking into ope- Gas control group with two gas Gas connection pressure:
ration of the gas lines care should be valves and leak tester: The gas line must be dimensioned in
taken to observe the regulations of The gas section is designed in accor- accordance with the throughput rate
DVGW (German Association of the Gas dance with EN 676 and TRD 412, two and the available gas pressure and
and Water Sector) especially DVGW- gas valves and leakage tester are installed to the burner on the shortest
TRGI (Technical Regulation for Gas prescribed for burners with a capacity possible way with minimum pressure
Installations) and TRF (Technical Regu- above 1200 kW. loss.
lation for Furnaces). The operation, mounting and adjust- To provide the most effective conditions
DIN 4756 and TRD 412 contain specifi- ment of the valve leak testers is descri- for start-up, take care that the burner
cations for the construction, design and bed in detail on a separate sheet. and gas stop valve are installed with the
safety requirements of gas furnaces in minimum possible distance between
heating installations. Furnace systems one another. This means that the 2nd
of higher operating pressures are sub- gas valve (looking in the direction of the
ject to the DVGW Worksheets G 460 gas flow) should be mounted in the
and G 461. The gas lines must meet immediate vicinity of the burner.
specifications set out in DVGW-TRGI in Note the gas pressure loss of the gas
the case of furnace systems with opera- control group and burner. The gas con-
ting pressures up to 100 mbar or above trol group can be connected directly to
100 mbar. the gas feed line. Note the order in
which the valves and instruments are
mounted and the direction of flow. Prior
to installation and taking into operation,
check the valves and instruments and
the connection fittings for the possible
accumulation of dirt and foreign matter.

1 Gas stop valve

2 Ignition gas pressure regulator
3 Ignition gas solenoid valves
4 Gas filter
5 Pressure gauge with pushbutton
6 Test burner
7 Gas meter
Ignition gas connection 8 Gas pressure switch
min. 50 mbar 10 Gas pressure regulator with safety
max. 150 mbar blow-off valve
11 Safety blow-off valve
12 Gas motor valve 1/solenoid valve
Gas connection 13 Gas motor valve 2/solenoid valve
> 100 mbar 14 Compensator
15 Gas butterfly control valve
16 Gas pilot burner
17 Burner

Gas Motor Valve VK

Gas motor valve VK.. General technical data

- Automatic shut-off valve of Class Type of gas:
A according to EN 161. City gas, natural gas, liquid gas (gase-
- Sturdy design for long service life. ous state) and air; also suitable for
- Energy-saving through motor self- biogas and landfill gas
- Available in single-stage or double Valve housing:
stage design with signal switch. AlSi for VK..A DN 40 to DN 200;
- Valve housing available in GGG 50 for VK..G DN 50 to DN 200;
GGG 50. inside and outside with epoxy resin
- Valve top can be supplied in powder coating. The two housings can
explosion-proof design. be combined with different tops.
- EC prototype tested and certified Maximum inlet pressure: see Table of
(CE). Data; VK..G are pressure proof up
to 8 bar and pressure surge proof
Application up to 20 bar.
The gas motor valve is used to ensure
and control the gas and air supply to Valve top: AlSi
gas burners and other gas-firing equip-
Valve disk sealing:
ment, also for two-stage operation. The Perbunan up to DN 150
VK..G with GGG 50 housing meets the
Polyurethane for DN 200
requirements according to TRD 412,
alternatively, Viton for DN 40-150
par. 4.2 (application in outdoor installati- acc. to EN 161, Class A, Group 2
ons), par. 5.1 (shut-off valve outside of
Measuring or pilot flame connection
the boiler room) and GUV 17.4 (use in
Rp on either side of input and in out-
landfills). put; with stainless steel screen to pro-
In areas subject to an explosion hazard
tect valve seat and valve sealing.
(zones 1 and 2) it is recommended to
use VK..X, e.g. in lacquer and varnish Inside thread Rp according to ISO 7-1
factories, paint shops, refineries, chemi-
Flange PN 16 according to ISO 7005
cal plants, sewage treatment plants,
landfills, gas/oil extraction plants, etc. Closing time: 0.8 s

Operation Opening time: VK VK..H

The motor valve type VK is a hydrauli- DN 40 5s -
cally actuated safety valve which is in DN 50 - 65 8s 12 s
closed position when dead. DN 80 -100 10 s 18 s
On application of mains voltage the DN 125 - 200 13 s 24 s
internal pump of the valve will build up
Ambient temperature: see versions
an oil pressure which causes the valve
disk to be forced down slowly via a Storage and handling temperature:
piston. The pump will stop as soon as -40°C to +60°C
the fully opened position has been rea-
Mains voltage: see versions
ched. As the pressure decreases the
pump will be shortly run again. For clo- Power consumption: see table
sing the valve, shut off the voltage
which will cause the oil pressure to Duty factor: CD 100%
return to zero and the closing spring Connection: conduit thread Pg 13.5
force down the valve disk within 1 s.
Protection classification: 1
Degree of enclosure: IP 54 according
to IEC 529
Take care to observe the regulations
of the local electric power supply com-

Gas Motor Valve VK

VK.., VK..H VK... VK..H, VK..Z

Technical data
VK..: single-stage top; slowly Mains voltage:
opening 220/240 V~ +10/-15% 50 Hz
VK..H: top with higher actuating force 220 V~ +10/-15% 60 Hz
for higher input pressures; 200 V~ +10/-10% 50/60 Hz
slowly opening 120 V~ +10/-15% 60 Hz
110 V~ +10/-15% 50/60 Hz
VK.., VK..H: 100 V~ +10/- 5% 50/60 Hz
For electrical connection see figure at
the top left. Ambient temperature: -15°C to +60°C

The following versions are available: Installation:

in horizontal or vertical lines
- with volumetric flow control valve
- with signal switch (option);
- with holding relay for manual restart
- with standard appliance plug accor-
ding to DIN 43650 (option)


Top of double-stage type; slowly ope-

For electrical connection see figure cen-
tre left.
The following versions are available:

- with volumetric flow control valve

The 1st stage can be adjusted with a
switch between 0% and 90% of the
maximum output. The 2nd stage can
be adjusted with the volumetric flow
control valve from the bottom between
0% and 100%.
Factory setting: maximum volumetric
flow rate.
- with signal switch (standard)

Gas Pressure Regulator

Gas pressure regulator with separate safety blow-off valve

Blow-off line R 1"

Safety blow-off valve

Instrument line ∅ 12 mm

appr. 10 x d

Gas pressure regulator with built-in safety blow-off valve

Blow-off line

Vent line 1/2"

Safety blow-off

Instrument line
12 mm outside ∅

appr. 10 x d

Gas Pressure Regulator
with Safety Diaphragm,
Inlet Pressure Compensator, Zero Lock

Installation and Adjustment

Setpoint adjustment
The setpoint will be adjusted by selec-
ting the desired range of the setpoint
spring and adjusting the setting spring
accordingly. The layout of ranges is
according to the spring configuration.

Instrument line
It will not be necessary to reposition the
instrument line because the controller is
equipped with an internal pulse sensor
as a standard feature.

Inlet pressure variations

Any variations between the minimum
and maximum inlet pressure levels will
be compensated for by the compensa-
tor diaphragm to avoid outlet pressure

Prior to installation check that the con-
necting lines and regulators are free of
dirt. Dirt-carrying gas may cause
damage to the seat and cone of the
regulator. For the installation take care
to observe the direction of the arrow.
Hold regulators with threaded connec-
tions only by means of suitable tools
engaging the surfaces intended for this
purpose. For the connection of flanged
joints take care to tighten the bolts by 1 Housing bottom 15 Adjusting screw
even amounts all around. 2 Regulator seat 16 Screw cap
3 Regulator sealing 17 Position indicator for
Control and start-up 4 Regulator disk DN 40/DN 150
With the setpoint setting known to be in 5 Bottom spacer sleeve 18 Cover
its correct position: 6 Compensating diaphragm 19 Bottom cover
Proceed with slowly opening the stop 7 Top spacer sleeve 20 R1/4" thread on either side of
valve upstream of the regulator. Then 8 Override tube inlet pressure chamber for
turn on the gas-consuming equipment. 9 Working diaphragm inserting the test socket
Depending on the mounting position it 10 Safety diaphragm 21 Leakage gas connection
might be necessary to slightly readjust 11 Diaphragm disk R 1/4" for DN15/DN25 (R 1/2"/R
the pressure (turning the setpoint set- 12 Setting pressure spring 1") R1/2" for DN 40/DN150
ting screw clockwise or counterclock- 13 Screw 22 Diaphragm cup
wise will increase or decrease the 14 Screw plug 23 Diaphragm plate
pressure, respectively).
With the setpoint setting not known or in
its incorrect position:
The gas pressure regulator is mainte-
Proceed with fully relieving the setpoint
nance free. Dirt-carrying gas may howe-
spring of load (turning counterclock-
ver necessitate an occasional cleaning
wise); open the stop valve slowly and
of the unit. In case of a failure of the
cautiously; set the desired setpoint to
working, safety or compensating dia-
an approximate position with the gas-
phragms due to the impact of excessi-
consuming equipment not turned on
vely high pressure it will be necessary
and proceed with the exact setpoint set-
to order a new measuring element for
ting at nominal load. If the setting range
the particular type (all functional parts of
of the setpoint spring is not sufficient,
the regulator available as a kit).
select the correct spring from the table
of springs.

Gas Pressure Regulator
with Integrated Safety Valve

Installation and Adjustment

The gas pressure regulator has been

designed to ensure a constant outlet
pressure with fluctuating inlet pressure
and varying consumption rates.
It is especially used for applications
requiring very short response times,
e.g. in the feed line to burner systems,
industrial furnaces, etc.
The gas pressure regulator is installed
by the exclusive use of spring-loaded
mountings so that it can be arranged in
any desired position. A common hou-
sing accommodates the gas pressure
regulator and a safety shut-off valve
which is set to stop the gas supply in
case of overpressure and/or lack of

The gas pressure regulator must be
installed with the arrow pointing in the
direction of the gas flow. Two instrument
lines must be fitted, one to the bottom
diaphragm cup of the regulator part and
one to the upper diaphragm cover of the
safety shut-off valve (approx. 10 D
downstream of the control unit). These
lines should be of steel type with an out-
side diameter of 12 mm. The Ermeto
self-sealing couplings are provided by
the manufacturer.
1 Setting screw 11 Vent opening
Taking into operation
2 Load spring 12 Inlet pressure compensating valv
Open the gas shut-off valve very slowly.
3 Main diaphragm 13 Safety shut-off valve seat
Watch the outlet pressure on the pres-
4 Vent opening R 3/8" 14 Valve sealing
sure gauge and readjust the load spring
5 Instrument connection R 3/8" 15 Closing spring
if required. Take care for adjustment
6 Inlet pressure compensating 16 Safety shut-off valve diaphragm
that the gas is not flowing because
diaphragm 17 Maximum spring
otherwise the closing pressure will be
7 Valve seat 18 Setting screw
added to the measured result.
8 Valve sealing 19 Pull knob
9 Closing cover
10 Instrument connection R 1/4"
The gas will flow through the regulator
housing in the direction of the arrow.
The main diaphragm will be charged
with pressure to the outlet side from the
bottom via an instrument line. The load
spring is preset to the desired outlet
pressure. The single-seat valve is
directly hung and isolated from the inlet
pressure by an intermediate diaphragm.
The diaphragm of the safety shut-off
valve is charged with outlet pressure via
an instrument line. Overpressure and/or
lack of pressure will cause the measu-
ring element to lift or lower. This will
actuate the tripping mechanism with the
closing spring pressing the valve disk
against the valve seat.

Gas Filter
Safety Vent Valve

Installation and mounting of the gas

The gas filter may be installed in any
desired position. Take care only to
observe the direction of flow of the gas
(arrow on filter housing). Make sure
there is adequate clearance to facilitate
the removal of the cover and replace-
ment of the filter cartridge.

Filter replacement
The filter cartridge should be replaced
by a new one as soon as a high pres-
sure drop is noticed. If a new filter cart-
ridge is not at hand it will be possible to
wash the filter mat in 40°C water adding
some light-duty detergent. Allow the
mat to dry before reinstallation.

NOTE: For the installation of the filter

mat take care to observe the marking or

Safety vent valve

Connection: R 1“, R 11/2“
Relief pressure: max. 1 bar
Single-seat valve
Tight zero lock
Maintenance free

The safety vent valve type SL 10 is pro-

vided to relieve short-time pressure sur-
ges upstream of burner installations or
to avoid pressure increases beyond an
acceptable limit.

1 Setting screw
2 Load spring
3 Diaphragm
4 Vent opening R „
5 Internal influencing feature
6 Valve sealing
7 Valve seat
8 Closing cover

Diagram Pressure Loss

Pressure loss with fully opened gas dampers

For the various gas qualities it will be necessary to multiply the p value read as a function of the volumetric flow rate by th e
specific gravity of the gas. Reading example:
damper dia. = 50 mm; V = 150 m³/h natural gas; ∆p reading = 6 mbar; specific gravity of natural gas = 0.81 kg/m³;
results in a pressure loss with fully opened gas damper, ∆p = 0.81 x 6 = 4.86 mbar
Pressure loss ∆p [mbar]

Gas volumetric flow rate V· [m³/h]

Preoperational Checks
Functional Flow
Gas Start-up

Preoperational checks Functional test without fuel Gas start-up

Check the following prior to the initial Check the burner for proper functional • Set the emergency and main switches
operation of the boiler system: order without using a fuel. In gas opera- to their „ON“ positions.
ting mode make sure to close the gas • Open the ball stop valve upstream of
• Take care to observe the operating stop valve. In oil operating mode the the gas valve and check the gas pres-
instructions supplied by the boiler test is made with closed stop valve in sure on the pressure gauge mounted
manufacturer. the feed line to the burner. upstream of the gas pressure control-
• Check the complete system for correct ler.
wiring of all of its items inclusive of the Start-up • Set the fuel selector switch to its „Gas“
valves and instruments. For taking the duoblock burner type position.
• Check the air fan motor for correct RPD into operation, it will be required to • Set the control switch to its position
direction of rotation. carefully adjust the burner system by „1“.
• Check for the proper setting of the duly following the adjusting instructions • Set the output selector switch to its
temperature and pressure controllers, and procedures. After the burner and position „0“ = Partial Load or „1“ =
limiters and safety switches. boiler have been tested in the way des- Regulating Load, as required. For
• Check for adequate fuel supply, suf- cribed above, the burner may be taken adjusting the burner make sure the
ficient gas connection pressure, and into operation. switch is in its „Regulating Load“ posi-
sufficient oil contained in tank. tion.
• Make a leak test of the fuel-carrying • Set the service switch also to its posi-
lines (ensure no air is contained). tion „1“.
• Check that the exhaust gas ports are • The „Manual-Automatic“ selector
opened and fresh air is supplied at the switch is in its „Automatic“ position
required rate. during start-up and operation.
• Make sure the burner is in starting • When adjusting the burner be sure the
position. switch is changed over to its „Manual“
• Check that automatic furnace control- position.
ler is unlocked. • Unlock the automatic furnace control-
A leak test should be made with the If a leak test is made with the valves
complete gas valves and instruments the automatic furnace controller
group using the 1.1-fold operating pres- should not be unlocked until the leak
sure but minimum 60 mbar above the test has been successfully completed.
operating pressure level. Joints like The burner will start according to the
flanges, screwed unions, etc. must be program flow preset by the automatic
sprayed with foaming agents and chek- furnace controller. The burner will now
ked for absence of leaks. Take care to be in operation. In case a leak is
observe the maximum operating pres- detected with the valves the program
sure of the valves and instruments. will not proceed to the automatic fur-
After the temperature has been allowed nace controller.
to equalize make sure the test pressure
does not drop for the subsequent test
period of 10 minutes.

Gas line venting:

The gas line and valves/instruments
must be vented before taking the burner
into operation. If an inflammable gas
mixture is detected make sure to
discharge it into the open atmosphere
through a vent line and make a check
with a test burner in the outlet area of
the burner.

Start-up Light Oil

Checking Procedure

Function of the steplessly Check the following prior to the Oil start-up
controlling light oil burner initial operation of the boiler system:
- Open all stop valves of the oil supply
The light oil is supplied to the high-pres- - Take care to observe the operating system; fill pumps with oil.
sure pump by an oil pump via ring line, instructions supplied by the boiler - Install feed pressure gauges, vacuum
gas-air separator and service tank. manufacturer. The boiler must be gauges, pumps, etc.
The light oil is flushed via the pressure mounted ready for operation. - If a ring line is provided fill this with oil
control valve on the oil control block. - Ensure that the heating system is filled and take it into operation. Check oil
When closing this flushing valve the oil with water. temperature.
pressure will build up and open the - Check the complete system for correct
hydraulic ball-type valves in the feed electrical wiring. NOTE: The hydraulic system is factory-
and return lines. - Check the air fan and pump motor for filled with test oil which might lead to
The pressure control valve (in oil control correct direction of rotation. ignition trouble during initial start-up. To
block) installed downstream of the high- - For checking the direction of rotation protect the pump the oil pressure con-
pressure pump will keep the oil pres- of the air fan and pump motors (direct troller is factory-set at a low pressure
sure at the constant level of 28-30 bar in connection) shortly actuate or press only. When starting the burner make
accordance with an overflow principle. the contactor. sure to increase the oil pressure to ope-
The nozzle rod assembly has 2 connec- - In star-delta connection layouts it will rating level gradually.
tions, the oil feed and the oil return con- be necessary to actuate the mains and
nections. Two types of nozzle rods can star contactors at the same time. Prior to initial fuel feed start make a
optionally be used, i.e. the RDG/RDN - Check the correct direction of rotation functional test of the burner program
and the MAT nozzle rods. of the oil pump by comparison with the flow.
In the light oil mode it will be possible to direction-of-rotation arrow stamped to
actuate, the feed and return valves at the pump. Disconnect the lifting magnet of the
the same time. - Check for the proper setting of the nozzle needle valve (solenoid valve) by
After the nozzle needle valve has ope- temperature and pressure controllers, reference to the wiring diagram.
ned in the nozzle rod the oil pressure limiters, safety switches and electrical Start the burner and check the program
will be controlled via an oil controller in limit switches. flow for correct sequence of start-up
the return line (minimum pressure - Bleed the fuel carrying lines, pumps operations.
approx. 3-5 bar; maximum pressure and pre-heaters (make sure no air is
approx. 16-18 bar). contained). 1. Flush via oil control block.
If the compound controller is increased - Check that the tank, lines and oil pump 2. Fan.
to maximum output, the oil pressure will are filled with oil and that the proper oil 3. Air damper pre-ventilation (check
be brought to approx. 16-18 bar (maxi- nozzle has been fitted. limit switch setting).
mum output of nozzle). This output - Make a test of the hydraulic oil system 4. Check air pressure.
must correspond to the rated output of for absence of leaks. 5. Air damper starting load (check
the heat generator as shown in the - Check the exhaust gas ports are ope- limit switch setting).
nozzle output diagram. ned and sufficient fresh air is taken in. 6. Ignition (ignition gas valves).
Simultaneously with the oil flow rate - With the burner in starting position 7. Fuel valves.
control, the air flow rate control cam of check that air damper is closed. 8. Shutdown on trouble after safety
the compound control system will con- - Check that the automatic furnace con- time has run down (see automatic
trol the air flow rate required for the troller is unlocked and in its original furnace controller).
combustion of the oil quantity supplied. position. 9. Unlock automatic furnace control-

Start-up Heavy Oil

Checking Procedure

Function of the steplessly Check the following prior to the Oil start-up
controlling heavy oil burner initial operation of the boiler system:
- Open all stop valves of the oil supply
The pumpable heavy oil is supplied to - Take care to observe the operating system; fill pumps with oil.
the high-pressure pump by an oil pump instructions supplied by the boiler - Install feed pressure gauges, vacuum
via ring line, gas-air separator and ser- manufacturer. The boiler must be gauges, pumps, etc.
vice tank. mounted ready for operation. - If a ring line is provided fill this with oil
The high-pressure pump circulates the - Ensure that the heating system is filled and take it into operation. Check oil
heavy oil through the preheater, pres- with water. temperature (min. 50-60°C depending
sure control valve and flushing valve of - Check the complete system for correct on viscosity).
the oil control block. In this process the electrical wiring.
oil is heated up and brought to atomi- - Check the air fan and pump motor for NOTE: The hydraulic system is factory-
zing viscosity (approx. 12 to 15 cSt). correct direction of rotation. filled with test oil which might lead to
The flushing valve will be closed after - For checking the direction of rotation ignition trouble during initial start-up. To
the preset oil temperature has been of the air fan and pump motors (direct protect the pump the oil pressure con-
reached. connection) shortly actuate or press troller is factory-set at a low pressure
The pressure control valve installed the contactor. only. When starting the burner make
downstream of the high-pressure bur- In star-delta connection layouts it will sure to increase the oil pressure to ope-
ner pump will keep the oil pressure at be necessary to actuate the mains and rating level gradually.
the constant level of 28-30 bar in accor- star contactors at the same time.
dance with an overflow principle. Check the correct direction of rotation Prior to initial fuel feed start make a
The nozzle rod assembly has 2 connec- of the oil pump by comparison with the functional test of the burner program
tions, the oil feed and the oil return con- direction-of-rotation arrow stamped to flow.
nections. Two types of nozzle rods can the pump.
optionally be used, i.e. the DG75 and - Check for the proper setting of the Disconnect the lifting magnet of the
the MAT nozzle rods. temperature and pressure controllers, nozzle needle valve (solenoid valve) by
If the DG75 nozzle rod is used, the sole- limiters, safety switches and electrical reference to the wiring diagram.
noid valves will be opened in the feed limit switches. Start the burner and check the program
and return lines for approx. 45 seconds - Bleed the fuel carrying lines, pumps flow for correct sequence of start-up
prior to fuel feed start. A flushing pro- and pre-heaters (make sure no air is operations.
cess is started via the nozzle rod and contained).
output controller so as to ensure the - Check that the tank, lines and oil pump 1. Flushing (oil temperature).
required fuel oil temperature also imme- are filled with oil and that the proper oil 2. Fan.
diately upstream of the nozzle. nozzle has been fitted. 3. Air damper pre-ventilation (check
A flushing operation is not used with - Make a test of the hydraulic oil system limit switch setting).
burners having the MAT nozzle rod. In for absence of leaks. 4. Check air pressure.
this case the required viscosity is achie- - Check the exhaust gas ports are ope- 5. Air damper starting load (check
ved by heating the nozzle rod. ned and sufficient fresh air is taken in. limit switch setting).
After the solenoid valves or nozzle - With the burner in starting position 6. Ignition (ignition gas valves).
needle have opened, the oil pressure check that air damper is closed. 7. Fuel valves.
will be controlled via an oil controller in - Check that the automatic furnace con- 8. Shutdown on trouble after safety
the return line (minimum pressure troller is unlocked and in its original time has run down (see automatic
approx. 3-5 bar; maximum pressure position. furnace controller).
approx. 16-18 bar). 9. Unlock automatic furnace control-
If the compound controller is increased ler.
to maximum output, the oil pressure will
be brought to approx. 16-18 bar (maxi-
mum output of nozzle). This output
must correspond to the rated output of
the heat generator as shown in the
nozzle output diagram.
Simultaneously with the oil flow rate
control, the air flow rate control cam of
the compound control system will con-
trol the air flow rate required for the
combustion of the oil quantity supplied.

Viscosity as a Function of Oil Temperature

Temperature [°F]

i m
Kinematic viscosity ν [mm²/s = cSt]

sc Max. feeding viscosity

i ty
Fa of
i lu he
re a
of vy
he fu
a vy el
fu la
el cc
oi .t
l o
ac axi
c mu
to m
DI v
N is max. Atomizing viscosity
51 co heavy fuel oil
60 sit
3 y

Temperature [°C]

usual feeding viscosity: 60 - 100 cSt

usual atomizing viscosity: 10 cSt

Oil Start-up
Burner Shutdown
Measures in Case of Trouble

Oil start-up Burner shutdown Regular checks and maintenance

• Set the emergency and main switches 1. Set the control switch to position measures
to „ON“. „0“. • Check the gas pressure or oil pressure
• Open all stop valves in the oil supply 2. Set the fuel selector switch to on the pressure gauge.
system. If a ring line system is provi- position „0“. • Check the safety time of the automatic
ded for oil supply the ring line pump 3. Close the gas stop valve or oil furnace controller by pulling out the
must be started. stop valves. UV flame monitor.
• Set the fuel selector switch to the „Oil“ 4. For short periods of shutdown the • The safety time must be 5 seconds for
position. fuel stop valves may remain in oil and 2 seconds for natural gas for
• Set the control switch to position „1“. their open positions. start-up while during normal operation
• Set the output selector switch to posi- 5. For longer periods of shutdown the burner must be shut down without
tion „0“ (= partial load) or „1“ (= regula- and for inspections make sure to delay.
ting load). Select the „regulating load“ set all switches to their „OFF“ • Clean the flame sensors if dirt has
position for adjusting the burner. positions and close the gas stop accumulated.
• The „Manual/Automatic“ selector valve and oil stop valves. • In case the burner is operated with the
switch must be in its „Automatic“ posi- 6. Have the furnace system inspec- same fuel type for longer periods it
tion during the start-up phase and ted at least once a year by the should be shortly run with the other
during operation. local service company to ensure fuel type at an interval of 3-4 weeks.
• Change over to „Manual“ mode for its efficient operation and com- • Clean all filters at regular intervals and
adjusting the burner. pliance with the applicable air pol- check for tight condition. Clean the oil
• Unlock the automatic furnace control- lution control regulations. filter each time a fresh oil supply has
ler. The burner will start in accordance 7. Oil combustion should be without been taken in. Rinse the filter with
with the program flow of the automatic the development of smoke and pure benzine or similar solvent and
furnace controller. The burner is in the flame should burn steadily wit- blow out with compressed air. Remove
operation now. hout the formation of soot. No visi- residual dirt from filter housing, if any.
ble smoke must emerge from the Wash the filter mat of gas filters with
chimney and no smell of oil must water (max. 40°C) adding a commer-
occur. cial light-duty detergent if required. Do
8. Any conditions deviating from not hose down the filters with a high-
standards and any faults should pressure water jet. Allow the filter mat
immediately be reported to the to dry and reinstall in filter housing.
installer of the system and elimi- When reinstalling the filter cartridge
nated without delay. take care that it is located by the filter
housing groove and the filter cover.
Fuel change-over
1. Set the fuel selector switch to its
position „0“ and allow the after-
ventilation period to run down.
2. Set the selector switch to the desi-
red fuel type.

Measures in case of trouble

Any trouble of the burner will be indica-
ted by the illuminated pushbutton switch
(red light) in the control cabinet or auto-
matic furnace controller. If the trouble
can be eliminated the automatic furnace
controller can be unlocked by pressing
any of the two illuminated pushbutton
switches causing the burner to restart in
accordance with the program. If the bur-
ner returns to its trouble position the
local service personnel should be called
to site. In case of a negative result of
the valve leak test make sure to close
the gas stop valve at once and call the
service personnel to site. The burner
may be run in oil mode until the trouble
has been eliminated.

Exhaust Gas Test

Exhaust gas test Determining the volumetric gas flow

To ensure an economically efficient and trouble-free rate
operation of the system it will be necessary to
adjust the burner specifically in accordance with the The thermal furnace output of a boiler
furnace system. This is achieved by means of a (QF) is the amount of heat supplied with
fuel-combustion air compound control unit which
adjusts the burner to ensure a proper combustion. the gas in a unit of time. Volumetric gas flow rate at STP:
Exhaust gas tests are required for this purpose. When taking the burner into operation
The percentage CO2 and O2 and the exhaust gas the volumetric fuel flow rate should be
temperature will have to be measured to determine
the efficiency and combustion quality. selected according to the nominal ther-
Prior to any measurement make sure to check the mal capacity of the boiler.
boiler and exhaust gas system for absence of Volumetric gas flow rate in
leaks. Example:
Nom. thermal output QN 1000 kW operating condition:
Secondary air will falsify the measured results
Check that the exhaust gases have a residual oxy-
Boiler efficiency nK 0,88
gen (O2) content as low as possible and a carbon Calorific value of gas Hu 9,1 kWh/m³
dioxide (CO2) content as high as possible.
Gas pressure pu 100 mbar
The carbon monoxide content of the exhaust gases
must be below the currently applicable specificati- Barometer reading pamb 980 mbar
ons in all load stages.
In the fuel oil combustion mode the permissible
Gas temperature tgas 15 °C
soot number in the exhaust gas is not allowed to be Standard pressure pn 1013 mbar

Ratio between O2- and CO2- for natu- Ratio between O2- and CO2- for Mean barometer readings
ral gas H (CO2max =11,86%) light oil EL (CO2max =15,40%)
Sea Mean
CO 2max – CO 2gem CO 2max – CO 2gem level barometer
O 2 = 21 × ----------------------------------------------- = % O 2 = 21 × ----------------------------------------------- = %
CO 2max CO 2max readings
[m] [mbar]
Aachen 205 991
%O2 %CO2 %O2 %CO2 % O2 % CO2 % O2 % CO2 Berlin 50 1009
0,00 11,86 3,00 10,16 0,00 15,40 3,00 13,19 Dresden 120 1000
0,10 11,80 3,10 10,10 0,10 15,33 3,10 13,12 Erfurt 315 978
0,20 11,75 3,20 10,04 0,20 15,25 3,20 13,04 Frankfurt/M. 104 1004
0,30 11,69 3,30 9,99 0,30 15,18 3,30 12,97 Hamburg 22 1011
0,40 11,63 3,40 9,93 0,40 15,11 3,40 12,89 Cologne 45 1009
0,50 11,58 3,50 9,87 0,50 15,03 3,50 12,82 Leipzig 130 998
0,60 11,52 3,60 9,82 0,60 14,96 3,60 12,75 Magdeburg 79 1005
0,70 11,46 3,70 9,76 0,70 14,88 3,70 12,67 Munich 526 955
0,80 11,41 3,80 9,70 0,80 14,81 3,80 12,60 Nuremberg 310 980
0,90 11,35 3,90 9,65 0,90 14,74 3,90 12,53 Rostock 4 1013
1,00 11,29 4,00 9,59 1,00 14,66 4,00 12,45 Stuttgart 297 984
1,10 11,24 4,10 9,53 1,10 14,59 4,10 12,38 Schwerin 59 1010
1,20 11,18 4,20 9,48 1,20 14,52 4,20 12,31 Ulm 479 960
1,30 11,12 4,30 9,42 1,30 14,44 4,30 12,23
1,40 11,07 4,40 9,36 1,40 14,37 4,40 12,16
1,50 11,01 4,50 9,31 1,50 14,29 4,50 12,08
1,60 10,95 4,60 9,25 1,60 14,22 4,60 12,01
1,70 10,90 4,70 9,19 1,70 14,15 4,70 11,94 1013,25
pressure in mbar

1,80 10,84 4,80 9,14 1,80 14,07 4,80 11,86 960

1,90 10,78 4,90 9,08 1,90 14,00 4,90 11,79
Luftdruck in mbar

2,00 10,73 5,00 9,02 2,00 13,93 5,00 11,72
2,10 10,67 5,10 8,97 2,10 13,85 5,10 11,64
2,20 10,61 5,20 8,91 2,20 13,78 5,20 11,57 800

2,30 10,55 5,30 8,85 2,30 13,71 5,30 11,49

Mean Mittlerer

2,40 10,50 5,40 8,80 2,40 13,63 5,40 11,42 700

2,50 10,44 5,50 8,74 2,50 13,56 5,50 11,35
2,60 10,38 5,60 8,68 2,60 13,48 5,60 11,27
2,70 10,33 5,70 8,63 2,70 13,41 5,70 11,20
0 450 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
2,80 10,27 5,80 8,57 2,80 13,34 5,80 11,13 Altitude in m Höhe
above sea level
in m.ü.M.
2,90 10,21 5,90 8,51 2,90 13,26 5,90 11,05

SO2-content in Exhaust Gas
from Light Oil and Heavy Oil Combustion

SO2 in dry exhaust gas SO2 -content in exhaust gas from

light oil combustion
[% by vol.]

t in
2 co

Sulphur content in fuel [% by wt.]

SO2 -content in exhaust gas from

SO2 in dry exhaust gas CO2 heavy oil combustion
[% by vol.]
2,8 % by wt.= max. acc.
to DIN 51 603
1,2 % by wt.

t ga
t in
2 co

Sulphur content in fuel [% by wt.]

O2, CO2, Lambda Conversion Table

Natural Gas

Relation between O2 and CO2 value

for natural gas (CO2max=11,8 %)

CO 2max – CO 2gem
O 2 = 21 × ----------------------------------------------- = %
CO 2max

%O2 %CO2 Air index %O2 %CO2 Air index %O2 %CO2 Air index
0,00 11,80 1,00 4,00 9,55 1,24 8,00 7,30 1,62
0,10 11,74 1,00 4,10 9,50 1,24 8,10 7,25 1,63
0,20 11,69 1,01 4,20 9,44 1,25 8,20 7,19 1,64
0,30 11,63 1,01 4,30 9,38 1,26 8,30 7,14 1,65
0,40 11,58 1,02 4,40 9,33 1,27 8,40 7,08 1,67
0,50 11,52 1,02 4,50 9,27 1,27 8,50 7,02 1,68
0,60 11,46 1,03 4,60 9,22 1,28 8,60 6,97 1,69
0,70 11,41 1,03 4,70 9,16 1,29 8,70 6,91 1,71
0,80 11,35 1,04 4,80 9,10 1,30 8,80 6,86 1,72
0,90 11,29 1,04 4,90 9,05 1,30 8,90 6,80 1,74

1,00 11,24 1,05 5,00 8,99 1,31 9,00 6,74 1,75

1,10 11,18 1,06 5,10 8,93 1,32 9,10 6,69 1,76
1,20 11,13 1,06 5,20 8,88 1,33 9,20 6,63 1,78
1,30 11,07 1,07 5,30 8,82 1,34 9,30 6,57 1,79
1,40 11,01 1,07 5,40 8,77 1,35 9,40 6,52 1,81
1,50 10,96 1,08 5,50 8,71 1,35 9,50 6,46 1,83
1,60 10,90 1,08 5,60 8,65 1,36 9,60 6,41 1,84
1,70 10,84 1,09 5,70 8,60 1,37 9,70 6,35 1,86
1,80 10,79 1,09 5,80 8,54 1,38 9,80 6,29 1,87
1,90 10,73 1,10 5,90 8,48 1,39 9,90 6,24 1,89

2,00 10,68 1,11 6,00 8,43 1,40 10,00 6,18 1,91

2,10 10,62 1,11 6,10 8,37 1,41 10,10 6,12 1,93
2,20 10,56 1,12 6,20 8,32 1,42 10,20 6,07 1,94
2,30 10,51 1,12 6,30 8,26 1,43 10,30 6,01 1,96
2,40 10,45 1,13 6,40 8,20 1,44 10,40 5,96 1,98
2,50 10,40 1,14 6,50 8,15 1,45 10,50 5,90 2,00
2,60 10,34 1,14 6,60 8,09 1,46 10,60 5,84 2,02
2,70 10,28 1,15 6,70 8,04 1,47 10,70 5,79 2,04
2,80 10,23 1,15 6,80 7,98 1,48 10,80 5,73 2,06
2,90 10,17 1,16 6,90 7,92 1,49 10,90 5,68 2,08

3,00 10,11 1,17 7,00 7,87 1,50 11,00 5,62 2,10

3,10 10,06 1,17 7,10 7,81 1,51 11,10 5,56 2,12
3,20 10,00 1,18 7,20 7,75 1,52 11,20 5,51 2,14
3,30 9,95 1,19 7,30 7,70 1,53 11,30 5,45 2,16
3,40 9,89 1,19 7,40 7,64 1,54 11,40 5,39 2,19
3,50 9,83 1,20 7,50 7,59 1,56 11,50 5,34 2,21
3,60 9,78 1,21 7,60 7,53 1,57 11,60 5,28 2,23
3,70 9,72 1,21 7,70 7,47 1,58 11,70 5,23 2,26
3,80 9,66 1,22 7,80 7,42 1,59 11,80 5,17 2,28
3,90 9,61 1,23 7,90 7,36 1,60 11,90 5,11 2,31

O2, CO2, Lambda Conversion Table

Liquid Gas

Relation between O2 and CO2 value

for for liquid gas (CO2max=13,8 %)

CO 2max – CO 2gem
O 2 = 21 × ----------------------------------------------- = %
CO 2max

%O2 %CO2 Air index %O2 %CO2 Air index %O2 %CO2 Air index
0,00 13,80 1,00 4,00 11,17 1,24 8,00 8,54 1,62
0,10 13,73 1,00 4,10 11,11 1,24 8,10 8,48 1,63
0,20 13,67 1,01 4,20 11,04 1,25 8,20 8,41 1,64
0,30 13,60 1,01 4,30 10,97 1,26 8,30 8,35 1,65
0,40 16,54 1,02 4,40 10,91 1,27 8,40 8,28 1,67
0,50 13,47 1,02 4,50 10,84 1,27 8,50 8,21 1,68
0,60 13,41 1,03 4,60 10,78 1,28 8,60 8,15 1,69
0,70 13,34 1,03 4,70 10,71 1,29 8,70 8,08 1,71
0,80 13,27 1,04 4,80 10,65 1,30 8,80 8,02 1,72
0,90 13,21 1,04 4,90 10,58 1,30 8,90 7,95 1,74

1,00 13,14 1,05 5,00 10,51 1,31 9,00 7,89 1,75

1,10 13,08 1,06 5,10 10,45 1,32 9,10 7,82 1,76
1,20 13,01 1,06 5,20 10,38 1,33 9,20 7,75 1,78
1,30 12,95 1,07 5,30 10,32 1,34 9,30 7,69 1,79
1,40 12,88 1,07 5,40 10,25 1,35 9,40 7,62 1,81
1,50 12,81 1,08 5,50 10,19 1,35 9,50 7,56 1,83
1,60 12,75 1,08 5,60 10,12 1,36 9,60 7,49 1,84
1,70 12,68 1,09 5,70 10,05 1,37 9,70 7,43 1,86
1,80 12,62 1,09 5,80 9,99 1,38 9,80 7,36 1,87
1,90 12,55 1,10 5,90 9,92 1,39 9,90 7,29 1,89

2,00 12,49 1,11 6,00 9,86 1,40 10,00 7,23 1,91

2,10 12,42 1,11 6,10 9,79 1,41 10,10 7,16 1,93
2,20 12,35 1,12 6,20 9,73 1,42 10,20 7,10 1,94
2,30 12,29 1,12 6,30 9,66 1,43 10,30 7,03 1,96
2,40 12,22 1,13 6,40 9,59 1,44 10,40 6,97 1,98
2,50 12,16 1,14 6,50 9,53 1,45 10,50 6,90 2,00
2,60 12,09 1,14 6,60 9,46 1,46 10,60 6,83 2,02
2,70 12,03 1,15 6,70 9,40 1,47 10,70 6,77 2,04
2,80 11,96 1,15 6,80 9,33 1,48 10,80 6,70 2,06
2,90 11,89 1,16 6,90 9,27 1,49 10,90 6,64 2,08

3,00 11,83 1,17 7,00 9,20 1,50 11,00 6,57 2,10

3,10 11,76 1,17 7,10 9,13 1,51 11,10 6,51 2,12
3,20 11,70 1,18 7,20 9,07 1,52 11,20 6,44 2,14
3,30 11,63 1,19 7,30 9,00 1,53 11,30 6,37 2,16
3,40 11,57 1,19 7,40 8,94 1,54 11,40 6,31 2,19
3,50 11,50 1,20 7,50 8,87 1,56 11,50 6,24 2,21
3,60 11,43 1,21 7,60 8,81 1,57 11,60 6,18 2,23
3,70 11,37 1,21 7,70 8,74 1,58 11,70 6,11 2,26
3,80 11,30 1,22 7,80 8,67 1,59 11,80 6,05 2,28
3,90 11,24 1,23 7,90 8,61 1,60 11,90 5,98 2,31

O2, CO2, Lambda Conversion Table

Light Fuel Oil

Relation between O2 and CO2 value

for light fuel oil (CO2max=15,4 %)

CO 2max – CO 2gem
O 2 = 21 × ----------------------------------------------- = %
CO 2max

%O2 %CO2 Air index %O2 %CO2 Air index %O2 %CO2 Air index
0,00 15,40 1,00 4,00 12,47 1,24 8,00 9,53 1,62
0,10 15,33 1,00 4,10 12,39 1,24 8,10 9,46 1,63
0,20 15,25 1,01 4,20 12,32 1,25 8,20 9,39 1,64
0,30 15,18 1,01 4,30 12,25 1,26 8,30 9,31 1,65
0,40 15,11 1,02 4,40 12,17 1,27 8,40 9,24 1,67
0,50 15,03 1,02 4,50 12,10 1,27 8,50 9,17 1,68
0,60 14,96 1,03 4,60 12,03 1,28 8,60 9,09 1,69
0,70 14,89 1,03 4,70 11,95 1,29 8,70 9,02 1,71
0,80 14,81 1,04 4,80 11,88 1,30 8,80 8,95 1,72
0,90 14,74 1,04 4,90 11,81 1,30 8,90 8,87 1,74

1,00 14,67 1,05 5,00 11,73 1,31 9,00 8,80 1,75

1,10 14,59 1,06 5,10 11,66 1,32 9,10 8,73 1,76
1,20 14,52 1,06 5,20 11,59 1,33 9,20 8,65 1,78
1,30 14,45 1,07 5,30 11,51 1,34 9,30 8,58 1,79
1,40 14,37 1,07 5,40 11,44 1,35 9,40 8,51 1,81
1,50 14,30 1,08 5,50 11,37 1,35 9,50 8,43 1,83
1,60 14,23 1,08 5,60 11,29 1,36 9,60 8,36 1,84
1,70 14,15 1,09 5,70 11,22 1,37 9,70 8,29 1,86
1,80 14,08 1,09 5,80 11,15 1,38 9,80 8,21 1,87
1,90 14,01 1,10 5,90 11,07 1,39 9,90 8,14 1,89

2,00 13,93 1,11 6,00 11,00 1,40 10,00 8,07 1,91

2,10 13,86 1,11 6,10 10,93 1,41 10,10 7,99 1,93
2,20 13,79 1,12 6,20 10,85 1,42 10,20 7,92 1,94
2,30 13,71 1,12 6,30 10,78 1,43 10,30 7,85 1,96
2,40 13,64 1,13 6,40 10,71 1,44 10,40 7,77 1,98
2,50 13,57 1,14 6,50 10,63 1,45 10,50 7,70 2,00
2,60 13,49 1,14 6,60 10,56 1,46 10,60 7,63 2,02
2,70 13,42 1,15 6,70 10,49 1,47 10,70 7,55 2,04
2,80 13,35 1,15 6,80 10,41 1,48 10,80 7,48 2,06
2,90 13,27 1,16 6,90 10,34 1,49 10,90 7,41 2,08

3,00 13,20 1,17 7,00 10,27 1,50 11,00 7,33 2,10

3,10 13,13 1,17 7,10 10,19 1,51 11,10 7,26 2,12
3,20 13,05 1,18 7,20 10,12 1,52 11,20 7,19 2,14
3,30 12,98 1,19 7,30 10,05 1,53 11,30 7,11 2,16
3,40 12,91 1,19 7,40 9,97 1,54 11,40 7,04 2,19
3,50 12,83 1,20 7,50 9,90 1,56 11,50 6,97 2,21
3,60 12,76 1,21 7,60 9,83 1,57 11,60 6,89 2,23
3,70 12,69 1,21 7,70 9,75 1,58 11,70 6,82 2,26
3,80 12,61 1,22 7,80 9,68 1,59 11,80 6,75 2,28
3,90 12,54 1,23 7,90 9,61 1,60 11,90 6,67 2,31

O2, CO2, Lambda Conversion Table

Heavy Fuel Oil

Relation between O2 and CO2 value

for heavy fuel oil (CO2max=15,9 %)

CO 2max – CO 2gem
O 2 = 21 × ----------------------------------------------- = %
CO 2max

%O2 %CO2 Air index %O2 %CO2 Air index %O2 %CO2 Air index
0,00 15,90 1,00 4,00 12,87 1,24 8,00 9,84 1,62
0,10 15,82 1,00 4,10 12,80 1,24 8,10 9,77 1,63
0,20 15,75 1,01 4,20 12,72 1,25 8,20 9,69 1,64
0,30 15,67 1,01 4,30 12,64 1,26 8,30 9,62 1,65
0,40 15,60 1,02 4,40 12,57 1,27 8,40 9,54 1,67
0,50 15,52 1,02 4,50 12,49 1,27 8,50 9,46 1,68
0,60 15,45 1,03 4,60 12,42 1,28 8,60 9,39 1,69
0,70 15,37 1,03 4,70 12,34 1,29 8,70 9,31 1,71
0,80 15,29 1,04 4,80 12,27 1,30 8,80 9,24 1,72
0,90 15,22 1,04 4,90 12,19 1,30 8,90 9,16 1,74

1,00 15,14 1,05 5,00 12,11 1,31 9,00 9,09 1,75

1,10 15,04 1,06 5,10 12,04 1,32 9,10 9,01 1,76
1,20 14,99 1,06 5,20 11,96 1,33 9,20 8,93 1,78
1,30 14,92 1,07 5,30 11,89 1,34 9,30 8,86 1,79
1,40 14,84 1,07 5,40 11,81 1,35 9,40 8,78 1,81
1,50 14,76 1,08 5,50 11,74 1,35 9,50 8,71 1,83
1,60 14,69 1,08 5,60 11,66 1,36 9,60 8,63 1,84
1,70 14,61 1,09 5,70 11,58 1,37 9,70 8,56 1,86
1,80 14,54 1,09 5,80 11,51 1,38 9,80 8,48 1,87
1,90 14,46 1,10 5,90 11,43 1,39 9,90 8,40 1,89

2,00 14,39 1,11 6,00 11,36 1,40 10,00 8,33 1,91

2,10 14,31 1,11 6,10 11,28 1,41 10,10 8,25 1,93
2,20 14,23 1,12 6,20 11,21 1,42 10,20 8,18 1,94
2,30 14,16 1,12 6,30 11,13 1,43 10,30 8,10 1,96
2,40 14,08 1,13 6,40 11,05 1,44 10,40 8,03 1,98
2,50 14,01 1,14 6,50 10,98 1,45 10,50 7,95 2,00
2,60 13,93 1,14 6,60 10,90 1,46 10,60 7,87 2,02
2,70 13,86 1,15 6,70 10,83 1,47 10,70 7,80 2,04
2,80 13,78 1,15 6,80 10,75 1,48 10,80 7,72 2,06
2,90 13,70 1,16 6,90 10,68 1,49 10,90 7,65 2,08

3,00 13,63 1,17 7,00 10,60 1,50 11,00 7,57 2,10

3,10 13,55 1,17 7,10 10,52 1,51 11,10 7,50 2,12
3,20 13,48 1,18 7,20 10,45 1,52 11,20 7,42 2,14
3,30 13,40 1,19 7,30 10,37 1,53 11,30 7,34 2,16
3,40 13,33 1,19 7,40 10,30 1,54 11,40 7,27 2,19
3,50 13,25 1,20 7,50 10,22 1,56 11,50 7,19 2,21
3,60 13,17 1,21 7,60 10,15 1,57 11,60 7,12 2,23
3,70 13,10 1,21 7,70 10,07 1,58 11,70 7,04 2,26
3,80 13,02 1,22 7,80 9,99 1,59 11,80 6,97 2,28
3,90 12,95 1,23 7,90 9,92 1,60 11,90 6,89 2,31

Exhaust Gas Test

Trouble Shooting Instructions

Exhaust gas loss

Light oil Heavy oil Natural Town
Exhaust gas loss by way of free heat L.P.G.
EL S gas gas
will occur as a result of the temperature
difference between the fuel-air mixture A1 = 0,50 0,490 0,370 0,350 0,420
entering the furnace chamber and the B= 0,007 0,007 0,009 0,011 0,008
gases discharged. Any increase in the
excess of air and the resultant higher
exhaust gas volume will cause the Example:
exhaust gas loss to rise. The exhaust Data measured in natural gas mode: Data measured in fuel oil mode:
gas loss can be calculated as follows: CO2 content of exhaust gases 10,8% CO2 content of exhaust gases 12,8%
A1 Exhaust gas temperature 195°C Exhaust gas temperature 195°C
q A = ( t A – t L ) ⋅  ----------- + B
 CO 2  Air intake temperature 22°C Air intake temperature 22°C

The exhaust gas loss can be calculated The exhaust gas loss can be calculated
q A = exhaust gas loss in %
as follows: as follows:
t A = exhaust gas temperature
in °C
t L = combustion air temperature
in °C
CO2 = volumetric content of carbon
dioxide in %

In any case of trouble proceed with Pilot burner Adjust ignition 3. Pump oil delivery failure
checking the basic conditions for a failure. gas pressure
proper operation of the boiler Cause Remedy
system: Ignition gas Search for
1.Is electric power available? valve does not cause and elimi- Shut-off valves Open valves.
2.Is fuel oil contained in the tank? open. nate closed.
3.Is ther any gas pressure? Defective Replace Filter blocked by Clean filter or
4.Are the shut-off valves opened? solenoid. dirt. replace cartridge.
5.Are all control and safety instruments Filter leaks. Replace filter
such as boiler thermostat, water
supply failure cut-out, limit switches, Oil lines leak. Retighten scre-
2. Motor running failure wed unions; tigh-
etc. properly set?
ten oil lines.
Cause Remedy
1. Ignition failure Suction valve Remove and
Motor protection Check and leaks. clean or replace.
Cause Remedy relay and fuses. replace if
required. Direction of rota- Check irection of
Ignition elec- Adjust tion of pump. rotation.
trode short cir- electrodes. Air pressure Check and
switch not replace if Damaged gear- Replace pump.
cuit. box.
changed over or required.
Wide ignition Adjust defective. Reduced pump Replace pump.
electrode electrodes. output.
spacing. Defective motor. Replace motor.

Dirty and wet Clean Defective power Replace

contactor. contactor. -Strong mechanical noise.
electrodes. electrodes.
Air fan motor Check for Pump takes in air Retighten scre-
Cracked Replace wed unions.
insulator. insulator. starts but stops solenoid leaks
after 20-25 secs. High vacuum in Clean filter; fully
Defective igni- Replace oil pipe open valves.
tion transformer. transformer. Air fan motor Air pressure
starts, but stops switch fails to For heavy oil: Check pre-hea-
Defective auto- Replace after about 10 change over; Incorrect oil tem- ter:
matic furnace controller. secs in pre-venti- replace switch if perature. thermostat set-
controller. lating mode. defective; clean ting, dirt
Burnt ignition Replace cable; switch if dirt has
cable. search for cause accumulated;
and eliminate. check electrical

Trouble Shooting Instructions

6. Mixing unit gives poor com-

4. Unsteady atomization 8. Cleaning and lubricating
bustion data due to heavy inside
accumulation of oil or coke instructions
Cause Remedy Depending on the amount of dirt intro-
(oil operation)
Loosened Tighten nozzle duced by the combustion air it will be
nozzle. Cause Remedy necessary to clean the fan impeller,
ignition electrodes, flame sensors and
Hole partly clog- Remove and Incorrect set- Correct settings. air dampers as required.
ged. clean or replace. tings.
Worn by long- Replace by new Incorrect mix- Replace unit. For burner with mechanical compound
time use. one. ture ignition unit. controller:
Oil flow blokkage Nozzle too large Replace nozzle. Lubricate the ball heads of the com-
or too small. pound controller setting screws with
Due to clogged Remove and grease.
nozzle. clean. Incorrect angle Replace nozzle.
Nozzle leaking. Replace nozzle. of spray. The bearing points of the burner moving
Shut-off valve in Replace valve. High or low com- Readjust burner. parts require no maintenance.
nozzle rod lea- bustion air flow Damages of ball bearings should be
king. rate. detected and eliminated at an early
stage to avoid greater subsequent
Furnace cham- Furnace cham-
trouble. Listen to the motor bearing
ber not suf- ber to be ventila-
5. No response to flame by noise to identify possible irregularities.
ficiently ted through a
automatic furnace controller ventilated. non-closed ope-
with flame sensor ning with a cross
section of min.
Cause Remedy 50 % of all chim-
Dirty flame sen- Clean flame ney cross sec-
sor. sensor. tions of the
furnace system.
Burner fails to Check
Take care to
start. connection of
observe the
automatic fur-
application regu-
nace controller.
Trouble lamp Unlock and
lights; flame search for cause
7. Solenoid valve fails to open
UV-Radiation Check combus-
too weak. tion setting. Cause Remedy
Burner starts Defective coil or Defective coil. Replace coil.
without flame rectifier.
Defective auto- Replace auto-
formation. Check connec-
matic furnace matic furnace
Solenoid valve tion.
controller. controller.
fails to open.
Valve does not Open valve;
Lack of gas or Check gas pres-
close tightly; dirt remove foreign
gas pressure too sure controller,
accumulated on matter; replace
low. gas valve, gas
sealing surfaces. valve if required.
Is the equip-
ment gas cock

Customer Service: D-64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf

ELCO Austria GmbH

A - 2544 Leobersdorf

CH - 7324 Vilters

ELCO Rendamax B.V.

NL - 1410 AB Naarden

ELCO Belgium n.v./s.a.

B - 1731 Zellik


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