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The Students Will Discuss Some Different Options and Reach A Decision Together. Remember, You Must Agree Which of The Things Are The Most Important

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Teacher’s notes
Task 1
The students will discuss some different options and reach a decision together.
Prompt: Look at the diagram and read the instructions. Then discuss the questions together.
Remember, you must agree which of the things are the most important.

Task 2
Students discuss the questions in pairs.
Prompt: Now discuss the questions in pairs.
1 Why do you think that a lot of people choose to live in cities rather than the countryside?

2 What advantages are there to living in the countryside?

3 What things can people do to improve their town or city?

4 What are the most important facilities for young people in a town or city?

5 What do you think are the best ways to meet new people when you move to a new town or city?

Sample answers and mark schemes

Can justify and sustain views clearly by providing relevant explanations and arguments.

Task 1
Students A and B
A: Let’s start with this one – cool places to hang out during the day. I think this is really important because you need places
like nice cafés where you can go to just relax with your friends.

B: I agree. If there’s nowhere to hang out during the day, you can get really bored.

A: Yes, I agree. And also places like these are really important for meeting new people.

B: Yes, that’s true. What about a range of interesting places to shop? That’s important too, isn’t it? Do you agree?

A: Yes, I think it’s nice to have interesting places to shop, especially markets like flea markets. But on the other hand, you
can always do your shopping online if the shops aren’t very good.

B: Yes, you’ve got a point there. A lot of people do their shopping online now, so I guess that shops are becoming less
important. What about this one: a vibrant nightlife? Do you think it’s important?

A: Yes, absolutely. Young people, especially, enjoy going out, and if there’s nothing to do in the evening, a place feels really
dull, doesn’t it?

B: Hmm, I’m not so sure. Of course, a vibrant nightlife is important, but I don’t think it’s as important as the other things here.
Most people only go out at the weekends, but I think it’s more important to have things to do every day.

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A: Yes, maybe you’re right. What about sports and leisure facilities? I guess they’re really important, so that people can keep

B: Yes, and leisure facilities means things like swimming pools and cinemas, which are things that lots of people can enjoy. I
think that maybe this is the most important thing in a city.

A: Yes, maybe you’re right. Let’s look at this last one: open spaces with breathtaking views. I guess that’s important, but not
many cities have it.

B: Yes, you’re right. And I don’t think it’s something that people need every day. If they want breathtaking views, they can go
out of the city, at the weekend, or in their summer holidays.

A: Yes, I agree with you. That’s not so important. So, what have we got? I would say either cool places to hang out during
the day or sports and leisure facilities. What do you think?

B: Hmm, I think perhaps sports and leisure facilities. People can keep fit and have fun, and hang out with their friends too.

A: Yes, you’re right. Let’s go for sports and leisure facilities.

The task is worth 10 marks. Award up to 2 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to
the descriptions below.

Mark Task Spoken Spoken Range Accuracy

s achievement production and interaction
0-1 Completes Hesitates a lot Does not engage Uses only very Lots of errors
some aspects and does not with their basic vocabulary even in basic
of the task seem confident. partner. and grammar, language, which
only. Is not easy to with a lot of impede
understand. errors. communication.
1.5 Completes all Speaks with Engages with Uses simple Generally
or most some confidence their partner, vocabulary and accurate, but with
aspects of the and is and makes an basic grammar some errors,
task. comprehensible. effort to structures especially in more
Some hesitation, communicate accurately. Uses advanced
but not enough effectively. Asks some more language.
to impede for their advanced
communication. partner’s vocabulary and
opinion and uses grammar
phrases for structures with
agreeing and

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disagreeing. errors.
2 Completes all Speaks with Engages fully Uses a wide A few mistakes in
aspects of the fluency, with with their range of more advanced
task and adds very little partner, using vocabulary language
more detail. hesitation. Is gestures and appropriately, structures, but
clear and intonation to and uses a wide generally very
comprehensible. help express range of accurate.
Uses some meaning. Uses a grammar
intonation to add wide range of structures
emphasis. expressions to accurately and
ask for their appropriately.
opinion and to
agree and

Task 2
Can justify and sustain views clearly by providing relevant explanations and arguments.

Students A and B
1 I think that for most people it’s more convenient to live in a city. Probably they can live close to their
job, so they don’t have to travel very far to work. And also there are lots more facilities in a city, like
sports centres, cinemas, things like that. In the countryside there isn’t much to do in the evening, and
you have to travel a long way to see your friends or go to a restaurant, that kind of thing.
2 I suppose the main advantage of living in the countryside is that it’s quiet and less stressful than in
the city. In a city there’s always noise and traffic, but in the countryside it’s much more peaceful. I
guess there’s also less pollution in the countryside because there aren’t so many cars. And maybe it’s
easier to get to know people like your neighbours in the countryside. I think that probably people are
more friendly.
3 I think people can work together to ask for better facilities in their town or city. For example, if there
isn’t a swimming pool, people could get together and sign a petition to ask their local government to
provide one. I think that also people can keep their city clean, and they can also organise social events
in their area, to bring people together.
4 I think for young people, the most important thing is places where they can go outside school, to
meet their friends. Of course, there are always lots of cafés and restaurants, but these cost money and
young people don’t usually have much money. So, things like youth clubs are very important. Young
people can go to a youth club to meet friends, and also to talk about their problems if they have any.
5 Well, I’m very sporty, so for me the best way to meet new people is to join a sports centre and
maybe join the local football team. That’s a really good way to meet people and make friends. For

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people who aren’t sporty, I guess they can go to a youth club or do some classes, like dance classes.
That’s a good way to meet people, and it’s fun, too.

The task is worth 10 marks. Award up to 2 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to
the descriptions below.

Mark Task Spoken Spoken Range Accuracy

s achievement production and interaction
0-1 Gives only Hesitates a lot Does not really Uses only very Lots of errors
short answers and does not engage with their basic vocabulary even in basic
to the seem confident. partner. Doesn’t and grammar, language, which
questions. Is not easy to respond to what with a lot of impede
Doesn’t understand. their partner says. errors. communication.
develop ideas
and doesn’t
1.5 Gives clear Speaks with Engages with Uses simple Generally
answers to the some confidence their partner to vocabulary and accurate, but with
questions, and and is some extent. basic grammar some errors,
develops some comprehensible. Agrees or structures especially in more
ideas with Some hesitation, disagrees, and accurately. Uses advanced
examples. but not enough may ask for the some more language.
Gives to impede listener’s opinion. advanced
opinions. communication. vocabulary and
structures with
2 Gives very full Speaks with Engages fully Uses a wide A few mistakes in
answers to the fluency, with with their partner, range of more advanced
questions, very little responding to vocabulary language
developing hesitation. Is what their partner appropriately, structures, but
ideas, clear and says by adding to and uses a wide generally very
expanding comprehensible. it or range of accurate.
through Uses some contradicting. grammar
examples and intonation to add Asks questions structures
expressing a emphasis. and asks for their accurately and
range of partner’s opinion. appropriately.

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