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Exercise 1: Group A Vocabulary

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Vocabulary and Grammar

Group A 3 up: If something winds you up, it makes you feel

4 in: To bring in a new rule or law means to introduce it and
Exercise 1 start using it.
1 Click: If you click on an icon, you move your mouse onto
5 away: To tear yourself away from a place means to leave
it and press a button, so that the program opens.
it when you do not really want to leave.
2 visit: To visit a website means to look at it online.

3 status: Your status on social media is a short comment

that gives information about you.

4 sedentary: A sedentary lifestyle is one in which you sit

down most of the time.

5 crucial: Something that is crucial is very important.

6 address: To address an issue means to deal with it.

7 comment: If you post a comment online, you write your

opinion about something.

8 diabetes: Diabetes is a medical condition in which your

body cannot deal with sugar very well.

9 obesity: Obesity is a medical condition in which someone

is very fat.
10 repetitive: A repetitive strain injury is an injury caused
by using the same part of your body over and over Exercise 4
again. 1 was sent: This is the correct passive structure.

2 can’t be seen: This is the correct passive structure.

Exercise 2 3 have been dealt with: This is the correct passive

1 odd: An odd number is one that cannot be divided by 2.
4 to be contacted: This is the correct passive structure.
2 revolutionise: To revolutionise something means to
change it completely.
5 being criticised: This is the correct passive structure.
3 line: To line someone’s pockets means to give them
6 were made to do: This is the correct passive structure.
money and make them rich.
7 were given to me: This is the correct passive structure.
4 top: If you stay on top of something, you keep it under
control. 8 am owed: This is the correct passive structure.

5 theory: A theory is an idea that explains something, but 9 have been stolen: This is the correct passive structure.
has not yet been proved.
10 not being taken: This is the correct passive structure.

Exercise 3
1 without: If you do without something, you manage without Exercise 5
it. 1 are said to be: This is the correct passive form. We use
there is/are + passive verb + to infinitive.
2 out: If you figure something out, you manage to
understand it.

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Vocabulary and Grammar

2 is thought to be planning: This is the correct passive 2 upload: To upload something means to put it onto the
form. Both verbs relate to the present time. Internet.

3 is expected to decrease: This is the correct passive form. 3 share: To share a link with someone means to send it to
Both verbs relate to the present or future time. them so that they can look at it.

4 is generally understood that: This is the correct passive 4 expense: If you do something at the expense of
form. The verb, understand, relates to the present, so something else, the other thing suffers because of what
we use a present passive form. We use It + passive you are doing.
verb + that.
5 fingertips: If something is at your fingertips, you have
5 is known to be: This is the correct passive form. Both easy access to it.
verbs relate to the present time.
6 track: If you lose track of time, you forget about what time
6 are believed to be: This is the correct passive form. We it is because you are busy.
use there is/are + passive verb + to infinitive.
7 post: If you post a comment, you add it to a website.
7 is thought to have started: This is the correct passive
structure. The verb think relates to the present, so we 8 insomnia: Insomnia is a medical condition which means
use a present passive, and the verb start relates to the that you cannot get to sleep at night.
past, so we use to + have + past participle.
9 joint: Joint pain is pain in the parts of your body where
8 could be argued that: This is the correct passive form. bones meet, for example in your hips, knees or ankles.
After a modal verb, we use be + past participle in the
Passive. 10 pressure: High blood pressure is a medical condition
that affects the way blood travels around your body.
9 is believed to have invented: This is the correct passive
structure. The verb believe relates to the present, so we
use a present passive, and the verb invent relates to the
past, so we use to + have + past participle. Exercise 2
1 track: If a device tracks something, it notices it and keeps
10 is thought to have been discovered by: This is the a record of it as it changes.
correct passive structure. The verb think relates to the
present, so we use a present passive, and the passive 2 knowledge: If you do something safe in the knowledge of
verb be discovered relates to the past, so we use to + something, you do it feeling relaxed because you know
have + been + past participle. something that reassures you.

3 frontier: The next frontier is the next big step forward in

science or technology.

4 artificial: Artificial intelligence is the ability that some

machines have to think and make decisions.

5 even: An even number is one that can be divided by 2.

Exercise 3
1 log: If you log on, you turn your computer on and start
using it.

2 into: To talk someone into something means to persuade

Group B
them to do it.

Vocabulary 3 out: If information comes out, it is made public.

Exercise 1
4 on: To focus on something means to concentrate on it.
1 follow: If you follow someone on Twitter, you regularly
read the things that they write.

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

Vocabulary and Grammar

5 on: To pull the plug on something means to stop using it 4 is thought to be:This is the correct passive form. We use
or stop making it available for people. there is/are + passive verb + to infinitive.

5 are considered to be: This is the correct passive form.

Both verbs relate to the present time.

6 are thought to have been involved: This is the correct

passive structure. The verb think relates to the present,
so we use a present passive, and the verb be relates to
the past, so we use to + have + past participle.

7 is believed to have spent: This is the correct passive

structure. The verb believe relates to the present, so we
use a present passive, and the verb spend relates to the
past, so we use to + have + past participle.

8 could be argued that: This is the correct passive form.

After a modal verb, we use be + past participle in the

9 are known to have taken: This is the correct passive

structure. The verb know relates to the present, so we
Grammar use a present passive, and the verb take relates to the
past, so we use to + have + past participle.
Exercise 4
1 was offered: This is the correct passive structure. 10 is thought to have been influenced by: This is the
correct passive structure. The verb think relates to the
2 couldn’t be repaired: This is the correct passive structure. present, so we use a present passive, and the passive
verb be influenced relates to the past, so we use to +
3 have been told: This is the correct passive structure. have + been + past participle.

4 to be interrupted: This is the correct passive structure.

5 being stroked: This is the correct passive structure.

6 were made to wait: This is the correct passive structure.

7 was sent to me: This is the correct passive structure.

8 were shown: This is the correct passive structure.

9 have been delivered: This is the correct passive


10 not being invited: This is the correct passive structure.

Exercise 5
1 is said that: This is the correct passive form. The verb,
say, relates to the present, so we use a present passive
form. We use It + passive verb + that.

2 are known to come from: This is the correct passive form.

Both verbs relate to the present time.

3 is expected to open: This is the correct passive form.

Both verbs relate to the present or future time.

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 4 PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

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