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eecoeeeoeoeoeeeenoonoeaeeoeaoeneoeoseeeaseeosneoeeo | Compettite advanlege sefew foot Hol alloo o Gompary i | Produce gout or eenfter beller of more cheaply lan de fale: thae Joc alno -te prestudtte ently generale more Gales or Superfor | he raugpina compaued to te mraukel “Pre Compelrtice advantages te allpluted to 0 vat vaety of (ooh handling , He qualely of product affenigs te and Caxborner genie . clude ost emuehare, dehsbultar ockonk, Aelleckual expe nakual verouce Rad ave sorkeled ‘from Compal examplet: +» Acer to ~toe- . tighly eldled labor + 4 udtque geograph e loastisn . . Aecon to new oF proprtetarny technolagy, + Abitrly 40 rranufach re produc: ied ek + Brand Fmage retegfAlPon « Aedverteg Conpetlte advarlare —Prmagh logeaes ee as ff a Gattma Sorfees The Compelrtve odvastage % oF by fe] yealey value , lows piicag or grealos kegs « Busrrertes are aliary, 17 eke adv tod ust cob Hem pact fro Searching lm a tonp lege el Rel at peduct oe Senice . 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EEE EE EE OSE SSO SSCHC KB BO® ot S©@eeaed Shepmenke ¢ advarlager ef voluwne ke counke \#) Gurhma Lenfte goals: “the Curhme Senfce which afuene He “ype % pcb tavfer ance ddleaked bythe Jn efpoeo! terpenes fratapoolaton Gyslem tonfflcules bo grerla Lenpebtitn an he martel plu , prente “4 cla Jucken 2 weducee) prea far prduol oe e@ee000 eoev0e000 00 C9 HOK9R9 HOH HOHFHOHKTHHBEBHA ee Rach anc Pall Yew ef Supply Chet : er a Cuppy chat aro Avded elo hoo lypex lepending custome: orden (pull) Rocese on ushether ley ue executed! respone tba on & awkerperhoo of turlomer orcler (pa). #) Rash views of Siply che term Ure path Supply chotfn ,-IRe cafes ase fen by long Prfeck ron curtoma demood Tr example: af the end qf he Summer Seas on, Clerteg brarcl, Hart to many) ackue rrere worm clothe - he ype af phattig, baoase Valuable tmates 01 @ haps pho-ter Jor ever @ the fine ont prpored hen wfeler om PO he Cermparion moot Heli needs % tre ard alto them tne pipe ad ole logrelns Ine ube ahve the vento « ore a mee ° unable meet barodl on push view Gomnelfmne le ete qe nh an beyh toventoy 4 ana ood oF poten: Ml proceu. "etd he Hl belches- Jn Ihe Ow Compares erophos3e on redutFag + alee) Hho YeoparsPrenais- “he pus 2 tet chan 8 ef ah d supp (7a "7 hair ger eat: atu wef ry te | e Unda Re pull Supply cham, the proces d monufackfing 2 Supplying i deco by achal custome demand. Ta Ke we Supply chen layrthe, @ avs @ acquired oo a necd—base- ‘The benefete 6) he up? q¢ e@ emard. “te prblen, ® lang Geld lex wastage % the care gf ave - lag to mel howera, @ chal He tempany argh rot fave enough a ° ° neg demards due -b Unfereteoo foc Be eanple, ” au san 7 al ordex hed eb neods. $5 Ps case, te bust ; sel oly ede pr eee ° epee ° , van + Supply choo calagralen pul the dear ? od mm ° padacken ord cxetsbulen % the fer i ony jas tre 9 yoo - Fen @ hokey recke Spply cha® % pean nae wes ard lew vaitalstPly y realucce lead Kime - chon & Cae she cant) reduce cot by ealleg rem fae cafely on pies ph.» pl hs tay , to make bee! use @f than - ee om a voy Conplos ratel of Medan cay Supt ee Tbe oleny of rel pred set fom gg we + end Caner . “he chee aidude : hep waht voll et gale an onder tb prure -the x fash x Rll Gea Jn veal He po bw Feeuet vely maletale . ¢x00 befove We + Dekmftting dhe atlabdly of yuo i Beskelotd pretucl Can lajm to be made Spot e@eeeveeoveoeoed00020009 e9OO9K9HOKHHOAOGHHHOHHOHHAHTHOKHHHGHHHDGHHOHBOBGH SH foo raw makBal Go be acquitted cheaply. + Roceusng vu matefalt a feckey . opel the ge products the Clep vats fem conpory 4 Company. - then the fawthed produc! @ —taten ba chnge aN a deslabulrer Jacstdy the pee (ae seed | ace 0 sired 8 a) eos Hee walmar! Ramage she mest Cuceut cheep 9 ee “Red doderve . ee qeote torducl a lol ¢ ree ee hh Sane fe enandh 2 Srenporale Mp dude: ecuen + best foo ph ogy ® y uncedawrly velabvely lov y Eeonemnie i Bea led tres : ie apply cht chucks dualron beat fe pl hates 4 erdude! v dqh un@c ae 7 Bele Supply Aa Smtinw t that lead tner- @rclide push Shradegy vsage eq coment 1 Supply Het platig r feng desm chalegtes Publ thategy wage veqcsroment dude : yor Y order fufelimen prceter + Cutlome velabtorabep management ee ne lamlmemeleaklaeaklmeale

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