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Reading, Mind Mapping, and Sharing (RMS) : Innovation of New Learning Model On Science Lecture To Improve Understanding Concepts

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Journal for the Education of Gifted Young

Scientists, 7(2), 323-340, June 2019

e-ISSN: 2149- 360X

Research Article

Reading, Mind Mapping, and Sharing(RMS):

Innovation of New Learning Model on Science
Lecture to Improve Understanding Concepts
Received: 28 May 2019 Accepted: 18 June 2019
The course of science is considered to boring and difficult course to be
understood by students of science education program. The aims of this research
are examine the effect of RMS learning model in mastering the students
concepts; 2) examine the effect of difference academic ability in mastering
students concept; 3) examine the effect of interaction between RMS learning
model and different academic abilities on mastering students concepts. The
method of this research is using quasi experimental design method with pretest
and postest of non equivalent group design with factorial 2x2. The instrument of
this study was essay test with high level of reliability 0.712. The Essay Test was
developed based on Bloom’s taxonomy i.e. remember, understand, apply,
analyze, evaluate, and create. The data analysis used ANCOVA. The result
showed that the average score for posttest in RMS learning model with high and
low academic level are higher than posttest in conventional class with high and
low academic level. The result of mastery of students concepts are higher,
16.233 compared to conventional learning models.
Basic Concepts of Science, RMS Learning Model, Understanding Concepts

To cite this article:

Muhlisin, A. (2019). Reading, Mind Mapping, and Sharing (RMS):
Innovation of New Learning Model on Science Lecture to Improve
Understanding Concepts. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young
Scientists, 7(2), 323-340. DOI:
1 UniversitasTidar, Magelang, Central Java, OrcidNo:
Reading, Mind Mapping … 324

Human resources are important asset of a nation to be able to maintain its
existence towards various countries. The quality of human resources is a
challenge that must be faced in this 21 st century and in the next centuries. This
challenge has no boundaries of time and does not see the origin of a country.
The nation having the superior and high quality human resources and will win
the global competition. Therefore, the paradigm of quality education system
needs to be a priority in order to support the development of the resources of a
The improvement/evaluation of the education system continues to be
pursued in order to achieve maximum learning objectives. The success of
education is influenced by the level of professionalism of lecturers in teaching,
the assessment process (Morrison, 2012), quality of teaching showed with
teaching techniques (Nor & Mahamod, 2014), and the readiness of the students
in following the learning activities (Uzaimi, 2012). The indicators of learning
success can be seen from the level of students’ concept understanding once they
finish the learning process (Muhlisin et al., 2016b).
Concept understanding is the ability to grasp the meaning of the material
being learned or the results of the learning process. The ability is described as
the ability to make outline the main idea of a reading passage, to change the
data presented in a particular form into another form, to make an estimation of
the trend in the specific data like charts (Hadi et al., 2013). The ability is
reflected from the ability to master the subject content, as determined for a
particular subject.
Concept understanding is associated with the cognitive processes of person.
The levels of cognitive processes in the bloom taxonomic revised version
include remembering (C1), understanding (C2), applying (C3), analyzing (C4),
evaluating (C5), and creating (C6) (Krathwohl, 2002: 215). Concept
understanding of each student varies. Some students can understand the material
thoroughly, and some others cannot understand anything of what they have
learned, so that their achievement is only limited to recognizing and
experiencing learning it (Muhlisin et al., 2016b).
Concept understanding has an important and strategic position in the
learning activities because it is not only a reconstruction the meaning of
relationships, but also a process of assimilation of knowledge that has been
previously owned. Students should have an understanding of the concept
because the concepts are the basis for higher mental processes in the
formulation of principles and generalizations to solve a problem (Mauke, 2013).
The objective of concept understanding is students can remember the concepts
which are already taught longer (Smarabawa et al., 2013). The efforts to make
the learning outcomes lead to understanding are that the learning process should
emphasize on the significance,


and the activeness of learners in learning activities (Muhlisin, 2012), and

involves thinking processes (Rohana, 2009).
Learning success is generally measured by the degree of students’ ability in
mastering the concepts or as a reference in determining the students’
achievement. It is a fact that the concept understanding of the students who take
the basic concept of science course in the undergraduate program of Elementary
School Teacher Education at University of PGRI Semarang in the academic
year 2014/2015 has not fully reached high and very high qualification.
Moreover there are 29.5% of students who are in the low category (Muhlisin et
al., 2016b). These facts indicate that the learning results are not achieved
optimally. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the students’ concept
understanding in order to raise the students’ ability.
The factors affecting the lack of the concept understanding are that the
students are less prepared to follow the learning process that includes methods,
strategies, and the learning models do not facilitate the students to be involved
actively in learning process. Learning models and learning strategies are for
learning outcomes (Muhlisin et al., 2016). The 71.4% of dominant learning
methods or models used in the learning process of the basic concepts of science
courses are student presentations, question and answer, and discussion.
Learning activities are dominated by some of the students in each group who
were active in discussions and asking questions, and the lack of concept
understanding among group members in the presentation of material in front of
the class (Muhlisin et al., 2015). The learning model has an effect on the
achievement of the learning objectives (Muhlisin, 2012).
The success of person's learning can also be affected by the academic ability.
Academic ability can categorized into three categories, i.e. high academic
ability, medium academic ability, and low academic ability. Each category has a
difference of length of time in understanding the concept of a particular
material. In the learning the basic concepts of science class, it showed that the
lecturer did not pay much attention of the students’ various academic ability in
the learning process. The effect of the learning strategy or model and learning
media to the variety of academic ability got less attention from the lecturer, so
that the students’ academic abilities are unlikely to improve despite the
implementation of innovative learning (Muhlisin et al., 2018). This idea is
similar to the Bahri et al. (2012) stating that academic abilities have received
less attention from educators. This is shown that some educators tend to pay
attention to the class as a whole, not as individual or group, so that the
differences of each individual received little attention. Students having low
academic ability will succeed in achieving a particular cognitive target similar
to the students having high academic ability if they are given more time
(Mumpuniet al., 2012).
Reading, Mind Mapping … 326

Related to problems which explained above, concept understanding and

academic ability require more attention in the learning process, so that learning
objectives can be fully achieved. The learning process is associated with
learning model used in the teaching and learning process. The learning model
functions as a guide for teachers and educators in implementing the learning
process in order to achieve the learning objectives (Komalasari, 2011). The
learning model pays attention on rationale of theoretical, objectives, and
outcomes to be achieved. The learning model has five basic elements according
to Joyce et al. (2011), namely 1) syntax, the operational steps of learning, 2)
social system, the atmosphere and norms in learning, 3) principles of reaction,
depicting how educators should view, treat, and respond to learners, 4) support
system, all the facilities, materials, tools, or a learning environment that
supports learning, and 5) instructional and nurturant effects, the learning results
obtained directly based on the targeted objectives (instructional effects) and the
learning results beyond the targeted objectives (nurturant effects).
Based on the ideal conditions/expectations, the empirical phenomenon, and
theory above, it can be said there has been a gap between expectation and the
reality in the field. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a creative and
innovative learning model that can improve students’ concept understanding
and able to equalize the concept understanding between students having high
academic ability and the students having low academic ability in the basic
concepts of science course.
RMS Learning Model
One of the attempts to improve the quality of human resources in order to be
able to compete in the 21st century is through a learning innovation by applying
the RMS learning model. The RMS learning model is based on the principles of
21st century learning suggested by UNESCO, constructivism, collaborative, and
connectivity learning theories. The steps of the RMS learning model are: 1)
reading: students read critically related to certain topics obtained through
various information or learning resources; 2) mind map: students create mind
maps related to topics that have been read individually and in collaborative
groups; 3) sharing: students share mind maps to all students.
Many previous educational research results related to the steps in the RMS
learning model indicate that RMS learning model can improve the mastery of
the concepts of students with different academic abilities. Through reading
activities, the students are expected to have readiness in learning. The students
are required to read critically and understand the concepts in their reading
material through various learning or information sources. The research
conducted by Sofiya (2014)
327 Muhlisin

states that critical reading will form a comprehensive understanding so that it

will be stored longer in the brain, rather than just memorizing facts.
After reading activities, the next step is then creating mind map of
individuals and groups with collaborative principles. A study by Wigiani et al.
(2012) shows that mind map activities are able to increase mastery of concepts
and learning achievements. The results of the study by Sutami et al., (2013),
show that collaboration is able to foster a sense of responsibility in learning in
understanding the concept of material. The results of a study by Suparno (2012)
state that collaboration with the peer tutorial is able to improve upper and lower
academic abilities.
The last step is sharing by presenting the results of their collaborative
groups’ mind map in front of the class. Social interaction reflected in the
feedback is needed at this stage because each other will carry out the evaluation
and reflection process. The process of evaluation and reflection is a process of
social interaction that will cause a very effective effect in a short time in
understanding a concept, both in aspects of academic learning and aspects of
skills (Joyce et al., 2011).
RMS learning model includes learning phases, lecturer’s activities, and
students’ activities, as shown by the table 1 below:
Table 1.
Activities based on RMS Learning Model
Learning Phase Lecturer’s Activities Students’ Activities
 
Pre-Activity Greet and pray. Respond greeting and pray.
 
Check students’ presence. Respond the presence

Communicate or explain honestly and with
learning outcomes, responsibility.

learning objectives, and Listen to the explanation on
learning rules. learning outcomes, and

Motivate and encourage learning rules.

students’ curiosity related Focus on the learning
to the topic given. process, dig and evaluate

Distribute and explain what they want to know.

instructions of student’s Focus on student’s activity
activity sheet and assign sheet given.
them to work based on the
Main Activity
 
Reading Guide students in critical Read critically related to
reading related to a specific topic/ material.
specific topic or material.
Reading, Mind Mapping … 328

 
Mind map Assign students to create Create mind map
mind map individually individually related to the
related to the information information they have read
they have read before. before.
 
Associate students in Create a heteregenous
heterogeneous groups. group consisting of 4-6

Assign students to create students.

mind map colaboratively Create mind map
colaboratively based on
based on the information the
they have read before and information they have read
their individual mind map. before and their individual

Facilitate students to mind map.

conduct a collaborative Communicate their ideas on
mind map in a
discussion in creating collaborative
mind map with their discussion .
 
Sharing Facilitate each group to Present their group work
present their group work (mind map) infront of the
(mind map) infront of the class in discussion.

class in discussion. Give a feedback/

Give motivation to suggestion/ question to the
students to give feedback group who is doing the
by responding the group presentation.

who is presenting their Focus on the feedback,
work. reinforcement, and

Give feedback, confirmation given by the
reinforcement, and lecturer.
confirmation towards the
material/ topic given
through various learning
 
Post-Activity Lead students to pray and Pray before the learning is
say greeting. over and respond to the


Research Design
The research was conducted in the Undergraduate program on the basic concept
of science course. The research design used quasi-experimental design with
pretest and postest non-equivalent group research design with 2x2 factorial
design. The procedure of the Quasi-experimental is shown in Table 2.
Table 2.
The Implementation Procedures of the Experimental Research

Pretest Treatment Posttest

O1 A1BI O2
O3 A1B2 O4
O5 A2B1 O6
O7 A2B2 O8
O1, O3, O5, O7: pretest scores
O2, O4, O6, O8: posttest scores
A1: Lecture with RMS learning model
A2: Lecture with conventional learning model
B1: A group of students having high academic ability
B2: A group of students having low academic ability
The study groups were determined according to academic ability which was based on
students' Grade Point of odd semester of academic year 2014/2015 that divided into
three items, namely high ability (HA), moderate ability (MA), and low ability (LA). The
students in high ability and low ability groups were examined in this research. The high
ability student group was considered as 33.3% of the students on the top of the list
based on the Grade Point (GP). The low ability student group was considered as 33.3%
of the students on bottom of the list based on the Grade Point (GP). The participants of
this study were students who receive the basic concepts of science subject. There were
418 students which divided into 9 classes. Cluster random sampling technique was
applied and chosen two classes at random as participants: 2A class (class
control/conventional class) consisted of 45 students where 15 students were at high
academic ability (HA) and 15 students were at low academic ability (LA), and2C class
(experimental class/classroom learning using RMS model) consisted of 48 students
where 16 students were at high academic ability (HA) and 16 students were at low
academic ability (LA).
Reading, Mind Mapping … 330

The test are in the form of essay and developed based on Bloom’s taxonomy
which refer to Krathwohl (2001:215), that is remember (C1), understand (C2),
apply (C3), analyze (C4), evaluate (C5), and create (C6). The research
instruments were sheet. A concept understanding test in the form of essay is
consisting of 18 test items. The concept understanding test was assessed based
on a scale score of 0-4. The reliability level of the concept understanding test
was quite high 0.712.
Data Analysis
The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics technique and inferential
statistical parametric techniques. Descriptive analysis technique was to describe
the data about the students’ concept understanding. The parametric inferential
statistical analysis in this experimental research used Analisys of covariance
(ANACOVA) with the analysis program SPSS 20 for Windows.

The data of mastery students’ concept in detail can be seen in Figure 1.

90 Score of Mastery Students’ Concept 83,98

80 74,78

70 61,01 58,31
49,88 48,22 47,49

Average pretest Average posttest
Conventional high academic ability
Conventional low academic ability
RMS Learning Model high academic ability
RMS Learning Model low academic ability

Figure 1.
The Average Score of Pretest and Posttest of Mastery Students Concept.

The data above then is analyzed by using ANCOVA test. The data is
previously analyzed by using normality and homogeneity of variances test. The
test of normality and homogeneity of variances can be seen in table 3 as


Table 3.
The Result of Test Normality and Homogeneity of Variance of Score of Mastery
Test df sig. Criteria Result
Test of Normality 62 0,200 ρ ≥0,05 Normal
Test of Homogeneity of 60 0,094 ρ ≥0,05 Homogen

Based on the result in table 3, in test of normality, there is signigficane more

than 0,05, which is 0,200, which means the data was distributed normally. In
homogeneity variances, the significance score is greater than 0,05, which is
0,094, which means that the data is homogenous. It showed that the data of the
research can be continued to ANACOVA test. The summary of ANACOVA
test of the effect of treatment on mastery students’ concept can be seen in Table

Table 4.
The Result of Anacova Test of Effect of Treatment on Mastery Students’ Concept.
Sum of
Data Source df of F Sig.
Pretest 793.128 1 793.128 17.323 .000
Learning model 4199.444 1 4199.444 91.719 .000
Academic 117.712 1 117.712 2.571 .114
Learning model * academic 12.420 1 12.420 .271 .605
error 2609.797 57 45.786
∑ 310348.250 62

On the data source of the learning model, the alpha level is 0.05 with dfl = l
and df2 = 57 obtained Ftable of 4.01. From Table 4, the score of
Farithmetic>Ftable is 91.719> 4.01 and the sig. score is 0,000 <0,05. This
means that H0 is rejected or states that there is a significant difference in the score of
mastery of concepts between students who are taught by using RMS learning model
and conventional learning models. Furthermore, the analysis which held to find out
which learning is better between the two learning models applied, is conducted the
Parameter Estimates test. The test results can be seen in Table 5.
Reading, Mind Mapping … 332

Table 5.
The ResultofEstimates Parameter of Posttest Mastery
Parameter B Std. error t sig t-table
Constanta 55.697 4.768 11.682 .000 1,67
Pretest .391 .094 4.162 .000 1,67
(Model=1) -16.223 2.433 -6.668 .000 1,67
(Model=2) 0a . . .

Based on table 5 in column B, the score for model 1 is -16,223. It means that
if students are taught by using model 2 (RMS learning model), then the result of
mastery of students concept will be more than 16,233 compared with those who
are taught with model 1 (conventional model learning). It is also proven with
sig. score 0,000<0,05 or tarithmetic˃ttable are 6,668 > 1,67. The difference can be
seen from the average mastery of concept and the result of calculation of gain,
as stated in Figure 1 which showed that the average score of posttest of RMS
learning model for low and high academic ability is higher than average score
of posttest conventional class for low and high academic ability. It is also
supported with the result of normalized gain analysis which can be seen in
Table 6.

Table 6.
The Comparison of Normalized Gain Analysis of Score of Mastery
Class N Gain Category
Pretest Postest
Conventional high academic ability 49,88 61,01 0,21 Low
Conventional low academic ability 48,22 58,31 0,18 Low
RMS Learning Model high 56,37 83,98 0,63 Average
academic ability
RMS Learning Model low 47,49 74,78 0,51 Average
academic ability
Conventional 49,05 59,66 0,20 Low
RMS Learning Model 51,93 79,38 0,57 Average

Based on Table 6, the top normalized gain is shown in the RMS Learning
Model high academic ability and the lowest is shown in the Conventional
Learning Model low academic ability. Overall, RMS Learning model showed
greater normalized gain score than conventional learning model. It shows that
the RMS learning model has potential to improve the mastery of students
concept in which the improvement score of RMS learning model is higher than
conventional learning model.


The test to determine the influence of academic ability on mastery of student

concepts can be seen in Table 6. At the source of academic ability, alpha level
0.05 with df1=1 and df2 = 57, the F table is 4,01. The value of F arithmetic˂ Ftab1e is
2,571 ˂ 4,01, and the value of sig. is 0,114 ˃ 0,05. It means that H0 is accepted
or stated that there is no effect of academic ability on mastery students concept
so that the students who have high academic ability are not always get better
mastery concept than low academic ability.
While the test to determine the interaction of learning model with academic
ability can be seen in table 3. In the source of learning model*academic ability,
alpha level 0.05 with df1=1 and df2 = 57, the F table is 4,01. The value of F
arithmetic˂ Ftab1e is 0,271 ˂ 4,01, and the value of sig. is 0,271 ˃ 0,05. It means that

H0 is accepted or stated that there is no interaction effect of learning models and

academic ability on the mastery of students concepts so that RMS learning
model can be applied in all academic level both high and low level.

The development of RMS Learning model based on the principles of
constructivism learning theory, so that the learners as independent learners can
be realized. The learning implementation in accordance with the concept (Joyce
et al., 2011) of constructivism is that in the learning process the brain stores
informations, processes it, and changes previous conceptions. Knowledge is
obtained from the experience and interaction. People must actively build or
create their own understanding by synthesizing knowledge from various sources
(Zaibon & Shiratuddin, 2010).
Learning is not just a process of absorbing information, ideas, and skills
because new materials will be constructed by the brain. Knowledge is not only
transmitted by the teachers or parents, but learners must build and construct
their own knowledge, so that they respond to the existing information (Joyce et
al., 2011: 14). This is in line with Marzano (1992: 106) that the learning process
should be designed and managed to improve learners’ ability in organizing their
own experience to be a meaningful new knowledge. Related to constructivism,
it is clearly observable that the learner must build their own knowledge based
on their experience and manage their own thinking processes, not just passively
receive any information.
The social aspect is the basis for RMS learning model which refers to the social
cognition theory by Vygotsky that interpersonal interaction helps develop individual
knowledge. Having a social interaction with others can bring new ideas and improve
the intelligence of individuals (Joyce et al., 2011). It is in line with Fraser & Walberg
(1995) that any development of new concepts was not
Reading, Mind Mapping … 334

conducted in an empty space but in a social context, in which the learners can
experience interactions with others to develop their ideas.
In the reading phase, the students are facilitated to prepare themselves to
follow the learning activity by critically reading the learning material from a
variety of learning resources. Reading activities aim at understanding new ideas
in a written form. This information is consistent with the research by Kirmizi
(2015) that the readiness to learn has a positive effect on motivation and
learning success. Similarly, the research results by Fu et al. (2014) found that
the reading strategies can improve understanding of a concept or a topic.
After the students get the information from a variety of learning resources,
the students make a mind map individually and collaboratively in groups. Mind
mapping activities either individually or in groups require the students to be
able to understand and remember the material they read, and then express it in
writing. Umar & Ahmad (2010) mention that the communication in group
discussions could encourage problem solving and able to improve the thinking
process. This idea was supported by the research results by Gan & Hong (2010)
that learning with peer tutors could improve achievement compared to the
conventional learning.
The mind mapping activity either individually or collaboratively focus the
students on organizing meaningful information and provide an opportunity to
review the information obtained. It allows the students to understand the basic
idea of the content and connect it with the other ideas, so that students
understand a concept well. This idea was supported by the research results by
Long & Carlson (2011) that mind mapping can help in achieving a greater
understanding of the learners than the traditional note-taking and can control in
forming a meaningful connection of the content, so that students can understand
a concept well. Similarly, according to Tungprapa (2015), the implementation
of mind maps makes the learners understand the content more easily,
understand the connection among content and memorize the overall concept.
The final phase of RMS learning model is sharing. This activity facilitates
the interaction with each other in presenting the results of their mind maps. This
phase allows the process to better understand a concept and connect it with one
another that is not yet understood. The final part of sharing phase is the
confirmation process by the lecturers. This step aims at clarifying concepts that
the students do not understand, or they misunderstand. This confirmation
process enables the students to better understand the concepts and to straighten
any miscconceptions the students previously had. This is in line with Ismawati
et al. (2014) that the activities of communication, interaction, and confirmation
from the teacher to the learners can make learning much more focused and help
to improve students’ concept understanding.


The social interaction in RMS learning model phase, such as group mind
mapping, and the social interaction defined in sharing phase which facilitates
the students to be able to understand a material comprehensively because it
gives the students opportunity to give feedback to each other, ask questions,
answer questions, express opinions among group members in the discussion.
Thus, it facilitates in understanding a particular concept that is not yet
An important finding of this research is that the increase of the students’
concept understanding was also influenced by their intrinsic motivation in the
form of pleasure, or students’ response of the implementation of the learning
model which was relatively new to them, so that their concept understanding
increased. These results are supported with the results of observations
conducted by the observer during the research. It was observed that the students
felt happy, did not get bored and looked excited during the learning process
because in mind mapping consist of color, symbols and short words, so that it
made easier for the students to understand, memorize, and recall. This is in line
with Imad & Utomo (2012) stating that drawing with symbols and colors is able
to make learners feel happier, so that the learners can understand a particular
material better. According to Oren & Meric (2014), learning taught by
describing concepts can make the students feel happy and motivated in learning
that allows them to integrate the topic of science in everyday life. Lee & Pang
(2013) states that motivation can improve learning achievement.
The ANCOVA test is to know whether there is any significant effect of
academic ability on students’ concept understanding. The test results in Table 4
on the source of academic skills showed that the F value was 1.637 with a p-
value nigger than α 0:05 (p≥0.05) which was sig. 0.206. It means that there is
not any significant effect of students’ academic ability on their concept
understanding The division of the collaborative group of the mind mapping was
done by dividing a heterogeneous group members based on their academic
ability consisting of the high academic ability, medium academic ability, and
low academic ability, and the leader of the group was from the high academic
ability students.
The heterogeneous group division was intended to prevent domination by the high
academic students over the others, and so that there would be the interaction
between the high academic students and the low academic students so that the group
members cooperate to achieve their common goal. The research results by Ajaja &
Eravwoke (2010) state that the cooperative learning requires the social interaction in
the form of cooperation between one another, and encourages a discussion on a
certain learning material so that it can enhance the concept understanding among the
students having high academic ability and low academic ability. Similarly, Murdani
(2015) states that the peer tutorials make the learners feel actively involved in the
learning process, and they do not feel embarrassed in
Reading, Mind Mapping … 336

expressing their opinions or ideas to group members, so that an equal

distribution of knowledge in the learning process in the classroom activities
would be achieved.
The test is to see whether the interaction of learning model and academic
ability has any effect on the students’ concept understanding. The test results in
Table 4 on the source of the interaction of the learning model and academic
ability showed that the F value was 0.083 with a p-value bigger than α 0:05
(p≥0.05) with sig. 0.775. It means that the interaction of learning model and
academic ability does not have any effect on students’ concept understanding.
Thus, there is no significant effect of the interaction of the learning model and
academic ability on the students’ concept understanding.
The test results of the effect of the interaction between the learning model
and the academic ability on concept understanding show that there is not any
effect of the interaction. The results of this research are consistent with the
research results by Bahri et al. (2012) that there is not any effect of the
interaction between learning strategies and different academic abilities on
learning results. The findings of the research reveal that the RMS learning
model is able to minimize the distance of the concept understanding between
the students having high academic ability and the students having low academic
ability. RMS learning model is designed with a mix between individual
responsibility and social interaction that aims at equalizing between the high
academic ability and the low academic ability.
RMS learning model facilitates and requires the students to be actively
involved in preparing the study, searching, understanding the concept, and
reviewing the information that has been obtained. These stages describe that
students should be able to understand independently the material or concepts
that they have learned, so that each student has the responsibility of their own
concept understanding, so that each individual can be improved. This consistent
with the research by Kolloffel et al. (2011) that the activities of the mind
mapping individually or independently are able to improve the concept
understanding of the individuals in understanding a particular material.
The equality of students’ concept understanding was also influenced by the
activity of a collaborative discussion process in making mind mapping in a
group because the collaboration among group members can enhance the
responsibility of individuals and groups on the achievemens they get. This is in
line with the idea of Forte (2015) that the collaborative activity can improve the
responsibility of individuals or groups of the information obtained.

Conclusion and Recommendation

The conclusions which are gained from data analysis, result and discussion, are:
toward mastery
There is significance effect in applying RMS learning model
student concept;
337 Muhlisin

student concept;
There is no effect of difference academic ability toward mastery

differentThere is no interaction effect between RMS model learning and

academic ability toward student mastery concept.
It is suggested that RMS learning model needs to be implemented the RMS
learning model at both the elementary school and higher education, with other
the basic concepts of science course, and the implementation of the learning
syntax is both online as well as offline in the implementation of learning.
Biodata of the Author
Dr. Ahmad Muhlisin, M. Pd., is a Doktor ate of Biology
Education. He was born in Grobogan, Central Java, Indonesia.
He is a lecture in Natural Science Education in Universitas
Tidar. His research focuses on biology education, learning
innovation, 21st century learning model, science teaching,
critical thinking, metakognition, problem solving, and
Affiliation: Universitas Tidar, Magelang, Central Java,
Phone: (+62)81215524418

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