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Active Filtering Guide

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Power Quality Filter

Active Filtering Guide

ABB Jumet
We reserve all rigths in this document and in the information contained therein.
Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.
© Asea Brown Boveri Jumet S.A. (BE) 1999.

Part I: Harmonics and Power Quality 5

1. Introduction to harmonics 5
2. Harmonic sources 9
3. Harmonics and resonance 12
4. Reasons for limiting harmonics 16
5. Reducing the effects of harmonics 18

Part II: The PQF 21

1. General principle of active filtering 21
2. The ABB Active filter: the PQF 22
2.1. The compensating current generator 22
2.2. PWM principle 24
2.3. Control electronics 27
3. The PQF: performances 29
3.1. Filtering 29
3.2. Reactive power 31
3.3. Priorities / Filter mode 31
4. Protections and alarm 33
4.1. Protections 33
4.2. Alarm 33

Part III: Choosing and installing a PQF 35

1. PQF range and ratings 35
1.1. PQF systems up to 600V 36
1.2. PQF systems up to 1000V: PQFB 41
2. Programming the active filter 42
3. Choosing a PQF: selection guide 46
3.1. PQF selection guide: method 1 based on voltage THD 48
3.2. PQF selection guide: method 2 based on current THD 50
3.3. PQF selection guide: method 3 52
4. Installing a PQF 53
4.1. Location 53
4.2. Overvoltage 53
4.3. Connection 54
4.4. Operation 55
4.5. Maintenance 55

Part IV: PQF applications and practical examples 57

1. Electrolysis equipment 58
2. Induction heating 59
3. Cable car 60
4. Welders 61
Part I: Harmonics
and Power Quality

1. Introduction to harmonics.

Power system generators normally produce a of loads absorb non-sinusoidal current from the
clean sinusoidal waveform at their terminals. power system. As an example consider figure I.1
This sinusoidal waveform is regarded as the pure which shows a six-pulse thyristor bridge feeding
form of the AC voltage and any deviation from it a purely inductive load.
is described as distortion. More and more types

Figure I.1 Example of a load drawing a non-

sinusoidal current from the supply.

lline(t) = ?

Imagine that the thyristor bridge is connected
through a transformer to a clean sinusoidal
supply system. The frequency of this sinusoidal
voltage waveform is referred to as the
fundamental frequency ffund. Upon connection
of the load to the supply, a line current, denoted
as Iline(t), will flow. Figure I.2 shows an
approximation of the current waveform.

l(t) [A]
l line(t) sinusoidal component of lline(t) Figure I.2 Line current Iline(t) flowing in the
at the fundamental frequency: lfund(t)
supply branch of the six-pulse
thyristor bridge of figure I.1


l(t) [A]
Figure I.3 Comparison of the current

lfund(t) + H5(t)
waveform Iline(t) with the waveform
(Ifund(t) + H5(t))


From figure I.2 it may be seen that the current

Iline(t) deviates strongly from the sinusoidal
current waveform Ifund(t) and thus 'something'
needs to be added to this sinusoidal component
to obtain the current really flowing.

In order to derive what this 'something' is,

consider figure I.3 which shows the resulting
current waveform obtained by adding a
component H5(t) with a frequency equal to five
times the fundamental frequency to Ifund(t).

It can be seen in figure I.3 that the resulting In this, H7(t) refers to a current component with
waveform Ifund(t) + H5(t) resembles closer to the a frequency equal to seven times the
line current waveform Iline(t) than the waveform fundamental frequency. Figure I.4 shows the
Ifund(t) alone (Cf. figure I.2). Continuing this waveforms Iline(t) and H7(t) and the waveform
approach, one can also add a current waveform obtained by adding the current components
H7(t) to the already existing waveform Ifund(t), H5(t) and H7(t).
Ifund(t) + H5(t).

LS lfund(t) LTR ldist(t)

l(t) [A]

lfund(t) + H5(t) + H7(t)

Ufund(V) lH5(A) lH7(A)
f=ffund(Hz) f=5•ffund(Hz) f=7•ffund(Hz)

Supply system Transformer Load representation

representation representation at harmonic frequencies

TIME [S] Iline(t) : The line current flowing between the supply
and the load
Iline(t) = Ifund(t) + Idist(t)
Ifund(t) : The load current at the fundamental frequency,
determined by the supply system impedance, the
transformer impedance and the load impedance at
the fundamental frequency.
Figure I.4 Comparison of the current Idist(t) : The distortion current (i.e. harmonics) generated by
the load
waveform Iline(t) with the waveform
(Ifund(t) + H5(t) + H7(t))

Figure I.5 Schematic representation of the

harmonic flow for the thyristor
bridge load of figure I.1

By adding the waveform H7(t) to the waveform Ifund(t) + H5(t), the resulting waveform resembles
even more to the line current Iline(t) than it was the case for the addition of only Ifund(t) and H5(t). It
may be shown that by adding still more current components Hi(t), each at a particular integer multiple
of the fundamental frequency, to the sinusoidal component Ifund(t) one may obtain the same
waveform as the measured line current Iline(t).

The current components H5(t), H7(t), ... which have to be added to the fundamental current Ifund(t) in
order to compose the line current actually flowing, Iline(t), are referred to as the integer frequency
harmonic components of the current or simply 'harmonics'. They exist at frequencies which are
integer multiples of the fundamental frequency. Since it was assumed that the thyristor bridge is
connected to a clean sinusoidal voltage at a fundamental frequency, it may be concluded that the load
is the source of the harmonics. More specifically, the load is injecting current harmonics into the
supply system. This is schematically represented in figure I.5.

It should be noted that not all type of loads inject harmonics into the supply system. Section 2 gives
some characteristic load types and discusses typical harmonic components to be expected.

While in the preceding figures the line current and its harmonic components have been represented
by time domain waveforms, it is easier and more common to represent the harmonics by means of the
current spectrum. This spectrum shows for each harmonic frequency the magnitude of the
corresponding harmonic component present in the current analysed. Possibly, the magnitude of the
harmonic components is expressed as a percentage of the magnitude of the fundamental component.
The horizontal axis shows generally the harmonic order, which is given by the ratio of the harmonic
frequency over the fundamental frequency.

l(t) [A]

|I(f)| [% of the fundamental]





TIME [S] 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 25
Harmonic order [-]

Figure I.6 Representation of the current harmonics in the time domain (left)
and in the frequency domain (spectrum) (right)

Next to the integer frequency harmonic components discussed above, there also exists a class of
harmonics which are not situated at integer multiples of the fundamental frequency. They are referred
to as interharmonics. A typical example of a load producing interharmonics is a cycloconverter. This
device generates at its output a waveform with a variable frequency which can be used to drive e.g. a
synchronous motor. The cycloconverter output frequency is situated in the low frequency range, e.g.
up to 15 Hz. It should be noted that in general the magnitude of the interharmonic components
present in the low voltage networks is negligible. Therefore, they are not further discussed.

2. Harmonic sources.

Historically, harmonics were mainly caused by magnetisation non-linearities. As an example, figure I.7
shows the magnetisation characteristic of a transformer.

Figure I.7 Illustration of the non-linear

~o| [Wb]
magnetisation characteristic of a o| (t)
~U [V]


~l [A]

When applying a purely sinusoidal voltage source (and thus a purely sinusoidal flux) to a transformer
operating in its non-linear region, the resulting magnetising current is not sinusoidal (Cf. I(t) in figure I.7).
The resulting current waveform contains a variety of odd harmonics of which the third one is the most
dominant. It should be noted that the magnetising current is in general a small percentage of the trans-
former's rated current and as such its effect becomes less pronounced as the transformer is more loaded.

At present, power electronics based equipment is the main source of the harmonic pollution in the
low voltage network. Examples of such equipment include drives, UPS's, welders, PCs, printers etc.
In general, the semiconductor switches in this equipment conduct only during a fraction of the
fundamental period. This is how such equipment can obtain their main properties regarding energy
saving, dynamic performance and flexibility of control. However, as a result a discontinuous current
containing a considerable amount of distortion is drawn from the supply. Next are given some typical
load arrangements and the resulting harmonic distortion.

• Single-phase rectifier with smoothing capacitor (figure I.8).

Figure I.8 Single-phase rectifier with

lline(t) smoothing capacitor
DC output
AC supply feeding the
v(t) remainder
of the circuit

This circuit topology is present in many supplies The current waveform contains a considerable
of single-phase devices such as computers, amount of odd harmonics, the magnitude of
printers and fluorescent lighting systems. The which may be higher than the fundamental
current drawn from the supply is characterised current component. While the devices using this
by a sharp current rise and fall during only a circuit topology generally have a small power
fraction of the fundamental period. Typical rating, an increasing number of them are being
voltage and current waveforms are presented in used. This may result in an excessive amount of
figure I.9. harmonic current flowing in the feeding
transformer and the supply lines.

Figure I.9 Supply voltage and current
waveforms characterising the single-
phase rectifier bridge with
lline(t) smoothing capacitor

• Six-pulse bridges.
Six-pulse bridges are commonly used in three phase power electronic based equipment such as drives
(AC and DC) and UPS's. The switches used can either be controllable (e.g. IGBTs, thyristors,...) or
uncontrollable (diodes). Depending on the equipment, the DC side of the bridge is connected to a
smoothing capacitor, a smoothing inductor or both. Figure I.10 (a) shows the circuit topology for a
diode bridge with a smoothing reactor and figure I.10 (b) shows the topology for a diode bridge with
a smoothing capacitor.


lline(t) lline(t)

supply supply

(a) (b)
Figure I.10 Circuit topology of a three phase diode bridge with (a) a
smoothing reactor and with (b) a smoothing capacitor

Figure I.11 (a) shows a typical waveform of the line current drawn by the circuit having a smoothing
reactor and figure I.11 (b) shows a typical waveform of the line current drawn by the circuit with a
smoothing capacitor.

lline(t) lline(t)

t t

(a) (b)
Figure I.11 Line current waveforms of a six-pulse diode bridge with (a) a
smoothing reactor and (b) a smoothing capacitor

It may be shown that the current drawn by a six-pulse bridge contains harmonics of the order
n = (6.i ± 1) where i is an integer greater or equal than 1. Thus the line current contains harmonics of
the order 5, 7, 11, 13, ....

For a six-pulse diode bridge having a large smoothing reactor, the magnitude of the harmonics is
approximated by the expression
|In|≈ (1)

where: |In| : The magnitude of the harmonic with order n

|Ifund| : The magnitude of the fundamental component
n : The order of the harmonic

E.g. the 5th harmonic will have a magnitude equal to about 20 % of the fundamental component.
Six-pulse bridges which do not have a smoothing reactor or a rather small one will produce much
higher harmonic currents than predicted by Eqn. (1).

It should be noted that when the supply voltage is unbalanced, triplen harmonics will also be present
in the line current.

• Welders.
A variety of welder types exist. Many of them are of the single-phase type and are connected
between two phases. They are principally sources of odd harmonics, including the third.

3. Harmonics and resonance.

From the preceding sections it may be concluded

that a lot of the equipment found in modern
electrical installations can be considered as
harmonic current sources. The currents are
injected into the supply system and give rise to
voltage harmonics. This can be understood by
considering the following electrical installation
and its equivalent diagram for one harmonic
frequency. In the following discussion it is
assumed that the supply voltage is initially not

Supply LS LTR

VH5–Supply VH5–Busbar


Supply Transformer Drive

(a) Single line diagram of the installation (b) Equivalent diagram for one harmonic frequency

Figure I.12 Single line diagram of an installation containing a drive and the corresponding equivalent
diagram for one harmonic frequency

The plant considered in figure I.12 has one drive that is connected through a transformer to the
medium voltage supply. In the equivalent scheme for the harmonic evaluation the supply is modelled
by an impedance ZS = j.ω.LS where LS is inversely proportional to the system fault level. The
transformer is modelled by its an impedance ZTR = j.ω.LTR. In these expressions j denotes the
complex operator. For simplicity, the resistive part of the supply system and the transformer are
ignored. The drive is injecting a 5th harmonic current IH5. Applying Ohm's law to the equivalent
circuit allows for the determination of the resulting harmonic voltage at the busbar VH5_Busbar and at
the primary of the transformer VH5_Supply, i.e.

VH5_Busbar = (ZTR + ZS).IH5 (2)

VH5_Supply = ZS.IH5 (3)

From Eqs. (2) and (3) it may be concluded that the harmonic current injected by the drive gives rise to
a distortion of the busbar voltage and the supply voltage. This may affect other loads that are
connected to the same busbar or neighbouring plants which are connected to the same supply.

In many industrial plants capacitor banks are often present for reactive power compensation purposes.
Imagine that this is the case in the plant discussed in figure I.12. Figure I.13 (a) shows the revised
single line diagram and figure I.13 (b) shows the updated equivalent diagram.

Supply LS LTR

C f=5•ffund(Hz)

Supply Transformer Capacitor Drive

(a) Single line diagram of the installation (b) Equivalent diagram for one harmonic frequency

Figure I.13 Single line diagram of an installation containing a drive, a capacitor bank and the
corresponding equivalent diagram for one harmonic frequency

In this case, the harmonic current is injected into an impedance which consists of a parallel circuit of
reactors and a capacitor. The total parallel impedance is given by the expression

Zparallel = (4)

where: Zparallel : The parallel impedance of the reactors and the capacitor
ZS, ZTR : The supply and the transformer impedance respectively
ZC : The capacitor impedance, ZC =
In many cases the supply impedance is negligible compared to the transformer impedance and can be
omitted from Eqn. (4). In that case, the magnitude of the parallel impedance can be shown to be
given by Eqn. (5).
|Zparallel (ω)|= (5)
1-ω2 .LTR .C

From this expression it may be seen that there exists a frequency fr (with ωr = 2.π.fr) for which the
magnitude of the parallel impedance becomes theoretically infinite (denominator becomes zero). In
practice the magnitude at this frequency will be limited by the resistance of the circuit. Figure I.14
shows an example of an impedance versus harmonic order graph for a parallel impedance topology.

|Zparallel| [mΩ]
Figure I.14 Impedance versus harmonic order
400 graph for a parallel impedance



0 5 fr 10 15 20 25 30

Harmonic order [-]

In the example of figure I.14, the resonance frequency is situated near to the 7th harmonic. Noting
that the resulting voltage distortion at a particular harmonic frequency is the product of the injected
current and the impedance at that frequency, it may be concluded that the voltage distortion will be
very high when the parallel resonance is situated in a frequency range at which a large amount of
harmonic currents are injected. This is for instance the case for the application discussed (the drive
injects a considerable amount of 5th and 7th harmonic current and the resonance frequency is situated
around these frequencies). Since the voltage supply becomes heavily distorted, it may affect the
proper operation of the equipment being connected to the same supply (e.g. overvoltage on the
capacitors and the drives in the plant considered and possibly problems in neighbouring plants). In
order to predict possible problems when harmonic generating equipment is installed in plants at
which capacitors are present, it is useful to know the harmonic order at which a resonance exists.
Eqn. (6) gives a good approximation of this harmonic order:

SscT (6)
nr ≈

where: nr : Harmonic order at which a resonance exists

SscT : Short circuit power of the feeding transformer
SscT = ST/Ucc
where ST : Transformer power rating
Ucc : Transformer short circuit voltage
QC : The connected capacitive power

In the preceding discussion it was outlined that the harmonic currents generated by equipment in one
plant introduce voltage distortion on the supply to the plant. This distortion will increase if a parallel
resonance exists within the plant. Consider now another plant which is connected to the same
distorted supply. Suppose that this plant does not have any loads which produce harmonic currents
but it does have capacitor banks for reactive power compensation purposes. Figure I.15 (a) shows the
single line diagram of the plant considered (omitting the linear loads) and figure I.15 (b) shows the
equivalent diagram for harmonic studies, including the harmonic voltages present on the supply.

Distorted supply LS LTR IH



Supply Transformer Capacitor

(a) Single line diagram of the installation (b) Equivalent diagram for harmonic studies

Figure I.15 Single line diagram of an installation connected to a distorted supply

and which has a capacitor bank

In Figure I.15 (b) it can be seen that the harmonic voltages present on the supply give rise to
harmonic currents flowing into the plant. This current is given by Ohm's law:

IH = (7)

where: IH : The current at harmonic frequency H

VH : The voltage at harmonic frequency H
ZseriesH : The impedance at harmonic frequency H

From Eqn. (7) it is clear that the harmonic current flowing into the capacitor becomes very high if
the series impedance at the corresponding frequency is low. Eqn. (8) gives the expression of the
impedance as a function of the frequency ignoring the supply impedance and the resistance of the
1 2
|Zseries (ω)|= s d
ωLTR -
ωC (8)

This equation shows that a resonance frequency fr exists at which the series impedance becomes
theoretically zero. In practice, its value will be equal to the resistance of the circuit which tends to be
small. The resonance considered is referred to as a series resonance. Figure I.16 shows an example of
an impedance versus frequency graph for a series impedance topology.

|Zseries| [mΩ]

Figure I.16 Impedance versus frequency for a

series impedance topology

Frequency [Hz]

From the previous discussion it may be to this system. As a result, the capacitors and
concluded that the presence of a series resonance other elements of the installation may become
in the frequency range at which harmonic voltage overloaded and break down. The harmonic
components are present is likely to give rise to order at which a series resonance is introduced
excessive harmonic currents flowing into the when installing a capacitor bank in a plant can be
busbar system and into the capacitors connected found with Eqn. (6).

4. Reasons for limiting harmonics.

In the previous sections it was outlined that many loads inject harmonic currents into the supply.
These currents distort the supply voltage which may then give rise to harmonic currents at other
locations, even when at these locations no harmonics generating equipment is present. It was also
noted that resonance phenomena, e.g. introduced by the interaction between the (inductive) supply
system and capacitor banks, amplify the harmonic distortion when they occur around harmonic

Harmonic pollution causes a number of problems. A first effect is the increase of the RMS-value and
the peak-value of the distorted waveform. This is illustrated in figure I.17 which shows the increase of
these values as more harmonic components are added to an initially undistorted waveform.
The RMS-value and the peak-value of the undistorted waveform are defined as 100 %. The peaks of
the fundamental component and the distortion components are assumed to be aligned. It may be seen
that the distorted waveform which contains harmonics up to the 25th harmonic has a peak value which
is more than twice the value of the undistorted waveform and an RMS-value which is 10 % higher.

100 % H1 +33 % H3 +20 % H5 … + 4 % H25 Figure I.17 Evolution of the increase

in peak-value and the
RMS-value of a waveform
as more harmonic
components are added

Peak: 100 % 133 % 168 % 204 %

RMS: 100 % 105 % 108 % 110 %

The increase in RMS-value leads to increased heating of the electrical equipment. Furthermore, circuit
breakers may trip due to higher thermal or instantaneous levels. Also, fuses may blow and capacitors
may be damaged. kWh meters may give faulty readings. The winding and iron losses of motors
increase and they may experience perturbing torques on the shaft. Sensitive electronic equipment
may be damaged. Equipment which uses the supply voltage as a reference may not be able to
synchronise properly and either apply wrong firing pulses to switching elements or switch off.
Interference with electronic communications equipment may occur.

In installations with a neutral, zero phase sequence harmonics may give rise to excessive neutral
currents. This is because they are in phase in the three phases of the power system and add up in the
neutral. Figure I.18 shows an example of this phenomenon.

Zero-phase sequence harmonics with amplitude | I |

Figure I.18 Illustration of the addition of zero L1

phase sequence harmonics in the



Total harmonic current in the neutral: amplitude 3•| I |

The excessive neutral current problem is often found at locations where many single phase loads (e.g.
PC's, faxes, dimmers, ...) are used. The triplen harmonics produced by these loads are of the zero
phase sequence type.

Overall it may be concluded that an excessive amount of harmonics leads to a premature ageing of
the electrical installation. This is an important motivation for taking action against harmonics.

The harmonic pollution may only affect equipment in the polluting plant but may also disturb
equipment in other plants. In order to limit this disturbance, maximum allowable distortion limits
have been defined in standards and recommendations ([1] , [2]). Also, the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has issued technical reports (e.g. Ref. [3]) which outline assessment
procedures to determine whether distorting loads may be connected to the supply system. In many
cases, the regulations impose a limit for the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the voltage or current
present at the point of common coupling (PCC). The PCC is the location at which the plant is
connected to the public power system (generally at the primary of the main transformer(s)). The THD
expresses the relative importance of the harmonics with respect to the fundamental component. It is
calculated as

THD = 100 . 줤
(in %) (9)
where: THD : The total harmonic distortion of the waveform in %
C1 : The magnitude of the fundamental component
Ck : The magnitude of the harmonic components (k = 2,3,...)

The utilities may impose penalties on users which introduce to much harmonic distortion on the
supply. This is another motivation for taking action against harmonics.

5. Reducing the effects of harmonics.

A variety of solutions exist to limit the problems A solution aimed at protecting power factor
due to harmonics. correction banks is to include reactors in the
banks, this way increasing the total impedance of
One approach is to make structural modifications the units at harmonic frequencies and controlling
within the plant. These include the connection the resonance frequency.
of sensitive equipment to a clean part of the
network. One could also choose twelve pulse When the harmonic levels are too high, a
drives rather than six pulse drives. These harmonic filter solution is needed. Traditionally,
produce harmonics of which the order is given passive filters have been used but some
by the expression n = (12.i ± 1) where i is an problems are associated with them.
integer greater or equal than 1. Thus the line
current contains harmonics of the order 11, 13,
23, ... each with a magnitude
which is an improvement over the spectrum
generated by six pulse equipment.

Medium Voltage Network Low Voltage Network Transformer

Load generating harmonics

Other loads
MV net

Other Load
U MV distortion
loads generating


Figure I.19 Passive filtering of harmonics Figure I.20 Equivalent circuit for passive
harmonic filtering

A passive filter consists of a series circuit of reactors and capacitors. Harmonic currents generated by,
for example, a frequency converter are shunted by this circuit designed to have a low impedance at a
given frequency compared to the rest of the network.
Figure I.19 illustrates schematically the described function with a harmonic generator, an impedance
representing all other loads, a filter and a network. The equivalent circuit seen from the harmonic
generator modeled as a harmonic current generator is shown in figure I.20. It includes the medium
voltage network and some voltage distortion is represented by a harmonic voltage generator.

As the passive filters offer very low impedance at impedances in the network. As a result, the
the resonance frequency, the corresponding filtration level of a passive filter cannot be
harmonic current will flow in the circuit whatever controlled and its tuning frequency may change
its magnitude. Passive filters are then easily in time due to ageing of the components or
overloadable under which condition they will network modifications. The quality of the
switch off or be damaged. The overload may be filtration will then reduce.
caused by the presence of unforeseen harmonics
on the supply system or be caused by structural It is also important to note that a passive filter
modifications in the plant itself (such as the circuit may only filter one harmonic component.
installation of a new drive). A separate filter circuit is required for each
Passive filter provides always a certain amount of harmonic that needs to be filtered.
reactive power. This is not desirable when the
loads to be compensated are AC drives which In order to overcome the problems associated with
have already a good power factor. In that case traditional passive filters and in order to answer to
the risk of overcompensation exists as a result of the continuing demand for a good power quality,
which the utility may impose a fine. ABB has developed an active filter for low voltage
The degree of filtering of the passive filter is applications. The remainder of this document
given by its impedance in relation to all other discusses this active filter, denoted as PQF.


[1] IEEE Standard 519-1992, "IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in
Electric Power Systems", IEEE, New York, NY, USA, 1993.

[2] Recommendation G5/3, "Limits for Harmonics in the UK Electricity Supply System", The Electricity
Council Chief Engineers Conference, United Kingdom.

[3] Technical Report IEC 1000-3-6, "ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC) - Part 3: Limits - Section 6:
Assessment of emission limits for distorting loads in MV and HV power systems", International
Electrotechnical Commission, October 1996.

Part II: The PQF

1. General principle of active filtering.

The principle of active filtering is fundamentally generates actively a harmonic current spectrum
different from that of the passive filter. It was in opposite phase to the distorting harmonic
noted in part I that the passive filter is not current that was measured . The original
controlled and that the filtering is a result of the harmonics are thereby cancelled. The principle is
impedance characteristics. The active filter does shown in Figure II.1.
instead measure the harmonic currents and

only idistortion
Figure II.1 Principle of active filtering
Supply Load



The control of the active filter in combination filters also exist in series topology but there do
with the active generation of the compensating not offer the same advantage as the parallel
current allows for a concept that may not be topology: the connection is much less flexible, it
overloaded. Harmonic currents exceeding the has higher losses and is overloadable like the
capacity of the active filter will remain on the passive filter. From this point onwards, "active
network, but the filter will operate and eliminate filter" will only refer to the parallel topology.
all harmonic currents up to its capacity.
It can also be noted that the active filter we are The principle of active filter showing currents
considering here has a parallel topology. Active and spectra is clarified in Figure II.2.

Figure II.2 Active filter principle illustrated in

the time and frequency domain

Clean Active
= Load
current + filter

2. The ABB Active filter: the PQF.

As we have just seen, the active filter is basically a compensating current generator. The most important
parts are the current generator and the control system, which are detailed in the next sections.

2.1. The compensating current generator

The power circuit of the ABB active filter PQF is represented in figure II.3 hereafter.

Figure II.3 Electrical diagram of the PQF

Main Breaker


PWM Reactors

Voltage Source
The compensating current is in a first step Power semiconductors such as MOSFET’s and
created by a three-phase Insulated Gate Bipolar GTO’s might be considered, but today the
Transistors (IGBT) inverter bridge that is able to practical solution is always IGBT’s for the
generate any given voltage waveform with PWM discussed application.
(Pulse Width Modulation) technology. The IGBT The main reason for this choice is that IGBT’s
bridge uses a DC voltage source realised in the offer now relatively high switching frequencies
form of a DC capacitor. The inverter bridge is in (smaller than MOSFET’s but higher than GTO’s)
fact the same technology as the one used in AC that allow the generation of high frequency
drives. The generated voltage is coupled to the harmonics currents, and relatively low on-state
network via reactors and a small filter circuit. A losses (much smaller than MOSFET’s but higher
good approximation to the desired ideal current than GTO’s). Table II.1 summarises the principal
generator is achieved. characteristics of available power semi-
conductors and clearly shows that IGBT’s are the
best compromise between easy control and high
power at present.

Table II.1 Power semiconductors for active filters



The DC capacitors are loaded actively through the inverter bridge and there is no need for an external
power source. Obviously, the DC voltage level must always be higher than the peak value of the network
voltage in order to be able to inject currents to the network.
The PQF is also fitted with a preloading circuit dedicated to the DC capacitors. The function of this
preloading circuit is to avoid, at start-up when the capacitors are discharged, high inrush currents that
could damage the power electronics or create transients in the network.
The PWM reactors transform the voltage source inverter into a current source.
Finally the output filter absorbs the high frequency components introduced by the PWM switching action.

2.2. PWM principle

As mentioned earlier, the control of the inverter bridge is based on PWM (Pulse Width Modulation).
The PWM principle is explained step by step in this paragraph. It demonstrates how a DC voltage
source may be used to generate an AC signal with a controlled frequency. The load considered is an
RL circuit. In the case of the active filter, it is the PWM reactor.

Step 1
The RL circuit considered is first connected to a DC voltage source through a switch as shown in
figure II.4. When the switch is closed, the current rises exponentially towards the DC value determined
by the resistance of the circuit.


U Figure II.4 Pulse Width Modulation


R L Iout

The circuit in figure II.5 is obtained by connecting a free wheeling diode across the load.
When the switch opens, the reactor ensures the continuation of the current, which starts to decrease
exponentially through this diode.

Iout Figure II.5 Pulse Width Modulation :

Iout Free Wheeling Diode

D Time

If the switch is closed and opened in a controlled way, it is possible to control the average level of the
DC current flowing through the load. In case the period over which the switch is opened and closed is
constant, the duty cycle (δ) is defined as the time the switch is closed over the total period of time.
The average voltage seen by the load is then easily calculated by multiplying this duty cycle by the DC
voltage level as shown in figure II.6 for δ=0.5.

U δ=
TON + TOFF Figure II.6 Pulse Width Modulation :
Uout Duty Cycle

UoutDC = δU

In order to control the switch, a control signal has to be generated. As illustrated in figure II.7, the
control signal (in this case a voltage since IGBTs are voltage controlled) is obtained by comparing a
triangular waveform having a frequency fc (this signal is called the carrier) with the duty cycle δ.
Whenever δ has a higher value than the carrier, the control voltage is positive and the switch is on.
Whenever δ has a smaller value than the carrier, the control voltage is zero and the switch is off. If δ is
zero, the switch is always off and the output voltage (voltage on the load) is zero. If δ is 1, the switch
is always on and the output voltage is U. For values of δ between 0 and 1, the average DC voltage on
the load is δU.

Figure II.7 Pulse Width Modulation : Control signal 1 Carrier


Switch ON
Duty Cycle if VCTRL > 0

The frequency analysis of the output voltage (figure II.8) shows that harmonics of the carrier
frequency (or switching frequency) are added to the DC component (the average value).

Figure II.8 Pulse Width Modulation : Output voltage UOUT DC

f fc = Carrier Frequency

Step 2
It has been shown that it is possible to control the output voltage between 0 and U. With the
extension indicated in green in figure II.9, it is also possible to control the voltage between –U and U.

Figure II.9 Pulse Width Modulation : Improvements

U S+ 0 < Uout < U
S- -U < Uout < 0

The average value of the DC voltage depends now on the working cycles of the two switches.
A new definition of the duty cycle (δ) has to be considered and is specified in figure II.10. Let TS+on
be the time the positive polarity switch is on and TS-on the time that the negative polarity switch is on.
The two switches are never on or off together. If the positive switch is always on, δ equals 1 and the
average output voltage is U. If the negative switch is always on, δ equals –1 and the average output
voltage is –U. If the working cycles of the two switches are identical, δ equals 0 as is the average
output voltage. For any value of δ P [-1, 1], the average output voltage is δU P [-U, U].

S+ON δ=
Uout TS+ON + TS-ON Figure II.10

-1 < δ < 1 Duty Cycle : Improvements

-U < Uout = δU < U

As illustrated in figure II.11, the control signal of the switches is now generated by comparing the duty
cycle δ as defined above with a carrier having a triangular shape but values between –1 and 1.
For values of δ superior to the carrier, the voltage signal is positive and the positive polarity switch is on.
For values of δ inferior to the carrier, the voltage signal is negative and the negative polarity switch is off.

1 Carrier
Figure II.11 Control signal : Improvements

Duty Cycle S+ if VCTRL > 0
S- if VCTRL < 0

Step 3
Step 1 and 2 have demonstrated how it is possible to control the DC voltage. However, in case of the
active filter, an AC voltage needs to be created and controlled from a DC voltage source.
This can be achieved with a time varying duty cycle as is indicated in figure II.12. Any duty cycle may
be used providing that its frequency is strictly inferior to half the value of the carrier frequency.

• If δ(t) = sin(2π f t)
Figure II.12 Time varying duty cycle
==>Uout(t) = U sin(2π f t)
– Valid if f < fcarrier (Nyquist)
• Any δ(t) with max frequency < fc

Figures II.13 and 14 show a sine wave duty cycle, the triangular carrier and the resulting control
voltage. The system is called pulse width modulation since the AC output voltage, which has the same
shape as the duty cycle, is generated by controlling the width of the voltage pulses.

Duty (t) Carrier Duty (t) Vctrl

Figure II.13 Pulse Width Modulation : sine wave duty cycle Figure II.14

2.3.Control electronics

Control approach: closed loop vs. open loop control

To control the active filter the choice stands between open loop and closed loop current control.
Figure II.15 shows open loop current control. The harmonics currents are measured on the load side
of the active filter that computes the required compensating current and injects it into the network.

Closed loop current control as performed by the PQF is shown in figure II.16 In this topology the
resulting current to the network is measured and the active filter operates by injecting a compensating
current minimising this resulting current. In this configuration, the filter directly controls its effect on
the filtration.


Target Control Output Target Control Output

Measurement Measurement Feedback


Figure II.15 Open loop control Figure II.16 Closed loop control
The open loop control system requires higher-class current sensors and increases the risk of
inefficiency and inaccuracy. In addition to being more precise, the closed loop control system also
allows for a direct control of the degree of filtering. Furthermore, the closed loop control system
ensures that measurement errors do not result in a higher distortion.

DSP based control Ripple control signals

To fully exploit the potential of an active filter we It may happen that a mains signalling voltage
need a digital measurement and control system ('ripple control system') is superposed on the
that is fast enough to operate in true real time. supply voltage of the plant. This voltage is used
We need to be able to track the individual by the public supplier for the transmission of
harmonics and control the compensating current signals and can be situated at virtually any
according to the requirements of the plant and frequency. Its magnitude can be up to 10 % of
this with full control at every instant in time. To the fundamental rms voltage. The active filter
achieve this, we need advanced Digital Signal must obviously work without interfering with any
Processors, DSP’s. ripple control systems that may be present. If no
special precaution is taken, the filter will act as a
Among the physical signals needed by the PQF, short-circuit for these signals, stopping them from
the three line currents have to be measured. being further transmitted. Consequently, the PQF
Standard CTs with 5A secondary are usually has been designed to leave this signal clean and
sufficient. Those analogue signals must first be undisturbed.
acquired, levelled and antialias-filtered before
digitalisation. Fast and high precision analogue-
to-digital converters are used to create a digital
representation of the analogue signals. The
digitised signals are then sent to the powerful
DSP that controls all measurements and
calculations in real time, and builds the PWM
references for the inverter. It is another processor,
a microcontroller, which handles all digital
input/output (including the command of the
PWM inverter). More dedicated to control than to
calculations, this microcontroller ensures for
instance the closing of the relays and contactors.
One control is needed per PQF system and can
handle more than one power module

3. The PQF: performances.

3.1. Filtering

The ideal filter

The main requirement for an active filter installed in an industrial plant is to attenuate the harmonics
produced by the non-linear loads of the plant.
The ideal active filter should allow the user to choose freely which harmonic components to filter and
should offer an adjustable degree of filtering.
It is also worth noting that while most standards only give harmonics limitations up to the
25th harmonic component, the total harmonic voltage distortion at the point of common coupling
(PCC) is often calculated up to the 40th [1] or the 50th [2] harmonic. Furthermore, the total number of
harmonics that can be filtered determines directly the quality of the resulting current.
This is illustrated in figure II.17 which shows the filtered waveforms obtained by filtering up to
different harmonic orders.

Figure II.17 Waveforms obtained by eliminating

the harmonic components (a)
of a rectangular periodic
signal up to the
Filtering up to the 13th harmonic.
(a) 13th harmonic,
(b) the 25th harmonic and
(c) the 50th harmonic

Filtering up to the 25th harmonic.


Filtering up to the 50th harmonic.

This figure highlights the need for an active filter that can operate up to sufficiently high harmonic

The PQF can filter simultaneously 20 independent harmonics up to the 50th for 50 Hz based networks.
On 60 Hz based networks, 15 independent harmonics may be filtered up to the 50th. The number of
harmonics to be filtered as well as their frequencies is completely programmable by the user.
Figure II.18 shows typical harmonics generated by common six-pulse semi-conductor loads. There are
16 up to the 50th order. The PQF is able to filter all those harmonics simultaneously. The resulting
power quality level is very high.

16 Harmonics
Figure II.18 Typical harmonics generated by
common six-pulse semi-conductor

1 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 25 29 31 35 37 41 43 47 49

Harmonic order

Besides the harmonic selection functionality, the user also has the possibility to specify a filtration level
for each selected harmonic. The PQF will filter the selected harmonics until the current is reduced to
the residual level permitted by the user. This residual level is programmable by the user and may be
different for each selected harmonic. This functionality, which is illustrated in figure II.19, is especially
useful when the objective is to fulfil the requirements of a standard and results in a better use of the
available compensation power. As already explained, this is a major advantage against passive filters
for which the filtration level cannot be predefined nor controlled. It also allows the installation of
active filters on networks already fitted with a fixed passive filter.

We can see that we are very close to the ideal filter: the choice of which harmonic components to
filter is free and the degree of filtering is adjustable according to the wishes of the user.
Moreover, all typical harmonics generated by three-phase non-linear loads may be filtered

RMS current rating

The ratings of the PQF range are presented in Part III. However, it is important to already note that the
rating of a PQF is expressed by its RMS current capability.
The RMS current value of a given harmonic spectrum is obtained by the geometric combination of the
individual components magnitudes.
For instance, the following spectrum:
H5: 150A
H7: 66A
H11: 47A
H13: 31A

gives a total RMS current of: ϧ§§§§§§§§§§§

2 2 2
(150) + (66) + (47) + (31) = 2 173 Arms

Current capability and higher frequencies
For a given RMS current rating, the current capability decreases with the injected frequency. Indeed,
when the frequency increases the impedance of the PWM reactors also increases and according to
Ohm’s law, the injected current decreases.
However, this natural effect (it is a consequence of Ohm’s law) is not a restrictive limitation since typical
harmonics spectrum of non-linear loads have the same shape than the current injection pattern of the PQF.

3rd harmonic filtering

We have seen that the PQF may filter harmonics up to the 50th order, which includes the 3rd harmonic.
However, the PQF has no neutral connection and does not filter zero-sequence harmonics (e.g. the 3rd
harmonic generated phase to neutral). It is important to stress that it is only the case for loads connected
phase to neutral: triplen harmonics generated between phases will be removed by the PQF. An example
of third harmonic current generated by single-phase welders connected between phases is shown in Part
IV. It will be seen that the filter's effect on the third harmonic is impressive.

3.2. Reactive power

Besides the filtering functionality, reactive power compensation is also possible with the active filter.
Compared to traditional capacitor banks, the reactive compensation of the PQF is continuous
(“stepless”), fast and smooth (no transients at switching). The compensation can be either capacitive or
inductive, depending on the load type.
Two types of compensation are available: automatic compensation where a target power factor has to
be set, and fixed compensation based on a predefined amount of kvar.
The user is free to select and program reactive power compensation independently of harmonics
filtering. The only limit is the active filter rating.
However, it is important to note that reactive power consumes current capability of the filter and it is
not its main priority. This remark on filter priorities is further detailed in point 3.3.

3.3. Priorities / Filter mode

The filter can basically perform three different tasks:

• Filter the selected harmonics until their magnitudes are close to zero (“maximum filtering”)
• Filter the selected harmonics until their magnitudes reach the prescribed level (“filtering to curve”)
• Compensate reactive power

Filtering to curve means that

the PQF will filter the
harmonics until the current is
reduced to the residual level
current filtered permitted by the user.

by the PQF
current This residual level called the
= current to
filter to curve, is programmable in
reach Curve =
maximum remaining Amps or as a percentage
filtering harmonic
current after of the fundamental or total
1 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 25 29 31 35 37 41 43 47 49 filtering
RMS current and may be
Harmonic order
different for each selected
Figure II.19 graphically
explains this functionality.

Figure II.19 Meaning of filtering to curve

In order to offer a maximum of flexibility to the user, three modes of operation have been defined.
Each mode allocates different priority levels to the actions detailed above. Those three modes are as
indicated in table II.2.

Table II.2 Filter modes HIGHEST LOWEST


It can been seen that the action “filtering to curve” If the PQF still hits one of its limits, it will
has always the first priority whatever the mode. concentrate its resources on the first priority
To illustrate this concept of priority and the action only: filtering to curve.
filtering strategy, suppose that we have initially If the level of harmonics is still too high for the
an ideal situation: the PQF is performing PQF to achieve the required filtering to curve, it
maximum filtering and reactive power will filter to its hardware limit preventing it from
compensation. being overloaded.
If the PQF reaches one of its limits, it will Once the load current contains less harmonics
automatically release the action having the lowest again, the PQF automatically adapts its working
priority level: reactive power if in Mode 1 or pattern according to the programmed mode of
maximum filtering if in Mode 2. The objective of operation.
the PQF is now to perform maximum filtering if Modifications of the working pattern happen in a
in Mode 1 or filtering to curve and reactive smooth fashion.
compensation if in Mode 2.

4. Protections and alarm.

4.1. Protections

The PQF is fitted with two types of protection:

• Slow protection
• Fast protection

The role of the slow protection is to change on-line the way the filter is working according to the filter
stress and programmed parameters as illustrated in 3.3. This ensures that the filter is never overloaded
and always has an optimal filtering effect.

The fast protection is only activated in case of abnormal working conditions and ensures the integrity
of the filter.
The fast protection means include:
• The main incoming circuit breaker with undervoltage release (PQFA) or fuses (PQFL).
• Blocking system of the IGBT bridge in case of:
• AC overvoltage on the mains
• DC overvoltage on the DC bus
• Filter over current
• IGBT over current
• IGBT over temperature
If an error persists, the main breaker or contactors will also intervene.
• Short-circuit or overcurrent (peak & thermal) protection inside the IGBTs drivers.

4.2. Alarm

The PQF is fitted with a normally open alarm contact (voltage free contact) allowing remote
supervision of the unit. It is activated (open) when the filter is in error condition, off or if it is working
properly but not able to filter to the pre-defined level (hardware limitation). When it is closed the filter
is working properly and all filtering requirements are fulfilled.


[1] IEEE Standard 519-1992, "IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in
Electric Power Systems", IEEE, New York, NY, USA, 1993.

[2] Recommendation G5/3, "Limits for Harmonics in the UK Electricity Supply System", The Electricity
Council Chief Engineers Conference, United Kingdom.

Part III: Choosing
and installing a PQF

1. PQF range and ratings

According to the level of harmonics to be filtered, the frequency and the voltage of the network,
ABB provide a wide range of PQF solutions.

For voltages up to 600V (50 or 60Hz), two solutions are available: the PQFL and the PQFA.
Based on the same principle, the PQFL and the PQFA mainly differ in their current capability,
the PQFL being the smallest unit.

Above 600V and up to 1000V, the solution provided by ABB is the PQFB. The PQFB consists
in a PQFA connected to the network through coupling capacitors.

All ABB Power Quality Filters offer the following advantages:

• Systems for 50Hz may filter up to 20 harmonics simultaneously up to the 50th harmonic.
Systems for 60 Hz may filter up to 15 harmonics simultaneously up to the 50th harmonic.
• The filtering strategy and the harmonics to be filtered are totally programmable by the user. Individual
harmonics may be chosen for filtering either to zero or to a level defined in absolute or relative terms.
• Closed loop control for best accuracy.
• Not overloadable.
• Filtering does not generate or absorb any reactive power (except for the PQFB). However, remaining
resources after filtering to the desired level may be used for reactive power compensation.
This feature is totally programmable (except for the PQFB).

1.1. PQF systems up to 600V


Physical mounting
A PQFA system consists of one controller and up to 8 power modules mounted in cubicles together
with auxiliary apparatus and wiring to form a factory assembled and tested system.

Each cubicle may contain one controller and one or two power modules.

As illustrated in figure III.1, a PQFA cubicle may exist under one of the following configurations:
• configuration A: one controller and one power module
• configuration B: one controller and two power modules
• configuration C: no controller and one power module
• configuration D: no controller and two power modules

Figure III.1 PQFA configurations





Master Master Slave Slave

Configurations C and D are slave units without controller. They can only be used if connected to a
“master unit” fitted with a controller (configuration A or B).

The cubicle sections have standard dimensions of 800 x 600 x 2150 mm (width x depth x height).
Systems made of several cubicles are usually mounted on a base for a total height of 2250 mm.
Each cubicle is fitted with its own bottom cable entry and circuit breaker.
The following PQFA systems are available (Table III.1):

Table III.1 PQFA systems


PQFA-A 1 1
PQFA-B 2 1
PQFA-B+C 3 2
PQFA-B+D 4 2
PQFA-B+D+C 5 3
PQFA-B+D+D 6 3
PQFA-B+D+D+C 7 4
PQFA-B+D+D+D 8 4
Picture III.1 shows a PQFA-B (2 power modules). It can be seen that the power modules are located
in a pressurised cabinet where air is blown by a fan assuring the cooling of the power electronics.
The breaker and auxiliaries are located at the bottom of the cubicle. The control is at the top.

Picture III.1 PQFA-B

Digital Control (DSP)

Power electronics

Forced air cooling

Breaker & Auxiliaries

Current capability
Power modules for the PQFA are available with voltage ratings up to 600V for 50 or 60Hz. The
thermal rating for one module is maximum 225 Arms.
The power module ratings at 50 and 60 Hz are represented in figures III.2 and III.3 hereafter.

When several modules are used in the same system, a derating of 5% must be applied to the power module
current. The apparent power (kVA) of the module is given by (ϧ3 x voltage rating x current rating).

225 200
165 155
Arms Arms 110

400V TON T480V
525V 600V

Figure III.2 Power modules ratings – 50Hz Figure III.3 Power modules ratings – 60Hz
(up 37
to 8 power modules may be connected to (up to 8 power modules may be connected to
one controller) one controller)

Physical mounting
A PQFL system consists of one controller and up to four power sections.
Two executions are available: cubicle or plate execution (IP00).

The plate execution is intended to be installed in the customer’s own cubicle at site. It is equipped
with a terminal for the connection of the wires to the cubicle front door. All the accessories to be
installed on the front door are also supplied. The standard dimensions of the mounting plate are 498 x
400 x 1896 mm (width x depth x height).

The cubicle execution is factory assembled with auxiliary apparatus and wiring.
Each cubicle may contain one controller and one power section.

As illustrated in figure III.4, a PQFL cubicle may exist under one of the following configurations:
• configuration M: one controller and one power section
• configuration S: no controller and one power section.

Figure III.4 PQFL configurations



Master Slave

Configuration S has no controller and is named “slave unit”. It can only be used if connected to a
“master unit” fitted with a controller (configuration M). Only power sections of the same rating may be
connected to a common controller.

The standard dimensions of the cubicle are 600 x 600 x 2150 mm (width x depth x height).

The following PQFL systems are then available:

Table III.2 PQFL systems

M 1 1
M + S 2 2
M + S + S 3 3
M + S + S + S 4 4
Picture III.2 shows a PQFL. The fuses and auxiliaries are located at the bottom of the cubicle.
The control is at the top.

Picture III.2 PQFL

Digital Control (DSP)

Power electronics

Forced air cooling

Contactor & fuses


Current capability
The PQFL is rated for 400V (415V) – 50Hz or up to 480V at 60Hz. The thermal rating for one power
section is maximum 130Arms.
The power section ratings at 50 and 60Hz are represented in figures III.5 and III.6 hereafter.

When several modules are used in the same system, a derating of 5% must be applied to the power module
current. The apparent power (kVA) of the module is given by (ϧ3 x voltage rating x current rating).

80 80

Arms Arms

PQFL100 400V

Figure III.5 PQFL range - 400V - 50 Hz Figure III.6 PQFL range - 60 Hz

39 (up to 4 power sections of the same rating
may be connected to one controller).
Technical specifications

Active filter for connection between the three phases of a three-phase network with or without neutral
for filtering of non zero-sequence harmonics and optional reactive power compensation.

RMS current per module
50 Hz - 400V (415V) 70A, 100A or 130A / power section 225A / power module
- 525V - 165A / power module
- 600V - 130A / power module
60 Hz - 380V 100A 200A / power module
- 440V 80A 170A / power module
- 480V 80A 155A / power module
- 600V - 110A / power module
Other voltages and ratings on request Other voltages and ratings on request
Modularity(*) Up to 4 power sections / system Up to 8 power modules / system
Physical mounting 1 power section / cubicle Up to 2 power modules / cubicle
Voltage tolerance +/- 10% +/- 10%
Harmonics to filter 50 Hz: Up to 20, programmable up to the 50th harmonic Up to 20, programmable up to the 50th harmonic
60 Hz: Up to 15, programmable up to the 50th harmonic Up to 15, programmable up to the 50th harmonic
Degree of filtering Individually programmable per harmonic Individually programmable per harmonic
in relative or absolute terms in relative or absolute terms
Typical filtering efficiency Better than 97% Better than 97%
Reactive power Power factor programmable Power factor programmable
from 0.6 inductive to 0.6 capacitive from 0.6 inductive to 0.6 capacitive
Communication RS232 port RS232 port
Programming Alt 1) Using PC (not provided) and software supplied with the equipment Using PC (not provided) and software supplied with the equipment
Alt 2) Using optional PQF-Manager Using optional PQF-Manager
Alt 3) Using PC (not provided) and optional PQF-Link software Using PC (not provided) and optional PQF-Link software
Response time 40 ms 40 ms
Active power Less than 3 kW per section at full load Less than 7 kW per module at full load
Protection IP23 (IP20 open door) - Plate execution IP00 IP23 (IP20 open door)
Cubicle dimensions 600 x 600 x 2150 mm (W x D x H) 800 x 600 x 2150 mm (W x D x H)
Plate dimensions 498 x 400 x 1896 mm (W x D x H) -
Weight Appr. 250 kg (IP00 : appr. 200 kg) - unpacked Appr. 600 kg (with two power modules) - unpacked
Colour RAL 7032 (Beige) RAL 7032 (Beige)

Installation PQFA & PQFL IP23: Floor fixation. Lifting lugs provided. Cable entry from the bottom
PQFL IP00: plate to be mounted in cubicle (not provided)
Environment Indoor installation in clean environment up to 1000m altitude
Ambient temperature -10°C/+40°C
Humidity Maximum 95% RH; non-condensing
Options Socle (200 mm)
Current transformers (ratings and dimensions to specify)

(*) A derating of 5% should be considered for systems with more than one power module / section.

1.2. PQF systems up to 1000V: PQFB

For voltages above 600V and up to 1000V, the PQFA is connected to the network through coupling
capacitors. This system is the PQFB.
The aim of these capacitors is to increase the voltage capability of the PQFA.
All the characteristics of the PQFA apply to the PQFB except the reactive power control. Indeed, a
fixed reactive power is generated and cannot be controlled. However, this reactive power is small
compared to a passive filter.
Regarding the dimensions, the system is made of PQFA cubicles as described previously and of
cubicles containing the coupling capacitors and cable entry.
Power modules are rated at 200Arms including the fundamental.
This solution is tailor made. Please contact your local ABB agent.

Picture III.3 shows a three-module PQFB for a chemical plant (570A - 630V - 60Hz system).

Picture III.3 Three-module PQFB – 570A - 630V - 60Hz

2. Programming the active filter

Each PQF is provided with programming software: the PQF-Prog.

More advanced programming and monitoring accessories are also available as an option: the PQF-
Manager and the PQF-Link.

2.1. PQF- Prog

The PQF-Prog, included in the standard PQF package, allows for the complete programming of the filter.

The software runs on Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 minimum.

One free RS232 port of the PC (not provided) has to be connected to the corresponding port located
on the control rack of the PQF.

The programming procedure of the active filter is very simple and is as follows:
1) Select the filter mode
2) Specify the harmonics to filter
3) Specify the reactive power if any
4) Switch the filter on

• Filter Mode selection

The filter can have three types of effect on the network:
• Filter the selected harmonics until their magnitudes are close to zero (maximum filtering);
• Filter the selected harmonics until their magnitudes reach the prescribed level (filtering to curve);
• Compensate reactive power (not available for PQFB)
Three pre-programmed modes allocating different priority levels to the three above-described tasks are
available. The following table shows the three available modes:

Table III.3 Filter modes


• Harmonics
The main task of the PQF is to filter harmonics. Frequencies that have to be filtered and the permitted
residual level for each selected frequency may be freely specified.
The curve (the remaining level after filtering) may be expressed in Amps (A), in % of fundamental
current (%Ifund) or in % of RMS current (%Irms).

• Reactive Power (not available for the PQFB)
This window allows selecting power compensation if needed and specifying the type of required
compensation: fixed reactive power (capacitive or inductive) or automatic compensation (target power
factor to be fixed).

The filter can be switched on or off from the PC.

1.2. PQF- Manager (optional)

If you want to control, program and monitor your active filter PQF directly from the front panel
without having to use a PC, the optional PQF-Manager will satisfy your needs.
This graphical user interface provides detailed information on the filter and on the network and gives
also access to all the programming features.
The PQF-Manager is made of a 180 x 60 – pixel backlit LCD, an alphanumerical key pad and selection keys.

Picture III.4 The PQF-Manager


160x80 pixel
backlit LCD

Indicator lights

Technical Specifications

Window selection
RS-232 serial port
Dimensions: 258 x 124 mm (connection with
control rack)
Installation:As an option, on the front panel
Access-key to the
of the filter cubicle. 3-level menu
Display: 160 x 80-pixel backlit LCD

The PQF-Manager is basically organised in three The consulting level informs about the filter and
main menus: network status and can also perform a detailed
• Consulting level (default level) harmonic analysis.
• Filter operation The filter operation level allows for the complete
• Hardware set-up programming of the filter.
The hardware set-up level is intended for
commissioning purposes.

Consulting level Hardware set-up
The PQF-Manager displays information on the This level gives access to hardware configuration
filter status: it indicates the load level of the filter parameters: network characteristics and filter
as a percentage of capability used as well as sensors.
error messages if the filter is in error condition.
Filter operation and hardware set-up are
The network status section indicates the values of password protected. In order to increase safety,
the lines voltages and currents as well as the the displayed menu automatically goes down to
voltage and current Total Harmonic Distortion. the consulting level after one minute of non-use
The PQF-Manager also displays the waveforms of of the PQF-Manager.
the line voltages, the line currents and the filter

Beside the Total Harmonic Distortion, the

detailed harmonic analysis performed by the
PQF-Manager allows the display of the harmonic
spectrum up to the 50th order of the line
voltages, line currents and filter currents. The
spectrum includes a graphical representation (bar
graph) and the volts or amps value of each
harmonic component.

Filter operation
Programming your PQF consists in setting the
filtering mode, specifying the harmonics to be
filtered and their level of filtration. Reactive power
is also controllable for the PQFA and PQFL.
• Mode
The basic operation is to filter to a prescribed
level. The function Mode allows using the
additional capabilities of the filter for maximum
filtering (harmonics close to zero) or for
generation of reactive power.
• Harmonics
The frequency components to actively filter
may be freely selectable. The degree of filtering
may be specified per component in Amps or as
a percentage of the fundamental or total RMS
• Reactive Power
Reactive power compensation functionality
may be selected. If fixed compensation is
chosen, then the output power needs to be set.
If dynamic compensation is chosen, then the
desired target power factor needs to be set.

1.3. PQF- Link (optional)

With the PQF-Link software, the active filter may • Display of the filter and network waveforms
be completely programmed, monitored and with a customised time base:
controlled from a PC through the RS-232 serial • line voltages
port. • line currents
• filter currents
The software runs on Windows NT 4.0 Service • Simultaneous waveform display for the 3 phases
Pack 3 minimum. • Continuous updating of displayed information
or snapshot display
The RS232 port of the PC (not provided) will be • Remote control and programming of the PQF
connected to the corresponding port located on • On/off
the control rack of the PQF (it is not necessary to • Mode selection
have a PQF-Manager to connect the PC to the • Harmonics and reactive power specifications
active filter). • Remote hardware set-up
• Network characteristics
Particular features include: • Filter sensors
• Detailed information on filter status: • Filter hardware
• % of filter capability used • Display of several windows simultaneously
• error history • Add/remove users and define their access level
• Advanced spectrum display: bar graph and
table of values in the same window: The log-in procedure proposes three different
• line voltages access levels that are password protected.
• line currents
• filter currents

Picture III.5 Picture III.6

Line current spectrum and waveform (3 phases) Simultaneous display

displayed simultaneously of several windows

3. Choosing a PQF: selection guide

The following section will help you selecting the most adequate active filter for your particular application.
Three selection methods are proposed in our selection guide: one is based on the voltage harmonic
distortion and the other two on the current harmonic distortion.
Please note that these selection methods are only applicable for PQFA and PQFL systems. It should be
used for indication only and does not give any performance guarantee. For any specific inquiry, please
consult your local ABB agent.

Method 1 Method 2
The objective of this method is to size the PQF to The objective of this method is to size the PQF to
install in a central position (on the transformer) install on the basis of the current THD.
in order to reach a pre-set target voltage THD on The following data is required for this method:
the LV side, the contribution of the MV side not • Identification of the point at which the
being taken into account. harmonic distortion has to be reduced.
This situation is represented in figure III.7. • Current THD at the identified point. This value
may be obtained by measurement at this point
The following data is needed for this method: or by simulation.
• Total power of the non-linear loads (the • Total fundamental current at the same
harmonics sources of the plant creating the identified point. Please note that in this case it
voltage distortion). The power to be is indeed the total fundamental current that has
considered is either the nominal value or the to be considered (not only non-linear loads).
working power if different. • Target current THD at the same identified point.
• Voltage THD on the LV side. This value may be
obtained either by measurement at the point at As already mentioned, there is a major difference
which the active filter CT’s will be connected between methods 1 and 2. In the case of the
or by simulation. voltage-based method, the voltage reference is a
• Target voltage THD at the point of connection nominal and constant value for the whole
of the active filter CT’s. If no regulation is system. We then only need the characteristics of
applicable, ABB recommend keeping the the harmonics sources (the non-linear loads) to
voltage THD on the LV side below 5%. select a PQF for a given objective.
As far as the current-based method is concerned,
the current reference is the total fundamental
current and is load dependent. It is also important
to note that the current THD is only meaningful in
relation to the fundamental current.

Figure III.7 Method 1: location of the PQF


LV busbar


Method 3
The objective of this method is to size the PQF to install in central position on the basis of the power of the
transformer and the current THD. It is equivalent to the application of method 2 with the assumption that the
fundamental current equals 0.75 the nominal current of the transformer and the target is 10% current THD.

Figure III.8 illustrates the three methods and their respective input data.

Method based on the

Method based on the current THD
voltage THD

• Total power of the • Total fundamental • Transformer power

harmonics sources current
• voltage THD • current THD • current THD
• target voltage THD • target current THD

Method 1 Method 2 Method 3

Figure III.8 Choosing a PQF: method 1, 2 and 3

Remark concerning capacitors. Before taking any measurement and selecting an

If plain capacitors are installed on a system with active filter, please ensure that all capacitors
a high level of harmonics, the first action to take banks are fitted with reactors. Contact ABB for an
is to replace those capacitors with a detuned optimal solution.
capacitor bank (capacitors and reactors).
Instructions for measurements
The first effect of the reactors is to suppress the Before taking any measurements, analyse
risk of resonance with the harmonics generated carefully the considered industrial process.
by the loads and in turn to protect the capacitors. You have to make sure that your measurements
Not suppressing the resonance would lead to an will be representative of the worst conditions.
oversizing of the active filter. The harmonic distortion may indeed vary in time
according to the working cycle of the loads.
Secondly, although the detuned bank is not a Please also make sure to follow all the
passive filter, it will have some filtering effect and instructions accompanying your measurement
the harmonic distortion will be lower than if no equipment, including all the safety rules and
capacitor was installed. disconnect all capacitors from the network during
your measurements.

3.1. PQF selection guide: method 1 based on voltage THD

Step 1
Identify the nominal three-phase voltage VN and the nominal frequency.

Step 2
Calculate the total DC drives apparent power in kVA : SDC
If only the active power (PkW) is available, then SDC = 1.5 x PkW

Step 3
Calculate the DC drives harmonic coefficient CDC = 0.173 x

Step 4
Calculate the total AC drives apparent power in kVA : SAC
If only the active power (PkW) is available, then SAC = 1.1 x PkW

Step 5
Calculate the AC drives harmonic coefficient CAC = 0.289 x

Step 6
Calculate the total drives harmonic coefficient C = CDC + CAC

Step 7
Determine the initial voltage THD on the LV side. This value can be obtained by measurements or by
simulation. Please consult your local ABB agent.

Step 8
Identify the active filter coefficient k from table III.4 below.
This table indicates the coefficient k to choose according to the initial voltage THD on the LV side
(in %) and to the target voltage THD on the LV side (in %). The initial THD to be considered is the
one directly superior to the measured or calculated value. Distortions created by the MV side cannot
be reduced by the PQF.

Table III.4 Active filter coefficient

THD TARGET (%) 1 2 3 4 5

1 0 - - - -
2 0.65 0 - - -
3 0.87 0.43 0 - -
4 0.98 0.65 0.33 0 -
5 1.04 0.78 0.52 0.26 0
6 1.08 0.87 0.65 0.43 0.22
7 1.11 0.93 0.74 0.56 0.37
8 1.14 0.98 0.81 0.65 0.49
9 1.16 1.01 0.87 0.72 0.58
10 1.17 1.04 0.91 0.78 0.65
11 1.18 1.06 0.95 0.83 0.71
12 1.19 1.08 0.98 0.87 0.76
13 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80
14 1.21 1.11 1.02 0.93 0.84

48 15 1.21 1.13 1.04 0.95 0.87

Step 9
Calculate the minimum RMS current of the active filter to install IRMS (A) = k x C x 1000

Step 10
From the table with the appropriate voltage and frequency, choose the active filter with the RMS
current directly superior to the minimum IRMS calculated at step 9.

Table III.5 VN = 400V (415V) – 50Hz PQF TYPE NUMBER OF TOTAL RMS
PQFL - 70 1 70
PQFL - 100 1 100
PQFL - 130 1 130
PQFA - A 1 225
PQFA - B 2 427
PQFA – B + C 3 641
PQFA – B + D 4 855

Table III.6 VN = 525V – 50Hz PQFA - A 1 165

PQFA - B 2 313
PQFA – B + C 3 470
PQFA – B + D 4 627

Table III.7 VN = 600V – 50Hz PQFA - A 1 130

PQFA - B 2 247
PQFA – B + C 3 370
PQFA – B + D 4 494

Table III.8 VN = 380V – 60Hz PQFL 1 100

PQFA - A 1 200
PQFA - B 2 380
PQFA – B + C 3 570
PQFA – B + D 4 760

Table III.9 VN = 440V – 60Hz PQFL 1 80

PQFA - A 1 170
PQFA - B 2 323
PQFA – B + C 3 484
PQFA – B + D 4 646

Table III.10 VN = 480V – 60Hz PQFL 1 80

PQFA - A 1 155
PQFA - B 2 294
PQFA – B + C 3 441
PQFA – B + D 4 589

Please note that this selection method is only applicable for PQFA and PQFL systems. It should be
used for indication only and does not give any performance guarantee.
For further inquiries, please consult your local ABB agent.

3.2. PQF selection guide: method 2 based on current THD

Step 1
Identify the nominal three-phase voltage VN and the nominal frequency.

Step 2
Compute or measure the total fundamental current I1. If the value is computed, it has to be based on
the total nominal or working apparent power, resulting of the geometric combination of the active and
reactive power consumed. If capacitor banks are installed, their reactive power has to be deducted
from the reactive power consumption of the loads (the effect of those capacitors is to reduce the total
fundamental current).

Step 3
Compute or measure the current THD. This value may be calculated on the basis of the magnitudes of
the harmonic components and of the fundamental by the following formula:

줤 n
(THD ) =
I 0 where (THDI)0 is the initial current THD (to be expressed in %)
In is the current magnitude of harmonic n

Please contact your local ABB agent for support.

Step 4
Set the target current THD at the considered point: (THDI)F in %

Step 5
Calculate the minimum RMS current of the active filter to install
IRMS (A) = 0.013 x ((THDI)0 – (THDI)F) x I1

Step 6
From the table with the appropriate voltage and frequency, choose the active filter with the RMS
current directly superior to the minimum IRMS calculated at step 5.

Table III.5 VN = 400V (415V) – 50Hz PQF TYPE NUMBER OF TOTAL RMS
PQFL - 70 1 70
PQFL - 100 1 100
PQFL - 130 1 130
PQFA - A 1 225
PQFA - B 2 427
PQFA – B + C 3 641
PQFA – B + D 4 855

Table III.6 VN = 525V – 50Hz PQFA - A 1 165

PQFA - B 2 313
PQFA – B + C 3 470
PQFA – B + D 4 627

Table III.7 VN = 600V – 50Hz PQFA - A 1 130

PQFA - B 2 247
PQFA – B + C 3 370
PQFA – B + D 4 494

Table III.8 VN = 380V – 60Hz PQFL 1 100

PQFA - A 1 200
PQFA - B 2 380
PQFA – B + C 3 570
PQFA – B + D 4 760

Table III.9 VN = 440V – 60Hz PQFL 1 80

PQFA - A 1 170
PQFA - B 2 323
PQFA – B + C 3 484
PQFA – B + D 4 646

Table III.10 VN = 480V – 60Hz PQFL 1 80

PQFA - A 1 155
PQFA - B 2 294
PQFA – B + C 3 441
PQFA – B + D 4 589

Please note that this selection method is only applicable for PQFA and PQFL systems. It should be
used for indication only and does not give any performance guarantee.
For further inquiries, please consult your local ABB agent.

3.3. PQF selection guide: method 3

Step 1
Identify the nominal three-phase voltage VN, the nominal frequency, the nominal power of the
transformer and the current THD.

Step 2
From the table with the appropriate voltage and frequency, choose the active filter according to the
power of the transformer and the current THD. It is assumed that the fundamental current equals 0.75
the nominal current of the transformer and the target is 10% current THD.

(THD)I ≤ 20% 20% < (THD)I ≤ 30% 30% < (THD)I ≤ 40%
500 – 900 PQFL – 130 500 – 800 PQFA – A 500 – 1000 PQFA – B
Table III.11 VN = 400V (415V) – 50Hz
900 – 1600 PQFA – A 800 – 1500 PQFA – B 1000 – 1500 PQFA – B + C
1600 – 2500 PQFA – B 1500 – 2200 PQFA – B + C 1500 – 2000 PQFA – B + D
2200 – 2500 PQFA – B + D 2000 – 2500 PQFA – B + D + C

500 – 1500 PQFA – A 500 – 700 PQFA – A 500 – 900 PQFA – B

Table III.12 VN = 525V – 50Hz
1500 – 2500 PQFA – B 700 – 1400 PQFA – B 900 – 1400 PQFA – B + C
1400 – 2200 PQFA – B + C 1400 – 1900 PQFA – B + D
2200 – 2500 PQFA – B + D 1900 – 2400 PQFA – B + D + C

Table III.13 VN = 600V – 50Hz 500 – 1400 PQFA – A 500 – 700 PQFA – A 500 – 800 PQFA – B
1400 – 2500 PQFA – B 700 – 1300 PQFA – B 800 – 1300 PQFA – B + C
1400 – 1900 PQFA – B + C 1300 – 1700 PQFA – B + D
1900 – 2500 PQFA – B + D 1700 – 2200 PQFA – B + D + C
2200 – 2500 PQFA – B + D + D

500 – 1300 PQFA – A 500 – 600 PQFA – A 500 – 800 PQFA – B

Table III.14 VN = 380V – 60Hz
1300 – 2500 PQFA – B 600 – 1200 PQFA – B 800 – 1200 PQFA – B + C
1200 – 1900 PQFA – B + C 1200 – 1700 PQFA – B + D
1900 – 2500 PQFA – B + D 1700 – 2100 PQFA – B + D + C
2100 – 2500 PQFA – B + D + D

500 – 600 PQFL 500 – 600 PQFA – A 500 – 800 PQFA – B

Table III.15 VN = 440V – 60Hz
600 – 1300 PQFA – A 600 – 1200 PQFA – B 800 – 1200 PQFA – B + C
1300 – 2500 PQFA – B 1200 – 1900 PQFA – B + C 1200 – 1600 PQFA – B + D
1800 – 2500 PQFA – B + D 1600 – 2100 PQFA – B + D + C
2100 – 2500 PQFA – B + D + D

Table III.16 VN = 480V – 60Hz 500 – 700 PQFL 500 – 600 PQFA – A 500 – 800 PQFA – B
700 – 1300 PQFA – A 600 – 1200 PQFA – B 800 – 1200 PQFA – B + C
1300 – 2500 PQFA – B 1200 – 1800 PQFA – B + C 1200 – 1600 PQFA – B + D
1800 – 2500 PQFA – B + D 1600 – 2000 PQFA – B + D + C
2000 – 2500 PQFA – B + D + D

Please note that this selection method is only applicable for PQFA and PQFL systems. It should be
used for indication only and does not give any performance guarantee.
For further inquiries, please consult your local ABB agent.

4. Installing a PQF

4.1. Location

The PQF is suitable for indoor installation, on firm foundations, in a well-ventilated area without dust
and excessive aggressive gases where the ambient parameters do not exceed the following values:
• 40°C max;
• 30°C (average temperature) over 24 hours;
• Minimum temperature: +5°C
• Humidity less than 95% RH non-condensing

For units with nominal voltage above 415V, the rear side of the cubicles must be located at least at
100mm from the wall as represented in figure III.9 hereunder.

Figure III.9 Cubicles location Rear wall

At least 10mm spacing must be provided

between PQF rear side and wall


4.2. Overvoltage

The PQF is able to withstand continuously an overvoltage (inclusive of harmonics but not transients)
of up to 110 % of the rated voltage. Higher voltages than the rated one would imply an operation at
limited power of the filter. Since operation at the upper limits of voltage and temperature may reduce
its life expectancy, the PQF should not be connected to systems for which it is known that the
overvoltage will be sustained indefinitely.

4.3. Connection

The PQF is to be connected between the 3 phases of a three-phase network with or without neutral.

Cabling of the equipment requires:

• three power connections per cubicle

• ground/PE
• six control wires from the current transformers.

Note that there is no neutral connection to the PQF.

Power connection
When selecting the appropriate cable size due consideration should be given to possible future
extension of the equipment. Cables and isolating switchgears should be rated at 1.5 times the nominal
filter current of the total PQF and should always be co-ordinated with the current rating of the back up
fuses. If single core cables are used an alloy gland plate is recommended.

Control wiring
Twin 2.5 mm2 control cable is usually suitable for this application.

Current transformers
C.T.’s of Class 1 accuracy and appropriate burden with secondary current 5A will normally be used.
15 VA transformers are sufficient (including 30 meters of cable) if no other load is connected to the CT.
Primary rating must be at least equal to the maximum load current.

Typical connections
The PQF will be connected as represented in figure III.10.

The current transformer must be located in a position to monitor the load current together with the
PQF current (closed loop).

Power circuits are protected against overcurrent by the power circuit breaker (PQFA) or fuses (PQFL).
An auxiliary circuit breaker protects the filter controller.

CT x/5A
CT x/5A Figure III.10 PQF connection diagram
CT x/5A


k l k l k l

X 5.1 X 5.2 X 5.3 X 5.4 X 5.5 X 5.6 L1 L2 L3


4.4. Operation

The front panel of the cubicle includes several indicators and push buttons:

• Push buttons :
• RUN: starts the PQF
• RESET: stops switching of the IGBT’s and opens the power circuit breaker (PQFA) or
contactors (PQFL).

• Indicators :
• White on: the PQF controller is connected to the supply
• Green on: the power circuit breaker (PQFA) or contactors (PQFL) are opened.
• Red on: the power circuit breaker (PQFA) or contactors (PQFL) are closed.

• Switch : remote or local control of the filter. If remote is on, the push buttons are not operational.

The programming of the filter may be changed at any time with the PQF-Prog software supplied with
the equipment, the optional PQF-Manager or the optional PQF-Link software.

4.5. Maintenance

The maintenance procedure of the PQF is rather simple and should include the following:

• Remove dust deposits from the enclosure, filters and power module(s) (heatsinks, fan), clean all
parts and paint metalwork as required;

• Check breaker & fuse condition;

• Check tightness of all electrical connections;

• Check condition of discharge resistors on power module(s);

• Check isolator connections and operation;

• Check ambient temperature and equipment ventilation.

Depending on the dirtiness of the air filters, this procedure should be repeated at least every six months.

PQF Manager
Part IV: PQF applications
and practical examples

Any industrial application involving DC or AC Banks, insurance companies, telecommunication

drives might show a potential need for active centres and hotels also show an increasing
filters. Obviously, the range of applications is interest in active filter due to the large number of
very wide, with among others: computers and UPS systems used.
• pulp & paper
• printing presses ABB PQF active filters have been installed all
• chemical plants around the world in a wide range of industrial
• water industry and non-industrial applications. Some practical
• off-shore drilling examples illustrating the effects of the PQF are
• tubes manufacturing presented hereafter.
• steel plants
• car industry
• cement factories
• sky lifts
This short list is of course not exhaustive.

1. Electrolysis equipment

In this example a relatively small filter was for experimental purposes installed in a big installation.
A 3 MVA transformer feeds six similar groups with mainly 6-pulse controlled rectifier loads.
In each group is since previously installed a 7% de-tuned capacitor bank of 200 kvar. One active filter
of type PQFA was installed in one of these groups.

Figure IV.1 shows the installation and figure IV.2 the measured currents taken before and after
commissioning of the filter. Measurements were taken at point A. The remaining small current
distortion is caused by the other large unfiltered loads.

This example shows how a really much too small filter installation is able to efficiently reduce
harmonics in a network up to its capacity and function correctly in a distorted environment. It also
demonstrates the co-existence with a capacitor bank.

Figure IV.1 Active filter in an electrolysis plant

11 kV/0.4 kV
3000 kVA/6.1%

E1 E2 E3 E4 E6

200 kvar 7 600 PQF


Initial situation without filter Situation with filter

800 800

600 600

400 400
Line current (A)

Line current (A)

200 200

0 0

-200 -200

-400 -400

-600 -600

-800 -800
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (ms) Time (ms)

Figure IV.2 Electrolysis plant: initial and filtered line current

2. Induction heating

In this second example one PQFA-B was installed 20 kV

to compensate the harmonic distortion caused by
a set of 6-pulse drives with a total installed power
of 945kVA for induction heating. Figure IV.3 T1
represents the sketch of the installation. 6%
400 V

700 kvar Drives PQFA

7% 945 kVA 296 kVA
(1010 A) (1364 A) (428 A)

The initial and filtered line currents as measured

at point A are shown in figure IV.4. If we analyse
the harmonic content of this figure, it appears Figure IV.3 Induction heating case: single
that the ability of the active filter to filter currents line diagram of the installation
up to the 50th harmonic has been crucial to
achieve this impressive level of performance.

Initial line current Filtered line current

3000 3000

2000 2000
Line current (A)

Line current (A)

1000 1000

0 0

-1000 -1000

-2000 -2000

-3000 -3000
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (ms) Time (ms)

14% 14%
Current distortion (%)

Current distortion (%)

12% 12%

10% 10%

8% 8%

6% 6%

4% 4%

2% 2%

0% 0%
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
Frequency (Harmonics) Frequency (Harmonics)

Figure IV.4 Induction heating: initial and filtered line current

3. Cable car

In the third example a filter for 400V, 50 Hz with a filtering capacity of 225A was installed for a cable
car. The load consisted of two 230 kW 6-pulse drives. High requirements on harmonic distortion were
specified up to 2500 Hz and the power factor should remain above 0.93. Line carrier tone-frequency
communication was present at 1050 and 1600 Hz.

A sketch of the installation together with current measurements before and after the commissioning
of the filter are shown in figures IV.5 and IV.6. The current measurement to the filter and the other
measurement data were taken at the point A.

The example shows the very high degree of filtering obtained by the active filter in this rather weak
network and also that the filter is able to work without disturbing the line carrier communication.
The simultaneous reactive power compensation is also demonstrated.

10 kV/0.4 kV
Figure IV.5 Active filter for a cable car

630 kVA/4.3%

PQF 2 x 230 kW

Initial situation without filter Situation with filter

800 800

600 600

400 400
Line current (A)

Line current (A)

200 200

0 0

-200 -200

-400 -400

-600 -600

-800 -800
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (ms) Time (ms)

Figure IV.6 Cable car: initial and filtered line current

4. Welders

In this last example an active filter PQFA-A has been installed to reduce the distortion created by a set
of small single-phase welders of a car manufacturer. These welders are all connected between phases
and work randomly.
The sketch of the installation is shown in figure IV.7.

13.8 kV

Figure IV.7 Set of welders: sketch

of the installation T1
2000 kVA
5.75 %

460 V

Set of small
PQFA welders

This system is characterized by a high level of third harmonic generated between phases and the filter
has to work under very severe unbalanced and dynamic conditions.
Figure IV.8 illustrates this unbalanced situation by showing the three line currents.

Figure IV.8 Welders: three line currents

II line 1 I line 2 I line 3
[A] 1500
0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2

Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)

The level of 3rd harmonic before and after filtering as shown in figure IV.9 clearly indicates the ability
of the filter to suppress 3rd harmonics currents when generated between phases. We can also see that
the reaction time of the PQF is very short indeed.
Moreover, since the filter monitors each phase independently a similar result is obtained in each line.

Unfiltered H3 Figure IV.9 Welders: third harmonic before and

Filtered H3
after filtering
[A] 300



0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Time (s)

While all care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this publication is correct, no
responsibility can be accepted for any inaccuracy. We reserve the right to alter or modify the information
contained herein at any time in the light of technical or other developments. Technical specifications are
valid under normal operating conditions only. We do not accept any responsibility for any misuse of the
product and cannot be held liable for indirect or consequential damages.
SBR.040.6037G01 ed. 1 99-10

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