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The document discusses the history and origins of coat of arms and heraldry in America as well as the rights of American families to bear arms. It also provides definitions for various heraldic terms.

The document discusses the history of heraldry and coat of arms in America, focusing on prominent families from early colonial periods. It also defines some common heraldic terms.

The Genealogical Association provides record searching services in the US and UK to research family histories. It also helps prepare application papers for patriotic societies and can portray coats of arms in color paintings.


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General atrmorp

Member qf the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Virginia Historical

Society, the Topsfield Historical Society, the Neiv York Genea-

logical and Biographical Society, etc.,

A gentleman well bred and of good name**

— King Henry V


The Genealogical Association by



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William Armstrong Crozier.

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Coat 9lrmor in 9lntertca*


regarded by many as dry and unprofitable,
yet on the least inquiry into its origin and in-
tent it will be found not only interesting to
the layman, but in many respects essential to
historians and antiquaries. The pride of an-
cestry innate in nearly every one, and many

incidents faintly written upon the pages of history would forever

have remained dark but for the light flashed on them by the
torch of Heraldry. Americans are very ardent genealogists, and
in many cases have as full a title to armorial bearings as their

foreign cousins, so that it is only natural that they should share

with the world in general some curiosity as to the right to bear
The arms-bearing families in the United States are principally
those who trace their origin to the Knickerbocker families of
New the Cavaliers of the South, the Puritans of New
i ork,

England, tLj Quakers of Pennsylvania and Huguenot exiles of

noble blood. It must be remembered that the early settlers,

although often styled merchants and yeomen, were mostly men

of good family, their seals and much of the plate brought with
them from the Old World being engraved with their Arms. The
War of the Revolution destroyed Britain's domination over the
Colonies, but it did not, and could* not, abrogate the right of
Americans to Coat Armor. If such eminent patriots as the
Lees, Carrolls, Adamses, Franklins, Jays and Livingstones did
not hesitate to use their armorial bearings, their descendants of the
present day, entitled to the same distinction, need not fear to fol-
low. Most conclusive, however, of all proofs of the American
right to use Coat Armor is the ruling of Washington himself,
who said :

" It is from my design to intimate any opinion that Her-

aldry, Coat Armor, etc., might not be rendered conducive
" to
public and private use with us, or that they can have
any tendency unfriendly to the purest spirit of republican-
" ism. On the contrary, a different conclusion is deducible
" from the
practice of Congress and the states, all of which
" have established
some kind of Armorial devices to authen-
ticate their official instruments."

The science of heraldry or

armory is indeed of very ancient
origin. When the College of Heralds was established in Eng-
land, in 1483, its business was to register Grants of Arms and to
see that such distinctions were not borne illegally; in other
words, to bring order out of chaos that must have existed for a
long time. As many abuses found their way into all matters
touching descent and Arms, the Heralds' Visitations were later
instituted, in the early sixteenth century, for the purpose of revis-
ing and recording the pedigrees of families entitled to Coat
Armor; and the business of distinguishing between proper and

improper assumptions of Coat Armor is still an important one.

All persons who can deduce descent from an ancestor whose
armorial ensigns have been acknowledged in any one of the Vis-
itations, are entitled to carry those Arms by
right of inheritance.
When, however, no such descent can be shown, a person must,
prove himself to be descended from some one
if it is possible,

whose right has been admitted from a Grantee, or in fault of


that proof must become a Grantee himself

During the Revolutionary and Civil Wars in this country,
many public and private records bearing seals and impressions of
Arms were destroyed. Seals are of all records those on which
the greatest reliance can be placed for being contemporary wit-

nesses no doubt can exist of their historical value. These rec-

ords were frequently the only proof extant that certain families
were entitled by inheritance to Coat Armor, and as the descend-
ants of many of these families have continued to use a Coat of
for their so doing is of importance.
Arms, the following authority
In the Lansdown MS. 870 (Fo. 88) William Dugdale, Garter
King of Arms, under date of 15 June, 1G68, writes as follows:
It is incumbent that a man doe look over his own evi-
dences for some seals of armes, for perhaps it appeares in
them, and if soe and they have used it from the beginning

" of
Queen Elizabeth's reigne, or about that time, I shall
" then allowe
thereof, for our directions are limiting us soe
to doe, and not a shorter prescription of usage."

Here we have the highest heraldic authority in the kingdom,

Garter King of Arms, expressly stating that a man is justified in
using a Coat of Arms, providing that it has been in use by his
family for one hundred years, or about that time. We must also
bear in mind that this opinion was given at a time when the
Heralds' Visitations were still in force. At
the present day,
Dugdale's ruling is followed by Ulster King of Arms, who will
confirm by Patent any Arms which have been continuously borne
for at least three generations, or else for at least one hundred
years. These rulings do away with the quibble raised by a well
known usage of Coats of Arms in any
historical society that the

manner, shape or form should be discountenanced, for the reason,

as alleged, that so few families trace their ancestry to the parent
stock across the water.
In this second edition of the present work data relative to
eight hundred additional families have been included, so that the
Registry now offers descriptions of nearly two thousand coats of
arms, with the name of the first of the family in America, the
date of his arrival and place of settlement, and, in the majority
of instances, the town or country whence he came.
The plan of the work resembles in the main that of Burke's
General Armory in England, except that the latter includes only
the arms of persons of British ancestry, whereas the American
book goes farther, including the arms of those whose ancestors
came from Continental Europe. The descriptions of the arms,
and the data, carefully collated and verified, have been inserted

only when actual examination of the necessary records has shown

the family to be entitled to the distinction.
The scope of the Registry, not being limited to any pre-
scribed locality, but embracing the known arm-bearing families
of all the States in the Union, makes it the most comprehensive
book of the kind published. Its very unusual interest to Ameri-
cans desiring for any reason to have records of their descent is

€xo}itfs (General ^rtnor^
ABBOT. Illinois. three boars' heads erased azure, an
Charles Abbott, Chicago, 1886. antique crown.
(London.) CREST— A bee.
Ermine, on a bend engrailed sable, MOTTO— Reive ut reivas.
three crescents or.
CREST— A cubit arm erect, vested ABERCROMBIE. Pennsylvania.
azure, cuffed ermine, holding in the James Abercrombie, Philadelphia,
hand ppr. a crescent argent. 1750.
ABBOT. New York. Argent, a fesse engrailed gules, be-
Mrs. Frederick William Abbot, New tween three boars' heads couped
York. azure.
For Arms, see Gamble of Winchester, CREST—A bee volant ppr.
Va. MOTTO— Mens in arduis aequa.
ABBOT. Tennessee. ABERCROMBY. South Carolina.
John Abbot, Knoxville, 1851. (Banff, Scotland.)
(Devonshire.) Argent, on a chevron gules between
Sable, a cross voided between four three boars* heads erased azure, an
eagles displayed or. antique crown, or.
CREST— A griffin sejant azure pla- CREST— A cross, calvary, gules.
tee, winged and baked or. MOTTO— In cruce salus.
MOTTO— I soar.
ABERTON. Pennsylvania.
ABBOTT. Massachusetts. William Aberton, Philadelphia, 1869.
George Abbott, Boston, 1728. (Lincolnshire.)
(Dorset.) Or, on a fess gules between three
Argent, a cross sable, fimbriated or, mullets sable, a cross-crosslet fitchee
between four eagles displayed of the of the first.
second. CREST~On a human heart gules,
CREST—A griffin sejant azure be- an eagle's claw erased ppr.
ABRAHALL. Virginia.
York. Col. Robert Abrahall, New Kent Co.,
John Abell, Albany, 1892. circa 1690.
(Essex.) Azure, three hedgehogs or.
Argent, a fess purpure, between three CREST—A hedgehog ppr.
boars' heads couped gules.
CREST—An arm in armor embowed ACHARD. California.
ppr. holding a sword argent, hilted Charles Achard, Los Angeles.
or, enfiled on the arm with a wreath (Berkshire.)
argent and gules. Gyronny of six argent and gules, a
MOTTO—Vive le roi. label of five points azure.

ABERCROMBIE. New Jersey. ACHEY. Pennsylvania.

(Renfrewshire.) John Ludwig, John Jacob and Her-
Argent, on a chevron gules jbetween man Achey, Tulpehocken, 1752.
(Normandy.) ADAMS. New York.
D'azur, a la fasce d'argent, accom- John Seeley Adams, Esq., Syracuse.
pagnee de trois ecussons d'or. For Arms see Robert Seeley, Water-
town, Mass.
ACKERS. Pennsylvania.
George Ackers, Philadelphia, 1852. ADAMS. New York.
(Lancashire.) Mrs. John De La Mater Adams, Syr-
Argent, on a bend sable, three acorns acuse.
husked vert. For Arms see Robert Seeley, Water-
dove rising ppr. in the town, Mass.
beak an acorn of the arms.
MOTTO—La Liberte. ADAMSON. Texas.
Thomas Adamson, Galveston, 1872.
ADAIR. New York. (Newcastle.)
Arthur Adair, New York, 1846. Argent, three crosses-crosslet fitchee
(Co. Antrim.) gules.
Argent, a lion rampant azure between CREST— A cross-crosslet gules.
three dexter hands appaumee, erected
and couped gules.
ADDINGTON. District of Columbia.
CREST— A man's head afifrontee, George Peters Addington, Washing-
couped ppr. distilling drops of blood, ton, 1891.
and fixed on the point of a sword (Devonshire.)
erected in pale, also ppr. hilt and Per pale ermine and ermines on a
pomel or. chevron, between three fleurs-de-lis,
MOTTOES— (i) Arte et marte. four lozenges all counterchanged.
CREST —A leopard sejant guardant
argent, pellettee.
ADAMS. New York.
ADGER. South Carolina.
Charles Edward Adams, Brooklyn,
William Adger, Charleston.
(York. Granted 1612.) Azure, on a fess argent, three water
Gules, a lion rampant or, between
bougets sable.
three escallops argent, on a chief of
the last three pallets engrailed sable.
CREST — A swan with wings en-

CREST A — demi-griffin ermine,

dorsed argent, murally
crowned gules resting the foot upon
winged and beaked azure holding an an escallop shell or.
escallop or.
AGNEW. Pennsylvania.
ADAMS. Massachusetts. Thomas Agnew, Pittsburg, 1839.
Henry Adams, Braintree, 1634. (Wigton.)
(Caermarthen, Wales.) Argent, a chevron between two cinque
Argent, on a cross gules five mullets foils in chief gules, and a saltier
or. in base azure.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet
or, CREST— An eagle issuant and re-
a demi-lion affronte gules.
MOTTO — Aspire, persevere, and in-
guardant ppr.
MOTTO^— Consilio non impetu.
dulge not.
AGNEW. Pennsylvania.
ADAMS. Connecticut. John R. Agnew, Philadelphia, 1783.
Thomas Adams, Bridgeport, 1864. Same Arms as Agnew of Pittsburg.
(London. Granted 1590.)
Vert, a cross or. AIKEN. Rhode Island.
William Aiken, Providence, 1799.
ADAMS. Virginia. (London.)
Ebenezar Adams, New Kent Co., Gules, a cross crosslet or, cantoned
with four bezants.
Ermine, three cats passant in pale CREST— A fountain throwing up
azure. water ppr.

AINSLIE. New York. ALDEN. Massachusetts.
Roger Ainslie, Brooklyn, 1806. John Alden, Plymouth, 1620.
(Lancashire.) (Hertfordshire. Granted 1607.)
Or, a cross flory sable. Gules, three crescents within a bor-
CREST— An eagle's head erased ppr. dure engrailed ermine.
MOTTO— Spero meliora. CREST— Out of a ducal coronet per
pale gules and sable, a demi-lion or.
Thomas Aitcheson, Portland, 1800. ALDRICH. Massachusetts.
(Edinburgh.) Thomas Aldrich, Boston, 1752.
Argent, a two-headed eagle displayed (Lancaster.)
sable, on a chief vert two spur rowels Ermine, on a chevron engrailed ar-
gent, between three griffins' heads
MOTTO— Ane chast arbor. erased, as many lozenges.
AKERLY. Long Island.
CREST— A griffin segreant.

Robert Akerly, Brookhaven, 1655.

On a mound vert, the stump of a ALEXANDER. Massachusetts.
George Alexander, Windsor, 1642.
tree, thereon a dove holding in the
Per pale argent and sable, a chevron,
beak a branch of laurel between two
in base a crescent all counterchanged.
pine trees. CREST—A bear erect argent.
ALANSON. Massachusetts.
MOTTO— Per mare per terras.
George Alanson, Charlestown, 1792.
ALEXANDER. Virginia.
Or, three pallets azure, on a chief John Alexander, Stafford Co., 1659.
gules, a lion passant guardant argent.
CREST — A lion rampant guardant
Per pale, argent and sable, a chevron
and in t)ase a crescent all counter-
gules, supporting a long cross or.
CREST— A bear sejant, erect ppr.
ALBRO. Michigan.
Rev. Addis Albro, Detroit.
MOTTO — Per mare per terras.

Same Arms as Major John Albro,

New York. ALGER. Maine.
Andrew Alger, Saes, 1640.
ALBRO. New York. (Dunston, Norfolk.)
New York, i66r. Or, an eagle displayed sable, mem-
Major John Albro, bered gules.
Azure, a fesse argent between three
cross-crosslets or.

CREST A greyhound's head sable,
CREST— An ibex passant or. charged with four bezants.

ALCOCK. Massachusetts. ALLAN. Connecticut.

George Alcock, Roxbury, 1630. Edgar Allan, Bridgeport, 1798.

Gules, a fesse between three cocks' (Durham.)

heads erased argent, beaked and Sable, a cross potent quarter pierced
crested or. or, charged with four guttes de sang,
CREST — A cock ermine, beaked and in chief two lions' heads erased of the
membered or. second, all within a bordure engrailed
MOTTO—Vigilate. erminois.
CREST demi-lion rampant ar-
ALCOCK. New Jersey. gent, ducally crowned gules, holding
Thomas Alcock, Jersey City, 1892. in the dexter paw across potent or,
(Dublin.) and supporting in the sinister paw
Gules, a fesse between three cocks* a rudder of the second.
heads erased argent, combed and MOTTO — Fortiter gerit crucem.
wattled or.
CREST— pomeis charged with a ALLAN. New York.
cross patte or, thereon a cock sable. Thomas Allan, New York, 1853.
MOTTO—Vigilate. -


Per bend indented argent and gules, ALMY. Pennsylvania.
in chieftwo crescents and in base a Edward Percy Almy, Esq., Williams-
mullet all counterchanged. port.
CREST— A comet ppr. Same Arms as William Almy, of
MOTTO— Luceo sed terres. Massachusetts.
ALLEN. New York. ALMY. New York.
Mrs. Paul Allen (Mattie Rankin Du- Hon. Bradford Almy, Ithaca.
vall), New York. Same Arms as William Almy, of
For Arms see Marien Duval. Massachusetts.
ALLEN. New York.
William F. Allen, New York, 1879. ALSOP. Pennsylvania.
Othniel Alsop, Philadelphia, 1790.
Sable, three doves rising argent,
Per fesse sable and or, a pale en-
legged and beaked gules.
grailed counterchanged, and three
talbots passant or, collared gules.
CREST —Adove rising holding in
CREST— A the beak an ear of wheat.
talbot passant or, col-
lared gules.
ALSOP. Connecticut.
ALLEYNE. Massachusetts. Joseph Alsop, New Haven.
Edward Alleyne, Dedham, 1636. (Alsop, Derbyshire.)
(Staffordshire.) Sable, three doves volant argent,
Per chevron gules and ermine, in beaks and legs gules.
chief two lions' heads erased or.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet, a ALST, VAN. New York.
horse's head argent. 1652.
MOTTO— Non tua te moveant sed (Bruges, Netherlands.)
Azure, a bend argent.
publica vota. —
CREST Issuing from a coronet or,
ALLING. Connecticut. two wings, addorsed gules.
Roger Ailing, New Haven, 1639.
AMBLER. Massachusetts.
Per bend rompu argent and Richard Ambler, Boston, 1643.
sable, six
martlets counterchanged. Sable, on a fess or, between three

CREST An eagle argent, holding in pheons, argent, a lion passant guard-
the beak an acorn or, leaved vert. ant gules.
MOTTO— Amicitia sine fraude. CREST— Two dexter hands con-
joined, sustaining a royal crown.
ALLING. New York.
Asa Ailing Ailing, Esq., New York. AMES. Massachusetts.
Same Arms as Roger Ailing, New William Ames, Braintree, 1637.
Haven, Conn. (Burton, Somerset.)
ALMY. Massachusetts. Argent, on a bend cotised between
two annulets sable, a quatrefoil be-
William Almy, Boston, 1630.
tween two roses of the field.
Gules, within a bordure or, a tower CREST— A rose argent, slipped and
triple turreted, two keys crossed in leaved ppr. in front thereof an annu-
base argent.
let or.
CREST— A standard, lance, sword MOTTO—Vincit amor
and patria.
shield conjoined, within the
shield gules, a Crusader's cross or. AMES. New Jersey.
ALMY. Massachusetts. Joseph Bushnell Ames, Esq., Morris-
Hon. Charles Almy, Boston. town.
Same Arms as William Almy, of Same Arms as William Ames, Brain-
Massachusetts. tree, Mass.

ALMY. Connecticut. AMORY. Massachusetts.

Leonard B. Almy, Esq., Norwich. Thomas Amory, Boston, 1682.
Same Arms as William Almy, of Barry nebuly of six argent and gules,
Massachusetts. a bend azure.

CREST— Out of a mural coronet or, ANDREWS. Rhode Island.
a talbot's head azure eared of the Edward Andrews, Newport, 1639.
first. (Northampton.)
MOTTO—Tu ne cede malis. Gules, a saltire or, surmounted of an-
other vert.
AMORY. Massachusetts. CREST— A Saracen's head in profile,
Charles Walter Amory, Esq., Boston. couped at shoulders, ppr. from
Same Arms as Thomas Amory. the ear a golden pendant.
MOTTO— Virtute et fortuna.
AMORY. South Carolina.
Jonathan Amory, South Carolina,
ANDREWS. Massachusetts.
1690. John Andrews, Ipswich, 1635.
(Co. Qare, Ireland.) (Warwick.)
Azure, on a bend argent, three eagles Gules, a saltire or, surmounted of
displayed gules within a bordure or. another vert.
CREST— An eagle's head erased or. CREST— A blackamoor's head in
MOTTO— Fidelis et suavis. profilecouped at the shoulders and
wreathed about the temples all ppr.
ANABLE. Massachusetts. MOTTO—Virtute et fortuna.
Anthony Anable, Plymouth, 1623.
ANDREWS. Connecticut.
Argent, two bars engrailed
at John Andrews, Farmington, 1640.
stag gaze ppr. Same Arms as Andrews, Massachu-
ANABLE. New York.
Eliphalet Nott Anable, Esq., New ANDREWS. New York.
York. Horace Andrews, Jr., Esq., Albany.
Same Arms as Anthony Anable, Same Arms as John Andrews, Ips-
Plymouth, Mass. wich, Mass.

ANDERSON. Massachusetts. APPLEGATE. Massachusetts.

John Anderson, Watertown, 1700. Thomas Applegate, Weymouth, 1635.
Or, on a chevron gules, between three Azure, a chevron or, between three
hawks' heads erased argent, three owls argent, in chief a fleur-de-lis er-
acorns, slipped of the last, on a can- mine.
ton salsle, three martlets of the third. —
CREST A demi-tiger gules, bezan-
CREST— A falcon's head, of the tee, armed and tufted or, charged
shield. with a bend or.
ANDERSON. Virginia.
W. B. Applegate, Esq., Branch Hill.
Thomas Anderson, Gloucester Same Arms as Thomas Applegate, of
Northumberland. )
APPLEGATE. New Jersey.
Or, on a chevron gules between three Red Bank.
hawks' heads erased sable, as many John S. Applegate, Esq.,
Same Arms as Thomas Applegate, of
acorns slipped argent.

CREST An eagle's head erased ar- Massachusetts.

gent, holding in the beak paleways an APPLETON. Massachusetts.

arrow gules, headed and feathered or. Samuel Appleton, Ipswich,
desperandum, auspice (Wallingfield, Suffolk.)
Deo. Argent, a fess sable, between three
apples gules, slipped and leaved vert.
ANDERSON. Ohio. CRESTS— (i) Out of a ducal coro-
Brig.-Genl. Thomas McArthur An- net or, three pineapples vert, the top
derson, U. S. A., State Soldiers' purfled, or. (2) An elephant's head
Home, Erie Co. sable eared or; in the mouth a snake
Same Arms as Thomas Anderson, vert, coiled about the trunk.
Gloucester Co., Va. MOTTO— Ex malo bonum.

APPLETON. Massachusetts. CREST— A demi-tiger sable bezan-
Francis Appleton, Esq., Boston. tee, maned and tufted or, holding a
Same Arms as Samuel Appleton, Ips- broad arrow, shaft gules, feathers and
wich. pheon argent.
MOTTO— Nil desperandum.
APTHORP. Massachusetts.
Charles Apthorp, Boston, 1725. ARNOLD. Massachusetts.
(Cornwall.) Thomas Arnold, Watertown, 1635.
Per pale, nebulee, argent and azure, (Dorset.)
two mullets counterchanged. Gules, a chevron ermine, between
CREST—A mullet argent. three pheons, or.
MOTTO— Pari quae sentiat. CRESTS— (i) A demi-tiger argent
APTHORP. Massachusetts. pellete,holding in the paws a fire ball
ppr. (2) A lion rampant gules, hold-
William Foster Apthorp, Esq., Bos-
ing between its paws a lozenge or.
Same Arms as Charles Apthorp, Bos-
MOTTO— Ut vivas vigila.
ARNOLD. Rhode Island.
ARMISTEAD. Virginia. William Arnold, Providence, 1636.
Or, a chevron between three points (Leamington, Warwickshire. De-
of spears sable tasseled in the middle. scended from Ynyr, King of Gwent,
CREST— A dexter arm in armor em- 1 125.)
bowed ppr., holding the butt end of Per pale azure and sable, three fleurs-
a broken spear. de-lis or, for Ynjr. Gules, a chevron
MOTTO— Suivez raison. ermine between three pheons or, for
ARMSTRONG, New York. CREST— A demi-lion rampant gules,
James Armstrong, Brooklyn, 1831. holding between its paws a lozenge
(Tyrone.) or.
Gules, three dexter arms vambraced MOTTO— Mihi gloria cessum.
argent, hands ppr.

CREST A dexter arm vambraced in ARNOLD. Rhode Island.
armor argent, the hand ppr. George Carpenter Arnold, Esq.,
MOTTO— In Deo robur mens. Providence.
Same Arms as William Arnold, of
ARMSTRONG. Pennsylvania. Providence.
Thomas Armstrong, Northumberland
Co., 1750.
ARNOLD, Rhode Island.
Arthur H. Arnold, Esq., Providence.
Gules, three dexter arms vambraced
Same Arms as William Arnold, of
argent, hands ppr.
CREST— A dexter arm vambraced in
armor argent, the hand ppr.
MOTTO— In Deo robus mens.
ASHBY. Massachusetts.
John Ashby, Boston, 1749.
ARMSTRONG. Rhode Island. (Quenby Hall, Leicester.)
Jonathan Armstrong, Westerly, 1650. Azure, a chevron ermine between
three leopards' faces or.
Sable, three dexter arms conjoined —
at the shoulders and flexed in trian- CREST On a mural coronet argent,
a leopard's face or.
gle or, cuffed argent, hands clenched
MOTTO— Be just and fear not.
CREST— A dexter arm vambraced in
armor argent, hand ppr.
ASHHURST. Pennsylvania.
MOTTO—Vi et armis. Richard Ashhurst, Philadelphia, 1801.
ARNOLD. Pennsylvania. Gules, a cross between four fleurs-de-
(London. Granted 1612.) lisor (sometimes argent).
Gules, three pheons argent, on a chief CREST— A fox passant ppr.
of the second a bar nebulee azure. MOTTO— Vincit qui patitur.

ASHLEY. Massachusetts. Vert, a cross voided between four
Robert Ashley, Springfield, 1638. lions rampant or.
Argent, a lion rampant sable. CREST—A dove with wings ex-
ASHTON. Virginia. MOTTO— Nil pacimus non sponte
James Ashton, 1680. Dei.
(Chatterton, Lancaster. Arms grant-
ed 1567.) ATKINSON. Virginia.
Argent, a mullet sable.
Roger Atkinson, Mannsfield, Dinwid-
CREST— A mower with his scythe die Co.
ppr. habited quarterly argent and sa- Argent, an eagle displayed with two
ble, the handle of his scythe or, the heads sable on a chief gules, a rose

blade of the first. between two martlets or.

ASPINWALL. Massachusetts.
ATLEE. Pennsylvania.
William Aspinwall, Charlestown, William Atlee, Philadelphia, 1744.
1630. Azure, a lion rampant argent.
Or, a chevron between three griffins' CREST— Two lions' heads adorsee
heads erased sable.

CREST A demi-griffin erased sable, ppr.
MOTTO— Honor, not honors.
beaked, legged and collared or.

ASTON. Virginia.
ATLEE. Pennsylvania.
Lieut.-Col. Walter Charles Walter Franklin Atlee, Esq., Phila-
1628. delphia.
City Co.,
Same Arms as William Atlee, Phila-
(Langdon, Staffordshire.)
Argent, a fesse sable, in chief three
lozenges of the last. ATWATER. Connecticut.
CREST— A bull's head couped sable.
MOTTO — Numini et patriae asto. David Atwater, New Haven, 1638.
(Roy ton, Kent.)
ATHERTON. Massachusetts. Sable, a wavy
fesse azure between
Humphrey Atherton, Dorchester, three swans ppr.
^ ATWELL. Maine.
Gules, three hawks belled and jessed John Atwell, Casco Bay, 1640.
or. (Devonshire. Granted 1614.)
CREST— A hawk ppr. legged and Argent, a pile in point sable, and a
beaked chevron counterchanged.
lion rampant erminois,
ATHERTON. New York. holding in the paws an annulet or.
Fisher Cordenio Atherton, Esq., Buf- MOTTO — En Dieu est mon esperance.
Same Arms as Humphrey Atherton, AUSTIN. Massachusetts.
Dorchester, Mass.
Richard Austin, Charlestown, 1638.
(Bishopstoke, Hampshire.)
ATKINS. Massachusetts. Gules, a chevron between three long
Joseph Atkins, Newburyport, 1728. crosses or.
(Sandwich, Kent.) CREST— A long cross or, between
Argent, a cross sable, a tressure of a two wings sable.
half fleur-de-lis between four mullets MOTTO— Deus regnat.
of the second.
CREST— Two greyhounds' heads en- AUSTIN. Massachusetts.
dorsed argent and sable collared and Walter Austin, Esq., Boston.
ringed counterchanged. Same Arms as Richard Austin,

MOTTO Vincit cum legibus arma. Charlestown.

ATKINSON. Massachusetts. AVERY. Massachusetts.

Theodore Atkinson, Boston, 1635. William Avery, Dedham, 1650.
(Lancashire.) (Somerset.)

Gules, a chevron between three be- BAILEY. Massachusetts.
zants or. Richard Bailey, Rowley, 1630.

CREST Two lions' gambs or, sup- (Yorkshire.)
porting a bezant. Ermine, three bars wavy sable.
CREST—A demi-Iady holding on her
AVERY. New York. dexter hand a tower, in her sinister
Samuel Putnam Avery, Esq., New a laurel branch vert.
Same Arms as William Avery, Ded- BAILLIE. Georgia.
ham, Mass., 1650. Kenneth Baillie, St. John's Parish.
AXTELL. Virginia. Azure, nine stars, three, three, two
Mrs. Decatur Axtell, Richmond. and one argent.
For Arms see William Cantrill, CREST— A boar's head couped.
Jamestown, Va. MOTTO— Quid clarius astris.

AYER. Massachusetts. BAINBRIDGE. Illinois.

John Ayer, Newbury, 1635. John Bainbridge, Chicago, 1873.
(Wiltshire.) (Warwickshire.)
Gules, three covered cups argent.
CREST —A covered cup argent.
Azure, three battle-axes
or, staffs ar-

BACKUS. Connecticut.
CREST— An arm from the shoulder
William Backus, Norwich, 1637.
issuing from the sea, holding an an-
chor all ppr.
Azure, a chevron ermine, between
three doves argent.
BAKER. Massachusetts.
Thomas Baker, Roxbury, 1635.
CREST— A dove argent.
MOTTO— Confido in Deo. (Kent.)
Azure, on a saltire engrailed sable,
BACKUS. New York. five escallops of the field, on a chief
of the second a lion passant of the
J.Bayard Backus, Esq., New York.
Same Arms as William Backus, Nor- first.

wich, Conn.
CREST— A dexter arm embowed,
vested azure, cuffed argent, holding
BACKUS. Missouri. in the hand ppr. an arrow of the last.
Rev. Clarence Walworth Backus,
Kansas City. BALCHE. Massachusetts.
Same Arms as William Backus, Nor- John Balche, 1629.
wich, Conn. (Visitation of Somerset, 1623.)
Barry of six or and azure, on a bend
BACON. Connecticut. engrailed gules, three spear-heads ar-
Nathaniel Bacon, Middletown, 1653. gent.
(Stretton, Rutland.) CREST— A demi-griffin ppr.
Gules, on a chief argent two mullets MOTTO--Coeur et courage font I'ou-
sable, pierced of the second.
boar passant ermine,
armed and hoofed or. BALCHE. Pennsylvania.
MOTTO— Mediocria firma. Same Arms as Balche of Massachu-
BAGLEY. Massachusetts.
John Bagley, Boston, 1750. BALCHE. Maryland.
Or, three lozenges azure. Rev.Thomas Balche, 1685.
CREST--On the top of a spear issu- Same Arms as Balche of Massachu-
ing a wivern, sans legs, tail knowed. setts.

BAGLEY. New York. BALDWIN. Connecticut.

George Abner Bagley, Esq., Peeks- Richard Baldwin, Milford, 1665.
kill. ( Buckingham. )
Same Arms as John Bagley, Mass. Argent, six oak leaves in pairs, two

in chief and one in base vert, stalks CREST— A garb between two wings
sable, their points downward. expanded or.
CREST— A squirrel sejant or. MOTTO— Dat Deus incrementum.
MOTTO— Vim vi repello.
BANKS. Georgia.
BALDWIN. Massachusetts. Charles F. Banks, Atlanta, 1896.
Samuel Baldwin, Windsor, 1639. (Aylesford, Kent.)
(Kent.) Sable, on a cross argent, between
Gules, a griffin segreant or.
CREST —Alion rampant azure, hold-
four fleurs-de-lis or, five pheons
ing in the paws a cross-crosslet CREST— On a mount vert, a stag
fitchee or. horned and unguled
statant, or, be-
hind a tree ppr.
BALDWIN. New York.
Townsend Burnett Baldwin, Esq.,
vult quod Deus.
New York.
Same Arms as Samuel BARBER. New Hampshire.
Baldwin, Nicholas Barber, Portsmouth, 1759.
Windsor, Mass.
BALL. Virginia. Or, two chevronels gules in chief
Col. William three fleurs-de-lis of the last.
Argent, a
Ball, 1672.
sable, on a
lion passant

CREST On a mural coronet gules,
chief of the second three mullets of a bull's head erased argent.
the first.
CREST— Out of the clouds ppr. a BARCLAY. New Jersey.
demi-lion rampant sable, powdered John Barclay, 1731.
with etoiles argent, holding a globe (Urie, Scotland.)
or. Azure, a chevron argent, between
MOTTO— Coelum qui tueri.
three crosses pattees, of the last.
CREST— A mitre or.
BALL. Connecticut. MOTTO— Crux Christi nostra corona.
Edward Ball, Branford, 1667.
Argent, a lion passant sable, on a BARCLAY. Pennsylvania.
chief of the second three mullets of James Barclay, Pennsylvania, 1722.
the first. (Suffolk.)
CREST—A stag trippant ppr. Azure, a chevron between three
MOTTO— Semper cavete. crosses pattees argent.
CREST— A bishop's mitre.
BALLENTINE. Massachusetts. MOTTO— In cruce spero.
William Ballentine, Boston, 1652.
BARD. New York.
Argent, on a cross between four mul-
Pierre Bard, New York, 1706.
lets a sword erect of the first, hilt
and pomel or. (Isle of Rhe, France.)
CREST—A demi-griffin sable, wings
Sable, on a chevron, between ten
endorsed ermine, in the dexter claw martlets, argent, four and two, in
a sword erect as in the Arms. chief, one, two and one, in point five

CREST— An arm
BAMBURGH. New Jersey.
in armor embowed,
William Gushing Bamburgh, Esq.,
hand ppr. grasping a sword argent,
Elizabeth. hilt and pomel or.
For Arms, see Gushing of Massachu- MOTTO— Fidite virtuti.
BARKER. Rhode Island.
BANCROFT. Massachusetts. James Barker, 1634.
John Bancroft, Lynn, 1632. (Worcester. Granted 1582.)
( Swarston-on-Trent, Derbyshire. ) Azure, five escallops, in cross or.
Or, on a bend between six cross- CREST— On a rock argent a falcon
crosslets azure, three garbs of the close, or.
first. MOTTO— In Deo solo salus.

BARLOW. Connecticut. BARR. Delaware.
Joel Barlow, Windsor, 1756. Mariana Barr, Wilmington.
( Pembrokeshire. ) For Arms see John Barr, Lancaster
Argent, on a chevron engrailed be- Co., Pa.
tween three crosses-crosslet fitchee
sable, two lions passant counterpas- BARRETT. Massachusetts.
sant of the first. Humphrey Barrett, Concord, 1640.
demi-lion argent holding Ermine, on a fess gules, three lions
a cross-crosslet fitchee sable. rampant or.

BARRON. Massachusetts.
BARLOW. New York. Ellis Barron, Watertown, 1640.
Peter Townsend Barlow, Esq., New (Waterford, Ire.)
York. Ermine, on a saltire gules, five annu-
Same Arms as Joel Barlow, Conn. lets or.
CREST— A boar passant azure.
BARNARD. Massachusetts. MOTTO — Fortuna juvat audaces.
John Barnard, Boston, 1634.
BARRON. New Jersey.
Elizeus Barron, Woodbridge, 1705.
Azure, on a fesse argent, three dol-
phins gules a bordure engrailed of Gules, a chevron argent between
three garbs or.
the last.

CREST An eagle reguardant with
wings expanded, holding in its dexter
BARNES. Connecticut. claw a sword.
Stephen Barnes, Branford, 1700. —
MOTTO Fortuna juvat audaces.
Quarterly, or and vert. BARRY. Maryland.

CREST An ape ppr. with broken John Barry, Maryland, 1763.
chain. (Ireland.)
MOTTO— Del fugo larola. Argent, three bars gamels gules.
CREST —A castle argent, issuing
BARNES. New York. from the top a wolf's head sable.
Gen. Alfred C. Barnes, Brooklyn. MOTTO— Boutez en evant.
Same Arms as Stephen Barnes, Bran-
ford, Conn.
BARRY. Pennsylvania.
Llewellyn Fite Barry, Esq., Philadel-
BARNWELL. South Carolina. Same Arms as John Barry, Mary-
John Barnwell, Charleston, 1701. land.
Ermine, a bordure engrailed gules. BARRY DE. New York.
CREST — From a plume of
os- five (Crefeldt, Prussia.)
trich feathers or, gules, argent, vert Gules, three barbe (fish) heads, two
and argent, a falcon rising of the last. and one argent.
MOTTO— Malo mori quam foedari. CREST —A
star of six points between
two eagles' wings argent.
BARR. Pennsylvania. BARTHOLOMEW. Massachusetts.
John Barr, Lancaster Co., 1718.
William Bartholomew, Boston, 1634.
Azure, a bend argent between two
stars of the last. Argent, a chevron engrailed, between
three lions rampant sable.
MOTTO— Quid clarius astris.
BARTLETT. Massachusetts.
BARR, Pennsylvania. John Bartlett. Newbury, 1635.
Dr. Martin W. Barr, Elwyn, Dela- (Kent.)
ware Co. Sable, three falconers' sinister gloves,
Same Arms as John Barr, Lancaster pendant argent, banded and tasseled
Co. or.

CREST— A castle ppr.
BASCOM. Connecticut.
MOTTO— Mature. Thomas Bascombe, Hartford, 1634.
Gules, a chevron between three
BARTLETT. Massachusetts.
displayed sable.
Thomas Watertown,
Bartlett, 1634.
olivebranch ppr.
siriis- MOTTO — Non omnis moriar.
Sable, in chief three falconers'
ter gloves, pendant argent, tasseled
BASSETT. Virginia.
Or, three bars wavy gules.
CREST— A swan, couchant argent A
CREST— unicorn's head couped
wings endorsed.

MOTTO Mature. argent.
MOTTO— Pro rege et populo.

BARTLETT. Massachusetts. BATCHELDER. Massachusetts.

Richard Bartlett, Newbury, 1634. Henry Batchelder, Ipswich, 1636.
(Ernely, Sussex.) _
(Dover, Kent.)
Sable, three falconers' sinister gloves Or, a fess between three dragons
pendant argent, tasseled
heads couped and erected in bend
CREST— A swan argent, couched S3,blc
with wings expanded. CREST— A dragon's head erased or,
vulned in the neck gules.
BARTON. Massachusetts.
Dr. John Barton, Salem, 1672. BATEMAN. Rhode Island.
(Norfolk.) Charles Bateman, Providence, i843-
Ermine, on a fess gules, three an- (Kerry.)
nulets or. Or, on a chevron between three escal-
CREST— A griffin's head erased ppr.
lops gules an ostrich feather argent.
MOTTO— Fortes est Veritas. CREST—A pheasant ppr.
MOTTO — Nee pretio nee prece.
BARTON. Rhode Island.
Thomas Barton, Newport, 1701. BAXTER. Florida.
(Edinburgh.) .
Thomas Baxter, Key West, 1882.
Argent, an anchor azure placed (Wolverhampton.)
the sea ppr. between two mullets of Azure, a chevron between three fal-
the second, all within a bordure of cons belled and jessed or.
the second. CREST— A falcon as in the Arms.
CREST— An anchor fessways ppr. —
MOTTO Virtute non verbis.

BARTON. New Jersey. BAYARD. New York.

Dr. Thomas Barton, 1751. Petrus Bayard, New York, 1674.
(Ireland.) (Picardy.)
Argent, three boars' heads couped Azure, a chevron between three escal-
gules armed of the first. lops or.
CREST— A boar's head as in Arms. CREST— A demi-unicorn argent.
MOTTO — Crescit sub pondere virtus. MOTTO —Honor et justitia.
BARTON. New Jersey. BAYARD. New York.
Edward Rittenhouse Barton, Esq., Thomas Francis Bayard, Esq., New
Englewood. York.
Same Arms as Dr. Thomas Barton. Same Arms as Petrus Bayard.

BARTOW. New York. BAYARD. Pennsylvania.

Rev. John Bartow, New York, 1702. Samuel Bayard, 1638.

(Crediton, Devonshire.) (Holland.)

Or, on a bend sable, between six an- Azure, a chevron between three escal-
lops or.
CREST— A 'demi-horse argent.
nulets gules, three plates.

CREST Issuing from a ducal coro-
net, a cross radiant or.
MOTTO— Amor honor et justitia.
BAYNTON. New Jersey. BEEKMAN. New York.
Peter Baynton, Burlington, 1743, William Beekman, New York, 1647.
(Wiltshire.) (Cologne, Germany.)
Sable, four lozenges conjoined in Azure, a running brook in bend,
bend argent. wavy, argent between two roses or.
CREST— A head erased CREST— Two wings addorsed.
sable. conscia recti.

BEACH. Connecticut. BELCHER. Massachusetts.

Miss Martha Beach, Bridgeport. Andrew Belcher, 1639.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nichols, (Wilts.)
Paly of six, or and gules, a chief vair.
of Stratford.
CREST— A greyhound's head, erased
BEALE. Virginia. MOTTO— Loyal au Mort.
Col. Thomas Beale, York County.
Sable, on a chevron between three BELKNAP. Massachusetts.
griffins' heads erased argent, three Abraham Belknap, Lynn, 1637.
estoiles gules.
CREST—A unicorn's head erased or,
Azure, on a bend cotised argent, three
semee of estoiles gules.
eaglets displayed of the first.
CREST— A dragon vert langued
BECKWITH. Virginia. gules, gorged with a ducal coronet,
Sir Marmaduke Beckwith, Richmond a chain or reflexed over the back.
Co., 1748.
(Aldborough, Yorkshire.) BELKNAP. New York.
Argent, a chevron between three Henry Wyckofif Belknap, Esq., New
hinds' heads erased gules. York.
CREST— An antelope ppr. in the Same Arms as Abraham Belknap,
mouth a branch vert. Lynn, Mass.
MOTTO— Joir en bien.
BELL. Massachusetts.
BECKWITH. Connecticut. William Bell, 1737.
Matthew Beckwith, 1635. (Scotland.)
(Yorkshire.) Azure, a chevron ermine, between
three bells or.
Argent, a chevron gules, fretty or,
between three hinds' heads erased of CREST —A falcon, wings expanded,
on a chief engrailed ermine.
the second ;

quaere honorem nee

gules, a saltire between two roses
argent. spernere.
CREST— An antelope ppr. in the
BELLAS. Pennsylvania.
mouth a branch vert.
MOTTO—Joir en bien.
Quarterly —
ist: Argent, a chevron
BECKWITH. New York. gules between two fleurs-de-lis in
J. Carroll Beckwith, Esq., New York. chief and an eagle in base azure.
Same Arms as Matthew Beckwith, 2d: Argent, a unicorn's head couped
Saybrook, Conn., 1635. azure on a chief wavy azure, three
mascles or. 3d: Argent, ten crosses-
BEDFORD. Ohio. crosslet gules, four, three, two and
Charles R. Bedford, Cincinnati, 1899. one. 4th Argent, a chevron gules

(Sutton Coldfield, Warwick.) between three fleurs-de-lis azure.

Argent, within a bordure engrailed, CREST— A stag's head erased per
three bears' paws erased sable. pale argent and gules, gorged with a

CREST A demi-lion rampant sable, ducal coronet holding in the mouth
murally crowned or, holding between a fleur-de-lis azure.
his paws a bezant. MOTTOES— (i) Bonne et belle
MOTTO— Animum fortuna sequatur. assez; (2) Virtute sine timore.

BELLAS. Pennsylvania. CREST— A horse's head bridled ppr.
Hugh Bellas, Philadelphia, 1717. MOTTO— Virtute et opere.
Argent, a chevron gules between two BENJAMIN. Massachusetts.
fleurs-de-lis and an eagle in base
John Benjamin, Boston, 1632.
azure. Or, on a saltire quarterly, pierced
CREST— A stag's head erased per sable five annulets counterchanged.
fesse dancette argent and gules, hold- CREST— On a chapeau, a flame of
ing in the mouth a fleur-de-lis. fire, all ppr.
MOTTO— Bonne et belle assez. MOTTO— Poussez en avant.
BELLINGHAM. Massachusetts.
BENSON. Rhode Island.
Richard Bellingham, Governor of
Capt. John Benson, Newport, 1692.
Massachusetts, 1641.
Or, a bend engrailed gules, charged
(Lincoln.) with three trefoils sable.
Argent, three bugle-horns sable
CREST— A bear's head erased ar-
stringed and garnished or.
CREST— A stag's head cabossed ar- gent, muzzled, gorged with a collar,
and pendant therefrom an escutcheon
gent attired or, between two branches,
vert. azure, charged with a trefoil or.
MOTTO—Amicus amico.
MOTTO— Si Deus, quis contra.

BELLOWS. Massachusetts. BENSON. New York.

Charles B. Benson, Esq., Hudson.
John Bellows, Boston, 1635.
Same Arms as Capt. John Benson,
Sable, fretty or, on a chevron azure Newport, R. I.
three lions' heads erased of the sec-
ond. BERNARD. Virginia.
CREST— An arm embowed habited,
Richard Bernard, York Co., 1645.
the hand ppr. grasping a chalice Argent, a bear rampant sable muzzled
pouring water into a basin also ppr.
MOTTO— Tout d'en haut.
BERRY. Illinois.
BELLOWS. Connecticut. Frederick Berry, Chicago, 1879.
Rev. Johnson McC. Bellows, Nor- (Devonshire.)
walk. Gules, three bars or.
Same Arms as John Bellows, of Mas- CREST— A griffin's head erased per
sachusetts. pale, indented argent and gules.

BENNETT. New York. BETHUNE. Massachusetts.

Thomas Bennett, New York, 1812. George Bethune, Marblehead, 1723.
(Gloucestershire. ) (Fife, Scotland.)
Per bend dancette argent and sable, —
Quarterly ist and 4th: Azure, a fess
a bend between two martlets counter- between three mascles or, for Be-
changed. thune. 2d and 3d Argent, a chevron

BENNETT. sable charged with an otter's head

Richard erased of the first, for Balfour.
Bennett, Governor of Vir-
CREST— An otter's head erased ppr.
Or, three demi-lions rampant gules.
MOTTO—Debonnai re.
BENNEY. Pennsylvania. BETTS. Long Island.
John Benney, Pittsburg, 1747. Richard Betts, 1665.
(Glasgow.) (Suffolk.)
Argent, a bend between a
sable Sable, on a bend argent three cinque-
cinquefoil in chief gules, and a sword foils.
in pale azure, bladed or, for Benney. CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
Gules, three chevronels argent, be- a buck's head gules, attired or, gorged
tween as many lions rampant or, for with a collar argent.
Cromwell. MOTTO — Mali mori quam faedari.

BETTS. Connecticut. BICKNELL. Rhode Island.
Henry B. Betts, Esq., Danbury. Thomas W. Bicknell, Esq., Provi-
Same Arms as Richard Betts, Long dence.
Island. Same Arms as Zachary Bicknell, of
BETTS. Connecticut.
Thomas Betts, Guildford. BIDDLE. Pennsylvania.
Same Arms as Richard Betts, Long William Biddle, Philadelphia, 1682.
Island. (Staffordshire.)
Argent, threee double brackets sable.
BETTS. New York. CREST— A demi-heraldic tiger ram-
Frederic H. Betts, Esq., New York.
pant, ducally gorged.
For Arms see Andrew Ward, Fair- MOTTO — Deus clypeus meus.
field, Conn.
BETTS. New York.
BIDWELL. Connecticut.
L. F. Holbrook New John Bidwell, Hartford, 1639.
Betts, Esq.,
York. (Thetford, Norfolk.)
Gyronny of four, or and gules,
For Arms see Andrew Ward, Fair-
Conn. charged with as many martlets, all
BEVERLEY. Virginia. CREST— A martlet ppr.
Robert Beverley, Middlesex Co., 1663.
BIGELOW. Massachusetts.
Ermine, a chevron sable on a chief of John Bigelow, Watertown, 1637.
Or, three lozenges azure.
the second three bulls' heads cabossed —
CREST A ram's head erased azure
CREST— A bull's head erased argent. charged with three lozenges, attired
MOTTO— Ubi libertas ibi patria.
BIBBY. New York. BIGELOW. New York.
Captain Thomas Bibby, New York, Poultney Bigelow, Esq., New York.
Same Arms as John Bigelow, Water-
(Dublin.) town, Mass.
Azure, three eagles displayed double-
headed or. BILL. Massachusetts.
CREST— An eagle displayed as in John Bill, Boston, 1635.
Arms. Ermine, two wood-bills sable with
long handles ppr. in saltier on a chief
BIBBY. New York. azure a pale or, charged with a rose
Andrew Aldridge Bibby, Esq., New gules between two pelicans' heads
York. erased at the neck argent.
Same Arms as Capt. Thomas Bibby. —
CREST A pelican's head couped at
the neck, vulning herself ppr.
BICKLEY. Virginia.
Joseph Bickley, 1703. BISHOP. New York.
(Attleborough, Norfolk.) Heber Reginald Bishop, Esq., New
Argent, a chevron embattled counter- York.
embattled between three griffins' Ermine, on a bend cotised sable, three
heads erased sable, each charged with bezants.
a plate. CREST— A griffin sejant argent, rest-
CREST— A hind's head ppr. collared ing the dexter claw on an escutcheon.
BISPHAM. New Jersey.
BICKNELL. Massachusetts. Benjamin Bispham, Mount Holly,
Zachary Bicknell, Weymouth, 1635. 1734-
(Somersetshire.) (Bickerstaffe, Lancashire.)
Argent, two bars gules, over all a Gules, a chevron between three lions'
lion rampant of the first. heads erased argent, on a canton or,
CREST— A dragon's head vert, col- a rose of the first barbed and seeded
lared, couped at the neck. of the second.

CREST— On a chapeau gules turned BLADEN. Maryland.
up ermine a lion passant argent rest- William Bladen, Commissary-General
ing the dexter paw on an escutcheon of Maryland, d. 1718.
of the first. Gules, three chevronels argent.
MOTTO— Sola virtus invicta. CREST— On a ducal crown, a griffin
passant, wings extended argent, hold-
BISPHAM. New Jersey. ing in the mouth an arrow ppr.
Joshua Bispham, Moorestown, 1737.
(Bickerstaffe, Lancashire.)
BLAIR. Massachusetts.
Same Arms as Benjamin Bispham. Robert Blair, Worcester Co., 1720.
BISSELL. Connecticut. Argent, on a saltire between two
John Bissell, Windsor. crescents in the flanks and five mas-
(Somerset.) cles voided of the first, a mullet in
Gules, on a bend argent three escal- chief and a garb in base sable.
lops sable. CREST— A stag lodged ppr.
CREST —A demi-eagle with wings MOTTO— Amo probos.
displayed sable, charged on the neck
with an escallop or. BLAIR. Massachusetts.
MOTTO— In recto decus. William Blair, Framingham and
Shrewsbury, 1718.
BLACKISTON. Maryland. (Antrim.)
Ebenezer Blackiston, Cecil County,
Same Arms as Robert Blair, Worces-
circa 1680. ter Co.
(Durham.) BLAIR. New Hampshire.
Argent, two bars and in chief three
Abraham Blair, Londonderry,
cocks gules. 1719.
CREST— A cock gules. (Antrim.)
MOTTO— Flecte non frange. Same Arms as Robert Blair, Worces-
ter, Mass.
BLACKSTONE. Pennsylvania. BLAKE. South Carolina.
Franklin Blackstone, Esq., Alle- 1682.
Benjamin Blake, Plainsfield,
gheny. Argent, a chevron between three
Same Arms as Ebenezer Blackiston,
garbs sable.
of Maryland. CREST— On a chapeau gules turned
up eirmine, a martlet argent.
BLACKWELL. Massachusetts.
John Blackwell, Boston. BLAKE. Massachusetts.
(London.) William Blake, Boston, 1630.
Paly of six argent and azure on a (Somerset.)
chief gules; a lion passant guardant
Argent a chevron between three garbs
impaling three roses. sable.
CREST — On a chapeau gules turned
BLACKWELL. Pennsylvania. up ermine, a martlet sable.
John Blackwell, Deputy Governor of
Pennsylvania, 1688. BLAND. Virginia.
(Norfolk.) Edward Bland, 1653.
Paly of six argent and azure on a^ (Yorkshire.)
chief gules a lion passant guardant or. Argent, on a bend sable three pheons
CREST —A swan's head and neck of the field.
erased argent, ducally gorged or. CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
a lion's head ppr.
BLADEN. Maryland. MOTTO— Sperate et virite fortes.
Thomas Bladen, Royal Governor of
Maryland, 1742-1745. BLATCHFORD. New York.
Gules, three chevronels argent. Rev. Samuel Blatchford, D.D., Lan-
CREST— A greyhound's head erased singburgh, 1795.
ppr. (Devonport, Devonshire.)
MOTTO— Tou jours fidele. Azure, two bars wavy or, on a chief

of the last three pheons of the first. holding in the paw a bunch of five

CREST A swan's head and neck arrows.

erased sable, between two wings ar- MOTTO Spes anchora vitae.
MOTTO— Providentia sumus.
BOCKEE. New York.
Abraham Bockee, New York, 1684.
BLEECKER. New York. (Middleburg, Zeeland.)
Jan Jansen Bleecker, New
York, 1658. D'azur au chevron d'or, accompagne
(Meppel, Netherlands.) de trois roses d'argent.
Per pale azure and argent on the ist
two chevronels embattled counter- BOLLES. Maine.
embattled or; on the 2d a sprig of Thomas BoUes, Wells, 1644.
roses vert, flowered gules. (Lincoln.)
CREST—A pheon or. Azure, out of three cups or, as many
boars' heads couped argent.
BLISS. New Jersey. CREST— A demi-boar wounded in
Thomas Bliss, Green Court, Glouces- the breast with a broken spear.
ter, 1758.
Argent, on a bend cotised azure three BOLLES. New York.
garbs or. Thomas Gilbert Bolles, New York.
CREST—A garb or. Same Arms as Thomas Bolles, Wells,
BLIVEN. Rhode Island.
Edward Blivin, Newport, 1685. BOLLING. Virginia.
Robert Boiling, Goochland Co., 1661.
Gules, a lion rampant surmounted by
a bendlet argent. (Yorkshire.)
Sable, an inescutcheon ermine, with-
BLOSS. Massachusetts. in an orle of eight martlets argent.
Richard Bloss, Watertown, 1652.
BOLTON. New York.
(Suffolk.) New York.
John Bolton,
Gules, three dragons passant in pale
ermine. (Lancaster.)
CREST —Ademi-angel, holding in
Sable, a falcon close argent armed
or, on the breast a cross.
the dexter hand a griffin's head
CREST— The falcon of the shield.
MOTTO— Aymez loyal te.
BLOSS. New York. BOLTON. Pennsylvania.
James Orville Bloss, Esq., New York. Robert Bolton, Philadelphia, 1718.
Same Arms as Richard Bloss, Water-
town, Mass. Sable, a falcon close argent, beaked,
membered, jessed and belled or,
BLOSSOM. New York.
charged on the breast with a trefoil
Benjamin Blossom, Esq., New York.
slipped ppr.
Azure, three wiverns displayed er- CREST— A falcon close argent as in
the Arms.
of a ducal coronet a
hand holding a swan's head and neck BOND. Massachusetts.
erased. William Bond, Watertown, 1654.
(Bury St. Edmunds.)
BOAS. New York. Argent, on a chevron sable three be-
Emil Leopold Boas, Esq., New York. zants.
Or, on a chevron azure between in CREST— A demi-Pegasus azure,
chief a lymphad of the second on the winged or.
dexter, and a lion rampant gules hold- MOTTO— Non sufficit orbis.
ing in the paw a bunch of five arrows
on the sinister side, and in base an BONNER. New York.
anchor sable, five bezants torteaux Robert Bonner, New York, 1824.
per saltire sable and or. (Ireland.)

CREST A demi-lion rampant gules Quarterly, gules and sable, a cross

pattee quarterly ermine and or; on a BOOTH. Massachusetts.
chief of the last a demi-rose stream- Junius Brutus Booth, Esq., Manches-
ing rays, between two pelicans vuln- ter-by-the-Sea.
ing themselves of the first. Same Arms as Edwin Thomas Booth,
CREST—A talbot's head argent, col- Belair, Maryland.
lared azure, studded, edged, and
ringed or. BOOTH. Massachusetts.
MOTTO— Semper fidelis. Sydney Barton Booth, Esq., Man-
BONNER. Massachusetts. Same Arms as Edwin Thomas Booth,
John Bonner, Cambridge, Mass., 1725. Belair, Maryland.
Quarterly, gules and sable, a cross BOOTH. Virginia.
pattee, quarterly ermine and or; on a Thomas Booth, Ware, Gloucester Co.
chief of the last a demi-rose stream- (Lancashire.)
ing rays between two pelicans vuln- Descended from George, ist Lord
ing themselves of the first. Delamere, and Henry, ist Earl of
CREST—A talbot's head argent, col- Warrington.
lared azure, studded, edged, and Argent, three boars' heads erect and
ringed or. erased sable.
MOTTO— Semper fidelis. CREST—A demi-St. Catherine ppr.
couped at the knees, habited argent,
BONNETT. Pennsylvania. crowned or, in the dexter hand a
Jean Jacques Bonnett, Philadelphia, Catherine wheel, in the sinister a
1733. sword, the point downwards.
D'azur a un bouf d'or, surmounte de BOOTH. Connecticut.
trois etoiles du meme rangies en chef. Richard Booth, Stratford, 1640.
(Bowden, Cheshire.)
BOONE. Pennsylvania. Argent, three boars' heads erect and
Solomon Boone, Bristol, i6go. erased sable.
(Bradnich, Devon.) CREST— A lion passant argent.
Azure, on a bend argent cotised or, MOTTO— Quod ero spero.
between two lions rampant of the
second, three escallops gules. BOOTH. Long Island.
CREST— hand holding a sheaf of John Booth, Southold, 1640.
arrows, points downward ppr. (Bowden, Cheshire.)
Same Arms as Booth of Connecticut,
BOORAEM. New York.
William Van Boerum, New York, BOOTH. New Hampshire.
1649. Robert Booth, Exeter, 1646.
Or, a Moor's head sable, wreathed (Bowden, Cheshire.)
about the head argent between three Same Arms as Booth of Connecticut.
trefoils slipped vert.
CREST— A helmet of nobility, round BORDEN. Rhode Island.
the neck an order of knighthood. Richard Borden, Portsmouth, 1639.
BOORAEM. New York. Azure, a chevron engrailed ermine,
Robert Elmer Booraem, Esq., New two pilgrim's staves ppr. in chief, a
York. cross-crosslet in base or.
Same Arms as William Van Boerum. A
CREST— lion rampant holding a
battle-axe ppr., above the crest tlj.^.
BOOTH. Maryland. word "Excelsior."
Edwin Thomas Booth, Belair, Har- MOTTO— Palma virtuti.
ford County, 1833.
Argent, three boars' heads erect and BORLAND. Massachusetts.
erased sable. John Borland, Charlestown, 1726.
CREST— A lion passant argent. Barry of six argent and sable (some-
MOTTO— Quod ero spero. times gules), a boar rampant ppr.

CREST— A broken tilting spear ppr. Argent on a bend sable three buckles
MOTTO— Press through. or.

BOSWORTH. Massachusetts. BOWLES. Maryland.

Edward Bosworth, Boston, 1634. Azure, three standing bowls argent,
Gules, a cross vair between four an- out of each a boar's head or.
nulets argent.
CREST —A lily ppr. slipped and BOYD. Delaware.
leaved. New
John Boyd, Castle, 1791.
BOURKE. New York.
Azure, a fesse chequy or and gules.
John Crozier Bourke, New York. CREST— A dexter hand erect point-
(Castle Connell, Limerick.)
ing with the thumb and two fingers
Or, a cross gules, in the first quarter ppr.
a lion rampant sable. MOTTO— Confido.
CREST —A cat-a-mountain sejant
guardant ppr. collared and chained BOYD.
or. Pennsylvania.
Herbert Hart Boyd, Esq., Philadel-
MOTTO—A cruce salus.
BOUTELLE. Massachusetts. Same Arms as John Boyd, New
Castle, Del.
James Boutelle, Lynn, 1632.
Per pale gules and sable, an estoile of
eight points issuing from a crescent BOYLE. Pennsylvania.
or. Thomas Boyle, Pittsburg, 1794.
BOWEN. Massachusetts. Or, an oak tree eradicated vert.
Richard Bowen, Rehoboth, 1644. CREST— A human heart gules, be-
(Glamorgan, Wales.) tween a cross and sword in saltire
Azure, a stag argent with an arrow ppr.
stuck in the back and attired or.

CREST A stag standing vulned in BOYLE. Iowa.
the back with an arrow ppr. Peter Alexander Boyle, Esq., Daven-
MOTTO— Qui male cogitat male sibi. port.
Per bend crenellee argent and gules,
BOWEN. Massachusetts.
a cinquefoil for difference.
Griffith Bowen. Boston, 1639. —
CREST Out of a ducal coronet or,
(Glamorgan, Wales.) a lion's head erased per pale crenellee
Same Arms as Richard Bowen, of
argent and gules.
MOTTO— God's providence is my in-

BOWEN. Rhode Island. heritance.

William M. P. Bowen, Esq., Provi-
dence. BOYLSTON. Massachusetts.
Same Arms as Richard and Griffith Thomas Boylston, Watertown, 1653.
Bowen, of Massachusetts. Gules, six cross-crosslets, fitchee, ar-
gent, three, two and one; on a chief
BOWEN. .Minnesota. or, three pellets, charged

the centre
Captain Edgar C. Bowen, St. Paul. one with a fleur-de-lis, the others
Same Arms as Richard Bowen, of each a lion passant guardant.

BOWEN. New York. BOYNTON. Massachusetts.

Rev. John E. Bowen, Westport. William Boynton, Rowley, 1638.
Same Arms as Richard Bowen, of (Yorkshire.)
Rehoboth. Or, a fesse between three crescents

BOWIE. Virginia. goat passant sable guttee
John Bowie, Stafford Co. d'eau. beard, horns and hoofs or.
(Scotland.) MOTTO— II tempo passa.

BRADBURN. New York. BRADY. Illinois.
Thomas Bradburn, New York, 1815. William F. Brady, Esq., Chicago,
(Dublin.) 1891.
Argent, on a bend gules three mullets (Cavan.)
or. Same Arms as Brady of New York.
CREST—A pine tree vert, fructed
ppr. BRATTLE. Massachusetts.
Thomas Brattle, Boston, 1657.
BRADFORD. Massachusetts.
Or, a boar passant gules.
William Bradford, Governor of Mas- CREST— A battle-axe in front of a
sachusetts, 1620. laurel and myrtle branch in saltire,
(Yorkshire.) all ppr.
Argent, on a fess sable three stags'
heads erased or.
CRESTS— ( I) A BREARLEY. New Jersey.
stag's head of the
shield. A double-headed eagle,
John Brearley, Lawrenceville, 1695.
MOTTO— Fier et sage.
Argent, a cross potent gules, in the
dexter point a fleur-de-lis of the
BRADFORD. New York. CREST— A cross potent fitchee gules,
Edward Anthony Bradford, Esq., between two wings argent.
Brooklyn. v

Same Arms as Governor William

Bradford, Mass.
BREESE. New York.
Sidney Breese, New York, 1733.
BRADLEY. Connecticut. (Shropshire.)
Francis Bradley, New Haven, 1650. Argent, on a fesse azure three boars'
heads couped or, in chief a lion pas-
sant gules.
Gules, a chevron argent between
three boars' heads couped or.
CREST— A boar's head argent pel-
CREST— A boar's head couped or. letee, between two oak branches vert,

MOTTO Liber ac sapiens esto. fructed or.

BRADLEY. Connecticut. BRENTON. Rhode Island.

Cyrus Sherwood Bradley,
William Brenton, Governor of Rhode
Southport. Island, 1634.
Same Arms as Francis Bradley, New (Hammersmith, Middlesex.)
Haven. Argent, a chevron gules, between
three martlets sable.
BRADSTREET. Massachusetts.

CREST Out of a naval crown or, a
Simon Bradstreet, Governor of Mas-
swan argent guttee de sang.
sachusetts, 1679. MOTTO— Go through.
Argent, a greyhound passant gules, BRERETON. Maryland.
on a chief sable three crescents or. Thomas
CREST — An arm
Brereton, Baltimore, 1761.
in armor embowed, (Cheshire.)
the hand grasping a scimitar, all ppr. Argent, two bars sable,
MOTTO— Virtute et non vi. CREST— Out of a ducal coronet a
bear's head sable muzzled ppr.
BRADY. New York. MOTTO— Opitulante Deo.
Thomas Brady, New York, 1S39.
(Kings County.) BREWSTER. Massachusetts.
Sable, in the dexter chief point a sun, William Brewster, Plymouth, 1620.
in the sinister base a hand
pointing (Essex.)
thereto ppr. a chevron ermine between
CREST —A cherub's head and neck
three estoiles argent.
ppr. between two wings or. CREST— A bear's head erased azure.
MOTTO— Claritate dextra. MOTTO— Verite soyez ma garde.

BREWSTER. New York. Argent, three greyhounds courant in
Henry Colvin Brewster, Esq., Roch- pale sable.
ester. CREST— A greyhound courant sable,
Same Arms as William Brewster, seizing a hare ppr.
Plymouth, Mass. MOTTOES— (i) Grata sume manu;
(2) Alter altero.
BRIGGS. Massachusetts.
Walter Briggs, Scituate, 1643. BRISTOW. Virginia.
(Norfolk.) Robert Bristow, Gloucester Co., 1660.
Gules, three bars gemelles or, a can- (Ayot St. Lawrence House, Herts.)
ton ermine. Ermine, on a fesse cotised sable, three
CREST— On the stump of a tree a crescents or.
pelican or, vulning herself ppr. CREST— Out of a crescent or a demi-
MOTTO— Virtus est Dei.
eagle displayed azure.
BRIGGS. Massachusetts.
MOTTO— Vigilantibus non dormienti-
Lloyd Vernon Briggs, Esq., ^Boston.
Same Arms as Walter Briggs, Scitu- BROMFIELD. Massachusetts.
ate. Edward Bromfield, Boston, 1675.
BRIGHT. Massachusetts. (Hampshire.)
Henry Bright, Watertown, 1630. Sable, a chevron argent, three broom
(Suffolk. Arms granted 1615.) sprigs, vert; on a canton or, a spear's
head azure, embrued gules.
Sable, a fess argent between three
escallops or.
demi-tiger azure, armed
CREST— A dragon's head vomiting
and tufted or, holding erect a broken
flames ppr. collared and lined or. sword argent, hilted or.

BRINCKERHOFFE. New York. BROOKE. Essex Co., Virginia.

Joris Dericksen Brinkerhoflfe, New (Hampshire.)
York, 1638. Chequy or and azure, on a bend gules
(Drenthe, Holland. Arms a lion passant of the first.
demi-lion rampant erased
Argent, in base five mountains azure. or.
CREST— Two eagles' wings dis-
played ppr. BROOKE. Pennsylvania.
MOTTO— Constans fides et integritas. John Brooke, Montgomery Co., 1699.
(Honly, Co. of York.)
BRINGHURST. Pennsylvania. Or, a cross engrailed per pale gules
Thomas Bringhurst, Philadelphia, and sable.
1700. CREST— A sword erect argent, hilt-
(London.) ed entwined by two serpents,
Azure, two bars ermine, in chief three respecting each other ppr. Scroll
escallops or. around the hilt bearing the Motto —
CREST— An arm embowed, habited Nee aestu, nee astu.
in mail argent, holding in the hand
ppr. a spike club sable, spikes or. BROOKS. Massachusetts.
Henry Brooks, Boston, 1630.
BRINLEY. Rhode Island. (Scotland.)
Thomas Brinley, Newport, 1719. Sable, three escallops or.
(Bucks.) CREST— A beaver passant.
Per pale sable and or, a chevron, be- MOTTO— Perseverando.
tween three escallops, all counter-
changed \yithin a bordure argent BROOME. New York.
charged with eight hurts. John Broome, New York, 1732.
CREST—An escallop gules. (Yorkshire.)
Sable, on a chevron or, three slips of
BRISCOE. Maryland. broom vert.
Dr. John Briscoe, St. Mary's, 1632. CREST— A demi-eagle or, wings sa-
(Newbiggin, Cumberland.) ble, in the beak a slip of broom vert.

BROOME. New York. played of the field; a crescent sable
George Cochran Broome, Esq., Bing- for difference.
hamton. CREST—An eagle displayed argent
Same Arms as John Broome, New on the wings two bars, sable.

BROOME. New York.

BROWNE. Massachusetts.
Thomas Browne, Concord, 1632.
John Lloyd Broome, Esq., Bingham- (Dumfries.)
Sable, three lions passant bendways,
Same Arms as John Broome, New between two double cotises argent.
CREST—A buck's head erased ppr.
BROUGHTON. Massachusetts. attired and ducally gorged or.
Thomas Broughton, Boston. MOTTO— Follow reason.
(Longdon, Staffordshire.)
Gules, a chevron between three BROWNE. South Carolina.
brocks argent. Rev. Henry Bascom Brown, Presi-
dent of S. C. Conference Historical
BROWN. New York. Society, Sumter.
Edward Brown, New York, 1815. Same Arms as Thomas Browne, of
(Leicester.) Concord, quartering those of Tris-
Per pale, argent and sable a double- tram Coffin, Boston, Mass.
headed eagle displayed counter-
changed. BROWNELL. Rhode Island.
CREST—An eagle displayed vert. Thomas Brownell, Portsmouth, 1665.
MOTTO— Suivez la raison. (Derbyshire.)
Ermine, on a chevron cotised sable,
BROWN. Massachusetts. three escallops argent.
John Brown, Boston, 1632. CREST— Out of a ducal coronet a
(Stamford, Lincoln.) triple plume of feathers, five, four
Argent, two lions passant in pale and three.



Pennsylvania. Edward Moncrieflf Bruce, Esq.
Frank R. Brown, Philadelphia, 1891.
Or, a saltire and chief gules, in the
(Cambridge.) dexter chief point a shield argent and
Gules, on a chevron between three chief sable.
leopards' heads cabossed argent, as —
CREST On a cap of maintenance a
many escallops azure. detxer arm armed from the shoulder
CREST— Out of a mural coronet
resting on the elbow, and holding in
gules a crane's head erased ermine, the hand a sceptre, all ppr.
charged on the neck with an escallop MOTTOES— (i) Fuimus. Do
azure. (2)

MOTTO Verum atque decens. well and doubt not.

BROWNE. Massachusetts. BRUEN. Massachusetts.

Christopher Browne, Watertown, Obadiah Bruen, Plymouth, 1640.
(Suffolk.) (Stapleford, Cheshire.)
Per bend argent and sable, three Argent, an eagle displayed sable.
mascles, in bend counterchanged. CREST —A
fisherman per pale argent
CREST— A stork's head, couped and and sable, each article of the attire
knowed at the neck, between two counterchanged, in dexter hand a
wings, argent. staff, in sinister a net
the thrown
MOTTO— Appendre a mourir. over the shoulder or.
MOTTO— Fides scutum.
BROWNE. Massachusetts.
John Browne, Salem. BRUEN. New York.
(Lancaster.) Herman Bruen, Esq., New York.
Argent, on a bend sable doubly co- Same Arms as Obadiah Bruen, Plym-
tised of the same, three eagles dis- outh, Mass.

BRUNE. Maryland. Argent, a bull passant gules, armed
William Henry Brune, Esq., Balti- and unguled or.
more. CREST— A griffin or.
Argent, issuing from a wood, on the MOTTO— Futurum invisible.
sinister side a stag courant ppr.
CREST— A pair of antlers ppr.
BULFINCH. Massachusetts.
Adam Bulfinch, Boston, 1681.
BRUNOT. Gules, a chevron argent, between
three garbs or.
Felix Brunot, Pittsburg, 1797.
dexter arm couped at el-
(Morey, France.)
bow, erect, and grasping a baton ppr.
D'argent, a sept merlettes de sable
posees, trois, trois et un. BULKLEY. Massachusetts.
Peter Bulkley, Boston, 1635.
BRYAN. New York.
George F. Bryan, Albany, 1876.
Argent, a chevron, between three
(Tyrone.) bulls' heads cabossed sable.
Argent, three piles gules. CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,

CREST A Saracen's head erased at a bull's head argent armed of the
the neck sable.
MOTTO— Fortis et fidelis.
MOTTO — Nee temere, nee timide.
BRYANT. Massachusetts. BULL. Massachusetts.
John Bryant, Scituate, 1639. Henry Bull, Roxbury, 1635.
Azure, on a cross a cinquefoil be- (London.)
tween four lozenges gules.
CREST —A flag azure charged with
Azure, three
gent, attired or,
bulls' heads erased ar-
between as many an-
a saltire argent. nulets in fess of the last.
CREST— A bull's head erased sable
charged with six annulets or, one,
George Buchanan, Austin, 1888. two and three.
Or, a lion rampant sable surmounted BULL. Connecticut.
by a fess gules, charged with three Captain Thomas Bull, Hartford, 1635.
mullets of the field, all within a (London.)
double tressure flory counterflory of Gules, on a chevron argent, between
the second. three bulls' heads couped of the sec-
CREST — Two hands grasping a two- ond as many roses of the first.
handled sword ppr. —
CREST A demi-eagle ppr. wings ex-
MOTTO— Nunquam victus. tended.

BUCKINGHAM. Connecticut.
MOTTO—Virtus basis vitae.

Thomas Buckingham, Milford, 1639. BULL. South Carolina.

Per pale gules and sable a swan with John Elliott Bull, Esq., Orangeburg.
wings expanded argent, ducally Same Arms as Bull of Connecticut.
gorged and chained or.
BULL. South Carolina.
BUCKLEY. Pennsylvania. Stephen Bull, Ashley, 1669.
Phineas Buckley, Philadelphia, 1713. Gules, a dexter arm in armor couped
(London.) in fess ppr. the hand grasping a
Argent, a chevron between three sword erect argent, pomel and hilt
bulls'heads cabossed sable. or.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or, CREST— A bull passant sable, armed
a bull's head argent, armed of the or, in the mouth a scroll inscribed
first. "God is corteus."
MOTTO—-Nee temere, nee timide. MOTTO—Ducit amor patriae.

BUELL. Massachusetts. BURCH. Alabama.

William Buell, Dorchester, 1630. Thomas Burch, Birmingham, 1898.
(Chesterton, Huntingdon.) Azure, three fleurs-de-lis or.

CREST— A fleur-de-lis argent en- BURROUGHS, Connecticut.
twined with a serpent ppr. James Richard Burroughs, Esq.,
MOTTO— Prudentia simplicitate. Bridgeport
For Arms see Sergt, Francis Nichols,
BURCH. New York. of Stratford.
Thomas Hamihon Burch, M.D., New
Same Arms as Thomas Burch, Ala-
William Alexander Burrowes, Esq.,
bama. New York.
BURGWIN. North Carolina. Argent, the stump of a laurel tree
John Burgwin, Wilmington, 1760. eradicated ppr,
(Hereford.) CREST— A lion passant,
Per fess indented or and gules, three MOTTO— Audaces fortuna juvat,
escallops counterchanged.
CREST— A sword and key in saltire. BURWELL. Virginia.
Lewis Burwell, Gloucester Co.
BURKE. Massachusetts,
(Bedford and Northampton.)
Robert Burke, Sudbury, 1640.
Paly of six, argent and sable, on a
(Co. Galway, Ireland.) bend or, a teal's head erased azure.
Erminois a cross gules, in the dexter
canton a lion rampant sable.
CREST— A lion's gamb erect and
CREST— A mountain cat, sejant
erased or, grasping three bur leaves
gules and argent ppr. collared and
chained or.
MOTTO — Ung roy, ung foy, ung loy.
BUSH. Massachusetts.
John Bush, Boston, 1634.
BURLEIGH. New York. Azure, a wolf rampant argent, col-
George William Burleigh, Esq., New lared and chained or, in chief three
York. crosses pattee fitchee of the second.
Paly of six, argent and gules on a CREST— A goat's head erased ar-
chief paly, six crescents all counter- gent.
CREST— A stag's head erased gules. BUSHNELL. Connecticut.
BURNET. Massachusetts. Francis Bushnell, Guilford, 1639.
William Burnet, Governor of Massa- (Horsted, Sussex.)
chusetts, 1728. Argent, five fusils in fesse gules, in
chief three mallets sable.
(Kincardine, Scot.)
Argent, three holly leaves in chief
CREST—On a ducal coronet a
vert and a hunting horn in base sable, wivern, sans feet,
stringed and garnished gules.
MOTTO— Mes droits ou la mort.
CREST—A dexter hand holding a
pruning knife ppr. BUSHNELL. New Jersey,

MOTTO Virescit vulnere virtus, Joseph Bushnell, Esq., Morristown.
Same Arms as Francis Bushnell,
BURNHAM. Connecticut,
Guilford, Conn.
Thomas Burnham, Hartford, 1649,
Gules, a chevron or, between three
BUSSEY. Virginia, and Calvert, Co.,
lions* heads erased argent, Maryland.
CREST— leopard's head, erased George Bussey, 1635.
Argent, three bars sable,
ppr. CREST—A sea dragon sans wings
BURR. Massachusetts. and legs, the tail knowed, barry ar-
Jonathan Burr, Dorchester, 1639, gent and sable.
(Redgrave, Suffolk.)
Ermine, on a chief indented sable two BUSSEY. Washington, D. C.
lions rampant or, Cyrus Bussey, Esq., Washington,
CREST—A lion's head ppr. collared Same Arms as George Bussey, of
or. Virginia and Maryland,

BUTLER. Maine. BYINGTON. Massachusetts.
Thomas Butler, Portland. Justus Byington, Boston, 1763.
(House of Ormonde, 1698.) Argent, an eagle displayed sable, on
Or, a chief indented azure. a chief vert, three roses of the field.

CREST Out of a ducal coronet or,
a plume of five ostrich feathers ar- BYLES. Massachusetts.
gent therefrom issuant a falcon, ris- Joshua Byles, Boston, 1690.
ing of the last. (Winchester, Hants.)
MOTTO— Comme je trouve. Per bend sinister embattled or and

BUTLER. New York. of a ducal coronet or,
George Henry Butler, M.D., New a lion's head per bend embattled ar-
York. gent and gules.
Same Arms as Thomas Butler, Ber-
wick, Me. BYRD. Virginia.
Colonel William Byrd, Westover,
BUTLER. Massachusetts. 1674.
Henry Butler, Dorchester, 1642. (Broxton, Cheshire.)
(Kent.) between four
Argent a cross flory,
Argent, three covered cups in bend, martlets gules, on a canton azure a
between two bendlets engrailed sable.
CREST —A demi-cockatrice couped
crescent of the field for difference.
CREST— A bird rising gules.
vert, combed, beaked, wattled and MOTTO— Nulla pallescere culpa.
ducally gorged or.
MOTTO— Liberte toute entiere.
CABELL. Virginia.
Capt. William Cabell, Virginia, 1700.
Pennsylvania. —
Quarterly ist and 4th: Sable, a
Butler, Lancaster Co., 1748. horse rampant argent bridled or. 2d
(Ireland.) and 3d: Azure, ten estoiles or, four,
Or, a chief indented azure and three two and one.
escallops in bend counterchanged.

CREST Out of a ducal coronet or, CRESTS— (i) An
bowed grasping
arm in armor em-
a sword, all ppr. (2)
a plume of fine ostrich feathers ar-
A crescent argent, surmounted by an
gent a falcon rising of the last. estoile or.
MOTTO— Timor Domini fons vitae.
MOTTO— Impavide.
CABELL. Virginia.
Thomas Butterworth, Atlanta, 1895.
James Alston Cabell, Esq., Richmond.
(Lancaster.) Same Arms as Capt. William Cabell.
Sable, a cross engrailed between four
plumbs argent. CADWALADER.
CREST—A sphere resting on a cloud Thomas
Cadwalader, Provincial
ppr. Councillor, Philadelphia, 1756.
BUXTON. Idaho. Gules, a lion rampant argent, armed
and langued azure.
Augustus Buxton, Boise City, 1890.
Sable, two bars argent on a canton
CADWALADER. Pennsylvania.
of the second a buck of the first, at- Charles Evert Cadwalader, M.D.,
tired or. Philadelphia.

CREST A pelican or, with wings Same Arms as Thomas Cadwalader,
expanding, vulning her breast gules. Philadelphia. I

BYFIELD. Massachusetts. CALHOUN. South Carolina.

Nathaniel Byfield, Boston, 1674. James Calhoun, 1733.
(Surrey.) (Donegal.)
Sable, five bezants in saltire a chief Argent, a saltire engrailed sable.
or. CREST— A hart's head couped gules
CREST—A demi-lion rampant ppr. attired argent.

SUPPORTERS—Two ratch-hounds bordure of the second charged with
argent, collared sable. eight crescents of the first; a martlet
MOTTO— Si je puis. sable on the dexter gyron or, for dif-
CALHOUN. Connecticut. CREST— Two oars of a galley in
David Calhoun, Cornwall, 1829. saltire ppr.
Argent, a saltire engrailed sable. MOTTO— By sea and land.
CREST—A hart's head couped gules.
MOTTO— Si je puis. CAMPBELL. New Jersey.
CALHOUN. Connecticut.
John Campbell, 1684 (son of Lord
Neil Campbell).
FrederickSanford Calhoun, Esq.,
1st and 4th Gyronny of eight or and
New Haven.

sable (for Campbell). 2d and 3d:

Same Arms as David Calhoun.
Argent, a lymphad, her sails furled
CALTHORPE. Virginia.
and oars in action, all sable, flag and
Christopher Calthorpe, Eliz. City Co., pennants flying gules (for Lorn).
1622. CREST— A boar's head couped or,
over the crest this motto, "Ne obli-
and azure, a fess ermine. viscaris."
salamander or, in flames SUPPORTERS—Two lions guardant
ppr. gules.
MOTTO—Vix ea nostro voco.
CALVERT. Maryland.
Leonard Calvert, Maryland. CAMPBELL. Georgia.
(Ireland.) Charles E. Campbell, Esq., Macon.
Paly of six or and sable, a bend coun- Same Arms as John Campbell, New
terchanged. Jersey.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
two staves with pennons flying to the CAMPBELL. Georgia.
dexter side, the dexter or, the sinis- Judge Campbell, Bain Bridge.
ter sable. Same Arms as John Campbell, New
SUPPORTERS—Two leopards guar- Jersey.
dant or.
MOTTO—Fatti masghii parole fem- CAMPBELL. Georgia.
ine. J. B. Campbell, Esq., Atlanta.
Same Arms as John Campbell, New
CALVERT. Pennsylvania. Jersey.
John Calvert, Esq., Philadelphia.
Same Arms as Leonard Calvert, CAMPE. Virginia.
Maryland. (London.)
Sable a chevron between three grif-
CAMERON. Delaware.
fins erased or.
David Cameron, Wilmington, 1826.
CREST—A griffin's head erased, du-
cally gorged and holding in the
Argent, three bars gules within a mouth a branch of laurel, all ppr.
bordure engrailed azure.

CREST A dexter hand grasping a- CAMPE
sword ppr.
(De la Campe). Pennsylvania.
MOTTO— Pro rege et patria. Henry de la Campe, Oley Hills, 1753.
D'argent, a deux fasces de gueules.
CAMP. Connecticut.
Mrs. Walter Camp, New Haven. CANDEE. Massachusetts.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nichols, John Candee, Boston, 1639.
Stratford, Conn. (France.)
Argent, a Hon rampant azure, hold-
CAMPBELL. Massachusetts. ing an escallop shell or, in chief three
John Campbell, Boston, 1696. golphs gules.
(Argyleshire.) CREST— A stag's head erased, er-
Gyronny of eight sable and or, a mine, horned or.

CANDLER. Georgia. CANTRELL. New York.
William Candler, Richmond Co., Lewis M. Cantrell, Esq., New York.
1789. Same Arms as William Cantrill,
(Callan Castle, Kilkenny.) Jamestown, Va.
Quarterly or and azure, per fess in-
dented, in the first quarter a canton CANTRELL. Tennessee.
Judge John H. Cantrell, Chatta-
angel affrontee habited nooga.
azure, girded and winged or, holding Same Arms as William Cantrill,
in the dexter hand a flaming sword Jamestown, Va.
ppr. and in the sinister a palm branch
CANTRIL. Colorado.
S. W. Cantril, Esq., Denver.
MOTTO— Ad mortem fidelis.
Same Arms as William Cantrill,
Jamestown, Va.
CANTRELL. District of Columbia.
Hon. Robert Walker Cantrell, Wash- CANTRILL. Virginia.
ington. William Cantrill, Jamestown, 1608.
Same Arms as William Cantrill, (Descended from Humphrey Cantrill,
Jamestown, Va. of Woodley, Wokingham, Berkshire.)
Argent, a pelican in her piety, in her
nest sable.
CANTRELL. Tennessee.
CREST— A tower argent, port sable.
Judge Robert
Same Arms
Cantrell, Lebanon.
as William Cantrill,
MOTTO — Propris vos sanguine pasco.
Jamestown, Va. CANTRILL. Kentucky.
Judge James E. Cantrill, Georgetown.
CANTRELL. Georgia. Same Arms as William Cantrill,
Judge W. J. Cantrell, Calhoun. Jamestown, Va.
Same Arms as William Cantrill,
Jamestown, Va. CAPERS. South Carolina.
William Capers, 1690.
CANTRELL. Arkansas. Or, on a chevron gules three roses
argent, a canton of the second.
Dr. D. M. G. Cantrell, Little Rock.
Same Arms as William
CREST— A ram's head couped.
Jamestown, Va. CAREW. New York.
Peter Carew, New York, 1809.
CANTRELL. Arkansas. (Kilkenny.)
Mrs. Ellen Harrell Cantrell, Little Or, three lioncels passant in pale sa-
Rock. blearmed and langued gules.
For Arms see William Cantrill, —
CREST An heraldic antelope pas-
Jamestown, Va. sant azure, corned, maned, tufted and
unguled or.
CANTRELL. Kentucky. MOTTO— Nil admirari.
Capt. Charles C. Cantrell, Louisville.
Same Arms as William Cantrill, CAREY. Massachusetts.
Jamestown, Va. John Carey, Duxbury, 1637.
Argent, on a bend engrailed sable,
CANTRELL. Missouri.
three roses of the field, in the sin-
Ira J. Cantrell, Esq., Kansas City. ister chief an anchor of the second.
Same Arms as William Cantrill, CREST— A swan ppr. wings erect,
Jamestown, Va. on the breast a rose sable.
CANTRELL. Pennsylvania. CARHART. New York.
Francis S. Cantrell, Esq., Philadel- Thomas Carhart, New York, 1683.
phia. (Cornwall.)
Same Arms as Williajn Cantrill, Argent, two bars sable, in chief a
Jamestown, Va. demi-griffin, issuant of the last

CREST— A demi-man, naked argent, CARR. Rhode Island.
a wreath about his head sable, in Robert Carr, Newport, 1635.
dexter hand an oak branch vert, (Middlesex.)
acorned or. Sable, on a chevron between three
mullets of six points or, as many like
CARLETON. Massachusetts. mullets of the field.
Edward Carleton, Rowley, 1639.
(Surrey.) CARR. Illinois.
Argent on a bend sable, three mascles Charles Seton Carr, Chicago, 1899.
of the field.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or, Gules, on a chevron argent, three
a unicorn's head sable, the horn mullets sable pierced.
twisted of the first and second. CREST— A stag's head
MOTTO — Quoerere
erased ppr.
verum. MOTTO— Tout droit.
CARLETON. Massachusetts.
John Carleton, Boston, 1638.
(Cumberland.) George Carrington, Boston
Hill, Cumberland Co., 1720.
Ermine, on a bend sable three pheons
(Descended from Sir William de
dexter arm embowed Carrington, Cheshire, 1373.)
vested to the elbow gules doubled Sable, on a bend argent, three loz-
ermine holding in the hand a enges of the field.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
MOTTO— Nunquam
a unicorn's head sable, armed and
his vicimus ar-
crested or.


Henry Guy Carleton, Esq., New Peyton Rodes Carrington, Esq., Rich-
York. mond.
Same Arms as Edward Carleton, Same Arms as Colonel George Car-
Rowley, Mass. rington, Cumberland Co.

CARLETON. New York. CARROLL. Maryland.

Horace Morrison Carleton, Esq., Charles Carroll, Carrollton.
Brooklyn. (King's Co.)
Same Arms as John Carleton, Bos- Gules, two lions combatant argent,
ton, Mass. supporting a sword point upwards
ppr. pommel and hilt or.
CARNAHAN. Texas. CREST— On the stump of an oak
Wallace Carnahan, Esq., San Anto- tree a hawk all
belled or.

For Arms see Captain Nathaniel MOTTO— In fide et in bello forte.

Irish, Pittsburg.


Pennsylvania. Charles E. Carryl, Esq., New York.
Samuel Carpenter, Philadelphia, 1683. Same Arms as Carroll of Maryland.
Argent, a greyhound passant and a
chief sable. CARTER. Massachusetts.
CREST—A greyhound's head erased
Rev. Thomas Carter, Watertown,
per fesse sable and argent. 1635. ^ ^
MOTTO— Audaces for tuna juvat (London. Granted 1012.)
Argent, a chevron between three cart-
CARPENTER. Pennsylvania. wheels vert.
James Edward Carpenter, Esq., Phil- CREST— On a mount vert, a grey-
adelphia. hound sejant argent, sustaining a
Same Arms as Samuel Carpenter, shield of the last, charged with a
, Philadelphia. cartwheel vert.

CARTER. Pennsylvania. CAVERLY. Connecticut.
Oscar Charles Sumner Carter, Esq., George and Charles Caverly, 1635.
Philadelphia. Gules, a Pegasus, salient argent
Same Arms as Rev. Thomas Carter, winged and maned or.
Watertown, Mass. CREST— A horse's head sable maned
or, bearing a plume or and gules.

CARTWRIGHT. New Jersey. CESNOLA. New York.

Thomas Cartwright, Newark, 1862, Gen. Louis Palma di Cesnola, New
(Northampton.) York, i860.
Argent, on a fess azure two Cather- (Rivarolo, Piedmont.)
ine wheels of the first.
Argent, a palm tree ppr.
CREST— A lion's head argent, —
CREST A count's coronet supported
charged on the neck with a Catherine by a lion and a crowned eagle ppr,
wheel sable. MOTTO— Oppressa Resurgit.

CARVER. New Hampshire. CHALONER. Rhode Island.

John Carver, Portsmouth, 1829. Ninyam Chaloner, Newport, 1736.

(Kent.) (Yorkshire.)
Argent, on a chevron sable a fleur- Sable, a chevron between three cheru-
de-lis or. bims' heads or.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or. A
CREST— wolf statant argent a
a Saracen's head couped at the shoul- broken spear stuck through the body
ders ppr. ppr.
MOTTO— Garde la Foy.
CARY. Virginia. CHAMBERLAIN. Massachusetts.
Miles Cary, 1650. Edward Chamberlain, Woburn, 1665.
(Devonshire.) Argent, an armed arm couped at the
Argent, on a bend sable, three roses shoulder in fess or, in the hand ppr.
of the field, leaved vert. a rose gules, leaved and stalked vert.
CREST — A swan ppr. wings elevated. —
CREST A greyhound's head erased
MOTTOES— ( I) Comme je trove. argent, round the neck a belt azure,
(2) Sine Deo careo. buckled or.

CARY. Massachusetts.
CHAMBERS. New Jersey.
Robert Chambers, Perth Amboy, 1685.
Samuel Cary, of Charlestown, 1740.
(Stirling, Scotland.)
Same Arms as Cary of Virginia.
Sable, a cross couped ermine, between
four martlets rising or.
CASSIDY. New York. CREST— On a ducal coronet or, a
Thomas P. Cassidy, New York, 1855. demi-eagle displayed gules, wings or.
Per chevron argent and gules two CHAMPERNON. Maine.
lions rampant in chief, and a boar Francis Champernon, 1686.
passant in base counterchanged. (Devonshire.)
CREST— spear broken into three Gules, a saltire vair, between twelve
billets or.
pieces two in saltire and the head in
pale ppr. banded gules.
CREST— A swan, sitting ppr. hold-
MOTTO— Frangas non flectes. ing in its beak a horseshoe or.
CAVENAGH. Massachusetts. Captain Richard Chancellor, West-
Patrick Cavenagh, Boston, 1776. moreland Co., 1682.
(Louth.) (Lanark.)
Sable, on a fess or, a mullet pierced Or, a lion rampant sable armed and
between two hunting horns of the langued gules on a chief of the last
field. three mullets of the first.
CREST— A stag lodged between two

CREST An eagle displayed sable.
branches of laurel vert. MOTTO— Que je surmonte.
CHANCELLOR. West Virginia. CREST— An arm embowed in armor
Captain Edmund Pendleton Chancel- holding a broken spear encircled with
a wreath.
lor, Parkersburg.
Same Arms as Richard Chancellor, —
MOTTO Crescit sub pondere virtus.
CHARNOCK. Massachusetts.
CHANCELLOR. West Virginia. Captain John Charnock, Boston, 1710.
Mrs. Edmund Pendleton Chancellor, (Bedford.)
Parkersburg. Argent, on a bend sable three cross-
crosslets fitchee of the first.
Same Arms as Lieut. James Hender-
son, Virginia.
CREST—A lapwing ppr.
MOTTO— Soyez content.
CHANCELLOR. West Virginia.
CHASE. Massachusetts.
Hon. William Nelson Chancellor,
William Chase, Yarmouth.
Gules, four cross-crosslets argent on
Same Arms as Richard Chancellor,
a canton azure a lion passant or.
Virginia. *
CREST— A griffin's head erased hold-

CHANCELLOR. Maryland. ing in the beak a key.

Charles Williams Chancellor, M.D.,
MOTTO— Ne cede malis.
CHASE. Massachusetts.
Same Arms as Capt. Richard Chan-
Aquilla and Thomas Chase, Hamp-
cellor, Westmoreland Co., Va.
ton, 1636.
CHANDLER. Massachusetts.
Gules, four crosses flory, two and
William Chandler, Roxbury, 1637.
two, or; on a canton azure a lion
passant of the second.
Chequy argent and azure, on a bend CREST —Ademi-lion rampant or,
engrailed sable, three lions passant or.
holding a cross of the shield.
CREST— A pelican sable in her piety MOTTO— Forward.
MOTTO— Ad mortem fidelis, CHASE. Pennsylvania.
Frederic Chase, Esq., Philadelphia.
CHANDLER. Maryland. Same Arms as William Chase, Yar-
Job Chandler, 1651. mouth, Mass.
Per chevron azure and sable, three
cherubs or. CHATFIELD. Long Island.
CREST— On clouds ppr. a cherub as Thomas Chatfield, Bridge Hampton,
in the arms. 1687.
MOTTO— Sub robore virtus. Or, a griffin segreant sable, on a chief
purpure three escallops argent.
CHANDLER. New Jersey.

CREST An antelope's head, erased
Rev. Thomas Chandler, Elizabeth argent, attired and ducally gorged
Town, confirmed 1775. gules.
(London.) MOTTO— Che sara sara.
Chequy argent and gules on a bend CHAUNCEY. Massachusetts.
sable three lions passant or.
Charles Chauncey, 1637; 2d President
CHAPIN. New York. of Harvard College.
Rev. Henry B. Chapin, D.D., New (Hereford.)
York. Gules, a cross patonce argent, on a
For Arms see Andrew Ward, Fair- chief or, a lion passant guardant
field, Conn.
of a ducal coronet or,
CHAPMAN. Virginia. a head gules, charged with a
Nathaniel Chapman, Stafford Co., pale azure, between two wings dis-
1768. played of the last, the inward part of
Per chevron argent and gules, in the the wings of the second.
centre a crescent counterchanged. —
MOTTO Sublimes per ardua tendo.
CHECKLEY. Massachusetts. CHEW. Virginia.
Anthony Checkley, Boston, 1645. John Chew, Virginia House of As-
(Preston Capes, Northampton.) sembly, 1623.
Argent, a chevron sable between (Chewton, Somerset.)
three cinquefoils gules. Gules, a chevron argent on a chief
azure, three leopards' faces or.
CHECKLEY. Massachusetts.
CHEW. New York.
Richard Checkley, 1742, Boston. New York.
Beverley Chew, Esq.,
(Hants.) Same Arms as John Chew, Virginia.
Argent, a chevron between three mul-
lets or. CHICHESTER. Massachusetts.
Robert Chichester, Boston, 1708.
CHEEVER. Massachusetts. (Devonshire.)
(Kent.) Chequy, or and gules a chief vair.
Per bend dancette argent and azure —
CREST A heron rising, with an eel
three cinquefoils countercharged. in the beak ppr.
CREST —Astag's head erased loz- MOTTO— Firm en foy.
engy argent and azure, the dexter
horn argent, sinister azure. CHICHESTER. Virginia.
Richard Chichester, Lancaster Co.,
CHENEY. Massachusetts. 1719.
William Cheney, Roxbury, 1640. Chequy or and gules, a chief vair.
Azure, a cross flory argent. CREST — A heron with wings ex-
panded holding in the beak a snake.
CHENOWETH. Maryland.
CHICKERING. Massachusetts.
Arthur Chenoweth, 1700.
Mrs. George Harvey Chickering,
Sable, on a fesse or three cornish
Argent, on a chevron vert, three
choughs' heads of the first.
MOTTO— Might makes cockerells of the first, membered
CHESEBROUGH. Connecticut. CREST— A cockerell argent.
William Chesebrough, Stonington, CHICKERING. New York.
1649. Mrs. Charles Francis Chickering,
(Lincolnshire.) New York.
Gules, three crosses pattee in fesse
Argent, on a chevron vert, three
argent between as many water bou- cockerells of the first, membered
gets or.
CREST— A demi-lion rampant gules, gules.
CREST—A cockerell argent.
holding between the paws a cross
pattee or. CHILCOTT. Maryland.
MOTTO— Virtus vera nobilitas. Richard Chilcott, Baltimore Co.,
CHESTER. Connecticut. (Bridgewater, Somersetshire.)
Leonard Chester, 1648. Argent, five mullets in saltire sable.
(Leicester.) CREST— Out of a ducal coronet a
Erminie, on a chief sable a griffin mount, thereon a stag statant guard-
passant or, armed argent.

CREST A dragon passant argent.
ant ppr,

MOTTO— Vincit qui patitur. CHILD. Massachusetts.

Ephraim Child, Watertown, 1631.
CHEVALIER. New York. (Middlesex.)
Jean Le Chevalier, New York, 1689. Gules, a chevron engrailed ermine be-
(Normandy.) tween three eagles close argent.
De au chevron d'or, accom-

CREST An eagle with wings ex-
pagne en chef de deux eperons, les panded argent enveloped round the
molettes cantonnees, et en pointe neck with a snake ppr.
d'une epee en pal, le tout du meme. MOTTO — Imitari quam invidere.

CHILD. New York. CHRISTIE. New York.
Thomas Child, New York, 1700. Mrs. Harlan P. Christie, Brooklyn.
(Descended from Francis Child, Lord For Arms see William Cantrill,
Mayor of London, 1698.) Jamestown, Va.
Gules, a chevron engrailed ermine be-
tween three eagles close or, each CHRYSTIE. New York.
gorged with a ducal coronet or. William Few Chrystie, Esq., Hast-
CREST— On a rock ppr. an eagle ings-on-the-Hudson.
rising, wings endorsed or, gorged Argent, a chevron between three
with a ducal coronet or, and holding wells sable.
in the beak an adder ppr. CREST— A phcenix rising out of
flames ppr.
CHILD. New Jersey. MOTTO— Malo mori quam foedari.
Lizzie S. Child, Hoboken.
For Arms see Thomas Child, New
York. CHUMASERO. Montana.
Isaac Chumasero.
CHILD. New Jersey. (Nottingham.)
Charles Gardner Child, Esq., Mont- Azure, two arms in armor argent is-
clair. suing from the dexter side holding a
Same Arms as Ephraim Child, Wa- budding club all within a bordure or,
tertown, Mass. charged with seven suns in splendour
gules and seven crosses of St. An-
CHILDS. New York. thony azure alternately.
David Brewer Childs, Esq., New
York. CHURCH. New York.
Same Arms as Ephraim Child, Wa- Mrs. Benjamin S. Church, New York.
tertown, Mass. For Arms see William Cantrill,
Jamestown, Va.
CHINN. Virginia.
John Chinn, Lancaster Co., 1662.
Barry of six, vair and gules. CHURCHILL. Virginia.
Or, a lion rampant gules. -
CREST—A dexter arm in armor ppr. Sable, a lion rampant argent, de-
holding a scimetar, hilt and pommel bruised with a bendlet gules.
or. CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
a demi-lion rampant argent.
CHISHOLM. South Carolina.
Alexander Chisholm, 1746. CHUTE. Massachusetts.
(Scotland.) Lionel and James Chute, Ipswich,
Gules, a boar's head erased argent.
CREST— A dexter hand holding a 1635.
Gules, semee of mullets or, three
dagger erect ppr. on the point a
swords barways ppr. middlemost en-
boar's head couped gules.
countering other two; a canton per
SUPPORTERS—T wo savages fess argent and azure thereon a lion
wreathed head and middle with lau- of England or.
rel, with clubs over their shoulders. CREST— A dexter cubit arm in
ppr. armor, hand gauntleted grasping a
MOTTOES— Vi aut virtute, and broken sword in bend, sinister ppr.
above the Crest, Feros ferio.
hilt and pomel or.

CHRISTIAN. Virginia.
MOTTO—Fortune de guerre.
Thomas Christian, Charles City, 1687.
(Isle of Man.) CLAPP. Massachusetts.
Azure, a chevron humettee between Roger Clapp, Dorchester, 1630.
three covered cups or. (Salcomb Regis.)

CREST A unicorn's head erased ar- Variee gules and argent, a quarter
gent collared and armed or. azure charged with the sun or.
MOTTO— Salus per Christum. CREST— A pike naiant ppr.

CLARK. Massachusetts. Per chevron sable and ermine, a
Hugh Clark, Watertown, 1640. chevron engrailed counterchanged.
Gules, three swords erect argent, CREST—A demi-old man habited
hilts or. azure on head a cap gules, turned
CREST—A lion rampant or. up with a hair front, holding in hand
a spear, headed argent on top of
CLARK. Massachusetts. which is a line ppr. passing behind
John Clark, Cambridge, 1632. him and coiled up in sinister hand.
(Great Mundon, Hertfordshire.) MOTTO— Semel et semper.
Argent, on a fesse between three
crosses pattee three plates.
—A CLEVELAND. Virginia.
CREST cross pattee or between Same Arms as Cleveland of Massa-
two wings azure. chusetts.

CLARK. Connecticut. CLINTON. New York.

Samuel Clark, Stamford, 1640. Charles Clinton, New York, 1728.
(Devonshire.) (Northumberland.)
Ermine, a lion rampant azure, on a Argent, six cross-crosslets fitchee,
chief a leopard's face argent
sable sable a chief azure two mullets or
between two crosses-crosslet or. pierced gules, a crescent for differ-
demi-lion gules collared ence.
or, on the shoulder an estoile argent, CREST— Out of a ducal coronet gules
in the paw a baton sable. a plume of five ostrich feathers ar-
MOTTO— Victor mortalis est.
gent banded by a ribbon azure.
MOTTO— Cara patria, carior libertas.

Matthew Clarkson, New

York, 1687. CLOPTON. Virginia.
(York.) Isaac Clopton, Hampton, York Co.,
Argent, on a bend engrailed sable,
three annulets or.
Sable, a bend ermine between two
CREST-'-An eagle's head erased, be- cotises dancette or.
tween two wings addorsed sable. —
CREST A wolf's head per pale or
and azure.
CLAYBORNE. Virginia.
MOTTO— Sperate fortes fortibus et
William Clayborne, 1621.
Argent, three chevronels interlaced
in base sable; a chief and bordure of CODDINGTON. Rhode Island.
William Coddington, 1627.
the last.
CREST— A dove and olive branch. (Lincoln.)
MOTTO— Pax et Argent, a fess embattled counter em-
battled sable between three lions,

CLAY POOLE. Pennsylvania. passant, gules.

CREST— A dragon's head gules, be-
James Claypoole, Philadelphia, 1683. tween two wings chequy or and
(Norborough, Northamptonshire.)
azure, issuing out of a ducal coronet
Or, a chevron azure between three
of the second.
torteaux, a bordure engrailed vert
MOTTO— Immeroabilis est vera
CLAYTON. virtus.
Argent, a cross sable between four
COFFIN. Massachusetts.
Tristram Coffyn, Boston, 1642.
CREST—A leopard's gamb erased (Devonshire.)
and erect argent, grasping a pellet. Vert, between four plates, five cross-
MOTTO— Quid crosslets argent.
leone fortius.
pigeon close or, between
CLEVELAND. Massachusetts. two roses ppr.
Moses Cleveland, Woburn, 1635. MOTTO— Post tenebras, speramus
(Suffolk.) lumen de lumine.

COGGESHALL. Rhode CREST— A stag's head, cabossed or.
MOTTO— Pais bien, crains rien.
John Coggeshall, Secretary of Colony
of Rhode Island, 1677.
COLE. Virginia.
(Essex.) Col.William Cole, Warwick Co.
Argent, a cross between four escal-
lops sable.
CREST—A sable, attired
Argent, a cross lozengy.
stag, lodged CREST— Out of a ducal coronet a
dexter hand ppr.
COGHILL. Virginia. COLES. Massachusetts,
John Coghill, 1664, Robert Cole, Ipswich, 1630.
(Yorkshire.) (Suffolk.)
Gules, on a chevron argent three pel- A bull passant gules armed or, within
lets; a chief sable. a bordure sable bezantee.
CREST— On a mount vert a cock or, CRfeST —A demi-dragon vert, hold-
wings expanded. ing in the dexter paw an arrow or,

MOTTO Non dormit qui custodit, headed and feathered argent.
MOTTO— Deum Cole regem serva.
COGSWELL. Massachusetts.
John Cogswell, Ipswich, 1635. COLEY. Connecticut.
(Wilts.) Samuel Coley, Milford, 1639.
Argent, a cross between four escal- Or, a lion rampant gules.
lops, sable. CREST— A dexter arm in armor ppr.
CREST—A stag, lodged sable, attired holding a scimitar, hilt and pommel
sperno, nee timeo.
COLEY. New York.
COHEN. NewYork. William Bradley Coley, M.D., New
Samuel Cohen, New York, 1842. York.
(London.) Same Arms as Samuel Coley, Mil-
Or, a lion rampant gules. ford, Conn.
CREST— A bear's head couped sable,
muzzled gules. COLLAMER. Massachusetts.
Peter Collamer, Scituate, 1633.
COIT. Massachusetts. Gules billettee, three crescents or.

John Coit, Salem, 1638.

COLLAMER. District of Columbia.
( Glamorganshire. )
Newton J^. Collamer, Esq., Washing-
Sable, on a chevron between three ton.
spears' heads argent, three cross-
Same Arms as Peter Collamer, Mass.
crosslets of the first.
CREST—A dexter hand grasping a COLLETON. South Carolina.
snake all ppr. Thomas, James and John Colleton,
MOTTO— Virtus sola nobilitat. Charleston, 1671.
COKER. South Carolina.
Or, three stags' heads couped ppr.
James Lide Coker, Esq., Darlinejton. CREST— A stag's head as in the
Argent, on a bend gules three leop- Arms.
ards' faces or.
CREST —A Moor's head side faced, COLLINS. New York.
wreathed argent and gules. Clarence Lyman Collins, Esq., New
MOTTO— Fiat justitia. York.
Same Arms as John Collins, Boston,
GOLDEN. New York. Mass.
Rev. Alexander Golden, 1710, New
York. COLLINS. California.
(Scotland.) Holdridge Ozro Collins, Esq., Los
Gules, a chevron argent between Angeles.
three stags' heads and necks, erased Same Arms as Edward Collins, Cam-
and cabossed, or. bridge, Mass.

COLLINS. South Carolina. COMSTOCK. Missouri.
Thomas Collins, Spartanburg, 1761, T. Griswold Comstock, M.D., St.
(Yorkshire.) Louis.
Or, a griffin segreant sable. Same Arms as John Comstock, of
CREST —Ademi-griffin segreant or, Weymouth, Mass.
collared, with a bar gemelle gules.
MOTTO— Favente Deo et sedulitate. CONANT. Massachusetts.
Roger Conant, Salem, 1623.
COLLINS. Massachusetts. (East Budleigh, Devonshire.)
Edward Collins, Cambridge, 1636. Per saltire azure and gules ten billets
Argent, a dexter hand gauntleted in or, four, three, two and one.
sinister base, grasping a sword in CREST— On a rnount vert a stag
bend all ppr. pommel and hilt or. ppr.sustaining with his dexter foot
CREST— An owl argent. an inescutcheon of the arms.
MOTTO— Nostra tuebimur ipsi. MOTTO— Conanti dabitur.

COLLINS. Massachusetts. CONNOR. New York.

John Collins, Boston, 1644. John Connor, New York, 1700.
Sable,on a chevron between three (Killishie, Kings Co.)
doves close argent, five guttees de Vert, a lion rampant, double queued
and crowned or.
CREST— A dove close argent. dexter arm embowed in
MOTTO— Volabo ut requiescam. mail garnished or, the hand grasp-
ing a sword erect ppr. pommel and
COLMAN. Massachusetts. hilt or.
William Colman, 1673. MOTTO— Nee timeo, nee spermo.
Azure, upon a pale rayonee or, a lion CONOVER. Long Island.
rampant gules. Wolfert Couwenhoven, 1630.
demi-Iion. (2) A (Netherlands.)
caltrap or, between two wings, ar- Argent, a cross azure, on a canton
gent. three leopards' faces, erased gules.
CREST— A leopard's face of the
COMSTOCK. Connecticut. shield, between two wings addorsed;
Christopher Comstock, 1635. the dexter argent, the sinister azure.
Or, a sword point downwards, issu- CONTEE. Maryland.
ing from a crescent in base gules, be- Alexander and John Contee, Prince
tween two bears rampant sable. George Co.

CREST An elephant rampant ppr. (Rochelle, France.)
MOTTO— Nid cyfoeth ond boddlon- Gules and azure, a chevron ermine
deh. between three wolves passant or.
MOTTO— Pour Dieu et mon Roi.
COMSTOCK. Massachusetts.
John Comstock, Weymouth, 1639. CONWAY. Virginia.
(Wales.) Edwin Conway, Northampton Co.,
Or, a sword point downwards, issu- 1642.
ing from a crescent in base gules, be- (Worcester.)
tween two bears rampant sable. Sable, on a bend argent cotised er-
CREST— Out of a Baron's coronet mine, a rose gules, between two an-
or, jewelled ppr. an elephant ram- nulets of the last.

pant ppr. CREST— A Moor's head side-faced

MOTTO— Nid cyfoeth ond boddlon- ppr. banded round the temples argent
deh. and azure.
MOTTO— Fide et amore.
Frederick Harmon Comstock, Esq., COOCH. Delaware.
New York. Mrs. Wilkins Cooch, Newark.
Same Arms as Christopher Com- For Arms see Valentine Hollings-
stock, Conn. worth, Maryland.

COOK. New York. CREST— A leopard's head jessant-
Henry Francis Cook, Esq., New de-lis or.
Ermine, on a bend cotised gules, COOLIDGE. Massachusetts.
three cats-a-mountain argent. John Coolidge, Watertown, 1691.

CREST A demi-leopard guardant Vert, a griffin segreant or.
or, supporting a branch of oak fruct-
CREST— A demi-griffin segreant or.
ed or. MOTTO— Virtute et fide.
MOTTO—Tu ne cede mails sed con-
tra audentior ito. COOLIDGE. Connecticut.
Same Arms as Coolidge of Massa-
COOK. New Jersey.
Mrs. Clarence Cook, Westfield.
For Arms see Thomas Flint, Salem,
COPE. Delaware.
Mass. John Cope, Backington, 1682.
(Auburn, Wiltshire.)
COOKE. Massachusetts. Argent, on a chevron azure between
Henry Cooke, Salem, 1638.
three roses gules slipped ppr. as many
fleurs-de-lis or.
Or, a chevron gules between two
CREST— A fleur-de-lis or, issuing
lions passant guardant sable.
from the top thereof a dragon's head

CREST Out of a mural crown ar- gules.

gent a demi-lion issuant sable gorged

MOTTO—Aequo adeste animo.
with a mural coronet or. COPE. Pennsylvania.
MOTTO—Tutum monstrat iter.
Porter F. Cope, Esq., Philadelphia.
Same Arms as John Cope, Backing-
COOKE. Massachusetts.
ton, Del.
Richard Cooke, Boston, 1715.
(Essex.) COPLEY. Massachusetts.
Or, a chevron compony azure, and John Copley, Boston, 1700.
the first between three cinquefoils of (York.)
the second. Argent, a cross moline sable.
CREST— A unicorn's head or, be- CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
tween two wings endorsed azure. a plume of four ostrich feathers ar-
COOKE. Massachusetts. MOTTO— In cruce vinco.
Capt. Thomas Cooke, Boston, 1636.
(Earls Colne, Essex.) CORBIN. Virginia.
Or, a chevron gules between two Henry Corbin, Stratton Major, King
lions passant guardant sable. and Queen Co.
CREST— Out of a crown embattled (Sutton Coldfield, Warwick.)
argent, a demi-lion issuant, gorged Sable,on a chief or three ravens ppr.
with a ducal coronet or. MOTTO— Probitas verus honos.
COOKE. Pennsylvania. CORBUSIER. New York.
Jay Cooke, Esq., Philadelphia. Henry Corbusier, New York, 1764.
Same Arms as Henry Cooke, Salem, Vair, argent and azure on a canton,
a lion rampant.

CREST A demi-lion rampant.
COOKE. New York.
Steuben Co. CORTLANDT (Van). New York.
Same Arms as Capt. Thomas Cooke, Stephanus Van Cortlandt, 1697.
Boston, Mass. (Netherlands.)
Argent, the four wings of a wind-
COOLEY. Massachusetts. mill, conjoined saltierwise sable void-
Benjamin Cooley, Springfield, 1646. ed gules, between five mullets placed
(Rutland.) crosswise of the last.
Ermine, on a chevron sable, three CREST— A star gules.
leopards' heads jessant-de-lis or. MOTTO—Virtus sibi munus.

CORWIN. Massachusetts. (Caermarthen.)
George Curwen, Salem, 1638. Argent, on a chevron azure three
(Cumberland.) garbs or.
Argent, a fret gules on a chief azure, CREST—A bear's head, erased sable,
a crescent of the first for difference. billettee and muzzled or.

CREST A unicorn's head, erased MOTTO— Nee temere, nee timide.
MOTTO— Si je n'etais.
CRADOCK. Maryland.
Rev. Thomas Cradock, 1744.
COTTON. Massachusetts. (Bedfordshire.)
Rev. John Cotton, Boston, 1633. Argent, on a chevron azure three
(Cambridge.) garbs or.
Sable, a chevron between three grif- CREST— A bear's head erased sable
fins' heads erased argent. billettee and muzzled or.
CREST— A griffin's head erased ar- MOTTO — Nee temere, nee timide.
MOTTO— Fidelis vincit. CRANE. Connecticut.
Jasper Crane, New Haven, 1639.
COUDERT. New York. Gules, on a fesse between three
Frederic R. Coudert, Esq., New crosses pattee or, as many annulets
York. azure.
Azure, between a chevron or, a lamb CREST— A demi-hind or, ducally
passant argent. A chief argent gorged azure.
charged with three flames gules.

CREST A lamb passant argent. CRANE. Connecticut.
Henry and Benjamin Crane, Weth-
COUTANT. New York. ersfield, 1655.
Jean Coutant, New York, 1695. Argent, a fesse between three crosses-
(France.) crosslet fitchee gules.
Quartered — and 4th: Gules, three
ist CREST— A crane ppr. beaked or.
fleurs-de-lis or; on a canton argent,
an estoile sable. 2d and 3d Gules, a :
CRANE. Arkansas.
tree eradicated or, on a chief argent Balfour Dorset Crane, Esq.
a crescent, sable. Same Arms as Jasper Crane, of Con-
CREST— A French Count's coronet. necticut.
MOTTO—A Constant labeur ne CRANE. South Carolina.
Same Arms as Crane of Connecticut.
COUTANT. New York.
CRANE. New York.
R. B. Coutant, Esq., Tarrytown.
Same Arms as Jean Coutant, New Joseph Sidney Crane, M.D., New
Same Arms as Jasper Crane, New
COWLES. Massachusetts. Haven, Conn.
John Cowles, Dedham, 1702. CRANE. Texas.
Ermine, a cow statant gules within W. C. Crane, Esq., Houston.
a bordure sable bezantee. Same Arms as Jasper Crane, of Con-

CREST On a chapeau gules, turned necticut.
up ermine, a cow's head couped sable.
MOTTO— Amour de la bonte. CRANE. New York.
Mrs. Lewis Bonnell Crane, New
COWLES. Connecticut. York.
Edwin Stephen Cowles, Esq., Hart- For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
ols, Stratford, Conn.
Same Arms as John Cowles, Ded-
ham, Mass. CRANSTON. Rhode Island.
John Cranstoun, Governor of Rhode
CRADDOCK. Massachusetts. Island, 1680.
Matthew Cradock, Governor of Mas- Gules, three cranes within a bordure,
sachusetts Bay Colony, embattled argent.

CREST—A crane passant. CRUGER. New York.
MOTTO— Dum vigilo euro. John Cruger, 1688.
CRAWFORD. Virginia. Argent, on a bend azure between two
David Crawford, New Kent Co., greyhounds ppr. three martlets or.
circa 1650. —
CREST A demi-greyhound ppr.
Gules, a fesse ermine. gorged or.
CREST— An ermine argent. MOTTO— Fides.
MOTTO— Sine labora nota.
CURLE. Virginia.
CROMWELL. New York. Thomas Curie, Elizabeth City, d.
John Cromwell, 1650.
(Huntingdon.) (Sussex.)
Sable, a lion rampant argent.
Vert, on a chevron between three

CREST A demilion rampant argent fleurs-de-lis a cinquefoil gules.

passed in the dexter paw a gem ring

CREST— On a mount vert, a hedge-
or. hog or.

MOTTO— Pax quaeritur bello. CURRIER. Maryland.

Mrs. Susan E. Currier, Elkton, Cecil
CROSMAN. Massachusetts. Co.
Robert Crosman, Taunton, 1645. For Arms see William Ricketts, Elk-
(Somerset.) ton, Md.
Argent, a cross ermine between four
sable. CURTIS. Massachusetts.
demi-lion ermine holding William Curtis, Roxbury, 1632.
an escallop sable. (Canterbury, Kent.)
MOTTO— Veritas vincit. Ermine, a chevron sable between
three fleurs-de-lis or.
CROZER. Pennsylvania. CREST—An arm embowed, habited
James Crozer, Delaware Co., 1723. in mail holding in the hand ppr. a
(Antrim.) scimetar, hilt and pommel or.
Azure, a cross between four fleurs- MOTTO—Velle bene facere.
de-lis or.
CREST —A head cabossed ppr. CURTIS. Massachusetts.
MOTTO — Crux
coelorum crux mihi William Curtis, 1632.
clavis erit. (Warwick.)
Argent a chevron between three bulls'
CROZER. heads cabossed sable.
George Knowles Crozer, Esq., Up- CREST— A unicorn passant or, be-
tween two leaved ppr.
MOTTO — Gradatim vincimus.
land. trees,
Same Arms as James Crozer, Dela-
ware Co.
CURTIS. Washington, D. C.
William Eleroy Curtis, Esq., Wash-
CROZIER. New York.
William Armstrong Crozier, ington.
Esq., Same Arms as William Curtis, Rox-
New York, 1888.
bury, Mass,
(Birmingham, Warwickshire.)
Azure, a cross between four fleurs- CURWEN. See CORWIN.
de-lis or.
CREST —A head cabossed ppr. CURZON. New York.
Crux coelorum crux mihi Richard Curzon, New York, 1726.
clavis erit. (Curson of Scarsdale.)
Argent, on a bend sable three popin-
CROZIER. Tennessee. jays or, collared gules.
John Crozier, Knoxville, 1795. CREST— A popinjay rising or, col-
(Fermanagh.) lared gules.
Same Arms as Crozier of New York MOTTO— Let Curzon holde what
and Pennsylvania. Curzon helde.

CURZON. Maryland. DALL. New Jersey.
Same Arms as Curzon of New York. Gharles Austin Dall, Esq., Montclair.
Same Arms as William Dall, Boston,
GUSHING. Massachusetts.
Matthew Gushing, Hingham, 1638.
DAME. New Hampshire.

Quarterly ist and 4th: Gules, an
John Dame, Dover, 1633.
2d and 3d: (Gheshire.)
eagle displayed argent.
Or, a griffin passant azure, on a chief
Gules, three dexter hands couped
gules three fleurs-de-lis argent.
erect argent, a canton chequy or and

CREST Out of a mural crown a
CREST^—Two gambs erased
hawk's head.
sable supporting a ducal coronet or,
from which hangs a human heart,
DAMON. Massachusetts.
Thomas Damon, Gharlestown, circa
New Or, a lion rampant azure, over all
on a fesse gules three martlets ar-
Harry Gooke Gushing, Esq., New
Same Arms as Matthew Gushing, CREST— A demi-Iion rampant azure.
MOTTO— Pro Rege, Pro Lege, Pro
Hingham, Mass.
GUTLER. New York. DANA. Massachusetts.
Joseph Warren Gutler, Esq., Roches- Richard Dana, Gambridge, 1640.
ter. Sable, on a bend argent three chev-
Azure, three dragons' heads erased rons vert.
or, langued gules; a chief argent. CREST— A bull's head affrontee.
CREST— A dragon's head erased
azure, gorged with a mural coronet DANA. New York.
or, holding in the mouth a laurel Gharles Loomis Dana, M.D., New
branch. York.
Same Arms as Richard Dana, Gam-
GUTTER. Massachusetts. bridge, Mass.
William Gutter, Gharlestown, 1637.
(Newcastle - on -Tyne, Northumber- DANA. Pennsylvania.
Gharles Edmund Dana, Esq., Phila-
Azure, three dragons' heads erased
Same Arms as Richard Dana, Gam-
or, a chief argent.
CREST— A lion's head erased or, bridge, Mass,
langued gules. DANA. Massachusetts.
Richard Henry Dana, Esq., Gam-
GUYLER. New York.
Hendricks Cuyler, Albany, 1664. Same Arms as Richard Dana, Gam-
Per pale, embattled gules and azure,
an arrow in bend or, barbed and
flighted argent, point upwards.
— DANDRIDGE. Virginia.
CREST On a mural crown or, a Gol. William Dandridge, Elsing
battle-axe ppr. and erect; above it, Green, King William Go. Gol. John
two arrows saltierwise or, pointed ar- Dandridge, New Kent Go.
gent, the points downwards. Azure, a lion's head erased or, be-
tween three mascles argent.
DAGGETT. Maine. —
CREST A lion's head erased charged
Brig.-Gen. Aaron Simon Daggett, with a mascle argent.
Green Gorner.
Argent, on a chief azure three cres- DARLING. Gonnecticut.
cents or. Ghief Justice Thomas Darling, New
CREST— An eagle displayed gules Haven, 1740.
charged with a bezant. Argent, on a bend gules cotised vert

between two mullets of the second, DAVIDSON. New York.
three escallops or. George Trimble Davidson, Esq., New
CREST— A head erased
lion's or. York.
MOTTO— Frangas non flecte. Same Arms as Nicholas Davidson,
DARLING. Massachusetts.
Azure, guttee or, on a fess of the DAVIE. Massachusetts.
last three cross-crosslets, fitchee Humphrey Davie, Boston.
(Creedy, Devonshire.)
CREST— A female ppr. habited in a —
Quarterly 1st and 4th: Argent, a
loose robe argent, the body pink; -'
chevron between three mullets pierced
flowing around her a robe azure, gules. 2d and 3d Azure, three cinque-

holding in dexter hand a cross-cross- foils or, on a chief of the last a lion
let fitchee gules in the sinister a book. passant gules.
MOTTO — Cruce dum spiro spero.
DAVIES. Connecticut.
DARLING. NewYork. John Davis, Litchfield, 1735.
Charles William Darling, Esq., Utica. (Flint. Granted 1581.)
Same Arms as Chief-Justice Thomas —
Quarterly ist and 4th: Gules, on a
Darling, New Haven, Conn. bend argent a lion passant sable,
armed and langued gules. 2d Ar- :

DARLINGTON. Pennsylvania. gent, a lion rampant sable armed and

Abraham and John Darlington, 1711. langued gules. 3d: Or, a lion ram-
(Chester.) pant gules armed and langued of the
Azure, guttee or, on a fesse of the first.
last, three cross-crosslets, fitchee, CREST—A lion's head erased quar-
gules. terly argent and langued gules.
CREST— A winged pillar. MOTTO— Heb Dhuw heb ddym
DARWELL. Illinois. Dhuw a digon.
Thomas Darwell, Peoria, 1869. DAVIES. New York.
(Kent.) William Gilbert Davies, Esq., New
Argent, three anchors sable, in pale York.
between two palets vert, a chief gules. Same Arms as John Davies, Litch-
DAVENPORT. Connecticut. field, Conn.

Rev. John Davenport, New Haven, DAVIS. Massachusetts.

1630. Dolor Davis, Cambridge, 1634.
(Chester.) (Benefield, Northamptonshire.)
Argent, a chevron sable between
Gules, a chevron engrailed between
three cross-crosslets fitchee of the three boars' heads erased argent.
second. —
CREST On a chapeau gules turned
CREST— A felon's head couped at
up ermine, a boar statant.
the neck ppr., haltered or. MOTTO— Virtute duce comite for-
MOTTO— Audaces fortuna juvat. tuna.
DAVENPORT. New York. DAVIS. District of Columbia.
William Bales Davenport, Esq., Capt. Charles Henry Davis, U.S.N.,
Brooklyn. Washington.
Same Arms as Rev. John Davenport, Same Arms as Dolor Davis, Cam-
New Haven, Conn. bridge, Mass.
DAVIDSON. Connecticut. DAVIS. Kentucky.
Nicholas Davidson, 1640.
John A. Davis, Esq., Mortonsville.
(Scotland.) For Arms see Ambrose Fielding, Vir-
Azure, on a fesse between three phe-
ons argent, a stag couchant gules at-
tired with ten tynes or. DAVIS. Kentucky.
CREST— A falcon's head couped ppr. Dr. Allen Fielding Davis, Mortons-
MOTTO— Viget et cinere virtus. ville.

For Arms see Ambrose Fielding, Vir- DE FOREST. New York.
ginia. Henry and Isaac De Forest, New
York, 1636.
DAY. Connecticut. (Avesnes.)
Robert Day, Hartford, 1636. Or, a lion gules holding with both
Per chevron or and azure, three mul- forepaws a pennon of the same in
lets counterchanged. chief; in base azure, three martlets

CREST Two hands conjoined ppr. argent.
fixed to a pair of wings, the dexter
or, sinister azure, each charged with
DE LANCEY. New York.
a mullet counterchanged. Etienne de Lancey, New York, 1686.
MOTTO— Sic itur ad astra. (Caen, France.)
Azure, a tilting lance ppr. point up-
DAY. New York. ward with a pennon argent bearing
Robert Webster Day, Esq., Buffalo. a cross gules fringed or, floating to
Same Arms as Robert Day, Hartford, the dexter, debrused of a fesse or.

CREST A sinister arm in armour
embowed, the hand grasping a tilting
DEACON. lance pennon attached all ppr.
Edward Deacon,
Esq., Bridgeport.

MOTTO Certum voto pete finem.
Argent, a fesse chequy, or and gules
between three roses of the last.
DE LANCEY. New York.
CREST— A griffin's headerased gules, Edward Floyd De Lancey, Esq., New
armed and langued or, rose in mouth York.
Same Arms as Etienne De Lancey.
MOTTO— In Deo fides mea.
DELANO. Connecticut.
DEANE. Massachusetts. 1635.
(Brittany, France.)
John and Walter Deane, Taunton,
Argent, fretty sable on a chief gules
three wolves' heads, erased or.
Gules, a lion couchant, guardant or, DE LUZE. New York.
on a chief argent three crescents of
the field.
Louis de Luze, New York, 1793.
CREST —A demi-lion rampant or, in (Germany.)
— ist and 4th: Argent, two
the dexter paw a crescent gules. Quarterly
MOTTO— Forti et fideli nihil difficile. eagles' wings endorsed sable. 2d and
3d :
Azure, a chevron or, in base a
of the last.
DE BENNEVILLE. Pennsylvania. CREST— Out of a coronet or, a
George de Benneville, Philadelphia,
spear head of the same between two
1741. sable.
eagles' wings
D'argent, a deux lions leopardes de
gueules. DE LUZE. New York.
Charles Henry de Luze, Esq., New
DE COURCY. Maryland. Rochelle.
Colonel Henry de Courcey, Queen Same Arms as Louis de Luze, New
Anne Co., 1654. York.
(Stoke-Courci, Somerset.)
Argent, three eagles displayed gules, DENISON. Massachusetts.
ducally crowned or. William Denison, 1631.

CREST On a ducal coronet or, an (Ireland.)
eagle displayed argent. Argent, on a chevron engrailed gules

SUPPORTERS—Two unicorns azure, between three torteaux, an annulet

each gorged with coronets composed or.
of crosses-pattee and fleurs-de-lis, CREST— A dexter arm erect vested
and chained, armed, crined and un- vert, the hand ppr. grasping a scim-
guled or. itar.
MOTTO — Vincit omnia Veritas. MOTTO— Domus grata.

DE NORMANDY. Pennsylvania. CREST—A stag's head erased or.
Andre de Normandy, Bristol, 1706. MOTTO— Esse quam videri.
De gueules, a deux leopards d'or mis
I'un sur I'autre. DICKINSON. Massachusetts.
Nathaniel Dickinson, Boston, 1629,
DEPEW. New York.
Wethersfield, Conn., 1638.
Nicholas du Puy, New York.
(Dauphine and Languedoc, France.) Vert, a cross between three hinds'
Or, a lion rampant gules upon a chief heads erased or.
azure three stars or.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or, A
CREST— stag's head erased or.
a fleur-de-lis azure.
MOTTO—Esse quam videri.

SUPPORTERS— On either side a lion

DICKINSON. Illinois.
rampant or.
Frederick Dickinson, Esq., Chicago.
MOTTO— Agere et pati fortia.
Same Arms as Nathaniel Dickinson
DEPEW. New York. of Boston and Wethersfield.
Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, New
York. DIGGES. Virginia.
Same Arms as Nicholas du Puy, New Edward Digges, Warwick, 1650.
York. (Kent.)
(jules, on a cross argent five double-
DE PEYSTER. New York. headed eagles' heads, erased sable.
Johannes de Peyster, New York, CRESTS— (i) An eagle's leg, couped
1640. from the thigh sable issuant there-
(Haarlem, Netherlands.) from three ostrich feathers, argent ;

Argent, a tree eradicated ppr. (2) a double-headed eagle's head

CREST— Out of a cloud, a dexter sable.
hand holding a branch of laurel all
ppr. DIODATE. Connecticut.
MOTTO— Forti non deficit telum. William Diodate, New Haven, 1715.
Party per pale, dexter gules a lion
DE TREVILLE'. South Carolina. rampant or; sinister barry of six or
Jean La Bouladrie de Treville, St. and gules.
Helena Parish. CREST— A double-headed eagle sa-
(France.) ble, langued gules.
Azure, three Saracens* heads ppr. a SUPPORTERS— Two lions rampant
crescent for difference.
or, langued gules.
CREST—A French Count's coronet. MOTTO— Deus
MOTTO— Nee spes
dedit sa.
nee timor.


Virginia. Peter Disbrow, Rye, 1666.
John L. de Treville, Esq., Richmond.
Same Arms as de (Essex.)
Jean Treville,
South Carolina. Argent, a fess between three bears'
heads and necks erased sable muzzled
DEVOTION. Massachusetts. or.
Edward Devotion, Brookline, 1645. CRESTS— (i) A bear's head couped
(France.) sable, muzzled or; (2) a talbot's
Argent, on a bend azure between two head erased.
martlets sable, three escallops or.
MOTTO—Tout pour meilleur. DOANE. Massachusetts.
John Doane, Plymouth, 1630.
DICKENSON._ Virginia, Maryland and (Chester.)
Pennsylvania. Azure, two bars argent, over all on
Walter, Henry and John Dickenson, a bend gules, three arrows of the
1654. second.
(London.) CREST—A bugle horn sable, gar-
Vert, cross between
a three hinds* nished argent stringed vert.

heads erased or. MOTTO— Omnia Mei dona Dei.

DODGE. Massachusetts. CREST— Out of a coronet composed
William Dodge, Salem, 1623. of eight fleurs-de-lis or, an estoile of
(Kent.) eight points argent.
Barry of six or and sable, over all SUPPORTERS— Two leopards ar-
on a pale gules, a woman's breast gent.
milk all MOTTO— Aut nunquam tentes, aut
CREST— A demi-sea dog
distilling ppr.
azure, col- perfice.
lared finned and purfled or.
MOTTO— Leni perfruar otio. DORSET. Texas.
Dr. J. S. Dorset, Bonham.
DODGE. New York. Same Arms as James Dorset, Mon-
George Pomeroy Dodge, Esq., Saddle mouth Co., N. J.
Same Arms as William Dodge, Sa- DOUGLAS. Connecticut.
lem, Mass. William Douglas, New London, 1660.
DODGE. Connecticut. Argent, a man's heart gules ensigned
Walter Phelps Dodge, Esq., Sims- with an imperial crown ppr.; on a
bury. chief azure three stars of the first.
Same Arms as William Dodge, Sa-
lem, Mass. DOUGLAS. Connecticut.
James Douglas, Voluntown, 1729.
DOLBEARE. Massachusetts. Same Arms as William Douglas,
Edmund Dolbeare, Boston, 1678. New London.
(Ashburton, Devonshire.)
Azure, a bend argent cotised or, be- DOUGLAS. Connecticut.
tween six martlets of the second. Thomas Douglas, New Fairfield, 1771.
CREST— Out of a crown ppr. a Same Arms as William Douglas,
plume of five feathers, per pale ar- New London.
gent and azure.
MOTTO— Nullus sed Christus. DOUGLAS. New Jersey.
William Douglas, Bergen, 1671.
DOOLAN. Illinois.
Same Arms as Douglas of Connecti-
James Doolan, Chicago, 1879.
Gyronny of eight sable and argent, DOWD. Connecticut.
an annulet counterchanged.
Henry Dowd, Guilford, 1639.
DORCY. Pennsylvania. (Kent.)
Lawrence Dorsy, Ireland. Vert, a saltire or, in chief two swords
and in cross argent, pommeled of the sec-
Azure, semee of crosses-crosslet
three cinquefoils argent.
CREST—A bull sable, horns and

CREST An arm embowed habited
hoofs in mail holding in the hand a spear
MOTTO—Un un Roi. all ppr. headed argent.

DORR. Pennsylvania.
DOWNER. Massachusetts.
Edward Dorr, Robert Downer, Newbury, 1650.
Boston, 1648.
Argent, a chevron between three mul- (Wiltshire.)
lets or. Gules, a chevron or between three
peacocks argent.
DORR. Pennsylvania. CREST —Two hands conjoined in.
Dalton Dorr, Esq., Philadelphia. fesse, winged at the wrist.
Same Arms as Edward Dorr, Boston. MOTTO— In cruce salus,

DORSET. New Jersey. D'OYLEY. Virginia.

James Dorset, Monmouth Co., 1676. Gilbert Raoul D'Oyley (Count) Bris-
(Bermuda.) tow. Prince William Co.
Quarterly, or and gules over all a Or, two bendlets azure, a label of
bend vair. three points gules.

CREST— Out of a count's coronet a DRAYTON. New York.
demi-dragon. J. Coleman Drayton, Esq., New York.
MOTTO— Ostendo non ostendo. Same Armsas Thomas Drayton,
Charleston, S. C.
DRAKE. Massachusetts.
Thomas Drake, Weymouth, 1653. DREER. Pennsylvania.
(Devon.) Frederick K. Dreer, Esq., Philadel-
Argent, a wivern wings displayed phia.
and tail knowed gules. For Arms see John Johnstone, Bask-
CREST— A dexter arm couped at el- ing Ridge, N. J.
bowppr. holding a battle-axe sable.

MOTTO Aquila non captat muscas.
(Third Marquis of Annandale.)

DREER. Pennsylvania.
DRAKE. Massachusetts.
Edwin G. Dreer, Esq., Philadelphia.
John Drake, Boston, 1630. (Devon.) For Arms see John Johnstone, Bask-
Argent, a wivern wings displayed
and knowed gules.
ing Ridge, N. J.
CREST—An eagle displayed (Third Marquis of Annandale.)
MOTTO — Sic parvis magna.
DU BOIS. New York.
DRAKE. Massachusetts. Louis du Bois, Kingston, 1660.
Louis Stoughton Drake, Esq., New- (Descendant of Macquaire du Bois,
ton. Count de Rousoy, A. D. mo.)
Same Arms as Thomas Drake, Wey- Argent, a lion rampant sable, armed
and langued gules.
mouth. —
CREST Between two tree stumps
DRAPER. Massachusetts. vert, the lion of the shield.
James Draper, Roxbury, 1646. MOTTO—Tiens ta foy.
Argent, on a fesse engrailed, between
three annulets gules as many covered DUDLEY. Massachusetts.
cups or. Thomas Dudley, Boston, 1630.
CREST— A stag's head gules attired (Canon's Ashby, Northampton.)
or, charged on the neck with a fesse Or, a lion rampant double-queued
between three annulets of the last. - azure.
MOTTO—Vicit pepercit.
CREST—A lion's head erased.
MOTTO— Nee gladio, nee arcu.
DRAPER. Long Island.
Capt. Thomas W. M. Draper, Great DUER. New York.
Neck. William Duer, 1768.
Same Arms as Capt. James Draper, Ermine, a bend gules.
Dedham, Mass. CREST— A dove and olive branch
DRAYTON. South Carolina. argent.
Thomas Drayton, Charleston, 1679. DUFFIELD. Pennsylvania.
(Barbadoes.) George Duffield, Pequea, Lancaster
Argent, a cross engrailed gules. Co., 1730.
DRAYTON. South Carolina. (Ballymena, Antrim.)
Charles H. Drayton, Esq., Charleston. Sable, a chevron between three doves
Same Arms as Thomas Drayton, argent.
CREST— A dove, in the beak an olive
DRAYTON. Pennsylvania. branch all ppr.
William Drayton, Esq., Philadelphia.
Same Arms as Thomas Drayton, DUKE. Virginia.
Col. Henry Duke, 1696. (Suffolk.)
Charleston, S. C.
Azure, a chevron between three birds
DRAYTON. District of Columbia. close argent, membered gules.
William Henry Drayton, Esq., Wash- CREST— A sword argent hilt or
ington. stuck in a plume of five ostrich feath-
Same Arms as Thomas Drayton, ers, two azure, three argent.
Charleston, S. C. MOTTO— In adversis idem.

DUKE. Virginia. DU PUY. Virginia.
Richard Thomas Walker Duke, Esq., Bartholomew Du Puy.
Charlottesville. Same Arms as Depew of New York.
Same Arms as Col. Henry Duke,
Virginia. DURYEA. Long Island.
Joost Durie, 1675.
DUMARESQ. Massachusetts. (Manheim.)
Philip Dumaresq, 1716. Azure, a chevron between three cres-
cents argent.
(Isle of Jersey.)
Gules, three escallops or, a mullet of
CREST—A dove reguardant, holding
the last in chief, for difference. in the beak an olive branch all ppr.
CREST— A bull passant guardant
ppr. DUTTON. Massachusetts.
MOTTO—Dum vivo spero. John Dutton, Plymouth, 1630.
Quarterly, argent and gules, in the
DUMMER. Massachusetts.
second and third a fret or.
Richard Dummer, Roxbury, 1632. CREST— A lion's head, couped or.
(Hampshire.) MOTTO— Servabo fidem.
Azure, a crescent between six billets,
three, two, and one, or.

CREST A demi-lion azure, holding DUTTON. California.
in his dexter a fleur-de-lis or. William J. Dutton, Esq., San Fran-
paw cisco.
Same Arms as John Dutton, of Plym-
DUNBAR. South Carolina.
outh, Mass.
James Dunbar, 1820.
(Randalstown, Co. Antrim.)

Quarterly ist and 4th: Gules, a lion
DUVALL. Maryland.
Marien Duvall, La Val, Anne Arun-
rampant argent, within a bordure of del Co., 1659.
the last charged with eight roses of
the first. 2d and 3d: Or, three cush-
(Remiremont, Lorraine.)
ions pendant within a double tressure
Argent, a chevron gules, in chief two
annulets, in base a battle-axe of the
flory counterflory gules.
CREST— A horse's head argent, bri-

CREST A lion sejant per pale ar-
dled gules, a dexter hand couped
gent and gules, sustaining a shield,
fessways ppr. holding the bridle.
MOTTO — Candoris praemium honos.
as in the

DUNBAR. Long Island. DUVALL. Maryland.

Capt. George Dunbar, Hyde Park, Mrs. George W. Duvall (Maxey Ran-
1750. kin).
(Woodside, Scotland.) (Glendale, Prince George County.)
Gules, a lion rampant or within^ a Same Arms as Marien Duvall.
bordure of the last, charged with
eight roses of the first. DUVALL. New York.
CREST— A horse's head bridled, a Rankin Duvall, Esq., New York.
dexter hand couped fesseways ppr. Same Arms Marien Duvall, of
holding the bridle. See also William Rankin,

MOTTO Candoris praemium honos.
of Maryland.

DU PONT. Delaware. DUYN (Van). Long Island.

Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours, Cornelius Van Duyn, 1649.
1800. (Holland.)
(Paris, France.)

Quarterly ist and 4th: Gules, a
Azure, an Ionic column argent, the cross flory or. 2d and 3d Argent, :

base vert. three torteaux.

CREST— A helmet affrontee. CREST— A greyhound's head erased
MOTTO— Rectitudine sto. argent.

DWIGHT. Massachusetts. EATON. New York.
John Dwight, Dedhatn, 1634. Charles Eaton, M.D., New York,
(Dedham.) 1742.
Ermine, a lion passant or, on a chief (Durham.)
gules a crescent of the second in base Argent, semy of three-foils ppr. two
a cross-crosslet or. annulets braced in the nombril point
demi-lion rampant or. sable.

EAGER. Massachusetts. EDDY. Massachusetts.

William Eager, Cambridge, 1630. John Eddy, Watertown, 1630.
(Kerry.) (Suffolk.)
Azure, a lion rampant or, armed and Sable, three old men's heads couped
langued gules gorged with an antique at the shoulder argent, crined ppr.
crown a chief ermine.
CREST—A cross-crosslet sable, and
CREST— A demi-lion rampant, azure, a dagger argent hilted or, salterewise.
gorged with an antique crown, and MOTTO — Crux mihi grata quies.
charged on the shoulder with a mul-
EDWARDS. Virginia.
MOTTO— Facta non verba. John Edwards, Lancaster Co., 1667.
Argent, a fesse ermines between three
EAGER. New York. martlets or.
Joseph Percy Eager, Esq., New York. CREST— On a ducal coronet argent,
Same Arms as William Eager, Cam- a tiger passant or.
bridge, Mass.
EDWARDS. Connecticut.
EAMES. Massachusetts. William Edwards, Hartford, 1639.
Thomas Eames, Framingham, 1680. (Oxford.)
(Somerset.) Per bend sinister, ermine and er-
Argent, out of a fesse azure, a demi- mines, over a lion rampant or.
lion rampant issuant gules. CREST— A demi-lion rampant or,
CREST—A lion rampant, sable. holding between the paws a castle
EAMES. New York. MOTTO— Sola nobilitas virtus.
Francis Luther Eames, Esq., Brook-
lyn. EELS. Massachusetts.
Same Arms as Thomas Eames, Fram- John Eels, Dorchester, 1650.
ingham, Mass. Argent, three eels, naiant azure.

CREST A dexter arm in armor fess-
EARLE. Virginia. ways, couped holding a cutlass, en-
John Earle, Westmoreland County, filed with a boar's head, couped, all
1652. ppr. f
Gules, three escallops a bordure en- EGLESTON. Connecticut.
grailed or. Bagot Egleston, Windsor, 1674.
CREST— A nag's head erased sable, Argent, a cross sable, in first quarter
maned or. a fleur-de-lis of the second.
CREST— A talbot's head erased sable
EASTMAN. Massachusetts. collared argent.
Roger Eastman, Haverhill, 1638. MOTTO— In cruce salus.
Gules, dexter chief point an
in the
escutcheon argent charged with a lion EGLESTON. New York.
rampant sable. Thomas Egleston, Esq., New York.
CREST— A swan collared and lined Same Arms as Bagot Egleston,
ppr. Windsor, Conn.
EASTMAN. Tennessee. ELIOT. Massachusetts.
Lewis Robert Eastman, Esq., Nash- John Eliot, 1631.
ville. (Devon.)
Same Arms as Roger Eastman, Hav- Argent, a fess gules between two
erhill, Mass, —
bars gemelle wavy, sable.


CREST An elephant's head argent, ELY. Pennsylvania.
collared gules. William Newbold Ely, Esq., Chest-
MOTTO— Occurrent nubes. nut Hill.
Same Arms as Joshua Ely, New Jer-
ELLERY. Massachusetts. sey.
William Ellery, Gloucester, 1663,
ELY. Massachusetts.
Per chevron azure and argent, a bor- Nathaniel Ely, Springfield, 1635.
dure engrailed or. Argent, a fess engrailed between
CREST—A three fleurs-de-lis gules.
stag courant.
CREST— An arm erect couped below
ELLICOTT. the elbow, habited argent, grasping
Andrew Bucks in the hand ppr. a fleur-de-lis, sable.
Ellicott, Co., 1730.
(Collumpton, Devonshire.) ELY. Connecticut.
Lozengy or and azure, a bordure ar- Richard Ely, 1660.

CREST A hawk with wings ex- Same Arms as Nathaniel Ely, Spring-
field, Mass.
panded, belled all ppr.

MOTTO Sto super vias antiquas. EMERSON. Massachusetts.
Thomas Emerson, Ipswich, 1635,
ELLIOT. Massachusetts. (Durham.)
Henry Elliot, 1675. Per fess indented or and vert, on a
Azure, a fesse or. bend engrailed azure three lions

CREST Out of a ducal coronet or, bendways argent.
a griffin's head couped, wings en- —
CREST A lion rampant vert, be-
dorsed sable charged with five hurts. a
zantee, holding battle-axe
MOTTO— Non sine Deo. headed argent.

MOTTO— ^In te Domine speravi.

ELLIOT. Illinois.
Daniel Giraud Elliot, Esq., Chicago. EMERY. Massachusetts.
Same Arms as Henry Elliot, Massa- John Emery, Newbury, 1635.
chusetts. (Essex.)
Argent, three bars nebulee gules, in
ELMENDORF. New York. chief as many torteaux.
Jacobus Elmendorph, Kingston, 1667, CREST— Out of a mural
crown, a
(Holland.) demi-horse argent, maned or, collared
Quarterly or and gules. studded of the
CREST— A demi-woman
gules, first.

ppr. tapered MOTTO— Fidelis et suavis.

below the waist and bordered by a
chevron sable, between two wings ad- EMMET. New York.
dorsed or and gules. Richard Stockton Emmet, Esq., New
SUPPORTERS — Two lions rampant
or. Azure, a fesse engrailed ermine be-
tween three bulls' heads cabossed
ELTONHEAD. Virginia. ppr.

William Eltonhead, Lancaster Co.,
CREST Out of a ducal coronet or,
1646. a demi-bull ppr.
Quarterly per fesse indented argent MOTTO— Constans.
and sable, in the second quarter three
ENDICOTT. Massachusetts.
John Endicott, 1628. Governor of
ELY. New Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Argent, on a fess azure, between
Joshua Ely, Trenton, 1685. three fusils gules, a griffin passant or.
(Dunham, Nottinghamshire.)
Argent, a fess engrailed between six

CREST A lion's head erased ppr.
fleurs-de-lis gules. ENGLISH.
pheon, gules, point up- James English, Laurel, 1685.

Sable, three lions rampant argent. EYRE. New
lion sejant on a mount George Eyre, 1727.
vert, laying his dexter paw on an (Derby.)
antique shield sable. Argent, on a chevron sable, three
quatrefoils or.
ENGLISH. Indiana. Crest— On a cap of maintenance
Hon. William E. English, English- ppr. a booted and armed leg, couped
ton Park, Lexington, Indiana. at the thigh, quarterly argent and
Same Arms as English of Laurel, sable spur or.
Delaware. MOTTO— Virtus sola invicta.

ENSIGN. Connecticut. FAIR. New Jersey.

James Ensign, Hartford, 1670. John Fair, Trenton, 1779.
(Kent.) (Scotland.)
Sable, three swords erected argent, Gules, an anchor or.
pommels or, two and one.
FAIRBANKS. Massachusetts.
EVANS. Pennsylvania. Jonathan Fairbanks, Dedham, 1633.
Lott Evans, Philadelphia, 1681. Argent, on a fesse azure, between
three hurts, a bezant.
Descended from Elystan Gloddryad,

CREST Three arrows tied together,
Founder of the fourth Royal Tribe one in pale and two in saltire, points
of Wales. downwards.

Quarterly 1st and 4th: Argent, three
MOTTO— Finem respice.
boars' heads couped sable. 2d and
3d Gules, a lion rampant reguard-
ant argent. Robert Noyes Fairbanks, Esq., New

CREST A demi-lion reguardant ar- York.
Same Arms as Jonathan Fairbanks,
gent, holding between his paws a
boar's head couped sable. Dedham, Mass.
MOTTO— Libertas. FAIRCHILD. Connecticut.
Miss Julia Fairchild, Bridgeport.
EVELYN. Virginia. For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
Robert Evelyn, 1610.
ols, Stratford, Conn.
Azure, a griffin passant, and a chief FAIRCHILD. Connecticut.
CREST— A passant or, beaked,
Miss Celina Fairchild, Bridgeport.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
forelegged and ducally gorged azure,
ols, Stratford, Conn.
MOTTO— Durate.
FAIRCHILD. Connecticut.
EWING. New Jersey. Horace L. Fairchild, Esq., Nichols.
Thomas Ewing, Greenwich, 1718. For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
(Londonderry, Ireland.) ols, Stratford, Conn.
Quarterly gules and or, the second
and third charged with a saltire of .
FAIRCHILD. Connecticut.
the first.
CREST—The moon in her complex-
Mrs. Charles Fairchild, Nichols.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
ion ppr.
ols, Stratford, Conn.

EYRE. New York. FAIRFAX. Virginia.

John Eyre, New York, 1718. (Baron Fairfax, of Cameron, Scot-
(Norfolk.) land, 1627.)
Argent, a chevron ermine, between Or, three bars gemelles gules sur-
three escallops, gules. mounted of a lion rampant sable.
demi-lion rampant ar- CREST — A lion passant guardant sa-
gent. ble.

SUPPORTERS—Dexter a lion guar- Quarterly azure and or, four cres-
dant sable sinister a bay horse. cents counterchanged,

Fac. CREST—An eagle preying on a

coney ppr.
FAIRFIELD. Massachusetts.
John Fairfield, Wenham, 1643. FARRAR. Massachusetts.
Gules, a lion rampant crowned or. Jacob Farrar, Concord, 1675.
CREST— On a mount vert, two dovea (Yorkshire.)
billing ppr. Argent, three horseshoes sable.
CREST— A horseshoe sable between
FARGO. Connecticut. two wings argent.
Moses Fargo, Norwich, 1620. MOTTO— In ferrum pro libertate rue-
Argent, a lion rampant gules.
CREST— A demi-lion ppr. crowned
New York.
with a mural crown or. FARRAR.
George Dow Farrar, Esq., New York.
FAIRHOLM. New York. Same Arms as Jacob Farrar, Con-
Robert Fairholm, New York, 1815. cord, Mass.
Or, an anchor gules. FARRER. Virginia.
FAIRHOLM. Massachusetts. Argent, on a bend sable, three horse-
Thomas Fairholm, Boston, 1836. shoes of the field.
(Scotland. Granted 1757- ) —
CREST A horseshoe sable between
Or, an anchor gules quarterly with two wings
argent a boar's head erased sable, all MOTTO— Ferre va ferme.
within a bordure azure.
FAUNCE. Massachusetts.
FAIRWEATHER. Connecticut.
John Faunce, Plymouth, 1623.
Joseph Fayerweather, Norwich. (Kent.)
(Suffolk.) Argent, three lions rampant sable,
Gules, six billets or, three, two and armed and langued gules, ducally
one; on a chief of the second, a lion gorged or.
passant vert. CREST— A demi-lion rampant sable,
CREST— A lion's head erased gules
langued and gorged as in the Arms,
billetee or. between two wings, argent.
FARMAR. Pennsylvania.
MOTTO— Ne tentes aut perfice.
Thomas Farmar, Philadelphia, 1684.
(Exeter, Devon, descended from the
FAWKENER. Massachusetts.
Earls of Pomfret.)
Edmond Fawkener, Andover.
(King's Cleere, Hampshire.)
Argent, a fesse sable between three three falcons argent, beaked,
heads erased gules. Sable,
CREST— A leopard passant guardant legged and belled or.

MOTTO —Hora e sempre.

ppr. FELGATE. Virginia.
Robert Felgate, 1632.
FARMAR. Pennsylvania. (Suffolk.)
Robert Farmar, Pennsylvania, 1790. Azure, two bars argent between six
mullets or, three, two and one.
Argent, a fesse sable between three
CREST— A griffin sejant salient ar-
gent, pierced through the
breast with
lions' heads erased gules.

CREST Out of a ducal coronet or, a broken spear or, holding the point
a cock's head issuing gules combed in his mouth.
and wattled.
MOTTO— Hora e sempre, FENNER. Rhode Island.
Capt. Arthur Fenner, Rhode Island,
FARNHAM. Massachusetts. 1653.
Henry Farnham, Roxbury, 1644. (Sussex.)
(Warwickshire.) Vert, a cross argent charged with a

cross formee gules, between four FIELD. Connecticut.
eagles displayed of the second. Zachariah Field, Hartford, 1639.

CREST An eagle displayed argent, (Hadleigh, Suffolk.)
membered or. Per chevron or and vert, in chief
two dolphins respecting each other
FENNER. California. gules, in base a garb of the first.

Charles Putnam Fenner, Esq., Los CREST A dolphin embowed per pale
Angeles. or and gules, in front of two darts
Same Arms as Capt. Arthur Fenner, in saltire ppr. points upward.
Providence, R. I.
FIELD. Long Island.
FENWICK. Connecticut. Robert Field, Flushing. 1645.
George Fenwick, Saybrook. (York. Confirmed 1558.)
(Brinckborne, Northumberland.) Sable, a chevron between three garbs
Argent, three martlets gules, on a argent.
chief of the last three martlets of the CREST dexter arm issuing out
of the clouds fessways ppr. habited
gules, holding on the hand a sphere
FERGUSON. Maryland. MOTTO— Sans Dieu rien.
James Ferguson, 1700.
(Scotland.) FIELDING. Virginia.
Argent, a lion rampant azure, on a Ambrose Northumberland
chief gules, a star between a cross- Fielding,
crosslet fitchee and a rose of the field. Co., 1667.
CREST —A dexter hand grasping a (Bristol.)
broken spear bendways ppr. Or, a lion rampant ppr.
MOTTO—Vi et arte.
FISH. Island.
Jonathan Fish, Newtown, 1652.
FERREE. Pennsylvania. (Kent.)
Daniel Ferree, Pequea, Lancaster Co.,
Sable, a chevron wavy between three
1712. fleurs-de-lis argent.
De gueules, a trois annelets d'or. CREST— A tiger's head erased er-
SUPPORTERS— Deux lions ppr.
mine maned and tusked or.
FERRIE. Connecticut. FISKE. Massachusetts.
(Leicestershire.) Nathan Fiske, Watertown, 1643.
Argent, a pale azure, in chief as many (Suffolk.)
piles issuing from the top of the es- Chequy argent and gules, on a pale
cutcheon and in base three cinque- sable three mullets pierced or.
foils all counterchanged. CREST— On a triangle argent, an
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet a estoile or.
sinister hand between two wings ppr. MOTTO— Macte virtute, sic itur ad
FERRIE. California.
John Ferrie, San Francisco, i860. FISKE. New York.
(Glasgow.) Stephen Ryder Fiske, Esq., New
Azure, an anchor argent, in chief a York.
mullet of six points between two cres- Same Arms as Nathan Fiske, Water-
cents or. town, Mass.

FICKER. New York. FITCH. Connecticut.

Ferdinand J. Ficker, Esq. Thomas and James Fytche, Norwalk,
(Saxony.) 1638.
Argent, a swan swimming in the wa- (Essex.)
ter ppr. On a chief azure three loz- Vert, a chevron, between three lions*
enges or. heads, erased, or.
CREST—A fleur-de-lis or. A
CREST— leopard's head cabossed
or, across the mouth a sword ppr. FLOWER. Virginia.
hilted gules. George Flower, Lancaster Co., 1712.
MOTTOES— (i) Prompt et certain. Per fesse argent and azure, in chief
(2) Spec Juvat. two fleurs-de-lis gules, in base one or.

FITZHUGH. Virginia.
FLOYD. Virginia.
Colonel William Fitzhugh, Bedford, William, Charles and Frederick
Stafford County. Floyd, Accomac Co., 1675.
(Bedford.) (Wales.)
Argent, a cross sable.
Azure, three chevrons brased in base,
interlaced or, a chief of the last.

CREST A griffin sejant azure, hold-

CREST A wyvern with wings ex- ing in the dexter paw a garland of
laurel vert.
panded argent.
MOTTO— Fro patria semper. FORBUSH. Massachusetts.
Daniel Forbush, Cambridge, 1660.
Azure, three bears' heads couped ar-
General Charles L. Fitzhugh, Coburg,
Ontario. gent muzzled gules.
Same Arms as Fitzhugh of Virginia.
CREST— A stag's head ppr.
MOTTO— Grace me guide.
FLINT. Massachusetts. FORREST. Pennsylvania.
Thomas Flint, Salem, 1642. Edwin Forrest, Philadelphia, 1806.
(Scotland.) (Comieston, Scotland.)
Vert, a chevron between three flint-
Argent, three oak trees issuing out
stones argent. of the ground vert.
CREST— An estoile or. CREST— An oak tree ppr.
MOTTO— Sine macula. MOTTO— Vivient dum virent.
FLINT. New York. FORSYTH. New Hampshire.
Charles Ranlett Flint, Esq., New Matthew Forsyth, Chester, 1732.
York. (Co. Down.)
Same Arms as Thomas Flint, Salem, Argent, a chevron engrailed gules,
Mass. between three griffins, segreant vert,
armed and membered sable.
FLOURNOY. Virginia. CREST— A demi-griffin, segreant
John James Flournoy, Henrico, 1720. vert, armed and maned, sable,
(Geneva.) MOTTO— In staurator ruinae.
D'azur, au chevron d'argent, accom-
pagne en chef de deux chatons de FOSTER. Massachusetts.
noyer, et en pal d'une noix pendante Reginald Foster, Ipswich, 1638.
du meme. '

Argent, a chevron between three bu-
FLOWER. Pennsylvania. gle horns stringed sable.
William Flower, Chester County, —
CREST A dexter arm vambraced
1692. and embowed, the hand grasping a
Argent, two chevronels between three broken tilting spear ppr.
ravens' ppr. each holding in the beak
an ermine spot sable, between the FOULKE. Pennsylvania.
chevronels three pellets. Edward Foulke, Pennsylvania, 1698.

CREST A raven holding an ermine (Wales.)
spot sable. Vert, a chevron between three boars'
MOTTO— Mens conscia recti. heads erased argent.
CREST— boar's head erased ar-
FLOWER. Connecticut.
Lamrock Flower (grandson of Sir MOTTO— Blaidd rhudd ar y blaen.
William Flower), Hartford, 1685.
(Whitwell, Rutland.) FOUNTAIN. New York.
Same Arms as Flower of Pennsyl- 1650.
vania. (Devon.)

Argent, three bendlets gules, over all wings, holding in beak a horseshoe.
on a canton azure, a Hon passant or. MOTTO—Je suis prest.
CREST—An eagle's head erased
holding in its beak a snake, all ppr. FRAZER. Pennsylvania.
Persifor Frazer, Esq., Philadelphia.
FOWKE. Virginia. Same Arms as John Frazer, Phila-
Gerard Fowke, 1650.
Vert, a fleur-de-lis, argent.

CREST An Indian goat's head
erased argent. FREEBODY. Rhode Island.
MOTTO— Arma tuentur pacem. Captain John Freebody, Newport,
FOWLER. Massachusetts. (Sussex.)
Gules, a chevron argent between
Philip Fowler, Ipswich, 1634,
three human hearts or.
Azure, on a chevron between three
lions passant guardant, orr, as many
FREEMAN. New Jersey.
crosses, formee, sable. Henry Freeman, Woodbridge, 1670.
CREST—An owl argent ducally (Northampton.)
Azure, three lozenges, or.
gorged or.

CREST A demi-lion rampant gules
FOX. Virginia. holding a lozenge in the paws or.
Rev. John Fox, Ware, Gloucester Co, MOTTO—Liber et Audax.
Argent, a chevron sable between three
cocks gules on a chief azure a fox FREEMAN. Massachusetts.
courant or. Edmund Freeman, Lynn, 1635.

CREST A lion sejant guardant or, (Oxford.)
Azure, three lozenges
supporting with the dexter foot a or.
book of the last. demi-lion rampant gules
holding between his paws a like loz-
FOXCROFT. Massachusetts. enge.
Francis Foxcroft, 1682. MOTTO— Liber et audax.
Azure, a chevron between three foxes' FREEMAN. New Jersey.
heads erased or. Joel Francis Freeman, Esq., East
FRANKLIN. Massachusetts. Same Arms as Henry Freeman,
Josiah Franklin, 1655. Woodbridge.
(Ecton, Northampton.)
Argent, on a bend between two lions' FRENCH. Massachusetts.
heads erased gules, a dolphin em- John French, Braintree, 1640.
bowed of the field, between two mart- (Berwick.)
lets close, or. Argent, a chevron between three
CREST — A dolphin's head in pale ar- boars' heads erased azure.
gent, erased gules, finned or, between CREST— A fleur-de-lis.
two branches vert. MOTTO— Nee timeo, nee
MOTTO— Exemplum
adest ipse ho-
mo. FRENCH. Massachusetts.
Edward French, Ipswich, 1636.
FRANKLIN. Pennsylvania. Azure, a chevron between three
Benjamin Franklin. boars' heads or.
Same Arms as Franklin of Massa- CREST— A boar's head erased.
chusetts. MOTTO— Tuebor.
FRAZER. Pennsylvania. FRENCH. New York.
John Frazer, Philadelphia, 1735, Amos Tuck French, Esq., Tuxedo
. Azure, three cinquefoils argent.

CREST Out of a ducal coronet or,
Same Arms as Edward French, Ips-
an ostrich head and neck between two
wich, Mass.

FRENCH. Connecticut. CREST—A French Count's coronet.
Harry Nichols French, Esq., Nichols. MOTTO— Persevere.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
ols, Stratford, Conn.
GAMBLE. Virginia.
Joseph Gamble, Winchester, 1786.
FROST. Massachusetts. (Londonderry.)
Edmund Frost, Cambridge, 1635. Azure, a fleur-de-lis or.
(Ipswich, Essex.) CREST— A Roman soldier in full
Argent, a chevron sable between costume ppr.
three pellets each charged with a tre-
foil or. GAMBLE. Missouri.
CREST—A trefoil between two David Coalter Gamble, Esq., St.
all azure. Louis.
MOTTO— E terra ad coelum. Same Arms as Joseph Gamble, of
Winchester, Va.
FRY. Rhode Island.
Thomas Fry, Newport, 1669.
GAMBLE. New York.
Vert, three horses courant argent,
Hamilton Rowan Gamble, Esq., New
bridled or. York.
CREST—An arm embowed in armor Same Arms as Joseph Gamble, of
grasping a sword enfiladed with a Winchester, Va.
Moor's head, all ppr. GARDINER. Massachusetts.
FRY. Rhode Island. Lyon Gardiner, Boston, 1635.
William Congdon Fry, Esq., Provi- Sable, a chevron ermine between two
dence. griffin's heads in chief, and a cross
Same Arms as Thomas Fry, of New- pattee argent in base.
CREST— A pelican sable vulning it-
self gules.
GALLAHER. Pennsylvania. MOTTO—Deo non fortuna.
Hugh Gallaher, Lebanon, 1798.
(Claghaneely, Donegal.)
GARDINER. Rhode Island.
Argent, a lion rampant sable tread- Joseph Gardiner, 1650.
ing on a serpent in fesse ppr. between Or, on a chevron gules between three
eight trefoils vert. griffins' heads erased azure, two lions
CREST—A crescent gules, out of the counterpassant of the field, or.
horns a serpent erect ppr. CREST— A Saracen's head couped
at the shoulders ppr. On the head
GALLAHER. Virginia. a cap turned up gules and azure
William B. Gallaher, Esq., Waynes- crined and bearded sable.
boro. MOTTO— Praesto pro patria.
Same Arms as Hugh Gallaher, Leb-
anon, Pa.
GARDNER. Massachusetts.
Richard Gardner, Woburn, 1650.
GALLAHER. West Virginia. ( Surrey. )
Hon. D. C. Gallaher, Charleston. Azure, a griffin passant or,
Same Arms as Hugh Gallaher, Leb- CREST— On a ducal coronet or, a
anon, Pa. lion passant guardant argent.

GALLAHER. West Virginia. GARDNER. Pennsylvania.

Maurice Burdett Gallaher, Esq., John Gardner, Philadelphia, 1698.
Charleston. Argent, a wyvern statant, rampant,
Same Arms as Hugh Gallaher, Leb-
armed and langued gules, or (Gard-
anon, Pa. ner) three barnacles, one and two

open azure, third closed gules (Blay-

GALLATIN. New York. ley). A bordure giiles surrounded
Albert Gallatin, New York, 1780. with thirteen mullets pierced argent
(Austria.) CREST— A squirrel sejant, holding
Azure, a fess argent between three in the paws a nut, all ppr.
bezants. MOTTO— Quo non ascendum.

GARDNER. New York. GEORGE. Maryland.
Mrs. M. E. Gardner, New York. Robert George, Langford Manor,
For Arms see Rev. John Youngs, Kent Co., 1690.
Southold, L. I. (Cornwall. Arms confirmed 1620.)
Argent, a fess gules between three
GARFIELD. Massachusetts. falcons volant azure, beaked and
Edward Garfield, Watertown, 1672. membered or.
(Middlesex.) CREST— A demi-hound sable col-
Or, three bars gules on a canton er- lared or, ears and legs argent.
mine, a cross formee, of the second. MOTTO— Magna est Veritas et pre-
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or, valebit.
a cross of calvary gules.
GEORGE. Maryland.
GASTON. Connecticut. Josias Jenkins George, Esq., Balti-
John Gaston, 1783. more.
(Scotland.) Same Arms as Robert George, Lang-
Chequy, argent and gules, three es- ford Manor, Md.
bend or.
callops in
CREST—An owl sable. GIBBES.

MOTTO Fama semper vivit. Robert
South Carolina.
Gibbes, Governor of South
Carolina, 1709.
GASTON. Massachusetts. Sable, three battle-axes in pale ar-
William Alexander Gaston, Esq., gent.
Boston. CREST—An arm embowed in armor,
Same Arms as John Gaston, Connec-: holding a battle-axe argent.
ticut. MOTTO—Tenax propositi.

GATES. Massachusetts. GIBBES. South Carolina.

Stephen Gates, Hingham, 1638. Hon. W. H. Gibbes, Columbia.
(Norwich, Norfolk.) Same Arms as Robert Gibbes, Gov-
Per pale gules and azure, three lions ernor of South Carolina.
rampant guardant or.
CREST— A demi-lion rampant guard- GIBBS. Massachusetts.
dant or.
Robert Gibbs, Boston, 1660.
MOTTO— Deo non fortuna.
three battle-axes, in pale ar-
GAYER. Massachusetts. Sable,
William Gayer, Nantucket. gent.
CREST—Three broken tilting spears
(Trenbrace, Cornwall.)
Ermine, a fleur-de-lis and chief sa-

or two in saltire, one in pale en- —
ble. signed with a wreath argent and

GEDNEY. Massachusetts. MOTTO—Tenax propositi.

John Gedney, Salem.
(Suffolk.) GIBSON. Massachusetts.
Or, three eagles displayed sable. John Gibson, Cambridge, 1634.
CREST— An eagle displayed sable. —
Quarterly ist and 4th Gules, a stork

between three crescents argent. 2d

GEER. Massachusetts. and 3d: Argent, a chevron between
George and Thomas Geere, Boston, three mullets sable.
1635. CREST— On an embattled tower a
(Devonshire.) stork rising gules beaked and mem-
Gules, two bars or, each charged with bered or.
three mascles azure, on a canton of MOTTO— Cassis tutissima virtus.
the second, a leopard's face of the
third. GIBSON. Massachusetts.
CREST— A leopard's head, erased or, Charles Hammond Gibson, Esq., Bos-
langued gules. ton.

Same Arms as John Gibson, Cam- Sable, a man's leg in pale, couped at
bridge, Mass. the thigh argent.
CREST— Out of a cap of mainte-
GIDLEY. Rhode Island. nance, a demi-lion, rampant ppr.
John Gidley, 1700. MOTTO— Esperance.
Or, a castle sable in a bordure of the GILPIN. Pennsylvania.
second bezantee. Joseph Gilpin, Birmingham, Chester
CREST—A griffin's head or, wings Co., 1695.
elevated sable, bezantee. (Dorchester, Oxfordshire.)
Or, a boar passant sable.
GILBERT. Connecticut. A
CREST— dexter hand, embowed
Captain Nathaniel Gilbert, Middle- in armor, holding in the hand ppr. a
town, 1776. pine branch, vert.

MOTTO Dictis factisque simplex.
Argent, on a chevron gules, three
roses of the field. GILPIN. Pennsylvania.
CREST— A squirrel cracking a nut Hood Gilpin, Esq., Philadelphia.
Same Arms as Joseph Gilpin, Ches-
MOTTO— Mallem
mori quam mutare. ter Co.

GILBERT. Massachusetts. GILPIN. Pennsylvania.

John Gilbert, Dorchester, 1630. Oliver W. Gilpin, Esq., Kittanning.
(Somerset.) Same Arms as Joseph Gilpin, Ches-
Argent, on a chevron sable three ter Co.
roses of the field.
CREST—A squirrel cracking a nut GILPIN. Delaware.
ppr. Edward Gilpin, Esq., Wilmington.
MOTTO—Tenax propositi. Same Arms as Joseph Gilpin, Ches-
ter Co.
GILBERT. Illinois.
James Harris Gilbert, Esq., Chicago. GILPIN. Maryland.
Same Arms as Capt. Nathaniel Gil- Samuel Gilpin, Cecil Co., 1733.
bert, Middletown, Conn. Same Arms as Joseph Gilpin, Ches-
ter Co., Pa.
GILES. Massachusetts.
Edward Giles, Boston, 1634. GILPIN. Maryland.
(Devonshire.) Henry Hollingsworth Gilpin, Esq.,
Per chevron argent and azure, a lion Elkton.
rampant, counterchanged, collared or. Same Arms as Joseph Gilpin, Ches-
CREST— A lion's gamb erased and ter Co., Pa.
erect ppr. charged with a baton or,
holding an apple branch, vert, fructed GILSON. Massachusetts.
or. James Gil son, Rehoboth, 1675.
MOTTO— Libertas et patria. Vert, on a pale argent between two
annulets or, a pile gules.
GILFILLAN. New York. CREST— A leopard's head erased er-
William Whitehead Gilfillan, M.D., mine, ducally gorged azure.
New York.
Argent, a fesse between three eagles* GLENN. South Carolina.
heads erased gules. Hon. James Glenn, Charleston, 1744.
CREST— An eagle's head erased sa- (Linlithgow, Scotland.)
ble langued gules. Appointed (jovernor of South Caro-
MOTTO— Armis et animis. lina 1738.
Argent, a bend gules between three
GILMAN. Massachusetts. martlets sable, two and one.
Edward Gilman, Hingham, 1638. CREST— A martlet.
(Norfolk.) MOTTO— Ad astra.
GLOVER. Massachusetts. GOOCH. Virginia.
John Glover, Dorchester, 1630, William Gooch, Yorktown, 1655.
(Rainhill, Lancashire.) (Norfolk.)
Sable, a chevron ermine between Paly of eight argent and sable, a
three crescents argent. chevron of the first between three
CREST— A dragon's head couped sa- greyhounds of the second, spotted of
ble. the field.
CREST— A greyhound passant ar-
GODDARD, Massachusetts.
gent, spotted and collared sable.
William Goddard, Watertown, 1665. MOTTO— Virtute et fide.
Gules, a chevron vair between three
crescents argent. GOODRICH. Connecticut.
CREST— A stag's head couped at John and William Goodrich, Weth-
the neck and affrontee gules attired ersfield, 1643.
or. (Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk.)
MOTTO — Cervus non servus. Or, two lions passant between ten
crosses-crosslet sable.
GOLD. Connecticut. CREST— A demi-lion rampant,
Or, on a chevron between three roses couped argent, holding in the dexter
azure, three pineapples slipped of the paw a cross-crosslet or.
first. MOTTO— Ditat servate fides.
CREST— An eagle's head erased
azure, in the beak a pineapple or. GOODRICH. Connecticut.
Elizur Stillman Goodrich, Esq., Hart-
GOLD. Connecticut.
Theodore Sedgwick Gold, Esq.
Same Arms as John and William
(West Cornwall.)
Goodrich, of Wethersfield.
Or, on a chevron between three roses
azure, three pineapples slipped of the
first. GOODRIDGE. Massachusetts.
CREST— An eagle's head erased Walter Goodridge, 1696.
azure, in the beak a pineapple or. Argent a fesse sable, in chief three
cross-crosslets fitchee of the last.
GOLDSBOROUGH. Maryland. CREST—A blackbird ppr.
Robert Goldsborough, Maryland.
Azure, a cross fleury argent.

CREST A pelican with wings en- GOODSELL. Connecticut.
dorsed, vulning itself.
Thomas Goodsell, New Haven, 1667.
MOTTO— Non sibi. (Flint.)
Per pale gules and azure, on a fesse
GOLDSMITH. Long Island. wavy argent between three crosses
Joseph Goldsmith, 1720. formee or, three crescents sable.
(London.) CREST— A griffin's head erased per
Gules, on a chevron argent, three pale argent and sable beaked or.
crosses-crosslet sable, on a chief or, —
MOTTO Per crucem ad coelum.
a lion passant gules.
CREST— A stork sable bezantee. GOODWIN. Virginia.
GOMM. Massachusetts. Major James Goodwin, York Co.
Charles William Per pale gules and or, a lion ram-
Gomm, Boston, 1869.
(London.) pant between three fleurs-de-lis coun-
Argent, a Hon rampant sable, on a terchanged.
chief gules two Saxon swords, in
saltire of the first, hilts and pommels GOODWIN. Maine.
or. Daniel Goodwin, Kittery, 1652.
CREST—Two lions' gambs in saltire Or, a fesse between six lions* heads
sable, erased gules, each holding a erased gules.
sword erect as in the Arms. —
CREST A griffin sejant, wings ex-
MOTTO— Per constanza esperanza. panded or, guttee de poix.

GOOKIN. Virginia. tressure flory counterflory gules, on
Daniel Gookin, 1621. a chief of the second, a rose between
(Kent.) two escallops of the first.
Gules, a chevron ermine, between CREST—A dove ppr.
three crosses or. MOTTO— Candide et secure.

CREST On a mural coronet argent,
a cock or, beaked, barbed and mem- GRAHAM. New York.
bered gules. James Graham, Morrisania, 1685.
GORDON. South Carolina. Quarterly— istand4th: Or, on a chief
(Caithness.) sable, three escallops of the first, for
Quarterly: (i) Azure, on a fesse Graham. 2d and 3d: Argent, three
argent between three boars' heads roses gules, barbed and seeded ppr.
couped or, a wolf's head couped sa- for Montrose.
ble. (2) Or, three lions' heads erased CREST— A falcon ppr. beaked and
gules, for Badenoch. (3) Or, three armed or, killing a heron or, armed
crescents, within a double tressure, gules.
flory, counterflory gules for Seton. SUPPORTERS— Two storks argent,
(4) Azure, three frases argent for beaked and membered gules.
Fraser. MOTTO— N'oubliez.
CREST— A hart's head affrontee ppr.
MOTTO—Animo. GRAHAM. New Hampshire.
John Graham, Exeter, 1720. Staf-
GORDON. Virginia. ford, Conn.,
James and John Gordon, Lancaster Quarterly — 1723.
ist and 4th: Or, on a
Co., 1738. chief sable, three escallops of the
(Newry, Co. Down.) fieldfor Graham. 2d and 3d : Ar-
Azure, a pheon between three boars' gent, three roses gules, barbed and
heads erased or. seeded ppr., for Montrose.
CREST—A stag's head ppr. attired CREST—An eagle, wings hovering
or. or, perched upon a heron lying upon
MOTTO— Dum vigilo tutus. its back ppr,, beaked and membered
GOULD. New York. MOTTO— N'oubliez.
George Jay Gould, Esq., New York.
For Arms see Andrew Ward, Fair- GRANGER. Massachusetts.
field, Conn. Launcelot Granger, Newbury, 1640.
(One of the original Proprietors of
York. Conn.)
Miss Helen M. Gould, New York, Azure, on a fesse between two pome-
For Arms see Andrew Ward, Fair- granates, stalked and leaved or, seed-
field, Conn. ed gules, as many portcullises with
chains of the third.
GRACE. New York. CREST—A dexter arm couped azure,
William Russell Grace, New York, purfled or, cuffed argent, hand ppr.
holding by the chains gold a port-
(SheffieldHouse, Queens Co.) cullis gules.
Gules, a lion rampant per fesse ar- MOTTO— Honestas optima politia.
gent and or.
CREST—A demi-lion rampant ar- GRANGER. Rhode Island,
gent. William Smith Granger, Esq., Provi-
MOTTOES— (i) En grace affie. (2) dence.
Concordant nomine facta. Same Arms as Launcelot Granger, of
GRAEME. Pennsylvania.
Dr. Thomas Graeme, Philadelphia, GRANGER. Ohio.
1719. Moses M. Granger, Esq., Zanesville.
(Balgowan, Perthshire.) Same Arms as Launcelot Granger, of
Or, three piles sable within a double Massachusetts.

GRAVES. Massachusetts. Same Arms as Deputy ti*3vciiiai
Thomas Graves, Charlestown, 1628. John Greene, Rhode Island.
Gules, an eagle displayed or, a mart- GREENWOOD. Massachusetts.
let of the second for difference.
Nathaniel Greenwood, Boston, 1654.
CREST—An eagle displayed or, .
MOTTO — Aquila
non captat muscas. Argent, a fesse between three mullets
pierced of the field, in chief, and three
ducks passant in base, all sable.
GRAY. Massachusetts.
Edward Gray, Boston, 1686. mullet, between two
ducks' wings, elevated, all sable.
Barry of six, argent and azure on a
MOTTO— Ut prosim.
bend gules three chaplets or.
GREGORY. Massachusetts.
GREEN. Pennsylvania. William Gregory, Boston, 1740.
William Green, Philadelphia, 1822. (Scotland.)
(Ireland.) Argent, a fir tree, growing out of a
Azure, an anchor between three es- sword in bend ensigned by a royal
callops argent. crown, in the dexter chief point, all
ppr. In the sinister chief and dexter
GREEN. Massachusetts. base, a lion's head erased azure, lan-
John Green, Charlestown, 1632. gued gules.
(Yorkshire.) CREST— A sphere, and in an escroll
Argent, on a fesse azure between above, the word Altius.
three pellets each charged with a MOTTO— Non deficit alter.
lion's head erased of the first, a grif-
fin passant between two escallops or.

CREST A woodpecker pecking a GRIFFIN. Connecticut.
shaft couped raguly and erect, all Sergeant John Griffin, Windsor, 1646.
Gules, on a fesse or between three
fusils charged with fleurs-de-lis a
GREENE. Massachusetts.
John Greene, Boston, demi-quatrefoil between two gryph-
ons segreant.
Azure, three stags, trippant or.
CREST —A gryphon segreant.
CRESTS— ( I) A dove holding a MOTTO— Semper paratus.
sprig of olive. (2) A buck's head
erased or. GRIFFITH. New York.
MOTTO — Nee timeo, nee sperno, William Griffith, Oneida Co., 1721.
GREENE. Rhode Island. Gules, three lioncels passant in pale
Deputy Governor John Greene, argent, armed azure.
Providence, 1637. CREST —A demi-lion rampant sable,
(Green's Norton, Co. Northampton.) armed gules.
Azure, three bucks trippant or. MOTTO— Virtus omnia nobilitat.
CREST— A buck's head or.

MOTTO Virtus semper viridis. GRIFFITH. New York.
GREENE. Montana. William Herrick Griffith, Esq., Al-
Flora E. Greene, Butte. bany.
Azure, three stags trippant or.
Same Arms as William Griffith,
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet a Oneida Co.
stag's head or.
MOTTO— Virtus semper viridis. GRIGGS. Massachusetts.
Joseph Griggs, Boston, 1714.
GREENE. Connecticut. Gules, three ostrich feathers argent.
Major Charles Thruston Greene, CREST— A sword in pale enfiled
U.S.A., Brookfield. with a leopard's face, all ppr.

GRISWOLD. Connecticut. Or, two lions passant guardant, in
Matthew Griswold, Saybrook, 1639. pale azure.
Argent, a fesse gules between two CREST— A demi-lion holding in the
greyhounds courant sable. dexter paw a sword all or.

CREST A greyhound passant ppr. MOTTO— Fortis et fidelis.
MOTTO—Volando reptilia sperno,
GUNDRY. Maryland.
GRISWOLD. New York. Richard F. Gundry, M.D., Harlem
John Noble Alsop Griswold, Esq., Lodge, Catonsville.
New York. Same Arms as Richard Gundry^
Same Arms as Matthew Griswold, M.D., of Maryland.
Saybrook, Conn.
GUNDRY. Maryland.
York. Lewis H. Gundry, M.D., Relay, Ca-
Mrs. Charles F. Griswold, Palmyra. tonsville.
For Arms see Robert Seeley, Water- Same Arms as Richard Gundry,
town, Mass. M.D., of Maryland.

GROSS. Pennsylvania. GUNDRY. Maryland.

John Gross, Montgomery Co., 1745. Alfred T. Gundry, M.D., Athol, Ca-
( France. ) tonsville.
Azure, a chevron between three sal- Same Arms as Richard Gundry,
tires couped argent. M.D., of Maryland.
CREST— A raven volant sable, armed
and langued gules. GUNDRY. Maryland.

MOTTO Teneo tennere ma j ores, Edith E. Gundry, Catonsville.
Same Arms as Richard Gundry,
GRYMES. Virginia. M.D., of Maryland.
Philip Grymes, Middlesex, 1747.
Or, a bordure engrailed azure, on a GUY. New York.
chief sable three escallops argent. John Guy, New York, 1830.
CREST —A pair of wings addorsed (Warwickshire.)
or. Azure, on a chevron argent, between
three leopards' faces or, as many
GUILD. Massachusetts. fleurs-de-lis gules.
John Guild, Dedham, 1636. CREST— A head azure,
lion's be-
(Gloucestershire. ) tween two wings expanded or, col-
Azure, a lion rampant or. lared argent.
CREST— An arm couped, holding in
the hand a broadsword or. HABERSHAM. Georgia.
MOTTO— Maintiens le Droit. James Habersham, Savannah, 1740.
(Beverly, Yorkshire.)
GUILD. New York. Azure, a fesse between six crosses
Frederick Augustus Guild, Esq., pattee argent.
New York. CREST— On a ducal coronet or, a
Same Arms as Rev. John Guild, Ded- mullet sable.
ham, Mass.
HAINES. New Hampshire.
GUION. NewYork. Samuel Haines, Portsmouth.
Louis Guion, New York, 1687. Or, on a fesse gules three bezants, in
(La Rochelle, France.) chief a greyhound courant azure col-
Argent, a vine stock sable laden with lared argent.
grapes gules. CREST— An eagle displayed azure
semee of estoiles argent.
GUNDRY. Maryland.
Richard Gundry, M.D., Catonsville. HALE. Massachusetts.
(Hamstead Heath, London.) Ensign Robert Hale, Charlestown,
Nominated Minister to Germany un- 1630.
der President Hayes. (Kent.)

Gules, three broad arrows or, feath- between the claws a cross-crosslet
ered and barbed argent. fitchee gules.
CREST —A dexter arm embowed at MOTTO— Honore et amore.
the elbow, in armor ppr. garnished
or, and bound about with a ribbon HAMILTON. New York.
gules, holding an arrow. Rev. Ezekiel B. Hamilton, D.D.,
New York.
HALE. Pennsylvania. (Fermanagh.)
Arthur Hale, Esq., Philadelphia. Quarterly —ist and 4th: Gules, three
Same Arms as Robert Hale, Charles- cinquefoils pierced ermine (for Ham-
town, Mass. ilton). 2d and 3d: Argent, a ship,
sails furled and oars sable (for Earls
HALE. New York. of Arran).
Edward Everett Hale, Jr., Esq., CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
Schenectady. an oak tree penetrated transversely in
Same Arms as Robert Hale, Charles- the main stem by a frame saw ppr.,
town, Mass. the blade inscribed with the word
"Through," the frame gold.
HALL. Connecticut. MOTTO— Sola nobilitas virtus.
John Hall, Middletown, 1639.
(Kent.) HAMMOND. Massachusetts.
Argent, on a chevron between three Benjamin Hammond, Rochester, 1634.
columbines azure, stalked and leaved (St. Alban's, Kent.)
vert, a mullet of six points or. Azure, three demi-lions passant guar-
CREST— A talbot's head erased ppr. dant or.
MOTTO—Turpiter desperatur. —
CREST A wolf's head erased quar-
terly per fesse, indented or and azure.
HALLETT. Long Island.
William Hallett, Long Island, 1645, HANBURY. Massachusetts.
(Dorset.) William Hanbury, Boston.
Or, a chief engrailed sable, over all (Wolverhampton, Staffordshire.)
on a bend engrailed gules, three be- Or, on a bend engrailed vert cotised
zants. sable, three bezants.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
a demi-lion argent, holding in the H.\NCOCK. Massachusetts.
paws a bezant. Nathaniel Hancock, Cambridge, 1652.
Gules, a hand couped and erect ar-
HALSEY. Long Island. gent, on a chief of the last, three
Thomas Halsey, Southampton, 1640. cocks of the first.
(Gaddesden Park, Hertford.) CREST— A cock gules holding a dex-
Argent, on a pile sable three griffins' ter hand couped at the wrist argent.
heads erased of the first.

CREST A dexter hand ppr. sleeved HANCOCK. Pennsylvania.
gules, cuffed argent, holding a grif- Henry James Hancock, Esq., Phila-
fin's claw erased or.

MOTTO Nescit vox missa reverti.
Gules, a plate, on a chief argent three
cocks of the first.
HAMBLETON. Maryland. CREST— A cock's head erminois,
William Hambleton, Talbot Co., combed, wattled, beaked and ducally
1640. gorged gules.
(Poole, Dorset.)
Gules, three cinquefoils ermine. HAND. Long Island.
John Hand, Southampton, 1644.
HAMERSLEY. New York. (Stanstede, Kent.)
William Hamersley, 1716. Argent, a chevron azure between
(Staffordshire.) three hands gules.
Gules, three rams' heads, couped or.
—A CREST— On a wreath argent and
CREST demi-griffin or, holding gules a buck trippant or.

HANDLEY. Pennsylvania. HARRAL. Connecticut.
William Handley, Philadelphia, 1696. Edward W. Harral, Esq., Bridgeport.
(Ireland.) For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
Or, a fret gules. ols, Stratford, Conn,
CREST— A sceptre in pale ppr,
HARRIS. Maryland.
HANSON. Maryland. Stephen Harris, Newton, 1660.
Andrew, John, Randolph, and Wil-
liam Hanson, first of New Sweden, Sable, three crescents and a bordure

Del., 1642, afterwards Kent, Md.,
winged heart gules, im-
perially crowned or.
The English Arms for the family HARRIS. Massachusetts.
are: Thomas Harris, Boston, 1769.
Or, a chevron counter-componee ar- (Kilkenny. Granted 1685.)
gent and azure between three mart-

Barry of ten azure and ermine, three

lets sable.
annulets or.
CREST— On a chapeau azure turned
up argent, a martlet, wings endorsed HARRISON. Delaware.
sable. John Harrison, Wilmington,
a cross (London.)
botonee, cantoned by four fleurs-de- Per fesse or and argent, an anchor
lis argent. sable.
CREST— A martlet ppr.
MOTTO— Sola virtus invicta. HARRISON. Maryland.
Frank Tudor Harrison, Esq., Catons-
HARKNESS. New York. ville.
Miss Jessie May Harkness, Roches- Sable, three lozenges conjoined in
ter. fesse ermine.
For Arms see Robert Seeley, Water- —
CREST A demi-lion rampant ppr.
town, Mass. holding in the paws a lozenge.
HARKNESS. New York. HARRISON. Virginia.
Clarence Monson Harkness, Esq., Burr Harrison, Chappawamsie.
Rochester. Azure, three demi-lions rampant or.
For Arms see Robert Seeley, Water- —
CREST A demi-lion rampant argent,
town, Mass. holding a laurel branch vert.
HARLAKENDEN. Massachusetts. HART. Massachusetts.
Roger Harlakenden, Boston, 1635. Stephen Hart, Plymouth, 1632.
(Essex.) Sable, a chevron argent between three
Azure, a fesse ermine, between three fleurs-de-lis or.
lions' heads erased or. CREST— A castle triple towered ppr.
CREST— Between the attires of a MOTTO— Coeur fidele.
stag or, an eagle reguardant, wings
expanded argent. HART. New York.
Henry Gilbert Hart, Esq., Utica.
HARLESTON. South Carolina. Same Arms as Stephen Hart, Plym-
John Harleston, Charleston. outh Colony.
Argent, a fesse ermine cotised sable HARVEY. Pennsylvania.
for Harleston. Sable, a chevron be- Edward Harvey, Philadelphia, 1804.
tween three leopards' heads or for (County Carlow, Ireland.)
Wentworth. Gules on a bend argent, three trefoils
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or, slipped vert.
a stag's head ermine attired of the CREST— A cat-a-mountain ppr. hold-
first, bearing between the attires a ing in the dexter paw a trefoil slipped
hawthorn bush with berries ppr. vert.
MOTTO— Concilii nutrix taciturnitas. MOTTO—Je n'oublierai jamais.

HARVEY. Massachusetts. Same Arms as Ralph Harwood,
Thomas and William Harvey, Dor- Maryland.
chester, 1636.
(Somerset.) HASBROUCK. New York.
Sable, a fesse or, between three squir- Abraham Hasbrouck, New Paltz,
rels sejant argent, cracking nuts of
the second. Purpure, a chevron between three
CREST—A squirrel sejant argent, hand lamps
— or, in flame ppr.
tail or, cracking a nut of the last. CREST A demi-negro wreathed
holding in the dexter hand an arrow
HARWOOD. Maryland. and in the sinister a lamp as in the

Ralph Harwood, East Hagbourne. Arms held across his body.

(Berkshire, 1623.) MOTTO— Dieu sauve Van Asbroek.
Argent, a chevron between three
stags' heads cabossed sable. HASBROUCK. Idaho.

CREST A stag's head cabossed sa- Lieut. Raymond de Lancey Has-
ble, holding in its mouth an oak brouck, U.S.N., Boise City.
bough ppr. acorned or. Same Arms as Abraham Hasbrouck,
New York.
HARWOOD. Arkansas.
J. B. Harwood, Esq., Fort Smith. HASELL. South Carolina.
(Descended from Robert Harwood, Rev. Thomas Hasell, St. Thomas,
last Earl of Mercia, Bourne Abbey, ^705.
Lincolnshire, and from Col. Sir Ed- Or, on a fesse azure, between three
ward Harwood, of the Virginia hazel slips ppr., as many crescents
Company, 1619. Killed at the Siege
of Mastricht, 1632.) squirrel sejant cracking
Argent, a chevron between three a nut between two oak branches all
stags' heads cabossed sable.
stag's head cabossed sa-

ble, holding in its mouth an oak HATCH. Massachusetts.

bough ppr. acorned or. Thomas Hatch, Barnstaple, 1641.
HARWOOD. Virginia. Gules, two demi-lions rampant or.
Capt. Samuel F. Harwood, King and CREST —A demi-lion rampant or,
Queen Court-House. between the paws a sphere, a cross
Same Arms as Sir Edward Har- patee fitchee, stuck therein.
wood, of the Virginia Company. —
MOTTO Fortis valore et armis.
HARWOOD. Virginia. HAWES. Massachusetts.
Col. JohnHarwood, Richmond.
S. Edmund Hawes, Yarmouth, 1633.
Same Arms as Sir Edward Har- (London.)
wood, of the Virginia Company. Azure, a fesse wavy between three
lions passant or.
HARWOOD. Virginia. CREST— Out of a mural coronet
Richard Henry Harwood, Esq., Rich- azure a lion's head or.
Same Arms as Sir Edward Har- HAWKES. New York.
wood, of the Virginia Company. George Wright Hawkes, 1798.

HARWOOD. (Dudley, Staffordshire.)

Thomas Moore Harwood,

Quarterly 1st and 4th: Azure, three
Major bends or; a chief ermine. 2d and 3d:
Same Arms as Sir Edward Har- Sable, on a chevron between three
unicorns' heads or, as many spear-
wood, of the Virginia Company. heads gules, a crescent for difference.
HARWOOD. Maryland. CREST—A hawk on a hawk's lure
Stephen Paul Harwood, Esq., Balti-
MOTTO —Fortiter
more. et honeste.

HAWKES. New York. HAY. South Carolina.
McDougall Hawkes, Esq., New York. Charles Jenkins Hay, Esq., Barnwell.
Same Arms as George Wright Same Arms as Col. Ann Hawkes
Hawkes. Hay, New York.

HAYDEN. Massachusetts.
HAWKINS. Massachusetts.
William Hayden, Dorchester, 1630.
Abigail Hawkins, 171 1. (Norfolk.)
Argent on a saltire sable, five fleurs-
Quarterly argent and azure, a cross
de-lis or.
CREST— On a mount vert, a hind engrailed, counterchanged.
CREST— A talbot passant argent
lodged ppr. spotted sable.
MOTTO— Toujour s pret. MOTTO— Quo fata vocant.
HAWLEY, Massachusetts. HAYDEN. Connecticut.
Thomas Hawley, Roxbury, 1650. John Hayden, Saybrook, 1664.
(Derbyshire.) (Herts.)
Vert, a saltire engrailed argent. Argent on a bend azure, three eagles

CREST A dexter arm in armor ppr. displayed or.
garnished or, holding in the hand a CREST—A talbot passant argent
spear in bend sinister, point down- spotted sable.
wards, also ppr. MOTTO— Ferme en Foy.
MOTTO— Suivez moi.
HAYNES. Massachusetts.
John Haynes, Boston, 1632.
HAWLEY. Connecticut.
Mrs. Charles H. Hawley, Bridgeport,
Argent, three crescents, barry, undee
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich- azure and gules.
ols, Stratford, Conn. CREST— A stork rising ppr.

HAY. New York. HAYS. New York.

James Hay, 1745. Austin Hays, Esq., New York.
(Scotland.) For Arms see Richard Dummer,
Argent, three inescutcheons gules. Roxbury, Mass.
CRESTS— (i) A falcon rising ppr.
HAYS. New York.
(2) An ox
yoke in bend or.
William J. Hays, Esq., New York.
MOTTO— Serva jugum. For Arms see Richard Dummer,
Roxbury, Mass.
HAY. New York.
Col. Ann Hawkes Hay, Haverstraw- HAZELTON. Massachusetts.
on-the-Hudson, 1763. Robert Hazelton, Rowley, 1639.
(Kingston, Jamaica, W. I.) (Yorkshire.)
Argent, three escutcheons gules, A cross patonce or, on a chief azure,
within a bordure nebulee of the last. three round buckles of the second.
CREST— A dexter hand ppr. holding CREST— A talbot' s head argent.
an ox yoke, bows gules.
MOTTO— Laboranti palma. HEALD. Massachusetts.
John Heald, Concord, 1641.
( Northumberland. )
HAY. South Carolina.
Oscar P. Hay, Esq., Beaufort. Argent, on a chevron between three
Same Arms as Col. Ann Hawkes bombs sable, fired ppr. as many be-
New zants, a chief of the second.
Hay, York.
CREST— A sword and key in saltire
HAY. South Carolina.
William Henry Hay, Esq., Charles- HEATHCOTE. New York.
ton. Colonel Caleb Heathcote, Scarsdale,
Same Arms as Col. Ann Hawkes 1 701.
Hay, New York. (Derby.)

Ermine three pomeis each charged HERRICK. Massachusetts.
with a cross or. Joseph Herrick, Salem, 1645.
CREST— On a mural coronet azure, (Leicestershire.)
a pomeis of the shield, between two Argent, a fesse vaire or and gules.
wings displayed ermine.

CREST A bull's head couped argent
horned and eared sable.
HENDERSON. Virginia.
Lieut. James Henderson, Augusta HERRICK. Massachusetts.
Co., 1740. Henry Herrick, Salem, 1629.
(Fifeshire.) (Leicester.)
Gules, three piles issuing out of the Argent, a fesse, vaire or and gules.
sinister side argent, on a chief of the CREST— A bull's head couped ar-
last a crescent azure between two er- gent horned and eared, sable gorged,
mine spots. (An older blazon is, per with a chaplet of roses ppr.
pale indented sable and argent,
on a —
MOTTO Virtus omnia nobilitat.
chief of the second a crescent vert
between two ermine spots.) HERRICK. New York.
CREST— A cubit arm ppr., the hand E. Hicks Herrick, Esq., New York.
holding a star or, ensigned with a Same Arms as Joseph Herrick, Sa-
crescent azure. lem, Mass.
MOTTO— Sola virtus nobilitat.
HEWELL. Georgia.
HENDRICK. Virginia.
Wyatt Hewell, born in Virginia 1756.
William Hendrick, Hanover Co.,
Gules, a chevron between three mul-
1750. lets argent.
(Holland.) CREST—A beaver passant ppr.
Argent, a hind standing in a forest. MOTTO — Virtus in arduo.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet a
hind's head.
HEWETT. Connecticut.
Rev. Ephraim Huit, Windsor, 1639.
HENDRICK. New Jersey.
Calvin Wheeler Hendrick, Esq., East (Headley Hall, Yorkshire.)
Gules, a chevron engrailed between
Orange. three owls argent.
Same Arms as William Hendnck,
Hanover Co., Va. CREST—The stump of a tree, there-
on a falcon close argent.
HENSHAW. Massachusetts. MOTTO— Ne te quoesiveris extra.

Joshua and Daniel Henshaw, Massa-

chusetts, 1654. HEYSHAM. Washington, D. C.
(Chester.) William Heysham, 1803.
Argent, a chevron between three (London.)
heronshaws, sable. Gules, an anchor or on a chief of the
CREST— A falcon ppr. belled or, last three torteaux.
wings elevated preying on a mallard's
wing argent, guttee de sang. HICKS. Long Island.

HERBERT. Virginia.
John Hicks, 1665.

William Herbert, Alexandria, 1760.

Gules, a fesse wavy, between three
(Ireland.) fleurs-de-lis or.
Per pale azure and gules, three lions
CREST— A buck's head, couped at
rampant argent.

CREST A wyvern, wings elevated the neck or, gorged with a wreath of
laurel ppr.
vert, holding in the mouth a sinister
hand couped at the wrist gules.
HIGGINSON. Massachusetts.
HERNDON. Virginia. Francis Higginson, Salem, 1630.
Argent, a heron volant in fesse azure (Hereford.)
membered or, between three escallops Or on a fesse sable, a tower of the
sable. first.

HILL. Virginia. (London.)
Col. Humphrey Hill, Hillsborough, Gules, a chevron argent between
King and Queen Co. three alligators ppr.
Azure, on a chevron between three CREST— An alligator ppr.
owls argent, three mullets sable, a MOTTO— Esse quod opto.
bordure ermine.
HITCHCOCK. Connecticut.
HILLHOUSE. Connecticut. Luke Hitchcock, New Haven, 1644.
James Hillhouse, 1721. ( London. )
Sable, a chevron between in chief a Same Arms as Matthias Hitchcock.
lion rampant on the dexter side and
a unicorn on the sinister between HOAGLAND. New York.
them a star of five points, in base a Cornelius Dircksen Hoogland, 1638.
human heart surrounded by three New York. (Holland.)
bezants. D'argent a la grappe de raisin de
MOTTO— Time Deum. pourpre pendante d'une branche feu-
illie de deux pieces, au naturel, et
HILLS. Massachusetts.
posee en fasce; au chef de senople
Joseph Hills, Charlestown, 1630. charge de trois courronnes d'or.
Ermine on a fesse sable, a tower with HOAR. Massachusetts.
two turrets ppr.
Charles Hoar, Braintree, 1638.
CREST—A tower as in the Arms.
HINMAN. Connecticut. Sable, an eagle displayed within a
bordure engrailed argent.
Edward Hinman,
Stratford, 1650. —
CREST An eagle's head erased sa-
Vert on a chevron or, three roses ble gorged with a bar gemelle or.
gules slipped and leaved of the first.
CREST— On a mount vert, a wyvern HOAR. Massachusetts.
Daniel Hoar, Concord.
ppr. ducally gorged and lined or.
HINSDALE. Massachusetts. Argent, an eagle displayed with two
Robert Hinsdale, Dedham, 1637. heads within a bordure engrailed
(Descended from the noble family azure (sometimes sable).
of "De Hinnisdal," Loos, Brabant, —
CREST An eagle's head erased ar-
1171.) gent, a ring or in its beak.
Sable, on a chief argent, three ravens
of the first. HOBART. Massachusetts.
CREST— A count's coronet. Edmund Hobart, Hingham, 1633.
SUPPORTERS—Two greyhounds ppr. (Hingham, Norfolk.)
collared or. Sable, an estoile of eight points or,
MOTTO— Moderata durant. between two flaunches ermine.
CREST—A bull passant per pale sa-
HIRST. Pennsylvania. ble and gules bezantee, in the nostrils
John Hirst, Bethlehem, 1749. a ring or.
(Mirfield, Yorkshire.)
Gules a sun in splendour or. HODGES. Maryland.
CREST—A hurst of trees ppr. William Hodges, Liberty Hall, Kent
MOTTO— Efflorescent. Co., 1665.
HIRST. (Kent.)
Barton Cooke Hirst, M.D., Philadel- Or, three crescents sable, on a canton
of the second, a ducal crown of the
phia. first.
Same Arms
as John Hirst, Bethle- —
CREST Out of a ducal coronet or,
an antelope's head argent, horned and
HITCHCOCK. Connecticut. tufted gold.
Matthias Hitchcock, New Haven, MOTTO— Dant lucem crescentibus
1639. orti.

HOFFMAN. New York. (Cheshire.)
Jacob Hoffman, 1658. Azure, on a bend argent three holly
Argent, on a mount vert three pine leaves slipped vert.
trees ppr. CREST—A stag lodged ppr.
CREST—A cock ppr. MOTTO—Disce ferenda pati.
MOTTO— Carpe diem.
HOFFMAN. Pennsylvania. Richard J. Hollingsworth, Esq., Bal-
Henry J. Hoffman, Esq., Philadel- timore.
phia. Same Arms as Valentine Hollings-
Ermine, three lozenges gules. worth, Cecil Co.
CREST— Issuing out of the top of a
tower a demi-lady ppr. attired azure, HOLLINS. Maryland.
holding in the dexter hand a garland William Hollins, Baltimore, 1797.
of laurel vert. (Moseley, Co. Stafford.)
Argent, a chevron azure in chief four
HOLCOMBE. Connecticut. crosses formee fitchee of the second.
Thomas Holcombe, Windsor, 1630. CREST—A dexter hand pointing
(Devon.) with two fingers to a star ppr.
Azure, a chevron argent between —
MOTTO Astra castra numen muni-
three men's heads in profile, couped men.
at the shoulders or, wreathed about
the temples sable and of the second. HOLLINS. New Jersey.
CREST— A man's head full faced, William Morris Hollins, Esq., Mont-
couped at the breast ppr., wreathed clair.
around the temples or and azure. Same Arms as William Hollins, Bal-
MOTTO—Veritas et fortitude. timore, Md.
HOLDEN. New York. HOLT. Massachusetts.
Edward Singleton Holden, Esq., Nicholas Holt, Newbury, 1635.
New York. (Warwickshire.)
Same Arms as Justinian Holden, Azure, two bars or; in chief a cross
Watertown, Mass. formee fitchee of the last.
CREST— A squirrel sejant or, hold-
HOLDEN. Massachusetts. ing a hazel-branch, slipped and fruct-
Justinian Holden, Watertown, 1691. ed; all ppr.
(Kent. Granted 1663.) MOTTO— Exaltavit humiles.
Ermine on a chief gules, three pears
or. HOLYOKE. Massachusetts.
CREST— A dove close holding in the Edward Holyoke, Boston, 1639.
beak an olive branch ppr. (Stafford.)
MOTTO— I will work, but I will not Azure, a chevron argent cotised or,
compete. between three crescents of the sec-
HOLLADAY. Virginia. CREST—A crescent argent,
Captain John Holladay, Spottsylva- .

nia Co., 1702. HOME. Virginia.

(Bromley, Middlesex. Granted by George Home, Culpeper Co., 1721.
Edward IV. to Walter Holladay, (Wedderburn, Berwickshire.)
1470.) Vert, a lion rampant argent.
Sable, three helmets argent, gar- CREST— A unicorn's head and neck
nished a border of the last. argent, gorged with a coronet, maned
demi-lion rampant, rest- and horned or.
ing the paws on an anchor azure. MOTTO— Remember.
MOTTO— Quarta salute.
HOOKER. Massachusetts.
HOLLINGSWORTH. Maryland. Rev. Thomas Hooker, Cambridge,
Valentine Hollingsworth, Cecil Co., 1633.
1682. (Devonshire.)

Or, a fesse vair, between two lions CREST— A nag's head argent, maned
passant guardant sable.

CREST A hind statant or, carrying MOTTO— Laus Deo.
in her mouth a branch of roses ar-
gent, leaved and stalked vert.
HORNSBY. Virginia.
Joseph Hornsby, Williamsburg, 1750.
HOPKINS. Maryland. (Yarmouth, Norfolk.)
Gerard Hopkins, Anne Arundel Co., Gules, a bend between six crosses-
crosslet or.
CREST— A demi-bear rampant sable.
Sable, on a chevron or, between
three pistols of the last, three roses
HORTON. Long Island.
Barnabas Horton, Southold, 1656.
tower sable in flames ppr. (Leicestershire.)
Gules a lion rampant argent charged
MOTTO—Vi et animo.
on the breast with a boar's head
couped azure a bordure engrailed of
HOPKINS. Maryland. the second.
Capt. Joseph Hopkins. CREST— A redrose seeded and
(Arms granted 1764-) barbed ppr. surrounded with two
Sable, on a chevron between two pis- laurel branches vert.
tols in chief or, and a silver medal,
with the French king's bust, inscribed
MOTTO— Pro rege et lege.
Louis XV., tied at the top with a red HOUGH. Pennsylvania.
riblaon in base, a laurel chaplet in the Richard Hough, 1683.
centre, a scalp on a staff on the dex-
(Macclesfield, Cheshire.)
ter, and a tomahawk on
Argent, a bend sable.
all ppr., a chief embattled argent.
wolf's head erased sable.
rock, over the top a bat- MOTTO — Memor esto majorum.
tery in perspective, thereon the French
flag hoisted, an officer of the Queen's HOUGH. New Jersey.
Royal American Rangers on the said John Stockton Hough, M.D., Mill-
rock, sword in hand, all ppr. ; round
the Crest this MOTTO— Inter primos.
Same Arms as Richard Hough, Penn-
HOPKINS. Connecticut.
John Hopkins, Hartford, 1632. HOUGHTON. Massachusetts.
Sable, on a chevron between three Ralph Houghton, Boston, 1635.
pistols or, as many roses gules.
CREST— A tower sable, in flames
Sable, three bars argent.

CREST A bull passant argent.
MOTTO— Piety is Peace. MOTTO— Malgre le tort.

HOPLEY. South Carolina. HOUSTOUN. Georgia.

George A. Hopley, Charleston. Sir George Houstoun, Bart, 1738.
Argent on a fesse gules cotised, wavy Or, a chevron chequy azure and ar-
sable, three crescents or, all between gent between three martlets sable.
as many pheons of the third. In the CREST— A sandglass ppr.
centre chief point a lion rampant of SUPPORTERS— On either side a
the second. greyhound argent collared and chain
CREST — Out of a mural crown reflexed over the back or.
gules, a garb or, issuant therefrom MOTTO— In time.
a serpent ppr.
MOTTO— In copia cautus. HOWARD. Long Island.
William Howard, 1660.
HORD. Virginia. (Norfolk.)
a bend between six cross-
John Hord, Shady Grove, Essex Co. Gules,
Argent, on a chief or, a hawk sable. crosslets, fitchee, argent.

CREST— A lion rampant argent, Quartered argent and sable on a bend
holding a cross of the shield. gules, three lions passant or.
MOTTO— Sola virtus invicta. CREST— A boar's head couped gules
collared ringed and lined argent. In
HOWE. Massachusetts. the mouth a spear sable, headed of
John Howe, Sudbury, 1640. the second.
( Somerset. )
Argent, on a fesse between three HUBBARD. New York.
foxes' heads ersaed sable, an escallop William Hubbard, New York, 1710.
of the field. (Durham.)

CREST An arm erect ppr. vested Sable, in chief a crescent argent and
argent charged with two bends wavy in base an estoile of eight points or,
gules, holding a bunch of broom vert, between two flaunches ermine.
CREST— A wolf passant or.
HOWELL. Long Island.
Edward Howell, 1639. HUBBELL. Connecticut.
(Westbury-in-Marsh.) Richard Hubbell, Fairfield, 1647.
Gules, three towers, triple turreted, Sable, three leopards' heads jessant
argent. fleur-de-lis or.
CREST— A steel helmet in profile. CREST—A wolf passant or.
MOTTO—Tenax propositi.
HUBBELL. New York.
HOWELL. New Jersey. Charles Bulkley Hubbell, Esq., New
Daniel Howell, Ewing, 1702. York.
(Kent.) Same Arms as Richard Hubbell,
Argent, two lions conjoined with one Fairfield, Conn.
head rampant, guardant, per pale
gules and sable.
HUBBELL. New York.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or, Henry Wilson Hubbell, Esq., New
a lion's head sable, gutte d'eau. York.
Same Arms as Richard Hubbell,
HOWES. Massachusetts. Fairfield, Conn.
Thomas Howes, Boston, 1637.
Argent, a chevron between three Joseph Huddleston, Eagle Harbor,
griffins' heads couped sable.
CREST —A unicorn issuing out of a (Milium Castle, Cumberland.)
Gules, a fret argent.
crown ppr.
MOTTO— Stat fortuna domus. arms dexter and sin-
ister, embowedvested argent holding
HOWES. New York. in their hands a scalp ppr., the inside
Frederick Reuben Howes, Esq., Ge- gules.
neva. MOTTO— Soli Deo honor et gloria.
Same Arms as Thomas Howes, Bos-
HUGER. South Carolina.
Daniel Huger, 1771.
HOWES. New York. Argent, a human head, emitting
Rev. Reuben W. Howes, D.D., New flames between two laurel branches,
York. fructed in chief, and an anchor erect
Same Arms as Thomas Howes, Bos- in base, all ppr. between two flaunch-
ton. es azure, each charged with a fleur-
de-lis or.
HOWLAND. New York. CREST—A sprig; thereon a Vir-
Mrs. Alfred C. Howland, New York. ginia nightingale all ppr.
For Arms see Andrew Ward, Fair- MOTTO—Ubi libertas, ibi patria.
field, Conn.
HUGHES. Illinois.
HUBBARD. Massachusetts. Lydia Annie Hughes, Mount Carmel.
Nathaniel Hubbard, 1736. For Arms see Meriwether and Storrs
(Essex.) of Virginia.

HUIT. See Hewett of Connecticut. HURD. Massachusetts.
Charles Russell Hurd, Esq., Milton.
HUNLOCK. Massachusetts. Same Arms as John Hurd, Windsor,
John Hunlock, Boston. Conn.
(Wingermouth, Derbyshire.)
Azure, a fesse between three tigers' HURRY. New York.
heads erased or. Samuel Hurry, New York, 1795.
HUNNEWELL. Maine. Argent a lion rampant gules and in
Roger Hunnewell, Saco, 1654. base two mullets azure pierced of the
Per fesse, sable and argent, three field.
hawks' heads erased, counterchanged. CREST—A harpy.
CREST— A beehive and bees volant, MOTTOES— I) Sans ( tache. (2)
all ppr. Nee arrogo, nee dubito.

HUNT. North Carolina. HUTCHINSON. Pennsylvania.

Thomas Hunt, Pasquolank, 1659. Jeremiah L. Hutchinson, Philadel-
(Bucks.) phia.
Azure, on a fesse argent between (Arms as borne by Richard Hutch-
three cinquefoils or, a lion passant inson, of Durham, who took part in
the first Crusade.)
boar's head couped and Per pale gules and azure, a lion ram-
erect between two ostrich feathers. pant argent, within a semee of cross-
crosslets or.
HUNT. New York. CREST— Out of a ducal coronet ppr.
Thomas Hunt, New York, 1667. lined vert, a cockatrice azure, combed,
(Shropshire.) wattled and maned or.
Per pale argent and sable, a saltire MOTTO— Fortiter gerit crucem.
CREST— A lion's head erased per HUTCHINSON. Pennsylvania.
pale, argent and sable, collared gules Frank M. Hutchinson, Esq., Phila-
lined and ringed or. delphia.
Same Arms as Jeremiah L. Hutchin-
HUNTER. Pennsylvania. son, Philadelphia.
Capt. David Hunter, York Co.
(Long Calderwood, Scotland.) HUTCHINSON. Massachusetts.
Vert, three dogs of the chase courant William Hutchinson, Boston, 1633.
argent, collared or; on a chief of the (Boston, Lincolnshire.)
second as many hunting horns of the Per pale gules and azure semee of
first, stringed gules. crosses-crosslets or; a lion rampant
CREST —A greyhound sejant argent, argent, armed and langued of the
collared or. third.
MOTTO— Cursum perficio.

CREST Out of a ducal coronet or,
a cockatrice azure combed, beaked,
HUNTINGTON. Connecticut. wattled gules.
Simon Huntington, Norwich, 1660. MOTTOES— (i) Gerit crucem forti-
(Norwich, Norfolk.) ter. (2) Nihil humani alienum.
Argent, fretty sable, on a chief gules
three mullets or. HUTCHINSON. West Virginia.
CREST—A griffin's head erased or, Mrs. Ella Henderson Hutchinson,
wings elevated, fretty gules. Henderson.
MOTTO— Veritate victoria. Same Arms as Lieut. James Hender-
son, Virginia.
HURD. Connecticut.
John Hurd, Windsor, 1657. HUTSON. South Carolina.
Gules, a lion rampant or. Rev. William Hutson, Charleston,
CREST— On a garb of wheat a crow 1740.
ppr. Per chevron embattled or and vert,
MOTTO— Bona bonis. three martlets counterchanged.

CREST—A martlet. MOTTO— Sub sole, sub umbra, vi-
MOTTO— Pro Patria. rens.

HUTSON. South Carolina. IRWIN. Massachusetts.

Richard Woodward Hutson, Esq., Thomas Irwin, Boston.
Charleston. (Cumberland.)
Same Arms as Rev. William Hutson, Argent, three holly leaves ppr.
Charleston. —
CREST A dexter arm in armor
holding a thistle, all ppr.
HUTSON. South Carolina. MOTTO— Sub sole, sub umbra, vi-
Marian Hutson, Esq., McPherson- rens.
Same Arms as Rev. William Hutson, IRWIN. New York.
Charleston. John Vosburgh Irwin, Esq., New
IMEL. Pennsylvania. Same Arms as Thomas Irwin, Bos-
Cinderella Arthur Imel, Tidioute. ton.
For Arms see Solomon Boone, of
Pennsylvania. IRWIN. New York.
William Irwin, Dutchess County,
INGERSOLL. Massachusetts.
Richard and John Ingersoll, Salem, (Antrim.)
1629. Argent, a mural crown gules, be-
(Bedfordshire.) tween three holly leaves ppr.
Gules, a fesse dancettee ermine, be- CREST— A dexter hand issuing out
tween six trefoils slipped or. of a cloud ppr., holding a thistle also
CREST— A griffin's head gules
MOTTO— Nemo me
gorged with a fesse dancettee ermine, impune lacessit.
between two wings displayed or.
IRWIN. New York.
INGLIS. Pennsylvania.
Dudley M. Irwin, Esq., Buffalo.
John Inglis, Philadelphia, 1736. Same Arms as William Irwin, of
(Lanark.) Dutchess County.
Azure, a lion rampant argent on a
chief of the second, three mullets of IRWIN. New Jersey.
the first.
CREST —Ademi-lion rampant ppr.
Easton Irwin, Esq., Glen
in the dexter paw a mullet or.
Same Arms as William Irwin, of
MOTTOES— (i) Recte faciendo se- Dutchess County.
curus. (2) Invictus maneo.

IRISH. Pennsylvania.
ISHAM. Massachusetts.
Captain Nathaniel Irish, Pittsburg. John Isham, Barnstable, 1670.
Azure, a fesse argent, over all a bend (Northampton.)
Gules, a fesse wavy; in chief three
gules. in
an oak tree eradicated piles also wavy points meeting
fesse argent.
and erect ppr. a dragon or, pierced
demi-swan, wings en-
through the breast with a sword of
the of the second. dorsed ppr.
first, hilt
MOTTO— Ostendo non ostendo.
IRVING. Massachusetts.
William Irving, 1763. ISHAM. Illinois.

(Aberdeen.) Ralph Isham, Esq., Chicago.

Argent, three small sheaves of holly Same Arms as John Isham, Barn-
— two and one — each consisting of as stable, Mass.
many leaves, slipped vert, banded
gules. IZARD. South Carolina.
CREST— A sheaf of nine holly leaves, Ralph Izard, Charleston, 1682.
vert. (London.)

Argent, six leopards' faces vert, three, vested azure, cuffed argent, hand
two and one. gules; 4th, argent on a chief sable
CREST—A embowed three griffins' heads erased argent.
CREST— A griffin's head couped
dolphin ppr.

JACKSON. Massachusetts. MOTTO^Labor ipse voluptas.

Thomas Jackson, Boston.
(Surrey.) JASPER. Pennsylvania.
Gules, a fesse, between three shovel- Thomas Jasper, Philadelphia, 1854.
lers, tufted on the head and breast (London.)
argent, each charged with a trefoil, Argent, an anchor sable, on a chief
slipped, vert. wavy three escallops of the
shoveller as in the Arms.
Innocentia securus,
JAY. New York.
JADWIN. Virginia. Augustus Jay, New York, 1685.
John Jadwin, Rappahannock, 1658. (Poictou, France.)
(London.) Azure, a chevron or, in chief a demi-
Sable, ten plates, four, three, two and sun in its splendour, between two
one, a chief or. mullets of the last in base on a rock,

CREST— An oak tree vert, fructed two birds, all ppr.

or, supported by two lions' paws CREST—A cross sable, on a calvary
erased of the same, entwined with a of three steps ppr.
scroll, inscribed with this MOTTO
— MOTTO—Deo duce perseverandum.
Robur in vita Deus.
JEFFREY. Rhode Island.
JAFFREY. New Hampshire. William Jeffrey, Newport, 1675.
George Jaffrey, Portsmouth, 1707, (Chittingley, Sussex.)
(Kincardine.) Azure, fretty or, on a chief argent a
Paly of six argent and sable sur- lion passant guardant gules.
mounted by a fesse of the first,
charged with three stars of the sec- JEFFRIES. Massachusetts.
ond. David Jeffries,Boston, 1677.
CREST—The sun shining through a (Wilts.)
cloud, ppr. Sable, a lion rampant or, between
MOTTO — Post nubila Phoebus. three scaling ladders of the last.
CREST— On a rock argent, a castle
JAMESON. Virginia.
or, the two end towers domed.
David Jameson (Lieutenant-Govern-
or), Yorktown. Kentucky.
(Scotland.) Miss Sarah S. Jelf, Mortonsville.
Quarterly, azure a saltire or, can- For Arms see Ambrose Fielding, Vir-
toned with four ships under sail ar-
gent (for Jameson); azure, a chev-
ron between three acorns slipped and
leaved or (for Smith). JENKINS. New York.
Edmund Fellows Jenkins, Esq., New
JANVRIN. New Hampshire. sable.
Or, a lion rampant reguardant
Capt. John Janvrin, Portsmouth,
coronet or,
a ducal a
lion rampant reguardant sable.
(St. Helier, Jersey.)
Azure, a chevron argent between two
bezants or, in chief and a fleur-de-lis JENNINGS. Virginia.
of the second in base, surmounted Peter Jennings, York County, 1659.

by an escutcheon quarterly ist, the (Yorkshire. Granted 1641.)
arms as above, the chevron charged Argent, a chevron between three
plummets sable.
with a crescent gules; 2d, argent,
three escallops gules; 3d, gules, a griffin's head couped be-
mullet argent, on a chief of the sec- tween two wings inverted ppr. in the
ond an arm erect couped at elbow, beak a plummet pendent sable.

JENNINGS. New York. Gt. Yarmouth, Norfolk. Arms grant-
Oliver Gould Jennings, Esq., New ed Sept. 10, 1660.)
York. Argent, a fesse embattled counter
For Arms see Andrew Ward, Fair- embattled, between three lions' heads
field, Conn. erased gules, ducally crowned or.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
JESSUP. Connecticut. a leopard's head and neck gules.
Edward Jessup, Fairfield, 1639.
(Yorkshire.) JOHNSON. Connecticut.
Barry of six argent and azure, nine George Huntington Nicholls Johnson,
mullets gules three and three.
dove standing on an olive
Esq., Bridgeport.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
branch ppr. ols, Stratford, Conn.

JESSUP. New York. JOHNSTON. Pennsylvania.

Morris Ketchum Jessup, Esq.,. New John Johnston, Pittsburg, 1765.
Same Arms as Edward Jessup, Fair- Quarterly, argent and sable, three
field, Conn. /
fleurs-de-lis counterchanged.

JILLSON. Massachusetts. JOHNSTONE. New Jersey.

For Arms see Gilson. Perth Amboy,
Dr. John Johnstone,
JOHNES or Massachusetts.
JOHNS. 1685. Descended from the House of
Edward Johnes, Charlestown, 1630. Annandale.
(Shropshire. Arms granted 1610.) (Scotland.)
Azure, a lion rampant, between three Argent, a cross of St. Andrew sable ;

crosses formee fitchee or, a chief of on a chief gules three wool bags or.
CREST— A winged spur or.
lion rampant or, support-

MOTTO Nunquam non paratus.
ing an anchor azure, flukes of the
first. JOHNSTONE. North Carolina.
MOTTO—Vince malum bono. Gabriel Johnstone, 1734.
JOHNSON. New York. Argent, a saltire sable; on a chief
William Johnson, 1742. gules three cushions or.
Gules, on a chevron, between three CREST—A winged spur or.
fleurs-de-lis argent, three escallops of MOTTO — Nunquam non paratus.
the field.
CREST— An arm, couped at the el- JOHNSTONE. Staten Island, N. Y.
bow, erect, holding an arrow ppr. John Johnstone, Esq., New Brighton.
MOTTO—Deo regique debeo.
Same Arms as Dr. John Johnstone,
Perth Amboy, N. J.
JOHNSON. Massachusetts.
Capt. Edward Johnson, Boston, 1630. JOHNSTONE. Staten Island.
Francis Upton Johnstone, Esq., New
(Heme Hill, Kent.)
Gules, three spear heads a chief er- ;
mine. Same Arms as Dr. John Johnstone,
CREST—A pair of raven's wings Perth Amboy, N. J.
MOTTO— Servabo fidem.
JOHNSTONE. New Jersey.
John Johnstone, Basking Ridge, 1710.
JOHNSON. Massachusetts. (Second son of James Johnstone, ist
Edward Johnson, Esq., Boston. Marquis of Annandale, Earl of Hart-
Same Arms as Capt. Edward John- fell, etc., and heir presumptive to his
brother James, d. s. p. 1730. Title
son, Boston.
dormant since 1792.)
JOHNSON. Maryland. Quarterly
— ist and 4th: Argent, a
Thomas Johnson, 1700. saltire sable, on a chief gules three
(Grandson of Sir Thomas Johnson, cushions or. 2d and 3d: Argent, an

anchor gules for Fairholm of Craigie- CREST— A bear's head and neck
hall. sable, muzzled or.
CREST— A winged spur or.
SUPPORTERS— Dexter, a Hon ram- JOUET. Rhode Island.
pant argent, armed and langued Daniel Jouet, 1686.
azure, crowned with an imperial (Isle of Rhe, France.)
crown or; sinister, a horse argent, Azure, two pennons crossed saltier-
furnished gules. wise, or, between a mullet in chief,
MOTTO— Nunquam non paratus. and an escallop in base of the last.

CREST A pelican in her piety ppr.
JONES. Pennsylvania.
David Jones, Philadelphia, 1740. JOYCE. New York.
Or, a lion rampant within a bordure John Tibbits Joyce, Esq., Albany.
azure. Argent, three torteaux in bend, be-
CREST — A lion rampant azure, hold- tween two bends gules.
ing a shield or, within a carved bor-

CREST A demi-chevalier in armor,
dure. brandishing a scimitar all ppr.
MOTTO— Prorsum et sursum.
JOYLIFFE. Massachusetts.
JONES. Georgia. John Joyliffe,Boston, 1663.
Noble Jones, Wormsloe. (Stafford.)
Party per bend sinister ermine and Argent, on a pile azure three dexter
ermines, over all a lion rampant or, gauntlets of the field.
within a bordure engrailed and in- CREST— A cubit-arm
in armor,
dented or. grasping in the hand a scimitar, all
CREST— A demi-lion rampant or, ppr.
holding in its paws a mullet or. MOTTO—Tant que je puis.
MOTTO— Vigil ias ago.
JUDD. Massachusetts.
York. Thomas Judd, Cambridge, 1633.
Edward Clarence Jones, Esq., New (Kent.)
York. Gules, a fesse raguly between three
Ermine, a lion rampant sable. boars' heads erased argent.

CREST On a chapeau gules turned CREST— On a ducal coronet or, a
up ermine, a demi-lion rampant or. cockatrice, wings displayed ppr.
MOTTO— Gofal dyn duw ai gwerid. MOTTO— Fide sed cui vide.

JONES. Pennsylvania. JUDD. New York.

Edward Cholmeley-Jones, Esq., Phil- Orrin Reynolds Judd, Esq., Brook-
adelphia. lyn.
Argent, a lion rampant gules. Same Arms as Thomas Judd, Cam-
CREST— A Cornish chough ppr. bridge, Mass.
MOTTO—Ardua peto.
JUDSON. Connecticut.
JONES. Maryland. Lieut. Joseph Judson, Stratford, 1634.
David Jones, Jones' Falls, 1682. (Scotland.)
(Merioneth.) Per saltire azure and ermine four
Or, a lion rampant within a bordure lozenges counterchanged.
azure. CREST— Out of a ducal coronet, two
CREST— A lion rampant azure, hold- dexter arms in saltire vested ppr.
ing a shield or within a carved bor- holding two scimitars in pale.
dure. MOTTO— Vincit que se vincit.

JOSSELYN. Massachusetts. JUDSON. New York.

John and Henry Josselyn, Boston, William Pierson Judson, Esq., Os-
1638. wego.
Chequy, gules and azure, on a fesse Same Arms as Lieut. Joseph Judson,
of the first an annulet or. Stratford, Conn.

JUDSON. Connecticut. KEY. Colorado.
Lewis Judson, Esq., Bridgeport. John James Key, Esq., Colorado
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich- Springs.
ols, Stratford, Conn. Argent, two bends sable.
CREST— A greyhound's head argent
KEAN. South Carolina and Pennsyl- charged with three roundles sable.
John Kean, 1756. KILPATRICK. Pennsylvania.
(Philadelphia.) Andrew Kilpatrick, Philadelphia,
Argent, a chevron between two doves 1816.
sable. (Donegal.)
CREST— A griffin's head couped ppr. Argent, a saltire and chief azure, the
an olive branch in beak.
its last charged with three cushions or.
MOTTO — Mea Gloria Fides. —
CREST A hand holding a dagger in
pale distilling drops of blood.
KELLER. New York. SUPPORTERS—Two talbot hounds
Hon. J. W. Keller, New York. argent.
For Arms see William Cantrill, MOTTO— I make sure.
Jamestown, Va.
New KILPATRICK. Pennsylvania.
KELLEY. Jersey. Andrew Kilpatrick, Esq., Fort Wash-
Thomas Kelley, Salem, 1664.
Gules, a tower triple-towered, sup- Same Arms as Andrew Kilpatrick,
ported by a lion on each side or. Philadelphia.
CREST— A greyhound statant ppr.
KELLY. New Jersey.
KILPATRICK. Pennsylvania.
William Kelly, Paterson, 1806. William H. Kilpatrick, Esq., Phila-
(Galway.) Same Arms as Andrew Kilpatrick,
Azure, two lions rampant combatant
chained supporting a
tower triple turreted of the second.
CREST— An enfield vert. KING. Massachusetts.
William King, Salem, 1595-1651.
MOTTO— Turris fortis mihi Deus.
(Uxborough, Devon.)
KEMPER. Ohio. Sable, on a chevron between three
Andrew Carr Kemper, M.D., Cincin- crosses-crosslet or, as many escallops
nati. of the field.
Party per pale gules and azure, on CREST— An escallop or.
the first a griffin rampant argent, on
the second a griffin rampant or, re- KING. Long Island.

specting each other.

Samuel King, Southold, 1633-1721.
CREST —A demi-griffin or, langued
Same Arms as William King, Salem,
gules, grasping in the paws a ham-
mer, handle or, headed argent.
MOTTO— Die Kemper. KING. Massachusetts.
Hon. Daniel P. King, Boston.
KENT. Massachusetts. For Arms see Thomas Flint, Salem,
Richard and Stephen Kent, Newbury- Mass.
port, 1634.
Azure, a lion passant gfuardant or, sl,
KINGSLEY. Massachusetts.
chief ermine. John Kingsley, Dorchester, 1635.
CREST— A Hon passant guardant or. (Hampshire.)
Vert, a cross engrailed ermine.
KEY. Maryland. —
CREST Out of a ducal coronet
Philip Key, Bushwood Lodge, St. gules, a goat's head argent.
Mary's Co.
Argent, two bends sable. KINSMAN. Massachusetts.
CREST— A griffin's head erased ar- Robert Kinsman, Boston, 1634.
gent, holding in the beak a key or. (Northampton.)
Per pale azure and gules, three sal- CREST— A demi-lion rampant.
tires argent. MOTTO—Vi et virtute.
CREST— A buck ppr.— lodged in
fern, vert. KUHNE. New York.
Percival Kuhne, Esq., New York.
KIP. New York. Per fesse or and azure, two cross
Isaac Kip, New York, 1657. swords in saltire, points downwards
(Alencon.) and an arrow in pale point upwards.
Azure, a chevron or, between two CREST— Between a pair of eagles'
griffins, sejant and confronte
in chief,
wings, cross swords and arrow as in
and a dexter hand couped, in point the arms.
CREST— A demi-griffin argent hold- KUNKEL. Pennsylvania.
ing in his paws a cross gules. John Michael Kunkel, Lancaster Co.,

MOTTO Vestigia nulla retrorsum. 1749.
Per fesse or and sable, on a rnound
KIP. New York. vert, a lion couchant supporting a
Henry Kip, New York, 1635. mullet argent in base.

CREST A demi-lion or.
Same Arms as Isaac Kip, York.

KIRKBRIDE. Pennsylvania.
KUNKEL. New York.
Robert Sharp Kunkel, Esq., Brook-
Joseph Kirkbride, Bucks Co., 1682.
(Kirkbride, Cumberland.)
Same Arms as John Michael Kunkel,
Argent, a cross engrailed vert. Lancaster Co., Pa.
KIRKPATRICK. Pennsylvania.
Joseph J. Kirkpatrick, Esq., Philadel- LAIRD. New Jersey.
phia. Alexander Laird, Englishtown, 1735.
For Arms see Andrew Kilpatrick, (Renfrewshire.)
Philadelphia. Argent, a chevron gules between two
boars' heads erased ppr. in chief and
KISSAM. Long Island. a crescent in base of the second.
John Kissam, Flushing, 1667. —
CREST A buck's head issuing ppr.
Argent, three chevrons and a canton MOTTO— Spero meliora.
gules, on each chevron a mullet of
the field. LAMAR. Maryland.
CREST — From a tower, a dove rising Thomas and Peter Lamar, 1663.
azure. (Anjou, France.)
MOTTO— Prosequer alis. Gules, two lions passant guardant in
pale or.
KITELLE. New York. CREST —A mermaid ppr., a mirror
Joachim von Ketel, New York, 1642. in the sinister and comb in the dex-

Per pale ist chequy sable and or, of ter hand, crined or.
four rows, three each 2d or, fifteen ;

hurts in five rows of three each. LAMAR. Maryland.

CREST— Three lilies of the field ar- W. H. Lamar, Esq., Rockville.
gent. Same Arms as Thomas and Peter
KITTELLE. Washington, D. C Lamar.
Sumner Ely Wetmore Kittelle
(Lieutenant), U.S.N., Washington.
LAMAR. Maryland.
Same Arms as Joachim von Ketel, George Lamar, Esq., Rockville.
New York. Same Arms as Thomas and Peter
KNOWLTON. Massachusetts.
John Knowlton, Ipswich, 1639. LAMONT. New York.
(Cheswick, Kent.) Daniel Lamont, Delaware Co.
Argent, a chevron gules between (Scotland.)
three ducal coronets sable. Azure, a lion rampant argent.

CREST—A hand couped at the wrist LATHROP. Massachusetts.
Rev. John Lathrop, Barnstable, 1639.
parcas nee spernas. (York.)
Gyronny of eight azure and gules, an
LAMPEN. Pennsylvania. eagle displayed argent.
Michael Lampen, Bucks Co., 1779. CREST— A game cock ppr.
(Anhalt, Prussia.)
De gules, a trois lampes antiques LATHROP. Illinois.
d'argent, allumees au nat. Bryan Lathrop, Esq., Chicago.
CREST—Une lampe de I'ecu devant Same Arms as Rev. John Lathrop,
un vol de gu. Barnstable, Mass.
LANE. New York. LATTING. Long Island.
George Lane, Rye, 1666. Richard Latting, Lattingtown, 1672.
Or, a chevron ermine between three (Norwich.)
mullets pierced azure.
— Argent, three chevronels between
CREST A dexter cubit arm erect three estoiles vert.
vested ermine turned up indented
argent holding in the hand ppr. a LAUX. Pennsylvania.
mullet azure. John Jacob Laux, Lancaster Co.,
MOTTO— Perseverando. 1730.
LANE. New York. (Angoumois.)
Edward New D'or, au chene de sinople, sur lequel
Smith Lane, Esq., broche un lion leoparde de gueules;
a la bordure d'argent semee de tour-
Same Arms as George Lane, Rye.
teaux d'azur.
LANGBORNE. Virginia.
LAWRENCE. New Jersey.
William Langborne, King William Thomas Lawrence,
Co. Trenton, 1775.
(London.) (London.)
Argent, a cross raguly; on a chief
Argent, two chevrons gules. azure three leopards' heads or.
LANGHORNE. Virginia. CREST— A demi-turbot in pale,
Sable, a cross, on a chief of the gules, the tail upwards.
second three bugle-horns of the field MOTTO— In cruce salus.
stringed gules.
CREST— A bugle-horn sable stringed
Capt. William Lawrence, Flushing,
gules between two wings expanded
Argent, a cross raguly gules.
LANSING. New York. CREST— A demi-turbot in pale ar-
Gerrit Frederick Lansing, Albany, gent, the tail upwards.
1650. MOTTO— Quaero Invenio.
Or, three increscents azure, two and
one. LAWSON. Virginia.
CREST—Three ostrich feathers azure. Rowland Lawson, Lancaster Co.,
LANSING. New York. Argent, a chevron between three
Louis Sherman Lansing, Esq., Wa- martlets sable.
Same Arms as Gerrit Frederick Lan- LAWTON. Rhode Island.
New York.
Thomas Lawton, Portsmouth, 1638.
LATANE. Virginia. Argent, on a fesse between three
Rev. Lewis Latane, Essex Co., 1733. cross-crosslets fitchee sable, a cinque-
Argent, a fesse between three cres- foil of the first pierced of the second.
cents sable. CREST—A demi-wolf salient re-
CREST— A crane's head volant ar- guardant argent, vulned in the back
gent. gules and licking the wound.

LAWTON. New York. LEETE. Connecticut.
Mrs. George P. Lawton, New York. Governor William Leete, Guilford,
For Arms see John Johnstone, Bask- 1639.
ing Ridge, N. J. (Cambridge.)
(Third Marquis of Annandale.) Argent, on a fesse gules between two
rolls of matches sable fired ppr. a
LEAR. Virginia. martlet or.
Elizabeth City Co. —
CREST On a ducal coronet an an-
(Devon.) tique lamp or, fired ppr.
Azure, a fesse raguly between three
unicorns' heads erased or. LEETE. Connecticut.

CREST Two hands issuing from Charles Sidney Leete, Esq., New
clouds, grasping trunk of an oak tree Haven.
ppr. Same Arms as Gov. William Leete,
LEARNED. Massachusetts.
William Learned, Charlestown, 1632. LEFTWICH. Virginia.
Azure, a saltire engrailed or, between Augustine Leftwich, New Kent Co.
four lozenges argent. (Cheshire.)
CREST— griffin rampant. Azure, three garbs or, on a fesse en-

LEARNED. New York. —

grailed argent.
CREST Five leaves conjoined at
William Learned, Esq., Albany. base vert.
Same Arms as William Learned, MOTTO— Ver non semper floret.
Charlestown, Mass.
LEFTWICH. Maryland.
LEE. South Carolina. Alexander T. Leftwich, Esq., Balti-
Thomas Lee, Charleston, 1769. more.
(Barbadoes.) Same Arms as Augustine Leftwich,
Argent a fesse, in chief three pellets, Virginia.
in base a martlet sable.
CREST— A talbot's head erased ppr. LEGGETT. New York.
Gabriel Leggett, New York, 1640.
LEE. Virginia. Per cross argent, and or, a saltire
Col. Richard Lee, York Co., 1641. gules.
(Shropshire.) CREST— An arm from
Gules, a fesse chequy azure and or vested counter —componee theguleselbow,
between ten billets argent, four in or, holding a millrind.
chief, three, two and one in base. MOTTO—^Jesus hominum salvator.
CREST— On a staff
raguly, lying
fesseways, a squirrel sejant ppr. LEGGETT. New York.
cracking a nut from the dexter end
Francis Howard Leggett, Esq., New
of the staff a hazel branch vert, York.
fructed or. Same Arms as Gabriel Leggett, New
MOTTO— Ne incautus futuri. York.

LEE. Kentucky. LEMMON or LEMON. Massachusetts.

Lucy C. Lee, Maysville. Joseph Lemon, Charlestown, 1680.
Same Arms as Col. Richard Lee, (Dorchester, Co. Dorset.)
York Co., Va. Azure, a fesse between three dol-
phins, hauriant argent, an annulet of
LEE. Alabama. the last for difference.
Edward F. Lee, Helena, Shelby Co. —
CREST In a lemon tree, a pelican
Same Arms as Col. Richard Lee, feeding her young ppr. in her nest, or.
York Co., Va.
LEONARD. Massachusetts.
LEE. Alabama. James Leonard, Taunton, 1641.
Needham Lee, Esq., Shelby County. (Chevening.)
Same Arms as Col. Richard Lee, Or, on a fesse gules three fleurs-de-
York Co., Va. lis of the first.

CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or, LINDSAY. Virginia.
a tiger's head argent. Rev. Daniel Lindsay, Northumber-
MOTTO— Pour bien desirer. land Co., 1645.
LEONARD. Ohio. Quartered ist— and 4th: Gules, a
Rt. Rev. William Andrew Leonard, fesse chequy, argent, and azure.
D.D. (Bishop of Ohio), Cleveland. 2d and 3d Or, a lion rampant gules,

Same Arms as James Leonard, Taun- the shield debruised of a ribbon, in

ton, Mass. bend sable over all.
LEONARD. Massachusetts.

CREST A cubit arm in armor, in
Solomon Leonard, Duxbury, 1637. pales, holding in the hand a sword
erect argent on the point a pair of
Or, on a fesse azure three fleurs-de- balances of the last.
lis argent.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
MOTTO— Recta sed ardua.
a tiger's head argent. LINZEE. Massachusetts.
MOTTO— Memor et fidelis. Capt. John Linzee, Boston, 1772.
LETEMPS. Louisiana.
Gules, a fesse chequy argent and
Peter Letemps, New Orleans, 1725. azure between three mullets in chief,
(France.) and a hunting horn in base of the
Vert, an anchor argent. second.
LEVERETT. Massachusetts. CREST— An ostrich with a key in its
bill ppr.
Thomas Leverett, Boston, 1663.
MOTTO— Patientia vincit.

Argent, a chevron between three lev- LISLE. Massachusetts.

erets courant sable.
CREST—A hare, courant, ppr.
John Lisle, Boston, 1640.
LEVERING. Pennsylvania. Or, on a chief argent, three lions
William Levering, Philadelphia, 1685. rampant of the first.

Azure, three hares in pale argent.

CREST— A stag trippant ppr.— at-
MOTTO—Ducit amor patriae. tired or.

LEWIS. Virginia.
LISTER. Virginia.
Robert Lewis, 1638. Edmund Lister, Lancaster Co., 1709.
(Wales.) Azure, on a cross argent, five tor-
Argent, a dragon's head and neck, teaux, each charged with a mullet or.
erased vert, holding in the mouth a LITTLE. New York.
bloody hand, ppr. James Brady Little, Esq., New York.
CREST— A dragon's head and neck Sable, on a saltire argent a crescent
erased vert.
MOTTO— Omne solum forti patria CREST— A leopard's head or.
est. MOTTO— Magnum in parvo.
LEWIS. Pennsylvania. LITTLETON. Virginia.
Ellis Lewis, Kennett, Chester Co., (Shropshire.)
1708. Argent a chevron between three es-
Or, a lion rampant azure. callops sable.
LEWIS. Pennsylvania.
CREST— A stag's head cabossed sa-
ble attired or, between the attires a
Clifford Lewis, Esq., Philadelphia.
bugle-horn or hanging by a bend
Same Arms as Ellis Lewis, Kennett.
LIGHTFOOT. Virginia. SUPPORTERS— Dexter, a stag ppr.
Philip and John Lightfoot, Charles gorged with a collar or, therefrom
City Co., 1670. pendant an escutcheon argent charged
(Northampton.) with a bugle or. Sinister, a lion
Barry of six or and gules, on a bend gules gorged with a ducal coronet.
sable three escallops argent. MOTTO— Ung Dieu et ung roy.

LIVINGSTON. New York. LOOMIS. Connecticut.
Robert Livingston, of the Manor of Joseph Loomis, Windsor, 1639,
Livingston, 1674. (Braintree, Essex.)
(Ancrum, Scotland.) Argent, between two palets gules,
Argent, three cinquefoils gules within three fleurs-de-lis in pale sable, a
a double tressure flory counterflory chief azure.
vert. CREST— On a chapeau a pelican
CREST—A ship in distress. vulning herself ppr.
MOTTO— Spero meliora. MOTTO— Ne cede malis.

LIVINGSTON. New York. LOOMIS. New Jersey.

Mrs. Oscar F. Livingston, York. New George L. Loomis, Esq., Somerville.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich- Same Arms as Joseph Loomis, Wind-
ols, Stratford, Conn. sor, Conn.

LLOYD. LORD. Massachusetts.

Maryland. Thomas Lord,
Hon. Edward Boston, 1635.
Lloyd, Wye House,
Talbot Co., 1649. (London.)
Argent, on a fesse gules between
(Wales.) three cinquefoils azure, a hind pas-
Member of Virginia Assembly, 1637; sant between two pheons or.
Councillor of State, 1651 Member ;
CREST— A demi-bird, wings expand-
of Maryland Assembly, 1658; Justice
ed sable, on its head two small horns
of Peace, 1663.
or. Dexter wings gules lined argent.
Azure, a lion rampant or.
CREST —Ademi-lion rampant guard-
Sinister wing argent lined gi^es.
ant or, supporting in the paws an
LORING. Massachusetts.
arrow in pale argent. Thomas Loring, Hingham, 1635.
LLOYD. Long Island. Quarterly argent and gules a bend
James Lloyd, Lloyd's Neck, Long engrailed sable.
Island, 1660. CREST— Out of a bowl or, five quills
Gules, a lion rampant or. erect argent.
CREST— A bird rising or. MOTTO— Faire sans dire.

LLOYD. Pennsylvania. LOWELL. Massachusetts.

Thomas Percival Lowle, Newbury, 1639.
Lloyd, Philadelphia, 1683.
(Dolobran.) (Worcester. (Confirmed 1573.)

Quartered ist and 4th: Sable, a he- Sable, a hand couped at the wrist
goat, passant argent. 2d and 3d : grasping three darts, one in pale and
Azure three cocks argent, armed and two in saltire argent.
combed CREST— A covered cup or.
he-goat salient. MOTTO — Occasionem cognosce.
MOTTO—Esto vigilans. LOWELL. Vermont.
Rev. Delmar R. Lowell, Rutland.
LOGAN. Pennsylvania. Same Arms as Percival Lowle, New-
James Logan, Philadelphia, 1690.
(Lurgan, Co. Armagh.)
Or, three conjoined in point
piles LOWERY. Pennsylvania.
sable, a lion passant in base of the Alexander Lowery, Philadelphia,
stag's head erased gules, (Tyrone.)
attired, collared and lined or. Sable, a cup argent with a garland
of laurel between two branches of
LONG. West Virginia. the same, all issuing thereout ppr.
Mrs. James W. Long, Southside. CREST—Two laurel branches inter-
For Arms see Lieut. James Hender- fretted ppr.
son, Virginia. MOTTO—Virtus semper viridis.

LOWNDES. South Carolina. of the first for Lyman. 2d: Gules,
a chevron between three sheep argent
Charles Lowndes, 1730.
Kitts, West Indies.) for Lambert. 3d: Quarterly quar-

Argent, fretty azure on a canton —
tered ermine and gules over all a
gules, a leopard's head, erased at the cross or, for Osborne.
neck or.

CREST A demi-bull argent attired
CREST— A head, erased
lion's or, and hoofed or, langued gules.
gorged with a chaplet vert. MOTTOES— (i) Quod verum tu-
MOTTO — Mediocria firma. tum. (2) Esse quam videri.


Maryland. Dominick Lynch, New York, 1783.
Christopher Lowndes, Bladensburg,
(Gal way.)
Azure, a chevron between three tre-
slipped or.
Same Arms as Lowndes of South
lynx, passant, coward.
MOTTO— Semper fidelis.

LUDLOW. New York. LYNDE. Massachusetts.

Gabriel Ludlow, New York, 1694. Simon Lynde, Boston, 1650.
(Wiltshire.) Gules, on a chief or, three tau-
Argent, a chevron between three crosses of the first.
bears' heads erased sable.
— CREST— A demi-griffin, segreant
CRESTS (i) A demi-bear rampant. gules, holding a tau-cross of the
(2) A lion rampant.
MOTTO — Spero
infestis, metuo se-
cundis. LYON. Maryland.
Dr. William Lyon, Wester Ogle
LUDLOW. Virginia. Manor, 1732.
George Ludlow, York Co., 1646. (Perth, Scotland.)
(Denton, Wiltshire.) Argent, a lion rampant azure, armed
Argent, a chevron between three mar- and langued, within a double tressure
heads erased sable. flory counterflory gules.
CREST—A demi-martin rampant sa- demi-lady to the girdle.
ble. habited and holding in her right hand
MOTTO^Omne solum forte patria. the royal thistle, and in the sinister
a chaplet of laurel all ppr.
LUDWELL. Virginia. MOTTO— In te, Domine, speravi.
Philip Ludwell, 1660.
(Somersetshire.) LYON. Massachusetts.
Gules, on a bend argent between two William Lyon, Roxbury, 1635.
towers or, three eagles displayed (Heston, Middlesex.)
sable. Argent, a lion rampant azure armed
MOTTO — I pensieri stretti e il viso and langued gules within a double
tressure flory counterflory azure.
CREST—A lion rampant azure.
LUQUER. Long Island.
MACDONALD. Illinois.
Jan I'Escuyer, 1658.
D. Wallace MacDonald, Esq., River-
Cook Co.
Argent, a chevron between two cocks,
affrontee in chief, and a lion passant

ist and 4th argent, a lion

in base, gules. rampant gules 2d or, a dexter arm


CREST— A demi-lion rampant gules. in armor couped in fesse ppr. the

MOTTO— Invidiam fortuna donat. hand holding a cross-crosslet fitchee
gules; 3d or, a lymphad, oars and
LYMAN. Connecticut. sails sable, flags_ flying gules; 4th
Richard Lyman, Hartford, 1631. vert, a salmon naint ppr.
(High Ongar, Essex.) CREST— A hand in armor holding a

Quarterly ist and 4th: Per chevron cross-crosslet fitchee gules.
gules and argent in base an annulet MOTTO — Per mare, per terras.

MACDONALD. Staten Island. MAGRUDER. Maryland.
Mrs. Frances MacDonald, Clifton. James Magruder, Magruder.
Same Arms as D. Wallace MacDon- Argent, a fir tree growing out of a
ald, Illinois. mount in base vert, surmounted of a
sword bend-ways supporting on its
MACDUFFIE. New York. point an Imperial Crown ppr. in dex-
Rufus Leighton Macduffie, Esq., New ter chief a canton azure.
York. CREST— A lion's head erased ppr.
Or, a lion rampant gules. crowned with an antique crown.

CREST A demi-lion rampant gules, MOTTOES— ( I) Srioghall mo
holding a sword in pale ppr. dhream. (2) E'en do bot spair
MOTTO— Deus juvat. nocht.


Maryland. Hon. Benjamin Drake
Thomas Mackenzie, Calvert County, Magruder,
1745- Same Arms
Arms granted 1262.)
as James Magruder, Ma-
(Inverness. Md.
Azure, a stag's head cabossed or.
CREST— A dexter naked arm em- MAITLAND. New York.
bowed, grasping a sword, all ppr. Rev. Alexander Maitland, 1746.
MOTTOES— (i) Fide sparta fide (Kirkcudbright.)
aucta. (2) Sine macula. Or, a lion rampant, within a double
tressure counterflory gules.
MACKENZIE. Maryland. CREST—A lion sejant aff route gules,
George Norbury Mackenzie, Esq., ducally in dexter paw a
Baltimore. sword ppr. in sinister a fleur-de-lis,
Same Arms as Thomas Mackenzie, azure.
Calvert Co., Md. MOTTO— Consilio et animis.


Thomas Major, Albany, 1746.
(Isle of
John Mohr Mcintosh, Darien, 1735.
Gules an anchor argent on a chief
(Borlum, Scotland.)

Quarterly ist: Or, a lion rampant
or, three roses of the first.

gules. 2d: Argent, a dexter hand MALLET. Connecticut.

fesseways, couped at the wrist, and John Mallet, Stratfield, 1701,
holding a human heart gules. 3d :
Azure, three conch shells or.
Azure, a boar's head couped or. 4th: CREST— Out of a ducal coronet a
Or, a lymphad sable, surmounted by tiger's head langued gules.
two oars in saltire gules. MOTTO— Perseverando.
CREST— A cat-a-mountain salient
guardant ppr. MALLET-PREVOST. New Jersey.
MOTTO (over the Crest)—Touch not Paul Henry Mallet-Prevost, French-
the cat but with a glove. town, 1790.
York. Azure, a fesse between two cinque-
foils in chief, and a trefoil slipped in
Finlay MacLaren, Albany, 1793.
base or.
Argent, two chevrons sable.
CREST—A demi-chamois ppr.

CREST A mortar piece azure. MOTTO— Force d'en haut.
MOTTO— Frango. MALTBY. Connecticut.
William Maltby, Branford, 1667.
MACMULLAN. Kentucky. (Yorkshire.)
Col. John Henderson MacMulIan, Argent, upon a bend gules three
Louisville. garbs or.
Same Arms as Lieut. James Hender- CREST—Upon a cap of dignity a
son, Virginia. garb or, banded gules.

MANIGAULT. South Carolina. For Arms see Andrew Ward, Fair-
Gabriel Manigault, Charleston, 1700. field, Conn.
Azure, three heron-hawks, capped,
belled and jessed ppr. MARQUAND. New Jersey.

MOTTO Prospicere quam ulscisci. Prof. Allan Marquand, Princeton.
For Arms see Andrew Ward, Fair-
MANNING. Massachusetts. field, Conn.
William Manning, Cambridge, 1635.
(Kent. Granted 1577.) MARR. Maine.
Gules, a cross flory between four tre- John Marr, Portsmouth, 1717.
foils slipped or. Chequy or and argent, a fesse gules.
CREST— An eagle's head sable, be- CREST— A horse's head erased and
tween two ostrich feathers argent all bridled ppr.
issuing out of a ducal coronet or.
MOTTO— Per ardua stabilis. MARSH. Connecticut.
John Marsh, Hartford, 1631.
MANNING. Massachusetts. Gules, a horse's head couped between
Prentiss H. Manning, Esq., Brook- three crosses botonee fitchee argent.
Same Arms as William Manning, MARSTON. Massachusetts.
Cambridge. William Marston, Salem, 1634.
MAPES. Long Island. Sable, a fesse indented between three
Thomas Mapes, 1649. fleurs-de-lis argent.
(Norfolk.) CREST— A demi-greyhound sable
Sable, four fusils in fesse or. gorged with a collar dancettee er-
CREST— An arm embowed in armor mine.
or, holding in the gauntlet a spur
argent leathered sable. MARTIN. Massachusetts.
MOTTO— Fortis in arduis. Michael Martin, Boston, 1700.
MAPES. New York. Argent, two bars gules.
Charles Victor Mapes, Esq., New CREST— An estoile gules.
Same Arms as Thomas Mapes, Long MARTIN. Connecticut.
Island. William Martin, Woodbury, 1680.
Gules, on a chevron or, three talbots
MARCHANT. Illinois. passant sable.
George Marchant, Chicago, 1881. CREST— On a globe or, a falcon ris-
(Devonshire.) ing argent gorged with a ducal coro-
Or, three anchors sable, net.

MARION. Massachusetts. MARTIN. Virginia.

Mrs. C. L. H. Marion, Boston. Col. John Martin, Caroline Co.
For Arms see Thomas Flint, Salem, Gules, a chevron between three cres-
Mass. cents argent.

MARKHAM. Pennsylvania. MASCARENE. Massachusetts.

William Markham, Philadelphia. Jean Paul Mascarene, Boston, 171 1.
(Nottingham.) (Castres, France.)
Azure, on a chief or, a demi-lion, Argent, a lion, rampant gules on a
rampant, issuant gules. chief azure, three mullets or.
CREST— A lion of St. Mark, sejant CREST— A golden mullet.
guardant resting the dexter forepaw MOTTO— Non sola mortali luce ra-
on a shield argent. dior.

MARQUAND. New York. MATHER. Massachusetts.

Henry G. Marquand, Esq., New Cotton Mather, Boston.
York. ( Salop. )

Ermine, on a fesse wavy azure three Argent, on a cross azure five pheons.
lioncels rampant. CREST— A cubit arm holding a dart.
CREST—A lion sejant or. MOTTO— Vi et animo.

MATSON. Massachusetts. McDonald. Rhode Island.

Sergeant Thomas Matson, Boston, John McDonald. Participated in

1630. siege of Louisburg, 1745.

(Lancashire.) (Scotland.)
Sable, a cross formee voided or. Azure, a lion rampant argent, crowned
CREST— On a rock, a fort in flames or, ducally gorged gules.
CREST— A lion rampant or, crowned
MAY. Massachusetts.
John May, Roxbury, 1640.
McDonald. New York.
(Mayfield, Co. Waterford.)
William H. McDonald, Esq., New
Gules, a fesse between eight billets,
four in chief and four in base or. Same Arms as John McDonald,

CREST Out of a ducal coronet or, Rhode Island, and Henry Sampson,
a leopard's head couped, ppr. Mass.
MOTTO—Vigilo. McFARLAND. North Carolina.
MAYNARD. New York. John McFarland, 1770.
Mrs. John F. Maynard, Utica. (Dumbarton.)
For Arms see William Ricketts, Elk- Argent, a saltire wavy between four
roses gules.
ton, Md. CREST—A demi-savage grasping in
his dexter hand a sheaf of arrows,
McAllister. Pennsylvania.
and pointing with the sinister to an
Archibald and Richard McAllister,
imperial crown or.
Big Spring, Cumberland Co., 1732. MOTTO— This I'll defend. In a com-
Same Arms, Crest and Motto as the partment above the crest the word
Macdonalds. "Lochsloy."

New McFARLAND. Mississippi.

McALPIN. York. Baxter McFarland, Esq., Aberdeen.
James McAlpin, Dutchess Co. Same Arms as John McFarland, of

Quarterly ist: Gules, a royal crown North Carolina.
or. 2d Or, an oak tree eradicated

vert. 3d Argent, a dexter hand

McILWAINE. Virginia.
couped fesseways, holding a cross- H. R. Mcllwaine, Esq., Hampden-
crosslet fitchee gules. 4th: Or, a Sidney.
lion rampant gules. Gules, two covered cups or, in the
CREST— A Saracen's head couped at middle chief point a star argent.
the neck and distilling drops of blood
all ppr. McKENZIE. Georgia.
MOTTO— Cuinich bas alpin. Mrs. William McKenzie, Marietta.
For Arms see William Cantrill,
McCARTY. Virginia. Jamestown, Va.
Dennis McCarty, Norfolk, 1675.
Argent, a stag trippant gules, attired McKINLOCK. Illinois.
and unguled or. Marian Rappleye McKinlock, Lake
CREST— A dexter arm in armor ppr. Forest.
cuffed argent erect and couped at the Same Arms as Rappleye of New
wrist, holding in the hand a lizard, York.
both also ppr.
MOTTO— Forti et fideli nil difficile. McLean. Connecticut.
William McLean, Stamford, 1749.
McCULLOUGH. New (Scotland.)
Capt. Benjamin
McCuUough, 1740.

Quarterly ist :
Argent, a lion ram-
(Ireland.) pant gules. 2d :
Azure, a castle triple

towered argent with flags displayed acorns erect, issuing from the top of
gules. 3d: Or, a dexter hand couped the head ppr.
fesseways gules holding a crosslet
fitchee azure. 4th Or, a galley, her
MERCER. Maryland.
sails furled sable, flag gules, on a sea George Mercer, Baltimore.
vert a salmon naint argent. (Aldie, Scotland.)
CREST—A battle-axe erect in pale, Or, on a fesse between three crosses
crossed by a branch of laurel and pattee gules in chief and a mullet
azure in base as many bezants.
cypress in saltire all ppr.
MOTTO— CREST—A cross or.
MOTTO— Crux Christi nostra
Altera merces.
McMATH. Pennsylvania. MEREDITH. Pennsylvania.
Alia McMath, Chester Co., 1756. Reese Meredith, Philadelphia.
Sable, an inescutcheon chequy argent
and azure, between three lions' heads Argent, a lion rampant sable, collared
erased of the second; in chief a mul-
and chained or, the chain reflexed
over the back.
let of the same,
CREST—A demi-lion as in the Arms.
McVICKAR. New York. MERIWETHER. Virginia.
John McVickar, New York, 1780. Nicholas Meriwether, Albemarle,
Quarterly — ist
and 4th: Or, an eagle
circa 1650.
displayed with two heads gules. 2d
Or, three martlets sable; on a chief
and 3d: Per bend, embattled argent azure a sun in splendor ppr.
and gules over all an escutcheon or, —
CREST An arm in armor erabowed,
charged with three stags' horns erect in the hand a sword argent, hilt and
gules, two and one.
CREST— An eagle displayed, with pommel or, entwined with a serpent
two heads, per pale, embattled argent MOTTO—Vi et consilio.
and gules.
MOTTO— Dominus providebit. MERRETT. Rhode Island.

MEANS. Massachusetts.
John Merrett, 1728.
Barry of six or and sable, a bend
John Means, Boston, 1769. ermine.
Paly of six argent and azure, on a MERRILL. Massachusetts.
chief gules, three crescents of the John and Nathaniel Merrill, Ipswich,
CREST— A crescent argent. (Salisbury, Co. Wilts.)
MOTTO—Virtute et prudentia. Argent, a bar azure, between three
peacocks' heads erased, ppr.
MEANS. Alabama. A
CREST— peacock's head erased
Robert Preston Means, Esq., Mont-
For Arms see John Means, of Bos- MERRILL. New York.
ton, Mass., and John Preston, of Frederick James Hamilton Merrill,
Staunton, Va. Esq., New York.
Same arms John and Nathaniel
MEIGS. Connecticut.
Merrill, Ipswich, Mass.
Vincent Meigs, New Haven and
Guilford, 1640. MESIER. New York.
(Dorsetshire.) Peter Janssen Mesier, 1687.
Or, a chevron azure between three —
Quarterly ist and 4th: Or, three
mascles gules, on a chief sable a grey- bars azure. 2d and 3d: Gules, a
hound courant argent. castle or, within a bordure gobbony
CREST— A talbot's head erased ar- of twelve, argent and gules.
gent, eared sable, collared or, under CREST—A helmet crowned ppr.
the collar two pellets fesseways, three MOTTO—Tiens a ta foy.
MESIER. New York. MILHAU. New York.
Louis Mesier, Esq., New York. Louis John de Grenon Milhau, Esq.,
Same Arms as Peter Janssen Mesier. New York.
D'argent, a la fasce d'azur, a un so-
METCALF. Virginia. leil raissant de gules, mouv de la
Richard Metcalf, Richmond Co. fasce accompagne en chef de trois
(Bristol.) etoiles mal ordonnes d'azur, et en
Argent, three calves passant sable. pointe d'une colombe au natural ten-
ant dans son bee un rameau d'olivier
MICKLE. New York.
de sinople.
John Mickle, 1790. SUPPORTERS— Deux lions regard-
Gules, a chevron between three
ant au natural.
crosses pattee fitchee, each cantoned
with four cross-crosslets argent.
MOTTO— Tout de raison, de tout
raison, raison de tout.
MIDDLETON. South Carolina.
Arthur Middleton, Charlestown, 1725. MILLER. Massachusetts.
(Suffolk.) Samuel Miller, Boston, 1640.
Argent, fretty sable, on a canton per (Kent.)
chevron or and sable, a unicorn's Ermine a fesse gules, between three
head, erased per chevron gules and wolves' heads erased azure.
or, the horn sable. CREST—A wolf's head erased azure.
CREST—A garb or, banded vert, be-
tween two wings sable. MILLER. West Virginia.
MOTTO— Regardez mon droit. Joseph L. Miller, M.D., Thomas.
Same Arms as Lieut. James Hender-
MIDDLETON. Virginia. son, Virginia.
Robert Middleton, Westmoreland Co.,
1663. MILLER. Illinois.
and gules a lion rampant
Per fesse or
Hon. Charles Kingsbury Miller, Chi-
and a border embattled all counter-
CREST— A boar's head erect and For Arms see Rappleje, of New
erased azure. York, and William Almy, of Massa-
MOTTO— Guard yourself.

MIDDLETON. South Carolina. MILLER. Pennsylvania.

Hugh Calhoun Middleton, Esq., John Rulon-Miller, Esq., Bryn Mawr.
Clark's Hill, Edgefield County. Per fesse or and gules, in chief a
Same Arms as Robert Middleton, of chemical distillery ppr., in base an
Westmoreland Co., Virginia. East India merchantman in full sail
on sea all ppr. over all an escutcheon

MIDDLETON. Alabama. per pale of the first and second, in

Mattie Middleton, Talledega. the dexter a fox's head with riding
Same Arms as Robert Middleton, crop in bend ppr., in the sinister a
Westmoreland Co., Va. cherub's head of the first.
MILBANK. Connecticut.
CREST— A horse's head erased, bri-
dled and reined of the first.
Mrs. J.
M. Milbank, Greenfield Hill,
MOTTO — Dum vivimus vivamus.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
ols, Stratford, Conn.
MILLS. New York.
Ogden Mills, Esq., New York.
MILBURN. Massachusetts. For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
William Milburn, Boston, 1693. ols, Stratford, Conn.
Sable, on a bend between two leop- MILLS. New York.
ards' heads or, three crosses pattee Ogden Mills, Jr., Esq., New
of the field; on a chief argent as For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
many escallops of the field. ols, Stratford, Conn.

MILNE. Pennsylvania. CREST— A cross-crosslet fitchee
David Milne, Philadelphia, 1827. gules.
(Aberdeen.) MOTTO— Spero meliora.
Or, a cross moline azure,
ovalways of the field, between three MOFFETT. New York.
mullets sable, all within a bordure John Fletcher Moffett, Esq., Water-
wavy of the second. town.
CREST— A galley with oars erect, in Same Arms as Joseph Moffett, Brin-
saltire ppr. field, Mass.
MOTTO— Dat cura commodum.
MONTAGUE. Virginia.
MILNE. Pennsylvania. Peter Montague, Virginia, 1621.
David Milne, Esq., Philadelphia. (Boveney, Buckinghamshire.)
Same Arms as David Milne, Phila- Argent, three fusils in fesse gules,
delphia. between as many pellets.
CREST— A griffin's head couped,
MILNER. Massachusetts. wings elevated or.
Michael Milner, Lynn, 1640. MOTTO— Disponendo me, non mu-
(Pudsey, Co. Kent.) tando me.
Sable, three snaffle-bits or.
CRESTS— (i) A snaffle-bit of the MONTAGUE. Maine. '^ *^^*^
shield. (2) A horse's head, couped Richard Montague, 1646.
argent bridled and maned or, charged (Buckingham.)
on the neck with a bezant. Argent, three fusils, conjoined in
MOTTO—Addit frena feris. fesse gules between three pellets.
CREST— A griffin's head erased sa-
MILNER. Virginia. ble.
Col. Thomas Milner, Nansemond Co., MOTTOES— (i) Disponendo me,
1675- non mutando me. (2) Aequitas ac-
(Yorkshire.) tionum regula.
Per pale or and sable, a chevron
between three horses' bits counter- MONTGOMERY. New Jersey.
changed. Hugh Montgomery, 1680.
CREST— A horse's head couped ar- (Brigend, Scotland.)
gent bridled and maned or charged Quartered — ist and 4th: Azure, three
on the neck with a bezant between fleurs-de-lis or, for Montgomery. 2d
two wings or. and 3d: Gules, three annulets or,
MOTTO—Addit frena feris. stoned azure for Eglinton. All with-
in a bordure or, charged with a tres-
MINER. Connecticut. sure, flory counterflory gules for
Thomas Miner, New London, Seton.
(Stafford. Confirmed 1606.) cubit arm vambraced and
Gules, a fesse argent between three embowed, grasping in its hand a
plates. broken spear, all ppr.
CREST— A mailed hand holding a MOTTO— Gardez bien.
battle-axe armed at both ends ppr.
MOTTO— Spero ut fidelis. MONTGOMERY. Pennsylvania.
(Lainshaw, Scotland.)
MINER. Pennsylvania. —
Quarterly ist and 4th: Quarterly
Charles Abbott Miner, Esq., Wilkes- quartered, ist and 4th: Azure, a bend
barre. between six crosses-crosslets, fitchee
Same Arms as Thomas Miner, New or, for Mar. 2d and 3d Gules, a :

London, Conn. fret or, for Lyle. 2d and 3d grand

quartered: Argent, on a fesse azure,
MOFFETT. Massachusetts. three stars of the first for Mure. En
Joseph Moffet, Brinfield, 1762. surtout —quarterly— ist and 4th:
(Annandale, Scot.) Azure, three fleurs-de-lis or for
Argent, a saltire azure, a chief gules. Montgomery. 2d and 3d: Gules,

three rings or, gemmed azure for or, in chief aman's heart ppr. within
Eglinton. a fetterlock sable. The whole sur-
CREST— A cock rising ppr. rounded with an oak wreath ppr.
MOTTOES— (i) Gardez bien. (2) acorned or.

An I may. CREST Two hands conjoined grasp-
ing a two-handed sword ppr.
MONTGOMERY. New Hampshire. MOTTO— Auxilio Dei.
Hugh Montgomery, Londonderry,
1719. MOREHEAD. Texas.
(Down.) Hon, Charles R. Morehead, El Paso.
Azure, three fleurs-de-lis or. Same Arms as Charles Morehead,
CREST— Out of a cap of mainte- Virginia.
nance an arm in armor erect, grasp-
ing a sword. MOREHEAD. New York.
James Turner Morehead, Esq., New
MOODY. Massachusetts. York.
Henry Moody, Boston, 1662. Same Arms as Charles Morehead,
(Wiltshire.) Virginia.
Vert, a fesse engrailed argent sur-
mounted of another gules, between MOREHEAD. North Carolina.
three harpies of the second crined or. Joseph M. Morehead, Greensboro.
Same Arms as Charles Morehead,
MOODY. New York. Virginia.
William Moody, Esq., New York.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich- MOREHEAD. North Carolina.
James Turner Morehead, Esq.,
ols, Stratford, Conn.
MOODY. New York. Same Arms as Charles Morehead,
John Moody, Esq., New York. Virginia.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
ols, Stratford, Conn. MORGAN. Massachusetts and Connec-
MOONEY. Virginia. Capt. Miles Morgan, 1630.
James Mooney, Prince William Co., (Glamorgan.)
1740. Or, a segreant sable.
(Meath.) reindeer's head couped
Argent, a holly tree eradicated vert, or, attired gules.
thereon a lizard passant or, a border MOTTO— Onward and upward.
compony counter-compony of the
first and second. MORGAN. Connecticut.
CREST—A holly tree eradicated Henry Churchill Morgan, Esq., Hart-
vert. ford.
Same Arms as Capt. Miles Morgan.
MOORE. South Carolina.
James Moore, Charleston, Governor MORGAN. Long Island.
of South Carolina, 1700. Charles Morgan, Flushing, 1683.
Argent, a moorcock sable combed (Monmouth.)
and wattled gules. Vert, a lion rampant or.
CREST— On a tuft of grass vert a CREST —Areindeer's head cabossed
moorcock sable combed and wattled ppr.
gules. MOTTO—Dum spiro spero.
MOTTO— Nihil utile quod non hones-
tum. . MORGAN. Massachusetts.
James Morgan, Boston, 1636.
MOREHEAD. Virginia. (Monmouth.)
Charles Morehead, Northern Neck of Vert, a lion rampant or.
Virginia, 1630. CREST— A reindeer's head cabossed
Argent, on a bend azure three acorns MOTTO—Vmcit qui partitur.

MORGAN. New Jersey. MORRIS. Pennsylvania.
Monmouth Co., Anthony Morris, Philadelphia, 1695.
Charles Morgan,
1685. (Cardigan.)
(Newport, Wales.) Sable, a lion passant between three
scaling ladders or.
Or, a griffin segreant
sable, wings

MOTTO Proprium Deus et patrium,
CREST— A stag's head couped or,
attired gules.
MORRIS. Pennsylvania.
Herbert Morris, Esq., Johnstown.
MORGAN. Maryland. Same Arms as Anthony Morris,
John H. Morgan, Esq., Baltimore. Philadelphia, Pa.
Same Arms as Charles Morgan, Mon-
mouth Co., New Jersey. MORRIS. New York.
Robert Clark Morris, Esq., New
MORGAN. New York. York.
John Pierpont Morgan, Esq., New Same Arms as Thomas Morris, Con-
York. necticut.
Same Arms as Capt. Miles Morgan,
Springfield, Mass. MORSE. Massachusetts.
Samuel Morse, Dedham, 1635.
MORGAN. New York.
Argent, a battle-axe in pale ppr. be-
James Henry Morgan, Esq., Brook- tween three
lyn. battle-axes in saltire
Same Arms as James Morgan, Bos-
ppr. banded with a chaplet of roses.
ton, Mass. —
MOTTO In Deo non armis fido.
MORIARTY. Connecticut.
MORSE. New York.
Lieut. Ambrose Irving Monarty, Waldo Grant Morse, Esq., Yonkers.
U.S.A., Putnam. Same Arms as Samuel Morse, Ded-
Argent, an eagle displayed sable.
CREST—An arm embowed in armor ham, Mass.
holding a dagger, the blade environed MORTEN. Ohio.
with a serpent Cmcm-
Henry Morten, Walnut Hills,
MORLEY. Montana. nati,
Mabel C. Morley, Butte. (Amersham, Middlesex.)
For Arms see John Pettibone, Wind- Argent, three roses gules, stalked and
Conn. leaved vert.

MORRIS. New York. MORTIMER. New York.

Lewis Morris, New York, 1697. John Mortimer, New
York, 1819.
(Monmouth.) (Cleckheaton, York.)
— ist and 4th: Gules, a Hon Barry of six or and azure, on a chief
reguardant or. 2d and 3d: Argent) of the first two pellets between two
three torteaux. base esquierres of the second, over
CREST—A castle in flames ppr. all an inescutcheon argent.
MOTTO— Tandem vincitur. CREST— Out of a ducal coronet a
plume of feathers.
MORRIS. Connecticut.
Thomas Morris, 1637. MORTON. Massachusetts.
(Wales.) George Morton, Plymouth, 1623.

Quarterly ist and 4th: Gules, a lion (Yorkshire.)
rampant, guardant or. 2d and 3d :
Quarterly gules and ermine, in sin-
Argent, three boars' heads couped ister chief and dexter base a goat's
sable. head.
CREST— A lion rampant guardant,
or. MORYSON. Virginia.
MOTTOES— (i) Gwell Angau na Major Richard Moryson, Point Com-
chwlydd. (2) Marte et mare faven- fort, 1638.
tibus. Argent, on a cross sable, five fleurs-

de-Iis or, in the dexter quarter a MUMFORD. Massachusetts.
martlet azure. James Gregory Mumford, M.D., Bos-
MOSELEY. Massachusetts. Same Arms as Thomas Mumford,
Henry Moseley, Dorchester, 1645. Rhode Island.
Sable, a chevron argent between MUNN. Connecticut.
three mill-picks or. Benjamin Munn, Hartford, 1637.
CREST— An eagle displayed, ermine.
Per chevron sable and or, in chief
MOTTO— Mos legem regit.
three bezants and in base a castle
triple-towered of the first.
MOSELEY. Massachusetts.
CREST —A dexter arm in armor,
John Moseley, Mattapan, 1635. holding a lion's gamb erased ppr.
MOTTO— Omnia vincit Veritas.

Sable, a chevron between three mill-

MUNROE. New York.
picks argent.
Henry Munroe, New York, 1757.
(Fowlis, Scotland.)
MOTT. Massachusetts.
Or, an eagle's head erased gules.
Adam Mott, Hingham, 1636; Ports- CREST— An eagle displayed. In his
mouth, R. L, 1638. beak a laurel sprig ppr.
(Essex.) MOTTO— Dread God.
Sable, a crescent argent.
CREST— An estoile of eight points MUNSELL. Connecticut.
argent. Jacob Munsell, Windsor.
MOULTON. Massachusetts. Argent, a chevron between three
Robert Moulton, Salem, 1629. maunches
(Devonshire.) CREST—A cap of maintenance in
Per pale argent and ermine, three flames at the top, ppr.
bars gules. MOTTO— Quod vult, valde vult.
CREST—A cubit arm
vested erect,
gules, cuffed ermine, holding in the MURPHY. Ohio.
hand ppr. a chaplet of roses of the Hugh Murphy, Highland Co., 1782.
first, leaved vert. (Dublin.)
Quarterly argent and gules, four
MOUNTFORT. Massachusetts. lions rampant counterchanged, on a
Edmund Mountford, Boston, 1656. fesse sable, three garbs or.
Bendy of ten, or and azure. MURPHY. Massachusetts.
lion's head erased. Thomas Murphy, Boston, 1833.
(2)A plume of five feathers. (Leinster.)
Argent, an apple tree eradicated
MUIRHEAD. New fructed ppr. on a chief vert a lion
passant or.
John Muirhead, Pennington,
1713. —
CREST On a chapeau gules turned
Argent, on a bend azure three acorns up ermine, a lion rampant also gules,
or. holding between the paws a garb or,
CREST— Two hands supporting a motto over, Vincere vel mori.
sword erect in pale ppr. MOTTO— Fortis et hospitalis.
MOTTO— Auxilio Deo. NEILSON. Long Island.
Mrs. Albert Neilson, Bayville.
MUMFORD. Rhode Island. For Arms see Valentine HoIIings-
Thomas Mumford, 1692. worth, Cecil Co., Md.
Or, semee of cross-crosslets a lion
rampant azure. NESBIT. New Jersey.
CREST— A demi-cat guardant ppr. James Nesbit, Woodbridge, 1685.
MOTTO— Non inferiora secutus. (Loudoun, Scotland.)

Argent, three boars* heads erased NICHOLS. Connecticut.
within a bordure sable. Walter Burroughs Nichols, Esq.,
CREST—A boar's head as in the Bridgeport.
Arms. Descended in four lines from Sergt.
MOTTO—His fortibus arma. Francis Nichols, of Stratford, and in
double line from Andrew Ward, of
NEVIUS. New York. Fairfield.
Joannes Nevius, New York, 1651.
(Holland.) NICHOLS. Connecticut.
Argent, a tree trunk, a branch sprout- Mrs. Walter Burroughs Nichols,
ing on the dexter side, a chief gules. Bridgeport.
CREST—A tree as in the Arms. Descended in two lines from Sergt.
Francis Nichols, of Stratford, and in
NEWHALL. Massachusetts. double line from Andrew Ward, of
Thomas Newhall, Lynn, 1630. Fairfield.
Azure, three plates or, on each an
ermine spot sable. NICHOLS. Connecticut.
CREST— A cross-crosslet fitchee Miss Elizabeth Howard Nichols,
azure. Shelton.
MOTTO—Diligentia ditat. For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
ols, Stratford, Conn.
NEWHALL. Massachusetts.
Charles L. Newhall, Esq., South- NICHOLS. Connecticut.
bridge. William Jefferson Nichols, Esq.,
Same Arms as Thomas Newhall, Bridgeport.
Lynn. Descended in two lines from Sergt.
Francis Nichols, of Stratford. For
NICHOLAS. Virginia. quartering see Andrew Ward, of
Dr. George Nicholas, 1722. Fairfield.
Azure, a chevron engrailed between NICHOLS. Connecticut.
three owls or. Miss Frances Serena Nichols, Bridge-

CREST On a chapeau azure turned port.
up ermine, an owl with wings ex- For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
panded or. ols,of Stratford. For quartering see
MOTTO— Comme je trouve. Andrew Ward, of Fairfield.
NICHOLAS. Maryland. NICHOLS. Connecticut.
Robert Carter Nicholas, Esq., Balti- Mrs. Lorenzo Burr Nichols, Nichols.
more. For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
Same Arms as Dr. George Nicholas, ols, of Stratford. For quartering see
Virginia. Andrew Ward, of Fairfield.

NICHOLS. Connecticut. NICHOLS. Connecticut.

Sergt. Francis Nichols, Stratford, Horace Nichols, Esq., Nichols.
Original Proprietor, 1639. Same Arms as Sergt. Francis Nich-
(London and Ampthill Great Court, ols, of Stratford. For quartering see
Bedfordshire. Descended on distaflf Andrew Ward, of Fairfield.
side from King Robert Bruce.)
Azure, a fesse between three lions' NICHOLS. Connecticut.
heads erased or. Miss Susan Warner Nichols, Green-
CREST— A tiger sejant ermine. field Hill, Fairfield.
MOTTO— Illi cedunt. For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
of Stratford. For quartering see
NICHOLLS. New York. Andrew Ward, of Fairfield.
Rev. Dr. George Huntington Nich-
olls, Hoosick Falls. NICHOLS. Connecticut.
Same Arms as Sergt. Francis Nich- Frederick C. Nichols, Esq., Bridge-
ols, Stratford, Conn. port.

Same Arms as Sergt. Francis Nich- NICHOLS. New Jersey. )'
ols, Stratford, Conn. Edward Livingston Nichols, Esq.,
NICHOLS. Connecticut. Same Arms as Sergt. Francis Nich-
Miss Mary F. Nichols, Trumbull, ols, Stratford, Conn.
Fairfield Co.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich- NICHOLS. California.

ols, of Stratford, and Andrew Ward,

The Right Rev. William Ford Nich-
of Fairfield. ols, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of Califor-
NICHOLS. New York. Same Arms as Sergt. Francis Nich-
Rev. Charles Wilbur de Lyon Nich- ols, Stratford, Conn.
ols, New York. NICHOLSON. South Carolina.
Descended in three lines from Sergt. Francis Nicholson, Captain-General
Francis Nichols, of Stratford, and in of South Carolina, 1719-28.
three lines from Andrew Ward, of
Conn. For Arms and (Downham Park, Yorkshire. Grant-
Fairfield, ed 1693.)
Quartering which see. Azure, on a cross argent, between
four suns ppr. a cathedral gules.
NICHOLS. New York.
CREST—A demi-man habited in a
Albert Bulkley Nichols, Esq., New close coat azure, buttons and cufifs,
York. turned up or, face and hands ppr.,
Same Arms as Sergt. Francis Nich-
armed with a headpiece and gorget
of Stratford. For quartering see
argent. In dexter hand a sword erect
Andrew Ward, of Fairfield.
ppr. hilt and pommel of the second,
in sinister an open Bible, clasps ar-
NICHOLS. New York.
Starr Hoyt Nichols, Esq., New
York. MOTTO—Deus mihi sol.
Same Arras as Sergt. Francis Nich-
ols, Stratford, Conn. For quartering NICHOLSON. Virginia.
see Andrew Ward, of Fairfield. Robert Nicholson, Charles City, 1655.
Same Arms as Nicholson of South
NICHOLS. New York. Carolina.
Romaine C. Nichols, Esq., New York.
Same Arms as Sergt. Francis Nich- NICHOLSON. New York.
ols, Stratford, Conn. James Nicholson, New York, 1814.
Erminois, on a pale sable, three mart-
NICHOLS. New York. lets or.
Miss Henrietta Nichols, York. New CREST— A demi-lion issuing from a
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich- triple-turreted castle, all ppr.
ols, Stratford, Conn.
MOTTO— Generositate.

NICHOLSON. Maryland.
NICHOLS. New York. William Nicholson, Kent Co.
Washington Romaine Nichols, Esq., ( Berwick-on-Tweed. )
New York.
Erminois, on a pale sable, three mart-
Same Arms as Sergt. Francis Nich- lets or.
ols, Stratford, Conn. CREST—A demi-lion issuing from a
triple-turreted castle, all ppr.
NICHOLS. New York. MOTTO— Generositate.
George Livingston Nichols, Esq.,
New York. NICOLL. New York.
Same Arms as Sergt. Francis Nich- John Nicoll, Orange Co., 1734.
ols, Stratford, Conn. (Edinburgh.)
Or, a lion's head, between three
NICHOLS. New York. hawks' heads all erased gules within
Acosta Nichols, Esq., New York. a bordure of the last
Same Arms as Sergt. Francis Nich- CREST—A sun splendant or.
ols, Stratford, Conn. MOTTO— Sublimiora peto.
NICOLL. Long Island. NOYES. Massachusetts.
Matthias Nicoll, Cowneck, 1664. Nicholas Noyes, Boston, 1634.
( Northamptonshire. ) (Sussex.)
Azure, a fesse between three lions' Azure, three crosses-crosslet in bend
heads erased or. argent.
CREST—A lion sejant or. —
CREST On a chapeau gules turned
up ermine a dove close argent, in the
NORMANDIE Delaware. beak an olive branch vert.
MOTTO— Nuncia
Andre de Normandie, Bristol, 1708. pacis oliva.
Argent, a fesse gules between three NYE. Massachusetts.
martlets sable in chief, and three Benjamin Nye, Falmouth, 1640.
blackbirds of the last, two and one, Azure, three crosses-crosslet in bend
in base three bezants. argent.
CREST— A plume of three ostrich CREST— A dove or, in the beak a
feathers ppr. sprig of laurel vert.
MOTTO— Nuncia pacis oliva.
NORRIS. Pennsylvania.
Isaac Norris, Philadelphia, 1671-1735. NYE. New York.
Charles Freeman Nye, Esq., Cham-
Argent, on a chevron gules between plain.
three falcons' heads erased sable a Same Arms as Benjamin Nye, of Fal-
mullet or. mouth, Mass.

CREST A falcon's head erased or.

MOTTO Ubique patriam reminisci. OAKLEY. New York.
E. Benedict Oakley, Esq., New York.
NORRIS. Pennsylvania. Argent, on a fesse between three
Isaac Norris, Esq., Bryn Mawr. crescents gules, as many fleurs-de-lis
Same as Isaac Norris, of Phil-
dexter arm embowed in
armor ppr., in the hand a scimitar,
NORTON. Connecticut. pommel and hilt or.

John Norton, Branford, 1646. —

ODELL. Massachusetts,
a bend vair over
William Odell, Concord, 1640.
Gules, a fret argent ;
Argent, three crescents gules.
CREST— A griffin, sejeant, proper,

CREST An eagle displayed gules.
winged gules, beak and forelegs or.
ODELL. New York.
William Odell, Rye, i66r.
NOURSE. Virginia. Same Arms as Odell of Massachu-
James Nourse, Charleston, 1769. setts.
Gules, a fesse between two chevron- ODELL. New Jersey.
els argent.

CREST An arm embowed vested Jonathan Odell, Burlington, 1767.
Or, three crescents gules.
azure, cuffed argent the hand ppt. —
CREST An eagle displayed gules.
holding a snake vert, entwined MOTTO— Ne quid nimis.
around the arm.
O'DONNELL. Maryland.
NOYES. Connecticut. Gen. C. O'Donnell.
James Noyes, Newbury, 1634. (Ulster.)
(Wiltshire.) Sable, two lions rampant supporting
Azure, three cross-crosslets in bend a sinister hand, between three mul-
argent. lets argent.

CREST On a chapeau gules turned CREST—Out of a ducal coronet or,
up ermine, a dove, holding in the a dexter arm embowed holding a
beak an olive branch ppr. javelin ppr.
MOTTO — Nuncia pacis oliva. MOTTO — In hoc signo vinces.

O'DONNELL. Washington, D. C. OSGOOD. Massachusetts.
John Charles O'Donnell, Esq., Wash- George Laurie Osgood, Esq., Brook-
ington. line.
Same Arms Gen. as Columbus Same Arms as Capt. John Osgood,
O'Donnell, Maryland. Andover.

OGDEN. Massachusetts. OTIS. Massachusetts.

John and Richard Ogden, Boston, John Otis, Hingham, 1635.

Gyronny of eight argent and gules. Argent, a saltire engrailed, between
four cross-crosslets fitchee azure.
In the dexter gyron argent in chief,
an oak branch fructed ppr.

CREST An arm embowed vested

CREST An oak tree ppr. a lion gules the hand holding a laurel
rampant against it.

MOTTO— Et si ostendo non j'acto.

OTIS. Illinois.
William Augustus Otis, Esq., Win-
OLIVER. Massachusetts.
Thomas Oliver, Boston, 1632. Same Arms as Hingham,
John Otis,
(Bristol.) Mass.
Argent, a hand and arm, issuing out
of clouds, on the sinister side fesse- OTIS. Illinois.
ways, and grasping a dexter hand Ephraim Allen Otis, Esq., Chicago.
couped at the wrist; all ppr. Same Arms as John Otis, Hingham,
CREST—A martlet argent in the Mass.
beak a sprig vert.
OVERTON. New York.
ONDERDONK. Delaware. Isaac Overton, 1658.
Adrian Van der Donk, New Castle, Azure, a bend within a bordure or.

CREST On a chapeau a martlet
Argent, a lion rampant sable. sable.
CREST— A Royal helmet ppr.
wreathed argent and sable. OVERTON. California.
Capt. Gilbert Edmond Overton,
ORME. Pennsylvania. U.S.A., Los Angeles.
Same Arms as Isaac Overton, New
John Orme, Montgomery Co., 1720.
Argent, a chevron between three es- OWEN. Pennsylvania.
callops gules.
Thomas Owen, Pittsburg, 1798.
dolphin azure, finned or, (Flintshire.)
in the mouth a spear.
Or, an anchor in fesse sable between
MOTTO— Fortis et fidelis.
two lions passant gules.
ORMSBY. Pennsylvania. i} OWSLEY. Virginia.
John Ormsby, Pittsburg, 1752. Capt. Thomas Owsley, Stafford Co.,
(Lincoln.) 1690.
Gules, a bend between six crosses- Or, a chevron sable between three
crosslet fitchee or. holly leaves vert; on a chief of the
CREST — An arm couped at the el- second a lion passant or, between two
bov^rvested sable holding in the hand fleurs-de-lis argent.
a leg in armor couped at the thigh CREST — A demi-lion rampant or,
all ppr. holding between the paws a branch

of holly vert.
OSGOOD. Massachusetts. MOTTO— Antiques restituatur honor.
Capt. John Osgood, Andover, 1630.
Argent, three garbs within a tressure OWSLEY. Illinois.
flory counterflory gules. Harry Bryan Owsley, Esq., Chicago.
CREST— A lion rampant gules hold- Same Arms as Capt. Thomas Ows-
ing in the paws a garb of the last. ley, Stafford Co., Va.

with five bezants, saltier-
OWSLEY. Illinois.
Heaton Owsley, Esq., Chicago.
Same Arms as Capt. Thomas Ows-
ley, Stafford Co., Va. PAINE. Massachusetts.
William Paine, Ipswich, 1635.

OXENBRIDGE. Massachusetts. (Suffolk.)

on a
Rev. John Oxenbridge, Boston, itOQ. Paly of six argent and vert,
chief azure three garbs or.
(Northampton.) .

Gules, a rampant argent tail

lion CREST—A lion rampant ppr. sup-
sheaf or.
double-queued vert; on a bordure
of porting a wheat
the last eight escallops or.
CREST— A demi-lion rampant tail PALMES. Connecticut.
Guy and Edward Palmes, New
and Lon-
double-queued argent langued
armed holding in the dexter
gules, don, 1658.
paw an escallop or. (Yorkshire.)
fleurs-de-lis argent, a
Gules, three
PADDY. Massachusetts. chief vair. . . ,. 1

William Paddy, Plymouth, 1635. CREST— A hand holding a palm

(London. Granted 1591) branch ppr.
, .

Sable, an inescutcheon
ermine be- palma Justus.
tween four lions rampant argent.
CREST—On a chapeau gules turned PARKER. Virginia.
up ermine a lion passant argent. Grove,
Capt. George Parker, Poplar
Accomac Co., 1654.
PADEN. Alabama.
Sable, a stag's head cabossed
Anna D. Paden, Gadsden. two flaunches argent.
For Arms see John Peden, of bouth
CREST— A cubit arm erect couped
Carolina. below the elbow sleeved azure, cuffed
and slashed argent, in the hand
PAGE. Virginia.
stag's attire gules.
John Page, Williamsburg, 1627-92. MOTTO— Fideli certa merces.
Or, a fesse dancette between
martlets azure within a bordure
of PARKER. Pennsylvania.
Thomas Parker, Pittsburg, 1849.
the last.
CREST— A demi-horse per pale dan- (Warwickshire.)
Ermine an anchor azure,
cette or and azure. '

MOTTO— three escallops gules on a chief wavy

Spe labor levis.
of the second, a naval coronet
PAGE. Pennsylvania.
Benjamin Page, Pittsburg, 1811. PARKER. New Jersey.
New Xj
Parker, Esq., \^
(Norwich, Norfolk.) Neilson_ Taylor
Or, a chevron between three Brunswick.
lets sable. Sable, a buck passant argent
three pheons or, within a bordure
PAGE. Pennsylvania. .
grailed of the second pellettee.
Samuel Davis Page, Esq., CREST— A cubit arm erect habited
phia. cuff argent, the hand ppr..
,,,.11 .
Same Arms as John Page, Williams- grasping a stag's
horn gules. _

burg, Va. MOTTO— Esto quod esse videris.


PAINE. Massachusetts.
PARKER. Connecticut.

John Paine, Boston, 1660. William Parker, Hartford, 1635.

(Leicester.) a
on a fesse engrailed gules Argent, three bucks trippant ppr.;
Argent, chief azure.
between three martlets sable as many
CREST— A buck's head couped, m

mascles or; all within a bordure en-

the mouth an acorn ppr.
grailed of the second bezantee. —
MOTTO Fideli certa merces.
CREST—A wolfs head erased azure
PARMELE. Connecticut. PEABODY. Pennsylvania.
John Parmele, Guilford, 1639. George Edward Peabody, Esq., Phil-
Gules, two bars wavy argent, in chief adelphia.
three mullets of six points or. Same Arms as Lieut. Francis Pea-
CREST— A covered cup or between body, Topsfield, Mass.
two wings sable, each charged with
a mullet of the third. PEABODY. New York.
MOTTO— Beatus qui patitur, Charles Peabody, Esq., New York.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
PARSONS. Massachusetts. ols, Stratford, Conn. For quartering
Joseph Parsons, Springfield, 1636. see Andrew Ward, of Fairfield.
(Gt. Torrington, Essex.)
Gules, two chevronels ermine, be-
PEABODY. New York.
tween three eagles displayed or, George Foster Peabody, Esq., New
CREST— An eagle's leg erased at the York.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
thigh or, standing on a leopard's face
ols, Stratford, Conn. For quartering
see Andrew Ward, of Fairfield.
PARSONS. Massachusetts. PEABODY. New Jersey.
Benjamin Parsons, Springfield, 1636. Royal Peabody, Esq., Englewood.
(Sandford, Oxfordshire.) For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
Azure, two swords in saltire argent, ols, Stratford, Conn.
hilts and pomels or, pierced through
a human heart ppr. in chief a cinque- PEACHEY. Virginia.
foil azure. Samuel Peachey, Richmond Co.,
CREST—A tower argent. 1659-
(Milden Hall, Suffolk.)
PAYNE. Virginia. Azure, a lion rampant double queued
William Payne, Lynchburg, circa ermine, ducally crowned or, a canton
1630. of the last charged with a mullet
Gules, a fesse between two lions pas- pierced gules.
sant argent. CREST— A demi-lion double queued
CREST— A lion's gamb couped ar- ermine, holding in the dexter paw a
gent grasping a broken tilting lance, sword, point upwards.
spear end pendent gules.
MOTTO— Halo mori quam foedari. PEARSON. Virginia.
Simon Pearson, Overwharton Parish,
PAYNE. Virginia. Stafford Co., 1733.
John Payne, Leedstown, circa 1630. Per fesse embattled azure and gules
Same Arms as William Payne, three suns or.
Lynchburg. PECK. Massachusetts.
PEABODY. Joseph Peck, Hingham, 1638,
( Yorkshire. )
Lieut. Francis Peabody, Topsfield.
Argent, on a chevron gules three
(St. Albans.) crosses formee of the field.
Per fesse nebijly gules and azure in CREST— Two lances or in saltire
chief two suns in splendor, and a
argent pennons hanging to them or,
garb in base or. each charged with a cross formee
CREST— An eagle rising or.
MOTTO— Murus aereus conscientia
gules, the spears enfiled with a chap-
let vert.
MOTTO— Crux Christi salus mea.

PEABODY. New York. PECK. Connecticut.

Lincoln Rea Peabody, Esq., New Joseph Peck, Milford, 1635.
York. Or, on a chevron gules three crosses
Same Arms as Lieut. Francis Pea- formee of the field.
body, Topsfield, Mass. CREST— Two lances in saltire or.
headed argent, pennons hanging to PEIRCE. Massachusetts.
them of the first, each charged with John Watertown, 1638.
a cross formee gules, the lances en- (Norwich.)
filed with a chaplet vert. Argent, a fesse humettee gules be-

MOTTO Crux Christi salus mea. tween three ravens rising sable.
CREST— A dove with an olive branch
PECK. Connecticut. in its beak.

Eugene Benjamin Peck, Esq., Bridge-

MOTTO— Dixit et fecit.

Same Arms as Joseph Peck, of Mil- PELHAM. Massachusetts.
ford. Herbert Pelham, Cambridge, 1638.
PECK. New York. Azure, three pelicans argent vulning
themselves ppr.
William Emerson Peck, Esq., New —
CREST A peacock in his pride.
Same Arms as Joseph Peck, Milford, MOTTO—Vincit amor patriae.
PELL. New York.
Thomas Pell, New York, 1666.
PEDEN. South Carolina.
(Lincoln. Granted 1594.)
John Peden, 1768. Ermine on a canton azure a pelican
( Bally mena, Co. Antrim.)
or, vulning herself gules.
Argent, a bend between three cres- CREST— On a chaplet vert, flowered
cents sable flammant ppr. vulned
or, a pelican of the last,
CREST— A tower or, flammant ppr. MOTTOES— (i) Deus Amicus.
MOTTO— Faithful and true.
Mea spes est in Deo.

PEDEN. Texas. PELL. New York.

David Dantzler Peden, Esq., Hous- Samuel New York, 1673.
Argent, a bend between two mullets
Same Arms as John Peden, South sable.
Carolina. CREST— On a mural coronet or, a
mullet pierced sable.
PEDEN. Texas.
Edward Andrew Peden, Esq., Hous- PELL. New York.
ton. Major John Pell, New York, 1669.
Same Arms as John Peden, South Ermine, on a canton azure a pelican
Carolina. or, vulned gules.
CREST— On a chaplet vert, flowered
PEDEN. Texas. or, a pelican of the last, vulned gules.
Dickey Dantzler Peden, Esq., Hous- MOTTO— Deus amici et nos.
Same Arms as John Peden, South PELL. New York.
Carolina. Howland Pell, Esq., New York.
Same Arms as Major John Pell.
PEET. Connecticut.
Charles H. Peet, Esq., Bridgeport. PELL. New York.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich- Frederick Aycrigg Pell, Esq., New
ols, Stratford, Conn. York.
Same Arms as Samuel Pell.
PEIRCE. Pennsylvania.
Edward Peirce, Philadelphia, 1737. PELLETREAU. New York.
(Co. Fermanagh.) Jean Pelletreau, New York, 1687.
Argent, a fesse humettee gules be- (France. Arms granted July 17,
tween three ravens' wings displayed IS7I-)
sable. Azure, a column in pale or, encircled
CREST— A dove with an olive branch with a serpent ppr. between two
in its beak. martlets of the second.

PEMBERTON. Massachusetts. CREST— A hen on a nest of eggs
Ebenezer Pemberton, Boston. ppr.
Argent, a chevron between three MOTTO— Fama prodamat honorem.
buckets sable.
PETERS. Massachusetts.
PENHALLOW. New Hampshire. Andrew Peters, Andover, 1657.
Samuel Penhallow, Portsmouth. (London.)
(Penhallow, Cornwall.) Gules, on a bend or, between two
Vert, a coney argent. escallops argent a Cornish chough
ppr. between two cinquefoils azure.
PENN. Pennsylvania. CREST— Two lions' heads erased
William Penn, Proprietor of Penn- and endorsed the first or, the second
sylvania. azure, gorged with a plain collar
(Bucks.) counterchanged.
Argent, on a fesse sable three plates. MOTTO— Sans Dieu rien.

CREST A demi-lion rampant ar-
gent gorged with a collar sable PETERS. New York.
charged with three plates. Rev. John Punnett Peters, New York.
MOTTO^— Dum clarum rectum tene- Same Arms as Andrew Peters, An-
am. dover, Mass.

PENNINGTON. Connecticut. PETERS. New York.

Ephraim Pennington, New Haven, William Richmond Peters, Esq., New
1643. York.
(Cumberland.) Same Arms as Andrew Peters, An-
Or, five fusils conjoined fessewise, dover, Mass.
CREST— A mountain cat passant, PETTIBONE. Connecticut.
guardant, ppr. John Pettibone, Windsor, 1664.
MOTTOES— (i) Over the Crest- (Rochelle, France.)
Under Or, a lion rampant gules, on a canton
the shield —Vincitactive.
patriae. azure, a pheon argent.
CREST— A bird argent, beaked or
PEPPER. Missouri. and langued gules.
Mrs. Ellis Samuel Pepper, St. Louis. MOTTO— Que s'estime petit devean-
For Arms see Thomas Armstrong, dre bon.
Northumberland Co., Pa.
PETTIBONE. California.
PEPPERELL. Massachusetts. Henry Pettibone, Esq., Riverside.
William Pepperell. Same Arms as John Pettibone, Wind-
(Co. Devon.) sor, Conn.
Argent, a chevron gules between
three pineapples vert on a canton of PETTUS. Virginia.
the second a fleur-de-lis of the first. Col. Thomas James City

CREST Out of a mural coronet or 1640.
Pettus, Co.,

an armed arm embowed between two (Norfolk.)

laurel branches issuing from the cor- Gules, a fesse argent between three
onet ppr. grasping a thereon a annulets or.
flag argent. demi-lion rampant ppr.
MOTTO— Over the crest, "Peperi"; langued, rising out of a ducal coro-
under the arms, Fortiter et fideliter. net, and holding a broken spear of
the first.
PEROT. Pennsylvania.
Jacques Perot, Philadelphia, 1730. PETTUS. Alabama.
France. )
( Senator Edmund Winston Pettus,
Quarterly, per fesse dancettee, ist Selma.
and 4th or a mascle azure 2d and ;
Same Arms as Col. Thomas Pettus,
3d azure, a mascle or. of Virginia.

PETTUS. Washington, D. C. PHILBRICK. Maryland.
Dr. William Jerdone Pettus, U.S.N. Freeman C. Philbrick, Esq., Balti-
Same Arms as Col. Thomas Pettus, more. (Descended from John Phil-
of Virginia. brick, Boston, Mass., 1629.)
Argent, three palmers' staves sable,
the heads, ends and rests or.
PETTUS. Virginia.
CREST— A cubit arm erect, habited
Capt. ThomasPettus, Member of the
(Grandson azure, cuffed argent, grasping in the
Virginia Council, 1640.
of Sir John Pettus, Norwich, Nor- hand ppr. a palmer's staff.
Gules, a fesse argent between three
annulets or. Vrederijck Felypsen, Philipsboro,
CRESTS— (i) Ahammer erect ar- 1693.
gent, handle or. (2) Out of a ducal (Netherlands.)
coronet or, a demi-lion argent, hold- Azure, a demi-lion rampant, rising
out of a ducal coronet argent sur-
ing a spear gules, headed of the first.
mounted by a ducal coronet or.

CREST A demi-lion rampant issu-
PEYSTER (de). New York.
ing from a French Viscount's coronet
Johannes de Peyster, New York, argent, ducally crowned or.
1652. MOTTO— Quod tibi vis fieri facias.
(Haarlem, Netherlands.)
Azure, on a terrace a tree vert. PHILLIPS.
CREST — An arm
vambraced and em- Rev. George Phillips, Watertown,
bowed. The hand ppr. holding a 1630.
sword fessewise.
MOTTO— Dum spiro spero. Azure, a lion rampant sable, ducally
gorged and chained or.
PEYTON. Virginia. CREST— A lion as in the Arms.
Major Robert Peyton, Isleham, 1679. MOTTO— Ducit amor patriae.
Sable, a cross engrailed or. PHILLIPS. Maryland.
CREST— A griffin sejant or. Mrs. William E. Phillips, Baltimore.
MOTTO— Patior, potior. For Arms see Richard Gundry, M.D.,
of Maryland.
PEYTON. Virginia.
PHIPPEN. Massachusetts.
Col. Valentine Peyton, Westmore- (Originally
land and Stafford Cos., 1654. Fitzpen.)
David Fitzpen, Hingham, 1635.
(Cadet of the Peytons of Isleham.)
Sable, a cross engrailed or, in the
second quarter a mullet argent, all Argent, two bars sable in chief three
within a bordure ermine. escallops of the second.
CREST— A griffin sejant or.
CREST— A bee volant, in pale or,
MOTTO— Patior, potior. winged vert.

PIATT. New Jersey.

PHELPS. Massachusetts.
John Trenton, 1740.
William Phelps, Dorchester, 1630. (Dauphine, France.)
(Somerset.) Azure, on a fesse argent a lion pas-
Argent, a lion rampant sable between sant, in chief three spheres argent.
six cross-crosslets fitchee, gules.
CREST— A wolf's head erased azure. PIERREPONT. Massachusetts.
MOTTO—Veritas sine timore. James Pierrepont, Ipswich, 1652.
Argent semee of cinque-foils gules a
PHELPS. New York. lion rampant sable.
Mrs. Luis James Phelps, New York. —
CREST A lion rampant sable be-
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich- tween two wings erect.
ols, Stratford, Conn. MOTTO— Pie repone te.

PIETZ. Pennsylvania. POLHEMUS. New York.
Adam Pietz, Philadelphia. Rev. Johannes Theodore Polhemus,
(Hessen Darmstadt.) New York, 1654.
Argent and gules in chief a key of (Netherlands.)
St. Peter of the second; in base a —
Quarterly ist and 4th: Azure, a lion
rock of the first. passant or; a canton of the last. 2d
CREST— A Hessian lion argent and and 3d Argent, a fesse gules between

gules armed and langued, holding in a wheel sable in chief, and a heart
the paws a key of St. Peter of the of the second in base.
second. CREST— A demi-lion holding a wheel
of the shield.
PINKERTON. Pennsylvania.
John Pinkerton, Chester Co., 1760. POLK. Texas.
(Londonderry.) Mrs. Lucius Junius Polk, Galveston.
Or, a chevron vert.
For Arms see William Cantrill,
CREST— rose gules stalked and
leaved vert. Jamestown, Va.
MOTTO— Post nubila sol.
POLLARD. Massachusetts.
PITTS. Massachusetts. William Pollard, Billerica, 1692.
Edmund Pitts, Hingham, 1640. (Warwickshire.)
Gules, a fesse counter-componee or Argent, a chevron azure between
and azure between three bezants. three escallops gules.
CREST— A stork argent, beaked and CREST—A stag trippant argent.
legged gules, resting the dexter claw
on a bezant. POLLOCK. Pennsylvania.
Charles Pollock, Northumberland Co.,
PLANK (De la Planch). Pennsylvania. Pa., 1750.
Jacques de la Planch, Berks Co.,
(Renfrew. Arms granted 1672.)
Vert, a saltire or between three bugle-
(Picardy.) horns argent stringed of the second.
Hon du
D'argent, billete de sable, au —
CREST A boar passant, quarterly or
meme, lampasse et arme de gueules, and vert, transpierced with an arrow
et un baton ausse du meme en bande,
brochant sur le tout.
MOTTO— Audacter et strenue.

PLYMPTON. Massachusetts.
Thomas Plympton, Sudbury, 1676. POLLOCK. California.
Azure, five fusils in fesse or, each Major Otis Wheeler Pollock, U.S.A.,
charged with an escallop gules. Alameda.

CREST A phoenix or, out of flames Same Arms as Charles Pollock,
ppr. Northumberland Co., Pa.


POMEROY. Massachusetts.
Gilbert Motier Plympton, Esq., New Gen. Seth Pomeroy, 1706-77.
Same Arms as Thomas Plympton, (Devon.)
Or, a lion rampant gules, holding in
\ Sudbury, Mass. the dexter paw an apple ppr. within
POINDEXTER. a bordure engrailed sable.
Gloucester lion rampant gules, hold-
George Poindexter, Co.,
1650. ing an apple ppr.
(Isle of Jersey.)
MOTTO— Virtutes fortuna comes.
Per fesse azure and
chief a or, in
dexter hand clenched ppr. cuffed of POMEROY. Ohio.
the second, in base a mullet of the George Eltweed Pomeroy, Esq., To-
first. ledo.
CREST— An esquire's helmet ppr. Same Arms as Gen. Seth. Pomeroy,
MOTTO — Nemo me impune lacessit. Massachusetts.

POOLE. Massachusetts. barrulets or, three church bells of the
Capt. Edward Poole, Weymouth, first.
1635- CREST—A portcullis argent chained
Azure, a lion rampant argent between or.
eight fleurs-de-lis. MOTTO—Vigilantia et virtute.
CREST—A stag's head cabossed
gules, the attires barry of six, or and
PORTER. Massachusetts.
azure. Alexander Sylvanus Porter, Esq.,
POOLE. New York. Same Arms as Richard Porter, Wey-
Edward Murray Poole, Esq., Ithaca. mouth.
Same Arms as Edward Poole, Wey-
mouth, Mass.
PORTER. Massachusetts.
James Otis Porter, Esq., New Bed-
POORE. Massachusetts. ford.

James Poore, Newbury, 1635.

Same Arms as Richard Porter, Wey-
.. Argent, a fesse azure between three PORTER. Pennsylvania.
mullets gules.
CREST —A tower sable masoned ar-
Hon. William Wagener Porter, Phil-
gent. Same Arms as Robert Porter, Mont-
MOTTO— Pauper non in spe.
gomery Co., Pa.
POPHAM. New York. POST. Long Island.
William Popham, Westchester Co., Richard Post, Southampton, 1640.
1 7 16.
(Hants.) Argent, on a fesse gules, a lion pas-
Argent, on a chief gules two stags* sant between two roundels of the
heads cabossed or. first between three arches with col-
CREST— A buck's head erased ppr. umns of the second.
CREST—A demi-lionppr. langued
PORTER. Pennsylvania. gules, resting his sinister paw on an
Robert Porter, Montgomery Co., arch with columns gules.
1720. MOTTO — In me mea spes omnis.
Sable, three church bells argent a POULTNEY. Virginia.
canton ermine. Richard Poultney, 1730.
CREST—A portcullis argent chained (Leicester.)
or. Argent, a fesse dancettee gules in
MOTTO—Vigilantia et virtute. chief three leopards' heads.
CREST— A leopard's head guardant,
PORTER. Connecticut. erased at the neck sable gorged with
John Porter, Windsor, 1639. a ducal coronet or.
(Felsted, Co. Essex.) MOTTO— Vis unita fortior.
Argent, on a fesse sable between two
barrulets or, three church bells of the POULTNEY. Maryland.
first. Thomas Poultney, 1730.
CREST—A portcullis ppr.—chained (Leicester.)
or. Same Arms as Poultney of Virginia.
MOTTO—Vigilantia et virtute.
POWELL. Pennsylvania.
PORTER. Connecticut. W. Bleddyn Powell, Philadelphia.
George S. Porter, Esq., Norwich. (Brecknock.)
Same Arms as John Porter, of Wind- Descended from Bleddyn-Ap-Maen-
sor. yrch. Lord of Brecon, temp. Wil-
liam II.
PORTER. Massachusetts. Sable, a chevron between three spear-
Richard Porter, Weymouth, 1635. heads or, embrued gules.
Argent, on a fesse sable between two MOTTO—Hwy Pery Clod Nocolod.

PRATT. Massachusetts. PRESTON. Virginia.
Lieut. William and John Pratt, Cam- John Preston, Staunton, 1735.
bridge, 1632. (Londonderry.)
(Ryston Hall, Norfolk.) Ermines on a chief argent, three
Argent on a chevron sable three mas- crescents gules.
cles or between three ogresses, each CREST—A crescent or, between two
charged with a martlet. wings inverted sable.
CREST— A wolf's head. MOTTO— Sui ipsius praemium.
MOTTO— Rident florentia prata.

PRESTON. Maryland.
PRATT. Rhode Island.
John Fisher Preston, Esq., Baltimore.
John Pratt, Bristol, 1735. Argent, three unicorns' heads erased
(Norfolk.) sable.
Sable, on a fesse between three ele- CREST— Out of a ducal coronet a
phants' heads erased argent, as many unicorn's head ppr.
mullets of the first. MOTTO— Praesto ut Praestem.
CREST— An elephant's head erased
PRETTYMAN. Delaware.
William Prettyman, Lewes, 1662.
PRATT. New York.
Albert Church Pratt, Esq., New
Gules, a lion passant between three
mullets or.
Same Arms
as John Pratt, Bristol, CREST—Two lions' gambs erased or,
holding a mullet of the first.

PRATT. New York.

Trevor Bidwell Pratt, Esq., New PRIME. Massachusetts.
York. Mark Prime, Rowley, 1683.
For Arms see John Bidwell, Hart- Argent, a man's leg erased at the
ford, Conn. thigh sable.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
a lion's gamb, holding a tilting spear
PREBLE or PREBBLE. Massachusetts.
Abraham ppr.
Prebble, Scituate, 1636. MOTTO—Virtute et opere.
Gules on a pale or, between four
lions' heads erased argent three dia- PRINCE. Massachusetts.
monds sable. John Prince, Hull.
CREST— A lion's head erased or. (Berks. Arms granted 1584.)
Gules, a saltire or, a cross engrailed
PRENTIS. ermine over all.
York Co. CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
Per chevron or and sable, three grey- a cubit arm habited gules, cuffed er-
hounds courant and counterchanged, mine, holding in the hand ppr. three
collared gules. pineapples or, stalked and leaved vert.
CREST—A demi-greyhound ram-
pant or, collared, ringed and lined PROVOOST. New York.
sable. David Provoost, New York, 1638.
PRESCOTT. Massachusetts. Party per pale. First: Argent, three
John Prescott, Watertown, 1640. arrows, points upward, each one en-
(Shevington, Lancashire.) filed through a pierced mullet sable.
Sable, a chevron between three owls Second Azure, a bar between two

argent. chevrons or.

CREST— A vested arm, couped, erect, —
CREST An arm embowed in armor,
vested gules cuffed ermine, holding the hand ppr. grasping an arrow
in the hand a pitchpot sable fired ppr. fesseways.
MOTTO— Vincit qui patitur. MOTTO— Pro libertate.

PRUYN. New York. Same Arms as Edmund Quincy, Bos-
Frans Janszoon Pruyn, New York, ton, Mass.
RAGLAND. Virginia.
Or. three (Dutch) martlets, sable. John Ragland, Hanover Co., 1720.
CREST— A (Dutch) martlet, sable. (Monmouthshire.)
Argent, three unicorns passant in pale
unicorn statant gules,
John van S. Lansing Pruyn, Esq.,
Albany. armed, crined and unguled or.
Same Arms as Frans Janszoon Pruyn,
RAMSEY. Maryland.
New York.
Capt.James Ramsey, Baltimore, I73S-
PRYOR. New York. (Descended from Sir James de Ram-
sey, of Dalhousie, Scotland.)
Mrs. Roger A. Pryor, New York.
For Arms see Augustine Leftwich, Argent, an eagle displayed sable,
beaked and membered gules.
Virginia. CREST—A unicorn's head couped
armed or.
PUMPELLY. New York. argent,
MOTTO— Ora et labora.
Josiah Collins Pumpelly, Esq., New
York. RAMSEY. Virginia.
D'argent, chausse d'azur a un pal de William McCreery Ramsey, Esq., of
queule brochant sur le tout, charge Westover.
d'une fleur-de-lis d'or, et accoste de Same Arms as Capt. James Ramsey,
deux roses du meme, posies sur
of Baltimore, Md.
I'azur au chef d'or, charge d'une aigle
employee de sable. RAMSEY. Virginia.
Mrs. Clarise Sears Ramsey, of West-
PUREFOY or PURIFY. Virginia. over.
Lieut. Thomas Purify, Elizabeth City (Descended from Edward III.,
Co., 1635. through Kathrine, d. of John How-
(Drayton, Leicestershire.) ard, Duke of Norfolk.)
Sable, six armed hands in pairs em- For Arms see Richard Sears, of
bracing, two and one argent. Plymouth, Mass.
CREST— A dexter gauntlet or, the
inside azure, fingers grasping a bro- RANDOLPH. Virginia.
ken tilting spear of the second. Col. William Randolph, Turkey Isl-
and, 1651.
PYNCHON. Massachusetts. (Warwickshire.)
William Pynchon, Boston, 1627. Gules, on a cross argent, five mullets
(Essex.) pierced sable.
Per bend argent and sable, three —
CREST An antelope's head, couped,
roundles, within a bordure counter- holding in its mouth a stick or.
changed. MOTTO— Fari quae sentiat.
CREST—A lion's head erased argent.
RANKIN. Maryland.
QUINCY. Massachusetts. William Rankin, 1770.
Edmund Quincy, Boston, 1633. (Antrim.)
(Wigsthorpe, Northumberland.) Gules, three boars' heads erased ar-
Gules, seven mascles conjoined, three, gent, between a lance issuing out of
three and one or. the dexter base, and a Lochaber axe
CREST— A plume of three ostrich issuing out of the sinister, both erect
feathers argent. of the second.
MOTTO— Discretio moderatrix virtu- CREST— A lance argent.
tem, MOTTO— Fortiter et recte.

QUINCY. Illinois. RANKIN. New York.

Charles Frederick Quincy, Esq., Chi- Henry Rankin, New York, 1792.
cago. (Stirlingshire.)

Gules, three boars' heads erased ar- Per fesse azure and sable a castle,
gent, between a lance issuing out of with four towers in perspective or.
dexter base, and a Lochaber axe issu- —
CREST A raven's head couped sa-
ing out of sinister base, both erect of ble guttee or; in its beak an annulet
the second. gules.
CREST— A lance issuing out of a MOTTO—Laus virtutes actio.
MOTTO— Fortiter et recte. RAYMOND. New Hampshire.
William Raymond, Little Harbor,
RANKIN. New York. 1630.
Egbert G. Rankin, M.D., New York. (Essex.)
Same Arms as Henry Rankin. Sable, a chevron between three eagles
displayed argent, on a chief of the
RAPPLEJE. New York. second three martlets of the first.
Joris Jansen de Rapalie, New York, CREST—A griffin's head or, langued
1623. and ducally gorged gules.
(Rochelle, France.)
Azure, three bars or. READ. Delaware.
CREST — Issuing from a ducal coro- Col.John Read, Delaware, 1756.
net or, on a high hat of dignity azure, (Barton Court, Berk's and Shipton
three bars of the first. The hat sur- Court, Oxford.)
mounted with six ostrich feathers or Gules, a saltire between four garbs
and azure. or.
MOTTO—Willing obedience and se- CREST— On the stump of an oak
renity of mind. tree, a falcon rising ppr. belled and
jessed or. \

RASEY or RASAY. Vermont. MOTTO— Cedant arma togae.

Malcolm Rasay, Bennington, 1753.
— READ. Tennessee.
Quarterly ist Or, a mountain azure,
Samuel R. Read, Esq., Chattanooga.
inflamed ppr. 2d: Gules, the three Same Arms as Col. George Reade, of
legs of the Isle of Man armed ppr. Virginia.
conjoined in the centre at upper end
of thigh, flexed in triangle, the spurs READ. New York.
or. 3d Or, a galley, sails furled pen-
: Harmon Pumpelly Read, Esq., Al-
nons flying sable. 4th: Gules, a lion bany.
rampant argent. En surtout, an in- Same Arms as Col. John Read, Del-
escutcheon party per pale gules and aware.
sable a fesse between three fleurs-de-
lis or. READ. Maryland.
CRESTS — (i) The

sun in his splen- Col. John Read, Kinsley, 1688.

dour. (2) A demi-raven sable issu- (Dublin.)
ing from a ducal coronet. Gules, a saltire between four garbs
MOTTOES— (i) Luces non uro. (2) or.

Quocunque jeceris stabit. CREST— On the stump of a tree vert,

a falcon rising ppr. belled and jessed
RAWLE. Pennsylvania. or.
Francis Rawle, Philadelphia, 1686. MOTTO— Cedant arma togae.
Sable three swords in pale, the mid- READE. Virginia.
dlemost pointed in chief argent. Col. George Reade, Secretary of Vir-
CREST—An arm in armor embowed ginia, 1639.
hand gauntletted, grasping a Azure, guttee d'or a cross-crosslet
ppr. the
sword argent hilt or. fitchee of the last.
MOTTO— Macte virtute. CREST—A shoveller close sable.

RAWSON. Massachusetts. READE. New York.

Edward Rawson, Newbury, 1636. Lawrence Reade, Red Hook, 1700.
(Gillingham, Dorset.) (Devonshire.)

Gules on a bend nebulee argent three Argent, a fesse, fusilly gules between
shovellers azure. two barrulets sable,
CREST— A stag's head, erased ppr. CREST— A paschal lamb passant ar-
ducally gorged or. gent, staff and banner ppr.
MOTTO— Dum spire spero.
READING. New Jersey. Johann Friedrich Reichert, New
John Reading, Gloucester, 1686. York, 1720,
(London.) —
Quarterly 1st and 4th: Gules, an os-
Argent, three boars' heads couped trich argent with a horseshoe in his
sable. beak ppr. The ostrich in the ist
CREST— A griffin's head erased ar- quarter contourne. 2d and 3d: Per
gent. fesse azure and or, on a fesse argent
MOTTO— Dieu defend le droit. three mullets gules in chief a lion
rampant issuant or, royally crowned,
RENSSELAER (Van), New York. the lion in the 3d quarter contourne
Jeremias Van Renssalaer, New York, and in base three stalks of wheat.
1664. CREST— Issuing from a ducal coro-
Gules, a cross moline argent. net three stalks of wheat ppr,

CREST An iron fire basket from
which issue flames ppr. RICHARDS, Connecticut.
MOTTO— Nimand zonder. James Richards, Hartford, 1680.
RHETT. South Carolina. Same Arms as Richards of Massa-
Col. William Rhett, Receiver-General chusetts.
I 662- I 722.

Or, a cross engrailed sable. RICHARDS. Virginia.

CREST— An arm armor holding
in Rev. John Richards, Ware, Glouces-
a broken tilting spear, head of spear ter Co.
hanging downwards. Sable, a chevron between three fleurs-
MOTTO— Aut faciam, aut periam. de-lis or.
The Arms usually borne by the fam-
ily are : RICHARDSON, New York.
Sable, a fesse cotised between three Charles Richardson, New York, 1792.
martlets or, (London.)
greyhound sejant gules, Azure, a cabled anchor supported by
collared and lined or, a lion rampant or, on a chief wavy
ermine, an eastern crown of the sec-
RHODES, Rhode Island.
ond between two lions' heads erased
Simon Rhodes, Newport, 1716, sable.
(Rode, Cheshire.)
Argent, two quatrefoils slipped sable, RICHARDSON. New York.
a chief of the last. Thomas Chesley Richardson,

CREST A wolf's head couped sable, New York.

collared argent,
Or, on a fesse azure between a bull's
RICE. head couped in chief and a lymphad
in base sable, a saltire couped argent,
John Rice, Rappahannock
(Co. Kerry.)
Co., 1687. —
CREST A lion rampant argent,
holding between the paws a garland.
Descended from Sir John Rice, of
Buttevant, 1357.
MOTTO—Virtute acquiritur honos,

Quarterly ist and 4th: Per pale in-
dented argent and gules (for Rice). RICHMOND, Massachusetts.
2d and 3d: Azure, a lion rampant or John Richmond, Taunton, 1635.

(for Trevor). (Wilts.)

Argent, a cross patonce azure between
RICHARDS. Massachusetts. four mullets gules.
John Richards, Dorchester,

CREST A tilting spear argent head-
(Somerset.) ed or, broken in three parts, one piece

erect, the other two in saltire, enfiled RIJKER. New York.
with a ducal coronet of the last. Abraham Rijker, New York, 1638.
MOTTO— Resolve well and persevere. (Holland.)
Azure a rose argent between three
RICHMOND. Pennsylvania. stars or.
William Henry Richmond, Esq., CREST— A steel helmet in profile.
Richmond Hill. MOTTO— Hilariter.
Same Arms as John Richmond, of
Taunton, Mass. ROBBINS. Massachusetts.
For quartering see William Wads- Richard Robbins, Cambridge, 1652.
worth. Gules, two fleurs-de-lis each divided

paleways and fastened to the side of

RICHMOND. New York. the escutcheon, the points following
Adelbert Gillett Richmond, Esq., Can- each other or.
Same Arms
CREST— A talbot's head or.
as John Richmond,
Taunton, Mass. ROBINSON. Virginia.
RICKETTS. Beverley Robinson.
William Ricketts, Elkton, Cecil (Yorkshire.)
Vert, on a chevron argent between
three roebucks, trippant or, as many
Erminois on a chevron between three
trefoils slipped gules.
roses gules, two swords in chevron
and hilts or, their
CREST— A roebuck trippant or.
ppr., pommels
points crossing each other in saltire,
MOTTO— Propere et provide.
the dexter surmounting the sinister. ROBINSON. Maryland.
CREST— An arm embowed habited Alexander Robinson, Baltimore, 1781.
erminois, charged on the arm with (Co. Armagh.)
two roses gules, cuflFed azure, the Descended from the Barons Rokeby
hand ppr. grasping a scimitar argent, of Rokeby Park, York.
hilt and pommel or.
MOTTO— Quid verum atque decens.
Vert, on a chevron or between three
bucks trippant of the last pellettee, as
RICKETTS. Maryland. many quatrefoils gules.
John Thomas Ricketts, Cecil Co.,
CREST— A buck trippant or, pellet-
Same Arms as William Ricketts,
MOTTO— Sola in Deo salus.

Elkton, Md. ROBINSON. Kentucky.

RICKETTS. Ohio. Charles Bonnycastle Robinson, Esq.,
Dr. Benjamin Merrill Ricketts, Cin- Anchorage.
cinnati. Same Arms as Alexander Robinson,
Same Arms as William Ricketts, Baltimore.
Elkton, Md.
ROCHESTER. Virginia.
RICKETTS. Pennsylvania. Nicholas Rochester, Westmoreland
Col. Beace Ricketts, Wilkesbarre. Co., 1689.
Same Arms as William Ricketts, (Kent.)
Elkton, Md. Or, a fesse between three crescents
RIDGWAY. Pennsylvania. CREST— A crane argent.
Richard Ridgway, Philadelphia, 1679.
Sable, two wings conjoined argent. ROCKWOOD. New Jersey.

CREST A dromedary couchant ar- Charles Greene Rockwood, Esq.,
gent, maned sable, bridle and trap- Princeton.
pings or. Same Arms as Richard Rockwood,
Dorchester, Mass.
RIDGWAY. Pennsylvania.
John Jacob Ridgway, Esq., Philadel- ROCKWOOD. Massachusetts.
phia. Richard Rockwood, Dorchester, 1636.
Same Arms as Richard Ridgway. ( Suffolk. )

Argent, six chess rooks sable, three, CREST—Three ostrich feathers per
two and one. and argent.
pale, gules
CREST—A lion sejant reguardant, MOTTO— Qui plantavet curabit.
holding in the dexter paw a spear.
ROSS. Delaware.
ROGERS. Massachusetts. Rev. George Ross, M.A., Newcastle.
Nathaniel Rogers, Boston, 1636.. (Balnagowan.)
(Devonshire.) Gules, three lions rampant argent.
Argent, a chevron gules between CRESTS— (i) A
hand holding a gar-
three roebucks passant, sable, attired land of laurel ppr. (2) demi-lion A
and gorged with ducal coronets or. rampant

CREST On a mount vert, a roebuck successus alit.

passant ppr. attired and gorged with
a ducal coronet or, between two ROSS. Maine.
branches of laurel vert. Hugh Ross, Kittery, 1727.
MOTTO— Nos nostraque Deo. (Belfast, Co. Antrim.)
Within a bordure or, charged with
ROGERS. Connecticut. three leopards' faces gules, a field of
James Rogers, New London, 1635.

the second thereon as many lions
(Cornwall.) rampant argent.
Argent, a chevron between three CREST— A dexter arm in armor,
bucks trippant sable. wielding a sword ppr.
CREST—A buck as in the arms. MOTTO— Constant and true.
MOTTO—Ad astra per aspera.
ROWLAND. Pennsylvania.
ROGERS. New York. John Rowland, East Whitehead,
Henry Livingston Rogers, Esq., New Chester Co., Pa.
York. A fesse between three roundels.
Same Arms as James Rogers, New
London, Conn. ROWLAND. Pennsylvania.
Rev. Henry James Rowland, Phila-
ROLLINS. Massachusetts. delphia.
James Rawlins, Ipswich, 1632. Same Arms as John Rowland, East
Sable, three swords paleways, points Whitehead, Pa.
in chief argent, hilts and pommels or.
CREST—An arm embowed in armor,
RUGGLES. Massachusetts.
holding in the gauntlet a falchion ar-
Thomas Ruggle, Roxbury, 1637.
gent, hilt and pommel or. (Suflfolk.)
Argent, between three roses a chev-
ROLLINS. New York. ron gules.
Edward Adolphus Rollins, Esq.,

CREST A tower or, inflamed ppr.
Brooklyn. and pierced with four arrows in sal-
Same Arms as James Rawlins, Ips- tire, points downwards argent.
wich, Mass. MOTTO— Struggle.
ROOME. Rhode Island. RUGGLES. Massachusetts.
John Roome, Newport. Henry Bond Ruggles, Esq., Boston.
(Granted July 21, 1772.) Same Arms as Thomas Ruggle, Rox-
Argent, a fesse pean; in chief a lion, bury.
passant gules.
CREST— A dexter arm embowed, RUSLING. New York.
James Rusling, New York, 1795.
holding in the hand a caduceus; both
(Hull, Yorkshire.)
Quarterly azure and or, in the ist
ROOSEVELT. New York. quarter a hawk's lure and line of the
Claes Martensen Van Roosevelt, New second, for Fowler.
York, 165 1. CREST— An ostrich's head or, be-
(Holland.) tween two wings argent holding in
Argent on a mount vert, a rosebush the beak a horseshoe azure.
with three roses, ppr. MOTTO— Sapiens qui vigilat.

RUSSELL. Massachusetts. RUTHERFURD. New Jersey.
James Russell, Boston. John Rutherfurd, 1791.
(Confirmed 1820.) (Scotland.)
Argent, a chevron, between three Argent, an orle gules, and in chief
cross-crosslets, fitchee sable, an three martlets sable, beaked of the
eagle's head erased or, within a bor- second.
dure engrailed gules, charged with CREST—A martlet sable.
eight bezants. MOTTO— Nee sorte nee fato.
CREST— A demi-lion rampant argent
charged on the shoulder with a sal- RYAN. Massachusetts.
tire couped azure. Between the paws William Ryan, Boston, 1848.
a cross-crosslet fitchee, erect, sable. (Descended from James Ryan, Kil-
keyll, Tipperary.)
RUSSELL. New York. Gules, on a bend argent, six holly
Robert Howard Russell, Esq., New leaves in pairs, erect ppr.
York. CREST—A griffin's head erased or.
Argent, a lion rampant gules, on a MOTTO— Malo mori quam foedari.
chief sable three escallops of the first.
CREST demi-lion rampant gules. RYDER. New York.
MOTTO— Che sara sara. Frank Ryder, Esq., Syracuse.
For Arms see Rev. John Youngs,
RUSSELL. Massachusetts.
Southold, L. L
Richard Russell, Boston, 1650.
(Hereford.) SACKETT. Massachusetts.
Argent, a chevron between three
John Sackett, Northampton, 1632.
cross-crosslets, fitchee sable.
CREST— A demi-lion rampant col- Argent, a chevron between three mul-
lets of six points sable.
lared sable studded holding a
cross of the shield.
CREST— An eagle's head and neck
erased, or.
RUSSELL. New York. MOTTO— Aut nunquam tentes, aut
Henry Russell, M.D. (Edinburgh), perfice.
(Quebec.) SACKETT. New York.
Argent, a lion rampant gules, on a Charles Woodward Sackett, Esq.,
chief sable three escallops of the first. Addison.
CREST— A goat statant argent, at- Same Arms as John Sackett, North-
tired or. ampton, Mass.
MOTTO— Che sara sara.
SACKETT. Massachusetts.
RUTGERS. New York. Simon Sackett, Cambridge, 1631.
Hendrick Rutgers. (Ely, Cambridgeshire.)
(Holland.) Same Arms as John Sackett, North-
Argent, a lion rampant sable, de- ampton, Mass.
bruised with a bar gules charged with
a star of the field. In chief a demi- SACKETT. New York.
eagle displayed of the second. Henry Woodward Sackett, Esq., New

CREST A demi-Hercules, grasping York.
in his dexter hand a club; all ppr. Same Arms as John Sackett, North-
MOTTO— Tantes Da Dir. ampton, Mass.
RUTHERFORD. Virginia. SAGE. Connecticut.
Thomas and Robert Rutherford, David Sage, Middletown, 1652.
Frederick Co., 1743. (Wales.)
Argent, an orle gules and in chief Per pale, erminois and vert, three
three martlets sable, beaked of the fleurs-de-lis counterchanged.
second. CREST— A stag's head erased and
CREST—A martlet sable. erect ppr.
MOTTO— Nee sorte nee fato. MOTTO— Non sibi.

SALINAS. South Carolina. SAMPSON. Massachusetts.
Cristoforo G. Salinas, Beaufort, 1823. Henry Sampson, Boston, 1620.
(Descended from the noble family of (Gloucester.)
Salinas, Aragon, Spain.) Per bend or and gules, a cross flory
Gules, a saline (sun-fish) ppr. In between two escallops in bend dex-
chief a sun in its splendour or. ter, and as many billets in bend sin-
CREST—The sun as in the Arms. ister all counterchanged.
MOTTO— Sine Deo frustra. CREST—A fret or, thereon a wy-
vern's head erased gules, collared
SALINAS. Georgia. and semee of billets gold.
C.Edward Salinas, Esq., Savannah. MOTTO— Pejus letho flagitium.
Same Arms as Cristoforo G. Salinas,
Beaufort, South Carolina.
SANDELANDS. Pennsylvania.
James Sandelands, Upland, 1669.
SALISBURY. Massachusetts. (Scotland.)
Edward Salisbury, Boston, 165 1. Argent, a bend azure.
Gules, a lion rampant argent ducally
SANDERS. New York.
crowned or, between three crescents Thomas Sanders, New York, 1636.
of the last. (Surrey.)
CREST— Two lions rampant combat- Sable, a chevron ermine, between
tant argent ducally crowned or, sup- three bulls' heads cabossed argent.
porting a crescent of the last.
CREST— A demi-buU erased gules.
MOTTO— Sat est prostrasse leoni.
SANDS. Virginia.
S ALTON STALL. Massachusetts. Sir Edwin Sandys, Virginia, 1620.
Samuel Saltonstall, 1630. (Surrey.)
(Yorkshire.) Or, a fesse dancettee between three
crosses-crosslet gules.
Or, a bend between two eagles dis-
played sable.
CREST —A grifhn segreant per fesse
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or, or and gules.
a pelican's head azure, vulning her- MOTTO— Probum non poenitet.
self, gules.
SANDS. New York.
SALTONSTALL. West Virginia. Benjamin Aymar Sands, Esq., New
Andrew Hutchins Mickle York.
Esq., Berkeley Springs.
Same Arms as Sir Edwin Sandys,
Quarterly — ist and 4th: Or, a bend Virginia.
between two eaglets displayed sable
2d: Gules, a chevron
SARGENT. Massachusetts.
(Saltonstall). Peter Sargent, Boston, 1667.
between three crosses pattee fitchee,
each cantoned with four cross-cross- (London.)
Argent, a chevron, between three
lets 3d: Argent, a
argent (Mickle). sable.
bear rampant sable, a canton gules dolphins, hauriant,
CREST— A bird, wings elevated.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,' SATTERLEE. Connecticut.
an eaglet's head azure (for Salton- Capt. William Satterlee, New Lon-

MOTTO —Teneo
stall). don, 1682.
tenuere majores. Gules, a fesse ermine between three
round buckles or, points in chief.
SALVADOR. South Carolina.
CREST— A stork resting, holding in
Francis Salvador, Ninety-sixth Dis-
dexter claw a stone ppr.
trict, 1774. MOTTO— Semper fidelis.
(Middlesex. Arms confirmed 1745.)
Vert, a lion rampant between three SATTERLEE. New
fleurs-de-lis or. Frederick William Satterlee, Esq.,
CREST—A demi-lion gules, langued New York.
and armed azure, holding in his paws Same Arms as Capt. William Satter-
a fleur-de-lis or. lee, New London, Conn.

SAVAGE. Massachusetts. SCHUYLER. New York.
Major Thomas Savage, Boston, 1681. Philip Pietersen Schuyler, Albany,
(Chester.) 1650.
Argent, six lioncels rampant sable, (Holland.)
three, two and one. Vert, issuing from a cloud ppr. a

CREST Out of a ducal coronet or, cubit arm in fesse, vested azure hold-
a lion's gamb, erect, sable. ing on the hand a falcon, close, all
MOTTO— A te pro te. ppr.
CREST—A hawk, close ppr.
SAYRE. MOTTO— Semper fidelis.
Long Island.
Thomas Sayre, Southampton, 1640.
(Bedfordshire.) SCOTT. Long Island.
Gules, a chevron ermine between John Scott, Ashfardun, 1670.
three sea gulls argent. (Kent.)
CREST— A cubit arm erect ppr. Argent, three Catherine wheels sable,
holding a dragon's head erased ar- a bordure engrailed, gules.
gent. CREST— A demi-griffin segreant sa-
MOTTO— Saie and doe. ble, beaked and legged or.

SCHENCK. Long Island. SCOTT. New York.

Roelof and Jan Martense Schenck, John Scott, New York, 1700.
1650. (Ancrum, Scotland.)
(Holland.) Argent, three lions' heads, erased

Quarterly ist and 4th: Barry of six; gules.
argent and azure for Tautenburg. CREST—A lion's head erased gules.
2d and 3d: Sable, a lion rampant or, MOTTO— Tace aut face.
for Nydeggen.
CREST— A demi-lion or, langued SCOTT. Virginia.
gules, armed azure, issuing from a Rev. Alexander Scott, Dipple, Staf-
German baron's coronet or. ford Co., 171 1.
(Dipple, Moray, Scotland.)
SCHERMERHORN. New York. Or, on a bend azure, a star between
Jacob Schermerhorn, Albany, 1636. two crescents; in a bordure argent
(Waterland, Holland.) eight stars.
Azure, on a mount vert, a tree of the CREST— A dove
last. nuncio magna.
CREST— A Dutch count's coronet.
MOTTO— Industria semper crescam. SCOTT. Maryland.
Gustavus Scott, Somerset Co.
SCHIEFFELIN. Pennsylvania. (Descended from Rev. Alexander
Jacob Philadelphia, 1746.
Schiefifelin, Scott, Stafiford Co., Va.)
(Bavaria.) Or, on a bend azure, a bezant be-
Tierce per fesse sable and or, on tween two crescents of the field; in
three piles, two conjoined with one a bordure argent eight bezants or.
between, transposed invected counter-

CREST A dove ppr. with an olive
changed, as many cross-crosslets of branch in its beak.
the first. MOTTO—^^Gaudia magna nuncio.
CREST —A pascal lamb passant
crowned with glory bearing cross SCREVEN. Massachusetts.
staff and pennon ppr. Rev. William Screven, Boston, 1665.
MOTTO— Per fidem et constantiam.
Argent, guttee de sang, a lion ram-
SCHIEFFELIN. New York. pant sable.
Eugene Schiefifelin, Esq., New York. CREST—A buck at gaze ppr. attired
Same Arms as Jacob Schieffelin, or.
Philadelphia, Pa. MOTTO—Veritas liberavit.

SCUDDER. Massachusetts, SEELEY. Massachusetts.
Thomas Scudder, Salem, 1635. Robert Seeley, Watertown, 1631.
(London.) Sable, a lion rampant or between two
Gules, on a fesse or, three pellets, in flaunches argent.
chief as many cinquefoils argent. CREST—A lion rampant or.

SEELEY. Connecticut.
SCUDDER. Massachusetts. Hon. William E. Seeley, Bridgeport.
John Scudder, Barnstable, 1640. Same Arms as Robert Seeley, Water-
(London.) town, Mass.
Same Arms as Thomas Scudder,
Salem. SEELEY. Connecticut.
Robert Seeley, Esq., Bridgeport.
SCULL. Pennsylvania. Same Arms as Robert Seeley, Water-
Nicholas Scull, Philadelphia, 1685. town, Mass.
(Much Cowarne, Herefordshire.) SEELEY. Connecticut.
Gules, a bend voided between six
lions' heads erased or.
William E. Seeley, Jr., Esq., Bridge-
Same Arms as Robert Seeley, Water-
SEABURY. Massachusetts. town, Mass.
John Seabury, Boston, 1630.
Argent, a fesse engrailed betv^reen SEELEY. New York.
three ibexes passant sable. Herbert Barnum Seeley, Esq., New
CREST— An ibex as in Arms. York.
MOTTO— Supera alta tenere. Same Arms as Robert Seeley, Water-
town, Mass.
SEABURY. Rhode Island. SEELEY. New York.
Frederick Wheaton Seabury, M.D., Abner Seeley, Esq., New York.
Providence. Same Arms as Robert Seeley, Water-
Same Arms as John Seabury, Boston, town, Mass.
SEELEY. New York.
SEAMAN. New York. Clinton Barnum Seeley, Esq., New
Louis Livingston Seaman, York.
New York. Same Arms as Robert Seeley, Water-
Barry wavy of six argent and azure, town, Mass.
a crescent or.
CREST— A demi-seahorse salient ar- Nathan
Seeley, Esq., New
gent. Same Arms as Robert Seeley, Water-
MOTTO— Spectemur agendo. town, Mass.

SEARS. Massachusetts. SEELEY. New York.

Richard Sears, Plymouth, 1630. Col. Aaron Piatt Seeley, Palmyra.
(Colchester, Essex.) Same Arms as Robert Seeley, Water-
Gules, a chevron argent between three town, Mass.
eaglets ppr. On a chief ermine, an
SEELEY. New York.
escallop, between two mullets of the
Calvin Seeley, Esq., Palmyra.
CREST—An eagle displayed, wings
Same Arms as Robert Seeley, Water-
inverted ppr. town, Mass.
MOTTOES— (i) Exaltat humiles. (2) SEELYE. Massachusetts.
Honor et fides. Laurenus Clark Seelye, D.D., LL.D.,
President of Smith College, North-
SEDGWICK. Massachusetts. ampton.
Robert Sedgwick, Charlestown, 1636. Same Arms as Robert Seeley, Water-
Argent, on a cross gules five bells or. town, Mass.

SEGRAVE. Maryland. Vert, a chevron argent between three
Charles William Segrave, Esq., Bal- escallops or.
timore. —
CREST An arm erect couped at the
(Descended from Baron Segrave, of wrist, vested gules, cuffed argent,
Barton-Segrave, 1262.) holding in the hand ppr. a wreath
1st and 4th Argent, on a bend gules
vert, fructed gules.
three trefoils slipped or. 2d and 3d :
Azure, three eagles displayed or. SHEAFFE. Massachusetts.
CREST —A demi-lion rampant ar- William Sheaffe, Boston, 1685.
gent, between the paws a branch of (Cranbrook, Kent.)
oak ppr., fructed or. Ermine, on a chevron gules, between
MOTTO—Dieu et mon droit. three pellets, three garbs or.

SETON. New York. SHELDON. Rhode Island.

William Seton, New York, 1758. John Sheldon, 1630-1708.
(Fifeshire.) Azure, on a cross or, an annulet
Or, three crescents, within a tressure, gules.
flory couriterflory, gules. CREST— A sheldrake ppr.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or, MOTTO— Optimum pati.
a wyvern segreant vert, spouting fire,
of the first. SHELDON. Rhode Island.
MOTTO— Hazerd zit forward. .
Philip C. Sheldon, Esq., Pawtucket.
> Same Arms as John Sheldon.
SEWALL. Massachusetts.
Henry Sewall, Boston, 1634. SHELDON. Massachusetts.
( Warwickshire. ) Isaac Sheldon, Northampton, 1650,
Sable, a chevron, between three bees, (Essex.)
argent. Sable, a fesse between three shel-
CREST— A bee or. drakes argent.
CREST—A sheldrake ppr.
SEWELL. Maryland
Henry Sewell, 1661. SHELTON. Connecticut.
(Isle ofWight.) Harry T. Shelton, Esq., Bridgeport.
Sable, a chevron between three bees For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
volant argent. ols, Stratford, Conn.
CREST —Adexter arm embowed in
armor ppr. garnished or, holding an SHEPARD. Massachusetts.
acorn of the first. Rev. Thomas Shepard, Cambridge.
MOTTO— Frangas non flectes. (Earl's Colne, Essex.)
Gules, three battle-axes or, a chief
SEWELL. Pennsylvania. ermine.
Wynn Reeves Sewell, Esq., Alle- CREST— Two battle-axes in saltire
gheny. or.
Same Arms as Henry Sewell, Mary- MOTTO— Nee timeo, nee sperno.
SHEPARD. Michigan.
SEYMOUR. Connecticut. Charles Nelson Shepard, Esq., Grand
Richard Seymour, Hartford, 1640. Rapids.
(Bucks.) Same Arms as Rev. Thomas Shep-
Gules, two wings conjoined in lure, ard, Cambridge, Mass.
the tips downwards or.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or, SHERMAN. Massachusetts.
a phoenix in flames ppr. wings ex- John Sherman, Watertown, 1660.
panded or. (Leicester. Granted 1619,)
MOTTO— Foy pour devoir. Or, a lion rampant sable, between
three oak leaves vert.
SHAPLEIGH. Massachusetts. CREST—A sea lion sejant sable
Nicholas Shapleigh, Boston, 1635. charged on the shoulder with three
(Devonshire.) bezants, two and one.
SHUFELDT. District of Columbia.
SHERMAN. New York.
Robert Wilson Shufeldt, M.D., Wash-
Gardiner Sherman, Esq., New
Same Arms as John Sherman, Wa- ington. 11,
Or a chevron engrailed gules be-
tertown, Mass. tween three boars' heads erased
azure. , , ,

SHIPMAN. Connecticut. CREST— A fox's head erased ppr.

Edward Shipman, Saybrook, I&39- MOTTO— Semper vigilans.
Gules on a bend argent between
estoiles or, three pellets.
SHUTE. Massachusetts.
Samuel Shute, Boston, 1716.
CREST— A leopard sejant argent
dexter (Cambridge.) . ,
sable, reposing the

spotted Per chevron, sable and or; in cniet

paw on a ship's rudder azure.
two eagles displayed of the last.
CREST— A griffin, sejant or, pierced
SHIPPEN. Pe^insylvania in the breast with a broken sword-
Edward Shippen, Philadelphia, 1688. blade argent, vulned gules.
(Boston, Lincolnshire.)
three oak
Argent, a chevron, between SILL. Massachusetts.
leaves gules. 1637.
John Sill, Cambridge,
. , ,. .

CREST— A bird sable; iii its beak an

oak leaf, vert. sable tretty
Argent, a fesse engrailed
or, in chief a lion passant gules.
SHIPPEN. Maryland. CREST—A demi-griffin ppr. collared
Edward Shippen, Esq., Baltimore. argent.
Same Arms as Shippen, of Pennsyl- MOTTO—Tam fidus quam fixus.

SIMONDS. Long Island. i-lush-
SHIRLEY. Francis May Simonds, Esq.,
William Shirley, Boston, 1740.
(Wiston, Sussex.)
pfr fesse sable and argent a pale
Paly of six, or and azure; a counterchanged, three trefoils slipped
ermine. , , , of the second.
CRESTS— (i) A man's head ppr.
A CREST— On a mount vert an ermine
wreathed with laurels, vert. (2)
passant ppr., in the
mouth a trefoil
Saracen's head in profile, ppr.
slipped or. ..

wreathed about the temples or and MOTTO— Simplex munditus.

MOTTO—Honor virtutis praemium.
SIMS. Pennsylvania. .

John Sims, Philadelphia. Granted

SHOEMAKER. Pennsylvania.
(Daventry, Northampton.
John Shoemaker, Germantown, 1683-
1592.) 1

Sable, three chevronels ermine. Ermine, three increscents gules.

CREST—A demi-lion rampant gules CREST— A demi-griffin segreant.
in his paws a
guttee argent holding MOTTO— In justitia virtutes omnes.
regal mace.

MOTTO Sapere aude. SINCLAIR. New York.
Robert Sinclair, New York, i677-
(Caithness, Scotland.)
Henry Francis Shoemaker, Esq., oars in
ist: Azure, a ship at anchor,
New 'York. ^ , o, i
saltire, sails furled,
within a double
Same Arms as John Shoemaker, for
tressure, flory counterflory
Germantown, Pa. Orkney. 2d and 3d: Or a lion
rampant gules for Spar. 4th: Azure
SHORT. Massachusetts.
a ship under sail or, the
sails argent,
Henry Short, Ipswich, 1634. the
a for Caithness. Over all dividing
Sable, a griffin passant argent, a cross engrailed, sable.
chief ermine.

CREST— A swan argent, collared and SLAUGHTER. Virginia.
chained or, beaked gules. William Slaughter, Essex Co., 1685.
MOTTO— Fight. Argent, a saltire azure.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
SINGLETON. New York. an eagle's head between two wings
Mrs. V. Singleton, New York.
J. expanded azure, beaked gold.
For Arms see Robert Seeley, Water-
town, Mass. SMITH. New York.
William Smith, New York, 1704.
SINGLETON. New York. (Hingham Fenn, Northampton.)
Miss Amy New York.
Singleton, Or, on a chevron gules, between three
For Arms see Robert Seeley, Water- cross-crosslets fitchee sable, three be-
town, Mass. zants.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
SITTART (Van). New York. an Indian goat's head argent, eared
Nicholas Van Sittart. bearded and attired of the first.
Ermine, an eagle displayed gules. On SMITH. Connecticut.
a chief of the second, a coronet or, Nehemiah Smith, Norwich, 1636.
between two crosses, pattee, argent. (Newcastle-under-Lyme, Stafford.)
CREST— An eagle's head couped at Barry of six, ermine and gules, a lion
the neck, between two wings ele- rampant ducally crowned sable.
vated and displayed sable; the latter CREST— An heraldic tiger passant,
resting upon two crosses, pattees ar- argent, wounded on the shoulder,
gent. gules.
MOTTOES— (i) Fata viam inven- MOTTO— Avise la fin.
iant (2) Grata quies.
SMITH. New York.
SKAATS. New York. James Clinch Smith, Esq., Smith-
Gideon Schaets, Albany, 1652. town, Suffolk Co.
(Beest, Holland.) Same Arms as Richard Smythe,
Gules, two schaats
(skates) sable, Long Island.
quartered with azure a crescent or.
CREST — A demi-winged horse sal- SMITH. Virginia.
ient, ppr. Robert Smith, Lancaster Co., 1665.
Sable, a fesse dancette between three
SKIDMORE. Connecticut. lions rampant, each supporting a
Mrs. Philo H. Skidmore, Bridgeport. garb all or.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
ols, Stratford, Conn. SMITH. Virginia.
Col. Joseph Smith, Essex Co., 1728.
SKINNER. Michigan. Argent, a fesse dancette between
Henry Whipple Skinner, Esq., De- three roses gules, barbed vert.
Sable, chevron or between three
a SMITH. Virginia.
heads erased argent.
griffins' Major Lawrence Smith, Abingdon,
CREST— A griffin's head erased ar- Gloucester Co.
gent, holding in its mouth a dexter (Devonshire.)
gauntlet. Azure, a chevron between three
MOTTO — Nunquam non paratus. acorns slipped and leaved or.

SKIPWITH. Virginia. SMITH. South Carolina.

John Skipwith, Middlesex, 1652. Thomas Smith, Charleston, 1670;
(Leicestershire.) Governor in 1693. Grandson of Sir
Argent, three bars gules, a greyhound George Smith, of Exeter.
in full course, in chief, sable; col- Sable, a fesse cotised betweeq three
lared or. martlets or.
CREST— A reel or turnstile, ppr. CREST— A greyhound sejant gules,
MOTTO— Sans Dieu je ne puis. collared and lined argent.

SMITH. New York. SPOONER. Connecticut.
George "Wilson Smith, Esq., New Thomas Spooner, New London, 1753.
York. (Worcester.)
For Arms see John Johnstone, Bask- Vert, a boar's head in bend, couped
ing Ridge, N. J. argent.
(Third Marquis of Annandale.) CREST— A boar's head couped,
pierced through the neck with an
SMITH. New York. arrow.
Mrs. George Wilson Smith, New
York. SPOTTSWOOD. Virginia.
Governor Alexander Spottswood,
For Arms see Thomas Flint, Salem,
1 710.
Argent, a chevron gules, between
SMITH. Connecticut.
three oak trees eradicated, vert.
Samuel Wheeler Smith, Esq., An-
CREST— An eagle rising, gules, look-
For Arms see Robert Seeley, Water- ing to the sun in its splendor.
town, Mass.
MOTTO— Patior ut potiar.

STANDISH. Massachusetts.
SMYTHE. Long Island.
Captain Myles Standish, Massachu-
Richard Smythe, Long Island, 1650. 1620.
Sable, six fleurs-de-lis argent, three, (Lancaster. )
two and one. Azure, three standing dishes two and

CREST Out of a ducal coronet or, one argent.
a demi-buU salient argent armed of CREST— An owl, with a rat in its
the first.
talons ppr.
Nee timeo, nee sperno.
STANTON. New Hampshire.
SNELLING. Massachusetts. Benjamin Stanton, Dover, 1700.
William Snelling, Newbury, 1651. (Devonshire.)
(Chaddlewood, Devon.) Gules, a fret argent.
Argent, three griffins' heads, erased
gules, a chief indented, ermine; a
mullet sable for difference. Nicholas Starring, Albany, 1696.
SNOWDEN. Maryland. Azure, an eight-pointed star or.
Richard Snowden, South River, 1679. CREST—An eight-pointed star or,
Argent, on a fesse azure, between
STEARNS. Massachusetts.
three escallops gules; three mullets
Charles Stearns, Watertown, 1630,
azure, pierced of the field.
CREST —A peacock in his pride. Or, a chevron between three crosses
flory sable.
SOUTHALL. Virginia.
CREST— A falcon rising ppr.

Dacy Southall, Henry Co., 1730. STEBBINS. Massachusetts.

(Ireland.) Edward Stebbins, Cambridge, 1633.
Quarterly gules and or on a bend ar- Argent, a griffin segreant azure
gent, a martlet between two cinque- langued and membered gules, between
foils of the first.
three cross-crosslets.
CREST— A rock sable.
STEEL. Massachusetts.
SPENCER. Virginia. Thomas Steel, Boston, 1735.
Nicholas Spencer, Westmoreland Co., (Scotland.)
1659. Argent, a bend chequy, sable and er-
(London.) mine, between two lions' heads, erased
Quarterly or and gules, in the second gules. On a chief azure, three billets
and third a fret of the first, on a or.
bend sable three fleurs-de-lis argent. CREST— A lion's head erased gules.

STEERE. Rhode Island. STILEMAN. Massachusetts.
John Steere, Providence, 1660. Elias Stileman, Salem, 1662.
(Ockley, Surrey.) (Wilts.)
Per pale sable and gules, three lions Sable, a unicorn passant or, on a chief
passant argent. of the second, three pallets of the

CREST Out of a mural crown per first.

pale gules and sable, a lion's gamb CREST—A camel's head erased,
erect argent, armed of the first. azure, billetee, muzzled, collared,
MOTTO— Tu ne cede me. lined and ringed or. On the collar
three hurts.
STEINER. Pennsylvania and Mary-
land. STITH. Virginia.
Rev. John Conrad Steiner, 1749. William Stith, President of William
(Winterthur, Switzerland.) and Mary College.
Argent, a bear rampant gules. Argent, a chevron engrailed between

CREST A bear's head erased gules. three fleurs-de-lis sable.

STERLING. Connecticut. STOCKBRIDGE. Massachusetts.

Edward Sterling, Esq., Bridgeport. John Stockbridge, Boston, 1635.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich- Argent, on a chevron azure three
ols, Stratford, Conn. crescents or.
CREST— Out of a cloud two dexter
STETSON. Massachusetts. hands in armor conjoined, holding
Robert Stetson, Plymouth, 1658. up a heart inflamed all ppr.
Argent, a bend azure, between two STOCKBRIDGE. Maryland.
griffins, sejant, sable. Henry Stockbridge, Esq.. Baltimore.
CREST— A demi-griffin or. Same Arms as John Stockbridge,
MOTTO— Virtus nobilitat omnia. Boston, Mass.

STEVENS. Maine. STOCKTON. Long Island.

Benjamin Stevens, Falmouth, 1700. Richard Stockton, Long Island, 1670.
Gules, a sword erect between three (Chester.)
mullets argent. (jules, a chevron vair, sable and ar-
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet, a gent, between three mullets of the
cubit arm vested and cuffed, hand last.

holding a book expanded. CREST—A lion rampant, supporting

MOTTO— Ad Diem tendo. an Ionic pillar.
MOTTO— Omnia Deo pendent.
STEVENS. Pennsylvania.
John Conyngham Stevens, Esq., Phil- STOCKTON. New Jersey.
adelphia. Bayard Stockton, Esq., Princeton.
Same Arms as Benjamin Stevens, Same Arms as Richard Stockton,
Falmouth, Me. Long Island.
STEWART. New York. STODDARD. Massachusetts.
Dr. George Taylor Stewart, New Anthony Stoddard, Boston, 1639.
York. (London, Visitation of 1568.)
For Arms see Andrew Ward, Fair- Sable, three stars within a bordure
field, Conn. argent.
demi-unicorn er-
STEWART. NewYork. mine, issuing from a ducal coronet
Mrs. George Taylor Stewart, New or. (2) A
sinister arm, embowed,
York. vested gules, holding in its hand the
For Arms see Moses Fargo, Norwich, stalk of a flower, ppr.
Conn., and Wolfert Webber, New MOTTOES— (i) Refulgent in tene-
York. bris. (2) Festina lente.

STOKES. New York. STOW. Massachusetts.
Thomas Stokes, New York, 1798. John Stow, Roxbury, 1635.
(London.) (Hawkehurst, Kent.)
Gules, a lion rampant ermine double Azure, three bars or, in chief three
queued. crosses pattee fitchee of the first.

CREST A demi-lion rampant dou-
ble queued ermine. STRACHEY. Virginia.

MOTTO Vicit omnia pertinex virtus. William Strachey, 1686.
(Sutton Court, Somerset.)
STONE. Massachusetts. Argent, a cross between four eag-
Simon Stone, Watertown, 1635. lets gules.
(Bromley, Essex.) CREST— An eagle displayed gules
Argent, three cinquefoils sable, on a charged upon the breast with a cross-
chief azure a sun in splendor or. crosslet fitchee argent.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
a griffin's head between two wings STRANG or L'ESTRANGE. New
expanded gules bezantee.
Daniel de 1' Estrange, Rye, 1688,
STONE. Massachusetts. (France.)
Gregory Stone, Cambridge, 1635. Gules, two lions' passant guardant or.
(Bromley, Essex.) CREST— A lion of the field or.
Same Arms as Simon Stone, of Wa-
tertown. STREATOR. Massachusetts.
John Streator, Farmingham, 1732.
STORRS. Virginia. (Kent.)
Joshua Storrs, Henrico Co., 1769. Argent, on a chevron gules between
(Yorkshire.) three hurts, each charged with a
Or, a fesse dancette gules, between fleur-de-lis of the field, three birds,
three stars azure. wings expanded of the same.
unicorn's head, erased CREST — An eagle, wings expanded
argent, armed and maned or. argent, beaked and legged gules.

STORRS. Massachusetts. STROBRIDGE. Massachusetts.

Samuel Storrs, Barnstable, 1663. William Strobridge, Lakeville, 1717.
(Nottingham.) (Donaugh, Ireland.)
Or, a fesse dancette gules, between Or, over water in base, on a bridge
three stars azure. of three arches in fesse, embattled, a
unicorn's head, erased tower ppr. thereon hoisted a broad
argent, armed and maned or. pennant, flying towards the sinister;
a canton azure charged with two keys
STORY. Massachusetts. in saltire, wards upwards gold.
Elisha Story, Boston, 1700. CREST — A dexter arm embowed
Argent, a lion rampant double queued ppr.,holding a broad pennant as in
the arms.
gules. .

demi-lion rampant gules.

MOTTO— Fides vincit et Veritas cus- STRONG. Massachusetts.
todit. John Strong, Boston, 1630.
STORY. New York. Gules, an eagle displayed or, within
Col. Joseph Grafton Story, Brooklyn. a bordure engrailed of the last.
Same Arms as Elisha Story, Boston, —
CREST Out of a mural coronet or,
Mass. a demi-eagle with wings displayed of
the last.
STOUGHTON. Massachusetts. MOTTO— Tentanda via est.
Thomas and Israel Stoughton, Dor-
chester, 1630. STRONG. New York.
(Descended from Godwin de Stoc- J. Montgomery Strong, Jr., Esq.,
ton, Surrey, a.d. 1135.) New York.
Azure, a cross engrailed ermine. Same Arms as John Strong, Boston,
CREST— A robin redbreast ppr. Mass.

STROTHER. Virginia. SULLIVAN. Pennsylvania.
William Strother, Rappahannock, Mrs. James F. Sullivan, Philadelphia.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
ols, Stratford, Conn.
Gules, on a bend argent, three eagles SUMNER. Massachusetts.
displayed azure.
CREST —A greyhound sejant or.
William Sumner, Dorchester, 1635.
(Bicester, Oxford.)
MOTTO— Prius mori quam fallere
Ermine, two chevronels gules.
fidem. CREST— A lion's head erminois, du-
cally gorged or.
STRYKER. Long Island. —
MOTTO In medio tutissimus ibis.
Jan Van Strycker, Long Island, 1653. SUMNER. New York.
Paly of four or and gules, three Edward Arthur Sumner, Esq., New
boars' heads sable armed argent.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
Same Arms as William Sumner, Dor-
a griffin's head sable between two
vert. chester, Mass.
palm branches in orle,
MOTTO— In extremis terriblis. .

SUSE. New York.

Frederick Edward Suse, Esq., New
STRYKER. New York. York.
Thomas Hubbard Stryker, Esq., Sable, a fesse argent.
Rome. CREST— A pair of eagles' wings sa-
Same Arms as Jan Van Strycker, ble, each charged with a fesse as

Long Island. the Arms.

SUYDAM. New York.
STURGIS. Massachusetts. Hendrick Van Suytdam, 1663. '

Edward Sturgis, Charlestown, 1634. (Holland.)

(Hannington, Northampton.) Argent, a chevron azure between in
Azure, a chevron between three cross- chief two crescents gules, and in base
crosslets fitchee, within a bordure en- a mullet of the last.
grailed or. —
CREST A swan in water among
CREST— A talbot's head or, eared reeds ppr.
sable. MOTTO— De tyd vliegt.
MOTTO—Esse quam videri.
SUYDAM. New York.
Walter Lispenard Suydam, Esq.,
New York.
Governor Peter Stuyvesant, 1647.
Same Arms as Hendrick Van Suyt-
(Holland.) dam.
Per fesse or and In chief a
hound following a hare; in base a SWAN. Virginia.
stag courant; all ppr. and contourne. Col. Thomas Swan, Swan's Point,
CREST— Out of a prince's coronet Isle of Wight Co., 1677.
or, a demi-stag salient and contourne, Azure, a chevron ermine between
three swans argent.
praestat foederi. CREST— A demi-talbot salient gules,
collared or.
Gen. John Sullivan, Berwick, 1720. SWIFT. Massachusetts.
Thomas Swift, Dorchester, 1634.
Per pale sable and argent a fesse be- (Rotherham, Yorkshire.)
tween in chief a boar passant and in Or, a chevron vair between three
bucks in full course ppr.
base another counterpassant, all
sinister arm embowed,
counterchanged, armed, hoofed and
bristled or. vested vert, cuffed argent, holding in
CREST— On a lizard vert a robin the hand a sheaf of five arrows or,
redbreast ppr. feathered ppr., barbed azure.

SYMONDS. Massachusetts. TALMAN. Virginia.
Samuel Symonds, Ipswich, 1630. Henry Talman, New Kent Co.
(Essex. Granted 1625.) Gules, a chevron in chief two dag-
Azure, a chevron engrailed between gers, points downwards, in base a
three trefoils slipped or. sword, point upwards or.

CREST Out of a mural coronet CREST—An arm embowed in armor
chequy argent and azure a boar's ppr., holding a battle-axe.
head of the first crined sable. MOTTO— In fide et in bello fortis.
MOTTO— Moriendo vive.

TABER. Massachusetts. TAYLOE. Virginia.

John Tayloe, Mt. Airy, Richmond
Philip Taber, Plymouth, 1634.
Co., 1650,
Argent, on a fesse vert three griffins'
heads erased or. Vert, a sword erect or, between two
lions rampant addorsed ermine.
CREST—A griffin's head erased ppr.
TABER. Illinois. TEMPLE. Massachusetts.
Sydney Richmond Taber, Esq., Lake Sir Thomas Temple, Boston, 1671.
Same Arms as Philip Taber, Plym- Argent, two bars sable, each charged
outh, Mass. with three mullets or.
CREST—-Issuing from a diucal coro-
TALCOTT. Massachusetts. net or, a martlet sable.
John Talcott, Cambridge, 1632. MOTTO— Templa quam dilecta.
Argent, on a pale sable three roses
of the field. TEMPLE. New Jersey.

CREST A demi-griffin erased argent Abraham Temple, Trenton, 1721.
gorged with a collar sable, charged Same Arms as Temple of MassachtJ-
with three roses of the field. setts.
MOTTO— Virtus sola nobilitas.

TALCOTT. Connecticut.
TENNEY. Massachusetts.
Thomas Tenney, Rowley,. 1638.
Mary Kingsbury Talcott, Hartford. (Rowley, Yorkshire.)
Same Arms as John Talcott, Cam- Per chevron sable and argent three
bridge, Mass. heads erased and coanter-
TALCOTT. New York.
Rev. James Frederick Talcott, New CREST— A griffin's head couped
York. gules.
Same Arms as John Talcott, Cam-
bridge, Mass. TERRY. Massachusetts.
Charles Terry, Boston, 1777.
TALMAGE. Long Island.
(Bradford, Yorkshire.)
Thomas Talmage, Long Island, 1630. Argent, a cross between four mart-
(Suffolk.) lets gules.
Argent, a fret sable. CREST— A demi-lion ppr. holding a
CREST— A horse's head erased ar- fleur-de-lis gules.
gent with wings expanded or, pel-
MOTTO— Confideo et conquiesco. THACHER. Massachusetts.
Thomas Thacher, Boston, 1635.
TALMAGE. New York. (Milton, Clevedon.)
Robert Sanford Talmage, Esq., Gules, a cross moline argent, on a
Brooklyn. chief or, three grasshoppers ppr.
Same Arms as Thomas Talmage, CRESTS — (i) A Saxon sword ppr.

Long Island. (2) A grasshopper ppr.

THOMAS. Massachusetts. THOMPSON. Long Island.
George Thomas, Boston, 1660. John Thompson, 1634.
(Sussex. Granted May 14, 1608.) (Lancaster.)
Or, on a cross sable five crescents Or, on a fesse dancettee azure, three
stars of the field on a canton of the
argent. ;

greyhound's head couped second, the sun in its splendor ppr.

argent. CREST— Out of a ducal coronet, a
MOTTO — Nee elatus, nee dejectus. cubit arm erect, habited, azure. In
the hand ppr. five ears of wheat or.
THOMAS. Maryland. MOTTOES— (i) In lumine lucem.
Philip Thomas, Chesapeake Bay, (2) Ante victoriam ne cane trium-
165 1. phum.
Argent, a chevron lozengy or and THOMPSON. Connecticut.
sable, between three ravens close, of Anthony Thompson, New Haven,
the last. 1637.
CREST— On a branch of a tree lying Or, on a fesse dancettee azure, three
end some estoiles argent, on a canton of the
fesseways (at the dexter
second the sun in glory ppr.
sprigs vert) a raven, wings
CREST — An arm erect, vested gules,
cuffed argent, holding in the hand
THOMAS. Maryland. ppr. five ears of wheat or.
Samuel Thomas, Anne Arundel Co.,
MOTTO— In lumine luce.

1655. THOMPSON. Illinois.

(Brecon.) Norman F. Rock-
Thompson, Esq.,
Argent, on a chevron engrailed azure ford.
two griffins rencontrant of the field,
Same Arms as Anthony Thompson,
gorged with two bars gules on a New
chief of the second three cinquefoils Haven, Conn.
pierced or. THOMPSON. Minnesota.
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or, Horace Egbert Thompson, Esq., Min-
a demi-seahorse salient sable, maned neapolis.
or. Same Arms as Anthony Thompson,
New Haven, Conn.
THOMAS. Rhode Island.
John Thomas, Portsmouth, 1688. THOMSON. Massachusetts.
(London.) Arthur C. Thomson, Esq., Brookline.
Argent, a chevron lozengy or and sa- Same Arms as Anthony Thompson,
ble between three ravens close of the New Haven, Conn.
CREST— On the branch of a tree ly-
THORNDIKE. Massachusetts.
John Thorndike, Boston, 1633.
ing fesseways and sprouting from
dexter end vert, a raven with wings
Argent, six gouttes, three, two and
expanded ppr.
one, gules. On a chief of the last,
MOTTO— Secret et hardi.
three leopards' faces or.

THOMAS. California.
CREST— A damask rose, stalked and
leaved ppr. nestling at the bottom of
Ronald Thomas, Esq., Santa Bar- the stalk, a beetle ppr.
and canton ermine.

MOTTO Rosae inter spinas nascum-
Sable, a chevron
CREST — A unicorn's head erased.

MOTTO— Virtus invicta gloriosa. THORNTON. Virginia.

William Thornton, York Co., 1646.
THOMAS. Illinois. (The Hills, Yorkshire.)
Charles Lewis Thomas, Esq., Chi- Argent, a chevron sable between
cago. three hawthorn trees ppr.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich- CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
ols, Stratford, Conn. a lion's head ppr.

a lion
Per fesse sable and argent,
rampant reguardant,
Robert Throckmorton, Charles River, crowned, or. . , ,

CREST— A demi-lion, sejant, sabie,

(Elhngton, Hunts.) three bars crowned or. .

Gules, a chevron argent, MOTTO— Spes alit agncolam.

sable, a crescent for differ-
TILGHMAN. Pennsylvania.
CREST— A falcon rising argent,
breast with Richard Tilghman, Esq., St
belled or, charged on the Same Arms as Richard Tilghman,
a crescent for difference. Maryland.
MOTTO— Virtus sola nobilitat.
TILLEY. Massachusetts.
THROOP. Connecticut.
1660. William Tilley, Boston,
William Throop, Hartford, Argent, a wyvern with wings
(Lancaster.) dorsed sable. A
Gules, a bar between
two chevrons , ,
head and necK
, r,c.^ir
CREST— A wyvern s

a couped sable.
CREST— A naked arm grasping
coiled serpent; all
ppr. TIMPSON. New York.
MOTTO— Debita facere. Robert Timpson, West Indies, 1767. In
Per chevron gules and argent.
TICKNOR. Massachusetts. two lions rampant of the sec-
William Ticknor, Boston, 1040. f ructed
between ond in base an oak tree ppr.

Argent, a chevron gules,

in base
three escallops in chief and CREST— A piece of battlement
a boar's head erased sable. thereon an eagle rising; ppr. m
a gent;
CREST— A demi-lion holding
The beak, a slip of oak vert,
sword gules.
MOTTO— Pro patna. MOTTO— Paratus et fidelis.

TICKNOR. Massachusetts.
Benjamin Holt Ticknor, Esq.,
George Seeley Tmkelpaugh,

Same Arms as William Ticknor,

For^Arms see Robert Seeley, Water-
Boston. town, Mass.
TILDEN. Massachusetts. TITUS. Massachusetts.
Nathaniel Tilden, Scituate, 1628. Robert Titus, Weymouth, i035.
(Kent.) ^ .
(Stansted Abbey, Herts.)
between tour Or, on a
Azure, a saltire ermine, Quarterly— ist and 4th:
pheons or.
en- chief gules, a lion passant guardant
CREST— A battle-axe erect,
of the field. 2d and 3d: Gyronny
twined with a snake, all ppr. of eight or and azure,
on an es-
s head
MOTTO—Truth and Liberty. cutcheon argent a blackamoor
"" couped wreathed round the
TILDEN. Maryland. ^ temples argent and
Marmaduke Tilden, Great Oak tvt
CREST— A blackamoor's head couped
or, Kent Co., 1658.
at the shoulders ppr.
wreathed round
(Milsted, Kent.) _

four the head argent and sable.

Azure, a saltire ermine, between
pheons or. .
TODD. Connecticut.
CREST— A battle-axe erect, entwined Christopher Todd, New Haven, 1639.
with a snake ppr. (Tranby Park, Yorkshire.)
MOTTO—Truth and Liberty.
Argent, three foxes'
heads couped
gules, a bordure
TILGHMAN. Maryland. CREST— On a chapeau gules turned
Richard Tilghman, Chester River,
up ermine a fox sejant ppr.
1663. —
MOTTO Oportet vivere.
(Canterbury, Kent.)
TODD. New York. Same Arms as Thomas Townsend,
Ambrose G. Todd, Esq. Lynn, Mass.
Same Arms as Christopher Todd, of
New Haven, Conn. TRASK. New York.
For quarterings under John Al-
see Mrs. Spencer Trask, Tuxedo Park.
den, of Plymouth, and Thomas Wight, For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
of Dedham, Mass. ols, Stratford, Conn.

TODD. Connecticut. TRAVERS. Virginia.

Daniel Todd, Derby, 1777. Rawleigh Travers, Lancaster Co.,
(Yorkshire.) 1653-
Argent, within a bordure vert, three Argent, ona chevron gules, three
foxes' heads couped gules. heads erased or; a chief

CREST On a cap of maintenance a
azure charged with three bezants.
fox sejant ppr. CREST— A griffin's head erased or,
MOTTO— Oportet vivere. holding in its beak an eft ppr.
TODD. Massachusetts.
TRENCHARD. New Jersey.
John Todd, Rowley, 1664. Attorney-General George Trenchard,
Vert, a fox rampant argent.
CREST—A dove rising. Alloway, 1686.
MOTTO— By cunning, not by craft.
Per pale argent and azure, in the
TODD, New firstthree palets sable.
York. cubit arm erect, vested
Henry Alfred Todd, Esq.,
Same Arms as John Todd, Rowley, azure, cuffed argent, holding in the
Mass. hand ppr. a sword of the second, hilt
and pommel or.
TORRENCE-CLAYTON. Virginia. MOTTO— Nosce te ipsum.
William W. C. Clayton-Torrence,
Esq., Cool Spring Manor, Stafford TRENCHARD. New York.
Co. Edward Trenchard, Esq.
Sable, three boat oars paleways ar- Same Arms as George Trenchard,
gent, two and one. Attorney-General of West Jersey,
CREST— Two laurel branches in sal- 1727.
tire vert.
TRUMAN. Connecticut.
TORREY. New York. Joseph Truman, New London, 1666.
George Burroughs Torrey, Esq., New (Nottingham.)
York. Gules, three dexter arms conjoined
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich- at the shoulders and flexed in tri-
ols, Stratford, Conn. angle or, fists clenched argent.
TORREY. Connecticut.

CREST Two arms embowed, vested
or, between their hands a
Mrs. Harriet L. Burroughs Torrey,
head ppr. on the head a hat sable.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
MOTTO— Honor et honestas.

ols, Stratford, Conn.

TUCK. Massachusetts.
TOWN SEND. Massachusetts. Robert Tuck, Watertown, 1636.
Thomas Townsend, Lynn, 1637. Argent, a chevron between three-
(Salop.) greyhounds' heads erased sable.
Azure, a chevron ermine between CREST—Three mullets in chevron
three escallops or. or.
CREST— A stag passant ppr.
MOTTO—J'ai fait de mon mieux,
MOTTO— Droit et evant.
TUCK. New York.
TOWNSEND. New York. Henry Tuck, Esq., New York.
John Pomeroy Townsend, Esq., New Same Arms as Robert Tuck, Water-
York. town, Mass.

TUCKER. Virginia. Or, on a chevron azure, three cres-
Daniel Tucker, 1616. cents argent.
(Devonshire. Granted 1558.) CREST— A leopard passant sable,
Barry wavy of ten argent and azure crowned or on a mound vert.
on a chevron embattled and counter
embattled or, between three sea- TUTTLE or TOTHILL. Massachusetts.
horses naint of the first, five gouttes William Tothill, Boston, 1653.
de poix. (Peamore, Devon.)

CREST A lion's gamb, erased gules Azure, on a bend argent, doubly co-
charged with three billets in pale or, tised or, a lion passant sable.
and holding a battle-axe or, head CREST— On a mount vert, a bird
azure. ppr., in the beak a branch of olive,
vert, fructed or.
TUCKER. Massachusetts. MOTTO—Vincere aut mori.
Robert Tucker, Milton, 1662.
(Milton.) TUTTLE. Connecticut.
Barry wavy of ten argent and azure, William Tuttle, New Haven, 1638.
on a chevron embattled, between (Hertfordshire.)
three sea horses naissant or, five
Or, on a chevron azure three cres-
gouttes de poix. cents argent.
CREST— A lion's gamb, erased and
erect gules, charged with three billets TUTTLE. Connecticut.
in pale or, clutching a battle-axe ar- William Tuttle, New Haven, 1637.
gent, handle or. (Norfolk.)
MOTTO— Nil Desperandum. Or, on a chevron azure, three cres-
cents argent.
TUCKERMAN. Massachusetts.
CREST—A leopard passant sable
John Tuckerman, Boston, 1654. crowned or on a mount vert.
(Devonshire.) MOTTO—Vincere aut mori.
Vert, on a bend engrailed argent, be-
tween three arrows of the three
human hearts gules.
last, TYLER. Rhode Island.

CREST— Issuing from a ducal coro-

Andrew and William Tyler, 1774.
Sable, on a fesse erminois, between
net or, a human heart, gules. three mountain cats passant, ermine,
MOTTO— Tout coeur.
a cross moline, between two crescents
Virginia. gules.
John Turberville, Lancaster demi-mountain cat, ram-
Co.,. 1633.
(Bere Regis, Dorset.) pant guardant erminois.
Ermine, a lion rampant gules crowned MOTTO— Deo, patriae, amicis.
CREST— A castle argent, portcullis
TYSON. Pennsylvania.
or. Ryner Tyson, Germantown, 1685.
MOTTO — Omnia relinquit servare Vert, a lion rampant crowned or.
TYNG. Massachusetts.
TURNER. Massachusetts. Edward and William Tyng, Boston,
Capt. William Turner, Boston, 1673. 1637-
(Thorveston, Devon.) Argent, on a bend cotised sable, three
Sable, a chevron, ermine, between martlets or.
three fers-de-moline or; on a chief CREST— A wolf's head erased sable.
argent, a lion passant gules.
CREST— A lion passant gules, hold- UNDERHILL. Massachusetts.
ing in the dexter paw a laurel branch John Underbill, Boston, 1630.
vert. (Wolverhampton, Staffordshire.)
Argent, a chevron sable, between
TUTHILL. Massachusetts. three trefoils, slipped vert.
Henry Tuthill, Hingham, 1637. CREST— On a mount vert, a hind
(Tharston, Norfolk.) lodged or.

Hon. J. W. H. Underwood, Cleve- Baron Von Biedenfeld, Chicago.
land,White Co. Sable, a crampon in bend argent.
For Arms see William Cantrill, CREST— On a chapeau argent,
Jamestown, Va. turned up ermine two eagles' wings
addorsed sable, charged with a cram-
USHER. Massachusetts. pon argent.
Hezekiah Usher, Boston, 165 1.
(Yorkshire.) VOORHEES (Van). Long Island.
Argent, three lions' gambs, couped Steven Coerte van Voor Hies, Flat-
and erect sable, a crescent for differ- lands, 1660.
ence. (Holland.)
CREST— A lion's gamb, couped and —
Quartered ist and 4th: A tower or,
erect sable. voided of the field. 2d and 3d Ar- :

gent, a tree eradicated vert.

VASSALL. Massachusetts. CREST—A tower of the shield.
Leonard Vassall, Boston, 1723. MOTTO—Virtus castellum meum.
Azure, in chief a sun ;
in base a chal- WADSWORTH. Massachusetts.
ice or.
Christopher Wadsworth, Duxbury,
ship rigged and masted 1630.
MOTTO— Saepe pro Rege, semper Gules, three fleurs-de-lis argent.
pro Republica. CREST— On a globe of the world
winged ppr. an eagle rising or.
VAWTER. Virginia.
Capt. Charles E. Vawter, Albermarle. WADSWORTH. Connecticut.
Same Arms as Lieut. James Hender- William Wadsworth, Hartford, 1656.
son, Virginia. Same Arms as Wadsworth, of Massa-
VECHTEN (VAN). New York.
Tennis Dercksen Van Vechten, Al-
bany, 1638.
WADSWORTH. New Jersey.
(Vechten, Holland.) William Baldwin Wadsworth, Esq.,
Gules, a fesse embattled argent.
CREST— Two wings issuing from a Same Arms as Christopher Wads-
ducal coronet or. worth, Duxbury, Mass.

VERNON. Massachusetts. WADSWORTH. Connecticut.

Daniel Vernon, Boston, 1665. Clarence Seymour Wadsworth, Esq.,
Or, on a fesse azure, three garbs of Middletown.
the field. Same Arms as William Wadsworth,
CREST— A demi-Ceres ppr. vested Hartford.
azure. In the dexter hand a sickle
ppr. in the sinister a garb or, WADSWORTH. New York.
wreathed about the temples with Charles David Wadsworth, Esq.,
wheat or. New York.
MOTTO— Semper ut te digna se- Same Arms as Christopher Wads-
quare. worth, Duxbury, Mass.

VER PLANCK. New York. WAGENSIL. Pennsylvania.

Abraham Isaacse Ver Planck, Fish- John Andrew Wagensil, Bethlehem,
kill-on-Hudson, 1638. 1750.
(Holland.) (Swabia, Germany.)
Ermine on a chief engrailed sable, Coupe, argent a un homme issuant
three mullets argent. azure, tenant one corde tortillee d'or;
CREST— A demi-wolf ppr. azure, a trois pals d'or.
MOTTO— Ut vita sic mors. CREST— L'homme issuant.

WAINWRIGHT. Massachusetts. WALDOE. Virginia.
Francis Wainwright, Ipswich. Edward Waldoe, Lancaster Co., 1693.
(Chelmsford, Essex.) Argent, a chevron between three
Gules, on a chevron argent, between birds sable, beaked and legged or.
two fleurs-de-lis of the field, a lion CREST— A wolf's head erased or.
rampant within a bordure engrailed
sable. WALLACE. Pennsylvania.
CREST—A lion rampant
argent, John Wallace, Philadelphia, 1742.
holding an ancient axe, handle of the Gules, a lion rampant argent within
first, headed or. a bordure gobonated of the last and
WAITE. Massachusetts. CREST— A demi-lion rampant.
John Wait, Sudbury, 1650. MOTTO— Pro Patria.
Argent, a chevron gules between WALLACE. Virginia.
three bugle-horns stringed sable gar- Rev. James Wallace, Elizabeth City,
nished or. previous to 1695.
(Erroll, Perthshire.)
WAITE. Ohio. Gules, a lion rampant argent.
Capt. Henry de Hart Waite, U.S.A., CREST— An ostrich's head and neck
Toledo. ppr., holding a horseshoe in the beak
Same Arms as John Wait, Sudbury, or.
WALLBRIDGE. Connecticut.
WAKEMAN. Connecticut. Henry Wallbridge, Norwich, 1688.
John Wakeman, New Haven, 1639. (Dorsetshire.)
(Bewdley.) Or, a cross quarter pierced sable be-
Vert, a saltire ermine.
wavy tween four crescents gules.
CREST— A lion's head
erased or, CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
out of the mouth flames of fire ppr. a fawn's head.

MOTTO Nee temere nee timide. MOTTO— Fidei coticula crux.

WALCOTT. Massachusetts. WALLER. Virginia.

Capt. Jonathan Walcott, Boston, 1645. Col. John Waller, Spottsylvania Co.,
(Salop.) 1635-

Quarterly ist and 4th: Argent, a (Bucks.)
chevron between three chess-rooks Sable, three walnut leaves or between
ermine. 2d and 3d Argent, on a two bendlets argent.

cross flory five fleurs-de-lis or. On a mount vert, a walnut

CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or, tree ppr., on the sinister side an es-
a buffalo's head erased argent armed, cutcheon pendent charged with the
ducally gorged, lined and winged of Arms of France with a label of three
the first. points argent.
MOTTO— Hie fructus virtutis.
WALCOTT. New York.
Arthur Stuart Walcott, Esq., NeW WALTER. Massachusetts.
York. Thomas Walter, Boston, 1679.
Same Arms as Jonathan Walcott, (Lancashire.)
Boston, Mass. Azure, a fesse dancette or, between
three eagles displayed argent.
WALDRON. New York. CREST— A lion's head erased argent.
Resolved Waldron, Manhattan, 1654. MOTTO— Fortis atque felix.
Argent, three bulls' heads sable WALTON. New York.
armed or. William Walton, New York, 1760.
CREST— An heraldic tiger sable pel- (Lancaster.)
letee. Argent, a chevron gules between
MOTTO— Nee beneficii immemor nee three hawks' heads erased sable.
injuriae. CREST —A wild man ppr. wreathed

about the middle and temples of the Same Arms as William Ward, Sud-
firstholding in dexter hand a trefoil bury,
slipped or, in the sinister a spiked
club or, reclining on his shoulder, WARD. Connecticut.
Andrew Ward, Fairfield, 1630. Mag-
WALTON. Illinois.
istrate and Colonial Commissioner of
Seymour Walton, Esq., Chicago. Connecticut.
Same Arms as Capt. William Wal-
(Son of Sir Richard Ward, of Gorle-
ton, New York. ston and Homerfield, Suffolk, and
lineal descendant of Osbert de Varde,
WALWORTH. Connecticut.
of Givendale, a.d. 1130.)
William Walworth, New London,
Azure, a cross between four eagles
(Middlesex.) displayed argent. (Arms granted
July 12, 1593- )
Gules, a bend engrailed argent, be-
tween two garbs or.

CREST On a mount vert a hmd
CREST— A cubit arm, vested or, couchant argent.
cuffed argent; the hand grasping a MOTTO— Sub cruce salus.
dagger embrued gules, pommel and
hilt or. WARD. New York.
MOTTO— Strike for the Laws. Levi A. Ward, Esq., New York.
Same Arms as Andrew Ward, Fair-
WANTON. Rhode Island. field, Conn.
George Wanton, Newport, 1726,
(Huntingdon.) WARD. New York.
Argent, a chevron sable, in the dex- Edwin C. Ward, Esq., New York.
ter chief point an annulet of the sec- Same Arms as Andrew Ward, Fair-
ond. Conn.
CREST— A plume of seven ostrich

three argent, two sable, and

two vert.
WARD. New York.
Rev. George Kemp Ward, Rochester.
WARD. Massachusetts. Same Arms as Andrew Ward, Fair-
William Ward, Sudbury, 1639. field, Conn.
Azure, a cross flory or. WARD. California.
CREST— A wolf's head erased ppr. Edwin T. Ward, Esq., Santa Bar-
langued gules. bara.
MOTTOES— (i) Non nobis solum. Same Arms as Andrew Ward, Fair-
(2) Sub cruce salus. field, Conn.

WARD. Rhode Island. WARDWELL. Massachusetts.

John Ward, Newport, 1673. William Wardwell, Boston, 1633.
Same Arms as Ward, of Massachu- (Lincolnshire.)
Argent, on a bend between six mart-
lets gules three bezants.
WARD. Connecticut.
CREST —A lion's gamb holding a
Henry C. Ward, Esq., Middletown. spear ppr. tasselled or.
Same Arms as William Ward, of
WARNER. Virginia.
WARD. Massachusetts. Vert, a cross engrailed or.
Andrew Henshaw Ward, Esq., Bos-
ton. WARNER. Massachusetts.
Same Arms as William Ward, Sud- Andrew Warner, Cambridge, 1632.
bury. (Hertfordshire.)
Or, a bend engrailed between six
WARD. New York. roses gules.
Reginald Henshaw Ward, Esq., New A
CREST— Saracen's head aff route
York. wreathed.

WARNER. New York. WASHBURN. Massachusetts.
Mrs. Carlos Warner, New York. John Washburn, Duxbury, 1631.
For Arms see Robert Seeley, Water- (Evesham, Worcestershire.)
town, Mass. Argent, on a fesse between six mart-
lets three cinquefoils of the
WARNER. New York. field.

Miss Elma Seeley Warner, New CREST — On a wreath a coil of flax

York. argent, surmounted with another
For Arms see Robert Seeley, Water- wreath argent and gules, thereon
flames of fire ppr.
town, Mass.
MOTTO — Persevera Deoque confide.

WARREN. Massachusetts.
John Warren, 1640. WASHINGTON. Virginia.
(Poynton, Devonshire.) John Washington, Bridges Creek,
Gules, a lion rampant argent; a chief 1657-
chequy or and azure. (Northampton.)
CREST— A demi-eagle displayed. Argent, two bars gules, in chief three
MOTTO—Virtus mihi scutum. mullets of the second.
CRESTS— (i) Out of a ducal cor-
WARREN. Massachusetts. onet or, a raven's wings endorsed
William Warren, Boston, I7I5- ^ ppr. (2) Out of a ducal coronet or,
Gules, a lion rampant crowned sable. an eagle's wings endorsed sable.
y —
CREST On a mound vert two doves MOTTO— Exitus acta probat.
billing ppr.
WATERMAN. Massachusetts.
WARREN. Massachusetts. Thomas Waterman, Marshfield, 1638.
Arthur Warren, Weymouth, 1638. Paly of six, argent and gules, three
Chequy or and azure on a canton crescents counterchanged.
gules a lion rampant argent.
CREST— On a chapeau gules turned WATERMAN. Massachusetts.
up ermine a wivern argent wings ex- Richard Waterman, Salem, 1638.
panded chequy or and azure. Or, a buck's head cabossed. gules.
WATERMAN. Rhode Island.
WARREN. Massachusetts. Caroline Francis Waterman, Warren.
Richard Warren, Plymouth, 1620. .
Same Arms as Richard Waterman,
(London.) Salem, Mass.
Gules, a lion rampant argent a chief
chequy or and azure. WATERS. Virginia.
CREST — Out of a ducal coronet a Edward Waters, Elizabeth City, 1610.
demi-wivern wings expanded.
MOTTO— Pro patria mori.
Sable on a fessewavy argent between
three swans of the second, two bars
WARREN. Pennsylvania. wavy azure.
Ebenezer Burgess Warren, Esq.,
demi-griffin azure.
Same Arms as Arthur Warren, Wey- WATTS. New York.
mouth, Mass. Robert Watts, New York, 1700.
WARREN. New York. (Edinburgh.) .

out of
Argent, an oak tree growing
George Thornton Warren, Esq., New a mount, in base vert. Over all on
a bar azure, a crescent, between two
Same Arms as Richard Warren, mullets of the first.
Plymouth, Mass. CREST— A cubit arm erect issuing
WARREN. New York. from a cloud. In the hand a branch
Charles Elliot Warren, New York. of olive, all ppr.
Same Arms as Richard Warren,

MOTTO Servire forti non deficit te-
Plymouth, Mass.

WEATHERBEE. Massachusetts. WEED. New York.
John Witherby, Sudbury, 1630. John Weed, Esq., New York.
Vert, a chevron ermine between Same Arms as Jonas Weed, Water-
three rams passant argent, attired or. town, Mass.

WEAVER. Pennsylvania. WEED. New York.

Henry Weaver, Webers Thai, Lan- Henry Frank Weed, Esq., New York.
caster Co., 1680. Same Arms as Jonas Weed, Water-
(Switzerland.) town, Mass.

Quarterly ist and 4th Azure, a sin-:

ister arm or, holding in the hand the WEEMS. Maryland.

point of a lance ppr. 2d and 3d: Or, David Weems, Billingsley, Prince
an oak tree ppr. George Co.
CREST—A sinister arm or, cuffed (Descended from the Earls of
gules, holding in the hand ppr. an Wemyss.)
olive branch vert. Or, a lion rampant gules.
MOTTO— Esto fidelis. CREST— A swan ppr.
MOTTO—Je pense.
WEBB. Massachusetts.
Richard Webb, Boston, 1632. WELD. Massachusetts.
(Gloucestershire.) Capt. Joseph Weld, Roxbury, 1646.
Or, a cross quarterly, counterchanged (Dorset.)
gules and sable. Azure, a fesse nebulee between three
CREST— A hind's head erased ppr. crescents ermine.
vulned in the neck gules. CREST— A wivern sable guttee, du-
cally gorged and chained or.
WEBB. Virginia.
MOTTO— Nil sine numine.

New Kent Co.

WELD. Massachusetts.
Gules, a cross between four falcons Daniel Weld, Esq., Boston.
CREST— Out Same Arms as Capt. Joseph Weld,
of a ducal coronet or,
a demi-eagle rising gules. Roxbury.

WELLES. Connecticut.
York. Governor Thomas Welles, Hartford,
Mrs. William H. Webb, Rochester.
For Arms see Andrew Ward, Fair-
(Rothwell, Northamptonshire.)
field, Conn. Or, a lion rampant double-queued
armed and langued
sable, gules.
WEBBER. New York. demi-lion rampant sable.
Wolfert Webber, New York. MOTTO— Semper paratus.
Descended from the House of Nas-
sau, through William, Prince of Or- WELLS. Long Island.
ange. William Wells, 1640.
(Holland.) (Norwich, Norfolk.)
Azure, billettee a lion rampant or. (Dr, a lion rampant double-queued sa-
CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or, ble, armed and langued gules.
the attires of a buck gules. —
CREST A demi-lion, double-queued
SUPPORTERS— Two lions erminois, of the shield.
each ducally crowned
— azure. MOTTO— Semper paratus.
MOTTO Je m'en souviendray.
WELTON. Connecticut.
WEED. Massachusetts. John Welton, Waterbury, 1679.
Jonas Weed, Watertown, 1631. (Halifax, Yorkshire.)
(Stanwick, Northamptonshire.) Argent, a cinquefoil gules on a chief
Argent, two bars gules in chief three of the last a demi-lion rampant of
martlets sable. the first.
CREST— A martlet sable. CREST—A Moor's head ppr.

WENCELAUS. Long Island. CREST— A stag's head cabossed sa-
Baron Rend de Wardener. ble, attired or.
Azure, three trefoils slipped in chief,
WESTWOOD. Virginia.
and in base three demi-pages, sur- Sable, a lion rampant argent crowned
mounted by a baron's coronet of with a mural crown or; three crosses-
seven pearls. crosslet fitchee or.
CREST— A head ppr. erased,
WENCELAUS. Long Island. gorged with a mural crown or.
Rudolf Charles Wencelaus (Baron
Rend de Wardener), Cedarhurst. WETHERED. Maryland.
Same Arms as above. Richard Wethered, 1720.
(Ashlynd, Hertfordshire. Arms grant-
WENDELL. New York. ed 1523.)
Evert Jansen Wendell, Albany, 1642. Gules, a chevron between three flesh
Per fesse azure and argent in chief pots or.
a ship in full sail of the second, and CREST— A goat's head erased.
in base two anchors in saltire rings
downwards, sable. WHALEY. Rhode Island.
CREST—A ship in full sail ppr. Theophilus Whaley, Narragansett,
WENDELL. Massachusetts. Argent, three whales' heads haurient
Barrett Wendell, Esq., Boston. erased sable. A
canton of the second
Same Arms Evert Jansen
as Wen- charged with a mascle of the first.
dell, Albany, N. Y. CREST— A whale's head haurient
erased sable, charged with a mascle
WENSLEY. Massachusetts. argent.
John Wensley, Boston, 1662. MOTTO— Mirable in profundis.
Ermine on a bend gules, three escal-
WHARTON. Delaware.
lops or. Walter Wharton, Surveyor of the
CREST— A man's head in profile
"Three Lower Counties on the Dela-
couped at the shoulders ppr. ware," 1671.
WENTWORTH. Massachusetts. Sable, a maunch argent on a border
William Wentworth, Boston, 1628. or, eight pairs of lions'
gambs saltire
(Ravendale, Yorkshire.) ways erased gules. (The border be-
Sable, a chevron between three leop- ing an augmentation granted by King
ards' faces or. Edward VI. to Thomas, Lord Whar-
CREST— A griffin passant, wings ele- ton.)
vated argent. CRESTS— (i) A Moor kneeling in
MOTTO— En Dieu est tout. coat of mail all ppr. ducally crowned
or, stabbing himself with a sword of
WENTZ. New York. the first, hilt and pommel or. (2) A
Mrs. James Griswold Wentz, New bull's head erased argent, attired or,
ducally gorged per pale gules and or.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
ols, Stratford, Conn. WHEELER. Massachusetts.
Isaac Wheeler, Boston, 1638.
WEST. Virginia. Or, a chevron between three leopards'
Anthony West, 1622. faces sable.
Argent, on a fesse dancettee sable, —
CREST On a ducal coronet or, an
three leopards' faces jessant-de-lis or. eagle displayed gules.
WESTCOTE. Massachusetts and Rhode
MOTTO— Facie tenus.
Island. WHEELER. Connecticut.
Stukeley Westcote, Salem, 1636; Samuel H. Wheeler, Esq., Bridge-
Providence, 1638. port.
Argent, a chevron between three es- For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
callops sable. ols, Stratford, Conn.

WHEELER. Connecticut. plates,each charged with two bars
Archer C. Wheeler, Esq., Bridgeport, wavy on the second as many
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich- lions' heads erased gules.
ols, Stratford, Conn. CREST— A lion's head erased quar-
terly or and azure.
WHEELER. Connecticut.
William Bishop Wheeler, Esq., WHITEHEAD. Virginia.
Bridgeport. Richard Whitehead, Gloucester Co.,
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich- 1673.
ols, Stratford, Conn. Azure, on a chevron between three
bugle-horns or, three martlets of the
WHEELER. Connecticut. field.
Daniel Fairchild Wheeler, Esq., CREST— Out of a celestial crown or,
Bridgeport. a bugle-horn gold between two wings
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich- azure.
ols, Stratford, Conn. MOTTO— Dum spiro spero.

WHEELER. Connecticut. WHITELEY. Maryland.

Mrs. Hobart R. Wheeler, Bridgeport. Arthur Whiteley, 1676.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich- (Northampton.)
ols, Stratford, Conn. Argent on a chief gules, three garbs
WHEELER. Alabama and Washington, CREST— A buck's head erased ppr,
D. C. MOTTO—Vive ut vivas,
Gen, Joseph Wheeler, U.S.A.
For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich- WHITELEY. Maryland.
ols, Stratford, Conn. James Gustavus Whiteley, Esq., Bal-
WHEELOCK. Massachusetts. Same Arms as Arthur Whiteley.
Ralph Wheelock, Medfield, 1645.
(Chester.) WHITING, Connecticut.
Argent, a chevron between three William Whiting, Hartford, 1687,
Catherine wheels sable. Azure, two flaunches ermine, a lion's
head erased or; in chief three be-
WHELEN. New York. zants,
James Whelen, New York, 1694.
(Munster.) WHITING. Massachusetts.
Argent, four lozenges in bend con- Rev. Samuel Whiting, Lynn, 1636.
joined azure between two cotises of (Boston, Lincoln. Arms confirmed
the last, on a chief gules three fleurs- 1619.)
de-lis of the first. Per saltire azure and ermine, a lion's
head erased or; in chief three be-
WHITE. Massachusetts. zants.
John White, Cambridge, 1632. CRESTS— (i) A lion's head erased
(Essex.) or. (2) A bear's head ppr,
Argent, a chevron gules between
three popinjays vert, beaked, legged, WHITMORE, Connecticut.
and collared gules, within a bordure Thomas Whitmore, Wethersfield,
azure charged with eight bezants.

CREST Between two wings argent
Argent, on a chief azure, three mart-
a popinjay's head vert, collared gules, lets or.
holding in the beak a rose gules, CREST—Upon the stump of an oak
slipped and leaved of the second. tree, sprouting to the dexter, a fal-
MOTTO— Virtus omnia vincit, con close, all ppr.
MOTTO—Virtus, libertas, patria,
WHITE. Massachusetts.
William White, Ipswich, 1635. WHITNEY. Massachusetts.
Per fesse azure and or, a pale coun- John Whitney, Watertown, 1635,
terchanged; upon the first three (Middlesex.)

Paly of six or and gules, a chief vert. two barrulets azure, a demi-lion ram-
CREST— A bull's head couped sable pant, issuant of the second.
armed argent the point gules. CREST savage's head, affrontee,.
MOTTO— Fortiter sustine. couped at the shoulders, the temples
entwined with woodbines all ppr.
WHITNEY. Connecticut. MOTTO—Virtuti moenia cedant.
Henry Whitney, 1649.
(North Church, Herts.) WILKIN S. Pennsylvania.
Azure, a cross componee or and Robert Wilkins, Chiqnes Creek, 1701.
bull's head couped sable, Per pale or and argent, a wyvern
armed argent, the points gules. vert.
MOTTO— Magnanimiter crucem sus- CREST— A wyvern ppr.
tine. MOTTO— Beware of thyself.

WHITNEY. New York. WILKINSON. Rhode Island.

Drake Whitney, Niagara Falls.
Esq., Laurence Wilkinson, Providence,
Same Arms as Henry Whitney, of 1652.
Connecticut. (Durham. Arms granted 1615.)
Azure, a fesse erminois between three
WHITNEY. Massachusetts. unicorns passant argent.
Joseph Cutler Whitney, Esq., Milton. CREST— Out of a mural crown gules,
Same Arms as John Whitney, Wa- a demi-unicorn segreant erminois,
tertown, Mass. erased, ppr. armed and maned or.
MOTTO— Nee rege, nee populo, sed
WHITON. Massachusetts. utroque.
Thomas Whiton, Hingham, 1635. _

Gyronny of four, azure and ermine, WILLARD. Massachusetts.

over a leopard's head or, in chief
Capt. Simon Willard, Cambridge,
three bezants.
lion rampant.
Argent, a chevron ermines, between
WHITON. New York. three flasks ppr.
Louis Claude Whiton, Esq., New CREST— A griffin's head erased or. .

Same Arms as Thomas Whiton, WILLETT. Massachusetts and New
Hingham, Mass. York.
Capt. Thomas Willett, Plymouth,
WHITTLESEY. Connecticut.
1630; first Mayor of New York, 1665.
John Whittlesey, Saybrook, 1635. (Hertfordshire.)
( Cambridgeshire. )
Argent, three bars gemelles sable, in
Azure, a fesse ermine between three chief as many lions rampant of the
escallop shells or.
lion rampant.
CREST— On a ducal coronet or, a
MOTTO—Animo et fide.
moorcock, wings expanded sable,
WIGHT. combed and wattled
Massachusetts. gules.
Thomas Wight, Dedham, 1637.
et mon devoir.

( Surrey. )
Gules, a chevron ermine between
WILLIAMS. Pennsylvania.
three bears' heads couped argent, Thomas Williams, Philadelphia, 1733.
muzzled sable. (St. Austell, Cornwall.)
CREST— Out of a mural crown, a Argent, a greyhound courant sable,
bear's head argent, muzzled sable. between three Cornish choughs ppr.
on a border engrailed of the second,
WILDER. Massachusetts. eight crosses formee or, and as many
Thomas Wilder, Charlestown, bezants alternately.
(Shiplake, Oxford.)

CREST Argent, a greyhound cour-
Gules, from a fesse or, charged with ant sable.

WILLIAMS. Massachusetts. WILLOUGHBY. Massachusetts.
William Williams, Taunton, 1637. Deputy-Governor Francis Willough-
(Wooton -under- Edge, Gloucester- by, 1628.
shire. ) (Portsmouth, Hants.)
Sable, a chevron argent between three Or, fretty azure.
spearheads of the last, points em- CREST—A lion's head guardant,
brued gules. couped at the shoulders or, fretty
WILLIAMS. Massachusetts. MOTTO— Verite sans peur.
Robert Williams, Roxbury, 1638.
(Norwich, Norfolk.)
Capt. Thomas Willoughby, Elizabeth
Sable, a lion rampant argent, armed
and langued gules. City, 1658.
CREST—A Or, fretty azure.
fighting cock.
MOTTO^— Cognosce occasionem.
CREST—The bust of a man, couped
at the shoulder and affrontee ppr.
WILLIAMS. Massachusetts.
MOTTO— Verite sans peur.

John Williams, Boston. WILLOUGHBY. Rhode Island.

(Wales. Arms granted 1767-) Hugh de Laussat Willoughby, Esq.,
Or, a lion rampant gules, on a chief Newport.
azure, two doves rising argent. Same Arms as Capt. Thomas Wil-

CREST An eagle, wings expanded loughby, Elizabeth City, Va.
cadam a c cyprwyn. WILSON. New York.
William Wilson, Clermont, 1784.
WILLIAMS. Virginia. ( Northumberland. )
William Williams, Culpepper Co., Sable, a wolf salient or, ducally
1650. gorged and chained gules in chief a
(Northampton.) mullet of the second between two
Gules, on a mount vert, a demi-wolf mullets argent.
issuing from a rock on the sinister CREST A— wolf'shead erased er-
side, all argent. minois gorged with a collar sable
CREST —A demi-lion rampant ppr. charged with three mullets argent.

MOTTO Ego de meo sensu judico.
WILLIAMS. Maryland.
Otho Holland Williams, Esq., Balti- WILSON. Massachusetts.
more. Rev. John Wilson, Boston, 1635.
Argent, a chevron between three (Wellsbourne, Lincoln.)
boars' heads couped gules. Per pale argent and azure, three lions'

CREST A boar's head couped ar- gambs, erased fesseways, in pale,
gent, pierced with an arrow.
MOTTO— Vincit qui patitur.
CREST—A lion's head erased ar-
gent, guttee de sang.
WILLIS. New York. MOTTO—Res non verba.
Henry Willis, 1675. WILSON. South Carolina.
(Wiltshire.) Dr. Robert Wilson, Charlestown,
Per fesse gules and argent three lions 1755-
rampant counterchanged within a (Cupar, Fifeshire.)
bordure ermine. Gules, a chevron counter embattled
CREST—Two lions' gambs
erased, between three mullets argent.
the dexter argent, the sinister gules CREST— A talbot's head erased ar-
supporting an escutcheon. K^"t- ^ . ..
MOTTO— Semper vigilans.
WILLIS. New York.
William Henry Willis, Esq., New WILSON. New York.
York. Harold Wilson, Esq., Clermont.
Same Arms as Henry Willis, New Same Arms as William Wilson, Cler-
York. mont.

WINSLOW. Massachusetts. WITHAM. Virginia.
Governor Edward Winslow, Boston. Cuthbert Witham.
Argent, on a bend gules, seven loz- Quarterly, a crescent for difference

enges conjoined or. 1st and 4th: Or, three ravens sable,
CREST—The trunk of a tree, throw- over all a bendlet gules. 2d Gules, :

ing out new branches, all ppr. a chief argent. 3d: Argent, on a
MOTTO— Deceiptae flores. fesse gules between three popinjays
vert, collared and membered of the
WINSLOW. Massachusetts. second, as many escallops of the field.
Kenelm Winslow, Plymouth, 1663.
Argent, on a bend gules, eight loz- WOLCOTT. Pennsylvania.
enges conjoined or. Thomas Wolcott, Philadelphia, 17S1.
CREST—A stump of a tree with (Devonshire.)
branches ppr. encircled with a strap Per pale azure and gules on a cross
and buckle.
flory or, five martlets sable.
MOTTO—Decarptus floreo. CREST— A griffin's head erased ar-
WINSLOW. Massachusetts. gent, guttee de sang, charged with
Rev. William Copley Winslow, Bos- a fleur-de-lis azure bezantee.
Same Arms as Governor Edward WOLCOTT. Connecticut.
Winslow, Mass. Henry Wolcott, Windsor, i63Cfe
(Tolland, Somerset.)
WINSLOW. California. Argent, a chevron between three
Chauncey Rose Winslow, Esq., San chess rooks sable.
Francisco. CREST—A bull's head erased, ar-
Same Arms as Kenelm Winslow, gent, armed or, ducally gorged of the
Plymouth, Mass. last.
MOTTO— Nullius addictus jurare in
WINTHROP. Massachusetts. verba magistri.
Governor John Winthrop, Massachu-
setts, 1629. WOLFE. Delaware.
(Suffolk.) Reece Wolfe, Lewes, 1706.
Argent, three chevrons crenelles gules (Wales.)
over all a lion rampant sable armed
Argent, a fesse between three mart-
and langued azure. lets gules, on a chief sable, three
CREST— On a mount vert, a hare wolves' heads erased of the first.
courant ppr. A
CREST— wolf's head argent.
MOTTO— Spes vincit thronum.
WINTHROP. New York. WOLFE. Missouri.
Buchanan Winthrop, Esq., New York. Moses Good Wolfe, Esq., St. Louis.
Same Arms as Governor John Win- Same Arms as Reece Wolfe, of
Lewes, Del.
throp, of Massachusetts.

WISE. Virginia. WOOD. Massachusetts.

John Wise, 1655. William Wood, Lynn, 1631.
(Sydenham, Devonshire.) (Matlock, Derbyshire.)
Sable, three chevronels ermine. Azure, three naked savages ppr. each
CREST—A demi-lion rampant gules, holding in the dexter hand a shield
guttee d'eau, holding in the dexter argent, charged with a cross gules,
paw a mace or. and in the sinister a club resting on
the shoulder likewise ppr.
(Granted 1400.) —
CREST An oak tree ppr, acorned or.
WISE. Virginia.
John C. Wise, Esq., Wonwells, War- WOOD. Connecticut.
renton. Mrs. Augustus Wood, Bridgeport.
Same Arms as John Wise, of Vir- For Arms see Sergt. Francis Nich-
ginia. ols, Stratford, Conn,

WOODBURY. Massachusetts. third, enclosed by two Cornish
Andrew Woodbury, Manchester, 1731, choughs ppr.
Or, a fesse chequy sable and gules a CREST—A naked arm embowed,
chief dancette azure. grasping a shinbone, all ppr.
MOTTO— Blue loyalty.
WOOLSEY. New York.
WOODBURY. Maine. Mrs. Kate Woolsey, New York.
Elmer Franklin Woodbury, Esq., For Arms see William Cantrill,
Jamestown, Va.
Same Arms as Andrew Woodbury,
Manchester, Mass. WORMELEY. Virginia.
WOODFORD. Ralph Wormeley, Middlesex Co.
Gules, on a chief indented argent,
Thomas Woodford, Plymouth, 1632. three lions rampant sable.
Sable, three leopards' heads reversed WORTHINGTON. Maryland.
jessant, as many fleurs-de-lis gules. William Worthington, 1728.
WOODHULL. Long Island. (Lancaster.)
Argent, three dung forks sable.
Richard Woodhull, Brookhaven, 1648.
(Thenford, Northampton.)
CREST— A goat pass argent holding
in its mouth an oak branch vert,
( Or, three crescents gules.
CREST— Out fructed or.
of a ducal coronet or,
two wings endorsed gules.

MOTTO In courage worthy of your
WOODMAN. Massachusetts.
Edward Woodman, Newbury, 1635.
WORTHINGTON. Connecticut.
Nicolas Worthington, Saybrook, 1650.
Argent, a chevron sable between three (Lancaster.)
escallops gules.
Same Arms as Worthington of Mary-
CREST— A buck's head erased ppr. land.

WOODWARD. Maryland. WRAY. Virginia.

Abraham Woodward, Annapolis, 1700. Capt. George Wray, Elizabeth City,
(Middlesex.) 1758.
Argent, two bars azure over all three Azure on a chief or, three martlets
bucks' heads cabossed or. gules.
CREST— On a ducal coronet a boar's CREST—An ostrich or.
head couped argent. MOTTO— Et juste et vray.
MOTTO—Virtus semper viret.
WRIGHT. Maryland.
WOODWARD. Massachusetts. Edward Wright, Somerset Co., 1660.
Peter Woodward, Dedham, 1640. (Essex.)
(Essex.) Azure, two bars engrailed argent, in

Or, on a bend cotised sable, three chief three leopards' faces or.
martlets argent, within a bordure en- CREST— Out of a ducal coronet or,
grailed azure. a dragon's head vert, collared or.

WOODWARD. New York. WRIGHT. South Carolina.

William Woodward, Esq., New York. Sable, a
chevron, engrailed argent,
Same Arms as Abraham Woodward, between three fleurs-de-lis or. On a
Annapolis, Md. chief of the last as many spearheads
ppr. All within a bordure wavy er-
WOOLSEY. Long Island. mine.
George Wool sey, Flushing, 1630. CREST— On a mount vert, and with-
(Suffolk.) in an annulet or, a dragon's head,
Sable, on a cross engrailed argent, a couped at the neck argent, semee of
lion passant, guardant, gules, between annulets sable, and murally gorged
four leopards' faces azure. On a gules.
chief of the second a rose of the MOTTO— Mens sibi conscia recti.

WRIGHT. Massachusetts. WYNNE. Pennsylvania.
Nicholas Wright, Lynn, 1636. Dr. Thomas Wynne, Philadelphia,
(Norfolk.) 1682.
Sable, a chevron engrailed argent be- (Flintshire.)
tween three fleurs-de-lis or, on a —
Quarterly ist and 4th Gules, three :

chief of the third three spears' heads boars' heads couped at the neck in
azure. pale argent. 2d and 3d Gules, a :

CREST—A dragon's head erased ar- Saracen's head couped at the neck
gent pellettee, ppr. wreathed about the temples ar-
gent and sable.
WRIGHT. Long Island. CREST— A stag trippant ppr.
Edmund Wright, Long Island, 1670. YEAMANS. South Carolina.
Same Arms as Nicholas Wright, Sir John Yeamans, Governor of
Lynn, Mass. South Carolina, 1671.
Sable, a chevron between three cro-
WRIGHT. New Jersey.
nels of spears argent.
Capt. William Mason Wright, U.S.A.,
CREST— A dexter arm holding a
spear all ppr.
Or, a fesse chequy argent and azure
between three eagles' heads erased YOUNG. Rhode Island.
of the field. Archibald Young, Providence, 1740.
CREST— A unicorn passant reguard- Or, three roses gules.
ant, the dexter paw resting on a mul-
let or.
YOUNG. Illinois.

MOTTO— Fortitur et recte. George W. Young, Esq., Chicago.

For Arms see William Ricketts, Elk-
WRIGHT. Connecticut. ton, Md.
Thomas Wright, Wethersfield, 1639. YOUNGS. Long Island.
(Essex.) Rev. John Youngs, Southold, 1640.
Azure, two bars argent, in chief (Southold, Suffolk.)
three leopards' heads or. Per bend ermine and ermines, a lion

CREST Out of a ducal coronet of-j rampant or.
a dragon's head ppr. CREST—A greyhound courant.

WYAT*!. Virginia. YOUNGS. New York.

(Kent.) William J. Youngs, Esq., Brooklyn.
Per fesse azure and gules a barnacle Same Arms as Rev. John Youngs,
argent ringed or. Southold, L. I.

CREST—An ostrich ppr. holding in

YOUNGS. New York.
the beak a horseshoe argent. Miss Ethel Bidwell New
WYCK (VAN). New York. York.
For Arms see Rev. John Youngs,
Cornelius Van Wyck, New York,
(Holland.) Southold, L. I., and John Bidwell,
Sable, a cross or between eight sprigs Hartford, Conn.
of thistle argent, stalked and leaved YOUNGS. New York.
vert, placed saltirewise two and two. Mrs. F. E. Youngs, New York.
On an escutcheon of pretence azure For Arms see John Bidwell, Hart-
a wheel or. ford, Conn.
CREST— ducal coronet.
MOTTO— Ore et corde idem. ZENG (DE). New York.
Frederic Augustus de Zeng, New
WYLLYS. Connecticut. York, 1784.
George Willis, Hartford,^ 1638. ( Hesse-Darmstadt. )

(Fenny Compton, Warwick.) Sable, a field marshal's baton, or staff

Argent, a chevron between three mul- of dignity, in bend or.
lets gules. —
CREST Out of a ducal coronet or,
CREST— A falcon, wings expanded the staff of the shield, between two
ppr. belled or. pennons.


CASTELLANE. Paris, France. J AD WIN. Pennsylvania.

Countess Boni de Castellane (nee C. C. Jadwin, Esq., Honesdale.
Gould), Paris, France. Same Arms as John Jadwin, Rappa-
For Arms see Andrew Ward, Fair- hannoc, Va.
field, Conn.
CROZIER.* District of Columbia. Josiah Collins Pumpelly, Esq., New
Gen. William Crozier, U.S.A., Wash- York.
ington. Descended on the paternal side from
Same Arms as Crozier of Tennessee King Henry I. of France; on the
and New York. distaflf side from Richard Nevill,
"Earl of Warwick, the King-maker,"
WHEELER. Alabama and Washing- d. 1471, and from Ranulph de Nevill,
ton, D. C summoned to Parliament as a baron
Gen. Joseph Wheeler, U.S.A. June 8, 1294.
Descended from John de Newdigate, Gules, a saltire argent, a star of three
A.D. 1 199, and from Sir Robert Hoo, points for difference.
of Hoo, Kent, a.d. iooo. CRESTS— (i) Out of a ducal coro-
Gules, three lions' gambs erased ar- net a swan's head and neck; (2) on
gent (Newdigate). Quarterly, sable a ducal coronet a griffin sejant, with
and argent, a bend or (Hoo). this legend: "Sigillum ricardi nevill
comitis warrewici domini de berge-
DEADERICK. Tennessee. venny."
Chalmers Deaderick, M.D., Knox- SUPPORTERS— Dexter, a bear muz-
ville. zled and chained. Sinister, a griffin.
For Arms see John Crozier, of Knox-
ville. MORGAN. New York.
E. D. Morgan, Esq.
FRASER. Montana. Same Arms as Capt. Miles Morgan,
Miss Jennie Fraser, Butte. Springfield, Mass.

Quarterly ist and 4th: Azure, three
f rases argent. 2d and 3d: Argent, PECK. New York.
three antique crowns gules. Mrs. Jerome A. Peck, Westchester.

CREST A buck's head erased ppr. For Arms see Jasper Crane, New
MOTTO—Je suis prest. Haven, Conn.

Arms of the Thirteen Original States

All the tinctures are supposed to be proper


From behind a mountain, the rising A ship on the stocks; on the horizon at
sun. the sinister side the sun in splendor.

CREST—An eagle with wings addorsed,

holding in its dexter claw a ball, NEW JERSEY
Justice holding Three ploughs in pale.
in her hand a fasces, and in her sinister
CREST—A nag's head couped.
hand a rod. Sinister: Liberty holding in
her sinister hand a staff, on the top of SUPPORTERS—Dexter Liberty :
which a cap of in her dexter hand a wand, on the top
thereof a Phrygian cap. Sinister: Plen-
MOTTO—Excelsior. ty, holding in her sinister hand a cornu-

Three apple trees, two and one- A between two
plough barrulets; in
MOTTO— Qui transtulit sustinet. chief a ship in full sail and in base three



An Indian holding in his dexter hand a SUPPORTERS—Two horses.
bow, and in his sinister hand an arrow; MOTTO—Virtue, Liberty, Independence.
in dexter chief an etoile.

CREST—A cubit arm grasping in the DELAWARE

hand a sword.
Argent, a fesse gules between a garb
MOTTO—Ense petit pacem, sub libertate and ear of maize in chief proper, and a
quietem. bull passant in base of the last.

SUPPORTERS— Sinister A :
hunter, hab-
RHODE ISLAND ited in fur, holding in his dexter hand a
Flotant erect on waves of the sea, a fowling-piece. Dexter: A laborer hold-
shield charged with an anchor, flukes ing in his dexter hand a rake, in his sin-
in base, from the ring a cable pendant. ister, as a Crest, a ship.

MOTTO—Hope. MOTTO—Liberty and Independence.


Quarterly ist and 4th, two pallets sur-
On dexter side. Liberty seated, and on
mounted by a bend; 2d and 3d, a cross sinister,Plenty erect, reclining her dex-
pomme. ter arm on a cornucopia, and holding
hand an ear of maize.
in her sinister
eagle with wings displayed.


holding in his dexter hand a spade. Sin- Pendent from the branches of a palm
ister: A fisherman holding in his sinister
tree, two shields; in base, as many
hand a fish.
sheaves of arrows in saltire.
MOTTO— Crescite et multiplicamini.

VIRGINIA Three caryatides, inscribed on bases, Mod-
eration, Justice and Wisdom, supporting
A female figure holding in her dexter
the front of a Grecian temple; tympanum
hand a sword, and in her sinister hand a
irradiated above, the word "Constitu-

spear, treading on a dead man armed. tion" ; by the sea shore,

in front, standing
MOTTO— Sic semper tyrannis. a Revolutionary soldier armed.

Glossary of Heraldic Terms

The tinctures employed in Heraldry are Metals, Colors, and

Furs. It is an inviolable rule of Heraldry that metal shall never
be placed upon metal, nor color upon color.

THE METALS ARE: VAIR—composed originally of pieces of

OR fur, but now silver and blue, cut to re-

(gold), depicted in uncolored draw-
semble the flower of the campanula, and
ings and engravings by dots or points.
opposed to each other in rows.
ARGENT (silver), expressed by the
shield being plain. COUNTER VAIR— differs from "vair"
by having the bells or cups arranged base
against base, and point against point.
AZURE (blue), depicted by horizontal
lines. composed of figures like crutches' heads.

GULES (red), depicted by perpendicular

VERT (green), depicted by lines from PARTY PER PALE— the field or charge

the dexter chief to the sinister base. divided into two equal parts by a perpen-
dicular line.
SABLE (black), depicted by cross lines,
horizontal and perpendicular. QUARTERLY— the field divided into
four equal parts by two lines, one per-
PURPURE (purple), depicted by lines
pendicular, the other horizontal.
from the sinister chief to the dexter basis.
PARTY PER FESSE—the field divided
THE FURS ARE: into two equal parts by a horizontal line.

ERMINE— a white field with black spots.

PARTY PER BEND—the field divided
into two equal parts by a diagonal line
ERMINES—a black field with white
from the dexter chief to the sinister base.


gold field with black
field divided into two equal parts by a
diagonal line from the sinister chief to
PEAN— a black field with gold spots. the dexter base.

PARTY PER CHEVRON—the field di- THE CHEVRON is formed by two par-

vided into two equal parts by two lines allel lines drawn from the dexter base,
meeting pyramidically in the fesse point, meeting pyramidically about the fesse
drawn from the dexter and sinister base. point, two other parallel lines drawn from
the sinister base.
PARTY PER SALTIRE—the field di-
vided into four equal parts by two diag-
onal lines crossing each other. SUB-ORDINARIES
GYRONNY OF EIGHT—the field di- THE BORDURE surrounds the shield,
vided into eight equal parts by four lines, occupying one-fifth of it.
two per saltire and two quarterly.
THE ORLE is an inner bordure, the

field being seen within and round it on

ORDINARIES both sides.

THE CHIEF is the whole upper part of THE INESCUTCHEON is a small es-
the shield, cut off horizontally by a line, cutcheon borne within the shield.
and comprising a third part of the es-
THE QUARTER is the space formed by

two lines, the one drawn horizontally

THE PALE is formed by two lines from the side of the shield to the centre
drawn perpendicularly from the and the other perpendicularly from the
top to
the base of the escutcheon, comprising chief, to meet it in the same place.

a third part of the shield.

THE CANTON is the same shape, but

less than the Quarter. It occupies the

THE BEND is formed by two lines
dexter chief of the escutcheon.
drawn diagonally from the dexter chief
to the sinister base, and comprising the CHEQUY is divided into equal parts or
third part of the shield. squares alternately of different tinctures,
like a chess-board.
THE BEND SINISTER is the same as
the Bend, excepting the lines are drawn BILLETS are oblong figures.
from the sinister chief to the dexter base.
THE PAILE or PALL is composed of
THE FESSE formed by two horizon-
is the upper half of a saltire and hali a
tal lines drawn across the shield, com- pale, the latter issuing from the base
prising the centre third part of the es- point of the shield to the centre.
THE GYRON is composed of two lines,

THE BAR is a diminutive of the fesse one drawn diagonally from the dexter
of the same form. chief angle of the shield and the other
horizontally from the dexter side, both
THE CROSS is composed of four lines,
meeting in the centre.
two parallel lines perpendicular and two
transverse, meeting at right angles near THE PILE representing a pile used in
the fesse point. the erection of military bridges.

THE SALTIRE is the Cross of St. An- THE FLAUNCH is made on each side

drew. of the shield by the segment of a circular

superfices drawn from the corner of the THE ANNULET is a ring, the tincture
chief to the base point. of which must be expressed.

THE LOZENGE formed of two acute LOZENGY is when the field is divided
and two obtuse angles. into by diagonal lines transversely.

THE MASCLE is a Lozenge, perforated THE FRET, composed of six pieces, two
in the centre.
long ones in saltire and four conjoined
THE FUSIL like the in shape, in the centre in the form of a mascle,
but somewhat longer, interlaced or fretted by those in saltire.

THE ROUNDLE of a circular form, like GOUTTE, represented by a drop of

a piece of money. liquid.

Dictionary of Terms Used in the Registry

ACCOLLE— (the same as gorged, which BATON —generally borne as a mark of

see). Bastardy, made in the form of a trun-
ACCOSTED— side by side.
ACCRUED —grown to maturity. BEAKED— see Armed.

ACORN ED —^bearing acorns. BELLED—applied to the hawk, to which

bells are generally affixed.
ADDORSED—placed back to back.
AFFRONTEE— full faced. BENDY—a field or charge divided diag-
onally into four, six, eight or more equal
AISLE— winged. parts.
ANCHORED— applied to a cross, of
BEZANT— a round, flat piece of gold
which the four extremities resemble the
without impress.
flook of an anchor.

ANNULET— a ring. BEZANTE— seme of bezants.

APPAUME— the hand BILLETS —oblong squares, representing

open, presenting
the palm.

ARGENT— silver or white. BILLETE—seme of billets.

ARMED— as applied to birds of prey, BOWED— arched.

meaning talons and bills, when applied BRACED — same as interlaced.
to beasts meaning the horns or hoofs are
of another color than their bodies.
CABOSSED—the head of any beast look-
ing right forward or full faced, with
ATTIRED— is applied to the horns of nothing of the neck seen.
animals of the deer species.
AZURE—blue. gear of crimson velvet turned up with
BANDED — encircled with a band or rib-

band. CARBUNCLE—a precious stone.

BARBED — the leaves which appear on CASTLE—represented by two towers

the outside of a full-blown rose. with a wall between them.

BARNACLES — instruments used by far- CAT-A-MOUNTAIN—a wild cat, al-

riers to curb horses. ways drawn guardant.

BARRY— describes the field or charge, CATHARINE-WHEEL—a round wheel
divided by horizontal lines. of torture.

CHAPEAU— see Cap of Maintenance. color, and the charge being of color which
CHAPLET— a garland of flowers.
lies upon the metal.

CHARGED— applied to the field or ordi- COUPED— when the head or limb of an
naries bearing any device upon them. animal, or when any other charge is cut
off by an even line.
CHESS-ROOK— a piece used in the
game of chess. COURANT— running.
CHEVRONEL—a diminutive of the COWARD — an animal having its tail be-
chevron. tween its legs.

CINQUEFOIL—a grass of five leaves. —

CRESCENT a half moon with its horns
CLENCHED—the hand shut.
turned towards the chief of the shield.

CLOSE—denotes the wings of a bird CRENELLE— see Embattled.

lying to the body. CRINED — used when the hair or beard
COCKATRICE— a monster with the differs in color from the body.
wings and legs of a fowl and the tail
CROSIER— the staff of a prelate.
of a snake.
CRUSILY— when the field or charge is
COMBATANT— fighting, or rampant strewed over with crosses.
face to face.
CUBIT-ARM—an arm with the hand at-
CONFRONTE— facing each other.
tached, couped at the elbow.
CONJOINED—joined together. CYGNET — a young swan.
wings joined together with their
to two
DANCETTE— applied to lines of which
the indents larger and
are wider than
those of the line indented.
CONTOURNE-applied to an animal in
DEBRUISED — an ordinary or sub-ordi-
any position, with its face to the sinister
side of the escutcheon. nary placed over an animal or other
CORNISH CHOUGH— a bird of the
raven species, it is black, with beak DECRESCENT— a half moon with the
horns towards the sinister side of the
legs of a reddish yellow.
badge of Princes and
DEFAMED— an animal without a tail.

COTISED a diminutive of the bend, DEMEMBRE or DISMEMBERED— an
being one-fourth of its breadth and one- animal or charge cut into pieces, set at
half of the width of the bendlet. small distances from each other.

COUCHANT— applies to an animal lying DEMI— the half, the head or top part
down. being always understood.

COUNTER—changed. DESPECTANT—looking downwards.

COUNTER-CHANGED—the field being

DEVELOPED—unfurled, as colors fly-
of two tinctures, metal and color, the ing.

charge being of metal which lies upon the DEXTER—the right.

DISPLAYED— any bird of prey with its FILE— see Label.
wings expanded.
FILLET—a diminutive of the chief.
DISTILLING—dropping blood.
FIMBRIATED—bordered with a jiiffer-
DORMANT— sleeping. ent tincture.

DRAGON— an imaginary heraldic mon- FITCHE—pointed at the end.

FLEUR-DE-LIS— an heraldic lily with
DUCAL CORONET— a coronet com- three leaves.

posed of four leaves, all of equal height FLEURY or FLORY—flowered with

above the rim. fleur-de-lis.

ELEVATED— applied to the wings of FLEXED—bent or bowed.

birds when open and upright. FLOTANT— floating.
EMBATTLED—the battlements of tow- FOLIATED—leaved.
ers, churches and houses.
FORMEE— see Pattee.
FRESNE—rearing or on the
diminutive of the pale, of hind legs.
which the fourth part
FRETTY— interlaced,
it is
crossing the
as Addorsed.
FRUCTED—bearing fruit.
ENFILED — applied to the head of an
animal or any other charge, pierced by FUMANT —emitting smoke.
the blade of a knife. GAMB —the whole foreleg of a lion or

ENGRAILED—a line of partition. other beast.

ENSIGNED— a charge having any other GARB —a sheaf of wheat.

relative one placed above it GARDANT or GUARDANT— front or

ENVIRONNE— surrounded.
ERADICATED—torn up by the roots. GARNISHED—ornamented.
ERASED — forcibly torn from the body, GAUNTLET—an iron glove.
having the parts jagged. GAZE—applied to a beast of chase when

looking full front.

ESCALLOP-SHELL—the pilgrims'
badge. GLORY —a series of rays issuing from
ESTOILE—a star of six wavy points.
a charge.

EXPANDED— displayed. GONFANNON—a standard or banner.

FEATHERED —applied to arrows when

GORGED—encircled round the throat.
the plume is of a different tincture to the GOUTTE—a drop.

imaginary animal, the up-
FIELD— the whole surface of the es- per half like an eagle, the lower half that
cutcheon. of a lion.

GULES— red. IN LURE— two wings conjoined and in-

GUTTEE— a drop, implies sprinkled and


liquid drops. IN PRIDE—applied to a peacock when

its tail is displayed.
GUTTEE DU'EAU—drops of water.
GUTTEE D'OR—drops of gold. INTERLACED—linked together.
GUTTEE DE SANG— drops of blood. INVECTED— a line of partition.
GUZES— roundles of blood color.
INVERTED —turned the wrong way.
GYRONNY—the division of the shield
by cross, and saltire, in parts from six to ISSUANT — rising or coming out of.

JESSANT— shooting
forth as vegetables
HABITED—clothed. spring forth.

HALBERT—pole-axe. JESSANT-DE-LIS—a fleur-de-lis pass-

HART— a sixth year. ing through a leopard's face through the

stag after its
HAURIANT—applied to a fish when
JESSES —leather thongs to fasten the
bells to the legs of a hawk or falcon.
HAWK—the ordinary bird of prey. JUPON— a surcoat.
HILTED— refers to the handle of a
KNOWED— see Nowed.
LABEL—a of stuff or linen
HIND — a
piece silk
female stag.
with three pendants; it is generally used
HOOD— the coif or hood of a monk. as a mark of cadency.

HOOFED—the particular tincture of the LAMBREQUIN—the mantling around

hoofs of animals. the shield.

HORNED—when the horns differ in LANGUED —used when the tongues of

tincture from the animal itself. animals are to be described as of different
tinctures from the body.
HUMETTE—cut off or couped.

HURST—a group of trees. LAUREL—the emblem of victory.

HURTS — roundles of azure or blue. LEGGED or MEMBERED—used when
the legs of birds are blazoned of a differ-
IMBRUED— stained with blood. ent tincture to the body.

IMPALED—dividing the shield, placing LEVERET— a young hare.

the husband's arms in the dexter, with
LINED — the inside lining of a mantle,
the wife's in the sinister.
garment or cap.
INDENTED—a line of partition. LIONCEL— a young lion.
INDORSED—placed back to back. LODGED —applied to the stag, hart, etc.,
INESCUTCHEON— a small shield borne when at rest or lying on the ground.
as a charge on another. —
LYMPHAD an ancient ship with one
INFLAMED —burning in flames. mast and propelled by oars.

MAILED— clothed in mail. PALY— a field or charge is said to be

MALLARD— a wild drake. paly when divided into an equal number

of pieces of alternate tinctures.
MALLET— a tool used by masons.
MAUNCH—an old-fashioned sleeve, with
argent, carrying the
a lamb
banner of
long, hanging ends. St. George.
MANED— said of a unicorn, horse, or
PASSANT—in a walking position.
other animal when the mane is of a dif-
ferent tincture to the body. PASSANT GUARDANT— a beast walk-
MARTLET — a fabulous bird, shaped like ing, but with the head afifrontee or full-
a martin or swallow, without legs.

MEMBERED— the beak and legs of a PASSANT REGUARDANT— walking,

but looking back.

MILLPICK—an instrument used by mil- PATTES — the paws of any beast.

lers and millwrights. PERCHED —applied to birds in a sitting

MILLRIND —an iron affixed to the cen- posture.

tre of a millstone. PEGASUS — a fabulous horse with wings.
MOOR COCK— the male of the black PELICAN —this bird is always repre-
game or grouse. sented with wings endorsed, neck em-

MOOR'S HEAD—head of a Negro man bowed, and pecking her breast, from
in profile.
which issue drops of blood.

MORTAR— a piece of ordnance. PELLET — roundles, black or sable.

MULLET— the rowel of a spur, made of PELLETTEE — semee of pellets.

five straight points. PENNON—an oblong flag.

MULLET-PIERCED— same as the mul- PERFORATED—pierced.

let, but pierced in the centre.
PHEON —the head of a dart or arrow.
MUZZLED — said of an animal whose
mouth banded or imaginary bird, always
is tied up.
drawn in flames.
NAIANT — swimming.
NAISSANT — rising or coming
out of.
of the ordinaries.
NEBULE— a line of partition. PLATE—a roundle argent or white.
NOMBRIL— the navel point.
PLENITUDE— denotes the full moon.
NOWED—tied in a knot. POMEIS — roundles, when vert or green.
ONDE or UNDE— wavy.
POMMEL—the extremity of the handle
OR—the tincture gold or yellow. of a sword.
ORLE—bordered. POTENT—a crutch or walking-stick.
OVER ALL— is when a charge or ordi- POWDERED— sprinkled with minor
nary is placed over other bearings. charges.

PRIDE, IN ITS, OR THEIR— applied SALAMANDER— an imaginary animal,
to birds which spread their tails in a cir- feigned to be bred in fire.

cular form.
SALIENT —the posture of an animal
PROPER or PPR.— applicable to every- leaping on its prey.
thing portrayed in their natural color. SALTIREWISE— in the form or posi-
PURFLED —trimmed or garnished. tion of a saltier.

PURPURE—purple. SANGLIER—wild boar.

SANGUINE—murrey color.
QUATREFOII^a four-leaved grass.
SANGLANT—bloody or torn off.
QUEUE— tail of an animal.
SARCELLED—cut through the middle.
RADIANT or RAYONNEE—glittering
with rays.
SCALLOP — see Escallop.
SCINTILLANT— sparkling.
RAGULY— ragged or notched at the
edges. SCORPION — resembling a crayfish.
RAMPANT — standing erect on the hind SCROLL—where the motto is placed.
legs. . SEA HORSE— the fore part is like a
horse, with webbed feet, the hinder part
RAMPANT SEJANT— in a sitting posi-
tion with the forelegs raised.
ending in a fish's tail.

RAZED — the same as erased.

SEEDED — applied to the seed of roses,
lilies, etc.
REBATED—the top broken off. SEGREANT— applied to a griffin when
RECLINANT—bending backwards. erect, with wings endorsed.

REFLECTED or REFLEXED— curved SEJANT — signifies sitting.

or turned round. SEJANT ADDORSED— sitting back to
REGUARDANT—looking backwards.
RENCONTRE— same as cabossed. SERRATED — indented or cut like a saw.

RENVERSE—turned upside down. SHACKLE— a link of a fetter.

RESPECTANT or RESPECTING— SHAFTED — is used to denote that a

face to face. spear-head has a handle to it.

RESERVED —contrary to the usual posi-

SHELDRAKE— a kind of duck.

tion. SHOVELLER—a species of water fowl.

REVERSED — turned upside down. SINISTER—the left.

RISING— when birds are in a position SINISTER CHIEF—the left side of the
preparatory to flight. chief.

ROMPE or ROMPU—broken. SLIPPED—the stalk depicted as torn

ROUNDLES — round figures of flat metal. from the original stem.

SABLE—black. SOARING— flying aloft.

SPHINX— a chimerical animal, with the TRANSFIXED—pierced through.
body of a lion, wings of an eagle, and TRANSFLUENT— w a e r flowing t
the head and breasts of a woman.
through a bridge.
SPLENDOUR—a term for the sun when TRANSMUTED—counterchanged.
represented with a human face, and en-
vironed with rays.
TRANSPIERCED— pierced through.
TRANSPOSED— reversed.
STARVED— stripped of leaves.
TRAVERSED—turned to the sinister
STATANT— standing. side of the shield.

STRINGED— applied to a bugle-horn, TREFOIL— three-leaved grass.

which has strings affixed thereto, tied to
a bow.
TRES SURE—half the size of the orle.


STUDDED— adorned with studs. RY — same as flory, but that each alter-
SUBVERTED— reversed. nate fleur-de-lis points to the centre of
the shield.
SUPER CHARGE—one figure charged
upon another.
SURGEANT— rising. TRIDENT—a three-pronged spear.
SURMOUNTED— where one charge is TRIPPANT—one foot up as if on a trot.

placed over another. COUNTER-TRIPPANT — when two

SYREN— a mermaid. beasts are tripping, one passing one way
and the other another.
TALBOT— a hunting-dog.
TALONS—the claws of a bird.
TRUNCATED— trees couped or cut off
at the top.
TASCES— the part of the armor which
covers the thighs.
TRUSSED —birds with their wings close
to the body.
TASSEL— an ornament pendant at the
corners of cushions.
TUFT — a bunch of grass.

TAU— a cross nearly like a cross potent. TURNED UP— the lining turned up over
the edge.
TETE—the head. .

TURRETED—having towers or turrets.

THUNDERBOLT— a twisted bar in
inflamed at each end, two jagged
TUSKED— the tusks of a different tinc-
ture to that of the body.
darts in saltire between two wings ex-

panded, with streams of fire issuing from TYNES — the horns of stags, bucks, etc.

the centre.
UMBRATED— shadowed.
TIERCE— when the shield is divided into
UNDE— wavy.
three equal parts of different colors.
UNGULED— applied to the hoof of an
TORQUED— wreathed. animal when of a different tincture to the
TORTEAUX— a roundle of red color. body.

TOURN&— same as reguardant. UNIFOIL— a single-leaved grass.

URCHIN—hedgehog. through it, nothing but the outward hem
URINANT— the contrary position to being left.

hauriant. VORANT— devouring.

URVANT — turned or bowed upwards. VULNED— wounded so that the blood
VAMBRACE— armor for the arm. _ appears dropping.

VAMBRACED— the arm wholly covered WATER BOUGET— a vessel to carry

with armor. water.

VAMPLATE — a gauntlet or iron glove. WATTLED— a term applied to the gills

VANNET —the escallop when represent- of cock, when

a of different tincture

ed without ears. from the body.

VARVELLED — when the jesses of a WAVED — same as Wavy or Undee.

hawk have rings at the ends. WAVY— formed like waves ; a line of
VERBLEE— a hunting-horn edged round partition.
with metal of different tinctures from the
WEEL— a device for catching fish.
other part.

VERDOY— a border charged with eight

WINGED—having wings.
flowers, leaves, fruit or other vegetables. WINGS CONJOINED— are wings ex-
VERT— green. panded or elevated.

VERTED and REVERTED— same as

WOODMAN— a wild man or savage.
Flexed and Reflexed. WREATH — a garland or chaplet for the
VESTED—habited, clothed.
head. The wreath upon which "the
crest" usually borne is composed of
VIGILANT — applied to a cat when in
two bands of silk interwoven or twisted
the position of watching for prey.
VIZOR—the part of a helmet which pro- WREATHED— having a wreath on the
tects the face.
head or elsewhere.
VOLANT— flying. WYVERN— an imaginary heraldic ani-
VOIDED— a charge which has the mid- mal, the wings and upper part a dragon,
dle cut out so that the field is seen the lower part that of an adder or snake.

The Genealogical Association undertakes record searching,
by professional genealogists, in any part of the United States
or Great Britain. Accuracy is assured by the employment of
resident genealogists in the New England States, Virginia,
Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York. By the
same means thoroughly accurate and authenticated application
papers may be prepared for admission to the Sons of the Ameri-
can Revolution, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the
Daughters of the Revolution, the Order of the Cincinnati, the
Colonial Dames, or any of the other Patriotic Societies.

The Association undertakes also to portray Coats-of-Arms

properly in colors, a task requiring an intimate knowledge of
Heraldry. Any Coat-of-Arms described in this volume may be
supplied at a price ranging from Fifteen Dollars upwards, accord-
ing to the size of the painting. A Pedigree Chart engrossed by
hand on parchment vellum, an acquisition to any library, may
be supplied at a price of from Fifty to One Hundred Dollars, ac-
cording to its size and the number of names inserted. The de-
signing of Heraldic Book-Plates is another specialty of the

(Genealogical ^rintins
The Association not only compiles family histories, but prints
them as well. Many persons have gathered data concerning
their ancestry which is practically inaccessible to many of their
family connections as long as it remains in manuscript. Yet it
is an matter, with aid, to a small edition of
easy proper print
these records. An expert genealogical proofreader, a positive
necessity in work of this sort, can be supplied from the ex-
perienced corps which the Association has at call. Manuscripts
may be sent and estimates on the cost of printing a limited
edition secured.


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