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The Ow Pattern and Entropy Generation in An Axial Inlet Cyclone With Re Ux Cone and Gaps in The Vortex Finder

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The flow pattern and entropy generation in an axial inlet cyclone with reflux
cone and gaps in the vortex finder

Article  in  Powder Technology · September 2016

DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2016.09.019


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Lu Duan Ji Zhongli
Tsinghua University China University of Petroleum - Beijing


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Powder Technology 303 (2016) 192–202

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The flow pattern and entropy generation in an axial inlet cyclone with
reflux cone and gaps in the vortex finder
Lu Duan a,c, Xiaolin Wu a,c,⁎, Zhongli Ji b,c, Zhiyi Xiong a,c, Jingxian Zhuang a,c
Department of Chemical Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102200, PR China
Department of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102200, PR China
Beijing Key Laboratory of Process Fluid Filtration and Separation, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper aimed at studying the contribution of the reflux cone and the gaps in the vortex finder to the reduction
Received 1 February 2016 of energy consumption in the cyclones. The flow field was calculated using Reynolds Stress Model (RSM). Based
Received in revised form 14 August 2016 on the numerical investigations, the entropy generation analysis method was used to explain the mechanism of
Accepted 9 September 2016
energy consumption inside cyclone separators. The regional entropy generation in four parts viz. the outlet pipe,
Available online 14 September 2016
the inlet part, the region around vortex finder and the region below vortex finder was calculated and analyzed to
identify the zones where the energy is largely consumed. The results show that the reflux cone and the gaps help
Cyclone separator reduce the entropy generation in the gas-outlet pipe, in the regions around and under the vortex finder, whereas
Vortex finder increase the entropy generation in the inlet part. In addition, the reflux cone restrains the reflux flow and mainly
RSM reduces the entropy generation in the region around the vortex finder. The gaps reduce the flow rate under the
Entropy generation analysis vortex finder and mainly reduce the entropy generation in that region.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction diameter of the vortex finder in a range of 0.3 to 0.5. As the diameter
of the vortex finder decreased, the tangential and axial mean velocities
Cyclone separators are widely used in the industrial process to re- increased significantly, causing an increase in pressure drop, which was
move particles larger than 10 μm from fluid flows. They are simply con- also observed using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) by Elsayed and Lacor
structed, contain no moving parts, and have low manufacturing and [7]. El-Batsh et al. [8] found that the length of the vortex finder is less im-
maintenance costs. As a result, the cyclone separators, manufactured portant than its diameter in affecting pressure drop. A performance map
from materials including alumina, alumina-silica, zirconia, magnesia, was developed to allow selection of the diameter and length of the vor-
beryllia, and silicon carbide [1], and the unique constructions such as tex finder. Lim et al. [9] compared the performance of ten self-designed
the convex downward top or the vault top [1,2], can be used under ex- cyclones and found that cyclones with a cone-shaped vortex finder ex-
treme conditions. For example, the cyclones can protect downstream hibit lower pressure drop and moderate separation efficiency compared
equipment from contaminants in a high-pressure gas network [3]. with the cylinder-shaped vortex finders. Raoufi et al. [10] also evaluated
Since high operating pressure provides a dense gas atmosphere and the effect of the shape and diameter of vortex finder on cyclone perfor-
then leads to a high pressure drop, the structure of the cyclone separator mance using CFD method. The results showed that the low-pressure
must be optimized to reduce its pressure drop. zone in the middle of the cyclones expands with the small vortex finder
Many theoretical and experimental studies have been carried out to divergence angle, decreasing separation efficiency and pressure drop.
determine the effect of the eight geometrical dimensions of the cyclones Usually, separation efficiency improves simultaneously with an in-
on performance [4,5]. The results indicated that the shape and size of crease in the pressure drop [7]. Jin et al. [11,12] developed a high-
the vortex finder play a vital role in the pressure drop and separation ef- efficiency guide-vaned cyclone, called the PSC type cyclone, and found
ficiency. Hoekstra [6] studied the tangential and axial mean velocities in that gaps in the vortex finder improve flow field and performance.
the cyclones by Laser-Doppler Anemometry (LDA) and Computational Xiong et al. [13] ameliorated the vortex finder configuration by adding
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and tested the effect of the non-dimensional a reflux cone and spiral gaps to reduce the pressure drop. They designed
cyclones with six types of cone-shaped vortex finders and tested perfor-
⁎ Corresponding author at: Department of Chemical Engineering, China University of
mance at different flow rates and particle concentrations. They found
Petroleum, Beijing, 18th Fuxue Rd., Beijing 102200, PR China. that the cyclone separator with a vortex finder that has a reflux cone
E-mail address: (X. Wu). and spiral gaps with dextrorotation of 15° was optimal, and reduced
0032-5910/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Duan et al. / Powder Technology 303 (2016) 192–202 193

the pressure drop by 73% compared with the one without the reflux Four vortex finders are considered in this study, as presented in
cone and spiral gaps. However, this study did not describe the flow Fig. 2. Type A was a basic cone-shaped vortex finder. This was modified
field patterns or the mechanism of energy consumption reduction. by adding a reflux cone to give Type B. Type B was modified by slotting
The CFD method is a high effective, reliable, labor-saving, and time- 18 straight gaps to give Type C, and 18 spiral gaps with 15°
saving approach to predict the flow behavior and performance of cy- dextrorotation for Type D. The gaps are slanted in the opposite direction
clones [14,15,16,17,18]. The entropy generation analysis method, of gas flow, as shown in cross-section B-B in Fig. 2. Two different vortex
based on the numerical results, is a favorable approach to evaluate ener- finders with spiral gaps with either a dextrorotation of 30° or a
gy consumption because the exergy loss is proportional to the entropy levorotation of 15° were also studied in Xiong's work [13]. The perfor-
generation [19]. This approach has been widely used to study and im- mance of these two vortex finders was not as good as the Type D cy-
prove the flow and heat transfer equipment including the centrifugal clone, so were not included in this study.
fan [20] and heat exchangers [21,22,23,24,25]. Therefore, the entropy
generation analysis method can analyze the mechanism of energy con- 2.2. CFD method
sumption and help identify the high energy consumption regions inside
the cyclone separator. 2.2.1. Turbulent model
In this study, the flow field of cyclone separators with four different The flow field in the cyclone separator is three-dimensional, high
vortex finders was simulated using Reynolds Stress Model (RSM). The swirling and intense anisotropic turbulence. RSM and LES were verified
numerical results were compared with the experimental data to assess to be the favorable turbulent models to simulate the flow field in cy-
the reliability of the simulation results. Entropy generation was calculat- clones [26,27,28]. However, the RSM model has lower computer capac-
ed based on the simulated results. The effects of the configuration of ity requirements and shorter running time compared with LES [27].
vortex finder on energy consumption were studied using the entropy RSM also provides a better prediction in the boundary layer with the rel-
generation analysis method. ative coarse grids [29]. In addition, LES does not provide the turbulent
dissipation rate directly, which required to determine the entropy gen-
eration [30]. Therefore, RSM was selected to predict the flow field in the
2. Material and methods cyclones. The details of RSM model are provided in reference [31].

2.1. Construction of the cyclones 2.2.2. Gas-solid two-phase flow model

The inlet particle concentration ranged from 100 to 500 mg/m3, for a
Fig. 1 presents the basic geometrical dimensions of the cyclone sep- volume fraction far less than 10%. Thus, the particle interaction is negli-
arator and its flow pattern. In the inlet part, eight vanes were arranged gible and the Eulerian-Lagrangian approach, called discrete phase
symmetrically, as shown in the cross-section A-A, to allow swirling flow model (DPM), can be used to track individual particles [31]. Only the
in the clockwise direction. drag force and the gravity are taken into consideration here due to the

Fig. 1. Geometry and inside flow of the cyclone separator.

194 L. Duan et al. / Powder Technology 303 (2016) 192–202

Fig. 2. Geometries of the vortex finders.

small fluid-to-particle density ratio [15]. According to Newton's laws of [37,38] who focused on wall friction. The entropy generation caused
motion, the equation of motion for a particle can be written as [31]: by direct dissipation can be neglected because its accounts for less
than 1.5% of the total entropy generation in a cyclone separator [37,
! ! 38]. Thus, in this study, entropy generation due to turbulent dissipation
d up 18μ C D Re ! !  g ρp −ρ and wall friction is taken into consideration, which are listed as follows:
¼ u−up þ ð1Þ
dt 2
ρp dp 24 ρp
• In turbulent flow, the turbulence kinetic energy, defined as k, is dissi-
pated into heat by viscous force in the Kolmogorov microscales [39],
! !
where the u is the fluid phase velocity, u p is the particle velocity, μ is resulting in energy dissipation. The volumetric entropy generation
the molecular viscosity of fluid, ρp is the particle density, dp is the parti- rate due to turbulent dissipation is associated with the turbulent ki-
cle diameter, Re ¼
ρdp jup −uj
is the relative Reynolds number, and CD is the netic energy dissipation, which can be written as [33–35]
drag coefficient, which can be calculated by the correlations developed
by Morsi and Alexander [32].
Discrete random walk (DRW) is used to evaluate the effect of turbu- S‴gen;t ¼ ð2Þ
lent dispersion on particle motion. The separation efficiency was deter-
mined by counting the particle numbers at the inlet and outlet of the
where ρ is the gas density, ε is the turbulent energy dissipation rate,
cyclone separator.
and T is the gas temperature.
In the RSM turbulent model, two transport equations for k and ε are
2.2.3. Computational methodology
solved to calculate the turbulence kinetic energy and turbulent dissipa-
The following methods were used in the simulation: the SIMPLEC
tion rate [31].
(semi-implicit method pressure-linked equations consistent) algorithm
The entropy generation due to turbulent dissipation can be deter-
was used for pressure-velocity coupling, the PRESTO! (Pressure Stag-
mined by integrating Eq. (2) over the flow in the cyclone:
gering Option) pressure interpolation scheme was applied for pressure
discretization because of the high rotating flows, the QUICK ΔSgen;t ¼ ∭ Ω S‴gen;t dV ð3Þ
discretization scheme was used to calculate momentum, and the
second-order upwind discretization scheme was used to obtain the tur-
in which Ω denotes the entire volume of the cyclone.
bulent kinetic energy and turbulent dissipation rate. The simulation was
performed via the commercial software Fluent 6.3.26 on a workstation • The isotropic assumption for ε in RSM deviates considerably because ε
with an Intel Xeon 2.9 GHz CPU and 64 GB RAM. is strongly anisotropic in the low-Reynolds-number near-wall regions
[40–42], resulting in an under estimate of entropy generation [33–35].
2.2.4. Boundary condition Therefore, a model to calculate wall entropy generation was devel-
The velocity inlet boundary condition was set at the inlet. The flow oped by Duan et al. [37,38], and is written as
rate ranged from 214 to 482 m3/h. The parameters of the inlet boundary
condition were set according to reference [31]. The outflow boundary
condition was utilized at the outlet. Air enters the inlet with different τ w vp
velocities at 300 K. The flow is assumed to be fully developed flow at ΔSgen;w ¼ dA ð4Þ
the inlet and outlet. The no-slip condition and the adiabatic condition
are assumed at the walls. The standard wall function is applied to where vp is the fluid velocity at each node in a grid cell and τw is the
solve turbulent flow problems in the wall regions. wall-shear stress.

2.3. Entropy generation analysis method 2.3.2. Exergy loss

Since turbulent dissipation and wall friction are the main
2.3.1. Entropy generation factors determining energy consumption [37,38], the resulting entropy
In a non-reacting flow system, the energy consumption in cyclones generation determines the exergy loss, which can be expressed as
results from direct dissipation, turbulent dissipation, and wall friction  
[33–35]. There are several models to predict entropy generation includ- I ¼ T 0 ΔSgen;t þ ΔSgen;w ð5Þ
ing the model of Bejan [36] that relied on direct dissipation, Kork and
Herwig [33–35] who utilized turbulent dissipation, and Duan et al. where T0 is the inlet gas temperature.
L. Duan et al. / Powder Technology 303 (2016) 192–202 195

Table 1
Exergy loss in the cyclone meshed with different wall-adjacent grid thicknesses.

Type A Type B Type C Type D

Grid levels n y+ δ n y+ δ n y+ δ n y+ δ

1 90,360 875 27.6 132,920 564 7.7 159,589 452 9.2 175,221 657 6.3
2 228,412 529 14.2 275,356 430 5.3 331,874 324 10.3 313,089 420 4.9
3 454,848 423 1.1 471,088 379 3.1 589,589 306 1.3 629,408 370 2.9
4 1,090,294 385 4.5 924,716 319 0.6 968,076 287 6.3 1,071,277 274 11.0
5 1,846,419 320 6.0 1,728,576 264 8.8 1,460,842 197 10.1 1,786,738 230 7.1

The exergy loss can also be determined by the exergy analysis meth- 3.6%. With the further increase of grid number, there was no significant
od, written as improvement in the relative deviation of pressure drop, suggesting that
the grids of level 3 produce grid independent results.
Combining the grid independency and exergy loss results, the flow
Iex ¼ H1 −H2 −T 0 ðs1 −s2 Þq_ m þ q_ m V 21 −V 22 ð6Þ
2 field and the entropy generation for Type A, Type B, Type C, and Type
D were reasonably predicted with grid numbers of 454,848, 471,088,
where q_ m is the mass flow rate. s1 and s2 represent the thermody- 589,589, and 629,408, respectively.
namic entropy at the inlet and outlet, respectively. V1 and V2 represent
the gas velocity at the inlet and outlet, respectively. 3. Results and discussion

2.4. Grid division and grid test 3.1. Reduction rates in energy consumption

The three complex vortex finders with reflux cone and gaps were Table 3 compares the numerical results and experimental data for
created using ProE.4.0 and were imported into the Gambit code. The the relative reductions of pressure drop of the modified cyclone separa-
four cyclone separators were established using Gambit 2.4.6. They tors at different inlet flow rates. The relative reduction of pressure drop
were meshed mainly using the structured grid and partially applying of Type A versus Type B cyclones is used to estimate the effect of reflux
the unstructured grid. Since the grid has a crucial impact on calculating cone on saving energy. The pressure drops of the Type C and Type D cy-
the flow field and the entropy generation [38], five levels of grids for clones are compared with that of the Type B cyclone to illustrate the ef-
each cyclone were tested to evaluate the entropy generation analysis fect of different types of gaps on saving energy. As is shown in Table 3,
method and the grid independency. As the grid level increased, the the numerical results are generally in good agreement with the experi-
thickness of the wall-adjacent grids decreased and the grid number in- mental data, except for the testing results for the Type D cyclone. The
creased. The turbulent wall coordinates (y+) can be obtained in the CFD method underestimates the reduction of pressure drop of the
post-process, and generally decrease with the decrease of the thickness Type D cyclone separator. Overall, the simulation results indicate the
of the wall-adjacent grids. The grid number and the turbulent wall coor- trend of the pressure drop reduction for the three modified types of cy-
dinate for each level of grids are shown in Table 1. clone separators.
According to Section 2.3.2, the exergy loss can be determined by two Table 4 shows the reduction of exergy loss of the modified cyclones.
methods viz., entropy generation analysis and exergy analysis, with lit- The exergy loss for each cyclone separator is in direct proportion to the
tle deviation at a reasonable y+ [39]. This deviation, can be written as pressure drop [38] and can be determined using Eqs. (2)–(6). As is
Eq. (7), and is proposed to evaluate the effect of the thickness of the
wall adjacent grids on the entropy generation.

jIex −Ij Table 3

δ¼  100% ð7Þ The reduction of pressure drop between the experimental data and numerical results.
qV m3/h 214 268 321 375 428 482 Average
Table 1 shows the relative deviations of exergy loss for each level of jΔpexp
 100% 36.6 38.0 39.6 40.3 41.1 38.7 39.1
grids when the flow rate was set to 375 m3/h. As presented in Table 1, jΔpexp
−Δpexp j
 100% 23.1 33.2 44.3 33.8 22.8 26.1 30.5
the relative deviations of exergy loss at the level 3 grids are generally Δpexp
jΔpexp −Δpexp j 62.5 63.0 63.5 59.4 55.0 56.0 59.9
less than those in the other four levels of grids. B
In addition, the grid independency was tested by comparing the jΔpCFD −Δp CFD j
36.6 34.6 38.8 43.5 40.0 39.7 38.8
pressure drop between the grids of level i and i − 1 for each cyclone (i ΔpCFD
jΔpCFD −ΔpCFD j 32.9 33.8 31.2 28.6 29.6 31.9 31.3
ranged from 2 to 5). As is shown in Table 2, the relative deviations of B

pressure drop between the grids of level 3 and level 4 were less than jΔpCFD
−Δp CFD j
 100% 46.1 47.3 44.9 43.2 45.0 46.2 45.5

Table 2 Table 4
The grid independency test for the four types of cyclones. Reduction of exergy loss for modified cyclone separators.
Grid level Type A Type B Type C Type D qV m3/h 214 268 321 375 428 482 Average
jΔP 1 −ΔP 2 j 6.4 10.4 7.8 6.2
ΔP 1  100/% jΔI CFD CFD
A −ΔI B j 33.1 30.8 36.0 40.8 36.5 37.4 35.8
jΔP 2 −ΔP 3 j 4.6 7.0 7.0 3.4
ΔP 2  100/% A


B −ΔI C j
 100% 35.7 34.6 33.1 30.4 31.8 32.1 33.0
jΔP 3 −ΔP 4 j 3.5 1.61 3.6 2.9
ΔP 3  100/% ΔICFD

jΔP 4 −ΔP 5 j 2.5 0.9 0.8 1.8 jΔI CFD CFD

B −ΔI D j
 100% 48.6 49.8 46.6 44.7 46.7 46.1 47.1
ΔP 4  100/% ΔICFD
196 L. Duan et al. / Powder Technology 303 (2016) 192–202

shown in Table 4, the relative reduction of exergy loss agrees well with region of the vortex finder decreases dramatically in Type C and
the relative reduction of pressure drop, indicating that the entropy gen- Type D cyclones relative to that in Type A and Type B cyclones, as
eration analysis method can effectively evaluate the reduction of energy shown in Fig. 3(c). As a result, the energy dissipation is significantly
consumption for modified cyclone separators. reduced. The velocity vector in the vortex finders of Type A and Type
B cyclones indicates that the reflux flow is restrained effectively by
3.2. Flow pattern adding a reflux cone. In addition, the spiral gaps expand the flow
areas and increase the airflow through the vortex finder, resulting
3.2.1. Velocity vector in the reflux flow.
In this section, the velocity vector was observed for a flow rate of
375 m3/h. As is shown in Fig. 3, three planes were studied in the gas-
outlet pipe (z = 200 mm) and near the vortex finder (z = −100 mm 3.2.2. Velocity contours
and y = 0 mm). In Type A and Type B cyclones, both the outer down- For the four types of cyclones, the contours of the tangential and
ward flow and the inner upward flow occur in the clockwise direction. axial velocities on the plane of y = 0 mm are depicted in Fig. 4. The
However, due to the gaps in the vortex finder, part of the flow in the maximum tangential and axial velocities of the modified cyclones
Type C and Type D cyclones are in the counter-clockwise direction espe- all decrease, compared to those of the original cyclone separator.
cially in the near wall regions, as shown by the planes of z = 200 mm Owing to the gaps, the maximum tangential velocity shifts from the
and z = −100 mm. The flow field is even totally in the opposite direc- space under the vortex finder to the annular space outside the vortex
tion in the gas-outlet pipe of the Type C cyclone. In the gas-outlet pipe of finder, and the maximum axial velocity moves from the under part to
the Type D cyclone, the inner flow is in the clockwise direction, but the the upper part of the vortex finder. The non-symmetry flow field is
outer flow is in the counter-clockwise direction. also found to be ameliorated by adding gaps. In the gas-outlet pipe
Through the gaps, a small portion of airflow enters the vortex of the Type C and Type D cyclones, the partial swirling flow turns
finder and destroys the boundary layer of the swirling flow in the to the inverse direction compared with those in Type A and Type B
near-wall region [13]. Thus, the upward flow rate in the near-wall cyclones.




Fig. 3. Velocity vector at various positions in the different types of cyclone separators. (a) z = 200 mm. (b) z = −100 mm. (c) y = 0 mm.
L. Duan et al. / Powder Technology 303 (2016) 192–202 197

(a) velocity is below zero, indicating that the airflow direction is opposite to
that in Type A and Type B cyclones. The tangential velocity pattern
mainly shows the same behavior of the Rankine vortex.
In the space under the vortex finder, the magnitude of axial veloci-
ties in the near wall regions of Type C and Type D cyclones is larger
than that in Type A and Type B cyclones, allowing better separation ef-
ficiency, as shown by Xiong [13]. In the space under the vortex finder of
Type A and Type B cyclones, the axial velocity pattern shows an inverted
V profile, which would increase stress on the vortex finder and increase
vibration and noise [43]. In addition, in the vortex finder of Type A and
Type B cyclones, it shows a V profile. In the Type C and Type D cyclones,
the axial velocity patterns exhibit a small W profile in the vortex finder
and an inverted W profile in the space under the vortex finder. In addi-
tion, the symmetry of the flow field is improved by the gaps in the vor-
tex finder.

3.3. Distribution of entropy generation due to turbulent dissipation

As is presented in Fig. 6, the distribution of volumetric entropy gen-

eration rate due to turbulent dissipation was analyzed for a flow rate of
375 m3/h. In the space under the vortex finder, the value for the Type C
and Type D cyclones is about two orders smaller than that in Type A and
Type B cyclones due to the weak swirling intensity, resulting from the
escape of flow through the gaps. The value in the Type B cyclone is gen-
erally less than that in the Type A cyclone, indicating that the vortex
finder with a reflux cone leads to a decrease of energy consumption,
(b) which was also reported by Lim et al. [9], Raoufi et al. [10], and Xiong
[13]. For these four types of cyclones, the maximum S‴gen, t is generally
obtained inside the vortex finders. It moves up from the entrance to
the upper part of the vortex finder by the addition of gaps. In addition,
the large value in Type A and Type C cyclones is located at the center
of the vortex finer, whereas it is achieved in the near-wall regions in
the Type B and Type D cyclones.
Fig. 7 also presents the volumetric entropy generation rate due to
turbulent dissipation at the same positions as Fig. 5. It is also ob-
served that the value in the space under the vortex finder of Type C
and Type D cyclones is less than that of Type A and Type B cyclones.
However, in the center of the gas-outlet pipe of Type C and Type D
cyclone, the value is slightly larger than that of the other two cy-
clones due to the interaction of the flows in the inverse direction.
Whereas, in the near-wall regions of the gas-outlet pipe, the value
in Type A and Type B cyclones is enormously less than it in Type C
and Type D cyclones. The tangential and axial velocities in the annu-
lar part outside the vortex finders of Type C and Type D cyclones are
larger than those of Type A and Type B cyclones. As a result, the en-
tropy generation rate for Type C and Type D cyclones is larger than
that for Type A and Type B cyclones.

3.4. Regional entropy generation

As described above, the distribution of S‴gen , t varies in different re-

Fig. 4. Velocity contours on the plane of y = 0 mm. (a) Tangential velocity. (b) Axial
gions for the four types of cyclones. Thus, each cyclone is divided into
four regions, including: the gas-outlet pipe, the inlet part, and the re-
gions around and under the vortex finder, as presented in Fig. 8. The
regional entropy generation due to turbulent dissipation and wall
friction was calculated by Eqs. (1)–(4) for each cyclone at flow rate
3.2.3. Velocity profile of 375 m3/h.
Fig. 5 shows the tangential and axial components of gas velocity at Fig. 9 shows the regional entropy generation for each cyclone sepa-
various axial positions on the plane of y = 0 mm. There are four posi- rator. It shows that the reflux cone and the gaps in the vortex finder re-
tions located in the gas-outlet pipe at z = 200 mm, among the vortex duce entropy generation in the regions around the vortex finder, under
finder at z = −100 mm, in the cylindrical part at z = − 300 mm and the vortex finder, and in the gas-outlet pipe. The reflux cone restrains
in the conical part at z = − 500 mm, respectively. The magnitude of reflux flow in the vortex finder. As a result, the entropy generation of
the tangential velocity in Type C and Type D cyclones is generally less Type B cyclone decreases by 36.5% compared with that of the Type A cy-
than that in Type A and Type B cyclones, indicating that the swirling in- clone, including 29.4% around the vortex finder, 7.3% under the vortex
tensity in Type C and Type D cyclones is weaker than that in Type A and finder, and 0.7% in the gas-outlet pipe. The non-symmetry of the flow
Type B cyclones. In the gas-outlet pipe of Type C cyclone, the tangential field was improved and the magnitude of the tangential and axial
198 L. Duan et al. / Powder Technology 303 (2016) 192–202

velocities decreased due to the gaps. Thus, for Type C cyclone, the entro- pipe, and 12.9% around the vortex finder. These results indicate that spi-
py generation decreases by 33.4% compared with that of Type B cyclone, ral gaps are superior to the straight gaps for the reduction of energy con-
including 27.1% under the vortex finder, 5.2% in the gas-outlet pipe, and sumption. However, the entropy generation in the inlet part of the three
4.0% around the vortex finder. In addition, for the Type D cyclone, the modified cyclones increases by 0.9%, 3.0% and 3.0%, respectively, likely
entropy generation reduces by 47.8% compared with that of the Type due to the increase of the swirling intensity in the annular space outside
B cyclone, with 30.2% under the vortex finder, 7.7% in the gas-outlet the vortex finder.

Fig. 5. Tangential and axial velocities at various axial positions on the plane through the Z-axis: P1—z = 200 mm; P2—z = −100 mm; P3—z = −300 mm; P4—z = −500 mm.
L. Duan et al. / Powder Technology 303 (2016) 192–202 199

Fig. 5 (continued).

3.5. Grade separation efficiency 4. Conclusions

Fig. 10 shows the grade separation efficiency for the four cyclone The entropy generation analysis method combined with CFD meth-
separators, as calculated by the Eulerian-Lagrangian multiphase model od was successfully applied to investigate the flow field and the mech-
at an inlet flow rate of 375 m3/h. The particle density is 2700 kg/m3 anism of the energy consumption in four types of cyclones. The cyclones
and the inlet particle concentration is 200 mg/m3. It is found that the were considered in four parts: the gas-outlet pipe, the inlet part, the re-
grade efficiency of Type B cyclone is generally less than that of the gion around the vortex finder, and the region under the vortex finder.
Type A cyclone, which differs from the findings of Xiong's work [13]. The entropy generation of each part was then calculated and analyzed
However, compared with the grade efficiency of the Type A cyclone, at flow rate of 375 m3/h. The results showed that the reflux cone ame-
an improvement is observed for the Type C and Type D cyclones, in liorated the reflux flow in the vortex finder to effectively reduce the
agreement with the experimental data from Xiong's work [13]. This is overall energy consumption in the cyclone separator, as the entropy
because that the particles did not access the gaps due to the inertia ef- generation of the Type B cyclone was decreased by 36.5% compared to
fect and the amount of the separated particles escaping from the vortex that of the Type A cyclone. The region around the vortex finder is the
finder entrance decreases due to the reflux cone. The Type D cyclone key region for decreasing entropy generation for the Type B cyclone.
shows better separation performance than the Type C cyclone. The gaps reduce the flow rate under the vortex finder and can

Fig. 6. Contours of the entropy generation rate on the plane of y = 0 mm and on the Z-axis.
200 L. Duan et al. / Powder Technology 303 (2016) 192–202

Fig. 7. S‴gen,t at various axial positions on the plan through the Z-coordinate: P1—z = 200 mm; P2—z = −100 mm; P3—z = −300 mm; P4—z = −500 mm.

effectively reduce energy consumption. The overall entropy generation Greek symbols
of the Type C and Type D cyclones decreased by 33.4% and 47.8%, respec- Δp cyclone pressure drop, Pa
tively, compared to the Type B cyclone. The region under the vortex ΔSgen,t entropy generation due to turbulent dissipation, W/K
finder is the key region that contributed to decrease entropy generation ΔSgen,w wall entropy generation, W/K
for Type C and Type D cyclones. In addition, the grade separation effi- ρ density, kg·m−3
ciency of Type C and Type D cyclones was slightly higher than that of μ dynamic viscosity, Pa·s
the Type A cyclone, suggesting that Type C and Type D vortex finders ε turbulent dissipation rate, W/kg
can improve cyclone performance. The Type D cyclone separator is the τw wall-shear stress, Pa
optimum one, exhibiting the lowest entropy generation and the highest Ω entire cyclone
separation efficiency.
Superscripts and subscripts
Notation ()''' volumetric rate
()1 variable at inlet
()2 variable at outlet

H enthalpy, J/s
I exergy loss by the entropy generation analysis, J/s Acknowledgements
Iex exergy loss by the exergy analysis, J/s
p pressure, Pa This work was supported by the general project “The cyclone
q_ m mass flow rate, kg/s separator performance investigation based on entropy generation
Re Reynold's number theory” sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of
T gas temperature, K China (No. 51474229), and the Special and Significant Projects of
T0 fluid temperature at inlet, K National Science and Technology “Safe operation technology
V fluid velocity, m/s optimization of ten billion level natural gas purification plant”
vp fluid velocity at the node in the first grid cell near the wall, (No. 2011ZX05017-005) sponsored by the Ministry of National
m/s Science and Technique.
L. Duan et al. / Powder Technology 303 (2016) 192–202 201

Fig. 9. Entropy generation for different regions in the four types of cyclones.

Fig. 10. Separation efficiency for the four types of cyclones.

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