Direct Methanol Fuel Cell With Extended Reaction Zone Anode: Ptru and Ptrumo Supported On Graphite Felt
Direct Methanol Fuel Cell With Extended Reaction Zone Anode: Ptru and Ptrumo Supported On Graphite Felt
Direct Methanol Fuel Cell With Extended Reaction Zone Anode: Ptru and Ptrumo Supported On Graphite Felt
Pressed graphite felt (thickness ∼350 m) with electrodeposited PtRu (43 g m−2 , 1.4:1 atomic ratio) or PtRuMo (52 g m−2 , 1:1:0.3 atomic ratio)
nanoparticle catalysts was investigated as an anode for direct methanol fuel cells. At temperatures above 333 K the fuel cell performance of the
PtRuMo catalyst was superior compared to PtRu. The power density was 2200 W m−2 with PtRuMo at 5500 A m−2 and 353 K while under the
same conditions PtRu yielded 1925 W m−2 . However, the degradation rate of the Mo containing catalyst formulation was higher. Compared to
conventional gas diffusion electrodes with comparable PtRu catalyst composition and load, the graphite felt anodes gave higher power densities
mainly due to the extended reaction zone for methanol oxidation.
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282 A. Bauer et al. / Journal of Power Sources 167 (2007) 281–287
as pressed and uncompressed graphite felts [15,17] and retic- deionized water at 333 K, followed by drying in air at 333 K.
ulated vitreous carbon [16]. Therefore, the extended reaction To reduce the surface oxides formed during sample treatment,
zone concept has not been thoroughly validated yet by fuel cell electrochemical reductive cleaning of the PtRu(Mo) electrode-
experiments. posited pressed felt was performed for 10 min in 0.5 M H2 SO4
In this context, the objective of the present work was to follow at a constant potential of −0.8 V versus Hg/Hg2 SO4 , K2 SO4std.
up on our previous study, where we presented a novel surfactant reference electrode (abbreviated as MSE) for 10 min [E (V versus
assisted method to electrodeposit PtRu nanoparticles on pressed SHE) = 0.64 + E (V versus MSE)].
graphite felt (thickness ∼350 m) [15], by investigating the per- Scanning electron microscopy was carried out to study the
formance of the graphite felt anode in DMFCs in comparison deposit morphology. The catalyst loading and bulk atomic ratio
with commercial gas diffusion electrodes with carbon black sup- were determined by digesting a sample of deposited felt in aqua
ported PtRu catalyst. Furthermore, the nanoparticle preparation regia at 363 K for 3 h followed by inductively coupled plasma
procedure was extended to the ternary system PtRuMo and the atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) analysis. The effec-
role of Mo in the electrocatalyst formulation was studied in both tive Pt surface area was estimated by the Cu underpotential
half-cell and fuel cell experiments. deposition and anodic stripping method [15,16,22].
Interestingly, while there are a number of publications reveal-
ing the positive effect of Mo on methanol electrooxidation 2.2. Electrochemical half-cell experiments
kinetics in half-cell experiments [18–21], there is generally a
lack of longer-term fuel cell studies involving PtRuMo. Neto A PARSTAT 2263 potentiostat controlled by PowerSuite®
et al. showed by cyclic voltammetry at 293 K that PtRuMo software (Princeton Applied Research) was employed. The
nanoparticles prepared by a colloidal method with 1:1:1 atomic working electrode was 1 cm2 of pressed felt with PtRu or
ratio gave a 100 mV lower methanol oxidation onset potential PtRuMo electrodeposited on it, immersed in 0.1 M H2 SO4 . Two
compared to PtRu (1:1) [19]. This observation is corroborated graphite rods of 20 cm2 total geometric area served as counter
by the findings of Lima et al., who identified by in situ IR electrodes and an MSE was employed via a Luggin capillary as
reflectance spectroscopy the presence of CO2 from CH3 OH the reference electrode. Cyclic voltammetry was carried out in
oxidation at a 100 mV lower potential when Mo was present 0.1 M H2 SO4 at 5 mV s−1 to provide a blank scan. Afterwards
in a PtRu/polyaniline catalyst. Furthermore, the same authors 0.5 M CH3 OH was added to the electrolyte and cyclic voltam-
reported that PtRuMo was less sensitive to COad poisoning [20]. metry and chronopotentiometry were carried out to characterize
Zhang et al. confirmed the beneficial Mo effect by chronopoten- the catalyst performance. Experiments were performed at both
tiometry at 100 A m−2 , reporting approximately a 50–100 mV 298 and 343 K.
lower anode potential in case of methanol oxidation on PtRuMo
compared to PtRu [21]. 2.3. Fuel cell experiments
Thus, in terms of the ternary catalyst composition PtRuMo,
the present work attempts to bridge a gap between fundamental The fuel cell performance of the catalyzed felt anodes was
electrochemical investigations and fuel cell experiments. evaluated employing a 5 cm2 area experimental DMFC with
gold plated stainless steel end plates having serpentine type flow
2. Experimental channels. The Nafion® 117 membrane had a 40 g m−2 Pt black
catalyst loading on the cathode side (Lynntech Inc.). As back-
2.1. Electrodeposition ing/diffusion layers untreated carbon cloth and ELAT® were
employed on the anode and cathode side, respectively. Temper-
Before deposition the pressed graphite felt (5 cm2 geomet- ature, oxidant flow rate, cathode backpressure and the electronic
ric area, 350 m thickness, Test Solutions Inc.) was rinsed with load (current) were set and controlled by the FC PowerTM soft-
methanol (Fisher) and deionized water followed by air drying in ware associated with the Fideris Inc. test station. The cathode
an oven at 333 K. The electrodeposition media contained 40 wt% pressure was 2 atm (abs). Dry O2 was supplied at a flow rate of
Triton X-100 (C14 H22 O(C2 H4 O)n , n ≈ 9.5) (Aldrich) and metal 500 ml min−1 STP. The anolyte, consisting of 1 M CH3 OH in
salts: 65 mM H2 PtCl6 ·6 H2 O (99.9% Aldrich), 65 mM RuCl3 ·3 0.5 M H2 SO4 , was circulated at 5 ml min−1 and ambient pres-
H2 O (99.9% Alfa-Aesar) while in the case of the ternary cat- sure employing a peristaltic pump.
alyst, 32.5 mM MoCl5 ·5 H2 O (98% Aldrich) was also added.
The deposition was carried out twice, in galvanostatic mode at 3. Results and discussion
60 A m−2 and 333 K for 1.5 h each utilizing a sandwich type cell
with two platinized Ti plates functioning as counter electrodes. 3.1. PtRu and PtRuMo electrodeposition on graphite felt
Between the first and second deposition steps the graphite felt
electrode was washed with deionized water and methanol and As shown by high resolution scanning electron microscopy,
dried in air. The temperature for both washing and drying was the surfactant assisted electrodeposition technique produced
333 K. The second deposition step was carried out employing meso-porous PtRu and PtRuMo coatings on the fiber surface,
fresh electrodeposition media. consisting of particles and agglomerates with approximate diam-
After the two consecutive electrodeposition steps the felt was eters ranging from 10 to100 nm (Fig. 1). It must be noted that
sonicated in methanol and rinsed thoroughly with methanol and transmission electron microscopy images could not be obtained
A. Bauer et al. / Journal of Power Sources 167 (2007) 281–287 283
Fig. 4. Effect of Triton X-100 on the voltammogram of PtRu (a) and PtRuMo
(b) codeposition on graphite felt. Scan rate 5 mV s−1 .
MSE where the metal deposition occurs with high current effi-
ciency, the largest cathodic current was obtained for PtCl6 2− .
Thus, as discussed also previously [15], in the absence of Triton
X-100 the electrodeposition of Pt is favored forming a Pt-rich
catalyst on the graphite felt.
The gradual increase of Triton X-100 concentration from 0
to 40 wt% resulted in a significant decrease of the Pt deposi-
tion current density (Fig. 3a). At 40 wt% Triton X-100 the Pt
deposition polarization curve became linear up to −0.8 V with a
large dE/di ratio (Fig. 3a). This is due to the large crystallization
Fig. 3. Effect of Triton X-100 on the voltammogram of Pt (a), Ru (b) and Mo overpotential as a result of low ad-atom surface diffusivity on
(c) electrodeposition on graphite felt. Scan rate 5 mV s−1 . the surfactant-covered surface [23], leading to isolated nuclei
formation followed by restricted growth of nuclei to three-
and 5 mV s−1 on 1 cm2 pressed felt in the metal salt solutions, dimensional crystallites and possible coalescence into larger
H2 PtCl6 , RuCl3 and MoCl5 both individually (Fig. 3) and in aggregates (nucleation-coalescence mechanism for electrode-
combination (Fig. 4). The concentration of each metal species position).
was 1 mM. The effect of surfactant on the electrodeposition current of
Fig. 3 shows the scans for the individual metal depositions. either Ru or Mo was less pronounced compared to Pt (compare
In the absence of surfactant, for all three species essentially two Fig. 3a–c). This indicates that the electroreduction kinetics of
cathodic waves can be distinguished. At potentials more pos- both Ru and Mo ions are slow, hence, their deposition current
itive than −0.8 V versus MSE, primarily the electrodeposition density was less affected by ad-atom diffusion limitation and
of Pt, Ru and Mo takes place, while at more negative poten- restricted growth effects.
tials the secondary reaction of H2 evolution gains significance, Fig. 4 shows the voltammograms obtained for codeposition of
thereby, lowering the deposition current efficiency. In the poten- PtRu (Fig. 4a) and PtRuMo (Fig. 4b), respectively. In the case of
tial domain of interest, i.e. between −0.4 and −0.8 V versus both PtRu and PtRuMo, without surfactant present in the depo-
A. Bauer et al. / Journal of Power Sources 167 (2007) 281–287 285
Fig. 5. Voltammogram of methanol electro-oxidation using PtRu and PtRuMo Fuel cell polarization curves were obtained for the two
catalysts deposited on compressed felt: 0.5 M CH3 OH–0.1 M H2 SO4 , 5 mV s−1 . pressed graphite felt supported catalysts (PtRu and PtRuMo,
286 A. Bauer et al. / Journal of Power Sources 167 (2007) 281–287
Fig. 7. Fuel cell polarization experiments at 333 K. Anode comparison: com- Fig. 8. Fuel cell polarization experiments at 343 and 353 K using the pressed felt
mercial gas diffusion electrode vs. PtRu and PtRuMo deposited onto pressed supported PtRu and PtRuMo catalysts. Anode feed: 1 M CH3 OH–0.5 M H2 SO4 ,
felt. Anode feed: 1 M CH3 OH–0.5 M H2 SO4 , 5 ml min−1 , ambient pressure; 5 ml min−1 , ambient pressure; cathode feed: dry O2 , 500 ml min−1 STP, 2 atm.
cathode feed: dry O2 , 500 ml min−1 STP, 2 atm.
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