Plasma Chemistry
Plasma Chemistry
Plasma Chemistry
David B. Hash,1 Martin S. Bell,2 Kenneth B. K. Teo,2 Brett A. Cruden,1 William I. Milne,2
and M. Meyyappan†1
Center for Nanotechnology, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California
94035, USA
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, United
The role of plasma in plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of carbon nanotubes
techniques. A residual gas analysis (RGA) of a 12 mbar direct current (dc) discharge with
a C2H2/NH3 gas mixture is conducted near the Ni catalyst surface employed for carbon
nanofiber growth. The results are corroborated with a 1-D dc discharge model that solves
for species densities, ion momentum, and ion, electron, and neutral gas thermal energies.
Corresponding author. E-mail:
NAS Technical Report NAS-05-002, March 2005
The effect of varying the plasma power from 0 to 200 W on the gas composition is
studied. The dissociation efficiency of the plasma is demonstrated where over 50 percent
200 W. Finally, the important role that endothermic ion-molecule reactions play in this
conversion is established for the first time. Of these reactions, dissociative proton
1. Introduction
Catalytic decomposition of carbon-bearing gases on metallic nanocluster catalysts in
chemical vapor deposition (CVD) systems for growth of carbon nanotubes and
laser ablation), low-cost, and commercial-scale production with the ability to pattern
superhydrophobic surfaces [2], field emission cathodes [3,4], vertical interconnects [5,6],
[15,16,17,18,19] require not only patterned growth but also vertical alignment.
Alignment in thermal CVD processes can be obtained through van der Waals interaction-
sponsored alignment where carbon nanotubes are grown closely together like towers or
along the axes of carbon nanotubes that act to align the tube in the direction of the field
and combat any randomizing effect of thermal vibrations. Electric field enabled
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Lin et al. [48] demonstrated that the alignment mechanism is the same for all systems.
and sheath width on the order of 100 µm or a dc discharge with 600 V applied bias and 2
mm sheath width, the sheath electric fields are on the same order and are requisite for
aligned growth. The plasma itself, in fact, is not required for aligned growth as references
[21] and [22] employed fields through small applied voltages (3-20 V) across very small
electrode spacings (10-100 µm) and thus avoided striking a discharge. This demonstrates
that the only requirement for aligned growth is an electric field and that it is the sheath
electric field of the plasma and not the plasma itself that affects alignment. However,
large-scale electric field aligned nanotube production has yet to be accomplished without
the present work examines the effect of the plasma chemistry on gas composition in dc
PECVD and thus the subsequent precursors to nanotube growth. The investigation relies
analysis (RGA) study of the plasma and adds to the growing, but still limited work in this
area [49,50,51,52,53].
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2. CNT Growth
The reactor employed for this study is a simple dc configuration of equal area (10 cm2)
cathode and anode with a 5 cm separation. The feedstock of 54:200 sccm of C2H2/NH3 is
injected through a showerhead, which also acts as the anode. The graphite cathode has an
embedded rigid tungsten wire heater coupled with an electrically isolated thermocouple
Si<100> substrates were coated with conductive indium tin oxide (15 nm thick) and Ni
(7 nm) thin films by magnetron sputtering. The substrate was placed on the cathode and a
dc glow discharge was initiated at low power and pressure (20 W, 2.5 mbar) in pure NH3.
The power and pressure were then simultaneously increased to 120 W and 12 mbar
respectively, and a cathode temperature of 550 °C was typically obtained after just
one minute. This catalyst pretreatment procedure transformed the Ni thin film into
nanoclusters of the range between 50 to 100 nm. After the one minute NH3 plasma-
annealing step, C2H2 was introduced into the gas mixture and growth was performed at
the desired plasma power for 15 minutes. All cases reported were performed at a pressure
of 12 mbar, and the desired plasma power in the range of 20 to 200 W was achieved by
varying the applied dc bias from 470 to 650 V. The substrate is heated solely by the
plasma, and its temperature varies between 350 and 715 °C over the power range
3. Computational Model
The role of the plasma is investigated with a 1-D radially averaged computational
model [54]. Equations for the conservation of species mass, ion momentum, and ion,
electron, and neutral gas thermal energy are solved axially between the two electrodes.
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The model includes 21 neutral species (H2, H, CH4, CH3, CH2, CH, C2H4, C2H3, C2H2,
C2H, N2, N, NH3, NH2, NH, NNH, HCN, CN, HC3N, H2CN, H2CNH), seven charged
for the gas energy equation, a cathode energy balance is incorporated to model ion
€ € thermal
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radiation, and solid and gas conduction to predict the cathode
The computational model includes endothermic ion-molecule reactions that have not
addition of the ion momentum and energy equations to compute both the directed and
thermal energies of the ions. Endothermic ion-molecule reactions only occur in the sheath
where ions have energies larger than the reaction barrier. Studies of low-pressure
discharges for semiconductor applications, in which sheaths are collisionless, have often
al. [55] advocated for the inclusion of ion-molecule reactions in simulations, as they are
“essential because of the important role that secondary products from ion-molecule
reactions play in the etching and deposition processes.” This is especially true in
nanotube processing where sheaths are collisional because of higher operating pressures
(~ 10 mbar) and ion energies are significant because of the large applied biases (~ 500 V)
required for alignment such that both exothermic and endothermic ion-molecule reactions
are important. Table 1 displays the rates employed for exothermic ion-molecule
reactions, and the endothermic rates for charge transfer, dissociative charge transfer,
Rates for the exothermic reactions are easily found in the modeling literature of planetary
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processing gases are not available. As a result, the rates of these reactions for methane
from the work of Peko et al. [56] were used as estimates for acetylene and ammonia,
where the experimentally measured cross-sections reported for these reactions were
integrated over a Maxwellian distribution and then fit to the Arrhenius form.
4. Experimental Diagnostics
Mass spectrometry was performed one centimeter from the cathode using a Hiden EQP
High Energy plasma analyzer, differentially pumped to 1×10-6 mbar. For neutral species
intensities, i, from the RGA are products of the original species cracking patterns. For a
system of n species and m spectra, the following matrix [57] must be solved for [I]
i1 a11 • • • a1n I1
i2 = a21 • • • a2n I2
• • • • • • •
im am1 • • • amn In
where a represents the cracking patterns for each of the n species. The 70 eV cracking
€ patterns are taken from the NIST Chemistry WebBook [58]. To avoid overfitting the
data, n was limited to 17 species, which best fit the data and were consistent with the
modeling results.
and acetylene, as a function of plasma power. It is defined as the percent change in mole
X s∗ − X s Ps∗ P ∗ − Ps P
= (2)
X s∗ Ps∗ P ∗
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where X s is the mole fraction of species s, * denotes the plasma off condition, and Ps is
the partial pressure of species s. Given that the total pressure is maintained constant for
all the cases considered and the intensities from the RGA are proportional to the partial
X s∗ − X s Is∗ − Is
= ∗ . (3)
X s∗ Is
In the figures, three separate sets of data are displayed: the RGA measurements, the
€ simulation with the full reaction set, and the simulation with a reduced reaction set
between the experiment and the full simulation is good between 0 and 100 W but suffers
at high powers. For acetylene, even the full simulation is not able to reproduce the
the highest plasma power. Possible reasons for the discrepancy may include
approximations in the RGA analysis, rate estimates used for ion-molecule reactions, or
loss of carbon to surface reactions. Of these, the rate estimates used are the most probable
reactions in acetylene and ammonia cannot be found in the literature, the exact same rates
for these reactions were employed for both gases. Thus, it is likely that the methane rates
employed more accurately represent ammonia ion-molecule reaction rates than that of
acetylene, explaining the more accurate comparison to experiment for ammonia than for
acetylene. Despite these possible shortcomings, these plots provide an important insight
into some of the relevant plasma chemistry, namely the importance of incorporating
endothermic ion-molecule reactions into the model. The percent difference between the
simulations with and without these reactions is quite significant, ranging from 50 to 200
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percent with the full simulations providing a better comparison to the experiment for both
ammonia and acetylene. Figures 3 and 4 display the ion loss rate for each of the
endothermic ion-molecule reactions employed for ammonia and acetylene across the
that these reactions occur solely in the 1.5 mm sheath adjacent to the cathode. For both
Figure 5 shows the mole fraction trends with plasma power for the three main plasma
products: H2, N2, and HCN. To compare the experiment with the simulations, the
experimental data are calibrated to the simulation at the 100 W midpoint. The simulation
results displayed here are from the full reaction set employing all ion-molecule reactions.
The trends are reproduced well where hydrogen and hydrogen cyanide increase with
increasing power and nitrogen remains relatively flat. The exception is HCN at lower
powers where the simulation shows a much larger increase in HCN than the experiment.
HCN is formed primarily from the reaction CH + HCN ⇔ N + C2H2 whose equilibrium
constant derived backward reaction rate in the simulation was calculated from a
published [59] estimated forward reaction rate of 1.66 ×10−10 cm3/sec. The region of
discrepancy between 0 and 50 W has a significant gas temperature rise, and it may be that
in actuality, the reaction has a temperature dependence that would mitigate the
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Figure 6 illustrates the significant role plasma plays in nanotube processing. The
simulated mole fractions of the seven most dominant stable species are shown with the
three most significant radicals over the electrode spacing at the highest plasma power
investigated (200 W). The ammonia and acetylene feedstock gases dissociate near the
radicals. At this power, the plasma can convert enough of the acetylene into hydrogen
cyanide to make it the most dominant carbon-bearing species at the cathode. Figure 7 is a
similar plot in which the species number densities at the cathode where the substrate is
positioned are plotted versus plasma power. Here, it is clear that the growth sample will
see more HCN than C2H2. The dramatic impact this has on growth has been previously
demonstrated [60], whereby, at the same substrate temperature, higher power conditions
result in much shorter nanofibers relative to lower power growth conditions. The lower
growth rate was attributed to acetylene decomposing more readily on Ni catalyst than
HCN given that the C-N triple bond strength [61] is 748 kJ/mol and the H-CCH bond
6. Conclusions
The role of plasma in dc plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of carbon
demonstrate the significant role plasma plays in determining the gas-phase species
impinging on the catalysts. The diagnostics show that a 12 mbar, 200 W dc discharge
with a 5 cm electrode gap and 10 cm2 area efficiently dissociates the ammonia and
acetylene feedstock gases by as much as 50-60 percent and 60-80 percent, respectively.
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methane) will catalyze at different rates than the original feedstock, thus impacting final
growth rates. Depending on the feedstock gas mixture and the catalyst employed, this
feedstock conversion may or may not be advantageous. In our case where Ni catalyst was
used, the generation of hydrogen cyanide at the expense of acetylene at higher powers
which assumes higher plasma powers would lead to more efficient/higher growth rates.
The result is that the term plasma enhanced CVD becomes a misnomer where the plasma
chemistry actually results in decreased growth rates. In order to produce optimal growth
conditions with the C2H2/NH3 gas mixture, the plasma power is maintained low enough to
reduce the degree of gas conversion while still high enough to guarantee superior
For the first time, the important role of endothermic ion-molecule reactions has been
reactions can be and have been ignored as they occur only in the sheaths and require
significant pressures and ion energies. The high pressures (~ 10 mbar) and high applied
dc biases (~ 500 V) in nanotube processing however present the perfect condition for
these reactions, and it is demonstrated here that neglecting them may lead to errors in
M.S.B. acknowledges support from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council (EPSRC), UK. K.B.K.T. acknowledges the support of the Royal Academy of
NAS Technical Report NAS-05-002, March 2005
California at Santa Cruz under contract NAS2-031434. Discussions with Alan M. Cassell
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Figure 1. Percent ammonia decomposition at one centimeter from the cathode. The
circles are experimental measurements, the squares are the full simulation results
including all ion-molecule reactions, and the triangles are the simulation results excluding
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Figure 2. Percent acetylene decomposition at one centimeter from the cathode. The
circles are experimental measurements, the squares are the full simulation results
including all ion-molecule reactions, and the triangles are the simulation results excluding
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Figure 3. Ammonia ion loss rate from endothermic ion-molecule reactions in the cathode
dominant reactions.
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Figure 4. Acetylene ion loss rate from endothermic ion-molecule reactions in the cathode
dominant reactions.
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Figure 5. Mole fraction trends of main plasma products from simulation and experiment
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Figure 6. Simulated neutral species in the gas phase at 200 W plasma power plotted
versus the distance between the electrodes. The seven most dominant stable species with
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Figure 7. Simulation of the effect of plasma power on gas phase number densities at the
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