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All Love Magazine NR 3

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All Love

SKHM Magazine - issue 2 - February 2005

● Interviews with Graham Crook, Teresa Parrott,

and Michael Heemskerk
In this magazine:
● Workshop Malaga ● Workshop feedback
● Workshop Madrid ● Licensed SKHM teachers list
● Workshop Cornwall ● Web links
From the editor

All Love SKHM Magazine

Late late late!

Due to unforseen circumstances, All Love magazine is late! But here it

is in all it's splendor. And I hope you enjoy it.
There will be some changes, All Love Magazine will come back as an
Editor: annual publication.
Michael Heemskerk, The first 3 issues will still be available as a one piece format which
will have all articles we have covered before.
We had a wonderful class in Madrid organized by John Curtin at "Faundacion Sauce" which
Patrick Zeigler has been recorded for broadcast and will be released as an official SKHM DVD release later
Robin Straathof this year.
Jan Rodenrijs Thanks to all participants and John Curtin for the really wonderful class. Abrazos y besos!
John Curtin Thanks Patrick for the wonderful graphic on the cover.
Design: We have changed the SKHM Teacherslist into two segments, one is the ACTIVE Teacherslist.
We've found that many of the teachers don't really teach SKHM in classes, and because we
Jan Rodenrijs
want to have a little more continuity in the system and really want to be able to redirect
Lay-out and printing: people to qualified teachers who are doing regular classes.
Wanted-design We are in the process of combining and into one
Printed in the Netherlands site. All Downloads will be available through
John Curtin and I have also adapted the class template into a workable format which
Address: SKHM teachers can use. It will be available soon!
That all for now, thanks for sharing,
All Love, Michael
International website:
All articles, stories or any other
data should be sent by email to or on CDR.
From Patrick
All Love Magazine cannot accept
responsibility for any inaccurate Hi All,
information, or for claims made by
advertisers. The editorial in the
magazine is the opinion of the
This spring has introduced a shift in the way that I am cur-
author of the article and does not rently working. In our Delft class we had almost all retuning
necessarily reflect the opinions of participants, so I was able to try out some new concepts that
the magazine. No material con- have been coming to me in my dreams and visions. The DNA meditation has
tained within the magazine may been expanded on and I have also been integrating the Enlightenment
be published without the written Activation. The Activation works more on the mind to bring a deep sense of
consent of the editor.
peace, it works very well in compliment with the heart centered work we have
Universal copyright been doing. Once the mind is clear and peaceful, the column of light flows
© 2004 Michael Heemskerk- more freely trough the crown to the heart. In Delft we also introduced a
Patrick Zeigler -ALL LOVE. unique way of sharing the activation with each other, the process facilities
being in a permanent state of being in the now, one of the first steps of
enlightenment. By being present fully we are able to experience our hearts
Subscription: much more fully. This process also drops many of the filters of the mind
12 Euro per year , 3 issues
14,5 Dollar per year, 3 issues
which create blocks and shields that protect our heart chamber. The internal
(Postage not included) dialog of the mind is soothed; this dialog normally brings us out of our hearts
and more focused in the mind. After several activations many have expressed
For information about how to a new clarity in their thinking and feeling. This process is excellent for those
obtain a subscription send an of a very high mental disposition that normally have difficulty getting into
e-mail to: their hearts.

All articles, illustrations, stories These times are very exciting; interest in “All-Love” is expanding this spring
and translations in this magazine and summer we will have visited over 10 counties and 3 continents. Our class-
are owned by Patrick Zeigler & es are highly experiential. Most all participants have experienced a depth of
Michael Heemskerk. their soul that they had never experienced before. I am feeling such a deep
sense of gratitude for this blessing of Love.
Cover art
©2005 Patrick Zeigler
All Love
All love, ISSN 1574-4221

“Even though mental, emotional and

physical healing do take place, the
SKHM class is not recommended for
people currently being medicated or
who have serious mental and emotional
problems. The class is designed for
mentally healthy people who wish to
strengthen their awareness to source”.

September or October 2005 Zeigler
dates to be advised Full weekend work- Melbourne, Australia
shop with Jason Mackenzie Organised by Maria
Omaha, Nebraska, US Email:
Organised by Carolyn Moon
Phone 402- 553-7267
Email: or mackenzieja- October 8-9 Full weekend workshop with Michael
Delft, Netherlands
Sep 17-18 Organised by Michael Heemskerk
Full weekend workshop with Patrick Email:
Sydney, Australia Patrick, congretulations with the
Organised by Warwick & Leonie October 22-23 birth of your son Zen
Email: Full weekend workshop with Tom
Web : Rigler
Manchester, England a
Sep 17-18 Organised by Amanda Baker
Full weekend workshop with Michael Email:
Cornwall, UK
Organised by Vicky Barnes October ?
Phone 01288 353233 Full weekend workshop with Patrick
Email: Zeigler
South America tour
Organised by John Curtin
Sept 24-25 Email:
Full weekend workshop with Patrick
Perth, Australia
Organised by Ian and Michelle
Email: (Michelle) or ("ianburns")

Sept 24-25
Full weekend workshop with Michael
Azkona, Spain
Organised by Zigor Aretxabala
Meditation music
Now also available the Spanish ver-
October 1-2 sion of the SKHM Shenu meditation.
Full weekend workshop with Patrick Download at:

Internet links
Patrick's E-Groups about SKHM, Seichim information and Discussion
Spanish Reiki site
Spanish Reiki site
Ancient Egypt ...............................................

Interview Loesja Klimczak

A more multidimensional, more balanced being

What was your first experience of
healing energies?
About ten years ago my ‘special’ and
oldest spiritual teacher felt that I
needed a work-out teacher for my fur-
ther steps on the path. He picked a
Reiki – master from a list in a
brochure and suggested me to call
her. I had no clue what she was doing
and thought Reiki was a martial art. I
received my first hands – on Reiki
treatment and felt such a remarkable
peace that when I found out that it
was possible to learn to pass this
experience to others my wish to work
with Reiki was born.

When and why did you start to work

with healing energies?
In april 1995 I received my Reiki
Alliance Reiki 1 attunement.
I like to share and I highly value free-
dom. I always believed that fear and
any kind of pain are prisons and that
there must be a way out of them. I
soon figured out that healing energies
are tools to help us on our way to lib-
eration. I enjoy doing ‘my part of the
job’ so I started to practice Reiki on
friends and family as often as possi-
ble. In the mean time I learned to
work with healing in a ‘not system
related’ way during my 3-years train-
ing as psycho-energetic therapist at
the School for Intuïtive Expansion
founded by Maria Majoor in the
Netherlands. Mai Seichem would be it, but I had to decide weather I really wanted to
It was pretty confusing to find my way mixed feelings – I had seen so many go to a SKHM workshop or not, but at
between two totally different ways of confusing things in healingworld - so the end of the book mentally I still
energy healing. One thought me to I decided to do some research on didn’t know why I was doing all this
decide about the healing-ingredients Seichem first. Surfing around on the investigation effort, I just knew that it
personally, using my energy reading web one day I discovered the was something I needed to do. In a
abilities and let my intuition decide website and I was nice way it would sound like ‘I was
which colours someone needed and exited to read that it was Patrick guided’ but to me it felt like stumbling
to transfer these coloured rays of Zeigler who had been introduced to around and dropping in with a strong
energy through my hands to their this energy in Egypt and that in fact urge for something I had no logical
auric field. The other one told me not he had introduced it to the world. I explanation for.
to interfere in the healing by using always felt inspired by spirituality in
the neutral Reiki energy with hands- ancient Egypt – I just had written a 2 When did you do your first SKHM
on healing without any decisions years course for spiritual self-investi- workshop? (and with whom?)
from my part. gation, based on Elisabeth Haich’s At last I decided to just ‘jump into the
I worked in my healing practice mix- book ‘Initiation’, which to me is one of water’ and join the workshop with
ing these two methods until end the best books I ever red on the con- Patrick in Delft in august 2003. It had
2000. When I was introduced to Tera tend of teachings that used to be been a long way and my perseverance
Mai – Reiki the ‘colour way of healing’ given to the pupils in Egyptian had been tested for a long time,
disappeared to the background and Mystery schools. When I red including a parking ticket for wrong
finally my dream of becoming a Reiki Patrick’s story something felt close to parking right before I entered the
Master came true in December 2002. my heart and I knew I had to find out workshop (which never found its way
How did you hear about SKHM? more about it. to my home to be paid after all _)
What were your expectations of a
Together with my happiness about What got you interested in doing a SKHM workshop?
my Reiki Mastership I still felt like SKHM course? I was looking to fulfil a longing inside
something was missing. I needed Interested would not be the right which I had no words for, I was hop-
something more, like a next step on word. I red Diane Shewmakers book ing to find some answers on confus-
my path. I thought maybe the Tera ‘All Love’ and hoped it would help me ing questions about healing that had

been nagging my mind for too long. processing of all kinds of stuff. To my
I was searching for a new teacher to surprise at the end every subject of
fill in the gap my initiating Reiki the class that was originally planned
Master had left by moving back to his has been touched but in a totally dif-
home country. I was hoping to find ferent way. So, yes, we work togeth-
someone I would trust enough to heal er…._
a deep wound inside. Are you going to expand your work
I surely didn’t expect to join a group with SKHM?
of people to scream and shout and Yes, every time I witness what SKHM
cry and hug almost in one go the very does to people and their lives my wish
first evening! I remember going home to share it with anyone, but espe-
after the introduction on friday cially with healers and teachers, in
evening thinking : ‘These people are the first place in my own country
nuts! I am not going to waste my Belgium becomes stronger and deep-
money on this, I go to sleep and call er. I know that it is only a matter of
them first thing in the morning to tell time that SKHM becomes the most
them that I split!’ I expected to leave. important part of my work.
What were your experiences during a As I am the first SKHM teacher who
SKHM workshop? can speak Polish (Poland is my par-
The next morning I woke up realizing back home and how will I integrate ents home country) it is my hearts
that I was afraid. I told myself that I this to my work?’ wish to bring this gift of Love to my
was not a ‘chicken shit’, got my act I was so impressed… at home I roots. So I will be spending a lot of
together and went to the event. realised that I had no clue who ‘the time on translations in the coming
At the very first Shenu meditation the guy that was leading the workshop’ months …
deep wound inside was touched, I was and that I had so much to tell I guess that working with SKHM will
was even more scared, but there was about the events that I never spoke end up in living with SKHM - a most
no way back. I still thank God for the about him. Oh, yes, and there was rewarding and enjoyable way of life .
subtle, gentle and especially not self- this other guy who had organized it… Do you separate SEKHEM and
imposing way my ‘neighbour’ guided he must have done that pretty well… SKHM?
me towards the core of the pain. I because I had not noticed any organi- For sure we can give Love many dif-
learned there and then to let the zational problems… ;). ferent names, and by consciously or
energy do the healing work for me unconsciously projecting our person-
and to trust. How do you feel about SKHM, now al expectations on what Love under a
But when I started to feel like 41° that you have done a SKHM work- certain name means for us, we can
fever, my body totally out of control, shop? experience separation between differ-
‘something’ blazing from top to bot- Two years later and nine workshops ent contents. But I experience Love
tom through me, and just when I further I feel SHHM has been the as One, containing an endless magni-
thought I would get back to ‘normal’ greatest teacher I ever had. I feel deep tude of possibilities, according to and
it reversed and came up from the bot- gratitude towards Patrick and responding to any universal need.
tom back to the top again, I really Michael for too many reasons to SKHM, SEKHEM, Seichem, Seichim,
thought that ‘I was loosing it’ totally name or to count. I feel SKHM is the you name it… it is all All Love.
now. Actually I though I might die most direct way to Love, to healing What has SKHM done for your life?
there and then. My ‘neighbour’ said : and to living life to its highest poten- In my personal life it has given me the
you’re going through a SKHM Khet, tial. SKHM is oneness in action and a absolute confidence that there is no
and I had no clue, but I thought that path to a direct relationship with pain, no injury, no emotional or men-
he sounded pretty sure, so at least Source that can be experienced, and tal condition that can’t be touched by
the thing I was experiencing had a therefore doesn’t need to be under- Love and healed. That there is no
name, and something that has a stood or discussed or created or fear, no darkness, no human condi-
name should be okay to survive. found. tion that can’t be transformed into
So thank God once again for ‘loosing I feel SKHM must be a way God is pure Light.
it’ (the control) and after finding my searching for us and every time we That it is only a matter of time
body in great shape, my emotions in stop trying ‘to do it our controlling- because of human linear condition-
perfect happiness and my mind in minds way’ the highest possible ing, but that in reality we can allow
perfect peace, I tried to express my vibration of Love anyone can hold at the miracle of Love to happen right
gratitude to at least my guiding angel any moment in his life comes in and here and now.
‘neighbour’ who for some strange rea- shows us that ‘we are not alone and SKHM gave me the first real glimpses
son silently was preparing ‘to slip never have been’. of perfection and that makes me look
from my side’, and instead of accept- forward for more without the need of
ing my ‘thank you’ he said ‘You did it Are you currently working with ‘getting it’.
all yourself, I did nothing at all’ and SKHM? It changed the way I experience my
left the room. I was totally amazed Yes, in individual sessions as well as consiousness and has turned me in a
but learning fast. in group settings. I also start to inte- more multidimensional, more bal-
That was only the first gift of many on grate SKHM in my work with past life anced being. It made me laugh at
that first workshop amongst these regression and it gives new accents to duality issues at times and gave me
‘crazy people’ who became my broth- any kind of class I give. tangible reasons to trust life. It total-
ers and sisters even if I didn’t get to Sometimes it is not me working with ly changed my old ways of ‘dealing
ask the names of most of them. SKHM but SKHM working with me. with’ my and other peoples emotions.
In two days every question about One day I was supposed to teach a And last but not least : it gave my me
healing that was nagging me was class where I use a certain procedure a great tool to help me to fulfil my
answered, in such a clear and liber- and meditation on a specific subject. dharma.
ating way that the only question I left Together with the students I felt the
with was: ‘How in this world will I be energy come in and the class turned Thank you for the interview, All Love,
able to explain what happened to me out to be a total mess, with a lot of Loesja.

Workshop Madrid

SKHM Experiences

My life fully changed due the SKHM

experiences in 6 months…

My first Workshop of SKHM I assist-

ed was in October, 2004 in
Benalmadena with Patrick Zeigler,
Michel Heemskeerk which was organ-
ised by Graham Crook and Teresa

Before beginning the Workshop I real-

ly didn’t know exactly what SKHM is
about, and what it is supposed to
work on, but I felt inside that this
would be a right tool for me in order
to advance in my spiritual way of per-
sonnel growth.

So principally what happend in the

first workshop was the following:

In the morning before beginning the

Workshop I could not have breakfast,
I could not eat because my stomach
was closed, as well I noticed a big
pressure in my throat. My whole body
was crying inside, there were some-
thing that wanted to be liberated,
that wanted to cry and scream. In the
very beginning, there was something
exploited inside my body, and I felt
the energy was entering my body by
the crown chakra, and begin to touch
a deep pain. I was starting to “peel
the onion”, just being in my pain, ent, I entered in a different world, Each emotional process seemed to
feeling this deep sadness caused by feeling the union with universe, and last less time than the liberation
many accumulated experiences in my seeing a bright, pure, divine light before, I came over mucho faster.
life. I did not know exactly what was coming down and surrounding After this second emotional process I
the pain about, where does it come, myself. My whole body was filled by entered again in a wonderful moment
but I tried to let it go, I tried to liber- this brilliant light, and I felt floating of peace and tranquility, being in
ate it, although I noticed that it was and flying, being connected to the harmony with the universe, feeling
very difficult because I had to con- earth by my feet and to heaven by my the union between earth and heaven
front myself with the dark side of my head, feeling how energy was impreg- and being connected between both,
being. I tried to give my body what it nating my whole body, feeling the feeling how energy was flowing
needed in this moment, being myself flow of energy inside myself. It was a through my body.
and in this way being in contact with wonderful and peaceful moment. I
a very deep emotional part of myself felt such happiness that I blessed the This Workshop definitively changed
that I never knew before. After this universe for giving me so much my life, above all, because it gave me
first emotional liberation I felt much peace. And then I began singing, the opportunity to come in contact
better. chanting with the angels, with a won- with my deeper emotions, to contact
derful pure and clear voice that only with the purest feeling of universal
But in the afternoon something hap- could be the voice of angels… love, a love I never felt before and that
pened, and started to block my whole exceeded my heart of such wonderful
being, it was about one person who Just after this wonderful moment, it feelings. Finally I was crying because
caused in my life a lot of pain and seemed that energy was touching of such happiness I felt, being grate-
who was present in this workshop, again a deep pain inside my heart, ful to universe of giving me the oppor-
and so I could not react in the whole but this time it was going deeper than tunity to give and receive a universal
afternoon. I was thinking, what I am before. I was like in this quiet and love to everybody who rounded me.
doing here, what it is supposed to me peaceful moment, universe was
to do now. I felt very strange and I showing me the path how to liberate This first experience with SKHM gave
thought, “I am wrong here”. the emotional blocks, how to liberate me the opportunity to see other
my body and soul of all the emotions aspects of my being, of being in con-
The next morning again I started accumulated in years. The energy tact with the love to myself and to
without eating because again my was touching every time deeper levels other people, as well the opportunity
stomach was closed. I felt a deep and now I was able to cry, to let go to forgive persons who hurt me, and
movement in my body, and just the tears and liberate a deep pain. to be aware of the real problems in
beginning the workshop I entered The first time I was really crying after my life knowing better where I have to
again in an emotional liberation years, and it was so liberating. go on working on. I knew that SKHM
process, but this time it was differ- can help me to liberate and heal an

important part of my inner being.

Now, one month after the Workshop I

can see the changes in my life, feeling
more peace and above all, recognis-
ing my own values and loving myself
and other people inconditionally,
knowing that this is the right path I
have to follow, being aware that
everything beautiful that happens in
my life I am worthy without blaming
myself. SKHM gives me the perma-
nent opportunity to work out emo-
tional blocks in each time I need it
and to liberate them at once. Now I
trust myself much more, accepting
myself such as I am and as a conse-
quence taking away the power of the
pain and scare I felt before, knowing
that everything that happens in my
life is right.

After this first workshop I assisted to

some SKHM meditations. And as well
the experience in these meditations
was very powerful. In the first medi-
tation, at beginning of November, I
was talking with the teachers and
participants before beginning the own feelings and emotions, connect- ing and I just said to myself “let it
workshop, and started – uncon- ing with the soul of the other per- come, let it be, every thing will be
sciously - to do something I hate: to son… since then my contact with my beautiful”… so I was just in my feel-
talk about other people (it was not a parents improved considerably. ings, more and more stronger and it
personnel history, but saying the was a really beautiful initiation in the
name who was about it, was enough Another aspect of my deep process of sun, near the sea… and feeling the
to remember myself that I am not in this period was being in constant energy so strong. Going back to the
the right to do this). In this moment I contact with people working on his workshop in the afternoon, I just sit
realized that I hated all time that peo- own and perhaps a good friend of down and felt a very strong connec-
ple are talking about me on my back, mine, who was just going to his next tion with the earth. At night we were
and that I don’t want to be like them. SKHM Workshop, was transmitting playing with our inner children, giv-
It was really an awful moment, me the “post-purification” combined ing them joy and many laughs.
because I connected with a part of with my own processes, so energy
myself that I could not accept and I was reacting much more powerful. The second day until finishing the
was very ashamed about myself. Well, workshop I felt quite good, there was
during the meditation I connected Another important question was, that nothing exceptional happening to me,
with this part of myself, and I realized from October to December I was some little process, helping people,
that since then I am much more con- doing my Reiki Master practices, and feeling a lot of energy, a big connec-
scious about what I am saying and re-initiating a lot of people (40 in only tion to earth and heaven. Some peo-
telling without hurting nobody or two months), so my body was in con- ple caused in me sadness or trans-
talking about people in public or in stant purification and of plenty heal- mitted me some not desired energies
groups. I felt really shamed about ing energy. that changed up to the end my mood
myself, but the only way to liberate considerably. It was about 10 min-
this, is to accept this part of myself. Until February, my second SKHM utes before ending the Workshop,
Workshop, I was very stired up something happened, and I started
Between November 2004 and inside, and my emotional side was crying as I never was crying. I could
February 2005 I was doing some very unstable with a lot of ups and not control it, I was completely lost in
meditations on my own, and the down. my sadness without know really what
energy was just doing the work on its was happening. A teacher told me
own. In January I entered again in a The second Workshop began very that it was a tuning fork (diapasón)
deep emotional process, all the time well, I was very happy, without big reaction, being infected by the
crying and liberating, because after emotional processes in the morning, group’s sadness, connecting with a
visiting my parents at Christmas, I just shortly let out what was big sadness in myself. I could not
entered in contact with my child obstructing my happiness, shouting stop crying for 6 hours. The next day
experiences and communication and crying, and than it was over. In I arrived in the morning to Madrid,
problems I had with my parents. At the break, when I wanted really have every sad emotion was over and I was
the beginning of February something a break after helping other people in filled with an unknown mental clear-
great changed with my parents, or it their process, I was standing on the ness. And then things begin to
would be better say, with my father: I terrace in the sun, when I felt the change at a deeper level of my being.
sent him 70 red roses to his 70th energy coming in. It began in the feet,
birthday and I said to him the first coming up and I felt the strong con- After this Workshop I realised that I
time in my life “I LOVE YOU”. Then nection to earth. Then I felt as well entered more deeply in conntect with
everything changes. How powerful is energy coming in from my crown my deepest feeling and emotions. I
this word LOVE, and it goes inside chakra and feeling a little bit dizzy, was learning to cry, I was asking me
yourself, being in contact with your but I knew that something is happen- about emotions, to control or not

control, I was working on it; I was
working on jealousy, about my sad-
ness, about relationships, about my
parents and my childhood… I
realised that the lack of emotional
control can hurt many people, and
this was what makes me changing,
because I notices that many people
could not cope with my emotional
expressions, many people go away
from my side. I don’t now if it is sim-
ply because I am changing and our
energies are not longer compatible, or
if these people just could not cope
with my reactions.

It was very hard, but I started to be

very, very alone in my way. It was a
moment I realised that I have to do
this on my own and I was very calm
with mental clearness. I was com-
pletely alone, there were nobody who
could give me a hand, because as well
my best friends were deep in there
own process. This moment of loneli-
ness gave me a lot of energy, and
suddenly I realised that something is mayor love on a universal-spiritual process during a whole night (about
changing. I connected with myself level, accepting my life just as it is, 7/8 hours) which I was not waiting
much deeper than before, I realised without expectations, just trying to for (well, we never wait for big
what I needed in this moment, and I flow. processes, they come when we are
gave it to my own, I was beginning to prepared for them…). I was with
think of my own, “to be first me, than Some very important things I learned friends in the countryside, and I
the others”. It sounds egoist, but in about the last events are that… noticed that I would like to be alone
the healing world we are working in, now… I felt that there was a big sad-
the most important thing is to heal • … my emotions can hurt ness coming up, but my friends
oneself and than when you have other people (the famous tunig fork decided to stay the night there, and I
found the deeper love to yourself, effect) so I have to be careful and con- could not be on my own. Later I
being fine with yourself, than you can scious about my emotions and acts, realised that I wanted to hide myself
really start helping other people. and control them in certain situa- from my emotions. I was crying the
tions (above all, outside the work- whole night and the half morning. I
I remember that the moments in my shops). had to learn accepting the help they
life, when I was really alone, were the gave me and I was deeply grateful for
moments I grew more, faster and • … it is important to accept as the support and help they gave me.
above all, deeper. This is why I can well my shadow side, the dark side of
say today “I did this way alone”, but I my being in order to find my center Since this liberation, I am just in har-
never forget, and I am deeply grateful and balance mony with myself. I just feel bal-
about all my friends who were on my anced, quite and peaceful, just being
side with support and giving me • … That in the whole process, in the moment, living the very
courage. we are on our own, and that we pos- moment, forgetting the hour, the
sess the strength and energy to come plans from tomorrow, and this is just
Three weeks after this second work- over the problems by our own, with- wonderful.
shop I realised that my life changed out always shouting “HELP”.
completely: I recongised that love is Universe gives us this energy, we only The third Workshop I assisted was on
situated in a upper level and that I have to trust! Mid-April 2005, in Benalmádena. We
was beginning to experience real love, have been a very little but very pow-
dedicating more time and love on my • … it’s important to accept erful group. I just was balanced, tried
own being. I needed to be on my own. ourselves as we are, trust ourselves, to help other people in their process
I began to disconnect to everything not to be “door mats” and not allow and experienced wonderful initia-
that distracted me from my path, other people taking advantage of us. tions.
from the “external necessities”. It’s
just a miracle how the mind goes • … learning to say “I love you” I noticed the energy coming in my
more peaceful, don’t seek for prob- deep from your heart and soul, can crown chakra, but I felt that the ener-
lems in every moment, but always change your life in seconds. gy could go down to earth. I focused
seek the solution inside myself. It is my concentration in guiding down
absolutely necessary to dedicate • … it’s a fundamental part of the energy to earth, helping with the
FIRST all energy on my own before I the path to assume our responsibility hands pushing down the energy, and
can help other people. In the mean- towards other people we are living then I began to be connected. Just
while there were always people ask- with, responsibility of our reactions feeling the energy in the whole body.
ing my help and support, and I gave and behavoiur, treating them with Being there for some time, just
them what I could, but now I feel that respect and universal love. enjoining this connection and energy
I can help and support much better. went more and more powerful. I
One week before Eastern, I had than began to notice a strong pressure in
What I am feeling now is a deeper, a very hard and long emotional my hands and I was conscious about

my outer energetic aura. It was so through my body, there are parts KAISER
wonderful, moving my hands – I that suddenly begin to hurt or some-
heard Michael saying “she is danc- thing happens on emotional level, or I
ing”, but I was so deeply in my sen- begin to feel some inner pain.
sations that nothing could disturb Sometimes it is good to start working
me in this moment… in my head on this blocks at once, other times I
there were only thoughts of love, prefer just feel the energy.
thinking in people I am most loving,
people they make me happy and my Well, this is principally my experience
only intention was to send my deeper, with SKHM. In resume of the last 6
pure and universal love to all of them months I can say that I achieved
in this moment (I hope it arrived!!!! _ mostly, trying to go on working in
) order to deeper and balance these
As well, in the Infinity dance I con-
nected very strongly to earth, feeling • to feel deep peace and har-
the energy rounding me and just mony
enjoying this moment, charging my • to flow with the moment
batteries and feeling happiness and • to feel a bigger self-estime
love. On the end of the dance, I had • not to be a “door mate” _
real problems so get up my feet from • being conscious about my
earth because the grounding was acts
very strong. • to be loyal with myself
I felt a deep peace the whole week- • to feel much more happier
end, full of harmony with the other • to give love inconditionaly
participants, rounding there univer- without expectations
sal love in every moment.
I think that now begins the moment
A few weeks before the third work- to deeper in the techniques how to
shop, I started with my individual help people. I notice that before I was
sessions my phone. I have to admit, so busy with my own processes that I
that at the beginning I did not could not help other people. But now,
thought that this really works, something in working on my inner
because I thought that the teacher knowledge about how SKHM, some-
should be present in order to help, thing is changing and I wish to prac-
but I was wrong: it was a really pow- tice in how to guide other people dur-
erful session, and I had to realise that ing the meditation or their process.
it works very good. I could liberate
part of a throat block and the feeling The way of personnel growth is very
a really powerful whole body connec- slow, but will never come to an end!
tion to the energy that I was enjoying But the wonderful thing is, when you
quite a long time. I was a really amaz- see little improvements, when you
ing session and I am impatient to feel every day a bit more happiness
have my second session _. and harmony, less stress, less prob-
lems, more balanced… just step by
In all the sessions, meditations or step and never forgetting the ALL
workshops I did up to this moment, I LOVE.
learned that energy shows me my
blocks, my pains or my problems to
work on. When energy is passing Nombre: Katja Barbara

Workshop Malaga Tolox

Workshop Brisbane

Workshop Delft

Workshop Malaga Workshop Barcelona


The Cornish Class

Firstly, for anyone considering pink and gold. accept myself. The tightening with-
attending a class in Malaga, Spain I felt so serene, within this stillness, in my chest intensified until I was
from the UK, I can highly recom- it was beautiful! I’m not sure how guided to say the words that were
mend the experience - go for it! With long it lasted but when I finally there, “I love you!” As I verbalized
many fantastic deals on flights and a managed to open my eyes I was these words, something amazing
flight time from Bristol of 2 hours 25 totally aware that I had brought this happened within me. All this control
minutes, Malaga is easily accessible. state of serenity and bliss back with and denial of who I am was holding
Graham and Teresa are wonderful me into the room, my physical body me back, and as soon as I was able
hosts, providing a very safe and sup- suspended within it, totally unable to verbalize those words, it was like
portive space for the class. Graham to move. Gradually I was able to a total surrendering to spirit, to that
speaks Spanish fluently and does an focus on respective body parts until greater part of self. The tears welled
admirable job of translating, helping I was able to regain movement, but and I sobbed, feeling all this pain
everyone to feel more at home. For what was so great was that I still had surging up from the depths of my
me personally it was such a treat. this strong sense of stillness. Nice! being. Again I said the words out
The opportunity to bond with such a load, and whoosh! another surge of
great bunch and to share in their Many of us are aware of our core emotion surfaced, this time a little
healing process, combined with the issues, although accessing that deeper, like the surge of the high tide
idyllic location with breath-taking point in time when that neurological on a pebbly beach, collecting all of
views of the Mediterranean Sea, connection and emotional attach- the old bits of plastic and waste and
really helped to make this a memo- ment was formed isn’t always so dragging it back through the peb-
rable trip. Thank you! straightforward. It is my belief that bles, churning it in the tumbling
we wear the emotions of our parents waves and then spitting it back out.
The Cornish Class earlier this year in our genetically inherited physical This welling of emotion came from
was a unique and amazing experi- vehicles, and many of these trigger what seemed the core of my being,
ence as there were so many All love points are so deeply ingrained with- and went on for a while, each breath
teachers/facilitators assisting and in our cellular structure that it can and surge of energy taking me deep-
co-teaching with Patrick. Michael in be quite an art to locate them. er! I then reached a point where the
particular stood out for his seeming- words, “I love you!” felt so natural
ly selfless and compassionate Michael had us pair up. Janie, a and comfortable that my shoulders
approach to assisting individuals in beautiful lady with a big heart, was fell back enabling me to open up my
the group through their process. I my partner. She had commented on heart centre and I was able to
felt I might benefit from attending how she had felt drawn to work with breathe, feeling all of the love that
one of Michael’s classes and felt me, after seeing my photo on the was there for me, the love and
drawn to Teresa and Graham’s. The website, so it was obviously meant to acceptance I felt for myself!
rest is history! be. Again connected, and the ener- Surrendering my being into the
gy came in wham straight into my arms of love. It was liberating!
Day 1 heart and I was aware of a tightening
My stomach started to churn almost around my solar plexus and heart I would like to take this opportunity
as soon as my eyes opened, and a area, which was uncomfortable. The to say a big heart-felt thank you to
part of me was thinking “Oh no!” energy was coming in waves and my Janie for her patience and her amaz-
But I recognized it was only fear, neck was being pushed up and back ing capacity for love!
and, as I have discovered, pushing to accommodate the energy. This
myself through that fear releases it, was uncomfortable, but Janie was What became so apparent for me
allowing it to fall back into the field brilliant, she recognized my discom- during this class in particular was
of illusion from whence it came. fort and supported my head, which that when I have compassion and
Barnie (hubby) was amused by my released the pressure enabling me to love/acceptance for myself I am able
successive visits to the bathroom enter the area within my chest that to see my external reality with those
that morning. I likened it to how he was tight. My breathing was short same eyes.
feels just before surfing. and shallow, and once I was guided
to take the breath deeper I felt the All love
Needless to say I was absolutely fine energy beginning to move. We are so Vicky Barnes Bude Cornwall
by the time I got to Teresa’s beauti- used to being in control that fear of England
ful home, and although the group losing control can put up quite a
was smaller than anticipated, every- battle; I could feel this! This feeling
one bonded quickly and from my of knowing I was teetering at the
own experience I felt the level of edge of something went on for a few
healings would be very deep. minutes until I could hear the faint
words being whispered from my
Before Michael had said a word, and heart, “I love you!”
bang on cue, I felt that surge of ener-
gy I associate with All Love. It can Self-acceptance and self-love has
take your breath away! I wasn’t been a biggy for me in this life-time
aware of any feelings or sensations and, although I have worked on this,
on a physical level in my body, just there are always finer levels of the
straight into BLISS combined with a same to move through, so I was
kaleidoscope of colors; indigo, blue, aware and recognized this voice
green and then violet into magenta, within me, asking me to love and

Workshop Belgium


The Workshop Experience

Dear Patrick, my whole life. It is so easy now to
Thanks for a beautiful class. love, to allow love to flow out of my One last thing: this afternoon I
My mind is still fidgeting around try- heart, into whomever or whatever I worked with the ‘expanded’ medita-
ing to figure out how to label am in contact with. It changes the tion, integrating the left-right and
whathappened yesterday. ‘Was this way I talk to people, think of people, front-back axis, and I discovered
an initiation?’ (and then thinking relate energetically to people, but it that you can work very well with it.
back of what you always said: ‘If also changes the way I cook, clean I worked on a topic that I have diffi-
you ask yourself that question, it my house, give water to my plant, culty with: finding the balance
probably wasn’t.’) But then it *was* drive my car, do my work... between giving and receiving (receiv-
a life changing event, so I dropped Everything. ing is a difficult one for me...). I
the question of how to label it, I I also have a totally different visualised drawing in energy from
threw it like a bone to my thinking approach to pain now. My first reac- heaven above and earth (formerly
mind to chew on, but really it does- tion is still to escape into defence known as hell ;-)) below and inte-
n’t interest me how to label it. I just mechanisms, but when I remind grating that into my heart, and then
call it a ‘heart opening’. As that’s myself to keep my heart open, then I used the infinity symbol to give
what happened. I allow the pain stimulus to enter and take between those two poles:
It’s strange that I never before felt and touch the sore spot within that receiving from heaven, giving to the
the rocket shield before my heart so resonates with it. And when I then earth, receiving from the earth, giv-
tangibly as Saturday night, when I allow the flow of love to enter that ing to heaven. And then I did the
went to sleep and tried to get in same spot of pain, so many hidden same thing with the front-back axis:
touchwith the feeling of love. It was treasures are coming out. receiving from the future (drawing in
an extreme defence, like an marble Yes, sure, I have to work my way energy from my future self, who is
wall on which any attempt to pene- through a process of resolving the already able to receive) and receiv-
trate just bounced off. pain first, but when I do that, I see ing from the past (taking in the
And it surprised me how easy it was what it is that was hurt. I see the energy from those moments in my
to go through that wall when you wholeness underneath, and I’m able past when I was able to receive in a
asked me just to feel what was to bring that to the surface. joyful way) and then also the alter-
behind it. I was in the pain instant- Sometimes not immediately, but nating movement: receiving energy
ly, it was there - all alive and then at least I can see what it is I from the future and sending it as
awake. And it wasn’t hard to feel the have to work on, and it is very easy healing to the past, receiving from
pain, it just wanted to be released. now to have patience with myself, to my ‘successful’ moments in the past
What I recall as life changing was allow myself time to resolve the pain. and sending that energy forward to
the point when I gave voice to my Not everything needs to be healed the future, and so on. I discovered
deepest pain, and what came out right now on the spot, I have a that in that process the intersection
sounded like a howling animal. I whole life in front of me, and not of the axes shifted from my heart to
observed how the pain flowed every moment of my life needs to be my third chakra, and while I
through my body, escaped through dedicated to healing old pain - observed that, I realised that you
my throat, broke out in sound and there’s plenty of time to enjoy, to let can use this movement to work on
gave itself free. That was so crucial. I love flow in wholeness, to grow, to any chakra you like, with the middle
couldn’t stop the sound, thehowling, be. Pain is subsidiary to wholeness. point of the infinity symbols coming
it had to be heard. That was the together in the chakra you’re work-
turning point. From that pointon- Something else: in the processing I ing on.
wards, the channel was free, liberat- did on Saturday and Sunday I
ed, and love could start flowing realised how important it is for me Well maybe that’s what you taught
in.Slowly, gradually, finding its way to have space around me. I didn’t us on Saturday, but as I told you I
through the debris of sorrow which realise before that the presence of didn’t listen as I was still struggling
was left everywhere. It was like a many people close to me felt so with my authority syndrom: ‘Don’t
river - sometimes being halted by a oppressing. What I felt was very you tell me what to do - I’ll find out
barrier or a block, but as the flow comforting and encouraging was for myself what works...’ Anyway,
accumulated, then after a while the when someone is standing behind this was how I applied it concretely,
barrier gave way with a shock, and me - just being there, not even say- and I found that it was very useful.
then the flow continued until it met ing anything. Having some people Even though it’s a lot more ‘form’
the next heap of debris, resistance, around me who observe the process than I was used to working with, but
pain,... The flow of love was very of what’s going on, who encourage it looks like I’m finally starting to
patient, it didn’trush in violently, it me with a few words to go through accept living in the form...
had all the time of the world, until I the pain, without bombarding me Much love, and thanks to everyone
was able togive way to it. with verbal assistance. Just afew who participated in the class.
crucial words at the right time, but
It’s a process that’s still continuing. in the end it’s something you have Mia x
It is such a wonderful, surprising to go through alone. But having
feeling to me, to feel that my heart is some people stand by your side and
open, no longer shielded. ‘I canfeel!’ beingpresent while you do your jour-
It is as if I was blind and now can ney through the pain is so amazingly
see, was deaf and now can hear, healing. (Thanks to everyone who
was mute and now can speak. It was there and supported me with
changes everything, the quality of their presence.)

Active SKHM teachers
SKHM teachers
Natalie Barton,
AKron, Pennsylvania, USA
Patrick Zeigler, +717 341 7819
Akron, Pennsylvania USA
Dyanne Guidry
Michael Heemskerk, New Orleans, Louisiana USA
Delfgauw, Netherlands,
Diane Shewmaker,
Washington 360 412 5433 360
John Curtin
412 5434
Madrid, Spain
Beverly Oettle,
Loesja Klimczak Wichita, Kansas USA
0032/89 24 72 54
Dr. Graham Crook, New Mexico USA
Malaga, Spain Mic
Marsha Burack,
Dr. Teresa Parrott, San Diego, CA USA
Malaga, Spain
Sara Judith Coles Maa
Tom Rigler Tucson, Arizona, USA jone
Baltimore, Maryland USA Vive
Nan Chaimberlain Ams
Wil van den Berg, Lancaster, Pennsylvania USA info
The Hague, Netherlands Kes
Connie Frye, Ams
York, Pennsylvania USA info

Jason Mackenzie Cha

NEW ZEALAND Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ph (+1) 416 402 1965
Natalie Barton Christopher Drysdale, Delf
Auckland, New Zealand Illinois USA cvan
+64 9 8378559
Marci Miller
Sonna RA McFail, Gen
New Orleans, Louisiana USA
Wellington, New Zealand ph: Lark Tragesser, giha
Lian Braddick
Lancaster, Pennsylvania USA
Wellington, New Zealand Jorg
Steven McFail,
Wellington, New Zealand

Judith Watson, San

Wellington, New Zealand Lisb


Brisbane Easter holiday

We arrived home yesterday(Monday) After attending the two Australian infinity meditation and dance and all
from the Brisbane SKHM Workshop. SKHM workshops over the last two fell on the floor to expereince the
I worked on quite a few issues and weekends Warwick and I thought we vibrations. She went off about
was able to release a lot of anger. I would have a nice quite Easter holi- 7pm really happy and at peace.
also experienced an unusual initia- day at home relaxing and integrating During the day Leonie’s son rang
tion as I was holding the feet of Ian the new beautiful energies of SKHM. and said that he would be sleeping
(one of the RM’s we trained many We had a quite day Friday and lis- at our place that night (Robbie plays
years ago) my arms started to vibrate tened to both of Patrick’s medita- in a band and comes in at unusual
and shake and I felt the energy com- tions and did a healing on each hours and we never usually know
ing in so powerfully. I was crouched other. when he is going to be asleep in the
on my knees on the floor but I felt Then 9am Saturday morning a spare bedroom).
very comfortable, I felt like a baby all friend arrived unexpectedly, we were When we got up this morning Robbie
snug and warm and when the waves still in our pyjamas and she had was sitting in the dark in the lounge-
came I breathed in the Light and breakfast with us. Not long after room with a migraine and feeling
opened my crown chakra more to that she was on the phone to her very uptight. I asked him if he want-
receive and said in my mind - I husband and when she put the ed a Reiki treatment and he said yes
Surrender - and then just let myself phone down she said “what is that and collapsed on the massage table.
go and it came in more powerfully noise” and she felt like there was an After a while he relaxed and his
and as the next wave came I kept electrical style interference around migraine began to subside and he
saying in my mind - I Surrender. I her head when Warwick was talking even went back to sleep for a while.
just couldn’t let go of Ian’s feet as the to her and she couldn’t hear him for While I was doing the treatment
energy was coming through, then I the noise, we couldn’t hear any Robbie said to me “Mum, there is
let out some very loud screams (not noise. Ah ha, that was what Patrick something different about, you are
me really) and the energy kept com- was talking about. We said don’t so relaxed but he couldn’t quite put
ing. I could feel Patrick and other worry about it it is OK. his finger on what was different, but
members of the group around me After that we decided to listen to he said that he liked me like this.”
giving me love and support. Patrick’s meditation and when we He also had an ear candling and by
Eventually I felt I was able to stand opened our eyes at the end of it our the time he left to go home to
up and I was still receiving so I did friend was on the verge of tears and Sutherland this morning he was
what my body said and started to we both started to talk her through glowing and at peace. We were still in
stamp my feet, jump up and down the healing, we told her that she was our pyjamas when he left at 11am.
and run my feet into the floor. It was ready to heal herself and we would So Warwick and I are wondering now
the most powerful experience that I help her through it. what the rest of the weekend has in
have had in all the three courses I She cleared lots of buried stuff most- store and who else is going to be
have attended. I was also able to do ly from her childhood and she cried, coming to our door attracted by the
more releasing in the healing session yelled, cursed, screamed, laughed SKHM energies and in need of heal-
in the afternoon. My reason for (we thought the neighbours might be ing. We have now gotten dressed and
attending again was for the opportu- going to move after this) and then are ready for them.
nities available within the group for she felt peace, after this healing she
healing and a stronger connection to looked like a different person, she All Love Leonie & Warwick
Divine Source, I believe that I gained was glowing. After lunch we did the
both of these. I really do want to
thank Patrick for coming to Australia
and sharing the gift of SKHM All Love
with us and helping us to gain access
to the All Love, joy, happiness and
peace through the healings and initi-
Take care Patrick and blessings for
your trip to Europe

.All Love Leonie


Hello Everyone! Hello everyone :-)

I had the most profound experience

last night, and wanted to share it Last weekend, March 19-20 I attend- time.
with you all. ed the Seichim workshop in One of the members of our group had
Early this morning (around maybe 3- Melbourne, Australia. Since then, just experienced her initiation and
4am), I woke up suddenly, feeling a I’ve spent the last few days absorbing we were all standing in a circle, hold-
bit disoriented. I wasn’t sure at first all that I experienced.For a long time ing hands. At this point I could feel
what was going on, but then realised I’ve been confused about where my the energy surrounding me, coming
I was about to experience another life’s journey was taking me. I knew down into my crown and up from the
initiation. My whole body felt alive, I wasn’t going in the right direction, earth and through my legs. When the
and I could hear a faint but very dis- but I just didn’t know which direction two energy point met at my heart, an
tinct vibrating sound. The tingling was right for me. overwhelming amount of emotion
in my body was so intense that I was For many years I’ve been drawn to travelled through my body and I
shaking. As in my first initiation, I the study energetic healing, but some broke down, tears running freely.
felt an intense joy and contentment. invisible force has been holding me With Patrick’s encouragement, I
In the darkness I could see a golden back. I’ve always believed was is breathed through it, opening myself
glow around me. This continued for meant to be will be, and I know now up to receive the energy, knowing
a good ten minutes before I again that I was meant to be at the Seichim now that this was the moment I had
closed my eyes and fell into the best workshop that weekend.Being the been waiting for all my life. I was in
sleep I’ve had in a very long time!All only one in the group with no back- the right place at the right time. I
day today I’ve been feeling wonder- ground in healing, I was apprehen- laughed with a joy I had never felt
fully alive and happy. Things that sive and in the beginning, wondered before. The energy was coming in
on another day would have stressed whether I should of been there at all. such strong waves that my legs gave
me out, rolled off me like water. Everyone in the group, including out and I found myself kneeling on
This is the best I’ve felt since my first Patrick, were warm and friendly, and the ground, my arms outstretched,
initiation! made me feel very welcome and com- ready to receive the energy. I stayed
fortable. Thank you to you all for like this for a long time, basking in
Love & Light your support and love through my the warmth of the light and energy,
Maria emotional healing during the week- knowing that my spiritual journey
end, and for being there to experience had finally begun.In this moment I
with me, the most profound moment felt complete happiness.
of my life.From our first meditation Everything was exactly as it should
session I began to feel different. The be. Complete happiness.Thank you
palms of my hands tingled and short to everyone in my group for your love
bursts of energy kept going through and support, and thank you for shar-
my body. A sense of calm and relief ing your spiritual journeys with me.
settled in my heart after my moment I couldn’t have asked for a better
of emotional release and knew at this group of people to share the begin-
point that the weekend would only ning of my own spiritual journey.
get better.Sunday I woke up wonder- And lastly, thank you Patrick for
ing whether I would be lucky enough bringing this wonderful spiritual
to experience inititation by the end of healing energy to Australia.
the workshop. I felt that I had
gained so much from just the one ALL LOVE
day, that I decided I would allow ini- MARIA KAFALTIS
tiation to occur when it was the right


The Blue Mountains and Melbourne Hi Leonie and Hello to everyone,

SKHM Courses held in March in
Australia were loving and supportive I hope you are all well. It’s been a
environments the essential ground weird but wonderful week since
for clearing emotional issues. attending the Brisbane workshop.
I must say the class was not what I My energy has been fluctuating this
expected but much, much, more, I week, and yesterday after my medita-
have never before experienced what tion class I felt completely devoid of
has taken place at the SKHM any physical energy. As a result, I
Courses. I was able to clear some decided to stay home from work
deep emotional issues but feel that today, which is not like me at all.
even after attending the second Another interesting thing this
course that I have only just mind seems to only con-
scratched the surface. I now feel a centrate on the now. I do have
greater connection to Source. thoughts of past and future things,
I also feel that my spiritual and psy- but my focus is on the here and now.
chic powers have become heightened Very strange, as I tend to overanalyse
and also my awareness of being com- everything!
pletely here in my body on Mother A good thing obviously, as I’ve been
Earth at this time. At the Blue feeling very calm, open, relaxed and
Mountians Course I felt many differ- excepting of everything and everyone.
ent emotions some of which were to I’ve also been looking at the positive
run away and hide, to embrace and side of everything, which also creates
to hug, to hit out, to love and to hate a feeling of peace and calm.All in all,
and to realise that we are never, it’s been a great week for me, even
never alone in the experiences we all with the ups and downs.
have on this planet in a lifetime. I I would also love to hear about the
experienced my own and also others experiences others have had since
fears and pains and we all worked attending 2nd and 3rd workshops.
through them with loving support
from Patrick and each other. At the All Love
Melbourne course Maria
I experienced an initiation after hav-
ing come out of my own experience I
held my hand on the heart of anoth-
er participant going through his
experience, he appeared to me as
though he was hanging on a cross
and we both cried at the same time
but not tears of sadness but tears of
happiness and joy, the ectasy is hap-
piness and joy and the awareness of
all beings being connected and one.
After this experience we hugged and
laughed. When I arrived home from
the course on Monday night I had
been experiencing large amounts of
pain in my right shoulder which I
now think was a bruise coming out
from clearing my heart.
Not long after we got home I was
looking at the emails when some-
thing began to tug strongly at the
pain in my right shoulder and I went
into a long healing process followed
by another initiation. I am looking
forward to and so excited about
attending the Brisbane SKHM
Course on 16 & 17 April.
All Love, All Love, All Love.
Leonie Entwistle,
Reiki-Seichem Teacher,
Atlantis Rising, Australia.


My SKHM experience


and ● The Instrumental Version
SKHM INFINITY DANCE ● Spanish version
by ● Italian version
Patrick Zeigler and Michael Heemskerk ● 2004 Interview with Patrick Zeigler (72 Min)
is available as a CD for download at: Other music

Price € 18,-
Voice and Words Patrick Zeigler
Music by Michael Heemskerk
Music by Michael Heemskerk.

Workshop Australia Online/phone sessions
For those interested in learning SKHM, we are currently
offering online/phone sessions; these sessions are
required to become a SKHM teacher. Along with the ses-
sions there will be intermediate support and the oppor-
tunity to work with others in the program.
Each session is about an hour to an hour and a half and
that also includes a follow up call. Once in the program
you can feel free to email or call with questions and for
support anytime.
A $25 annual fee is required to enter the program; this fee
will include listing you as a member of our SKHM program
so others can contact you for training sessions and even-
tually SKHM Teacher certification. The fee also includes
our New SKHM Magazine to be published several times a
The cost per session is $100 (may vary from country to
country). The distant session will begin the Initiation
process called a SKHM-Khet. After a SKHM-Khet you will
be better able to help support others through a SKHM-
Khet experience though energetic resonance.
It is recommended receiving a minimum of at least eight
sessions and giving a minimum of eight sessions; facili-
tating others through the SKHM-Khet is one of the best
ways to integrate and learn SKHM. Many people will open
up to the SKHM-Khet during the first session; however, it
may take up to 4 or 5 sessions. The remaining sessions
will help to integrate the energy more fully and also give
support to help facilitate others through a SKHM-Khet
(Initiation.) This part of the program is to facilitate distant
healing and to connect with the Shenu Meditation and to
facilitate others through the Initiation process.
Distant sessions are to complement three in person work-
shops, for SKHM Teacher requirements. These workshops
are designed to introduce the group Initiation process and
to learn appropriate skills to facilitate and support group
energies. The workshops and distant training is required
for SKHM Teacher Certification.
Each part of the program can be taken independently as
each person progresses within the program at their own
You are encouraged to begin teaching and sharing when
you feel ready; as you teach you will grow. The SKHM
energy is the best teacher.
For a list of Certified Teachers see page 15 of this maga-

All Love, Patrick

In the next issue of All Love

I would like to introduce our SKHM Teachers Training program. At the core of our program is experience. I feel that
direct experience is the best teacher. For the most part SKHM is not a lecture based class, but more developing a strong
relationship with the SKHM energy itself and allowing the energy to become your best teacher. Our SKHM teachers play
more of a support and facilitation role. It is this support that allows a person to experience an “Initiation.” from with-
in. True Initiations come from within. When an Initiation comes from an outside influence, it will sometimes create an
unhealthy dependency that will keep the person looking to the outside or to someone else to provide the next level.
Once a person wakes up and realizes that they already have the spark within and through their awareness they can
ignite the flame within they feel much more confident in being able to make a direct connection to source and support
others in that process. One of the major keys is opening the heart to All Love.

Currently our Teacher’s program involves experiencing at least three SKHM classes and giving and receiving eight ses-
sions on a personal level. It is through these experiences a person will make a natural connection to the energy. They
will also see first hand how each person makes their own personal connection to the energy. The key is to learn how
to create a safe place. Our program currently is tailored to each individual and that way it does allow an individual to
grow at his or her own pace.

Our SKHM teachers’ program allows each individual one on one guidance and experience to support the group
Initiation process as well as conducting one on one personal support and distant support for healings and Initiations.
We do see each person who is involved in the program as part of our SKHM world family.

Patrick Zeigler

SKHM Facilitator SKHM Teacher

● Attend a Weekend Workshop with a Certified ● Attend a total of 3 weekend workshops with a Certified
SKHM teacher SKHM teacher

● Receive 8 Sessions from a SKHM Certified ● Co-assist 2 weekend workshops with a Certified SKHM
SKHM teacher teacher
(4 sessions must be with a SKHM teacher)
● Facilitate 8 sessions with a Certified SKHM
Teacher as a coach ● Must be able to lead the Shenu Initiation Meditation in
a group
● Observe 8 sessions of a Certified SKHM Teacher
● Must be able to facilitate healing sessions in a group
Qualifications: setting

● Must be able to lead the Shenu Initiation ● Must be able to lead the Infinity Dance in a group
● Must be able to facilitate one on one healing
sessions ● The SKHM Teacher is certified to teach the Shenu
Meditation to groups in a person to person session.
Facilitations: This may be in person or through telecommunications.

● The SKHM Facilitator is certified to teach the ● The SKHM Teacher is certified to teach the Healing
Shenu Meditation to individuals in a person to Process to others in a person to person session. This
person session. This may be in person or may be in person or through telecommunications.
through telecommunications.
● The SKHM Facilitator is certified to teach the
Healing Process to others in a person to person ● Certified to teach SKHM classes
session. This may be in person or through
telecommunications. ● Local SKHM referrals

Benefits: ● SKHM Web Page Listing as Teacher

● SKHM Facilitator Certification ● Co-teach SKHM Classes with current teachers

● Local SKHM referrals ● Attend intro SKHM classes at a little charge

● Web Page Listing ● Eligible to attend teacher’s workshop classes (future)


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