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Beginning Reiki

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Beginning Reiki

First I would like to congratulate you for taking this first step to becoming a healer! You will
find that healing is actually a very simple process that anyone can learn pretty fast. If you
during or after the course have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
!k let"s start!
First let"s cover some basic questions which you might already have read on my page but
anyway here they are#
What is an attunement?
$n attunement is a procedure where a person %or spirit guide& passes on a specific energy
structure'signature to another persons energy body and'or energy centers %chakras&. (his
enables the receiver to become a permanent channel for that specific energy.
(he best known attunements are Reiki attunements. Reiki is an ancient healing art that was
%re&discovered by a )apanese monk called *ikao +sui. ,e received attunement from spirit
after he had fasted for about - weeks on a mountain. $fter a spiritual encounter he found
that he could heal ailments .ust by placing his hands on a place of concern.
+sui"s spiritual encounter had left an /imprint/ %attunement& in his spiritual bodies and
chakras which made him a permanent channel for the energy we today call Reiki %meaning
universal life force&.
What should I expect from an attunement and how do I receive it?
(he best thing to do is not to e1pect anything. )ust sit or lay down and receive the
attunement by following the instructions in this course.
What is an audio attunement?
$n audio attunement is a mp- file with sound'music that has received the energy
structure'signature of a specific attunement in this case a Reiki attunement. 2hen you play
the file the listener receives the attunement in much the same way as if it where passed on
Can anyone learn to heal?
$nyone open to healing can learn it.
Will I feel the energy?
*ostly students feel the effects of either the attunement or when performing healing
sessions. It is of course an advantage if you are somehow sensitive to energy. I have had
students who had never had any attunements or energy e1perience who felt the energy very
well the first time.
What will energy feel like?
It can be felt like warmth a light bree4e bu44ing in hands and'or in the body tingling
sensations in hands feeling very serene peaceful etc.
I have heard that there's 3 levels of Reiki. lso that there's specific sym!ols for Reiki...
Yes both are correct. 5ome even have 6 levels. (his course has all levels in it so you will
also be able to pass it on to other people. (here"s no learning of symbols in this manual as it
is beyond the scope of this course. 5ymbols are not really needed to perform a great healing
session so they are not mentioned here.
7ow that we have covered some of the questions that you might have had let"s proceed to
the ne1t step the attunement!
,opefully you have by now downloaded the the audio attunement mp- file else please do
so now.
Receiving the Reiki attunement
First decide how you will play back the mp- file. 2ill it be through a computer or will listen
to it via an mp- player9 Both can be used.
(he attunement %which you only need to take once& should be received when alone. *ake
sure that you sit or lie down in a comfortable position. $lso make sure that you will not be
disturbed %unplug the phone turn off your cellphone etc.&.
2hen you are ready start the mp- and listen to it until it stops. :eep your position for
another 0; minutes and the attunement is done! It"s though ok to rela1 for more than 0;
<id you feel anything9 If yes e1cellent! If no don"t despair. +sually most people will learn
to feel the energy with practice. $lso it"s good to practice on others so you can get their
$fter this short session you have received the Reiki attunement and you are ready to
Your first healing session
Your first healing session will be a mini /self healing/. (his is where you will send healing
to yourself.
Find a place where you will not be disturbed. You can sit on a chair or lie down on your
= First I want you to place your hands on your stomach. 7ow think the word /Reiki/. (his
will start the energy instantly. :eep your hands there for -=> minutes %or as long as you
= 7e1t I want you to place your hands over your eyes and keep this position again for -=>
minutes. $ny e1act hand position is not important.
= ?ast place your hands on the middle of your chest for -=> minutes %where the om=symbol
is on the following illustration&
= @nd the mini healing session by rubbing your hands rise up and become /wide awake/.
,ow did it go9 <id you feel anything9 ,opefully you had a great e1perience!
Remember that this was only an e1ample. You can place your hands on any place of
concern either on the skin or 0=8/ above. $lso do not /try/ to hard to either feel the energy
or move'pro.ect it. It will flow automatically once started by thinking /Reiki/.
,ealing another person
$fter the self healing you might want to try out healing a friend or partner. You will use the
same technique as in the self healing.
= *ake sure your friend is comfortable either sitting or lying down.
= Alace your hands on the stomach. (hink the word /Reiki/. (his will start the energy
instantly. :eep your hands there for -=> minutes %or as long as you like&.
= 7e1t place your hands above the eyes for -=> minutes.
= ?ast place your hands on %or 0=8/ above& the middle of your friends chest for -=> minutes.
= @nd the session by rubbing your hands and when your friend is ready let him'her tell you
about any e1periences he'she had during the session.
$gain please remember that this was a sample session. You can e1tend it anytime by
including more hand positions e1ample like the feet the top of the head any places of
concern etc.
$lso you might let you intuition led you. 5ometimes a spot only needs 0 minute and you
will feel somehow prompted to move on. $t other times you might spend more than >
minutes on 0 spot.
5erene music is also nice to play when performing healing sessions.
Aassing on Reiki attunements
You can pass on the gift of Reiki to others. ,ere"s how to do it#
= 5it on a chair and have the receiver sit on an opposite chair in front of you.
= Alace your hands on your stomach and think the word /Reiki/. 5it for about - minutes and
then mentally %or loud& say /%name of receiver& will now receive the Reiki attunement/.
(his will start the attunement procedure and you can take away your hands from your
stomach. (he attunement will now automatically go to the receiver and you can .ust rela1 in
the meantime. (he process will last for about 0;=0> minutes where after the attunement
procedure is done. You have passed on your first attunement!
I hope that this mini course has inspired you to use the gift of healing which is always at
your hands! I would love to hear about your e1periences and remember if you have any
questions please .ust email me at!
Cood luck!

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