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Teacher Ben demonstrated the technique on how to group students according to

their needs and interests and how to use self-paced instructional materials. Which
philosophy is manifested in this activity?
A. Essentialism
B. Realism
C. Progressivism
D. Social Reconstructionism

Progressivism is a philosophy that is centered on the experiences, interests, and abilities
of students.

2. Teacher Rose, a Christian Living teacher, puts so much significance on values

development and discipline. What could be her educational philosophy?
A. Idealism
B. Progressivism
C. Pragmatism
D. Realism

Idealism is a philosophy which aims to develop the individual spiritually, mentally,
morally (mind, soul and spirit). It also aims to discover and develop each individual's
abilities and full moral excellence in order to better serve society.

3. What philosophy is related to the practice of schools acting as laboratory for

teaching reforms and experimentation?
A. Essentialism
B. Progressivism
C. Existentialism
D. Social reconstructionism

Laboratory schools are grounded on the progressivist philosophy.

4. Religious rituals in the classroom and in the school programs prove the deep natural
religiosity of the Filipinos. Which philosophy has greatly contributed to this tradition?
A. Buddhism
B. Hinduism
C. Confucianism
D. Islam
Religious rituals in the schools and meritocracy, also to include civil service exams are
influences of Confucius’ philosophy in education.

5. In order to make Roman education truly utilitarian, how should the day-to-day
lessons be taught?
A. Taught in the students' native dialect
B. Taught interestingly through the play way method
C. Related and linked to the events happening in everyday life
D. Practiced at home under the guidance of their respective parents

Utilitarian education focuses on the usefulness and relevance of the lessons to the daily
life of the students.

6. Christians and Moslems value marriage, but the Moslems practice polygamous
marriage while Christians practice monogamous marriage. What do you call this?
A. Ethical Assimilation
B. Cultural Relativism
C. Ethical Relativism
D. Cultural Assimilation

Cultural relativism states that culture should be judged base on its context. What is
acceptable to one culture may be unacceptable to the other.

7. At birth, human brain contains __________ neurons.

A. 10 million
B. 100 million
C. 50 million
D. 50 billion

Research on the brain reveals that the numbers of dendrite connections in the first five
years of growth are in the tens of billions.

8. These are the reasons why the basic education curriculum has been restructured
EXCEPT __________.
A. To become globally competitive during this industrial age
B. To be relevant and responsive to a rapidly changing world
C. To empower the Filipino learners for self-development throughout their life
D. To help raise the achievement level of students

The Philippine Basic Education Curriculum have been restructured because of the
following reasons: (a) to become globally competitive;(b) to be relevant and responsive
to a rapidly changing world and; (c) to empower the Filipino learners for self-
development throughout their lives.

9. Which philosophy influenced the cultivation of reflective & meditative skills in

A. Confucianism
B. Taoism
C. Existentialism
D. Zen Buddhism

Zen Buddhism or the Japanese version of Buddhism believes in the third eye. It also
encourages meditation or mind awakening, and teaches that the entire universe is one's
mind, and if one cannot realize enlightenment in one's own mind now, one cannot ever
achieve enlightenment.

10.Which of the following situations presents a value conflict?

A. The teacher and his students have class standing as their priorities.
B. The teacher and the administrator follow a set of criteria in giving grades.
C. The teacher has students whose parents want their children to obtain higher
grades than what they are capable of getting.
D. The teacher sets high expectations for her intelligent students such as getting
higher grades.

A conflict is a disagreement or a clash between two parties having dissimilar values or
ideas. the situation that best exemplifies a value conflict is, The teacher has students
whose parents want their children to obtain higher grades than what they are capable
of getting.

11.What concept can best describes Ronald’s ability to walk without a support at age of
12 months because of the "internal ripening" that occurred in his muscles, bones
and nervous system development?
A. Development
B. Learning
C. Growth
D. Maturation

Maturation is a biological change which refers to state of the body and its readiness for
the behavior. It consists of changes that occur relatively independent of the
environment, and is usually considered to be genetically programmed or the result of

12."Specialization is knowing more and more about less and less". Then it is better to
be a generalist, claims Teacher Ester. On which philosophy does Teacher Lani lean?
A. Perennialism
B. Essentialism
C. Progressivism
D. Existentialism

A perennialist teacher would choose general course of study in teaching.

13.Katheryn focuses her attention on the school work and vigorous play that consume
most of her physical energy. Which stage of psychosexual theory illustrates her
A. Oral
B. Phallic
C. Anal
D. Latency

During the latency stage of psychosexual development, children’s focus and energy are
directed to physical and intellectual activities. Sexual impulses are also repressed and
attention is shifted to relationships between peers of same sex.

14.Ms. Delacruz uses images and language to represent and understand her various
lessons to preschool learners. What stage in the cognitive theory of development
explains this?
A. Sensorimotor
B. Concrete operation
C. Preoperational
D. Formal Operation

Children in the pre-operational stage of Cognitive development, are Emerging thinkers.
Children in this stage begin to use symbolism (images and language) to represent and
understand various aspects of their environment.

15.Roxane develops concepts necessary for everyday living, builds healthy attitudes
towards oneself, and achieve personal independence. These are among the
attributes of an individual in what particular stage?
A. Infancy and early childhood
B. Adolescence
C. Middle childhood
D. Early adulthood

Learning physical skills required for games, building healthy attitudes towards oneself,
learning to socialize with peers, learning appropriate masculine or feminine role, gaining
basic reading, writing and mathematical skills, developing concepts necessary for
everyday living, formulating a conscience based on a value system, and achieving
personal independence are among the developmental tasks of middle childhood.

16.In Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development, which of the following statements

would illustrate Jef who is 1 years old?
A. Able to see relationships and to reason in the abstract.
B. Able to breakdown a whole into separate parts.
C. Able to solve concrete problems in logical way. .
D. Able to experiments with methods to reach goals.

During the tertiary circular reaction of the sensory-motor stage , ages 12-18 months
experiment with methods to reach goals and develop rituals that become significant.

17.Which of the following principles can be the basis of the growing realization of the
significance of the early childhood education?
A. The young children are capable of doing many things at an early stage.
B. The child should be seen and should learn.
C. The first five years of life are the formative years of the child.
D. Early childhood experiences can be interesting and challenging.

According to research, 0-5 years is said to be the formative years of life.
18.If you use Pygmalion effect to explain why children coming from depressed areas
cannot read, to which do you attribute the poor reading performance of this
particular group of children?
A. Poor expectations from depressed areas
B. Lack of motivation
C. Ineffective teaching methods
D. Lack of reading materials

Rosenthal or Pygmalion effect is the phenomenon in psychology wherein expectations
to people become self-fulfilling prophecies.

19.The term for the developing organism from 2 weeks to 8 weeks of conception.
A. Zygote
B. Embryo
C. Fetus
D. Chromosomes
Prenatal period is divided into three major phases. 1) Germinal Stage or the period of
the zygote (fertilization to 2 weeks); 2) Embryonic Period or the period of the embrio (2
weeks to 2 months or 8 weeks) and; 3) Fetal Period or the period of the fetus (8 weeks
to birth).

20.Grace goes with her mother in school. She enjoys the workplace of her mother
Which of the following ecological theories is illustrated by the situation?
A. Microsysytem
B. Exosystem
C. Mesosystem
D. Macrosystem

Exosystem is involved when experiences in another social setting in which the individual
does not have an active role influences what she/he experiences in an immediate

21.Which of the theories of learning presents or states that learning skills are
hierarchically arranged?
A. Cumulative Learning
B. Social Cognitive Learning
C. Meaningful Learning
D. Theory of Instruction
Robert Gagne's Cumulative Learning Theory states that instruction should be
hierarchically arranged. Thus, any task or skill can be broken down to simpler skills
which can still be further broken down to move simple tasks or skills.

22.Which of the following best describes what meaningful learning is?

A. When what is to be learned is new and easy for the students
B. Materials presented are difficult and challenging to the students
C. When the materials to be learned is related to what students already know
D. Students find the lessons easy and relevant to what was assigned to them

Meaningful learning occurs when new experiences are related to what a learner already
knows. It may occur through reception, rote or discovery learning.

23.Mary easily learns a lesson when she is working with laboratory equipment but
hardly remembers a lesson the teacher lectured on. What type of learner is Luz?
A. Auditory Learner
B. Tactile Learner
C. Kinesthetic Learner
D. Visual Learner

Tactile learners - like to manipulate objects. These types of learners learn best through
hands-on or laboratory experience.

24.Which of the following statements about motivation is false?

A. External motivation is longer lasting and more self-directive than internal
B. Internal motivation is fueled by one's goals or ambitions
C. Motivation is enhanced by the way in which the instructional material is
D. Motivation to perform is affected by expectancy and value

Internal motivation is longer lasting and more self - directive than is external
motivation, which must be repeatedly reinforced by praise or concrete rewards.
25.Kristine is almost asleep when she felt the need to go to the bathroom. She tried to
sleep it off but after a while she was forced to stand up and go to the bathroom.
What theory of motivation explains Cristina's behaviour?
A. Attribution Theory
B. Expectancies and Values theory
C. Drive Theory
D. Solomon's Opponent Theory

Drive is a condition of arousal on tension that motivates behavior - Drives most typically
have been considered to involve physiological survival needs; hunger, thirst, sleep,
pain, sex. A drive results from the activation of a need that creates condition of
disequilibrium in the body.

26.Based on Bandura's theory, which conditions must be present for a student to learn
from a model?
I. attention
II. retention
III. motor reproduction
IV. motivation

A. I and II
B. I, II and III
C. I, II, III, and IV
D. III and IV

The four Phases of Observational Learning are attention, retention, motor reproduction
and motivation.

27.In observation and imitation learning, what should be the learner's response when
the teacher initially models the behavior?
A. reproduce and match
B. imitate and practice
C. pay attention
D. shows satisfaction

The first or the initial step for observational learning is paying attention. Mere exposure
does not ensure acquisition of behavior. Observer must attend to recognize the
distinctive features of the model's response.
28.Gregg is bilingual. She speaks both English and Filipino fluently. She begins to Study
Spanish and immediately recognizes many similarities between the Spanish and
Filipino languages and uses this information to acquire the new language faster.
What kind of transfer was Grace able to use?
A. Lateral transfer
B. Specific transfer
C. General transfer
D. Vertical transfer

Specific transfer happens when a specific skill, fact or rule is applied to a similar

29.Some learners like to find specific and concrete answers. What kind of learners are
A. Accommodators
B. Convergers
C. BAssimilators
D. Divergers

Convergers - rely on abstract conceptualization and experimentations. They like to find
specific, concrete answers and move quickly to solution. They are also unemotional,
since they prefer to deal with things rather than with people.

30.Which statement does not refer to cognitive theories?

A. prefer to concentrate on analyzing cognitive process
B. conclusions are based on observation of external manifestations of learning
C. study of the structures and components of information processing
D. believe in non-observable behavior

Cognitive theories believe on none-observable behaviors. The main focus is on memory
and it prefers to concentrate on analyzing cognitive processes

31.How are institutions of learning encouraged to set higher standards over and above
the minimum requirement for state recognition?
A. Scholastic achievement
B. Academic Freedom
C. Faculty development
D. Voluntary Accreditation

Section 29 of Batas Pambansa bilang 232 or the Education Act of 1982 states that the
Ministry shall encourage programs of voluntary accreditation for institution which desire
to meet standards of quality over and above minimum required for State recognition.

32.With the use of mnemonics, the students are able to __________ information.
A. Analyze
B. Understand
C. Apply
D. Remember

Mnemonics like “My Dear Aunt Sally” to mean multiplication, division, addition and
subtraction help students remember information easily.

33.According to Krathwohls’ affective domain of objectives, __________ is the highest

level of affective behavior.
A. Valuing
B. Responding
C. Organization
D. Characterization

The arrangement of Krathwohls’ affective domain is receiving, responding, valuing,
organization and characterization.

34.Which stage of the psychosexual theory does young boys experience rivalry with
their father for their mother's attention and affection?
A. Oral
B. Phallic
C. Anal
D. Latency

When a boy is closer to the mother (Oedipus complex) and a girl is closer to her father
(Electra complex), these instances are under Freud’s phallic stage in the Psychosexual
Development Theory.
35.Which pillar of learning aimed in the acquisition of the instrument of understanding
in order to develop the students’ learn-to-learn skills?
A. Learning to do
B. Learning to live together
C. Learning to know
D. Learning to be

Learning to know implies learning how to learn by developing one’s concentration,
memory skills and ability to think, acquiring the instrument of understanding.

36.During problem solving method, the teacher’s primary role is:

A. Director
B. Lecturer
C. Clarifier
D. Judge

During problem solving activities, the teacher acts as a clarifier especially when
students are in doubt how to go about the problem.

37.Which of the following would be the best choice if a teacher would like to focus on
attitudinal change?
A. Dramatization
B. Role play
C. Field study
D. Simulation

Roleplaying allows the child to shows his own personal emotions and therefore is a
good option when focusing on attitudinal change.

38.Which is one measure of attitude that consists of a value statement where you are
asked to express your degree of agreement or disagreement of a statement?
A. Likert scale
B. Semantic differential
C. Interview schedule
D. Checklist

Likert Scale is an assessment instrument which asks an individual to respond to a series
of statements by indicating whether she/he strongly agrees (SA), agrees (A), is
undecided (U), disagrees (D), or strongly disagrees (SD) with each statement. Each
response is associated with a point value, and an individual's score is determined by
summing up the point values for each positive statements.

39.Teacher Bernadeth does NOT wait for the end of the term to find out how much the
students learn. With which does Teacher Bernadeth agree?
A. Formative evaluation
B. Summative evaluation
C. Authentic evaluation
D. Norm-reference evaluation

Formative assessments are done during or after a lesson. This is to track learners’
progress and to know whether lesson objectives were achieved.

40.Mr. Efren is judging the accuracy of these statements. Which statements will he
consider as correct?
I. Test is a tool to measure a trait.
II. Measurement is the process of qualifying a given trait.
III. Assessment is the gathering of quantitative and qualitative data.
IV. Evaluation is the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data for decision

A. I and II only
B. I, II, and III
C. III and IV only
D. I, III, and IV

Testis an instrument designed to measure any characteristic, quality, ability, knowledge
or skill. It comprised of items in the area it is designed to measure.
Measurement is a process of quantifying the degree to which someone/something
possesses a given trait.
Assessment is a process of gathering and organizing quantitative or qualitative data into
an interpretable form to have a basis for judgment or decision-making. It is also a
prerequisite to evaluation.
Evaluation is a process of systematic interpretation, analysis, appraisal or judgment of
the worth of organized data as basis for decision-making. It involves judgment about
the desirability of changes in students.
41.To ensure that the lesson will go on smoothly, Teacher Alex listed down the steps
she will undertake together with those of her students'. This practice relates to
A. Teaching style
B. Teaching strategy
C. Teaching method
D. Teaching technique

Teaching method consists of steps which are logically arranged, aimed at achieving the
specific aims of instruction.

42.Teacher John gives the class specific topic as assignment which they have to
research and pass the following day. However, the students could not find any
information about it. What method should Teacher John use to teach the
A. Project method
B. Lecture method
C. Discovery approach
D. Demonstration method

Lecture is a teaching procedure for clarifying or explaining a major idea cast in the form
of question or problem. This is very effective when the lecturer has the information or
materials which pupils do not have; thus, imparts information and develops critical
thinking, largely by the use of the verbal message, with minimal class participation.

43.In Math, Teacher Dianne presents various examples of plane figures to her class.
Afterwards, she asks the students to give the definition of each. What method did
she use?
A. Inductive
B. Deductive
C. Laboratory
D. Expository

Inductive method moves from specific examples to general concepts. This would help
pupils discover important rules or truth for themselves through careful observations of
specific cases or examples leading to generalizations.

44.Iana wishes to write a lesson plan. Which question should she asks herself first?
A. What materials will I need?
B. How will I get things started?
C. What do I want to accomplish?
D. What exercises will I give my students?

When writing a plan for the day’s lesson, teachers should begin with an end in mind.

45.When should Teacher Marie undertake the task of setting up routine activities?
A. Every homeroom period
B. On the very first day of school
C. Every day at the start of the session
D. As soon as the students have adjusted to their schedule

In order for a class routine to be effective, teachers should make it clear on the first
day of school.

46.Miss Jane involves her sixth graders in the establishment of classroom rules and
procedures. During class meetings, students can raise issues about the rules and
even about the consequences and rewards related to those rules. But Miss Jane is
also very clear that some issues are not up for discussion. "This is one, Miss Jane
gets to decide on her own", she states when appropriate. Very early in the year, the
students know there is no point arguing when she makes this declaration. Which
describes her classroom management approach?
I. Assertive
II. Laissez faire
III. Consultative

A. I and III
B. I only
C. II and III
D. II only

Assertive Approach in classroom management insists on responsible behaviors.
Teachers practicing this approach are expected to specify rules of behavior and
consequences for disobeying them and to communicate these rules and consequences
clearly. It Assumes that classroom management liberate students because it allows
them to develop their best traits, skills and abilities, and provides them with
psychological security in the classroom and an effective learning environment.
47.A high school graduate was refused admission to a university on the grounds that
he failed the admission test. The student insisted that he had the right to be
admitted and the act was a violation of his right to education. Was the student
A. No, the university may refuse the student in its exercise of academic freedom.
B. Yes, education is everyone's right.
C. Yes, especially if he belongs to the Indigenous Peoples' group.
D. No, if the university is exclusively for girls.

Institutions of higher learning have the rights to determine on academic grounds who
shall be admitted to study, who may teach, and what shall be subjects of the study and

48.In assessing learners under the K to 12 curriculum, these components will be the
bases for grading
I. Written Work
II. Formative Test
III. Performance Task
IV. Quarterly Assessment
A. II and IV
B. I, II and III
C. I, III and IV
D. I, II, III and IV

The Summative assessment of the new K-12 curriculum is classified into three
components, namely. Written Work (ww). Performance Tasks (PT), and Quarterly
Assessment (QA). These three will be the bases for grading. The nature of the learning
area defines the way these three components are assessed.

49.What is the best description to the teaching profession?

A. It is the most populous labor section
B. It is the noblest profession
C. It is the most lucrative profession
D. It requires less preparation

Every teacher shall actively insure that teaching is the noblest profession, and shall
manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble calling.
50.The K to 12 Basic Education Program uses a __________ grading system.
A. Performance and outcomes based
B. Knowledge and performance-based
C. Standards and competency based
D. Skills and practice based

The K to 12 Basic Education Program uses a standards- and competency-based grading
system. These are found in the curriculum guides. All grades will be based on the
weighted raw score of the learners' summative assessments.

51.The initial grade of a student is 60. What grade will the student earn after
A. 65
B. 70
C. 75
D. 80

The minimum grade needed to pass a specific learning area is 60, which is transmuted
to 75 in the report card

52.Other than finding out how well the course objectives were met, Teacher Kate also
wants to know his students' performance when compared with other students in the
class. What is Teacher Kate interested to do?
A. Authentic evaluation
B. Criterion-referenced evaluation
C. Formative evaluation
D. Norm-referenced evaluation

Norm-reference evaluation compares a student’s score with the rest of the scores.

53.Which of the following statements concerning test validity and reliability is most
A. A valid test is a reliable test.
B. A reliable test is a valid test.
C. A test can not be valid and reliable unless it is objective.
D. A test can not be valid and reliable unless it is standardized.
A valid test is always reliable but not all reliable tests is valid.

54.These are the attributes of a metacognitive reader EXCEPT:

A. Is aware of one's mental processes such that one can monitor, regulate, and
direct them to a desired end
B. Has the ability to think about and control own learning
C. Organizes ideas in different ways, and makes unusual comparisons
D. Practices self-regulation and monitoring comprehension

Creative readers use their cognitive processes to develop ideas that are unique, useful,
and worthy of further elaboration. They discover a new or improved solution to a
problem, or a set of new ideas. It is the creative reader and not the metacognitive
reader who organizes ideas in different ways, and makes unusual comparisons.

55.Robin gave a wrong answer. Teacher said "Wrong! You are way off." As a
consequence other students in the class were afraid to answer questions. Which of
the following is illustrated by the event?
A. Ripple effect
B. Severity error
C. Halo effect
D. Central tendency error

The "ripple effect" occurs when the teacher corrects a misbehavior in one student, and
this influences the behavior of other nearby students. The ripple effect is influenced by
the clarity and firmness of the correction. The effect is greater when the teacher clearly
names the unacceptable behavior and gives the reasons for the desist. Firmness, that
is, conveying an "I mean it" attitude, enhances the ripple effect.

56.The Report Card is given every grading period to the pupil/student and the parents
are informed of the learner's performance. This is a/an_of the teacher stipulated in
the Education Act of 1982.
A. Role
B. Accountability
C. Obligation
D. Responsibility

Section 16 of BatasPambansa bilang 232 or the Education Act of 1982 stipulates that it
is the teachers’ obligation to render regular reports on performance of each student and
to the latter and the latter's parents and guardians with specific suggestions for

57.Which of the following statements is correct about the domains of educational

A. Design is the production stage while development is the planning stage.
B. Both the design and development are the planning stage.
C. Evaluation is synonymous with implementation.
D. Utilization is the action phase.

The five Domains of Educational Technology are Design, Development, Utilization and
Evaluation. Design is the planning phase of educational technology. Development is the
process of producing learning materials from a detailed plan, Utilization is the actual use
of knowledge and the skills and usually includes the practical application of information
or procedures on a regular basis, Evaluation is a dynamic process which allows people
to obtain and judge the worth of data about how students learn specific content
information under varying instructional condition, and Management is the linchpin which
binds all the domains of educational technology together.

58.Mrs. Delatore placed text together with the relevant graphics on the same page in
her multimedia presentation. Which principle did she apply?
A. Split attention
B. Cost effectiveness
C. Spatial contiguity
D. Communication effectiveness

When the principle of Spatial Contiguity is being considered, Corresponding words and
pictures must be presented near, rather than far from each other.

59.Teacher Mae makes sure that she certifies understanding to check whether
instructional objectives were achieved. Of what part of assessment is she occupied
A. Assessment of learning
B. Assessment for learning
C. Assessment as learning
D. Assessment for and as learning
Assessment OF Learning is done after instruction. This is usually referred to as the
summative assessment. It is used to certify what students know and can do and the
level of their proficiency or competency. Its results reveal whether or not instructions
have successfully achieved the curriculum outcomes. The information from assessment
of learning is usually expressed as marks or letter grades, which are communicated to
the students, parents, and other stakeholders for decision-making.

60.Determining emphasis to be given to the different learning areas in the curriculum is

a/an __________ purpose of giving tests.
A. Instructional
B. Guidance
C. Administrative
D. Informative

Determining emphasis to be given to the different learning areas in the curriculum,
measuring the school progress from year to year, determining how well students are
attaining worthwhile educational goals, determining appropriateness of the school
curriculum for students of different levels of ability and developing adequate basis for
pupil promotion or retention are among the administrative uses of tests.

61.An entering student in college would like to determine which vocation is best suited
for him. Which of the following tests is most appropriate for his purpose?
Intelligence test
Achievement test
Readiness test
Aptitude test

Aptitude tests measure potential in a specific field or area; predict the degree to which
an individual will succeed in any given area such art, music, mechanical task or
academic studies.

62.Which of the objectives below show overt behavior?

A. To appreciate the value of democracy.
B. To understand the importance of a constitution
C. To recite the preamble of the constitution
D. To show love to one's country

Overt behaviors are observable behavior or responses depicted in the forms of
actions. . Behaviors such as thinking, dreaming, glandular responses, reasoning, etc are
termed as covert or unobservable behaviors.

63.When a teacher reviews a lesson to prepare her students, she is utilizing the law of:
A. Readiness
B. Effect
C. Exercise
D. Multiple response

Law of Readiness states that an individual will learn when she is ready to do so.

64.A student makes the teachers and his classmates busy and asks everyone to give
him special attention. What is the student's hidden message?
A. The student wants to feel connected.
B. The student wants to feel empowered.
C. The student wants to get even.
D. The student wants to feel reassured.

The child’s oal an Attention Seeking Behaviour is to get attention. Children keep others
busy or get special service to be noticed, to be involved and to be connected.

65.Teacher Louise clears his throat to communicate disapproval of a student’s behavior.

Which specific influence technique is this?
A. Proximity control
B. Interest boosting
C. Signal interference
D. Direct appeal

Signal interference uses non-verbal language to signal inappropriate behavior. The
forms vary according to the age group of the students and the teacher's style. The
"look", light flicking, a pause in instruction, a finger snap, etc. are variations of a signal
that gets everyone's attention. Students are saved embarrassment because no one is
singled out.

66.A teaching procedure dealing with first-hand experiences pertaining to material

obtained from experimentation is called __________.
A. Demonstration Method
B. Laboratory Method
C. Discovery Method
D. Deductive Method

Laboratory method is effectively used in Science and other related subjects. Apparatus
and materials are used to discover or verify facts and to study scientific relationship.
Activities range from observation to investigation/experimentation, which in turn
provide learners with firsthand experience.

67.Mrs. Uy wants to generate as many ideas as she can as the class is about to embark
on a community outreach program. Which of the following will she employ?
A. Buzz session
B. Round table
C. Brainstorming
D. Symposium

Brainstorming- is a process for generating creative ideas and solutions through
intensive and freewheeling group discussion. It consists of individual or more in which a
deliberate attempt is made to think creatively about all possible approaches and
solutions to a given problem.

68.Here is a test item: From the data presented in the table, form generalizations that
are supported by the data. Under what type of question does this item fall?
A. Synthesis
B. Evaluative
C. Convergent
D. Application

Synthesis involves producing wholes from the parts or producing a new whole

69.Which technique is an application of B.F. Skinner's theory on operant conditioning?

A. Mastery learning
B. Process approach
C. Computer-assisted instruction
D. Project method

Computer-assisted instruction is an application of BF Skinner's theory on operant

70.The improvement of basic education should be the top priority of the Philippine
government. Defend or refute this position. Under what type of question does this
test item fall?
A. Convergent
B. Low-level
C. Evaluative
D. Analysis

When you ask students to explain why they agree or disagree with a statement, you
are asking them to evaluate.

71.Which is a guidance function of a test?

A. Identifying pupils who need corrective teaching
B. Predicting success in future academic and vocational education
C. Assigning marks for courses taken
D. Grouping pupils for instruction within a class

Assisting learners to set educational and vocational goals, improving teacher, counselor
and parents' understanding of children with problems, preparing information/data to
guide conferences with parents about their children, determining interests in types of
occupations not previously considered or known by the students, and predicting success
in future educational or vocational endeavor are among the guidance uses of tests.
72.Mr. Lardizabal , an elementary school teacher in Science found out that many of his
pupils got very high scores in the test. What measure of central tendency should he
use to describe their average performance in the subject?
A. Mean
B. Mode
C. Median
D. Range

Median is a measure of central tendency best use when there are extreme scores or
outliers in a score distribution.

73.This phase of curriculum development involves decisions, among other things, on

grade placement and sequencing of content. Which phase is this?
A. Curriculum planning
B. Curriculum organization
C. Curriculum evaluation
D. Curriculum implementation

Decisions on sequencing of content and grade placement are done on the level of
curriculum organization/design. In this level, the curriculum developer determines the
scope and sequence of content in each subject based on the design of the curriculum.

74.Mr. Sulayman , a curriculum consultant on Economics insists that in selecting the

curriculum content, it is better that throughout the high school years, economic
geography concepts be used to recur and be repeated with depth for effective
learning. What criterion in content selection is shown here?
A. Validity
B. Significance
C. Continuity
D. Learnability

Continuity is the vertical repetition and recurring of the content across grade levels.

75.This concept includes the sub-processes of curriculum planning, organization,

implementation and evaluation. Which concept is this?
A. Curriculum development
B. Curriculum management
C. Curriculum assessment
D. Curriculum and instruction

The concept of Curriculum Development includes the sub-processes of curriculum
planning, organization, implementation and evaluation.

76.The curriculum used during this period in Philippine history terminated the use of
English as a medium of instruction. What period was this?
A. American
B. Commonwealth
C. Spanish
D. Japanese

Japanese period is repressively anti-Ameri-can and anti-British. During their time, they
have terminated the use of English language in schools.

77.What kind of curriculum is achieved when the learning outcomes are achieved by
the students?
A. Assessed curriculum
B. Hidden curriculum
C. Learned curriculum
D. Taught curriculum

Learned Curriculum refers to the learning as the results of the tests and changes in

78.What criterion is NOT included in the selection of subject matter content?

A. Balance
B. Validity
C. Creativity
D. Utility

The criteria for selecting content are validity, significance/ relevance, balance of
breadths and depths, learnability, appropriateness, and Utility.

79.Which is NOT a part of the grassroots approach of Hilda Taba?

A. Selection of learning content
B. Selection of learning experiences
C. Selection of technology
D. Selection of learning environment

Taba's Seven Stages of Curriculum Development includes: Diagnosis of needs;
Formulation of objectives; Selection of content; Organization of content; Selection of
learning experiences; Determination of what and how to evaluate; and Organization of
learning experiences.

80.On types of curriculum, which includes the course study, syllabi, modules, books and
lesson plan?
A. Hidden curriculum
B. Recommended curriculum
C. Written curriculum
D. Supported curriculum

Written Curriculum includes documents, course of study, or syllabi handed down to the
schools, districts, division, departments, or colleges for implementation. Most of this are
written by the experts with participation of the teachers. Examples are the BEC, written
lesson plan and planned activities of the teachers.

81.Of types of the curriculum, which comes from policy, standards and guidelines from
national organizations or international bodies such as UNESCO?
A. Recommended curriculum
B. Learned curriculum
C. Assessed curriculum
D. Written curriculum

Recommended Curriculum: most of the school curricula are recommended. The
curriculum may come from a national agency (like DepEd or DOST) or any professional
organization (like PAFTE) that has stake in education.

82.What could be the content or topic when the teacher ask the learners to define
curriculum and complete a matrix on the differences between traditional and
progressive curriculum.
A. Historical and philosophical foundations of the curriculum
B. Meaning of curriculum
C. Various curriculum perspective
D. Different elements that affects curriculum

Curriculum has two perspectives, the traditional and progressive point of view.

83.In acquiring language competence, what is the process of attaching meaning to

A. Phonology
B. Syntax
C. Semantics
D. Morphology

Semantics is concern with attaching meaning to words.
84.Which encompasses the true essence of the term curriculum?
A. List of subjects to complete a course
B. List of courses for graduation
C. Sum total of all learning experiences
D. Never ending process in education

Curriculum is defined as the sum total of all learning content, experiences and
resources that are purposely selected, organized and implemented by the school in
pursuit of its peculiar mandate as a distinct institution of learning and human

85.What development task best displays adolescence 13 to 18 years?

A. Learning social modesty
B. Achieving masculine and feminine roles
C. Assuming civic responsibility
D. Learning to get along well with agemates

According to Havighurst, adolescents’ development task is to: establish more mature
relationships with same-age individuals of both sexes; Achieve a masculine or feminine
social role; accept own body; establish emotional independence from parents; achieve
assurance or economic independence; prepare for an occupation; prepare for marriage
and building of family; acquire skills necessary to fulfill civic responsibilities; and
develop a set of values that guides behavior.

86.According to Piaget, which refers to cognitive structures example seeing a dog and
forming initial idea of dog?
A. Assimilation
B. Accommodation
C. Schema
D. Equilibrium

Schema refers to cognitive structures developed through experience.

87.Under the psychomotor domain of learning, what relates to expressive movement,

posture, gesture, facial expression and creative movements, e.g. taking part in a
A. Skilled movements
B. Non-discursive communication
C. Reflex movements
D. Perceptual abilities

Non-discursive communication is communication through bodily movements ranging
from facial expressions through sophisticated choreographics. Examples include: body
postures, gestures, and facial expressions efficiently executed in skilled dance
movement and choreographics.

88.To teach the democratic process to the pupils, Biag Elementary School decided that
the election of class officers shall be patterned after the local election. There were
qualifications set for candidates, limited period for campaign and rules for posting
campaign materials, etc. Which of the following did the school use?
A. Role playing
B. Symposium
C. Simulation
D. Philips 66

Simulation is an enactment of a make believe episode as much like the real thing as

89.Teacher Betty is the teacher of English as a Second Language. She uses vocabulary
cards, fill-in-the-blank sentences, dialogues, dictation and writing exercises in
teaching a lesson about grocery shopping. Based on this information, which of the
following is a valid conclusion?
A. The teacher is teaching in a variety of ways because not all students learn in the
same manner.
B. The teacher wants to make her teaching easier by having less talk.
C. The teacher is emphasizing reading and writing skills.
D. The teacher is applying Bloom's hierarchy of cognitive learning.

Variety in instruction is the use of different approaches, materials and strategies to
cater TO the diverse needs of learners.

90.Objectives must be evaluated in the light of practical considerations, including

teacher competence, availability of instructional materials, time allotment, etc. What
characteristic of educational objective is defined by the aforementioned statement?
A. Comprehension
B. Feasibility
C. Consistency
D. Attainability

Feasibility means that the task is realistically implementable in relation to its cost,
space, time, and equipment requirements.

91.Juan always waits at his neighbor Garry every morning. He enjoys seeing him while
biking and imitates the actions of Garry while he rides his own bike. Who is the
proponent of Social Learning Theory which applies in the situation?
A. Bandura
B. Bruner
C. Kohlberg
D. Skinner

Albert Bandura developed the Social Learning Theory and advocated that “children
learn from what they see in the environment.”

92.Which among the following devices can be a scaled replica of a certain object?
A. Mock ups
B. Globes
C. Models
D. Maps

Models like Heart Models are scaled replicas.

93.Which of the following may be considered an economic impact of globalization on

A. Increasing commercialization of education and the corporate takeover of
B. Weakening of the notion of the "citizen" as a unified and unifying concept.
C. New technologies of information and communication creates new approaches to
D. Reduction of state and government support and subsidy for education

Increasing commercialization/commodification and the corporate takeover of education,
branding, globalization and learning to be consumers, movement of higher education
toward supporting the nations' wealth (growth) as opposed to focusing on the liberal
education of undergraduates, and changing role of education in terms of preparing
students for the world of work are among the economic impacts of Globalization to

94.Which of the following aptly describes Marshall McLuhans' concept of global village?
A. The idea that because of rapid globalization and development in technology, the
world has become one global village where increased diversity and difference
among people has become more pronounced than ever.
B. Rapid integration of the planet through media and technology where events in
one part of the world could be experienced from other parts in real-time, similar
to what human experience was like when we lived in small villages.
C. Global Village is the kind of global world we are experiencing, characterized by
fundamentalism, apathy and conflict brought about by clashes of cultures.
D. People's cultural and religious identities will be the primary source of conflict in
the post-Cold War world as evidenced by the conflict between fundamentalist
Muslims and the western world.

In the 1960s, Marshall McLuhan popularized the term "global village" to describe the
effect that the ability to connect and exchange ideas instantaneously would bring to the

95.When planning her lessons and units, Mrs. Joana is careful to include books and
resources from a variety of cultures and ethnic groups. What kind of education is
A. Multilingual education
B. Multicultural education
C. Transformative education
D. Gender free education

Multicultural Education emphasizes oneself and others through the exploration of
concepts of cultural diversity, similarities, prejudices, and cultural understanding.
Developing tolerance is a key value in learning to live together in harmony.

96.What educational approach/ perspective recognizes the knowledge and experience

of women, racial groups and ethnic groups as being just, as valid and relevant as
the knowledge of dominant groups in mainstream academic discourse?
A. Transformative Education
B. Inclusive Education
C. Multicultural Education
D. Global Education

Inclusive education treats the knowledge and experience of women, racial groups and
ethnic groups as being just as valid and relevant as the knowledge of dominant groups
in mainstream academic discourse –

97.What pillar of education which emphasizes learning to be human, through

acquisition of knowledge, skills and values conducive to personality development?
A. Learning to Know
B. Learning to Live Together
C. Learning to Do
D. Learning to Be

Learning to Be is the complete fulfillment of man, in all the richness of his personality,
the complexity of his forms of expression and his various commitments as individual

98.Which of the following statements about Gender is correct?

A. Gender is biologically determined.
B. Gender is socially and culturally constructed.
C. Gender roles are the same in all societies.
D. Gender is an ascribed status in society.

Sex is the actual biological differences between males and females; a distinction
between the physical and biological characteristics of males and females. The sexual
differences between females and males include different chromosomes, the sex glands,
hormones and sex organ. Gender is the different roles, responsibilities and expectations
of women and men in societies and cultures; the socially assigned label and personal
definitions as male or female including the corresponding socially defined rights and

99.The K to 12 curriculum adheres to the principles and framework of MTB-MLE. MTB-

MLE stands for __________.
A. Mother Tongue-Basic Multilingual Environment
B. Mother Tongue-Based Multilanguage Education
C. Mother Tongue-Basic Multilingual Education
D. Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education

MTB-MLE or the Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education refers to formal or non-
formal education in which the learner’s mother tongue and additional languages are
used in the classroom.

100. A student got a numerical grade of 97. What is his descriptor for his level of
A. Outstanding
B. Very satisfactory
C. Satisfactory
D. Excellent

The grading scale, with its corresponding descriptors are as follows: below 75 “Did not
meet expectations”; 75-79 “Fairly Satisfactory”; 80-84 “Satisfactory”; 85-89
“Satisfactory”; and 90-100 is “Outstanding.”

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