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AIA HS Gold Elite Brochure

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Enhanced protection
for you and your family
AIA HealthShield Gold Elite reimburses your
hospital bills, with ‘as charged’* benefits and
gives you extra coverage for 30 Critical Illnesses.


AIA HealthShield
Gold Elite
Have you considered the impact of hospital bills and how that would affect your family
and savings? Do you want to have access to healthcare services and treatment when you
need it without worrying about the costs?

One thing is certain. Healthcare costs are continuing to rise and as we get older, we need
more funds to be able to afford medical treatments. With the advancement in healthcare
technology and the rising cost that comes with it, it is more important than ever that you
plan for your future. If you do not have the necessary protection, the impact on your
savings and family could be devastating.

To ensure you have adequate protection for yourself and your loved ones, AIA offers you
AIA HealthShield Gold Elite. AIA HealthShield Gold Elite is a comprehensive ‘as charged’*
plan with no maximum claim limit per lifetime and a range of pre- and post-hospitalisation

You have worked hard to provide for yourself and your loved ones. Make sure you protect
them and yourself with adequate coverage.

AIA HealthShield Gold Elite gives you the comprehensive coverage you need, 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year with:
• Reimbursement of your hospital bills, after deductible and co-insurance, as charged*
• No maximum lifetime claim limit
• Extra cover for 30 critical illnesses
• Day surgery, as charged^
• Pregnancy Complications Benefit
• Premium payments through your CPF Medisave, up to S$800 per policy year for each
person covered (or up to S$1,150 if you are 81 and above on your next birthday from
1 December 2008)

* Subject to deductible and co-insurance. Limits apply for certain benefits.

^ Subject to deductible and co-insurance.
Key Benefits and Premiums
AIA HealthShield Gold Elite provides you with a comprehensive range of benefits:

Limits of Compensation
Benefits (S$) Inclusive of GST
A. In-Patient and Day Surgery Benefits
i. Daily Room and Board1 As Charged
ii. Daily ICU Charges1 As Charged
iii. Surgical Benefit
Surgical Procedures2 As Charged
Surgical Implants and Approved Medical As Charged
Consumables (per treatment)
Stereotactic Radiosurgery3 (per procedure) As Charged
B. In-Hospital Psychiatric Treatment 5,000 per policy
C. Accidental In-Patient Dental Treatment
As Charged
(Within 7 days after Accident)
D. Pre-Hospitalisation Benefit
As Charged
(Within 100 days prior to Confinement)
E. Post-Hospitalisation Benefits
i. Post-Hospitalisation Treatment As Charged
(Within 100 days after Confinement)
ii. Confinement in Community Hospitals As Charged
(Up to 45 days of Confinement)
F. Pregnancy Complications Benefit As Charged
G. Congenital Abnormalities Benefit 5,000 per policy
(Applicable only to the biological child of female Insured)
H. Emergency Overseas (outside Singapore)
As Charged
Medical Treatment or Hospitalisation
I. Final Expense Benefit 2,000 per policy
J. Out-Patient Hospital Benefit4
Radiotherapy for Cancer (per day) As Charged
Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Cancer (per treatment) As Charged
Chemotherapy for Cancer (per year) As Charged
Immunotherapy for Cancer (per year) As Charged
Renal Dialysis (per year) As Charged
Erythropoietin (per year) As Charged
Cyclosporin5 (per year) As Charged
K. Extra Cover for 30 Critical Illnesses Benefit6
• Limit Per Policy Year 100,000
• Limit Per Lifetime Unlimited

Limits of Compensation (cont’d)

Benefits (S$) Inclusive of GST
Maximum Claim Limit
• Limit Per Policy Year 500,000
• Limit Per Lifetime Unlimited
Deductible7 (per policy year)
• Below age 82 next birthday
C Class Ward 1,000
B2 Class Ward 1,500
B1 Class Ward 2,000
A Class Ward / Private Hospital 3,000
Day Surgery 2,000
• Ages 82 next birthday and above
C Class Ward 1,500
B2 Class Ward 2,250
B1 Class Ward 3,000
A Class Ward / Private Hospital 4,500
Day Surgery 3,000
Co-insurance8 10%
Last Entry Age 75
Maximum Coverage Period Lifetime

The Limit Per Policy Year is inclusive of MediShield’s policy year limit.
1 Inclusive of meals, prescriptions, professional charges, investigations and other miscellaneous
medical charges.
2 Surgical Procedures refer to the types of surgical operations listed in the “Table of Surgical
Procedures”under the Medisave Scheme operated by the Ministry of Health excluding (a) all
surgical operations stated in the General Exclusions and (b) any other surgical operations
that are not specified in the said “Table of Surgical Procedures”. The costs of any surgical
implants, approved medical consumables and/or Stereotactic Radiosurgery procedure are
not included in this portion of the benefit.
3 Stereotactic Radiosurgery means the gamma knife treatment or the Novalis shaped beam
treatment of neurosurgical or neurological disorders.
4 Out-Patient Hospital Benefit is the only benefit that is not subject to deductible but subjected
to co-insurance. All other benefits are subject to deductible and co-insurance.
5 In the event of an organ transplant surgery, we will reimburse charges for any other immuno-
suppressant approved under MediShield, subject to the limit of “Cyclosporin”.
6 The limit for the Extra Cover for 30 Critical Illnesses Benefit is provided over and above the
Limit Per Policy Year.
7 Deductible is the portion of costs you are liable to pay before any benefits are payable.
8 Co-insurance is the fixed percentage you are liable to pay for costs in excess of the deductible.
Key Benefits and Premiums (cont’d)

Premiums inclusive of 7% GST (S$)

Age Next Birthday
Once a year
1 - 30 149.80
31 - 40 214.10
41 - 50 423.80
51 - 55 736.20
56 - 60 794.90
61 - 65 1,108.40
66 - 70 1,676.70
71 - 73 2,250.40
74 - 75# 2,523.20
76 - 78## 3,367.90
79 - 80## 3,784.90
81 - 83## 4,288.90
84 - 85## 4,625.30
86 - 88## 5,050.30
89 - 90## 5,246.00
91 - 93## 5,835.90
94 - 95## 6,282.00
96 - 98 6,584.40
99 - 100## 7,035.10

Premium rates for ages above 100 (based on age next birthday, for renewal only) are available
upon written request.

Maximum entry age is 75 years old (based on age next birthday).
Ages 76 and above on next birthday are for renewal only.

AIA HealthShield Gold Elite – An Example

Mr Khor is a 32-year-old Sales Engineer with AIA HealthShield Gold Elite. After experiencing
an unexplained weight loss and blood in his stool, he went to visit a specialist and underwent
colonoscopy. He was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. The specialist consultation and
colonoscopy cost him S$549. Mr Khor then went for a surgery in a private hospital, which
cost S$10,590. He was hospitalised for 30 days and his hospitalisation bill amounted to

After being discharged from the hospital, Mr Khor went for chemotherapy treatments for a
year, which cost S$31,458. His condition is stabilised.

Illustration of Benefits
Mr Khor spends: Mr Khor claims:
Pre-Hospitalisation Benefit 549 549
(Specialist consultation and colonoscopy)
In-Patient and Day Surgery Benefits
- Daily Room and Board 27,243 27,243
- Surgical Benefit 10,590 10,590
(For 30 days’
stay in a private
Mr Khor’s hospitalisation bill (including 38,382 38,382
pre-hospitalisation expenses)
Out-Patient Hospital Benefit 31,458 31,458
- Chemotherapy for Cancer
Mr Khor’s total medical bill 69,840 69,840
Less Deductible -3,000
(Not applicable to Out-Patient Hospital
Sub-total 66,840
Less Co-insurance (10% x S$66,840) -6,684
Total benefits payable to Mr Khor 60,156
Balance payable by Mr Khor 9,684
As this is a cancer-related claim, Mr Khor will receive the benefits payable under the Extra
Cover for 30 Critical Illnesses Benefit. This benefit is provided over and above the Limit
Per Policy Year of S$500,000.

Extra Cover for 30 Critical Illnesses Benefit Limit Payout Balance
Current Policy Year 100,000 60,156 39,844
Maximum Claim Limit Limit Payout Balance
Current Policy Year 500,000 0 500,000

Answers to your questions

You will find the answers to the most commonly asked questions about AIA HealthShield
Gold Elite below.

Am I eligible to apply for AIA HealthShield Gold Elite?
You can apply for AIA HealthShield Gold Elite if you are 75 years and below on your next

Can I buy AIA HealthShield Gold Elite for other members of my family?
Yes. You can buy AIA HealthShield Gold Elite for your grandparents, parents, spouse
and children. For more information, please talk to your AIA Financial Services Consultant
or call us at 1800 248 8000.

How can I pay my premium?
Your annual premium will be payable from your CPF Medisave Account, up to S$800 per
policy year for every person covered. However, if you are 81 and above on your next birthday
from 1 December 2008, you can use up to S$1,150 from your CPF Medisave Account per
policy year for every person covered. Any excess premium can be paid in cash.

When do I pay my renewal premiums?

You can pay your renewal premiums once a year. Your renewal premiums will be
deducted automatically from your CPF Medisave Account on your premium due date.

This deduction is subject to a limit of S$800 (or S$1,150 if you are 81 and above on your
next birthday from 1 December 2008) per policy year for every person covered. If your
premium exceeds S$800 per policy year (or S$1,150 if you are 81 and above on your
next birthday from 1 December 2008), or if you do not have sufficient funds in your CPF
Medisave Account, the rest of your premium must be paid using cash within two months
of the premium due date. If we do not receive the rest of your premium within two months
of the due date, your cover will stop.

If my cover stopped because I did not pay my premiums, can it be reinstated?

Yes. We may reinstate your cover provided we receive a written application for your
policy to be reinstated, as well as the payment of your overdue premiums, within two
years of the date your cover was stopped. You also need to submit a health declaration
and we reserve the right to call for a medical report, at your expense, if necessary.

Will my premium change when I renew my policy?

Your premium will change as you move into the next age group. The premiums for each
age group are shown in the Key Benefits and Premiums table on page 5 of this brochure.

However, the premiums are not guaranteed and are expected to be adjusted from time
to time in line with our claim experience, medical inflation and general cost of treatment,
supplies or medical services in Singapore.

When does my cover start?
Your cover will start from the first day of the following month after we have approved your
completed and signed application forms, and when we have received the appropriate premium.

However, there is a waiting period for some of the benefits. For more information, please
refer to your Policy Contract. You may also talk to your AIA Financial Services Consultant
or call us at 1800 248 8000.

What is not covered by AIA HealthShield Gold Elite?

There are several categories that are not covered by AIA HealthShield Gold Elite:
• Pre-existing conditions, which means any illness or condition that occurred before the
date your policy began or the date your policy was last reinstated, whichever is later;
• Treatment for infertility, sub-fertility, assisted conception or any contraceptive
operation and sex change operations;
• Treatment arising from injuries sustained during wars (whether war be declared or not),
civil commotion, riots, revolutions, strikes, nuclear reaction or any war-like operations; and
• Other additional exclusions that apply to specific benefits of this plan.

For all other exclusions, please refer to your Policy Contract. For a copy of the Policy Contract,
please talk to your AIA Financial Services Consultant or call us at 1800 248 8000.

What are the 30 Critical Illnesses covered under AIA HealthShield Gold Elite?
AIA HealthShield Gold Elite reimburses you up to S$100,000 extra coverage per policy
year if you are hospitalised due to any of the 30 Critical Illnesses.

The 30 Critical Illnesses are:

1. Heart Attack 15. Alzheimer’s Disease / Severe Dementia
2. Stroke 16. Coma
3. Coronary Artery By-pass Surgery 17. Deafness (Loss of Hearing)
4. HIV Due to Blood Transfusion and 18. Heart Valve Surgery
Occupationally Acquired HIV 19. Loss of Speech
5. Angioplasty & Other Invasive 20. Major Burns
Treatment for Coronary Artery 21. Surgery to Aorta
6. Major Cancers 22. Terminal Illness
7. Fulminant Hepatitis 23. End Stage Lung Disease
8. Primary Pulmonary Hypertension 24. End Stage Liver Failure
9. Kidney Failure 25. Motor Neurone Disease
10. Major Organ Transplant / Bone 26. Parkinson’s Disease
Marrow Transplantation 27. Aplastic Anaemia
11. Multiple Sclerosis 28. Benign Brain Tumour
12. Blindness (Loss of Sight) 29. Bacterial Meningitis
13. Paralysis (Loss of Use of Limbs) 30. Encephalitis
14. Muscular Dystrophy
Please refer to your Policy Contract for the definitions of the 30 Critical Illnesses.
What are the Community Hospitals covered under this plan?
The list of Community Hospitals in Singapore includes, but not limited to the following:
a. Ang Mo Kio Thye Hua Kwan Community Hospital
b. Saint Andrew’s Community Hospital
c. Bright Vision Hospital
d. Saint Luke’s Community Hospital
e. West Point Family Hospital
f. Kwong Wai Shiu Community Hospital

Hospices, convalescent centres, hospitals and homes are not covered under the list of
Community Hospitals.

When am I eligible to make a claim under AIA HealthShield Gold Elite?
You are eligible to make a claim if, as a result of an illness or an injury, you stay in hospital
or undergo pre- or post-hospitalisation / out-patient treatment. You are also eligible if you
are hospitalised due to any of the 30 Critical Illnesses.

Please refer to the Key Benefits and Premiums table on page 4 of this brochure. For
more information, please refer to your Policy Contract. You may also talk to your AIA
Financial Services Consultant or call us at 1800 248 8000.

How do I make a claim?

You need to complete the claim documents, which you can obtain from your AIA Financial
Services Consultant or by calling us at 1800 248 8000.

What other documentation do I need to provide with my claim?

In addition to the claim documents, you also need to provide us with original, itemised
bills and receipts, as well as a full physician’s report.

Is there a limit to the amount of cover that I can claim?

Yes. For the Extra Cover for 30 Critical Illnesses Benefit, you can claim up to S$100,000
per policy year. For all other benefits, you can claim up to S$500,000 per policy year.

Although there are limits per policy year, the good news is that you have unlimited
coverage for the duration of your policy!

What are deductible and co-insurance?

The deductible is the portion of costs you are liable for before any benefits are payable. The
deductible applies on a policy year basis. No deductible is applied for out-patient claims.

Co-insurance is the fixed percentage you are liable for in excess of the deductible.

Can AIA cancel my plan?
No. Your AIA HealthShield Gold Elite policy is guaranteed to be renewed every year.

Can I cancel my plan?

Yes. You may cancel your plan by writing to us. Your policy will be cancelled within 30
days of the date we receive your written notification.


Who do I contact if I need more information or wish to offer feedback?
If you would like to know more about AIA HealthShield Gold Elite or wish to offer feedback,
please contact your AIA Financial Services Consultant or call us at 1800 248 8000. You
may also visit for more information.

Enhancing your protection

AIA HealthShield Gold Elite provides you with comprehensive insurance protection.
Depending on your circumstances and those of your loved ones, you may wish to
talk to your AIA Financial Services Consultant about complementing AIA HealthShield
Gold Elite with additional AIA products that cover:
• The deductible and co-insurance portions of AIA HealthShield Gold Elite claims
• Hospital income
• Personal accidents

Apply now
Apply for AIA HealthShield Gold Elite today by talking to your AIA Financial Services
Consultant or by calling us at 1800 248 8000.

AIA HealthShield Gold Elite is jointly insured by AIA and the CPF board as the operator of
CPF MediShield. Please note that you can use your CPF Medisave Account to purchase only
one Medisave-approved medical insurance scheme at any one time. You are discouraged
from switching from an existing accident and/or health insurance policy to a new one without
considering whether the switch is detrimental, as there may be potential disadvantages with
switching. A penalty may be imposed for early policy termination and the new policy may cost
more or have less benefits at the same cost. This brochure is not a contract of insurance. The
precise terms and conditions of this plan are specified in the Policy Contract. If in doubt, you
should seek advice from an AIA Financial Services Consultant. If you choose not to do so,
you should consider carefully whether the product is suitable for you. Buying health insurance
products that are not suitable for you may impact your ability to finance your future healthcare
needs. The information in this brochure is correct at the time of printing (July 2009).

1 Robinson Road, AIA Tower, Singapore 048542 Monday - Friday: 8.45am - 5.30pm AIA Customer Care Hotline: 1800 248 8000 AIA.COM.SG

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