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Sustainability Report 2016
02 14 57
02 About this Report 14 Environment 57 GRI Standards Content Index for
03 Corporate Profile 34 Innovation and Product Excellence ‘In Accordance’ – Comprehensive
04 Letter to Stakeholders 63 Independent Assurance Statement
07 Delivering Value EMPOWERING LIVES 67 International Network
08 Sustainability Framework 38
38 Health and Safety
09 Commitment to Stakeholders
44 People Matter
10 Managing Sustainability

52 Community and Society
Keppel is a multi-business company committed to
providing robust solutions for sustainable urbanisation.
At Keppel Land, we are driving sustainable growth by
meeting needs for quality urban living and seizing
opportunities to seek higher returns, while placing
sustainability at the heart of our strategy and operations.

A leading real estate company, shaping the
best for future generations.

Guided by our operating principles and core values,
we will create value for all stakeholders through
innovative real estate solutions.

Keppel Group's Operating Principles

1 Best value propositions to customers.
2 Tapping and developing best talents from our global workforce.
3 Cultivating a spirit of innovation and enterprise.
4 Executing our projects well.
5 Being financially disciplined to earn best risk-adjusted returns.
6 Clarity of focus and operating within our core competence.
7 Being prepared for the future.

View our report online:


About this Report*

Keppel Land reaffirms its This Sustainability Report

commitment towards sustainability demonstrates Keppel Land’s
with the publication of this commitment to keep its stakeholders,
Sustainability Report 2016. including employees, customers,
investors, business partners, partner
Global Reporting Initiative agencies and community members
The Keppel Land Sustainability Report abreast of the Company’s efforts
2016 is prepared in accordance with and developments in CSR.
the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI)
Sustainability Reporting Standards This Report supplements
(SRS): Comprehensive option. Keppel Land’s Annual Report 2016.
Limited copies of this Report have
This Report focuses on topics that been printed to minimise the impact
have been identified as material on the environment. Both reports
to Keppel Land’s business and can be accessed and downloaded
its key stakeholders, which are at Keppel Land’s corporate website,
detailed in the section on Managing
Independent Assurance
This Report has also successfully An independent CSR consulting
completed the GRI Materiality company, Ere-S Pte Ltd, was appointed
Disclosures Service which verifies that to provide external assurance on this
the General Disclosures GRI 102-40 Report. The content of this Report
to GRI 102-49 were correctly located was reviewed and the accuracy and
in both the GRI Content Index and in reliability of all statements validated.
the text of this Report.
The assurance standard includes
This Report has been reviewed the evaluation of the Company’s
and approved by Keppel Land’s sustainability behaviour and
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) performance, based on the
Committee, which ensures that all AA1000 Assurance Standard.
material issues are addressed. All underlying systems and
processes that support the Company’s
Reporting Period and Scope sustainability framework were
This is Keppel Land’s ninth reviewed in adherence to the
Sustainability Report since 2008. AA1000 AccountAbility Principles
It details the Company’s approach of inclusivity, materiality and
and initiatives taken in integrating responsiveness.
sustainability into its policies,
structure and daily operations. The independent assurance
It provides an account of Keppel statement provides a summary
Land’s sustainability performance as of the audit report findings.
well as its strategies and practices,
while highlighting the economic, Feedback
environmental and social impacts Your feedback is valued to help us
of the Company’s activities and improve on our future reporting.
developments across its properties Please send us your feedback and
in Singapore and overseas. comments at

The Report is based on Keppel Land’s

fiscal year from 1 January to
31 December 2016. Where possible,
the Report provides up to three years
of historical information so that there
is sufficient basis for comparison. * GRI 102-45, GRI 102-46, GRI 102-48, GRI 102-49

02 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Corporate Profile

Keppel Land is the property division of Responsible Design Values Sustainable Development Goals
Keppel Corporation, one of Singapore’s To encapsulate Keppel Land’s conscious At the United Nations Sustainable
largest multinational companies with effort to deliver the best standards in Development Summit 2015, world leaders
key businesses in offshore and marine, liveability, quality, aesthetics and adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
property, infrastructure and investments. sustainability, a set of “Responsible Development. This comprises a set of
Design Values” was developed in 2016. 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Keppel Land is recognised for its sterling Keppel Land has focused on six goals
portfolio of award-winning residential These guidelines are based on four key which are most relevant to the Company’s
developments and investment-grade principles which include innovative business activities.
commercial properties as well as high designs to differentiate Keppel Land’s
standards of corporate governance and properties, integration of values, cost They are Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being,
transparency. effectiveness and the marketability of Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and
the development projects. Infrastructure, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities
The Company is geographically diversified and Communities, Goal 12: Responsible
in Asia, with Singapore and China as its Keppel Land will adopt these design Consumption and Production,
core markets as well as Vietnam and values for all new developments in Goal 13: Climate Action and
Indonesia as its growth markets. Singapore and overseas: Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

Keppel Land is Asia’s premier home 1. Liveability As a leading sustainable developer,

developer, with a pipeline of about • Health and Well-being Keppel Land operates in an economically,
66,000 homes in Singapore and overseas. • Inclusiveness socially and environmentally responsible
The Company is also a leading prime office • Safety and Security manner to achieve positive outcomes for
developer in Singapore, contributing to its businesses, the environment and
enhancing the city’s skyline with landmark 2. Quality the community at large.
developments such as Marina Bay • Fit for Purpose
Financial Centre, Ocean Financial Centre • Maintainability
and One Raffles Quay.
3. Aesthetics
Keppel Land is committed to grow its
commercial portfolio in key Asian cities 4. Sustainability
such as Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin • Design for climate responsiveness,
in China, Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, resource efficiency and ecological
Jakarta in Indonesia, Yangon in Myanmar conservation
and Manila in the Philippines. • Productivity

As one of Asia’s leading property companies, Keppel Land has contributed to enhancing Singapore’s skyline with landmark developments such as
Marina Bay Financial Centre and Ocean Financial Centre.


Letter to Stakeholders

We believe that sustainability is key to Dear Stakeholders,

future-proofing our business. We will continue I am pleased to present Keppel Land’s

to align ourselves with international best Sustainability Report for 2016.

practices and benchmarks, as well as actively Advances in Sustainability

Sustainability efforts gained greater
engage our stakeholders to shape a more momentum in 2016, with the Paris
sustainable future. Agreement on climate change,
reached at the United Nations’ (UN) 21st
Conference of the Parties (COP21),
formally entering into force in November.
The Agreement has been ratified by
more than 140 countries and reflects firm
international resolve to strengthen the
global response to the threat of climate
change. In Singapore, the government
has outlined a Sustainable Singapore
Blueprint to reduce resource
consumption, carbon emissions and
waste generated by industries and
more recently, announced impending
legislation which will give businesses
new impetus to be more energy and
water efficient.

At the UN Sustainable Development

Summit 2015, world leaders adopted
the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development. This comprises a set of
17 Sustainable Development Goals,
of which Keppel Land is focusing
on six which are most aligned with
our business. They are Goal 3: Good
Health and Well-Being, Goal 9: Industry,
Innovation and Infrastructure,
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and
Communities, Goal 12: Responsible
Consumption and Production,
Goal 13: Climate Action and
Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals.
We are setting targets in line with these
adopted Sustainable Development Goals
to further guide us on our sustainability
journey over the next few years.

In 2016, we extended the scope of

Keppel Land’s Integrated Management
System (IMS) to cover our operations in
Vietnam. This follows the implementation
of the IMS for our Singapore and China
operations in 2014 and 2015 respectively.

The IMS, which forms the backbone of

our project management and property
management systems, combines the
ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001
standards on quality, environmental
management as well as occupational
health and safety management respectively
into a single framework. As part of our
continuous commitment to provide quality
products and services to our customers,
Ang Wee Gee the IMS has since been revised to comply
Chief Executive Officer with the latest ISO 9001:2015 and
ISO 14001:2015 standards.

04 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Keppel Land also developed a set of To-date, Keppel Land has a total of roll-out of the Laureate concierge service
Responsible Design Values for all our 65 BCA Green Mark Awards in its portfolio, and Asia’s first fully-integrated smart
new projects in Singapore and overseas. of which ten are Platinum. Total energy home management system, Habitap,
These guidelines are based on the savings from these properties amount to at Corals at Keppel Bay. Harnessing
four key principles of innovative designs, over 142 million kWh or $27 million per technology to improve the home living
integration of values, cost effectiveness annum, in addition to annual water savings experience of residents, Habitap is a
and marketability of projects, and exceeding 1.7 million m3, and annual mobile application which seamlessly
encapsulate the Company’s conscious carbon reduction at over 60,000 tonnes. integrates smart home features,
effort to deliver the best standards management of condominium facility
in liveability, quality, aesthetics Under Keppel Land’s Carbon Management bookings as well as lifestyle services.
and sustainability. Plan, the Company aims to reduce its
carbon emission intensity by 16% To capitalise on the rising demand
In addition, the Keppel Supplier Code below 2010’s emission levels by 2020. of shared workspace globally, we
of Conduct was introduced to integrate In 2016, Keppel Land achieved this launched a new generation of serviced
the Keppel Group’s sustainability target with a 16.5% carbon emissions co-offices which leverage technology
principles across our supply chain, and intensity reduction compared to 2010’s and cater to users looking for flexible
positively influence the environmental, emission levels. Our strong commitment space solutions. Following the successful
social and governance performance and continuous improvement in pilot at Keppel Towers, the concept has
of its suppliers. Keppel Land will include environmental performance garnered us been expanded to Keppel Bay Tower
the acknowledgment and signing of the BCA Quality Champion (Gold) Award in Singapore and will be introduced
this Supplier Code as part of its supplier in 2016 and 2017. to Park Avenue Central in Shanghai,
selection procedure. China, Saigon Centre Phase 2 in
Harnessing Innovation Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam, and
Environmental Stewardship As new technologies and business models Junction City Tower in Yangon, Myanmar.
Leveraging synergies within the continue to disrupt many traditional
Keppel Group, Keppel Land has businesses, Keppel Land continually Managing Safety
begun to purchase renewable energy seeks innovative solutions for its products Recognising the importance of fostering
from Keppel Electric to power our and services. This reflects the Company’s a culture of safety in our supply chain,
corporate office at Bugis Junction Towers. brand philosophy of Thinking Unboxed we set up our third Safety Awareness
Harvested from photovoltaic panels and our unwavering approach to think Centre (SAC) in Jakarta, Indonesia,
installed in premises operated by and see things from a different angle. in 2016. This follows the success of
Keppel Electric, the energy is then our first two SACs in Johor, Malaysia,
transferred to Keppel Land. This is the In 2016, the Project Thinking Unboxed and HCMC, Vietnam. The SACs were
first time a Building and Construction initiative was introduced to encourage set up to increase safety awareness
Authority of Singapore (BCA) Green staff to explore innovative and among contractors’ employees, as well
Mark-certified office is using renewable value-adding ideas for the Company. as to provide mandatory training
energy generated offsite to fully power As a result of the recommendations before they are allowed to work onsite.
its operations. Through this innovative of multi-disciplinary teams, several To-date, we have trained a total of
offsite solar power purchase scheme, initiatives were implemented, over 46,000 workers. Two more SACs
we expect to offset about 150,000 kg including virtual reality show suites at in Tianjin and Wuxi, China, will be
of carbon emissions annually. Highline Residences, as well as the launched in 2017.

The smart home

system, Habitap,
was introduced
at the Company’s
luxury waterfront
development, Corals at
Keppel Bay (pictured),
in 2016.


Letter to Stakeholders

Keppel Land has also been recognised in consistently high staff engagement As a company recognised for corporate
as one of only nine companies in Singapore levels. In the 2016 Employee Engagement excellence, quality and sustainability,
to be named bizSAFE Mentor by the Survey, Keppel Land attained an overall Keppel Land continued to garner
Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) score of 85%, up from 82% in 2015. international accolades in 2016.
Council to lead contractors in developing
and implementing safety initiatives at We will continue to sharpen our focus At the Global Real Estate Sustainability
worksites, as well as to provide stewardship on people development through job Benchmark 2016, we ranked first in
and support with regards to meeting the rotation and job enlargement, localisation, the Residential (Global), China and
safety standards set by the WSH Council. performance management as well as East Asia sectors, as well as third
manpower planning to groom a new among developers globally. We were
In recognition of our commitment generation of innovative and collaborative also named Best Overall Developer in
to upholding high safety standards, staff. Promising employees are Singapore, Vietnam and Myanmar at the
Keppel Land emerged Winner at the encouraged to take on overseas postings. Euromoney Real Estate Awards 2016.
International Safety Awards 2016 by At the same time, localisation efforts Overseas, we continued to excel
the British Safety Council. In addition, are being accelerated to develop our in the markets where we operate.
two of our projects in Singapore, Corals staff and strengthen our operating Keppel Land China was conferred
at Keppel Bay and Highline Residences, platforms overseas. the Top 10 ASEAN Companies in China
received the Safety and Health Award award for the fourth consecutive year
Recognition for Projects at the WSH Community Outreach by the China-ASEAN Business Council,
Awards 2016 in recognition of their We believe in doing good as we do well. while Sedona Hotel Yangon’s Inya Wing
good safety performance as well as In 2016, Keppel Land achieved a total and Junction City Tower received
robust workplace safety and health of about 5,600 hours of community accolades at the Myanmar Property
management systems. service in Singapore and overseas. Awards 2016.

Engaging Employees In Singapore, we championed the arts The journey towards sustainability
We recognise that having the right through a weekly volunteer programme is a continuous one. We look forward
culture and people in place is crucial at the Keppel Centre for Art Education, to your continued support as we strive
to our business. Building on our open, an immersive art education facility to shape a sustainable future for
collaborative, innovative and at the National Gallery Singapore. generations to come.
entrepreneurial culture, we continued We also collaborated with charitable
to step up on staff communication organisations in our bid to enrich
and employee engagement through the lives of the less-privileged.
various initiatives in 2016. These include
the Annual Staff Communication session, Overseas, a total of five volunteer trips
annual staff conferences in Singapore, were conducted for the Words on Wheels Ang Wee Gee
China and Vietnam, as well as quarterly mobile library programme in HCMC Chief Executive Officer
townhall meetings. This has resulted and Water for Life in Yangon. 1 June 2017

Keppel Land strives to

create positive social
impact in the communities
where it operates. In August
2016, CEO of Keppel Land,
Mr Ang Wee Gee (far left),
led volunteers from
Keppel Land on an
excursion with beneficiaries
of the North West
Community Development
Council to the Keppel Centre
for Art Education at the
National Gallery Singapore.

06 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Delivering Value

Return-on-equity is one of the

Revenue rose by 16% highest among Asia’s leading
year-on-year to property developers at

$1.9b 19% 1

per annum over 10 years, from

2007 to 2016.

Development Goals (SDGs) Volunteerism Hours
Keppel Land is focusing on Increased employee participation with

6 SDGs
that are most aligned to
of community outreach activities
its business. in Singapore and overseas.

Safety Training Hours Employee Satisfaction

Trained Employee engagement

score of

workers 85%
in 2016, up from 82% in 2015.
to-date at Keppel Land’s
Safety Awareness Centres
in Vietnam, Malaysia and

Total energy savings of Carbon Emissions Intensity

Total carbon emissions
reduction of

or 142m kWh per annum from 60,000

65 BCA Green Mark-certified
developments. tonnes
per annum

Return for 2016 includes $563 million gain from the divestment of Keppel Land’s fund management business to Keppel Capital.


Sustainability Framework

Keppel Land is committed to delivering

value to all our stakeholders through
Sustaining Growth in our businesses,
Empowering Lives of our people
and Nurturing Communities
wherever we operate.

Sustaining Growth Empowering Lives Nurturing Communities

Our commitment to business excellence People are the cornerstone As a responsible corporate citizen,
is underpinned by an unwavering focus of our businesses. we believe that as communities
on strong corporate governance and thrive, we thrive.
prudent financial management. As an employer of choice, we are
committed to growing and nurturing We give back to communities
Resource efficiency is not only our our talent pool through continuous wherever we operate through our
responsibility, but also makes good training and development to help multi-faceted approach towards
business sense. our people reach their full potential. corporate social responsibility.

We will continue to distinguish our We instil a culture of safety so We cultivate a green mindset among
properties with strong value offerings that everyone who comes to work our stakeholders to spur them towards
and hallmark quality for greater goes home safely every day. adopting a sustainable lifestyle.
competitive edge.

For more information, go to: For more information, go to: For more information, go to:
pages 14–37 pages 38–51 page 52–56

08 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Commitment to Stakeholders*

As a leading real estate company, shaping the best for future

generations, we are guided by our operating principles and
core values to create positive impact and shared value for all
our stakeholders through innovative real estate solutions.

We believe that driving meaningful dialogue and regular

engagement with our stakeholders is crucial to our success
as a company. The following six key stakeholder groups have
been identified:

Our Partner
Our Business Agencies
Partners To work closely
To integrate our strong with regulatory and
regional network and non-governmental agencies
knowledge with the to further the cause
strengths of our of achieving higher
partners to capitalise environmental, health
on opportunities. and safety standards.

Our Customers
To develop quality Our Community
homes and products Value for To be a committed
and responsible corporate
with good investment
value and build on our all our citizen, contributing to
brand equity to enhance
our competitive edge. Stakeholders communities wherever
we operate.

Our Employees
Our Investors To help employees realise
To build on strong their full potential and
fundamentals to deliver cultivate employees who
consistent earnings are motivated and
growth and maximise dedicated, as well
returns. as maintain good
work-life balance.

* GRI 102-40, GRI 102-42


Managing Sustainability

As a leading sustainable developer The CSR Committee reports to the Board

and responsible corporate citizen, of Directors, which has oversight of
Keppel Land believes in doing well sustainability matters.
and doing good. It adopts a proactive
and holistic approach to sustainability. Benchmarks of Excellence
While operating in an economically, Keppel Land aligns itself with
socially and environmentally responsible internationally-recognised standards,
manner, the Company aims to achieve including the International Organisation
positive and sustainable outcomes for Standardisation (ISO) standards such
for its businesses, the environment as ISO 9001 on quality management,
and the community at large. ISO 14001 on environmental management
and OHSAS 18001 on occupational
Keppel Land is committed to sound health and safety management.
corporate governance practices as well
as robust enterprise risk management In terms of sustainability reporting,
processes. It also actively builds a Keppel Land has adopted and aligned
strong safety culture to achieve a its Sustainability Report 2016 with the
zero-harm workplace. new Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
Sustainability Reporting Standards:
The Company strives to be an employer Comprehensive option. It is also externally
of choice, nurturing a competent, assured in accordance with the AA1000
skilled and engaged workforce to Assurance Standard.
drive sustainable growth.
Defining Report Content*
Sustainability Management Materiality Assessment and
Driving Keppel Land’s sustainability Stakeholder Engagement
efforts is the Corporate Social Keppel Land’s CSR Committee members
Responsibility (CSR) Committee. and senior management from its different
Comprising representatives from business units have identified and
different business units, the prioritised issues that are most relevant
committee is responsible for and significant to the Company and its
formulating the Company’s CSR stakeholders. The table on page 11 shows
framework, implementing initiatives how the key material issues are linked to
and monitoring its sustainability the Company’s overall strategy and risk
performance. management approach.

* GRI 102-46
CSR Committee Structure

Board of Directors

CSR Committee

Singapore Property Management

CSR Champions
Project Management and
Keppel Land China
Sustainable Design

Vietnam Risk Management

Corporate Services and

Corporate Social Responsibility

Regional Investments Finance and Administration

Workplace Safety and Health Human Resources

Group Internal Audit

10 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Keppel Land’s Material Issues**
Material Topics Topic Boundary and Impact

Level 1:
Key Material Issues

Economic Performance and Sustainable financial performance, occupational and customer health and safety,
Health and Safety Compliance as well as compliance with national or international standards in areas including
corporate governance, environment, safety, product responsibility and society,
are material to both internal (employees) and external (customers, investors,
business partners, partner agencies and community) stakeholders. This applies
to Keppel Land’s operations in Singapore and overseas.

Level 2:
Highly Critical Issues

Environmental Impact Environmental aspects, including the use of environmentally-friendly materials,

• Materials use energy and water conservation, reduction in carbon emissions, efficient effluents
• Energy efficiency and waste management as well as sustainable performance of products and
• Water management services, are important elements in addressing climate change. These aspects
• Carbon emissions reduction are relevant to the Company’s internal and external stakeholders. Environmental
• Effluents and waste management guidelines relating to these areas apply in all geographical locations where
• Sustainable products and service the Company operates.

Labour Practices Positive employment practices are critical in attracting, retaining and developing
• Employment its talent pool as the Company strives to be an employer of choice. They impact
• Training and education employees in Keppel Land’s offices in Singapore and overseas.
• Labour-management relations

Social Responsibility The Company is committed to be a responsible corporate citizen, contributing and
• Local communities enriching the lives of local communities wherever it operates. Community engagement
• Business ethics as well as business ethics are material to all internal and external stakeholders,
and apply to Keppel Land’s operations in Singapore and overseas.

Level 3:
Emerging or Moderately
Material Issues

Market presence As Keppel Land seeks to integrate sustainable policies, strategies and practices
Marketing communications into its business operations, its market presence, as well as adherence to standards
Anti-child labour relating to marketing communications, prohibition of child labour and policy of
Non-discrimination non-discrimination are important and relevant to all its operations. These aspects
have an impact on all six of the Company’s stakeholder groups.

** GRI 102-47, GRI 102-49


Managing Sustainability

Adopting a matrix-based approach, For staff from the Project Management

materiality was assessed based on and Sustainable Design unit, as well as
two criteria, namely, the importance of project managers across the Company,
an issue to both internal and external between 5% and 30% of their individual
stakeholders. The most material issues performance appraisal is linked to
were then placed on a 5x5 matrix with environmental targets covering multiple
clearly defined threshold criteria. aspects such as improving energy
efficiency and reducing carbon emissions.
These criteria are based on AA1000
Standard’s five-part Materiality Test All employees have 2% of their KPIs
comprising: linked to corporate sustainability.
1. Issues that have direct short-term For project managers, safety accounts
financial impact; for an additional 10–20% of their KPIs.
2. Issues where the Company has policy Of this, safety performance, including
statements of strategic nature; accident frequency rate and accident
3. Issues that comparable organisations severity rate, as well as fatal accidents,
consider material; accounts for 50%. Any fatality at the end
4. Issues important to stakeholders; and of the supply chain will also affect the
5. Issues that are considered to be bonuses of key staff.
social norms.
Innovation and change, collaboration and
This allows Keppel Land to review the teamwork, as well as risk management,
significance of such issues periodically, form part of executives’ competency
based on changing stakeholder assessment in the staff appraisal and
expectations. performance management framework,
and carry a 30% weightage.

Sustainability-Related Sustainability Data Management

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Keppel Land, together with other business
Keppel Land has in place systems to link units within the Keppel Group, has a
the remuneration of senior executives and data management system in place to
relevant employees to the achievement streamline the management and reporting
of pertinent sustainability-related goals of sustainability metrics across its
and performance. Singapore and overseas operations.

Keppel Land adopts

an integrated
approach in the
design, construction
and development of
sustainable properties,
such as The Glades
(pictured) in Singapore.

12 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

This system has been implemented for the Keppel Land is also a Gold member of
Company’s projects in Singapore, China, the Global Compact Network Singapore,
Vietnam, Indonesia and Myanmar. the national focal point for the UNGC and
platform for promoting CSR in Singapore.
Environmental as well as workplace health A member since its formation in 2005,
and safety-related data are collected Keppel Land supports its belief in the
monthly. Streamlining of data collection, importance of integrating social values and
analysis and reporting processes reduce mission with business decision-making to
manpower costs as well as improve achieve positive and sustainable outcomes.
business intelligence. Regular measuring
and monitoring also enable Keppel Land Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
to better manage its sustainability At the UN Sustainable Development
performance. Summit in 2015, the UN released a set
of 17 SDGs and specific targets that
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) aim to tackle the world’s biggest
Since 2011, Keppel Land has been a sustainable development challenges
signatory to the UNGC, a United Nations (UN) by 2030. The SDGs call for worldwide
initiative to encourage businesses collaboration amongst governments,
worldwide to adopt sustainable and businesses and the community to mobilise
socially responsible policies, as well as their efforts to achieve a common set
report on their implementation. of goals. Keppel Land is committed to
contribute to advancing sustainable
Sharing the same conviction that business development through aligning its
practices which are rooted in universal activities with selected goals.
principles help the global marketplace to
be more socially and economically inclusive, The CSR Committee has reviewed and
Keppel Land has pledged its commitment identified six goals most relevant to
to the UNGC’s 10 universal principles Keppel Land’s business operations and
in the areas of human rights, labour material issues. Targets are being set to
standards, environmental protection focus the Company’s efforts and align
and anti-corruption. The Company reports its existing strategies with these SDGs,
on its progress in implementing these which were identified based on
principles in its communication on the Company’s potential impact on
progress to the UNGC annually. and contribution to these goals.

Supporting Six Relevant Sustainable Development Goals

Sustaining Growth


As a responsible green developer, Keppel Land

is committed to the highest standards of
environmental protection. The Company also
strives to continually improve its environmental

As one of Asia’s leading property Environmental Vision,

Total Carbon Emissions Reduction
companies, Keppel Land strives to create Policy and Eco-Principles

In 2016, Keppel Land achieved its
sustainable and optimal live-work-play
environments of enduring value for
the community.
Keppel Land’s approach towards
environmental management is
guided by its vision, the Quality,
Environmental, Health and Safety
emissions intensity reduction target of
The Company adopts a holistic and Policy, as well as its four key
16% below 2010’s levels by 2020 as set
proactive approach towards environmental eco-principles.
out in its Carbon Management Plan.
management and is focused on creating
properties that harmonise with and Endorsed by top management,
BCA Green Mark Awards enhance the environment. It undertakes these are communicated to all
rigorous measures to ensure that both staff through various platforms

To-date, Keppel Land has garnered a
new and existing developments comply
with regulatory requirements and are
aligned with internationally-recognised
such as Keppel Land’s intranet
and newsletters.

total of 65 BCA Green Mark Awards for its environmental guidelines.

properties in Singapore, China, Vietnam,
Indonesia, Myanmar and India, including
ten Platinum Awards.

The vertical garden at Ocean Financial Centre is one of the many innovative green features of the eco-icon.

14 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Environmental Sustainability Strategy The EMS identifies aspects of the
Environmental Vision Recognising key environmental challenges Company’s activities that may have
and risks, Keppel Land has adopted an significant impact on the environment.
environmental sustainability strategy Targets are then established, with
A premier developer which focuses on five main areas. procedures and processes in place
committed to designing, This includes the formulation of corporate to achieve these objectives.
building and operating policies and programmes, development of
properties that harmonise new projects, management of completed ISO 14001 Certification
buildings, implementation of management The Company achieved the ISO 14001
with the environment, as systems, as well as organisation of certification for its property development
well as enhancing the quality outreach initiatives. and property management operations
of life of communities in Singapore in 2008 and 2009
where we operate. The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) respectively. The scope of certification
Committee oversees Keppel Land’s CSR was extended to its property development
efforts which include environmental operations in China and Vietnam
Key Eco-Principles management and protection. in 2009, which obtained independent
certifications in 2011 and 2013
ECOllaboration Comprising representatives from respectively.
the different business units, the
Work with stakeholders Committee formulates Keppel Land’s In 2013, the scope was further
as well as policy- and eco-policy, principles, targets and extended to include Keppel Land’s
decision-makers to build framework for action, implements green property development operations
a sustainable future. initiatives, as well as sets performance in Indonesia. The Company renewed
benchmarks for continuous improvement. its certification for its operations
in Singapore, China, Vietnam and
ECOnomy The Committee also leads Keppel Land’s Indonesia in 2014.
implementation of the ISO 14001
Balance commercial Environmental Management System To further enhance its management
viability with environmental
(EMS) as well as the Eco-Office and performance, Keppel Land has
Go Green with Keppel Land outreach implemented an Integrated Management
programmes. System (IMS) which combines the
ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001
ECOmmitment Environmental Management System standards on environmental
Keppel Land has implemented an EMS management, quality management
Promote environmental
awareness and support
in accordance with the internationally- and occupational health and safety
green initiatives. recognised ISO 14001 standard for management respectively into a single
managing and controlling corporate framework for its Singapore operations
activities to achieve continuous in 2014. The IMS was subsequently
ECOmmunity improvement in environmental
rolled out to China in 2015 and Vietnam
in 2016.
Create a sustainable future
for generations to come.

Keppel Land’s
corporate office at
Bugis Junction Towers
(pictured) is the first
Green Mark-certified
office to be fully powered
by renewable energy
generated offsite.

Sustaining Growth


Environmental Objectives

Objectives Develop environmentally- Adopt an integrated approach Meet national or international

friendly properties that in the design, construction and standards on environmental
minimise pollution and development of sustainable protection.
other adverse impact on developments.
the environment.

Targets Achieve at least the Green Mark Reduce carbon footprint Expand the scope of the
GoldPLUS Award by the Building and implement sustainable ISO 14001 EMS certification
and Construction Authority practices when developing to include the Company’s
of Singapore (BCA) for its new new buildings and managing overseas business operations.
projects in Singapore, and the existing properties.
BCA Green Mark Gold Award
or its equivalent for new
projects overseas.

Performances in 2016 • Clinched the BCA Quality • Implemented the Keppel • Extended the scope of
and 2017 Champion (Gold) Award for Supplier Code of Conduct Keppel Land’s IMS beyond
developers. to influence and encourage Singapore and China to cover
• Attained a total of 65 BCA its suppliers to operate operations in Vietnam.
Green Mark Awards in responsibly, improve their • Achieved ISO 9001 certification
Singapore and overseas energy efficiency and reduce for property development
to-date, including ten overall emissions. and project management
Platinum, nine GoldPLUS and • Established a set of services in Singapore.
40 Gold Awards in Singapore, Sustainable Design Standards • Achieved ISO 14001
China, Vietnam, Indonesia, for new developments. recertification in Singapore,
Myanmar and India. • Conducted annual reviews China and Indonesia.
• Keppel Land’s corporate to track the progress of
office became the first Green Environmental Operations
Mark-certified office to be and Carbon Management Plans
fully powered by renewable to ensure the sustainability
energy generated offsite. The of environmental benefits.
renewable energy is harvested
from photovoltaic panels
installed in premises operated
by Keppel Infrastructure.

Plans Ahead • To attain at least the BCA • To implement guidelines • To roll out the IMS to cover all
Green Mark GoldPLUS Award for comprising stretched targets overseas operations.
all new projects in Singapore. in the areas of environmental
• To attain at least the BCA certification, energy, water,
Green Mark Gold Award landscaping and materials
or its equivalent for new use in new developments in
developments overseas. Singapore and overseas.

16 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Raise environmental Underscore importance of Develop green capabilities, Preserve biodiversity in
awareness among environmental ownership knowledge and skills to local environments.
stakeholders. among stakeholders. enhance building

Engage staff, tenants and Promote green practices Build a core team of in-house Preserve biodiversity and
the wider public through through the Eco-Office green building specialists maintain high standards of
environmental initiatives with programme in Keppel Land’s through courses on sustainability environmental protection
the Go Green with Keppel Land offices. and green building technology. in native environments to
outreach programme. ensure a balanced and intact

• Sponsored the Singapore • Successfully assisted four • To-date, about 30% of • Transplanted corals at
leg of the National Geographic office tenants at Ocean the Company’s project King’s Dock at Keppel Bay
Earth Day Run 2017. Financial Centre to achieve and property managers in to encourage coral growth
• Attained recertification of the the BCA Green Mark for Office Singapore and overseas have and enhance the existing
Eco-Office Programme by Interior Award in 2016 through been trained and equipped marine habitat.
the Singapore Environment the adoption of green office with green certifications. • Implemented green
Council (SEC) for Keppel Land’s operational standards. initiatives such as enhancing
corporate office for 2017-2020. • Cultivated urban farms in its water quality, as well as
• Sponsored the Green Corridor office and residential buildings increasing plant density
Run 2016. in Singapore to encourage and natural habitat areas at
• Collaborated with Ricoh on Eco sustainable farming among the Eco-City International
Action Day in 2016 and 2017 staff, tenants and residents. Country Club in Tianjin, China.
as Strategic Partner. • Launched a three-year public
• Supported the CSR and Social outreach campaign with the
Innovation Forum 2016 to BCA to encourage partnerships
promote exchange on social between the corporate sector
innovation and sustainability. and educational institutions
• Engaged suppliers and to collaborate on projects
contractors through a sharing to promote environmental
session on sustainability issues sustainability in the built
and greening the supply chain. environment.
• Gold Sponsor of the
International Green Building
Conference 2016.

• To continue to contribute • To achieve optimal levels • To have all project managers • To partake in good stewardship
to the green scene through of energy, paper and toner trained as Green Mark of the natural environment
partnerships with related usage at the corporate office. Managers within two years and adopt best practices
agencies and bodies in • To encourage more tenants of joining the Company, so as and policies that support
Singapore and overseas. to renovate their premises to develop a pool of in-house healthy ecosystems, promote
• To continually engage and in accordance with professionals with expertise in biodiversity and sustain
inculcate a green mindset the BCA Green Mark for sustainable design processes, natural resources.
among various stakeholder Office Interior requirements. encourage integrated designs
groups through sharing best and enhance building
practices at environmental performances.
conferences, organising
outreach programmes and
supporting eco-related events.

Sustaining Growth


assessment based on activities at

Key Challenges Strategies and Actions the project site prior to construction.
The assessment covers potential negative
Climate change and global warming • Legal compliance environmental impacts, including depletion
More stringent regulatory • Carbon Management Plan of resources, biodiversity disturbance,
requirements to address • Minimum Green Mark standards for as well as air, water and noise pollution.
carbon emissions are expected. new developments Contractors are required to establish and
• Sustainability Design Standards
implement appropriate measures to
mitigate and/or prevent significant
Limited natural resources • Legal compliance environmental impacts identified.
Cost of energy is expected to • Minimum BCA Green Mark standards
rise in the long run, leading to for completed buildings In alignment with the Keppel Group,
higher expectations to source for • Environmental Operations Plans
in 2016, the Company implemented the
materials responsibly. • Green procurement policy
• Supply chain management
Keppel Supplier Code of Conduct.
The Code aims to integrate Keppel’s
sustainability principles across its supply
Ecological conservation • Legal compliance
chain, as well as positively influence
Greater emphasis is placed on • ISO 14001 Environmental
the environmental, social and
the protection of ecosystems and Management System
well-being of the community. • CSR outreach programmes governance performance of its suppliers.
• Stakeholder engagement programmes Suppliers of Keppel Group companies are
• Public communications plan expected to abide by the Code, which
covers areas pertaining to business
conduct, labour practices, safety and
health, and environmental management.

Through such efforts, Keppel Land aims
Supply Chain In selecting its main contractors for to influence and encourage its suppliers
As a sustainable property developer, Keppel Land’s new projects in Singapore, to operate responsibly, improve energy
Keppel Land is committed to managing contractors are assessed under stringent efficiency and reduce overall emissions.
its supply chain across the whole life cycle criteria. These include track record,
of the project, from its initiation and design financial strength as well as commitment Compliance
development stages to subsequent towards high quality, environmental In 2016, three main contractors
construction and operation stages. This and safety standards. Contractors with appointed by the Company for its
allows the Company to effectively manage ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 residential projects in Singapore were
its consultants, main contractors and certifications are preferred. fined a total of $72,400 for incidences
subcontractors, as well as diverse services, of mosquito breeding and noise pollution
materials and equipment required to For all project sites covered under the at the construction sites. Mitigating
deliver large-scale developments in a scope of Keppel Land’s EMS, contractors actions have since been taken to
complex supply chain environment. are required to conduct an impact prevent recurrence.

Supply Chain Management

Project Initiation Design Development Tender Construction Operation

Concept &
Sustainable Schematic Tender
Design Brief Design Review Documentation Construction Procurement
Set minimum BCA Green Appoint consultants to Select contractors based on Ensure Environmental State ISO 14001
Mark target for new conduct environmental their track record, financial Aspects Impact Assessment specifications in the
developments. impact assessment. strength, commitment is conducted to identify contracts for procurement
towards high quality, as well and mitigate environmental of services.
as environmental and issues.
Issue Sustainable Design safety standards.
Standards to design team
and consultants. Encourage contractors
Preference for to source green-labelled
ISO 9001-, ISO 14001- materials responsibly
and OHSAS 18001- and regionally.
certified contractors.
Monitor contractors’
Set out standards of conduct energy, water
for contractors, including in and construction
the areas of legal compliance, materials usage.
health and safety, as well as
environmental management.

State environmental and

ISO 14001 specifications
in tender documents.

18 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Benchmarks of Excellence Green Mark Platinum International Financial Centre Jakarta
Keppel Land adopts a proactive Keppel Land has garnered ten Green Mark Tower 2 was also the first office
approach towards environmental Platinum awards for its properties building in Indonesia to achieve the
protection through harnessing human to-date. These include Bugis Junction BCA Green Mark Platinum Award in 2012.
capital, technology and innovation. Towers, Marina Financial Centre Towers Expected annual energy savings is
1,2 and 3, Ocean Financial Centre, about 31% or 3.4 million kWh.
It has set the benchmark for all new Keppel Bay Tower and Keppel Datahub 2 The development boasts state-of-the
projects in Singapore to achieve at least in Singapore, as well as International art eco-friendly features, including a
the Building and Construction Authority Financial Centre Jakarta Tower 2 highly-efficient chiller plant system,
of Singapore’s (BCA) Green Mark GoldPLUS in Indonesia. regenerative elevators and naturally-
rating, as well as the minimum ventilated sky gardens.
BCA Green Mark Gold certification Committed to sustainability,
or its equivalent, such as the United Keppel Land’s corporate office at Energy and Cost Savings
States’ (US) Leadership in Energy and Bugis Junction Towers became the first When fully completed, the total reduction
Environmental Design (LEED), for all its Green Mark-certified office to use in energy consumption from all of
new projects overseas. renewable energy generated offsite to Keppel Land’s BCA Green Mark-certified
fully power its operations. The renewable projects will be over 142 million kWh
BCA Green Mark energy is harvested from photovoltaic per annum, which is the equivalent of
To-date, Keppel Land has garnered a panels installed in premises operated energy required to power more than
total of 65 BCA Green Mark Awards by Keppel Infrastructure. Through this 25,000 homes in Singapore for one yeari.
for its properties in Singapore, China, innovative offsite solar power purchase This also translates to cost savings of
Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar and India. scheme, Keppel Land is expected to offset about $27 million annuallyii. This is in
They include ten Platinum, nine GoldPLUS, about 150,000 kg of carbon emissions addition to total annual water savings
40 Gold and six Certified Awards. every year – an amount which would exceeding 1.7 million m3 and annual
otherwise require about 750 trees carbon emissions reduction of over
Launched in 2005, the BCA Green Mark to absorb over their entire lifetime. 60,000 tonnesiii.
scheme drives Singapore’s construction Bugis Junction Towers was conferred
industry towards achieving a sustainable the BCA Green Mark for Office Interior
built environment by incorporating Platinum Award for its improved
best practices in environmental environmental performance in 2016.
design and construction, as well as
encouraging the adoption of green Ocean Financial Centre, the first office
building technologies. It provides a development in Singapore’s central
business district to attain the
Average consumption of a Housing Development
comprehensive framework for assessing
Board five-room flat is 471 kWh/month
the overall environmental performance BCA Green Mark Platinum Award (Source: SP Services)
Energy cost: 1kWh = $0.1913
of new and existing buildings in terms in 2008, was successfully recertified
of energy and water efficiency, indoor in 2016. Expected annual energy (Source: SP Services, 4Q 2016)
Energy conversion ratio: 1kWh electricity =
air quality, as well as other green and savings for the development is about 0.4313 kg CO2 (Source: Energy Market Authority,
innovative features. 35% or $9 million. Energy Statistics, 2016)

Keppel Land garnered

multiple awards at
the BCA Green Mark
Awards 2016, including
the BCA Quality
Champion (Gold) Award
for developers.

Sustaining Growth


BCA Green Mark Awards (Singapore)

Project Location Category Year


Nassim Woods1 Singapore Gold 2015
Highline Residences Singapore GoldPLUS 2014
The Glades Singapore GoldPLUS 2013
Corals at Keppel Bay Singapore GoldPLUS 2013
The Luxurie Singapore Gold 2013
The Lakefront Residences Singapore Gold 2012
Marina Bay Suites Singapore Gold 2009
Sixth Avenue Residences Singapore Gold 2009
The Promont Singapore Gold 2009
Madison Residences Singapore Gold 2008
Reflections at Keppel Bay Singapore Gold 2008
Marina Bay Residences Singapore Gold 2007
The Tresor Singapore Gold 2006

Marina Bay Financial Centre (Towers 1 and 2)3 Singapore Platinum 2017
Marina Bay Financial Centre (Tower 3) 3 Singapore Platinum 2016
Ocean Financial Centre2,3 Singapore Platinum 2016
One Raffles Quay1,3 Singapore Platinum 2016
Keppel Datahub Singapore GoldPLUS 2015
Keppel Bay Tower1,3 Singapore Platinum 2014
Keppel Datahub 2 Singapore Platinum 2014
Keppel Datahub 2 Singapore BCA-IDA Platinum 2014
Bugis Junction Towers1,3 Singapore Platinum 2014
Prudential Tower1,3,6 Singapore GoldPLUS 2013
Keppel Digihub Singapore Certified 2013
Marina at Keppel Bay1 Singapore Gold 2011
Equity Plaza1,6 Singapore Gold 2010
Keppel Towers and Keppel Towers 27 Singapore Gold 2010

Office Interior
Keppel Bay Tower Management Office Singapore GoldPLUS 2017
Keppel Land’s Corporate Office Singapore Platinum 2016
Ocean Financial Centre Management Office Singapore GoldPLUS 2016
Bugis Junction Towers Management Office Singapore GoldPLUS 2016

20 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

BCA Green Mark Awards (Overseas)

Project Location Category Year


The Springdale (Plot 4-1) Shanghai Gold 2016
Seasons Residences Shanghai Gold 2015
Central Park City (Plot C2)8 Wuxi Gold 2015
Waterfront Residences Nantong Gold 2015
Waterfront Residences4 Tianjin Gold 2015
Stamford City (Plot A) Jiangyin Gold 2015
8 Park Avenue Shanghai Certified 2015
Serenity Villas4 Chengdu Gold 2014
The Seasons Shenyang Certified 2014
Stamford City (Block 5) Jiangyin Gold 2014
Stamford City (Blocks 1,2,3-1,3-2) Jiangyin Certified 2014
Hill Crest Villas Chengdu Gold 2013
The Springdale (Plot 2) Shanghai Gold 2012
Park Avenue Heights Chengdu Gold 2012
Hill Crest Residences Kunming Gold 2012
Seasons Park4 Tianjin Gold 2012
Serenity Cove Tianjin Gold 2012
Central Park City (Plot C1)8 Wuxi Gold 2011
The Arcadia Tianjin Gold 2009
Spring City Golf & Lake Resort (La Quinta villas) Kunming Gold 2009
The Springdale (Plot 1) Shanghai Gold 2009
The Springdale (Plot 3)4 Shanghai Gold 2009
Villa Riviera Shanghai Certified 2009

Office Interior
Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City’s Corporate Office Tianjin Gold 2016

Saigon Centre (Retail Podium)4 Ho Chi Minh City Gold 2012
Saigon Centre (Office Tower)4 Ho Chi Minh City Gold 2012
Riviera Point4 Ho Chi Minh City Gold 2012
Riviera Cove Ho Chi Minh City Gold 2009
The Estella Ho Chi Minh City Gold 2008

International Financial Centre Jakarta Tower 2 Jakarta Platinum 2012
Jakarta Garden City (Phase 1)5 Jakarta Gold 2011

Elita Garden Vista5 Kolkata Certified 2012

Sedona Hotel Yangon (Inya Wing) Yangon GoldPLUS 2016
Sedona Hotel Yangon1 (Garden Wing) Yangon Gold 2014
Projects awarded BCA Green Mark certifications under the existing building category.
Ocean Financial Centre also received the Platinum level LEED-CS (core and shell) precertification in 2009, which was subsequently converted to certification
in 2012.
Recertification award.
Provisional awards – the final certificates will only be issued upon verification of the green features at the project completion stage.
Keppel Land divested its stakes in the residential developments in Jakarta Garden City and Elita Garden Vista in 2013 and 2014 respectively.
Keppel Land divested its stakes in Prudential Tower and Equity Plaza in 2014.
Formerly known as Keppel Towers and GE Tower.
Keppel Land announced the divestment of its stake in Central Park City in 2016.

Sustaining Growth


Stakeholder Engagement*
Recognising the importance of stakeholder engagement to inculcate a green mindset, Keppel Land continues to reach out to its
stakeholders in Singapore and overseas with its Go Green with Keppel Land environmental education and outreach programme.
The table below details the Company’s outreach efforts to its various stakeholder groups in 2016.

Employees Tenants and Public


Inculcate Green Mindsets Commemorate Key Environmental Dates Promote Environmental Awareness
Sponsored the Green Corridor Run 2016, 35 of Keppel Land’s commercial, Adopted Tiong Bahru as a “Bright Spot”
which included the Keppel Land Water residential and hospitality developments under the Public Hygiene Council’s
Challenge event, held in conjunction with in Singapore and overseas participated Keep Singapore Clean Movement.
World Water Day. in Earth Hour.
Renewed adoption of Jurong Lake
Pledged to conserve energy at Ricoh’s Held eco-awareness drives at under PUB’s Friends of Water programme
Eco Action Day 2016, where Keppel Land Keppel Land’s office buildings during from 2015 – 2017.
was Strategic Partner. Ricoh’s Eco Action Day campaign in
2016 and 2017. Taman Sutera, Keppel Land’s integrated
Organised a panel discussion comprising township in Johor Bahru, Malaysia,
industry leaders on “Why Sustainability organised regular educational
Matters” to local and overseas colleagues. events at its township to promote
environmental awareness.

Commemorate Key Environmental Dates Encourage Greening of Properties Share Best Practices
Pledged eco-friendly actions to Produced and distributed Green Guides Participated as a panelist at the ASEAN
commemorate Earth Hour, World Water for tenants, residents and hotel guests CSR Network and NUS Sustainability
Day and Earth Day. to promote environmentally-friendly Project forum to share sustainability
practices and procedures. reporting best practices.
Organised a panel discussion on
promoting environmental sustainability Formed Green Tenants Committee with Gold Sponsor of the International Green
through a sharing economy to tenants of its office buildings in Singapore Building Conference 2016.
commemorate World Car-Free Day. to share green initiatives.
Supported the CSR and Social Innovation
Keppel Land China celebrated National Provided complimentary environmental Forum 2016 to promote exchange on
Tree Planting Day. gap analysis services and encouraged social innovation and sustainability.
tenants to pledge to reduce energy and
water consumption. Engaged suppliers and contractors on
greening the supply chain through a
Successfully assisted four office tenants sharing session on sustainability issues.
at Ocean Financial Centre to achieve
the BCA Green Mark for Office Interior Founding member of the World Green
Award in 2016 through the adoption of Building Council Corporate Advisory
environmentally-friendly office policies. Board.

Cultivated urban farms in its office and Board member of the Singapore Green
residential buildings in Singapore to Building Council.
encourage sustainable farming among
staff, tenants and residents.

Cultivate Green Habits Learn from Industry Experts Nurture the Young in Green Education
Implemented Eco-Office practices in Held group sharing sessions and Launched a three-year public outreach
Singapore, China and Vietnam. fostered knowledge exchange on campaign with the BCA to encourage
sustainability matters. partnerships between the corporate
Obtained recertification as Green Office sector and educational institutions
under the SEC Eco-Office programme to collaborate on projects to promote
for Keppel Land’s corporate office from environmental sustainability in the
2017-2020. built environment.

Hosted tertiary study groups to a tour of

Keppel Land’s Singapore office buildings,
with a focus on sustainability.

* GRI 102-43, GRI 102-44

22 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016
Marina at Keppel Bay to protect the marine ecology and In recognition of his leadership in several
As the first marina in Asia to receive preserve its healthy coral habitats. building innovation and sustainability
the BCA Green Mark Gold Award, The Company also encouraged the initiatives in residential and commercial
Marina at Keppel Bay incorporates appreciation and protection of marine projects, Keppel Land’s General Manager
some of the latest in green technology. life with outreach activities, including a for Project Management and Sustainable
A reticulated vacuum sewer pump-out social media campaign and an online Design was conferred the Ministry of
system ensures that sewage from contest in 2016. National Development Medallion for his
vessels are not discharged into contributions to Singapore’s green
the water, while individualised Sustainability Benchmarks building sector.
advanced metering systems monitor Keppel Land continues to gain
power and water usage. At the same time, recognition both regionally and Ocean Financial Centre is the first high-rise
boaters are encouraged to install internationally for its stewardship office development in Southeast Asia
four-stroke engines on their vessels to in environmental sustainability. to achieve the highest LEED Platinum
reduce exhaust pollution, instead of certification from the US Green Building
two-stroke engines. For its commitment and achievement Council. LEED is the globally-recognised
in delivering high quality sustainable benchmark for the design, construction
In 2016, Marina at Keppel Bay also developments, Keppel Land was awarded and operation of high-performance
became the first marina in Asia to be 23 accolades at the BCA Awards in green buildings. Buildings certified under
conferred the Marina Excellence Design 2016 and 2017, including the coveted the LEED Platinum rating have to meet
Jack Nichol Award by The World BCA Quality Champion (Gold) Award stringent standards on sustainability,
Association for Waterborne Transport for developers and the BCA Green Mark energy and water efficiency, materials,
Infrastructure, clinching the title over for Office Interior Platinum Award for resources, indoor environmental quality,
other international marinas. Keppel Land’s corporate office at design innovation and regional priority.
Bugis Junction Towers.
To encourage coral growth, Keppel Land As part of the Keppel Group, the Company
transplanted corals at the historic Testament to its continual improvements continued to participate in the Carbon
King’s Dock at Keppel Bay to enhance in its environmental, social and Disclosure Project (CDP) on a voluntary
the existing marine habitat in surrounding governance (ESG) standards, at the basis in 2016. The CDP is an international
waters. This is the first time a private Global Real Estate Sustainability non-profit organisation that encourages
developer is building homes for Benchmark (GRESB) 2016, Keppel Land companies and cities to disclose and
marine life, contributing to enriching and ranked first in the Residential (Global), share vital environmental information.
preserving Singapore’s biodiversity. China and East Asia sectors, as well It currently holds the largest global
With ecology and sustainability being as third among developers globally. collection of self-reported climate change,
key considerations, great efforts were The Company also achieved an water and forest-risk data, and is a key
taken to minimise hazards during and outstanding score in its ESG performance, source of environmental performance
after construction of Corals at Keppel Bay significantly surpassing its peers. database for many partners worldwide.

The Company
transplanted corals at
the historic King’s Dock
at Keppel Bay to further
enhance the existing
marine habitat in
surrounding waters.

Sustaining Growth


Eco-Office Programme In 2016, paper usage maintained Green Capabilities

In recognition of Keppel Land’s continuous at about 10 reamsiv per employee while Keppel Land is committed to inculcating a
efforts to implement green initiatives at toner usage increased marginally sound understanding of green technologies
its offices and encouraging staff to be to 0.9 tonereqv per employee. and knowledge of sustainability
eco-conscious, the SEC has recertified management in its employees, as a part
Keppel Land’s corporate office as a Green Green Innovation of the Company’s plan to improve its
Office for another three years from 2017. Keppel Land is a partner in the Green environmental performance.
Buildings Innovation Cluster (GBIC)
Within its offices, eco-friendly products programme, initiated by the BCA. To-date, about 30% of all project and
such as Totally Chlorine-Free or Elemental The GBIC comprises academic property managers in Singapore and
Chlorine-Free printing paper and Energy institutions, developers and other overseas have been trained as
Star-labelled computers are used. professionals in the green building Green Mark Managers, Green Mark
A recycling company has been contracted industry and serves as the central Facilities Managers or Green Mark
to collect and recycle waste paper. focal point to reinforce the national Professionals, or have undergone the
drive towards greater energy efficiency, Singapore Certified Energy Manager
Keppel Land uses energy-efficient light as well as to streamline, coordinate programme organised by the National
emitting diode (LED) lightings in all its and disseminate building energy University of Singapore’s Energy
offices, which consume less than half efficiency-related activities. Sustainability Unit.
the energy of fluorescent tubes.
Energy consumption was reduced It will be a one-stop hub to experiment, To keep employees abreast of green
to 341,000 kWh in 2016, with energy exhibit and exchange knowledge on business strategies and best practices,
usage per gross floor area maintained promising building energy-efficient Keppel Land supported the International
at 60 kWh/m2. solutions with industry stakeholders. Green Building Conference 2016 held in
Singapore. The conference, attended
by thought leaders and industry players
from over 30 countries, provided insights
in green building development. Staff from
the Company’s project management
team attended the event.

Public Communications Plan

To ensure the well-being of the community,
Keppel Land has in place a Public
Communications Plan. The plan includes
gathering feedback and communicating
mitigating measures, wherever possible,
to minimise inconvenience to residents
living near its developments which are
undergoing construction. For instance,
the Company will proactively inform
residents of any upcoming construction
works in the vicinity during the design
and construction stage of its new
developments, as well as obtain
feedback from them.

Green Business Associations

Keppel Land is a founding member of the
World Green Building Council Corporate
Advisory Board, and works with the global
network of green building councils to
implement strategies, ideas and projects
for a green built environment.

The Company is also on the Board of

the Singapore Green Building Council,
which propels Singapore’s building
and construction industry towards
environmental sustainability by promoting
green building design, practices and
technologies, integrating eco-initiatives
Sedona Hotel Yangon’s into mainstream design, construction
Inya Wing, which
opened in May 2016, and operation of buildings, as well as
is Myanmar’s first building industry capabilities and
building to be certified professionalism to support wider adoption
with the BCA Green
Mark GoldPLUS Award. of green building development and

24 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

practices. The Council complements and
Total Indirect Energy Consumption (million kWh)
supports the government’s efforts to
accelerate the greening of the city’s
buildings by 2030. 80

Environmental Performance
This section reports on Keppel Land’s 48
energy and water use, waste discharged
and recycled, materials used as well as 32
emission to air for major properties in
Singapore and overseas.
It covers data for its corporate officevi, 2013 2014 2015 2016
Singaporevii and overseasviii properties under
Corporate Office 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3
Keppel Land and Keppel REIT’s portfolios as
well as hospitality developmentsix managed Singapore Commerciala,b 23.4 23.6 21.4 22.1
by Keppel Land Hospitality Management. Overseas Commerciald 15.1 15.9 15.6 12.4
Overseas Retaile 8.9 6.1 0.0 0.0
Residential developments have been Hospitality Propertiesf 21.9 22.7 19.4 21.4
excluded unless otherwise stated as Total 69.8 68.7 56.7 56.2
they are trading properties, which the
Company eventually will not own.

To account for the variation in the type,

number and construction stages of projects Energy Intensity (kWh/m2)
undertaken every year, Keppel Land measures
the energy consumption of each project over
the period of its entire construction. The
information is disclosed upon the completion 480
of the project to allow for more meaningful
comparisons between developments. 360

Energy Use
In 2016, total direct energy consumption 120
from the use of diesel (over 900,000 litres)
was about 30,000 GJx.
2013 2014 2015 2016
Total indirect energy consumption from use Corporate Office 85 82 60 60
of electricity (56.2 million kWh) was about Singapore Commerciala,b 94 101 97 101
202,000 GJxi. Overseas Commerciald 164 173 170 149
Overseas Retaile 58 53 0 0
Energy conservation measures include
Hospitality Propertiesf 101 123 105 115
developing energy efficient buildings, as well
as upgrading and optimising chiller plant
systems and replacing conventional lightings
with LED tubes at its investment properties.

Energy Intensity at Completed Construction Sitesg (GJ/m2)

Paper usage excludes Keppel REIT, 0.5
Keppel Land Hospitality Management and
Alpha’s offices. 0.4
Tonereq refers to the equivalent toner that
prints 6,000 copies. 0.3
Keppel Land’s corporate office occupies about
58,000 sf spread across four floors at Bugis 0.2
Junction Towers.
Includes Ocean Financial Centre, Keppel Towers 0.1
and Keppel Towers 2, Keppel Bay Tower as well
as Bugis Junction Towers.
viii 0.0
Includes Saigon Centre in Vietnam and International
Financial Centre Jakarta in Indonesia. 77 King Ocean Reflections
Street in Australia and International Centre in Financial at Keppel Madison Lakefront Corals at
Vietnam were divested in 2016. Centre Bay Residences Residences Keppel Bay
Includes Sedona Hotel Yangon in Myanmar and Year of Completion 2011 2011 2012 2014 2016
Spring City Golf & Lake Resort in Kunming, China.
The divestments of Sedona Hotel Mandalay in Direct Energy
Myanmar and Sedona Suites Hanoi in Vietnam (Diesel) 0.19 0.45 0.28 0.37 0.30
were announced in 2016. Indirect Energy
1 litre of diesel = 0.0331 GJ (Electricity) 0.09 0.12 0.13 0.00 0.14
1 kWh of electricity = 0.0036 GJ

Sustaining Growth


Water Use
Total Water Consumption (‘000 m3)
Water Consumption
In 2016, Keppel Land’s total water
800 consumption was about 557,000 m3,
lower than the 644,000 m3 recorded in 2015.

480 In Singapore, water is drawn from public

supply sources such as local catchment
320 areas, imported water, reclaimed water
(NEWater) and desalinated water.
Potable water is consumed at Keppel
0 Land’s investment properties for drinking,
2013 2014 2015 2016
sanitation, irrigation and general washing.
Corporate Office 3 3 3 3
Estimated water consumption at the
Singapore Commerciala,b 233 217 168 166
corporate office is about 3,000 m3
Overseas Commerciald 126 131 130 104 per annum or 9.1 m3/person per annum,
Overseas Retaile 94 70 0 0 based on the recommendations set by
Hospitality Propertiesf 306 271 343 284 the Singapore Standard SS CP48:2005
Total 762 692 644 557 for water services.

Water conservation measures include the

use of water-efficient fittings approved
under the PUB Water Efficiency Labelling
Water Intensity (m3/person)
Scheme, self-closing taps and flow
regulators. All of Keppel Land’s investment
buildings in Singapore have won the PUB
60 Water Efficient Building Silver Award for
outstanding efforts in water conservation.

36 Water Discharge
Water drawn from public utilities at the
construction sites of Keppel Land’s
12 developments in Singapore is generally
recycled and reused for washing vehicles.
0 With appropriate earth control measures,
2013 2014 2015 2016 discharged water contains a lower amount
Corporate Office 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 of total suspended solids than the legal
allowable limit of 50 mg/litre.
Singapore Commerciala,b,c 19.5 18.7 17.5 17.3
Overseas Commerciald 19.8 20.8 20.6 16.2
In Singapore, discharged water is conveyed
Overseas Retaile 2.4 2.3 0.0 0.0 by a network of pipelines nationwide to
Hospitality Propertiesf 1.4 1.5 1.9 1.5 waterworks or wastewater treatment
plants where it is chemically treated,
filtered and disinfected. The treatment
frees the water of harmful bacteria and
makes it clear, odourless and colourless.
The treated water is then pumped into the
distribution system and service reservoirs.

Similarly, overseas, wastewater is

recycled for use whenever possible.

Waste Management
Waste Recycled
Total waste generated at Keppel’s
completed properties in Singapore
and overseas was estimated at about
3,900 tonnes in 2016. Of this, about
240 tonnes of waste including paper,
plastics and cans, was recycled at
Keppel Land’s investment buildings.

Tenants at these buildings are also

encouraged to recycle. For instance,
at Ocean Financial Centre, a central paper

26 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

recycling chute complete with a paper
Total Carbon Emissionh (tonnes CO2)
shredder for disposing confidential
documents within their premises enables
tenants to recycle used paper. 45,000

In 2016, Keppel Land and Keppel REIT’s
corporate offices recycled almost 27,000
10,000 kg of waste paper in total.
Waste generated at Keppel Land’s 18,000
corporate office consists mainly of paper.
The Company has a systematic paper
management and recycling programme. 0
These include setting printers to print 2013 2014 2015 2016
double-sided by default, encouraging
Fuel (scope 1)i 2,450 1,100 1,100 2,410
the use of e-mail and intranet for the
broadcast and storage of documents, Refrigerants (scope 1)i 750 750 750 750
utilising smaller printouts as well as Electricity (scope 2)i 36,500 35,100 27,000 24,350
switching to electronic greeting cards. Business Travel (scope 3)i 3,050 1,500 1,600 1,330
Staff Commuting (scope 3)i 200 200 200 200
Employees are encouraged to recycle Water Consumption (scope 3)i 300 250 250 200
used paper, with recycling bins placed at
Total 43,250 38,900 30,900 29,240
convenient locations in all departments.
A recycling company has been contracted
to collect used paper regularly.

Direct and Indirect Emissions Overall Carbon Emission Intensity (kg/m2)

Emission to Air
The Company’s carbon emissions include
direct emissions from fuel used in power 80

generators and loss of refrigerants in air 64

conditioning systems, indirect emissions
due to purchased electricity consumed at 48
investment properties and hotels, as well
as other indirect emissions arising from
water usage at investment properties, 16
business travel and employees commuting
to and from the workplace. 0

2013 2014 2015 2016

In 2016, total carbon emission was Total 70.3 69.3 67.9 62.5
slightly over 29,000 tonnes. The largest
source of emissions was the use of
electricity in its investment buildings,
which accounted for nearly 85% of
the Company’s carbon footprint.
Embodied Carbon Emission Intensity at Completed Construction Sitesj (kg/m2)
Under Keppel Land’s Carbon Management
Plan, the Company aims to reduce its
carbon emissions by 16% below 2010’s
levels by 2020. This was achieved ahead of 800
schedule in 2016. Normalising the carbon
emissions by the total floor area of all its 600
investment properties, its carbon intensity
in 2016 was 62.5 kg/m2 gross floor area
(GFA). This is about 16.5% below 2010’s 200
emission levels.

Implementation of energy conservation Ocean Reflections

measures, including the upgrade and Financial at Keppel Madison Lakefront Corals at
Centre Bay Residences Residences Keppel Bay
optimisation of chiller plant systems, Year of Completion 2011 2011 2012 2014 2016
as well as replacement of conventional
Embodied Carbon
lightings with LED tubes at its investment arising from
properties, have improved the Company’s Energy Use
environmental performance. Keppel Land (Direct & Indirect) 27.7 51 40 31 42
will continue to implement similar energy Embodied Carbon
conservation measures in all its properties, arising from
including those overseas. Materials Use 510 860 920 970 530

Sustaining Growth


The Company also advocates

Materials Used at Completed Construction Sites (kg/m2)
communication via audio or video
conferencing where possible so as to
4,000 minimise overseas travel.

Construction Projects
2,400 While emissions due to construction
activities that occur within the boundaries
1,600 of a development site are a result of the
contractor’s direct and indirect emissions,
Keppel Land recognises the significant
0 environmental impact of construction
Ocean Reflections
activities. The Company measures and
Financial at Keppel Madison Lakefront Corals at monitors energy and emission data from
Centre Bay Residences Residences Keppel Bay its construction sites.
Year of Completion 2011 2011 2012 2014 2016
Materials Intensity Construction Materials
(kg/m2 GFA) 2,200 2,900 3,600 3,800 330 Materials Usage
Emission Intensity The construction and real estate sector
(kg/m2 GFA) 510 860 920 970 530 consumes a considerable amount of
Energy data for Singapore commercial buildings includes energy for mechanical and electrical materials. However, the amount of
services such as air-conditioning, lifts and lightings in all common areas, but excludes materials used within a reporting year
tenants’ energy consumption as tenants are charged separately for use of electricity within is not comparable over the years as the
their tenanted space.
Includes Ocean Financial Centre, Keppel Towers and Keppel Towers 2, Prudential Tower number of projects varies every year and
(divested in 2014), Equity Plaza (divested in 2014) and Keppel Bay Tower. the construction stages of each project
Water intensity figures for Singapore commercial buildings are computed based on the number differ. To meaningfully track such data,
of occupants in each respective year.
Includes Saigon Centre in Ho Chi Minh City, International Financial Centre in Jakarta, Keppel Land discloses the usage of
Indonesia as well as International Centre in Hanoi (divested in 2016). materials over the entire construction
Includes BG Junction in Surabaya, Indonesia (divested in 2014). period of a project instead of on a yearly
Energy and water intensity for hospitality properties is expressed in terms of kWh/room-
night and m3/room-night respectively. Includes Sedona Hotel Manado in Indonesia (divested
basis. For comparison purposes, total
in 2013), Sedona Hotel Yangon and Sedona Hotel Mandalay in Myanmar (announced materials used per project is reported
divestment in 2016), and Sedona Suites Hanoi in Vietnam (divested in 2016). upon project completion.
Data for construction sites are disclosed on a project basis instead of by year, to allow for
meaningful comparison. Energy data represent the total energy consumed during the entire
construction period of the project. A total of ten most commonly-used
Energy conversion ratio for 2016 : 1kWh electricity = 0.4313 kg CO2 (Source: Energy Market materials in building construction have
Authority, Energy Statistics, 2016). been identified and measured. These
Scope 1 emissions include direct emissions from fuel used in power generators and loss of
refrigerant in air-conditioning systems. include cement, sand, concrete, aggregate,
Scope 2 emissions include indirect emissions due to purchased electricity consumed at bricks, steel, aluminum, glass, paints,
investment properties and hotels. as well as ceramic tiles and granite.
Scope 3 emissions include other indirect emissions arising from water usage at investment
properties, business travel, as well as commuting to and from the workplace of employees
from Keppel Land’s corporate office. Keppel Land has in place a set of
The emission data represent the project’s total embodied carbon from materials used and Sustainability Design Standards for its
energy consumed at the construction site. Embodied carbon index of materials are sourced
from The Inventory of Carbon and Energy 2011, based on cradle-to-grave boundaries. new developments which include stretched
targets in the areas of environmental
certification, energy, water, landscaping
and materials use to improve resource
efficiency and building productivity.
The Company aims to reduce materials
intensity and embodied carbon emissions
and conserve global resources by
minimising the carbon footprint from its
construction and operation activities,
as well as from the production and
distribution of building materials.

Environmental Protection Expenditure

Keppel Land adopts a proactive and
holistic approach in the way it designs,
constructs and operates its

The total cost incurred to-date for

incorporating green features for all its
Green Mark-certified residential and
commercial projects in Singapore
and overseas is estimated to be over

28 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Environment Protection Expenditure

Description Expenditure ($)

Total cost of green building features in all Green Mark-certified projects in Singapore and overseas to-date* 145,000,000

Environment Protection Expenditure in 2016:

Green building features in Green Mark-certified projects awarded in 2016 2,356,000
Training (environmental courses, seminars, conferences) 11,500
External certification (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001) 52,000
Outreach programmes^
Environmental education 90,000
Gold Sponsor of the International Green Building Conference 2016+ 50,000
Total 2,559,500
* Total cost includes cost of projects developed in joint ventures which will be borne by Keppel Land and its joint venture partners.
^ Excludes Keppel Land’s share of contribution at Keppel Group level.
+ Includes contributions from Keppel Group.

$145 million. This amount includes its to yield measurable reductions in waste which will yield annual potential savings of
partners’ share for jointly developed as well as energy and water usage at over $12.4 million up to 2020. Beyond 2020,
projects. each property. These include adhering to annual savings of about $2.75 million
Keppel Land’s environmental policy and are expected.
Targets green procurement guidelines.
Recognising the twin benefits of Overseas
environmentally-friendly business Annual reviews were conducted to Keppel Land’s commitment towards the
practices on the environment and its monitor the progress and implementation management and protection of the
bottomline, Keppel Land has set strategic of the plans as well as the corresponding environment goes beyond Singapore to
plans for continual improvement. cost savings. To-date, Ocean Financial countries overseas where it has operations.
Centre, Marina Bay Financial Centre
Responsible Design Values Towers 1, 2 and 3, Bugis Junction Towers Hospitality Management
Keppel Land’s Sustainability Design and Keppel Bay Tower are all certified as Keppel Land Hospitality Management,
Standards form an integral part of Green Mark Platinum buildings. These which operates and manages a portfolio
Keppel Land’s responsible design values, measures will continue to help the of properties including hotels, serviced
and are included in the design brief to Company achieve its goal of maintaining residences, golf courses, resorts and
consultants for its new developments. at least the BCA Green Mark GoldPLUS marinas across Asia, is committed to
rating for all its completed commercial good environmental stewardship at all
Keppel Land adopts an integrated buildings in Singapore. its properties.
design approach where teams, including
consultants as well as in-house Carbon Management Plan All its hotels and serviced residences
sustainability and project managers, work Keppel Land’s Carbon Management Plan adhere to an environmental policy and
together to adopt new strategies, systems outlines the initiatives and programmes a set of guidelines on energy and water
and products right from the initial design that the Company will undertake to conservation, green procurement,
stage to create sustainable developments. reduce its emissions. as well as usage of biodegradable
This will enable the Company to achieve cleaning products, energy-efficient
its goal of obtaining at least the BCA Green Adopting a holistic approach towards office appliances and equipment.
Mark GoldPLUS Award and the BCA Green reducing carbon emissions, Keppel Land Energy conservation measures at its
Mark Gold Award or its equivalent for aims to achieve an emissions intensity properties include the installation of timer
all new properties in Singapore and reduction target of 16% below 2010’s switches and energy-saving fluorescent
overseas respectively. levels by 2020. In 2016, Keppel Land bulbs, as well as the implementation of a
achieved this target with a 16.5% carbon recycling programme for paper, plastic,
Environmental Operations Plans emissions intensity reduction from 2010’s glass and linen.
Keppel Land has implemented emission levels.
environmental operations plans for the Sedona Hotel Yangon has successfully
management of the respective completed Carbon reduction measures undertaken achieved significant waste and emission
commercial buildings in Singapore and include developing high-performance reduction, as well as energy and water
hospitality properties overseas since commercial buildings, upgrading chiller conservation with the incorporation
2012. In 2014, the scope was expanded plant systems in existing buildings of sustainable features and green practices.
to include completed commercial and replacing existing lightings with Annual energy savings exceeded
buildings overseas. energy-saving LED tubes. US$612,000 and water savings amounted
to 15,000m3, which is equivalent to six
The individualised plans outline This will result in a reduction of about Olympic-sized swimming pools, resulting
environmental targets and programmes 23,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emission, in annual cost savings of US$34,200.

Sustaining Growth


The hotel is the first in Myanmar to be groundcovers are planted to minimise eco-solutions through careful master-
awarded the BCA Green Mark Gold maintenance work. planning. The master developer for
certification for its Garden Wing. the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City is
At the Eco-City International Country Club Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City
Sustainable features include real-time (ECICC) in the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Investment and Development Co. Ltd.
water usage monitoring of public areas Eco-City, new initiatives were introduced. (SSTEC), a 50-50 joint venture between
including the swimming pools, the use of They include enhancing water quality the Singapore consortium, led by the
energy efficient LED lights, an innovative with additional re-circulating streams Keppel Group, and a Chinese consortium,
new “waste heat” recovery system which so as to increase plant density along led by Tianjin TEDA Investment Holding
heats water while reducing the energy the water’s edge, conserving water Co., Ltd.
needs for the hot water systems, the use through better controls, as well as
of recyclable materials, as well as an increasing the natural habitat areas Over the years, the Sino-Singapore Tianjin
extensive guest and staff education and migration corridors. Eco-City has steadily developed into a
program to promote and encourage modern eco-township with homes,
sustainable practices. Audubon Certification offices, commercial hubs, schools and
The Company owns and operates three other amenities. It has transformed from
Sedona Hotel Yangon’s Inya Wing, which Audubon International-certified golf the former saline and alkaline land into a
opened in May 2016, also boasts a courses in China and Indonesia. ECICC thriving eco-city with more than 70,000
myriad of eco-features. The Inya Wing is was the first in the world to achieve the people working and living there as well as
Myanmar’s first building to be certified prestigious Audubon Classic Sanctuary over 4,700 registered companiesxii.
with the BCA Green Mark GoldPLUS Award. status in 2009, followed by Spring City
and Ria Bintan in 2010. The Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City has
Preserving Biodiversity been designated as China’s first National
Conscious efforts are made to preserve Audubon is a global environmental Green Development Demonstration Zone
the biodiversity in Keppel Land’s properties. organisation which champions wildlife and will serve as a test-bed for new
protection as well as provides education models of green development in China,
Its golf courses such as Spring City Golf & and conservation assistance for responsible such as low-carbon developments and
Lake Resort (Spring City) in Kunming, management of natural resources. green transport.
China, and Ria Bintan Golf Club in Indonesia The Audubon Classic Programme is
were sculpted along the natural contours targeted at existing golf courses that In recognition of its outstanding
of the undulating landscape. are being redeveloped or going through achievements in the area of green
refurbishments while maintaining its use. building development, the Sino-Singapore
Originally an arid and mountainous site Tianjin Eco-City was also selected as a
afflicted by poor surface drainage and To achieve the status, certified courses National Green Building Base by the
severe soil erosion, Spring City is home to must meet the stringent programme China Green Building Council.
two world-class golf courses today. requirements as well as any additional
site-specific requirements identified by In addition, the Low Carbon Living Lab
Indigenous flora like the eucalyptus Audubon. These include environmental (LCLL), developed by SSTEC in the
trees and wildflowers were carefully planning, wildlife and habitat management, Eco-Business Park, has been awarded
preserved during and after construction outreach and education, reduction of both the China Green Building Operation
to ensure that the ecosystem remained chemical-use and safety, water Label 3-Star Award from China’s Ministry
balanced and intact. Many species of conservation as well as water quality of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
trees were also planted at Spring City to management. and the China Green Building Design
help in the habitation of wildlife such as Label 3-Star Award by China’s Green
songbirds, squirrels, butterflies, insects Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City, China Building Design Label in recognition
and rabbits. Towards Sustainable Development of its outstanding contributions in
The Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City the areas of green building and
Spring City also features a 1.7-km nature is a flagship bilateral project between environmental protection.
trail with over 300 plant species, most of the governments of Singapore and China
which are native to the Yunnan province. to jointly create a practical, scalable The 3-Star rating is the highest rating
Information boards have also been and replicable model for sustainable conferred by the Green Building Design
placed along the trail to help spread the urban development for other cities Label, China’s national green building
message on the importance of preserving in China. evaluation system, which is accredited by
the local biodiversity. the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural
Located on non-arable, water-scarce Development.
The Ocean and Forest Courses at Ria land with limited natural resources
Bintan Golf Club are constructed around in the Tianjin Binhai New Area, the The LCLL is also the first building located
existing natural contours so as to preserve 30-sq km Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City in the temperate zone to be awarded the
wildlife corridors. The integrated design is envisioned to be an economically BCA Green Mark Platinum rating.
allows a one-with-nature theme thriving city that is socially harmonious,
throughout the resort. environmentally-friendly and In 2017, SSTEC will focus on the next phase
resource-efficient. of development in the Central District
Ria Bintan Golf Club has also embarked where the joint venture will start working
on a programme to reduce water usage To be developed over 10 to 15 years, on two residential projects. To enhance
and fertilisers in maintaining its golf it will showcase how ecological challenges amenities in the Sino-Singapore Tianjin
courses. Local species of shrubs and can be tackled with the integration of Eco-City, the local government is

30 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

developing new iconic projects, such as the Seasons Park is the first project in the
Sino-Singapore Friendship Garden and the Keppel Group’s four-phase residential Green Building
Sino-Singapore Friendship Library, as well development in the SUA. Phase 1 of Evaluation Standard
as neighbourhood and lifestyle centres. Seasons Park has obtained the BCA
Green Mark Gold Award as well as
Achieve at least 70% reduction in
Green Building Evaluation Standard the ISO 14001 certification for its
building energy consumption
All developers in the Sino-Singapore environment management system compared to buildings designed to
Tianjin Eco-City have to comply with the standards. Comprising 1,672 homes, local design standards.
Green Building Evaluation Standard (GBES). it was completed in 2012 and all units
The GBES is a combination of China and have been fully sold. At least 5% of the total energy required
Singapore’s green building standards. to power the building is drawn from
Some of the innovative green technologies renewable energy sources.
Under this standard, a building is evaluated incorporated at Seasons Park include
in six areas, namely land savings and a building envelope thermal system which At least one room in all apartment
outdoor environment, energy efficiency, can achieve energy savings of up to 70% units will receive at least two hours
materials savings, water savings, indoor compared to normal standards, a solar of sunlight during winter.
environment quality, as well as operations hot water system that supplies 60% of
and maintenance. all units’ hot water consumption and Green ratio of at least 40%.
a pneumatic waste collection system.
Developers may choose to exceed Reduce wastage of construction
the mandatory standards to qualify for Seasons City, the commercial sub-centre, materials through optimal design.
the Silver, Gold or Platinum Awards. will comprise three office towers and retail
premises with GFA of about 162,000 sm. Source more than 70% of construction
Development Projects Construction has commenced and Phase 1 materials (by weight) from within a
Keppel Land China is an investor, developer is targeted for completion in 2019. 500-km radius.
and project manager of the Keppel Group’s
36.6-ha site located within the Start-Up Leveraging its extensive experience
Area (SUA) of the Sino-Singapore Tianjin as a developer of prime office buildings,
Eco-City. Keppel Corporation and Keppel Keppel Land strives to create vibrant,
Land China hold 45% and 55% interests integrated and quality live-work-play
respectively in this site. The development environments which can meet the
of Keppel Group’s 36.6-ha site is carried demand for premium office spaces from
out in phases. It is expected to yield multinational corporations looking to
about 4,300 homes, offices and retail participate in the rapid growth of These figures include the Tourism District and

outlets when completed. Tianjin and northern China. Central Fishing Port.

Environmental Targets

2015 To reduce carbon
emissions intensity
Committed to by 16% below 2010’s
maintain at least emission levels.*
the BCA Green Mark
2013 GoldPLUS standard
for completed
2012 Adhered to a set commercial buildings
of Environmental in Singapore.
2007 Committed to achieve Design Guidelines
Committed to
at least the BCA Green for new project 2016
Mark GoldPLUS Award developments.
environmental for new developments
sustainability with Achieved BCA Green
in Singapore. Mark Pearl Awards for
the formation of
the Environment Marina Bay Financial
Committed to train all Centre Tower 3 and
Management Project Managers as
Committee. Ocean Financial Centre.
Green Mark Managers.
Committed to achieve
at least the BCA Green
Mark Gold Award or
its equivalent for new
developments in
Singapore and overseas.

Achieved target in 2016 with 16.5% reduction in carbon emissions intensity below 2010’s emissions levels.

Sustaining Growth


Environmental and Sustainability Milestones

1997 Ocean Financial Centre attained the Solar

Pioneer Award.
Started a dedicated section in the
Annual Report to detail the Company’s Won the Central Singapore Project E.A.R.T.H.
environmental efforts. Challenge for corporate organisations.

2005 2009 Published GRI 3.1 Level B+ Sustainability

Report, with external assurance.
Attained Best in Class status by Scandinavian Ocean Financial Centre became the first
financial institution, Storebrand, for leading office development in Southeast Asia to Conferred the Merit Award for Services
in environmental and social performance. achieve LEED Platinum certification. at the Singapore Environmental
Achievement Awards (SEAA).
Founding member of Singapore Compact. Conferred 11 BCA Green Mark Awards for
projects in Singapore, China and Vietnam,
including Keppel Land’s first BCA Green
Mark Gold Award in China for projects in
Shanghai, Tianjin and Kunming.

Expanded the ISO 14001 certification 2011

2006 scope to include property management in
Singapore and property development in Joined United Nations Global Compact.
Awarded the BCA Green Mark Gold Award for China and Vietnam.
The Tresor in Singapore. Component of both DJSI World and Asia
Published inaugural GRI 3.1 Level C Pacific Indices.
Caribbean at Keppel Bay obtained the Sustainability Report.
Gold (Implementation/Residential) and Included in SAM Sustainability Yearbook
Silver (Maintenance) Awards at the Founding member of the Singapore Green 2012 and named Sector Mover for the
Landscape Industry Association (Singapore) Building Council. real estate sector.
Awards of Excellence.
Eco-City International Country Club in Named Best Performer in Asia in Global
Caribbean at Keppel Bay emerged China became the world’s first Audubon Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark
Winner in the Residential category at International-certified Classic Sanctuary. (GRESB).
the International FIABCI Prix d’Excellence
Awards. Jakarta Garden City was named Best Middle Conferred Best In Class (Financials)
Class Residential Development at the FIABCI status by Storebrand.
2007 Indonesia BNI Prix d’Excellence Awards.
Won Best Sustainability Award at ACCA’s
Formed the Environment Management Saigon Centre in Ho Chi Minh City was Singapore Awards for Sustainability
Committee to lead in the setting of named the Most Energy-Efficient Building Reporting.
environmental targets for its developments (1st Runner-Up) by Vietnam’s Ministry of
in Singapore and overseas. Trade and Industry. Ocean Financial Centre bagged the Gold
Award (Product Excellence) at the Global
Became the developer and project CSR Awards.
manager for the Keppel Group’s 36.6-ha
eco-development in the Sino-Singapore Conferred four BCA Green Mark Gold
Tianjin Eco-City Start-Up Area in China. Awards for projects in Singapore, China
and Indonesia.
Started the Go Green with Keppel Land 2010
outreach programme. Expanded the scope of ISO 14001 EMS
Included as a component of Dow Jones certification to include Zhongshan, and
2008 Sustainability Index (DJSI) Asia Pacific. attained independent certification for
property development in China.
Won four BCA Green Mark Gold Awards Only Singaporean company to be included in
for projects in Singapore and Vietnam. the Sustainable Asset Management (SAM) Marina Bay Residences and Marina Bay
The Estella was the first in Vietnam to Sustainability Yearbook. Financial Centre (Phase 1) received the
receive the BCA Green Mark Award. FIABCI Prix d’Excellence Singapore Property
Named Most Admired ASEAN Enterprise for Awards in the residential (high-rise) and
Ocean Financial Centre became the first CSR at the ASEAN Business Awards. office categories.
office development in Singapore’s CBD
to obtain the highest BCA Green Mark Conferred four BCA Green Mark Gold Awards Ocean Financial Centre bagged
Platinum Award. for commercial projects in Singapore. the Green Development Award at the
Southeast Asia Property Awards.
Achieved the ISO 14001 certification for Expanded the scope of ISO 14001 certification
property development in Singapore. to include property development in Tianjin, Published GRI 3.1 Level B+ Sustainability
Kunming and Jiangyin in China. Report, with AA1000 Assurance Standard.
Attained the Eco-Office certification by
the SEC for its corporate headquarters. Panel speaker at Singapore Management 2012
University and BCA’s Impetus for Growing
One Raffles Quay emerged Winner in Global seminar. Founding member of World Green Building
the Office category at the FIABCI Prix Council’s Corporate Advisory Board.
d’Excellence Award. Attained Audubon Classic Sanctuary status
for golf courses in Kunming, China, and Included in DJSI Asia Pacific and World Indices
Bintan, Indonesia. for the third and second year respectively.

32 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Included in SAM Sustainability Yearbook for Embarked on Integrated Management National University of Singapore’s Business
the third consecutive year. System (IMS). School on their CSR publications.

Included in MSCI Global Sustainability Index. Achieved six BCA Green Mark Awards for
projects in Singapore and China.
Named Regional Sector Leader for Office in
GRESB 2012. Winner for Services category at the SEAA
in 2013.
Participated in the Carbon Disclosure Project. 2015
Won the Sustainable Business Award
Achieved nine BCA Green Mark Awards (Large Enterprises) at the Singapore Ranked fourth in Corporate Knights’ Global 100,
for projects in Singapore, China, Vietnam, Sustainability Awards. the first Asian company to make it into the
Indonesia and India. International Financial top 10 in the ranking’s history.
Centre Jakarta Tower 2 became the first Garnered Singapore Compact’s Green
development in Indonesia to receive the Champion Award. Bagged the BCA Quality Champion Gold Award
BCA Green Mark Platinum Award. (Developer) and BCA Built Environment
Sedona Suites in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Leadership Gold Class Award.
Keppel Land China expanded the scope of Vietnam, achieved Green Globe certifications.
its independent ISO 14001 EMS certification Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3 won the
to include Chengdu, Nantong and Beijing. Ocean Financial Centre garnered the Skyrise inaugural BCA Green Mark Pearl Award.
Greenery Excellence Award.
Commenced ISO 14001 EMS implementation Highline Residences and The Luxurie garnered
in Indonesia. Marina at Keppel Bay won the Best the BCA Universal Design Mark Award.
Environmental Initiative and International
Developed Environmental Operations Plans Marina of the Year 2013-14 awards by the Became a partner in BCA’s Green Buildings
for managing environmental performance Marina Industries Association (Australia). Innovation Cluster programme.
at its completed commercial buildings in
Singapore and overseas hospitality properties. Published GRI 3.1 Level A+ Sustainability Published GRI G4 (Comprehensive)
Report. Sustainability Report.
Jakarta Garden City (Phase 1) in Indonesia
bagged the Highly Commended Green
Development Award at the Southeast Asia
Property Awards.

Conferred Best Property Development

Organisation for Mature Markets at the 2016-2017
Asia Pacific Real Estate Association Best 2014
Practices Awards. Keppel Land’s corporate headquarters at
Ranked 17th in Corporate Knights’ 2014 Bugis Junction Towers became the first
Garnered Special Mention at Singapore Global 100 List of Most Sustainable Green Mark-certified office to use renewable
Compact CSR Awards 2012 (Green Champion Corporations in the World (Global 100). energy generated offsite to fully power
category). its operations.
Included in DJSI World and Asia Pacific
Published GRI 3.1 Level B+ Sustainability Indices for the fourth and fifth consecutive Published GRI G4 (Comprehensive)
Report. year respectively. Sustainability Report.

Included in RobecoSAM’s Sustainability Keppel Land China was conferred the Top
Yearbook 2015 for the fifth consecutive year. 10 ASEAN Companies in China Award by the
China-ASEAN Business Council, the only
Constituent of MSCI Global Sustainability company to have received the accolade for
and Socially Responsible Indices for the third four consecutive years.
2013 and second consecutive year respectively.
Clinched a total of 23 awards including
Conferred Most Admired ASEAN Enterprise Conferred Most Admired ASEAN Enterprise Quality Champion (Gold) Award for Developers,
Award for CSR at ASEAN Business Awards. Award for Corporate Excellence at ASEAN Universal Design Mark (Gold) Award and
Business Awards. Green Mark for Office Interior Platinum Award
Included in DJSI Asia Pacific and World at the BCA Awards 2016 and 2017.
Indices for the fourth and third year Won 12 awards at BCA Awards for projects
respectively. in Singapore and overseas, including Ocean Financial Centre won the BCA Green
Green Mark Champion and Construction Mark Pearl Award.
Included in RobecoSAM’s Sustainability Excellence awards.
Yearbook for the fourth consecutive year. Unveiled Asia’s first fully integrated smart
Achieved the ISO 9001 certification for home management system, Habitap,
Included as a constituent of the MSCI Global property developments and project at Corals at Keppel Bay.
Sustainability and Socially Responsible Indices. management in Singapore.
Bagged Best Overall Developer for Singapore,
Named Regional Sector Leader for Asia Implemented the IMS in Singapore. Vietnam and Myanmar at the Euromoney
(Office Category) in GRESB. Real Estate Awards.
Published GRI G4 (Comprehensive)
Achieved the ISO 14001 certification for Sustainability Report. Ranked 1st in Residential (Global), China
property development in Indonesia and and East Asia sectors, as well as 3rd among
independent certification for property Collaborated with Singapore Compact, developers globally at the Global Real
development in Vietnam. Singapore Business Federation and Estate Sustainability Benchmark.

Sustaining Growth

Innovation and
Product Excellence
Keppel Land incorporates thoughtful features and
provides innovative solutions in its developments
to meet the needs of its homeowners and tenants.

Developer of Smart Homes

Sustainable Benchmarks Integrated Management
Keppel Land aligns with and benchmarks System (IMS)
its business practices against global Keppel Land implemented the IMS for
Harnessing technology, Keppel Land
standards including the United States its operations in Singapore, China and
rolled out the Habitap integrated smart
Green Building Council’s Leadership in Vietnam in 2014, 2015 and 2016
home management system at Corals at
Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), respectively. The IMS combines the
Keppel Bay and launched virtual reality
the Building and Construction Authority of ISO 9001 quality management,
show suites at Highline Residences.
Singapore’s (BCA) Green Mark scheme, the ISO 14001 environmental and the
the Audubon International certification, OHSAS 18001 occupational health
Euromoney Awards the ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and safety management systems
and ISO 26000 standards, the Global into a single framework, thereby

Keppel Land bagged 12 awards at the
Reporting Initiative guidelines as well
as the AA1000 Assurance Standard.
streamlining processes and increasing
overall operational efficiency.

Euromoney Real Estate Awards 2016, The Company continually strives towards To improve its processes for higher
including Best Overall Developer in excellence in quality, environmental efficiency and increased productivity,
Singapore, Vietnam and Myanmar. protection, occupational health the Company is adopting the latest
and safety, social responsibility ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015
as well as sustainability reporting. standards in 2017.

Keppel Land launched its new virtual reality show suites at Highline Residences in 2016.

34 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Type of Sustainability Number of
Certification and Ratings Developments Type of Development Location

LEED Platinum 1 Commercial Singapore

Total 1

BCA Green Mark

– Platinum 7 Commercial Singapore
1 Commercial Jakarta, Indonesia
2 Data Centre Singapore
– GoldPLUS 5 Commercial Singapore
3 Residential Singapore
1 Hospitality Yangon, Myanmar
– Gold 10 Residential Singapore
3 Commercial Singapore
19 Residential Shanghai, Tianjin, Chengdu, Wuxi, Jiangyin, Nantong,
Shenyang and Kunming, China
1 Commercial Tianjin, China
3 Residential Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
2 Commercial Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
1 Residential Jakarta, Indonesiaa
1 Hospitality Yangon, Myanmar
– Certified 1 Data Centre Singapore
4 Residential Shanghai, Jiangyin and Shenyang, China
1 Residential Kolkata, India a
Total 65

Audubon Classic Sanctuary 3 Golf Course Tianjin and Kunming, China, as well as Bintan, Indonesia
Total 3
Keppel Land divested its stakes in the residential developments in Jakarta and Kolkata in 2013 and 2014 respectively.

Management Standards Development b Location
ISO 14001 Residential Singapore
Residential Shanghai, Tianjin, Chengdu, Wuxi, Jiangyin and
Zhongshan, China
Commercial Tianjin, China
Residential Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Commercial Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Residential Jakarta, Indonesia

OHSAS 18001 Residential Singapore

Commercial Singapore
Residential Shanghai, Tianjin, Chengdu, Wuxi, Jiangyin and
Zhongshan, China
Commercial Tianjin, China
Residential Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Commercial Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
With the exception of commercial developments in Singapore, which have been completed, all other developments are currently under development.

Sustaining Growth

Innovation and Product Excellence

Innovation* To further inculcate the spirit of The Company abides by the Singapore
In 2016, several innovative initiatives innovation among staff, three sessions Code of Advertising Practice (SCAP)
were implemented, including the of the lecture series, K’onversations, set out by the Advertising Standards
Habitap smart home mobile application were held in 2016. The sessions featured Authority of Singapore. In line with this,
and the Laureate concierge services speakers from within the Company as all of Keppel Land’s advertisements are
for residents at Corals at Keppel Bay. well as industry experts who shared legal, decent, and truthful. The SCAP
To market its properties more effectively, their experiences on innovation and was formulated against the background
Keppel Land leveraged social media championing positive change. Speakers of national as well as international
as part of its marketing efforts in included management representatives law and practices including the
Singapore and China, and also launched from Uber and Airbnb who shared how International Code of Advertising
its new virtual reality (VR) show suites disruptive innovation created new Practice published by the International
at Highline Residences. opportunities for their businesses. Chamber of Commerce.

The VR platform provides visitors Environmental and innovation consulting In 2016, there were no incidents of
with an immersive 360-degree virtual experts were also invited to share their non-compliance with regulations
experience of different apartment insights on sustainability matters during and voluntary codes concerning
configurations without having to create Keppel Land’s Annual Staff Conference communication efforts, including
a physical show suite. Its portability in May 2016. advertising, promotion and sponsorship.
also allows Keppel Land to reach out to
customers overseas more effectively. Compliance During the year, there were no
Keppel Land is committed to best practices instances of non-compliance with
To encourage innovation and promote and complies with relevant legislations and regulations and voluntary codes
teamwork, the Project Thinking Unboxed requirements. There were no instances of concerning product and service
initiative was introduced in July 2016 non-compliance with laws, regulations and information and labelling. There were
to spark refreshed ideas pertaining voluntary codes concerning the provision also no complaints regarding breaches
to projects or work processes and use as well as the health and safety of customer privacy and loss of
among staff. of its products and services. customer data.

* GRI 102-43, GRI 102-44

Number of homes handed over by the Customer Focus Unit

Country 2016

Singapore 209
China 2,253
Vietnam 106
Total 2,568

Keppel Land
introduced the
integrated smart home
management system,
Habitap, at Corals at
Keppel Bay in 2016.

36 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Customer Focus* Keppel Cove – Raising the benchmark in waterfront
In alignment with the Keppel core value living in China
of ‘Customer Focus’, the Company has
a dedicated Customer Focus Unit (CFU) Leveraging its expertise in master planning and drawing from its
which seeks to provide strong after-sales experience as the developer of the Keppel Bay world-class waterfront
support. This has contributed to repeat precinct in Singapore, Keppel Land is developing Keppel Cove, an
purchases by customers over the years. integrated marina lifestyle development that offers a world-class
waterfront living experience in China’s affluent Pearl River Delta region.
The CFU continually engages homeowners
Located on Modao Island in the Shenwan Town of Zhongshan City,
to ensure a high level of satisfaction for its
Guangdong Province, Keppel Cove spans over 890,000 sm and comprises
homes. Regular feedback obtained from 250 waterfront villas each with a private berth, as well as the Marina at
customers on issues including design, fittings Keppel Cove which offers an additional 158 berths to serve the yachting
and materials used are reviewed, with community. The Phase 1 collection of 42 villas has been launched.
relevant improvements incorporated during The marina’s clubhouse will be in operation in the second half of 2017
the design development of new projects. and will provide diverse lifestyle offerings including sailing races,
yachting holidays and adventures to nearby islands such as Dong’ao,
Residents of Keppel Land’s properties in Guishan and Wanshan.
Singapore and China can log in to a
Today, Keppel Cove houses Guangdong’s first Customs, Immigration,
centralised system to report and track
Quarantine and Port-clearance (CIQP) post in a private marina. The direct
defects within their units. This facilitates the CIQP clearance, coupled with the marina being the first to offer direct
coordination and follow-up of rectification sailing between Zhongshan and Macau, is a significant highlight for Keppel
works. In Singapore, the system has been Cove’s homeowners, as well as an important milestone in the development
further enhanced to facilitate the collection of the yachting industry and tourism in the Pearl River Delta region.
of keys for new homeowners.
Marina at Keppel Cove’s berths, designed and built by Bellingham Marine,
Besides engaging tenants and residents features a world-class concrete pontoon system, which is the first of its
through regular events such as golf kind in China. Situated at the heart of the development is the modern
tournaments, festive celebrations and clubhouse. Its features include a full glass frontage which maximises
scenic waterfront views of the picturesque Xijiang River, a 280-metre
residents’ gatherings, the Company also
long waterfront promenade, as well as a 360 sm floating platform,
raises environmental awareness by which is one of China’s few and provides a unique venue for events.
organising recycling initiatives and eco- The clubhouse was also built in accordance with the Building Construction
related activities such as commemorating and Authority of Singapore’s Green Mark Platinum guidelines and
Earth Hour and World Environment Day at incorporates eco-friendly features.
its properties. Over the years, these events
have been and continue to be well-supported. Harnessing synergies in Keppel Land, the management team of
Marina at Keppel Cove hails from the award-winning Marina at Keppel Bay
Service Quality Surveys* in Singapore, which is Asia’s first yacht club that was accredited the
prestigious “5 Gold Anchor” rating by the Marina Industries Association
Annual service quality surveys are conducted
of Australia.
at Keppel Land’s residential and commercial
buildings. In 2016, these were conducted
at 17 completed projects, namely,
Bugis Junction Towers, Keppel Towers,
Reflections at Keppel Bay, The Luxurie and
Nassim Woods in Singapore; The Springdale
(Plot 2), 8 Park Avenue and Seasons
Residence in Shanghai, Serenity Cove,
Seasons Park and Seasons Garden in Tianjin,
Spring City Golf & Lake Resort in Kunming,
Central Park City (Plot C) in Wuxi,
Stamford City (Plots A & B) in Jiangyin and
The Seasons in Shenyang, China; as well as
Saigon Centre and Riviera Point in Vietnam.

Through these surveys, the Company

garnered feedback on matters in areas of
cleanliness, security, car parking, building
maintenance, management personnel
as well as green features and facilities.
On average, more than 94% of the
respondents were satisfied with the
services rendered.

In 2016, Keppel Land handed over 2,560

homes in Singapore, China and Vietnam.
Keppel Land is developing the Keppel Cove integrated development in Zhongshan, China,
which boasts Guangdong’s first CIQP post in a private marina, facilitating direct sailing
* GRI 102-43, GRI 102-44 between Zhongshan and Macau.

Empowering Lives

Health and Safety

Safety is one of Keppel’s core values.

Keppel Land is committed to create an
incident-free workplace for all its stakeholders.

Key Safety Principles

Strong Safety Culture The refreshed key safety principles
Safety is a core value at Keppel Land are:

The Keppel Group is guided by five key
and forms an integral part of its
business operations. 1. Every incident is preventable
2. Health, Safety and Environment
safety principles which are used to drive Driving the Company’s safety efforts is the (HSE) is an integral part of
safe behaviour among employees. Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) unit, our business
which formulates and implements 3. HSE is a line responsibility
Health and Safety (H&S) programmes. 4. Everyone is empowered to stop
Trained Workers The Company adopts a top-down any unsafe work

approach towards H&S, with its policy 5. A strong safety culture is achieved
and action plans endorsed by the CEO. through teamwork

Keppel Land has trained 46,000 workers Five key safety principles were developed The Company takes safety matters
at its Safety Awareness Centres in in 2008 to encourage and drive safe seriously. All new employees are
Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia behaviour among all employees across required to undergo a safety induction
to-date. the Keppel Group to guide them in their course as part of their orientation
daily operations. To ensure that the safety programme. Staff are also regularly
framework and strategies remain relevant updated on matters including safety
in an ever-changing business environment, action plans, accident and/or incident
and as part of the regular review of the reporting procedures, relevant training
Group’s safety practices and measures, programmes, as well as related articles,
these principles were refreshed in 2016. which are available on the intranet.

Keppel Land partners contractors and suppliers who share its commitment to quality and high safety standards.

38 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Board Safety Committee (BSC) Safety Management System
Keppel Land’s BSC reviews and develops A safety management system is Safety First
safety policies and management systems. incorporated at the earliest development
It currently comprises five members stage of all of Keppel Land’s projects
including three of Keppel Land’s and continues through the design,
independent directors. Formed in 2007, construction and management stages. Vision
the BSC has oversight of the safety This inculcates a strong safety mindset in
programmes and budget. all employees and stakeholders, including A safe and healthy
its consultants, suppliers and contractors workplace where everyone
The BSC regularly monitors and for all its development projects in goes home safely every day
evaluates the Company’s compliance Singapore and overseas.
and effectiveness of its H&S policies and
safety management system to ensure Workers at construction sites are
alignment with industry best practices. encouraged and rewarded for developing Strategy
Monthly safety reports on the Company’s innovative ideas to improve safety.
operations in Singapore and overseas In 2016, six Singapore and overseas
are submitted to the BSC. projects were conferred safety
Proactive Actions
Implement an effective
innovation awards at the Keppel Group safety management system
The committee convenes quarterly to Safety Convention.
discuss safety issues that may have
strategic, operational and reputational A comprehensive design checklist is also Communication
Communicate safety- and
implications on the Company. implemented at the start of every project.
health-related matters regularly
Rigorous assessments are incorporated
The BSC is supported by the Management to identify and analyse potential hazards
Safety Committee (MSC). Comprising and risks for each project, with controls
Equip employees with safety
representatives from key business units, in place to eradicate or minimise exposure and health knowledge
the 12-member MSC spearheads all to hazards.
safety initiatives.
Rewards and Recognition
All worksites in Singapore and overseas Honour and recognise employees and
As part of the Keppel Group Inter-Strategic have a Site Safety and Health Committee contractors for safety excellence
Business Unit Safety Committee, helmed by the main contractor’s project
Keppel Land participates in regular manager and supported by Keppel Land’s
dialogue sessions with other business project team. The committee members
units to promote the exchange of safety serve as advisors and observers. Strategic
knowledge and experiences. This includes
site visits where business units take turns An average of about 6% of the total
to host safety personnel from across the workforce is represented on the committee
• Strong safety culture
Keppel Group, as well as share their for all Singapore and overseas projects. • Safety – an integral part
respective safety systems. In Singapore, workers are represented in of business
the committee by one of their supervisors. • Reduction in incidents
In 2016, the BSC visited the worksites
of residential projects in China including The committee monitors safety
Sheshan Riviera in Shanghai, as well as performance and submits monthly
Waterfront Residence and Park Avenue reports. Members meet at least once a
Heights in Wuxi, Highline Residences month to discuss safety inspection
in Singapore and Saigon Centre in findings, incidents and injuries, work and
Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam. activities and coordination, as well as
organise onsite H&S events.
The MSC visited the work sites of
The Seed at Tanah Sutera in Johor Bahru, All accidents and near misses are
Malaysia, as well as Corals at Keppel Bay investigated and findings are discussed
and The Glades in Singapore, to better during BSC meetings.
align safety practices across Keppel
Land’s operations. Any incident of non-compliance with
safety standards and accidents involving
These visits provided the committees employees and/or subcontractors are
with a better understanding of the also reported to management in a timely
operating environment as well as the manner. Lessons learnt from incidents
effectiveness of safety initiatives that are and near misses are shared with other
implemented. At the same time, the BSC business units to prevent recurrence.
used the opportunity to reinforce the
importance of safety at the worksites Keppel Land also believes in partnering
visited. There were also discussions contractors and suppliers who share its
during such visits on effective ways of commitment to quality as well as high
encouraging contractors onsite to report standards in environmental, health
near miss incidents. and safety issues.

Empowering Lives

Health and Safety

Keppel Land Board Safety Committee safety walkabouts at its Singapore and
overseas worksites and inspects overseas
worksites at least once every quarter.
Secretary Singapore Projects
In addition, quarterly MSC meetings were
conducted during the year to update senior
Management Keppel Land China management on the latest regulations
Safety Committee and codes of practice revisions relating
to H&S at work.

Vietnam Proactive Actions

WSH Unit Over the years, Keppel Land has
implemented numerous initiatives to
inculcate a strong safety culture.

Business Unit HSE Improvement Plan

The Company has in place a Business Unit
Regional Investments Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)
Improvement Plan with set targets and
benchmark indicators that address the
Property Management areas of safety leadership, structure
and work processes.

The plan aims to inculcate safety

Hospitality Management characteristics among its employees and
contractors. These include setting safety
targets, visible leadership commitment
Project Management and through regular visits to worksites by
Sustainable Design
its BSC and MSC, audit of project sites
as well as raising safety awareness
through training and communication.
Retail Management
The plan focuses on specific areas such
as high impact risk activities, major
Human Resources hazard prevention, incident and near
miss reporting and investigation, as well
as rewards and recognition for good
safety performance.

Safety Key Performance Indicators

A set of stringent criteria is applied and its responsibilities. Planning and (KPIs)
and adhered to when selecting implementation guidelines, including Remuneration of management is linked
contractors for each of the Company’s hazard identification and risk to sustainability-related KPIs, which
projects in Singapore and overseas. assessment, information, training and includes safety. Safety is also a KPI in
All potential contractors are put through supervision, safe work systems, hazard the performance appraisal of the relevant
a pre-qualifying evaluation. In 2016, controls, relevant work permits, equipment managers. Any fatality at the end of the
a total of 74 contractors in China were inspection, testing and maintenance, supply chain can affect the bonuses of
evaluated based on Keppel Land’s personal protection equipment, first-aid key executives and staff.
Contractors Pre-Qualification Evaluation. facilities and emergency plans, are also
Of these, 81% met the Company’s included in the guide. All employees have 2% of their KPI tagged
evaluation criteria. to an online safety quiz to ensure that
In addition, it details the monitoring they keep abreast of the Company’s H&S
Compliance and measuring mechanisms such as practices. Participation in safety-related
In keeping with the Company’s commitment workplace inspections, accident/incident activities such as site safety inspections,
in ensuring that its operations as well recording, reporting and investigation, meetings and innovation make up another
as major suppliers are not involved in internal and external audits as well as 30% of the project manager’s safety KPI.
unethical labour practices such as child or safety improvements. Legislations, The remaining 20% relates to safety
forced labour, a human rights clause on standards and performance training, including courses on safety
the prohibition of child labour has been measurement indicators are also design and incident investigation.
incorporated since 2012 in all H&S incorporated.
specifications to contractors. OHSAS 18001
To ensure that all its contractors remain Keppel Land received the Occupational
The H&S specification is a comprehensive vigilant and comply with the specifications Health and Safety Management System
document for contractors, and includes a as well as relevant regulatory (OHSAS) 18001 certification for the
safety policy, its objectives as well as requirements and safe work practices, successful implementation of the system
information about the organisation Keppel Land’s WSH unit conducts weekly at all its development projects and

40 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

properties under management in sites in Singapore with a contract sum of bizSAFE Mentor
Singapore, China and Vietnam in 2012. $30 million and above are required to have Keppel Land is one of only nine
its WSH Management System audited companies in Singapore to be awarded
An internationally-recognised standard, every six months. Conducted by WSH the bizSAFE Mentor status for its
OHSAS 18001 enables organisations auditors approved by the Ministry of exemplary WSH management and
to manage, control and improve its Manpower (MOM), the audit involves performance. This is the highest
occupational H&S performance. Projects document reviews, site inspections recognition under WSH Council’s
in Singapore, China and Vietnam currently and interviews with key personnel. bizSAFE programme.
account for 80% of Keppel Land’s total A total of 17 elements are assessed,
ongoing developments. All of its workforce each being graded on a scale of four As a bizSAFE Mentor, Keppel Land
in these countries are in compliance bands with scores between 1 and 100. leads and guides contractors in
with OHSAS 18001. MOM requires sites to meet a minimum developing and implementing
score of 75% at Band III. safety initiatives at workplaces,
In 2016, independent third-party as well as provides stewardship
audits were carried out at project sites In 2016, Keppel Land conducted quarterly and support with regards to meeting
in Singapore, China and Vietnam to audits for its Singapore worksites, the safety standards set by the
ensure compliance with OHSAS 18001. including Corals at Keppel Bay, Highline WSH Council.
An internal audit was conducted for the Residences and The Glades. The Company
Company’s projects in China to ensure conducts two additional ConSASS audits The Company continues to support
that the various parameters pertaining to on top of the two mandatory audits per initiatives to raise safety standards
OHSAS 18001 are met. The OHSAS 18001 year, bringing the total number of audits and share best practices and new
system has also been integrated with to four a year. developments in the industry.
ISO 14001 standard for all of the Company’s To foster knowledge exchange,
projects in China. All projects in Singapore The ConSASS audit allows Keppel Land’s General Manager of
are in compliance with the Integrated cross-comparison of worksites’ WSH was invited to present on the
Management System, which combines effectiveness in managing WSH risks. topic of the Importance of Reporting
the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 This helps The Company better allocate Near Miss at the 2016 bizSAFE
systems into a single framework. resources in order to elevate standards Convention.
and improve its effectiveness in managing
ConSASS the safety and health risks at worksites. Since 2010, as part of Keppel Land’s
Keppel Land has conducted the tender requirement, main contractors
Construction Safety Audit Scoring System Completed Buildings Audit have to be certified as bizSAFE Partners.
(ConSASS) audit at all its development Keppel Land also conducted audits This, in turn, requires that their
projects in Singapore and China. for all of its completed buildings for subcontractors have at least bizSAFE
the fourth consecutive year. A total Level 3 certification, which entails the
ConSASS provides an independent of 14 commercial and hospitality implementation of risk management
assessment on the effectiveness and establishments in Singapore, China, plans, including the WSH management
development status of a worksite’s WSH Vietnam, Indonesia and Myanmar were system, to eliminate or reduce injuries
Management system. All construction audited by the WSH unit in 2016. and illnesses at worksites.

The WSH team

and main contractor
of West Vista,
Keppel Land’s
residential project in
Jakarta, Indonesia,
visited Saigon Centre
in Ho Chi Minh City,
Vietnam, which allowed
the sharing of safety
best practices among
the teams.

Empowering Lives

Health and Safety

Communication* In 2016, the programme was implemented on pertinent topics such as working at
SHARe Programme at all of Keppel Land’s worksites in height, lifting procedures, working
Keppel Land has the Safety and Health Singapore. within confined spaces, proper equipment
Active Review (SHARe) programme in place use, risk assessment and managing
for its projects in Singapore and China. Safety Talks scaffolds. All workers are required to
Keppel Land actively engages its attend the mandatory safety training
Under the SHARe programme, teams consultants and contractors through before they are allowed to work onsite.
are formed for each project. Each team various communications modes to instil
includes a Keppel Land representative as the importance of safety at the workplace. To extend its reach to contractors’
well as the contractor’s management and employees in China, two more SACs in
safety personnel. The teams monitor WSH All workers undergo safety orientation Tianjin and Wuxi will be launched in 2017.
implementation in the Company’s projects courses. Weekly talks on different topics,
and organise exchange visits to worksites including the control of mosquito breeding Training and Education
to share and learn best practices. and working at height, are also conducted Employees undergo training courses
by the main contractors for their workers. and seminars to enhance their knowledge
Behavioural Management of In China, campaigns on fire-fighting safety and skills in managing H&S risks. Staff at
Safety (BMOS) as well as heat stress safety were carried Keppel Land’s corporate headquarters
Keppel Land also has in place the BMOS out in 2016 to raise awareness among in Singapore underwent a total of 1,510
programme to integrate behavioural workers on these issues. hours of safety training in 2016.
strategies and processes into its H&S
management system. Training Employees and workers in China,
Safety Awareness Centre (SAC) Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar and
BMOS promotes safe behaviour and In 2016, Keppel Land opened its third Malaysia committed a total of 5,346,
positive environmental conditions to safety awareness centre (SAC) in Jakarta, 31,291, 3,645, 2,447 and 7,092 hours
deliver continuous improvement in Indonesia. Together with two other SACs of training respectively.
health, safety and business performance, in HCMC, Vietnam, and Johor Bahru,
thereby reducing the risk of work-related Malaysia, which were set up in 2011 and Training topics included first aid, safety
injuries. It stems from the belief that 2013 respectively, they provide training induction, site regulation, HSE risks, safety
the personal adoption of safe working to improve the safety performance of awareness, construction safety, risk
practices, through the inculcation of a contractors’ employees. Some 4,569, management implementation as well as
set of defined behaviours, will reduce 6,383 and 1,797 workers were trained specialised subjects such as safe use of
the risk of work-related accidents and in HCMC, Malaysia and Indonesia electrical equipment and working at height.
strengthen a company’s safety culture. respectively in 2016, bringing the total
This is achieved through data collection number of workers trained at the three Rewards And Recognition
on the frequency of critical safety SACs to more than 46,000 to-date. Keppel Land collaborates with its
behaviours as well as providing regular main contractors to ensure that all
feedback and counselling to reinforce The SACs were set up to increase safety stakeholders and workers are committed
safe behaviour. awareness among contractors’ employees to maintaining high safety standards at

* GRI 102-43, GRI 102-44

Keppel Land will be

opening two more
Safety Awareness
Centres in Tianjin
(pictured) and Wuxi,
China, in 2017.

42 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

all project sites. Safety programmes In China, a similar convention was
that reward and encourage safe work held to share best practices as well as Safety in Action
practices are organised to promote recognise contractors with good safety
safer work environments. records. Over 240 employees, customers
and contractors exchanged experiences
Safety Performance and ideas to strive for an incident-free
The inner red core of
Despite the Company’s best efforts to workplace. A total of four Gold, five Silver,
the Keppel Safety
improve safety, regrettably, one fatality four Merits and 10 safety and innovation logo represents
took place in 2016. Lessons learnt from awards were conferred. the five key safety
the incident were shared across the principles, while
business units. This incident has Safe Worksite Awards the outer strokes
reinforced Keppel Land’s resolve to Testament to the Company’s continual demonstrate its
strengthen safety standards. efforts to ensure safe working action plan.
environments, 10 project sites in China
Accident frequency rate was 0.43 received the Safe Worksite Award in 2016
reportable cases for every million from the Ministry of Housing and
man-hours worked in 2016, compared Urban-Rural Development Bureau. 5 Key Safety Principles
with 0.27 in 2015. Consequently, accident
severity rate was 190.25 in 2016, compared Corals at Keppel Bay and Highline 1. Every incident is
to 166.81 in 2015, and total man-days Residences in Singapore also received preventable
lost was 6,146 in 2016, compared to the Safety and Health Award Recognition 2. HSE is an integral
6,175 man-days lost in 2015. for Projects (SHARP) at the WSH Awards part of our business
2016 organised by the WSH Council and 3. HSE is a line responsibility
WSH Recognition the MOM, in recognition of their good 4. Everyone is empowered to
stop any unsafe work
The annual WSH Recognition event safety performance as well as workplace
5. A strong safety culture is
reinforces the importance of safety safety and health management systems. achieved through teamwork
training and practices among projects
teams, contractors and workers. International Safety Award
The event also recognises and rewards Keppel Land was conferred the
project teams with excellent safety prestigious International Safety Award 5 Key Actions
performance. (Winner) by the British Safety Council
in 2016 in recognition of the Company’s 1. Board/management
In 2016, about 250 consultants, commitment to the health, safety and leadership
contractors and staff attended the event well-being of its workforce. 2. Safety as a line function
to exchange best practices in safety. Eight 3. Stakeholder involvement
4. Leading safety indicators
teams from Keppel Land’s Singapore and
5. Positive reinforcement
overseas business units were recognised
for their contribution to safety excellence.

Keppel Land’s Cumulative Accident Frequency Rate

(per million man-hours)







Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.18 0.16 0.14

2013 0.90 0.51 0.31 0.43 0.32 0.26 0.22 0.24 0.25 0.37 0.33 0.31

2014 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.58 0.52 0.49 0.53 0.61 0.58 0.55 0.57 0.55

2015 0.00 0.62 0.53 0.56 0.49 0.40 0.38 0.33 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.27

2016 1.08 0.60 0.48 0.52 0.42 0.46 0.40 0.40 0.51 0.47 0.47 0.43

Empowering Lives

People Matter

Building on its open, collaborative, entrepreneurial

and innovative culture, Keppel Land will continue
to nurture and engage its workforce to drive further
growth and create value for the Company.

The Company recognises that people are the CEO and senior management,
Average Training Investment
its greatest asset and that every staff as well as employee perception

In 2016, Keppel Land’s average training
represents the Keppel Land brand.
As such, Keppel Land is committed to
nurturing a diverse, competent and
and engagement surveys.

Profile of Board of Directors

dedicated talent pool that will drive The Company has a total of ten
investment per employee was $1,226.
further growth and create value for directors on its Board, of whom
the Company. seven are independent
Local Department Heads non-executive directors.
Talent management and succession

In its key overseas offices of China,
planning rank highly on Keppel Land’s
priority list. The Company continues to
bolster its bench strength in its key markets
These directors contribute with
experience and competency in areas
such as industry knowledge, legal,
Vietnam and Indonesia, 53% of all of Singapore, China, Vietnam and Indonesia finance and risk management.
department heads were locals in 2016. through staff promotion, redeployment,
job rotation and job enlargement as well The Board has two female directors,
as selective new hires. which provides gender diversity.

Building on its open, collaborative, Mrs Koh-Lim Wen Gin was

entrepreneurial and innovative culture, appointed as an independent
Keppel Land continues to actively director on 20 January 2010, while
engage its staff through various initiatives Mrs Oon Kum Loon was appointed
such as post-results communication as a non-independent director on
sessions, lunches and tea with 1 September 2010.

Keppel Land supports various activities to promote teamwork among its employees and inculcate good values at the same time.

44 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Profile of Employees In terms of educational profile, 62% of its
Regional Distribution
Keppel Land employs 3,726 staff across Singapore-based employees have tertiary
its 13 countries of operation. qualifications and above. Of these, 49%
hold a Bachelor’s degree, professional
402 employees are based at Keppel Land’s certification or graduate diploma, while
corporate office in Singapore, of which 13% have a Master’s or post-graduate
272 or 68% are executives and 130 or degree. Overseas, about 37% of its staff
32% are non-executives. 377 or 94% are hold a Bachelor’s degree, professional
permanent employees, while 25 or 6% are certification or graduate diploma, and
contract staff. 43 or 11% of Keppel Land’s about 13% have a Master’s or post-
Singapore-based staff are from the graduate degree.
minority ethnic groups.
The overall turnover rate for Keppel Land %
A total of 3,324 staff are based in 2016 was about 12.7% or 488 employees,
Singapore 10.8
overseas, of which 2,982 or 90% are compared to 13% or 514 staff in 2015.
The turnover rate for the Company’s China 40.4
permanent staff. Of these, 50% are
located in China, 30% in Myanmar, headquarters in Singapore in 2016 stood India 0.3
8% in Indonesia, 6% in Vietnam, 4% in at 18% or 71 staff, below the national Vietnam 11.8
Malaysia and 2% in India, the Philippines average of 26.7%. Of the 488 employees, Indonesia 7.2
and Taiwan. Of the permanent staff about 43% or 212 staff were below 30 Philippines 0.9
overseas, 960 staff are employed under years old, while another 52% or 254 staff Malaysia 4.1
joint-venture companies. They are were aged between 30 and 50 years.
Myanmar 24.5
attached to the hotels and resorts The remaining 5% or 22 staff were over
Total 100.0
which are managed by Keppel Land 50 years old. Turnover by gender was
Hospitality Management in Vietnam 214 or 44% male and 274 or 56% female.
and Myanmar.
Policy of Non-Discrimination
Of the employees in Singapore, 63% are In support of human rights principles,
female, while 37% are male. Overseas, Keppel Land adheres to fair employment
44% of employees are female, while 56% practices and provides equal opportunities
are male. with regards to recruitment and career
development of its employees.
In Singapore, 60% of its workforce are
between 31 and 50 years of age, with 29% The Company is a signatory of the
and 31% in the 31–40 and 41–50 age Employers’ Pledge of Fair Employment
groups respectively. Overseas, 71% of its Practices with the Tripartite Guidelines on
employees are aged 40 years and below. Fair Employment Practices (TAFEP).

Evolution of Employment






2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Singapore 565 493 497 443 402
International* 3,557 3,476 3,429 3,652 3,324
Total 4,122 3,969 3,926 4,095 3,726
* Including Keppel Land and Keppel Land Hospitality Management’s overseas operations.

Empowering Lives

People Matter

The Group adheres to the principles of

Professional Profile
non-discriminatory and merit-based
employment practices. It is committed
to the five guiding principles of fair
Executive 67.7 employment. They are:
Non-Executive 32.3
Total 100.0 a. Recruit and select employees on the
basis of merit (such as skills,
experience or ability to perform the
job), regardless of age, race, gender,
religion, family status or disability
b. Treat employees fairly and with respect,
and implement progressive human
resource (HR) management systems
c. Provide employees with equal
opportunity to be considered for
Professional Profile training and development based on
their strengths and needs, to help
them achieve their full potential
Executive 40.3 d. Reward employees fairly based on
Non-Executive 59.7 their ability, performance, contribution
Total 100.0 and experience
e. Abide by labour laws and adopt
Tripartite Guidelines which promote
fair employment practices

There were no reported incidences of

discrimination by employees in 2016.

Remuneration and Benefits

Staff at Keppel Land’s corporate office
Educational Profile enjoy the benefits stipulated in the
(Singapore) Employment Act of Singapore which is
% the key legislature governing employment
Master’s Degree/Post-Graduate 12.7 contracts. It includes the basic terms
Bachelor’s Degree/Professional and conditions of employment that
Certification/Graduate Diploma 48.8 organisations must abide by.
Diploma/GCE ‘A’ Levels 17.7
GCE ‘O’ Levels/Industrial Certification 15.7 Central Provident Fund (CPF)
Others 5.1 The CPF is a comprehensive national
social security savings plan that ensures
Total 100.0
working Singaporeans have a secure
retirement fund. Keppel Land and its
employees contribute to its employees’
CPF accounts on a monthly basis.

Educational Profile CPF contributions go into the Ordinary,

(Overseas) Special and Medisave Accounts.
% Savings in the Ordinary Account can
Master’s Degree/Post-Graduate 12.9 be allocated for housing, investment,
Bachelor’s Degree/Professional insurance and education purposes,
Certification/Graduate Diploma 37.0 while those in the Medisave Account
Diploma/GCE ‘A’ Levels 9.9 can be used for hospitalisation expenses
GCE ‘O’ Levels/Industrial Certification 3.0 as well as approved medical insurance.
Special Account savings are for old age
Others 37.2
and investment in retirement-related
Total 100.0 financial products.

Together with employees’ contribution of

20% of monthly wages into CPF, the total
contribution by both employers and
employees has increased by 1% with
effect from 1 January 2016 to 37%.
Contributions are lower for employees
above 55 years of age as well as those
earning monthly wages of below $750.

46 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

The CPF monthly salary ceiling was
Gender Profile
raised from $5,000 in 2015 to $6,000
with effect from 1 January 2016.
Male 37.3
Staff Benefits
Besides the mandatory CPF contributions Female 62.7
by employer and employees, Keppel Land Total 100.0
offers all full-time employees a
comprehensive benefits package
including health and welfare allowances,
maternity and paternity leave
entitlements as well as coverage
under the Company’s health insurance
plan. Information on these entitlements
is disseminated to all staff via the
Welfare and Benefits portal on the
Company’s intranet. The portal serves Gender Profile
as a one-stop virtual centre for
information on employee benefits and
entitlements in healthcare, insurance, Male 55.5
leave, welfare, telecommunications, Female 44.5
transport and recreation. Total 100.0

Keppel Land values the knowledge,

experience and expertise of exemplary
staff who are beyond the retirement age
of 62. The Company retains and extends
their employment annually on a contract
basis, taking into account the employee’s
health, productivity and performance.
These employees enjoy the same
benefits as those working full-time. Age Profile
In 2016, a total of eight of Keppel Land’s (Singapore)
Singapore-based employees were above %
retirement age. Less than 31 years 19.7
From 31 years to 40 years 28.9
Remuneration From 41 years to 50 years 31.3
In Singapore, the ratio of basic salary From 51 years to 62 years 18.1
of male to female in the executive
More than 62 years 2.0
category, including members of senior
Total 100.0
management, is 1.44, while that for
the non-executive category is 0.69.
The ratio of the entry-level salary of
male to female in the executive category
is 0.81. There were no female entry-level
non-executives in 2016.
Age Profile
The ratios of the entry-level salary of (Overseas)
male to female in the executive category %
in China and Vietnam are 1.18 and 1.08 Less than 31 years 31.2
respectively. For non-executives in From 31 years to 40 years 39.6
China and Vietnam, the ratios are From 41 years to 50 years 21.6
1.29 and 1.01 respectively.
From 51 years to 62 years 7.3
At Keppel Land, basic salary refers to More than 62 years 0.3
the fixed amount actually paid to an Total 100.0
employee for performing his or her duties,
excluding variable pay such as payment
for overtime work or bonus.

Entry-level salary, on the other hand,

refers to the fixed amount paid to an
employee of the most junior grade
of each respective employee category,
for performing his or her duties.
This excludes variable pay.

Empowering Lives

People Matter

Career Planning and Recognition Staff performance appraisals are In 2016, a total of 13 staff were selected
Performance Management System conducted online. This is part of the for the LEAD Programme, of which 12 staff
Keppel Land has in place a structured Company’s ongoing efforts to automate were selected for LEAD 1 and one staff
staff appraisal and performance work processes and drive productivity. for LEAD 2. They include employees
management system which allows all Overseas employees can also access from Keppel Land’s offices in Singapore,
staff to receive regular performance the system via the intranet. China and Myanmar.
feedback and career development
reviews. An integral part of the performance Participants in the LEAD programme
appraisal is the employee’s progress through a structured learning
The Keppel Competency model exemplification of the Group’s core roadmap. This includes taking on
allows for greater consistency across values which are Can Do!, integrity, stretched assignments, overseas postings
Keppel’s business units in areas such customer focus, people-centredness, and job rotations to help them develop
as succession planning and talent safety, agility and innovation, collective core competencies aligned with the
management, while the Keppel strength and accountability. Company’s strategic thrusts. They are
Leadership Potential model ensures also guided by trained mentors who will
that a consistent leadership potential Alignment with these core values is coach and share experiences as well as
assessment model is applied for assessed based on observed behaviour provide insights and perspectives
all executives across Keppel’s during daily interactions with the throughout the programme.
business units. employee’s supervisor, peers,
subordinates as well as other In 2016, six of Keppel Land’s LEAD staff
Keppel Land fosters a performance- stakeholders to achieve work goals. attended the Emerging Leaders Programme
based reward culture. Compensation (ELP). Organised by the Keppel Leadership
includes a base salary that Leadership Development (LEAD) Institute, the ELP focuses on developing
commensurates with skills and Programme potential leaders across the Keppel Group
experience, along with an incentive The LEAD programme, which comprises who exemplify the Keppel core values and
bonus programme based on the LEAD 1 for Emerging Leaders and LEAD 2 operating principles as well as display
performances of the Company via for Operational Leaders, aims to accelerate strong leadership skills. It also focuses
the Corporate Scorecard, and the the development of strong performing on creating a unique learning experience
individual employee’s performance employees regardless of nationality. involving learning through action, group
via the Balanced Scorecard or the LEAD 1 seeks to develop high-potential work, business visits, case studies and
performance appraisal form. executives to become effective managers, engaging with senior management.
while LEAD 2 aims to groom promising
The Corporate Scorecard was introduced managers to become effective functional Throughout the year, LEAD staff also
in 2015 to holistically assess Keppel Land’s and operational leaders. actively participated in activities
corporate performance. Apart from organised by Keppel Young Leaders (KYL)
financial performance, performance A stringent selection process, which such as the inaugural Keppelthon.
in areas such as people development, includes psychometric testing, has been A hackathon-style event, Keppelthon
process management and stakeholder instituted to ensure rigour and objectivity saw participants taking part in rapid
engagement is evaluated. in identifying staff for the programme. prototyping innovative solutions and

Members of
Keppel Land’s senior
management share
timely updates
on the Company’s
performance and
strategic directions.

48 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

a startup business model, which university career fairs and talks to attract for high-potential employees based on
culminated in a business pitch to KYL’s fresh graduates to join the Company upon the Company’s short- and long-term
Management Advisory Panel comprising graduation. The selected candidates were business needs. Career plans for 31
CEOs from across the Keppel Group. rotated to different departments to gain high-potential staff were reviewed in
on-the-job training. 2016. There were also 16 staff rotations to
LEAD staff also drew fresh perspectives various business units to familiarise staff
from attending a series of Leaders’ In order to better manage and monitor with different aspects of the business.
Dialogue and Leaders’ Insights talks the career development of its local
by industry experts and Keppel Group talents in overseas markets, a local At the same time, the New Hires
management on a wide range of Career Review Committee (CRC) has Milestone Programme was implemented
business issues and trends. been set up to provide leadership to help new employees assimilate into
training for the local managers. the organisation. It includes various
Five networking lunch sessions were also workshops to familiarise them with
organised in 2016 for senior staff to share In 2016, locals accounted for 53% of the Group’s businesses, core values,
with high-potential executives on their all department head positions at its functions of different departments,
career growth with the Company. key overseas offices of China, Vietnam the real estate industry, as well as the
and Indonesia. Company’s performance management
The LEAD 3 development roadmap framework. A two-hour sailing experience
for senior staff includes a coaching To facilitate staff deployment across with Keppel Bay Sailing Academy
component with a 360° assessment, cities, a uniform global grading structure was also included in the programme
as well as enrolment in structured courses has been established for employees to foster greater staff interaction.
and programmes. In 2016, a total of 11 based overseas.
Singapore and overseas-based leaders Recognising the importance of
went through 360° assessments followed The progress of localisation is reviewed continuous training and development,
by executive coaching. annually by top management. In China, various training roadmaps and courses
the MAP continues to attract young are made available to employees.
Management Associate talents from reputable universities to Each staff is encouraged to attend
Programme (MAP) join the Company through the Employee at least three training programmes
The two-year MAP comprises job Value Preposition branding exercise. per year. The HR department works
rotation opportunities, core training The Company also reaches out to closely with unit heads to recommend
and mentoring for fresh graduates. Vietnamese and Indonesian students relevant courses for their staff.
Candidates benefit from the exposure, in Singapore who are keen to work in Efforts are also made to identify training
knowledge and networks necessary to their home countries upon graduation. programmes for non-executive staff,
embark on a fulfilling and rewarding including both soft and functional skills.
career with Keppel Land. Training and Development Course materials are also made
In 2016, Keppel Land adopted the available on the intranet.
In 2016, Keppel Land recruited a total of Keppel Group’s leadership potential
12 Management Associates. assessment framework. All of Keppel’s In Singapore, the average training places
business units use this framework to per employee increased from about 9.2
Localisation Strategy assess potential leadership and facilitate in 2015 to 10.6 in 2016. Average training
In view of Keppel Land’s expansion deployment of talent across the Group. investment per employee decreased
overseas, a number of mid-career locals from $1,345 in 2015 to $1,226 in 2016.
have been hired to helm key positions, A CRC identifies and grooms promising Employees at the executive level clocked
as well as to enhance the capability of employees for future leadership positions. an average of 54.0 training hours in 2016,
the Company’s overseas management Helmed by the CEO, the CRC focuses on while non-executive staff attended an
team. Keppel Land also participated in specific developmental interventions average of 20.7 hours of training.

Training Expenditure Distribution

Conference 9.6
Industry-related and job specific external courses 45.0
Skills Training 12.9
Leadership Courses 30.1
Language Courses 2.4
Total 100.0

Empowering Lives

People Matter

Overseas, the average training places and external expert speakers. A total of 19
The Keppel Core Values per employee was 9.7 in 2016. staff from Keppel Land’s HR department
Executive and non-executive staff attended the event.
clocked an average of 27.5 and 11.8
training hours respectively. Employee Engagement Survey (EES)
Keppel Land launched the Keppel Global
Can Do Employee Engagement* Employee Engagement Pulse Survey in
Passion and Vigour Staff Engagement Platforms August 2016. A total of 2,597 staff took
The CEO takes the lead in encouraging part in the survey. The overall staff
staff to adopt an entrepreneurial mindset, engagement score improved from 82% in
to be open and agile in adapting to 2015 to 85% in 2016. Results of the survey
Integrity change, as well as to innovate for
growth. Employees are updated on
were shared with staff through briefings
by the respective department heads.
Act with Ethics
and Honesty the Company’s performance and
strategic directions at the annual staff The survey allows staff to provide feedback
communication session with the CEO. and suggestions on 14 areas, including
Overseas staff participate in the session safety, customer and stakeholder focus,
Customer through a ‘live’ webcast. CSR, staff engagement, people
Focus development and communication.
Forge Value-Added The HR department, the Corporate Social
Partnerships Responsibility (CSR) Committee and Inculcating Core Values
the Welfare Committee also work together To align employees with the Keppel Group’s
closely to foster an open and collaborative eight core values, creative activities
People- culture among employees. that expound these values were
Centredness organised regularly.
Value and Various engagement platforms are
Nurture People used throughout the year as part of The Values-In-Action programme has
Keppel Land’s continuous efforts been included as one of the orientation
to improve management-staff events for new hires since 2011. It aims to
Safety communication and interaction. help staff understand the values through
Zero Accident, These include breakfast and afternoon experiential activities. At the same time,
Zero Loss tea sessions with the CEO and senior the core values portal on the intranet
management. A total of five breakfast helps to sustain awareness and promote
and six afternoon tea sessions were the actualisation of the values in a fun and
held in 2016. interactive manner. The portal features
Agility & winners of the Hall of Fame Awards which
Innovation In addition, management interaction recognises employees who exemplify the
Adapt to Change and sessions were held where members Keppel core values. Behavioural attributes
Innovate for Growth of senior management took turns to of the winners as well as staff pledges
host lunch on a regular basis. In 2016, can also be found on the portal.
a total of 10 lunch sessions were held, A total of 13 staff and three teams
Collective through which senior management received the Hall of Fame Awards at the
Strength reached out to about 90 staff. Annual Dinner and Dance in 2016.
Global Mindset
and Teamwork Other informal platforms of employee In addition, quarterly activities focusing
engagement include interaction at on each value were conducted. Initiatives
the staff lounge, Kloud, Company-wide implemented at two of Keppel Land’s
Accountability staff get-togethers, as well as properties, which exemplified the core
Responsible to Mid-Week Chill-Out sessions to foster value of “Customer Focus”, were
all Stakeholders greater interaction and rapport among highlighted in December 2016 to remind
staff from across the Singapore staff on the importance of exceeding
business units. customers’ expectations by offering
value-added services.
Through KLink, a bimonthly e-newsletter,
employees are kept informed on Project Thinking Unboxed, a new initiative
the Company’s latest developments launched in July 2016, seeks to encourage
through feature stories as well as staff from various departments to review
interviews with management and staff. and recommend ways to improve work
processes or generate ideas that can
Employees from Keppel Land’s HR value-add to the organisation.
department attended the Keppel Group
HR Meet in September 2016, with the Annual Staff Conference (ASC)
objective of creating a ‘One Keppel, The ASC 2016 held in May was attended
One HR’ mindset. The conference by over 500 Singapore-based staff and
offered insights and perspectives on key executives from Keppel Land’s
* GRI 102-43, GRI 102-44 HR management from both internal overseas operations. Attendees of

50 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

the plenary sessions included government-paid maternity leave. Labour Relations*
non-executives in Singapore. In 2016, Keppel Land was granted a In 2016, Keppel Land engaged the
total amount of $78,895.08 for six Singapore Industrial and Services
The ASC facilitates strategic collaboration eligible female employees. Employees’ Union (SISEU) through
and exchange of best practices and dialogues and other communication
ideas, as well as provides cross-learning Male employees with Singapore citizen modes. All non-executive staff at its
opportunities among staff. It also serves births are entitled to two weeks of Singapore headquarters are covered
as a key platform for Management to government-paid paternity leave. under the collective agreement signed
share the Group’s strategic directions In 2016, there were 123 eligible male between SISEU and the Company.
and provide updates on the various employees under the scheme. To-date, a total of 16 employees are
business units. Overseas staff also Keppel Land grants one day of paternity members of the SISEU.
attended customised training sessions leave to its male employees with
for programmes that are not readily non-Singapore citizen births. In 2016, Under the collective bargaining
available in their home countries. one male employee enjoyed this benefit. agreement signed with the SISEU,
the notice period for consultation and
In 2016, a teambuilding segment was In addition, employees with children who negotiation between the Company and
incorporated as part of the event itinerary are Singapore citizens and aged below the Union shall be no later than six months
to strengthen bonding and teamwork seven years are entitled to six days of paid prior to the expiry of the agreement.
among employees from different childcare leave per year, borne jointly As specified in the collective agreement,
business units. by the Company and the government. reasonable notice periods are given to
In 2016, Keppel Land was granted a total affected staff in the event of significant
The ASC was well-received by staff, and of $14,855.85 for 20 eligible employees operational changes.
culminated in the Company’s annual under the government-paid childcare
Dinner and Dance. leave scheme. The Union will be advised before
changes in the general conditions of
Promoting Work-Life Balance Employees with children who are employment, such as rates of pay,
Keppel Land continues to implement Singapore citizens aged between 7 and hours of work and other general terms
initiatives that promote family 12 are entitled to two days of extended and conditions of employment, are put
cohesiveness and work-life balance. childcare leave annually. In 2016, into effect.
Keppel Land was granted a total amount
The Singapore government encourages of $32,006.03 for 31 eligible employees In addition, the agreement also covers
and supports Singaporeans to work under the extended childcare medical benefits including annual
towards fulfilling their marriage and leave scheme. coverage limit, extension of coverage
parenthood aspirations. In 2015, the to dependents, as well as Group Term
government introduced the Jubilee Workplace Health Promotion Life and Group Critical Illness insurances
Marriage and Parenthood Package in In 2016, Keppel Land collaborated with for corporate office employees.
support of a pro-family environment the Health Promotion Board (HPB) to
in Singapore. These include: run a series of health and fitness Besides forging closer relations with
programmes for staff. the Union, the agreement reinforces
a. Enhanced Maternity Protection for the Company’s commitment to fair
Pregnant Employees This included the introduction of the remuneration and employee retention.
b. Shared Parental Leave allowing National Steps Challenge which attracted There were no grievances reported
fathers to utilise up to one week the participation of over 200 staff. by employees in 2016.
of the mothers’ maternity leave Designed to encourage more Singaporeans
c. Enhanced Paternity Leave for working to become more physically active,
fathers to receive one additional week, the National Steps Challenge leverages
on top of the existing one week, of HPB’s Healthy 365 mobile application to
government-paid paternity leave encourage participants towards a more
d. Each parent is entitled to six days active lifestyle incorporating physical
of paid childcare leave for children activity into their daily activities.
aged below seven years and
extended paid childcare leave of The Welfare Committee organised
two days for children aged between other fitness programmes such as
7 and 12 years yoga and fitness bootcamps, as well as
e. Provision of four weeks of government- educational workshops to reach out
paid adoption leave for adopted to different interest groups.
infants aged below 12 months
Keppel Land’s employees also participated
In line with the government’s pro-family actively in the annual Keppel Games 2016.
legislations and the Child Development Keppel Games is a series of sports
Co-Saving Acts, employees who have competitions organised annually by
been with the Company for more than the Keppelite Recreation Club, where
three months are eligible for parental employees across the Keppel Group
and childcare leave benefits. Female compete in a range of sports including
employees with Singapore citizen badminton, dragon boating, golf, track
births are entitled to 16 weeks of and field, table-tennis and bowling. * GRI 102-41

Nurturing Communities

and Society
Keppel Land strives to create positive economic
and social impacts in the communities where
it operates.

As a responsible corporate citizen, In 2016, Keppel Land staff committed

Community Service
Keppel Land continues to engage and a total of 5,600 hours to various community

5,600 hours
In 2016, staff volunteers clocked a total
contribute to communities wherever
it operates. The Company adopts a
multi-faceted approach towards
outreach activities in Singapore and overseas.

The CSR Committee assesses strategic

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) partnerships and support of outreach
of 5,600 hours of community outreach
and aligns its community outreach programmes based on a detailed set of
activities in Singapore and overseas.
efforts with its focus areas of criteria. These include alignment with the
environment and education. At the Company’s CSR focus, continuity and
Water for Life same time, it continues to support scalability of the initiative, extent of
stakeholder engagement, as well as the

7,000 villagers
various community programmes
including the arts, healthcare initiatives track record of the organisation.
and other charitable causes.
Over 7,000 villagers had better access Other key guiding principles include
to clean water through the To inculcate and nurture a spirit of reaching out to the local communities in
Keppel Land-supported Water for Life volunteerism as well as to cultivate countries where Keppel Land operates,
(Yangon) project. an engaged workforce, employees availability of opportunities to involve
are given two days of volunteer and leverage the skillset of its employees,
leave annually to participate in as well as ensuring that activities
community-related activities. undertaken have long-term positive
This encourages staff to be socially impact on the communities.
responsible and embrace Keppel’s core
values of Can Do!, people-centredness Currently, Keppel Land has implemented
and collective strength, while making local community engagement programmes
a positive impact on the lives of in about 40% of the countries where
beneficiaries. it operates.

Keppel Land collaborates regularly with the North West Community Development Council to enrich the lives of residents living in the North West District.

52 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Caring for the Environment collaborates with strategic partners Keppel Land is the main sponsor of
Keppel Discovery Wetlands on various reading initiatives WOW HCMC, which is also supported by
The Keppel Group has committed and programmes in Singapore the Company’s Vietnamese joint venture
$2.08 million to the Garden City Fund and overseas. partners for residential developments
to support the restoration of a The Estella, Riviera Point, Palm City and
freshwater forest wetland ecosystem My Library Villa Riviera. An initiative led by the SIF in
at the Singapore Botanic Gardens. Sutera Mall, the retail component of partnership with the General Sciences
Located in the Learning Forest Keppel Land’s integrated township of Library, WOW promotes literacy and a
extension of the Gardens, the restored Taman Sutera in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, culture of self-learning among villagers
1.8 ha forest wetland was named has housed My Library since 2013. in rural communities. Over three years,
Keppel Discovery Wetlands. Over 50 It is the mall’s first full-fledged community the mobile library will provide over
volunteers from across the Keppel Group, library and is a collaboration between 3,000 children aged between six
including five from Keppel Land, Singapore’s National Library Board and 15 in the Binh Chanh district
participated in a tree-planting activity and Tanah Sutera Development. access to educational materials,
during the unveiling of plans for the It spans 35,000 sf with a wide collection information technology resources
Wetlands in August 2016. The Wetlands of books and audio-visual materials. and learning facilities.
was officially opened on 31 March 2017 My Library has an average of 34,000
by the Prime Minister of Singapore, visitors per month and a total of 4,200 In 2016, four volunteer trips involving
Mr Lee Hsien Loong. registered members as at end-2016. over 20 employees from Keppel Land’s
Singapore and Vietnam offices were
Sustainable Art Workshop Words on Wheels conducted. Volunteers travelled with
In August 2016, Keppel Land Vietnam As one of Vietnam’s largest and the mobile library to engage children
hosted a sustainable art workshop pioneer foreign real estate developers, from the schools in rural villages
for the children at the tiNiWorld Keppel Land strives to enrich the through reading and games.
Edutainment Center at the Saigon Centre lives of the local communities.
retail mall. About 30 Keppel Volunteers Championing the Arts
shared the importance of recycling Following the success of its Words In 2016, Keppel Land championed
and caring for the environment with on Wheels (WOW) mobile library project the arts through a weekly volunteer
40 children. in Hanoi, Vietnam, Keppel Land again programme at the Keppel Centre for
partnered the Singapore International Art Education, an immersive art education
Empowering through Education Foundation (SIF) to extend the project facility at the National Gallery Singapore.
Keppel Land firmly believes that to Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) in May 2014. Over 50 employees across the Keppel
knowledge is fundamental in equipping This is the Company’s third partnership Group volunteered as facilitators of
communities with skills for a sustainable with SIF following WOW Hanoi and activities held for children at the Centre
livelihood. In line with this, the Company Water for Life (Yangon). during weekends.

In line with its

environmental focus,
over 50 volunteers
from across the
Keppel Group
participated in a
tree-planting activity
in August 2016.

Nurturing Communities

Community and Society

During the year, volunteers also engaged for elderly beneficiaries from the
beneficiaries from the Thye Hua Kwan South West CDC. 30 staff from
Senior Activity Centre, Care Corner Keppel Land’s Singapore and overseas
Family Service Centre and Ren Ci Nursing offices participated in the event,
Home. Activities organised included which was held as part of Keppel Land’s
facilitating financial literacy workshops Annual Staff Conference.
to equip low-income households with
financial knowledge. Green Corridor Run
In March 2016, Keppel Land contributed
Supporting Community Causes $20,000 in support of the fourth Green
Collaborating with North West CDC Corridor Run which was held in conjunction
In 2016, Keppel Land worked closely with Singapore’s World Water Day
with the North West Community celebrations. The run saw over 11,000
Development Council (CDC) to enrich people across 82 nationalities
the lives of residents living in rental participate in the event.
flats in the North West district
of Singapore. At the same time, the Company
was also a major sponsor for the
In August 2016, to commemorate Keppel Land Water Challenge for the
Singapore’s 51st National Day, second consecutive year.
Keppel Land organised a visit to
the Keppel Centre for Art Education During the Challenge, participants
for 80 beneficiaries from were able to experience the difficulties
the North West CDC. faced by those in developing countries
who have to walk long distances daily
To spread Christmas cheer, Keppel Land to fetch water for safe consumption
hosted over 70 beneficiaries from the and domestic use.
Gambas district on an excursion to watch
the musical comedy Monkey Goes West About 150 staff across the
produced by Wild Rice. Keppel Group participated in the run,
which stretched over 10.5 kilometers
The Company also organised an from the Tanjong Pagar railway station
excursion to Gardens by the Bay to the Bukit Timah Station.

Keppel Land supports

the Words on Wheels
(HCMC) mobile library
project, which seeks
to improve literacy in
children in the rural
Binh Chanh district.

54 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

National Geographic Earth Day Run The Company also sponsored NTUC
Keppel Land was title sponsor for the vouchers to the needy families during
Singapore leg of the National Geographic Hari Raya and Deepavali.
Earth Day Run. This was the nation’s first
mass-run powered solely by renewable Reaching Out to Overseas
energy and driven by zero-waste Communities
initiatives. Led by the CEO and CFO of Beyond philanthropic efforts,
Keppel Land, the Company rallied over Keppel Land seeks to empower
170 of its tenants and staff across the lives for sustainable change and
Keppel Group as well as Running Hour to improvement, creating positive and
participate in the event. Running Hour is a meaningful impact in communities
running club which promotes integration overseas where it operates.
of people with special needs.
Water for Life (Yangon)
Donation Drives Keppel Land supports Water for Life
To celebrate the season of giving, (Yangon), an initiative in partnership
Keppel Land organised a fundraising with the SIF, non-profit organisation
event for the Metropolitan YMCA during Mingalar Myanmar and the Singapore
its Christmas party in December 2016. Red Cross.
Funds raised by Keppel Land staff
went towards their My Blessings In Myanmar, an estimated 70% of the
and My Manna community outreach population resides in rural areas with
programmes which sponsor food limited access to clean water sources
provisions for underprivileged families. and basic health facilities.

Also in December, staff from Keppel Land Water for Life (Yangon) provides
and Keppel Capital, together with their over 7,000 villagers in the cyclone-hit
family members, packed, distributed townships of Kaw Hmu and Kungyangon
and delivered festive goodie bags to over in Myanmar with better access to clean
70 needy families. Keppel Land also drinking water. A total of 51 employees
sponsored the goodie bags which included from across Keppel’s business units
items such as home appliances and participated in seven volunteer trips
festive treats. for the project.

Keppel Land rallied

over 170 of its tenants
and staff across the
Keppel Group, as well
as Running Hour,
a running club which
promotes integration
of people with special
needs, to participate
in the National
Geographic Earth Day
Run 2017.

Nurturing Communities

Community and Society

Launched in 2013, the three-year Staff of Keppel Land Vietnam also Staff from Keppel Land’s Zhongshan
project saw the installation of 24 tube made regular visits to the school to office also donated pre-loved clothes to
wells and water storage shelters, the engage staff and children. the Zhongshan Social Care Centre.
implementation of some 16 educational
programmes on basic hygiene and In Indonesia, Keppel Land, in partnership In partnership with the Daw Khin Kyi
healthcare as well as the refurbishment with PT Acset Indonusa Tbk, its main Foundation, which was founded by
of five hospitals and two rural health contractor for its condominium in Nobel Laureate and Myanmar State
centres. In addition, staff at these West Jakarta, West Vista, built a Counsellor H.E. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi,
medical facilities were provided with community facility for underprivileged Sedona Hotel Yangon hosted a charity
training on basic healthcare skills. children in Duri Kosambi, Cengkareng, auction which raised more than $170,000.
The project ended its run in March 2016. West Jakarta, which includes a multi- The Foundation supports community
purpose hall, library, playground and outreach programmes for the
In Myanmar, Keppel Land owns sports facilities. Named Ruang Publik underprivileged in Myanmar.
Sedona Hotel Yangon and has a Terpadu Ramah Anak Duri Kosambi, this
40% stake in Junction City Tower. facility is part of the Jakarta government’s
The Company also has a 40% stake citywide initiative to build community
in the serviced residences and spaces for low-income families.
office component of Phase Two of
Junction City. Giving Back
Keppel Land China collaborated with
Grooming Talents the People’s Government of Sheshan
To support the skills development Town and Shanghai Charity Foundation
of Myanmar’s hospitality workforce, to organise a charity run in the
Sedona Hotel Yangon signed a Sheshan precinct and to raise funds
Memorandum of Understanding with for beneficiaries under the Shanghai
the Singapore-Myanmar Vocational Charity Foundation.
Training Institute to provide on-the-job
training opportunities for the institute’s In conjunction with the event, the
students. Through the partnership, Shanghai Singapore Business Association
Sedona Hotel Yangon sponsored book organised a charity flea market while
prizes for students in the housekeeping, the Shanghai Singapore International
front office and food and beverage School donated art pieces for auction.
courses, as well as offered 15 internships The event raised about $10,000 for
and permanent positions to the top the Keppel Land China Special Fund
six students among the cohort in 2016. in aid of children with leukemia
and haemophilia.
Together with its main contractor for
Saigon Centre, Hoa Binh Construction & Together with residents from the
Real Estate Corporation, Keppel Land Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City, staff
Vietnam pledged over $8,300 to An Phu from Keppel Land’s Tianjin office raised
Secondary School in HCMC for the funds for the Xinhua Autistic Children’s
second consecutive year. This includes School during the year. On a separate
scholarships for 15 underprivileged occasion, residents and staff of the
students who had excelled academically, Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City also
as well as sponsorship of multimedia donated stationery to the beneficiaries
and classroom fittings. of Sunshine Home, a facility for
intellectually-challenged children,
Community Engagement in Tanggu District.
In June 2016, staff volunteers from
Keppel Land China’s Beijing office Staff of Spring City Golf & Lake Resort
visited and engaged with elderly (Spring City) in Kunming supported the
residents from Ba Li Zhuang nursing underprivileged with several donation
home, while staff of the Company’s drives. A charity fair and family day
Zhongshan office visited the Zhongshan was organised to raise funds for orphans
special school to interact with children in the villages of Tangchi and Ase.
with special needs. Staff also collaborated with the local
government to raise donations in winter
Throughout 2016, Keppel Land Vietnam clothing and bedlinen to needy families
continued to support students of its in Tangchi. During its Annual Golf
adopted school, Vinh Son Primary School Cup Auction, Spring City also raised
in District 7, HCMC. Keppel Land’s over $15,000 to the Kunming Sunshine
sponsorship included providing Elderly Home. The proceeds from the
underprivileged children with a bottle of auction were used for improvement
milk daily. School uniforms, backpacks, works at the home, including the building
electronic equipment as well as books of an en suite indoor activity centre
were also donated to the school. and a food storage room.

56 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

GRI Standards Content Index
For ‘In Accordance’ – Comprehensive

Level of Reporting, External External

ISO 26000 Page Reference and/or Assurance Assurance
General Disclosures Clauses Explanation for Omissions Yes (Y)/No (N) Reference

Organisational Profile
GRI 102-1 Name of the organisation – 3 Y 57-62
GRI 102-2 Activities, brands, products, and services – 3 N –
GRI 102-3 Location of headquarters 6.2 3 N –
GRI 102-4 Location of operations – AR (4-5) N –
GRI 102-5 Ownership and legal form – 3 N –
GRI 102-6 Markets served – AR (4-5) N –
GRI 102-7 Scale of the organisation – 3 N –
GRI 102-8 Information on employees and other workers – 46-47 Y 57-62
GRI 102-9 Supply Chain 6.4.1, 6.4.2 AR (28),18, 39 Y 57-62
GRI 102-10 Significant changes to the organisation and – AR (3), 18, 39 N –
its supply chain
GRI 102-11 Precautionary Principle or approach – 29-31 Y 57-62
GRI 102-12 External initiatives 6.4.3, 6.4.4, 10, 13 Y 57-62
6.4.5, 6.8.5, 7.8
GRI 102-13 Memberships of associations 6.4.5 13, 24 Y 57-62
GRI 102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker 4.7, 6.2, 7.4.2 4-6 Y 57-62
GRI 102-15 Key impacts, risks, and opportunities 4.7, 6.2, 7.4.2 Annual Report (AR) at N –
www.keppelland. com
page 31
Ethics and Integrity
GRI 102-16 Values, principles, standards and norms 4.4, 6.6.3 AR (27-28) N –
of behaviour
GRI 102-17 Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics 4.4, 6.6.3 AR (27-28) N –
GRI 102-18 Governance structure 6.2 AR (25) N –
GRI 102-19 Delegating authority 6.2, 7.4.3 10 N –
GRI 102-20 Executive-level responsibility for economic, 6.2, 7.4.3 10, AR (25) N –
environmental and social topics
GRI 102-21 Consulting stakeholders on economic, 6.2, 7.4.3 AR (28) N –
environmental and social topics
GRI 102-22 Composition of the highest governance body 6.2, 7.4.3 AR (25) N –
and its committees
GRI 102-23 Chair of the highest governance body 6.2, 7.4.3 AR (25) N –

GRI 102-24 Nominating and selecting the highest 6.2, 7.4.3 AR (25-26) N –
governance body
GRI 102-25 Conflicts of interest 6.2, 7.4.3 AR (27-28) N –
GRI 102-26 Role of highest governance body in setting 6.2, 7.4.3 AR (25-27) N –
purpose, values and strategy
GRI 102-27 Collective knowledge of highest governance body 6.2, 7.4.3 AR (25) N –

Legend Fully reported Partially reported

Other Information

GRI Standards Content Index

For ‘In Accordance’ – Comprehensive

Level of Reporting, External External

ISO 26000 Page Reference and/or Assurance Assurance
General Disclosures Clauses Explanation for Omissions Yes (Y)/No (N) Reference

GRI 102-28 Evaluating the highest governance body’s 6.2, 7.4.3, 7.7.5 AR (25) N –
own performance
GRI 102-29 Identifying and managing economic, 6.2, 7.4.3 AR (25-28) N –
environmental and social impacts

GRI 102-30 Effectiveness of risk management processes 6.2, 7.4.3 AR (29-31) N –

GRI 102-31 Review of economic, environmental and 6.2, 7.4.3 AR (25) N –
social topics
GRI 102-32 Highest governance body's role in 6.2, 7.4.3 2 N –
sustainability reporting

GRI 102-33 Communicating critical concerns 6.2, 7.4.3 50, AR (28) N –

GRI 102-34 Nature and total number of critical concerns 6.2, 7.4.3 50, AR (28) N –
GRI 102-35 Remuneration policies 6.2, 7.4.3 AR (26) N –
GRI 102-36 Process for determining remuneration 6.2, 7.4.3 AR (26) N –

GRI 102-37 Stakeholders' involvment in remuneration 6.2, 7.4.3 AR (26) N –

GRI 102-38 Annual total compensation ratio 6.2, 7.4.3 – Information is N –


GRI 102-39 Percentage increase in annual total 6.2, 7.4.3 – Information is N –

compensation ratio confidential

Stakeholder Engagement
GRI 102-40 List of stakeholder groups 5.3 9 Y 57-62
GRI 102-41 Collective bargaining agreements 6.3.10 51 Y 57-62
GRI 102-42 Identifying and selecting stakeholders 5.3 9 Y 57-62
GRI 102-43 Approach to stakeholder engagement 5.3 22, 37, 42, 50 Y 57-62
GRI 102-44 Key topics and concerns raised 5.3 22, 37, 42, 50 Y 57-62
Reporting Practice
GRI 102-45 Entities included in the consolidated 7.3.2 AR (3, 6-7) Y 57-62
financial statements
GRI 102-46 Defining report content and topic Boundaries 5.2, 7.3.2 2, 10 Y 57-62
GRI 102-47 List of the material topics 5.2, 7.3.2 11 Y 57-62
GRI 102-48 Restatements of information – 2 Y 57-62
GRI 102-49 Changes in reporting – 2, 11 Y 57-62
GRI 102-50 Reporting period – 2 Y 57-62
GRI 102-51 Date of most recent previous report – 2 Y 57-62
GRI 102-52 Reporting cycle – 2 Y 57-62
GRI 102-53 Contact point for questions regarding the report 7.5.3 2 Y 57-62
GRI 102-54 Claims of reporting in accordance with 7.5.3, 7.6.2 1, 57-62 Y 57-62
the GRI Standards
GRI 102-55 GRI Content Index 7.5.3, 7.6.2 57-62 Y 57-62
GRI 102-56 External assurance 7.5.3, 7.6.2 2, 63-66 Y 57-62
Management Approach
GRI 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and 7.3.3, 7.3.4 11 Y 57-62
its Boundary
GRI 103-2 The management approach and its components 6.2, 6.8 10-11, 15-17, 38-39, Y 57-62
44, 54, AR(6-9, 28, 31)
GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 7, 12, 16-17, 40-41, 43, Y 57-62
50, AR(6-9, 26-27, 29)

Legend Fully reported Partially reported

58 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Level of Reporting, External External
ISO 26000 Page Reference and/or Assurance Assurance
General Disclosures Clauses Explanation for Omissions Yes (Y)/No (N) Reference

Topic-Specific Standards Disclosures

– Material Topics
Category: Economic
Economic Performance
GRI 201-1 Direct economic value generated 6.8.1, 6.8.2, AR (2-3) N –
and distributed 6.8.3, 6.8.7,
GRI 201-2 Financial implications and other risks and 6.5.5 19, 29 Y 57-62
opportunities due to climate change
GRI 201-3 Defined benefit plan obligations and other 6.8.7 46-47 Y 57-62
retirement plans
GRI 201-4 Significant financial assistance received – 51 Y 57-62
from government
Market Presence
GRI 202-1 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender 6.4.3, 6.4.4, 47 Y 57-62
compared to local minimum wage 6.8.1, 6.8.2
GRI 202-2 Proportion of senior management hired from 6.8.1, 6.8.2, 49 Y 57-62
the local community 6.8.5, 6.8.7
Category: Environmental
GRI 301-1 Materials used by weight or volume 6.5.4 28 Y 57-62
GRI-301-2 Recycled input materials used 6.5.4 28 Y 57-62
GRI-301-3 Reclaimed products and their packing materials 6.5.5 Disclosure is not Y 57-62
applicable as input
building materials
including packaging are
purchased directly by
the main contractors.
GRI 302-1 Energy consumption within the organisation 6.5.4 25 Y 57-62
GRI 302-2 Energy consumption outside of the organisation 6.5.4 25 Y 57-62
GRI 302-3 Energy Intensity 6.5.4 25 Y 57-62
GRI 302-4 Reduction of Energy Consumption 6.5.4, 6.5.5 25 Y 57-62
GRI 302-5 Reductions in energy requirements of products and 6.5.4, 6.5.5 25 Y 57-62
CRE1 Building energy intensity 6.5.4 25 Y 57-62
GRI 303-1 Water withdrawal by source 6.5.4 26 Y 57-62
GRI 303-2 Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal 6.5.4 26 Y 57-62
of water
GRI 303-3 Water recycled and reused 6.5.4 Amount of water Y 57-62
recycled mainly
for irrigation use
is insignificant.
CRE2 Building water intensity 6.5.4 26 Y 57-62

Legend Fully reported Partially reported

Other Information

GRI Standards Content Index

For ‘In Accordance’ – Comprehensive

Level of Reporting, External External

ISO 26000 Page Reference and/or Assurance Assurance
General Disclosures Clauses Explanation for Omissions Yes (Y)/No (N) Reference

GRI 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions 6.5.5 27 Y 57-62
GRI 305-2 Energy Indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions 6.5.5 27 Y 57-62
GRI 305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions 6.5.5 27 Y 57-62
GRI 305-4 GHG emissions intensity 6.5.5 27 Y 57-62
GRI 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions 6.5.5 27 Y 57-62
GRI 305-6 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) 6.5.5 Disclosure is not Y 57-62
applicable as the
Company does not
have ozone-depleting
GRI 305-7 NO, SO, and other significant emissions 6.5.3 Disclosure is not Y 57-62
applicable as the
Company is not
regulated by national
laws, regulations or
environmental permits
to report significant
air emissions for its
CRE3 Greenhouse gas intensity from buildings 6.5.5 27 Y 57-62
CRE4 Greenhouse gas emissions intensity from 6.5.5 27 Y 57-62
new construction and redevelopment activity
Effluents and Waste
GRI 306-1 Water discharge by quality and destination 6.5.3 26 Y 57-62
Partial disclosure
as wastewater is
discharged into the
public sewerage
system or sewage
treatment plant.
GRI 306-2 Waste by type and disposal method 6.5.4 26 Y 57-62
Partial disclosure
as wastewater is
discharged into the
public sewerage
system or sewage
treatment plant.
GRI 306-3 Significant spills 6.5.3 – Disclosure is not Y 57-62
applicable as Keppel
Land does not have
significant spills.
GRI 306-4 Transport of hazardous waste 6.5.3 – Disclosure is not Y 57-62
applicable as waste
on-site is managed by
the main contractors
and the Company
does not transport,
import, export or treat
hazardous waste.
GRI 306-5 Water bodies affected by water discharges 6.5.3, 6.5.4, – Disclosure is not Y 57-62
and runoff 6.5.6 applicable as waste
water is discharged into
the public sewerage
system or sewage
treatment plant.

Legend Fully reported Partially reported

60 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Level of Reporting, External External
ISO 26000 Page Reference and/or Assurance Assurance
General Disclosures Clauses Explanation for Omissions Yes (Y)/No (N) Reference

Environmental Compliance
GRI 307-1 Non-compliance with environmental laws 4.6 18 Y 57-62
and regulations
Category: Social
GRI 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover 6.4.3 45 Y 57-62
GRI 401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees 6.4.4, 6.8.7 47 Y 57-62
that are not provided to temporary or
part-time employees
GRI 401-3 Parental leave 6.4.4 51 Y 57-62
Labour Management Relations
GRI 402-1 Minimum notice periods regarding 6.4.3, 6.4.5 51 Y 57-62
operational changes Partial disclosure
as duration of
minimum notice
period is confidential
Occupational Health and Safety
GRI 403-1 Workers representation in formal joint 6.4.6 39 Y 57-62
management-worker health and
safety committees
GRI 403-2 Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational 6.4.6, 6.8.8 43 Y 57-62
diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and
number of work-related fatalities
GRI 403-3 Workers with high incidence or high risk 6.8.8, 6.8.8 42 Y 57-62
of diseases related to their occupation
GRI 403-4 Health and safety topics covered in formal 6.4.6 51 Y 57-62
agreements with trade unions
CRE6 Percentage of the organisation operating 6.4, 6.4.6 40-41 Y 57-62
in verified compliance with an
internationally recognized health and
safety management system
Training and Education
GRI 404-1 Average hours of training per year 6.4.7 49 Y 57-62
per employee
GRI 404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills 6.4.7, 6.8.5 24, 42, 49 Y 57-62
and transition assistance programs
GRI 404-3 Percentage of employees receiving 6.4.7 48 Y 57-62
regular performance and career
development reviews
GRI 406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective 6.3.6, 6.3.7, 45-46 Y 57-62
actions taken 6.3.10, 6.4.3
Child Labour
GRI 408-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk 6.3.3, 6.3.4, 40 Y 57-62
for incidents of child labour 6.3.5, 6.3.7,
6.3.10, 6.6.6,

Legend Fully reported Partially reported

Other Information

GRI Standards Content Index

For ‘In Accordance’ – Comprehensive

Level of Reporting, External External

ISO 26000 Page Reference and/or Assurance Assurance
General Disclosures Clauses Explanation for Omissions Yes (Y)/No (N) Reference

Local Communities
GRI 413-1 Operations with implemented local community 6.3.9, 6.5.1, 52 Y 57-62
engagement, impact assessments, and 6.5.2, 6.5.3, 6.8
development programmes.
GRI 413-2 Operations with significant actual and potential 6.3.9, 6.5.3, 6.8 52-56 Y 57-62
negative impacts on local communities.
CRE7 Number of persons voluntarily and involuntarily – – Disclosure is not Y 57-62
displaced and/or resettled by development, applicable as impacts
broken down by project. on local communities
in the countries that
Keppel Land operates
in are guided by the
respective authorities’
land planning
Customer Health and Safety
GRI 416-1 Assessment of the health and safety impacts 6.7.1, 6.7.2, 41 Y 57-62
of product and service categories 6.7.4, 6.7.5,
GRI 416-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning 4.6, 6.7.1, 6.7.2, 18 Y 57-62
the health and safety impacts of products 6.7.4, 6.7.5,
and services 6.8.8
Marketing and Labeling
GRI 417-1 Requirements for product and service 4.6, 6.7.1, 6.7.0 36 Y 57-62
information and labeling
GRI 417-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning 4.6, 6.7.1, 6.7.1 36 Y 57-62
product and service information and labeling
GRI 417-3 Incidents of non-compliance concerning 4.6, 6.7.1, 6.7.2 36 Y 57-62
marketing communications
Socioeconomic Compliance
GRI 419-1 Non-compliance with laws and regulations 4.6 18 Y 57-62
in the social and economic area

Legend Fully reported Partially reported

62 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Independent Assurance Statement

To the Management and Stakeholders of Keppel Land Limited

Keppel Land Limited (“Keppel Land”, the “Company”) engaged Ere-S Pte Ltd (“Ere-S”) to
provide independent assurance of its Sustainability Report 2016 (the “Report”).

Scope and Limitations

The assurance scope included all figures, statements and claims related to
sustainability during the reporting period January 2016 to December 2016. It did not
cover information related to financial performance, technical descriptions of equipment,
buildings, resorts, software and production processes. The assurance also excluded
historical information and performance data already verified in previous sustainability
reports and information not related to sustainability or already supported by existing
documents, such as third-party audits or certifications (e.g. BCA Green Mark, ISO,
Green Office) and Keppel Land’s Annual Report.

The assessment of the “Environment” and “People” sections of the Report only covered
quantitative information and key disclosures of management approach. Awards,
estimated future savings of new properties and career development initiatives were not
included in the assurance.

Ere-S did not check whether all elements provided in the GRI guidance (What to Report)
on each indicator had been fully reported and whether Keppel Land’s efforts and
initiatives were aligned with the six identified Sustainability Development Goals.

Type of Assurance and Criteria

The assurance process was conducted under a moderate (or limited) level of assurance
in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000 (ISAE
3000). A moderate assurance is limited to desktop review and management-level evidence
gathering and data verification with restricted sampling at lower levels in the organisation.

The assurance also conforms to the AA1000 Assurance Standard (2008) Type 2, which
requires evaluation the Company’s overall sustainability framework with regard to
material issues assessment and stakeholder engagement. This was conducted using
the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles (AA1000APS 2008) of inclusivity, materiality and
responsiveness. AA1000 Assurance Standard also requires an evaluation of the quality
of the reported sustainability performance information. For this, Ere-S employed the GRI
Standards Reporting Principles (reliability, accuracy, balance, comparability, timeliness,
clarity, sustainability context and completeness).

Assurance Methodology
The assurance procedures and principles used for this engagement are compliant with
ISAE 3000 and were drawn from a methodology developed by Ere-S, which consists of
the following steps:

1. Identify and classify statements and data sets according to the scope, data
ownership and type of evidence required for the verification process.

2. Carry out interviews with key functional managers and data owners at Keppel Land’s
corporate office in Singapore to verify data. The verification of the information was
done through the following activities:
• Enquiring about the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the Report disclosures,
including performance information, policies, procedures and underlying
management systems.
• Requesting evidence of the data sources and explanation of relevant collection
and calculation methods to substantiate the figures and claims. This includes
sampling of quantitative data to validate relevant sources and other
supporting documents.
• Challenging claims made in the Report and, where possible, confirming the
presented evidence, including calculation methods, criteria and assumptions,
with multiple data owners and other documentation from internal and
external sources.
• Crosschecking data with previous Keppel Land sustainability reports and
Keppel Land’s latest published Annual Reports.

3. Assess the collected information and develop recommendations for immediate

correction (where required) or future improvement of the Report content.

Other Information

Independent Assurance Statement

Responsibility and Independence

This statement represents the independent opinion of Ere-S. The management of
Keppel Land was responsible for the preparation of the Report and all statements and
figures contained within it. The responsibility of Ere-S was to provide the assurance,
to express conclusions in relation to the agreed scope and to prepare the assurance
report and this assurance statement for the management of Keppel Land alone and
for no other purpose. Ere-S was not involved in the development of the Report or the
disclosed management processes; neither has Ere-S been engaged by Keppel Land
for other projects. The activities of Ere-S are independent of Keppel Land and entail
no financial interest in Keppel Land’s business operations. Ere-S is not responsible
for any actions taken by other parties resulting from the findings presented in
this assurance statement.

Findings and Observations

During the reporting period, Keppel Land’s efforts in applying and improving its
sustainability management and reporting approaches appeared to be solid and
consistent with what had been done in previous years. Observed improvements
include alignment with the latest international sustainability reporting frameworks,
such as the GRI Standards, UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the
Sustainability Design Standards, the introduction of a new HSE Improvement Plan,
the extension of the Integrated Management System (IMS) and the strengthening
of the Company’s initiatives in the supply chain, such as the new safety training
centre in China and the implementation of the Group’s supplier code of conduct.

Evaluation of the Adherence to the GRI Reporting Principles

Overall, the Report content is clear and provides a good coverage of the key topics
pertaining to the industry within the local and global sustainability contexts.
Assessment of the Company’s performance and the progress made through
the years is facilitated by quantitative disclosures and historical information
on key performance indicators (KPIs). Approaches to the identification and
management of material issues and engagement with stakeholders, as well as
the relevant policies and targets are also described in the Report. Statements on
the number of cases of non-compliance, stop orders, incurred fines, work-related
injuries and fatalities provide balanced content.

Our assessment showed that data on generated and recycled waste was still
incomplete for three properties. However, this gap appears to result from the
unavailability of waste processing infrastructures by the relevant local authorities
and is not attributable to Keppel Land’s approach. The assurance findings show
a high level of completeness in the performance measurement from all other
properties of the Company.

During the assurance process, high quality and traceability of data collection and
reporting procedures were observed through all covered operations. There was
also evidence of efforts to strengthen the standardisation of data calculation
procedures among the diverse business units. Using the Company’s sustainability
data management system, Ere-S carried out a more detailed assessment and
sampling of data trails related to the environmental KPIs. These provided stronger
confidence in the reliability and coherence of Keppel Land’s overall sustainability
data management and reporting structure.

Only a few inconsistencies between the data sources provided by the data owners
and the reported statements and figures were found during the verification.
The relevant corrections and other minor recommendations expressed by Ere-S
for improvement of the Report content have been applied by the reporting team
and relevant data owners of Keppel Land. Ere-S crosschecked the final version
of the Report to confirm the revisions made.

64 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Evaluation of the Adherence to AA1000 AccountAbility Principles
Inclusivity – How the organisation engages with stakeholders and enables their
participation in identifying issues and finding solutions.

Observed evidence of interactions between Keppel Land and its key stakeholders
during the reporting period was overall stronger and more frequent with employees
and customers for Singapore operations, in comparison with other locations
and groups of stakeholders. However, the Company’s engagement approaches were
found to be equally implemented overseas. These approaches included surveys,
meetings, intranet, online channels (for staff and customers), events (e.g. conferences
or talks for employees and contractors) and management visits to construction site.

Evidence of active engagement was also found with government agencies in

Singapore and globally with NGOs (for community outreach efforts). Processes to
engage with contractors and their workforce were observed in key locations and
were essentially related to health and safety.

Materiality – How the organisation recognises issues that are relevant and significant
to it and its stakeholders.

Diverse mechanisms implemented by Keppel Land for materiality determination and

prioritisation were observed during the assurance. These include the engagement
approaches described above, the CSR Committee Structure, including risk
assessment and internal audit, and other management approaches under the IMS to
regularly assess processes and performance and identify risks and issues affecting
the Company’s operations and key stakeholders.

These assurance findings also confirm the involvement of the senior management in
the prioritisation of key environmental and social issues highlighted in the Report as
well as overseeing the strategic and operational responses given to them.

Responsiveness – How the organisation responds to stakeholder issues and feedback

through decisions, actions, performance and communication.

Observed examples of action taken by Keppel Land resulting from engagement with
stakeholders during the reporting period included the ‘Thinking Unboxed’ project
and the implementation of stronger processes for quality review. Other new initiatives
taken by the Company to address key material issues included the application of
sustainability design standards the guidelines on design for safety, the new supplier
code of conduct, the HSE improvement plan and additional training on innovation
and safety. Evidence showed that some of these initiatives were supported by
performance indicators and targets, including links between performance and
the remuneration of relevant managers and senior executives.

Keppel Land’s actions and performance were also communicated to stakeholders

during the reporting period through the Company’s usual engagement and
communication channels, including events, meetings, internal reports,
newsletters, portal, external publications and social media.

On the basis of a moderate assurance engagement according to the above-listed criteria,
nothing has come to our attention that causes us not to believe that, in all material
respects, Keppel Land’s Sustainability Report 2016 provides
– a credible and fair representation of the Company’s sustainability profile and
application of the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles, and
− statements and figures that achieve an adequate level of reliability and accuracy.

Within the scope of the assurance, the findings also provide confidence that the Report
has been prepared in accordance with the reporting principles of the GRI Standards.

Other Information

Independent Assurance Statement

Moving Forward
To further improve the quality of sustainability reporting by Keppel Land, Ere-S
recommends the following:
• The sustainability report could benefit from more disclosures and, ideally,
cases studies showing how sustainability issues specific to overseas locations
and the supply chain are determined and prioritised through direct engagement
with stakeholders. As environment, safety issues are already covered adequately
in the Report for all operations, this recommendation applies specifically to
social aspects and overseas stakeholders including, for example, employees of
business units, construction workers, unions, government agencies and NGOs
where applicable.

To show a stronger application of the balance and inclusivity principles, such
disclosures and case studies should also provide details about the negative
performance of the Company or business units regarding the identified issue(s).
This should also include the extent of stakeholder participation in evaluating the
impacts and identifying the solution, and the results of the mitigating actions taken.

• Ere-S commends the efforts made by Keppel Land during recent years to strengthen
its sustainability performance data management processes. Nevertheless, a higher
level of standardisation and traceability could still be attained for data collection
and reporting channels, especially for overseas locations and the supply chain.
To achieve this, the Company could reinforce the awareness and training of data
owners to ensure that detailed performance data and the relevant supporting
information are entered systematically into the data management system.

The above findings and additional suggestions for improvement have been presented
to the management of Keppel Land in a more detailed assurance report.

Singapore, 30 May 2017

Jean-Pierre Dalla Palma

Director and Lead Certified Sustainability Assurance Practitioner

Ere-S Pte Ltd is a consulting company specialising in business sustainability and provides services in the
domains of sustainability reporting, sustainability report assurance, stakeholder engagement and CSR
training. Our assurance team is composed of assurance practitioners with expertise in CSR and each member
is required to follow Ere-S’ assurance code of conduct, which can be found at

66 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

International Network

Singapore China Shanghai

Keppel Land China Limited
Keppel Land Limited Beijing (Head Office)
230 Victoria Street Beijing Kingsley Property 39th Floor Wheelock Square
#15-05 Bugis Junction Towers Development Co. Ltd. 1717 Nanjing West Road
Singapore 188024 Unit 706 Shanghai, China 200040
Tel: (65) 6338 8111 China World Office 2 Tel: (86) 21 6171 2121
Fax: (65) 6337 7168 No. 1 Jian Guo Men Wai Avenue Fax: (86) 21 6171 2122
Chaoyang District
Keppel Land Retail Beijing, China 100004 Keppel Land (Shanghai)
Management Pte Ltd Tel: (86) 10 6505 0866 Management Co., Ltd
1 Fifth Avenue Fax: (86) 10 6505 0865 Room 2001 Park Place
#02-06/07 Guthrie House 1601 Nanjing West Road
Singapore 268802 Beijing Aether Property 200040 Shanghai, China
Tel: (65) 6466 2555 Development Co. Ltd Tel: (86) 21 6288 3066
Fax: (65) 6466 0578 Block A, Room 701, Hanwei Plaza Fax: (86) 21 6288 2799
No. 7 Guanghua Road
Chaoyang District Shenyang
Beijing, China 100004 Keppel Township Development
Tel: (86) 10 6561 8822 (Shenyang) Co Ltd
Fax: (86) 10 6561 3322 No. 26 Puxin Road
Shenbei New District
Chengdu Shenyang
Chengdu Hillstreet Development Co., Ltd. Liaoning Province, China 110135
Unit 903 New Hope Tower Tel: (86) 24 8972 7567
45 Ren Min Nan Lu Section 4 Fax: (86) 24 8972 7599
Sichuan Province, China 610041 Tianjin
Tel: (86) 28 8702 6688 Keppel Hong Da (Tianjin Eco-City)
Fax: (86) 28 2801 5599 Property Development Co., Ltd
No. 2018 Zhong Tian Da Dao RBO Block 13,
Jiangyin Level 1 Unit 101,
Jiangyin Evergro Property Co Ltd Eco-Business Park, Sino-Singapore Tianjin
#7 Clubhouse, Stamford City Eco-City,
Wenhua Lu (Opposite Jiangyin Tianjin 300467, China
Tianhua Cultural Centre) Tel: (86) 22 6633 1088
Jiangyin Fax: (86) 22 6537 6025
Jiangsu Province, China 214400
Tel: (86) 510 8683 9999 Wuxi
Fax: (86) 510 8641 0780 Keppel Lakefront (Wuxi)
Property Development Co., Ltd
Kunming Keppel Waterfront Residence Sales Gallery
Spring City Golf & Lake Resort Northeast of West Gaolang Road & Jinshi Road
Tangchi, Yiliang, Binhu District, Wuxi
Kunming Jiangsu Province, China 214121
Yunnan Province, China 652103 Tel: (86) 510 8562 3083
Tel: (86) 871 6767 1188 Fax: (86) 510 8562 2213
Fax: (86) 871 6767 1119
Nantong Sunsea Yacht Club (Zhongshan) Co Ltd
Keppel Lakefront (Nantong) Property No. 23, Cai Hong Rd, Shenwan Town,
Development Co. Ltd. Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province,
10 Shanghai Road P.R.China,
NETDA China 528462
Jiangsu Province, China 226010 Tel: (86) 760 8892 6108
Tel: (86) 513 8919 9798 Fax: (86) 760 8892 6178
Fax: (86) 513 8919 0788

Other Information

International Network

India Myanmar
Bangalore Yangon
Keppel Puravankara Development Pvt Ltd Sedona Hotel Yangon
#21/30, Prestige Craig House No. 1 Kaba Aye Pagoda Road
3rd Floor, Craig Park Layout Yankin Township
M.G. Road, Bengaluru 560 001, India Yangon, Myanmar
Tel: (91) 08 4150 5000 Tel: (95) 1 666 900
Fax: (91) 08 4150 5008 Fax: (95) 1 666 911

Indonesia The Philippines

Batam Ortigas, Manila
PT Nongsa Point Marina Keppel Philippines Properties, Inc.
Jl. Hang Lekiu Units 2203-2204
Nongsa, Batam 29432, Batam, Indonesia Raffles Corporate Center Building
Tel: (62) 778 761 333 F Ortigas Jr. Avenue
Fax: (62) 778 761 330 Ortigas Center
Pasig City 1605
Bintan Tel: (63) 2 584 6170/71
PT Ria Bintan Fax: (63) 2 584 3915
Jl. Perigi Raja
Lagoi North Bintan
Kepulauan Riau Bintan Resorts
Indonesia 29152 Vietnam
Tel: (62) 770 692 868
Fax: (62) 770 692 837 Hanoi
Keppel Land Vietnam Company Ltd
Jakarta (Hanoi Branch Office)
PT Keppel Land Unit 05B, 2nd Floor, International Centre
PT Kepland Investama 17 Ngo Quyen Street, Hoan Kiem District
PT Harapan Global Niaga Hanoi, Vietnam
PT Puri Land Tel: (84) 4 3936 7745
International Financial Centre 17th Floor Fax: (84) 4 3936 7680
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 22-23
Jakarta 12920, Indonesia Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC)
Tel: (62) 21 571 2238 Keppel Land Vietnam Company Ltd
Fax: (62) 21 571 1813 (Head Office)
Unit 2, 8th Floor, Saigon Centre
65 Le Loi Boulevard, District 1
HCMC, Vietnam
Malaysia Tel: (84) 8 3821 8000
Fax: (84) 8 3821 3540
Johor Bahru
Tanah Sutera Development Keppel Land Watco Co. Ltd
Sdn Bhd 4th Floor Saigon Centre
No. 2 Jalan Sutera Merah 2 65 Le Loi Boulevard, District 1
Taman Sutera HCMC, Vietnam
81200 Johor Bahru, Malaysia Tel: (84) 8 3823 2500
Tel: (60) 7 289 9009 Fax: (84) 8 3822 9822
Fax: (60) 7 289 9119
Sedona Suites Ho Chi Minh City
Saigon Centre,
65 Le Loi Boulevard, District 1
HCMC, Vietnam
Tel: (84) 8 3822 9666
Fax: (84) 8 3822 9229

68 Keppel Land Limited Sustainability Report 2016

Keppel Land Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore)
230 Victoria Street #15-05
Bugis Junction Towers
Singapore 188024

Tel: (65) 6338 8111

Fax: (65) 6337 7168

Co Reg No: 189000001G

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