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CSR Report 2009

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At Intel, we never stop looking for bold ideas in technology,
business, manufacturing, and corporate responsibility.
In this report, we discuss our corporate responsibility performance during 2009, including
our strategic approach to key environmental, social, and governance indicators. This report
was prepared using the Global Reporting Initiative* (GRI) G3 guidelines, and we self-declare
the report at the GRI Application Level A.
L e tt e r f r o m o u r C EO

Corporate responsibility is about doing the right things right. Throughout Intel’s history, we have
focused on building an ethical culture, reducing our environmental impact, investing in our employees,
and engaging with our communities. Our approach has created value not only for our stakeholders and
society, but also for Intel. We have reduced costs through energy conservation investments, minimized
risk by proactively working with our communities and supply chain, and enhanced our reputation as a
leading corporate citizen by building trusted relationships around the world.

In 2009, we continued to invest in our corporate responsibility priorities, despite difficult eco- to partner with governments and educators to develop and implement programs that
nomic conditions. We completed a number of energy efficiency, water conservation, and solar combine technology, Internet connectivity, and training to improve teaching and learning
installation projects in our facilities, and Intel remained the largest purchaser of “green” power around the world.
in the U.S., according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. To help drive accountability,
In 2009, we faced challenges related to antitrust allegations, including cases brought by
again this year a portion of all employees’ variable compensation was dependent upon Intel
the European Commission, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, and the New York Attorney
achieving its environmental goals. We also became a member of the United Nations Global
General. We firmly believe that Intel has operated fairly and lawfully, and we are continuing
Compact and published new Human Rights Principles, reinforcing our commitment to leader-
to appeal and to make our arguments in a court of law.
ship in corporate responsibility.
We also faced challenges in reducing our water use and waste generation in 2009, but we
Corporate responsibility for Intel is also about innovation, as we apply our resources to
expect that the implementation of new technologies will enable us to improve our perfor-
address global challenges. In 2009, we launched the Intel Sponsors of Tomorrow™ marketing
mance in these areas so we can achieve our 2012 environmental goals.
campaign, which celebrates the accomplishments and contributions of Intel employees—
innovators in the truest sense of the word. I continue to be amazed by their relentless focus As you read this report, I hope that you will sense a continued progression, noting how we
on operational excellence, and their generosity in sharing their time and talent in our commu- are building on successes, further integrating corporate responsibility into our culture and
nities. Every day they are discovering new ways to bring about improvements in education, decision-making processes, and seeking new challenges to work on. We appreciate that our
the environment, and healthcare. leadership position—in both innovation and corporate responsibility—must be earned every
day. We welcome your feedback on this report, as well as suggestions for how we can drive
By improving the energy-efficient performance of our products, for example, our employ-
performance improvements and increase value for our stakeholders around the world.
ees are helping our customers and entire segments of the economy reduce energy use and
address climate change. We estimate that the conversion to the energy-efficient Intel® Core™
microarchitecture saved up to 26 terawatt-hours of electricity between 2006 and 2009,
compared to the technology it replaced. Our employees are also involved in initiatives to accel-
erate the integration of intelligent renewable energy sources, smart grids, and smart buildings. Paul S. Otellini
President and Chief Executive Officer
Innovation—and the economic development and competitiveness of countries—depend on
the availability of a workforce with a strong mastery of math and science and the skills to
apply knowledge in new ways. To inspire the next generation of innovators, Intel continues
C o n t e n t s

Overview E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s 73 Supply Chain 102 Investing in Higher Education,

74 Our Approach to Supply Chain Research, and Entrepreneurship
5 Corporate Profile 31 Environment
Responsibility 104 Technology and Access
32 Our Approach to
8 Our Approach to Corporate 77 2009 Assessment and Audit 106 Performance Summary & Goals
Environmental Sustainability
Responsibility Summary
35 Climate Change and Energy
9 An Integrated, Strategic Approach 77 Supplier Diversity A pp e n d i x
10 Management and Decision-Making 108 About This Report/Approach
41 Water Conservation 78 Sustainable Purchasing
to Assurance
11 Stakeholder Engagement 80 Extractives and
45 Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 109 GRI Content Index
15 Sustainability Trends: Key Conflict-Free Metals
47 Reducing Air Emissions 116 UN Global Compact—Communication
Challenges and Opportunities 81 Performance Summary & Goals
48 Product Ecology on Progress 2009
16 Performance Summary
50 Performance Summary & Goals 82 Community
17 Corporate Responsibility Goal
Summary 83 Our Approach to Community
S o cial Fact o r s
18 Awards and Recognitions 53 Workplace About This Document
85 Intel Involved and Skills-Based
54 Our Approach to Empowering Look for these icons throughout this document
Governance and Volunteering to learn more.
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s Our Employees
89 Collaborating to Solve Community
19 Financial Performance 58 Career Growth and Development Challenges with Technology Click on image to watch video.
and Economic Impact
20 2009 Financial Performance
60 Communication and Recognition
61 Workforce Diversity
90 The Intel Foundation and
Community Giving
? Click on icon for more information.

22 Economic Impact 93 Performance Summary & Goals The information contained here is
65 Compensation, Benefits, interactive. Use your mouse to roll over
and Work/Life Effectiveness select content to get more details.
24 Governance, Ethics, 94 Education
69 Health and Safety,
and Public Policy 95 Our Approach to Improving Recommended Software
and Employee Wellness
25 Governance and Ethics Education Worldwide • Adobe Acrobat,* Version 7.0 and above.
72 Performance Summary & Goals • QuickTime*
28 Public Policy and Advocacy 98 Inspiring Young Innovators
30 Political Accountability 100 Empowering Teachers

Intel by the Numbers.

Mouse over numbers
for more details.

O v e r v i e w

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Corporate Profile
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility Intel is committed to pushing the boundaries of technology to make the lives of
Governance and people everywhere more exciting, fulfilling, and manageable. We enable innovation
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
19 Financial Performance
across a spectrum of computing devices by building successive generations of
and Economic Impact microprocessors that can cost less to manufacture, have improved performance
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy and energy efficiency, and offer more capabilities.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
31 Environment
S o cial Fact o r s
53 Workplace
73 Supply Chain
82 Community
94 Education
A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress ?
Click on icon to view locations of Intel’s wafer
fabrication facilities (fabs) and assembly and
test sites around the world.

90 64 2
Key Corporate Links
% % > Billion Intel 2009 Annual Report
and Form 10-K
Intel Investor Relations
Percentage of revenue at Percentage of wafer Number of
Intel Products
Access the Report Builder end of year from products manufacturing transistors on our
Technology Leadership
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report that did not exist at that takes place microprocessors
Innovation at Intel beginning of year at our sites in the U.S.

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O v e r v i e w

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Intel is the world’s largest semiconductor chip maker, based on revenue. Inc. accounted for 17% of our net revenue. No other customer accounted
8 Our Approach to Corporate We develop advanced integrated digital technology products, primarily for more than 10% of our net revenue. In 2009, 80% of our revenue came
Responsibility integrated circuits, for industries such as computing and communications. from customers outside the Americas.
Governance and We serve customers in more than 120 countries, and at fiscal year-end
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
2009 had 79,800 employees in more than 50 countries. To learn more Operating Segments
19 Financial Performance
about Intel’s history of innovation, visit our Corporate Timeline web site. At the end of 2009, we reorganized our business to better align our major
and Economic Impact
product groups around the core competencies of Intel® architecture and
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy Products our manufacturing operations. After the reorganization, we have nine
Our products include microprocessors, chipsets, motherboards, and wire- operating segments.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
less and wired connectivity products, as well as platforms that incorporate
31 Environment Intel Operating Segments
these components. We strive to optimize the overall performance improve-
S o cial Fact o r s Operating Segment Description
ments of our products by balancing increased performance capabilities
53 Workplace
with improved energy efficiency. The substantial majority of our revenue PC Client Group Delivering a high-quality computing and Internet
73 Supply Chain experience through Intel® architecture-based
is from the sale of microprocessors and chipsets. Most of our microproces- products and platforms, primarily for notebooks,
82 Community
sors are based on the latest generation Intel® Core™ microarchitecture. netbooks, and desktops.
94 Education
Data Center Group Delivering server, storage, and workstation plat-
A pp e n d i x Over time, we have delivered products that offer more capabilities and forms for small, medium, and large enterprises.
108 About This Report/Approach are faster, more energy-efficient, and more affordable. Intel’s first micro- Embedded and Delivering Intel architecture-based products as
to Assurance Communications solutions for embedded applications through long
processor, the 4004—introduced in 1971—incorporated 2,251 transistors.
Group life-cycle support, software and architectural
109 GRI Content Index Today, we manufacture microprocessors that incorporate more than 2 scalability, and platform integration.
116 UN Global Compact— billion transistors per chip. Compared to the 4004, our first 32-nanometer Digital Home Group Delivering Intel architecture-based products for
Communication on Progress next-generation consumer electronics devices
(nm) processors, introduced in early 2010, are 5,000 times faster and
with interactive Internet content and traditional
have transistors that cost 100,000 times less than the Intel 4004. If the broadcast programming.
cost-performance of the automobile followed a similar path, today’s cars Ultra-Mobility Group Building a business in the next-generation
handheld market segment with low-power Intel
could run at 470,000 miles per hour, get 100,000 miles per gallon, and cost
architecture-based products.
only three cents. For more information, visit our Products web site or our NAND Solutions Delivering advanced NAND flash memory products
2009 Annual Report and Form 10-K. Group for use in a variety of devices.
Wind River A wholly owned subsidiary delivering device
Software Group software optimization products to the embedded
Customers and handheld market segments, serving a variety
We sell our products primarily to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) of hardware architectures.
and original design manufacturers (ODMs). We also sell our products to Software and Delivering software products and services, in
Services Group addition to promoting Intel architecture as the
other manufacturers, including makers of a wide range of industrial and
platform of choice for software development.
communications equipment. Our customers also include PC and network Digital Health Group Delivering technology-enabled products designed
Access the Report Builder communications products users who buy PC components and our other to reduce healthcare costs and connect people and
information to improve patient care and safety.
products through distributor, reseller, retail, and OEM channels. In 2009,
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report Hewlett-Packard Company accounted for 21% of our net revenue and Dell In 2009, 75% of our revenue was attributable to the PC Client Group, 19% to the Data
Center Group, and 7% to all other operating segments.

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O v e r v i e w

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Global Operations Countries with More Than 50 Employees1
8 Our Approach to Corporate At the end of fiscal 2009, 64% of our wafer fabrication, including micro- Location Activities Employees
processors and chipsets, was conducted within the U.S. at our facilities in
Argentina SD, SM 110
Governance and Arizona, Oregon, New Mexico, and Massachusetts. The remaining 36% of
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s Brazil OS, SM 135
our wafer fabrication was conducted outside the U.S. at
19 Financial Performance China A, C, F , OS, R, SD, SM
and Economic Impact our facilities in Ireland and Israel. We are building a wafer
Costa Rica A, OS 2,709
24 Governance, Ethics, fabrication facility (fab) in China that is expected to begin
Watch Video Germany C, R, SD, SM 370
and Public Policy production in late 2010.
Hong Kong OS, SM 182
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
Following the manufacturing process, the majority of our components are India OS, R, SD, SM 2,349
31 Environment
assembled and tested at facilities in Malaysia, China, and Costa Rica. We are Ireland F, L, OS, R, SD, SM 2,915
S o cial Fact o r s building an assembly and test facility in Vietnam that is expected to begin Israel C, F, OS, R, SD, SM 5,134
53 Workplace production in the second half of 2010. In addition, we have sales and mar-
Japan OS, R, SD, SM 524
73 Supply Chain keting offices worldwide.
South Korea SD, SM 119
82 Community
As of the end of fiscal 2009, the substantial majority of our microproces- Malaysia A, L, SM, SY 9,382
94 Education
sors were manufactured on 300mm wafers using our 45nm process Mexico C, OS, R, SM 405
A pp e n d i x
technology, and we introduced the first products based on our 32nm Netherlands L 163
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance process technology. We have also already demonstrated the world’s first Philippines SM 51
109 GRI Content Index 22nm process technology, on track for production in 2011. The benefits of Poland OS, R, SM 402
116 UN Global Compact— moving to each succeeding generation of process technology can include Russia OS, R, SD, SM 883
Communication on Progress using less space per transistor, reducing heat output from each transistor, Singapore OS, SM 154
and/or increasing the number of integrated features on each chip. Taiwan OS, R, SM 467
For more information about our products, customers, and operations, United Kingdom C, OS, SM 719
see the Intel 2009 Annual Report and Form 10-K. United States A, C, F, L, OS, R, SD, SM, SY 42,492
Vietnam A 2
 A  Assembly and Test  C  Communications  F  Fabrication  L  Logistics  OS  Other Support 
R  Research and Development  SD  Software Design  SM  Sales and Marketing 
SY  Systems Manufacturing
As of December 31, 2009.
Our mission is to delight our customers, 2
Our wafer fabrication facility in Dalian, China and our assembly and test facility in Vietnam were
both under construction in 2009.
employees, and stockholders by relentlessly
Intel is headquartered in Santa Clara, California and incorporated in the state of
delivering the platform and technology Delaware. We have over 300 facilities located in more than 50 countries.

advancements that become essential to

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the way we work and live.
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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O v e r v i e w

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Our Approach to Corporate Responsibility
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility By incorporating corporate responsibility into our strategy and objectives, we manage
An Integrated, Strategic our business more effectively and find ways to apply our technology and expertise to
Management and benefit the environment and society. Our focus on corporate responsibility helps us
Stakeholder Engagement
mitigate risks, reduce costs, protect brand value, and identify market opportunities.
Sustainability Trends: Key
Challenges and Opportunities
Performance Summary
Corporate Responsibility
Goal Summary
Awards and Recognitions
Governance and
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
31 Environment
S o cial Fact o r s
53 Workplace
73 Supply Chain
82 Community
94 Education
A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance

9 80 6
109 GRI Content Index Key Corporate
116 UN Global Compact— > Responsibility Links
Communication on Progress
Corporate Responsibility at Intel
Intel Values
Number of years Intel Awards and Years that we have had
Awards and Recognitions
Access the Report Builder has published a corporate recognitions received for a Board committee
UN Global Compact
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report responsibility report our corporate responsibility with oversight for
Communication on Progress performance in 2009 corporate responsibility

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O v e r v i e w

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
An Integrated, Strategic Approach Our corporate strategy includes specific goals related to building new
8 Our Approach to Corporate businesses while tackling global challenges in the areas of education,
Responsibility We do not view corporate responsibility as something healthcare, and environment and energy efficiency. The Intel World Ahead
> An Integrated, Strategic separate from our business; it is part of an integrated man- Program, launched in 2006, focuses on connecting the next billion people
Management and
agement approach that helps us create long-term business to technology around the world through improved technology access,
Decision-Making value. Our approach is rooted in our commitment to ethics, connectivity, education, and digital content and services.
Stakeholder Engagement transparency, collaboration, and innovation.
Sustainability Trends: Key Our Global Strategy
Challenges and Opportunities For decades, the backbone of our corporate culture has been our Intel Use our unmatched manufacturing, technology, employee talents, and
Performance Summary Values: Customer Orientation, Discipline, Quality, Risk Taking, Great Place to brand strength to:
Corporate Responsibility Work, and Results Orientation. These values define who we are and how Accelerate the PC Globally
Goal Summary
we act as employees and as a company. They move us forward toward
Awards and Recognitions Enable an additional 1 billion people to get Internet access by 2012.
common goals—in business and corporate responsibility.
Governance and Expand PC total available market and footprint (netbooks, visualization,
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s We are committed to transparency in our corporate responsibility perfor- system-on-a-chip capabilities).
19 Financial Performance mance, as it holds us accountable and encourages two-way dialogue with
and Economic Impact Establish Intel® architecture as the building block for the Internet cloud and
our employees and other stakeholders. As highlighted throughout this data center.
24 Governance, Ethics,
report, we focus on building relationships and partnerships with external
and Public Policy Extend Intel® Architecture into Three Adjacent Market Segments
organizations to help improve our performance and increase the impact of
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s Deliver high-volume mobile Internet devices and smartphones by 2012.
our programs and initiatives. We strive to apply the same level of innova-
31 Environment
tion to tackling global challenges with technology as we do in our products Grow in the embedded market by enabling 120 million units of new devices.
S o cial Fact o r s
and manufacturing. Win high-volume consumer electronics devices in the living room.
53 Workplace
73 Supply Chain Frameworks such as the United Nations Millennium Development Goals Build New Businesses by Tackling Big Problems
82 Community (MDGs) help inform our corporate responsibility strategy. While we keep
Digital Divide. Make WiMAX available to 1.2 billion people by 2012.
94 Education all of the MDGs in mind, we focus on two areas where we believe Intel is
especially well suited to play a transformative role: education quality and Education. Train 10 million teachers by 2011, and get 500 million devices
A pp e n d i x into students’ hands.
108 About This Report/Approach
access, and environmental sustainability. We believe that our technology
to Assurance can play a significant role in improving education, and that we can combine Energy and Environment. Use our architectures and transistor technology
to make a difference.
109 GRI Content Index information and communications technology (ICT) with our experience in
116 UN Global Compact— environmental management to help improve energy efficiency and address Services. Grow new revenue built on unique Intel platform features.
Communication on Progress critical challenges such as climate change. Health. Connect people and information to reduce costs and increase the
quality of healthcare.
Other frameworks also inform our thinking on corporate responsibility.
In 2009, to reinforce our commitment to corporate responsibility, Intel To drive clarity and focus on our global strategy, Intel leaders created a
Access the Report Builder one-page corporate strategy document with these objectives and distributed
became a member of the United Nations Global Compact. We also pub- it to some 80,000 employees.
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report
lished new Human Rights Principles in 2009, which reference external
human rights standards.

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O v e r v i e w

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Management and Decision-Making In recent years, investors have been increasingly concerned about the con-
8 Our Approach to Corporate nection between corporate responsibility performance and the creation
Responsibility At Intel, we never view corporate responsibility and sus- of business value. We have long believed that a strategic and integrated
An Integrated, Strategic tainability as “finished”; we maintain a focus on continuous approach to corporate responsibility and sustainability results in clear ben-
> Management and
improvement, taking steps each year to further integrate efits for our company and our stakeholders.
Decision-Making these concepts more deeply into our decision-making, cor- We have engaged in discussions about this connection, both externally
Stakeholder Engagement porate culture, and compensation practices. with investors and research organizations, and internally. In 2009, we
Sustainability Trends: Key
Challenges and Opportunities
participated in a number of projects on this topic, including one with the
We rely on a number of cross-functional groups to effectively manage cor-
Performance Summary Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship on the link between
porate responsibility and sustainability activities across the organization. In
Corporate Responsibility community engagement and business value. Working with a team from
addition to Board of Directors-level responsibility and oversight, we have a
Goal Summary our corporate finance organization, we also began exploring the develop-
number of Management Review Committees (MRCs) that bring together
Awards and Recognitions ment of a new framework to assess the impact of environmental, social,
senior leaders from different business groups to review our performance
Governance and and governance (ESG) factors and investments on our business and help
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
and set direction. For example, our Eco-MRC, headed by our senior vice
us improve our reporting on these impacts. In addition, we began work
19 Financial Performance president and general manager of manufacturing and supply chain, meets
on new finance tools to help us better integrate these factors into our
and Economic Impact monthly to review Intel’s approach to environmental management and
decision-making processes.
24 Governance, Ethics, sustainability practices. Our Corporate Responsibility MRC reviews emerg-
and Public Policy ing issues across a range of corporate responsibility focus areas. The framework looks at how corporate responsibility and ESG factors
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s create business value across four key areas: revenue, operations, risk
Our global Corporate Responsibility Office acts as an internal business
31 Environment management, and brand. For example, our focus on designing products
advisor to groups across the company. Groups that manage key aspects
S o cial Fact o r s with improved energy-efficient performance helps us meet new customer
of our corporate responsibility performance include, but are not limited
53 Workplace needs and indentify market expansion opportunities. Our investments in
to, Environmental Health and Safety, Eco-Technology Program Office,
73 Supply Chain energy efficiency in our operations have helped to reduce our emissions
Ethics and Compliance Program Office, Corporate Affairs Group, Global
82 Community and have reduced our energy costs. High-quality training, diversity, and
Public Policy, Human Resources, Corporate Diversity, Supply Chain, and
94 Education benefits programs enable us to attract and retain the talented workforce
Information Technology.
A pp e n d i x that we need in order to drive product innovation and expand into
108 About This Report/Approach
To more effectively manage environmental and sustainability issues across new markets.
to Assurance the organization, in 2009 a cross-functional group led by an Intel corporate
109 GRI Content Index vice president brought together representatives from key groups across
“ Corporate responsibility is really about manage-
116 UN Global Compact— Intel—including Environmental Health and Safety, Corporate Responsibility,
Communication on Progress the Eco-Tech Program Office, and Information Technology—to develop clear
ment quality. It’s about reframing decisions and
and consistent strategies for improving our environmental performance. issues to incorporate a wide range of factors
that may impact company success, while recog-
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nizing and valuing the impacts on society and
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report the environment.”
Shelly Esque, Intel Vice President and Director,
Corporate Affairs Group; President, Intel Foundation
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O v e r v i e w

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Integrated Value Framework Stakeholder Engagement
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility We derive significant value from our diverse stakeholders
An Integrated, Strategic Growth & Innovation
• Market expansion
and maintain formal management systems to engage with,
Approach Revenue
Management and
• Product innovation listen to, and learn from them. We take their feedback seri-
• New customer needs
Decision-Making ously, and, when appropriate and relevant to our business,
> Stakeholder Engagement incorporate it into our thinking and planning.
Sustainability Trends: Key Cost Savings & Continuous Improvements
Challenges and Opportunities • Operational efficiency We evaluate our community programs based on input from the local com-
Performance Summary • Management quality
munity, and we work to adapt our reporting methodology and the content
Corporate Responsibility • Employee engagement
in this report to meet the needs of our stakeholders.
Goal Summary
Awards and Recognitions License to Operate & Governance To supplement face-to-face meetings with stakeholders, we generate
Governance and Risk • Regulatory risk (e.g., environmental) ongoing discussion through web tools and social media. We maintain an
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s Management • Community engagement e-mail account on our Corporate Responsibility web site, enabling stake-
19 Financial Performance • Supply chain responsibility
holders to share issues, concerns, and comments directly with members
and Economic Impact
of our corporate responsibility team. Through this e-mail account, we
24 Governance, Ethics, Reputation & Goodwill receive and respond to hundreds of messages from our stakeholders
and Public Policy • Differentiation
Brand each year on a wide variety of topics.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s • Trusted partner
• Goodwill In addition, we have an external CSR@Intel blog, where members of our
31 Environment
S o cial Fact o r s corporate responsibility team and leaders across Intel discuss their views
53 Workplace Integrating corporate responsibility and sustainability into our business and decision- and opinions, and receive and respond to comments made by other blog
making creates value for Intel in four main ways, as it helps us: (1) reduce risk and participants.
73 Supply Chain protect our license to operate, (2) improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our
82 Community operations, (3) protect and build brand value, and (4) drive revenue growth through
In 2009, we also expanded our participation in other social media chan-
innovation and identification of new market opportunities. We will continue to refine
94 Education nels, including Twitter and, to reach new audiences with
this new framework, which was based on a number of external frameworks, including
A pp e n d i x one from McKinsey and Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship. information on our corporate responsibility performance. To prioritize
108 About This Report/Approach our stakeholders and their concerns, we look at both the relevance of
to Assurance In 2009, we continued to focus on educating our employees on the impor-
the stakeholder’s relationship to our business and the importance of
109 GRI Content Index tance of corporate responsibility and environmental performance, including
the particular issue being raised.
116 UN Global Compact— increasing our communications about the environmental sustainability
Communication on Progress component of the Intel Employee Bonus, developing a “green” intranet As part of our stakeholder engagement strategy, we have developed
portal for employees, and expanding skills-based volunteer opportunities a number of tools and processes that provide valuable ongoing feedback
to strengthen the impact of our community outreach activities. In 2009, to help us shape our corporate responsibility strategy and public reporting.
Access the Report Builder we also updated our annual Code of Conduct training to add more content
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report on our corporate responsibility expectations, specifically those related to human rights and the environment.

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O v e r v i e w

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Stakeholder Engagement Activities (continued)
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility Stakeholders Tools and Processes Benefits and Results
An Integrated, Strategic Employees
Management and Open-door policy designed to give employees access to management at all levels. Multiple processes support direct communication
Decision-Making up and down the organization. OHS results allow us
Employee surveys, including our Organizational Health Survey (OHS). to track our performance in key areas and identify
> Stakeholder Engagement
Circuit News, our daily intranet “newspaper,” which includes direct feedback tools. gaps on a regular cadence. For more detail, see the
Sustainability Trends: Key Workplace section of this report.
Challenges and Opportunities Quarterly Business Update Meetings for all employees, and Executive Open
Performance Summary Forums and webcasts that include Q&A sessions.
Corporate Responsibility
Goal Summary Customers

Awards and Recognitions Customer Excellence Program (CEP), a structured program that uses a web-based Objective customer feedback enables us to
survey administered by a third-party market research firm to obtain and prioritize identify areas for improvement. In 2009, employ-
Governance and
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
customer feedback on the quality of Intel’s products and services. A portion of Intel ees received two additional days of pay based
employees’ annual variable compensation is tied to CEP results. on the high customer satisfaction levels under
19 Financial Performance the CEP. For more information, refer to the
and Economic Impact Consumer Support web site. Intel Quality System Handbook.
24 Governance, Ethics,
External blogs, such as Technology@Intel, with discussions of interest to customers.
and Public Policy
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

31 Environment Intel’s Supplier Site. Setting consistent expectations for our suppliers
reduces risk and improves efficiency across our
S o cial Fact o r s Intel Supplier Day conference, which brings together hundreds of our top suppliers supply chain. In this year’s report, based on stake-
53 Workplace for training. holder feedback and benchmarking research, we
73 Supply Chain Participation in the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC). have provided additional detail in the Supply Chain
82 Community section.

94 Education Communities
A pp e n d i x Community advisory panels and working groups, two-way forums where Maintaining an open dialogue with our com-
108 About This Report/Approach community members and Intel representatives collaborate to address community munities has allowed us to build positive and
to Assurance issues and concerns. Community perception surveys and needs assessments constructive relationships at the local level. For
109 GRI Content Index conducted as needed. more detail on how we use stakeholder feedback
to assess and manage our community impacts,
116 UN Global Compact— Intel Community web site, which includes feedback mechanisms. see the Community section of this report.
Communication on Progress
Placement of Intel employees on local nonprofit boards and commissions.

Extensive working relationships with educators and educational institutions

worldwide, and third-party evaluations of our education programs.
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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report (continues on next page)

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O v e r v i e w

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Stakeholder Engagement Activities (continued)
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility Stakeholders Tools and Processes Benefits and Results
An Integrated, Strategic Investors
Management and Regular face-to-face meetings with social responsibility-oriented fund Feedback and benchmark data drive improved
Decision-Making managers and analysts. performance and help us identify emerging issues
and concerns. In direct response to feedback
> Stakeholder Engagement Timely interaction with investors and research firms through e-mail exchanges, received from these groups in 2009 and early
Sustainability Trends: Key conference calls, and detailed investor surveys. 2010, we adopted an advisory vote for our stock-
Challenges and Opportunities holders on executive compensation, and developed
Online stockholder forum, launched in 2009, featuring investor surveys on
Performance Summary new Intel Human Rights Principles and a new
a range of issues, including questions on corporate responsibility.
Corporate Responsibility Intel Water Policy. We amended the charter of the
Goal Summary Intel Corporate Responsibility e-mail account, Intel Investor Relations e-mail Board’s Corporate Governance and Nominating
Awards and Recognitions account, and CSR@Intel blog. Committee (which already included reference to
corporate responsibility) to also include language
Governance and clarifying that the committee is responsible for
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s reviewing sustainability issues as well.
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact Governments and Policy Makers

24 Governance, Ethics, Active engagement in policy and legislative efforts worldwide through individual Our efforts in policy development foster credible,
and Public Policy discussions and exchanges with joint industry and government committees. trustworthy relationships; strengthen regard for
Intel as a valued corporate citizen; and create a
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s Intel Global Public Policy and Intel Corporate Affairs working with policy makers. supportive public policy environment. For more
31 Environment information, visit our Public Policy web site.
New Policy@Intel web site and blog.
S o cial Fact o r s
53 Workplace Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
73 Supply Chain Issues meetings, formal dialogues and projects, and multi-sector efforts. Intel’s interactions with NGOs promote mutual
82 Community understanding on environmental issues, regional
education priorities, technology options and
94 Education
solutions for developing countries, supply chain
A pp e n d i x management issues, and other topics. Details on
108 About This Report/Approach our collaborations with NGOs in our main corporate
to Assurance responsibility focus areas are covered in other
sections of this report.
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress

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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Corporate Responsibility Materiality Analysis
8 Our Approach to Corporate
An Integrated, Strategic Identify Prioritize
Approach Identify issues from a wide range of Use a consistent set of filters to determine the significance of each issue and develop a list of the
stakeholders and sources. most material issues.
Management and
Decision-Making Primary Sources Issues Key Criteria Materiality Matrix

> Stakeholder Engagement • Employee blogs and • Climate change • Business continuity
High Reducing Financial/
forums • Water conservation • Impact to brand/ Energy Economic
Sustainability Trends: Key • Customer concerns reputation Use Health
• Air emissions/quality
Challenges and Opportunities • Corporate Responsi- • Applicability to
• Education
Performance Summary bility web site e-mails multiple regions
• Fair compensation Water Use Energy-
• Results of community • Alignment with Efficient
Corporate Responsibility advisory panels • Stock price
Intel’s business Products
Goal Summary and community strategies

Importance to Multiple Stakeholders

perception surveys • HIV/AIDS
Awards and Recognitions • Impact on the Supporting
• Meetings/feedback • Antitrust community Education and
Recycling and
sessions with • Health concerns Technology
Governance and • Ability to attract E-waste
mainstream and related to wireless and retain talent Access
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s socially responsible Medium
investors • Regulatory impacts
19 Financial Performance • Energy Human
• Proxy resolution
and Economic Impact negotiations
• Nanomaterials Rights in
This materiality Supply Chain Worker Safety
24 Governance, Ethics, • Labor unions HIV/AIDS
• Ethics and Compliance matrix illustrates
and Public Policy Oversight Committee • Materials restrictions the topics that we Diversity
• Strategic chemical • Employee health believe are of Political
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s review process greatest interest Contributions
• Privacy
to our stakeholders,
• Community relations • Political contributions
31 Environment who want to make Supporting
• Corporate responsi- • Taxes/incentives informed decisions Local
S o cial Fact o r s bility/sustainability about Intel’s Communities
• Diversity Taxes
conferences environmental,
53 Workplace • Market research on
• E-waste social, and economic
Low Medium High
reputation issues • EHS/human rights performance.
73 Supply Chain in the supply chain Impact on Intel’s Business
• Meetings with
82 Community government officials • Stockholders' "say on Environment Social Economic
pay" for executive
94 Education • Review of external
• Extractives sourcing
A pp e n d i x • Participation in
industry working Review
108 About This Report/Approach groups • Human right to water
to Assurance Embed the process in internal decision-making and external review.

109 GRI Content Index Internal Review External Review Decisions

• Board of Directors and Corporate • Outreach to socially responsible • Set new performance goals
116 UN Global Compact— Responsibility Management investors • Initiate new projects or develop
Communication on Progress Review Committee (MRC) reviews • Corporate Responsibility Report new policy
• Corporate strategic discussions review • Communicate with stakeholders
• Business group MRC/planning • SustainAbility participation and • Include in Corporate Responsibility
benchmarking Report, site/local reports,
Access the Report Builder Corporate Responsibility web site

2009 Corporate Responsibility Report We have used the Sustainability Materiality Framework developed by the research firm AccountAbility to define corporate responsibility materiality, both for this report
and for our strategy development. (Note that “materiality” in this context does not refer to financial materiality.)

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3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Sustainability Trends: Key Challenges Recycling and Electronic Waste
8 Our Approach to Corporate In 2009, we continued to recycle a high percentage (over 70%) of the solid
Responsibility and Opportunities and chemical waste generated in our operations. However, in the past two
An Integrated, Strategic
Approach Climate change, water use, education, labor standards, and years, our chemical waste on a per chip basis has increased, despite our
Management and supply chain responsibility are among the major sustain- reduction and recycling efforts. We are continuing to put measures in place
Decision-Making to address this and expect to meet our 2012 goal. In recent years, we have
ability areas that present challenges and opportunities
Stakeholder Engagement also seen companies taking an increased interest in managing electronic
for Intel.
> Sustainability Trends: Key waste. Intel’s products are sold primarily to original equipment manufactur-
Challenges and Opportunities
ers (OEMs) and other companies that produce finished products. While our
Performance Summary Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
components are not typically subject to recycling or electronic waste laws,
Corporate Responsibility Proposed increased environmental regulation has encouraged Intel to
Goal Summary we work with OEMs, retailers, and others to identify shared solutions for
reduce absolute emissions from our operations—even as we grow—and to
Awards and Recognitions used electronics.
address the climate change impact of our products. We continue to work on
Governance and lowering our normalized and absolute emissions, with the goal of a 20%
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s Labor Standards and Supply Chain Responsibility
reduction in absolute emissions by 2012 from 2007 levels, and improving
19 Financial Performance In our industry and others, companies are taking a more active role in pro-
and Economic Impact the energy-efficient performance of our products. Worldwide efforts to
moting improvements in the labor and safety practices of their suppliers.
24 Governance, Ethics, reduce emissions and address climate change also present potential mar-
We have been engaged with other companies in our industry to promote
and Public Policy ket opportunities for Intel technologies.
collaboration and shared processes for accountability in the electronics
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s supply chain. While there have been many successes, progress has been
31 Environment Water Use
slower than expected in a number of key areas, including the industry
Sustainable water management is a key focus at Intel and is increasingly
S o cial Fact o r s shared assessment and audit process. We have taken other steps in the
important to our external stakeholders. Intel has developed innovative
53 Workplace past year to promote transparency and accountability in our supply chain,
water conservation solutions that we share with local governments and
73 Supply Chain such as disclosing our top 50 suppliers and proactively working with our
other companies. Still, we continue to face challenges in reducing our
82 Community cobalt, gold, tantalum, tin, and tungsten suppliers to address concerns
water use as our manufacturing processes increase in complexity. We have
94 Education about extractives and conflict metals in the Democratic Republic of
expanded our disclosure in this report on our water use and conservation
A pp e n d i x the Congo.
efforts, and continue to engage with external organizations to understand
108 About This Report/Approach
changing expectations and emerging best practices. In addition, in early
to Assurance Workforce Diversity
109 GRI Content Index 2010 we adopted a new water policy for the company that reinforces our
In recent years, we have significantly improved representation of several
116 UN Global Compact— commitment to conservation and respect for the human right to water.
key categories in our workforce, but we still struggle to improve the num-
Communication on Progress
ber of under-represented minorities and technical females in management
Education Quality and the Digital Divide
and senior leadership positions. In addition, the overall percentage of
Global economic health and Intel’s success depend on young people hav-
women in our global workforce has remained relatively flat at about 30%
Access the Report Builder ing access to a quality education and technology. As a leading technology
since 2005. We continue to focus on efforts aimed at increasing the num-
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report company, we believe that Intel is well-positioned to help governments
ber of women and under-represented minorities in our workforce, including around the world achieve their economic development and educational
investing in the talent pipeline in engineering and technical disciplines.
goals by effectively integrating technology into their education programs
15 and strategies.
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O v e r v i e w

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Performance Summary
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility The following table provides a high-level summary of our key economic, environmental, and social indicators. Click on the headings in the table for details
An Integrated, Strategic found in other sections of this report.
Management and Key Indicators
Economic 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
Stakeholder Engagement
Net revenue (dollars in billions) $35.1 $37.6 $38.3 $35.4 $38.8
Sustainability Trends: Key
Challenges and Opportunities Net income (dollars in billions) $4.4 $5.3 $7.0 $5.0 $8.7
> Performance Summary
Provision for taxes (dollars in billions) $1.3 $2.4 $2.2 $2.0 $3.9
Corporate Responsibility
Goal Summary Research and development spending (dollars in billions) $5.7 $5.7 $5.8 $5.9 $5.1
Awards and Recognitions Capital investments (dollars in billions) $4.5 $5.2 $5.0 $5.9 $5.9
Governance and Environment
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
19 Financial Performance Global-warming emissions (million metric tons of CO2 equivalents) 1.98 2.49 3.85 4.02 3.78
and Economic Impact Energy use (million kWh—includes electricity, gas, and diesel) 5,110 5,649 5,765 5,793 5,292
24 Governance, Ethics,
Water use (millions of gallons) 8,025 7,792 7,517 7,651 6,756
and Public Policy
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
Chemical waste generated (tons) 24,670 28,486 23,260 29,951 27,357

31 Environment Chemical waste recycled/reused 71% 84% 87% 64% 58%

S o cial Fact o r s Solid waste generated (tons) 44,484 83,822 58,746 60,917 54,634
53 Workplace
Solid waste recycled/reused 80% 88% 80% 74% 75%
73 Supply Chain
82 Community
94 Education Workplace Employees at year end 79,800 83,900 86,300 94,100 99,900

A pp e n d i x Women in global workforce 28% 29% 29% 30% 30%

108 About This Report/Approach Investments in training (dollars in millions) $267 $314 $249 $380 $377
to Assurance
Safety—recordable rate1 0.45 0.47 0.48 0.43 0.44
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact— Safety—days away case rate1 0.09 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.13
Communication on Progress Community Employee volunteerism rate 38% 54% 38% 38% 35%

Worldwide charitable giving (dollars in millions)2 $100 $102 $109 $96 $111

Charitable giving as percentage of pre-tax net income 1.8% 1.3% 1.2% 1.4% 0.9%
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Education Teachers trained through Intel® Teach Program (millions) 1.2 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.8
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report 1
Rate based on 100 employees working full time for one year.   2
Includes total giving (cash and in-kind) by Intel Corporation and Intel Foundation.

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O v e r v i e w

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Corporate Responsibility Goal Summary
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility Based on feedback from stakeholders, we have incorporated the discussion of our performance to goals and future goals into each relevant section of this
An Integrated, Strategic report. The following table provides a high-level summary of our company-wide goals in key corporate responsibility areas. Click on the links in the table for
Approach more detail on our goals in each section of the report.
Management and
Decision-Making Goals
Stakeholder Engagement
Report Section 2009 Performance to Goals Goals for 2010 and Beyond
Sustainability Trends: Key
Challenges and Opportunities Environment At the beginning of 2008, we set new five-year goals related to In 2010, we will continue to work toward achieving our 2012
Performance Summary global-warming emissions, energy, water use, waste reduction, environmental goals, with a targeted focus on energy and water
recycling, and product energy efficiency. While we faced challenges conservation, and identifying new ways to reduce the generation
> Corporate Responsibility
Goal Summary in areas such as water conservation and chemical waste, we are of chemical waste.
taking measures to stay on track to meet our goals by 2012.
Awards and Recognitions
Workplace We partially achieved our 2009 diversity goal. While the overall We will continue to drive key improvements in diversity and hire
Governance and
percentage of women in our global workforce remained flat, we at full availability for technical under-represented minorities and
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
saw gains in the number of women in senior leadership roles. We women. We will also focus on improving our organizational health
19 Financial Performance improved early reporting of ergonomic-related injuries by 16%, as measured by our employee Organizational Health Survey. In
and Economic Impact but fell just short of our 2009 goal. the area of workplace safety, we will continue to work toward
24 Governance, Ethics, improving early reporting of injuries and drive further reductions
and Public Policy in our days away case rate.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s Supply Chain We met most of our supply chain goals, including supplier diver- In 2010, we will continue to work to improve assessment and audit
31 Environment sity and increasing the number of risk assessments completed. processes. We will also continue to focus on supplier diversity and
However, we continued to face challenges in the area of further integrating environmental, social, and governance factors
S o cial Fact o r s
third-party supplier audits. into our supplier awards, Supplier Report Card, contracts, purchas-
53 Workplace ing specifications, and training.
73 Supply Chain
Community Our global volunteer rate was just short of our 40% goal, at 38%. We will work to achieve at least a 40% employee volunteerism rate
82 Community The total number of volunteer hours remained strong, at close and further expand our skills-based volunteer program.
94 Education to 1 million hours, and we saw an increase in our skills-based
volunteer hours.
A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach Education We met our goals, including training more than 1.2 million teachers For 2010, we will continue our work to advance education trans-
to Assurance through our Intel® Teach Program and accelerating the adoption of formation through strategic collaborations. We will expand the Intel
technology curriculum in universities. Teach Program and Intel® Learn Program, reaching more teachers
109 GRI Content Index
and learners and adding program and curriculum options for greater
116 UN Global Compact— impact. We will also work toward our target of 100,000 PC dona-
Communication on Progress tions in emerging markets by 2011.

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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Awards and Recognitions
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility Third-party recognition gives us valuable feedback on our programs and practices, and helps us drive continuous improvement over time.
An Integrated, Strategic Below is a selection from more than 80 corporate responsibility awards and recognitions that Intel received in 2009. For more information, visit our
Approach Awards and Recognitions web site.
Management and
Decision-Making 2009 Selected Awards and Recognitions
Stakeholder Engagement
Overall • Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes. Listed on North America and World indexes (11th year) and top semiconductor company (9th year)
Sustainability Trends: Key Corporate • Corporate Knights. Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World (5th year)
Challenges and Opportunities Responsibility • Ethisphere Institute. World’s Most Ethical Companies 2009
Performance Summary • Fortune. World’s Most Admired Companies (1st in social responsibility in our industry)
Corporate Responsibility • Covalence. Ethical Ranking 2009 (2nd overall)
Goal Summary • Corporate Responsibility magazine. 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2009 (10th year) (U.S.)
> Awards and Recognitions • FTSE Group. Listed on the FTSE4Good Index (9th year)
• MAALA Corporate Responsibility Index. Platinum rating (6th year) (Israel)
Governance and • Corporate Citizenship Committee. Five-Star Best Corporate Citizenship Award (China)
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s • U.S. Secretary of State. Award for Corporate Excellence Finalist (Costa Rica)
19 Financial Performance • Chambers Ireland. President’s Awards for CSR (for energy conservation and education programs)
and Economic Impact
Environment • Newsweek. Top 500 Green Companies in America (4th overall)
24 Governance, Ethics, • U.S. EPA. A Green Power Partner of the Year (2nd consecutive year) (U.S.)
and Public Policy • Carbon Disclosure Project. Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index (top companies in technology industry) (global)
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s • InfoWorld. InfoWorld Green 15 (for identifying cost savings and pushing the limits of free cooling in the data center) (U.S.)
• Confederation of Indian Industry. Energy Management Award (India)
31 Environment
S o cial Fact o r s Business/ • Fortune magazine and Hewitt Associates. Top 25 Companies for Leaders (global)
Workplace • BusinessWeek magazine. Best Places to Launch a Career (U.S.)
53 Workplace
• Working Mother magazine. 100 Best Companies for Working Mothers (U.S.)
73 Supply Chain • American Association of Retired People. Best Places for Workers over 50 (U.S.)
82 Community • Hewitt Associates, Asian Strategy Leadership Institute. Top 10 Employers in Malaysia
94 Education • The Marker magazine. 50 Best Companies to Work For (1st place) (Israel)
• Institute Japan. 100 Best Companies to Work For
A pp e n d i x • Human Rights Campaign. Corporate Equality Index (8th year with perfect score) (U.S.)
108 About This Report/Approach • Institute for Health and Productivity Management. Level II International Corporate Health and Productivity Management Award
to Assurance • National Business Group on Health. Best Employers for Healthy Lifestyles–Gold level (3rd consecutive year) (U.S.)
• AMR Research. Top 25 Supply Chains (global)
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact— Community and • President of Chile. Education Bicentennial Award
Communication on Progress Education • Arizona Governor’s Office. 2009 Volunteer Service Award (U.S.)
• China Ministry of Education. Outstanding Contribution to China Education Award (6th year)
• Ukraine Ministry of Education. Silver Medal for Innovation in Education
• New Mexico Governor’s Office. Governor’s Award for Corporate Volunteer Program (U.S.)
Access the Report Builder • CSR Association of Turkey. CSR Marketplace Award (for Intel® Teach Program)
• Commerce magazine. CSR Award 2009–Best in Community (Vietnam)
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report
• Mexican Institute of Philanthropy. Best Practices Award for CSR (for our education programs)
• Portland Business Journal. Top Large Company Philanthropist (U.S./Oregon)
• United Way. United Way Leadership Award (Brazil)
18 • Ministry of Economic Development of the Russia Federation. Russia CSR Ranking
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3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Financial Performance and Economic Impact
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility While 2009 was a turbulent year for the global economy, we reported our 23rd
Governance and consecutive year of profitability. Our 2009 results reflect our continued focus on
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
19 Financial Performance
operational efficiency and investment in innovation and manufacturing leadership.
and Economic Impact The impact of these economic results extends beyond Intel, providing positive
2009 Financial Performance
Economic Impact
benefits to communities at local, regional, and global levels.
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
31 Environment
S o cial Fact o r s
53 Workplace
73 Supply Chain
82 Community
94 Education
A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress

5.7 80 $
Key Financial Performance
Billion % Billion and Economic Impact Links
Intel 2009 Annual Report
and Form 10-K
Amount invested in Percentage of Revenue from Intel Investor Relations
Access the Report Builder research and revenue generated Intel® Atom™ processors Intel Products
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report development in 2009 outside the Americas and associated chipsets
Technology Leadership in 2009

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G o v e r n a n c e a n d Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
2009 Financial Performance Net Revenue
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility We entered 2009 in one of the deepest recessions in our 40
38.8 38.3 37.6
Governance and history, and ended it with broad-based demand for our 34.2
35.4 35.1
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
products across all regions and market segments. 30 30.1
19 Financial Performance

Dollars in Billions
26.5 26.8
and Economic Impact
We reported 2009 revenue of $35.1 billion, operating income of $5.7
> 2009 Financial Performance 20
billion, net income of $4.4 billion, and earnings per share of 77 cents. We
Economic Impact
generated more than $11 billion in cash from operations, and ended the
24 Governance, Ethics, 10
year with $13.9 billion in cash, short-term investments, and trading assets.
and Public Policy
Our cash dividend payout for 2009 totaled $3.1 billion.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
31 Environment Despite the worldwide economic recession, microprocessor unit shipments
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
S o cial Fact o r s for the PC industry were up 6% in 2009, according to Mercury Research—
53 Workplace illustrating how essential computing has become in our lives. As the year
73 Supply Chain progressed, we saw increasingly strong consumer market sales—fueled in
large part by the popularity of mobile computers, including easy-to-use, Geographic Breakdown of Revenue
82 Community
94 Education affordable Intel® Atom™ processor-based netbooks. Our revenue for Intel
A pp e n d i x
Atom processors and associated chipsets totaled $1.4 billion in 2009. 7% 9% 10%

108 About This Report/Approach Our 2009 results reflect the impact of a $1.45 billion fine that we incurred 80 15%
27% 23%
to Assurance
in May as a result of the European Commission conclusion that Intel had
109 GRI Content Index
violated competition laws in Europe. We strongly believe that the decision 60 20%
116 UN Global Compact—

was wrong and are appealing it. Our results were also affected by a 23%
Communication on Progress
$1.25 billion payment that we made in November to Advanced Micro 40 43%

Devices (AMD) as part of a settlement to end all outstanding legal issues

between the companies, including antitrust litigation and patent cross- 20 45%
license disputes. For more information about these antitrust matters,
see the Governance, Ethics, and Public Policy section of this report.

We are committed to investing in world-class technology development, 1999 2004 2009

particularly in the design and manufacture of integrated circuits. Research Japan Europe Americas Asia-Pacific
and development (R&D) expenditures in 2009 were $5.7 billion. Our capital
In 2009, 80% of our revenue was from outside the Americas, compared to
expenditures were $4.5 billion in 2009. 57% in 1999.

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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

Past performance does not guarantee future results.

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3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Income Before Taxes and Provision for Taxes Dividends Per Share Paid
8 Our Approach to Corporate
14 0.60
0.55 0.56
Governance and
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s 12.6
12 0.45 0.45
19 Financial Performance 0.40
and Economic Impact

> 2009 Financial Performance 10 0.30
Economic Impact

Dollars in Billions
24 Governance, Ethics, 8 0.15
and Public Policy 7.1

E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s 6
31 Environment 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
S o cial Fact o r s 4 3.9
53 Workplace
73 Supply Chain 2 2.0 2.2
Capital Additions to Property, Plant and Equipment
82 Community 1.3

94 Education 6.0 5.9 5.9

A pp e n d i x 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 5.0


108 About This Report/Approach 4.5 4.5

Income Before Taxes Provision for Taxes

Dollars in Billions
to Assurance
109 GRI Content Index 3.0
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress
Diluted Earnings Per Share 1.5


1.20 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009



0.80 0.77
For more information on our financial performance, products, customers,
0.40 technologies, opportunities, and key challenges, see the Intel 2009 Annual
Report and Form 10-K.

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2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Research and Development Economic Impact
8 Our Approach to Corporate
6.0 5.9
We provide high-paying jobs at our sites and create
5.8 5.7 5.7
Governance and
additional indirect investments in the form of non-Intel
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
4.5 jobs and tax revenue.
19 Financial Performance

Dollars in Billions
and Economic Impact
We have periodically conducted local economic assessments to better
2009 Financial Performance 3.0
understand our impact on the communities where we operate. These
> Economic Impact
assessments have helped us demonstrate a net positive impact on
24 Governance, Ethics, 1.5
communities and have been important resources in discussions about
and Public Policy
long-term community viability with local stakeholders and governments.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
For examples of Intel’s impact on communities, read the case studies on
31 Environment 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Intel Oregon and Intel Costa Rica.
S o cial Fact o r s
53 Workplace In 2008, we commissioned IHS Global Insight to conduct an independent
73 Supply Chain study of Intel’s economic impact in the U.S. and Europe, including our direct
82 Community and indirect role in fueling economic growth, creating jobs, and enhancing
94 Education productivity across multiple industries. In the study, “The Economic Impact

A pp e n d i x
of Intel Corporation in the United States and European Union, 2001–2007,”

108 About This Report/Approach

calculations of Intel’s economic contributions are based on four layers
to Assurance “ Intel’s strong 2009 results reflect our invest- of impact; the first three layers measure the direct, indirect, and induced
109 GRI Content Index ment in industry-leading manufacturing and effects of Intel’s own operations, and the fourth layer considers produc-
116 UN Global Compact— product innovation. This strategy has enabled tivity gains throughout the economy that stem from the use of Intel®
Communication on Progress microprocessors.
us to generate unprecedented operating effi-
ciencies while growing our traditional business The study found that between 2001 and 2007, Intel contributed $758
billion to the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP). Of this total, $458 billion
and creating exciting new market opportunities,
was stimulated by Intel’s operations and $300 billion was attributable
even in difficult economic times.”
to our productivity-based impact. The study also revealed that Intel
Paul S. Otellini, Intel President and Chief Executive Officer contributed $247 billion (€177 billion) to the European Union GDP over
the 2001–2007 period. Of this total, $28 billion (€20 billion) came from
the operations of Intel and its extended ecosystem, and $219 billion
(€157 billion) from productivity-based gains. In January 2009, we launched
Intel Labs Europe to further expand the scope of our R&D activities in
Access the Report Builder Europe and promote collaboration with European stakeholders to improve
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report both Europe and Intel’s competitiveness in the knowledge economy. For additional details, see our 2008 Corporate Responsibility Report.

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3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Despite the strained economic climate over the past year, Intel’s continued
Four Layers of Economic Impact
8 Our Approach to Corporate investments and leadership helped stimulate economic and job growth. In
Responsibility February 2009, Intel President and CEO Paul Otellini announced that the
Governance and Direct Indirect Induced Productivity company would spend $7 billion to upgrade our manufacturing facilities
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s Impact Impact Impact Impact
Intel sells Intel pays Consumer The use of in the U.S. The investment is funding the deployment of Intel’s industry-
19 Financial Performance products, suppliers and spending by Intel products leading 32nm manufacturing technology at existing manufacturing sites
and Economic Impact provides creates business Intel employees and our
2009 Financial Performance above-average for resellers, and supplier and technology in Oregon, Arizona, and New Mexico, maintaining approximately 7,000
wages to who in turn partner employ- leadership high-wage, high-skilled jobs and temporarily providing 4,000 contract
> Economic Impact employees, generate ees stimulates result in
24 Governance, Ethics, and pays employment. additional eco- productivity jobs for technicians and construction workers.
taxes. nomic activity. gains in the
and Public Policy
economy. One year later, in February 2010, Intel announced the new Invest in
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s America Alliance initiative focused on stimulating economic recovery and
31 Environment investing in innovation. Led by Intel and supported by 16 other major
This illustration was adapted from an IHS Global Insight report graphic. To create the
S o cial Fact o r s assessment, IHS Global Insight used the IMPLAN methodology, an industry-standard Fortune 500 companies and venture capital firms, the effort highlights the
approach for determining the economic ripple effect caused by the production of a
53 Workplace role that American businesses can play in improving economic competitive-
product or service.
73 Supply Chain ness, by supporting the government’s efforts to promote education and
82 Community In 2009, we published a white paper examining the economic impact of innovation and create new business opportunities. Specific actions out-
94 Education broadband Internet connectivity in developing nations. Although economic lined in the initiative include:
A pp e n d i x
benefits have been seen in both developed and developing nations, the
existing infrastructure, regulatory environment, urban-rural divide, and • A commitment from Intel Capital, Intel’s global investment organization,
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance other factors that affect broadband adoption are often different in devel- and 24 other leading venture capital firms to invest $3.5 billion in U.S.
109 GRI Content Index oping nations. These differences should not preclude the expansion of technology companies in 2010 and 2011. This includes a new $200 mil-
116 UN Global Compact— broadband in emerging markets; they should instead reinforce the need to lion Intel Capital Invest in America Technology Fund, which will target key
Communication on Progress adopt best practices that facilitate the rapid and cost-effective deploy- innovation and growth segments, such as clean technology, information
ment of broadband technologies, along with other information and com- technology, and biotechnology.
munication technologies and services. • Commitments from 17 technology and other corporate leaders to
Intel has extensive global experience facilitating broadband deployments increase as much as two times their hiring of new college graduates, a
in developing nations and views this as an area in which we can have a group whose unemployment rate is significantly higher than the national
significant impact working in collaboration with governments and other average. We expect that this commitment could lead to at least 10,500
stakeholders. new jobs in 2010.

We also recognize the role that Intel’s investments in education play in

helping countries advance economic development and improve competi-
tiveness. For more information, see the Education section of this report.
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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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G o v e r n a n c e a n d Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Governance, Ethics, and Public Policy
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility “Conduct business with uncompromising integrity and professionalism.” This statement,
Governance and part of the formal Intel Values, expresses our commitment to upholding the highest
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
19 Financial Performance
standards of corporate governance and business ethics in our day-to-day activities
and Economic Impact at Intel and in our engagement with external stakeholders. We work continuously to
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy develop a strong culture of trust through open and direct communication, and we
Governance and Ethics are committed to accountability and transparency in our work on public policy issues.
Public Policy and Advocacy
Political Accountability
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
31 Environment
S o cial Fact o r s
53 Workplace
73 Supply Chain
82 Community
94 Education
A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress

90 27 9
Key Governance Links
% % Intel Governance and Ethics
Intel Code of Conduct

Percentage of Intel Percentage of women Number of languages Human Rights Principles

Access the Report Builder Board made up of on our Board at the in which the Intel Public Policy

2009 Corporate Responsibility Report independent directors end of 2009 Intel Code of Conduct Competition in the Innovation
Economy is available
Political Accountability Guidelines

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G o v e r n a n c e a n d Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Governance and Ethics The Board’s Audit, Compensation, Compliance, Corporate Governance
8 Our Approach to Corporate and Nominating, and Finance committees consist solely of independent
Responsibility Our corporate governance structure, formal Code of directors who provide objective oversight of the company’s management.
Governance and Conduct, and Ethics and Compliance Program help ensure The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee is responsible for
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
that we maintain the highest standards of integrity in reviewing and reporting to the Board on our corporate responsibility and
19 Financial Performance
everything we do. sustainability performance—including environmental topics such as climate
and Economic Impact
change—and the company’s public reporting in this area.
24 Governance, Ethics,
Our Code of Conduct, Corporate Governance Guidelines, Board of Directors
and Public Policy
The Board added a “say on pay” advisory vote on executive compensation
> Governance and Ethics membership, Board committee charters, Human Rights Principles, and
to our 2009 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting agenda, increasing stockhold-
Public Policy and Advocacy executive compensation data are available on our Corporate Governance
ers’ opportunity to provide feedback on Intel’s compensation practices. At
Political Accountability and Ethics web site and in our most recent Proxy Statement.
the meeting, 94% of stockholders voted in favor of this resolution.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
Corporate Governance We received the 2009 Corporate Secretary magazine award for the most
31 Environment
As of the end of 2009, Intel’s Board included President and CEO Paul effective/innovative use of technology in a corporate governance program.
S o cial Fact o r s
Otellini and 10 independent directors. Jane Shaw, an independent director The magazine recognized our use of technology—including adding “virtual”
53 Workplace
on Intel’s Board since 1993, assumed the role of independent Chairman in components to our annual stockholders’ meeting—to improve board and
73 Supply Chain
May 2009, following the retirement of Craig Barrett. She is not only Intel’s management processes, reduce costs, and increase stockholder value.
82 Community
first non-executive independent Chairman since 1975, but also one of only For many years, stockholders who could not attend the annual meeting
94 Education
a few female independent chairmen at an S&P 500* company. in person had the opportunity to attend via the Internet. In 2009, Intel
A pp e n d i x
The Chairman presides over all meetings of the Board, independent direc- expanded this functionality to allow stockholders to submit questions
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance tors, and stockholders; prepares Board meeting agendas; and manages the online prior to the meeting and cast votes online during the meeting.
109 GRI Content Index Board’s process for annual director self-assessment and evaluation of the
116 UN Global Compact— Board. Directors are not paid for any service to the company other than
Communication on Progress
their director compensation. We rely on them for their diverse knowledge,
personal perspectives, and solid business judgment. They meet individu-
ally with senior management, attend and participate in employee forums, “ We believe that enabling stockholders from
and—unaccompanied by senior management—visit Intel sites around the around the world to attend the annual meeting
world to assess local issues. A number of directors have expertise and
virtually allows for their increased participation
backgrounds in key corporate responsibility areas, including corporate
governance, education, and energy efficiency. Director biographies are
and access to management.”
available on our Biographies web site. Jane E. Shaw, Intel Chairman of the Board

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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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G o v e r n a n c e a n d Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile All employees are expected to complete training on the Code of Conduct
Intel Corporate Governance at a Glance
8 Our Approach to Corporate when they join the company and annually thereafter. The Code is available
Responsibility • Independent non-executive Chairman of the Board
in nine languages, and training sessions incorporate real case scenarios.
Governance and
• Ten of our 11 board members are independent directors
In 2009, over 98% of our employees received formal training on the Code.
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s • All of our Board committees (other than the Executive Committee)
Employees are encouraged to raise ethical questions and issues, and have
19 Financial Performance are made up of independent directors
multiple channels to do so—anonymously, if they prefer. Employees assert
and Economic Impact • Corporate governance guidelines and committee charters are
adherence to the Code through an annual disclosure process for targeted
24 Governance, Ethics, publicly disclosed
and Public Policy populations across the company.
• Majority vote and “say on pay” practices have been voluntarily
> Governance and Ethics
adopted All employees are also required to complete training on privacy and infor-
Public Policy and Advocacy
• Board-approved CEO succession plan is in place mation security every two years. Depending on their roles and geographi-
Political Accountability
• Policy limits directors to no more than four external board seats cal locations, certain employees are assigned more in-depth ethics and
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
• Board self-assessment process and individual director annual compliance training courses, including those covering anti-corruption,
31 Environment
performance reviews are in place import-export compliance, insider trading, and antitrust. For example,
S o cial Fact o r s approximately 13,000 employees were trained on our anti-corruption
• 27% of Board directors are female
53 Workplace policies and procedures in 2009.
• Charter dictates Board committee responsibility for corporate
73 Supply Chain
responsibility and sustainability issues In early 2009, based on stakeholder feedback, Intel published a set of
82 Community
• Corporate responsibility and climate change information has been Human Rights Principles to complement the Code of Conduct and express
94 Education
integrated into our annual report our commitment to human rights and responsible labor practices. The
A pp e n d i x • Employee and executive compensation are linked to corporate Code, our policies and guidelines, and the annual Code training course
108 About This Report/Approach responsibility factors
to Assurance were updated in 2009 to reinforce these topics.
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact—
Intel Code of Conduct Ethics and Compliance Program
Communication on Progress The Intel Code of Conduct guides the behavior of our employees, officers, Our Ethics and Compliance Program advances a culture of the highest
non-employee directors, and suppliers, and serves as a cornerstone of Intel levels of business ethics and legal compliance. The Board reviews imple-
culture. The Code’s business principles and guidelines promote honest and mentation of ethics and compliance programs and continually assesses
ethical conduct, deter wrongdoing, and support compliance with applicable the integrity of senior management. Intel’s CEO sets the tone for our
laws and regulations. The principles embodied in the Code also express our ethical culture and holds the senior management team accountable for
policies related but not limited to conflicts of interest, nondiscrimination, recognizing and addressing ethics and compliance risk; role-modeling
antitrust, anti-bribery and anti-corruption, privacy, health and safety, and ethical behavior and holding their managers accountable; communicating
protecting our company’s assets and reputation. The Code directs employ- policy and conduct expectations; and overseeing business group ethics
ees to consider both short- and long-term impacts on the environment and and compliance systems.
the community when they are making business decisions.
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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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G o v e r n a n c e a n d Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile At the beginning of each year, our CEO communicates separately with had in-depth conversations with their staff members on the importance of
8 Our Approach to Corporate employees and senior managers the importance of ethics and legal compli- role-modeling ethical behavior related to the ethics and compliance risks of
Responsibility ance. This “tone from the top”—combined with our annual ethics training, their business units. Examples include intellectual property risks in our Intel
Governance and regular communications throughout the year, and educational resources on Architecture Group and privacy risks in Corporate Affairs.
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
our employee intranet site—help to create an ethical and legally compliant
19 Financial Performance In 2009, nine business groups at Intel completed a comprehensive risk
and Economic Impact assessment review with the ECOC, and another nine provided the ECOC
24 Governance, Ethics, We maintain distributed responsibility for managing ethics and compli- with updates to their 2008 risk assessment plans. Business groups moni-
and Public Policy
ance, with a number of cross-functional teams and leaders in place to drive tor their performance (including training, management tone, risk assess-
> Governance and Ethics
awareness and accountability throughout the company. Our Ethics and ment, and more) on a quarterly basis and send the results to the Ethics and
Public Policy and Advocacy
Compliance Oversight Committee (ECOC) includes senior representatives Compliance Program Office. Groups also conduct self-assessments and put
Political Accountability
from across the company and is chartered by and reports to the Audit in place action plans and training.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
Committee of the Board. The ECOC is co-chaired by the Director of Internal
31 Environment We maintain a robust process for reporting misconduct via phone, e-mail,
Audit and the Vice President, Director of Corporate Legal. Each quarter, the
or intranet, and have a non-retaliation policy that is clearly communicated
S o cial Fact o r s ECOC invites various organizations within Intel to assess and report on eth-
to employees. In addition, we conduct an annual employee survey of tar-
53 Workplace ics and compliance in their respective businesses, and reviews risk topics
geted populations to assess our ethical culture, including whether manage-
73 Supply Chain that span business groups.
ment is setting clear expectations and employees feel comfortable raising
82 Community
94 Education
Our Ethics and Compliance Program Office is responsible for the adminis- issues. Processes are in place for informing senior management and the
tration of Intel’s Ethics and Compliance Program, and ensures implemen- Board about misconduct issues, including overall misconduct statistics in
A pp e n d i x
tation of oversight and operational execution. Integral to the success of periodic reports, and communicating details about key investigations while
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance the program are the many Ethics and Compliance Business Champions they are in progress and after they have been completed. An investigative
109 GRI Content Index across the company, who are responsible for advocating and monitoring package is also provided to our Ethics and Compliance Business Champions
116 UN Global Compact— ethics and compliance within their groups. We also have regional leader- quarterly for review with Business Group management and as input for
Communication on Progress ship forums that bring managers together to review issues and program staff discussions.
effectiveness in different countries. Support organizations such as Audit,
In terms of the number of misconduct allegations received and the number
Human Resources, and Legal provide expertise to help management and
of issues verified per 1,000 employees, benchmarking has shown that Intel
employees execute to the company’s ethics and compliance expectations.
performs well compared to companies of similar size. The largest catego-
Our 2009 focus areas included: reinforcing a culture in which issues ries of verified cases in 2009 included corporate travel card misuse, falsifi-
are raised and addressed effectively; promoting ethics and compliance cation of employment credentials, misuse of assets, and expense reporting
leadership; tracking emerging regulations; and updating our Code, misconduct.
policies, and training accordingly. In 2009, our senior management team

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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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G o v e r n a n c e a n d Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Antitrust Issues Import/Customs. We support customs and trade facilitation policies
8 Our Approach to Corporate In May 2009, we incurred a $1.45 billion fine as a result of the European that foster administrative ease, cost-effectiveness, speedy and barrier-free
Responsibility entry, predictability, fair enforcement, and transparency with respect to
Commission conclusion that Intel had violated competition laws in Europe.
Governance and We strongly believe that the decision was wrong and are appealing it. We exporting and importing products.
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
also made a $1.25 billion payment in November 2009 to Advanced Micro Intellectual Property and Patent Reform. Intel respects the rights
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact Devices (AMD) as part of a settlement to end all outstanding legal issues of copyright holders to protect their content. We depend on sound pat-
24 Governance, Ethics, between the companies, including antitrust litigation and patent cross- ent systems worldwide to protect intellectual property (IP) and enable the
and Public Policy license disputes. The settlement is a compromise of disputed legal matters, development and deployment of new technologies. We work to improve
Governance and Ethics with both companies denying any wrongdoing. It avoided a lengthy and the quality and reliability of patents, help new World Trade Organization
> Public Policy and Advocacy complex jury trial in Delaware, where AMD would have sought multiples of (WTO) members write their patent laws to conform with WTO require-
Political Accountability the amount paid to settle these claims. In the fall of 2009, both the New ments, develop procedures to lower the costs of resolving patent disputes,
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s York Attorney General and the U.S. Federal Trade Commission also filed and ensure that the interests of patent holders and good-faith manufac-
31 Environment antitrust lawsuits against Intel—actions that we believe are misguided, turers are properly balanced through fair litigation rules.
S o cial Fact o r s wrong on the facts, and based on incomplete investigations. We firmly
believe that Intel has competed fairly and lawfully, and we will continue Tax. An increasing share of Intel’s revenue comes from outside the
53 Workplace
to litigate these cases. Americas (80% in 2009). In addition, our business is highly cost-conscious
73 Supply Chain
and capital-intensive, and the location of our facilities can be substantially
82 Community
In the spirit of transparency, we created the Competition in the Innovation affected by the tax and economic development policies of host countries.
94 Education
Economy web site, which includes information and regular updates on We advocate for tax measures that enhance the ability of innovative
A pp e n d i x these matters. Additional information is also available in the Intel 2009 companies to compete in the global marketplace and, in turn, contribute
108 About This Report/Approach Annual Report and Form 10-K.
to Assurance to economic prosperity.
109 GRI Content Index Trade. Intel supports trade agreements and rules that facilitate general
116 UN Global Compact— Public Policy and Advocacy commerce between countries and expand the high-tech industry’s access
Communication on Progress
Our goals in working on policy topics are to engage as a to world markets. We work proactively to support the development of free
trade agreements (FTAs) on a worldwide (via the WTO), regional (e.g., the
trusted advisor, to fully understand different perspectives,
Central American FTA), and bilateral (e.g., the pending U.S.-Korea FTA)
and to educate legislators on the effects that regulations
basis. Such FTAs improve Intel’s access to markets by eliminating tariffs
have on our industry, customers, and employees.
on products, increasing IP protections that are critical to innovation and
The following is a brief summary of our key areas of interest and engage- investment, and ensuring a more open and transparent regulatory and
ment in the public policy arena. For more information, visit our Public Policy standards environment.
web site and our public policy blog. Workforce. To ensure that the U.S. has access to the highly skilled talent
needed to remain competitive, we advocate for immigration reforms to
Access the Report Builder Innovation and Competition enable businesses to recruit, hire, and retain highly skilled foreign nationals
Intel seeks to promote innovation and competition by engaging in policy in job fields that have a shortage of qualified U.S. workers.
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report advocacy in the following areas:

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G o v e r n a n c e a n d Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Environment and Energy. We work with governments, environmental We are working to remove regulatory barriers that present challenges in
8 Our Approach to Corporate groups, and other high-tech companies to develop policies that encour- the shift to home healthcare, such as practitioner licensure regulations
Responsibility age environmental protection and improved product energy efficiency. restricting the use of telemedicine across state, national, and international
Governance and Intel reaches out to governments worldwide to help identify policies that borders.
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
address government and stakeholder concerns while also preserving our
19 Financial Performance Security and Privacy. Intel works to create user trust in information
industry’s ability to operate and market our products. In 2009, we actively
and Economic Impact technology and a policy environment that fosters innovation and empow-
24 Governance, Ethics,
worked with both the U.S. Congress and U.S. Senate as they crafted leg-
ers users to protect the integrity of their systems and data. In 2009, Intel
and Public Policy islation, specifically seeking provisions to ensure that Intel receives credit
joined the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), and
Governance and Ethics for the voluntary steps we have taken to reduce our carbon footprint, and
with additional organizations celebrated Data Privacy Day, aimed at pro-
> Public Policy and Advocacy to ensure that legislation strikes the appropriate balance between envi-
moting privacy awareness and education, particularly among teenagers.
Political Accountability ronmental protection and economic interests. For more information on our
Intel volunteers in Argentina localized a presentation developed by Intel
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s environmental policy initiatives, see the Environment section of this report.
and IAPP to create a program for students, teachers, and parents called
31 Environment
Education. We collaborate with international ministries of education, Tu Privacidad Online. Volunteers in Cordoba and Buenos Aires gave a total
S o cial Fact o r s the U.S. Department of Education, states, local school districts, and other of 20 talks, which reached more than 2,000 students and received excel-
53 Workplace associations to help improve education—particularly in the areas of math, lent feedback.
73 Supply Chain science, engineering, and technology. For more information, see the
Standards. Intel advocates for information and communications technol-
82 Community Education section of this report.
94 Education
ogy standards that provide benefits to industry, consumers, and govern-
ments worldwide, including interoperability and consistency in quality.
A pp e n d i x Technical Policy and Standards
108 About This Report/Approach To advance a forward-thinking technical policy and standards environment, Media and Content. We support media and content policies that expand
to Assurance we engage in the following policy areas: markets for digital products while respecting IP rights and consumer inter-
109 GRI Content Index ests. Such policies include support for design freedom and technical inno-
116 UN Global Compact— Communications and Broadband. Intel promotes policies that encour-
vation, as well as content flexibility, portability, and choice for consumers.
Communication on Progress age the deployment of wireless and wired broadband services to improve
communications and technology access for customers and businesses.
To help bridge the digital divide, we also promote policies that expand the
allocation of universal service/access funds to include broadband access,
especially in remote regions where it has previously been cost-prohibitive.
“ Many times, I want to join sites, but I do not
Personal Health and Health Information Technology. Intel helps
know how to do it and prevent disclosing per-
drive public policies that improve healthcare and expand healthcare tech-
nology markets worldwide. We support policies that provide incentives sonal information. Your talk was very helpful.”
to expand alternatives to traditional hospitals and other institutional care Student participant, Tu Privacidad Online

Access the Report Builder facilities. Through negotiations with the European Commission, we are
working with other U.S. companies to establish standards that will enable
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report
the exchange of electronic medical records across international borders.

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G o v e r n a n c e a n d Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Political Accountability During 2009, significant controversy surrounded the U.S. Chamber of
8 Our Approach to Corporate Commerce’s public statements and actions on the topic of climate change,
Responsibility In the past few years, stakeholders have requested including opposition and lobbying against provisions in proposed climate
Governance and greater disclosure regarding corporate political legislation. Some stakeholders asked Intel and other companies to clarify
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
contributions. their positions on climate change and/or pull out of the organization alto-
19 Financial Performance
gether. After weighing the issue, Intel decided to remain a member of the
and Economic Impact
Intel’s Political Accountability Guidelines outline our approach to making
Chamber, because the organization provides a strong industry voice on
24 Governance, Ethics,
political contributions, including details about accountability at the senior
and Public Policy a wide range of policies that affect our business, not only in the U.S., but
management and Board of Directors levels. In drafting the guidelines, we
Governance and Ethics around the globe through Chamber affiliates.
referred to the Center for Political Accountability’s Model Code of Conduct
Public Policy and Advocacy
for Corporate Political Spending. The Chamber has a diverse membership, and we are not aligned 100%
> Political Accountability
with the group on all policy matters. Likewise, our positions do not
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s On an annual basis, we report Intel’s corporate political contributions for
always align with those of other industry and trade organizations to
31 Environment the previous year. In 2009, our corporate contributions to state and local
which we belong. To ensure that stakeholders understand our policies
S o cial Fact o r s candidates, campaigns, and ballot propositions totaled $306,800. We also
on various matters, including climate change, we post our positions on
53 Workplace contributed $160,870 to local chambers of commerce. For a list of our
our Corporate Governance and Ethics and Public Policy web sites.
73 Supply Chain contributions, see Intel 2009 U.S. Corporate Contributions.
82 Community
On a quarterly basis, Intel files reports with the Secretary of the U.S. Intel Political Action Committee
94 Education The Intel Political Action Committee (IPAC) was created in 1980 as a way
Senate and the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives detailing our
A pp e n d i x lobbying activities. These reports can be found on the Senate’s Lobbying to enable employees to support candidates whose legislative goals align
108 About This Report/Approach Disclosure Act Database. In 2009, our reported lobbying expenditures with Intel’s public policy priorities. Although Intel pays the administrative
to Assurance expenses of IPAC, corporate funds are not contributed to the IPAC fund,
totaled $3.9 million.
109 GRI Content Index and all employee contributions to it are voluntary. An IPAC Executive
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress
Trade Association and Business Coalition Committee made up of Intel employees reviews and evaluates candidate
Memberships requests on a weekly basis, and each contribution must be approved by
Our memberships in industry and trade associations help us work collabora- committee members.
tively with other companies and groups to address key public policy issues. U.S. congressional and some state legislative candidates are eligible to
The five organizations that received the largest contributions from Intel receive IPAC contributions and are evaluated on many factors, most impor-
in 2009 were the Semiconductor Industry Association, the Information tantly their support for Intel Values. Whenever possible, IPAC donations
Technology Industry Council, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Coalition are made directly to candidates rather than through leadership PACs and
for Patent Fairness, and the GSM Association. Information on trade asso- 527 organizations. For the 2010 election cycle, the sum of political contri-
ciation payments is included in Intel 2009 U.S. Corporate Contributions. butions from IPAC was $290,000 as of April 16, 2010. For a list of contri-
butions, see Intel PAC Contributions to Federal Candidates—2010 Cycle
Access the Report Builder or visit the Center for Responsive Politics web site for updates.
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility We incorporate environmental performance goals throughout our operations, seeking
Governance and continuous improvement in energy efficiency, emissions reductions, resource con-
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
19 Financial Performance
servation, and other areas. Recognizing that consumer use of our products accounts
and Economic Impact for a larger portion of our overall environmental footprint, we focus on improving the
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy energy-efficient performance of our products and collaborating with others to develop
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s innovative ways that technology can help address long-term sustainability challenges
31 Environment
across other industries.
Our Approach to
Environmental Sustainability

K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
Climate Change and Energy
Water Conservation
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Reducing Air Emissions
Product Ecology
Performance Summary & Goals
S o cial Fact o r s
53 Workplace
73 Supply Chain
82 Community
Watch Video
94 Education
A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance

1 80 36
109 GRI Content Index
Key Environment Links
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress
% Billion Intel Environment Site
Product Energy Efficiency

Intel is the largest Percentage of our Gallons of water saved Technology for Environment

Access the Report Builder voluntary purchaser of solid waste since 1998 as a result Environmental, Health, and
Safety Policy
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report “green” power in the U.S., recycled in 2009 of our water conservation
Intel’s Climate Change Policy according to the U.S. EPA investments
Intel’s Water Policy

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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Our Approach to Environmental environmental impact when we design Intel buildings, set performance
8 Our Approach to Corporate levels for manufacturing tools, and establish goals for new production
Responsibility Sustainability processes. Intel supports a precautionary approach to the materials we use
Governance and in our products. We seek alternatives for hazardous materials, and when
Building and designing the world’s most sophisticated
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
products in a sustainable manner requires careful manage- we must use them, we take rigorous steps to ensure that they are handled
19 Financial Performance
safely from the time they enter our operations until they are properly
and Economic Impact ment of energy consumption, air emissions, and resource
disposed of or recycled.
24 Governance, Ethics, conservation. We incorporate Design for the Environment
and Public Policy
principles throughout all phases of our product develop- Product energy efficiency has become increasingly important in our indus-
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s try, given the growing demand for more powerful electronics, the increas-
ment process.
31 Environment ing cost of energy, and the corresponding impact on the environment. We
> Our Approach to We address the environmental challenges of each new generation of are focused on reducing the environmental impact of our products, includ-
Environmental Sustainability
technology long before manufacturing begins. Our teams consider ing efforts to drive new levels of energy-efficient performance. Although
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
Climate Change and Energy Intel Environmental, Health, and Safety Product Life Cycle
Water Conservation
Research and Materials and Chemical Use Intel Operations Intel® Products End of Life
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Development Equipment Approval • Resource • Energy efficiency • Community
Reducing Air Emissions • Benign Selection • Toxicity screening conservation • RoHS compliance recycling events
semiconductor • Process equipment • Hazard • ISO 14001 • EPA Plug-In To
Product Ecology • Product packaging
materials safety classification eCycling
• Climate-change reduction
Performance Summary & Goals • Design for the • RoHS compliance • Risk evaluation footprint • EPEAT
• Energy Star*
• Substitution • Substitution • Employee safety • Halogen-free 1 • Environmental
S o cial Fact o r s principles
alternatives alternatives and wellness education
• Nanotech • Lead-free 2

53 Workplace • Electronic Industry • Control mechanism • Waste reduction • WEEE Directive

research • Power-supply
Citizenship Coalition and recycling
• Personal energy specs
73 Supply Chain • Material protective
screening tool • Power
82 Community equipment
• Product content software
94 Education specs

A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach 1
Applies only to halogenated flame retardants and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in components. Halogens are below 900 parts per million (PPM) bromine and 900 PPM chlorine.
to Assurance 2
Lead is below 1,000 PPM per European Union (EU) Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive of July 2006 (2002/95/EC, Annex A). Some RoHS exemptions for lead may apply to other
components used in the product packaging. 32nm products are manufactured on a lead-free process. Lead-free per EU RoHS Directive of July 2006 (2002/95/EC, Annex A).
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress
About Performance Graphs: Throughout this section, we have included graphs for some of the key indicators that we use to manage our environmental, health, and safety
performance. For close to 20 years, our senior managers have reviewed these indicators on a regular basis. We report our performance both in absolute terms and on the
basis of a “per unit of production” or “per chip” normalized production index (NPI). The NPI is derived directly from our worldwide wafer production and is indexed to a
baseline year of 1999 (NPI = 100 for baseline year 1999), with the exception of our greenhouse gas emissions and energy use indicators, which use a baseline year of 2000.
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With this direct correlation to Intel’s global manufacturing levels, the NPI enables year-to-year comparisons and supports trending comparisons. References to “per chip”
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report assume a typical chip size of 1 cm2, but actual chips vary in size depending on the specific product. In 2009, manufacturing output was significantly reduced to match lower
demand, a result of the worldwide economic downturn. Because of this, many of the normalized environmental indicators that we track saw steep increases in 2009, leading
to atypical results. As manufacturing volumes rise, it is expected that these normalized indicators will return to their historical ranges. Underlying data for the performance
graphs is available for download using the Report Builder on our Corporate Responsibility Report web site.
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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile our components generally make up only a small portion of an electronic The Eco Management Review Committee, led by our senior vice president
8 Our Approach to Corporate device sold to a consumer, we believe that we can play a significant role and general manager of manufacturing and supply chain, comprises senior
Responsibility in helping to minimize the environmental impact of electronic products by leaders from across the company and meets monthly to review environ-
Governance and designing our products with higher energy efficiency, removing environ- mental sustainability performance and strategy. A broad cross-section of
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
mentally sensitive materials, and collaborating on industry initiatives. Intel organizations—including Corporate Services, Information Technology,
19 Financial Performance
Human Resources, Corporate Affairs, Global Public Policy, Intel Labs, and
and Economic Impact We have joined forces with businesses and governments worldwide to
Supply Chain—meet regularly to coordinate business group strategies and
24 Governance, Ethics, find and promote additional ways that technology can be used to address
and Public Policy employee engagement initiatives.
environmental challenges across all sectors of the economy. We recognize
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s that this represents a market opportunity for Intel and are helping to drive
31 Environment
Environmental Certifications and Green
initiatives aimed at using technology for data collection, analysis, and
> Our Approach to Building Practices
modeling, to enable better energy management and actions to reduce
Environmental Sustainability For nearly a decade, Intel has maintained a multi-site ISO 14001 regis-
environmental impact.
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
tration for its environmental management system (EMS). In 2009, the
National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI), our independent third-party
Climate Change and Energy Managing Environmental Performance
Efficiency ISO 14001 registrar, conducted surveillance audits at several of our manu-
Our commitment to environmental sustainability is embodied in the Intel
Water Conservation facturing facilities, as well as its annual audit of our Corporate EHS Group,
Code of Conduct and Intel’s Environmental, Health, and Safety Policy. For
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle which centrally manages key elements of our EMS. Our continuing ISO
more detailed information about our commitments in the areas of climate
Reducing Air Emissions 14001 certification validates the world-class performance of our compre-
change and water conservation, see Intel’s Climate Change Policy and
Product Ecology hensive EMS.
Water Policy. For more than a decade, we have set environmental goals and
Performance Summary & Goals
continue to work to make progress against the 2012 goals that we set at Our engineers have been incorporating green design standards and
S o cial Fact o r s
the beginning of 2008. We also establish clear environmental expectations building concepts into the construction of our facilities for many years.
53 Workplace
for our suppliers and have initiated a number of sustainable purchasing Intel now has a policy of designing all new buildings to a minimum of the
73 Supply Chain
projects. For more information, see the Supply Chain section of this report. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver level. A design
82 Community
center in Haifa, Israel—completed in early 2010—is our first LEED-certified
94 Education Multiple groups across Intel play critical roles in driving strategy, operational
building, and is the first building in Israel to receive LEED Gold certification.
A pp e n d i x and product improvements, and policy initiatives related to environmental
We also achieved basic LEED certification in early 2010 for an Intel fac-
108 About This Report/Approach responsibility. Our Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) organization
to Assurance tory and office building in Kulim, Malaysia for improvements made to the
has primary responsibility for managing our environmental compliance
109 GRI Content Index 14-year-old facility. We are working to obtain LEED for Existing Buildings
and driving performance improvements in our operations. Product-related
116 UN Global Compact— certification for one of our wafer fabrication facilities (fabs) in Chandler,
sustainability is managed by a number of groups across the company. The
Communication on Progress Arizona, and expect to receive it in 2010 or early 2011.
sustainable design of our products is driven by the Corporate Products
Regulations and Standards Group, working with our EHS and Technology In 2010, as we complete facility redesigns at a number of our locations—
Development groups. Our Eco-Technology Program Office promotes the including upgrades to office workspaces, restrooms, cafeterias, and fitness
Access the Report Builder importance of energy-efficient performance in our products and identifies centers—we are incorporating sustainable design elements that are consis-
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report new opportunities for our technologies. tent with LEED criteria and our energy conservation goals.

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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Engaging Employees hosting speakers and delivering Northwest Earth Institute discussion
8 Our Approach to Corporate In 2009, we worked to further enable and encourage our employees to group courses at several Intel sites.
help reduce Intel’s environmental footprint through a number of programs. Intel Environmental Excellence Awards. Since 2000, Intel has
Governance and
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s Linking Compensation with Environmental Performance. Since presented these awards to employees who have helped to reduce Intel’s
19 Financial Performance 2008, we have linked a portion of every employee’s variable compensa- environmental impact. In 2009, 67 individuals and teams from around
and Economic Impact tion—from front-line employees to our CEO—to the achievement of envi- the world were nominated for their work to promote recycling and waste
24 Governance, Ethics, ronmental sustainability metrics in three areas: energy efficiency of our reduction, lower the environmental impact of our products and processes,
and Public Policy
products, reductions in our carbon footprint and energy use, and improve- and educate others on sustainability topics.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
ments in environmental leadership reputation metrics. Winning projects included redesigning electroplating processes to reduce
31 Environment
While the environmental component represents a relatively small portion copper waste, enabling sustainable purchasing in the distribution channel,
> Our Approach to
Environmental Sustainability of the overall Employee Bonus (EB) calculation, we believe that it helps and developing carbon footprint calculators for freight transportation. In
focus employees on the importance of achieving our environmental objec- addition to yielding environmental benefits, these projects frequently help
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
tives. Our discussions with external stakeholders and recent benchmarking Intel lower our costs. One team developed an application to accurately
Climate Change and Energy
Efficiency reveal that it is still relatively rare for companies to link compensation to measure and track the utilization of networks of servers used for micro­
Water Conservation sustainability goals. Our EB calculation for 2010 will also incorporate envi- processor design and development tasks. After collecting and analyzing
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ronmental metrics, including energy-efficiency goals for both our opera- the server use data, team members were able to reallocate resources
Reducing Air Emissions tions and our products, as well as reputation metrics for our environmental and reduce the total number of servers in use from 14,000 to 11,700,
Product Ecology and corporate responsibility leadership. saving an annualized equivalent of over 8 million kilowatt-hours (kWh)
Performance Summary & Goals of energy—enough to power more than 600 U.S. homes for a year—and
In 2009, we ran a year-long campaign in conjunction with the annual EB
S o cial Fact o r s saving $645,000 in energy costs.
goal to encourage employees to take actions to reduce energy consump-
53 Workplace
tion, such as using the power management setting on their computers, Online Communities. To increase awareness and engage employees in
73 Supply Chain
and turning off lights and unplugging devices when not in use. As a result discussions about sustainability initiatives, in 2009 Intel launched a new
82 Community
of these efforts, as well as others taken in our factories and information environmental employee portal, as well as an interactive online employee
94 Education
technology (IT) data centers, we reduced our carbon footprint by 16% and community, “Green Intel.” More than 2,000 employees joined Green Intel
A pp e n d i x
office energy use by an estimated additional 6% in 2009. in the first six months, making it the fastest growing employee group on
108 About This Report/Approach
Planet Blue, our internal social networking platform.
to Assurance Employee Sustainability Groups. Intel encourages employee-
109 GRI Content Index initiated grassroots efforts on sustainability and supports a number of
Community and Biodiversity Impacts
116 UN Global Compact— employee-led sustainability action teams that include members from the
Communication on Progress We are committed to collecting input from local communities about our
Americas, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. The teams share information
environmental performance. Transparency and open communication guide
on projects and educate colleagues on sustainability topics, stay current
our approach. Regular reports from our Arizona and New Mexico commu-
on Intel’s sustainability practices, and identify opportunities to support
Access the Report Builder nity environmental groups, for example, are posted on our web site. In addi-
the company’s goals. One of our chartered employee groups, the Intel
tion, through our Intel Involved and Sustainability in Action programs, our
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report Employee Sustainability Network (IESN), provides networking and volun-
employees participate in environmentally focused projects in communities
teering opportunities, and facilitates a variety of educational forums. IESN
around the world. A number of our education programs and competitions,
activities align with our corporate environmental focus areas and include
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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile such as the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair and the Intel + Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
8 Our Approach to Corporate UC Berkeley Technology Entrepreneurship Challenge, encourage study and
Responsibility innovation on environmental sustainability topics. For more information, We consider climate change an important environmental
Governance and see the Community and Education sections of this report. issue, and many years ago began taking steps to mitigate
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
our impact and publicly report on our carbon footprint.
19 Financial Performance We also work to help preserve the rich biodiversity that exists in some
and Economic Impact of the areas where our sites are located. In Ireland, for example, we have Intel believes in a portfolio approach to emissions reduction and energy
24 Governance, Ethics, partnered with the community to study the ecology and take action to management. Through a wide variety of efforts—including but not lim-
and Public Policy
improve the quality of the River Rye, which flows behind our campus ited to conservation, energy efficiency, solar installations, green power
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s in Leixlip and is a tributary to the River Liffey, an impor- purchases, and efficient building designs—Intel has built a strong and
31 Environment tant salmon spawning ground. During the last decade, sustainable approach to buying and using energy in an economical and
Our Approach to studies have indicated improvements in water quality
Environmental Sustainability environmentally conscious manner. As part of our commitment to transpar-
Watch Video
and in salmon and brown trout density as a result of ency, we have been disclosing our greenhouse gas emissions through the
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s restoration activities. Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) since 2003 and were included in the CDP’s
> Climate Change and Energy
Efficiency Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index 2009. To view our public submissions,
Technology for Environment visit the CDP web site. For our formal position on global climate change,
Water Conservation
Technology is an important part of the solution to many of today’s envi- read our Climate Change Policy.
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
ronmental challenges. It can be used to empower people with the right
Reducing Air Emissions
information to make better decisions about the environment, help reduce Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Product Ecology
the environmental footprint of cities and countries around the world, and In 1996, Intel and other U.S. semiconductor manufacturers entered into
Performance Summary & Goals
drive more sustainable business practices and innovation across entire a voluntary agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
S o cial Fact o r s
industries and sectors. (EPA) to reduce emissions of perfluorocompounds (PFCs), materials used in
53 Workplace
73 Supply Chain We are continuing to explore opportunities to design, develop, and deliver semiconductor manufacturing that are known to have high global-warming
82 Community new technologies to address sustainability challenges, including those potential. The agreement later expanded into a worldwide industry agree-
94 Education that support energy conservation and smart-grid development, home and ment to reduce PFC emissions 10% below 1995 levels by 2010, represent-
building energy management solutions, smart transportation systems, and ing what we believe to be the world’s first voluntary industry greenhouse
A pp e n d i x
industry and supply chain management solutions. gas reduction commitment. Intel remains on track to meet this goal; by
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance the end of 2009, we had reduced our PFC emissions by more than 50% in
Intel technology and expertise are already at work today in a variety
109 GRI Content Index absolute terms and 80% on a per chip basis from our 1995 baseline. Even
of sustainability applications, including innovative recycling solutions
116 UN Global Compact— with the anticipated increases in manufacturing in 2010, we expect to
Communication on Progress and modeling applications to help better understand
meet or exceed this reduction goal.
sustainability issues such as climate change and
honeybee colony behavior. For more information and Since 2006, Intel has been a member of the EPA’s Climate Leaders pro-

Watch Video to see videos on a number of our initiatives, visit our gram, an industry-government partnership working to develop strategies
Access the Report Builder
Technology for Environment web site. to reduce overall climate change. In conjunction with the program, Intel set
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report a goal to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 30% per unit of produc-
tion from 2004 through 2010. As of the end of 2009, we had reduced

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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Intel’s Climate Awareness Timeline
8 Our Approach to Corporate Intel announces plans for eight additional solar projects at our facilities in four U.S. states.

Intel leads industry Intel founds Intel Open Energy Initiative.
Governance and initiative on PFC reduction with
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s the first voluntary agreement
to reduce global-warming Intel becomes largest corporate purchaser of “green” power in the U.S. under U.S. EPA Green Power
19 Financial Performance gases. Intel starts public Partnership; sets new absolute emissions reduction goal; and founds Digital Energy Solutions Campaign.
reporting of total energy use.
and Economic Impact
24 Governance, Ethics, Intel establishes Intel joins U.S. EPA Climate Leaders
energy conservation program and commits to reduce per
and Public Policy goal: average 4% chip global-warming gases 30%
per year reduction from 2004 baseline by 2010.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s on a per chip basis.
31 Environment Intel joins
Intel begins public PFC agreement adopted Intel begins CO2 emissions
Our Approach to Chicago Climate
environmental by World Semiconductor participating in are regulated at Exchange
Environmental Sustainability reporting. Council. Industry-wide Carbon Disclosure Ireland site; Intel and co-founds
goal set to reduce PFC Project. starts participating Climate Savers
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s emissions 10% below in European Union Computing
1995 baseline by 2010. trading program. Initiative.
> Climate Change and Energy
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Water Conservation
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Ahead of the Curve Transparency and Disclosure Driving Industry-Wide
Continuous Improvement
Reducing Air Emissions
Product Ecology Since the mid-1990s, we have taken voluntary steps and set aggressive goals to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.
Performance Summary & Goals
emissions more than 40% below 2004 levels on a per chip basis. In 2008, In 2009, we completed a research paper, “Developing an Overall CO2
S o cial Fact o r s
we set an additional goal to reduce the absolute global-warming gas foot- Footprint for Semiconductor Products,”1 published by the IEEE, to gain a
53 Workplace
print from our operations 20% below 2007 levels by 2012. As of the end better understanding of the Scope 3 impacts from our industry, including
73 Supply Chain
of 2009, we had reduced our absolute emissions more than 45% below embedded CO2 in the supply chain. The calculation of an overall CO2 foot-
82 Community
2007 levels. print still contains many limitations and uncertainties. In this research, we
94 Education
primarily focused on activities that directly support manufacturing opera-
A pp e n d i x Since 2007, Intel has been a member of the Chicago Climate Exchange,
tions, and did not include potential impacts from other support operations
108 About This Report/Approach North America’s only cap and trade system for six greenhouse gases.
to Assurance or assess the embedded CO2 impact from capital goods such as buildings
Members made a voluntary but legally binding commitment to reduce their
109 GRI Content Index or manufacturing equipment.
aggregate emissions by 6% by 2010 compared to a baseline of average
116 UN Global Compact— annual emissions from 1998 to 2001. Our research confirmed previous findings that the largest CO2 impact from
Communication on Progress
semiconductors comes from consumer use. Excluding product consumer
Intel has for many years reported its Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emis-
use, semiconductor manufacturing has the greatest impact, accounting
sions publicly, but like many companies had an incomplete understanding
for approximately 60% of the CO2 impact, with the balance attributable
Access the Report Builder of Scope 3 emissions. Scope 1 and 2 emissions refer to direct emissions
to logistics, supply chain, and commute and business travel. For additional
from facilities and purchased electricity, respectively. Scope 3 emissions,
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report information about our ongoing work on understanding the carbon foot- according to internationally accepted protocols, are from sources not
print of our supply chain, see the Supply Chain section of this report.
directly attributable to a company’s manufacturing operations, but are
created indirectly as a result of its operations or the use of its products.

© 2009 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission.
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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intel’s Carbon Footprint1
8 Our Approach to Corporate
4.0 80 Breakdown of Intel Scope 1, 2, 3 Emissions:
Governance and 42 MMtCO2e 0.6%
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s 5.7% 2.2%
3.5 70 1%
19 Financial Performance

Normalized Production Index (Year 2000=100)

Million Metric Tons of CO2 Equivalent (MMtCO2e)
and Economic Impact
24 Governance, Ethics, 3.0 60
and Public Policy
2.5 2.8 2.8
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s 2.5 50
31 Environment
Our Approach to 2.0 40
Environmental Sustainability 90.2%

K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s 1.5 1.6 30 Products Business Air Travel Logistics

> Climate Change and Energy Operations Supply Chain Commute
Efficiency 0.2
1.0 0.2 20
Water Conservation 0.2 Breakdown of Intel Operations:
0.2 1.98 MMtCO2e
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
0.5 1.1 10 0.2% 5.2%
Reducing Air Emissions 1.0 0.9 0.2 8%
Product Ecology
Performance Summary & Goals
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 23.7%
S o cial Fact o r s
53 Workplace Energy Perfluorocompounds (PFCs)
Other Global-Warming Greenhouse Gas 62.4%
73 Supply Chain
Greenhouse Gases Emissions—Normalized
82 Community
Electricity Natural Gas Other
94 Education Intel’s absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions were down 20% in 2009 compared to
PFCs Diesel Chemicals
2008, while emissions on a per chip basis were up 13% due to lower manufacturing
A pp e n d i x levels. The decrease in absolute emissions from 2008 to 2009 was due to reduced PFC 1
Percentages were estimated based on 2008 data. Breakdowns did not change
108 About This Report/Approach emissions and energy-efficiency projects. Our purchase of renewable energy credits significantly for 2009.
to Assurance (RECs), now representing 51% of our U.S. energy use, contributed to the significant
decrease in absolute emissions from 2007 to 2008. The RECs resulted in a reduction
109 GRI Content Index
of approximately 1 million MMtCO2e in Scope 2 emissions in 2008 and 2009. Energy-Efficient Operations
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress Many of the major trends in semiconductor manufacturing inherently
improve energy efficiency. For example, the industry’s move from 200mm
to 300mm wafers reduced manufacturing energy consumption by about
20%, primarily because more chips could be produced at a time. The trend
Access the Report Builder
toward smaller chips, such as the Intel® Atom™ processor, generates savings
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report
for similar reasons, as do advancements through Moore’s Law, which
help reduce energy per chip, because smaller feature sizes allow more
chips per wafer.
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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile In 2009, we continued to allocate funds for resource conservation We have also saved energy through projects initiated by employees.
8 Our Approach to Corporate and efficiency projects aimed at reducing energy use in our operations. For example, over the past two years, engineers in Ireland have identi-
Responsibility Projects included installation of more efficient lighting and smart system fied opportunities to reduce energy use in our factories during idle time.
Governance and controls; boiler and chilled water system improvements; and cleanroom Traditionally, fab process tools not in use are placed in an idle state rather
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and heat recovery im­provements. than being completely shut down so that they can be brought back up
19 Financial Performance
Since 2001, Intel has invested more than $35 million and completed over in a short amount of time (a few hours vs. a few weeks, in some cases).
and Economic Impact
1,300 projects, saving more than 640 million kWh of energy, or enough In idle state, these tools still consume more than 80% of the energy
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy to power more than 55,000 U.S. homes for one year. These investments required for full use. The engineers developed a solution that saves up to
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
have en­abled Intel to reduce energy costs by approximately $18 million 80% to 90% of the energy that would be achieved in the full shut-down
31 Environment per year. state, while enabling tools to be returned to production in under a week.
Our Approach to This solution has resulted in energy cost savings of over $6.5 million
Environmental Sustainability Energy Use between 2007 and 2009.
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s 6 120 Our IT organization has also undertaken projects to meet growing com-
> Climate Change and Energy

Normalized Production Index (Year 2000=100)

puting demands while reducing our consumption of IT-related and office
1.0 energy—and cut power costs by $4 million in 2009 as a result. Intel IT’s
5 1.0 110
Water Conservation 1.0
Sustainability Framework uses data centers, compute, and office infra-
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 0.9
structure, as well as our client compute offerings, to collectively contribute
Billion Kilowatt-Hours

Reducing Air Emissions 4 100

Product Ecology to our corporate goal of reducing absolute greenhouse gas emissions
Performance Summary & Goals 3 90 20% by 2012.

S o cial Fact o r s
Finding efficient ways to support business growth and respond faster to
4.7 4.6
2 4.4 80
53 Workplace 4.2 business needs while enhancing services is critical for IT. Our long-term
73 Supply Chain data center strategy focuses on delivering innovative solutions to optimize
82 Community 1 70 server, storage, network, and facilities infrastructure that we project will
94 Education help us realize an estimated $650 million in savings by 2012.
A pp e n d i x
We also extended our videoconferencing capabilities, enabling Intel to cut
108 About This Report/Approach 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
energy use and carbon emissions resulting from employee travel, saving
to Assurance
Natural Gas Electricity
an estimated $14 million and 43,156 travel hours in 2009.
109 GRI Content Index Diesel Energy Use—Normalized
To read more about our IT group’s efforts to reduce Intel’s
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress In 2009, energy use in our operations decreased 10% from 2008 on an absolute basis energy use, read the 2009 Intel IT Performance Report
and increased 29% on a per chip basis. The significant increase in the per chip figure Watch Video
and see the videos and case studies.
was due primarily to lower manufacturing levels.

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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Investing in Renewable Power Cleantech Investments. Intel Capital, Intel’s global investment organiza-
8 Our Approach to Corporate In 2008, Intel became the largest voluntary purchaser of green power in tion, has invested more than $125 million in the solar energy sector since
Responsibility 2008 to accelerate innovation in start-up companies that are developing
the U.S., under the U.S. EPA’s Green Power Partnership program. We com-
Governance and mitted to purchase renewable energy credits to support the generation alternative power sources. In July 2009, Intel Capital expanded its clean-
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
of more than 1.3 billion kWh per year as part of a multi-year contract. The tech portfolio with new investments in smart grid and energy-efficient
19 Financial Performance
purchase placed Intel at the top of the Green Power Partnership’s “National technologies.
and Economic Impact
24 Governance, Ethics, Top 25” and “Fortune 500 Challenge” lists. For our actions, education, and
and Public Policy leadership, Intel received an EPA Green Power Partner of the Year Award Improving Product Energy Efficiency
in 2009, for the second year in a row. In January 2010, Intel increased our Transistors are the building blocks of the electronics industry, and the
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
31 Environment purchase by 10%, committing to over 1.43 billion kWh of renewable energy creation of more energy-efficient computers depends on the energy
Our Approach to credits per year, equivalent to 51% of our projected U.S. electricity use. efficiency of transistors. Shrinking process technology allows us to fit
Environmental Sustainability more transistors into Intel® processors, while also reducing the energy
According to the EPA, our purchase commitment—which includes a bal-
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
required to power them. This energy efficiency is driven by Moore’s Law,
anced portfolio of wind, solar, small hydroelectric, and biomass sources—
> Climate Change and Energy which over the last 30 years, when combined with Intel® architecture and
has the equivalent environmental impact of taking more than 200,000
Efficiency circuit design innovations, has reduced energy per transistor by a factor
Water Conservation
passenger vehicles off the road per year. We hope that Intel’s sizable pur-
of approximately 1 million.
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle chase will help stimulate the market for green power, leading to additional
Reducing Air Emissions generating capacity and, ultimately, lower costs. Power Reduction vs. Core Performance
Product Ecology Solar Installations. In 2008, we piloted a program to install solar energy
0.001 10,000
Performance Summary & Goals
systems at Intel locations in India, and in New Mexico and Oregon. We also Intel® Core™2 Duo Extreme Processor QX6700
S o cial Fact o r s Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor X6800
installed solar hot water systems, which now supply nearly 100% of the
0.0001 Pentium® D Processor 1,000
53 Workplace hot water used at our two largest campuses in India, saving approximately
73 Supply Chain 70,000 kWh on an annual basis. In January 2010, Intel announced plans for Pentium® 4 Processor
0.00001 Pentium® Processor 100
82 Community eight additional solar projects at our facilities in four U.S. states. These
94 Education projects will include both ground and roof-mounted solar electric facilities, Pentium® Processor
0.000001 10
A pp e n d i x and will produce almost 2.5 million watts of solar power by mid-2010.
108 About This Report/Approach Intel486™ Processor
to Assurance 0.0000001 Intel386™ Processor 1
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact—
“ We are committed to our renewable energy Relative Energy
Per Transistor
Relative Single-Core
Communication on Progress program, which continues to reduce Intel’s Source: Intel estimates

carbon footprint, spur the market, and make

Over the past 30 years, we have achieved power reductions while improving
renewables more economically feasible for performance over time, resulting in increased compute energy efficiency.
Access the Report Builder
individuals and businesses.”
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report
Brian Krzanich, Intel Senior Vice President and General Manager,
Manufacturing and Supply Chain

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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Each new generation of process technology enables us to build micro- Climate Leadership Activities
8 Our Approach to Corporate processors that can have improved performance and energy efficiency, According to Gartner Research, about 2% of the world’s emissions come
Responsibility resulting in important benefits for consumers and the environment. We from the information and communications technology (ICT) industry. We
Governance and estimate, in fact, that the conversion to the energy-efficient Intel® Core™ collaborate on initiatives with multiple stakeholders to reduce ICT-related
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
microarchitecture saved up to 26 terawatt-hours of electricity between emissions, and to identify ways that the ICT industry can help to reduce
19 Financial Performance
2006 and 2009, compared to the technology it replaced. That is equiva- energy consumption and carbon emissions across other sectors of the
and Economic Impact
lent to eliminating the CO2 emissions associated with the annual electricity global economy.
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy use of more than 2 million U.S. homes.
The “Smart 2020: Enabling the Low Carbon Economic in the Information
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s Intel’s 32nm silicon technology with second-generation Hi-k metal gate Age” report published in 2008 by The Climate Group and the Global
31 Environment transistors delivers greater energy efficiency than previous generations. e-Sustainability Initiative estimated that the ICT sector could reduce up to
Our Approach to For example, the Intel® Xeon® processor L5640 (released in early 2010) 15% of business-as-usual emissions globally by 2020. A follow-up report
Environmental Sustainability
provides significant improvements in energy efficiency by providing the put the potential reduction in the U.S. even higher—to as much as 22%
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s same performance as the previous generation Intel® Xeon® processor by 2020. In 2009, Intel and Microsoft funded a series of peer-reviewed
> Climate Change and Energy X5570 with up to 30% lower system power usage . 1
research papers that further address these topics.
Water Conservation The energy efficiency of PC networks can be significantly increased Energy Star. Intel worked with the U.S. EPA to develop the latest Energy
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle through power management technology combined with highly energy- Star* computer specifications and author a design guide to help system
Reducing Air Emissions efficient mobile computers in place of less efficient desktop computers. manufacturers deliver Energy Star 4.0 compliant systems based on Intel®
Product Ecology Intel has pioneered a diverse set of hardware and software technologies technologies. In 2009, Intel collaborated with the EPA on a white paper
Performance Summary & Goals that help measure and optimize energy use in computers. In fact, the about implementation for the new Energy Star 5.0 standard, and we con-
S o cial Fact o r s Intel® Advanced Power Management Interface—introduced in the 1990s— tinued to work with industry stakeholders to develop an energy-efficient
53 Workplace spawned an entirely new category of energy-efficient mobile computers performance metric for servers that could be used in Energy Star and
73 Supply Chain and is still in use today. More recently, the Intel® Intelligent Power Node other programs.
82 Community Manager has enabled data center operators to achieve more precise con-
94 Education
Climate Savers Computing Initiative (CSCI). Intel, Google, and the
trol over the energy used in their servers.
World Wildlife Fund jointly launched CSCI in June 2007, with the goal of
A pp e n d i x
Additional power reductions can be achieved by employing remote man- building awareness and encouraging the use of more efficient compo-
108 About This Report/Approach
agement technology, such as Intel® vPro™ technology, which enables an nents and power management features to reduce computer-related CO2
to Assurance
IT department to turn networked PCs on and off remotely. An analysis emissions. The initiative is unique in that it unites industry, consumers,
109 GRI Content Index
conducted by Intel estimated that energy costs per PC could be reduced government, and conservation organizations—securing commitments from
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress by up to 26 times by replacing unmanaged Intel® Pentium® D processor manufacturers to produce and sell more energy-efficient products and
9400-based desktop computers running CRT monitors with Intel® Core™2 encouraging consumers to purchase computers with better efficiencies.
Duo processor 9400-based notebooks equipped with power management
Access the Report Builder software and Intel vPro technology.

2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

40 Source: Intel Press Release, March 16, 2010.


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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Membership grew more than 60% in the program’s third year to include Water Conservation
8 Our Approach to Corporate over 550 companies in 53 countries. The members take a leadership role
Responsibility in deploying smarter computing practices, improving the energy efficiency Sustainable water management continues to be a key
Governance and of their computing fleets, and thereby eliminating significant energy waste focus at our sites worldwide, so we can meet our business
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
and carbon emissions. Intel also helped launch CSCI in India, with a goal of needs as well as the needs of our communities.
19 Financial Performance
cutting computer power consumption in half and avoiding 4 million metric
and Economic Impact
We consider efficient and environmentally sound water management
tons of greenhouse gas emissions over the next three years.
24 Governance, Ethics,
throughout all stages in our operations, including reviewing access to
and Public Policy
Digital Energy Solutions Campaign (DESC). Intel founded and co- sustainable water sources as a criterion when selecting a site for an Intel
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s chairs DESC, a coalition of ICT companies, allied with non-governmental facility. Water and energy experts at our locations around the world help us
31 Environment organizations (NGOs) and trade associations, dedicated to promoting manage and research opportunities for reductions, such as incorporating
Our Approach to adoption of public policies that will enable ICT to realize its full potential
Environmental Sustainability water conservation elements into the design of our facilities and establish-
to improve societal energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. DESC ing specific water goals for new process technologies. We also work to
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s advocates directly with government leaders and through public education, understand the potential impact of our water use at the community level,
Climate Change and Energy workshops, and targeted research. In 2009, Intel also helped launch DESC
Efficiency and engage in discussions about responsible water use and the human
in India, where it now has 17 members. right to water. For more information about our commitment to water con-
> Water Conservation
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Intel Open Energy Initiative. Founded in 2009, the Intel Open Energy servation and responsible water management, read Intel’s Water Policy.
Reducing Air Emissions Initiative aligns and mobilizes Intel and its partners around the application
Product Ecology of technology and open standards to accelerate the global transition to Investing in Responsible Water Management
Performance Summary & Goals smart energy. Specifically, Intel is working to accelerate the integration of Since 1998, we have invested more than $100 million in water conserva-
S o cial Fact o r s and synergy between intelligent renewable energy sources, smart grids, tion programs at our global facilities. As a result, in 2009 we reclaimed
53 Workplace smart buildings, and empowered energy consumers. Intel’s actions include: approximately 2 billion gallons of water, instead of tapping into precious
73 Supply Chain policy influence; collaboration in relevant government programs, standards fresh-water sources. To date, our comprehensive and aggressive efforts
82 Community bodies, consortia, and coalitions; partnerships with utilities on energy effi- have saved more than 36 billion gallons of water—enough for roughly
94 Education ciency and smart grid programs; and strategic investments via Intel Capital. 335,000 U.S. homes for an entire year. We estimate that it takes 12 gallons
of water to produce a single chip1; by comparison, producing one pair of
A pp e n d i x
The Green Grid. Intel serves on the board of the Green Grid, a global jeans takes 2,900 gallons, one hamburger 634 gallons, and one cup of
108 About This Report/Approach
consortium founded in 2007 made up of companies dedicated to energy tea 9 gallons.2
to Assurance
efficiency in business computing ecosystems. The Green Grid provides
109 GRI Content Index
industry-wide recommendations on best practices, metrics, and technol­ Cleaning silicon wafers during fabrication requires the use of ultra-pure
116 UN Global Compact—
ogies to improve overall data center energy efficiency. water (UPW). Over time, we have improved the efficiency of the process
Communication on Progress
to create UPW. It used to take almost 2 gallons of water to make 1 gallon
International Climate Change Partnership (ICCP). Intel chairs the of UPW. Today, it takes between 1.25 and 1.5 gallons of water to make 1
ICCP, a progressive industry coalition committed to constructive and gallon of UPW. Historically, after we use UPW to clean wafers, the water is
Access the Report Builder responsible participation in the policy process on global climate change. suitable for many other uses, including industrial purposes and irrigation.
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report Our factories are equipped with complex rinse-water collection systems,

Based on our estimated Scope 1, 2, and 3 water use. References to “per chip” assume a typical chip size of 1 cm2, but actual chips vary in size depending on the specific product.

41 Source: Water Footprint Network.


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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile with separate drains for collecting lightly contaminated wastewater
Water Use in Operations
8 Our Approach to Corporate for reuse. With this reuse strategy, we harvest as much water from our

Normalized Production Index (Year 1999=100)

manufacturing processes as possible and direct it to equipment such as 10 110
Governance and cooling towers and scrubbers. In addition, at some of our locations, we
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
have arrangements to take back gray water from local municipal water 8 7.8 8.0 100
19 Financial Performance 7.7 7.5
treatment operations for use at our campuses.
and Economic Impact 6.8

Billions of Gallons
24 Governance, Ethics, 6 90
While our ultimate vision is to achieve the continuous reuse of water in
and Public Policy
semiconductor manufacturing, we currently discharge water from our
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s 4 80
operations in compliance with local permits. Discharge methods vary by
31 Environment site based on the needs of the community. We work with local water man-
Our Approach to agement agencies to determine solutions for each manufacturing location. 2 70
Environmental Sustainability

K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s Water Footprint Analysis

Climate Change and Energy Universally accepted step-by-step instructions on how to calculate a 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
water footprint are not yet available, but in 2009 we drew on a number of Water Use Water Use—Normalized
> Water Conservation
emerging frameworks and research to complete a detailed water footprint
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle We have set a goal to reduce water use per chip below 2007 levels by 2012. Despite
assessment.1 Similar to how we analyze CO2 emissions, we categorized our
Reducing Air Emissions our continued efforts to reduce our water use, in 2009 it increased 3% from 2008
water use according to activity: Scope 1 (used in our direct operations), levels on an absolute basis, and 38% on a per chip basis (due to low manufacturing
Product Ecology
Scope 2 (related to our energy use), and Scope 3 (used by our supply chain). levels). The increase was expected and due in part to the increasing complexity of our
Performance Summary & Goals manufacturing processes. Through investments in process optimization and additional
S o cial Fact o r s recycling and reuse opportunities, we expect to meet our 2012 goals.

53 Workplace
73 Supply Chain Intel’s Water Footprint

82 Community
Mouse over diagram elements for
Evaporative Loss
94 Education additional information.

A pp e n d i x
1.5 Billion
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance
Intel Operations 6.5 Billion
Water Supply 8 Billion Water Discharge
109 GRI Content Index (Scope 1) 0.4 Billion1

116 UN Global Compact— 3.4 Billion 0.7 Billion 0.4 Billion 0.6 Billion 5.5 Billion
Communication on Progress 1.1 Billion

Energy Providers Tier 1 Suppliers Irrigation Groundwater Replenish

(Scope 2) (Scope 3) Recharge Water Sources

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Reclaimed water from the municipal water treatment operations in Chandler, Arizona and Santa Clara, California for use at our sites.
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report 2
Intel worked with the City of Chandler to fund construction of a reverse osmosis facility, which since 1996 has resulted in over 4 billion gallons of water being put back into the aquifer. This strategy supports a key Chandler effort to store water in the underground aquifer to assure that the needs of local citizens and businesses are met for many years to come.

© 2010 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from “Performing a Water Footprint Assessment for a Semiconductor Industry.”

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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Our initial findings suggest that the largest impact on water use (66%) is Local Water Use and Impact
8 Our Approach to Corporate from our direct operations, the area where we have historically focused our A number of our operations are located in arid regions, including our sites
Responsibility water conservation investments and where we have achieved significant in China, Israel, and Arizona and New Mexico in the U.S. In addition to tak-
Governance and savings to date. ing internal actions, we partner with others to address sustainable water
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
Recent studies and publications have found a direct correlation between issues at the local level. For example, in Arizona we partnered with the City
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact water consumption and the production of electricity. As a result, we of Chandler to implement a progressive water management system that
24 Governance, Ethics, included the water associated with our energy use and generation in our has lowered Intel Arizona’s daily water demand by up to 75%. In Israel, we
and Public Policy partnered with Numonyx B.V. to install a $20 million advanced membrane
water footprint assessment. We found that our own energy use accounts
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s for approximately 28% of our total water use, but that our renewable bioreactor (MBR) to treat wastewater from our factory. MBR effluent is
31 Environment energy credit (REC) purchases have helped to significantly reduce that extremely clean and suitable for reuse, including in agricultural irrigation.
Our Approach to amount, given the lower water use associated with the energy sources At our new wafer fabrication facility in Dalian, China, scheduled to open in
Environmental Sustainability
in our REC portfolio. If not for these purchases, we estimate that water late 2010, we have incorporated processes and systems that we estimate
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s associated with our energy use would be greater than that of our direct will save 68 million gallons of city water per year once the fab is up and
Climate Change and Energy operations. running. At our sites in India, through our water treatment and reuse plan,
> Water Conservation Scope 3 water use activities potentially include those from logistics we currently recapture and reuse 100% of the water that we use, and
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (such as trucks, planes, and trains used to move materials and products), capture stormwater for use in our cooling towers.
Reducing Air Emissions employee travel and commuting, product use, and Intel’s supply chain. We In 2003, our Hudson, Massachussetts site established a $1.5 million
Product Ecology narrowed our analysis of the supply chain to “first tier” suppliers—compa- Intel Assabet Groundwater Recharge Fund to support projects that help
Performance Summary & Goals nies that provide the raw materials (such as chemicals, wafers, and gases) replenish the river and its tributaries. Projects directly recharge water
S o cial Fact o r s that are directly used in our manufacturing process. We focused our anal­ to the aquifer that would otherwise be piped into a stormwater system
53 Workplace ysis on 19 raw materials representing 99.5% of our manufacturing ingre- or discharged straight into a stream or river to increase the amount of
73 Supply Chain dients by volume. Realistically, it will take years to perfect water footprint groundwater available during dry periods, and to maintain the base flow of
82 Community assessments. However, we believe that this assessment has helped us the river and its tributaries. Grants are awarded each year to municipalities
94 Education better understand our total water use impact and identify future oppor­ and nonprofit organizations up to a project maximum of $500,000. By the
A pp e n d i x tunities for water use reductions. end of 2009, over $770,000 in grants had been established for projects
108 About This Report/Approach that collectively redirect and recharge an estimated 43 million gallons of
to Assurance
water per year.
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress

Since 1998, we have invested more than

$100 million in water conservation programs
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at our global facilities.
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Local Water Use Data
8 Our Approach to Corporate The following table details the fresh-water supply for our larger sites around the world. However, most of the water that we use in our operations
is returned to the local water system. On average, between 60% and 70% of the water used at our sites is sent back to municipal water treatment
Governance and operations, where it is treated so that it can be reused for other purposes in the community, such as irrigation, or returned to the water source.
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
See our water footprint diagram for additional details.
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact
24 Governance, Ethics,
2009 Water Withdrawals by Manufacturing Location
and Public Policy Location Water Use1 Primary Water Source2 Location Water Use1 Primary Water Source2
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s China United States
31 Environment
Chengdu 125 Surface: Fuhe River Chandler, 195 Surface and ground: Salt and Verde
Our Approach to
Arizona Rivers, local aquifer
Environmental Sustainability Dalian3 < 20 Surface: Wolong River
Ocotillo, 1,1925 Surface and ground: Salt and Verde
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s Pudong 443 Surface: Yangtze and Huangpu Jiang Rivers Arizona Rivers, local aquifer
Climate Change and Energy
Efficiency Costa Rica Folsom, 139 Surface: American River
> Water Conservation California
San Jose 152 Ground: Colima Superior Aquifer
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Santa Clara, 173 Surface: Tuolumne River
Reducing Air Emissions California
Product Ecology Bangalore4 < 30 Surface: Kabini River
Hudson, 225 Ground: Assabet River Basin Aquifer
Performance Summary & Goals Ireland Massachusetts
S o cial Fact o r s
Leixlip 1,117 Surface: River Liffey Rio Rancho, 1,293 Ground: Santa Fe Aquifer
53 Workplace New Mexico
73 Supply Chain Israel
Aloha, 192 Surface: Tualatin River
82 Community Qiryat-Gat 678 Surface and ground: Lake Kinneret, Coastal Oregon
94 Education Aquifer, Mountain Aquifer (Yarkon-Tininim),
and local desalinization plant Ronler Acres, 1,451 Surface: Tualatin River
A pp e n d i x Oregon
108 About This Report/Approach Malaysia
to Assurance Kulim 232 Surface: Muda River
109 GRI Content Index Ho Chi Minh < 10 Surface: Dong Nai River
Penang 323 Surface: Muda River City3
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress Philippines

Cavite 74 Ground: local aquifer

In millions of gallons. Figures represent water use/withdrawals by site. However, our net water use by location is significantly lower than these figures.
Access the Report Builder For each water source, our 2009 water use did not exceed 5% of that source. 

Under construction in 2009. 
Site captures and reuses all water (minus evaporative loss, assumed to be 20% due to arid location, fountains, ponds) and also captures rain water for use on-site.
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report 5
In addition to 1,192 million gallons of fresh water used at the site, we took back 436 million gallons of gray water from the local municipal water treatment facility, further reducing our use of fresh water at the site.

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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Collaboration and Opportunity furniture. Over the past five years, these programs have enabled us
8 Our Approach to Corporate We regularly benchmark our performance on water use and reuse with to save more than $23 million. To remind employees about the value of
Responsibility recycling, we have applied funds saved through our
other semiconductor companies to identify and share best practices.
Governance and We actively participate in environmental performance benchmarking recycling activities to provide rebates in our cafes,
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
activities with other members of the World Semiconductor Council (WSC), purchase new employee fitness center equipment,
19 Financial Performance Watch Video
Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), and the International Sematech and make other site improvements.
and Economic Impact
24 Governance, Ethics, Manufacturing Initiative (ISMI), which enables us to better understand how In 2009, we sold about 30 tons of silicon wafers that could not be used
and Public Policy Intel compares to others in the semiconductor industry on total normalized for production. This enabled the reuse of materials that would otherwise
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s water and UPW use. have become waste, and the wafers provided raw material for the solar
31 Environment industry—enough to manufacture solar cells that would add more than
In 2009, Intel became a founding member of the Washington, D.C.-based
Our Approach to 3 megawatts of clean energy to the power grid every year.
Water Innovations Alliance, an industry association that focuses on devel-
Environmental Sustainability
oping funding, reducing regulatory barriers, increasing collaboration, and
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
raising awareness of cutting-edge water technologies and the problems Solid Waste Generated/Recycled
Climate Change and Energy
they address. As water resources become more constrained, the need for

Normalized Production Index (Year 1999=100)

Efficiency 100 125
Water Conservation
technologies that promote water conservation is likely to grow and may
> Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle present a business opportunity for Intel. In the coming years, we will 83.8
80 100
Reducing Air Emissions continue to research and explore opportunities to apply Intel technology
to address the global water challenge.

Thousand Tons
Product Ecology 60 75
Performance Summary & Goals 54.6

S o cial Fact o r s Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 40

53 Workplace 88%

73 Supply Chain Each year, we recycle a high percentage of the waste from
20 74% 80% 25
82 Community our operations. In 2009, our employees continued to iden- 80%

94 Education tify new opportunities to minimize waste and recycle or

A pp e n d i x reuse materials, from large-scale process improvements 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
108 About This Report/Approach to everyday actions. Solid Waste Recycled Solid Waste Generated—
to Assurance
Solid Waste Generated Normalized
109 GRI Content Index
Solid Waste
116 UN Global Compact— Solid waste generated was down 47% on an absolute basis and 25% on a per chip basis
Communication on Progress Since 2007, we have recycled at least 80% of the solid waste generated in 2009 compared to 2008, due to large construction projects winding down in 2009.
in our operations each year. Waste generated during construction makes
up a significant portion of our solid waste. We have implemented several
programs that focus on solid waste reduction, reuse, and recycling in both
Access the Report Builder
construction activities and other areas, such as recycling office paper, met-
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report
als, and other materials; composting cafeteria waste; and donating office

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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Solid Waste Recycled Chemical Waste Generated/Recycled

Normalized Production Index (Year 1999=100)

8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility 9%
40 200
Governance and 37%
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s 23%
30 30.0 150
19 Financial Performance 28.5

Thousand Tons
and Economic Impact 24.7
3% 20 100
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy 11%
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s 10 84% 50
Landscape and Food Waste Metal Plastic 64% 87% 71%
31 Environment Cardboard Paper Wood
Our Approach to
Environmental Sustainability We recycled 80% of our solid waste in 2009 (with the balance disposed of in landfills),
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
meeting our corporate-wide goal. Landscape and food waste are turned into mulch and
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s composted, respectively. Chemical Waste Recycled Chemical Waste
Climate Change and Energy Chemical Waste Generated Generated—Normalized
Chemical Waste
Water Conservation Chemical waste generated was down 13% on an absolute basis and up 23% on a
In 2008, we announced a goal to reduce our generation of chemical waste per chip basis in 2009 compared to 2008. The per chip basis was up due to lower
> Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
per chip by 10% by 2012 compared to 2007 levels. Since 2007, our chemi- manufacturing volumes. Our recycling rate was 71%, which is below our goal to
Reducing Air Emissions recycle at least 80% of our chemical waste. The drop was driven primarily by the
Product Ecology cal waste has increased due to the growing complexity of our manufactur- closure of a U.S. recycling facility and reduced recycling opportunities in Israel.

Performance Summary & Goals ing processes, such as more layers per wafer and smaller feature sizes that
require additional chemical rinsing. Chemical Waste Management Methods
S o cial Fact o r s
53 Workplace 5%
We are working to reverse this trend and achieve our 2012 goal, including
73 Supply Chain installing systems at two of our facilities to recycle dissolved metal waste.
82 Community This on-site process will allow for the recovery of valuable dissolved metal-
94 Education lic copper, eliminating off-site shipment of this chemical waste stream
A pp e n d i x (and the associated transportation emissions). We have also established
108 About This Report/Approach teams to identify ways to reduce two of our largest waste streams. 71%
to Assurance
109 GRI Content Index Recycle Incinerate Landfill Neutralized/Filtered
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress The recycled amount also includes chemicals directly reused, chemicals recycled,
and fuel-blending activities.

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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Reducing Air Emissions NOx and CO Emissions

Normalized Production Index (Year 1999=100)

8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility Through careful design of our production processes, we 200 120
Governance and have reduced our absolute air emissions since 2000, while 171 170 168
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s 164 159 164 169
growing our operations more than two-fold. 150 146
153 90
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact
We work to minimize our emissions of both volatile organic compounds 114

24 Governance, Ethics, 100 60
(VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). Where we cannot eliminate
and Public Policy
VOCs and HAPs entirely, we install thermal oxidizers and wet scrubbers
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s 50 30
to neutralize and absorb gases and vapors. Thermal oxidizers first con­
31 Environment
centrate VOCs and then oxidize them into carbon dioxide and water vapor.
Our Approach to
Environmental Sustainability The heat used in this process is passed through a heat exchanger to pre-
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
heat the incoming air and make the unit more efficient and use less fuel.
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Wet scrubbers re-circulate water that contains a neutralizing agent to
Climate Change and Energy NOx Emissions—Normalized CO Emissions—Normalized
Efficiency remove acidic gases and other contaminants.
Water Conservation Intel eliminated the use of ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) from man­ Absolute CO emissions were down 33% and per chip CO emissions were down 9% in
2009 compared to 2008. Absolute NOx emissions were down 7%, but per chip NOx
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ufacturing in the 1990s. We have also eliminated the use of Class I ODSs emissions were up 25% due to lower manufacturing volumes.
> Reducing Air Emissions
from refrigerant systems. Although some of our refrigerant systems still
Product Ecology
use Class II ODSs, the units are managed in accordance with the U.S. EPA’s VOC and HAP Emissions
Performance Summary & Goals
refrigerant management standards and other local requirements to ensure

Normalized Production Index (Year 1999=100)

S o cial Fact o r s 250 247 50
that emissions are minimized.
53 Workplace
212 211
73 Supply Chain 200 40
82 Community
94 Education 150 162

A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach 100 20
to Assurance
109 GRI Content Index
50 10
116 UN Global Compact—
26 23 21
Communication on Progress 19

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Access the Report Builder VOC Emissions HAP Emissions

VOC Emissions—Normalized HAP Emissions—Normalized
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report
. In 2009, absolute VOC emissions were down 23% and HAP emissions were down 21%.
VOC emissions were up 8% and HAP emissions were up 14% on a per chip basis due to
lower manufacturing volumes. We have achieved absolute reductions in both VOC and
47 HAP emissions since 2000.
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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Product Ecology REACH
8 Our Approach to Corporate Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) is an
Responsibility Through our Design for the Environment principles, EU regulation that went into effect in 2007, affecting the use of approxi-
Governance and we strive to minimize the environmental impact of our mately 30,000 existing chemical substances. As part of REACH, registra-
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
products at all phases in their life cycle: development, tion will be required for all existing chemical substances manufactured
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact production, use, and ultimate disposal. or imported into the EU in quantities greater than one ton per year. The
24 Governance, Ethics, process will require a “re-registration” by the manufacturer or importer for
and Public Policy Lead-Free/RoHS many substances that we use today. To prevent supply chain interrup-
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s Due to its electrical and mechanical properties, lead has traditionally been tion, we are collaborating with suppliers to ensure that they meet REACH
31 Environment used in electronic components and solders. Finding replacement materials requirements.
Our Approach to that meet performance and reliability requirements has been difficult, but
Under certain conditions, REACH regulates chemical substances of very
Environmental Sustainability
over the last decade we have developed technologies that have allowed
high concern (SVHC) within products. We have reviewed our products
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s us to reduce or eliminate lead across our product lines.
against the initial SVHC list, have met current obligations, and will continue
Climate Change and Energy
Intel is compliant with the European Union (EU) Restriction of Hazardous to monitor the SVHC list as additional chemical substances are added.
Water Conservation Substances (RoHS) Directive, which sets limitations on the use of six mate-
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle rials, including lead. We now ship millions of RoHS-compliant products every Halogenated Flame Retardants
Reducing Air Emissions week and are taking a leadership role with industry, governments, and Most of our 45nm processors, and all of our 65nm chipsets and 32nm
> Product Ecology NGOs to balance environmental protection with workable technical solu- processors, use halogen-free3 packaging technology. While legislation
Performance Summary & Goals tions for the pending revision of the RoHS Directive. China is implementing does not require the elimination of halogenated flame retardants, Intel
a regulation restricting the use of the same materials as the EU’s RoHS has taken proactive steps over the past few years to eliminate the use of
S o cial Fact o r s
53 Workplace regulation of 2006, and Intel is actively engaged in the stakeholder process these materials, and has played a leadership role by facilitating industry

73 Supply Chain to develop the new regulation. consensus around halogen-free practices and chairing industry standards
82 Community committees on materials selection and eco-design.
Our 45nm processors are manufactured using a lead-free1 process, and our
94 Education
65nm chipsets and new 32nm processors2 are fully lead-free (RoHS com- Electronic Waste
A pp e n d i x pliant without current exemptions). We have also worked with our supply Intel’s products are sold primarily to original equipment manufacturers
108 About This Report/Approach chain to develop standards for lead-free products. For more information,
to Assurance (OEMs) and others who produce finished products. While our components
visit our RoHS/Lead (Pb) Free Solutions web site. are not typically subject to recycling or electronic waste (e-waste) laws,
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact— we work with OEMs, retailers, and others to identify shared solutions for
Communication on Progress used electronics. We continue to support the EPA’s Plug-In To eCycling
campaign, which is designed to gather public and private support for proper
recycling of used electronics.
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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

Lead is below 1,000 parts per million (PPM) per EU RoHS Directive July 2006 (2002/95/EC, Annex A). Some EU RoHS exemptions may apply to other components used in the product packaging.
48 2
32nm is manufactured on a lead-free process. Lead is below 1,000 parts PPM per EU RoHS Directive July 2006 (2002/95/EC, Annex A). Some EU RoHS exemptions may apply to other components used in the product packaging.
Back Next Previous View 3
Applies only to halogenated flame retardants and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in components. Halogens are below 900 PPM bromine and 900 PPM chlorine.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Over the past five years, Intel has also collected more than 7.6 million WEEE Directive
8 Our Approach to Corporate pounds of e-waste at community collection events, helping communi- The EU’s Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive went
Responsibility ties recycle their used electronics responsibly. Collected materials—which into effect in 2005, requiring producers of certain electrical and electronic
Governance and include computers, printers, monitors, and TVs—are sent to approved recy- equipment to develop programs that allow consumers to return products
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
cling facilities for materials recovery. In 2009, we hosted or sponsored five for recycling. Each EU member country has implemented legislation detail-
19 Financial Performance
community electronics recycling events in Costa Rica and in three states ing requirements for the WEEE Directive. Other non-EU countries have
and Economic Impact
in the U.S., collecting over 95,000 pounds of used electronics (compared similar laws, but scope and producer responsibility requirements vary.
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy to 1.5 million pounds at nine events in 2008). Since many U.S. states now
Most of our products—including motherboards, microprocessors, and other
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
provide opportunities for e-waste recycling, we are shifting our focus
components—are generally not considered to be within the scope of the
31 Environment and reducing the number of collection events held each year. In the next
directive until they are incorporated into a final product. Although the final
Our Approach to few years, we will support responsible recycling efforts instead through
assembly and/or configuration of our chassis-level server products are
Environmental Sustainability projects enabling recycling among our distribution channel customers and
commonly completed by commercial customers, Intel considers the prod-
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s undertaking e-waste research.
ucts to be within the scope of the directive and provides ways to recycle
Climate Change and Energy In 2009, we implemented a free-of-charge, voluntary recycling program them. In some countries, our distributors provide recycling options for prod-
in the U.S. for the Intel® Reader, a device that takes a picture of text and ucts covered by the directive. Intel also facilitates recycling of our digital
Water Conservation
reads it aloud. It was designed for people who cannot read printed text health products in the EU.
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
due to reading-based learning disabilities, or those with blindness or
Reducing Air Emissions
> Product Ecology low vision. EPEAT
Performance Summary & Goals The Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) is a rating
Our PC Services department manages our internal assets. Products that
system designed to help purchasers in the public and private sector evalu-
S o cial Fact o r s can no longer be used within the company but are in working order may
ate, compare, and select desktop computers, notebooks, and monitors
53 Workplace be sold or donated. Electronic equipment that is obsolete is processed by
73 Supply Chain
based on environmental attributes. Intel has been a leading participant in
qualified recyclers.
82 Community the development of the EPEAT system, which promotes clear and con-
94 Education sistent criteria for product evaluation, and creates market incentives to
encourage environmentally responsible design of electronic products. For
A pp e n d i x
additional information on our work on eco-label initiatives and other leader-
108 About This Report/Approach Intel has been a leading participant in the
to Assurance ship efforts to help develop industry eco-design standards, see the Supply
development of the EPEAT system, which pro- Chain section of this report.
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact— motes clear and consistent criteria for product
Communication on Progress evaluation, and creates market incentives to
encourage environmentally responsible design
of electronic products.
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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Performance Summary and Goals
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility In 2009, we continued to take steps to reduce our carbon footprint. We remained the largest purchaser of green power in the U.S., according to the U.S.
EPA, made new investments in energy-saving projects in our operations, and linked variable compensation to energy reduction goals to further encourage
Governance and
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s our employees to take action. We continued to face challenges in achieving absolute reductions in both water use and chemical waste generated, and
19 Financial Performance continued to work on new initiatives to reverse these trends. We achieved our product-related environmental goals, including energy-efficiency targets,
and Economic Impact and collaborated with others in our industry to develop a new energy-efficiency performance metric.
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy Environment Goals and Performance
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s 2012 Goals 2009 Progress Against Goals
31 Environment
Reduce water use per chip1 below 2007 levels by 2012. Tracking against our 2007 baseline, our water use was up 49% on a per
Our Approach to
chip basis due to lower manufacturing levels. We took steps in 2009, and
Environmental Sustainability
will continue to work in 2010, to reverse this trend, and still expect to
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s meet our 2012 goal.
Climate Change and Energy Reduce absolute global-warming gas footprint by 20% by 2012 from Total emissions were down 48% on an absolute basis compared to our
Efficiency 2007 levels. 2007 baseline.
Water Conservation
Reduce energy consumption per chip 5% per year from 2007 through Per chip energy use was up 21% compared to our 2007 baseline due
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
2012. to lower manufacturing levels. We will continue to work to achieve an
Reducing Air Emissions average annual reduction of 5% by 2012.
Product Ecology
Reduce generation of chemical waste per chip by 10% by 2012 from Chemical waste generation on a per chip basis was up 47% over our 2007
> Performance Summary & Goals
2007 levels. baseline due to lower manufacturing levels. However, we are putting
S o cial Fact o r s measures in place to change this trend, and we expect to meet our 2012
53 Workplace goal.

73 Supply Chain Recycle 80% of chemical and solid waste generated per year. We recycled 80% of our solid waste, but our chemical waste recycling rate
82 Community fell to 71% in 2009. We will work in 2010 to implement new processes to
reverse this trend.
94 Education
A pp e n d i x
Achieve engineering and design milestones to ensure that Intel® products We met our energy-efficiency and product ecology targets in 2009.
maintain the energy-efficiency lead in the market for our next two prod-
108 About This Report/Approach uct generations.
to Assurance
109 GRI Content Index     Achieved     Partially Achieved    Not Met

116 UN Global Compact— 1

Assuming a typical chip size of approximately 1 cm2 (chips vary in size depending on the specific product).
Communication on Progress
Subsequent to setting new 2012 environmental goals at the beginning of 2008, we completed the divestiture of our NOR flash memory business in exchange for an ownership
interest in Numonyx B.V. To avoid the possibility of overstating reductions by including amounts that would be attributed to the sale of these operations, we created a revised
2007 baseline for the goals, with the Numonyx data removed. We believe that using this revised baseline allows us to better track results arising from the direct actions that we
Access the Report Builder are taking in our operations to reduce our environmental footprint. Percentages in the table show our progress as of the end of 2009 against the revised 2007 baseline; tables,
graphs, and data in the rest of the report use historical 2007 figures.
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Compliance Information and Reporting
8 Our Approach to Corporate On an annual basis, we report our releases to air, transfers off-site, and treatment of reportable chemicals in the U.S. in accordance with U.S. EPA regula-
tions. For our most recent SARA Title III Reportable Chemicals by Site report, access the Report Builder on our Corporate Responsibility Report web site.
Governance and
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s Collectively, Intel’s facilities average more than 90 inspections per year by various environmental and safety regulatory agencies. The following table
19 Financial Performance details non-compliance issues recorded in 2009 (includes environmental, health, and safety-related notices).
and Economic Impact
24 Governance, Ethics, Inspections and Compliance (continued)
and Public Policy
Location Type Violation Fine Intel’s Corrective Action
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
New Mexico Environmental The New Mexico Environment Department No fines or During the inspection, Intel corrected the
31 Environment
(NMED) conducted a hazardous waste inspec- penalties universal waste storage violations and
Our Approach to tion that included field audits of waste stag- the five EPA identification number errors
Environmental Sustainability ing areas and a detailed review of applicable on shipping manifests.
hazardous waste program documentation such
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
as shipping manifests. NMED identified three
Climate Change and Energy universal waste storage violations applicable to
lamps and five EPA identification number errors
Water Conservation on shipping manifests prepared by the hazard-
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ous waste vendor.
Reducing Air Emissions Israel Environmental Exceeded permit limit for fluoride discharge due No fines or The system was reengineered and leaking
Product Ecology to improper system design and installation. penalties valves were replaced.
> Performance Summary & Goals
California Environmental Chilled water discharge to storm drain due to an No fines or The valve was closed. Additional safety
S o cial Fact o r s open valve. penalties features were added to the valves, and
53 Workplace contractor training was updated.
73 Supply Chain Texas Safety The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Admin- $1,620 fine A process for conducting annual energy control
82 Community istration (OSHA) issued a citation at our Austin procedures has been established and linked to
site for deficiencies associated with conducting the annual Control of Hazardous Energy recer-
94 Education
annual energy control procedure inspections, tification process. The Material Data Safety
A pp e n d i x the absence of a written site hazard communi- Sheets database was updated to include all
108 About This Report/Approach cation program/chemical listing, and incomplete chemicals used on-site. A site-specific hazard
to Assurance OSHA 301 incident report records for each communication program has been developed
OHSA 300 log recordable injury or illness. and communicated to site employees.
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact— Texas Safety The Texas Department of State Health Services No fines or The annual laser license was renewed.
Communication on Progress issued a notice of violation at our Austin site penalties
related to timely renewal of annual laser licensing.

(continues on next page)

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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Inspections and Compliance (continued)
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility Arizona Safety The Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency No fines or Recordkeeping procedures for registration
(ARRA) issued a notice of violation at our penalties documentation and notifications made to ARRA
Governance and Chandler site related to registration, disposal, have been revised to minimize potential for
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s and removal of X-ray generating tools and for any recurrence. Portable X-ray equipment was
19 Financial Performance operational procedures related to the use of removed from service.
and Economic Impact portable X-ray equipment.
24 Governance, Ethics,
China Safety The Shanghai Health Service Bureau (SHSB) No fines or The necessary permit required by the SHSB
and Public Policy
issued a notice of violation at our Pudong site penalties was obtained.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s related to procurement of an occupational
31 Environment health evaluation permit prior to operations
Our Approach to
Environmental Sustainability

K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s In 2010, we will continue to work toward achieving the five-year goals that we set at the beginning of 2008, placing a strong emphasis on energy con­
Climate Change and Energy servation and reducing our water use and chemical waste. We will also focus on identifying opportunities to increase our chemical waste recycling rate.
We will continue our collaborations with external organizations on sustainability issues, particularly in identifying the role that ICT can play in addressing
Water Conservation
global environmental challenges. As 2012 draws nearer, we have begun looking beyond our 2012 goals as part of our strategic planning process, to
Waste: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
identify environmental trends, threats, and opportunities, and to proactively address them as we plan our future technologies.
Reducing Air Emissions
Product Ecology
2012 Environmental Goals
> Performance Summary & Goals
Reduce water use per chip1 below 2007 levels by 2012.
S o cial Fact o r s
53 Workplace Reduce absolute global-warming gas footprint by 20% by 2012 from 2007 levels.
73 Supply Chain Reduce energy consumption per chip 5% per year from 2007 through 2012.
82 Community
Reduce generation of chemical waste per chip by 10% by 2012 from 2007 levels.
94 Education
Recycle 80% of chemical and solid waste generated per year.
A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach Achieve engineering and design milestones to ensure that Intel® products maintain the energy-efficiency lead in the market for our next two product generations.
to Assurance 1
Assuming a typical chip size of approximately 1 cm2 (chips vary in size depending on the specific product).
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress

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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility For over 40 years, Intel employees have been making history—collaborating to tackle
Governance and some of the world’s toughest challenges and developing technical innovations that
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
19 Financial Performance
have improved lives everywhere. Our success depends on recruiting and cultivating
and Economic Impact the best talent. Intel is known for its technology, but the people behind the technol-
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy ogy are what make the company great.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
31 Environment
S o cial Fact o r s
53 Workplace
Our Approach to Empowering
Our Employees

K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
Career Growth and Development
Communication and Recognition
Workforce Diversity
Compensation, Benefits,
and Work/Life Effectiveness
Health and Safety,
and Employee Wellness
Performance Summary & Goals
73 Supply Chain
82 Community
94 Education
A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance

70 27,205 37.8
Key Workplace Links
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact—
% Intel Values
Communication on Progress Innnovation at Intel

Percentage of employees Number of employees Average number of Life at Intel

Access the Report Builder who provided feedback who participated in the hours of training Diversity at Intel

2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

in 2009 through Wellness Check through provided per employee Chartered Employee Groups our Organizational our Health for Life in 2009 Compensation and Benefits
Health Survey program in 2009
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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Our Approach to Empowering Our Our Philosophy and Management Practices
8 Our Approach to Corporate One of the six Intel Values is “Great Place to Work,” which reinforces the
Responsibility Employees importance of positive employee relations as a key component of our suc-
Governance and
Our goal is to cultivate a safe and respectful work environ- cess. We support this value by cultivating open and direct communications,
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
ment where employees can thrive, create, and innovate. rewarding and recognizing our people, and investing in career development
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact We offer competitive compensation packages, a broad and leadership.
24 Governance, Ethics, range of benefits, and career development programs, and Our “open door policy” has been a hallmark of Intel culture since the
and Public Policy
we pay particular attention to developing leaders who company’s founding. Employees are free to speak directly with all levels
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
understand not only Intel’s business and industry but also of management about their ideas, concerns, or problems, and to collaborate
31 Environment
with managers to address workplace issues. Quarterly Business Update
the people who bring it all together.
S o cial Fact o r s Meetings provide two-way communication venues where employees can
53 Workplace ask questions and share their views about our business directly with senior
> Our Approach to Empowering
Our Global Workforce
leaders. Feedback from regular employee surveys provides real-time infor-
Our Employees As of December 26, 2009, Intel had approximately 79,800 employees
mation and data to drive continuous improvement over time.
worldwide, 55% of whom were located in the U.S. Our workforce is highly
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
educated, with employees holding an estimated 42,000 technical degrees, People at Intel grow by continuously learning—on the job, in the classroom,
Career Growth and Development
Communication and Recognition as well as 12,000 master of science, 4,000 PhD or equivalent, and 3,800 and by connecting with others. Regular conversations between employ-
Workforce Diversity master of business administration degrees. ees and their managers help identify new opportunities and development
Compensation, Benefits, objectives. Through our Intel University program, employees connect with
and Work/Life Effectiveness Global Workforce at Year-End 2009 one another, acquire new skills, and also share their knowledge as volun-
Health and Safety, teer instructors. Celebrating the accomplishments of our employees is a
and Employee Wellness
top priority, from everyday thank-yous to formal reward programs.
Performance Summary & Goals
73 Supply Chain We have made significant investments in the development of strong
82 Community 55% leaders, recognizing that having skilled managers throughout the organi-
94 Education 14% zation is critical to our success. We conduct succession planning, provide
A pp e n d i x development opportunities, and set clear management and leadership
108 About This Report/Approach expectations.
U.S. Americas EMEA APAC
to Assurance
APAC = Asia-Pacific EMEA = Europe, Middle East, Africa
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact— Our employees’ faces reflect those of our customers, vendors, and colleagues in the
Communication on Progress global market. This worldwide perspective makes it possible for us to anticipate and
provide for the growing needs of a changing marketplace. “ The ingredient we start with is sand.
Everything else is value added by people.”
Access the Report Builder
Andy Bryant, Intel Executive Vice President,
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report Technology, Manufacturing, and Enterprise Services, and Chief Administrative Officer

Americas EMEA APAC U.S.

54 (Europe, Middle (Asia-Pacific)
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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Promoting Innovation think about our workplace. This assessment provides insight into current
8 Our Approach to Corporate In 2009, BusinessWeek and Fast Company magazines both named Intel on business-specific issues, historical trending on a core set of questions,
Responsibility and comparisons to external benchmarks. It helps us identify strengths
their lists of the 50 most innovative companies. Driven by our ongoing pur-
Governance and suit of Moore’s Law, innovation has always been an integral part of Intel’s and areas for improvement in our business groups and geographies, and
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
culture, values, and success. At Intel, innovation isn’t a task; it’s who we are. provides data for planning and improvement. Survey results (company-
19 Financial Performance
wide and business-unit level) are openly shared with employees, and our
and Economic Impact Throughout our history, we have learned that innovation depends on cor-
CEO uses the results to help determine variable compensation for his direct
24 Governance, Ethics, rectly defining challenges, setting aggressive goals, and putting the right
and Public Policy staff. Data is presented in nine broad categories: business process, team-
people on the right problems. Innovation also means removing barriers—
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
work, performance, climate, development, organizational direction, commit-
the ones between research and development and between development
31 Environment ment, engagement, and environment.
and manufacturing—and then giving employees the appropriate mix of
S o cial Fact o r s autonomy and direction. Intel researchers today are working in the field—at In 2009, some 54,000 people—about 70% of our employees—responded
53 Workplace universities and at our laboratories around the world—to create technol- to the 57-question OHS during late November and early December. OHS
> Our Approach to Empowering ogy that improves every facet of life, from energy conservation and bio- scores in 2009 held essentially steady compared to 2008, despite both
Our Employees
technology advances to optical communication, and beyond. Our product difficult macroeconomic conditions and tight company budget constraints.
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s development teams and manufacturing engineers innovate to turn these While we had hoped to see improvements in our scores—as we did from
Career Growth and Development advancements into an array of products that serve the global marketplace. 2007 to 2008—we are pleased with our continued strong performance
Communication and Recognition during challenging economic times. Benchmarking against other technol-
Workforce Diversity We conduct an ongoing dialogue with employees about our innovation
ogy companies indicated that we performed well over this time period.
Compensation, Benefits, goals and investments, and provide resources for managers on innovation-
and Work/Life Effectiveness related best practices, methods, and tools, including how to encourage Selected Organizational Health Survey Results
Health and Safety, creative behavior and foster innovation in their teams. We use recognition
and Employee Wellness 2009 2008 2007
and reward programs, leadership resources, and interactive forums to cre-
Performance Summary & Goals I am proud to work for Intel. 82% 83% 75%
ate the cultural support for risk taking and the open exchange of ideas
73 Supply Chain
that are essential to sustained innovation. To enable both, we created the I would recommend Intel as a great 74% 73% 61%
82 Community place to work.
IdeaZone, an employee intranet portal that describes concrete methods to
94 Education
use at each stage of the innovation process, and the Innovation Engine, an I understand why a diverse work- 85% 85% 83%
A pp e n d i x force is important to Intel’s success.
online tool used to collect ideas from Intel employees on a range of topics,
108 About This Report/Approach
from product design enhancements to business process improvements. My job makes good use of my skills/ 74% 74% 70%
to Assurance
109 GRI Content Index
Measuring Our Progress I have the flexibility to balance the 77% 77% 72%
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress Managing a complex, geographically dispersed workforce is extremely needs of my work and personal life.
challenging, so we have instituted a number of ways to regularly assess
I am satisfied with my opportunities 59% 62% 55%
the health of our overall organization and business groups, and obtain to develop and grow.
Access the Report Builder
feedback so that adjustments can be made as needed.
I hope to continue working at Intel 77% 76% 67%
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report
Organizational Health Survey. Generally, each year Intel administers for another five years or more.
an online Organizational Health Survey (OHS) to learn what our employees Percentages shown are for “favorable” responses to these statements.

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Workforce Data
8 Our Approach to Corporate Intel has a history of transparency in workforce data, having published comprehensive statistics in our Corporate Responsibility Report since 2002.
Governance and 2009 Employee Data
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
Type of Employee Employee Category Americas APAC EMEA U.S. Total
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact Regular
24 Governance, Ethics,
Exempt Full Time 2,118 13,140 8,425 32,086 55,769
and Public Policy
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s Exempt Part Time 5 9 101 97 212

31 Environment Total 2,123 13,149 8,526 32,183 55,981

S o cial Fact o r s Non-Exempt Full Time 1,388 7,584 2,798 10,561 22,331
53 Workplace
Non-Exempt Part Time — — 33 11 44
> Our Approach to Empowering
Our Employees Total 1,388 7,584 2,831 10,572 22,375
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s Regular Total 3,511 20,733 11,357 42,755 78,356
Career Growth and Development
Intel Contract Employees and Interns
Communication and Recognition
Workforce Diversity Exempt Full Time 119 489 34 141 783
Compensation, Benefits, Exempt Part Time 29 4 1,186 27 1,246
and Work/Life Effectiveness
Health and Safety, Total 148 493 1,220 168 2,029
and Employee Wellness
Non-Exempt Full Time 20 570 182 284 1,056
Performance Summary & Goals
73 Supply Chain Non-Exempt Part Time 2 — 87 32 121

82 Community Total 22 570 269 316 1,177

94 Education
Contract/Intern Total 170 1,063 1,489 484 3,206
A pp e n d i x
Grand Total 3,681 21,796 12,846 43,239 81,562
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance APAC = Asia-Pacific  
EMEA = Europe, Middle East, Africa
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact— At the end of 2009, the breakdown of total employees (including Intel contract employees and interns) was: 53% in the U.S., 27% in APAC, 16% in EMEA, and 5% in the Americas,
Communication on Progress which is consistent with the regional breakdown in 2008.

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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Turnover by Region1
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility Region Year-End Turnover Turnover (%) Turnover (%) Turnover (%)
Headcount 2009 2009 2009 2008 2007
Governance and
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s Greater Americas 3,511 260 6.9% 9.8% 11.1%
19 Financial Performance
Greater Asia 20,733 1,053 4.8% 6.6% 10.5%
and Economic Impact
24 Governance, Ethics, Greater Europe 11,357 311 2.7% 4.7% 8.2%
and Public Policy
United States 42,755 916 2.1% 4.3% 6.8%
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
Total 78,3562 2,540 3.1% 5.3% 8.2%
31 Environment
Regular employees only; does not include Intel contract employees and interns, or terminations due to divestiture, retirement, or redeployment.
S o cial Fact o r s 2
Slight discrepancies in totals are due to different data and accounting systems used to manage employee information by business groups across the company.

53 Workplace
In 2009, our turnover rates continued to decline across all regions compared to 2008 and 2007, due in part to the global economic recession. Regular monitoring of turnover by
> Our Approach to Empowering performance rating (top, middle, and low) helps us spot and address issues and trends swiftly.
Our Employees

K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s Other Turnover1 Total Number of Regular Employees as of Year-end 20091
Career Growth and Development
Reason for Termination Count
Communication and Recognition 100 99.9

Workforce Diversity Redeployment 2


Compensation, Benefits, Divestiture 34 95

and Work/Life Effectiveness
Retirement 360
Health and Safety,

and Employee Wellness Voluntary Separation 1,361
Performance Summary & Goals 86.3
Regular employees only, including those whose jobs were eliminated (who received no comparable
73 Supply Chain 85
offer or who rejected an internal job offer), as well as those whose jobs were eliminated and who 83.9
left voluntarily or involuntarily.
82 Community 2
Redeployment is the movement of employees to areas of greater return when there has been a
94 Education change in business conditions. Intel’s redeployment program provides job-search time and support 80 79.8
for eligible employees whose jobs have been impacted. Redeployment is generally not a layoff,
A pp e n d i x as employees have the opportunity while in redeployment to look for other positions within the
company at their regular pay and benefits, or they can choose a separation package.
108 About This Report/Approach 75
to Assurance This table provides a snapshot of turnover due to changes in Intel’s business, such as 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
109 GRI Content Index divestitures or changes in our internal business priorities, as well as retirement figures. 1
Employee figures in this graph are from our 2009 Annual Report and Form 10-K, and are
slightly different from the totals in other tables in this section.
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress
We began restructuring efforts in 2006 aimed at creating a more efficient organization
and reducing operating costs. Our efforts included a significant reduction in the size of
our global workforce.
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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Career Growth and Development When employees are ready to try new challenges, they can “test-drive”
8 Our Approach to Corporate short-term assignments by providing coverage for employees on sabbati-
Responsibility Our employees grow by continuously learning—on the cal leave or by taking advantage of one of our rotation programs. They can
Governance and job, in the classroom, and by connecting with others. We also use our internal global job-posting system to pursue new positions
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
encourage employees to work with their managers to align at Intel. Many employees pursue career growth by taking assignments in
19 Financial Performance
their job assignments with their strengths and interests, other countries, where they are exposed to unique cultural experiences
and Economic Impact
as well as with the needs of the organization. while acquiring new business skills; approximately 800 employees were
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy on global assignment at any given time in 2009. We expect that number
Recognizing that a strong development culture requires a mix of resources to double in 2010. We also tailor development programs to promote career
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
and learning methods, we have created a development model with three growth in particular markets.
31 Environment
key focus areas:
S o cial Fact o r s In early 2008, we launched a career development workshop designed
53 Workplace • Learn. Provide employees with a robust set of training tools and to help employees at all levels think strategically about their career
Our Approach to Empowering resources, including Intel University courses, external training resources, development plans, and to facilitate discussions with their managers.
Our Employees tuition reimbursement, and manager/leader development courses. Some 28,000 employees have participated in the workshop to date,
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
• Connect. Encourage employees to connect with managers, senior and they have provided very positive and helpful feedback.
> Career Growth and Development
leaders, and with one another through Open Forums, quarterly events,
Communication and Recognition
mentoring relationships, employee groups, and online and social media
Management/Leadership Development
Workforce Diversity We set clear, consistent expectations for our managers and leaders, and
Compensation, Benefits, then give them opportunities to gain critical skills and knowledge by attend-
and Work/Life Effectiveness • Experience. Encourage employees to expand their skills through ing both internal and external courses, connecting with other managers,
Health and Safety,
rotational and stretch assignments, as well as coverage assignments and taking on new challenges. Many of our award-winning management
and Employee Wellness
for other employees on sabbatical leave. and leadership development programs focus on supporting employees
Performance Summary & Goals
73 Supply Chain While every employee goes through an annual review process, perfor- during transition periods, such as when they assume leadership roles for
82 Community mance management and career development at Intel is a continuing the first time or advance to more senior positions. We have seen continuous
94 Education conversation between employees and their managers. Managers meet improvement in our manager and leader performance to expectations since

A pp e n d i x with each employee at least quarterly to review the prior quarter’s goals, first implementing these programs.
108 About This Report/Approach the employee’s performance against expectations, employee develop-
to Assurance ment, and the upcoming quarter’s priorities and goals. These meetings
109 GRI Content Index provide opportunities for recognition and discussion of performance
116 UN Global Compact— issues, and contribute to overall improvement in a team’s performance,
Communication on Progress
execution, and business results. “ Everyone has the right to have a good manager
or leader.”
Access the Report Builder Paul Otellini, Intel President and Chief Executive Officer
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile New Managers. “New to Management” and “Leading for Extraordinary Intel University
8 Our Approach to Corporate Results” are three- to six-month programs that expose new managers to In 2009, Intel invested approximately $267 million in employee training
Responsibility challenging leadership scenarios, provide them with problem-solving skills, and development, including instructor-led and e-learning courses. That
Governance and and encourage them to partner with other leaders on advanced solutions amount translates to an investment of approximately $3,400 and an
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
to problems. average of 37.8 hours of training per employee.
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact Experienced Managers. To support the ongoing development of our Intel University provides a comprehensive development curriculum, includ-
24 Governance, Ethics, seasoned managers and leaders, we offer 20 core instructor-led courses, ing new employee orientation, cultural integration, skills training, profes-
and Public Policy
as well as online performance training and support modules that provide sional certification, and external education. Training programs cover a
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s “just-in-time” help. An online Manager Dashboard tool includes resources broad range of topics, including technical subjects, cross-cultural training,
31 Environment to help managers run the “people” side of their business. project management, problem-solving, and effective decision-making.
S o cial Fact o r s Training magazine again recognized our strong focus on employee devel-
Senior Leaders. Our senior leadership curriculum includes seven key
53 Workplace opment by naming Intel to its list of the top 125 global training organi-
courses that cover personal leadership, execution, strategy, and organi-
Our Approach to Empowering zations, ranking Intel at 37, which is an increase of 50 places over our
Our Employees zational leadership. The courses are offered globally, and Intel executives
teach many of them. We also offer action learning programs that blend previous year’s standing.
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
strategic business needs with senior leader learning and growth. These
> Career Growth and Development 2009 Intel University Statistics
programs ensure that real work is accomplished during leadership develop-
Communication and Recognition Hours of classroom sessions delivered 1,969,202
ment. In addition, we have an executive coaching program that links senior
Workforce Diversity
Compensation, Benefits,
leaders with professional internal and external coaches. Total number of training attendees 1,118,983
and Work/Life Effectiveness (classroom and online sessions)
Manager and Leader Feedback Survey. Through this survey, adminis-
Health and Safety, Number of employee volunteer instructors 4,858
and Employee Wellness
tered twice a year, employees evaluate how well their manager is commu-
Performance Summary & Goals nicating, motivating, and developing his or her team. Managers are strongly Most of Intel University’s internal courses are led by employee volunteers, who
leverage their skills and knowledge of a particular subject to teach other employees.
73 Supply Chain encouraged to discuss survey results—both strengths and areas for
82 Community improvement—with their teams and develop action plans. We also factor
the results of this survey into our annual manager performance reviews.
Tuition Assistance
94 Education
Our Tuition Assistance Program provides financial assistance to eligible
In 2009, more than 95% of managers and leaders received constructive
A pp e n d i x
U.S. employees who are completing job-related degree programs or course-
feedback through this process.
108 About This Report/Approach
work. In 2009, we invested $10.9 million in employees who participated in
to Assurance
the program. In the U.S., 3.2% of eligible employees participated in 2009,
109 GRI Content Index
resulting in more than 1,400 employees being able to pursue higher edu­
116 UN Global Compact— Most of Intel University’s internal courses are
Communication on Progress cation with Intel’s help.
led by employee volunteers, who leverage their
skills and knowledge of a particular subject to
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teach other employees.
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Communication and Recognition We also seek to broadly communicate appreciation to our employees. From
8 Our Approach to Corporate simple and sincere thank-yous to banquets, several forms of recognition
Responsibility Open and direct communication has been a hallmark of reward employees for their accomplishments. Recognition includes corpo-
Governance and Intel culture since the company’s founding. Employees rate-wide programs as well as local programs created by individual business
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
report that they value getting the straight scoop from groups to address specific goals.
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact their leaders and managers, and appreciate being able Formal programs recognize employees for their performance to Intel
24 Governance, Ethics, to speak freely about issues that concern them. Values, years of service, volunteerism, contributions as instructors for Intel
and Public Policy
University, and environmental achievements, including efforts to conserve
Intel’s open door philosophy gives employees access to all levels of man-
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s energy and prevent pollution.
agement to address work-related concerns. Employee surveys indicate
31 Environment
that our open door philosophy contributes to organizational health, Corporate-wide Recognition Programs
S o cial Fact o r s
improves productivity, and decreases turnover.
53 Workplace Intel Quality Award IQAs are given annually to a few Intel
Our Approach to Empowering In planning our corporate communications, we work to incorporate our (IQA) organizations that have made long-term
Our Employees commitments to operational excellence and
philosophy of openness and two-way give and take. Because Intel’s suc-
have demonstrated performance to Intel Values.
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s cess depends on all employees understanding how their work contributes Organizations complete applications that are
Career Growth and Development to the company’s overall business strategy, we use a broad range of presented to a panel of executive judges, who
select the winners. Winning organizations are
> Communication and Recognition electronic and interpersonal channels to keep employees informed. Those
expected to act as role models and mentors
Workforce Diversity channels include intranet news articles, Open Forums, webcasts, collab- for groups that subsequently enter the IQA
Compensation, Benefits, orative webjams, cyber-chats, quarterly Business Update Meetings, small- application process.
and Work/Life Effectiveness
group executive roundtables, and informal brown-bag lunches. Our overall Intel Achievement The IAA is the company’s highest honor for
Health and Safety,
and Employee Wellness goal is to ensure that employees receive timely information and candid Award (IAA) personal and small-team accomplishments. Less
answers to their questions. than one-half of 1% of all employees receive
Performance Summary & Goals
an IAA each year. Winners are rewarded with
73 Supply Chain Circuit, our employee intranet portal, provides corporate and local company stock and an invitation to a banquet
82 Community hosted by Intel President and CEO Paul Otellini.
Intel news, and information about workplace services and benefits.
94 Education Approximately 90% of our employees use Circuit as their web browser’s Division Recognition DRAs recognize employees for reaching
A pp e n d i x home page. In 2009, we reached more employees through a growing Award (DRA) critical milestones or completing projects that
demonstrate a strong commitment to Intel
108 About This Report/Approach network of large-format plasma screens that broadcast news and other Values. DRAs are presented to employees
to Assurance
messages in our factories and cafeterias. in front of their peers at quarterly Business
109 GRI Content Index Update Meetings.
116 UN Global Compact— Employees increasingly participate in Intel’s social media channels, such
Communication on Progress Spontaneous Spontaneous recognition can be given at any
as blogs, wikis, vlogs (video blogs), and online forums. Senior leaders and
Recognition Award time to show appreciation to a peer, subordinate,
other employees publish provocative personal essays to open dialogue (SRA) or manager, and may include cash, a gift card, or
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about business issues, challenges, and opportunities. All employees are other reward.
encouraged to post their responses to news articles and features—and We celebrate the accomplishments of business organizations, teams, and individuals
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report
their comments at times number in the hundreds. According to industry through company-wide recognition programs.
benchmarks, few other major companies publish employee commentary
as openly as we do.
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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Workforce Diversity Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index for eight years in a
8 Our Approach to Corporate row for our policies and practices that support our lesbian, gay, bisexual,
Responsibility Our ability to innovate depends on ideas, and great ideas and transgender employees.
Governance and come from great people. The wide range of per­spectives
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s Increasing Leadership Diversity. While we have made significant
that we gain by hiring and developing talent from a
19 Financial Performance improvements in recent years in key categories, we continue to work
and Economic Impact diverse, global labor pool gives us a better understanding on increasing the number of under-represented minorities and technical
24 Governance, Ethics, of the needs of our customers, suppliers, and communities, females in managerial and senior leadership positions. As such, we have
and Public Policy and helps us advance our leadership position in both key initiatives designed to improve recruitment, retention, and develop-
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s technology and corporate responsibility. ment of African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and technical
31 Environment women in leadership positions. We have three leadership councils made
S o cial Fact o r s
Studies show that employees working in a diverse environment tend to up of the most senior African American, Hispanic, and female leaders, who
53 Workplace feel more fulfilled, creative, and productive on the job, resulting in increased serve as role models, mentors, and advisors for career development. The
Our Approach to Empowering productivity, efficiency, and innovation. We strive to continuously advance Intel Women’s Leadership Council comprises 29 female vice presidents and
Our Employees a work environment that honors, values, and respects all of our employees. 3 female Intel Fellows, who serve as visible role models and passionate
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s Intel promotes equal employment opportunity for all job applicants and voices for women at Intel.
Career Growth and Development employees, regardless of non-job-related factors, including but not limited Managers regularly hold in-depth career discussions with employees, chal-
Communication and Recognition to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, lenging them to take on assignments that increase their capabilities and
> Workforce Diversity
sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, and disability. We also opportunities for growth. In addition to internal career development and
Compensation, Benefits,
make reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities. Our training, we offer employees external leadership training opportunities at
and Work/Life Effectiveness
Health and Safety,
policies apply to all aspects and stages of employment—from recruiting places such as the African American Leadership Institute and the Latino
and Employee Wellness through retirement—and prohibit harassment of any individual or group. Leadership Institute at the University of California at Los Angeles.
Performance Summary & Goals
Our goal is to be world-class in diversity, and we develop annual diversity A Supportive Network. From recent college graduates to veterans, new
73 Supply Chain
action plans that are monitored quarterly with rigorous indicators related Intel employees can join one of 20 chartered employee affinity groups.
82 Community
to recruitment and performance management. We have been recognized These groups—such as Women at Intel Network, Network of Intel African
94 Education
for our diversity practices, including being named to Working Mother mag­ American Employees, and Intel Native American Network—help recruit,
A pp e n d i x
azine’s Best Places to Work List, and have earned a perfect score on the integrate, provide support, and promote personal and career develop-
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance ment for our diverse workforce. Intel provides funding for group activities;
109 GRI Content Index dedicated support staff; space for meetings, study, or prayer; and com-
116 UN Global Compact— Our goal is to be world-class in diversity. We munications vehicles. We also provide managers with tools and resources,
Communication on Progress documents and options for rewarding and recognizing diversity efforts
develop annual diversity action plans that
within their groups.
are monitored quarterly with rigorous indica-
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tors related to recruitment and performance
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Building Multicultural Awareness. Several Intel programs are designed
Investing in Women
8 Our Approach to Corporate to promote cultural awareness among employees. For example, frequent
Responsibility A number of Intel programs are designed to support the development
company events give employees opportunities to share their heritages
Governance and
and retention of female employees, especially in technical and leader-
and connect with others. We provide intercultural training, such as
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s ship areas. The following are a few examples.
“Microinequities” and “Gender Differences in Communication,” as well
19 Financial Performance
as numerous discussion forums within our employee communications • Women Principal Engineers (PEs) and Fellows Forum. This
and Economic Impact
24 Governance, Ethics,
portal, that foster respectful dialogue between and among employees. 100% technology-focused forum is designed to offer women PEs,
and Public Policy Fellows, and those likely to be promoted to PE opportunities to
Building External Alliances. Intel is active on the corporate boards
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s present their work in front of a highly technical audience.
and industry committees of national diversity organizations, such as the
31 Environment Anita Borg Institute, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Society • Women’s Leadership Exchange. Site-based luncheon forums
S o cial Fact o r s of Women Engineers, National Society of Black Engineers, American Indian presented by the Women’s Leadership Council provide opportunities
53 Workplace Society of Engineers and Scientists, Out & Equal Workplace Advocates, for female employees to connect and receive high-level coaching
Our Approach to Empowering National Urban League, and National Action Council for Minorities in and mentoring. Over the past three years, the council has held a
Our Employees
Engineering. By establishing Intel as a trusted advisor and building strong total of 25 events at five U.S. Intel sites and three Intel international
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s relationships with external organizations, we continue to enhance our own sites, reaching more than 800 of our senior female leaders.
Career Growth and Development learning, help to achieve our diversity goals, share our best practices with
• Women at Intel Network. This employee group has 16 chapters
Communication and Recognition others, and advance diversity beyond our own organization.
worldwide and hosts six development conferences a year.
> Workforce Diversity
Compensation, Benefits,
We are continuing to evolve our diversity practices to ensure a genuine
• Intel Global Women’s Initiative Portal. In 2010, we are launch-
and Work/Life Effectiveness focus on global diversity and inclusion, and will implement new programs
ing a new interactive portal for all employees where they can
Health and Safety, based on a global assessment—not one developed primarily from a U.S.
and Employee Wellness
connect with women around the world and interact with female
point of view. While we are committed to doing a better job of articulating
Performance Summary & Goals leaders at Intel through blogs and discussion forums.
how our diversity strategy connects to all stakeholders, we will also iden-
73 Supply Chain
tify areas of global opportunity and linkage.
82 Community
94 Education
A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance “ The breakout session I attended was full of
109 GRI Content Index great women, all willing to share ideas. Thank
116 UN Global Compact— your for pulling this together and providing
Communication on Progress
guidance for our growth.”
Employee participant in 2009 Women’s Leadership
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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Diversity Data
8 Our Approach to Corporate We continue to focus on efforts to increase our representation of women in our global workforce, including investments in the talent pipeline for women
in engineering and technical disciplines.
Governance and
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
2009 Worldwide Workforce by Gender
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact Female Male Total

24 Governance, Ethics, U.S. Workforce 10,404 32,312 42,716

and Public Policy 24.4% 75.6% 100.0%
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s Non-U.S. Workforce 11,524 24,116 35,640
31 Environment 32.3% 67.7% 100.0%
S o cial Fact o r s Worldwide Total 21,928 56,428 78,3561
53 Workplace
Average % Worldwide 28% 72%
Our Approach to Empowering
Our Employees
Regular employees only.

K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s This table shows our worldwide workforce by gender. Despite our continued investments and improvements in recruiting and retention programs, the overall percentage of
women has remained relatively flat around 30% since 2005.
Career Growth and Development
Communication and Recognition
2009 U.S. Workforce by Reporting Category
> Workforce Diversity
Compensation, Benefits, African Asian/Pacific Caucasian Hispanic Native Other1 Total
and Work/Life Effectiveness American Islander American

Health and Safety, Workforce

and Employee Wellness
Female 357 3,062 5,071 856 72 45 9,463
Performance Summary & Goals
3.8% 32.4% 53.6% 9.0% 0.8% 0.5% 100.0%
73 Supply Chain
Male 1,041 7,467 16,811 2,319 191 216 28,045
82 Community
94 Education 3.7% 26.6% 59.9% 8.3% 0.7% 0.8% 100.0%

A pp e n d i x Total 1,398 10,529 21,882 3,175 263 261 37,508

108 About This Report/Approach Officials and Managers

to Assurance Female 20 207 644 61 4 5 941
109 GRI Content Index
2.1% 22.0% 68.4% 6.5% 0.4% 0.5% 100.0%
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress Male 80 974 2,964 205 14 30 4,267
1.9% 22.8% 69.5% 4.8% 0.3% 0.7% 100.0%
Total 100 1,181 3,608 266 18 35 5,208
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“Other” includes employees who reported as multi-racial and employees who did not report race.
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report This table provides a high-level summary of our U.S. workforce by reporting category. To access detailed U.S. demographic statistics, use the interactive U.S. Employment
Demographics (EEO-1) tool on our Diversity web site, where you can sort data by position type.

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
2009 U.S. Hiring Data
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility Year Total Number Minorities as Percentage Females as Percentage
of Employees Hired of U.S. Hires of U.S. Hires
Governance and
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s 2009 1,676 42% (701 of 1,676 hires) 24% (396 of 1,676 hires)
19 Financial Performance
2008 4,060 56% (2,275 of 4,060 hires) 31% (1,246 of 4,060 hires)
and Economic Impact
24 Governance, Ethics, 2007 3,045 52% (1,587 of 3,045 hires) 26% (787 of 3,045 hires)
and Public Policy
After making solid progress toward our 2008 goal of hiring more under-represented minorities and women, momentum slowed in 2009 due to the business downturn and Intel’s
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s limited external hiring. Despite current business conditions, increasing the representation of women and minorities remains an important goal.

31 Environment
S o cial Fact o r s
2009 Worldwide Senior Management and Governance Bodies
53 Workplace Board of Directors Corporate Officers Top 50 in Total Compensation
Our Approach to Empowering
Our Employees
African American ­— — — — — —
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
Career Growth and Development Asian/Pacific Islander — — 5 18.5% 7 14%
Communication and Recognition Caucasian 8 73% 17 63% 30 60%
> Workforce Diversity
Hispanic — — — — — —
Compensation, Benefits,
and Work/Life Effectiveness Native American — — — — — —
Health and Safety,
and Employee Wellness Unidentified — — — — 4 8%

Performance Summary & Goals Female

73 Supply Chain
African American — — — — — —
82 Community
94 Education Asian/Pacific Islander — — — — — —

A pp e n d i x Caucasian 3 27% 5 18.5% 8 16%

108 About This Report/Approach Hispanic — — — — — —
to Assurance
109 GRI Content Index Native American — — — — — —

116 UN Global Compact— Unidentified — — — — 1 2%

Communication on Progress
Total 11 100% 27 100% 50 100%

This table provides 2009 year-end diversity information for Intel’s Board of Directors, corporate officers, and top 50 executives in terms of compensation worldwide. The position
Access the Report Builder of Chairman has been held by a woman since May 2009. Over the past five years, the representation of women on the Board increased by 9%, among corporate officers by 8%, and
among the top 50 in total compensation by 4%. At our May 2010 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting, if all of the director nominees are elected, the percentage of women on the Board
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report
will increase to 30%.

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Compensation, Benefits, and Work/Life The Employee Cash Bonus Program (ECBP) pays cash awards to employ-
8 Our Approach to Corporate ees twice a year, allowing them to share in Intel’s success. On top of their
Responsibility Effectiveness ECBP payouts, employees may receive an additional two days of pay each
Governance and year based on the results in our Customer Excellence Program (CEP), which
Intel’s comprehensive compensation and benefits pro-
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
gram is designed to attract, retain, and reward the people is explained in the Intel Quality System Handbook. CEP measures overall
19 Financial Performance
customer satisfaction and drives corporate or business unit improvement
and Economic Impact responsible for the company’s long-term growth. Our
actions. In 2009, employees received the additional two days of pay under
24 Governance, Ethics, worldwide approach to work/life effectiveness includes
and Public Policy the program as a result of the company receiving an outstanding 86%
providing tools and creating an environment that supports “Delighted” score from customers. Intel has exceeded the 75% “Delighted”
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
the needs of different employees—from working parents score goal since 2006, enabling employees to receive two extra days of
31 Environment
and those with elder-care responsibilities to those pursu- pay for four years in a row.
S o cial Fact o r s
ing educational goals.
53 Workplace In addition to ECBP, Intel shares profits with employees worldwide by
Our Approach to Empowering paying annual incentive cash payments through our Employee Bonus (EB)
Our Employees Compensation plan. The formula for determining EB payouts is based on three equally
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
Intel’s Total Compensation, or “T-Comp,” approach aligns company, weighted components: relative financial performance, absolute financial
Career Growth and Development employee, and stockholder interests, and provides employees with incen- performance, and operational performance. In 2008, we added criteria
Communication and Recognition tives to focus on meeting or exceeding business objectives. T-Comp is related to environmental sustainability metrics, and continued this prac-
Workforce Diversity based on five guiding principles that support our philosophy of rewarding tice in 2009. For more information, see the Environment section of this
> Compensation, Benefits, both individual performance and corporate success: meritocracy, mar- report. In 2010, in addition to continuing to cover environmental metrics,
and Work/Life Effectiveness ket competitiveness, alignment with business performance, promotion we will include other metrics related to corporate responsibility, such as
Health and Safety, of health and welfare, and balance between employee and stockholder
and Employee Wellness performance on the OHS and external reputation measures related to our
needs. Intel targets employee cash compensation (base pay plus bonuses) corporate responsibility initiatives. Instead of the EB program, eligible sales
Performance Summary & Goals
at above-market averages, as long as the company’s performance is com- and marketing employees participate in our Commission program, which
73 Supply Chain
parable to or better than the performance of our peer companies. provides incentives linked to sales performance.
82 Community
94 Education For more information on compensation and benefits at Intel locations
A pp e n d i x worldwide, visit our Compensation and Benefits web site or read our most
108 About This Report/Approach recent annual report and proxy statement.
to Assurance
Our bonus and profit sharing programs are cornerstones of the T-Comp
109 GRI Content Index
philosophy, linking employees’ compensation directly to Intel’s financial
116 UN Global Compact— Since 2008, a portion of each employee’s
Communication on Progress and operational performance metrics. Higher level employees, who have a
wider job scope and greater ability to affect the company’s performance,
variable compensation has been dependent
receive a higher percentage of their compensation at risk, including our upon Intel achieving environmental sustain­
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bonus and profit sharing programs. ability goals.
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Health Benefits
Employee Cash Bonus Program Employee
8 Our Approach to Corporate Intel is a leader in offering consumer-driven health plans, which give
(ECBP) Bonus (EB) Plan
employees better visibility into pricing. Such plans have shown early signs
Year Annual Payout % of Pay EB Multiplier
Governance and of controlling healthcare costs, and we have passed those savings on
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
in Days of Pay
to employees in the form of no or low monthly premiums. We strive to
19 Financial Performance 2005 17.8 6.8% 3.76
and Economic Impact optimize health plan designs and suppliers, and to provide employees with
2006 15.1 5.8% 2.33 flexibility and options so they can choose the plan that best meets their
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy 2007 17.3 6.7% 3.49 needs. Approximately 58% of our employees now participate in consumer-
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s driven plans in which they spend on average about 35% less than employ-
2008 15.2 5.9% 2.66
31 Environment ees enrolled in traditional plans while receiving the same level of coverage
2009 16.7 6.4% 3.92
S o cial Fact o r s
and quality of services. We also extend medical and dental benefit cover-
53 Workplace This table illustrates our historical ECBP payout and EB multipliers. The EB multiplier age to same-sex domestic partners.
is applied to each individual employee’s target amount, meaning that if an employee’s
Our Approach to Empowering target in 2009 was $1,000, the employee’s payout would have been 3.92 x $1,000, or Our total spending on healthcare benefits in 2009 was $379.4 million,
Our Employees $3,920.
including medical coverage for active employees and retirees, prescription
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s drug coverage, and dental insurance. Intel’s health premium spending
Career Growth and Development Equity Programs averages approximately $737 per month per employee, boosting each
Communication and Recognition To enable employees to share in Intel’s success and align employee inter-
employee’s compensation package by approximately $8,841 annually
Workforce Diversity ests with those of our stockholders, we grant equity to more than 90% of
(individual amounts vary depending on the plan and usage). We also
> Compensation, Benefits, our employees annually, including restricted stock units (RSUs) and stock
offer an Employee Assistance Program that provides free short-term
and Work/Life Effectiveness
options. Share-based compensation totaled $889 million in 2009.
Health and Safety, professional counseling services to help employees and their dependents
and Employee Wellness Through stock options and RSUs, employees have the right to receive an through difficult times. See Wellness Programs in this report for infor­
Performance Summary & Goals equity interest in the company, acquire a stake in Intel’s long-term growth, mation on our award-winning Health for Life wellness program.
73 Supply Chain and potentially benefit from capital appreciation. Although all employees
82 Community who receive stock grants receive RSUs, our more senior-level employees Retirement Benefits
94 Education have a larger percentage of their grants in the form of stock options. Planning for retirement is a shared responsibility between Intel and each
A pp e n d i x Regular full-time and part-time employees are eligible to receive stock employee. We encourage our employees to leverage all possible resources
108 About This Report/Approach option grants at the time of hire, and may be recommended for additional to create a savings and investment strategy that will provide a secure
to Assurance grants during annual or mid-year performance reviews. and comfortable retirement. Our benefits include post-retirement medical
109 GRI Content Index benefits as well as the following plans: 401(k) savings, profit sharing, tax-
116 UN Global Compact— Under the Stock Purchase Plan, eligible employees can purchase stock
qualified, defined benefit, and pension. Eligibility for these plans varies by
Communication on Progress through payroll deductions at 85% of Intel’s stock price at the lower of the
employee role and tenure. We fund our various pension plans in amounts at
beginning or the end of a subscription period. All regular full-time and part-
least sufficient to meet the minimum requirements of U.S. federal laws and
time employees and interns are eligible to participate.
Access the Report Builder regulations or applicable local laws and governments. Assets are invested
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report in corporate equities, corporate debt securities, government securities, and other institutional arrangements. The company accrues for liability in the
event that the liabilities of a plan exceed qualified plan assets.
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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Special Leave Programs Intel Benefits and Work/Life Programs at a Glance
8 Our Approach to Corporate In addition to Intel’s standard paid time-off and leave benefits, we offer
Responsibility • Paid sabbatical benefit for U.S. and Canadian employees
employees other leave programs, including:
Governance and
• Multiple leave programs, including personal, pregnancy, bonding,
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s Sabbatical Program. Employees in the U.S. and Canada receive an and military
19 Financial Performance 8-week paid sabbatical upon completion of each seven years of service. • Childcare, elder care, and adoption assistance programs
and Economic Impact Annual vacation time can be added to sabbaticals, resulting in up to 12 • Access to voluntary benefits, including long-term care insurance,
24 Governance, Ethics, weeks of paid time off. Employees can apply to extend their sabbatical up critical illness insurance, and group legal insurance
and Public Policy
to six months to teach, volunteer, or complete educational opportunities • Comprehensive health benefits, including medical, dental, vision,
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
that significantly enhance our business or benefit the community. In 2009, and employee assistance programs
31 Environment
4,781 employees took sabbaticals, returning refreshed and revitalized. • Multiple retirement plan options, including 401(k), profit sharing,
S o cial Fact o r s defined-benefit, and post-retirement medical benefits
Pregnancy Leave. In addition to the normal Family and Medical Leave
53 Workplace • Employee discount program for online shopping, local discounts,
Act leave time offered to employees, female employees can take advan-
Our Approach to Empowering and discounts on Intel products
Our Employees tage of Intel’s Pregnancy Leave benefit. Although unpaid, it allows
• On-site fitness and recreation facilities
employees to take time off when their doctors say they are unable to
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s • Free fresh fruit and beverages at multiple locations
work. Employees often supplement their income during Pregnancy Leave
Career Growth and Development • Access to commute reduction options
Communication and Recognition with short-term disability benefits. In 2009, 660 female employees used
• “Live Homework Help” for employees’ families, reaching more than
Workforce Diversity our Pregnancy Leave benefit. We also offer “bonding leave,” an approved,
20,000 students in 2009
> Compensation, Benefits, unpaid leave for either parent to care for a newborn or adopted child, or a
and Work/Life Effectiveness
• Scholarships for dependents of Intel employees
child placed with them through foster care.
Health and Safety, • Family fun events (over 34,000 employees and their families
and Employee Wellness Personal Leave. U.S. employees experiencing personal situations participated in 2009)
Performance Summary & Goals that require additional leave time can use Intel’s unpaid Personal Leave • Employee use of Intel facilities for book clubs, music events,
73 Supply Chain program for up to 12 weeks. Employees can apply for Personal Leave to birthday parties, baby showers, etc.
82 Community handle family crises or emergencies, provide care for an ill family member • Employee Marketplace: An online forum for Intel employees where
94 Education (i.e., when such leave is not otherwise covered by the Family Medical Leave they can exchange items with their colleagues (about 400 items
A pp e n d i x Act), or address situations not covered under Intel’s other leave programs. are sold or traded every month)
108 About This Report/Approach In 2009, 155 employees used the Personal Leave program.
to Assurance
Military Leave of Absence and Pay Adjustment. Intel supports
109 GRI Content Index
employees who serve in the U.S. National Guard or military reserves.
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress Military Adjustment Pay compensates for the difference between
an employee’s base pay and military pay. Intel has expanded Military
Adjustment Pay for events related to 9/11, service in Iraq and Afghanistan,
Access the Report Builder
and other emergencies, including extending the duration of this benefit
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report to up to two years per deployment. The U.S. government has publicly rec-
ognized Intel for its commitment and continuing efforts in this area. Since
9/11, more than 500 employees have used this benefit.
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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Work/Life Effectiveness Through our Dependent Care Assistance Program, employees can set
8 Our Approach to Corporate Intel is committed to fostering a culture that reduces barriers to work/ aside up to $5,000 in pre-tax funds each year to pay for dependent care
Responsibility expenses. Employees can be reimbursed up to $5,000 per adoption, with
life effectiveness. Our commitment to flexibility is driven by the demands
Governance and of our global business environment, which require ongoing collaboration a lifetime maximum of $15,000 (three adoptions). Intel is committed to
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
across multiple locations and time zones. We look for ways to provide flex- supporting employees who have children or other dependents with special
19 Financial Performance
ible work schedules and locations, and provide supportive care resources. needs, and we provide a comprehensive intranet site with resources for
and Economic Impact
Program options may vary by business unit and job type, and are tailored employees and their families. We also provide on-site caregiver training
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy for each country based on market needs and statutory requirements. Our for employees who are caring for an elder relative, and we maintain an
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s work/life effort focuses on four major areas: elder-care intranet site with easy access to resources such as a nationwide
31 Environment elder-care support and referral service.
Flexibility. To help employees manage their work and personal responsi-
S o cial Fact o r s bilities, we support a wide range of flexible work options, including alterna- Services and Conveniences. Several discount programs offer employ-
53 Workplace tive start/stop times, compressed work weeks, part-time schedules, job ees reduced pricing on products and services, such as computers, cars, cell
Our Approach to Empowering sharing, flex time, compensatory time off, and telecommuting. Corporate phones, home mortgages, and banking. We also have on-site cafeterias,
Our Employees
guidelines govern each of these options, and managers and employees fitness centers, ATMs, dry-cleaning services, and private rooms for nursing
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s have discretion in developing solutions that meet both business and mothers. More than 90% of our employees in the U.S. have access to com-
Career Growth and Development employee needs. mute reduction options, such as vanpool and transit subsidies and carpool
Communication and Recognition matching services, as well as air shuttles between major sites.
Workforce Diversity Because most of these arrangements are negotiated directly between
employees and their managers, Intel does not track usage centrally. Resources. Our intranet site includes a wide variety of work/life
> Compensation, Benefits,
and Work/Life Effectiveness However, surveys indicate that about 25% of our employees work a com- resources, and our Global Work/Life team sponsors ongoing seminars on
Health and Safety, pressed work-week schedule, and more than 78% telecommute on a regu- topics such as weight management, coping with depression, identity theft,
and Employee Wellness managing stress, caring for elder relatives, and working parent strate-
lar or temporary basis using company-provided laptops and remote access
Performance Summary & Goals
to the corporate network. gies. Our Employee Assistance Program provides employees with online
73 Supply Chain
resources and articles on a variety of work/life topics, as well as 24/7
82 Community Child and Elder Care. Our childcare programs are customized to meet
access to consultants.
94 Education the specific needs and market conditions at each site. Intel sponsors
15 near-site childcare centers in the U.S. that offer priority enrollment, For firsthand accounts of the Intel workplace, visit the Life at Intel web
A pp e n d i x
back-up childcare, and holiday care. We also provide up to $50 a day (five site, where employees share their experiences of working at Intel, including
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance days a year) for back-up childcare reimbursement to all U.S. employees. our work/life programs.
109 GRI Content Index In addition, we sponsor family childcare networks at our Arizona, New
116 UN Global Compact— Mexico, and Oregon sites. To meet the scheduling needs of our manufac- To help employees manage their work and per-
Communication on Progress
turing workforce, many of our family childcare network providers offer
sonal responsibilities, we support a wide range
extended-hours care.
of flexible work options, including alternative
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start/stop times, compressed work weeks,
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report part-time schedules, job sharing, flex time,
compensatory time off, and telecommuting.
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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Health and Safety, and Employee Wellness Health and Safety Benchmarks
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility Our safety and wellness programs help employees enjoy 6.0
Governance and a better quality of life. They also contribute to Intel’s suc- 5.6
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
cess, since employees who are physically and mentally fit 5.0
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact can be more productive.

Rate Per 100 Employees1

24 Governance, Ethics, 4.0
and Public Policy 2009 Safety Update
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s Our safety performance continued to be world-class in 2009. We saw 3.0
31 Environment an 18% reduction in our lost-day case rate compared with 2008, and
our recordable injury rate improved slightly. Cumulative trauma disorders 2.1
S o cial Fact o r s 2.0

53 Workplace (CTDs), sprains, and strains remained the top three injuries in our workforce.
Our Approach to Empowering 1.0
Our Employees Recordable and Days Away Case Rates 0.5 0.45

K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s 0.09

Career Growth and Development 0.47 2008 OSHA2 2008 OSHA3 2009 Intel
0.44 0.45
Communication and Recognition 0.43
0.40 Recordable Rate Days Away Case Rate
Workforce Diversity
Rate Per 100 Employees1

Rate based on 100 employees working full time for one year
Compensation, Benefits, 2
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rate for U.S. manufacturers
and Work/Life Effectiveness 0.30 3
OSHA rate for U.S. semiconductor manufacturers

> Health and Safety,

Each year, Intel compares its health and safety performance with established
and Employee Wellness 0.20 benchmarks relative to the latest data available for all U.S. manufacturers and U.S.
Performance Summary & Goals semiconductor manufacturers. Intel continues to outperform both benchmarks in
73 Supply Chain 0.11 0.12 0.11 terms of injury prevention. External data is from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
0.10 0.09
82 Community
In 2009, ergonomics injuries accounted for 51% of all recordable injuries.
94 Education
Although ergonomics safety performance improved compared with 2008,
A pp e n d i x
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 it remains a major focus area. In 2009, we continued to leverage learning
108 About This Report/Approach
Recordable Rate Days Away Case Rate from site self-audits and developed new tools and materials directed at
to Assurance
decreasing the severity of ergonomics injuries while increasing the effi-
109 GRI Content Index 1
Rate based on 100 employees working full time for one year
ciency of ergonomics programs. We maintained our focus on employees
116 UN Global Compact—
Intel’s recordable rate for injury and illness decreased 4% in 2009. Our days away case
Communication on Progress reporting CTDs early and seeking treatment before symptoms become
rate decreased 18%. We believe that all workplace injuries are preventable, and we will
continue to focus our efforts in 2010 on reinforcing a strong safety culture at Intel. serious. We saw continued improvements in 2009, as CTD recordable inju-
Note that the 2008 figures were restated due to new cases that were reported after ries decreased by 8% over 2008. Our ratio for individuals seeking first aid
Access the Report Builder the close of the reporting period (the recordable rate was 0.44 and the days away case
rate was 0.10 in our 2008 report). to recordable injuries improved 16%, from 6.9:1 in 2008 to 8:1 in 2009.
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report In 2009, we reached 105,000 people with environmental, health, and
safety (EHS) training, including over 2,200 online, instructor-led, and
69 on-the-job EHS classes held during the year.
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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Compliance Assurance and Safety Health and Safety Management System
8 Our Approach to Corporate Self-Assessments In addition to maintaining our ISO 14001 certification for environmental
In 2009, we continued to maximize EHS performance through our com- management systems, our ongoing commitment to continuous improve-
Governance and ment across EHS topics was acknowledged through our Corporate EHS
prehensive compliance assurance program. We conducted EHS self-audits
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
at all manufacturing sites in 2009. Independent corporate-led EHS audits Group’s initial certification to OHSAS 18001, the internationally recognized
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact were also completed at various sites, with a focus on regulatory compli- standard for occupational health and safety management systems. In
24 Governance, Ethics, ance, management systems, and proactive identification of potential EHS 2010, we will continue to build on our history of EHS excellence by incorpo-
and Public Policy issues that could impact site business operations. rating OHSAS 18001 into our ISO 14001 multi-site certification model and
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s expanding our registration to include new manufacturing operations.
Through our signature Safety Self-Assessment (SSA) program, an Intel
31 Environment
vice president joins a global EHS leader to meet with employees and man- Each year, Intel facilities are inspected by a number of safety regulatory
S o cial Fact o r s agement at various sites to discuss safety, obtain feedback for continuous agencies. In 2009, we received four notices of violation, one of which
53 Workplace improvement, and validate safety action plans. In 2010, our compliance resulted in a fine of $1,620 for insufficient OSHA documentation. For
Our Approach to Empowering assurance and SSA programs will focus on delivering ongoing improve- information on these cases and the corrective actions put in place to
Our Employees
ments through continued regulatory compliance and improved EHS address these concerns, see the Environment section of this report.
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s performance and efficiency, while serving to strengthen our worldwide
Career Growth and Development
management commitment to EHS. Wellness Programs
Communication and Recognition Intel is committed to providing a portfolio of wellness programs that help
Workforce Diversity During 2009, we developed the Everybody, Everywhere, Everyday (E3)
our employees evaluate, maintain, and improve their own health and that
Compensation, Benefits, Safety Culture Strategy to reinforce our expectations about maintaining
of their families. Our Health for Life 3-Step Wellness Check is based on the
and Work/Life Effectiveness a strong safety culture. The strategy brings together our learnings on
concept that the more employees know about their health risks, the bet-
> Health and Safety, safety culture and best practices over the last 20 years into one intranet
and Employee Wellness ter they can manage them. Now in its fourth year, the program provides a
site. Our E3 Assessment Tool is based on eight core expectations for a
Performance Summary & Goals gateway for employees to access resources that focus on positive health
positive safety culture, and describes the common behaviors of the various
73 Supply Chain and wellness lifestyle choices. The program features a baseline health
stages of safety culture maturity. We used the tool to prepare for the SSA
82 Community evaluation, an online Health Risk Assessment, and confidential meetings
program in 2009, and a number of Intel business groups also used it to
94 Education with an on-site personal wellness coach to develop an individual health
develop their individual 2010 safety plans.
A pp e n d i x action plan. The program started in the U.S., and in 2008 expanded to sites
108 About This Report/Approach in Costa Rica, Israel, and Malaysia. In 2009, another Israel site was added,
Safety Focus Areas for 2010
to Assurance along with a location in Chengdu, China.
109 GRI Content Index • Drive further injury and illness reduction through analysis of orga­
nization-specific trends and implementation of recommendations. In 2009, 27,205 Intel employees participated in the Wellness Check.
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress • Lead Intel’s safety culture revitalization through proliferation of Through effective disease management strategies for medications, diet,
our E3 Safety Culture Strategy across Intel. and exercise, blood pressure risk has dropped 27% for U.S. participants.
• Strengthen compliance by delivering effective EHS programs, More than 96% of respondents to monthly surveys reported being very
Access the Report Builder
systems, and tools. satisfied or satisfied with the Wellness Check program and plan to make
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report changes to improve their health.

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile The Health for Life wellness program received several internal and exter- continue to support the International Council on Nanotechnology, a multi-
8 Our Approach to Corporate nal awards in 2009, including the prestigious Institute for Health and stakeholder group of industry, academic, and government institutions dedi-
Responsibility Productivity Management Level II award, which recognized Intel’s excel- cated to promoting the sound use of nanomaterials in future applications.
Governance and lence in integrating health program and corporate productivity. And the
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s HIV/AIDS. We believe that employees affected by Acquired Immune
National Business Group on Health presented Intel with its Best Employers
19 Financial Performance Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
for Healthy Lifestyles Gold award for the third consecutive year.
and Economic Impact do not present a health risk to other employees under normal working con-
24 Governance, Ethics, As a natural expansion of the program, we piloted an on-site Health for ditions. We strive to ensure that affected employees have the same work-
and Public Policy
Life Center for employees at our Arizona site. The center features primary- ing conditions and performance requirements as other Intel employees.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s care physicians and medical staff, treatment/exam rooms, physical therapy, We have also developed employee education programs, and our employees
31 Environment lab capabilities, and wellness coaching rooms. We believe that such centers have initiated community outreach efforts related to HIV/AIDS, with par-
S o cial Fact o r s meet employees’ needs for convenient, cost-effective medical care. The ticular emphasis in areas of the world where we operate that have limited
53 Workplace pilot was deemed a success, and we plan to expand the program to Intel access to information on this topic.
Our Approach to Empowering Oregon. The on-site centers are open to only employees at this time.
Our Employees Business Continuity Practices
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s Other Health Initiatives As a corporation with locations and suppliers around the world, Intel faces
Career Growth and Development We collaborate regularly on research and leadership initiatives as well as a wide range of potential threats—from natural disasters to terrorist acts
Communication and Recognition other health-related issues that may impact our industry or our workforce. and cyber-attacks. To protect the interests of our stockholders and cus-
Workforce Diversity tomers, and to ensure the safety of our employees, all of our organizations
SIA Health Study. We continue to work with the Semiconductor Industry
Compensation, Benefits, embed business continuity as a core business practice. If our operations
and Work/Life Effectiveness Association (SIA) and a research team from Vanderbilt University on a
are disrupted, our business continuity plans are designed to enable us to
> Health and Safety, multi-company study of the potential health effects associated with work-
and Employee Wellness continue critical functions, such as handling customer orders, overseeing
ing in wafer fabrication facilities. The research, which began in 2005, is a
Performance Summary & Goals production and deliveries, and managing our supply chain.
retrospective epidemiological study to determine if wafer fabrication work-
73 Supply Chain ers have an increased cancer risk compared to other semiconductor indus- As part of our business continuity practices, we have integrated pandemic
82 Community try workers and the general population. The research team is completing preparedness into our emergency management and occupational health
94 Education the final phase of the study. We expect the study to be released publicly processes and systems. Our cross-functional Pandemic Leadership Team
A pp e n d i x in 2010 and to be published in a scientific journal soon thereafter. has developed preparedness plans that include more than 800 drills and
108 About This Report/Approach exercises throughout the company. We share our response strategy with
to Assurance Nanoelectronics Safety. Intel is collaborating with multiple stakeholder
other companies, local governments, and professional organizations at
109 GRI Content Index groups to further define, characterize, and manage the EHS implications of
several forums each year. We also host a comprehensive pandemic intranet
116 UN Global Compact— nanoelectronics—the manufacture of extremely small transistor devices—in
site for employees, with links to our Pandemic Response Plan, as well as
Communication on Progress the semiconductor industry. Intel is taking the lead in developing EHS stan-
information about travel and home preparedness. In 2009, we used these
dards on the use of nanomaterials in several external organizations, includ-
plans and resources to effectively manage our response to the H1N1 virus
Access the Report Builder ing the International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee
and keep our employees informed. For more information, visit our Business
on Nanotechnology and the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative. We
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report Continuity web site.

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Performance Summary and Goals
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility In 2009, we continued to invest in our employees and new programs in support of our “Great Place to Work” value, including additional benefits to sup-
port work/life effectiveness and career development workshops. Our Organizational Health Survey (OHS) results remained strong and provided valuable
Governance and
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s feedback in the areas where we have made significant improvements over the past few years, as well as the areas where we still can improve. We were
19 Financial Performance recognized by a number of external groups for our diversity programs and investments aimed at increasing the pipeline of women and minorities in the
and Economic Impact technology industry. We still faced challenges in increasing the overall percentage of women and under-represented minorities in our global workforce
24 Governance, Ethics, but increased the representation of women in our leadership team. In the area of health and safety, we made good progress on improving early reporting
and Public Policy
of injuries and continued to expand our Health for Life wellness program to reach more employees at our sites around the world.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
31 Environment Workplace Goals and Performance
S o cial Fact o r s 2009 Goals 2009 Performance
53 Workplace
Drive key improvements in the hiring and retention of under-represented minorities While the overall percentage of females in our global workforce
Our Approach to Empowering and women to reach full parity in workforce representation. declined slightly, we saw an increase in the representation of
Our Employees women in senior leadership positions. We will continue to invest
in both internal and external initiatives to strengthen the pipe-
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
line of talent and advance our diversity objectives.
Career Growth and Development
Communication and Recognition Achieve organization-specific recordable rate goals for targeted groups. Improve We had a 16% improvement in our early reporting metric, but
early reporting of ergonomic-related injuries, specifically cumulative trauma disor- achieved a ratio of 8:1 compared to our target of 9:1.
Workforce Diversity
ders, with a targeted First Aid to Recordable Ratio goal of 9:1.
Compensation, Benefits,
and Work/Life Effectiveness     Achieved     Partially Achieved    Not Met

Health and Safety,

and Employee Wellness
> Performance Summary & Goals
73 Supply Chain
In 2010, we will focus on making improvements in key areas identified in the 2009 OHS, including career development, decision-making, and manager
82 Community effectiveness; drive continuous improvement in workforce diversity; and build on the solid foundation that we have established in health and safety
94 Education performance. We will also complete workplace redesigns at a number of our sites, based on successful pilots in 2008, to create more open and flexible
workspaces that facilitate employee collaboration and create a more aesthetically pleasing work environment.
A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach
Workplace Goals for 2010
to Assurance
109 GRI Content Index Drive key improvements and hire at full availability for technical under-represented minorities and women.
116 UN Global Compact— Improve the organizational health of the company, as measured by improvements in the company-wide OHS.
Communication on Progress
Maintain our world-class safety performance, achieving a target safety recordable rate of 0.36.

Improve early reporting of ergonomic-related injuries, specifically cumulative trauma disorders, with a targeted First Aid to Recordable Ratio goal of 9:1.
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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Supply Chain
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility Respect for people and our planet. This principle underlies our business practices,
Governance and and we expect the companies we do business with to apply the same principle.
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
19 Financial Performance
Because the most reliable, sustainable companies are those that honor their
and Economic Impact employees and care about the environment, Intel is working to continuously
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy improve transparency and promote corporate responsibility throughout the
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s global electronics supply chain.
31 Environment
S o cial Fact o r s
53 Workplace
73 Supply Chain
Our Approach to Supply Chain

K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
2009 Assessment and
Audit Summary
Supplier Diversity
Sustainable Purchasing
Extractives and
Conflict-Free Metals
Performance Summary & Goals
82 Community
94 Education
A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance
109 GRI Content Index

9,000 500 100

Key Supply Chain Links
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress > % Intel Supplier Site
Intel Code of Conduct

Number of Number of supplier Eligible bid opportunities Intel Human Rights Principles

Access the Report Builder Intel suppliers, in over facilities that we completed that included Electronic Industry Citizenship
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report 100 countries a risk assessment at least one historically
Supplier Ethics Expectations for during 2009 under-represented
business Supplier Environmental Health
and Safety Requirements
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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Our Approach to Supply Chain Top 50 Production and Capital Suppliers1
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility Responsibility Advantest Corp. MEMC Electronic Materials, Inc.

Governance and Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Micron Technology, Inc.
To bring about lasting social and environmental improve-
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
Amkor Technology, Inc. Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co., Inc.
19 Financial Performance ments in the global electronics supply chain, we collaborate
Applied Materials Inc. NAN YA Printed Circuit Board Corp.
and Economic Impact with other companies in our industry to develop processes,
24 Governance, Ethics, ASE Nidec Corp.
standards, and tools.
and Public Policy ASM International N.V. Nikon Corp.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s ASML Nordson Asymtek
Our Global Supply Chain
31 Environment Daifuku Co., Ltd. Novellus Systems, Inc.
Intel depends on a complex, multi-tiered global supply chain that comprises
S o cial Fact o r s more than 9,000 suppliers in over 100 countries. Our suppliers provide Dainippon Screen Mfg Co. Ltd. Pegatron
53 Workplace a myriad of parts, equipment, materials, and services for our factories and Delta Design Inc. Quanta Computer Inc.
73 Supply Chain offices worldwide. To improve transparency, in our report this year we Ebara Corp. Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd.
> Our Approach to Supply Chain
have included a list of our top 50 suppliers. Edwards Ltd. SEH America Inc.
Flextronics International Ltd. Shinko Electric Industries Co Ltd.
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s Supplier Spends by Region
2009 Assessment and Fujifilm Electronics Materials USA, Siliconware Precision Industries
Audit Summary 12% Inc. Co., Ltd.
Supplier Diversity Gemtek Technology Co., Ltd. Siltronic AG
Sustainable Purchasing Grohmann Engineering GMBH Stats ChipPac Ltd.
Extractives and
28% Harbor Electronics SUMCO Corp.
Conflict-Free Metals
Performance Summary & Goals 60% Hitachi High Technologies America, Tokyo Electron Ltd.
82 Community
94 Education Hitachi Kokusai Electric, Inc. Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Americas APAC EMEA
A pp e n d i x
Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. TSMC
APAC = Asia-Pacific EMEA = Europe, Middle East, Africa
108 About This Report/Approach Ibiden Co. Ltd. Ultratech, Inc.
to Assurance Inventec Corp. Universal Scientific Industrial Co., Ltd.
109 GRI Content Index Our Expectations KLA-TENCOR Corp. UTi Inventory Management
116 UN Global Compact— Intel first codified supplier expectations regarding human resources, Solutions Inc.
Communication on Progress environmental management, worker safety, and ethics in 1998. In 2004, KMG Chemicals, Inc. Varian Semiconductor Equipment
we adopted the Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (EICC Code), which is Associates, Inc.
consistent with Intel’s own Code of Conduct and Human Rights Principles. Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc. VWR International, LLC
Access the Report Builder Our Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) Commitment Letter, 1
As of December 31, 2009
Code of Conduct, and Human Rights Principles, as well as other corpo-
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report
The 50 production and capital suppliers in this list represent more than 80% of Intel’s rate governance and business ethics documents, are available on our
total purchasing spends in 2009. A number of these suppliers were recipients of Intel’s
Governance and Ethics web site. 2009 Supplier Continuous Quality Improvement and Preferred Quality Supplier awards.

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile We expect our employees and suppliers to comply with the EICC Code, In 2009, we developed a framework to consistently assess and prioritize
8 Our Approach to Corporate which describes best practices adopted and implemented by major elec- new ESG topics and opportunities across our supply chain, as well as issues
Responsibility tronics companies, our customers, and their supply chains. We also expect managed by different internal work teams. Issues and opportunities are
Governance and our suppliers to ensure that their suppliers abide by the EICC Code. scored against a set of criteria that incorporates external stakeholder
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
priorities and impacts, and Intel business priorities, helping to give us a
19 Financial Performance The EICC Code sets forth performance, compliance, management system,
balanced view and improve decision-making on investments and actions.
and Economic Impact and reporting guidelines, as well as assessment and audit procedures
24 Governance, Ethics, across key areas of social responsibility and environmental stewardship.
and Public Policy Supplier Selection and Assessment
It covers human rights issues and labor standards related to: child and
Intel commodity managers and buyers who manage our top-tier suppliers
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s forced labor, freedom of association and collective bargaining, diversity and
(representing approximately 80% of our supply chain spends) are required
31 Environment nondiscrimination, working hours and minimum wages, ethical practices,
to attend a supplier corporate responsibility internal training course
S o cial Fact o r s and worker health and safety.
that covers corporate responsibility and environmental sustainability.
53 Workplace
The EICC Code embodies principles from external standards, such as Commodity managers and buyers communicate our corporate responsibil-
73 Supply Chain
pertinent International Labor Organization conventions, the United ity expectations to our suppliers. Suppliers implement actions to meet or
> Our Approach to Supply Chain
Responsibility Nations Global Compact, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and exceed these expectations, and provide Intel with proof that any gaps or
Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the Universal issues have been addressed. Our discussions and collaborations with sup-
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
Declaration of Human Rights. We also include language in our contracts pliers on these matters happen on a continuous basis.
2009 Assessment and
Audit Summary about our expectations for suppliers on corporate responsibility issues.
We use an industry-accepted, risk-based approach to prioritize our supplier
Supplier Diversity
social responsibility activities. Our commodity managers are responsible
Sustainable Purchasing Governance and Management
for working with our suppliers to assess potential risks, using the following
Extractives and An internal organization at Intel is dedicated to managing our supply chain,
Conflict-Free Metals
three-tiered framework:
and we have chartered specific leadership teams to focus on integrating
Performance Summary & Goals corporate responsibility into our management practices, including respond- • Risk Assessment 1 (RA1) is a high-level (one-page) analysis used to
82 Community ing to requests from our customers on corporate responsibility topics. determine whether a specific supplier facility is a potential high-risk facility.
94 Education Key components cover a number of risk factors, plus geographic location,
The primary leadership team chartered with setting the direction and
A pp e n d i x product(s) or service(s) provided, and corporate responsibility concerns.
strategy for all supply chain corporate responsibility issues is our Supply
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance Chain Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Management Review • Risk Assessment 2 (RA2) requires a supplier to respond to an online
109 GRI Content Index Committee (MRC). This team is made up of representatives from relevant self-assessment questionnaire to determine a facility’s potential high-
116 UN Global Compact— business units across Intel, such as Materials, Technology Manufacturing risk areas. RA2 goes into greater depth relative to RA1 and covers all
Communication on Progress Engineering, Customer Fulfillment, Planning and Logistics, Corporate sections of the EICC Code.
Responsibility, Environmental Health and Safety, Human Resources, and
• Risk Assessment 3 (RA3) consists of a shared third-party audit con-
Legal. The MRC is supported by project work groups focused on EICC Code
ducted for EICC members. The audit covers all sections of the EICC Code
Access the Report Builder implementation, environmental sustainability, supply chain ethics, and
and evaluates risk according to the percentage of compliance concerns
global supplier diversity. The MRC also provides regular updates to Intel’s
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report and/or critical areas.
Eco MRC and senior vice president and general manager of manufacturing
and supply chain.

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Supplier Continuous Quality Improvement Program site features numerous web-based tools designed to promote effective
8 Our Approach to Corporate Started in 1987, Intel’s corporate-wide Supplier Continuous Quality communications and help suppliers follow proper data collection proce-
Responsibility dures. The Environmental Health and Safety section of the site includes
Improvement (SCQI) Program utilizes Intel’s supplier management tools and
Governance and processes to drive continuous improvements in our suppliers’ performance. Intel’s safety expectations, online safety training tools and manuals, as
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
Our suppliers receive regular feedback through the supplier assessment well as information about recent supplier safety awards. It also includes
19 Financial Performance
process and supplier site visits. our Environmental Product Content Specification, and provides tools for
and Economic Impact
tasks such as screening products for restricted chemicals.
24 Governance, Ethics, On an annual basis, we publicly recognize suppliers who have shown out-
and Public Policy
standing performance. Suppliers are awarded either SCQI or Preferred Intel Supplier Day. At our Intel Supplier Day conference, hundreds of indi-
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s viduals come together to receive education, share information, discuss our
Quality Supplier (PQS) status based on Supplier Report Card (SRC) results,
31 Environment supplier expectations, and learn about our corporate responsibility objec-
performance against a challenging annual improvement plan, and validated
S o cial Fact o r s quality and business systems. In 2008, we began requiring potential SCQI tives for the coming year. In 2009, cognizant of the reduced travel budgets
53 Workplace and PQS award nominees to include documented improvement plans for for many of our suppliers during the economic recession, we did not hold
73 Supply Chain any identified EICC high-risk areas and to publicly disclose details of their a full Intel Supplier Day, but instead hosted a smaller recognition event for
> Our Approach to Supply Chain “green” programs and policies. For a list of recent SCQI winners, visit our our SCQI/PQS award-winning suppliers, and co-led a supplier training event
Supplier Quality Portal. in Shenzhen, China. We continued to provide suppliers with information
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s on corporate responsibility throughout the year, both online and through
2009 Assessment and
In 2009, we continued to improve our internal processes for integrating
con­ference calls. We held a full Intel Supplier Day in March 2010, and one of
Audit Summary environmental considerations into the SRC and into the processes that
the main themes was sustainability, along with innovation and operational
Supplier Diversity we use to request bids and proposals, select new suppliers, and manage
excellence. Half of the 20 interactive booths at the event focused on cor-
Sustainable Purchasing supplier performance. Beginning in 2010, suppliers will be evaluated on
porate responsibility and sustainability topics.
Extractives and sustainability, as well as metrics in the areas of availability, cost, and quality.
Conflict-Free Metals Ethics Training. We communicate our ethics expectations with suppli-
Within the sustainability category, suppliers will be assessed on Code of
Performance Summary & Goals ers throughout the year in meetings and training events, as well as on our
Conduct risk assessment, presence of an environmental management pro-
82 Community
gram with set goals and performance improvements over time, and finan- Supplier Site. We expect our suppliers to report any ethical concerns to
94 Education
cial sustainability measures. Throughout 2009, we trained suppliers on the Intel so we can investigate and take appropriate action. To encourage this,
A pp e n d i x we offer multiple methods for reporting, including options to report anony-
new ESG requirements and metrics that they will be evaluated on in 2010.
108 About This Report/Approach mously. Annual letters are sent to suppliers to remind them of the impor-
to Assurance
Supplier Tools and Education tance of complying with our policies. In addition to the English-language
109 GRI Content Index
To ensure that our suppliers are well-informed and compliant with our version, we provide localized ethics training in the appropriate languages
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress expectations, we offer training and a number of tools. for suppliers in China, Japan, Latin America, Russia, and Vietnam. For more
information on our ethics expectations and to report issues, visit the Intel
Supplier Web Site. Our Supplier Site contains detailed information about
Supplier Ethics Expectations section of our Supplier Site.
our human rights, ethics, and environmental health and safety policies
Access the Report Builder for suppliers, supplier diversity initiatives, supplier quality and recognition
programs, business continuity, and key contacts. The secure area of the
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
2009 Assessment and Audit Summary We recognize the significant challenges posed by implementing and refin-
8 Our Approach to Corporate ing the shared third-party audit process across the EICC membership,
Responsibility We believe that the most effective way to improve ESG but we believe that continued delays in audits may result in a loss of the
Governance and performance across our supply chain is to direct our audit momentum achieved in recent years with regard to the industry’s adoption
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
and performance improvement activities primarily toward of the EICC Code of Conduct. Moving forward, we will work with internal
19 Financial Performance
suppliers with the highest risk profiles. and external experts, as well as the EICC, to assess and execute third-
and Economic Impact
party audits as needed.
24 Governance, Ethics,
In 2009, Intel’s commodity teams completed RA1 analyses for more than
and Public Policy
500 supplier facilities. Seventy-four sites were identified as “high risk” and
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
were required to complete RA2 analyses. The RA2 analyses subsequently Supplier Diversity
31 Environment
identified 15 supplier facilities as “medium risk,” and the balance as “low As part of our commitment to deliver world-class products
S o cial Fact o r s
risk.” Some of the 15 medium-risk supplier facilities were found to have and services, Intel has maintained a Corporate Supplier
53 Workplace
areas that were classified as “high risk.” Primary areas of concern included
73 Supply Chain Diversity Program for more than a decade.
working hours, age verification processes designed to prevent child labor,
Our Approach to Supply Chain
Responsibility and labor/ethics management system problems. Continuous improvement We understand the importance of working with a diverse supply chain
plans have been drafted by the suppliers to address these issues. that represents our local markets and contributes innovative ideas to our
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
business, helping us to better understand and serve the needs of varying
> 2009 Assessment and Suppliers identified as high risk under an RA2 are normally required to go
Audit Summary markets and customers. We estimate that in the past three years, Intel
through a third-party validated audit. Over the past three years, piloting of
> Supplier Diversity derived more than $24 billion in revenue from customers that require us to
the shared RA3 process revealed the need for additional improvements in
Sustainable Purchasing demonstrate supply chain diversity. We recognize diverse suppliers as busi-
the audit process. As a result, no RA3 audits were performed in 2009.
Extractives and nesses that are 51% owned and operated by at least one of the following:
Conflict-Free Metals For facilities where we were not able to complete RA3s, Intel’s commodity minorities as defined by the country where the business was established;
Performance Summary & Goals teams worked with Intel’s risk assessment experts and suppliers to review women; veterans; service-disabled veterans; persons who are lesbian,
82 Community and verify the accuracy of information in areas that might require improve- gay, bisexual, or transgender; or persons with a disability. Within the U.S.,
94 Education ment. If additional actions were deemed necessary, continuous improve- we also recognize suppliers that are in Small Disadvantaged Enterprise,
A pp e n d i x ment plans were put in place. Intel will continue to review these cases and HUB Zone, and 8A categories, as defined by the U.S. Small Business
108 About This Report/Approach ensure that changes are documented. Depending on progress made in the Administration.
to Assurance targeted improvement areas, suppliers may be asked to participate in a
109 GRI Content Index Intel collaborates with a number of diversity organizations to help promote
third-party audit.
116 UN Global Compact— supplier diversity awareness, set global diversity certification standards,
Communication on Progress and establish cross-industry diversity auditing policies and practices. Those
Intel collaborates with a number of diversity organizations include the National Minority Supplier Development Council

organizations to help promote supplier diversity (NMSDC), the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC),
Access the Report Builder WEConnect International (WCI), and Minority Supplier Development China
awareness, set global diversity certification
(MSD China). We also participate in events sponsored by local organizations
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report standards, and establish cross-industry diver- dedicated to supplier diversity.
sity auditing policies and practices.
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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Intel is a member of the Information Systems Technology Group, a consor- Sustainable Purchasing
8 Our Approach to Corporate tium that defines guidelines, innovative supplier development solutions,
Responsibility and best-known methods to proliferate global supplier diversity for the Recognizing that reducing our impact on the environment
Governance and high-tech industry and its supply chain. is one of the most important challenges we face, Intel’s
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
sustainable purchasing philosophy focuses on lowering our
19 Financial Performance Through classroom and web-based training, we educate our worldwide
and Economic Impact procurement employees about global supplier diversity practices, policies, consumption of energy and natural resources.
24 Governance, Ethics, and inclusion. In 2009, we also shared our best-known supplier diversity
We aim to use products in our operations that have been designed and
and Public Policy
practices with other corporations through a broadly attended webinar.
produced to minimize environmental impact. To achieve this goal, we must
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
Intel’s Second Tier Program supports our efforts to advance the develop- rely on our suppliers to collaborate on environmental management issues.
31 Environment
ment of a healthy supplier diversity initiative by requiring our strategic Accomplishing this goal in key manufacturing areas allows us to design
S o cial Fact o r s
suppliers to report their spending with diverse suppliers. Our strategic environmental stewardship into our technologies and our products.
53 Workplace
suppliers that use diverse suppliers reported spending more than $71
73 Supply Chain EICC and the Sustainability Consortium. In 2009, we continued to
million in 2009. We achieved our 2009 goals of including historically under-
Our Approach to Supply Chain participate in EICC Sustainability Work Group activities geared toward
Responsibility represented businesses in 100% of all eligible bidding opportunities, and
decreasing the carbon footprint across the electronics industry supply
participating in international supplier diversity standards adoption and
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s chain, including piloting of a new EICC carbon reporting system. As a result
community awareness campaigns. In 2010, we will continue to include
2009 Assessment and of the pilot, the EICC team simplified the process to allow members to sub-
Audit Summary under-represented businesses in all eligible bidding opportunities, and will
mit data using a “smart” spreadsheet instead of the proposed online tool
Supplier Diversity collaborate further on the establishment of cross-industry global supplier
(which some users found confusing) and added the option of submitting
> Sustainable Purchasing diversity policies and practices. We will also work to build greater aware-
data in 2010 through the Carbon Disclosure Project. In 2010, we will work
Extractives and ness of the value of supplier diversity throughout the global supply chain.
to ensure that our key suppliers understand the carbon disclosure data
Conflict-Free Metals For more information on our supplier diversity initiatives, visit our
that they must report starting in 2011.
Performance Summary & Goals Supplier Development and Diversity web site.
82 Community In addition, Intel joined the new Sustainability Consortium administered by
94 Education Arizona State University and the University of Arkansas. In 2010, Intel will
A pp e n d i x participate as a member of the consortium’s electronics working group,
108 About This Report/Approach along with Dell, Toshiba, Hewlett-Packard, Walmart, and Best Buy, sup-
to Assurance In 2009, we worked with logistics suppliers to porting research and findings on the life-cycle environmental and social
109 GRI Content Index
decrease packaging size, eliminate packaging impacts of electronic products.
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress components, and incorporate more recyclable
materials, enabling us to reduce by 368 metric
tons the amount of paper and plastic used to
Access the Report Builder ship multiple Intel product lines.
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Product Packaging and Logistics Supply Chain. GREENit, a group in and suppliers about the labels and other best-known sustainability
8 Our Approach to Corporate Intel’s Logistics Supply Chain organization, focuses on projects and initia- methods through a new ESG-focused purchasing specification document
Responsibility tives designed to improve environmental performance in Intel’s logistics to be used by sourcing professionals.
Governance and activities. In 2009, we worked with logistics suppliers to decrease packag-
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s We have also taken multiple steps to drive sustainability at Intel-sponsored
ing size, eliminate packaging components, and incorporate more recyclable
19 Financial Performance events. For the 2009 Intel Developer Forum (IDF) in San Francisco,
materials, enabling us to reduce by 368 metric tons the amount of paper
and Economic Impact California, for example, our Corporate Event Marketing group contracted
24 Governance, Ethics,
and plastic used to ship multiple Intel product lines. The packaging rede-
with 16 properties. Hotels selected for the 4,000 attendees were all
and Public Policy signs also increased shipping density—reducing the number of shipments
within walking distance of the Moscone Center, where the event was held,
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s required, and therefore the amount of fuel consumed and resultant emis-
eliminating the need for ground shuttles. In addition, 71% of the hotels
31 Environment sions per unit shipped.
practiced energy efficiency and water conservation measures, and 31% of
S o cial Fact o r s Non-Production Purchasing. We also launched an initiative to better the food and beverage served at the event was grown within a 100-mile
53 Workplace integrate sustainability considerations into all of our non-production radius. Energy-saving LED lighting was integrated into staging, and carpet
73 Supply Chain purchasing decisions, including creating an ESG purchasing specification used at the event was made of recycled materials and saved for reuse.
Our Approach to Supply Chain that will be implemented in 2010. All of our sourcing professionals will
Responsibility These and other sustainability strategies used at IDF in the U.S. are being
be required to consider sustainability when they are making purchasing
included in Intel’s global meetings, such as IDF in Beijing, China in 2010.
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s decisions, helping us to standardize best practices across our different
Environmental requirements are now included in all of our Corporate Event
2009 Assessment and purchasing groups.
Audit Summary Marketing group’s requests for proposals, and Intel asks contracted ven-
Supplier Diversity In late 2009, we launched a project with our office supplies vendor to dors to comply with practices that minimize environmental impacts and to
> Sustainable Purchasing identify opportunities for increasing our purchasing of more sustainable develop their own strategies for supporting sustainability. Starting in 2010,
Extractives and office products. As part of this effort, we analyzed all of our office supply our contracts with event vendors incorporate language related to specific
Conflict-Free Metals purchasing spends and products, and in some cases, identified more sus- environmental practices.
Performance Summary & Goals tainable substitutes. In 2010, we will run a pilot with a group of employees
82 Community Capital Expenditures. We have organized teams that are exploring
to test the products, and then explore the development of purchasing
94 Education additional ways to integrate ESG and sustainability considerations into
specifications for specific items. We will also highlight environmentally
our capital expenditure decisions. In early 2010, we ran a pilot for lithog-
A pp e n d i x friendly products in our online purchasing catalog. Based on our initial
raphy equipment and other fabrication tools to help drive significant
108 About This Report/Approach analysis, we believe that we may be able to make significant improvements
to Assurance improvements in production processes and energy conservation. This
in reducing our environmental impact in this area while decreasing costs
109 GRI Content Index effort utilizes the SEMI S23 standard and the industry-standard ISMI
on some items. (We identified a number of more sustainable options that
116 UN Global Compact— energy calculator for its basis. If the pilot is successful and the return on
Communication on Progress
cost less than the products we had purchased previously.)
investment is validated, we expect to phase in the methodology for use
In the past few years, eco-labeling has rapidly proliferated on consumer on other capital expenditures.
products, including electronics and computing equipment. In 2009, an
Access the Report Builder Intel team worked to evaluate eco-labels that have strong credibility and
applicability to our business. In 2010, we will work to educate our staff
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Extractives and Conflict-Free Metals Intel has also taken the following actions:
8 Our Approach to Corporate
• Posted our Conflict-Free Statement about metals on our Supplier Site.
Responsibility Intel takes seriously the allegations that metals (cobalt,
Governance and gold, tantalum, tin, and tungsten) mined in the Democratic • Requested that our suppliers verify the sources of metals used in the
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s products they sell us.
Republic of the Congo (DRC) might be used in the electron-
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact ics supply chain, and that profits from the sale of these • Increased the level of internal management review and oversight, as
24 Governance, Ethics, metals may be fueling human rights atrocities in the east- well as our transparency and disclosure on this topic in this report.
and Public Policy ern region of the DRC. • Engaged with leading NGOs and other stakeholders to seek their input
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
The issue of extractives from the DRC used in the electronics and other and recommendations.
31 Environment
industries is extremely complex, and resolution will require the commit- • Hosted an industry working session at our offices in Chandler, Arizona
S o cial Fact o r s
ment and cooperation of businesses, governments, development agencies, in September 2009 with more than 30 representatives from mining
53 Workplace
and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). We expect our suppliers companies, traders, smelters, purchasers, and users of tantalum to
73 Supply Chain
Our Approach to Supply Chain
to source only materials from environmentally and socially responsible address the issue of conflict minerals from the DRC.
Responsibility suppliers. However, due to the complexities of the metals supply chain,
• Co-sponsored a multi-industry “call to action” meeting on extractives in
we are currently unable to verify the origin of all of the metals used in
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s San Francisco, California, with industry partners and Business for Social
2009 Assessment and
our products.
Responsibility in October 2009.
Audit Summary
We are working diligently with our suppliers, customers, NGOs, and other
Supplier Diversity • Funded a study with EICC members on defining metals used in the sup-
stakeholders to establish systems and processes that will enable us to
Sustainable Purchasing ply chain, and are working on a similar project to increase supply chain
declare with confidence that our products do not contain materials from
> Extractives and transparency for cobalt, tantalum, and tin.
Conflict-Free Metals conflict sources. Our efforts on extractives are focused in three main
Performance Summary & Goals areas: (1) driving accountability and ownership within our own supply chain;
82 Community (2) partnering with key industry associations, including the EICC, Business
94 Education for Social Responsibility, and the ITRI international tin industry association,
A pp e n d i x
to drive industry-wide action; and (3) working with both governmental and
108 About This Report/Approach non-governmental agencies to drive solutions to this complex issue.
to Assurance
Intel currently co-chairs the EICC’s extractives working group and was the We are working diligently with our suppliers,
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact—
first company in the electronics supply chain to conduct on-site smelter customers, NGOs, and other stakeholders
reviews. Through these reviews, which take place at locations around the
Communication on Progress to establish systems and processes that will
globe, Intel is determining if smelters can verify the mines of origin for the
enable us to declare with confidence that
ores they process. Recently, other electronics companies have joined us in
these visits. our products do not contain materials from
Access the Report Builder conflict sources.
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Performance Summary and Goals
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility In 2009, we made progress in implementing risk assessment processes and continuous improvement plans with our supply base, covering 80% of our
spends. We continued to provide dedicated resources to help improve industry codes, tools, processes, and training, and we integrated environmental sus-
Governance and
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s tainability requirements into our highest supplier quality awards. We also proactively engaged with multiple organizations to address the issue of conflict
19 Financial Performance metals in the electronics industry.
and Economic Impact
24 Governance, Ethics, Supply Chain Goals and Performance
and Public Policy
2009 Goals 2009 Performance
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
Work with our commodity teams and managers to ensure that they continue to Commodity managers successfully applied EICC risk assessment
31 Environment integrate EICC Code processes and criteria into their supplier management practices. processes in their supplier practices.
S o cial Fact o r s
Continue to complete risk assessments and implement continuous improvement We increased the number of risk assessments by 66% (from
53 Workplace plans where required for our top-tier suppliers, in pace with the EICC’s shared audit 300 to 500). However, we did not complete any RA3 audits
73 Supply Chain process timing. through the EICC shared audit process.
Our Approach to Supply Chain
Continue to participate in EICC work groups and task forces. Co-lead supplier We led the EICC extractives work group and actively partici-
training event in Shenzhen, China. pated in other work groups. Supplier training event completed.
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
Require top-tier suppliers in our corporate SCQI Program to publish “green” metrics, We successfully integrated green metrics into our SCQI Program
2009 Assessment and and encourage all suppliers to put transparent green initiatives in place. award requirements and our standard Supplier Report Card.
Audit Summary
Supplier Diversity Participate in the pilot of the EICC’s carbon footprint tool and publish the results. We participated in the successful pilot of the new tool. As a
result of the pilot, the process was simplified and additional
Sustainable Purchasing
reporting options were added for 2010.
Extractives and
Conflict-Free Metals Include historically under-represented businesses in 100% of all eligible bidding We achieved our 100% inclusion target and participated in a
> Performance Summary & Goals opportunities and participate in international supplier diversity standards adoption number of international supplier diversity forums.
and community awareness campaigns.
82 Community
94 Education     Achieved     Partially Achieved    Not Met

A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance In 2010, we will continue to implement ESG tools and processes, and to assess and audit our supply base using a systematic process. We will also take
109 GRI Content Index further action to advance our supplier diversity and environmental sustainability supply chain efforts.
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress Supply Chain Goals for 2010
Include historically under-represented businesses in 100% of all eligible bidding opportunities, and participate in international supplier diversity standards adoption
and community awareness campaigns.

Access the Report Builder Continue to integrate ESG factors into supplier awards, Supplier Report Card, contracts, purchasing specifications, and training.

2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility Through capacity building, creative application of technology, and strategic giving, we
Governance and strive to make the communities where Intel operates better places to live and work.
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
19 Financial Performance
Our employees generously donate their energy, money, and professional skills to
and Economic Impact tackle environmental, educational, and other important issues—helping to maximize
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy the impact of Intel’s community involvement. The trust, credibility, and goodwill that
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s we have built with governments, neighbors, and other stakeholders over the years
31 Environment
have helped create a positive business environment for Intel.
S o cial Fact o r s
53 Workplace
73 Supply Chain
82 Community
Our Approach to
Community Engagement

K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
Intel Involved and
Skills-Based Volunteering
Collaborating to Solve
Community Challenges
with Technology
The Intel Foundation
and Community Giving
Performance Summary & Goals
Watch Video
94 Education
A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance

989,681 22.7 $
109 GRI Content Index Key Community Links
116 UN Global Compact— Million Intel in Your Community
Communication on Progress
Intel Foundation

Number of hours that Amount raised Number of e-classrooms Intel Community Giving

Access the Report Builder Intel employees through our U.S. Community built in China by the
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report volunteered in 2009 Giving campaign end of 2009 in support of in 2009 earthquake recovery efforts

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Our Approach to Community Engagement are starting operations in a new location, managing an ongoing facility, or
8 Our Approach to Corporate exiting a community due to changes in our business plans.
Responsibility Community involvement is part of every Intel employee’s
We continue to face challenges in measuring and quantifying the impact
Governance and job, worldwide. Each member of our workforce receives
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s of our community programs, primarily because of the lack of consistent
regular training on the Intel Code of Conduct, which,
19 Financial Performance external standard metrics and the complexity of the issues we are trying
and Economic Impact among other things, asks all employees to consider to measure. We have invested in new systems for tracking and measuring
24 Governance, Ethics, short- and long-term social and environmental impacts our performance and activities, including an updated employee volunteer
and Public Policy when they make business decisions. database. Over the past two years, we have provided funding and staff
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s time for projects related to community impact measurement and reporting
31 Environment Our vice president of Corporate Affairs has overall responsibility for our
sponsored by the Global Reporting Initiative and Boston College Center
community engagement programs and strategy, while Corporate Affairs
S o cial Fact o r s for Corporate Citizenship. Whenever possible, we have included measures
professionals at our locations around the world give Intel an “on-the-
53 Workplace of impact throughout this section of our Corporate Responsibility Report.
ground” presence that helps us understand and respond to local needs
73 Supply Chain
and concerns. These employees work closely with nonprofit organizations, For more information on our broader economic impact and how we work
82 Community
schools, regional leaders, and policy makers—as well as other Intel orga- to mitigate environmental impacts on local communities, see the Financial
> Our Approach to
Community Engagement nizations—to identify needs and develop comprehensive programs and Performance and Economic Impact and Environment sections of this report.
initiatives that will have the greatest impact while aligning with our own
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
Intel Involved and expertise and values.
Skills-Based Volunteering
The constructive relationships developed with community members result
Collaborating to Solve
in real business benefits for Intel. They yield valuable feedback that helps
Community Challenges “ We are committed not just to being a good
with Technology us improve our performance, and when we want to expand an existing
and responsible neighbor, but also to sharing
The Intel Foundation Intel campus or build in a new location, we are generally welcomed and
and Community Giving
supported. In addition, we believe that engaging our employees in mean- the innovative ideas and professional skills of
Performance Summary & Goals our employees with our communities around
ingful volunteer experiences has a positive impact on their satisfaction
94 Education
and pride, and helps us attract and retain talented people. the world.”
A pp e n d i x
We recognize that Intel’s presence—particularly where we have large manu- Shelly Esque, Intel Vice President and Director,
108 About This Report/Approach Corporate Affairs Group; President, Intel Foundation
to Assurance facturing facilities—has the potential to adversely impact communities, due
109 GRI Content Index to traffic, air quality, water usage, noise, lighting, or other issues. Our aim is
116 UN Global Compact— to work continuously to mitigate any negative impacts, collaborating with
Communication on Progress local stakeholders in an effort to effectively resolve concerns—whether we

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Identifying and Managing Community Impacts
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility Action Our Approach Examples

Governance and Entering We have worked with third parties to When Intel decided to build an assembly and test facility in Vietnam, our needs assessment resulted
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s conduct needs assessment studies in the creation of local programs focused on construction and road safety, education, and community
19 Financial Performance to prioritize our community engage- recycling. In Dalian, China, we established multiple community programs and partnerships with organi­
and Economic Impact ment activities. We also begin work- zations during the construction process, including technical college capacity-building investments and
ing with community organizations to employee volunteer programs in education and environmental projects. In 2009, a year before opera-
24 Governance, Ethics,
develop programs and initiatives prior tions were set to begin, Intel Dalian employees logged more than 5,000 volunteer hours, and the
and Public Policy
to commencing operations. company received a 2009 CSR Award from the Dalian government.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
Operating We build relationships with local The Intel New Mexico Community Environmental Working Group (CEWG) meets monthly to discuss
31 Environment stakeholders through informal meet- concerns about Intel’s environmental impact on the local community, with a focus on air emissions.
S o cial Fact o r s ings, community advisory panels The CEWG is chaired by John Bartlit, who is also the chairman of New Mexico Citizens for Clean Air
(CAPs), working groups, and commu- and Water, and is facilitated by a third party. In 2009, the Department of Health and Human Services
53 Workplace
nity perception surveys (usually com- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry published a Public Health Consultation in response
73 Supply Chain pleted by third parties). CAP members to a petition from a community group also concerned with air emissions. Intel continued to engage with
82 Community generally provide constructive input community members throughout the year to address concerns related to the report. CEWG meeting
> Our Approach to on a broad range of issues, such as minutes and agendas for the last six years are posted on the CEWG web site.
Community Engagement education, environmental impact,
In July 2008, a task force was formed to address concerns about odors coming from brine evaporation
health and safety, and emergency
pools that are part of the water conservation management system at an Intel Arizona manufacturing
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s response and management.
facility. The group—consisting of neighbors and representatives from the City of Chandler, Intel
Intel Involved and Environmental Health and Safety, and Intel Corporate Affairs—collaborated to come up with an imme­
Skills-Based Volunteering
diate fix to reduce the odors as much as possible. Following additional research, a permanent odor
Collaborating to Solve elimination solution was installed, and an air-monitoring system and equipment maintenance plan were
Community Challenges put in place to ensure ongoing success. After going through the heat of summer with an absence of
with Technology odor in 2009, the team reported to the Chandler City Council that the issue had been resolved.
The Intel Foundation
and Community Giving Exiting When making the difficult decision Intel announced in January 2009 that it would restructure some of the company’s manufacturing
to close a facility, we try to minimize operations by taking older capacity off-line and closing five factories during 2009. This included the
Performance Summary & Goals
the impacts on employees and the closing of our assembly and test operations in the Philippines after 35 years of operations in the coun-
94 Education local community by collaborating try. The difficult decision to close the Intel Philippines site was the result of the severe global economic
A pp e n d i x with local officials and providing downturn. Given our long presence at the site and our close ties with the community, we took careful
severance packages and job search steps to minimize the negative impacts as much as possible. We developed a comprehensive exit strat-
108 About This Report/Approach
support for employees. egy and plan, which included advance notice for stakeholders, separation packages and career transi-
to Assurance
tion workshops for employees, and continuation of key education programs in the country. The Asian
109 GRI Content Index Institute of Management (AIM) published a case study presenting Intel as a model of what companies
116 UN Global Compact— can do proactively when faced with the closure of a facility. AIM will use the case study for its classes
Communication on Progress in management and business education.

We work with community stakeholders to consider the impact of our operations at all phases. For more information on our overall approach to stakeholder engagement, see
“Stakeholder Engagement” in the Our Approach to Corporate Responsibility section of this report.
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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Intel Involved and Skills-Based employees logged hours providing their unique skills to schools and non-
8 Our Approach to Corporate profit organizations; examples of their skills-based volunteer activities are
Responsibility Volunteering featured throughout this section. We believe that the impact of skills-based
Governance and hours tends to be greater, in part because the services provided are those
Since 1995, the Intel Involved program has matched the
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
skills and passion of our employees with volunteer oppor- for which schools and nonprofits would have to pay significantly more in
19 Financial Performance
the marketplace.
and Economic Impact tunities. Every year, employees donate hundreds of thou-
24 Governance, Ethics, sands of hours mentoring young people, restoring parks, We set a goal of having 40% of our employees donate service in 2009.
and Public Policy
lending their technical expertise, serving on nonprofit We achieved a 38% volunteer rate, down from the unusually high 54% rate
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s that we achieved during the anniversary challenge in 2008, but in line with
boards, and performing other vital tasks.
31 Environment our historical trends and strong compared to our peer companies.
S o cial Fact o r s In celebration of the company’s 40th anniversary in 2008, Intel President
In 2009, we also worked to mitigate some of the negative aspects of the
53 Workplace and CEO Paul Otellini challenged employees to donate 1 million hours of
economic recession by piloting the Intel Community Service Corps, a pro-
73 Supply Chain service to thank the communities that support Intel. Employees surpassed
gram for Intel employees whose positions were eliminated during the year.
82 Community the goal, contributing over 1.3 million hours of service in 2008. As a result,
Employees could opt-in to work at a nonprofit organization for a period of
Our Approach to under the terms of the Intel Involved Matching Grant Program (IIMGP), the
Community Engagement up to 12 months. During that time, they remain Intel employees: have their
Intel Foundation donated $6.8 million in 2009 to more than 5,000 schools
current medical benefits, receive one-third of their current salary pay, and
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s and nonprofits in 40 countries where employees volunteered in 2008.
are matched with a nonprofit organization that can utilize their skills. At the
> Intel Involved and
Skills-Based Volunteering Although we did not set a million-hour goal in 2009, our employees con- conclusion of the assignment, employees can return to Intel to search for
Collaborating to Solve tinued to be generous with their time, logging 989,681 volunteer hours internal job opportunities, or decide to leave Intel. Eight employees elected
Community Challenges during the year, an average of more than 12 hours per employee. The high this option and are currently assigned to four nonprofit organizations in
with Technology
number of volunteer hours was due in part to the fact that we continued Silicon Valley, California.
The Intel Foundation
and Community Giving the expanded version of the IIMGP that we had implemented in 2008. The
To recognize the achievements of our volunteers, we instituted the Intel
Performance Summary & Goals Intel Foundation had previously paid matching grants only to schools and
Involved Hero Award program in 2009. The overall winner earns a $6,000
94 Education Intel Computer Clubhouses where employees volunteered, but starting in
Intel Foundation grant for their favorite school or nonprofit, and a trip for
2008 also began contributing funds to qualified nonprofits. In addition to
A pp e n d i x the employee and a guest to Intel’s highest level recognition dinner, an Intel
encouraging employees to volunteer more, the expanded IIMGP provides
108 About This Report/Approach Achievement Award event in San Francisco, California.
to Assurance greater incentive for them to record their hours.
109 GRI Content Index
Benchmarking and analysis of corporate volunteering best practices
116 UN Global Compact—
indicate a growing trend toward capacity-building activities with local
Communication on Progress In recent years, our employees have increas-
organizations through the application of employees’ professional skills.
ingly found opportunities for donating the
In recent years, our employees have increasingly found opportunities for
donating the skills that they have honed at Intel—providing legal, human skills that they have honed at Intel—providing
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resources, marketing, finance, and information technology (IT) expertise to legal, human resources, marketing, finance, and
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report schools, nonprofits, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). In 2009, information technology expertise to schools,
we began focusing more on the development of skills-based volunteering nonprofits, and NGOs.
opportunities and improving ways to track those activities. During the year,
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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Employee Volunteer Rate 2009 Volunteerism by the Numbers
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility Highlights
Governance and Number of hours 989,681
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
50 Number of countries ~ 40
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact Percentage of employees who volunteered 38%
24 Governance, Ethics, 40 40 40
38 38 38 Schools/nonprofits benefitting from the program ~ 4,500
and Public Policy 35 36 36

E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s 30 Total dollar match under IIMGP1 $6.8 million

31 Environment Estimated in-kind value of volunteer hours $20,041,0402

S o cial Fact o r s 20 1
Represents IIMGP payments made by the Intel Foundation in 2009 for 2008 employee
volunteer hours.
53 Workplace 2
Calculation based on the 2008 Value of Volunteer Time rate of $20.25 per hour published by
73 Supply Chain 10 Independent Sector.

82 Community We estimate that approximately 38% of employee volunteer hours in 2009 were
Our Approach to related to education activities, 60% to community and civic organizations, and 2% to
Community Engagement environmental organizations. Actual environment-related hours may be higher, since
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 this estimate did not include additional environment-related volunteer activities at
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s Volunteer Goal Volunteer Rate schools and civic organizations. Approximately 17% of employee volunteer hours in
> Intel Involved and
=5,000 schools and nonprofit organizations in 40 countries. 2009 were related to skills-based volunteering activities. For example, our legal team
Skills-Based Volunteering volunteered 2,990 pro bono hours in 2009, which equates to an estimated $750,000
The percentage of Intel employees who volunteered dropped following the end of our in donated services.
Collaborating to Solve 2008 million-hour anniversary challenge. However, our 2009 volunteerism rate of 38%
Community Challenges remained in line with our historical trends and strong compared to our peer companies.
with Technology
The Intel Foundation Intel Involved Hero Award Semifinalists Mouse over countries
and Community Giving for more details.
Performance Summary & Goals
94 Education
A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach Ireland
to Assurance Oregon
California New Mexico
109 GRI Content Index China
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress
Costa Rica

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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile We continue to focus most of our volunteer efforts in three main areas: Teaching Math and Science. For several years, dozens of Intel employ-
8 Our Approach to Corporate education, the environment, and community-related needs. ees have volunteered for Intel Israel’s “Think Positive” program—teaching
Responsibility algebra, geometry, physics, and other challenging subjects to K–12 stu-
Governance and Volunteering for Education dents who come to Intel every week for tutoring. The volunteers encour-
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
Building on our long history of volunteering to improve education around age students to reach for high-level goals, including enrollment in science
19 Financial Performance
the world, in 2009 we piloted a new program, the Intel Education Service and engineering fields at Israel’s universities and, ultimately, careers in
and Economic Impact
Corps (IESC). IESC harnesses employees’ enthusiasm for volunteerism knowledge-intensive industries. In 2009, employees at 10 other high-tech
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy while advancing Intel’s commitment to improving the quality of education companies also began volunteering for the program, extending its impact
through technology. IESC volunteers receive 30 hours of training, and then to many more students.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
travel to schools, orphanages, and other locations in developing countries
31 Environment Mentoring Tomorrow’s Innovators. Volunteers from the New Mexico
to facilitate installation of Intel-powered classmate PCs, and teach stu-
S o cial Fact o r s chapter of the Network of Intel African Americans (NIA) employee group
dents, teachers, and parents how to use them.
53 Workplace provided academic and social mentoring for high school students through
73 Supply Chain In 2009, the program’s first four groups of volunteers traveled to Bangladesh, a number of nonprofit organizations. They also led events at a local aca-
82 Community Egypt, Kenya, and Vietnam—including a stint at a solar-powered mobile demic resource center summer camp that emphasized self-confidence,
Our Approach to PC lab on an island in Africa’s Lake Victoria. In 2010, we expect to deploy career options, and community. For their efforts, the NIA members earned
Community Engagement
10 more teams of IESC volunteers, potentially impacting the lives of thou- an Outstanding Achievement Award for Human Rights Services from the
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s sands more people in developing countries. Despite the program’s high New Mexico Office of African American Affairs.
> Intel Involved and time commitment, hundreds of Intel employees applied for IESC’s initial
Skills-Based Volunteering For more information on Intel’s broader commitment to improving educa-
projects. To read about the experiences of the first groups of IESC volun-
Collaborating to Solve tion, see the Education section of this report.
teers, read the blog post.
Community Challenges
with Technology
During the past decade, Intel employees have volunteered more than Volunteering for the Environment
The Intel Foundation
3 million hours for education-related activities. The following are a few Intel volunteer activities reflect strong employee interest in protecting
and Community Giving
Performance Summary & Goals
examples from 2009: the environment, promoting sustainability, and raising awareness of envi-
94 Education ronmental concerns. During the month of Global Earth Day, in April 2009,
Improving Productivity. An Arizona employee is using his technical skills
thousands of employees volunteered for close to 50 Intel-sponsored
A pp e n d i x to create an online assessment tool to save time and improve productiv-
environmental projects. Also in 2009, to further encourage innovation
108 About This Report/Approach ity at a nonprofit that provides services to children with autism spectrum
to Assurance in environmental community service, we expanded our Sustainability in
disorders. Employees from Intel Arizona’s quality organization are applying
109 GRI Content Index Action Program—formerly implemented only within our Environmental
their expertise in defining processes and systems to help schools and other
116 UN Global Compact— Health and Safety organization—to provide funding and support for multi-
groups improve efficiency. Projects include streamlining communications
Communication on Progress disciplinary employee teams throughout the company that are working on
among teachers, students, and families in the local school district, and
environmental projects. Teams are encouraged to include external stake-
improving the training and admissions processes at a community college.
holders in their projects. In 2009, we funded 9 of the 44 projects sub-
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mitted, including a community recycling project in Russia, environmental
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report “ It’s nice to see [Intel], because I dream of being education sessions in schools in Ireland, forest cleanup and conservation an engineer at a place like this.” activities in Oregon, and a city air-quality monitoring project in Arizona.
Student participating in Intel Israel’s “Think Positive” program
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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile The following are a few examples of the many environmental projects that Building Awareness. An Intel Computer Clubhouse in Chandler, Arizona
8 Our Approach to Corporate Intel volunteers contributed to in 2009: is housed in a newly rebuilt Boys and Girls Club facility that has Leadership
Responsibility in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. Intel volunteers
Planting. Volunteers from Intel New Mexico helped plant organic crops
Governance and are using the building’s LEED features to help the 500-plus members of
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s at an organization that teaches vocational horticulture skills to adults with
the club learn how to be “greener.” In Massachusetts, a team of Intel IT
19 Financial Performance developmental disabilities. Produce from the project is sold to local busi-
volunteers helped Massachusetts Audubon develop a technology solution
and Economic Impact nesses, including the employee cafeteria at Intel New Mexico. In addition,
24 Governance, Ethics,
that includes night-vision web cameras to engage visitors at the Drumlin
in the Ukraine, volunteers helped students plant seedlings at a nature and
and Public Policy Farm nature sanctuary.
ecology center; and in Mexico, 30 employees planted 400 trees in a park.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s For more information on Intel’s broader commitment to the environment,
Restoring and Conserving. At a Global Earth Day event in 2009, 60
31 Environment see the Environment section of this report.
Intel volunteers cleared more than 1,700 pounds of trash from beaches
S o cial Fact o r s
along Taiwan’s northern coast. In Russia, Intel volunteers in several com-
53 Workplace Volunteering to Support the Needs of
munities picked up garbage in parks and city squares, and in Germany,
73 Supply Chain Our Communities
employees did much-needed repairs in a nature preserve. More than 100
82 Community Many Intel employees volunteer their time and skills in response to spe-
Intel volunteers donated over 3,500 hours to a marine conservation educa-
Our Approach to cific needs in their local communities. To encourage employees to take
Community Engagement tion program in Malaysia, delivering lessons at 14 schools and a conserva-
long-term responsibility for volunteer projects, Intel India launched a
tion camp, and reaching thousands of students. Camp highlights included
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s Social Initiatives Contest in 2009. Volunteers teamed up with NGOs of
the launch of a new turtle hatchery sponsored by Intel employees and the
> Intel Involved and their choice to develop project proposals and apply for funding from Intel.
Skills-Based Volunteering release of 272 baby turtles.
Employees submitted almost 50 applications, proposing a wide range of
Collaborating to Solve
Community Challenges
projects—including creating a technology solution to increase the accuracy
with Technology of a tiger census, working to prevent drug abuse among youth, setting up
The Intel Foundation “ [Intel volunteers] have been able to combine technology clubs for slum children, and helping to rehabilitate jail inmates.
and Community Giving
their technical skills…with their love of the Intel awarded cash grants to enable volunteers to implement 22 projects.
Performance Summary & Goals
94 Education
outdoors to help us design and develop a sys- The following are examples of the many other community projects that

A pp e n d i x
tem that will work in our dynamic outdoor, Intel volunteers contributed to in 2009:

108 About This Report/Approach all-season environment. Whether brainstorming “Leaning” a Food Bank. At a local food bank in New Mexico, employee
to Assurance how to ‘chicken-proof’ a night-vision camera or volunteers got a unique opportunity to practice the “lean” manufacturing
109 GRI Content Index
working with our IT professionals to overcome skills that they had learned at Intel. After analyzing food-packing opera-
116 UN Global Compact—
infrastructure limitations in a forest setting, it tions, they recommended measures to improve efficiencies in processes
Communication on Progress
and safety, and reduce waste. Over the course of the four working ses-
has been a pleasure to see their expertise and
sions, output went from 198 boxes an hour to 300 boxes an hour.
enthusiasm at work.”
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Renata Pomponi, Manager, Massachusetts Audubon’s
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report Drumlin Farm

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Sharing Knowledge. A team of Intel Russia employees in Moscow availability of quality seeds and fertilizers, and to provide advisory services,
8 Our Approach to Corporate helped teach English to students at a local school, while Intel Japan employ- market price information, and a supply channel for selling produce. These
Responsibility ees were among volunteers from many Intel sites who provided computer- pilots have provided valuable information and have identified a number of
Governance and skills training sessions for seniors. In Costa Rica, an Intel software design challenges that we are in the process of analyzing to help determine the
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
team invested more than 200 hours creating tools and web applications next steps for the venture in 2010.
19 Financial Performance
for Junior Achievement, a children’s cancer association, and other groups.
and Economic Impact Leveraging the Power of Social Media. Intel joined forces with
24 Governance, Ethics, Promoting Health and Safety. Over 90% of Intel’s employees in Korea, Save the Children, and GlobalGiving for the “Small Things
and Public Policy
participated in volunteer projects in 2009, including the distribution of Challenge.” This project was aimed at raising awareness and funds to
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s H1N1 flu prevention kits in underserved communities. In Vietnam, employ- address the lack of access to quality education and the need for eco-
31 Environment ees taught thousands of primary school students about road safety and nomic opportunities in developing countries. Visitors to the Small Things
S o cial Fact o r s the importance of wearing bike helmets. And in Israel, Intel environmental, Challenge web site were encouraged to donate funds or make micro-loans
53 Workplace health, and safety experts taught Palestinian industrialists about work- for the causes, and to click a button to trigger additional donations from
73 Supply Chain place safety in one of a series of workshops conducted in partnership with Intel. This effort generated over 1 million views, raising awareness for the
82 Community a peace center. three groups as well as donations totaling $476,000.
Our Approach to
Community Engagement In 2009, Intel also launched Progress Thru Processors, a Facebook applica-

K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
Collaborating to Solve Community tion that allows participants to donate their PC’s spare processing power
to drive life-changing research projects. Supported projects focus on find-
Intel Involved and Challenges with Technology ing cures and treatments for cancer, HIV, malaria, and Alzheimer’s disease,
Skills-Based Volunteering
> Collaborating to Solve Intel develops alliances and partnerships with govern- as well as combating global warming. By the end of 2009, Progress Thru
Community Challenges ments, leading NGOs, and other companies to develop Processors had attracted more than 125,000 Facebook fans, and partici-
with Technology
technology solutions designed to address some of the pants had contributed close to 17,000 gigaflop years’ worth of computing
The Intel Foundation
and Community Giving world’s biggest challenges. We believe that public-private power to humanitarian research.
Performance Summary & Goals partnerships are crucial to achieving scalable impact. NetHope Collaboration. NetHope is a consortium of chief information
94 Education officers, senior program managers, and technical experts from some of
Grameen-Intel Social Business. In 2008, Intel Capital, Intel’s global
A pp e n d i x the largest international NGOs. Intel started collaborating with NetHope
108 About This Report/Approach
investment organization, formed a business venture with Grameen Trust
in 2008 to help develop ICT solutions in support of member NGOs’ health-
to Assurance aimed at applying self-sustaining information and communications tech-
care, economic development, and disaster relief programs. Projects to date
109 GRI Content Index nology (ICT) solutions to address issues related to poverty, healthcare, and
include applications of technology to help coordinate post-earthquake
116 UN Global Compact— education in developing countries. The business venture combines Intel’s
relief efforts in Haiti; the use of rugged, Intel-powered classmate PCs to
Communication on Progress technology innovation and Grameen’s extensive experience in creating
help track and eradicate a disease that is attacking the cassava crop in
opportunities for economic development and income generation at the
Africa; and technology access programs for schools in Brazil and Tanzania.
village level. In 2009, the venture launched a pilot program in Bangladesh
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aimed at improving maternal health and decreasing maternal mortality.
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report A pilot in India focused on farmers used ICT solutions to help increase the

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile High-Tech Hajj. More than 2 million Muslim pilgrims travel to Mecca in The Intel Foundation and
8 Our Approach to Corporate Saudi Arabia every year for the week of Hajj to perform a series of religious
Responsibility rituals. In 2009, Intel collaborated with the Middle East Wireless Center Community Giving
Governance and of Excellence and the Saudi Arabia government on a pilot demonstration Each year, Intel and its employees, supported by the Intel
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
of how services could be provided via a WiMAX network and tablet PCs Foundation, contribute millions of dollars to education,
19 Financial Performance
equipped with global positioning system (GPS) and radio frequency iden-
and Economic Impact community programs, and disaster relief efforts.
24 Governance, Ethics,
tification (RFID) technology. The system enabled pilgrims to easily acquire
and Public Policy information about the location of their groups and tents, the nearest medi- The Intel Foundation. Founded in 1989, the Intel Foundation provides
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s cal center, and more. funding for national and local grants to promote innovation in classrooms
31 Environment and empower women and underserved youth to reach their potential. The
U.S. Palestine Partnership. The public-private U.S. Palestine
foundation also inspires and enables Intel employees to meet the needs of
S o cial Fact o r s Partnership, launched in late 2007, focuses on creating economic opportu-
their communities by providing matching grants for both volunteer hours
53 Workplace nity for Palestinian people and inspiring and educating their youth. Intel has
73 Supply Chain
and employee charitable donations. The Intel Foundation is funded solely
made several commitments as a partner in the initiative, including sponsor-
82 Community by donations from Intel Corporation. For more information on the Intel
ing an investment conference, funding entrepreneurship training, helping
Our Approach to Foundation’s support of key education programs and initiatives, see the
to establish computer clubs at youth centers, creating a new multi-core lab
Community Engagement Education section of this report and the Intel Foundation web site.
at Birzeit University, donating PCs and providing Internet access, and train-
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s ing thousands of Palestinian teachers through the Intel® Teach Program. Employee Giving. Every year, we are inspired by the generosity of our
Intel Involved and employees, who, in addition to volunteering their time, donate millions of
Skills-Based Volunteering Partnership for Lebanon. As a continuing partner in an initiative
dollars to their communities worldwide. In the U.S., for example, through
Collaborating to Solve launched after the July 2006 war in Lebanon, in 2009 Intel donated tele-
Community Challenges the annual Intel Community Giving Campaign, employees make contribu-
medicine equipment to hospitals to be used for training medical students
with Technology tions to nonprofit organizations that are matched with Intel Foundation
and doctors, and to enable patients in distant parts of the country to be
> The Intel Foundation funds to the United Way. Despite continued economic uncertainty,
and Community Giving treated remotely via computers and the Internet.
employee and retiree contributions to the Community Giving Campaign
Performance Summary & Goals
for 2009 increased 3% over 2008 to a record $12 million. With the Intel
94 Education
Foundation match, the total contribution amounted to more than $22.7
A pp e n d i x “ In the past, we used to crowd [medical stu- million. In 2009, for the second year in a row, Intel placed in the top 10
108 About This Report/Approach
dents] into one operating room to see what was United Way corporate campaigns in the U.S., and we received numerous
to Assurance
109 GRI Content Index happening.…With the development of this [tele- recognitions from local United Way organizations for our commitment.

116 UN Global Compact— medicine] system, it is much easier to observe Beyond cash contributions, employees are generous with other types of
Communication on Progress
and learn the different techniques in surgical donations; for instance, in 2009 Intel Germany employees donated more

procedures, thanks to Intel’s vision and commit- than 500 boxes of clothes, food, toys, and other items to children living in
poverty in Romania. In Costa Rica, employees participated in a book dona-
Access the Report Builder ment to developing communities.”
tion drive and donated “green” products to local NGOs.
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report Dr. Imad Hajj, Chairperson, Surgery Department, Saint George University Hospital, Beirut, Lebanon

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Disaster Relief. When disasters occur around the world, Intel and its We hope that the investments of Intel and the Intel Foundation,
8 Our Approach to Corporate employees are quick to respond with generous donations of service, cash, combined with the commitment of other organizations, will allow us
Responsibility and technology. We also invest in long-term recovery efforts. Recent to scale the project’s impact and reach more students and teachers
Governance and examples include: in the region. Intel was named as a finalist for the
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
2009 International Community Service Award
19 Financial Performance • Haiti. Immediately following the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti in
by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for our disaster
and Economic Impact January 2010, the Intel Foundation contributed $250,000 to relief Watch Video
relief work in China.
24 Governance, Ethics, efforts and agreed to match employee donations up to $2,000 per
and Public Policy
employee. One month after the quake, Intel giving for Haitian relief had • India. Following November 2008 floods that destroyed the livelihoods
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s reached $3 million, including Intel Foundation and Intel corporate dona- of millions of people in Bihar, India, Intel employees, Intel, and the Intel
31 Environment tions, and $1 million from employees. To help address the technology Foundation—in partnership with ActionAid India—provided relief funding
S o cial Fact o r s needs of disaster relief efforts, Intel mobilized quickly to deliver hundreds and reached out to support longer term recovery efforts. By the end
53 Workplace of laptops into the hands of aid workers. Intel and the Intel Foundation of March 2009, over 600 families had received grants to help them set
73 Supply Chain are continuing to support long-term recovery needs in the country, par- up income-generating activities, including poultry production opera-
82 Community ticularly in the area of rebuilding schools. tions, dairies, shops, rickshaw services, and other small businesses. Intel
Our Approach to volunteers also worked to develop a technology solution based on the
Community Engagement • China. Ten days after the devastating earthquake that rocked China’s
only communications devices working in the disaster-hit areas—cell
Sichuan Province in May 2008, Intel launched the iWorld initiative, aimed
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s phones—to help the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
at establishing 200 state-of-the-art e-classrooms equipped with com-
Intel Involved and Organization (UNESCO) coordinate relief work.
Skills-Based Volunteering puters, software, and Internet access, to link teachers and students
Collaborating to Solve to the outside world. By the end of 2009, 190 e-classrooms had been • Italy. An April 2009 earthquake in central Italy killed hundreds of people
Community Challenges established, benefitting more than 150,000 students. We also built a and left tens of thousands homeless. As part of Intel’s relief efforts in
with Technology
Web 2.0 platform (created by employee volunteers in Intel’s Software the region, the company worked with NGOs and other business partners
> The Intel Foundation
and Community Giving and Services Group) to connect students with Intel employee volunteers. to supply computing and communications equipment, including laptops
Performance Summary & Goals Critical to the success of the initiative were more than 2,000 Intel vol- for students whose schools were destroyed. The Internet access that
94 Education unteers who contributed over 26,000 hours of service to the project in Intel helped provide enabled isolated villages to communicate with the
2009, bringing the total number of hours to more than 66,000. The suc- rest of the world and to better coordinate aid efforts.
A pp e n d i x
cess of the iWorld initiative inspired several other companies and foun-
108 About This Report/Approach • Taiwan. In the wake of a devastating typhoon in August 2009, Intel
to Assurance dations to get involved in 2008 and 2009 to help expand the project
Taiwan partnered with industry leaders, the Ministry of Education, and
109 GRI Content Index beyond the 200 schools that Intel had originally targeted.
others to supply 4,500 PCs for schools and community centers.
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress

To help address the technology needs of

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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report quickly to deliver hundreds of laptops into
the hands of aid workers.

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Matching Volunteer Hours with Grants. Through the Intel Involved Ireland employees volunteered through IIMGP during our 40th-anniversary
8 Our Approach to Corporate Matching Grant Program (IIMGP), the Intel Foundation makes cash dona- volunteer challenge in 2008 were equivalent to about 30 people work-
Responsibility tions to qualified nonprofits and schools where Intel employees and retir- ing full time in the community for a year, and resulted in the distribution
Governance and ees volunteer 20 hours or more in a year. Since the original version of the of close to $429,000 to 80 schools, cancer societies, animal sanctuaries,
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
program was launched in 1995, Intel employees have earned more than youth sports groups, and more in 2009. Similarly, nonprofits and schools
19 Financial Performance
$26 million for schools and nonprofits through volunteerism. received $600,000 in Arizona and $1 million in Oregon through IIMGP
and Economic Impact
in 2009. The payments were particularly needed, because the effects
24 Governance, Ethics, Although Intel Involved and IIMGP are global programs, their impact is felt
and Public Policy of the economic recession continued to strain community resources.
directly at the community level. For example, the 56,000 hours that Intel
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
31 Environment Strategic Giving Summary
S o cial Fact o r s 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
53 Workplace
73 Supply Chain
82 Community Intel Foundation cash gifts $31,748,951 $29,249,452 $30,432,692 $33,113,168 $34,270,461
Our Approach to Intel Corporation cash gifts $18,052,440 $24,533,853 $24,496,057 $25,625,670 $30,361,975
Community Engagement
Intel Corporation in-kind $9,921,427 $8,218,957 $11,072,514 $4,514,761 $16,444,195
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s giving (products and services)
Intel Involved and
Skills-Based Volunteering Total $59,722,818 $62,002,262 $66,001,263 $63,253,599 $81,076,631
Collaborating to Solve Outside the U.S.
Community Challenges
with Technology Intel Foundation cash gifts $5,073,277 $6,601,840 $8,860,188 $7,954,777 $19,483,527
> The Intel Foundation
Intel Corporation cash gifts $25, 233,768 $23,000,523 $24,674,666 $23,319,929 $8,579,830
and Community Giving
Performance Summary & Goals Intel Corporation in-kind $10,035,657 $10,869,375 $9,678,212 $1,882,192 $1,572,139
94 Education giving (products and services)

A pp e n d i x Total $40,347,702 $40,471,738 $43,213,066 $33,156,898 $29,635,496

108 About This Report/Approach Grand Total $100,065,520 $102,474,000 $109,214,329 $96,410,497 $110,712,127
to Assurance
109 GRI Content Index Total giving as percentage 1.8% 1.3% 1.2% 1.4% 0.9%
of pre-tax net income
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress During the past five years, total giving amounts for communities and education initiatives from Intel Corporation and the Intel Foundation exceeded $616 million.

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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Performance Summary and Goals
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility Although our 38% volunteer rate in 2009 missed our goal of 40%, high-impact skills-based volunteerism increased. Employees donated close to 1 million
volunteer hours, benefitting some 4,500 schools with much needed time, expertise, and matching grants from the Intel Foundation. We worked proac-
Governance and
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s tively to minimize the impact on the local community of the closure of our operations in the Philippines. We continued to work throughout the year with
19 Financial Performance governments, nonprofits, and other companies to develop technology solutions for community challenges and to provide multiple types of support
and Economic Impact following several natural disasters.
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy Community Goals and Performance
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s 2009 Goals 2009 Performance
31 Environment
Maintain at least a 40% employee volunteerism rate. Our volunteer rate for 2009 was 38%, just short of our 40% goal.
S o cial Fact o r s We recorded a total of 989,681 employee volunteer hours in 2009.
53 Workplace
Develop an enhanced skills-based volunteer program and increase the We alerted employees about skills-based volunteering opportunities
73 Supply Chain number of skills-based volunteer opportunities. through regular employee communications channels, and effectively
82 Community matched employees with opportunities at schools and nonprofits. An
Our Approach to estimated 17% of our employee volunteer hours in 2009 were related
Community Engagement to skills-based volunteering.

K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s     Achieved     Partially Achieved    Not Met

Intel Involved and

Skills-Based Volunteering
Collaborating to Solve Intel and the Intel Foundation will continue to encourage a high proportion of employees to donate service in their communities, and in the U.S. will
Community Challenges place particular emphasis on volunteerism to support science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)-based education. We also plan to expand our
with Technology
skills-based volunteering focus, and will continue to collaborate with governments, nonprofits, and other companies to address long-term recovery
The Intel Foundation
and Community Giving needs in Haiti. We will look for additional opportunities where we can apply technology to address multiple societal needs, including working on a proj-
> Performance Summary & Goals ect in China to rally the ICT industry to help nonprofits build capacity through greater use of technology.
94 Education
Community Goals for 2010
A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach Maintain at least a 40% employee volunteerism rate globally.
to Assurance
Continue to engage employees in high-impact, skills-based volunteering opportunities: launch one business group pilot project and integrate skills-based volunteer-
109 GRI Content Index ing information into our career development course.
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress

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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility Intel works with governments, education leaders, non-governmental organizations,
Governance and and other technology companies to bring about a transformation in education through
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
19 Financial Performance
technology, Internet connectivity, digital content, and improved teaching methods.
and Economic Impact Over the last decade, Intel has invested more than $1 billion, and our employees have
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy volunteered over 3 million hours, toward improving education in over 60 countries.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
31 Environment
S o cial Fact o r s
53 Workplace
73 Supply Chain
82 Community
94 Education
Our Approach to Improving
Education Worldwide

K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
Inspiring Young Innovators
Empowering Teachers
Investing in Higher Education,
Research, and Entrepreneurship
Technology and Access
Performance Summary & Goals
Watch Video
A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance
109 GRI Content Index

7 1 1,700
116 UN Global Compact—
Key Education Links
Communication on Progress
Million Million Intel’s Education Strategy
Intel® Teach Program

Teachers trained Learners reached Universities using Intel International Science and
Engineering Fair
Access the Report Builder through through Intel’s parallel
Intel World Ahead Program
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report Intel® Teach Program Intel® Learn Program programming curriculum
Intel® Learning Series

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Our Approach to Improving Education Education Transformation
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility Worldwide
Governance and
The United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goals
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
call for a full course of primary schooling for children Policy
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact everywhere. At Intel, we support this goal and believe
24 Governance, Ethics, that to succeed in today’s global economy, children need Research & Curriculum &
and Public Policy
a solid math and science foundation coupled with 21st Evaluation Assessment
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s Education
century skills, such as digital literacy, problem-solving, Transformation
31 Environment
critical thinking, and collaboration.
S o cial Fact o r s
53 Workplace Information
As a leading technology company, Intel is well-positioned to enable mean- Communications
73 Supply Chain Development
ingful, lasting improvements in education, since we believe that these 21st Technology
82 Community century skills are best developed in powerful learning environments sup-
94 Education ported with technology. Our approach is multifaceted: Intel and the Intel
> Our Approach to Improving Foundation invest in programs to improve teaching and learning; develop =5,000 schools and nonprofit organizations in 40 countries.
Education Worldwide
and promote access to technology solutions for education; and collaborate Governments are finding that no single technology, teaching method, or policy
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s on education initiatives with governments, ministries of education, uni- guarantees educational improvement—instead, a systemic approach is needed.
Intel helps governments around the world determine the right mix of resources
Inspiring Young Innovators versities, and nonprofit organizations. In addition, our employee volunteer and infrastructure needed to transform teaching and learning to achieve their
Empowering Teachers
program, Intel Involved, includes a strategic focus on education. individual education and economic development goals.
Investing in Higher Education,
Research, and Entrepreneurship The Intel World Ahead Program delivers education resources in the forms As discussed earlier in this report, our commitment to improving educa-
Technology and Access of technology, Internet access, and digital content, and works to implement tion is integrated into Intel’s overall global strategy. We recognize that in
Performance Summary & Goals effective e-learning environments. addition to providing opportunities for young people, our investments in
A pp e n d i x education result in significant benefits to Intel. Education is the foundation
108 About This Report/Approach of innovation, and our success rests on the availability of skilled workers, a
to Assurance healthy technology ecosystem, and knowledgeable customers. The health
109 GRI Content Index “ Education is one of the best ways to change the
of local economies—including those where our employees live and work—
116 UN Global Compact— future of individuals, regions, or even countries. depends on access to technology and quality education. International
Communication on Progress
There are 1.3 billion school-age children around comparisons show that education plays a pivotal role in fostering labor
the world, and of those, only 5% have access to productivity and economic growth. Our education programs support our
a PC or the Internet.” long-term corporate diversity objectives by encouraging women, girls, and
students in under-represented communities to pursue careers in technol-
Access the Report Builder Lila Ibrahim, General Manager, Intel Emerging Markets
Platform Group ogy, math, science, and engineering. Innovative products and technologies
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report used to advance education also represent market opportunities for Intel.

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Our Focus Areas. We work to improve the quality of education around Intel also collaborated with the World Bank, the Korean government, and
8 Our Approach to Corporate the world by: (1) getting young learners excited about science and math, the Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) to host
Responsibility encouraging them to innovate, and celebrating their achievements; the Global Symposium on ICT in Education in Seoul, Korea. More than 100
Governance and (2) helping teachers to effectively prepare students with 21st century global education leaders from governments, multilateral organizations,
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
skills; (3) investing in higher education, research, and entrepreneurship; and academia in 31 countries participated in this knowledge-sharing event.
19 Financial Performance
and (4) increasing access to technology. Because quality math and sci- In addition, we partnered with a broad coalition to support the 1Goal
and Economic Impact
ence education—particularly for women and girls—plays a critical role in project, which focuses on jump-starting progress on the UN Millennium
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy economic development, many of our education programs and investments Development Goal of enabling children everywhere to receive primary

E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s support improvements in this area. We are especially pleased that all three education.
31 Environment winners of the Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award at the 2009 Intel
Over the past two years, we have increased our collaboration on education
International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF), a program of Society
S o cial Fact o r s initiatives with other companies in the technology industry. In 2009, Intel,
for Science & the Public, were young women.
53 Workplace Cisco, and Microsoft announced a research initiative—the Assessment and
73 Supply Chain Emphasis on Collaboration. Systemic improvements in education Teaching of 21st Century Skills (ATC21S)—and formed five working groups
82 Community require collaboration with others who share the same goals. By combin- with more than 60 leading scholars focused on how to best define, mea-
94 Education ing expertise, experience, and resources, we can provide greater benefits sure, and teach the skills needed to compete in today’s global knowledge
> Our Approach to Improving for students and educators worldwide than we can by working alone. As economy. White papers are available for download, and six countries—
Education Worldwide
a result, we engage with a number of development agencies, multilateral Australia, Finland, Portugal, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the U.S.—
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s organizations, and nonprofits to advocate for educational excellence have committed to run ATC21S pilots of the assessment methods in 2010.
Inspiring Young Innovators and access, including the Clinton Global Initiative, the Partnership for 21st
Empowering Teachers Century Skills, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Investing in Higher Education, Organization (UNESCO), and the United States Agency for International
Research, and Entrepreneurship
Development (USAID). For more information on our public-private partner-
Technology and Access
ships and strategic alliances in education, visit the Intel Education web site.
Performance Summary & Goals
By combining expertise, experience, and
A pp e n d i x In 2009, we announced our support of U.S. President Barack Obama’s
resources, we can provide greater benefits
108 About This Report/Approach Change the Equation campaign, which focuses on the urgent need to
to Assurance for students and educators worldwide than
improve science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education in
109 GRI Content Index the U.S. We also signed memorandums of understanding (MOUs) aimed we can by working alone.
116 UN Global Compact— at improving education in a number of other countries. For example,
Communication on Progress
we signed an MOU with UNESCO Bangkok to use Intel® Teach Program
resources to advance teacher education in nine countries across the
Asia-Pacific region.

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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Understanding Performance and Impact. Along with academics and Education Programs and Activities by the Numbers
8 Our Approach to Corporate other companies, we continue to find it challenging to quantify the effects
Teachers trained through the 7 million in > 50 countries
Responsibility of community and education programs, particularly when looking at long- Intel® Teach Program since 1999
Governance and term impacts and change. Intel partners with and supports the research of
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s Young people reached through the > 1 million in 13 countries
other organizations that are developing metrics in this area. Intel® Learn Program since 2003
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact Youths served annually at Intel 25,000 at 100 Computer
Areas of Education Impact
24 Governance, Ethics, Computer Clubhouses Clubhouses in 20 countries
and Public Policy Through our programs and investments, we work to engage
Students reached through > 1,500 students at Intel ISEF;
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s students, prepare teachers for success, and drive system-level Intel International Science and > 6 million students took part in
31 Environment improvements and impacts. Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) in local and regional science fairs
2009 that are affiliated with and send
S o cial Fact o r s Students students to Intel ISEF
53 Workplace • Encourage interest in math and science among young learners
Intel® Higher Education Program $9 million
73 Supply Chain • Celebrate achievement and provide funding research grants in 2009
82 Community
Teachers Universities using our parallel > 1,700 universities, reaching
94 Education
• Improve teachers’ effectiveness in integrating technology into the programming curriculum at the > 285,000 students
> Our Approach to Improving end of 2009
Education Worldwide classroom and teaching 21st century skills
• Provide tools and learning models to ensure their success and share Donations of PCs at the end of 78,000 in 40 countries at
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s 2009 under ICT for Education 600 schools
knowledge with each other
Inspiring Young Innovators program
Empowering Teachers Ecosystem Through our sustained commitment to our key programs and initiatives, Intel and
Investing in Higher Education, • Invest in research and higher education institutions and the Intel Foundation continue to work toward our goals of improving the quality
Research, and Entrepreneurship of education and technology access worldwide.
Technology and Access
• Support entrepreneurship programs and competitions A dedicated Intel team works to assess the impact and drive continuous
Performance Summary & Goals
• Develop partnerships with governments and educators to jointly improvement of our education programs. This team works with indepen-
A pp e n d i x
address needs dent research organizations, such as SRI International and the Education
108 About This Report/Approach
• Support initiatives to promote technology access and develop Development Center’s Center for Children and Technology, to prepare
to Assurance
new products that support effective learning evaluations of our education initiatives and activities. Evaluations contain
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact— descriptions of successes as well as areas that need improvement. A white
Communication on Progress paper published in June 2009, for example, presents findings from studies
of the impact of the Intel Teach® Essentials course in six schools in Chile,
India, and Turkey. Intel also completed a report summarizing the social and
economic impacts of effective e-learning. To access other reports and
Access the Report Builder case studies, visit our Evidence of Impact web site.
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Inspiring Young Innovators Intel ISEF. Intel ISEF is the world’s largest pre-college science competition
8 Our Approach to Corporate and the only global science competition for students in grades 9−12. Each
Responsibility To help inspire the next generation of scientists and engi- year, more than 6 million students who take part in local and regional sci-
Governance and neers, and shine a spotlight on excellence, Intel encourages ence fairs within an Intel ISEF-affiliated network vie for the opportunity to
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
student interest in science and math by sponsoring science attend Intel ISEF. In 2009, 1,500 young scientists from over 50 countries,
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact competitions and promoting innovative school science and regions, and territories were finalists at the event, where they shared

24 Governance, Ethics, math programs. We also collaborate on initiatives that help ideas, showcased cutting-edge projects, and competed for more than
and Public Policy $4 million in awards and scholarships. In conjunction with Intel ISEF, we
young people develop teamwork and technology skills in
also sponsor the Intel ISEF Educator Academy, which brings together
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s fun, engaging environments.
31 Environment educators and government officials from around the world to explore
innovative methods for engaging students in the study of science and
S o cial Fact o r s Science Competitions math, and to share best practices in organizing and managing high-quality
53 Workplace The Intel Foundation is the lead sponsor of two premier science competi-
science fairs.
73 Supply Chain tions, the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) and
82 Community the Intel Science Talent Search (Intel STS), which are both programs of In 2009, we increased our focus on Intel ISEF alumni, in an effort to better
94 Education Society for Science & the Public. The competitions encourage students to understand the long-term impact of student participation in the program.
Our Approach to Improving Intel Russia invited former Intel ISEF participants to join a Russian Intel ISEF
solve problems and tackle challenging scientific questions through authen-
Education Worldwide
tic research. In 2008, Intel committed to invest $120 million to extend Alumni Club, enabling them to reconnect with each other, in some cases
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
our support of Intel ISEF, Intel STS, and related initiatives for 10 years. By a decade after they had competed. A number of Russian alumni—many
> Inspiring Young Innovators of whom had gone on to earn accolades for educational and professional
celebrating their achievements and promoting, open-minded student sci-
Empowering Teachers achievements—attended the 2009 Intel ISEF event, where they inspired,
ence research and learning, we hope to encourage young people to pursue
Investing in Higher Education, assisted, and shared their experiences with current competitors. In addi-
Research, and Entrepreneurship advanced education and careers in math, science, and engineering.
tion, at a celebration marking 10 years of Intel education initiatives in India,
Technology and Access Intel STS. Intel STS, the oldest and most prestigious pre-college science
a participant from the 1999 Intel ISEF spoke about how the competition
Performance Summary & Goals competition in the U.S., provides an opportunity for high school seniors to
put her on the path to becoming a research scientist.
A pp e n d i x complete an original research project and have it judged by highly regarded
108 About This Report/Approach professional scientists. In 2009, close to 1,600 students competed and
to Assurance
were judged for their individual research ability, scientific originality, and
109 GRI Content Index
creative thinking. Intel awards more than $1.25 million to students and
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress
their schools during the annual week-long competition. Each of the 300 “ Participating in Intel ISEF was my dream.
semifinalists in 2009 received $1,000, as did their schools. Forty finalists Meeting the President of Brazil was something
traveled to Washington, D.C., where they competed for scholarships rang-
I never thought about. I am only 17!”
ing from $20,000 to $100,000, and enjoyed a visit with President Barack
Ana Clara Cassanti, Intel ISEF participant, São Paulo, Brazil
Obama at the White House.
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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Throughout the world, Intel ISEF helps focus attention on the importance Evaluation has revealed that a majority of students who start the program
8 Our Approach to Corporate of STEM education. In Brazil, for example, a meeting with President Luiz complete it, and participants become more proficient with technology and
Responsibility Inácio Lula da Silva, the 2009 Intel ISEF winners, and Intel representatives gain skills in planning, designing, problem-solving, and collaborating.
Governance and spurred commitments from both Intel and the Brazilian government to col-
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s In Israel, more than 250,000 children have participated since 2004. The
laborate and invest further to improve STEM education across the country.
19 Financial Performance program has been implemented in more than 250 schools and community
and Economic Impact Regional Fairs. Intel also partners with governments to support indi- centers representing multiple sectors of Israeli society—both secular and
24 Governance, Ethics, vidual countries’ efforts to increase student interest in STEM subjects. religious—including Jews, Muslim and Christian Arabs, and new immigrants.
and Public Policy
For example, Intel is a supporter of a national science fair in the United
In 2009, Intel Learn was implemented in 10 orphanages in Siberia, in an
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s Kingdom called the “Big Bang,” which is part of an effort to encourage
effort to improve children’s computer literacy and social skills. In addition,
31 Environment young people to prepare for 324,000 science and technology positions
Intel and USAID signed a letter of intent to partner with UNESCO in the
S o cial Fact o r s that the government estimates must be filled by 2014 to enable the UK to
expansion of the Intel Learn Program in Brazil. Under the terms of the
53 Workplace remain technologically competitive. A slight increase in students enrolling
agreement, the Intel Foundation and USAID will co-fund the program, while
73 Supply Chain in STEM subjects at the Advanced Level (A Level) has been reported in the
UNESCO will implement it in 180 schools or community centers, reaching
82 Community UK over the last year. We know from research that greater exposure to
up to 10,000 children.
94 Education and celebration of students’ STEM achievements through initiatives such
Our Approach to Improving as the Big Bang can result in increased student interest in these subjects. Intel Learn participants are encouraged to identify problems in their own
Education Worldwide communities and use technology to seek solutions. Participation has not
In Ireland, Intel partnered with the organization Discover Science and
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s only increased students’ skills, but also measurably impacted their com-
Engineering to produce SciFest, a national fair that attracted 1,980 stu-
> Inspiring Young Innovators munities. In a remote village in India, for example, five girls working on a
dents from 162 schools—a participant increase of almost 25% compared
Empowering Teachers project on hygiene and sanitation inspired local residents to take steps to
Investing in Higher Education,
to 2008. The sharp increase in SciFest participation is an indication of the
help prevent outbreaks of malaria, typhoid, cholera, and other infectious
Research, and Entrepreneurship interest and enthusiasm among students and teachers for the investiga-
diseases. And in Nanjing, China, the streets are cleaner because the local
Technology and Access tive approach to teaching and learning science.
sanitation department altered its fleet of garbage trucks to prevent spills,
Performance Summary & Goals
using a design engineered by young Intel Learn participants. Visit the Intel
A pp e n d i x Intel® Learn Program
Education web site to read more stories about Intel Learn project impacts.
108 About This Report/Approach Designed for children aged 8−18 in underserved communities, and sup-
to Assurance ported by both Intel and the Intel Foundation, the Intel® Learn Program
109 GRI Content Index extends learning beyond classrooms to informal environments in local com-
116 UN Global Compact— munity centers. It incorporates more than 90 hours of engaging curriculum
Communication on Progress
that taps the interest of children in their own communities while nourish-
ing their curiosity with creative, technology-driven projects. Since the
Intel Learn participants are encouraged to
program’s inception in 2003, more than 1 million learners have participated, identify problems in their own communities
and it is now available in 13 countries, including 3 that were added in 2009. and use technology to seek solutions.
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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Intel Computer Clubhouse Network Empowering Teachers
8 Our Approach to Corporate The Intel Computer Clubhouse Network is a community-based education
program operated by the Boston Museum of Science in collaboration with
Because a single teacher can reach generations of stu-
Governance and the MIT Media Lab. Clubhouses are hosted by community organizations dents, we believe that supporting teachers is the most
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
and are funded by the Intel Foundation and other partners. They offer an effective way to improve education. Intel’s professional
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact environment of trust and respect where young people can develop tech- development initiative aims to better equip teachers so
24 Governance, Ethics, nological fluency and collaborative work skills. The Network serves more they can help students worldwide develop the technology
and Public Policy than 25,000 youths annually at over 100 locations in 20 countries. literacy and critical-thinking, problem-solving, and collabo-
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s ration skills needed for success.
31 Environment Robotics Competitions and Engineering Programs
Intel and the Intel Foundation sponsor several other programs designed to
S o cial Fact o r s Intel® Teach Program
promote students’ interest in STEM subjects. Intel is a sponsor of Project
53 Workplace Since 1999, the Intel® Teach Program has helped teachers integrate tech-
73 Supply Chain
Lead the Way, a nonprofit organization that supports and promotes engi-
nology and create active learning environments in their classrooms. Intel
82 Community neering and pre-engineering courses for elementary through high school
Teach offers in-depth professional development for K−12 teachers, help-
94 Education students. The courses include the Engineering Is Elementary project
ing them implement real-life projects and make concrete changes in their
Our Approach to Improving from the Boston Museum of Science, and High Tech U, a program of the
teaching through the effective integration of technology.
Education Worldwide Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) Foundation.
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
Intel is also the lead sponsor of the Oregon Robotics Tournament and By the end of 2009, the program had provided professional development
Inspiring Young Innovators Outreach Program, which attracts some 3,000 young participants each for over 7 million teachers worldwide. Intel is on target to train 10 million
> Empowering Teachers year. Intel employees serve as coaches and mentors to participants. teachers by 2011.
Investing in Higher Education, Intel Teach is highly scalable, ensuring systemic change. The program
Research, and Entrepreneurship
includes face-to-face and online instruction, and comprises a suite of
Technology and Access
courses and materials that have been translated into 26 languages. In each
Performance Summary & Goals
country where Intel Teach is implemented, the program is aligned to the
A pp e n d i x
“ With Intel, there really is an interest in trying to current reality of the local infrastructure, with basic courses for developing
108 About This Report/Approach
countries and advanced courses for highly developed countries. In many
to Assurance add value to the educational experience, and to
109 GRI Content Index countries, Intel Teach is the primary information and communications tech-
provide resources where there is need. For us,
116 UN Global Compact— nology (ICT) training program for educators, with ministries of education
Communication on Progress Intel has been a great partner and has helped awarding certification, promotions, and salary increases based on course
us focus our efforts and train our teachers for completion. In 2009, we expanded Intel Teach to 16 additional territories
the 21st century.” and countries.

Doug Price, Superintendent, Tanque Verde School District, Arizona

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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Working with governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), uni-
Intel® Teach Program: Examples of Impact
8 Our Approach to Corporate versities, and multilaterals, Intel selects locations for Intel Teach based on
Responsibility • About 80% of all teachers in Jordan and Germany have completed
the strength of local commitment to the program. Governments align Intel
Governance and
Intel® Teach training.
Teach to their professional development offerings, build support into their
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s • An Intel Teach Program in Taiwan, Thinking with Technology, has
staffing and budgets, and agree to support localization. In each region,
19 Financial Performance been adopted as compulsory training for all K−12 teachers in the
Intel builds capacity and ensures sustainability by training Intel Teach train-
and Economic Impact country.
ers, who, in turn, share their new skills with other teachers in the region.
24 Governance, Ethics, • The Intel® Teach Advanced Online course has been implemented
and Public Policy Nonprofit organizations provide logistical support, and multilaterals (such
in more than 10 European countries, Israel, and Jordan. In Germany,
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
as USAID and UNESCO) and other for-profit companies help provide fund-
the course has become the standard for helping teachers integrate
31 Environment ing, staffing, and policy support. The program has influenced thinking
technology in the classroom.
on policies related to ICT and teachers. For example, Intel worked with
S o cial Fact o r s • In Italy, Intel Teach has been adapted for teachers working with
UNESCO on a teacher policy toolkit, and with the International Society for
53 Workplace children who have learning disorders, such as dyslexia. More than
Technology in Education on teacher and administrator technology literacy
73 Supply Chain 250 teachers applied for the 16 slots in the initial course.
82 Community • Over 10,000 Romanians have received Intel Teach training to date,
94 Education Independent evaluation is integral to the Intel Teach Program. Evaluations resulting in a critical mass of innovative teachers who are raising
Our Approach to Improving revealed that six months after training, teachers: (1) use technology much the quality of education across the country.
Education Worldwide
more for their own productivity and professional development; (2) use • Intel Teach has reached 885,000 teachers in the Middle East,
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s technology in more varied ways with their students; and (3) use different Turkey, and Africa.
Inspiring Young Innovators approaches (for example, project-based learning and formative assess-
> Empowering Teachers ment) than they did before the training. Systemic changes include broader Intel® Teach Program—Teachers Trained
Investing in Higher Education, support of content localization, increased capacity for scale within existing
Research, and Entrepreneurship 1.1 1.1 1.2
professional development systems, and improvements in ICT standards. 1.0
Technology and Access 0.9
Performance Summary & Goals The program encourages teachers and students to apply their learning to

A pp e n d i x real-life situations. For example, participating in the Intel Teach Program
108 About This Report/Approach enabled a teacher on Australia’s Kangaroo Island to deepen students’
to Assurance knowledge of complex environmental issues and their island’s ecosystem.
109 GRI Content Index 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

116 UN Global Compact— As of year-end 2009, we had trained 7 million teachers through the Intel® Teach
Communication on Progress Program since 1999.

“ [Intel Teach] marks the beginning of [a] new era

of…modern technology in Pakistan.”
Access the Report Builder Tahir Mahmood, Director Group Captain,
Fazaia School System, Pakistan
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Intel® Math Program In 2009, we recognized six U.S. schools through the program, including one
8 Our Approach to Corporate The Intel® Math Program is an 80-hour professional development course chosen as “Star Innovator.” The Star Innovator received a $25,000 cash
Responsibility award from the Intel Foundation, and each of the other five schools earned
designed to help K−8 teachers improve students’ understanding of math.
Governance and The course is co-facilitated by a practicing mathematician and a math $12,500. Other sponsors also awarded each school more than $150,000 in
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
educator, and participants learn by solving math problems. Results for the products and services. At one of the winning schools, the ethnically diverse
19 Financial Performance
second year of the program indicate that it has had a measurable impact Urban Assembly School for Applied Math and Science in South Bronx, New
and Economic Impact
on teacher competence and confidence where it has been implemented: York, unique courses connect math to science, architecture, history, medi-
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy in California, Massachusetts, and New Jersey in the U.S. In particular, evalu- cine, sports, music, and art. Students at the school have achieved higher
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s ation of teacher participants in Massachusetts indicated improved knowl- math scores than students from many schools in more affluent areas. For
31 Environment edge in all content areas assessed, as well as growth in both conceptual more information, visit the Intel Schools of Distinction web site.

S o cial Fact o r s
understanding and computational skills. Intel Math is being used to support
53 Workplace U.S. President Barack Obama’s STEM initiative, and in 2010 we plan to Investing in Higher Education, Research,
73 Supply Chain make the program more widely available in the U.S.
82 Community
and Entrepreneurship
94 Education skoool™ Learning and Teaching Technology Intel and the Intel Foundation support university programs
Our Approach to Improving The skoool™ Learning and Teaching Technology program supports math
for faculty and students to advance research and edu-
Education Worldwide and science learning for students 13 to 15 years old—the age when many
cation in computer science and engineering—as well as
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
young people progress from concrete learning to more abstract thinking. is a web-based e-learning portal made up of learning modules
initiatives aimed at increasing the number of women and
Inspiring Young Innovators
for students working alone or in a classroom setting. Individual modules under-represented minorities in these fields.
Empowering Teachers
> Investing in Higher Education, can be incorporated into teachers’ lesson plans. The program is now
We also support initiatives that connect Intel and university researchers
Research, and Entrepreneurship available in 23 countries and 7 languages, and has reached over 3 million
through focused grants or funding of larger scale research labs. Intel’s
Technology and Access students. Intel develops and deploys the program in conjunction with
technology entrepreneurship program helps advance technology adoption
Performance Summary & Goals education ministries and public and private-sector organizations.
by combining true business acumen with innovation to create new busi-
A pp e n d i x
ness startups worldwide.
108 About This Report/Approach Intel Schools of Distinction
to Assurance Intel Schools of Distinction exemplify 21st century teaching and learn- The Intel® Higher Education program is active in more than 80 countries,
109 GRI Content Index ing environments, and offer innovative programs that inspire students in interacts with more than 1,700 universities through curriculum programs,
116 UN Global Compact— and is engaged in over 250 research projects worldwide. More than
the U.S. to excel in math and science. To be considered an Intel School of
Communication on Progress
Distinction, a school must develop curricula that meet or exceed bench- 285,000 students now have the skills to develop software with the
marks, including national mathematics and science content standards, and latest technology when they graduate. For more information, visit the
an environment that fosters excellence and excitement in these critical Intel Higher Education Program web site.
subject areas. Winning programs serve as models for schools across the
Access the Report Builder
country. We hope that by replicating proven programs, schools everywhere
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report can reinvigorate their own science and math teaching.

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Research Fellowships Curricula
8 Our Approach to Corporate Intel funds research related to microprocessor technology, high-volume To accelerate the adoption of cutting-edge technology in engineering edu-
manufacturing, computer science, and a variety of other disciplines criti- cation and prepare students for careers in critical technologies, Intel works
Governance and cal to our industry. In 2009, we awarded grants totaling over $9 million to with leading universities worldwide to identify and disseminate advanced
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
support research at leading universities around the world. We also provided curricula. The focus in recent years has been on teaching parallel program-
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact graduate fellowship support and undergraduate student funding for hun- ming models needed to support multi-core architecture. Program resources
24 Governance, Ethics, dreds of students in 2009. include in-person workshops, as well as free online curricula and software
and Public Policy to support classroom implementation.
In 2009, in conjunction with the opening of an Intel nanomanufacturing
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
research center in the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology The Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Faculty of Science has established a
31 Environment
(KACST), Saudi Arabia, we announced plans to grant scholarships to 60 multi-core lab to support programming for students and faculty members.
S o cial Fact o r s graduate students from 24 universities in the Middle East, Turkey, and In addition, in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Science, Intel has
53 Workplace Africa. Intel experts at the center will guide graduate student research developed a framework for a multi-core curriculum at the undergraduate
73 Supply Chain on nanomanufacturing applications. In addition, Intel and KACST launched level that will be used in more than 150 higher education institutions and
82 Community the first Middle East research center on energy-efficient hardware and is expected to reach more than 50,000 students in India.
94 Education software solutions. Universities in Lebanon and Egypt will work jointly
Our Approach to Improving
with KACST and Intel to conduct the research. Entrepreneurship Programs
Education Worldwide
Our entrepreneurship programs are designed to eliminate the barriers
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
To address a shortage of engineers in Vietnam, in 2009 we provided 28
between technical engineering educators and their business school coun-
Inspiring Young Innovators scholarships to Vietnamese engineering students so they could complete
terparts by promoting communications and serving as catalysts for new
Empowering Teachers mechanical and electrical engineering degrees in the U.S. In Taiwan, Intel
business development in local economies. Through workshops and collo-
> Investing in Higher Education, awarded research grants to students from National Taiwan University that
quia, we seek to improve the entrepreneurship education skills of university
Research, and Entrepreneurship resulted in multiple publications and research on the topic of digital health.
faculty. Professors in more than 25 countries combined new entrepreneur-
Technology and Access
Performance Summary & Goals
ial skills with technical expertise to help foster innovation and new busi-
ness startups in 2009.
A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach IBTEC. In 2009, Intel and the Haas School of Business at the University
to Assurance of California at Berkeley hosted the fifth annual Intel + UC Berkeley
109 GRI Content Index “ Our publication results have shown that the Technology Entrepreneurship Challenge (IBTEC) for 28 teams of student
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress
generous grants from Intel Education Taiwan entrepreneurs from 18 countries. The competition is designed to show-

have contributed in raising the research qual- case global business opportunities that have the greatest potential for
positive impact on society. Competitors from China’s Tsinghua University
ity standard at NTU as well as influencing the
took first place in the competition, earning a $25,000 award from the Intel
Taiwan computer science research community.” Foundation for the development of a biodegradable bone screw. Other
Access the Report Builder Professor Hao Chu, National Taiwan University innovative business plans included groundbreaking solutions for cleaning
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report water and soils affected by oil pollution, methods for addressing pesticide
concerns in Chinese agriculture, diapers that diagnose urinary tract infec-
tions, and a social learning platform for math and science education.
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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Participants interacted with and were judged by representatives of more Desafio Intel® (Intel Challenge). Through a regional business plan com-
8 Our Approach to Corporate than 20 leading venture capital firms from the San Francisco Bay Area, and petition launched in 2009, Intel helped prepare students from universities
Responsibility several may go on to create successful businesses that encourage com- in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Mexico to become tomorrow’s
Governance and merce and prosperity in underserved communities. Two years after garner- technology entrepreneurs. During the three-month Desafio Intel® competi-
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
ing second prize for its development of a plan to market hygroscopic paper tion, teams of 659 students created 211 business plans and presentations.
19 Financial Performance
(it can absorb moisture from the atmosphere), Richcore, an Indian biotech Judges evaluated the plans, and finalists received more than 300 hours
and Economic Impact
application research company, is now a viable company that employs more of constructive advice from experienced mentors to help them further
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy than 500 low-income women who were referred to them by various NGOs develop their ideas.
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
working on sustainable development.
Innovation in Russia. In 2009, Intel Russia began partnering with
31 Environment In conjunction with this year’s competition, Intel and the UC Berkeley government to help academic institutions and federal agencies develop
S o cial Fact o r s Lester Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation hosted the first Global entrepreneurship and innovation programs. The result was a short-term,
53 Workplace Entrepreneurship Leadership Symposium, which trained expert mentors to intensive Technology Entrepreneurship School, where participants from
73 Supply Chain support local entrepreneurs in their regions. Attendees included investors, local universities and industry learned about business planning and
82 Community university faculty, business executives, entrepreneurs, and government strategies, project management tools, and new product development.
94 Education leaders, who will each take what they learned back to their countries to Participants worked on their own projects and had opportunities to con-
Our Approach to Improving support entrepreneurism, innovation, and economic development. sult with experts from Intel and Russian nanotechnology corporations.
Education Worldwide
Arab Workshops. Intel worked with the Arab Science and Technology
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
Inspiring Young Innovators
Foundation to deliver entrepreneurship workshops for Arab universi- Technology and Access
ties based on the IBTEC model. Participants received intensive two-day
Empowering Teachers Innovation and education are fundamental to healthy
Investing in Higher Education,
instruction that included ways to teach and support entrepreneurs at
academic institutions. The training took place at 15 universities in Egypt,
economies. In addition to our core focus on improving
Research, and Entrepreneurship
> Technology and Access Jordan, Saudia Arabia, and Tunisia. the quality of education, we work to improve technology
Performance Summary & Goals access that will help fuel long-term economic development.
A pp e n d i x
Through the Intel World Ahead Program, Intel has worked with more than
108 About This Report/Approach
60 countries on over 200 projects aimed at making technology more avail-
to Assurance
109 GRI Content Index
able, affordable, and understood to first-time users. A recent Intel World

116 UN Global Compact—

Competitors from China’s Tsinghua University Ahead white paper discusses the ways in which Intel is collaborating to
Communication on Progress took first place in the IBTEC competition, earn- promote affordable access to broadband Internet, including descriptions

ing a $25,000 award from the Intel Foundation of how broadband connectivity can help address education, and social and
economic challenges, in developed and developing regions of the world.
for the development of a biodegradeable
bone screw.
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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile Other key Intel initiatives aimed at promoting technology access include: Portugal. In one of the most comprehensive educational technology
8 Our Approach to Corporate programs in the world, the Portuguese government is working to provide
• Teacher, student, and citizen PC purchase programs that enable new
all primary schoolchildren nationwide with Magalhães laptops—customized
users to acquire technology affordably.
Governance and versions of the Intel-powered classmate PC loaded with educational and
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s • Intel® PC Basics, free courseware that makes it easier for new users entertainment software. To date, 450,000 students have received their
19 Financial Performance to take advantage of PCs and Internet access. PCs, and in 2009 Intel trained approximately 2,500 teachers on how to
and Economic Impact
24 Governance, Ethics, • The Intel® Reader, a mobile text-to-speech learning tool that can give effectively integrate the Magalhães laptops into their classrooms. Intel and
and Public Policy children and adults with dyslexia, impaired vision, or other reading diffi- the Portuguese government also hosted an education summit in 2009,
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s culties access to printed text anytime, anywhere. bringing together attendees from 41 countries. Key
31 Environment education decision makers shared best e-learning
• The Intel ICT for Education program, through which Intel is donating practices from their countries, and Intel representatives
S o cial Fact o r s
100,000 PCs to jump-start education initiatives in emerging markets. spoke about the role of technology in education.
Watch Video
53 Workplace
To date, this program has reached 600 schools in over 40 countries
73 Supply Chain
with 78,000 donated PCs. Kenya. At the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting in September 2009,
82 Community Intel, Cisco, Microsoft, the government of Kenya, and USAID announced
94 Education Intel® Learning Series a joint project aimed at improving education in Kenya. The $9 million
Our Approach to Improving Accelerating 21st Century Education project focuses on creating 1:1
At the heart of the Intel® Learning Series is the Intel-powered classmate
Education Worldwide
PC, a low-cost, rugged, mobile learning device platform designed to meet e-learning classrooms in 60 schools across Kenya. The project includes
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s
the needs of students around the world. In 2009, Intel launched a new deployment of more than 6,000 computers for student and teacher use;
Inspiring Young Innovators technology training for 7,000 teachers; training for technical support staff
design that enables classmate PCs to convert from a traditional clamshell
Empowering Teachers at each school; access to digital educational content; and development of
form factor to a tablet PC with a touchscreen, enabling improved classroom
Investing in Higher Education, the local IT industry to promote economic development and sustainability.
Research, and Entrepreneurship interaction and collaboration.
> Technology and Access The convertible and clamshell classmate PC designs are based on ethno­ Russia. Intel has partnered with charitable foundation Volnoe Delo on
Performance Summary & Goals graphic studies and feedback from pilots conducted in both mature and the Computers for Schools project, which is developing e-learning envi­
A pp e n d i x emerging markets. Local PC manufacturers offer classmate PCs designed ronments in primary schools across Russia. The initiative is the country’s
108 About This Report/Approach for specific markets. As part of the Intel Learning Series, the PCs are inte- largest private charitable project in the field of education.
to Assurance
grated with hardware, software, and services designed by companies that Uganda. The Maendeleo Foundation has designed a mobile solar
109 GRI Content Index
develop and validate educational products to meet local needs in different computer classroom that is giving hundreds of Ugandan children their
116 UN Global Compact—
countries. For a selection of case studies on classmate PC projects around first experience with computers and the Internet. A specially equipped
Communication on Progress
the world, visit the Intel Learning Series web site. vehicle provides solar power to run 10 Intel-powered classmate PCs
featuring a training application and Internet content. Over the long term,
1:1 and e-Learning Case Studies the foundation plans to visit schools regularly with additional mobile
Intel supports the use of technology in developing countries to create
Access the Report Builder classrooms, enabling students to advance their technology skills.
one-to-one (1:1) e-learning environments comprising a dedicated laptop
2009 Corporate Responsibility Report computer for each student and teacher. The following are examples of
e-learning environments using Intel-powered classmate PCs.

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S o cial Fact o r s

3 Letter From Our CEO

5 Corporate Profile
Performance Summary and Goals
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Responsibility In 2009, we surpassed the milestones of 7 million teachers trained through the Intel Teach Program and 1 million learners reached through the Intel
Learn Program. We broadened the reach of our learning and teacher development programs through new partnerships with NGOs and collaborations
Governance and
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s with governments; expanded our role as an advocate for improved science, technology, engineering, and math education, including working with the
19 Financial Performance U.S. White House to improve teacher training in the U.S.; and helped thousands of students gain access to technology for the first time.
and Economic Impact
24 Governance, Ethics, Education Goals and Performance
and Public Policy
2009 Goals 2009 Performance
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
Expand the Intel® Teach Program to reach 1 million more teachers. We reached an additional 1.2 million teachers in 2009.
31 Environment
S o cial Fact o r s Work to ensure that at least 500 universities offer two or more undergraduate We reached a total of 1,700 universities by the end of 2009,
courses on parallel programming concepts. including over 1,000 universities with two or more courses.
53 Workplace
73 Supply Chain     Achieved     Partially Achieved    Not Met

82 Community
94 Education
Our Approach to Improving In 2010 and beyond, we will continue to expand and support the development of our education programs, reaching more teachers and young people
Education Worldwide around the world. For example, in 2010 we plan to launch a new curriculum unit, Intel® Learn Technology and Entrepreneurship, through which learners will
K e y I s s u e s & P ri o riti e s discover how computers are used in a variety of jobs and careers. We will also continue to place a high importance on collaboration with governments to
Inspiring Young Innovators advance the quality of education and support systemic change in education.
Empowering Teachers
Investing in Higher Education, Education Goals for 2010 and Beyond
Research, and Entrepreneurship Enable teachers to prepare students with 21st century skills by training 10 million teachers by 2011 through the Intel® Teach Program and expanding our portfolio
Technology and Access of program options to meet local needs.
> Performance Summary & Goals
Reach an additional 250,000 learners in 2010 through the Intel® Learn Program. Extend the program by adding a new curriculum unit, Intel® Learn Technology and
A pp e n d i x Entrepreneurship.
108 About This Report/Approach By 2011, reach the goal of 100,000 PC donations to schools in emerging markets to improve teaching and learning through ICT use.
to Assurance
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress

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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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3 Letter From Our CEO
5 Corporate Profile
8 Our Approach to Corporate
Governance and
Ec o n o m ic Fact o r s
19 Financial Performance
and Economic Impact
24 Governance, Ethics,
and Public Policy
E n v ir o n m e n tal Fact o r s
31 Environment
S o cial Fact o r s
53 Workplace

73 Supply Chain
82 Community
94 Education
A pp e n d i x
108 About This Report/Approach
to Assurance
109 GRI Content Index
116 UN Global Compact—
Communication on Progress

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2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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A b o u t thi s R e p o rt

About This Report Approach to Report Assurance

The information in our Corporate Responsibility Report is subject to internal reviews and, for
Report Scope and Profile
selected content, external reviews. On a regular basis, we validate the management systems and
With the Intel 2009 Corporate Responsibility Report, we aim to provide stakeholders with a
processes used to collect the data. We have maintained a multi-site ISO 14001 certification for
balanced view of our corporate responsibility strategy and performance for Intel’s worldwide
our manufacturing locations since 2001, which requires independent third-party audits at many
operations during fiscal year 2009 (ended December 26, 2009). Our previous report was
of our sites each year. Intel Ireland is also accredited to the IS 393 Energy Management Standard
published in May 2009.
We prepared this report using the Global Reporting Initiative* (GRI) G3 Sustainability Reporting
As a member of the EPA Climate Leaders program, our GHG emissions data is reviewed against
Guidelines, and self-declare the report to the GRI Application Level A. A GRI Content Index is
the Climate Leaders GHG Inventory Guidance, which includes reviews of our emissions inven-
provided in this appendix. Additional information about Intel’s operations and financial state-
tory data and our progress in reaching our GHG emissions goal. As part of our membership in the
ments is available in our 2009 Annual Report and Form 10-K.
Chicago Climate Exchange, our annual emissions reports are verified by the Financial Industry
We produce our Corporate Responsibility Report in Portable Document Format (PDF). A printed Regulatory Authority. Finally, our operations in Ireland are covered by the European Union
executive summary of the report is available by request. Our sites around the world translate Emissions Trading Scheme.
and customize the content of the executive summary for local stakeholders. For a high-level
For our 2004–2007 reports, we worked with a team of MBA students, under the guidance of
overview of corporate responsibility, supporting documents, past reports, and our new custom-
a professor, to procure external assurance, using the AA1000 Materiality standard. Based on
ized Report Builder tool, visit our Corporate Responsibility Report web site.
stakeholder feedback received during our outreach efforts and our analysis of the costs and
Our Corporate Responsibility Report does not include performance information for Intel’s joint benefits of available external assurance options, we have not undertaken separate assurance
ventures or firms included in Intel Capital’s investment portfolio, unless specified. This year’s for our 2008 or 2009 reports beyond the data verification and external review measures out-
report does not reflect any significant changes in reporting scope compared to our previous lined above. We will evaluate trends in assurance and other external verification measures, as
report. Principles and policies apply to all officers and employees of Intel and its subsidiaries, well as input from our stakeholders, on an annual basis to ensure that our approach continues
unless otherwise noted. Environmental, health, and safety data includes widely accepted to meet the needs of our stakeholders. We invite readers to provide feedback on this topic to
parameters and units. Financial data is presented in U.S. dollars. inform our assurance strategy for the 2010 report.

Corporate-wide emissions are calculated using the Climate Leaders Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
Inventory Guidance, which defines how U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Climate
Leader partner companies account for and report their GHG emissions. This Guidance is based
on the existing GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard developed by the
World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

Send questions, comments, or feedback to Suzanne Fallender, Director of CSR Strategy and
Communications, or Michael M. Jacobson, Director of Corporate Responsibility, Intel Corporation,
5000 W. Chandler Blvd., CH7-301, Chandler, AZ 85226 USA. You can also use our web-based
feedback form or the CSR@Intel blog to contact our Corporate Responsibility team.

108 Intel 2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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G R I C o n t e n t I n d e x

GRI Content Index

This GRI Content Index is provided to assist readers in understanding how our report aligns with the Global Reporting Initiative* (GRI) G3 Sustainability Guidelines. This index includes all “Core”
indicators as well as a number of “Additional” indicators that we have determined are relevant to our business. We self-declare this report at the “A” level. For more information about the GRI
guidelines and application levels, visit the GRI web site.

GRI Content Index (continued)

Indicator Numbers and Description Status Report Section(s) Page(s) Explanatory Notes

1. Strategy and Analysis

1.1–1.2 Statement from the most senior decision maker; Description of key Letter From Our CEO; 3, 8
impacts, risks, and opportunities. Our Approach to CR
2. Organization Profile
2.1–2.9 Name of the organization; Primary brands, products, and/or ser- Corporate Profile 5 Additional detail available in 2009 Annual Report and Form 10-K.
vices; Operational structure of the organization; Location of headquarters;
Nature of ownership; Markets served; Scale of reporting organization;
Significant changes during the reporting period.
2.10 Awards received in the reporting period. Our Approach to CR 18
3. Report Parameters
3.1–3.4 Reporting period; Date of most recent previous report; Reporting About This Report 108
cycle; Contact point for questions regarding the report or its contents.
3.5 Process for defining report content. Our Approach to CR 8

3.6–3.8 Boundary of the report; Limitations on scope and/or report About This Report 108
boundary; Basis for reporting on joint ventures, subsidiaries, etc.
3.9 Data measurement techniques and the bases of calculations. About This Report; 32, 108 Additional information provided in discussion of indicators throughout
Environment the report.
3.10–3.11 Explanation of the effect of any restatements of information About This Report 108 Some historical figures have been restated. The majority reflect minor
provided in earlier reports; Significant changes from previous reporting and individual indicator changes that occur when new information is received after the close of
periods. descriptions the data collection period.
3.12 Table identifying the location of standard disclosures in the report. GRI Index 109

3.13 Policy and current practice with regard to seeking external assurance About This Report 108
for the report.

    Covered in the Report     Partially Covered in the Report     Not Covered in the Report

(continues on next page)

109 Intel 2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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G R I C o n t e n t I n d e x

GRI Content Index (continued)

Indicator Numbers and Description Status Report Section(s) Page(s) Explanatory Notes

4. Governance, Commitments, and Engagement

4.1–4.4 Governance structure of the organization, including committees Governance, 25, 60 Additional information on Board committees and composition available
under the highest governance body; Indication of whether the chair of the Ethics, and Public in 2010 Proxy Statement (p 8).
highest governance body is also an executive officer; Number of members Policy (GE&PP);
of the highest governance body that are independent and/or non-execu- Workplace
tive members.
4.5 Linkage between compensation for members of the highest gov- Environment; 34, 65 For additional details on our approach to linking pay and performance,
ernance body, senior managers, and executives, and the organization’s Workplace see 2010 Proxy Statement (p 14).
4.6 Processes in place for the highest governance body to ensure that GE&PP 25 Additional information provided in 2010 Proxy Statement (p 13).
conflicts of interest are avoided.
4.7 Process for determining the qualifications and expertise of the GE&PP 25 Information on process for selecting new directors included in our
members of the highest governance body on economic, environmental, Corporate Governance Guidelines. A number of directors have expertise
and social (EE&S) topics. in strategic CSR areas of education (Yeary), environment (Hundt), and
corporate governance (Yoffie).
4.8 Internally developed statements of mission or values, codes of Our Approach to CR; 9, 26, See Governance and Ethics web site.
conduct, and principles. GE&PP; Environment; 33, 74
Supply Chain
4.9 Procedures of the highest governance body for overseeing the Our Approach to CR; 10, 25
organization’s identification and management of EE&S performance. GE&PP
4.10 Processes for evaluating the highest governance body’s own GE&PP 25
performance, particularly with respect to EE&S performance.
4.11 Explanation of whether and how the precautionary approach Environment 32 Reference also included in Intel Code of Conduct.
or principle is addressed by the organization.
4.12. Externally developed EE&S charters, principles subscribed to. Our Approach to CR; 9, 24 Specific charters/principles covered in specific sections of the report
Supply Chain by topic.
4.13 Memberships in associations and/or advocacy organizations. Our Approach to CR; 8, 28,
GE&PP; Environment; 40, 96
4.14–4.17 List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization; Basis Our Approach to CR 11
for identification and selection of stakeholders; Approaches to stakeholder
engagement; Key topics and concerns that have been raised through
stakeholder engagement and how the organization has responded to
those key topics and concerns, including through its reporting.

    Covered in the Report     Partially Covered in the Report     Not Covered in the Report

(continues on next page)

110 Intel 2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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G R I C o n t e n t I n d e x

GRI Content Index (continued)

Indicator Numbers and Description Status Report Section(s) Page(s) Explanatory Notes

5a. Economic Performance Indicators

Management Approach Disclosures: Economic Letter from our CEO; 3, 10, Additional information included in 2009 Annual Report and Form 10-K.
Our Approach to CR; 19
Financial Performance
& Economic Impact
EC1 Direct economic value generated and distributed. (Core) FP&EE; GE&PP; 20 Additional information in 2009 Annual Report and Form 10-K (p 24).
EC2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the organi- Our Approach to CR; 10, 35 Climate change risk also covered in 2009 Annual Report and Form 10-K (p 13).
zation’s activities due to climate change. (Core) Environment
EC3 Coverage of the organization’s defined benefit plan obligations. (Core) Workplace 66 Additional information available in 2009 Annual Report and Form 10-K (p 86).
EC4 Significant financial assistance received from government. (Core) FP&EE 21 The company’s primary use of incentives and grants is for construction of
new facilities. These activities are managed on a local level in the location
where they are built, and information is usually disclosed by the govern-
ment/municipality. Additional details on our tax rate and credits are avail-
able in 2009 Annual Report and Form 10-K (p 100).
EC6 Policy, practices, and proportion of spending on locally based suppliers Supply Chain; FP&EE 22, 74, Breakdown of spends by region, information on supplier diversity programs
at significant locations of operation. (Core) 77 provided. Also economic impact case study on local supplier impact.
EC7 Procedures for local hiring and proportion of senior management hired Workplace 61 Our recruiting practices are designed to be inclusive, and we hire from the
from the local community at significant locations of operation. (Core) diverse populations and communities where we operate. A majority of
senior management at our global sites are local hires.
EC8 Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services Community; Education 82, 94
provided primarily for public benefit through commercial, in-kind, or pro
bono engagement. (Core)
EC9 Understanding and describing significant indirect economic impacts, FP&EE 22
including the extent of impacts. (Additional)
5b. Environmental Performance Indicators
Management Approach Disclosures: Environment Our Approach to CR; 8, 32
EN1 Materials used by weight or volume. (Core) Environment; 31, 73 Our systems are not designed to calculate in totality materials in this
Supply Chain way. See “Sand to Circuits” publication for a detailed description of the
manufac­turing process and materials used.

    Covered in the Report     Partially Covered in the Report     Not Covered in the Report

(continues on next page)

111 Intel 2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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G R I C o n t e n t I n d e x

GRI Content Index (continued)

Indicator Numbers and Description Status Report Section(s) Page(s) Explanatory Notes

EN2 Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials. (Core) Environment 48, 79 Given the complexity and size of our products, calculation of percentage
of recycled content is not applicable; more significant are our efforts to
design out materials such as lead and halogens.
EN3 Direct energy consumption by primary energy source. (Core) Environment 38
EN4 Indirect energy consumption by primary source. (Core) Environment 39 Our purchased energy is from public utilities.
EN5–EN7 Energy saved due to conservation and efficiency improve- Environment 37
ments. (Additional); Initiatives to provide energy-efficient or renewable
energy-based products and services. (Additional); Initiatives to reduce
indirect energy consumption and reductions achieved. (Additional)
EN8–EN10 Total water withdrawal by source. (Core); Water sources Environment 41
significantly affected by withdrawal of water. (Additional); Percentage
and total volume of water recycled and reused. (Additional)
EN11–EN12 Location and size of land owned, leased, managed in, or Environment 34 Not reported in this manner. We cover biodiversity in the Environment
adjacent to protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value. (Core); section of the report; facilities owned are reported in 2009 Annual Report
Description of significant impacts on activities, products, and services on and Form 10-K (p 110).
biodiversity in protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value. (Core)
EN16–EN18 Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight. Environment 37
(Core); Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight (Core);
Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and reductions achieved.
EN19 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances by weight. (Core) Environment 47
EN20 NOx, SOx, and other significant air emissions by type and weight. (Core) Environment 47
EN21 Total water discharge by quality and destination. (Core) Environment 42, 44 Aggregate information provided on discharge by total quantity.
EN22 Total weight of waste by type and disposal method. (Core) Environment 45
EN23 Total number and volume of significant spills. (Core) Environment 51 No major spills reported in 2009. Other non-compliance issues reported.
EN24 Weight of transported, imported, exported, or treated waste deemed Environment 46 Hazardous waste reported. Transport, import, and export information not
hazardous under the terms of the Basel Convention Annex I, II, III, and VIII, reported.
and percentage of transported waste shipped internationally. (Additional)
EN26 Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products and Environment 48
services, and extent of impact mitigation. (Core)
EN27 Percentage of products sold and their packaging materials that are Environment; 79 Intel does not have data collection processes to track, record, and report this
reclaimed by category. (Core) Supply Chain information. However, 75% of our packaging material is reusable/recyclable.

    Covered in the Report     Partially Covered in the Report     Not Covered in the Report

(continues on next page)

112 Intel 2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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G R I C o n t e n t I n d e x

GRI Content Index (continued)

Indicator Numbers and Description Status Report Section(s) Page(s) Explanatory Notes

EN28 Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non- Environment 51
monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and
regulations. (Core)
EN29 Significant environmental impacts of transporting products and Environment; 36 CO2 emissions of logistics and supply chain and percentage of total CO2
other goods and materials used for the organization’s operations, and Supply Chain emissions are estimated, and we are developing tools to help improve
transporting members of the workforce. (Additional) measurement and tracking of our impact in this area.
5c. Social Performance Indicators: Labor Practices
Management Approach Disclosures: Labor Practices Our Approach to CR; 8, 54,
Workplace; 74
Supply Chain
LA1–LA2 Total workforce by employment type, employment contract, Workplace 56 Information provided on turnover by region.
and region. (Core); Total number and rate of employee turnover. (Core)

LA3 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to Workplace 65 Part-time and contract employees have similar access to health and retire-
temporary or part-time employees, by major operations. (Additional) ment benefits as full-time employees. Benefits related to life insurance,
vacation, and tuition reimbursement are prorated for part-time employees.
Contract employees are not eligible for a number of benefits, including
long-term disability, equity incentive plan, and tuition reimbursement.
Part-time and contract employees are not eligible for sabbatical benefit.
LA4 Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agree- The percentage is zero.
ments. (Core)
LA5 Minimum notice period(s) regarding significant operational changes, Workplace 57, 84 We provide advance notice in accordance with local requirements in the
including whether it is specified in collective agreements. (Core) different locations where we operate.
LA7 Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, Workplace 69
and number of work-related fatalities by region. (Core)
LA8 Education, training, counseling, prevention, and risk control programs Workplace 70
in place to assist workforce members, their families, or community mem-
bers regarding serious diseases. (Core)
LA10–LA11 Average hours of training per year per employee, by employee Workplace 59, 69
category. (Core); Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that
support continued employability. (Additional)
LA12 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career Workplace 58
development reviews. (Additional)

    Covered in the Report     Partially Covered in the Report     Not Covered in the Report

(continues on next page)

113 Intel 2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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G R I C o n t e n t I n d e x

GRI Content Index (continued)

Indicator Numbers and Description Status Report Section(s) Page(s) Explanatory Notes

LA13 Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees by Workplace 63

category according to gender, age group, minority group membership, and
other indicators of diversity. (Core)
LA14 Ratio of basic salary of men to women by employee category. (Core) Workplace 64 Overall ratio not reported, but breakdown of top 50 in senior management
reported in terms of compensation.
5d. Social Performance Indicators: Human Rights
Management Approach Disclosures: Human Rights Our Approach to CR; 9, 26,
GE&PP; Supply Chain 74
HR1 Percentage and total number of significant investment agreements Our comprehensive site selection process evaluates several criteria, includ-
that include human rights clauses or that have undergone human rights ing the land’s physical characteristics; local utility infrastructure; trans-
screening. (Core) portation capabilities; human and labor rights; permitting and investment
conditions; and risk assessment of security issues such as corruption,
terrorism, crime, and political instability.
HR2 Percentage of significant suppliers and contractors that have under- Supply Chain 75, 77
gone screening on human rights and actions taken. (Core)
HR3 Total hours of employee training on policies and procedures concern- GE&PP; Supply Chain 26, 75 Training on Intel Code of Conduct and other policies and procedures is
ing aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations, including the mandatory for every Intel employee and includes content on human rights.
percentage of employees trained. (Additional)
HR4 Total number of incidents of discrimination and actions taken. (Core) Results, while compiled for internal review and action, are not currently
publicly reported. Information on approach to diversity and ethics and
compliance reported.
HR5–HR7 Operations identified in which the right to exercise freedom of GE&PP; Supply Chain 26 We operate in a number of countries identified by stakeholders as being
association and collective bargaining may be at significant risk, and actions at higher risk for labor concerns. We conduct regular Intel Code of Conduct
taken to support these rights. (Core); Operations identified as having sig- training, and adopted new Intel Human Rights Principles in 2009. We have
nificant risk for incidents of child labor, or forced or compulsory labor, and not identified any operations with significant risk for child labor or forced
measures taken to contribute to the elimination of child labor. (Core) or compulsory labor.
5e. Social Performance Indicators: Society
Management Approach Disclosures: Society Community; Education 83, 95
SO1 Nature, scope, and effectiveness of any programs and practices that Community 83
assess and manage the impacts of operations on communities, including
entering, operating, and exiting. (Core)
SO2–SO3 Percentage and total number of business units analyzed for GE&PP 26
risks related to corruption. (Core); Percentage of employees trained in
organization’s anti-corruption policies and procedures. (Core)

    Covered in the Report     Partially Covered in the Report     Not Covered in the Report

(continues on next page)

114 Intel 2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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G R I C o n t e n t I n d e x

GRI Content Index (continued)

Indicator Numbers and Description Status Report Section(s) Page(s) Explanatory Notes

SO4 Actions taken in response to incidents of corruption. (Core) GE&PP 26 Data reported on anti-corruption training and assessment processes.

SO5–SO6 Public policy positions and participation in public policy develop- GE&PP 28
ment and lobbying. (Core); Total value of financial and in-kind contributions to
political parties, politicians, and related institutions by country. (Additional)
SO7–SO8 Total number of legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti- GE&PP 28 See also Competition in the Innovation Economy web site and
trust, and monopoly practices and their outcomes. (Additional); Monetary 2009 Annual Report and Form 10-K (p 103).
value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for
non-compliance with laws and regulations. (Core)
5f. Social Performance Indicators: Product Responsibility
Management Approach Disclosures: Product Responsibility Environment 32, 48 Product responsibility topics span multiple sections of the report,
from environment to health and safety.
PR1 Life-cycle stages in which health and safety impacts of products Environment 32 For more information, refer to Intel Quality System Handbook.
and services are assessed for improvement, and percentage of significant
products and services categories subject to such procedures. (Core)
PR3 Type of product and service information required by procedure, and Environment 48 We also provide our customers with information on the energy efficiency
percentage of significant products and services subject to such informa- of our products through our web site and publications on our web site.
tion requirements. (Core)
PR4 Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and Zero incidents in 2009.
voluntary codes concerning product and service information and labeling,
by type of outcome. (Additional)
PR5 Practices related to customer satisfaction, including results of Our Approach to CR; 12, 65 For more information, refer to Intel Quality System Handbook.
surveys measuring customer satisfaction. (Additional) Workplace
PR6 Programs for adherence to laws, standards, and voluntary codes GE&PP 26 Covered in Intel Code of Conduct.
related to marketing communications, including advertising, promotion,
and sponsorship. (Core)
PR8 Total number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of Information on Intel’s privacy policy available on our Security and Privacy
customer privacy and losses of customer data. (Additional) web site.
PR9 Monetary value of significant fines for non-compliance with laws and Information on legal proceedings included in 2009 Annual Report and
regulations concerning the provision and use of products and services. (Core) Form 10-K (p 103).

    Covered in the Report     Partially Covered in the Report     Not Covered in the Report

115 Intel 2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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UN G l o bal C o m pact C O P

United Nations Global Compact—Communication on Progress 2009

In June 2009, Intel became a member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), a platform for encouraging and promoting good corporate principles and learning experiences in the areas of
human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. The UNGC principles have been engrained in our approach to corporate responsibility and business practices for many years. As noted by our
President and CEO, Paul Otellini, in his opening letter to this report, our ongoing support of the UNGC reinforces our commitment to corporate responsibility leadership.

As part of our commitment to the UNGC, we have mapped the principles with the relevant discussions in the report, which detail our actions and progress made against the principles during 2009,
including our work with other organizations in these areas. In addition to our commitment to promote the UNGC principles in our operations, Intel will continue to support the UNGC in its work to
expand country networks.

UNGC Communication on Progress

Human Rights
Principle 1 Support and respect the protection of interna- Intel’s commitment to respect human rights is embodied in the Intel Code of Conduct, Intel Human Rights Principles, and Intel Water
tionally proclaimed human rights. Policy, the latter of which covers our respect for the human right to water. In addition, the topic of human rights is covered in the
Electronic Industry Code of Conduct, adopted by Intel in 2004. For a discussion of our approach to respecting human rights and the
Principle 2 Make sure that business is not complicit in
steps we have taken during 2009, see the Governance, Ethics, and Public Policy and Supply Chain sections of this report.
human rights abuses.
Principle 3 Uphold freedom of association and the effective Intel’s Human Rights Principles incorporate references to the key labor issues identified in the UNGC, including prohibition of child labor
recognition of the right to collective bargaining. (Intel has established a minimum age of 16), forced labor, and discrimination. Intel recognizes that in many locations where we operate,
employees have the right to freely associate or not associate with third-party labor organizations, along with the right to bargain or
Principle 4 Support elimination of all forms of forced and
not bargain collectively in accordance with local laws. Intel respects those rights and is committed to creating an environment of open
compulsory labor.
communication where employees can speak with their managers about their ideas, concerns, or problems, and team together to
Principle 5 Support effective abolition of child labor. address workplace issues. For more information, see the Governance, Ethics, and Public Policy, Workplace, and Supply Chain sections
of this report.
Principle 6 Elimination of discrimination in respect of
employment and occupation.
Principle 7 Businesses are asked to support a precaution- Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, a longtime champion of the environment, instilled a legacy of environmental consciousness at
ary approach to environmental challenges. Intel that continues today. We incorporate environmental performance goals throughout our operations and regularly report on our
progress, seeking continuous improvement in energy efficiency, emissions reductions, resource conservation, and waste reduction.
Principle 8 Undertake initiatives to promote greater envi-
We strive to minimize the environmental impact of our products—from design through disposal—and we collaborate with others
ronmental responsibility.
to develop innovative ways that technology can help address long-term sustainability challenges. For more information, see the
Principle 9 Encourage the development and diffusion of Environment section of this report.
environmentally friendly technologies.
Principle 10 Businesses should work against corruption in Intel has set clear standards and policies and has put in place training to ensure employee compliance on these topics, including a
all its forms, including extortion and bribery. reference in the Intel Code of Conduct. We have a comprehensive Ethics and Compliance program, which is described in detail in the
Governance, Ethics, and Public Policy section of this report. In 2009, 98% of our employees were trained on our Code of Conduct.
Depending on their role and geographical location, certain employees are assigned more in-depth ethics and compliance training
courses, including those covering anti-corruption. Approximately 13,000 employees were trained on our anti-corruption policies
and procedures in 2009.

116 Intel 2009 Corporate Responsibility Report

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