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Vanheede - DZV - 2018 - en Compro

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About values

Sustainability Report 2018-2019


About this report

This sustainability report is about Vanheede Environment Group,

with registered office at Beekstraat 25, 1080 Brussels. This report has been drawn up in
accordance with the GRI standards, Core level. It is our intention to publish an update
every year. This edition covers the year 2018. Previous editions of the sustainability report
are available at
Table of contents
About Vanheede Our steps towards a more sustainable world Conclusion

4 Thinking ahead and staying 10 Our steps towards a more sustainable world 24 Financial section
faithful to our values

12 PASSION 28 Measuring points

5 Who is · Innovation is the engine of Vanheede
Vanheede Environment Group?
30 Approach sustainability report
6 Our key figures · Today’s environmental challenges require sustainable solutions
· Reducing our own impact on the environment 32 GRI reference index
· Your waste receives the best destination

7 Our structure
· An attractive employer
8 Where do we make the · Mission of safety

9 UMONS · A sustainable ambition
consciously chooses Vanheede · Investments in our Plastic Recovery Facility

· Proud collaborators make satisfied customers
· The importance of transparent collaboration
Thinking ahead
and staying faithful
to our values
“Together we are developing a sustainable future and long-term
partnerships. In an open, honest and sincere relationship we
achieve the best results. You can count on that”

It is already half a century ago that While staying faithful to our values,
our family business was established. we intend to be an organization where
The anniversary year was the perfect trust is the first priority and where
occasion for us to contemplate on we can be proud of our realizations.
what we have already achieved, but It is the commitment and strong
more importantly to look forward to engagement of all our collaborators
the numerous challenges that call for that leads to innovation and creative
sustainable answers. solutions. By converting waste into
raw material and/or into renewable
We are more than ever driven to
energy we ensure that more and more
offer our customers the most efficient
materials receive the best possible
solutions in terms of environmental
valorisation. And we do this with
management. Various stakeholders
respect for the people in and around
shared their insights and experiences
our company: their well-being, health
in trends and challenges. Strengthened
and safety constitute absolute priorities
by this valuable feedback we are
for us.
continuously fine-tuning our vision. The
commitment of all our collaborators
allows us to improve a little bit more
day after day.

David Vanheede,
CEO Vanheede Environment Group
Who is

Vanheede Environment Group?

Vanheede Environment Group is one of

the leading companies in the Benelux
countries and northern France in the field
of waste management. We are pleased
to help our customers in Belgium, France,
The Netherlands, Germany, Luxemburg
4 6
and the United Kingdom find the best 11 5 Head office
1 7
destination for their waste. 2 8
13 Logistics centres
Apart from offering a very diverse range 3 1 Wervik [Geluwe]
of services in waste collection, the group 10
2 Lille [Marquette-lez-Lille]
9 3 Lens [Billy-Berclau]
has also strongly specialized in innovative 4 Bruges [Oostkamp]
waste processing and valorisation Paris
5 Ghent
6 Antwerp
methods. Hence Vanheede is an active and 7 Genk
especially an innovative actor in circular 8 Wanze [Vinalmont]
9 Luxemburg [Rodange]
economy. 10 Arlon [Messancy]

Recycling companies
11 Roeselare [Rumbeke]
12 Dottignies
13 Mons [Quévy]
Our key figures

waste streams


872,479 tonnes
of treated waste every year

135,907,000 EUR 91.05 %

of consolidated turnover
recycling and
485,434 tonnes
of new raw materials every year

45 million kWh
3x of green energy produced every year
times more than its
own consumption

Certified quality
households are being supplied
by this energy production
Our structure


Waste becomes energy and/or raw material Collecting and sorting regular, special and hazardous waste

1 2 3 1 2

4 5 6 3 4


Evelyne Decrans, Caroline Vanheede,
8 LANDFILLING Executive Director Recycling Executive Director Environmental Services
Where do we make the difference?

A tradition of innovation

Innovative Because of our own R&D department

we have the knowhow for design and
engineering of the sorting and processing
We are proud of the extremely attentive,
Stable company companies.
valued and typically reliable service and
flexibility that we offer to our customers. Extensive sustainable policy We assume a key role in realizing the
circular economy by processing every
waste stream into new raw materials and/
As a company we very consciously
Locally present, internationally active or energy.
opt for a global approach with
regional anchorage. One-stop-shop for your waste management We accompany our customers from A to Z in
their waste management. From garbage bag and
dustbin to disposal container and roll-packer; from
By using our online portal our customers
Monitoring your waste file on myVanheede signalisation and waste coaching to reporting.
organize their own collection calendar, manage
their reporting and their invoicing and order all Maximum recycling guarantee For all the collected materials our Material
kinds of consumer goods on their own. Recovery department goes looking for a new,
sustainable destination, either within our own
Thanks to an extensive rights system the
Strong in multisite management processing companies or externally.
representative can manage the entire waste
management of the company or group of Own processing companies We invest in our own processing companies
companies by using the myVanheede central portal. of organic material, plastics and high-calorific
waste. Therefore we are sure to offer a total
Thanks to our in-house knowledge and
High-quality products package and full service.
technology we can convert waste into high-quality
products that are used as raw materials and fuels
in industry.
Customer case

UMONS consciously chooses Vanheede

Our continuous striving for a customer-friendly environment keeps on bearing
fruit. Thanks to our focus on sustainability and our high-quality service
UMONS has chosen Vanheede to be its partner as from October 2018.

Vanheede makes the difference myVanheede is an asset

For many years UMONS had been working The element that convinced UMONS? myVanheede.
together with three different companies, each The university counts 40 university buildings, over
of them collecting another waste stream. 8,000 students and 1,400 employees. This means
Three companies, that means three times that an extensive team must take care of waste
more follow-up of the waste management management every day. All together 130 wheeled
and reporting, as well as three customer containers are emptied every week and four disposal
services communicating alongside one containers are replaced on demand, spread over
another. The contracts expired and thus 40 locations.
the provincial authorities this time allowed
“Through myVanheede the authorized employees per
UMONS to draw its own path by means of
campus can directly consult the calendar. For example
a public tender. Prior to the public tender
for the Housing department, managing the university
Vanheede was involved in the PMD story of the
student accommodations, this is a huge advantage.
Walloon university. Alan Libert, Environmental
They no longer have to contact me to act as an
Manager at UMONS, has been enthusiastic about
intermediate in case of questions about collections.
Vanheede since the first time we cooperated:
The daily management consists of a global network of
“Since the beginning I had a positive relation with the
collaborators per site. Thanks to this platform we are
Vanheede team. Also their customer service has always
now able to work more efficiently.”
been able to help me, which always contributes to
a positive relation. This year we have added quality
criteria to the tender. As a result Vanheede turned out
to be a big step ahead of the rest.”

“The entrepreneurs of tomorrow will leave the university bearing Vanheede in mind.”

A lot of challenges and opportunities

still lie ahead of Vanheede.
In order to get a better insight in this,
we measured our five values, the
Vanheede DNA, against the framework
of the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs). These 17 sustainable
development goals were approved
on 25 September 2015 by 193 heads
of state and government during a
special United Nations meeting in
New York. They cover a whole range of
sustainability themes, such as climate
change, biodiversity, public health,
education and poverty reduction and
determine the worldwide sustainability
agenda of companies, NGOs, public
authorities as well as all other social
Our steps

towards a more sustainable world

OBJECTIVES Innovation of Restrict the Attractive Sustainable growth Customer loyalty
processes and environmental employer
products impact Zero Accidents
Maximum material

WHY IMPORTANT? In order to maintain our Awareness of how In order to retain our Our long-term Loyal partnerships are
market position, we must to handle waste and collaborators and vision is aimed at based on trust. Shared
provide proactive answers materials with a attract new talents an business continuity. interests and ethical
to the environmental minimum negative inspiring company Profitability and a conduct with integrity
challenges of the future impact on the culture is crucial. The financially healthy policy make sure we can always
and offer sustainable environment is of company culture is a constitute our oxygen look into each other’s
value to our customers essential importance global responsibility and for entrepreneurship eyes.
and society. in the development supports everyone’s allowing us to keep on
towards a low-carbon safety and health. focusing on sustainable
and circular economy. partnerships.

12 We exercise our job with passion!
A culture of creativity, entrepreneurship, digitisation and innovation
results in a strong commitment from our collaborators.

56 Vanheede
Innovation directly involved 25
in innovation
is the engine of Vanheede
FTEs on R&D

Innovation is embedded throughout the entire organisation and

structured by means of our 6 innovation programmes.

With these programmes we support developments that create a

sustainable value for both our customers and society. The number of
innovation projects has strongly grown over the last couple of years. 10%
The last 5 years the innovation budget has been doubled in time and R&D budget in
means. relation to the
An R&D portfolio group consisting of 8 members monitors the turnover
innovation projects and evaluates the priorities, deadlines,
scope and budget on a monthly basis.
Our 6 innovation programmes

3 Recyclable
1 Venturi
4 Fuels For
We are convinced
We convert
Intelligent that plastics not The Future
necessarily have to
analogous Logistics By producing
disappear, but that
administrative alternative energy
processes into a
We innovate in digital they must become
carriers (fuels)
tracking solutions, entirely recyclable, so
lean digital process
as well as company that we can use them
out of plastics and Energy Infrastructural
structure. Thanks biomass we tackle
management again after processing With a large share
to data and digital
systems to support in many high-quality
two of the world’s
of green power
technology we help biggest sustainability
internal transport applications. from sources such as Many of the sites
our customers, challenges in an
and movement wind, sun, biomass where we now
collaborators innovative way:
management on the and biogas Vanheede have developed our
and partners
company premises. • Reducing the is a net electricity recycling activities,
to continuously
impact of (non- generator from green were previously
enhance efficiency in
recyclable) and sustainable allocated to another
plastics on the sources. industry. Our focus
environment to a on sustainable
minimum. management is
strongly reflected in
• Restricting
these reconversions.
greenhouse gas
emissions and
combating (the
consequences of)
climate change.
14 We respect the environment!
Materials are given a second life at our sites. This way we have a positive impact
on the climate and our environment, now and in the future.


Today’s environmental
challenges require
sustainable solutions
Environmental technologies constitute a central component of how to
approach major environmental challenges, such as climate change, scarce
natural resources and loss of biodiversity. We continuously innovate in
response to the various challenges. We try to realize a shift in the way
we think about how to handle waste and how we can evolve towards
a circular economy. Together with our stakeholders we try to rewrite
existing structures and processes. By thinking further beyond the standard
solutions and developing our own Vanheede technology, we fully focus on
high-quality recycling and new raw materials.

Maximum Sustainable Reduction of Closing Improving

material energy air emissions the water soil quality
valorisation cycle

Reducing our own impact on the environment

Our core activities are waste collection, sorting and processing. A lot of processes are involved.
We monitor the following elements. With these data we try to minimize our own
consumption and environmental impact.

Diesel Our own waste Electricity CO2 emission Methane (CH4) is Water Sites are paved
consumption of materials. consumption transport and 5.11 deviated towards consumption. in order to avoid
our trucks. with production production the biogas engines. waste water
processes. processes. average Restriction of dust infiltration.
Euro standards
(average Euro standards pollution and the
sector 4.89) release of harmful

Your waste receives the best destination

The waste always receives the most sustainable destination. We convert it into materials and/or green energy.
This way we produce high-quality secondary raw materials and fuels with maximum recovery of energy and heat.

Maximum material valorisation Net sustainable energy production 45,000,000

A large part of the waste streams is valorised into raw materials or used for Our own industrial fermentation plant (Quévy) processes organic- kWh
the production of energy at our own sites. We hereby use our many years of biological products into methane gas, which is converted into
experience, material knowledge and knowhow to optimize existing processing sustainable electricity and heat by means of a gas engine. The of green energy
processes and installations, but also to develop new, produced heat is used for heating our buildings and drying specific production every
sustainable economic activities together with other waste streams. Also our landfill site (Rumbeke) operates as a power year
companies and research organizations to close still
more material cycles. Preference is always given to
91.05% plant. The biogas that is released from the landfill site is converted into
green electricity.
the form of waste processing of the highest quality. recycling and This is 3 times more
valorisation A 2 MW wind turbine injects all the electricity onto the network. The
production than what
1065 solar panels (250 kWp) contribute to the electricity supply of the
we consume ourselves
Quévy site, the rest is supplied to the network.
and good for providing
13,000 families with
green electricity.
16 We think people are important!
Welfare, health and safety constitute absolute priorities.
We recognize talents and give them space, in all confidence.

An attractive
growth in
The Committee for a nice workplace collaborators
(compared to
employer Vanheede not only thinks about how to make optimum use of
the collaborators within the working hours/workplace walls, but

also about how the company can make a difference in their day-to-
There is no doubt that as a waste
day lives. It is not only up to the collaborators to maintain their life-work
collector and processor our future is
balance, also the company where they are employed can contribute to
secured. The positive impact we have
an adequate balance. In order to support the employee journey as good
on society, makes the work of our
as possible various actions are organized. Thus the Committee for a nice
collaborators meaningful. Vanheede is
workplace was established. Within this framework initiatives are organized
known as a stable employer, close to
to support the employees as good as possible from the inflow, through-flow
home, with a correct remuneration. Of
until the outflow, if any. By keeping the employees’ happiness at work at a
course a continuous effort is required
high level, we are developing a workplace where it is nice to be.
to maintain and further develop our
reputation. In addition to the employees’ happiness at work our drivers were
questioned about their remuneration desires. Until now overtime was paid
on a half-yearly basis. In the survey we proposed a new system allowing for
monthly payments. We asked what the drivers preferred. 40% of the drivers
opted for the new system, 60% wanted to keep the old system. The survey
created two camps that we wished to satisfy both. Therefore both systems
have been implemented and drivers now can choose which system they
prefer. This small exercise learned us how flexibility in solutions may be
necessary as a result of surveys. We retain this knowledge during the roll-
out of the collaborators’ satisfaction survey that we wish to carry out
periodically in the future
717 .
collaborators on
Frequency rate (Fr) Severity rate (Sr)
1,55 1,31 The BA4-BA5 training
59,21 58,42 “working on electrical
installations” was
organized for about 90
collaborators spread over
benchmark the various Vanheede sites.
24,53 2017
sector- (NACE2 - code 38)









(NACE2 - code 38)

Mission Mission Focus on Accident investigation

of safety zero behavioural change to a higher level
Safety performances are objectively Our goal is simple: zero accidents in The next few years our ambassadors’ In order to avoid that industrial
measured by means of the frequency the workplace. A clear policy for the group will continue to focus on accidents will be neglected or certain
rate and severity rate. In relation to the years to come must help us to achieve a behavioural change with all causes will get more attention than
sectoral benchmark the frequency rate this objective. In order to obtain a collaborators. As a matter of fact, 80% others, the HEEPO method (H for
(24.53 in 2017) can do considerably better. turnaround in our safety performances of all industrial accidents are due to Human, E for Equipment, E for
Accident severity is 0.77, which is exactly a safety policy ambassadors’ group unsafe behaviour. Our three years old Environment, P for Product and O
the sectoral benchmark (0.77 in 2017). was established at the end of 2017, Safety Campaign must change that. In for Organisation) helps us to see the
So, we have more lost-time accidents than having the following tasks: the meantime we already focus on: overall picture.
our competitive colleagues but this is not
• Determine the general safety policy • Personal protection equipment
reflected in more days of absence from
work. • Approve and monitor the preventive • Collective protection equipment
and corrective safety actions
• Exemplary behaviour
After evaluating the figures of the
• Create support for safety within
last couple of years, the management In such a campaign repetition is very
decided to put safety as a priority item important. Therefore every quarterly
on the agenda. Safety must be supported theme will actually be repeated 3
throughout the entire company. We are times, i.e. collectively, within the team
ambitious in this respect. context and individually.

58.42 0.77
Frequency rate Severity rate
18 We think in terms of win-win-win!
Every one of us makes the difference, for the stakeholder, the company and for himself.
Profit is the oxygen that allows us to invest, innovate and organize in a clever way.

A sustainable ambition investment budget
in relation to
At Vanheede Environment Group we focus on the long term. Profitability turnover
and a financially healthy policy constitute our oxygen for growth and

Future waste management requires the smart use of human and other
resources. In a fast-evolving market it is impossible to say what the future
will bring. We closely monitor the new evolutions and technologies, we
observe and listen to our customers’ wishes and market expectations,
we prepare industrial sites for the future and even apply reconversion.
Investments in Quévy, Rumbeke and Dottignies make sure that we keep
on making the difference and offering sustainable solutions for the
environmental challenges of tomorrow.

Our basic conviction:

Plastics must not
Investments in our Plastic Recovery Facility
After a successful pilot project that was initiated in 2016, the new blue bag will officially be implemented this year.
disappear, they must The intermunicipal associations of waste companies MIROM, ILVA, IVOO and IVM have already started. Later on
become fully recyclable also Intradel and Ipalle will join in. This not only means that a lot of inhabitants will receive a new and extended
PMD bag, but also that our Plastic Recovery Facility will receive a lot of extra waste streams to recover.
so that they can be
applied again after use. Higher collection Innovative expansion of In line with the
potential the sorting installation European objectives
All plastic packaging materials, both In the current sorting line various By 2030 Europe wants the member
hard and soft, can now be deposited mechanisms have been built in to states to recycle 55% of the plastic
into the PMD bag. That is, as from the remove the various kinds of plastics packaging materials on the market. In
moment the intermunicipal association from the PMD bag. However, it is not Belgium we now recycle about 40%
of waste companies communicates to designed to separate butter tubs, trays, of all household plastic packaging
its inhabitants that the new blue bag is yoghurt pots or bags. It goes without materials and 54% of the industrial
officially implemented. Because every saying that this year we will need to plastic packaging materials. Our
intermunicipal association decides make a huge investment with respect investment is a clear signal that we will
for itself when it will start. The PMD to our existing sorting line. We have do everything we can to achieve that
volume to be processed will increase conceived the line adjustments all by objective, and even exceed it on the
by at least 50%, which means that the ourselves by analysing the components long term.
share of residual waste will decrease. on the market and by looking at the
According to Fost Plus we would have
The results from the pilot project challenges we are up against. From
to achieve a recycling percentage of
already showed that per inhabitant that we extracted what we could use to
64% using the new blue bag.
every year an average of 8kg extra PMD adjust our own installation. The sum of
was collected. it all makes the difference.

inhabitants feel
the impact of this
20 We are proud of what we realise!
We fulfil our ambitions in a transparent collaboration.
By doing this we stay faithful to our culture.


Proud collaborators
make satisfied customers
Satisfied customers are the result of proud collaborators providing an excellent service, thus stimulating customer
loyalty. The best barometer to verify whether we succeed in what we intended to do is by measuring our
customers’ satisfaction.

The customer’s voice Creating ambassadors 29

Periodically we organize a number of customer satisfaction In the survey the customers were also
surveys, or in short CSM (Customer Satisfaction asked about the probability that they would Net Promotor Score
Measurement). The results are published on our website, recommend us. The answer to that question
with an answer to the most frequently expressed gives us an idea of our Net Promotor Score
observations. This way we can continuously keep on (NPS). The NPS is measured on a scale of -100
improving our service on various fields. At the end of 2018 (‘needs improvement’) to 100 (‘excellent’).
we sent an extensive survey to 75% of our customers. The In-between are the two categories ‘good’ and ‘great’.
response percentage was 13%. From the results we learned In this respect we score 29, which is a ‘good’ result. We
that general customer satisfaction is at 82%. That is a are aiming to do better next year and to achieve the
confirmation of the high-quality service we stand for. ‘great’ score. We do this by meticulously monitoring the
observations made by the survey participants and by
82% strengthening the loyalty of our customers.

The importance
of transparent collaboration
Apart from our customers we still have many more partnerships. Also in these relations a continuous and transparent interaction is of the utmost
importance. Trust is often the key in this respect. Only this way we can develop sustainable partnerships. Our choices of end processors and suppliers are
important decisions we make in that respect.

A thorough selection in end processors Critical to our suppliers

For all the materials we collect, we always search for the most sustainable Also with our suppliers we strive after stable partnerships, creating a win-win
destination. The choice of end processors and the bond we develop with them is situation for all parties. Within the scope of the ISO auditing we commit ourselves
an essential step in that respect. To start with all our end processors must have an to assess all our suppliers. If that assessment shows that there are too many
authorization. That is the only legal requirement. Two very important additional improvement areas, the collaboration will be stopped (temporarily). We not
criteria for us are continuity and ethics. only want to be transparent on whom we collaborate with but also on the way
we operate. Only this way in the end we can look each other in the eyes and be
In order to be sure of a constant off-take, the solvency of a processor was taken
proud of our work.
into consideration during the decision-making process. We do not aim at spot
markets. In most cases the price is not the obstacle in negotiations, but the off-
take of material is.
Ethics is a more difficult story, as it is difficult to quantify. We want to be able to
guarantee that no unethical practices are applied in the processing of the waste
that was collected by us. End processors are obliged to transmit to us certificates
stating the applied processing method; the process is not completely transparent.
Once the material crosses the border of our country, we often lose track. This is a
sore point within the entire sector.
Luc Gevaert started in 2008 as
Assistant Sorting Supervisor with
Vanheede Plastic Recovery.
Inspired by possible improvements
in the sorting process of plastics he
quickly worked himself up to become
Production Supervisor. Under the
motto ‘if we do something, we do it
right’ we already have introduced many
significant improvements in the sorting
line. After a beautiful growth trajectory
of 10 years, Luc participated in the
development of the newest sorting
line in Rumbeke. As a real ambassador
of the company values Luc reveals his
Vanheede experiences.

“When I started here as an Assistant
Sorting Supervisor, I saw that PMD
sorting could be done a lot better.
And now we are finally facing that
challenge, I am already thinking about
the next step. I can’t help it. I always
want to do better. When I achieve one
objective, I just pass on to the next one.”
Our values in practice

Values work

“In 1 year time I have been promoted Pride
from Assistant Supervisor to Production
“Processes must be evaluated all the
Supervisor. I now work with 3 teams
time. We cannot stand still. We have
of 9 people and a weekend team of
lost many hours of sleep thinking about
4 people. As a supervisor you need to
this new sorting line. That today I can
stay motivated. If you are not motivated,
be part of such a magnificent team and
you cannot expect your personnel to be.”
that we have realized this together, yes,
that makes me proud.”

“The residual waste bag will enormously
decrease in volume. It is estimated that
the PMD fraction will increase by 50% in Profit
tonnage. So, this is 50% that is coming
“For many years we have been
from the residual waste bag that will no
responding to the market. We look
longer be incinerated. Talking about
at what is produced and adjust our
actions accordingly. Our objective is
that all plastics should be separated.
The investments made in our sorting
line constitute an important step in
our future.”
24 Financial section

balance sheet total

Sustainable growth
Long-term investments Balance sheet
The innovation drive at Vanheede is The consolidated balance sheet over the year 2018 is closed with a balance sheet
very strong. Every new technology also total of K€ 124,847.
entails important investments that On the assets side the book value of the tangible and intangible fixed assets has
have to be feasible, highly-performing increased. Investments over the financial year amount to K€ 15,660. With respect
and profitable. to the accounting policies there are no modifications compared to last year.
The financial management therefore The amounts falling due within one year have slightly decreased, both with
requires the monitoring of quite a lot respect to the trade receivables and the rest of the receivables (especially vat and
of parameters: gross margin, operating taxes to be recovered).
profit, solvency, profitability, ...
The available liquid assets have increased up to K€ 17,581. The liquidity level is at
The financial figures are reported
1.30, which is more than enough to fulfil all our short-term obligations. Due to the
for each legal entity and finally
positive result of the financial year (see info below under ‘profit and loss account’)
consolidated. As from this year we
the own capital has increased. The provisions for risks and charges mainly consist
also want to provide reports per
of the established provision for the after-care of our landfill site. The overall
business unit.
provisions have slightly decreased.
On the debt level the long-term and short-term financial debts together have
increased due to new credits and fixed advance payments. The commercial debts
as per 31/12/2018 are lower than the previous financial year.
The solvency ratio of Vanheede Environment Group remains high and healthy:
42.65%; we hereby take into account the subordinated long-term ‘DACAR’ loan
(M€30.20), on which a repayment was made in the year 2018, that is added to
the own capital (Dacar: family holding of the Vanheede family).

Consolidated balance sheet (in KEUR)

ASSETS 2018 2017 LIABILITIES 2018 2017

Intangible fixed assets 7,368 8,803 Capital 3,350 3,350

Tangible fixed assets 62,677 59,472 Consolidated reserves 19,699 16,728

Financial fixed assets 914 907 OWN CAPITAL 23,049 20,078

FIXED ASSETS 70,959 69,182 Provisions for risks and charges 5,430 5,882

Amounts falling due after more than one year 660 0 Deferred taxes 0 0

Stocks 2,762 2,550 PROVISIONS, DEFERRED TAXES 5,430 5,882

Amounts falling due within one year 32,037 32,434 Debts falling due after more than one year 54,503 51,430

Liquid assets 17,581 12,198 Debts falling due within one year 41,418 39,524

Accruals and deferred income 848 787 Accruals and deferred income 447 237

CURRENT ASSETS 53,888 47,969 DEBTS 96,368 91,191

TOTAL OF ASSETS 124,847 117,151 TOTAL OF LIABILITIES 124,847 117,151

Key figures The annual accounts 2018 (01/01/2018 -31/12/2018) of Vanheede Environment Group nv and its subsidiaries, as well as the consolidated annual account, can be
consulted free of charge at the Central Balance Sheet Office of the National Bank of Belgium. We will give you a brief overview in this sustainability report.
Profit and loss account Consolidated profit and loss account (in KEUR)
The non-consolidated turnover over the year 2018 has considerably increased by
more than 10.50% compared to last year; i.e. from K€ 142,630 to K€ 157,834. 2018 2017
The consolidated turnover has increased by about 8.50% to K€ 135,907.
Turnover 135,907 125,082
The gross margin has more or less stabilized compared to the year 2017.
In absolute figures the gross margin has increased by more than M€ 6 Changes in stocks/ produced fixed assets 203 4
(= + 8% compared to the year 2017).
Other operating income 1,496 1,577
The ‘services and diverse goods’ (code 61) and the ‘own wage costs’ (code 62)
OPERATING INCOME 137,606 126,663
have increased, but less than the increase in turnover in percentages, which has
a positive impact on EBITDA.
Purchases and subcontracts 53,854 49,177
The annual amortisation of the consolidation goodwill (at 5%) is separately
Services and diverse goods 31,267 28,907
mentioned in the consolidation under item ‘amortisation of consolidation
differences’ and amounts to K€ 1,056. Remunerations and social expenses 31,928 29,863
The amortisations of tangible and intangible fixed assets have increased; Amortisations 12,709 11,401
the recorded depreciations and provisions have considerably decreased (the large
Depreciations and provisions -250 1,592
difference is rather due to the high provisions of last financial year instead of
those of the year 2018). Other operating expenses 2,003 1,850
In the year 2017 the exceptional income and exceptional expenses were pretty Amortisations of consolidation differences 1,056 1,056
high (see sustainability report 2017). This financial year both items have regained
OPERATING EXPENSES 132,567 123,846
their normal level.
The EBITDA of Vanheede Environment Group has increased both in absolute OPERATING PROFIT (LOSS) 5,039 2,817
figures (+ 1.6 M€ compared to last financial year) and in percentages of turnover
(from 13.48% in 2017 to 13.65% in 2018). The EBIT has strongly increased, both Financial income 567 590
in absolute figures and in percentages of turnover (M€ 2.81 and 2.25% in 2017;
Financial expenses 919 914
M€ 5.04 and 3.71% in 2018). This increase must be tempered to some extent as
the EBIT over the year 2017 was influenced by high provisions. PROFIT/LOSS 4,687 2,493
The taxes have decreased. Again the result must be tempered compared to the
year 2017 (at the time mainly influenced by the writing down of an old tax debt in Exceptional income 128 258
one entity).
Exceptional expenses 47 531
The consolidated profit and loss account as per 31/12/2018 closes with a
consolidated profit of K€ 2,876.
Withdrawals -23 27
Taxes 1,869 3,178
Summary of consolidated profit and loss account (in KEUR)
17.847 150.000
2018 2017 125.082
15.000 15.660
13.058 110.170
Turnover 135,907 125,082 12.177 100.000 96.554 102.489
10.000 9.723
EBITDA 18,554 16,866
Net result 2,876 -931 5.000










Own capital 23,049 20,078
Subordinated ‘DACAR’ loan 30,200 31,200 Investments evolution of investments Turnover evolution of turnover
(in KEUR) (in KEUR)
Corrected own capital 53,249 51,278
Balance sheet total 124,847 117,151
20 5
Solvency ratio 42.65% 43.77% 4,48% 4,48%
16,27% 16,02% 4
Liquidity ratio 1.30 1.21 15
13,87% 13,48% 13,65%
3 2,75%
Non-consolidated profit and loss account (in KEUR) 5










140.000 142.630 EBITDA evolution of EBITDA EBIT evolution of EBIT
(in % of the consolidated turnover (in % of the consolidated turnover)

110.024 115.982
20 20.000
15 15.000 15.480 15.309
80.000 14.345
12.709 13.522
10 9.890 10.197 10.538 10.000

5 5.000










Amortisations evolution of Operational cash flow evolution of
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 amortisations (in KEUR) excluding operational cash flow (in KEUR)
amortisations consolidation goodwill
The non-consolidated turnover of the year 2018 has significantly increased by more than
10.50% compared to last year; i.e. from K€ 142,630 to K€ 157,834,27
Measuring points
2016 2017 2018 unit

PASSION Process and # FTE R&D - - 25 numb.

product innovation % R&D budget against consolidated turnover - - 10% %

PLANET Maximum material Tonnage of processed waste 798,800 876,333 872,479 ton
valorisation Tonnage of new raw materials 448,843 474,743 485,434 ton
% recycling and valorisation of collected material (recycling, sorting, fermentation, 89.10 89.40 91.05 %
composting, physical-chemical treatment, co-processing, incineration with valorisation)
% elimination of collected material (incineration with elimination, landfilling) 10.90 10.60 8.95 %

Sustainable energy # kWh production of green energy (electricity & heat) 41,500,000 45,000,000 45,000,000 kWh
# households provided with energy by this 12,000 13,000 13,000 numb.
Source of energy production
Biomass 21,057,212 21,293,692 24,033,074 kWh
Landfill gas 4,426,412 3,832,897 3,832,897 kWh
Wind energy 4,613,202 4,680,654 4,447,412 kWh
Solar energy 247,923 254,925 252,142 kWh
# kWh electricity consumption 14,588,279 14,938,499 16,560,466 kWh
# green certificates 66,697 65,833 71,999 numb.
# litres of diesel consumption/tonnes of waste 5.99 5.63 5.68 lit.
# kWh energy consumption/tonnes of sorted plastics 77 77 50 kWh
# kWh energy consumption/tonnes of produced alternative fuel 83 83 82 kWh
# kWh energy consumption/tonnes of recycled plastics - - 290 kWh
# kWh energy consumption/tonnes of processed food waste - - 295 kWh

Reduction of Average emission standard truck fleet - - 5,11

air emissions Sector average is 4.89
Closing the % tap water 69.40 79.83 78.59 %
water cycle % rainwater 30.60 20.17 21.41 %
# m3 purified water (recycling) - 33,150 33,451 m3

Increasing % paved surface - - 57.70 %

soil quality # soil investigations 4 3 5 numb.
2016 2017 2018

PEOPLE Attractive employer % growth collaborators 8.22 7.75 3.17 %

# fixed collaborators 556 608 622 numb.
# collaborators 645 695 717 numb.

Per region Per age Per language Per gender Per type of Per category
100% Luxemburg 1
France 7 Part-time 5
> 45 48 French 50 Female 20 Drivers 39
Wallonia 36 Full-time 95
Male 80

50% Employees 35
Flanders 56
30 - 45 41
Dutch 50

Labourers 26

< 30 11

Zero accidents Severity rate 0.93 1.31 0.77 Sr

Frequency rate 45.53 68.07 58.42 Fr

PROFIT Sustainable growth EBITDA 15,278 16,867 18,554 keur

Net result 1,275 -931 2,876 keur
Balance sheet total 109,299 117,151 124,847 keur
Corrected own capital 53,162 51,278 53,249 keur
Solvency ratio 48.64 43.77 42.65% %
Liquidity ratio 1.31 1.13 1.30
Non-consolidated turnover 124,712 142,630 157,834 keur
Consolidated turnover 110,170 125,082 135,907 keur

PRIDE Customer loyalty % customer satisfaction - 81 82 %

NPS score - - 29
30 Approach sustainability report

Scope and approach

Vanheede recognizes the importance to report as a Stakeholder interests and company interests in balance
family group on an annual basis on its sustainability
The process for determining the focal points of our strategy for a sustainable future was gone through
in 5 steps:
CEO David Vanheede is a permanent representative
1. An internal brainstorm session on the key questions:
in the Board of Directors (Vamastine bvba), where
also Caroline Vanheede (Vanica bvba), Commercial • What is the added value of Vanheede? Where does Vanheede make the difference for its own business, the
Manager and Claudette Descamps (Imdaca nv), collaborators, society, the environment and the customers?
director, are permanent representatives. They gain
• For which (social) trends/challenges does Vanheede want to offer a solution?
advice from the advisory committee, consisting
of two external experts, Mr. Arnold Deceuninck The result was a longlist of relevant topics, which were measured against the CSR sectoral passport for
and Mr. Karel Gielen, and one internal expert, environmental companies, drawn up by our professional federation Go4Circle and some sustainability reports
Mrs. Evelyne Vanheede-Decrans. drawn up by professional colleagues from Belgium and abroad

2. In a second step it was determined which challenges are also ‘material’ aspects.
These are the aspects that are important for the long-term strategy of Vanheede and fulfil the (reasonable)
expectations of our stakeholders.
In order to get a better insight into who our stakeholders are, which interests they represent, how much
impact they have on our operation and/or to what extent they support our organisational goals, we have
determined their relevance (stakeholder mapping) by taking into account the following criteria:
Local • What is the impact/influence of the stakeholder on Vanheede?
s res
nk ide
Ba ORA n
• What is the interest of the stakeholder to Vanheede?
CO Stakeholders in the dark yellow circles (high extent of power and interest) are of priority importance to

Vanheede. With respect to the definition and realization of our ambitions their expectations and interests will

guide us in the decision-making process. With respect to the stakeholders in the light yellow circles, we wish
e compani

to fulfil their expectations by keeping them well-informed or satisfied.


In first instance we were especially looking for the answers on stakeholder’s interests with a number of

internal stakeholders: some collaborators and managers shared their insights and

challenges for the future.



dia ers

3. In 2015 we have extended the exercise to a number of external stakeholders.

Within the scope of the special CSR think tank we have decided to investigate, in addition to the international
GRI reference framework for sustainability reporting also in which way we can contribute to the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). The fresh views from the think tank members on entrepreneurship and the
opportunities and challenges that we will be facing, constituted a real added value.

4. In 2016-2017 the shift was made from the GRI G4 directives to the GRI standards in terms of
reporting standard.

5. The 50th anniversary of Vanheede (2018) was seen as the perfect occasion to conduct some
in-depth interviews on the sustainability themes that are relevant to us with some essential
Their insights have been bundled in the sustainability report 2017-2018, section ‘about tomorrow’. In addition
the sustainability policy of Vanheede was submitted to a thorough analysis in cooperation with the students of
Master of Business Administration and Commercial Sciences at KULeuven, Brussels campus within the scope
of the subject of Corporate Social Responsibility (lecturer Anouk Van de Meulebroecke). The students realized
the following group performances:
• An analysis of the most relevant SDGs,
• A benchmark with other environmental companies,
• An evaluation of the performances, as well as
suggestions for improvement.
This sustainability report covers each of our
commitments regarding the most relevant SDGs
to Vanheede.
32 GRI reference index

GRI-standardReference (page) GRI-standardReference (page)

GRI 102 General disclosures
1. Organizational profile 5. Stakeholders engagement
102-1 Name of the organization Cover, 2 102-40 List of relevant stakeholder groups engaged by the 30
102-2 Primary brands, products and/or services 5, 7 organization
102-3 Location of the organization’s headquarters 2 102-41 Percentage of employees covered by -
102-4 Number of countries where the organization 5 a collective bargaining agreement  100%
operates 102-42 Basis for identifying and selecting stakeholders with 30
102-5 Ownership and legal form 7 whom to engage
102-6 Markets served 5 102-43 Approach to stakeholder engagement, including 30
102-7 Scale of the organization 6 frequency of engagement by type and by
102-8 Workforce 29 stakeholder group
102-9 Describe the supply chain * 102-44 Most important feedback from stakeholders and 9, 22, 23
102-10 Significant changes during the reporting period n/a how the organization has responded to that
regarding the organization and its supply chain 6. Reporting method
102-11 Describe which way the precautionary principle is 8, 12, 13 102-45 Operational structure, report boundaries 2
applied 102-46 Explanation of the process for defining the report 10, 11, 30
102-12 Externally developed CSR charters, principles or 10 content and implementation of reporting principles
other initiatives subscribed by the organization 102-47 List of material topics 11, 28, 29
102-13 Memberships of associations, where the * 102-48 Restatements, if any, of information given in n/a
organization exercises functions, provides financial previous reports
contributions or considers its membership a 102-49 Significant changes in reporting compared to n/a
strategic instrument previous reporting periods
2. Strategy 102-50 Reporting period 2
102-14 A statement from the Board of Directors about 4 102-51 Date of most recent report june 2018 *
the relevance of sustainable development for the 102-52 Reporting cycle 2
organization and its strategy 102-53 Contact point for questions regarding the report or 33
3. Ethics and integrity its contents
102-16 A description of the organization’s values, 8, 11 102-54 Reporting in accordance with GRI standards 2
principles, standards, and norms of behavior 102-55 GRI content index 32, 33
4. Governance 102-56 External assurance n/a
102-18 Governance structure 7, 30


GRI-standardReference (page) GRI-standardReference (page)

Material topics
Economic Social
Economic performances Employment
103 Management approach 18, 19 103 Management approach 16
201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed 18, 24-27, 29 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover 16, 29
Environment Health and safety
Materials 103 Management approach 17
103 Management approach 14, 15 403-2 Types of injury, occupational diseases, lost days and 17, 29
301-1 Materials used by weight or volume 15, 28 absenteeism figures, and number of work-related
Energy fatalities by region and by gender
103 Management approach 14, 15 Diversity and equal opportunity
302-1 Energy (consumption / production) within the 15, 28 103 Management approach 16
organization 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees 29
302-1 Energy intensity 28 Local communities
Water 413-1 Operations with local community engagement, 19
303-1 Water withdrawal by source 28 impact assessments, and development programs
303-3 Water recycled and reused 28 Supplier Social Assessment
Emissions 103 Management approach 21
103 Management approach 14, 15 Marketing and labeling
305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions 15 103 Management approach 20
Effluents and Waste
103 Management approach 14, 15
306-2 Waste by type and disposal method 15, 28
Environmental compliance
103 Management approach 28
Supplier Environmental Assessment
103 Management approach 21

Edition Responsible editor Contact Special thanks to CSR expertise and Concept and realisation
VANHEEDE Kim Delvoye Kim Delvoye, Thalia Ehrlich, counselling © Magelaan
ENVIRONMENT GROUP nv c/o Dullaardstraat 11, Marketing Manager Claudia Santeddu, © slidingdoors Printing:
Dullaardstraat 11, 8940 Geluwe You can send your reaction Assistants Marketing & ...
8940 Geluwe regarding this edition Communication by e-mail to Dirk Devlieger, photography
Flaxpark Geluwe –
Vanheede Environment
Being a pioneer in sustainability, Vanheede
Environment Group has presented itself
already for 50 years as the ideal partner for
the processing of waste of companies pursuing
a social responsibility. We will be pleased to
transform your waste into something beautiful
and will not hesitate to verify whether your
waste stream qualifies for recycling or any other
valorisation method. Tell us your (waste) story
and we will shape it!

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