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Obrada Rucice - Proba

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? hsmworks#
A H S M W o
r k s 2 0 1 6 R 2 . 4 0 5 1 3 # A http://www.cimco-! T u e s d a y , J u l y 1 1
, 2 0 1 7 2 : 0 9 : 4 9 P M # = http://www.cimco- T T U - W S - 0 1 # = k o r i s n i k #
# solidworks:title # # solidworks:subject # # solidworks:author
# # solidworks:keywords # # solidworks:comment # #
solidworks:savedBy# k o r i s n i k # # solidworks:createDate# 1 1 . 0 7 .
2 0 1 7 . 1 2 : 4 1 : 1 3 # # solidworks:saveDate# 1 1 . 0 7 . 2 0 1 7 .
1 2 : 4 1 : 1 3 # # solidworks:createDate2# u t o r a k , 1 1 . j u l i
2 0 1 7 . 1 2 : 4 1 : 1 3 # # solidworks:saveDate2# u t o r a k , 1 1 .
j u l i 2 0 1 7 . 1 2 : 4 1 : 1 3
# leads-supported#
# kind#
: ((-32, -32,
-172), (32, 32, 0))# � � ,� B B
# kind# # B
lower-x @�
# kind# # B
lower-y @�
# kind# # B
lower-z �e�
# kind# # B
upper-x @@
# kind# # B
upper-y @@
# kind# # B
# kind# # A
lower-x >�
# kind# # A
lower-y >�
# kind# # A
lower-z �`�
# kind# # A
upper-x >@
# kind# # A
upper-y >@
# kind# # A
upper-z# �
1 # :
/ turning
turningFace# F
comment# S t r u g a n j e c e l o
# leads-supported#
# hsmworks:operation-id# # # hsmworks:wcs-name # hsmworks:path#
J o b ( 1 ) \ S t r u g a n j e c e l o
# operation:context operation
# operation:holder_attached
# operation:holder_comment
# operation:holder_description
# operation:holder_libraryName
# operation:holder_productId
# operation:holder_vendor
# operation:metric#
# kind# # # operation:tool_angle
# operation:tool_autoHolderID#
# operation:tool_autoInsertID#
# kind# # # operation:tool_bodyLength N@
# operation:tool_breakControl
# kind# # # operation:tool_chamferHeight
# kind# # # operation:tool_chamferWidth
# operation:tool_clamping# D
# operation:tool_clockwise#
# operation:tool_comment
# operation:tool_compensation# tip tangent
! operation:tool_compensationOffset#
# operation:tool_coolant# flood
# kind# # # operation:tool_cornerRadius333333�?
# operation:tool_crossSection# G
# kind# # # operation:tool_cuttingWidth 9@
# operation:tool_description
# kind# # # operation:tool_diameter (@
# operation:tool_diameterOffset#
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedCutting @�@
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedCuttingRel#-DT�!�?
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedEntry @�@
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedEntryRel#-DT�!�?
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedExit @�@
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedExitRel#-DT�!�?
# kind# # operation:tool_feedPerRevolution
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedPerToothes-8R��?
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedPlunge
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedRamp
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedRetract
# kind# # # operation:tool_fluteLength 8@
# kind# # # operation:tool_grooveWidth
# operation:tool_hand# R
# kind# # # operation:tool_headLength
# kind# # # operation:tool_holderHeadLength @@
# operation:tool_holderID
# kind# # " operation:tool_holderOverallLength @_@
# operation:tool_holderType# L
# kind# # # operation:tool_insertAngle
# operation:tool_insertID
# operation:tool_insertType# C
# kind# # # operation:tool_insertWidth
# operation:tool_internalThread
# operation:tool_isDrill
# operation:tool_isMill
# operation:tool_isTurning#
# operation:tool_lengthOffset#
# operation:tool_manualToolChange
# operation:tool_material# carbide
# kind# # " operation:tool_maximumSpindleSpeed ��@
# operation:tool_number#
# operation:tool_numberOfFlutes#
# kind# # # operation:tool_overallLength >@
# operation:tool_productId
# kind# # # operation:tool_rampFeedPerTooth
# kind# # # operation:tool_rampSpindleSpeed�7K��@
# kind# # # operation:tool_rampSurfaceSpeed j#A
# kind# # # operation:tool_reliefAngle
# operation:tool_roundShank
# kind# # # operation:tool_shaftDiameter (@
# kind# # # operation:tool_shankHeight 4@
# kind# # # operation:tool_shankWidth 4@
# kind# # # operation:tool_shoulderLength B@
# kind# # # operation:tool_sideAngle
# kind# # # operation:tool_spindleSpeed�7K��@
# kind# # # operation:tool_stockDiameter 9@
# kind# # # operation:tool_surfaceSpeed j�@
# kind# # # operation:tool_taperAngle
# kind# # # operation:tool_thickness #@
# kind# # # operation:tool_threadPitch
# kind# # # operation:tool_tipAngle
# kind# # # operation:tool_tipDiameter������%@
# kind# # # operation:tool_tipLength
# kind# # # operation:tool_tipOffset
# operation:tool_turret
# operation:tool_type# turning general
# operation:tool_unit# millimeters
& operation:tool_useConstantSurfaceSpeed#
# operation:tool_useFeedPerRevolution
# operation:tool_vendor
# operation:advancedMode
# operation:alphaMode
# operation:betaMode
# kind# # # operation:bottom
# operation:bottomAbsolute#
# operation:bottomMode# from surface bottom
# kind# # # operation:bottomOffset
# kind# # # operation:chainingTolerance{#�G�z�?
# kind# # # operation:clearanceHeight �C@
! operation:clearanceHeightAbsolute#
# operation:clearanceHeightMode# from retract height
# kind# # # operation:clearanceHeightOffset @
# operation:compensationType# computer
# kind# # # operation:contourTolerance{#�G�zt?
# operation:doFinishingPasses
# operation:doLeadIn#
# operation:doLeadOut#
# operation:doMultipleFinishingPasses
# operation:doMultiplePasses
# kind# # # operation:entry_angle �F@
# kind# # # operation:entry_distance @
# kind# # # operation:entry_radius
# kind# # # operation:exit_angle �F@
# kind# # # operation:exit_distance @
# kind# # # operation:exit_radius
# operation:exit_sameAsEntry#
# kind# # # operation:finishingStepover �?
# operation:goHomeMode begin end
# kind# # # operation:highFeedrate @�@
# operation:highFeedrateMode# disabled
$ operation:numberOfFinishingStepovers
# operation:numberOfStepovers
# operation:overrideModelSurfaces
# operation:overrideToolView
# kind# # # operation:retractHeight �B@
# operation:retractHeightAbsolute#
# operation:retractHeightMode# from stock top
# kind# # # operation:retractHeightOffset #@
# operation:retractionPolicy# full
# operation:simpleStockToLeave
# kind# # # operation:stepover
# kind# # # operation:stockOffsetFront
# kind# # # operation:stockZHigh @@
# kind# # # operation:stockZLow
# operation:strategy# turningFace
# kind# # # operation:surfaceZHigh >@
# kind# # # operation:surfaceZLow
# kind# # # operation:tolerance{#�G�z�?
% operation:toolViewOriginSelectionMode# modelOrigin
# kind# # operation:top @@
# operation:topAbsolute#
# operation:topMode# from stock top
# kind# # # operation:topOffset
# operation:useConfinement
# operation:useHomePosition#
# operation:useStockToLeave
# kind# # # operation:verticalStockToLeave
# operation:viewOrigin# 0
# operation:viewPlane# 0
# operation:viewReverseX
# operation:viewReverseY
# operation:viewReverseZ
# operation:viewSelection# useWCS
# operation:wcsOriginSelection
top center## ��@
# # �7K��@#
j�@ # # # # # # �A �@ �A A �A
HB @ HB @ 8B @@ 8B @ HB @ HB (B �@ B# #
(@333333�? M G #@# D R >@ 4@ 4@
9@# # # X http://www.cimco- # T
comment # S
nci/parameter/tool-vendor # W http://www.cimco- # _
holder-description# D e f a u l t H o l d e r # [ http://www.cimco- # Z
holder-vendor # ^
# # # #C �? �? �� #C
�? �? �� # � # # # #
# # movement:lead_in @�@# # movement:cutting @�@# #
movement:lead_out @�@# # movement:transition @�@# # movement:direct
@�@# # movement:helix_ramp # # movement:profile_ramp # #
movement:zigzag_ramp # movement:ramp # # movement:plunge
# # movement:predrill @�@# # movement:extended @�@# #
movement:reduced # # movement:finish_cutting @�@# e
#B �f�3 e #B #�#� e #B #�#� d (�#B #�#� zD # d
B ���� zD # d ���� ���� zD# # d �Z[> #�#� zD # e #B #�#�
e #B �f�3 #
1 # :
/ turning
turningRoughing# F http://www.cimco- S t r u g a n j e g r u
b o
# leads-supported#
# hsmworks:operation-id# # # hsmworks:wcs-name # hsmworks:path#
J o b ( 1 ) \ S t r u g a n j e g r u b o
# operation:context operation
# operation:holder_attached
# operation:holder_comment
# operation:holder_description
# operation:holder_libraryName
# operation:holder_productId
# operation:holder_vendor
# operation:metric#
# kind# # # operation:tool_angle
# operation:tool_autoHolderID#
# operation:tool_autoInsertID#
# kind# # # operation:tool_bodyLength N@
# operation:tool_breakControl
# kind# # # operation:tool_chamferHeight
# kind# # # operation:tool_chamferWidth
# operation:tool_clamping# D
# operation:tool_clockwise#
# operation:tool_comment
# operation:tool_compensation# tip tangent
! operation:tool_compensationOffset#
# operation:tool_coolant# flood
# kind# # # operation:tool_cornerRadius333333�?
# operation:tool_crossSection# G
# kind# # # operation:tool_cuttingWidth 9@
# operation:tool_description
# kind# # # operation:tool_diameter (@
# operation:tool_diameterOffset#
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedCutting @�@
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedCuttingRel#-DT�!�?
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedEntry @�@
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedEntryRel#-DT�!�?
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedExit @�@
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedExitRel#-DT�!�?
# kind# # operation:tool_feedPerRevolution
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedPerToothes-8R��?
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedPlunge
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedRamp
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedRetract
# kind# # # operation:tool_fluteLength 8@
# kind# # # operation:tool_grooveWidth
# operation:tool_hand# R
# kind# # # operation:tool_headLength
# kind# # # operation:tool_holderHeadLength @@
# operation:tool_holderID
# kind# # " operation:tool_holderOverallLength @_@
# operation:tool_holderType# L
# kind# # # operation:tool_insertAngle
# operation:tool_insertID
# operation:tool_insertType# C
# kind# # # operation:tool_insertWidth
# operation:tool_internalThread
# operation:tool_isDrill
# operation:tool_isMill
# operation:tool_isTurning#
# operation:tool_lengthOffset#
# operation:tool_manualToolChange
# operation:tool_material# carbide
# kind# # " operation:tool_maximumSpindleSpeed ��@
# operation:tool_number#
# operation:tool_numberOfFlutes#
# kind# # # operation:tool_overallLength >@
# operation:tool_productId
# kind# # # operation:tool_rampFeedPerTooth
# kind# # # operation:tool_rampSpindleSpeed�7K��@
# kind# # # operation:tool_rampSurfaceSpeed j#A
# kind# # # operation:tool_reliefAngle
# operation:tool_roundShank
# kind# # # operation:tool_shaftDiameter (@
# kind# # # operation:tool_shankHeight 4@
# kind# # # operation:tool_shankWidth 4@
# kind# # # operation:tool_shoulderLength B@
# kind# # # operation:tool_sideAngle
# kind# # # operation:tool_spindleSpeed�7K��@
# kind# # # operation:tool_stockDiameter 9@
# kind# # # operation:tool_surfaceSpeed j�@
# kind# # # operation:tool_taperAngle
# kind# # # operation:tool_thickness #@
# kind# # # operation:tool_threadPitch
# kind# # # operation:tool_tipAngle
# kind# # # operation:tool_tipDiameter������%@
# kind# # # operation:tool_tipLength
# kind# # # operation:tool_tipOffset
# operation:tool_turret
# operation:tool_type# turning general
# operation:tool_unit# millimeters
& operation:tool_useConstantSurfaceSpeed#
# operation:tool_useFeedPerRevolution
# operation:tool_vendor
# operation:advancedMode
# operation:allowGrooving#
# operation:alphaMode
# operation:betaMode
# kind# # # operation:bottom
# operation:bottomAbsolute#
# operation:bottomMode# from surface bottom
# kind# # # operation:bottomOffset
# kind# # # operation:chainingTolerance{#�G�z�?
# kind# # # operation:clearanceAngle
# kind# # # operation:clearanceHeight �G@
! operation:clearanceHeightAbsolute#
# operation:clearanceHeightMode# from retract height
# kind# # # operation:clearanceHeightOffset $@
# operation:compensationType# computer
# kind# # # operation:contourTolerance{#�G�zt?
# operation:direction front to back
# operation:doFinishingPasses
# operation:doLeadIn#
# operation:doLeadOut#
# operation:doRoughingPasses#
# kind# # # operation:entry_angle �F@
# kind# # # operation:entry_distance @
# kind# # # operation:entry_extension
# kind# # # operation:entry_radius
# kind# # # operation:exit_angle �F@
# kind# # # operation:exit_distance @
# kind# # # operation:exit_extension
# kind# # # operation:exit_radius
# operation:exit_sameAsEntry#
# operation:goHomeMode begin end
# kind# # # operation:highFeedrate @�@
# operation:highFeedrateMode# disabled
# operation:leadMode# retract
# operation:machineInside
# operation:makeSharpCorners
# kind# # # operation:maximumStepdown @
# kind# # # operation:maximumStepover �?
# operation:nullPass
# operation:numberOfStepovers
# operation:overrideModelSurfaces
# operation:overrideToolView
# kind# # # operation:passAngle
# operation:pullAwayBeforeRetract#
# kind# # # operation:retractHeight �B@
# operation:retractHeightAbsolute#
# operation:retractHeightMode# from stock top
# kind# # # operation:retractHeightOffset #@
# operation:retractionPolicy# minimum
# kind# # # operation:roughingOverlap �?
# kind# # # operation:safeDistance @
# operation:shaftAndHolderMode dont care
# operation:simpleStockToLeave
# operation:smoothingFilter
# kind# # " operation:smoothingFilterTolerance
# kind# # # operation:stockOffsetBack
# kind# # # operation:stockOffsetFront
# kind# # # operation:stockToLeave�������?
# kind# # # operation:stockZHigh @@
# kind# # # operation:stockZLow
# operation:strategy# turningRoughing
# kind# # # operation:surfaceZHigh >@
# kind# # # operation:surfaceZLow
# kind# # # operation:tolerance{#�G�z�?
# kind# # # operation:toolOrientation
% operation:toolViewOriginSelectionMode# modelOrigin
# kind# # operation:top @@
# operation:topAbsolute#
# operation:topMode# from stock top
# kind# # # operation:topOffset
# operation:useConfinement
# operation:useFixedLeads
# operation:useHomePosition#
# operation:useRestMachining
# operation:useShaftAndHolder
# operation:useStockToLeave#
# operation:useTailstock
# operation:useToolOrientation
# kind# # # operation:verticalStockToLeave�������?
# operation:viewOrigin# 0
# operation:viewPlane# 0
# operation:viewReverseX
# operation:viewReverseY
# operation:viewReverseZ
# operation:viewSelection# useWCS
# operation:wcsOriginSelection
top center## ��@
# # �7K��@#
j�@ # # # # # # �A �@ �A A �A
HB @ HB @ 8B @@ 8B @ HB @ HB (B �@ B# #
(@333333�? M G #@# D R >@ 4@ 4@
9@# # # X http://www.cimco- # T
comment # S
nci/parameter/tool-vendor # W http://www.cimco- # _
holder-description# D e f a u l t H o l d e r # [ http://www.cimco- # Z
holder-vendor # ^
# # # #C �? �? �� #C
�? �? �� # �# # # #
# # movement:lead_in @�@# # movement:cutting @�@# #
movement:lead_out @�@# # movement:transition @�@# # movement:direct
@�@# # movement:helix_ramp # # movement:profile_ramp # #
movement:zigzag_ramp # movement:ramp # # movement:plunge
# # movement:predrill @�@# # movement:extended @�@# #
movement:reduced # # movement:finish_cutting @�@# e
<B �f�3 e ##<B �f�3 e ##<B v�#� e ��#B v�#� d NP�A
v�#� zD # d �A ‫ � أ‬zD # d �A �H�� zD# # n 43�A ff��ff�A
ff�� �? zD # d 43�A 33#� zD # d ��A 33#� zD# # d �#B )
�#� zD # e �#B v�#� e NP�A v�#� d �A ‫ � أ‬zD # d �A
�9�� zD# # n rs�A ##��ff�A ff�� �? zD # d rs�A ##�� zD #
n 43�A ff��ff�A ff�� �? zD# # d ���A R��� zD # e ���A
v�#� e NP�A v�#� d ���A ‫ � أ‬zD # d ���A 33�� zD# # d ff�A
33�� zD # n rs�A ##��ff�A ff�� �? zD # d �A FF�� zD# #
d NP�A 2r�� zD # e NP�A v�#� e NP�A v�#� d ���A ‫ � أ‬zD
# d ���A 33�� zD# # d ���A 33�� zD# # d NP�A #_�� zD # e NP�A
v�#� e MP�A v�#� d ���A ‫ � أ‬zD # d ���A 33�� zD# # d ���A
33�� zD# # d NP�A #_�� zD # e NP�A v�#� e MP�A v�#� d ��A
‫ � أ‬zD # d ��A 33�� zD# # d ���A 33�� zD# # d MP�A #_�� zD # e
MP�A v�#� e LP�A v�#� d ��A ‫ � أ‬zD # d ��A 33�� zD# # d
��A 33�� zD# # d MP�A #_�� zD # e MP�A v�#� e LP�A v�#�
d �A ‫ � أ‬zD # d �A ���� zD# # o gf�A 33��gf�A ff�� � �?
� zD # d ��A 33�� zD# # d LP�A #_�� zD # e LP�A v�#� e #
�A v�#� d osoA ‫ � أ‬zD # d osoA (�F� zD# # n gfvA ff����\A
ff�� �? zD # d gfvA ff�� zD # o gf�A 33��gf�A ff�� �
�? � zD # d ��A 33�� zD# # d LP�A #_�� zD # e LP�A v�#� e
��uA v�#� d ��^A ‫ � أ‬zD # d ��^A ld#� zD# # d ��nA ldD� zD
# n gfvA ff����\A ff�� �? zD# # d ���A TJ2� zD # d ��A
TJ2� zD # e ##<B TJ2� e ##<B �f�3 e <B �f�3 #
1 # :
/ turning
turningRoughing# F http://www.cimco- S t r u g a n j e f i n
# leads-supported#
# hsmworks:operation-id# # # hsmworks:wcs-name # hsmworks:path#
J o b ( 1 ) \ S t r u g a n j e f i n o
# operation:context operation
# operation:holder_attached
# operation:holder_comment
# operation:holder_description
# operation:holder_libraryName
# operation:holder_productId
# operation:holder_vendor
# operation:metric#
# kind# # # operation:tool_angle
# operation:tool_autoHolderID#
# operation:tool_autoInsertID#
# kind# # # operation:tool_bodyLength I@
# operation:tool_breakControl
# kind# # # operation:tool_chamferHeight
# kind# # # operation:tool_chamferWidth
# operation:tool_clamping# D
# operation:tool_clockwise#
# operation:tool_comment
# operation:tool_compensation# tip tangent
! operation:tool_compensationOffset#
# operation:tool_coolant# flood
# kind# # # operation:tool_cornerRadius�������?
# operation:tool_crossSection# T
# kind# # # operation:tool_cuttingWidth 9@
# operation:tool_description# Struganje fino
# kind# # # operation:tool_diameter $@
# operation:tool_diameterOffset#
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedCutting @�@
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedCuttingRel������
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedEntry @�@
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedEntryRel������
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedExit @�@
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedExitRel������
# kind# # operation:tool_feedPerRevolution
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedPerToothr#�q#��?
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedPlunge
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedRamp
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedRetract
# kind# # # operation:tool_fluteLength 4@
# kind# # # operation:tool_grooveWidth
# operation:tool_hand# R
# kind# # # operation:tool_headLength
# kind# # # operation:tool_holderHeadLength @@
# operation:tool_holderID
# kind# # " operation:tool_holderOverallLength @_@
# operation:tool_holderType# L
# kind# # # operation:tool_insertAngle
# operation:tool_insertID
# operation:tool_insertType# C
# kind# # # operation:tool_insertWidth
# operation:tool_internalThread
# operation:tool_isDrill
# operation:tool_isMill
# operation:tool_isTurning#
# operation:tool_lengthOffset#
# operation:tool_manualToolChange
# operation:tool_material# carbide
# kind# # " operation:tool_maximumSpindleSpeed ��@
# operation:tool_number#
# operation:tool_numberOfFlutes#
# kind# # # operation:tool_overallLength >@
# operation:tool_productId
# kind# # # operation:tool_rampFeedPerTooth
# kind# # # operation:tool_rampSpindleSpeed �r@
# kind# # # operation:tool_rampSurfaceSpeed��Ey|#�@
# kind# # # operation:tool_reliefAngle
# operation:tool_roundShank
# kind# # # operation:tool_shaftDiameter $@
# kind# # # operation:tool_shankHeight 4@
# kind# # # operation:tool_shankWidth 4@
# kind# # # operation:tool_shoulderLength >@
# kind# # # operation:tool_sideAngle
# kind# # # operation:tool_spindleSpeed �r@
# kind# # # operation:tool_stockDiameter 9@
# kind# # # operation:tool_surfaceSpeed��Ey|#�@
# kind# # # operation:tool_taperAngle
# kind# # # operation:tool_thickness #@
# kind# # # operation:tool_threadPitch
# kind# # # operation:tool_tipAngle
# kind# # # operation:tool_tipDiameter333333#@
# kind# # # operation:tool_tipLength
# kind# # # operation:tool_tipOffset
# operation:tool_turret
# operation:tool_type# turning general
# operation:tool_unit# millimeters
& operation:tool_useConstantSurfaceSpeed
# operation:tool_useFeedPerRevolution
# operation:tool_vendor
# operation:advancedMode
# operation:allowGrooving#
# operation:alphaMode
# operation:betaMode
# kind# # # operation:bottom
# operation:bottomAbsolute#
# operation:bottomMode# from surface bottom
# kind# # # operation:bottomOffset
# kind# # # operation:chainingTolerance{#�G�z�?
# kind# # # operation:clearanceAngle
# kind# # # operation:clearanceHeight �G@
! operation:clearanceHeightAbsolute#
# operation:clearanceHeightMode# from retract height
# kind# # # operation:clearanceHeightOffset $@
# operation:compensationType# computer
# kind# # # operation:contourTolerance{#�G�zt?
# operation:direction front to back
# operation:doFinishingPasses#
# operation:doLeadIn#
# operation:doLeadOut#
# operation:doRoughingPasses
# kind# # # operation:entry_angle �F@
# kind# # # operation:entry_distance @
# kind# # # operation:entry_extension
# kind# # # operation:entry_radius
# kind# # # operation:exit_angle �F@
# kind# # # operation:exit_distance @
# kind# # # operation:exit_extension
# kind# # # operation:exit_radius
# operation:exit_sameAsEntry#
# operation:goHomeMode begin end
# kind# # # operation:highFeedrate @�@
# operation:highFeedrateMode# disabled
# operation:leadMode# retract
# operation:machineInside
# operation:makeSharpCorners
# kind# # # operation:maximumStepdown
# kind# # # operation:maximumStepover �?
# operation:nullPass#
# operation:numberOfStepovers#
# operation:overrideModelSurfaces
# operation:overrideToolView
# kind# # # operation:passAngle
# operation:pullAwayBeforeRetract#
# kind# # # operation:retractHeight �B@
# operation:retractHeightAbsolute#
# operation:retractHeightMode# from stock top
# kind# # # operation:retractHeightOffset #@
# operation:retractionPolicy# minimum
# kind# # # operation:roughingOverlap
# kind# # # operation:safeDistance @
# operation:shaftAndHolderMode dont care
# operation:simpleStockToLeave
# operation:smoothingFilter
# kind# # " operation:smoothingFilterTolerance
# kind# # # operation:stockOffsetBack
# kind# # # operation:stockOffsetFront
# kind# # # operation:stockToLeave
# kind# # # operation:stockZHigh @@
# kind# # # operation:stockZLow
# operation:strategy# turningRoughing
# kind# # # operation:surfaceZHigh >@
# kind# # # operation:surfaceZLow
# kind# # # operation:tolerance{#�G�z�?
# kind# # # operation:toolOrientation
% operation:toolViewOriginSelectionMode# modelOrigin
# kind# # operation:top @@
# operation:topAbsolute#
# operation:topMode# from stock top
# kind# # # operation:topOffset
# operation:useConfinement
# operation:useFixedLeads
# operation:useHomePosition#
# operation:useRestMachining#
# operation:useShaftAndHolder
# operation:useStockToLeave
# operation:useTailstock
# operation:useToolOrientation
# kind# # # operation:verticalStockToLeave
# operation:viewOrigin# 0
# operation:viewPlane# 0
# operation:viewReverseX
# operation:viewReverseY
# operation:viewReverseZ
# operation:viewSelection# useWCS
# operation:wcsOriginSelection
top center## ��@
# #
�r@# ��Ey|#�@ # # # # # # �A
�@ �A A �A HB @ HB @ 8B @@ 8B @ HB @ HB (B �@ B #
$@�������? M T #@# D R >@ 4@ 4@
9@# # # X http://www.cimco- S t r u
g a n j e f i n o # T http://www.cimco- # S
# W
nci/parameter/tool-product-id # _ http://www.cimco- D
e f a u l t H o l d e r # [ http://www.cimco- # Z
holder-vendor # ^
# # # #C �? �? �� #C
�? �? �� # �# # # #
# # movement:lead_in @�@# # movement:cutting @�@# #
movement:lead_out @�@# # movement:transition @�@# # movement:direct
@�@# # movement:helix_ramp # # movement:profile_ramp # #
movement:zigzag_ramp # movement:ramp # # movement:plunge
# # movement:predrill @�@# # movement:extended @�@# #
movement:reduced # # movement:finish_cutting @�@# e
<B ��K� e ##<B ��K� e ##<B #�3� e #�}A #�3� d ��tA
#�3� zD # d ^A �#� zD # d nA �G� zD# # n pA ��Y��iA
��Y� �? zD # d pA �̞� zD # o �̌A ���̌A �̞� � �? �
zD # d ���A �� zD # n ##�A �;�����A �̤� �? zD # d
##�A �;�� zD # n �A �̦����A �̦� �? zD # d �A gf#�
zD# # d NP�A ]�#� zD # e NP�A #�3� e ��tA #�3� d ^A
�#� zD # d nA �G� zD# # n pA ��Y��iA ��Y� �? zD #
d pA �̞� zD # o �̌A ���̌A �̞� � �? � zD # d ���A ��
zD # n ##�A �;�����A �̤� �? zD # d ##�A �;�� zD # n
�A �̦����A �̦� �? zD # d �A gf#� zD# # d NP�A ]�#� zD
# d B ]�#� zD # e ##<B ]�#� e ##<B ��K� e <B ��K�
1 # :
/ turning
turningPart# F
comment T u r n i n g P a r t 1
# leads-supported#
# hsmworks:operation-id# # # hsmworks:wcs-name # hsmworks:path#
J o b ( 1 ) \ T u r n i n g P a r t 1
# operation:context operation
# operation:holder_attached
# operation:holder_comment
# operation:holder_description
# operation:holder_libraryName
# operation:holder_productId
# operation:holder_vendor
# operation:metric#
# kind# # # operation:tool_angle
# operation:tool_autoHolderID#
# operation:tool_autoInsertID#
# kind# # # operation:tool_bodyLength I@
# operation:tool_breakControl
# kind# # # operation:tool_chamferHeight
# kind# # # operation:tool_chamferWidth
# operation:tool_clamping# D
# operation:tool_clockwise#
# operation:tool_comment
# operation:tool_compensation# tip tangent
! operation:tool_compensationOffset#
# operation:tool_coolant# flood
# kind# # # operation:tool_cornerRadius�������?
# operation:tool_crossSection# T
# kind# # # operation:tool_cuttingWidth 4@
# operation:tool_description# Sjecenje
# kind# # # operation:tool_diameter $@
# operation:tool_diameterOffset#
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedCutting @�@
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedCuttingRel������
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedEntry @�@
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedEntryRel������
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedExit @�@
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedExitRel������
# kind# # operation:tool_feedPerRevolution
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedPerToothr#�q#��?
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedPlunge
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedRamp
# kind# # # operation:tool_feedRetract
# kind# # # operation:tool_fluteLength 4@
# kind# # # operation:tool_grooveWidth #@
# operation:tool_hand# R
# kind# # # operation:tool_headLength #@
# kind# # # operation:tool_holderHeadLength @@
# operation:tool_holderID
# kind# # " operation:tool_holderOverallLength @_@
# operation:tool_holderType# groove external
# kind# # # operation:tool_insertAngle
# operation:tool_insertID
# operation:tool_insertType groove square
# kind# # # operation:tool_insertWidth������#@
# operation:tool_internalThread
# operation:tool_isDrill
# operation:tool_isMill
# operation:tool_isTurning#
# operation:tool_lengthOffset#
# operation:tool_manualToolChange
# operation:tool_material# carbide
# kind# # " operation:tool_maximumSpindleSpeed ��@
# operation:tool_number#
# operation:tool_numberOfFlutes#
# kind# # # operation:tool_overallLength >@
# operation:tool_productId
# kind# # # operation:tool_rampFeedPerTooth
# kind# # # operation:tool_rampSpindleSpeed �r@
# kind# # # operation:tool_rampSurfaceSpeed��Ey|#�@
# kind# # # operation:tool_reliefAngle
# operation:tool_roundShank
# kind# # # operation:tool_shaftDiameter $@
# kind# # # operation:tool_shankHeight 4@
# kind# # # operation:tool_shankWidth 4@
# kind# # # operation:tool_shoulderLength >@
# kind# # # operation:tool_sideAngle
# kind# # # operation:tool_spindleSpeed �r@
# kind# # # operation:tool_stockDiameter 9@
# kind# # # operation:tool_surfaceSpeed��Ey|#�@
# kind# # # operation:tool_taperAngle
# kind# # # operation:tool_thickness #@
# kind# # # operation:tool_threadPitch
# kind# # # operation:tool_tipAngle
# kind# # # operation:tool_tipDiameterffffff"@
# kind# # # operation:tool_tipLength
# kind# # # operation:tool_tipOffset
# operation:tool_turret
# operation:tool_type# turning grooving
# operation:tool_unit# millimeters
& operation:tool_useConstantSurfaceSpeed
# operation:tool_useFeedPerRevolution
# operation:tool_vendor
# operation:advancedMode
# operation:alphaMode
# operation:betaMode
# kind# # # operation:bottom
# operation:bottomAbsolute#
# operation:bottomMode# from surface bottom
# kind# # # operation:bottomOffset
# kind# # # operation:chainingTolerance{#�G�z�?
# kind# # # operation:clearanceHeight �G@
! operation:clearanceHeightAbsolute#
# operation:clearanceHeightMode# from retract height
# kind# # # operation:clearanceHeightOffset $@
# operation:compensationType# computer
# kind# # # operation:contourTolerance{#�G�zt?
# operation:doFinishingPasses
# kind# # # operation:finishingStepover433333�?
# operation:goHomeMode begin end
# kind# # # operation:highFeedrate @�@
# operation:highFeedrateMode# disabled
# operation:overrideModelSurfaces
# operation:overrideToolView
# kind# # # operation:peck $@
# kind# # # operation:peckRetract @
# kind# # " operation:reducedPartingFeedRadius $@
# kind# # operation:reducedPartingFeedrate @o@
# kind# # # operation:retractHeight �B@
# operation:retractHeightAbsolute#
# operation:retractHeightMode# from stock top
# kind# # # operation:retractHeightOffset #@
# operation:retractionPolicy# full
# kind# # # operation:roughStockToLeave #@
# operation:simpleStockToLeave
# kind# # # operation:stockOffsetBack
# kind# # # operation:stockZHigh @@
# kind# # # operation:stockZLow
# operation:strategy# turningPart
# kind# # # operation:surfaceZHigh >@
# kind# # # operation:surfaceZLow
# kind# # # operation:tolerance{#�G�z�?
% operation:toolViewOriginSelectionMode# modelOrigin
# kind# # operation:top @@
# operation:topAbsolute#
# operation:topMode# from stock top
# kind# # # operation:topOffset
# operation:transferStock
# operation:useConfinement
# operation:useHomePosition#
# operation:usePartCatcher
# operation:usePecking
# operation:useReducedPartingFeedrate
# operation:useStockToLeave
# kind# # # operation:verticalStockToLeave
# operation:viewOrigin# 0
# operation:viewPlane# 0
# operation:viewReverseX
# operation:viewReverseY
# operation:viewReverseZ
# operation:viewSelection# useWCS
# operation:wcsOriginSelection
top center## ��@
# #
�r@# ��Ey|#�@ # # # # # # �A
�@ �A A �A HB @ HB @ 8B @@ 8B @ HB @ HB (B �@ B #
$@�������? M T #@# D R >@ #@ 4@ 4@
4@# # # X http://www.cimco- S j e c
e n j e # T
nci/parameter/tool-comment # S http://www.cimco- # W
product-id # _
nci/parameter/tool-holder-description# D e f a u l t H o l d e r #
holder-comment # Z http://www.cimco- # ^
# # # #C �? �? �� #C
�? �? �� # �# # # #
# # movement:lead_in @�@# # movement:cutting @�@# #
movement:lead_out @�@# # movement:transition @�@# # movement:direct
@�@# # movement:helix_ramp # # movement:profile_ramp # #
movement:zigzag_ramp # movement:ramp # # movement:plunge
# # movement:predrill @�@# # movement:extended @�@# #
movement:reduced # # movement:finish_cutting @�@
F #
e <B e <B #� e #B #� d ��L� #� zD# #
d #B #� zD# # e <B #� e <B
F #

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