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Dynamic ARC Flash Analysis Siemens

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Siemens Dynamic Arc Flash

Reduction System and its application

in low voltage switchboards
Prepared by Brad Zilch and Jeff Rohde,
Consulting Business Developers

The risk of Arc Flash is a growing concern complete the task when de-energizating
within the electrical equipment community would introduce an additional or
and among both designers and workers. increased hazard or is infeasible. This is
Current research shows that up to 80% of where many accidents occur and the risks
reported electrical injuries are caused by and effects of an arc flash are the
an electrical arc1. This fact has spawned greatest. The Dynamic Arc Flash Sentry
new requirements and standards in system is designed to greatly reduce the
governing documents, such as in NFPA 70E risk and level of arc flash while the
and the NEC. These documents address the equipment is energized. Siemens
safety of workers on and around energized Dynamic Arc Flash Sentry Technology
electrical equipment. In response to safety uses a dual function setting of the
needs and to fulfill these standards, Siemens ETU776 electronic trip unit in the
has developed new technologies to address Siemens WL power circuit breaker. The
the issue of arc flash, and help mitigate its trip unit has two parameters (A and B),
risk. This paper will explore the capabilities that allow the operator to switch back
of the Dynamic Arc Flash Sentry (DAS), and forth from a normal operating mode
investigate an example case, and show the to a maintenance mode. The maintenance
benefits of this technology in switchboards. mode (Parameter B) has a reduced
instantaneous trip setting in the WL main
Siemens strongly recommends that all breaker. By reducing the instantaneous
systems be de-energized when personnel region, the trip timing of the system is
are working on electrical equipment. In some accelerated. This reduction clears a fault
circumstances qualified professionals may much sooner than the original operating
need to access and work near energized time. This decreases the amount of
equipment. Testing, troubleshooting, energy available for an arc flash and
diagnostics and a continuous process reduces the danger zone, known as the
segment require that power remain on to arc flash boundary (AFB).

White Paper
2 White Paper | Dynamic Arc Flash Reduction System | August 2010

Let’s look at an example of how the DAS can function to with the main breaker upstream, it is appropriate to analyze the
increase safety and help mitigate the risks associated with arc time current curve (TCC) to see the trip parameters for long time,
flash. We will use a sample system that is based on an actual short time, and instantaneous trips. Typically in a switchboard, as
application in the field. This example was set up with aid from with MSB1 in Figure 1, there are numerous operating devices
ESA and their EasyPower software2 tool to help create the present. The resulting TCC for this switchboard would be cluttered
switchboard layout and calculate the associated arc flash and virtually unreadable. For this example, we selected the three
energies. Figure 1 shows a typical switchboard with a Siemens most relevant devices to display, that will affect the coordination of
WL as a main breaker and numerous feeder breakers supplying the upstream breaker. Figure 2 shows the TCCs of 4 devices: the
power to different loads. main device a 1600A Siemens WL1600S, a 600A Siemens LXD6
feeder circuit breaker, a 225A Siemens HFD6 feeder circuit breaker,
This switchboard configuration will serve as the basis for this and an 800A Siemens WL800S feeder breaker. The other two
example. To properly coordinate the breakers in the switchboard breakers are left off of this figure for clarity sake.

Figure 1 – Switchboard example one-line diagram

A white paper issued by Siemens. ©2010 Siemens Industry, Inc. All rights reserved.
White Paper | Dynamic Arc Flash Reduction System | August 2010 3

As you can see in Figure 2, the 1600A WL breaker is coordinated analysis across the system to determine the calculated risk of
with each of the devices downstream from it. The WL main has a working on this switchboard. The arc flash boundary, the incident
typical instantaneous trip time of approximately 0.32 to 0.41 energy, and proper personal protective equipment (PPE) can be
seconds at 7kA or greater. The next step is to run an arc flash hazard calculated based on IEEE 15843 and NFPA 70E4.

Figure 2 – TCC of Parameter A – Normal Operating Mode

A white paper issued by Siemens. ©2010 Siemens Industry, Inc. All rights reserved.
4 White Paper | Dynamic Arc Flash Reduction System | August 2010

Figure 3 – Arc Flash in Parameter A

Figure 3 shows the conditions that appear at the switchboard fault, which then makes a safer work environment. This solution lies
when a fault occurs on the bus in MSB1. The incident energy is in Dynamic Arc Flash Sentry Technology.
calculated to be 24.4 cal/cm2 and a PPE level #3 clothing at 18
inches. This level of PPE would require the qualified personnel to Instead of working under these conditions, the DAS allows the
wear flame resistant shirt, pants and coverall plus cotton flexibility for the worker to switch from the normal operating
underwear per NEPA 70E and Table 1 below. All of this equipment settings of Parameter A, to the lower arc flash energy settings of
will need a minimum arc rating of 25. As the PPE level increases, Parameter B. The goal is that when any qualified person is working
the material can become increasingly bulky and hot, leading to on or near this equipment, the system will be set to Parameter B.
uncomfortable work conditions for any personnel. This figure This is made possible by the dual protection capability of the
also shows that the arc flash boundary (AFB) is 112.7 inches ETU776 trip unit. Lowering the instantaneous trip settings of the WL
away from the switchboard in every direction. To have breaker ensures that the time it takes for an electric fault to clear
personnel working on or around this electrical equipment will be decreased, providing a safer working environment.
can be extremely hazardous. Additionally, the WL breaker adjusts by ramping up or down to the
programmed level. On some other breakers, when adjusting
So how can we resolve this problem? The goal would be to reduce settings while energized, the breaker will default to a minimum
the arc flash risk by lowering the amount of incident energy of when the dial is turned. This could cause a nuisance tripping
the system. This is done by reducing the clearing time of the turning off power to the entire facility.

A white paper issued by Siemens. ©2010 Siemens Industry, Inc. All rights reserved.
White Paper | Dynamic Arc Flash Reduction System | August 2010 5

Let’s look at the second part of the example.

Figure 4 – TCC of Parameter B – Enhanced Safety Mode

When switching from Parameter A to Parameter B, each of the long time, short time, and instantaneous pickup of the ETU 776
settings is kept the same in the switchboard, except the trip unit. However, these changes are not required and can be
instantaneous trip setting of the WL main breaker. The TCC for kept the same for simplicity reasons. In this example, only the
Parameter B is displayed in Figure 4. As can be seen, the WL main instantaneous pickup was reduced between Parameter A and B,
overlaps the WL feeder breaker in the instantaneous region, which keeping all other trip unit and main breaker settings the same.
was lowered to 10kA, while the other regions remain coordinated When an electrical fault is applied to the MSB1 bus in Parameter B,
appropriately. This provides another example of the flexibility of the difference can be seen. When we look at Figure 5, we see a
the ETU 776 trip unit in the Dynamic Arc Flash system. This dramatic reduction in the Arc Flash boundary, incident energy and
system allows the user to alter the trip delay settings, as well as category of PPE required.

A white paper issued by Siemens. ©2010 Siemens Industry, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 White Paper | Dynamic Arc Flash Reduction System | August 2010

Figure 5 – Arc Flash in Parameter B

Now let’s compare the TCCs from Parameter A and B when they consider. First, to maintain a reliable system and avoid nuisance
are side by side, as shown in Figure 6. This clearly shows that tripping due to normal operating currents in Parameter B, inrush
the only parameter that is changed is the main WL breaker, currents must be taken into account. In this example, a 1500kVA
with the instantaneous pickup being reduced. transformer with a 480V secondary side and 5.75% impedance has
a typical full load current of 1805 amps. If the system has a 300 HP
By switching from Parameter A to B, the DAS allows a temporary motor, then when running the motor’s full load amperage is 361
overlapping of the main breaker with a feeder breaker. However, to amps. This would give a typical inrush current of around 4700
fully understanding this situation, there are two main points to amps5. With a peak inrush current lasting less than 1 second, this

Figure 6 – Parameter A and B Comparison

A white paper issued by Siemens. ©2010 Siemens Industry, Inc. All rights reserved.
White Paper | Dynamic Arc Flash Reduction System | August 2010 7

value is still well below the instantaneous pickup of the main circuit References
breaker at 10kA. Even with multiple devices and other loads 1. National Technology Transfer, Inc NFPA 70E/ Arc Flash:
running, a very high current spike would need to exist in order to Electrical Safety. Edition 3.1
trip the main. The reality is that if the system is designed correctly, it
will coordinate and nuisance tripping should be avoided. In 2. EasyPower Software. ESA
addition, the safety benefits are enhanced to the qualified
electrician who is standing near an energized switchboard. This 3. IEEE Std 1584-2002
leads to the second and more realistic point of understanding the
temporary overlap of the main breaker with a feeder. Parameter B 4. NFPA 70E: Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace.
does present an overlap of coordination; however the intent of this 2009 Edition
system is to create a significantly safer environment when the
equipment is energized. Safety should be the primary concern when 5. “Inrush Current of Standard and High Efficiency Motors.”
the equipment can not be de-energized. To lessen the arc flash Siemens Industry Automation and Drive Technologies,
level, the DAS provides the flexibility of the full range of settings to Service & Support.
create a safer environment for workers. In this way, the DAS system
provides a unique solution for the industry. 6. “Siemens Dynamic Arc Flash Reduction System and its Application
in Motor Control Centers” by Mike Sachau, Product Engineer
The Dynamic Arc Flash Sentry has been available from Siemens in
low voltage switchboard applications for some time. It has recently
become available in Siemens new ArcSentry Motor Control Centers.
This technology can be employed in Siemens switchgear as well.
Siemens is listening to its customers and meeting the highest
industry standards. By offering a system that has the flexibility to
actually reduce the amount of arc flash incident energy without
forcing customers to choose reliability over safety, the Dynamic Arc
Flash System is addressing the difficult challenges related to
electrical worker safety.6

A white paper issued by Siemens. ©2010 Siemens Industry, Inc. All rights reserved.
The information provided in this brochure contains merely
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Siemens Industry, Inc. Subject to change without prior notice
which in case of actual use do not always apply as described
Building Technologies Division Order No.: SWWP-DASSG-0810 or which may change as a result of further development
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