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EGUSD - Narrative Rubric, Grade - 1

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EGUSD Narrative Rubric, Grade ___1___

4 3 2 1
(Above Grade Level) (At Grade Level) (Approaching Grade Level) (Below Grade Level)
Focus/ Establishes a well-elaborated Recounts two or more Attempts to recount two Fails to recount two
Setting recounting of two or more appropriately sequenced events appropriately sequenced events. sequenced events. Events
appropriately sequenced events Missing information creates are irrelevant or not related.
CCSS*: confusion.

Uses temporal words and phrases to Uses temporal words to signal Limited use of temporal words to No use of temporal words or
Organization signal event order event order signal event order only uses temporal words
/Plot without events.
CCSS: Provides clear closure. Provide a sense of closure Attempts to provide closure Does not provide closure
Narrative Includes vivid details that describe Includes details that describes Includes few or irrelevant details to Insufficient or no details
Techniques what happened what happened describe what happened
Uses common, proper, possessive, Uses some common, proper, and Uses few common, proper, and Does not use common,
Language- and collective nouns correctly possessive nouns correctly possessive nouns correctly proper, and possessive
Conventions nouns correctly
of Grammar Uses verb tenses and plural nouns Uses singular and plural nouns Uses some singular and plural Does not use singular and
and Usage
correctly, including irregular forms with correctly matching verbs nouns with correctly matching verbs plural nouns with correctly
CCSS: matching verbs
L 1b, c, Produces, expands, and rearranges Produces correct simple and Produces mostly correct simple and Produces mostly incorrect
and j simple and compound sentences compound sentences compound sentences simple and compound
Capitalizes correctly and Capitalizes correctly and Capitalizes correctly and Capitalizes incorrectly with
consistently with no errors: first consistently with a minor error: consistently with some errors: first many errors
word in a sentence, I, proper first word in a sentence, I, word in a sentence, I, proper
Language nouns, and titles proper nouns, and titles nouns, and titles
Conventions Uses commas, apostrophes, and Uses commas in a series and with Uses commas, apostrophes, and Uses commas, apostrophes,
of end punctuation correctly all the a conjunction correctly; uses end end punctuation correctly some of and end punctuation
Capitalization time punctuation correctly the time incorrectly or not at all
and Applies conventional spelling for Applies conventional spelling for Applies little to no sound/
Spelling Applies conventional spelling for words with common spelling most consonant and short-vowel spelling correspondence of
words with common spelling patterns and frequently occurring sounds consonants and short vowels
CCSS: patterns and irregular sight words irregular words
L 2 a-e
Spells untaught words Spells simple words phonetically Spells little to no simple
phonetically words phonetically
Spells with learned spelling
patterns with untaught words

*CCSS Common Core State Standards alignment (W = Writing strand; L= Language strand)

CA Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Alignment

NOTES: In the left criterion boxes of the rubric, the CCSS-aligned standards have been identified. As a resource for teachers, below are the standards for the current
grade (1st) as well as the previous and subsequent grades. Since the rubric score of 4 represents above grade level work, the 2nd grade standards were referenced.

The letter abbreviations are as follows: CCSS = Common Core State Standards W = Writing RL= Reading Literature L=Language

Kindergarten 1st 2nd
3. Use a combination of drawing, 3. Write narratives in which they recount two 3. Write narratives in which they recount a well-
dictating, and writing to narrate a or more appropriately sequenced events, elaborated event or short sequence of events,
single event or several loosely linked include some details regarding what include details to describe actions, thoughts,
events, tell about the events in the happened, use temporal words to signal and feelings, use temporal words to signal event
order in which they occurred, and event order, and provide some sense of order, and provide a sense of closure.
provide a reaction to what happened. closure.
1. Demonstrate command of the 1. Demonstrate command of the conventions 1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of
conventions of standard English of standard English grammar and usage standard English grammar and usage when
grammar and usage when writing or when writing or speaking. writing or speaking.
speaking. a. Print all upper- and lowercase letters.
of Grammar
c. Use singular and plural nouns with matching
and Usage
verbs in basic sentences (e.g., He hops; We
2. Demonstrate command of the 2. Demonstrate command of the conventions 2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of
conventions of standard English of standard English capitalization, standard English capitalization, punctuation,
capitalization, punctuation, and punctuation, and spelling when writing. and spelling when writing.
spelling when writing.
a. Capitalize dates and names of people. b. Use collective nouns (e.g., group).
a. Capitalize the first word in a sentence b. Use end punctuation for sentences. c. Form and use frequently occurring irregular
and the pronoun I. c. Use commas in dates and to separate single plural nouns (e.g., feet, children, teeth, mice,
b. Recognize and name end punctuation. words in a series. fish).
c. Write a letter or letters for most d. Use conventional spelling for words with e. Form and use the past tense of frequently
consonant and short-vowel sounds common spelling patterns and for occurring irregular verbs (e.g., sat, hid, told).
(phonemes). frequently occurring irregular words. g. Produce, expand, and rearrange complete
d. Spell simple words phonetically, e. Spell untaught words phonetically, drawing simple and compound sentences.
drawing on knowledge of sound-letter on phonemic awareness and spelling
relationships conventions.


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