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Nuclear Engineering and Technology: Long Yun, Zhu Rongsheng, Wang Dezhong

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Original Article

A cavitation performance prediction method for pumps PART1-

Proposal and feasibility
Long Yun a, *, Zhu Rongsheng a, **, Wang Dezhong b
National Research Center of Pumps, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, 212013, Jiangsu, China
School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, 200240, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Pumps are essential machinery in the various industries. With the development of high-speed and large-
Received 4 January 2020 scale pumps, especially high energy density, high requirements have been imposed on the vibration and
Received in revised form noise performance of pumps, and cavitation is an important source of vibration and noise excitation in
14 February 2020
pumps, so it is necessary to improve pumps cavitation performance. The modern pump optimization
Accepted 7 April 2020
Available online xxx
design method mainly adopts parameterization and artificial intelligence coupling optimization, which
requires direct correlation between geometric parameters and pump performance. The existing cavita-
tion performance calculation method is difficult to be integrated into multi-objective automatic coupling
optimization. Therefore, a fast prediction method for pump cavitation performance is urgently needed.
Cavitation performance prediction method This paper proposes a novel cavitation prediction method based on impeller pressure isosurface at
Cavitation single-phase media. When the cavitation occurs, the area of pressure isosurface Siso increases linearly
Pressure isosurface with the NPSHa decrease. This demonstrates that with the development of cavitation, the variation law of
the head with the NPSHa and the variation law of the head with the area of pressure isosurface are
consistent. Therefore, the area of pressure isosurface Siso can be used to predict cavitation performance.
For a certain impeller blade, since the area ratio Rs is proportional to the area of pressure isosurface Siso,
the cavitation performance can be predicted by the Rs. In this paper, a new cavitation performance
prediction method is proposed, and the feasibility of this method is demonstrated in combination with
experiments, which will greatly accelerate the pump hydraulic optimization design.
© 2020 Korean Nuclear Society, Published by Elsevier Korea LLC. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction and noise. With the development of high-speed and large-scale

pumps, especially high energy density, high requirements have
Pumps are essential machinery in the various industries, espe- been imposed on the vibration and noise performance of pumps,
cially in nuclear power plant systems, energy storage heat exchange and cavitation is an important source of vibration and noise exci-
system, high-performance liquid rocket engine turbopump and tation in pumps. Due to the negative effect of cavitation on the
ship water-jet propulsion device. When cavitation occurs in the pump performance, it is necessary to improve the cavitation per-
pump, it will also result in surface metal erosion of the hydraulic formance of the pump. Currently, the rapid cavitation prediction
components. The surface erosion reduces the energy delivery effi- method is lacked for the pump optimization.The cavitation phe-
ciency and causes high maintenance costs. The performance nomenon includes the phase transition process and the large-scale
degradation of the pump will also affect the stability of the pump vortex of the vapor phase and the liquid phase. Katz [1] found that
system, and serious threat to the safety operation. Generally, the axial shear vortex structures have an effect on the development of
design of the pump mainly ensures high efficiency at high speed by cavitation in the separation region. Laberteaux [2] used high speed
designing the impeller and the diffuser, and at the same time meets photography to observe the cavitation eddy flow structures in the
special requirements such as strong anti-cavitation, small vibration closed area of the attached cavitation. Cavitation flow is a complex
unsteady two-phase turbulent flow with very complex mass, mo-
mentum and energy exchanges between the bubble and the liquid.
Accurate prediction and simulation of cavitation vortex flow put
* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author. forward a huge challenge to the numerical simulation method of
E-mail addresses: (L. Yun), (Z. Rongsheng). cavitation. In recent years, with the development of computational
1738-5733/© 2020 Korean Nuclear Society, Published by Elsevier Korea LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article as: L. Yun et al., A cavitation performance prediction method for pumps PART1-Proposal and feasibility, Nuclear
Engineering and Technology,
2 L. Yun et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx

fluid dynamics, the numerical calculation of cavitation flow based method is still need to be verified. This paper will focus the cavi-
on the appropriate cavitation model [3] has attracted more and tation characteristics of the model pump to find a rapid method to
more attentions [4e8]. predict the cavitation method.
The cavitation model is a mathematical model that describes the
phase transition between the liquid phase and the vapor phase in 2. Pump model and cavitation experiment
the cavitation flow. According to the definition method of ho-
mogenization flow density, the cavitation model is mainly divided 2.1. Design parameters
into two types, namely, the state equation model [9,10] and the
transport equation model (TEM) [11e16]. The state equation model The design parameters of the mixed flow pump are shown in
simulates the cavitation flow field by constructing a functional Table 1.
relationship between density and pressure. The limitation of the The cavitation states from generation, development, critical
practical application of this type model is that the physical meaning cavitation to breakdown cavitation are achieved by changing the
of the functional relationship between assumed density and pres- inlet pressure. A vacuum pump on the closed test bench is applied
sure is not clear. Therefore, the transport equation model is widely to reduce the pressure at the pump inlet and gradually reduce the
used in numerical simulation of cavitation flow [11,16]. NPSHa until the head of the pump decreases by 3%. In the process of
From previous studies, we can find that the current cavitation changing the inlet pressure, the cavitation flow structures during
performance of the pump is mainly obtained by two ways, one is the cavitation development process are observed by the high speed
through experimental measurement, and the other is numerical photography technology from the Plexiglas window at the impeller
calculation. The cost of experimentally measuring the cavitation shell. The Plexiglas window and the pump body are perfectly
performance is too large. If the scale model experiment is adopted, matched, as shown in Fig. 1.
the cavitation scale effect will also occur. In terms of numerical
calculation, the currently used prediction method based on the
cavitation model requires refined calculations, which requires a 2.2. Test devices
high amount of grids and takes time to calculate [17e22], and the
calculation of the head down 3% point is difficult to be found. On Fig. 2 shows the real hydraulic component of the mixed flow
the other hand, it is difficult to find critical cavitation condition. The pump, including the impeller, suction pipe, the guide vane and the
modern optimization design method mainly adopts parameteri- assembly. The inlet diameter of the test section is F270 mm, and
zation and artificial intelligence coupling optimization, which re- the cross-sectional area of the test section is 0.057255 m2. The
quires direct correlation between geometric parameters and pump outlet pipe diameter is F250 mm. There is no shaft bushing in the
performance. In the modern pump optimization design method, outlet pipe during the test, and the outlet cross-sectional area is
the current cavitation numerical calculation method will obviously 0.046445 m2.The difference between the inlet and outlet pressure
increase the number of iterations of the optimization algorithm, sensor from the center of the impeller is 220 mm.
and the algorithm structure will be more complicated. In summary, The cavitation performance test is carried out on the closed test
Firstly, the existing cavitation flow calculation model is difficult to platform. The measurement error of the main measuring instru-
be integrated into multi-objective automatic coupling optimiza- ment is 0.2%. Fig. 3 is the closed-circulation experimental system
tion. Secondly, in the existing pump optimization design, there is for the mixed flow pump, including Motor, Torque meter, Outlet
no method to quickly predict cavitation performance. Therefore, a pressure meter, Model pump, Inlet pressure meter, Vacuum tank,
fast prediction method for pump cavitation performance is ur- Vacuum pump, Valve, Electromagnetic flowmeter, Booster pump,
gently needed. Booster tank, Valve for adjusting, etc. The diameter of the test pipe
In order to solve the problem of cavitation prediction, this paper is 300 mm.
proposes a cavitation performance method for multi-objective
automatic optimization. The prediction method of the pump cavi- 2.3. Experimental cavitation performances
tation performance is based on pressure isosurface area ratio at the
cavitation condition. A pressure isosurface is a surface upon which a The comprehensive cavitation performance of the model pump
particular variable pressure has a constant value, called the level. at 1.000Q, 0.957Q, 0.913Q, 0.870Q and 0.804Q are obtained. The
For instance, an isosurface of pressure would be a surface consisting head values versus NPSHa of the mixed flow pump under different
of all the points in the geometry where the pressure took a given conditions are presented in Fig. 4. Overall, the head curves corre-
value. Pressure isosurface area is the surface area of the pressure sponding to different flows tends to increase with the decrease of
isosurface. The feasibility of this method is demonstrated in com- flow. The head curves of different flow rates vary greatly with
bination with experiments. This will greatly accelerate the speed of NPSHa. As the flow rate decreases, the downward trend of the head
pump hydraulic optimization design. This prediction method is not curve near NPSHr slows down. For example, at 1.000Q, the head
applicable to a single pump, but also applicable to pumps with curve is decreasing faster near NPSHr, the head curve is steep in the
different specific speeds. transition between the horizontal section and the declining section.
The design concept of the method is that when the minimum For example, in the 0.804Q condition, the transition between the
pressure in the liquid is lower than the vaporization pressure, horizontal section and the declining section of the head curve is
pump cavitation inception occurs. Usually cavitation occurs in the relatively gentle. The changing flow rates can cause changes of the
low pressure region in the liquid flow field. When the pressure flow angle, resulting in changes of the attack angles. The attack
increases to a certain extent, cavitation bubble will collapse. This angle will cause the second flow to occur on the pressure side or
hypothesis applies to many experimental phenomena, but the suction side of the blade. This second flow will stimulate the
theoretical basis of the method is less. In the single-phase flow development of cavitation [23].
medium, the flow characteristics of the pump are obtained by According to the cavitation performance curve of Fig. 4, the
computational fluid dynamics method. How to apply the single- NPSHr with a corresponding head drop of 3% at each flow rate is
phase flow calculation to obtain the pressure field and to predict obtained. At this time, the NPSHr ¼ NPSHc. The NPSHr values of the
the pump cavitation performance is still unknown. The method and pump under different flow rates are shown in Table 2. The NPSHr at
theory have not yet been established, and an accurate prediction the design condition is 7.493 m.

Please cite this article as: L. Yun et al., A cavitation performance prediction method for pumps PART1-Proposal and feasibility, Nuclear
Engineering and Technology,
L. Yun et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Table 1
Design parameters of test pump.

Design Parameters Design value Design Parameters Design value

Flow Q(m3/s) 0.46 Power N(kW) 70

Head H(m) 13 Specific speed ns 524.3
Rotating speed n(r/min) 1450 Impeller inlet diameter Dj(mm) 270

3. Fast prediction of cavitation based on numerical


3.1. Numerical simulation method

The mesh of the impeller is shown in Fig. 5. The tip clearance of

the grid is set to Nomal Distance ¼ 0.3 mm. The mesh of the tip
clearance is crucial for accurately predicting the cavitation in the tip
clearance. A 25 layers grid is used to divide the tip clearance region
to obtain a better flow field. The number of grids of each hydraulic
component is: 1.27 million grids in the impeller, 2.04 million grids
in the diffuser, 450,000 grids in suction pipe, and 370,000 grids in
outpipe. The total grid number is about 4.13 million. The mesh
meets with the mesh-independence requirement.
The commercial software ANSYS CFX was used to calculate the
Fig. 1. 3D model of mixed flow pump. internal flow the mixed flow in the pump. The liquid phase was

Fig. 2. Hydraulic components of the pump.

Please cite this article as: L. Yun et al., A cavitation performance prediction method for pumps PART1-Proposal and feasibility, Nuclear
Engineering and Technology,
4 L. Yun et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx

25  C water with a density of 997 kg/m3 and a kinematic viscosity of

8.899  104 kgm1s1. When the cavitation occurs, the vapor
phase uses 25  C water vapor, the density is 0.02308 kg/m3, and the
dynamic viscosity is 9.8626  106 kgm1s1. The convergence
residual is set to 105. The inlet boundary condition is pressure
inlets and the import turbulence is set to Medium (Intensity ¼ 5%).
The outlet boundary condition is mass outflow. The non-slip wall is
used for the solid wall. The impeller domain rotates with a speed of
1450 r/min. The blade and hub are arranged to rotate, and the
shroud wall speed is set to Counter rotating wall. The interface
between the rotating part and the stationary part is set to the
Frozen Rotor Interface. High Resolution is selected for the Advec-
tion Scheme Option, and the preset iteration step is 3000.

3.2. The calculation method of pressure isosurface

Fig. 3. Closed-circulation experimental system for the pump.
The basic equation of pump cavitation can be constructed [23]
as Equation (1).
pc v2 p pV pK v2 w2
zc þ þ c  zk  hcK  V þ  ¼ K1 1 þ K2 1
rg 2g rg rg rg 2g 2g
Where, pv is saturated vapor pressure, Pa; pK is pressure at K
point near leading edge, Pa; pc is pressure at suction fluid surface,
Pa; vc is velocity at suction fluid surface, m/s; zc is the height at fluid
surface, m; zK is the height at K point, m; hc-k is the hydraulic loss of
c-k, m; v1 is absolute speed, m/s; w1 is relative speed, m/s.
The items in the square brackets on the left are determined by
the device, representing the energy of the liquid at the pump inlet
minus the energy that is rich in overcoming the head of the
vaporization pressure. This is called the available Net Positive
Suction Head (NPSHa). The defined equation is as follows,
Fig. 4. Cavitation performance curves at different flow rates.
pV pK
NPSHa þ  ¼ NPSHr (2)
rg rg
Table 2
NPSHc values at different flow rates.
pc v2 p
NPSHa ¼ zc þ þ c  zK  hcK  V (3)
Qopt/Q Flow Qopt (m3/s) NPSHc(m) rg 2g rg
1.000 0.46 7.493
0.957 0.44 7.3 v21 w2
0.913 0.42 7.182 NPSHr ¼ K1 þ K2 1 (4)
0.870 0.40 7.106 2g 2g
0.804 0.37 7.365
According to Equation (2), it is possible to derive the condition

Fig. 5. Impeller mesh.

Please cite this article as: L. Yun et al., A cavitation performance prediction method for pumps PART1-Proposal and feasibility, Nuclear
Engineering and Technology,
L. Yun et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

that the pump has a critical cavitation state, pK ¼ pV,NPSHa ¼ NPSHr. Table 3
NPSHa can be calculated by the follow Equation (5) Key parameters definition and methods of single phase cavitation

pTc  pV Parameter Equation

NPSHa ¼ (5)
rg Siso area()@Isosurface Piso
Si area()@Impeller blade
In the process of cavitation development, the head decreases
Rs Siso/Si
with the dropping of NPSHa until the head curve breaking, so NPSHa Pmin minVal(Pressure)@impellerblade
corresponds to different inlet total pressure and cavitation gener-
ation region and state. Usually when the head drops to 3%, the
corresponding NPSHa is considered as the pump required NPSHr. 4. The predicted results analysis
This condition is defined as the critical cavitation condition. At this
state, NPSHr ¼ NPSHa ¼ NPSHc, NPSHc is defined as critical Net 4.1. The feasibility research of pressure isosurface cavitation
Positive Suction Head. prediction method in the design condition
The word cavitation refers to the formation of vapor bubbles in
regions of low pressure within the flow field of a liquid [24]. In a According to the calculation methods in Equation (6) and
certain pressure range, cavitation is not extinguished. As for cavi- Table 3, the pressure isosurface treatment and analysis of the
tation, a pressure equalization surface can be constructed to predict different NPSHa are conduct under the condition of Qopt ¼ 0.46 m3/s
the cavitation region. The flow calculation is based on the single- and rotational speed n ¼ 1450 r/min. The processed data are shown
phase in this research. Generally, the inlet total pressure varies in Table 4.
little. So we defined a low pressure isosurface. The corresponding Since the area of the blade is invariant, the area of pressure
pressure is expressed by Piso. That is, Piso is used instead of pV in isosurface Siso has the same law with the area ratio Rs. Therefore,
Equation (5). Then, NPSHa can be obtained as shown in Equation (6) only the law of the area of pressure isosurface Siso with NPSHa is
analyzed. According to Table 4, the NPSHa curve and Siso-NPSHa
pTc  Piso
NPSHa ¼ (6) curve are shown in Fig. 7. It can be found that, with the pressure
rg drop, NPSHa is gradually reduced. The pump's head curve initially
The Piso is defined in Equation (7). changes little. When the cavitation occurs, the head curve begins to
drop gently. When the cavitation occurs to a certain extent, the
Piso ¼ pTc  rg*NPSHa (7) head curve sharply drops. While the area of pressure isosurface Siso
in the pump impeller firstly increase slowly with NPSHa reduction.
In this paper, NPSHa is obtained from available Net Positive Then at the operating condition # 4, the area of pressure isosurface
Suction Head of the cavitation test when the test circuit vacuuming. Siso begins to show a significant linear increase with the NPSHa
NPSHa can also be obtained from available Net Positive Suction decrease. Using the polyfit function in Matlab to do a linear fit on
Head according to cavitation two phase simulation. By Equation (7), the data of #4 ~ #8, the fitting result is as following.
we can obtain the corresponding Piso. In the CFX-post, from the
single-phase flow calculation results, the pressure isosurface of Piso Siso ¼ -0.014063NPSHaþ0.123204 (8)
is established. At this time, a relation exists between the isosurface,
the area of isosurface Siso, the area of blade Si and the area ratio, When the cavitation occurs, the area of pressure isosurface Siso
namely Rs, Rs ¼ Siso/Si. The minimum pressure of blade Pmin also can increases linearly with the NPSHa decrease. This demonstrates that
be obtained by solving the inner flow. with the development of cavitation, the variation law of the head
The above key parameters can be obtained according to Func- with the NPSHa and the variation law of the head with the area of
tions in CFX-post. The specific definition and the post-processing pressure isosurface are consistent. Therefore, the area of pressure
are shown in Fig. 6. The calculation method of the key parame- isosurface Siso can be used to predict cavitation performance. For a
ters in Fig. 6 in CFX is shown in the formula in Table 3. certain impeller blade, since the area ratio Rs is proportional to the
In a certain flow rate and rotating speed, the pressure isosurface area of pressure isosurface Siso, the cavitation performance can be
features and the area ratio Rs are obtained according to the above predicted by the area ratio Rs. In Fig. 7, Siso - NPSHa curve shows the
method. All these features are only related to the pump impeller. process of Siso changing with the NPSHa. It can be clearly found in
This research is based on numerical simulation of pump with water the operating condition# 4, the area of pressure isosurface Siso
medium. The relationship between the pressure isosurface of the appears a significant turning point. When NPSHa is larger than #4,
impeller and the NPSHr is established. the area of pressure isosurface Siso changes less. When NPSHa is
smaller than #4, the area of pressure isosurface Siso begins to in-
crease linearly with the development of cavitation.

4.2. The pressure isosurface at the NPSHc

According to the above calculation method of pressure isosur-

face, the sample is a mixed flow pump. The operating condition is
that the flow rate Qopt ¼ 0.46 m3/s and rotating speed n ¼ 1450 r/
min. At this time, NPSHc ¼ 7.49 m. According to Equation (7), the
calculated Piso ¼ 27098.5 Pa, which is used to establish a pressure
isosurface, as shown in the green area in Fig. 8.
It can be seen from Fig. 8 that under this equivalent pressure, the
low pressure isosurface area in the impeller mainly exists in the
impeller suction surface, behind the leading edge of the blade and
Fig. 6. Cavitation prediction method based on pressure isosurface area. near the upper half of the blade. Meanwhile, the low pressure

Please cite this article as: L. Yun et al., A cavitation performance prediction method for pumps PART1-Proposal and feasibility, Nuclear
Engineering and Technology,
6 L. Yun et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 4
Obtained parameters of isosurface at the condition of Qopt ¼ 0.46 m3/s and n ¼ 1450 r/min.

Net Positive Suction Head Pump head Inlet total pressure Isosurface pressure Area of isosurface Area of blade Area ratio

NPSHa H0.46 pTc Piso Siso Si Rs

2 2
m m Pa Pa m m %

12.82 13.27 100383 25001.7 0.0000831 0.140458 0.059

12.02 13.32 100383 17177.4 0.0001094 0.140458 0.078
11.54 13.35 100383 12482.8 0.0001281 0.140458 0.091
11.21 13.3 100383 9255.28 0.0001451 0.140458 0.103
10.7 13.31 100383 4267.28 0.0002043 0.140458 0.146
10.37 13.3 100383 1039.75 0.0002804 0.140458 0.200
10.06 13.27 100383 1992.176 0.0003784 0.140458 0.269
9.67 13.22 100383 5806.532 0.0005316 0.140458 0.379
9.24 13.19 100383 10012.1 0.0007456 0.140458 0.531
8.74 13.2 100383 14902.3 0.0010765 0.140458 0.766
8.29 13.23 100383 19303.48 0.0058986 0.140458 4.200
7.81 13.28 100383 23998.08 0.0122675 0.140458 8.734
7.58 12.75 100383 26247.57 0.0166335 0.140458 11.842
7.43 12.11 100383 27714.63 0.0197222 0.140458 14.041

This is consistent with the low pressure region shown by the

pressure isosurface. As far as cavitation is concerned, the coverage
area distribution of the low pressure isosurface and the distribution
of the cavitation area of the axial flow pump or the mixed flow
pump are similar. The maximum pressure at the suction surface
occurs at the blade trailing edge. The maximum pressure at the
pressure surface occurs near the leading edge of the blade, but the
lowest value appears immediately after. In addition, pressure peaks
at the pressure surface appear near Streamline 0.7.

4.3. Discussion

People have done a lot of research on the process of cavitation

development. For example, I. S. Pearsall [25]pointed out the
development of centrifugal pump cavitation in 1973, whether in
the noise measurement or on the impeller visualization flow, the
cavitation begins to occur at the point A condition, called the initial
Fig. 7. Cavitation performance curve and area curve of pressure isosurface. cavitation. As the cavitation develops to point B, the performance of
the pump is affected. Finally, the head curve of the pump at point C
appears to be broken, as shown in Fig. 10. Rus, Toma z [26], Pan
equivalent region is in the leading edge of suction surface and the Zhongyong [23] and Franc J P [27]both analyzed and explained this
blade tip clearance. In order to better show the pressure distribu- phenomenon in their writings. Initial cavitation generally occurs
tion on the blade surface, the suction surface pressure distribution before critical cavitation, at which condition the pump's head has
and pressure surface pressure distribution in different Span (0.05, not yet been significantly affected, but the noise begins to increase
0.25 0.5 0.75, 0.95) of the blade are separately extracted, as shown significantly. Combined with the location of the initial cavitation in
in Fig. 9. The minimum pressure at the suction surface occurs at the the previous study, according to the pressure isosurface area Siso,
leading edge of the blade. However, the low-pressure peak of the there is a significant turning point at #4. This paper proposes a
suction surface Span 0.5 ~ Span 0.95 appeared near Streamline 0.2. hypothesis called the single-phase flow pressure isosurface initial

Fig. 8. Isosurface of NPSHc at the condition of Qopt ¼ 0.46 m3/s and n ¼ 1450 r/min.

Please cite this article as: L. Yun et al., A cavitation performance prediction method for pumps PART1-Proposal and feasibility, Nuclear
Engineering and Technology,
L. Yun et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx 7

Fig. 9. Pressure distribution on the each span of blade.

Fig. 10. Description of the cavitation development process by I. s. Pearsall [25].

cavitation prediction hypothesis. That is, the point #4 is the initial (1) The design concept of the method is that when the minimum
cavitation point of the pump. When the pump is under constant pressure in the liquid is lower than the vaporization pressure,
flow and speed, the primary cavitation point is determined by the pump cavitation inception occurs. Usually cavitation occurs
pump impeller itself. At the same time, we find that when cavita- in the low pressure region in the liquid flow field. When the
tion occurs, the variation of noise with cavitation margin is also pressure increases to a certain extent, cavitation will
approximately linear. It is the same as the change law of the pres- collapse. In the single-phase flow medium, the flow charac-
sure isosurface area. This shows that the noise level is closely teristics of the pump are obtained by CFD method. The
related to the cavitation performance. This hypothesis will be relationship between the low pressure isosurface and NPSHa
verified by subsequent cavitation vibration and noise tests, and the is established.
initial cavitation will be assessed by analyzing the vibration or (2) The cavitation performance prediction method based on the
pressure pulsation characteristics by noise measurement or pres- pressure isosurface area ratio is proposed. The feasibility is
sure pulsation measurement. analyzed and demonstrated. When the cavitation occurs in
the design condition, the area of pressure isosurface Siso and
NPSHa satisfy the linear equation Siso ¼ 0.014063NPSHa þ
5. Conclusions 0.123204. The area of pressure isosurface Siso increases lin-
early with the NPSHa. This demonstrates that with the
In order to solve the problem of cavitation fast prediction, this development of cavitation, the variation law of the head with
paper focus research on cavitation prediction method based on the NPSHa and the variation law of the head with the area of
pressure isosurface in single-phase.

Please cite this article as: L. Yun et al., A cavitation performance prediction method for pumps PART1-Proposal and feasibility, Nuclear
Engineering and Technology,
8 L. Yun et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Technology xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Please cite this article as: L. Yun et al., A cavitation performance prediction method for pumps PART1-Proposal and feasibility, Nuclear
Engineering and Technology,

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