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First Law of Thermodynamics For A Control Volume

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First law of thermodynamics for

control volume

Dr. Mst. Nasima Bagum

Professor, Dept. of I.P.E, SUST
Control volume
• A control volume is a volume in space of
interest for a particular study or analysis.

• The surface of this control volume is

referred to as a control surface and
always consists of a closed surface.

• The size and shape of the control volume

are completely arbitrary and are so
defined as to best suit the analysis to be

• The surface may be fixed, or it may move

so that it expands or contracts.

• Mass as well as heat and work can cross

the control surface.

• The mass in the control volume, as well as

the properties of this mass, can change
with time.

Schematic diagram of a control

volume showing mass and energy
transfers and accumulation.
Relate conservation of mass law to the
control volume.
• We cannot create or destroy mass.

consider a tank with a cylinder and piston and

two pipes attached, as shown in Fig.
The rate of change of mass inside the control
volume can be different from zero if we add or
take a flow of mass out as
Rate of change = +in − out
With several possible flows this is written as

General expression for the continuity

• Which states that if the mass inside the
control volume changes with time, it is
because we add some mass or take some
mass out. There are no other means by
which the mass inside the control volume
could change.
• When the control volume has several accumulation units with different
states of the mass.
Relate the total flow rate that appears in general continuity equation to the
local properties of the fluid state.

• Assume the fluid is flowing in a pipe or duct.

• A stationary control surface and the flow was normal to the surface
The flow across the control volume surface can be indicated with an
average velocity shown to the left of the valve or with a distributed velocity
over the cross section, as shown to the right of the valve.

• The first law of thermodynamics for a control

mass, which consists of a fixed quantity of mass
can be written as an instantaneous rate equation

• A control volume is shown in Fig. 6.4 that involves

the rate of heat transfer, rates of work, and mass
flows. The fundamental physical law states that
we cannot create or destroy energy such that any
rate of change of energy must be caused by rates
of energy into or out of the control volume
• The fluid flowing across the control surface enters
or leaves with an amount of energy per unit mass

relating to the state and position of the fluid.

Whenever a fluid mass enters a control volume at state
i or exits at state e, there is a boundary movement
work associated with that process.
consider an amount of mass flowing into the control volume. As this mass flows in
there is a pressure at its back surface, so as this mass moves into the control
volume it is being pushed by the mass behind it, which is the surroundings. The net
effect is that after the mass has entered the control volume, the surroundings have
pushed it in against the local pressure with a velocity giving it a rate of work in the
Similarly, a fluid exiting the control volume at state e must push the surrounding
fluid ahead of it, doing work on it, which is work leaving the control volume.

The velocity and the area correspond to a certain volume per unit time entering the
control volume, enabling us to relate that to the mass flow rate and the specific
volume at the state of the mass going in. Now we are able to express the rate of
flow work as

For the flow that leaves the control volume, work is being done by the control
volume,Pevem˙ e, and for the mass that enters, the surroundings do the rate of work,
Pi vim˙ i . The flow work per unit mass is then Pv, and the total energy associated with
the flow of mass is

Assumption of Steady-state process.

1. The control volume does not move relative to the
coordinate frame.
– all velocities measured relative to the coordinate frame are also velocities relative to the
control surface,
– no work associated with the acceleration of the control volume.
2. The state of the mass at each point in the control
volume does not vary with time.
Assumption of Steady-state process.
3. The various mass flows, states, and rates at which heat and work
cross the control surface remain constant.
– That means every quantity in continuity equation and first law remain constant.
– application of Eqn. 6.9 and 6.10 to the operation of some device is independent
of time.
• If there is only one flow stream entering and one leaving the control
volume. For this type of process

The units for q and w are kJ/kg. From their definition, q and w can be thought of as the
heat transfer and work (other than flow work) per unit mass flowing into and out
of the control volume for this particular steady-state process
Heat Exchanger
 A steady-state heat exchanger is a simple fluid flow through a pipe
or system of pipes, where heat is transferred to or from the fluid.
 The fluid may be heated or cooled, and may or may not boil,
changing from liquid to vapor, or condense, changing from vapor to
 One such example is the condenser in an R-134a refrigeration
system, where Superheated vapor enters the condenser and liquid

 Assumptions:
 constant pressure process.
 no means for doing any work(shaft work, electrical work, etc.),
 changes in kinetic and potential energies are commonly negligibly small
 The heat transfer in most heat exchangers is then found as the
change in enthalpy of the fluid.
A nozzle is a steady-state device whose purpose is to create a high-velocity
fluid stream at the expense of the fluid’s pressure. thereby increasing its.
 no means to do any work—there are no moving parts.
 There is little or no change in potential energy
 and usually little or no heat transfer.
 the kinetic energy of the fluid at the nozzle inlet is usually small and
would be neglected if its value is not know
A steady-state diffuser is a device constructed to decelerate a high-velocity fluid in a
manner that results in an increase in pressure of the fluid.
 In essence, it is the exact opposite of a nozzle, and it may be thought of as a fluid
flowing in the opposite direction through a nozzle with the opposite effects.
 The assumptions are similar to those for a nozzle,
 large kinetic energy at the diffuser inlet and
 a small, but usually not negligible, kinetic energy at the exit
 These are the only terms besides the enthalpies remaining in the first law,
Eq. 6.13.
A turbine is a rotary steady-state machine whose purpose is to produce shaft work
(power on a rate basis) at the expense of the pressure of the working fluid.
The first law for this process is either Eq. 6.10 or 6.13.

• Usually, changes in potential energy are negligible, as is the inlet kinetic
• Often, the exit kinetic energy is neglected,
• Any heat rejection from the turbine is undesirable and is commonly small.
• therefore normally assume that a turbine process is adiabatic,
• Work output in this case reduces to the decrease in enthalpy from the inlet to
exit states
• In most problems where the change in
elevation is small, the potential energy terms
may be neglected.
Power Plant and Refrigerator

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