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AC Mathematical Methods T 14-20 Updated

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Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2016)

Mathematical Methods
integrating Australian Curriculum

Written under the

Mathematics Course Accredited from 2014 - 2020
Framework 2013 Edition
Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2016)

Cover Art provided by Canberra College student Aidan Giddings

Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2016)

Table of Contents
The ACT Senior Secondary System .........................................................................................1
ACT Senior Secondary Certificate .........................................................................................2
Learning Principles .........................................................................................3
General Capabilities .........................................................................................4
Cross-Curriculum Priorities .........................................................................................6
Rationale .........................................................................................7
Goals .........................................................................................8
Unit Titles .........................................................................................8
Organisation of Content .........................................................................................9
Assessment .......................................................................................11
Achievement Standards .......................................................................................13
Unit 1: Mathematical Methods Value: 1.0.......................................................................15
Unit 2: Mathematical Methods Value: 1.0.......................................................................19
Unit 3: Mathematical Methods Value: 1.0.......................................................................22
Unit 4: Mathematical Methods Value: 1.0.......................................................................26
Unit 5: Mathematical Methods Value: 1.0.......................................................................29
Appendix A – Implementation Guidelines .......................................................................................30
Appendix B – Course Developers .......................................................................................33
Appendix C – Common Curriculum Elements .......................................................................................34
Appendix D – Glossary of Verbs .......................................................................................35
Appendix E – Glossary for ACT Senior Secondary Curriculum...............................................................36
Appendix F – Glossary for Mathematical Methods...............................................................................37
Appendix G – Course Adoption Form .......................................................................................49
Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2016)
ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

The ACT Senior Secondary System

The ACT senior secondary system recognises a range of university, vocational or life skills pathways.
The system is based on the premise that teachers are experts in their area: they know their students
and community and are thus best placed to develop curriculum and assess students according to
their needs and interests. Students have ownership of their learning and are respected as young
adults who have a voice.
A defining feature of the system is school-based curriculum and continuous assessment. School-
based curriculum provides flexibility for teachers to address students’ needs and interests. College
teachers have an opportunity to develop courses for implementation across ACT schools. Based on
the courses that have been accredited by the BSSS, college teachers are responsible for developing
programs of learning. A program of learning is developed by individual colleges to implement the
courses and units they are delivering.
Teachers must deliver all content descriptions; however, they do have flexibility to emphasise some
content descriptions over others. It is at the discretion of the teacher to select the texts or materials
to demonstrate the content descriptions. Teachers can choose to deliver course units in any order
and teach additional (not listed) content provided it meets the specific unit goals.
School-based continuous assessment means that students are continually assessed throughout years
11 and 12, with both years contributing equally to senior secondary certification. Teachers and
students are positioned to have ownership of senior secondary assessment. The system allows
teachers to learn from each other and to refine their judgement and develop expertise.
Senior secondary teachers have the flexibility to assess students in a variety of ways. For example:
multimedia presentation, inquiry-based project, test, essay, performance and/or practical
demonstration may all have their place. College teachers are responsible for developing assessment
instruments with task specific rubrics and providing feedback to students.
The integrity of the ACT Senior Secondary Certificate is upheld by a robust, collaborative and
rigorous structured consensus-based peer reviewed moderation process. System moderation
involves all Year 11 and 12 teachers from public, non-government and international colleges
delivering the ACT Senior Secondary Certificate.
Only students who desire a pathway to university are required to sit a general aptitude test, referred
to as the ACT Scaling Test (AST), which moderates student course scores across subjects and
colleges. Students are required to use critical and creative thinking skills across a range of disciplines
to solve problems. They are also required to interpret a stimulus and write an extended response.
Senior secondary curriculum makes provision for student-centred teaching approaches, integrated
and project-based learning inquiry, formative assessment and teacher autonomy. ACT Senior
Secondary Curriculum makes provision for diverse learners and students with mild to moderate
intellectual disabilities, so that all students can achieve an ACT Senior Secondary Certificate.
The ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies (BSSS) leads senior secondary education. It is responsible
for quality assurance in senior secondary curriculum, assessment and certification. The Board
consists of representatives from colleges, universities, industry, parent organisations and unions. The
Office of the Board of Senior Secondary Studies (OBSSS) consists of professional and administrative
staff who support the Board in achieving its objectives and functions.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

ACT Senior Secondary Certificate

Courses of study for the ACT Senior Secondary Certificate:
 provide a variety of pathways, to meet different learning needs and encourage students to
complete their secondary education
 enable students to develop the essential capabilities for twenty-first century learners
 empower students as active participants in their own learning
 engage students in contemporary issues relevant to their lives
 foster students’ intellectual, social and ethical development
 nurture students’ wellbeing, and physical and spiritual development
 enable effective and respectful participation in a diverse society.
Each course of study:
 comprises an integrated and interconnected set of knowledge, skills, behaviours and
dispositions that students develop and use in their learning across the curriculum
 is based on a model of learning that integrates intended student outcomes, pedagogy and
 outlines teaching strategies which are grounded in learning principles and encompass quality
 promotes intellectual quality, establish a rich learning environment and generate relevant
connections between learning and life experiences
 provides formal assessment and certification of students’ achievements.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Underpinning beliefs
 All students are able to learn.
 Learning is a partnership between students and teachers.
 Teachers are responsible for advancing student learning.

Learning Principles
1. Learning builds on existing knowledge, understandings and skills.
(Prior knowledge)
2. When learning is organised around major concepts, principles and significant real world issues,
within and across disciplines, it helps students make connections and build knowledge structures.
(Deep knowledge and connectedness)
3. Learning is facilitated when students actively monitor their own learning and consciously develop
ways of organising and applying knowledge within and across contexts.
4. Learners’ sense of self and motivation to learn affects learning.
5. Learning needs to take place in a context of high expectations.
(High expectations)
6. Learners learn in different ways and at different rates.
(Individual differences)
7. Different cultural environments, including the use of language, shape learners’ understandings
and the way they learn.
(Socio-cultural effects)
8. Learning is a social and collaborative function as well as an individual one.
(Collaborative learning)
9. Learning is strengthened when learning outcomes and criteria for judging learning are made
explicit and when students receive frequent feedback on their progress.
(Explicit expectations and feedback)

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

General Capabilities
All courses of study for the ACT Senior Secondary Certificate should enable students to develop
essential capabilities for twenty-first century learners. These ‘capabilities’ comprise an integrated
and interconnected set of knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions that students develop and
use in their learning across the curriculum.
The capabilities include:
 literacy
 numeracy
 information and communication technology (ICT)
 critical and creative thinking
 personal and social
 ethical behaviour
 intercultural understanding
Courses of study for the ACT Senior Secondary Certificate should be both relevant to the lives of
students and incorporate the contemporary issues they face. Hence, courses address the following
three priorities. These priorities are:
 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
 Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia
 Sustainability
Elaboration of these General Capabilities and priorities is available on the ACARA website at
Literacy in Mathematics
In the senior years these literacy skills and strategies enable students to express, interpret, and
communicate complex mathematical information, ideas and processes. Mathematics provides a
specific and rich context for students to develop their ability to read, write, visualise and talk about
complex situations involving a range of mathematical ideas. Students can apply and further develop
their literacy skills and strategies by shifting between verbal, graphic, numerical and symbolic forms
of representing problems in order to formulate, understand and solve problems and communicate
results. This process of translation across different systems of representation is essential for complex
mathematical reasoning and expression. Students learn to communicate their findings in different
ways, using multiple systems of representation and data displays to illustrate the relationships they
have observed or constructed.
Numeracy in Mathematics
The students who undertake this subject will continue to develop their numeracy skills at a more
sophisticated level than in Years F to 10. This subject contains financial applications of Mathematics
that will assist students to become literate consumers of investments, loans and superannuation
products. It also contains statistics topics that will equip students for the ever-increasing demands of
the information age. Students will also learn about the probability of certain events occurring and
will therefore be well equipped to make informed decisions.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability in Mathematics

In the senior years students use ICT both to develop theoretical mathematical understanding and to
apply mathematical knowledge to a range of problems. They use software aligned with areas of work
and society with which they may be involved such as for statistical analysis, algorithm generation,
data representation and manipulation, and complex calculation. They use digital tools to make
connections between mathematical theory, practice and application; for example, to use data, to
address problems, and to operate systems in authentic situations.
Critical and Creative Thinking in Mathematics
Students compare predictions with observations when evaluating a theory. They check the extent to
which their theory-based predictions match observations. They assess whether, if observations and
predictions don't match, it is due to a flaw in theory or method of applying the theory to make
predictions – or both. They revise, or reapply their theory more skilfully, recognising the importance
of self-correction in the building of useful and accurate theories and making accurate predictions. 
Personal and Social Capability in Mathematics
In the senior years students develop personal and social competence in Mathematics through setting
and monitoring personal and academic goals, taking initiative, building adaptability, communication,
teamwork and decision-making.
The elements of personal and social competence relevant to Mathematics mainly include the
application of mathematical skills for their decision-making, life-long learning, citizenship and self-
management. In addition, students will work collaboratively in teams and independently as part of
their mathematical explorations and investigations.
Ethical Understanding in Mathematics
In the senior years students develop ethical understanding in Mathematics through decision-making
connected with ethical dilemmas that arise when engaged in mathematical calculation and the
dissemination of results and the social responsibility associated with teamwork and attribution of
The areas relevant to Mathematics include issues associated with ethical decision-making as
students work collaboratively in teams and independently as part of their mathematical explorations
and investigations. Acknowledging errors rather than denying findings and/or evidence involves
resilience and examined ethical behaviour. Students develop increasingly advanced communication,
research, and presentation skills to express viewpoints.
Intercultural Understanding in Mathematics
Students understand Mathematics as a socially constructed body of knowledge that uses universal
symbols but has its origin in many cultures. Students understand that some languages make it easier
to acquire mathematical knowledge than others. Students also understand that there are many
culturally diverse forms of mathematical knowledge, including diverse relationships to number and
that diverse cultural spatial abilities and understandings are shaped by a person’s environment and

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Cross-Curriculum Priorities
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
The senior secondary Mathematics curriculum values the histories, cultures, traditions and
languages of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples past and ongoing contributions to
contemporary Australian society and culture. Through the study of mathematics within relevant
contexts, opportunities will allow for the development of students’ understanding and appreciation
of the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples histories and cultures.
Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia
There are strong social, cultural and economic reasons for Australian students to engage with the
countries of Asia and with the past and ongoing contributions made by the peoples of Asia in
Australia. It is through the study of mathematics in an Asian context that students engage with
Australia’s place in the region. Through analysis of relevant data, students are provided with
opportunities to further develop an understanding of the diverse nature of Asia’s environments and
traditional and contemporary cultures.
Each of the senior Mathematics subjects provides the opportunity for the development of informed
and reasoned points of view, discussion of issues, research and problem solving. Therefore, teachers
are encouraged to select contexts for discussion connected with sustainability. Through analysis of
data, students have the opportunity to research and discuss sustainability and learn the importance
of respecting and valuing a wide range of world perspectives.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Mathematical Methods T

Mathematics is the study of order, relation and pattern. From its origins in counting and measuring it
has evolved in highly sophisticated and elegant ways to become the language now used to describe
much of the modern world. Statistics is concerned with collecting, analysing, modelling and
interpreting data in order to investigate and understand real-world phenomena and solve problems
in context. Together, mathematics and statistics provide a framework for thinking and a means of
communication that is powerful, logical, concise and precise.
The major themes of Mathematical Methods are calculus and statistics. They include as necessary
prerequisites studies of algebra, functions and their graphs, and probability. They are developed
systematically, with increasing levels of sophistication and complexity. Calculus is essential for
developing an understanding of the physical world because many of the laws of science are
relationships involving rates of change. Statistics is used to describe and analyse phenomena
involving uncertainty and variation. For these reasons this subject provides a foundation for further
studies in disciplines in which mathematics and statistics have important roles. It is also
advantageous for further studies in the health and social sciences. In summary, the subject
Mathematical Methods is designed for students whose future pathways may involve mathematics
and statistics and their applications in a range of disciplines at the tertiary level.
For all content areas of Mathematical Methods, the proficiency strands of the F-10 curriculum are
still applicable and should be inherent in students’ learning of this subject. These strands are
Understanding, Fluency, Problem solving and Reasoning, and they are both essential and mutually
reinforcing. For all content areas, practice allows students to achieve fluency in skills, such as
calculating derivatives and integrals, or solving quadratic equations, and frees up working memory
for more complex aspects of problem solving. The ability to transfer skills to solve problems based
on a wide range of applications is a vital part of mathematics in this subject. Because both calculus
and statistics are widely applicable as models of the world around us, there is ample opportunity for
problem solving throughout this subject.
Mathematical Methods is structured over four units. The topics in Unit 1 build on students’
mathematical experience. The topics ‘Functions and graphs’, ‘Trigonometric functions’ and ‘Counting
and probability’ all follow on from topics in the F-10 curriculum from the strands, Number and
Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. In Mathematical Methods there
is a progression of content and applications in all areas. For example, in Unit 2 differential calculus is
introduced, and then further developed in Unit 3 where integral calculus is introduced. Discrete
probability distributions are introduced in Unit 3, and then continuous probability distributions and
an introduction to statistical inference conclude Unit 4.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Mathematical Methods aims to develop students’:
 understanding of concepts and techniques drawn from algebra, the study of functions,
calculus, probability and statistics
 ability to solve applied problems using concepts and techniques drawn from algebra,
functions, calculus, probability and statistics
 reasoning in mathematical and statistical contexts and interpretation of mathematical and
statistical information including ascertaining the reasonableness of solutions to problems
 capacity to communicate in a concise and systematic manner using appropriate mathematical
and statistical language
 capacity to choose and use technology appropriately and efficiently.

Student Group
Links to Foundation to Year 10
In Mathematical Methods, there is a strong emphasis on mutually reinforcing proficiencies in
Understanding, Fluency, Problem solving and Reasoning. Students gain fluency in a variety of
mathematical and statistical skills, including algebraic manipulations, constructing and interpreting
graphs, calculating derivatives and integrals, applying probabilistic models, estimating probabilities
and parameters from data, and using appropriate technologies. Achieving fluency in skills such as
these allows students to concentrate on more complex aspects of problem solving. In order to study
Mathematical Methods, it is desirable that students complete topics from 10A. The knowledge and
skills from the following content descriptions from 10A are highly recommended for the study of
Mathematical Methods:
 define rational and irrational numbers, and perform operations with surds and fractional
 factorise monic and non-monic quadratic expressions, and solve a wide range of quadratic
equations derived from a variety of contexts
 calculate and interpret the mean and standard deviation of data, and use these to compare

Unit Titles
 Unit 1: Mathematical Methods
 Unit 2: Mathematical Methods
 Unit 3: Mathematical Methods
 Unit 4: Mathematical Methods
 Unit 5: Mathematical Methods

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Organisation of Content
Mathematical Methods focuses on the development of the use of calculus and statistical analysis.
The study of calculus in Mathematical Methods provides a basis for an understanding of the physical
world involving rates of change, and includes the use of functions, their derivatives and integrals, in
modelling physical processes. The study of statistics in Mathematical Methods develops the ability to
describe and analyse phenomena involving uncertainty and variation.
Mathematical Methods is organised into four units. The topics broaden students’ mathematical
experience and provide different scenarios for incorporating mathematical arguments and problem
solving. The units provide a blending of algebraic and geometric thinking. In this subject there is a
progression of content, applications, level of sophistication and abstraction. The probability and
statistics topics lead to an introduction to statistical inference.
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4
Mathematical  Functions and  Exponential  Further  The
Methods graphs functions differentiation logarithmic
 Trigonometric  Arithmetic and and function
functions geometric applications  Continuous
 Counting and sequences and  Integrals random
probability series  Discrete variables and
 Introduction to random the normal
differential variables distribution
calculus  Interval
estimates for

Unit 1: Mathematical Methods

Unit 1 begins with a review of the basic algebraic concepts and techniques required for a successful
introduction to the study of functions and calculus. Simple relationships between variable quantities
are reviewed, and these are used to introduce the key concepts of a function and its graph.
The study of probability and statistics begins in this unit with a review of the fundamentals of
probability, and the introduction of the concepts of conditional probability and independence.
The study of the trigonometric functions begins with a consideration of the unit circle using degrees
and the trigonometry of triangles and its application. Radian measure is introduced, and the graphs
of the trigonometric functions are examined and their applications in a wide range of settings are
Unit 2: Mathematical Methods
In Unit 2, exponential functions are introduced and their properties and graphs examined.
Arithmetic and geometric sequences and their applications are introduced and their recursive
definitions applied. Rates and average rates of change are introduced, and this is followed by the key
concept of the derivative as an ‘instantaneous rate of change’. These concepts are reinforced
numerically (by calculating difference quotients), geometrically (as slopes of chords and tangents),
and algebraically. This first calculus topic concludes with derivatives of polynomial functions, using
simple applications of the derivative to sketch curves, calculate slopes and equations of tangents,
determine instantaneous velocities, and solve optimisation problems.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Unit 3: Mathematical Methods

In Unit 3, the study of calculus continues by introducing the derivatives of exponential and
trigonometric functions and their applications, as well as some basic differentiation techniques and
the concept of a second derivative, its meaning and applications. The aim is to demonstrate to
students the beauty and power of calculus and the breadth of its applications. The unit includes
integration, both as a process that reverses differentiation and as a way of calculating areas. The
fundamental theorem of calculus as a link between differentiation and integration is emphasised.
Discrete random variables are introduced, together with their uses in modelling random processes
involving chance and variation. The purpose here is to develop a framework for statistical inference.
Unit 4: Mathematical Methods
In Unit 4, the logarithmic function and its derivative are studied. Continuous random variables are
introduced and their applications examined. Probabilities associated with continuous distributions
are calculated using definite integrals. In this unit students are introduced to one of the most
important parts of statistics, namely statistical inference, where the goal is to estimate an unknown
parameter associated with a population using a sample of that population. In this unit, inference is
restricted to estimating proportions in two-outcome populations. Students will already be familiar
with many examples of these types of populations.
Unit 5: Mathematical Methods
Unit 5 combines Unit 3b and Unit 4a.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

The identification of criteria within the achievement standards and assessment tasks types and
weightings provide a common and agreed basis for the collection of evidence of student
Assessment Criteria (the dimensions of quality that teachers look for in evaluating student work)
provide a common and agreed basis for judgement of performance against unit and course goals,
within and across colleges. Over a course, teachers must use all these criteria to assess students’
performance but are not required to use all criteria on each task. Assessment criteria are to be used
holistically on a given task and in determining the unit grade.
Assessment Tasks elicit responses that demonstrate the degree to which students have achieved
the goals of a unit based on the assessment criteria. The Common Curriculum Elements (CCE) is a
guide to developing assessment tasks that promote a range of thinking skills (see Appendix B). It is
highly desirable that assessment tasks engage students in demonstrating higher order thinking.
Rubrics are constructed for individual tasks, informing the assessment criteria relevant for a
particular task and can be used to assess a continuum that indicates levels of student performance
against each criterion.

Assessment Criteria
Technology, its selection and appropriate use, is an integral part of all the following criteria. Students
will be assessed on the degree to which they demonstrate:
 knowledge and understanding of mathematical facts, techniques and formulae presented in
the unit
 application – appropriate selection and application of mathematical skills in mathematical
modelling and problem solving
 reasoning – ability to use reasoning to support solutions and conclusions (in t courses only)
 communication – interpretation and communication of mathematical ideas in a form
appropriate for a given use or audience.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Assessment Task Types T Course

Task Type Weighting for 1.0 and 0.5 units
Tests: For example:
- multiple choice
40 - 75%
- short answer
- extended questions

Non-Test Tasks (in-class):

For example:
- validation activities
- modelling
- investigations
0 - 60%
- problem solving
- journals
- portfolios
25 - 60%
- presentations
- practical activities

Take Home Tasks:

For example:
- modelling
0 - 30%
- investigations
- portfolios
- practical activities

Additional Assessment Information

 For a standard 1.0 unit, a minimum of three and a maximum of five assessment items.
 For a half-standard 0.5 unit, minimum of two and a maximum of three assessment items.
 Assessment tasks for a standard (1.0) or half-standard (0.5) unit must be informed by the
Achievement Standards.
 Students should experience a variety of task types and different modes of communication to
demonstrate the Achievement Standards.
 Assessment items should not be a compilation of small discrete tasks (e.g. mini tests) as they
distract from assessing depth of knowledge and skills.
 Each unit (1.0 or 0.5) should include at least two different types of tasks.
 It is recommended that, in standard 1.0 units, no assessment item should carry a weighting of
greater than 45% of the unit assessment.
 Where possible, for tasks completed in unsupervised circumstances, validation of the
students’ work should be undertaken.
 It is recommended that students undertake a take home task. It may be worth 0% and lead
into a non-zero weighted in-class validation.
 It is desirable that students studying at T level investigate Mathematics beyond the classroom
and this should be reflected in the task type.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Achievement Standards
Years 11 and 12 achievement standards are written for A/T courses. A single achievement standard
is written for M courses.
A Year 12 student in any unit is assessed using the Year 12 achievement standards. A Year 11 student
in any unit is assessed using the Year 11 achievement standards. Year 12 achievement standards
reflect higher expectations of student achievement compared to the Year 11 achievement
standards. Years 11 and 12 achievement standards are differentiated by cognitive demand, the
number of dimensions and the depth of inquiry.
An achievement standard cannot be used as a rubric for an individual assessment task. Assessment
is the responsibility of the college. Student tasks may be assessed using rubrics or marking schemes
devised by the college. A teacher may use the achievement standards to inform development of
rubrics. The verbs used in achievement standards may be reflected in the rubric. In the context of
combined Years 11 and 12 classes, it is best practice to have a distinct rubric for Years 11 and 12.
These rubrics should be available for students prior to completion of an assessment task so that
success criteria are clear.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Achievement Standards for Mathematical Methods Course

Technology, its selection and appropriate use, is an integral part of all the following descriptors.
A student who achieves an A A student who achieves a B A student who achieves a C A student who achieves a D A student who achieves an E
grade typically grade typically grade typically grade typically grade typically
 demonstrates very high  demonstrates high level of  demonstrates some  demonstrates limited use  demonstrates very limited

level of proficiency in the proficiency in the use of proficiency in the use of of mathematical facts, use of mathematical facts,
use of mathematical facts, mathematical facts, mathematical facts, techniques and formulae techniques and formulae
techniques and formulae techniques and formulae techniques and formulae studied studied
 selects, extends and applies  selects and applies  with direction, applies a  solves some mathematical  solves some mathematical

appropriate mathematical appropriate mathematical mathematical model. problems independently problems with guidance
modelling and problem modelling and problem solves most problems
solving techniques solving techniques
 uses mathematical  uses mathematical  uses some mathematical  uses some mathematical  uses limited reasoning to
reasoning to develop reasoning to develop reasoning to develop reasoning to develop justify conclusions

logical arguments in logical arguments in logical arguments simple logical arguments

support of conclusions, support of conclusions,
results and/or decisions; results and/or decisions
justifies procedures

 is consistently accurate and  is generally accurate and  presents mathematical  presents some  presents some

appropriate in presentation appropriate in presentation ideas in different contexts mathematical ideas mathematical ideas with
of mathematical ideas in of mathematical ideas in guidance
different contexts different contexts

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Unit 1: Mathematical Methods Value: 1.0

Unit 1a: Mathematical Methods Value: 0.5
Unit 1b: Mathematical Methods Value: 0.5

Specific Unit Goals

By the end of this unit, students:
 understand the concepts and techniques in algebra, functions, graphs, trigonometric functions
and probability
 solve problems using algebra, functions, graphs, trigonometric functions and probability
 apply reasoning skills in the context of algebra, functions, graphs, trigonometric functions and
 interpret and evaluate mathematical information and ascertain the reasonableness of
solutions to problems
 communicate their arguments and strategies when solving problems.

Content Descriptions
Further elaboration on the content of this unit is available at:

Topic 1: Functions and graphs

Lines and linear relationships
 determine the coordinates of the midpoint of two points (MMT01)
 examine examples of direct proportion and linearly related variables (MMT02)
 recognise features of the graph of y=mx+c , including its linear nature, its intercepts and its
slope or gradient (MMT03)
 find the equation of a straight line given sufficient information; parallel and perpendicular
lines (MMT04)
 solve linear equations. (MMT05)
Review of quadratic relationships:
 examine examples of quadratically related variables (MMT06)
 recognise features of the graphs of y=x 2, y=a(x−b)2 +c , and y=a ( x −b ) ( x−c ) ,
including their parabolic nature, turning points, axes of symmetry and intercepts (MMT07)
 solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula and by completing the square (MMT08)
 find the equation of a quadratic given sufficient information (MMT09)
 find turning points and zeros of quadratics and understand the role of the discriminant
 recognise features of the graph of the general quadratic y=a x2 +bx +c . (MMT11)

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Inverse proportion:
 examine examples of inverse proportion (MMT12)
1 a
 recognise features of the graphs of y= and y= , including their hyperbolic shapes,
x x−b
and their asymptotes. (MMT13)
Powers and polynomials:
 recognise features of the graphs of y=x n for n ∈ N , n=−1 and n=½, including shape, and
behaviour as x → ∞ and x →−∞ (MMT14)
 identify the coefficients and the degree of a polynomial (MMT15)
 expand quadratic and cubic polynomials from factors (MMT16)
 recognise features of the graphs of y=x 3, y=a(x−b)3 +c and y=k ( x −a ) ( x−b ) ( x−c ) ,
including shape, intercepts and behaviour as x → ∞ and x →−∞ (MMT17)
 factorise cubic polynomials in cases where a linear factor is easily obtained (MMT18)
 solve cubic equations using technology, and algebraically in cases where a linear factor is
easily obtained. (MMT19)
Graphs of relations:
 recognise features of the graphs of x 2+ y 2=r 2 and ( x−a )2+ ( y −b )2=r 2, including their
circular shapes, their centres and their radii (MMT20)
 recognise features of the graph of y 2=x including its parabolic shape and its axis of
symmetry. (MMT21)
 understand the concept of a function as a mapping between sets, and as a rule or a formula
that defines one variable quantity in terms of another (MMT22)
 use function notation, domain and range, independent and dependent variables (MMT123)
 understand the concept of the graph of a function (MMT24)
 examine translations and the graphs of y=f ( x )+ a and y=f ( x +b) (MMT25)
 examine dilations and the graphs of y=cf ( x ) and y=f ( kx ) (MMT26)
 recognise the distinction between functions and relations, and the vertical line test. (MMT27)

Topic 2: Trigonometric functions

Cosine and sine rules:
 review sine, cosine and tangent as ratios of side lengths in right-angled triangles (MMT28)
 understand the unit circle definition of cos θ , sinθ and tanθ and periodicity using degrees
 examine the relationship between the angle of inclination of a line and the gradient of that
line (MMT30)
 establish and use the sine and cosine rules and the formula Area= bc sin A for the area of a
triangle. (MMT31)
Circular measure and radian measure:
 define and use radian measure and understand its relationship with degree measure (MMT32)
 calculate lengths of arcs and areas of sectors in circles. (MMT33)

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Trigonometric functions:
 understand the unit circle definition of cos θ , sinθ and tanθ and periodicity using radians
π π
 recognise the exact values of sin θ , cos θ and tan θ at integer multiples of ∧¿ (MMT35)
6 4
 recognise the graphs of y=sin x , y=cos x , and y =tan x on extended domains (MMT36)
 examine amplitude changes and the graphs of y=a sin x and y=a cos x (MMT37)
 examine period changes and the graphs of y=sin bx , y=cos bx , and y=tan bx (MMT38)
 examine phase changes and the graphs of y=sin( x+ c) , y=cos(x +c ) and (MMT39)

y=tan (x +c )and the relationships sin x+ ( π2 )=cos x and cos ( x− π2 )=sin x (MMT40)

 prove and apply the angle sum and difference identities (MMT41)
 identify contexts suitable for modelling by trigonometric functions and use them to solve
practical problems (MMT42)
 solve equations involving trigonometric functions using technology, and algebraically in simple
cases. (MMT43)

Topic 3: Counting and Probability

 understand the notion of a combination as an unordered set of r objects taken from a set of
n distinct objects (MMT44)
 use the notation (nr) and the formula (nr )= r ! ( n−r )!
for the number of combinations of r
objects taken from a set of n distinct objects (MMT45)
 expand ( x + y )n for small positive integers n (MMT46)

 recognise the numbers (nr ) as binomial coefficients, (as coefficients in the expansion of
( x + y )n) (MMT47)
 use Pascal’s triangle and its properties. (MMT48)
Language of events and sets:
 review the concepts and language of outcomes, sample spaces and events as sets of outcomes
 use set language and notation for events, including Á (or A' ¿ for the complement of an event
A , A ∩ B for the intersection of events A and B, and A ∪B for the union, and recognise
mutually exclusive events (MMT50)
 use everyday occurrences to illustrate set descriptions and representations of events, and set
operations. (MMT51)
Review of the fundamentals of probability:
 review probability as a measure of ‘the likelihood of occurrence’ of an event (MMT52)
 review the probability scale: 0 ≤ P (A )≤ 1 for each event A , with P ( A )=0 if A is an
impossibility and P ( A )=1 if A is a certainty (MMT53)
 review the rules: P( A ')=1−P( A) and P ( A ∪ B ) =P ( A )+ P ( B )−P ( A ∩B ) (MMT54)
 use relative frequencies obtained from data as point estimates of probabilities. (MMT55)

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Conditional probability and independence:

 understand the notion of a conditional probability and recognise and use language that
indicates conditionality (MMT56)
 use the notation P ( A|B ) and the formula P(A  B) = P(A|B)P(B) (MMT57)
 understand the notion of independence of an event A from an event B, as defined by
P ( A|B )=P ( A ) (MMT58)

 establish and use the formula P ( A ∩ B )=P ( A ) P(B) for independent events A and B, and
recognise the symmetry of independence (MMT59)
 use relative frequencies obtained from data as point estimates of conditional probabilities and
as indications of possible independence of events. (MMT60)

A guide to reading and implementing content descriptions

Content descriptions specify the knowledge, understanding and skills that students are expected to
learn and that teachers are expected to teach. Teachers are required to develop a program of
learning that allows students to demonstrate all the content descriptions. The lens which the
teacher uses to demonstrate the content descriptions may be either guided through provision of
electives within each unit or determined by the teacher when developing their program of learning.
A program of learning is what a college provides to implement the course for a subject. It is at the
discretion of the teacher to emphasis some content descriptions over others. The teacher may teach
additional (not listed) content provided it meets the specific unit goals. This will be informed by the
student needs and interests.

Refer to pages 11-13.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Unit 2: Mathematical Methods Value: 1.0

Unit 2a: Mathematical Methods Value: 0.5
Unit 2b: Mathematical Methods Value: 0.5

Specific Unit Goals

By the end of this unit, students:
 understand the concepts and techniques used in algebra, sequences and series, functions,
graphs and calculus
 solve problems in algebra, sequences and series, functions, graphs and calculus
 apply reasoning skills in algebra, sequences and series, functions, graphs and calculus
 interpret and evaluate mathematical and statistical information and ascertain the
reasonableness of solutions to problems
 communicate arguments and strategies when solving problems.

Content Descriptions
Further elaboration on the content of this unit is available at:

Topic 1: Exponential functions

Indices and the index laws:
 review indices (including fractional indices) and the index laws (MMT01)
 use radicals and convert to and from fractional indices (MMT02)
 understand and use scientific notation and significant figures. (MMT03)
Exponential functions:
 establish and use the algebraic properties of exponential functions (MMT04)
 recognise the qualitative features of the graph of y=a x (a> 0) including asymptotes, and of
its translations ( y=a x +b and y=a x+c) (MMT05)
 identify contexts suitable for modelling by exponential functions and use them to solve
practical problems (MMT06)
 solve equations involving exponential functions using technology, and algebraically in simple
cases. (MMT07)

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Topic 2 Arithmetic and geometric sequences and series

Arithmetic sequences:
 recognise and use the recursive definition of an arithmetic sequence: t n+1=t n +d (MMT08)
 use the formula t n=t 1+ ( n−1 ) d for the general term of an arithmetic sequence and recognise
its linear nature (MMT09)
 use arithmetic sequences in contexts involving discrete linear growth or decay, such as simple
interest (MMT10)
 establish and use the formula for the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic sequence.

Geometric sequences:
 recognise and use the recursive definition of a geometric sequence: t n+1=r t n (MMT12)
 use the formula t n=r t 1 for the general term of a geometric sequence and recognise its
exponential nature (MMT13)
 understand the limiting behaviour as n → ∞ of the terms t n in a geometric sequence and its
dependence on the value of the common ratio r (MMT14)
r n −1
 establish and use the formula Sn=t 1 for the sum of the first n terms of a geometric
sequence (MMT15)
 use geometric sequences in contexts involving geometric growth or decay, such as compound
interest. (MMT16)

Topic 3: Introduction to differential calculus

Rates of change:
f ( x+ h )−f ( x )
 interpret the difference quotient as the average rate of change of a function f
 use the Leibniz notation δx and δy for changes or increments in the variables x and y (MMT18)
δy f ( x+ h )−f ( x )
 use the notation for the difference quotient where y=f ( x ) (MMT19)
δx h
f ( x+ h )−f ( x ) δy
 interpret the ratios and as the slope or gradient of a chord or secant of
h δx
the graph of y=f ( x ). (MMT20)
The concept of the derivative:
f ( x+ h )−f ( x )
 examine the behaviour of the difference quotient as h → 0 as an informal
introduction to the concept of a limit (MMT21)
f ( x +h )−f (x)
 define the derivative f ' ( x ) as lim (MMT22)
h→ 0 h
dy δy dy '
 use the Leibniz notation for the derivative: = lim and the correspondence =f ( x )
dx δx → 0 δx dx
where y=f (x ) (MM231)
 interpret the derivative as the instantaneous rate of change (MMT24)

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

 interpret the derivative as the slope or gradient of a tangent line of the graph of y=f (x ).

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Computation of derivatives:
 estimate numerically the value of a derivative, for simple power functions (MMT26)
 examine examples of variable rates of change of non-linear functions (MMT27)
d n
 establish the formula ( x )=n x n−1 for positive integers n by expanding ( x +h)n or by
factorising ( x +h) −x n. (MMT28)

Properties of derivatives:
 understand the concept of the derivative as a function (MMT29)
 recognise and use linearity properties of the derivative (MMT30)
 calculate derivatives of polynomials and other linear combinations of power functions.

Applications of derivatives:
 find instantaneous rates of change (MMT32)
 find the slope of a tangent and the equation of the tangent (MMT33)
 construct and interpret position-time graphs, with velocity as the slope of the tangent (MMT34)
 sketch curves associated with simple polynomials; find stationary points, and local and global
maxima and minima; and examine behaviour as x → ∞ and x →−∞ (MMT35)
 solve optimisation problems arising in a variety of contexts involving simple polynomials on
finite interval domains. (MMT36)
 calculate anti-derivatives of polynomial functions and apply to solving simple problems
involving motion in a straight line. (MMT37)

A guide to reading and implementing content descriptions

Content descriptions specify the knowledge, understanding and skills that students are expected to
learn and that teachers are expected to teach. Teachers are required to develop a program of
learning that allows students to demonstrate all the content descriptions. The lens which the
teacher uses to demonstrate the content descriptions may be either guided through provision of
electives within each unit or determined by the teacher when developing their program of learning.
A program of learning is what a college provides to implement the course for a subject. It is at the
discretion of the teacher to emphasis some content descriptions over others. The teacher may teach
additional (not listed) content provided it meets the specific unit goals. This will be informed by the
student needs and interests.

Refer to pages 11-13.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Unit 3: Mathematical Methods Value: 1.0

Unit 3a: Mathematical Methods Value: 0.5
Unit 3b: Mathematical Methods Value: 0.5

Specific Unit Goals

By the end of this unit, students:
 understand the concepts and techniques in calculus, probability and statistics
 solve problems in calculus, probability and statistics
 apply reasoning skills in calculus, probability and statistics
 interpret and evaluate mathematical and statistical information and ascertain the
reasonableness of solutions to problems.
 communicate their arguments and strategies when solving problems.

Content Descriptions
Further elaboration on the content of this unit is available at:

Topic 1: Further differentiation and applications

Exponential functions:
 estimate the limit of as h → 0 using technology, for various values of a> 0 (MMT01)
 recognise that e is the unique number a for which the above limit is 1 (MMT02)
d x
 establish and use the formula ( e ) =e x (MMT03)
 use exponential functions and their derivatives to solve practical problems. (MMT04)
Trigonometric functions:
d d
 establish the formulas ( sin x )=cos x , and ( cos x )=−sin x by numerical estimations
dx dx
of the limits and informal proofs based on geometric constructions (MMT05)
 use trigonometric functions and their derivatives to solve practical problems. (MMT06)
Differentiation rules:
 understand and use the product and quotient rules (MMT07)
 understand the notion of composition of functions and use the chain rule for determining the
derivatives of composite functions (MMT08)
 apply the product, quotient and chain rule to differentiate functions such as x e x, tan x , ,
x sin x , e− x sin x and f (ax +b). (MMT09)

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

The second derivative and applications of differentiation:

 use the increments formula: δy ≅ ×δx to estimate the change in the dependent variable y
resulting from changes in the independent variable x (MMT10)
 understand the concept of the second derivative as the rate of change of the first derivative
function (MMT11)
 recognise acceleration as the second derivative of position with respect to time (MMT12)
 understand the concepts of concavity and points of inflection and their relationship with the
second derivative (MMT13)
 understand and use the second derivative test for finding local maxima and minima (MMT14)
 sketch the graph of a function using first and second derivatives to locate stationary points
and points of inflection (MMT15)
 solve optimisation problems from a wide variety of fields using first and second derivatives.

Topic 2: Integrals
 recognise anti-differentiation as the reverse of differentiation (MMT17)
 use the notation ∫ f ( x ) dx for anti-derivatives or indefinite integrals (MMT18)
n 1 n+1
 establish and use the formula ∫ x dx= x + c for n ≠−1 (MMT19)
x x
 establish and use the formula ∫ e dx=e + c (MMT20)
 establish and use the formulas ∫ sin x dx=−cos x +c and ∫ cos x dx=sin x +c (MMT21)
 recognise and use linearity of anti-differentiation (MMT22)
 determine indefinite integrals of the form ∫ f ( ax+ b ) dx (MMT23)
 identify families of curves with the same derivative function (MMT24)
 determine f ( x ) , given f ' ( x ) and an initial condition f ( a )=b (MMT25)
 determine displacement given velocity in linear motion problems. (MMT26)
Definite integrals:

 examine the area problem, and use sums of the form ∑ f ( x i ) δ xi to estimate the area
under the curve y=f (x ) (MMT27)
 interpret the definite integral ∫ f ( x ) dx as area under the curve y=f ( x ) if f ( x ) >0 (MMT28)
 recognise the definite integral ∫ f ( x ) dx as a limit of sums of the form ∑ f ( x i ) δ xi (MMT29)
 interpret ∫ f ( x ) dx as a sum of signed areas (MMT30)

 recognise and use the additivity and linearity of definite integrals. (MMT31)
Fundamental theorem:

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

 understand the concept of the signed area function F ( x )=∫ f ( t ) dt (MMT32)
 understand and use the theorem: F ( x )=
dx (∫ )
f ( t ) dt =f ( x ), and illustrate its proof

geometrically (MMT33)
 understand the formula ∫ f ( x ) dx=F ( b )−F (a) and use it to calculate definite integrals.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Applications of integration:
 calculate the area under a curve (MMT35)
 calculate total change by integrating instantaneous or marginal rate of change (MMT36)
 calculate the area between curves in simple cases (MMT37)
 determine positions given acceleration and initial values of position and velocity. (MMT38)

Topic 3: Discrete random variables

General discrete random variables:
 understand the concepts of a discrete random variable and its associated probability function,
and their use in modelling data (MMT39)
 use relative frequencies obtained from data to obtain point estimates of probabilities
associated with a discrete random variable (MMT40)
 recognise uniform discrete random variables and use them to model random phenomena with
equally likely outcomes (MMT41)
 examine simple examples of non-uniform discrete random variables (MMT42)
 recognise the mean or expected value of a discrete random variable as a measurement of
centre, and evaluate it in simple cases (MMT43)
 recognise the variance and standard deviation of a discrete random variable as measures of
spread, and evaluate them in simple cases (MMT44)
 use discrete random variables and associated probabilities to solve practical problems.

Bernoulli distributions:
 use a Bernoulli random variable as a model for two-outcome situations (MMT46)
 identify contexts suitable for modelling by Bernoulli random variables (MMT47)
 recognise the mean pand variance p ( 1− p ) of the Bernoulli distribution with parameter p
 use Bernoulli random variables and associated probabilities to model data and solve practical
problems. (MMT49)
Binomial distributions:
 understand the concepts of Bernoulli trials and the concept of a binomial random variable as
the number of ‘successes’ in n independent Bernoulli trials, with the same probability of
success p in each trial (MMT50)
 identify contexts suitable for modelling by binomial random variables (MMT51)

 determine and use the probabilities P ( X=r )= ( nr ) p (1− p)

r n−r
associated with the binomial

distribution with parameters n and p ; note the mean np and variance np ( 1− p )of a binomial
distribution (MMT52)
 use binomial distributions and associated probabilities to solve practical problems. (MMT53)

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

A guide to reading and implementing content descriptions

Content descriptions specify the knowledge, understanding and skills that students are expected to
learn and that teachers are expected to teach. Teachers are required to develop a program of
learning that allows students to demonstrate all the content descriptions. The lens which the
teacher uses to demonstrate the content descriptions may be either guided through provision of
electives within each unit or determined by the teacher when developing their program of learning.
A program of learning is what a college provides to implement the course for a subject. It is at the
discretion of the teacher to emphasis some content descriptions over others. The teacher may teach
additional (not listed) content provided it meets the specific unit goals. This will be informed by the
student needs and interests.

Refer to pages 11-13.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Unit 4: Mathematical Methods Value: 1.0

Unit 4a: Mathematical Methods Value: 0.5
Unit 4b: Mathematical Methods Value: 0.5

Specific Unit Goals

By the end of this unit, students:
 understand the concepts and techniques in calculus, probability and statistics
 solve problems in calculus, probability and statistics
 apply reasoning skills in calculus, probability and statistics
 interpret and evaluate mathematical and statistical information and ascertain the
reasonableness of solutions to problems.
 communicate their arguments and strategies when solving problems.

Content Descriptions
Further elaboration on the content of this unit is available at:

Topic 1: The Logarithmic function

Logarithmic functions:
 define logarithms as indices: a x =b is equivalent to x=log a b i.e. a log b =b (MMT01)

 establish and use the algebraic properties of logarithms (MMT02)

 recognise the inverse relationship between logarithms and exponentials: y=a x is equivalent
to x=log a y (MMT03)
 interpret and use logarithmic scales such as decibels in acoustics, the Richter Scale for
earthquake magnitude, octaves in music, pH in chemistry (MMT04)
 solve equations involving indices using logarithms (MMT05)
 recognise the qualitative features of the graph of y=log a x (a> 1¿ including asymptotes, and
of its translations y=log a x +b and y=log a ( x +c) (MMT06)
 solve simple equations involving logarithmic functions algebraically and graphically (MMT07)
 identify contexts suitable for modelling by logarithmic functions and use them to solve
practical problems. (MMT08)
Calculus of logarithmic functions:
 define the natural logarithm ln x=log e x (MMT09)
 recognise and use the inverse relationship of the functions y=e x and y=ln x (MMT10)
d 1
 establish and use the formula ( ln x )= (MMT11)
dx x
 establish and use the formula ∫ dx=ln x +c , for x >0 (MMT12)
 use logarithmic functions and their derivatives to solve practical problems. (MMT13)

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Topic 2: Continuous random variables and the normal distribution

General continuous random variables:
 use relative frequencies and histograms obtained from data to estimate probabilities
associated with a continuous random variable (MMT14)
 understand the concepts of a probability density function, cumulative distribution function,
and probabilities associated with a continuous random variable given by integrals; examine
simple types of continuous random variables and use them in appropriate contexts (MMT15)
 recognise the expected value, variance and standard deviation of a continuous random
variable and evaluate them in simple cases (MMT16)
 understand the effects of linear changes of scale and origin on the mean and the standard
deviation. (MMT17)
Normal distributions:
 identify contexts such as naturally occurring variation that are suitable for modelling by
normal random variables (MMT18)
 recognise features of the graph of the probability density function of the normal distribution
with mean μ and standard deviation σ and the use of the standard normal distribution
 calculate probabilities and quantiles associated with a given normal distribution using
technology, and use these to solve practical problems. (MMT20)

Topic 3: Interval estimates for proportions

Random sampling:
 understand the concept of a random sample (MMT21)
 discuss sources of bias in samples, and procedures to ensure randomness (MMT22)
 use graphical displays of simulated data to investigate the variability of random samples from
various types of distributions, including uniform, normal and Bernoulli. (MMT23)
Sample proportions:
 understand the concept of the sample proportion ^p as a random variable whose value varies
between samples, and the formulas for the mean p and standard deviation √ ¿ ¿ of the sample
proportion ^p (MMT24)
 examine the approximate normality of the distribution of ^p for large samples (MMT25)
 simulate repeated random sampling, for a variety of values of p and a range of sample sizes, to
^p −p
illustrate the distribution of ^p and the approximate standard normality of where the
√¿ ¿ ¿
closeness of the approximation depends on both n and p. (MMT26)
Confidence intervals for proportions:
 the concept of an interval estimate for a parameter associated with a random variable
 use the approximate confidence interval ¿ as an interval estimate for p, where z is the
appropriate quantile for the standard normal distribution (MMT28)
 define the approximate margin of error E=z √ ¿ ¿ and understand the trade-off between
margin of error and level of confidence (MMT29)
 use simulation to illustrate variations in confidence intervals between samples and to show
that most but not all confidence intervals contain p. (MMT30)

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

A guide to reading and implementing content descriptions

Content descriptions specify the knowledge, understanding and skills that students are expected to
learn and that teachers are expected to teach. Teachers are required to develop a program of
learning that allows students to demonstrate all the content descriptions. The lens which the
teacher uses to demonstrate the content descriptions may be either guided through provision of
electives within each unit or determined by the teacher when developing their program of learning.
A program of learning is what a college provides to implement the course for a subject. It is at the
discretion of the teacher to emphasis some content descriptions over others. The teacher may teach
additional (not listed) content provided it meets the specific unit goals. This will be informed by the
student needs and interests.

Refer to pages 11-13.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Unit 5: Mathematical Methods Value: 1.0

(This unit combines Unit 3b and Unit 4a)

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Appendix A – Implementation Guidelines

Available course patterns
A standard 1.0 value unit is delivered over at least 55 hours. To be awarded a course, students must
complete at least the minimum units over the whole minor, major, major/minor or double major

Course Number of standard units to meet course requirements

Minor Minimum of 2 units
Major Minimum of 3.5 units
Units in this course can be delivered in any order.
Prerequisites for the course or units within the course:
For the Negotiated Study Unit (if applicable), students must have studied a minimum of two
standard 1.0 units from this course.
Arrangements for students continuing study in this course
Students who studied the previous course may undertake any units in this course provided there is
no duplication of content.

Duplication of Content Rules

Students cannot be given credit towards the requirements for a Senior Secondary Certificate for a
unit that significantly duplicates content in a unit studied in another course. The responsibility for
preventing undesirable overlap of content studied by a student rests with the principal and the
teacher delivering the course. Students will only be given credit for covering the content once.

Guidelines for Delivery

Program of Learning
A program of learning is what a school provides to implement the course for a subject. This meets
the requirements for context, scope and sequence set out in the Board endorsed course. Students
follow programs of learning in a college as part of their senior secondary studies. The detail, design
and layout of a program of learning are a college decision.
The program of learning must be documented to show the planned learning activities and
experiences that meet the needs of particular groups of students, taking into account their interests,
prior knowledge, abilities and backgrounds. The program of learning is a record of the learning
experiences that enable students to achieve the knowledge, understanding and skills of the content
descriptions. There is no requirement to submit a program of learning to the OBSSS for approval.
The Principal will need to sign off at the end of Year 12 that courses have been delivered as
Content Descriptions
Are all content descriptions of equal importance? No. It depends on the focus of study. Teachers can
customise their program of learning to meet their own students’ needs, adding additional content
descriptions if desired or emphasising some over others. A teacher must balance student needs with

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

their responsibility to teach all content descriptions. It is mandatory that teachers address all
content descriptions and that students engage with all content descriptions.
Half standard 0.5 units
Half standard units appear on the course adoption form but are not explicitly documented in
courses. It is at the discretion of the college principal to split a standard 1.0 unit into two half
standard 0.5 units. Colleges are required to adopt the half standard 0.5 units. However, colleges are
not required to submit explicit documentation outlining their half standard 0.5 units to the BSSS.
Colleges must assess students using the half standard 0.5 assessment task weightings outlined in the
framework. It is the responsibility of the college principal to ensure that all content is delivered in
units approved by the Board.

Moderation is a system designed and implemented to:
 provide comparability in the system of school-based assessment
 form the basis for valid and reliable assessment in senior secondary schools
 involve the ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies and colleges in cooperation and
 maintain the quality of school-based assessment and the credibility, validity and
acceptability of Board certificates.
Moderation commences within individual colleges. Teachers develop assessment programs and
instruments, apply assessment criteria, and allocate Unit Grades, according to the relevant Course
Framework. Teachers within course teaching groups conduct consensus discussions to moderate
marking or grading of individual assessment instruments and unit grade decisions.
The Moderation Model
Moderation within the ACT encompasses structured, consensus-based peer review of Unit Grades
for all accredited courses, as well as statistical moderation of course scores, including small group
procedures, for T courses.
Moderation by Structured, Consensus-based Peer Review
Review is a subcategory of moderation, comprising the review of standards and the validation of
Unit Grades. In the review process, Unit Grades, determined for Year 11 and Year 12 student
assessment portfolios that have been assessed in schools by teachers under accredited courses, are
moderated by peer review against system wide criteria and standards. This is done by matching
student performance with the criteria and standards outlined in the unit grade descriptors as stated
in the Course Framework. Advice is then given to colleges to assist teachers with, and/or reassure
them on, their judgments.
Preparation for Structured, Consensus-based Peer Review
Each year, teachers teaching a Year 11 class are asked to retain originals or copies of student work
completed in Semester 2. Similarly, teachers teaching a Year 12 class should retain originals or
copies of student work completed in Semester 1. Assessment and other documentation required
by the Office of the Board of Senior Secondary Studies should also be kept. Year 11 work from
Semester 2 of the previous year is presented for review at Moderation Day 1 in March, and Year 12
work from Semester 1 is presented for review at Moderation Day 2 in August.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

In the lead up to Moderation Day, a College Course Presentation (comprised of a document folder
and a set of student portfolios) is prepared for each A, T and M course/units offered by the school
and is sent in to the Office of the Board of Senior Secondary Studies.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

The College Course Presentation

The package of materials (College Course Presentation) presented by a college for review on
moderation days in each course area will comprise the following:
 a folder containing supporting documentation as requested by the Office of the Board
through memoranda to colleges
 a set of student portfolios containing marked and/or graded written and non-written
assessment responses and completed criteria and standards feedback forms. Evidence of all
assessment responses on which the unit grade decision has been made is to be included in
the student review portfolios.
Specific requirements for subject areas and types of evidence to be presented for each Moderation
Day will be outlined by the Board Secretariat through memoranda and Information Papers.
Visual evidence for judgements made about practical performances
(also refer to BSSS Website Guidelines)
It is a requirement that schools’ judgements of standards to practical performances (A/T/M) be
supported by visual evidence (still photos or video).
The photographic evidence submitted must be drawn from practical skills performed as part of the
assessment process.
Teachers should consult the BSSS guidelines at:
for current information regarding all moderation requirements including subject specific and
photographic evidence.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Appendix B – Course Developers

Name College
Jacob Woolley Canberra College
Gary Pocock Canberra Institute of Technology
Marion McIntosh Melba Copland Secondary School
Wayne Semmens Melba Copland Secondary School
Jennifer Missen Merici College
Nicole Burg Narrabundah College
Rebecca Guinane Narrabundah College
Andrew Trost Narrabundah College

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Appendix C – Common Curriculum Elements

Common curriculum elements assist in the development of high-quality assessment tasks by
encouraging breadth and depth and discrimination in levels of achievement.
Organisers Elements Examples
create, compose apply ideas and procedures in unfamiliar situations, content and processes
and apply in non-routine settings
compose oral, written and multimodal texts, music, visual images, responses to
complex topics, new outcomes
represent images, symbols or signs
create creative thinking to identify areas for change, growth and innovation,
recognise opportunities, experiment to achieve innovative solutions,
construct objects, imagine alternatives
manipulate images, text, data, points of view
analyse, justify arguments, points of view, phenomena, choices
synthesise and hypothesise statement/theory that can be tested by data
extrapolate trends, cause/effect, impact of a decision
predict data, trends, inferences
evaluate text, images, points of view, solutions, phenomenon, graphics
test validity of assumptions, ideas, procedures, strategies
argue trends, cause/effect, strengths and weaknesses
reflect on strengths and weaknesses
synthesise data and knowledge, points of view from several sources
analyse text, images, graphs, data, points of view
examine data, visual images, arguments, points of view
investigate issues, problems
organise, sequence text, data, relationships, arguments, patterns
sequence and visualise trends, futures, patterns, cause and effect
compare/contrast data, visual images, arguments, points of view
discuss issues, data, relationships, choices/options
interpret symbols, text, images, graphs
explain explicit/implicit assumptions, bias, themes/arguments, cause/effect,
translate data, visual images, arguments, points of view
assess probabilities, choices/options
select main points, words, ideas in text
identify, reproduce information, data, words, images, graphics
summarise and respond data, visual images, arguments, points of view
relate events, processes, situations
demonstrate probabilities, choices/options
describe data, visual images, arguments, points of view
plan strategies, ideas in text, arguments
classify information, data, words, images
identify spatial relationships, patterns, interrelationships
summarise main points, words, ideas in text, review, draft and edit

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Appendix D – Glossary of Verbs

Verbs Definition
Analyse Consider in detail for the purpose of finding meaning or relationships, and identifying patterns,
similarities and differences
Apply Use, utilise or employ in a particular situation
Argue Give reasons for or against something
Assess Make a Judgement about the value of
Classify Arrange into named categories in order to sort, group or identify
Compare Estimate, measure or note how things are similar or dissimilar
Compose The activity that occurs when students produce written, spoken, or visual texts
Contrast Compare in such a way as to emphasise differences
Create Bring into existence, to originate
Demonstrate Give a practical exhibition an explanation
Describe Give an account of characteristics or features
Discuss Talk or write about a topic, taking into account different issues or ideas
Evaluate Examine and judge the merit or significance of something
Examine Determine the nature or condition of
Explain Provide additional information that demonstrates understanding of reasoning and /or
Extrapolate Infer from what is known
Hypothesise Put forward a supposition or conjecture to account for certain facts and used as a basis for
further investigation by which it may be proved or disproved
Identify Recognise and name
Interpret Draw meaning from
Investigate Planning, inquiry into and drawing conclusions about
Justify Show how argument or conclusion is right or reasonable
Manipulate Adapt or change
Plan Strategize, develop a series of steps, processes
Predict Suggest what might happen in the future or as a consequence of something
Reflect The thought process by which students develop an understanding and appreciation of their own
learning. This process draws on both cognitive and affective experience
Relate Tell or report about happenings, events or circumstances
Represent Use words, images, symbols or signs to convey meaning
Reproduce Copy or make close imitation
Respond React to a person or text
Select Choose in preference to another or others
Sequence Arrange in order
Summarise Give a brief statement of the main points
Synthesise Combine elements (information/ideas/components) into a coherent whole
Test Examine qualities or abilities
Translate Express in another language or form, or in simpler terms
Visualise The ability to decode, interpret, create, question, challenge and evaluate texts that
communicate with visual images as well as, or rather than, words

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Appendix E – Glossary for ACT Senior Secondary Curriculum

Courses will detail what teachers are expected to teach and students are expected to learn for year
11 and 12. They will describe the knowledge, understanding and skills that students will be expected
to develop for each learning area across the years of schooling.
Learning areas are broad areas of the curriculum, including English, mathematics, science, the arts,
languages, health and physical education.
A subject is a discrete area of study that is part of a learning area. There may be one or more subjects
in a single learning area.
Frameworks are system documents for Years 11 and 12 which provide the basis for the development
and accreditation of any course within a designated learning area. In addition, frameworks provide a
common basis for assessment, moderation and reporting of student outcomes in courses based on
the framework.
The course sets out the requirements for the implementation of a subject. Key elements of a course
include the rationale, goals, content descriptions, assessment, and achievement standards as
designated by the framework.
BSSS courses will be organised into units. A unit is a distinct focus of study within a course. A
standard 1.0 unit is delivered for a minimum of 55 hours generally over one semester.
Core units are foundational units that provide students with the breadth of the subject.
Additional units are avenues of learning that cannot be provided for within the four core 1.0
standard units by an adjustment to the program of learning.
A negotiated study unit makes provision for students, classes, groups or individuals to negotiate the
program of learning based on the specific unit goals, content descriptions, assessment and
achievement standards of the course.
An elective is a lens for demonstrating the content descriptions within a standard 1.0 or half
standard 0.5 unit.
A lens is a particular focus or viewpoint within a broader study.
Content descriptions refer to the subject-based knowledge, understanding and skills to be taught
and learned.
A program of learning is what a college develops to implement the course for a subject and to
ensure that the content descriptions are taught and learned.
Achievement standards provide an indication of typical performance at five different levels
(corresponding to grades A to E) following completion of study of senior secondary course content
for units in a subject.
ACT senior secondary system curriculum comprises all BSSS approved courses of study.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Appendix F – Glossary for Mathematical Methods

Unit 1

Functions and graphs

A line is an asymptote to a curve if the distance between the line and the curve approaches zero as
they ‘tend to infinity’. For example, the line with equation x=π /2 is a vertical asymptote to the
graph of y=tan x , and the line with equation y=0 is a horizontal asymptote to the graph of
y=1 /x .
Binomial distribution

n n
The expansion ( x + y ) =x + ( n1) x n−1
y + ⋯+ n x n−r y r + ⋯+ y n is known as the binomial theorem.
n! n ×(n−1)× ⋯ ×(n−r +1)
The numbers (nr )= r ! ( n−r )!
r ×(r−1)×⋯ × 2× 1
are called binomial coefficients.

Completing the square

b 2 b2
The quadratic expression a x 2+ bx+ c can be rewritten as a x+
( 2a ) (
+ c−
4a )
. Rewriting it in this

way is called completing the square.


The discriminant of the quadratic expression a x 2+ bx+ c is the quantity b 2−4 ac

A function f is a rule that associates with each element x in a set S a unique element f (x) in a set
T . We write x ⟼ f ( x) to indicate the mapping of x to f (x). The set Sis called the domain of f and
the set T is called the codomain. The subset of T consisting of all the elements f ( x ) : x ∈ S is called
the range of f . If we write y=f (x ) we say that x is the independent variable and y is the
dependent variable.
Graph of a function
The graph of a function f is the set of all points ( x , y ) in Cartesian plane where x is in the domain of
f and y=f ( x )
Quadratic formula

−b ± √ b2−4 ac
If a x 2+ bx+ c=0 with a ≠ 0 , then x= . This formula for the roots is called the
quadratic formula.
Vertical line test

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

A relation between two real variables x and y is a function and y=f (x ) for some function f , if and
only if each vertical line, i.e. each line parallel to the y−¿ axis, intersects the graph of the relation in
at most one point. This test to determine whether a relation is, in fact, a function is known as the
vertical line test.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Trigonometric functions
Circular measure is the measurement of angle size in radians.
Radian measure
The radian measure θ of an angle in a sector of a circle is defined by θ=l/ r , where r is the radius
and l is the arc length. Thus an angle whose degree measure is 180 has radian measure π .
Length of an arc
The length of an arc in a circle is given by l=rθ , where l is the arc length,r is the radius and θ is the
angle subtended at the centre, measured in radians. This is simply a rearrangement of the formula
defining the radian measure of an angle.
Sine rule and cosine rule
The lengths of the sides of a triangle are related to the sines of its angles by the equations
a b c
= =
sin A sin B sin C
This is known as the sine rule.

The lengths of the sides of a triangle are related to the cosine of one of its angles by the equation

c 2=a2+ b2−2 ab cos C

This is known as the cosine rule.

Sine and cosine functions

In the unit circle definition of cosine and sine, cos θ and sinθ are the x and y coordinates of the
point on the unit circle corresponding to the angle θ
Period of a function

The period of a function f ( x ) is the smallest positive number p with the property that f ( x + p )=f ( x )
for all x . The functions sin x and cos x both have period 2 π and tan x has period π

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Counting and Probability

Pascal’s triangle

Pascal’s triangle is a triangular arrangement of binomial coefficients. The nth row consists of the

binomial coefficients (nr ) , for 0 ≤ r ≤ n, each interior entry is the sum of the two entries above it,
and sum of the entries in the nth row is 2n

Conditional probability
The probability that an event A occurs can change if it becomes known that another event B occurs.
The new probability is known as a conditional probability and is written as P ( A|B ) . If B has
occurred, the sample space is reduced by discarding all outcomes that are not in the event B . The
new sample space, called the reduced sample space, is B . The conditional probability of event A is
P( A ∩ B)
given by P( A∨B)= .
Independent events
Two events are independent if knowing that one occurs tells us nothing about the other. The
concept can be defined formally using probabilities in various ways: events A and B are independent
if P( A ∩ B)=P( A)P (B), if P ( A|B )=P( A) or if P ( B )=P ( B| A ) . For events A and Bwith non-
zero probabilities, any one of these equations implies any other.
Mutually exclusive
Two events are mutually exclusive if there is no outcome in which both events occur.
Point and interval estimates
In statistics estimation is the use of information derived from a sample to produce an estimate of an
unknown probability or population parameter. If the estimate is a single number, this number is
called a point estimate. An interval estimate is an interval derived from the sample that, in some
sense, is likely to contain the parameter.
A simple example of a point estimate of the probability p of an event is the relative frequency f of
the event in a large number of Bernoulli trials. An example of an interval estimate for p is a
confidence interval centred on the relative frequency f .
Relative frequency
If an event E occurs r times when a chance experiment is repeated n times, the relative frequency
of E is r /n .

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Unit 2

Exponential functions
Index laws
1 −x x y
The index laws are the rules: a x a y =ax+ y, a = xy 0 x x x
x , ( a ) =a , a =1, and ( ab ) =a b , for any real
numbers x , y , a and b , with a> 0 and b> 0
Algebraic properties of exponential functions

−x 1
The algebraic properties of exponential functions are the index laws: a x a y =ax+ y, a = ,
( a x ) =axy , a 0=1, for any real numbers x , y , and a, with a> 0

Arithmetic and Geometric sequences and series

Arithmetic sequence
An arithmetic sequence is a sequence of numbers such that the difference of any two successive
members of the sequence is a constant. For instance, the sequence
2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, …
is an arithmetic sequence with common difference 3.
If the initial term of an arithmetic sequence is a and the common difference of successive members
is d, then the nth term tn, of the sequence, is given by:
tn = a + (n – 1)d for n ≥ 1
A recursive definition is
t1 = a, tn+1 = tn + d where d is the common difference and n ≥ 1.
Geometric sequence
A geometric sequence is a sequence of numbers where each term after the first is found by
multiplying the previous one by a fixed number called the common ratio. For example, the sequence
3, 6, 12, 24, ...
is a geometric sequence with common ratio 2. Similarly the sequence
40, 20, 10, 5, 2.5, …
is a geometric sequence with common ratio .
If the initial term of a geometric sequence is a and the common ratio of successive members is r,
then the nth term tn of the sequence, is given by:
tn = arn – 1 for n ≥ 1
A recursive definition is
t1 = a, tn+1 = rtn for n ≥ 1 and where r is the constant ratio

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Partial sums of a sequence (Series)

The sequence of partial sums of a sequence t1,…, ts, … is defined by
Sn = t1 + …+ tn
Partial sum of an arithmetic sequence (Arithmetic series)
The partial sum Sn of the first n terms of an arithmetic sequence with first term a and common
difference d.
a, a + d, a + 2d,……, a + (n – 1)d,…
Sn = (a + tn) = (2a + (n – 1)d) where tn is the nth term of the sequence.
The partial sums form a sequence with Sn+1 = Sn + tn and S1 = t1
Partial sums of a geometric sequence (Geometric series)
The partial sum Sn of the first n terms of a geometric sequence with first term a and common ratio r,
a, ar, ar2,……, arn – 1,…
Sn = , r ≠ 1.
The partial sums form a sequence with Sn+1 = Sn + tn and S1 = t1.

Introduction to differential calculus

Gradient (Slope)
y 2− y 1
The gradient of the straight line passing through points ( x 1 , y 1 ) and ( x 2 , y 2 )is the ratio .
x 2−x 1
Slope is a synonym for gradient.
A secant of the graph of a function is the straight line passing through two points on the graph. The
line segment between the two points is called a chord.
Tangent line
The tangent line (or simply the tangent) to a curve at a given point P can be described intuitively as
the straight line that "just touches" the curve at that point. At P where the tangent meets the curve
the curve meet, the curve has "the same direction" as the tangent line. In this sense it is the best
straight-line approximation to the curve at the point P.
Linearity property of the derivative
The linearity property of the derivative is summarized by the equations:
d dy
( ky )=k for any constant k
dx dx

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

d dy dy
and ( y 1 + y 2 )= 1 + 2
dx dx dx

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Local and global maximum and minimum

A stationary point on the graph y=f (x ) of a differentiable function is a point where f ' ( x )=0.

We say that f (x 0) is a local maximum of the function f (x) if f (x) ≤ f (x 0 ) for all values of x near x 0.
We say that f (x 0) is a global maximum of the function f (x) if f (x) ≤ f (x 0 ) for all values of x in the
domain of f .

We say that f (x 0) is a local minimum of the function f (x) if f (x) ≥ f ( x 0 ) for all values of x near x 0.
We say that f (x 0) is a global minimum of the function f (x) if f (x) ≥ f ( x 0 ) for all values of x in the
domain of f .

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Unit 3

Further differentiation and applications

Euler’s number
Euler’s number e is an irrational number whose decimal expansion begins
e=2.7182818284590452353602874713527 ⋯
It is the base of the natural logarithms, and can be defined in various ways including:
1 1 1
e=1+ + + +⋯ and e=lim (1+ 1 ) .
1! 2 ! 3 ! n→∞ n
Product rule
The product rule relates the derivative of the product of two functions to the functions and their

If h ( x )=f ( x ) g ( x) then h' ( x ) =f ( x ) g' ( x )+ f ' ( x ) g (x) ,

d dv du
and in Leibniz notation: ( uv )=u + v
dx dx dx
Quotient rule
The quotient rule relates the derivative of the quotient of two functions to the functions and their

f (x) g ( x ) f ' ( x )−f ( x ) g ' ( x )

If h ( x )= then h ' ( x )=
g (x) g ( x )2

du dv
−u v
and in Leibniz notation: d u dx dx
dx v
v 2()
Composition of functions

If y=g ( x ) and z=f ( y ) for functions f and g , then z is a composite function of x .

We write z=f ∘ g ( x ) =f ( g ( x ) ). For example, z=√ x 2+ 3 expresses z as a composite of the

functions f ( y )=√ y and g( x )=x 2+ 3

Chain rule
The chain rule relates the derivative of the composite of two functions to the functions and their
' ' '
If h ( x )=f ∘ g ( x ) then ( f ∘ g ) ( x )=f ( g ( x ) ) g ( x ) ,

dz dz dy
and in Leibniz notation: =
dx dy dx

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Concave up and concave down

A graph of y=f (x ) is concave up at a point P if points on the graph near P lie above the tangent at
P . The graph is concave down at P if points on the graph near P lie below the tangent at P .

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Point of inflection
A point P on the graph of y=f (x ) is a point of inflection if the concavity changes at P , i.e. points
near P on one side of P lie above the tangent at P and points near P on the other side of P lie
below the tangent at P
Second derivative test

According to the second derivative test, if f ' ( x )=0 , then f (x) is a local maximum of f if f ' ' ( x ) < 0
and f (x) is a local minimum if f ' ' ( x ) > 0

An anti-derivative, primitive or indefinite integral of a function f (x) is a function F (x) whose
derivative is f (x), i.e. F ' (x )=f ( x).

The process of solving for anti-derivatives is called anti-differentiation.

Anti-derivatives are not unique. If F (x) is an anti-derivative of f ( x ) , then so too is the function
F ( x ) +c where c is any number. We write ∫ f ( x ) dx=F ( x ) +c to denote the set of all anti-
derivatives of f ( x ) . The number c is called the constant of integration. For example, since
d 3
( x )=3 x 2 , we can write ∫ 3 x 2 dx=x 3+ c
The linearity property of anti-differentiation
The linearity property of anti-differentiation is summarized by the equations:

∫ kf ( x ) dx=k ∫ f ( x ) dx for any constant k and

∫ ( f 1 ( x ) + f 2 ( x ) ) dx=∫ f 1 ( x ) dx +∫ f 2(x )dx for any two functions f 1 ( x) and f 2( x)

Similar equations describe the linearity property of definite integrals:

b b

∫ kf ( x ) dx=k ∫ f ( x ) dx for any constant k and

a a

b b b

∫ ( f 1 ( x ) + f 2 ( x ) ) dx=∫ f 1 ( x ) dx +∫ f 2 ( x ) dx for any two functions f 1 ( x) and f 2( x)

a a a

Additivity property of definite integrals

The additivity property of definite integrals refers to ‘addition of intervals of integration’:
b c c

∫ f ( x ) dx +∫ f ( x ) dx=∫ f ( x ) dxfor any numbers a , b and c and any function f ( x ) .

a b a

The fundamental theorem of calculus

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

The fundamental theorem of calculus relates differentiation and definite integrals. It has two forms:
x b
dx (
∫ f ( t ) dt
) =f ( x ) and ∫ f ' ( x ) dx=f ( b )−f (a)

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Discrete random variables

Random variable
A random variable is a numerical quantity whose value depends on the outcome of a chance
experiment. Typical examples are the number of people who attend an AFL grand final, the
proportion of heads observed in 100 tosses of a coin, and the number of tonnes of wheat produced
in Australia in a year.
A discrete random variable is one whose possible values are the counting numbers 0,1,2,3 , ⋯ , or
form a finite set, as in the first two examples.
A continuous random variable is one whose set of possible values are all of the real numbers in
some interval.
Probability distribution
The probability distribution of a discrete random variable is the set of probabilities for each of its
possible values.
Uniform discrete random variable
A uniform discrete random variable is one whose possible values have equal probability of
occurrence. If there are n possible values, the probability of occurrence of any one of them is 1/n.
Expected value
The expected value E( X) of a random variable X is a measure of the central tendency of its

If X is discrete, E ( X ) =∑ pi x i ,where the x i are the possible values of X and


pi=P ( X =x i ) .

If X is continuous, E ( x )=∫ xp ( x ) dx ,where p(x ) is the probability density function of X

Mean of a random variable

The mean of a random variable is another name for its expected value.
Variance of a random variable
The variance Var ( X ) of a random variable X is a measure of the ‘spread’ of its distribution.

If X is discrete, Var ( X )=∑ p i( x i−μ) , where μ= E( X ) is the expected value.

If X is continuous, Var ( X )= ∫ ( x−μ) p ( x ) dx

Standard deviation of a random variable

The standard deviation of a random variable is the square root of its variance.

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ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Effect of linear change

The effects of linear changes of scale and origin on the mean and variance of a random variable are
summarized as follows:
If X is a random variable and Y =aX +b , where a and b are constants, then

E ( Y )=aE ( X ) +b and Var ( Y )=a 2 Var ( X )

Bernoulli random variable
A Bernoulli random variable has two possible values, namely 0 and 1. The parameter associated with
such a random variable is the probability p of obtaining a1.

Bernoulli trial
A Bernoulli trial is a chance experiment with possible outcomes, typically labeled ‘success’ and

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Unit 4

The logarithmic function

Algebraic properties of logarithms
The algebraic properties of logarithms are the rules: log a ( xy )=log a x + log a y , log a =−log a x ,
and log a 1=0 , for any positive real numbers x , y and a

Continuous random variables and the normal distribution

Probability density function
The probability density function of a continuous random variable is a function that describes the
relative likelihood that the random variable takes a particular value. Formally, if p ( x ) is the
probability density of the continuous random variable X , then the probability that X takes a value
in some interval [ a , b ] is given by ∫ p ( x ) dx .

Uniform continuous random variable

A uniform continuous random variable X is one whose probability density function p(x ) has
constant value on the range of possible values of X . If the range of possible values is the interval
[a , b] then p ( x ) = if a ≤ x ≤ b and p ( x ) =0 otherwise.

Triangular continuous random variable

A triangular continuous random variable X is one whose probability density function p(x ) has a
graph with the shape of a triangle.

A quantile t α for a continuous random variable X is defined by P ( X >t α )=α , where 0< α <1.

The median m of X is the quantile corresponding to α =0.5 : P ( X >m )=0.5

Interval estimates for proportions

Central limit theorem
There are various forms of the Central limit theorem, a result of fundamental importance in
statistics. For the purposes of this course, it can be expressed as follows:
“If X́ is the mean of n independent values of random variable X which has a finite mean μ and a
finite standard deviation σ , then as n → ∞ the distribution of approaches the standard
σ /√ n
normal distribution.”

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

In the special case where X is a Bernoulli random variable with parameter p , X́ is the sample
proportion ^p , μ= p and σ =√ p (1− p). In this case the Central limit theorem is a statement that as
p^ − p
n → ∞the distribution of approaches the standard normal distribution.
√ p(1− p)/n

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Margin of error
The margin of error of a confidence interval of the form f −E< p< f + E is E , the half-width of the
confidence interval. It is the maximum difference between f and p if p is actually in the confidence
Level of confidence
The level of confidence associated with a confidence interval for an unknown population parameter
is the probability that a random confidence interval will contain the parameter.

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)

Appendix G – Course Adoption Form

Course Adoption Form for Accredited T Course


Course Title: Mathematical Methods
Classification: T
(integrating Australian Curriculum)
Framework: Mathematics

Dates of Course Accreditation: From 2014 to 2020

Identify units to be adopted by ticking the check boxes

Adopt Unit Title Length
 Unit 1: Mathematical Methods 1.0 S
 Unit 1a: Mathematical Methods 0.5 Q
 Unit 1b: Mathematical Methods 0.5 Q
 Unit 2: Mathematical Methods 1.0 S
 Unit 2a: Mathematical Methods 0.5 Q
 Unit 2b: Mathematical Methods 0.5 Q
 Unit 3: Mathematical Methods 1.0 S
 Unit 3a: Mathematical Methods 0.5 Q
 Unit 3b: Mathematical Methods 0.5 Q
 Unit 4: Mathematical Methods 1.0 S
 Unit 4a: Mathematical Methods 0.5 Q
 Unit 4b: Mathematical Methods 0.5 Q
 Unit 5: Mathematical Methods 1.0 S
 Unit 3b: Mathematical Methods 0.5 Q
 Unit 4a: Mathematical Methods 0.5 Q

Condition of Adoption: The course and units named above are consistent with the philosophy and goals
of the college and the adopting college has the human and physical resources to implement the course.

Principal: / /20

BSSS Office Use:

Entered into database: / /20

ACT BSSS Mathematical Methods 2014-2020 - Board Endorsed November 2014 (Amended October 2015)


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