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Peligros de Los Fertilizantes Nitrogenados y Formas de Reducir La Acumulación de Nitrato en Las Plantas de Cultivo

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Hazards of nitrogen fertilizers and ways to reduce nitrate accumulation in

crop plants

Article  in  Environmental Science and Pollution Research · March 2020

DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-08236-y


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5 authors, including:

Moddassir Ahmad Muhammad Rauf



Muhammad Akhtar Zahid Mukhtar

Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering


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Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Hazards of nitrogen fertilizers and ways to reduce nitrate

accumulation in crop plants
Moddassir Ahmed 1,2 & Muhammad Rauf 1,3 & Muhammad Akhtar 2,4 & Zahid Mukhtar 1,2 & Nasir Ahmad Saeed 1,2

Received: 23 July 2019 / Accepted: 25 February 2020

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

In modern agriculture, farm produce accumulates a lot of nitrates that can reach toxic levels owing to the unfair use of nitrogen
fertilizers, cultural methods, farming policies in multiple areas of the world, thereby increasing concerns about the availability of
hygienic food supply and environmental hazards. Over the past few decades, global interest in achieving greater output through
intensive fertilization has been a growing trend. The fertilizer based on urea or ammonium mainly yields ammonium, which is
then transformed to nitrate through the oxidation process that is biologically mediated. Nitrate tends to accumulate differently in
distinct crop plants and distinct components of agricultural commodities based on species, crop variety, genetic history, envi-
ronmental circumstances, harvest phase, post-harvest storage conditions, agronomic variables, nature, and fertilizer application
rate. The current article highlights various factors that could directly or indirectly contribute to the accumulation of nitrates in
different parts of crop plants and discusses strategies to minimize the accumulation of nitrates in farm produce, thus ensuring
healthy food supply and protecting the environment from the accumulation of nitrates.

Keywords Crop plants . Environment . Farm produce . Hygienic food . Nitrate accumulation

Introduction nitrate intake relative to its assimilation, it tends to accumulate

in roots, tubers, bulb, stem, leaves, fruit, and seeds. Nitrate
Nitrogen fertilization (N) is the primary cause of the accumulates prominently in leafy vegetables and non-
manufacturing of soil nitrate to satisfy crop demands. Nitrate leguminous plants (Santamaria 2006). Nitrate exposure to
is the dominant form of N that is readily absorbed by most humans is primarily due to the consumption of raw vegeta-
plants to assimilate and eventually transform into biomass bles, seeds, drinking subterranean water, and processed food
production (Colla et al. 2011). However, in case of higher (Rathod et al. 2016). However, although nitrate is not harmful
to human life, its decrease to nitric oxide, nitrite, and N-nitroso
compounds mediated by oral bacteria and salivary enzymes
Responsible editor: Gangrong Shi
may pose a related danger of bladder/gastric cancer and met-
hemoglobinemia syndrome (Ahmed et al. 2017; Parks et al.
* Moddassir Ahmed
2008). Direct nitrite consumption from fruits and vegetables is
relatively small because it is extremely cytotoxic to plant cells
* Muhammad Rauf
and is continually kept to a minimum level (Riens and Heldt
1992). Nitrate accumulation in different plant crops and tis-
sues relies on the scheme of agriculture, current environmental
Agricultural Biotechnology Division, National Institute for circumstances, species, genotype, plant range, pre-harvest var-
Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (NIBGE), P.O. Box No. 577,
Jhang Road, Faisalabad, Pakistan iables, agronomic factors, harvest phase, and post-harvest fac-
2 tors (Andrews et al. 2013; Colonna et al. 2016). Post-harvest
Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS),
Nilore, Islamabad, Pakistan variables such as plant biomass storage setting may cause or
3 impede endogenous nitrate reduction to nitrite. Genetic back-
National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Rural Development
Administration, Jeonju, South Korea ground, environmental factors such as light circumstances and
4 agronomic variables are three main causes affecting crop plant
Soil and Environmental Sciences Division, Nuclear Institute for
Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), Jhang Road, Faisalabad, Pakistan nitrate accumulation (Santamaria et al. 2001).
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Agronomic measures to optimize nitrate (photoperiod, temperature irradiance) factors, genetic variabil-
accumulation ity, availability of other nutrients, and use and type of
chemicals (micro or macronutrients or pesticides) applied in
Since the beginning of nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture, re- the field. However, light intensity, nitrogen fertilizer applica-
searchers are attempting to devise different approaches to re- tion, and genetic variability are the key aspects influencing
duce the availability of nitrate content in soil for plant uptake. nitrate uptake and its successive accumulation in different
These policies include (1) the substitution of nitrate-based plant species, especially in vegetables (Santamaria 2006).
fertilizer with ammonium-based fertilizer (Borgognone et al. The level of nitrate uptake and accumulation varies in differ-
2013); (2) the adoption of nitrate-free liquid fertilizers (Marsic ent plant species (Razgallah et al. 2017), genotypes diverse
and Osvald 2002); (3) the selection of genotypes with low ploidy level (Harada et al. 2003) and even in cultivars of the
nitrate accumulation capacity (Burns et al. 2011); (4) the pro- same plant species (M’hamdi et al. 2016). Genetic variation in
vision of nitrate starvation up to 5 days before harvest nitrate uptake exists among modern crop varieties
(Borgognone et al. 2016); (5) replacing chloride nitrate, e.g., (Barraclough et al. 2014; Cormier et al. 2013) but the much
calcium nitrate Ca(NO 3 ) 2 with calcium oxide (CaO) wider range of these variation found in varieties which has
(Borgognone et al. 2016); 6) optimizing the use of light spec- diverse germplasm base (Monostori et al. 2017). However,
tral fluxes to boost nitrate reduction in crop manufacturing total N uptake and high biomass/yield potential at low N
(Gaudreau et al. 1995). availability are found to be a useful indicator for efficient N
The present article clarifies multiple environmental, agro- uptake genotypes (Hawkesford and Griffiths 2019).
nomic, and genetic factors to mitigate the accumulation of ni- Although, dwarfing genes improve harvest index and decrease
trate in multiple plant crops and tissues such as tuber, root, stem, susceptibility to lodging at higher N fertilizer doses in cereals
fruit, and seed. In cultivars of the same species and/or distinct (Gooding et al. 2012) but negative consequences of these
crop species, however, variation in nitrate concentration has genes appeared in the form of pleiotropic effects and de-
been observed (Anjana et al. 2007). Nitrates collected from creased root proliferation in dwarf genotypes (Bai et al.
plant roots are transferred through xylem vessels via the tran- 2013; Gooding et al. 2012). Variation in root proliferation,
spiration stream. The absorption of nutrients from the root sur- architecture, and function found to contribute nitrate uptake
face may be passive where a nutrient enters root with the efficiency (Allard et al. 2013). Higher nitrate accumulation
absorbed water, e.g., nitrate entry into the root; whereas an demonstrates enhanced expression of nitrate transporter genes
active process requires another molecule or ion called the car- (Harrison et al. 2004). Low-nitrate cultivars have an effective
rier (Epstein 1956). In the vacuole, plant tissues with big lam- method of N transformation than crop species accumulating
inae tend to accumulate greater nitrate than plant tissue with elevated nitrate. To preserve plant nitrate homeostasis, a fa-
compact laminae such as stem, petiole, fruit, and hypogeal stor- vorable linear connection occurs between plant nitrate and
age bodies (Chen et al. 2004). Nitrate content in plant tissues water content (Qiu et al. 2014). Low nitrate accumulating
occurs in the following order: petiole > leaf > stem > root > cultivars have been found to have lower transcripts of the
inflorescence > tuber > fruit > seeds (Santamaria et al. 1999). nitrate transporter gene (LsNRT) than high accumulators of
The accumulation of nitrate in plant tissue, however, also relies nitrate. Variation of plants in nitrate accumulation is guided
on the era of the plant or tissue type. It has been noted that less by variations in nitrate absorption and assimilation through a
nitrate is accumulated by younger or freshly growing leaves method of chemical decrease (Luo et al. 2006). Nitrate from
than by mature leaves (Konstantopoulo et al. 2010). the rhizosphere gets entered the plant roots through absorption
Similarly, tissues collected at the later level of vegetation mediated by high and low-affinity nitrate transport channels
have an elevated concentration of nitrate than those harvested (Fan et al. 2017). The influx of nitrate is further increased by
at the younger level (Anjana and Iqbal 2007). Some plant fam- mobilization of absorbed nitrates to different plant tissues
ilies (Amaranthaceae, Asteraceae, Apiaceae, and Brassicaceae) through xylem vessels by plant transpiration streaming pro-
are nitrate hyper-accumulators, while other species such as cess due to hydrostatic pressure gradient in the xylem vessels
Lamiaceae are known to be lower accumulators (Santamaria caused by transpiration at leaf surface (Tyree 2003). Excessive
2006). Among farm produce, fruits are found to possess less use of N fertilizer results in greater absorption of nitrate, lead-
nitrate, i.e., <15 mg kg−1 FW (Susin et al. 2006). ing to the accumulation of nitrate in different plant tissues
(Soleymani and Shahrajabian 2012). Injudicious use of nitro-
Effect of plant genetic variability and nutritional gen fertilizer improves manufacturing costs, leads crop nitrate
aspects of nitrate accumulation levels to rise and water quality to deteriorate when nitrate is
leached to groundwater (Ahmed et al. 2017). As the plant
Plant nitrate uptake and its accumulation depends upon field grows towards maturity, demand for nitrogen declines, lead-
management (leveling, irrigation, etc.), agricultural practices ing to nitrate accumulation due to excessive fertilization at the
(dose, mode, and type of N fertilizer), environmental subsequent growth point. Hence, an efficient approach to
Environ Sci Pollut Res

decrease nitrate content in field produce is to give the crop a

few days/weeks before harvest, which helps to deprive nitrate

Consequences of different kind of fertilizers in nitrate


The type of N-fertilizer in the edible components of the plants

is immediately linked to nitrate accumulation (Pavlou et al.
2007). Nitrogen exists as ammonium, nitrate, urea, or as or-
ganic compounds. Using ammonium-based nitrogen fertil-
izers reduces nitrate content in crop plants while applying
nitrate-based fertilizer increases nitrate absorption (Wang
and Li 2004) (Figs. 1, 2, and 3). Thus, selective application Fig. 2 Nitrogen application by crop (source: with permission from
of fertilizer may lead to the accumulation of nitrate in edible YARA Fertilizer Industry Hand Book 2017)
components of plants (Zhou et al. 2000). The nitrate accumu-
lation in petioles exists in the order: urea > ammonium nitrate
acidic soils, hydraulic conductivity, and filtration rate
> ammonium sulfate > ammonium carbonate (Renseigné et al.
(Purbajanti et al. 2019). Hence, the integrated approach of
2007). The release of N from inorganic fertilizer is much faster
organic fertilizers with the limited and slow release of inor-
than that from natural sources because it occurs through min-
ganic fertilizer application may prove to be a sustainable
eralization of organic matter in the later one slow release
method for efficient nutrient utilization, less nitrate accumula-
(Herencia et al. 2011). In the organic fields, scientists noted
tion and to restore important soil properties (Schoebitz and
considerably less nitrate content than conventionally grown
Vidal 2016). Organic manure will improve the physio-
plant crops applied with inorganic fertilization (Nunez de
chemical and biological properties of the soil; whereas, the
Gonzalez et al. 2015). Plants not only take essential nutrients
slow release of inorganic material will help to meet the needs
from the soil, but also change the physico-chemical and bio-
of crop plants instantly (Prasetyo et al. 2013).
logical properties of the soil as well, e.g., pH, soil texture,
The use of conventional inorganic fertilizers is not suitable
electrical conductivity, and organic matter, the capacity of
to sustain crop productivity due to higher inefficiency, delivery,
cation exchange, activity, and quantity of soil microbes (Bell
utilization, the input of water, energy, and greater impact of
and Dell 2008). Inorganic N fertilizer input is provided for
negative environmental implications. The goal of global and
sustainable crop production, but their higher doses are affect-
safer food security can be achieved by modifying agricultural
ing soil properties and consequently reducing crop yields over
practices to combat negative pressure aroused from increasing
time (Hepperly et al. 2009). However, organic fertilizers help
population, climate change, and decreasing the area of arable
in maintaining the soil properties such as reducing soil bulk
land. Many nano-enabled fertilizers and engineered
density, improving soil structure (Mahmoodabadi et al. 2010),
nanomaterials (ENMs) are reported to potentially enhance plant
increasing water holding capacity of the soil, rising pH in
growth and increase crop productivity (Adisa et al. 2019).
However, the knowledge of basic mechanistic processes in-
volved in the functioning of nanofertilizers is lacking now.
Nanofertilizers are engineered nanomaterials that enhance the
availability, uptake, performance, and utilization of convention-
al fertilizers upon application (Liu and Lal 2015). In many
studies, nanofertilizers have been shown to improve food safety
and enhance plant yield by foliar and soil applications (Dimkpa
and Bindraban 2017; Chhipa 2017). For the last few decades,
the nutrient use efficiency of most of the crop plants remained
stagnant between 18 and 40% (Subramanian et al. 2015) due to
inefficient nutrient delivery and plant’s inherent ability to up-
take, consequently leading environmental contamination by
surface run-off, emission, and leaching. Several reports indicat-
ed the potential of nano-enabled fertilizers to enhance nutrient
Fig. 1 Outcome of nitrogen fertilizer application and risk of nitrate
leaching (source: with permission from YARA Fertilizer Industry Hand delivery, decrease nutrient immobilization, increase uptake ef-
Book 2017) ficiencies by plants, decreasing agricultural waste, and reducing
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 3 Nitrogen fertilizer application by region and crop (source: International Fertilizer Association 2010/2011)

nutrients run-off through volatilization and leaching (Liu and increases the temperature which in turn promotes nitrate ac-
Lal 2015; Chhipa 2017). The use of nanofertilizer potential cumulation (Santamaria et al. 2001). Otherwise, diurnal
could have dramatic environmental and economic impacts changes in light intensity are inversely related to plant nitrate
(Subramanian et al. 2015). accumulation, as light intensity is involved in photosynthesis,
The supply of other nutrients such as phosphorus (P), cal- plant nitrate uptake, reduction, and translocation of nitrate.
cium (Ca), sulfur (S), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), mo- By selecting suitable harvest time, the diurnal variation in
lybdenum (Mo), and iron (Fe) may influence the accumula- nitrate accumulation can be held to a minimum level
tion of nitrate in plant crops as well as nitrogen. The plant’s (Anjana et al. 2007). Weather conditions affect the plant ni-
absorption of nitrate is positively related to the supply of P in trate content more drastically than by the source (organic or
soil (Buwalda and Warmenhoven 1999) while negative to the inorganic) and the rate of nitrogen fertilizer (Custic et al.
supply of sulfate in soil (Blom-Zandstra and Lampe 1983). On 2003). Less nitrate content was observed in the year with high
the other side, in the plant, K encourages nitrate absorption, rainfall (Grzebelus and Baranski 2001). Conversely, drought
remobilization, and assimilation (Ahmed et al. 2000). The role stress stimulates root nitrate uptake and shoot mobilization
of Ca in root growth is well-documented and nitrate uptake (Talouizite and Champigny 1988). Higher plant nitrate accu-
may be affected by its deficiency. Mg is generally needed for mulation was observed in autumn-winter as compared with
the growth of chloroplast and metabolic processes (Kessler the spring season (Santamaria et al. 1999). Nitrate/chloride
1964), but there is no proof of its role in nitrate accumulation. ions, however, are interchangeable in osmoregulation under
Chloride and nitrate in soil have shown antagonism in osmo- salt stress; therefore, mild saline stress helps to prevent soil or
regulation; therefore, the supply of chloride in high-nitrate soil-free nitrate accumulation. Nitrate is involved in the
cultivars may assist to decrease nitrate content (Borgognone plant’s high and low-affinity transport scheme because this
et al. 2016). Mo has a specified position in the activity of method needs biochemical power (Bose and Srivastava
nitrate reductase which in its assimilation process converts 2001). Consequently, the concentration of carbon dioxide,
nitrate to nitrite. In crops cultivated on soil with Mo deficien- light intensity, and temperature of air impact the accumulation
cy, high nitrate content accumulates (Hewitt and Smith 1975). of nitrate in plant crops (Santamaria 2006). Nitrate assimila-
tion in the plant causes a photosynthesis process that offers
Role of environmental factors in nitrate accumulation carbon skeleton essential for ammonium inclusion (from ni-
trate decrease) and electrons release, which is discovered to
Several environmental factors influence nitrate accumulation be vital for nitrate conversion to nitrite (Cavaiuolo and
in plants, for example, the interaction of available nitrogen, Ferrante 2014). Intensive N application and low light inten-
temperature, and light intensity has been revealed to manip- sity result in greater accumulation of nitrate (Fu et al. 2017),
ulate nitrate accumulation in certain plant species. Enhanced while elevated light spectrum decreases plant accumulation
N fertilizer supply to plants under high light intensity (Liu et al. 2016).
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Nitrogen dilution curve and the nitrogen nutrition nutrition. The N dilution curve, however, requires validation
index (NNI) for climatic circumstances and newly established genotypes
for distinct plant species and experimental sites. In this regard,
An increase in N fertilization can usually be reflected in a the assessment usually includes a critical N dilution curve, a
corresponding rise in crop yield, but further improvements comparison of newly developed and existing curves for dif-
could not be accomplished after a peak value has been attained ferent crop genotypes and the likelihood of using the dilution
(Scharf and Lory 2009). Consequently, the N application may curve to optimize crop N nutrition. It has been noted that the
boost N content in the surrounding setting at a peak limit and critical N concentration assay is a reliable way to evaluate
therefore pose environmental issues (Ju et al. 2009). plant N nutrition status during its development. Therefore,
Therefore, it is suggested that certain diagnostic instruments the N dilution curve is used as an indicator for diagnosing
be used to identify status before further N application. Soil/ an increasing crop’s N status to achieve peak output.
plant testing offers important guidance in attaining viable crop
development in this regard (He et al. 2009; Cui et al. 2008;
An environmental consequence of N fertilizer
Alivelu et al. 2006). In addition to soil analytical strategy,
parameters of plant growth also show N soil supply, and thus
The management of fertilizers in crop production is of practi-
plant diagnosis seems important to determine the soil’s N sta-
cal significance as it can play a key role in the economy of
tus. This N assay has been reported to implement suitable N
fertilizers and environmental pollution (Schulze 1989). The
management to improve crop use and to prevent the danger of
application of fertilizer based on urea or ammonium to alka-
soil and water resource accumulation of N (Lemaire et al.
line calcareous soils results in the volatilization of ammonia
2008; Ziadi et al. 2008a; Naud et al. 2009; Vouillot and
(NH3) (Akhtar et al. 2012). Different N losses as volatilization
Barret 1999).
of ammonia were recorded up to 32 and 35% by Zhang et al.
The correlation between plant N content (Nc) and shooting
(1992) and Gandhi and Paliwal (2004), respectively. The ma-
biomass provides significant data for optimizing N implemen-
jor losses of ammonia were generally noted during the early
tation to maximize crop development (Ulrich 1952).
days of implementation of N-fertilizer, which was discovered
Regardless of variable soil supply, the concentration of plant
to be as large as 80% of the complete loss during 10 days of
N generally reduces as crop development increases (Lemaire
implementation of N (Akhtar et al. 2012). Losses of ammonia
and Salette 1984a, 1984b). This decrease in N with plant de-
reduce the use of N by plant and therefore the effectiveness of
velopment was referred to as the dilution curve and defined
the applied fertilizer-N (Saleem and Ahmed 1988). The pH of
empirically as follows:
the soil was heavily associated with the volatilization quantity.
Nc ¼ aW −b ð1Þ High soil alkalinity (pH ~ 8.2 or greater) increases urea hydro-
lysis while acidic soils (pH 5.2) take twice as long as urea
Where W reflects Mg ha−1 and N as g kg−1, the coefficient a needs to hydrolyze, but greater concentrations of NH4 in
denotes percentage N of plant concentration when crop microsites exacerbate ammonia volatilization (Fenn and
weight = 1 Mg ha−1 and dilution coefficient, i.e., b, produces Richards 1989). The N losses may differ in the textured soils.
a reduction in N concentration with the rise in shoot biomass. Because of low cation exchange capacity, light-textured soils
Crop cultivars display a variable curve of dilution affected by have been discovered to have a greater issue (Bernard et al.
parameters of histology and morphological characteristics. 2009). Urease enzyme in soil hydrolyses urea to form an un-
The N dilution curve has been constructed for various crop stable carbamic acid transformed into ammonia and carbon
species, e.g., Triticum aestivum (Greenwood et al. 1990), dioxide; the former flees into the atmosphere unless it reacts
Pisum sativum L. (Ney et al. 1997), Oryza sativa L. (Sheehy with water to form ammonium (NH4+) (Benini et al. 1999).
et al. 1998), Brassica napus L. (Colnenne et al. 1998), The process of hydrolysis raises soil pH as high as 9.0 which
Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. (Tei et al. 2002), Lolium is adequate for ammonia volatilization (Brady and Weil 2001).
multiflorum L. (Marino et al. 2004), Linum usitatissimum L. Nitrification is a significant aerobic method that transforms
(Fl’enet et al. 2006), and Gossypium spp. (Xue et al. 2007). In ammonia/ammonium into nitrate during the N-cycle in the
Zea mays L., the specific constant values (a = 34.1 and b = soil. Soil procedures are not definitive because they cause
0.37) achieved in France (Pl’enet and Lemaire 2000) at the other procedures to initiate. Different goods, including nitrous
silking stage in irrigated maize were found like those estimat- oxide (N2O) (Carlson and Ingraham 1983), are affected by the
ed in Germany (a = 31.4, and b = 0.39) (Herrmann and Taube microbial-mediated system. Although the atmospheric level
2004). Later, Ziadi et al. (2008b) also verified the critical N of N2O is much smaller than that of CO2, it has excellent
curve’s importance and linked curve values with the nitrogen potential for global warming that is discovered to be 300 times
nutrition index (NNI) calculation. This was discovered to be a higher than CO2 and adds up to 6% of the process of global
reliable indicator of the proper management of a crop’s warming. The N2O in the stratosphere is also a very reactive
Environ Sci Pollut Res

ozone (Dalsgaard et al. 2005). Its emission from agricultural 2001). The main constraint for bringing legume into the pre-
areas also reflects an enormous loss of applied N fertilizer in rice niche is the period of moment generally available for
addition to environmental consequences (Ali et al. 2008). legume development, while the other constraint is the lack
Arable soils contribute 65% of worldwide gas emissions of of soil moisture for legume cultivation (Garrity and Becker
N2O (Prather et al. 1995). The significant soil processes re- 1994). Apart from several advantages, legume cultivation was
sponsible for gaseous emissions were discovered to be nitrifi- not practiced as a pre-rice niche or as a fellow period catch
cation and denitrification (Sahrawat and Keeney 1986). crop due to extra costs incurred without money return on their
Inorganic N fertilizers, organic manures, and mode of imple- manufacturing (Ali and Narciso 1994). Forestry or pulse cul-
mentation may have an impact on N emission, while soil tivation in the rice-wheat scheme is becoming attractive com-
physicochemical characteristics are also the other drivers con- pared with sole manure plants, as it also provides farmers
trolling N2O escape (Smith 1997). Lower N emissions as N2O short-term financial advantages and is similarly useful in
are observed in submerged soil (Sahrawat and Keeney 1986), terms of sustainability of resources (Ali and Narciso 1994;
whereas greater N2O emissions were observed in aerobic soil Lauren et al. 2001). The use of legume residue as green ma-
circumstances (Ciarlo et al. 2008). nure considerably improves soil fertility and farm productivity
The use of urea as N fertilizer is escalating globally with a by using atmospheric-N (fixed by legume) for cereal
contribution of more than 50% of the total consumption of N manufacturing. This can result in less commercial N fertilizer
fertilizer (IFIA 2007). In Pakistan, urea is also used intensive- implementation and restore soil health for better crop cultiva-
ly as an N fertilizer (> 90% of complete N use) (NFDC 2010). tion (Yaqub et al. 2010).
Using urea to soil outcomes in a sequence of biochemical The intercropping scheme appears to be viable because it
responses affecting plant accessibility of N. The average plant includes recovery crops, i.e., legumes and exhaustive crops,
recovery of N applied as urea ranges from 50 to 60% in maize i.e., cereals; this scheme is regarded as environmentally
and wheat to 30 to 40% in paddy rice (Hardy et al. 1975), friendly. It is known that legumes solve atmospheric N
whereas approximately 39 to 33% of N applied to wheat and (Vankessel et al. 1985). Cowpea and groundnut usually accu-
maize is mostly lost as NH3 volatilization (Mahmood et al. mulate 80–250 kg N ha−1 which may become accessible to the
1998). The poor N-use efficiency of urea is primarily attribut- plants associated with the mineralization of their residues
able to volatilization of ammonia (NH3) from industrial soils (Mohr et al. 1999; Przednowek 2003; Liebman and Dyck
(Hamid and Ahmad 1987; Hamid et al. 1998; Latifah et al. 1993; Donald et al. 1963; Norman 1996; Weber 1966). The
2011), particularly when applied under warm, dry, and low pH biological N fixation in legumes is magnified on the incorpo-
soil conditions (Cabrera et al. 2001; Gioacchini et al. 2002; ration of cereals as the use of excessive cereal nitrate enhances
Khalil et al. 2002; Kissel et al. 2004; Ahmed et al. 2006; the legume’s ability to use atmospheric N (Fujita et al. 1992).
Pacholski et al. 2006; Zaman et al. 2008; Rochette et al. However, the constant cultivation of legumes creates nitrate
2009). Urea slowly diffuses in soil, and most urea is hydro- accumulation and thus reduces the legume’s N fastening ca-
lyzed in urea granules microsites. After 24 h of ground imple- pacity (Anil et al. 1998; Willey 1979). Cereal mono- cropping,
mentation, Rachhpal-Singh and Nye (1984) noted the very on the other side, depletes N and other nutrients resulting in
small quantity of urea spreading below 1.2 cm deep in the reduced or stagnant yields.
soil. Dawar et al. (2011) reported that most of the urea hydro- The biological N fixation in legume is magnified on cereal
lyzed within a 2 cm sphere of granule application. Therefore, inclusion as utilization of excessive nitrate by cereal enhances
urea dissolution around the granule microsites is probable to the capability of legume to utilize atmospheric N (Fujita et al.
result in elevated urea-N concentration and consequently 1992). The continuous legume cultivation, however, causes
NH4-N concentration on urea hydrolysis (Fenn et al. 1982). accumulation of nitrate and hence decreases N fixation capabil-
The concentration of NH4 in the soil changes the nitrification ity of the legume (Anil et al. 1998; Willey 1979). On the other
rate as this method is fast and generally complete at low NH4 hand, cereal mono-cropping depletes N and other nutrients
concentration (Broadbent et al. 1957; Donaldson and resulting in lower or stagnant yield. Legume association with
Henderson 1990). The rate of soil urea-N conversion can de- cereal or use of legumes as green manure increases soil fertility
termine the accessibility of NH4 and NO3-N for plants. and productivity of crops (Andrews 1979; Hinga 1979; Gill
et al. 2009). By using natural resources, the scheme of co-
Sustainable cropping system for improved N cropping gives higher advantages in terms of farm productivity
utilization (Hauggaard-Nielsen et al. 2001). Researchers reported higher
yield, N assimilation by crop, and sustainable soil fertility in the
Sustainable cereal farming systems, particularly wheat-rice mix cropping system (Karpenstein-Machan and Stuelpnagel
cultivation, can be enhanced by promoting biodiversity, crop 2000; Li et al. 2001; Fujita et al. 1992; Izaurralde et al. 1992;
rotation, and/or legume growth in the fellow era, particularly Ofosu-Budu et al. 1995). Cowpea, soybean, and groundnut
before rice cultivation (Garrity and Becker 1994; Lauren et al. intercropping have been discovered to enhance wheat crop
Environ Sci Pollut Res

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Egypt, pp 495–508
decomposition provides nutrients that the related or subsequent
Ahmed OH, Aminuddin H, Husni MHA (2006) Reducing ammonia loss
cereal crop may consume. Consequently, crop diversification is from urea and improving soil-exchangeable ammoniumretention
seen as a better way to exploit natural resources that can reduce through mixing triple superphosphate, humic acid and zeolite. Soil
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Plant produce is the key form of dietary intake and source of of green manure use in rice-based farming systems. In: Ladha JK,
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