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Foliar Application of Chitosan Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles On Wheat Productivity and Water Use Efficiency Under Deficit Irrig en

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Original scientific paper DOI: /10.5513/JCEA01/24.2.

Journal of Central European Agriculture, 2023, 24(2), p.476-490

Foliar application of chitosan zinc oxide nanoparticles on wheat

productivity and water use efficiency under deficit irrigation water

Sayed A. ABDEEN1 (✉), Hassan H. H. HEFNI2, Amr H. MADY2

Soils and Water Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt
Petrochemicals Department, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt

✉ Corresponding author:

Received: May 16, 2022; accepted: February 26, 2023
The effectiveness of chitosan zinc oxide nanoparticles (CS-ZnO-NPs) on growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum
L., Sakha-93), zinc content and water use efficiency (WUE) under water stress were investigated. A pot experiment was
conducted in a completely randomized design by foliar application of CS-ZnO-NPs. Wheat plants were sprayed four times
at 15, 30, 45 and 60 days after sowing. The treatments were: control (treated with distilled water), 50, 100 and 150 ppm
of CS-ZnO-NPs under 100, 80 and 60% of field capacity. Water shortage has a negative effect on growth parameters
and productivity of wheat plants. While the foliar application of 150 ppm CS-ZnO-NPs significantly increased (P≤0.05)
NPK content, growth parameters which in turn led to increase the productivity. The highest values of wheat yield were:
4990.55, 4453.50 and 4350.50 kg/ha under 100 80 and 60% of irrigation water, respectively at 150 ppm CS-ZnO-NPs.
The highest values of N, P and K content in wheat grain were 1.95, 0.43 and 1.66, respectively at 100% FC under150
ppm CS-ZnO-NPs compared to control. Zn content in wheat grain significantly increased (P≤0.05) by application of CS-
ZnO-NPs. The interaction of supplementary irrigation water and CS-ZnO-NPs treatments gave clear variation in water
use efficiency. The highest relative increase of WUE (23.03%) was at the highest rate of CS-ZnO-NPs (150 ppm). Overall,
the data suggested that the foliar application of CS-ZnO-NPs can be an efficient strategy for improving wheat yield,
water use efficiency under deficit water and one of the solutions for Zn deficiency in wheat grains.

Keywords: wheat productivity, water stress, chitosan, zinc oxide nanoparticles

Water stress is one of the most effective abiotic physiological, and biochemical characteristics (Rijal et
stresses on plant development. Many changes have al., 2021). Water stress significantly reduced the growth
been seen in plants due to water shortage, such as parameters of wheat crop (Mirbahar et al., 2009). Wheat
changes in the balance of mineral nutrients, bioactive (Trilicum aestivum L.) is one of the most cereal crops in
compounds and antioxidant activity which reduces the world (Adil et al., 2022). It contributes around 20% of
crop productivity (Farooq et al., 2017). Water deficit the dietary calories consumed worldwide and in Egypt.
negatively affecting plant photosynthetic efficiency There is an urgent need to increase wheat production
through impacts on disrupting membrane permeability, per unit area from existing land under water scarcity
nutrient absorption, and chlorophyll synthesis (Awasthi and growing population. The ultimate goal must be high
et al., 2014). Water shortage is one of the main limiting wheat production to fulfil the rising food demand and
factors to crop production. It slows down wheat growth population growth. Wheat is among the crops whose
and development, changing the crop's morphological, yield is restricted by water shortage (Bameri et al., 2012).

Original scientific paper DOI: /10.5513/JCEA01/24.2.3639
Abdeen et al.: Foliar application of chitosan zinc oxide nanoparticles on wheat productivity...

Zinc deficiency is the most common micronutrient porous and have a spherical form thanks to their cross-
deficiency in agricultural areas worldwide, especially linked chitosan sodium tripolyphosphate nano matrix,
in cereal-cultivated soils. The desirable concentration which has -NH2 and -OH functional groups to allow
to combat human Zn deficiency might be 50-70 mg/kg zinc ions to be enclosed. The primary motivation for
(Cakmak, 2008). Zinc deficiency causes chlorosis, limited encapsulating Zn in chitosan nano matrix is to control the
growth, and inhibits photosynthesis (Zhao and Wu, gradual release of Zn ions by diffusion and chitosan nano
2017). While the high concentration of zinc can impair matrix dissolution (Choudhary et al., 2019 and Guan et
cell functioning and disrupt several critical processes in a al., 2020). Zn-chitosan NPs had increased photosynthesis
plant organism due to the displacement of other elements and cellular stability of wheat plant, which gave them
of similar diameter and load (Andrejic et al., 2018). Also, elevated source activity. Additionally, because of the
Zinc deficiency in crops and humans remains a major delayed release phenomena and long-lasting influence
health concern, particularly in poor nations, owing to on plants, metals contained in chitosan are less harmful.
insufficient nutritional intake and due to the widespread Combining Zn with nano chitosan has the added benefit
eating of Zn-deficient grains (Munir et al., 2018). Nano of giving plants nutrients and promoting vigorous plant
fertilizers are readily absorbed by the epidermis of leaves, growth to further protect them from biotic and abiotic
facilitating the absorption of active molecules, and stress (Kumar et al., 2021).
enhancing wheat growth and productivity (Abdel-Aziz et
Zinc concentration affects the activity of some
al., 2018).
enzymes, such as carbonic anhydrase, which controls
The nanomaterial considers one of the succeeded the CO2 sensing pathway and is linked to drought
technologies be used in agriculture production (Elizabath tolerance (Tewari et al., 2019). Nano materials improve
et al., 2017 and Abd El-Aziz et al., 2022). Generally, growth, nutrients and protect plants against abiotic
nanomaterials are known as modified particles at stress due to small scale, structural features, and higher
the atomic less than 1µm. They have size-related surface-to-volume ratios (Khan et al., 2014 and Qureshi
characteristics that differ greatly from bulk materials et al., 2018). Nanoparticles (NPs) are having unique
(Buzea et al., 2007). Nanomaterials are used to evaluate properties and special features (Irshad et al., 2020).
their potential in plant growth and mitigate the side effect Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) are one of the most
the biotic and abiotic stresses (Raghvendra et al., 2016). significant metal oxides in biological applications due to
Chitosan is a natural polycationic polymer made from chitin their positive properties (Faizan et al., 2021). Zinc is an
that has been deacetylated. Chitin is found in the shells essential element that regulates a variety of physiological
of crustaceans such as crabs, shrimp, and lobsters, as well and molecular pathways to help crops tolerance drought
as insects, mollusks, and fungi. Because of its bioactivity, stress (Hassan et al., 2020). Zinc also has an important
biocompatibility, biodegradability, high permeability, low role in helping the plants to combat drought stress
cost, non-toxicity, and great film-forming ability, chitosan (Cakmak, 2008). Zn has appositive role in the growth.
could be an ideal carrier for agrochemicals. Chitosan ZnO-NPs can promote plant tolerance to drought stress
structure could be simply altered to better uptake and slow by inducing drought-related gene expression. The utility
release of plant growth regulators, fertilizers, pesticides, of ZnO-NPs in coping with drought stress in soybean and
herbicides (Mujtaba et al., 2020). Under both normal and other commercially important plant species at other plant
stressed conditions, chitosan causes positive responses growth stages warrants further investigation (Linh et al.,
in plants. Its effectiveness, however, is dependent on 2020). The interaction between irrigation and foliar zinc
the concentration, structure, application method, plant application on wheat growth and productivity showed
type, and growth stage (Hidangmayum et al., 2019 and significant variance. Foliar zinc application under various
Sadeghipour, 2021). The designed Zn-chitosan NPs are water stress conditions has a significant impact on wheat

Original scientific paper DOI: /10.5513/JCEA01/24.2.3639
Abdeen et al.: Foliar application of chitosan zinc oxide nanoparticles on wheat productivity...

growth and yield (Paul et al., 2016). The usage of ZnO MATERIALS AND METHODS
NPs helps to improve the nutritional value of plants and
Experimental design
lessen the negative impacts of drought conditions. The
grain and shoot yield of wheat increased significantly. A pot experiment was conducted at the Faculty of
ZnO NPs may also enhance nutrient uptake and plant Agriculture, Al- Azhar University, Nasr city, Cairo, Egypt,
nutrient levels in addition to enhancing plant growth (30°03'19.49" N and 31°19'10.19" E) during the winter
and physiological parameters (Abd El-Aziz et al., 2022). season of 2020 to assess the foliar application of chitosan
Also, it plays an important role for opening and closing zinc oxide nanoparticles (CS-ZnO-NPs) on water use
the stomatal pore and regulating the mechanism of efficiency, wheat (Triticum aestivum L., Sakha-93) growth,
photosynthesis and altering the stomatal conductivity and productivity under deficit irrigation water. The pots
and transpiration (Pooja et al., 2020). Within three weeks were filled with 7 kg soil and mixed by chicken manure (10
of NP exposure, the ZnO-NP-treated lentil plants showed ton/fed) and incubated 15 days at 60% of field capacity
enhanced stress response, as evidenced by differences before planting, then wheat seeds were sown. The plants
in stomatal conductance, crop water stress index, plant were sprayed by foliar application of CS-ZnO-NPs by
temperature, and temperature differential (Kolencik et al., hand sprayer after two weeks of germination. Then, the
2022). plants were sprayed every two weeks carefully to avoid
the direct entry of CS-ZnO-NPs into the soil. Totally, four
On the other hand, the use of nanomaterials at high
times of solution were applied (15, 30, 45 and 60 days)
concentrations causes oxidative stress and toxicity
of sowing during the period of experiment. Each pot was
depending on the chemical structure, scale, surface
sprayed with 25 ml at every time approximately.
area, reactivity and concentration used. Toxicity was
seen in wheat plants at higher ZnO NPs treatment levels Factorial experiments (4 concentrations of CS-ZnO-
(150–200 mg/L), which may have been caused by Zn NPs × 3 levels of FC) were arranged in a completely
disturbed homeostasis as well as indirect effects on the randomized design with 12 treatments and three
uptake of other elements and interelement interactions replicates per treatment. The treatments were: control
(Srivastav et al., 2021). So, a wise and sustainable rate (treated with distilled water), 50, 100 and 150 ppm of
of nanomaterials in enhancing plant growth should CS-ZnO-NPs at 7-8 am under 100%, 80% and 60% of
be more studied to understand the physicochemical field capacity. The moisture levels were maintained after
features of ZnO nanoparticles complexed with chitosan 2 weeks of germination. The recommended doses of
and their impact on plant physiology and seed quality. In NPK were applied. Super phosphate was added at 200
general, nothing is known about the use and application kg/fed during soil preparation and potassium sulfate at
of nanoparticles in conjunction with organic compounds 50 kg/fed. Nitrogen fertilizer rate was split into three
like chitosan (Palacio-Marquez et al., 2021). Also, there is doses as ammonium nitrate at rate of 360 kg/fed. Growth
a scarcity of data regarding Zn nano -induced to address parameters such as plant height, dimeter and chlorophyll
plant growth under drought tolerance in plants. So, this content were determined at 45 days of germination.
study relates to that hypothesize. Therefore, the aim is At harvest (145 days after planting), grain and straw
to evaluate and examine foliar application of chitosan yield were recorded and converted to ton/ha. The total
zinc oxide nanoparticles (CS-ZnO-NPs) at proper rates amount of water applied during the agricultural season
on wheat growth, yield quality and water use efficiency were 4250, 3400 and 2550 m3/ha, respectively which
under water stress. versus 100, 80 and 60% from field capacity, respectively.

Original scientific paper DOI: /10.5513/JCEA01/24.2.3639
Abdeen et al.: Foliar application of chitosan zinc oxide nanoparticles on wheat productivity...

Preparation of chitosan (CS) “EPRI”) at 25 °C. All spectra were scanned against a blank
KBr pellet back-ground in the range of 4000–400 cm−1
Chitosan was prepared from shrimp shells with
with resolution of 4.0 cm−1.
110 kDa of molecular weight and 85% of degree of
deacetylation according to Hussein et al., (2012) and Soil analysis
Motawie et al., (2014). The shrimp shells were first
Soil article distribution was determined by using the
deproteinized with 3.5% (w/w) NaOH solution for 2 hours
Bouyoucous hydrometer method according to Gee and
at 65 °C, followed by demineralization for 1 day at room
Bauder (1986). Bulk density, field capacity, wilting point
temperature with 1N HCl, followed by decolorization for
and available water were determined as described by
2 hours at 50 °C with acetone, and drying for 2 hours at
Blake and Hartge (1986). Soil pH was measured by using
room temperature. The removal of acetyl groups from the
a glass electrode pH meter (JENWAY -3510). Total soluble
prepared chitin was achieved by mixing with NaOH (50%)
salts were determined by conductivity meter (INE-
with stirring for 2 hr at 115 °C in a solid to solvent ratio
DDSJ-318). Organic matter content in soil was estimated
of 1: 10 (w/v). The resultant chitosan was rinsed with
by dichromate oxidation method (Burt, 2004). The data
distilled water, filtered, and dried at 60 °C for 24 hours
are presented in Table 1. Available Zn in soil extract
after being washed in running tap water until neutral.
(Ammonium Bicarbonate-DTPA extract) according to
Preparation of ZnO nanoparticles and CS-ZnO-NPs Lindsay and Norvell (1978). Total porosity was calculated
according to Blake and Hartage (1986) from the following
Nanostructure ZnO was synthesized by using
domestic microwave. 0.1 M Zinc nitrate solution was
prepared, the pH was adjusted to 8 by adding NH4OH
solution. The precipitated product filtered and washed Monthly average agro-meteorological data at
with deionized water and ethanol. The product was the studied area during the experimental period
collected, dried at 130 °C and irradiated for 5 minutes in 2020/2021was illustrated in Figure1. The amount of
the domestic microwave (Prakash et al., 2013). CS-ZnO- irrigation water was calculated according to gravimetric
NPs was prepared by dissolving 2.5 g of CS flake in 300 methods by weight of a sown pots on field capacity
mL acetic acid (2.5 % aquas solution) and stirring for 5 and then subsequently reweighed at regular intervals
hours until completely soluble. ZnO powder (1.25 g) was (Dumroese et al., 2015). Water use efficiency (WUE) in k
added into the previous CS solution, with adding 50 mL gm-3 was calculated from the relation between grain yield
of acetic acid (0.1 M) until clear solution obtained (Salehi and water consumptive use (WCU) according to Ghane et
et al., 2010). al. (2010) as follows:

Characterization of ZnO and CS-ZnO nanoparticles size

Plant analysis
The particle sizes of prepared samples were determined
using dynamic light scattering (DLS) analytical technique Dry wheat plant tissues were washed, dried at 70 °C
and measured by using a Zetasizer Nano instrument and crushed. Half gram of dry matter from each sample
supplied by Malvern Instruments Ltd, United Kingdom. The was digested by a mixture of HClO4 and H2SO4 acid (1:
ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis) spectroscopy with the Shimadzu 3) (AOAC, 1995). Total N was calculated using the micro-
UV-2550 double beam system, Japan, was used to conform Kjeldahl method, total P was determined using the ascorbic
the formation of CS-ZnO-Nps. Fourier transform infrared acid method Spectrophotometer (JENWAY-6105 Uv/v),
(FTIR) spectra was recorded on an ATI Mattson Infinity total K was determined using the flame photometer
Series (USA) TM; Bench top 961 controlled by win first TM (JENWAY-digital) and Zn in the plant digest as described
V2.01 software (Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute by Cottenie et al. (1982). Growth parameters (plant height,

Original scientific paper DOI: /10.5513/JCEA01/24.2.3639
Abdeen et al.: Foliar application of chitosan zinc oxide nanoparticles on wheat productivity...

Table 1. Some physical and chemical characteristics of the studied soil and chicken manure

Physical properties

Soil water content % Particle size distribution% Texture class

BD Mg/ Porosity
m3 %
FC PWP AW Sand Silt Clay
Loamy sand
9.50 3.10 6.40 1.59 40.0 79.00 14.50 6.50
Chemical properties Available nutrients mg/kg

pH EC dS/m OM% CEC cmolc /kg N P K Zn

7.95 1.11 0.28 2.90 38.00 9.10 65.00 0.20


Total% Total mg/kg

Chicken C/N
pH OC% OM%
manure ratio
N P K Fe Zn Mn Cu

6.61 34.0 14.47 58.48 2.35 0.55 1.28 41.50 28.50 12.00 5.50

FC: Field capacity: PWP: Permanent wilting point, AW: Available water, OM: Organic matter content, CEC: Cation exchange capacity, OC: Organic
carbon, and EC: Electrical conductivity in 1:2.5 soil extract

Figure 1. Mean monthly temperature and precipitation from November to May of the studied area

diameter, and chlorophyll content), grain and straw yield using one way ANOVA. The least significant difference
were determined. Chlorophyll content was measured at (LSD) method was used to test the differences between
60 days of planting by measured using a "SPAD 502" treatment at (P≤0.05) level of probability according to
portable chlorophyll-meter instrument for fully expanded Levesque (2005).
upper-canopy leaves.

Statistical analysis

The statistical analysis was analyzed by Statistical

Package for Social Science version 20. Statistical
differences between treatments were performed by

Original scientific paper DOI: /10.5513/JCEA01/24.2.3639
Abdeen et al.: Foliar application of chitosan zinc oxide nanoparticles on wheat productivity...


Characterization As can be seen of Figure 3 the excitation peak

was observed at the band-gap wavelength 268 nm is
correspond to CS-ZnO-NPs which lies much below than
Figure 2 shows FTIR spectrum of CS+ acetate. As can the band-gap wavelength at 388 nm of ZnO (Dhillon et
be seen from this figure the strong band at 1640 cm−1 al., 2014).
is assigned to (NH3+) groups combined with amide I
group (Fouda et al., 2014). The shoulder at 1558 cm-1 and Dynamic light scattering data
strong peak at 1408 cm-1 are owing to asymmetric and Figure 4 shows the size average of the CS-ZnO that
symmetric carboxylate anion stretching (Nunthanid et has measured by undertaking DLS size distribution
al., 2004). In addition of these, the bands of C3–OH- and analysis. The average size of the CS-ZnO was 365 nm
C6–OH- groups of chitosan unit at 1080 and 1020 cm-1 indicates the formation nano size of prepared compound.
are overlapped and appeared combined at 1074 cm-1 due
Growth parameters of wheat plant
to the presence of excess of H2O (Ghaffari et al., 2020).
Table 2 shows the effect of foliar application of chitosan
The spectrum of CS-ZnO-NPs in Figure 2 shows the
ZnO nanoparticles (CS-ZnO-NPs) under different levels
shorter intensity of (NH3+) band at 1640 cm-1 indicating
of field capacity (FC) on growth parameters of wheat
the involvement and complexation of (NH3+) groups with
plant. Generally, all growth parameters (plant height,
ZnO-NPs (Yazdani et al., 2018). The band at 1087 cm-1
diameter and chlorophyll content) decreased significantly
representing the secondary -OH of C6 in chitosan unit is
(P≤0.05) by decreasing the moisture content. Water stress
moved to 1070 cm-1 along with a lower intensity revealing
typically inhibits photosynthesis, which is connected to
a coordination of -OH with ZnO-NPs (Wang et al., 2004).
the breakdown of chlorophyll (Rady et al., 2021).
AS well as the small band at 675 cm-1 corresponded to
ZnO. The lower intensities of the bands at 1082 and These results are agreed with those obtained by Ali
1016 cm which related to both C3–OH- and C6–OH-
et al. (2018) who found that water stress reduces the
groups in chitosan unit could be another evidence to height, biomass, and chlorophyll content on wheat crop
complexation of these groups with ZnO-NPs (Aadnan et by restricting photosynthesis. Also, water stress led to
al., 2020). induce stomatal restriction, non-stomatal restriction, or

Figure 2. FTIR spectrum of CS+ acetate and CS-ZnO-NPs

Original scientific paper DOI: /10.5513/JCEA01/24.2.3639
Abdeen et al.: Foliar application of chitosan zinc oxide nanoparticles on wheat productivity...

Figure 3. UV–Visible spectra of the different CS-ZnO-NPs synthesized by precipitation method

Figure 4. Size average of the CS-ZnO by DLS

both during photosynthesis (Elizabete Carmo-Silva et al., 2010). ZnO nanoparticles at lower concentrations could
2010). mitigate the effects caused by water stress (Upadhyaya et
al., 2020), improved growth parameters of wheat plants
On the other hand, the growth parameters are
(Srivastav et al., 2021).
significantly increased by application of CS-ZnO-NPs
under all levels of water content especially at 150 This may be attributed to nano ZnO might be the
ppm CS-ZnO-NPs. Zinc addition supports chloroplast reason for increased dry matter accumulation and might
growth, protects sulfhydryl groups, among other actions be due to the complementary effect of other inherent
that support chlorophyll biosynthesis (Sturikova et al., nutrients (Koti et al., 2009). The maximum plant height

Original scientific paper DOI: /10.5513/JCEA01/24.2.3639
Abdeen et al.: Foliar application of chitosan zinc oxide nanoparticles on wheat productivity...

was 41.50, 38.52, and 30.25 cm under 100, 80 and 60% concentrations in shoots and grains are attributed to
from FC, respectively. Also, the highest wheat diameters involvement of nano Zn in boosting plant growth (Rietra
were 6.10, 5.23 and 3.20 mm under 100, 80 and 60% et al., 2017), rapid nutrient uptake during the crop
FC, respectively. Finally, the highest values of chlorophyll growth period, especially if the soil is poor in accessible
content were 51.50, 43.0 and 38.23 at 100, 80 and 60% nutrients (AlJuthery and Saadoun, 2018). These results
FC, respectively at 150 ppm CS-ZnO-NPs. This trend are confirmed by Ponnmani et al. (2019) who obtained
agreement with that obtained by Kumar et al. (2021). that the addition of various zinc sources during the
crop growth significantly (P≤0.05) increased N, P, and K
Macronutrients content in wheat straw and grain
concentrations. It could be seen from the previous results
The increasing of macronutrients content especially N that the total nutrient content of wheat crop is strongly
content in grain is an indicator to wheat quality, as well as influenced by growth parameters, which is regulated by
it is a critical value for human nutrition. The data in Table foliar application of CS-ZnO-NPs and moisture content.
3 indicated that there are highly decrease in NPK content The increase could be attributable to a synergistic effect
by decreasing the moisture content. These findings are between recommended dose of macronutrients and
supported by Awasthi et al. (2014). Application of CS- Zn, which could be caused by an increase in enzymatic
ZnO-NPs significantly increased the content of N and activity caused by Zn application (Potarzycki and Grzebisz,
K under all levels of moisture content as compared 2009). However, application of CS-ZnO-NPs at 150 ppm
to control. But P was recorded a slightly increase in all recorded the highest content of N, P and K (0.68, 0.25
treatments. The increasing in plant growth, N, P, and K and 1.41, respectively) in wheat straw under 100% of FC.

Table 2. Growth parameters of wheat plant as affected by chitosan ZnO nanoparticles (CS-ZnO-NPs) under different levels of
moisture content
Treatments Growth parameters

CS-ZnO-NPs Length Diameter Chlorophyll content
ppm cm mm (Spad)
FC% m /ha

Control 100 4250 34.56 4.33 41.60

80 3400 31.25 3.18 34.50

60 2550 22.14 2.15 33.52

50 100 4250 37.12 4.88* 46.15*

80 3400 34.30 3.65* 39.35*

60 2550 25.20 2.80* 35.12*

100 100 4250 41.32* 5.16* 51.20*

80 3400 37.42* 5.00* 42.15*

60 2550 28.16* 3.11* 38.00*

150 100 4250 41.50* 6.10* 51.50*

80 3400 38.52* 5.23* 43.00*

60 2550 30.25* 3.20* 38.23*

* Significance at P≤0.05

Original scientific paper DOI: /10.5513/JCEA01/24.2.3639
Abdeen et al.: Foliar application of chitosan zinc oxide nanoparticles on wheat productivity...

This may be due to zinc plays a crucial role in increasing at 100 mg L-1 improved maize yield under water stress.
protein synthesis, membrane function, cell elongation, While water shortage gave a clear decrease in wheat
and stimulating plant roots to actively exchange cations, yield. This is confirmed by Mirbahar et al. (2009) and Abd
which allows plants to absorb more nutrients (Ahmed El-Aziz et al. (2022). The highest values of straw yield
et al., 2021). Also, the macronutrients content in grains were 5574.50, 5210.87 and 4822.56 kg/ha under 100,
were higher than their content in the straw. The highest 80 and 60% of FC, respectively at 150 ppm CS-ZnO-
values of N, P and K in wheat grain were 1.95, 0.43 and NPs. While the lowest values were 4985.0, 4582.50 and
1.66, respectively at 100% FC under 150 ppm CS-ZnO- 4269.90 kg/ha at 100, 80 and 60% of FC, respectively
NPs compared to control. ZnO NPs helps to reduce the without application of CS-ZnO-NPs. Also, the highest
negative impacts of drought, improving plant growth and relative increase in wheat grain and straw was 22.73%
physiological parameters and enhance the nutritional and 13.76%, respectively. These positive effects
value of wheat plants (Abd El-Aziz et al., 2022). mostly result from enhanced macro- and micronutrient
absorption, elevated relative water content and reduced
Wheat yield
cell membrane damage (Sedima et al., 2021). The results
The overall increase in the growth and macronutrients also obtained that; seed index of wheat (1000 grain) and
uptake of the wheat plant has been reflected ultimately total grain yield were increased significantly (P≤0.05) by
in wheat yield (Table 4). There is a significant variation increasing the foliar application of CS-ZnO-NPs under
among wheat treated by foliar applications of CS-ZnO- deficit irrigation water. The highest value of seed index
NPs along with control. These results are similar to those and weight yield are recorded 44.7 g and 4990.55 kg/
obtained by Sun et al. (2020) who found that nano zinc ha, respectively at 150 ppm nano ZnO under 100% FC,

Table 3. Macro nutrients content (%) in straw and grains as affected by application of chitosan ZnO nanoparticles (CS-ZnO-NPs)

Treatments Straw Grains

FC% m3/ha

Control 100 4250 0.50 0.18 1.20 1.55 0.24 1.29

80 3400 0.42 0.18 1.17 1.50 0.18 1.24

60 2550 0.30 0.15 1.10 1.41 0.15 1.17

50 100 4250 0.55* 0.18 1.27 1.70* 0.31 1.37*

80 3400 0.45 0.17 1.24 1.55 0.24 1.29*

60 2550 0.34* 0.15 1.18* 1.46 0.20 1.22*

100 100 4250 0.58* 0.20* 1.36* 1.84* 0.36* 1.58*

80 3400 0.50* 0.18 1.30* 1.63* 0.28* 1.38

60 2550 0.37* 0.16 1.23* 1.50 0.26* 1.31*

150 100 4250 0.68* 0.25* 1.41* 1.95* 0.43* 1.66*

80 3400 0.53* 0.20* 1.33* 1.67* 0.34* 1.43*

60 2550 0.38* 0.20* 1.24* 1.53* 0.30* 1.35*

* Significance at P≤0.05

Original scientific paper DOI: /10.5513/JCEA01/24.2.3639
Abdeen et al.: Foliar application of chitosan zinc oxide nanoparticles on wheat productivity...

Table 4. Wheat yields as affected by foliar application of CS-ZnO-NPs and different levels of irrigation water (IW)

Treatments Straw Grains

Seed index
IW (1000 grain Relative Relative
CS-ZnO-NPs Yield Yield
g) increase increase
ppm kg/ha kg/ha
FC% m3/ha % %

Control 100 4250 35.70 4985.00 - 3990.00 -

80 3400 33.50 4580.50 - 3785.60 -

60 2550 31.60 4260.90 - 3544.80 -

50 100 4250 39.60* 5189.87* 4.68 4250.90* 6.54

80 3400 35.70* 4769.85* 4.13 3990.50 5.41

60 2550 34.50* 4456.60* 4.59 3740.60 5.52

100 100 4250 42.30* 5340.60* 7.13 4630.58* 16.05

80 3400 38.30* 4980.50* 8.73 4298.60* 13.55

60 2550 37.60* 4655.50* 9.27 3990.70* 12.58

150 100 4250 44.70* 5574.50* 11.83 4890.55* 22.57

80 3400 42.00* 5210.87* 13.76 4453.50* 17.64

60 2550 37.50* 4822.56* 13.18 4350.50* 22.73

* Significance at P≤0.05. Relative increase = 100 x [1 - (treated parameter / control)]

as compared the lowest values which recorded 31.6 g Zn in wheat grain. These findings are confirmed by Prasad
and 3544.80 kg/ha under 60% FC. These changes are et al. (2012) who found that foliar application of nano zinc
in line with those obtained by Sultana et al. (2016) and oxide improved wheat yield and zinc content. All values of
Adrees et al. (2021) found that application of ZnO-NPs Zn were in permissible limits. In this respect, Srivastav et
counteracted the adverse effect of deficit water on wheat al. (2021) observed that wheat treated plants with ZnO
yield. One explanation could be that NPs have more NPs at high levels (150–200 mg/L) caused pant toxicity.
surface reactivity, which enables them to open up new The limits of Zn in wheat grain ranged between 25-40 mg/
pores or enlarge existing ones in roots, enhancing water kg. While the desirable concentration to combat human
and nutrient circulation inside plants and promoting Zn deficiency might be 50-70 mg/kg (Cakmak 2008). The
plant growth and development even in unfavorable values of Zn concentration were ranged between 12.5
environmental conditions (Raliya et al., 2015). to 23.9 mg/kg and 14.0 to 30.40 mg/kg in wheat straw
and grain, respectively. The lowest values were observed
Zn content in wheat straw and grain
at 60% moisture content, while the highest values were
A higher Zn concentration in grain is a positive quality recorded at 150 CS-ZnO-NPs under 100% FC. Also, the
characteristic that can boost the nutritional value of highest relative increase in Zn content of wheat grain and
grains. As shown in Table 5 Zn content in straw and grain straw was 88.57% and 61.79%, respectively. There is a
increased significantly (P≤0.05) by application of chitosan significant increase in Zn content and uptake of wheat
ZnO nanoparticles (CS-ZnO-NPs) under all levels of grain, and straw by application of nano Zn (Prajapati et
moisture content. Therefore, the application of CS-ZnO- al., 2018).
NPs was importance for improving the concentration of

Original scientific paper DOI: /10.5513/JCEA01/24.2.3639
Abdeen et al.: Foliar application of chitosan zinc oxide nanoparticles on wheat productivity...

Water use efficiency (WUE)

It is critical to comprehend the relation between in increased WUE in water-stressed plants, which may
wheat yield and amount of water applied (Table 5). be a strategy for enhancing resource usage efficiency.
Water use efficiency (WUE) is the final performance of Among those who have contributed to this work are Liu et
agricultural production and water consumption, and it al. (2016). Interaction of different levels of irrigation and
defines agricultural water saving capability and water CS-ZnO-NPs treatments on seed yield and WUE were
productivity. In general, WUE increased with decreased affected significantly (P≤0.05). The highest WUE was
the amount of irrigation water, this is due to the plants related to the increasing of CS-ZnO-NPs and decreasing
consumed less water. This trend agreement with Zhao in irrigation water. The highest value was observed (1.71
et al. (2020) who obtained that WUE was increased kg/m) at 150 ppm CS-ZnO-NPs under 60% of irrigation
under water stress of various plant species. This due to water. The data are confirmed by Semida, et al., (2021).
that stomatal closure during water stress reduces leaf Also, the highest relative increase in water use efficiency
conductivity, photosynthesis, and transpiration and, due of the marketable yield (seed wheat yield) as kg seed m-3
to leaf conductance responds sensitively to decreasing of water was 23.03%.
leaf water potential, more conservative water usage leads

Table 5. Zn content and water use efficiency as affected by foliar application of CS-ZnO -NPs and different levels of irrigation
water (IW)
Treatments Straw Grains Water use efficiency

IW Relative Relative
CS-ZnO-NPs Zn Zn Value
increase increase % Increase
ppm mg/kg mg/kg kg/m
FC% m /ha
% %

Control 100 4250 15.10 - 18.75 - 0.94 -

80 3400 14.00 - 17.20 - 1.11 -

60 2550 12.50 - 14.00 - 1.39 -

50 100 4250 18.90* 25.17 26.44* 41.01 1.00 6.38

80 3400 16.50* 17.86 25.33* 47.27 1.17 5.41

60 2550 15.10* 20.80 24.22* 73.00 1.47 5.76

100 100 4250 21.00* 39.07 28.74* 53.28 1.09* 15.96

80 3400 19.65* 40.36 27.65* 60.76 1.26* 13.51

60 2550 17.45* 39.60 25.50* 82.14 1.56* 12.23

150 100 4250 23.90* 58.28 30.40* 62.13 1.15* 22.34

80 3400 22.65* 61.79 28.50* 65.70 1.31* 18.01

60 2550 19.25* 54.00 26.40* 88.57 1.71* 23.03

* Significance at P≤0.05. Relative increase = 100 x [1 - (treated parameter / control)]

Original scientific paper DOI: /10.5513/JCEA01/24.2.3639
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