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Soil pollution and their impact on soil microorganisms

Chapter · January 2022


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5 authors, including:

Periyasamy Panneerselvam Debasis Mitra

Central Rice Research Institute Raiganj University


Rittick Mondal
Raiganj University


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ISBN 81-90 0947-3-3
© AZRA-2022-EPLT Book
Environmental Pollution : a Life Threat


Soil pollution and their impact on soil

Periyasamy Panneerselvam1*, Debasis Mitra1, Bipasa Mohanty1, Rittick
Mondal2 and Smriti Shadangi1
1= Crop Production Division, ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack,
Odisha 753006, India
2 =Department of Sericulture, Raiganj University, Raiganj, 733134, Uttar Dinajpur,
West Bengal, India
*E-mail addresses:
Abstract: Human health and natural habitats are endangered by soil contaminants. Soil
microorganisms, which are free-living and symbiotic in the rhizosphere and also grow on polluted
soils, can enhance plant biomass while also supporting the phytoremediation process. Soil pollutions
such as heavy metals, plastic, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, pesticides and other non-
biodegradable wastes, affect the development, morphology and metabolism of soil microorganisms
by causing functional disturbances, protein denaturation, destruction of cell membrane integrity, as
well as the functioning of the soil as a vital system and the support of its biological productivity. The
importance of major soil pollutants contamination in understanding the toxicity effects on soil
microorganisms and plant growth promotion are discussed in this chapter.
Keywords: Soil pollution, pesticides, microorganism, sustainability

Table of contents
1. Introduction
2. Impact of heavy metals on soil microbes
3. Impact of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon on soil microflora
4. Impact of industrial wastes on soil microflora
5. Impact of pesticides on soil microflora
5.1. Impact of pesticides on soil fertility
5.2.Impact on mycorrhizal fungi
5.3. Impact on biological cycle
5.4. Impact on enzymes activities
5.5. Impact on others
6. Impact of soil pollution on environment
7. Conclusion
8. References

1. Introduction
As the world's population grows, so does the demand for food, which
necessitates increased and sustainable food production through intensive
agriculture, public health considerations, and proper use of natural resources. To
satisfy this demand, agriculture must be improved with advanced agricultural
technologies, and soil quality must be maintained21 (Jones et al., 2013). Soil quality
plays a major role in today's production. Concerns about soil pollution have grown
in significance in the current sense of fertilizer, waste, metals, and chemical usage,
among other things. The existence of xenobiotics (human-made) chemicals or other
changes in the natural soil environment cause soil contamination or pollution as
part of land degradation14 (Gianfreda, and Rao, 2008). Industrial activity,
agricultural chemicals, and excessive waste disposal are the most common causes.
It's important to realize that all soils contain substances that are harmful or toxic to
humans and other living things. The concentration of such compounds in
unpolluted soil, on the other hand, is low enough that they do not pose a threat to
the environment. The soil is said to be polluted when the concentration of one or
more toxic substances is high enough to damage living organisms. Soil pollution is
described as the contamination of soil with toxic chemicals or other contaminants in
such a way that the soil quality is lowered and it becomes uninhabitable for living
organisms (e.g. insects, microbes, plants, etc.)52 (Varjani et al., 2019).
Anthropogenic practices are primarily responsible for this increase. Heavy metals,
plastics, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and other non-biodegradable wastes are
considered to be major soil pollutants that have a direct impact on soil microbes and
earthworms22 (Keshavarzi et al., 2018).

Fig. 1: Different types of pollutants

One of the main factors causing soil pollution is the ever-increasing use of
chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and fertilizers, which increase
salinity in the soil, making it unsuitable for crop production and negatively
affecting the microorganisms present in the soil, causing the soil to lose its fertility
and resulting in the loss of minerals present in the soil, thus causing soil pollution49
(Tsion and Steven, 2019). Other types of soil contamination typically arise from the
rupture of underground storage tanks, acid rain falling onto the soil, radioactive
fallout, percolation of contaminated surface water to subsurface strata, fuel
leakages from automobiles, unfavorable and harmful irrigation practices, leakages
from sanitary sewage, leaching of wastes from landfills or direct discharge of
industrial wastes to the soil, improper septic system and management and
maintenance, that get washed away due to rain and seep into the nearby soil and
unhealthy waste management techniques, which are characterized by release of
sewage into the large dumping grounds and nearby streams or rivers17
(Havugimana et al., 2015).
2. Impact of heavy metals on soil microbes
Heavy metal contamination is a serious global environmental issue because it
harms the growth of plants, soil indigenous species such as bacteria, earthworms,
and other soil-dwelling organisms in terms of population size, diversity, and
activities. Cd, Pb, As, Cu, Ni, and other heavy metals are the most harmful57 (Xie et
al., 2016). It was discovered that the impact of heavy metals on soil microflora and
their usable concentration have a strong negative relationship. As a result, factors
that influence heavy metal bioavailability in the soil may have an effect on the
metals' toxicity to the soil microbial community. Metal pollution in the soil causes a
significant decrease in microbial biomass. In certain cases, this decline occurs at
low metal concentrations23 (Khan and Scullion, 2002). Metal concentrations near
the EC in soil (Exciding concentrations-determined limits) are likely to trigger a
significant microbial biomass inhibition with long-term consequences for soil
Heavy metals are refractory contaminants that are widespread and valuable.
Heavy metal toxicity is mainly determined by their bioavailability, or the number of
species that are ultimately absorbed into the body by absorption, migration, and
transformation. High concentrations of heavy metals on the toxicity of
microorganisms may have two reasons, heavy metals and microorganisms have a
strong affinity, and it is easy with some biological macromolecules such as enzyme
activity center22 (Dutta et al., 2019), and electron-donating groups such as nucleic
acid base, mercapto protein, and phosphate combination, resulting in the
inactivation of these biological macromolecules, more than the ability of organisms
to bear, resulting in biological disease and death, from a short-term perspective,
heavy metal pollution will lead to the degradation of microbiological diversity of
those who lack the pressure on the outside world, and at the same time lead to those
who can adapt to those pressures increased; secondly, due to heavy metals cannot
be microbial degradation of the majority of ligand metallothionein. With the food
chain of enrichment and transmission, a large number of metallothionein and small
molecules like glycine and taurine are simple to accumulate, endangering all
biological, particularly human health and life protection.
Heavy metals in the soil can affect the growth of soil microbes as well. Soil
microbes are involved in almost all soil biochemical reactions, and they play an
important role in the production of soil organic matter and its decomposition of
harmful compounds, biochemical cycles, and the formation of soil structure. Soil
microbial properties, such as the underlying soil respiration rate and enzyme
activity, which are influenced by soil pH, organic matter, and other chemical
properties, are negatively affected by heavy soil contamination46 (Stefanowicz et
al., 2020). Low concentrations of heavy metal polluted soil are, in most cases,
conducive to CO2 release; high concentrations of heavy metal contamination, major
inhibition of soil respiration; extreme heavy metal pollution may impair soil
microbial activity, posing a serious threat to soil ecosystem function, according to
studies42 (Shahid et al., 2017).
3. Impact of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon on soil microflora
PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) are chemical contaminants that are
volatile. PAHs have carcinogenic and mutagenic properties. It has also shown
genotoxic effects (IARC, 2010). Even at low levels, PAHs have the ability to
damage the environment and/or human health. High levels of PAHs in soil, in
particular, may have a negative impact on total bacterial and fungal species,
microbial metabolic processes, and enzyme activities. PAHs can influence
microbial community composition by exerting pressure on sensitive soil
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (often abbreviated to PAHs) are organic
compounds that:
 Contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms.
 Contain more than one aromatic ring in their chemical structures.

Naphthalene, anthracene, and phenalene are all forms of PAHs. Polycyclic

aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been related to a variety of cancers. In
humans, these organic compounds can cause cardiovascular diseases. Coke (coal)
refining, car emissions, cigarette smoke, and shale oil production are all sources of
PAHs in the soil6 (Aydin et al., 2014).
4. Impact of industrial wastes on soil microflora
The growing industrialization has led to soil contamination by industrial waste
disposal units. There is a unique character of each type of soil. This individuality is
distinguished by the profile of the soil which consists of a series of layers that vary
from the percolation of waste water released into the earth to wash the
contaminants down to the following horizons35 (Parajuli, 2019). The effluents
emitted from industries into the earth are made up of several harmful substances,
mineral acids, bases, etc. which, due to their preservation and adsorption, are
deposited in the earth for a period of time51 (Vahidi et al., 2016). The mineral
ingredients in the discharged effluents present in trace amounts favor the growth of
certain algal, fungal and bacterial colonies which, in their turn, modify the soil
texture. Plants growing in polluted soils may also pick up some of the chemicals
deposited. The saprophytic soil and air microflora are attracted by organic effluents
with high concentrations of biodegradable organic matter released to the soil, which
can proliferate in certain instances, leading to bad outcomes or fungal conditions26
(Kumar and Dwivedi, 2018). Soil contamination can occur when industrial waste is
discharged into the environment. The following are some common soil
contaminants that can be traced back to industrial waste. Inadequate disposal of
highly toxic chemical/industrial wastes will seriously pollute the soil. The
accumulation of radioactive waste in deposits, for example, will result in waste
being drained into the soil. This waste can also contaminate groundwater. There are
a number of dangerous substances in chemical pesticides5 (Arias-Estévez et al.,

 Chlorinated industrial solvents

 Dioxins produced from the manufacture of pesticides and the incineration of
 Plasticizers/dispersants
 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
Many petroleum hydrocarbon waste products are produced by the petroleum
industry. Some of these wastes are found to be carcinogenic in nature, such as
benzene and methylbenzene.
5. Impact of pesticides on soil microflora
Pesticides are pest-controlling, pest-killing, or pest-repelling agents commonly used
in agriculture. They protect the plant from pests such as insects, rats, weeds,
nematodes, and microbes. As we all know, the world's population is rapidly
increasing, which necessitates an increase in food production. Pesticides play an
important role here because they are necessary to prevent pests from destroying
crop yields38 (Popp et al., 2013). To keep pests away from the plant, various
strategies have been used over a period of time. Previously, both venomous and
nutritious plants were grown in the same region. Insects were held away from the
nutritious vegetation by the poisonous plants. The Ebers papyrus contains
information on the preparation methods used to remove insects during ancient
times, also used sulfides. Then, in the 15th century, arsenic and mercury were
introduced, and they were used until 1950. Paul Muller discovered the first modern
synthetic insecticide, DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane), an organochlorine
pesticide, in the 1940s. Its widespread use is due to its efficacy against insect-borne
human diseases as well as the defense of crops and livestock from insects. The
adverse effects of DDT were first published in Rachel Carson's book "Silent
Spring" in 1962. As a result, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
issued a cancellation order in 1972, and the use of DDT was outlawed in several
nations. Synthetic insecticides such as organophosphates, carbamates, and
pyrethroids have started replacing DDT9 (Coats, 1994). Pesticides help to reduce
pest-related crop losses. They also help to extend the life of the crops. This results
in a higher yield percentage while still ensuring the availability of high-quality food
at a fair price. Good nutrition is provided by high-quality food, which enhances
one's quality of life. They also reduce the amount of fuel used to remove weeds and
are effective enough to combat invasive species that pose a significant threat to the
area's native species. Pesticides improve not only the farmer's financial situation,
but also the agricultural economy of the region. Insects or the bacteria borne by
insects cause a variety of deadly diseases in humans and livestock. Insecticides are
used to kill insects save lives, minimize pain, enhance quality of life, lower
veterinary and medication prices, and boost livestock yield quality and quantity. All
of this contributes to a rise in person and national production and economic
growth31 (Mahmood et al., 2006; Table 1).
Table-1: Some pesticide and their functions
Pesticide Target & Function Examples
Algicide algae Copper Sulphate, oxyfluorfen
Antifoulants Organisms attached to underground Tributyltin oxide (TBTO)
Bactericides Bacteria. Tetracycline, streptomycin
Disinfectants Disease causing microbes. Sodium chloride
and sanitizers
Fungicide Fungi. Bordeaux mixture
Nematicides Nematodes. Methyl bromide, chlorpyrifos

Pesticides are divided into five groups by their acute oral and dermal
toxicity, according to the World Health Organization. Aside from that, many
pesticides (such as Aldoxycarb, Butacarb, Cycluron, Erbon, and others) have been
phased out16 (Hun et al., 2021; Table 2).
Table-2. Classification of pesticides and some examples
Class Oral: LD50 in Dermal: LD50 in Examples
mg/kg body mg/kg body
weight of rat weight of rat
Ia- Extremely hazardous <5 <50 Disulfoton, Captafol
Ib- Highly hazardous 5-50 50-200 Dichlorvos,
II- Moderately hazardous 50-2000 200-2000 Benfuracarb,
III- Slightly hazardous Over 2000 Over 2000 Butylate, Malathion
U- Unlikely to present 5000 or more 5000 or more Bioresmethrin,
acute hazard Carpropamid

5.1. Impact of pesticides on soil fertility

Bacteria, fungi, actinobacteria and algae together form the soil microflora. They
play a major role in the maintenance of soil fertility by actively participating in the
processes of nutrient cycling as well as decomposition. Soil fertility has a direct
effect on the crop productivity. Beside soil fertility, for increasing the crop yield,
crops need to be protected from pest attack and pesticides are used for this purpose.
But these pesticides apart from acting upon the pests, exhibit negative effects on the
soil microbes. The extent to which they affect the soil microbiota depends on the
concentration applied, its bioavailability, absorption, bioactivity, toxicity and
degradability along with soil’s texture, organic matter, tillage system and
vegetation32 (Meena et al., 2020) The application of most of the pesticides at field
recommended dose may temporarily alter the microbial population thereby altering
the soil enzymatic activities. Herbicides like acetochlor, atrazine, 2,4-D Ethyl Ester
when applied initially decreases the microflora population but after certain period
of time, the microbes get adapted and resistant to the herbicides50 (Tyagi et al.,
2018). They may degrade the pesticides and use its degraded components as a
source of nutrition thereby resulting in the increase in their number. Similar effect
on soil bacterial, fungal and actinomycetes population is also exhibited by
pendimethalin, oxyfluorfen, propaquizafop, glyphosate, paraquat, glufosinate-
ammonium and metsulfuron-methyl58 (Zain et al., 2013).
High dose of pesticide when applied mostly disturbs the microbial
population, for example high dose of glyphosate when applied frequently over a
long period of time, affects the soil fungal communities53 (Vazquez et al., 2020).
Algal communities are affected by pesticides like diuron, diquat, S-metolachlor and
bensulfuron-methyl which act as inhibitors of various metabolic processes11 (Deng
et al., 2012). Similarly, many insecticides when applied may also have positive or
negative effect on the microbial communities present in the soil. The rate of their
effect depends upon the type and the quantity of insecticides applied. Lower
concentration of insecticides has a positive effect on microbial population while
with increased concentration, they exert a negative effect on the microbial
population. Baythroid, an insecticide, when applied exhibits a positive effect on
both bacterial and fungal population29 (Lodhi et al., 2000). A positive effect on
fungal population is also exhibited by cypermethrin. Cypermethrin when applied in
combination with a fungicide called mancozeb, enhances the bacterial population.
The same insecticide i.e., cypermethrin in combination with thiamethoxam affects
microbes involved in ammonification, nitrification and denitrification. Fungicides
like carbendzim, Copper Oxy Chloride and mancozeb have been reported to affect
the fungal population (Kumar et al., 2018). Insecticides like miraj and malathion
and fungicide like mancozeb affects actinomycetes population. Most of the
pesticides affect microbial biomass carbon (MBC). Herbicides at half
recommended rate don’t have any effect on MBC but at recommended rate and
double recommended rate reduces the MBC. Some pesticides like quizalofop-p-
ethyl also exhibit inconsistent effects on MBC40 (Shah et al., 2016).
5.2. Impact on mycorrhizal fungi
A symbiotic association between fungi and the plant roots facilitate P, NO3 and
NH4 uptake by the plant. In this association, the mycorrhizal species enters into root
cell wall and colonize in the cortex where they form arbuscules and vesicles. They
also form extraradical mycelium which expands in the soil and form spores and
hyphae. This association enhances the plant growth by facilitating absorption of
water and minerals by the hyphae whereas the absorbed nutrients are transferred to
the plant at the site of arbuscles. Pesticides when applied affects the mycorrhizal
fungus in many ways. Glyphosate affects the colonization of mycorrhiza as well as
the arbuscules18 (Helander et al., 2018). Besides having an adverse effect on root
mycorrhization, it also affects hyphae, reduces spore biomass, vesicles and
propagules. Alachlor reduces the mycorrhizal spores and the infection intensity.
Apart from concentration, the effect of a pesticide on this symbiotic association
may also vary with variation in plant species. For example, glyphosate, a herbicide
exhibits a positive effect on the mycorrhizal vesicles in Festuca pratensis but at the
same time doesn’t have any effect in case of Elymus repens18 (Helander et al.,
Triclopyr, imazapyr and sulfometuron methyl has been reported to have no
significant effect on ectomycorrhiza irrespective of the physio-chemical properties
of the soil7 (Busse et al., 2004). The effect of pesticides may also vary with soil
type. Sulfentrazone, isoxaflutole and oxyfluorfen affects the colonization of
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in both clayey soil as well as sandy loam soil. They
do not affect the viability of spores in case of sandy loam soil whereas in clayey
soil, sulfentrazone increases the number of non-viable spores. Insecticides also
show varying effect on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Some insecticides like
spinosad, pyrethrum and terpenes don’t exhibit any significant effect on the
diversity or colonization of mycorrhiza whereas azadirachtin affects the both.
Similarly, fungicides like benomyl, bavistin and mancozeb decreases the
mycorrhizal colonization as well as spore number whereas captan increases both
mycorrhizal colonization as well as spore number8 (Channabasava et al., 2015).
5.3. Impact on biological cycle
Soil microbes are involved in processes of nitrogen cycle like ammonification
which is an enzymatic conversion of organic nitrogen into ammonium, nitrification
in which there is conversion of ammonium into nitrite by Nitrosomonas and then
nitrate by Nitrobacter, denitrification in which nitrite or nitrate are converted into
gaseous form of nitrogen i.e., nitrous oxide and nitrogen. The gaseous nitrogen
conversion into nitrates or nitrites by diazotrophs is called nitrogen fixation. A large
amount of atmospheric nitrogen is fixed by symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Rhizobium
as well as the leguminous plant involved in this symbiotic association are generally
affected by high concentration of pesticides. Glyphosate at its lower concentration
enhances the nodule formation but at high concentration exhibit negative effect on
it. Nodulation is also affected by higher concentration of fluchloralin and 2,4-D,
methabenzthiazuron, terbutryn and linuron24 (Khan et al., 2006). But more
detrimental effect is exhibited by metibuzin which affects nodulation even at its
lower concentration.
Tetramethylthiuram disulfide (TMTD) is a fungicide which when applied at
higher concentration results in nodule senescence along with reduction in the
number of nodules15 (Gorshkov et al., 2020). The activity of nitrogenase enzyme
which catalyzes the conversion of nitrogen to ammonia is also affected by the use
of pesticides. Pivot SL 100 (herbicide) and Funaben T (fungicide) are among those
pesticides which reduces the nitrogenase activity of Rhizobium (Niewiadomska et
al., 2004). The process of ammonification is affected by herbicide like Mocarz 75
WG whereas the rate of nitrification and denitrification is affected by atrazine and
glyphosate59 (Zhang et al., 2018). Pesticides also affect Azotobacter which is a free-
living anaerobic nitrogen fixing bacteria. They are positively regulated by
pesticides like glyphosate at field dose or dose slightly higher than that of the
recommended field dose but a very high dose has a negative effect on them (Adero
et al., 2020). Imazetapir at field dose also doesn’t have any negative impact on
Azotobacter. But some pesticides, for example dimethoate and bayleton 50 even at
their recommended dose proves to be toxic to the nitrogen fixing bacterial
population25 (Khudhur et al., 2013).
5.4. Impact on enzymatic activities
Soil harbors a large community of microflora as well as many enzymes which
catalyzes various reactions. Pesticides alter the soil enzymatic activities like
dehydrogenase, phosphatase (acid and alkaline), β-glucosidase, urease, cellulase,
aryl-sulfatase, amylase, invertase etc. which plays an important role in nutrient
transformation thereby affecting the soil fertility, quality and productivity. The
effect on the soil enzymatic activities depends upon the type of pesticide applied
and their concentration. Dehydrogenase is an enzyme involved in respiration. When
a pesticide is applied at a dose that is toxic to the microbes, the microbial
population decreases and this in turn decreases the dehydrogenase. So, we can say
that the dehydrogenase activity act as an indicator of any changes in the microbial
population. Imazethapyr when applied at recommended and half recommended
rate, temporarily reduces the dehydrogenase activity while quizalofop-p-ethyl do
not exhibit any effect on the enzyme. When pesticides are applied at their double
recommended rate, the dehydrogenase activity is generally affected.

Phosphatase is an enzymes that removes phosphoryl group. On the basis of

soil pH, phosphatase present may be acid phosphatase or alkaline phosphatase.
Some pesticides like imazethapyr and quizalofop-p-ethyl exhibit temporarily effect
on acid and alkaline phosphatase40 (Saha et al., 2016). The urease activity is
initially increased by atrazine, pendimethalin, tembotrione and topramezone but
then decreases whereas a combination of topramezone and atrazine initially
decreases the activity followed by increase in activity and finally decreases the
activity. Amylase and invertase activity are affected by an insecticide known as
baythroid29 (Lodhi et al, 2000). Pesticides like propiconazole and chlorothalonil at
high concentration exhibit negative effect on cellulase and invertase activities39
(Ramudu et al., 2011).
5.5. Impact on others
Soil macrofauna includes earthworms, ants, termites etc. which are involved in the
decomposition of organic matter, adding and mixing of humus in the soil. This
results in the increase of soil fertility. Pesticides affect these soil dwelling faunas
and the effect depends on the concentration of the pesticide applied and the
treatment period. The growth and survival of earthworm is affected by pesticides
like propyzamide, metribuzin and benfluralin48 (Travlos et al., 2017). The
reproductive rate is affected by herbicides like glyphosate, insecticides like
imidacloprid, fipronil, thiametoxam and fungicides like captan. The cocoon
production of earthworm is affected by herbicide butachlor. Mortality and mobility
of termites is also affected by application of herbicides like 2,4 D and atrazine13
(Ejomah et al., 2020). The number of larvae and the worker ants reduces with the
application of some pesticide like thiamethoxam41 (Schlappi et al., 2020). The
brood tending ability of queen of fire ant and incipient colonies development is
affected by pesticide like imidacloprid. The fecundity and the survival of queen
ants is also affected by benzimidazole fungicides19 (Heneberg et al., 2018).

Pesticides, the crop protection shield should be used efficiently. The

injudicious use of these useful substances at a concentration above the
recommended dose, possesses a great threat not only to the soil dwelling micro and
macro-organisms but also to human health. The one and only way to eradicate the
toxic effect of these pesticides on environment and human health is to make
farmers aware of the field recommended dose of pesticides and the long-lasting
consequences of their high dose.
6. Effects of soil pollution on environment
Soil contamination has a variety of negative consequences for habitats, as well as
human, plant, and animal health. The adverse effects of soil contamination can be
caused by direct contact with contaminated soil or by contact with other resources
such as water or food grown on or in direct contact with polluted soil30 (Lu et al.,
2015). However, unintended pesticide diffusion into the atmosphere (commonly
referred to as "pesticide drift") raises a number of environmental issues, including
water and soil contamination55 (Warren et al., 2003). Figure 2 shows some of the
most significant soil pollutants.

Fig. 2: Harmful effect of different types of pollutants on ecosystem

According to pollution issues, soil pollution contributes to air pollution by
releasing volatile compounds into the atmosphere, because the more toxic
compounds soil contains, the more air pollution it produces. Toxic chemicals may
also lead to water pollution if they leach into groundwater or if contaminated runoff
or sewage, which may contain dangerous heavy metals, reaches streams, lakes, or
rivers4 (Anju et al., 2010). These heavy metals can build up in soils to the point that
they are no longer able to sustain plant life if they are applied often or in large
quantities. Furthermore, soil contamination allows large amounts of nitrogen to
escape through ammonia volatilization and denitrification, and the decomposition
of organic materials in soil can release sulfur dioxide and other sulfur compounds,
resulting in acid rain. Furthermore, acidic soils produced by the deposition of acidic
compounds such as sulfur dioxide caused by the burning of fossil fuels develop an
acidic atmosphere that harms microorganisms that improve soil structure by
breaking down organic material and assisting water flow. Soil contamination can
disrupt plant metabolism, lowering crop yields and causing pollutants to move up
the food chain through trees and plants that absorb those36 (Peralta-Videa et al.,
Acid rain pollutes soils, which disrupts soil chemistry and reduces the
plant's ability to absorb nutrients and perform photosynthesis (Shu et al., 2019).
Soil contamination also results in the loss of soil and natural nutrients, making it
difficult for plants to survive in such soil, leading to soil erosion and disrupting the
balance of flora and fauna in the region47 (Sylvain et al., 2011). Although aluminum
is found naturally in the atmosphere, soil contamination can cause inorganic forms
to be mobilized, which are highly toxic to plants and can potentially leach into
ground water, compounding their effects33 (Naumburg et al., 2005). Soil
contamination raises salinity, rendering the soil unfit for vegetation and rendering it
useless and barren. Any crops would be toxic enough to cause severe health issues
in people who ate them if they were able to thrive in these conditions43 (Shrivastava
and Kumar, 2015). Another possible consequence of soil contamination is the
production of toxic dust. Furthermore, polluted soils containing high levels of
nitrogen and phosphorus will leach into rivers, causing algal blooms and aquatic
plant death due to dissolved oxygen depletion45 (Snedaker and Getter, 1985).
Finally, acidic deposition in the soil will impair the soil's ability to buffer pH
changes, causing plants to die off due to inhospitable conditions.
7. Conclusion: Soil microorganisms play an important role in soil health and
quality by performing a variety of processes. They are essential for organic matter
turnover, nutrient release, and soil structure stabilization, as well as ensuring soil
fertility. Organic and inorganic pollutants such as pesticides, heavy metals, toxic
hydrocarbons, antibiotics, and others may disrupt soil homeostasis. The
antimicrobial activity of these chemicals can inhibit the development of soil
microorganisms differentially by affecting the microbial composition of the soil,
which can change the ecological role of the soil. Microbial parameters are thought
to be useful measures for assessing soil fertility and quality status because of their
fast response and sensitivity to pollutants. Hence, we have to develop a wholistic
viable green approach to minimize the entry of pollutants into soil to preserve a
valuable microbial resource in soil.
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