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Design and Analysis of Fast Low Power Srams: June 2002

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Design and Analysis of Fast Low Power SRAMs

Article · June 2002

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3 authors, including:

Bharadwaj Amrutur
Indian Institute of Science


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Bharadwaj S. Amrutur
August 1999
© Copyright by Bharadwaj S. Amrutur 1999
All Rights Reserved

I certify that I have read this dissertation and that in my opinion it is fully adequate,
in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Mark A. Horowitz (Principal Advisor)

I certify that I have read this dissertation and that in my opinion it is fully adequate,
in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Bruce A. Wooley

I certify that I have read this dissertation and that in my opinion it is fully adequate,
in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Krishna Saraswat

Approved for the University Committee on Graduate Studies:


This thesis explores the design and analysis of Static Random Access Memories
(SRAMs), focusing on optimizing delay and power. The SRAM access path is split into
two portions: from address input to word line rise (the row decoder) and from word line
rise to data output (the read data path). Techniques to optimize both of these paths are

We determine the optimal decoder structure for fast low power SRAMs. Optimal
decoder implementations result when the decoder, excluding the predecoder, is
implemented as a binary tree. We find that skewed circuit techniques with self resetting
gates work the best and evaluate some simple sizing heuristics for low delay and power.
We find that the heuristic of using equal fanouts of about 4 per stage works well even with
interconnect in the decode path, provided the interconnect delay is reduced by wire sizing.
For fast lower power solutions, the heuristic of reducing the sizes of the input stage in the
higher levels of the decode tree allows for good trade-offs between delay and power.

The key to low power operation in the SRAM data path is to reduce the signal swings
on the high capacitance nodes like the bitlines and the data lines. Clocked voltage sense
amplifiers are essential for obtaining low sensing power, and accurate generation of their

sense clock is required for high speed operation. We investigate tracking circuits to limit
bitline and I/O line swings and aid in the generation of the sense clock to enable clocked
sense amplifiers. The tracking circuits essentially use a replica memory cell and a replica
bitline to track the delay of the memory cell over a wide range of process and operating
conditions. We present experimental results from two different prototypes.

Finally we look at the scaling trends in the speed and power of SRAMs with size and
technology and find that the SRAM delay scales as the logarithm of its size as long as the
interconnect delay is negligible. Non-scaling of threshold mismatches with process scal-
ing, causes the signal swings in the bitlines and data lines also not to scale, leading to an
increase in the relative delay of an SRAM, across technology generations.The wire delay
starts becoming important for SRAMs beyond the 1Mb generation. Across process
shrinks, the wire delay becomes worse, and wire redesign has to be done to keep the wire
delay in the same proportion to the gate delay. Hierarchical SRAM structures have enough
space over the array for using fat wires, and these can be used to control the wire delay for
4Mb and smaller designs across process shrinks.


I thank my advisor Prof. Mark Horowitz for his invaluable guidance throughout the
course of this thesis. His insights and wisdom have been a great source of inspiration for
this work. I thank my co-advisor Prof. Bruce Wooley for his quiet encouragement and sup-
port during my stay in Stanford. I am grateful to Prof. Teresa Meng and Prof. Leonid
Kazovsky for agreeing to be a part of my orals committee. I am indebted to Prof. Krishna
Saraswat for reading my dissertation at a very short notice. The dissertation has greatly
benefited from the astute comments of the reading committee members and any remaining
errors are solely my own.

The many hours I have spent at work have been very stimulating and enriching, thanks
to the wonderful students I have been privileged to interact with. I have enjoyed many a
conversation with the inhabitants of CIS and would especially like to thank Guyeon Wei,
Dan Weinlader, Chih-Kong Ken Yang, Ricardo Gonzalez, Stefanos Sidiropoulos, Ken
Mai, Toshihiko Mori, Ron Ho, Vijayaraghavan Soundararajan and Esin Terzioglu.

Thanks to my many friends on campus and outside, I have had many memorable
moments outside my work. I would especially like to thank Suhas, Navakant, Bijit, Navin,
Anil, Mohan and Shankar.

I am grateful to Sudha, Anand, Raghavan and Meera for being such a wonderful fam-
ily. I thank my wife, Vidya, for her love and patience during the final stages of my
dissertation. Last but not the least, I am eternally indebted to by grandfather and my par-
ents for their love, encouragement and support. This dissertation is dedicated to them.

List of Tables

Table 3.1: Efforts and delays for three sizing techniques relative to the theoretical
lower bound. Fanout of first chain f1 = 3.84 for all cases.......................31
Table 3.2: Relative delays with the two sizing heuristics compared to the theoretical
lower bound.............................................................................................34
Table 3.3: Relative delays for a 1Mb SRAM with different wire sizes....................34
Table 3.4: Relative power of various components of the decode path in%..............35
Table 3.5: Relative delay of various components of the decode path under H1 in % ..
Table 3.6: Delay and Power Comparisons of Various Circuit Styles in 0.25µm pro-
cess at 2.5V. Delay of a fanout 4 loaded inverter is 90pS.......................52
Table 4.1: Block parameters: 256 rows, 64 columns................................................65
Table 4.2: Block parameters: 64 rows, 32 columns..................................................66
Table 4.3: Block parameters: 256 rows, 64 columns................................................69
Table 4.4: Measurement Data for the 1.2µm prototype chip....................................78
Table 4.5: Measured data for the 0.35µm prototype ................................................82
Table C.1: Features of the base 0.25µm technology ...............................................131
Table C.2: Technology scaling of some parameters................................................132

List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Elementary SRAM structure with the cell design in its inset ................2
Figure 2.1: Divided Word Line (DWL) Architecture ...............................................6
Figure 2.2: Schematic of a two-level 8 to 256 decoder ............................................8
Figure 2.3: a) Conventional static NAND gate b) Nakamura’s NAND gate [23] ....9
Figure 2.4: Skewed NAND gate .............................................................................10
Figure 2.5: Bitline mux hierarchies in a 512 row block .........................................11
Figure 2.6: Two common types of sense amplifiers, a) current mirror type, b) latch
Figure 3.1: Critical path of a decoder in a large SRAM.........................................15
Figure 3.2: A chain of inverters to drive a load ......................................................17
Figure 3.3: RC model of a inverter.........................................................................18
Figure 3.4: Critical path in a 4 to 16 predecoder. The path is highlighted by thicker
lines. The sizes of the gates and their logical effort along with the
branching efforts of two intermediate nodes is shown.........................22
Figure 3.5: Buffer chain with intermediate interconnect........................................24
Figure 3.6: Modeling the interconnect delay..........................................................25
Figure 3.7: (a) Schematic of Embedded SRAMs (b) Equivalent critical path .......29
Figure 3.8: Critical path for a 3 level decoder........................................................32
Figure 3.9: Delay energy performance of the three sizing heuristics and their
comparison to optimal delay energy trade-off curve. (a) shows the full
graph (b) shows the same graph magnified along the X axis...............37


Figure 3.10: SRCMOS resetting technique, a) self-reset b) predicated self-reset....39

Figure 3.11: A DRCMOS Technique to do local self-resetting of a skewed gate...40
Figure 3.12: Chain of maximally skewed inverters..................................................41
Figure 3.13: Static 2 input NAND gate for a pulsed decoder: (a) Non-skewed (b)
Skewed and (c) Clocked ......................................................................43
Figure 3.14: Source Coupled NAND gate................................................................44
Figure 3.15: Comparison of delay of the source coupled NAND gate.....................45
Figure 3.16: NOR style decoder [21] .......................................................................46
Figure 3.17: 4 to 16 predecoder in conventional series nfet style with no skewing.48
Figure 3.18: Critical path for 4 to 16 decoder in conventional static style with
skewing ................................................................................................49
Figure 3.19: NOR style predecoder with no skewing ..............................................50
Figure 3.20: NOR style 4 to 16 predecoder with maximal skewing and DRCMOS
Figure 3.21: Schematic of fast low power 3 level decoder structure........................53
Figure 4.1: Common sense clock generation techniques .......................................56
Figure 4.2: Delay matching of inverter chain delay stage with respect to bitline
Figure 4.3: Latch type sense amplifier ...................................................................59
Figure 4.4: Replica column with bitline capacitance ratioing................................59
Figure 4.5: Comparison of delay matching of replica versus inverter chain delay
elements ...............................................................................................60
Figure 4.6: Matching comparisons over varying cell threshold offsets in a 0.25um
@ 1.2V .................................................................................................61
Figure 4.7: Control circuits for sense clock activation and word line pulse control ..
Figure 4.8: Delay matching of two buffer chains ...................................................63
Figure 4.9: Current Ratio Based Replica Structure ................................................68
Figure 4.10: Skewed word line driver ......................................................................69
Figure 4.11: Control circuits for current ratio based replica circuit .........................70
Figure 4.12: Replica Structure Placement ................................................................72
Figure 4.13: Column I/O circuits..............................................................................73
Figure 4.14: Pulsed Global word line driver ............................................................74
Figure 4.15: Level to pulse converter .......................................................................74
Figure 4.16: Global I/O circuits................................................................................75


Figure 4.17: Die photo of a 1.2µm prototype chip...................................................76

Figure 4.18: Waveforms on a bitline pair during an alternating read/write access
pattern, obtained via direct probing of the bitline wires on the chip. ..77
Figure 4.19: On-chip probed data line waveforms for an alternating read/write
pattern ..................................................................................................78
Figure 4.20: Die photo of a prototype chip in 0.25µm technology ..........................80
Figure 4.21: Architecture of a prototype chip in 0.25µm CMOS ............................81
Figure 4.22: Modified Global Word line Driver.......................................................81
Figure 4.23: Measured energy (black squares) versus supply. Also shown is the
quadratic curve fit on the 0.5V and the 1V points. ..............................83
Figure 4.24: a) Schematic of cells for low swing writes b) waveforms ...................85
Figure 4.25: On chip probed wave forms of bitlines for low swing writes alternating
with reads. ............................................................................................87
Figure 5.1: Array partitioning example ..................................................................93
Figure 5.2: Area estimation for the word drivers ...................................................97
Figure 5.3: a) Current source driving a RC π network. b) Sketch of the node
waveforms ............................................................................................97
Figure 5.4: Bitline circuit .......................................................................................98
Figure 5.5: Bitline delay versus column height; 0.25µm, 1.8V and 4 columns
multiplexing .......................................................................................100
Figure 5.6: Local sense amplifier structure ..........................................................101
Figure 5.7: Area estimation of the output mux.....................................................104
Figure 5.8: Delay scaling with size in 0.25µm process........................................106
Figure 5.9: Delay versus technology for different wire widths for a 4Mb SRAM.....
Figure 5.10: Delay versus Area for a 4Mb SRAM in 0.25µm process ..................109
Figure 5.11: Delay and Area versus block height for a 4Mb SRAM in a 0.25µm
Figure 5.12: Energy versus Delay for a 4Mb SRAM in 0.25µm process ..............112



1 Introduction

Fast low power SRAMs have become a critical component of many VLSI chips. This is
especially true for microprocessors, where the on-chip cache sizes are growing with each
generation to bridge the increasing divergence in the speeds of the processor and the main
memory [1-2]. Simultaneously, power dissipation has become an important consideration
both due to the increased integration and operating speeds, as well as due to the explosive
growth of battery operated appliances [3]. This thesis explores the design of SRAMs,
focusing on optimizing delay and power. While process [4-5] and supply [6-11] scaling
remain the biggest drivers of fast low power designs, this thesis investigates some circuit
techniques which can be used in conjunction to scaling to achieve fast, low power

Conceptually, an SRAM has the structure shown in Figure 1.1. It consists of a matrix
of 2m rows by 2n columns of memory cells. Each memory cell in an SRAM contains a pair
of cross coupled inverters which form a bi-stable element. These inverters are connected to
a pair of bitlines through nMOS pass transistors which provide differential read and write
access. An SRAM also contains some column and row circuitry to access these cells. The
m+n bits of address input, which identifies the cell which is to be accessed, is split into m
row address bits and n column address bits. The row decoder activates one of the 2m word
lines which connects the memory cells of that row to their respective bitlines. The column
decoder sets a pair of column switches which connects one of 2n bitline columns to the
peripheral circuits.

In a read operation, the bitlines start precharged to some reference voltage usually
close to the positive supply. When word line turns high, the access nfet connected to the

Chapter 1: Introduction 2

cell node storing a ‘0’ starts discharging the bitline, while the complementary bitline

Row decoder

word line



Address input n
Column Mux

Column decoder

Sense en
Sense amplifier
Read enable Write en

Read-write control
Write driver

Data in Data out

Figure 1.1: Elementary SRAM structure with the cell design in its inset

remains in its precharged state, thus resulting in a differential voltage being developed
across the bitline pair. SRAM cells are optimized to minimize the cell area, and hence
their cell currents are very small, resulting in a slow bitline discharge rate. To speed up the
RAM access, sense amplifiers are used to amplify the small bitline signal and eventually
drive it to the external world.
Chapter 1: Introduction 3

During a write operation, the write data is transferred to the desired columns by driv-
ing the data onto the bitline pairs by grounding either the bit line or its complement. If the
cell data is different from the write data, then the ‘1’ node is discharged when the access
nfet connects it to the discharged bitline, thus causing the cell to be written with the bitline

The basic SRAM structure can be significantly optimized to minimize the delay and
power at the cost of some area overhead. The optimization starts with the design and lay-
out of the RAM cell, which is undertaken in consultation with the process technologists
[4]. For the most part, the thesis assumes that a ram cell has been adequately designed and
looks at how to put the cells together efficiently.

The next chapter introduces the various techniques which are used in practical SRAMs
and motivates the issues addressed by this thesis. For the purposes of design and optimiza-
tion, the access path can be divided into two portions: the row decoder - the path from the
address inputs to the word line, and the data path - the portion from the memory cell ports
to the SRAM I/O ports.

The decoder design problem has two major tasks: determining the optimal circuit style
and decode structure and finding the optimal sizes for the circuits and the amount of buff-
ering at each level. The problem of optimally sizing a chain of gates for optimal delay and
power is well understood [12-16]. Since the decode path also has intermediate intercon-
nect, we will analyze the optimal sizing problem in this context. The analysis will lead to
some formulae for bounding the decoder delay and allow us to evaluate some simple heu-
ristics for doing the sizing in practical situations. We will then look at various circuit
techniques that have been proposed to speed up the decode path and analyze their delay
and power characteristics. This will eventually enable us to sketch the optimal decode
structures to achieve fast and low power operation (Chapter 3).

In the SRAM data path, switching of the bitlines and I/O lines and biasing the sense
amplifiers consume a significant fraction of the total power, especially in wide access
width memories. Chapter 4 investigates techniques to reduce SRAM power without hurt-
Chapter 1: Introduction 4

ing performance by using tracking circuits to limit bitline and I/O line swing and aid in the
generation of the sense clock to enable clocked sense amplifiers. Experimental results
from two different prototypes are also presented in this chapter.

We then take a step back from detailed circuit design issues to look at the scaling
trends in the speed and power of SRAMs with size and technology. We use some simple
analytical models for delay and power for the decoder and the data path which are a func-
tion of the size, organization and technology. The models are then used to obtain the
optimum organizations for delay and power for each different SRAM size and technology
generation, enabling us to plot the scaling trends (Chapter 5). We finally summarize the
main conclusions of this thesis along with future directions for research in Chapter 6.

2 Overview of CMOS

The delay and power of practical SRAMs have been reduced over the years via inno-
vations in the array organization and circuit design. This chapter discusses both these
topics and highlights the issues addressed by this thesis. We will first explore the various
partitioning strategies in Section 2.1 and then point out the main circuit techniques which
have been presented in the literature to improve speed and power (Section 2.2).

2.1 SRAM Partitioning

For large SRAMs, significant improvements in delay and power can be achieved by
partitioning the cell array into smaller sub arrays, rather than having a single monolithic
array as shown in Figure 1.1. Typically, a large array is partitioned into a number of identi-
cally sized sub arrays (commonly referred to as macros), each of which stores a part of the
accessed word, called the sub word, and all of which are activated simultaneously to
access the complete word [20-22]. High performance SRAMs can have up to 16 macros,
while low power SRAMs typically have only one macro. The macros can be thought of as
independent RAMs, except that they might share parts of the decoder.

Each macro conceptually looks like the basic structure shown in Figure 1.1. During an
access to some row, the word line activates all the cells in that row and the desired sub
word is accessed via the column multiplexers. This arrangement has two drawbacks for
macros that have a very large number of columns: the word line RC delay grows as the

Chapter 2: Overview of CMOS SRAMs 6

square of the number of cells in the row, and bitline power grows linearly with the number
of columns. Both these drawbacks can be overcome by further sub dividing the macros
into smaller blocks of cells using the Divided Word Line (DWL) technique first proposed
by Yoshimoto, in [17]. In the DWL technique the long word line of a conventional
array is broken up into k sections, with each section activated independently thus reducing
the word line length by k and hence reducing its RC delay by k2. Figure 2.1 shows the
DWL architecture where a macro of 256 columns is partitioned into 4 blocks each having
only 64 columns. The row selection is now done in two stages, first a global word line is

select bitlines

global local
word line
word line

local senseamp
I/O lines

global sense
dout din

Figure 2.1: Divided Word Line (DWL) Architecture

activated which is then transmitted into the desired block by a block select signal to
activate the desired local word line. Since the local word line is shorter (only 64 columns
Chapter 2: Overview of CMOS SRAMs 7

wide), it has a lower RC delay. Though the global word line still is nearly as long as the
width of the macro, it has a lower RC delay than a full length word line since its capacitive
loading is smaller. It sees only the input loading of the four word line drivers instead of the
loading of all the 256 cells. In addition, its resistance can be lower as it could use wider
wires on a higher level metal layer. The word line RC delay is reduced by another factor of
four by keeping the word drivers in the center of the word line segments thus halving the
length of each segment. Since 64 cells within the block are activated as opposed to all the
256 cells in the undivided array, the column current is also reduced by a factor 4. This
concept of dividing the word line can be carried out recursively on the global word line
(and the block select line) for large RAMs, and is called the Hierarchical Word Decoding
(HWD) technique [45]. Partitioning can also be done to reduce the bitline heights and is
discussed further in the next section.

Partitioning of the RAM incurs area overhead at the boundaries of the partitions. For
example, a partition which dissects the word lines requires the use of word line drivers at
the boundary. Since the RAM area determines the lengths of the global wires in the
decoder and the data path, it directly influences their delay and energy. In Chapter 5 we
will study the trade offs in delay, energy and area obtained via partitioning.

2.2 Circuit techniques in SRAMs

The SRAM access path can be broken down into two components: the decoder and the
data path. The decoder encompasses the circuits from the address input to the word line.
The data path encompasses the circuits from the cells to the I/O ports.

The logical function of the decoder is equivalent to 2n n-input AND gates, where the
large fan-in AND operation is implemented in an hierarchical structure. The schematic of
Chapter 2: Overview of CMOS SRAMs 8

a two-level 8 to 256 decoder is shown in Figure 2.2. The first level is the predecoder where
1 16 1 16




4 to 16 predecoder

A0 A1 A3
Figure 2.2: Schematic of a two-level 8 to 256 decoder

two groups of four address inputs and their complements (A0, A0, A1, A1, ...) are first
decoded to activate one of the 16 predecoder output wires respectively to form the
partially decoded products (A0A1A2A3, A0A1A2A3, ...). The predecoder outputs are
combined at the next level to activate the word line. The decoder delay consists of the gate
delays in the critical path and the interconnect delay of the predecode and word line wires.
As the wire RC delay grows as the square of the wire length, the wire delays within the
decoder structure, especially of the word line, becomes significant in large SRAMs. Sizing
of gates in the decoder allows for trade offs in the delay and power. Transistor sizing has
been studied by a number of researchers for both high speed [12-14] and low power
Chapter 2: Overview of CMOS SRAMs 9

[15-16]. The decoder sizing problem is complicated slightly due to the presence of
intermediate interconnect from the predecode wires. We examine this problem in Chapter
3 and provide lower bounds for delay. We also evaluate some simple sizing heuristics for
obtaining high speed and low power operation.

The decoder delay can be greatly improved by optimizing the circuit style used to
construct the decoder gates. Older designs implemented the decode logic function in a

2 2 1 1

2 2

2 2

a) b)

Figure 2.3: a) Conventional static NAND gate b) Nakamura’s NAND gate [23]

simple combinational style using static CMOS circuit style (Figure 2.3a) [17-19]. In such
a design, one of the 2m word lines will be active at any time. If in any access, the new row
address differs from the previous one, then the old word line is de-asserted and the new
word line is asserted. Thus, the decoder gate delay in such a design is the maximum of the
delay to de-assert the old word line and the delay to assert a new word line, and it is
minimized when each gate in the decode path is designed to have equal rising and falling
delays. The decode gate delay can be significantly reduced by using pulsed circuit
techniques [20-22], where the word line is not a combinational signal but a pulse which
stays active for a certain minimum duration and then shuts off. Thus, before any access all
the word lines are off, and the decoder just needs to activate the word line for the new row
Chapter 2: Overview of CMOS SRAMs 10

address. Since only one kind of transition needs to propagate through the decoder logic
chain, the transistor sizes in the gates can be skewed to speed up this transition and
minimize the decode delay. Figure 2.3b shows an instance of this technique [23] where the
pMOS in the NAND gates are sized to be half that in a regular NAND structure. In the
pulsed design, the pMOS sizes can be reduced by a factor of two and still result in the
same rising delay since it is guaranteed that both the inputs will de-assert, thus reducing
the loading of the previous stage and hence reducing the overall decoder delay. This
concept is extended further in [20], where the de-assertion of the gate is completely
decoupled from its assertion. Figure 2.4 shows an example of such a gate where the
transistor sizes in the logic chain is skewed heavily to speed up the output assertion once
the inputs are activated. The gate is then reset by some additional devices and made ready
for the next access. By decoupling the assert and de-assert paths, the former can be
optimized to reduce the decoder delay. In Chapter 3 we will compare the power



Figure 2.4: Skewed NAND gate

dissipation of using pulsed techniques in the decode path to the conventional static
technique and show that the pulsed techniques reduce the delay significantly for only a
modest increase in power. A pulsed decoder can also benefit a low power design in another
way, viz. by reducing the power of the bitline path which we will explain shortly.
Chapter 2: Overview of CMOS SRAMs 11

The SRAM data path logically implements a multiplexor for reads (and a
demultiplexor for writes). In the simplest implementation, the multiplexor has only two
levels: at the lowest level, the memory cells in a column are all connected together to a
bitline and in the next level, a small number of these bitlines are multiplexed together
through column pass transistors (Figure 1.1). When the bitline height is very large, it can
be further partitioned to form multi-level bitline hierarchies, by using additional layers of
metal [54]. In general, the multiplexor hierarchy can be constructed in a large number of
ways (2r-1*2c mux designs are possible for a 2r x 2c+k block with 2r number of rows, 2c
number of columns and an access width of 2k bits). Figure 2.5 shows two possible designs
for a block with 512 rows. The schematic shows only the nMOS pass gates for a

Word line drivers

Word line drivers



sense amps Global


a) Single Level Mux b) Two Level Mux

Figure 2.5: Bitline mux hierarchies in a 512 row block

Chapter 2: Overview of CMOS SRAMs 12

single-ended bitline to reduce the clutter in the figure, while the real multiplexor would
use CMOS pass gates for differential bitlines, to allow for reads and writes. Figure 2.5a
shows the single level mux design, where two adjacent columns with 512 cells each are
multiplexed into a single sense amplifier. Figure 2.5b shows a two level structure in which
the first level multiplexes two 256 high columns, the output of which are multiplexed in
the second level to form the global bitlines, feeding into the sense amplifiers. Similarly
hierarchical muxing can also be done in the I/O lines which connect the outputs of all the
sense amplifiers to the I/O ports [60].

Due to its small size, a memory cell is very weak and limits the bitline slew rate during
reads. Hence sense amplifiers are used to amplify the bitline signal so signals as small as
100mV can be detected. In a conventional design, even after the sense amplifier senses the
bitlines, they continue to slew to eventually create a large voltage differential. This leads
to a significant waste in power since the bitlines have a large capacitance. By limiting the
word line pulse width, we can control the amount of charge pulled down by the bitlines
and hence limit power dissipation [31-34]. In this thesis we propose a scheme to control
the word line pulse width to be just wide enough, over a wide range of operating
conditions, for the sense amplifiers to reliably sense, and prevent the bitlines from slewing
further (Chapter 4).

A number of different sense amplifier circuits have been proposed in the past and they
essentially fall into two categories: the linear amplifier type [24-25] and the latch type
[20-22]. Figure 2.6 illustrates a simple prototype of each type. In the linear amplifier type
(Figure 2.6a), the amplifier needs a DC bias current to set it up in the high gain region
prior to the arrival of the bitline signal. To convert the small swing bitline signal into a full
swing CMOS signal, a number of stages of amplification is required. These kinds of
amplifiers are typically used in very high performance designs. Because they consume
biasing power and since they operate over a limited supply voltage they are not preferred
for low power and low voltage designs. In these designs the latch type designs are used
Chapter 2: Overview of CMOS SRAMs 13

(Figure 2.6b). They consist of a pair of cross coupled gain stages which are turned on with

b b b b

Sense clock
Sense enable

a) Current mirror amplifier b) Latch type amplifier

Figure 2.6: Two common types of sense amplifiers, a) current mirror type, b) latch

the aid of a sense clock when an adequate input differential is set up. The positive
feedback in the latch leads to a full amplification of the input signal to a full digital level.
While this type consumes the least amount of power due to the absence of any biasing
power, they could potentially be slower since some timing margin is needed in the
generation of the sense clock. If the sense clock arrives before enough input differential is
set up, it could lead to a wrong output value. Typically the sense clock timing needs to be
adjusted for the worst case operating and process condition, which in turn slows it down
for the typical conditions due to the excess timing margins. In this thesis we will look at
some timing circuits which track the bitline delay and which are used to generate a sense
clock with a reduced timing overhead (Chapter 4).

In large SRAMs, another level is added to the data path hierarchy by connecting the
outputs of the sense amplifiers onto the I/O lines (Figure 2.1). The I/O lines transport the
signal between the RAM I/O ports to the memory blocks. In large access width SRAMs,
the power dissipation of these lines can also be significant and hence the signalling on
these is also via small swings [26]. In Chapter 4 we will apply the low swing bitline
technique to the I/O lines too, to reduce the I/O line power.
Chapter 2: Overview of CMOS SRAMs 14

3 Fast Low Power


As was described in Chapter 2, a fast decoder often uses pulses rather than level
signals [20-22]. These pulse mode circuits also help reduce the power of the bitline access
path [27-34]. This chapter explores the design of fast low power decoders.

The critical path of a typical three level decode hierarchy (based on the DWL
technique) is shown in Figure 3.1. The path starts from the address input, goes through the

global word line

predecode line
x3 x7 local word line

rp,cp rg cg rwl,cwl

sizes w0 w1 w2 w3 w4 g1 g2 l1 l2
Global Local
Predecoder word driver
word driver

Figure 3.1: Critical path of a decoder in a large SRAM

predecoder gates which drive the long predecode wire and the global word driver, which in
turn drives the global word line wire and the local word drivers and finally ends in the
local word line. The decoder design problem has two major tasks: determining the optimal

Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 16

circuit style and decode structure and finding the optimal sizes for the circuits and the
amount of buffering at each level. The problem of optimally sizing a chain of gates for
optimal delay and power is well understood [12-16]. Since the decode path also has
intermediate interconnect, we will analyze the optimal sizing problem in this context. The
analysis will lead to some formulae for bounding the decoder delay and allow us to
evaluate some simple heuristics for doing the sizing in practical situations (Section 3.1).
We will then look at various circuit techniques that have been proposed to speed up the
decode path and analyze their delay and power characteristics (Section 3.2). This will
eventually enable us to sketch the optimal decode structures to achieve fast and low power
operation (Section 3.3).

3.1 Optimum Sizing and Buffering

The critical path of a typical decoder has multiple chains of gates separated by the
intermediate interconnect wires. An important part of the decoder design process is to
determine the optimal sizes and number of stages in each of these chains. When delay is to
be minimized, the optimum sizing criterion can be analytically derived using some very
simple models for the delay of the gates and the interconnect. In this analysis we will
assume that the interconnect is fixed and independent of the decoder design. This is a valid
assumption for 2 level and 3 level decode hierarchies as the intermediate interconnect
serves the purpose of shipping the signals across the array. Since the array dimensions in
most SRAM implementations are fixed (typically about twice the area occupied by the
cells), the interconnect lengths are also fixed. When the objective function is more
complicated like the energy-delay product or some weighted linear combination of energy
and delay, then numerical optimization techniques have to be used to determine the
optimal sizing. In practice, designers size either for minimum delay, or use some simple
heuristics to back off from a minimum delay solution so as to reduce energy. In this
section we will explore various sizing techniques and explain their impact on the delay,
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 17

energy and area of the decoder.

We introduce our notations by first reviewing the classic problem of optimally sizing a
chain of inverters to drive a fixed output load. We will adopt terminology from the Logical
Effort work of Sutherland and Sproull [35].

3.1.1 Review of Optimum Inverter Chain Design

Consider an inverter chain with n stages, driving an output load of CL (Figure 3.2). Let

0 1 n-1

w0 w1 wn-1

Figure 3.2: A chain of inverters to drive a load

the input stage have a fixed size of w0 for the nfet and 2*w0 for the pfet. Lets assume that
the pfet needs to be twice as wide as an nfet in order to equalize the inverter rising and
falling delays. Hence just one size parameter, the nfet width, is sufficient to fully
characterize the inverter. We will define a unit sized inverter to have an nfet of size 1 unit.
The sizing problem is to find the optimal number of stages, n, and the sizes for inverters
w1, to wn-1 , to minimize delay, power or area. Sizing for Minimum Delay

We will use a simple RC model for the inverter [12,14], wherein the inverter is
represented as having an input capacitance, an output conductance and an output parasitic
capacitance, all proportional to its size (Figure 3.3). Let Cg be the gate capacitance per
unit width, Rg be the output resistance for a unit width and Cj be the parasitic capacitance
per unit width of an inverter. The inverter delay is then estimated to be the product of its
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 18

resistance times the total capacitance it is driving at its output. The delay for stage i is


Cg*w Cj*w

Figure 3.3: RC model of a inverter

given in Equation 1 and is the sum of two terms, the effort delay, (also referred to simply

Rg Rg
D i = ------ ⋅ C g ⋅ w i + 1 + ------ ⋅ C j ⋅ w i (1)
wi wi

Effort delay Parasitic delay

as effort), which is the product of the inverter resistance and the external load, and the
parasitic delay which is a product of the resistance and the parasitic capacitance. The total
delay of the inverter chain is the sum of delays of each stage in the chain as shown in
Equation 2. The total delay is minimized when the gradient of the delay with respect to the
D path = ∑ Di (2)

sizes is zero and is achieved when the effort delays for each stage is the same.

Lets denote the product Rg * Cg as τ, and call it the unit delay and represent the
external load in terms of an inverter of size wn such that CL = Cg * wn. Dividing both sides
of Equation 2 by τ, and substituting Equation 1, gives the normalized delay equation for
the total delay shown in Equation 3. In this equation, p is the ratio of Cj/Cg and is the ratio
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 19

of the drain junction capacitance of the output of the inverter with the gate capacitance of
the inputs and is approximately independent of the inverter size. We will call the
 wi + 1 
D path ⁄ τ = ∑  ------------- + p
 wi 

w1 w2 wn
------ = ------ = -------------- = f (4)
w0 w1 wn – 1

normalized effort delay of a stage as its stage effort, or simply effort if the context is clear.
For minimum delay, all the stage efforts are equal to each other and we denote them as f in
Equation 4. The product of all the stage efforts is a constant called the path effort and is
the ratio of the output load and the size of the input driver (5). With the aid of Equations 4
and 5 total delay can be expressed as in (6). Differentiating Equation 6 with respect to f

n wn CL ⁄ Cg
f = ------ = ------------------ (5)
w0 w0

D path ⁄ τ = ( f + p ) ⋅ ln ( w n ⁄ w 0 ) ⁄ ln ( f ) (6)

and setting the derivative to zero results in Equation 7. The solution to Equation 7 gives

ln ( f ) – 1 – --- = 0 (7)

the optimum stage effort which will minimize the total delay [14]. When the parasitic
delay p is zero, then f = e is the optimum solution and is the classic result derived by
Jaeger in [12]. In general p is not zero and Equation 7 needs to be solved numerically to
obtain the optimal stage effort. For the base 0.25µm technology described in Appendix C,
p = 1.33 and so f = 3.84 is the optimum effort per stage. In practice the delay is not very
sensitive to the stage effort so to minimize power larger stage efforts are preferred.
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 20 Sizing for Minimum Power

The power dissipation in an inverter consists of three components, the dynamic power
to switch the load and parasitic capacitance, the short circuit power due to the simulta-
neous currents in the pfet and nfet during a signal transition and the leakage power due to
the subthreshold conduction in the fets which are supposed to be off. The dynamic power
dissipation during one switching cycle in stage i of Figure 3.2 is the power to switch the
gate load of stage i+1 and self loading of stage i and is given in Equation 8, with Vdd rep-

P DY , i = ( C g ⋅ w i + 1 + C j ⋅ w i ) ⋅ V dd ⋅ frequency (8)

resenting the supply voltage and f, the operating frequency. The short circuit current
through the inverter depends on the edge rate of the input signal and the size of the output
load being driven [36]. Cherkauer and Friedman in [16] estimate the short circuit power of
stage i in the chain to be proportional to the total capacitive load, just as the dynamic
power is. The subthreshold leakage current has been traditionally very small due to the
high threshold voltages of the fets, but they are expected to become important in the future
as the thresholds are scaled down in tandem with the supply voltage. The leakage current
of stage i is proportional to the size wi. Since all the three components are proportional to
the size of the stage, the total normalized power dissipation can be simply expressed as the
sum of the inverter sizes as in Equation 9. Power is reduced when the total width of tran-
P = ∑ wi (9)

sistors in the chain is minimized. The minimum power solution has exactly one stage,
which is the input driver directly driving the load and is not very interesting due to the
large delays involved. We will next look at sizing strategies to reduce power with some
delay constraint.
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 21 Sizing for Minimum Delay and Power

In practical designs there is usually an upper bound on the delay specification of the
chain and the power needs to be minimized subject to this constraint. The sizing problem
in this case can only be solved numerically via some optimization program [15]. The main
feature of the optimum solution is that the stage efforts increase as one goes down the

A simpler approach to the sizing problem is to design each stage to have the same
stage effort, but instead find the stage effort which minimizes energy, while meeting the
delay constraint. Choi and Lee in [15] investigate this approach in the context of minimiz-
ing the power-delay product and they find that the solution requires stage efforts of about
6.5 and is within a few percent of the globally optimal solution. The larger stage effort
leads to smaller number of stages as well as lower power solution compared to the mini-
mum delay design. Further improvements in delay at minimal expense of power can be
obtained by observing that the stages in the beginning of the chain provide as much delay
as the latter ones, but consume less power, and so one can have stage efforts for minimum
delay in the initial stages and larger efforts for the final stages, mirroring the globally opti-
mal solution [37].

With this background on sizing gates, we will next turn our attention to the core
problem of this section, viz., how to size a decoder optimally.

3.1.2 Sizing the Decoder

The three key features of the decode path which distinguishes it from a simple inverter
chain is the presence of logic gates other than inverters, branching of the signal path at
some of the intermediate nodes, and the presence of interconnect inside the path. Logic
gates and branching are easily handled by using the concept of logical effort and branch-
ing effort introduced in [35].

A complex gate like an n-input NAND gate has n nfets in series, which degrades its
speed compared to an inverter. To obtain the same drive strength as the inverter, the nfets
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 22

have to be sized n times bigger, causing the input capacitance for each of the NAND
inputs to be (n+2)/3 times bigger than that of an inverter having the same drive strength.
This extra factor is called the logical effort of the gate. The total logical effort of the path is
the product of logical efforts of each gate in the path. We note here that for short channel
fets, the actual logical effort of complex gates is lower than that predicted by the previous
simple formula since the fets are velocity saturated, and the output current degradation of
a stack of fets will be lesser than in the long channel case.

In the decode path, the signal at some of the intermediate nodes is branched out to a
number of identical stages, e.g. the global word line signal in Figure 3.1 is branched out to
a number (be) of local word driver stages. Thus any change in sizes of the local word
driver stage is has an impact on the global word line signal which is enhanced by the factor
of be. The amount of branching at each node is called the branching effort of the node and
the total branching effort of the path is the product of all the node branching efforts.

As an example, consider a simple 4 to 16 decoder having two 2-input NAND gates and
two inverters, driving a load of CL at the output (Figure 3.4). The size of the NAND gate is

branching effort = 2 4

a1 a0a1
sizes = w0 w1 w2 w3 w4
logical effort = 1 4 1 4 1
3 3

Figure 3.4: Critical path in a 4 to 16 predecoder. The path is highlighted by thicker

lines. The sizes of the gates and their logical effort along with the
branching efforts of two intermediate nodes is shown.

expressed in terms of that of an inverter having the same drive strength. The total effort
delay of the path can then be expressed as the sum of effort delays of each of the five
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 23

stages in the critical path and is given as in Equation 10. To minimize this delay, the effort
4 4
--- ⋅ w 1 ⋅ 2 w --- ⋅ w 3 ⋅ 4 w
3 2 3 4 CL (10)
D = --------------------- + ------ + --------------------- + ------ + ------- + parasitics
w0 w1 w2 w3 w4

Stage efforts for stage 0 stage 1 stage 2 stage 4

 4--- ⋅ 2 ⋅ 4 ⋅ C
5  3 L (11)
Total path effort equals f = --------------------------------------

of each stage needs to be the same (f), and can be obtained by relating it to the product of
the stage efforts as in Equation 11. Since each NAND gate has a logical effort of 4/3, and
two of the intermediate nodes have branching efforts of 2 and 4, the total path effort is
enhanced by a factor of 128/9 in Equation 11.

In general for a r to 2r decode, the total branching effort of the critical path from the
input or its complement to the output is 2r-1 since each input selects half of all the outputs.
The total logical effort of the path is the effort needed to build an r-input AND function. If
the wire delays within the decoder are insignificant then the optimal sizing criterion
remains the same as in the case of the inverter chain. The only difference is that the total
path effort gets multiplied by the total logical effort and the total branching effort and
hence affects the optimal number of stages in the path as shown in Equation 12. Theoreti-
n outputLoad ⋅ 2 ⋅ LogicalEffort ( r – input – AND )
f = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (12)

cally, the optimum stage effort differs slightly from that for a inverter chain (since the
parasitics of logic gates will be more than that of an inverter in general), but in practice the
same stage effort of about 4 suffices to give a good solution.
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 24

The final distinguishing feature of the decode path, the presence of intermediate inter-
connect, can lead to an optimal sizing criterion which is different then that for the inverter
chain. Ohbayashi, et. al. in [38] have shown that when the interconnect is purely capaci-
tive, the optimal stage efforts for minimum delay reduces along the chain. In the next
subsections we will derive this result as a special case of treating the interconnect more
generally as having both resistance and capacitance. We will show that when the intercon-
nect has both R and C, the optimal stage efforts for all the stages is still the same as in the
inverter chain case, but this might require non integral number of stages in the intermedi-
ate sub chains, which is not physically realizable. We will also provide expressions for
optimal efforts when the intermediate chains are forced to have some fixed integral num-
ber of stages. We will finally consider sizing strategies for reducing power and area along
with the delay. Sizing an Inverter Chain with Fixed Intermediate Interconnect for

Minimum Delay

Without loss of generality, consider an inverter chain driving a fixed load CL, and hav-
ing two sub chains separated by interconnect having a resistance and capacitance of Rwire
and Cwire respectively. To simplify the notations in the equations we will introduce two
new normalized variables R and C which are obtained as R = Rwire/Rg and C = Cwire/Cg.
This will make all our delays come out in units of τ (= Rg*Cg). Again we will assume that
the input inverter has a fixed size of w0 (Figure 3.5). The first subchain has n+1 stages,
with sizes w0 to wn and the second subchain has k stages with sizes x1 to xk. The goal is to
find the number of stages n, k and the sizes of each stage such that the total delay is

0 1 n R 1 k

C/2 C/2
w0 w1 wn x1 xk

Figure 3.5: Buffer chain with intermediate interconnect

Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 25

The interconnect is popularly modeled as a π section as shown in Figure 3.6 [39]. The
delay of this section is approximated to be the inverse of the dominant pole [40] and is
given as R * (C/2 + x1).

C/2 C/2 x1

Figure 3.6: Modeling the interconnect delay

The total delay can be expressed as the sum of delays for each stage plus the delay of
the interconnect as in Equation 13. Delay is minimized when the gradient of delay with

w1 w2 ( C + x1 ) CL
D = ------ + ------ -------------------- + R ⋅ ( C ⁄ 2 + x 1 ) ------- + ( n + k + 1 ) ⋅ p (13)
w0 w1 wn xk

Delay of 1st chain Interconnect 2nd chain Parasitic delay

respect to the sizes is zero and is achieved when conditions of Equations 14 and 15 are sat-
isfied, viz., the efforts of all the gates in the first chain are equal (and denoted as f1), and
the efforts of all the gates in the second chain are equal (and denoted as f2). The total path
w1 w2 ( C + x1 )
------ = ------ = -------------------- = f 1 (14)
w0 w1 wn

x2 L
( R + 1 ⁄ w n ) ⋅ x 1 = ----- = ----- = f 2 (15)
x1 xk

D = ( n + 1 ) ⋅ f 1 + R ⋅ ( x1 + C ⁄ 2 ) + k ⋅ f 2 + ( n + k + 1 ) ⋅ p (16)
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 26

delay for minimum delay can than be rewritten in terms of the optimal efforts as in Equa-
tion 16. By inspecting Equations 14 and 15, we can also obtain a relationship between f1
and f2 as in Equation 17. From this we can deduce that if R=0, f2 < f1, and is the case dis-

f1 ( C + x1 ) ⁄ wn
------ = -------------------------------------- (17)
f2 ( R + 1 ⁄ wn ) ⋅ x1

cussed by [38]. In this scenario, for minimum delay the stage effort for the second chain is
less than the stage effort of the first chain. Similarly, when C = 0, f1 < f2, the exact dual
occurs, i.e., the stage effort of the first chain is less than the stage effort of the second

Analogous to the single chain case, the minimum delay in Equation 16 can be found
by finding the optimum values for f1, f2, n and k and the detailed derivation is presented in
Appendix A. The main result of this exercise is that for minimum delay when R and C are
non-zero, f1 = f2 = f, and f is the solution of Equation 7, i.e., the same sizing rule which is
used for the simple inverter chain, is also the optimal for the chain with intermediate inter-
connect. The appendix also shows that this result holds true even for chains with more
than one intermediate interconnect stage.

An interesting corollary can be observed by substituting f1 = f2 = f in Equation 17 to

obtain the following necessary condition for optimum, viz., the product of wire resistance
times the down stream gate capacitance is the same as the product of the driver resistance
times the wire capacitance (18). The same condition also turns up in the solution of opti-
mal repeater insertion in a long resistive wire [39].

C ⁄ wn = R ⋅ x1 (18)
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 27

The appendix also derives analytical expressions for optimum n and k and they are
reproduced in Equations 19 and 20. If the interconnect delay is either too large or too

C ⁄ w0
= -------------- ⋅  1 + 1 + --------
n 4f
2f  RC (19)

= ----------- ⋅  1 + 1 + --------
k 4f
2f  RC (20)

small compared to the inverter delay, then we can simplify Equations 19 and 20 as

A. RC/2 >> 2f
In this situation, the interconnect delay is much worse than the delay of a fully loaded
inverter, (recall from Equation 3 that the optimal inverter delay is given as f + p, with f ~ 4
and p ~ 1.33 units of delay). Then Equations 19 and 20 can be approximated as in Equa-
tions 21 and 22. These equations indicate that when the interconnect delay is significant

n C ⁄ w0
f ≈ -------------- (21)

k RC L
f ≈ ----------- (22)

compared to the inverter delay, then the optimal way to size the two subchains is to treat
them as two independent chains with one of them having the wire capacitance as its final
load and the input inverter as its input drive and the other having the load capacitance as its
final load and the wire resistance as its input drive.

B. RC/2 << 2f
When interconnect delay is negligible compared to the inverter delay, then Equations
19 and 20 can be rewritten as in Equations 23 and 24. The product of these two yields
Equation 25 which relates the total number of stages to the ratio of the output load to input
driver and is the same as what one would obtain when there is no intermediate intercon-
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 28

nect (see Equation 5). In many situations, the wire resistance can be neglible and only its
n C⁄R
f ≈ ---------------- (23)
w0 f

k CL R ⁄ C (24)
f ≈ -----------------------

n+k C L ⁄ w0 (25)
f ≈ -----------------

capacitance is of interest. From Equations 23 and 24 we see that when the wire resistance
tends to zero, k, the number of stages in the second chain reduces, while, n, the number of
stages in the first chain increases. Thus when the interconnect is mainly capacitive the
interconnect capacitance should be driven as late in the buffer chain as possible for mini-
mum delay, so as to get the maximum effect of the preceding buffers. The exact dual
occurs when the interconnect capacitance is negligible, while the interconnect resistance is
not. In this case, as C tends to zero, we see from Equations 23 and 24 that n reduces and k
increases. This implies that when the interconnect is purely resistive the interconnect
should be driven as early in the buffer chain as possible for minimum delay.

For extremely small values of R or C, Equations 23 and 24, will give values for n or k
which could end up being less than 1 and even negative and will not make physical sense.
In this scenario, a physically realizable solution will have k = 1 and the optimum stage
effort of the second chain, f2, will be smaller than the stage effort of the first chain, f1.

We will next apply these results to develop simple sizing strategies for practical
decoders. Applications to a Two-Level Decoder

Consider a design where r row address bits have to be decoded to select one of 2r word
lines. Assume that the designer has partitioned the row decoder such that it has a hierarchy
of two levels and the first level has two predecoders each decoding r/2 address bits to drive
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 29

one of 2r/2 predecode lines (in the next section we will look at how to optimally partition
the decode hierarchy). The next level then ANDs two of the predecode lines to generate
the word line. This is a typical design for small embedded SRAMs and is shown in Figure
3.7a. The equivalent critical path is shown in Figure 3.7b and is similar to the inverter
chain case discussed in the previous subsection, except for the branching and logical
efforts of the two chains. We label the branching effort at the input to the word line drivers
as be (= 2r/2) and the logical effort of the NAND gate in the word line driver as le. Let f1
and f2 be the stage efforts for the two sub chains. With no constraint on n, k, from the pre-
vious subsection we need f 1 =f 2 =f~4 with n, k given as in Equations 19 and 20 for
minimum delay given by Equation 16. Since n and k need not be integers in this solution,
it might not be physically realizable and the delay value will serve only as a theoretical
lower bound. Nevertheless these values for n, k can be used as a starting point for a real

word driver

word line

2r/2 2r/2 2r rows


r/2 r/2

branching effort= be = 2r/2

logical effort le

C/2 C/2
w0 w1 wn x1 xk
Figure 3.7: (a) Schematic of Embedded SRAMs (b) Equivalent critical path
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 30

Since the problem of finding a solution with integer n stages in the predecoder is the
same as that for a simple buffer chain (see Equation 12), we will not discuss it here. The
optimum number of integral stages in the word driver can be obtained by rounding k to the
nearest even integer if the word driver implements the AND logical function of its input
i.e. for k in 2i to 2i+1, round k to be 2i and for k between 2i+1 to 2i+2, round k to 2i+2.
Similarly, round k to the nearest odd integer if the word driver implements the AND func-
tion of the complement of the inputs. Since the number of stages in the word driver chain
has now been constrained to be an integer, the optimal effort in this sub chain (f2) need no
longer be equal to f(~4). We present three alternatives to recompute this effort: the first
(labeled as OPT) sets up an equation for delay in terms of f2 and minimizes it to obtain the
optimal solution for the specific integer number of stages in the word driver chain. The
remaining two are heuristics which we will describe shortly.

We will next describe the approach to compute the optimum stage efforts with the
number of stages in the word driver chain constrained to be an even integer (ik), close to
the value of k obtained previously. Applying the condition for minimum delay, that the
stage efforts in each of the sub chains be equal, we get Equations 26 and 27, which are a

w1 w2 C + be ⋅ le ⋅ x 1
------ = ------ = ----------------------------------- = f (26)
w0 w1 wn

 R + -----
- ⋅ be ⋅ le ⋅ x 1 = ----- = f2
 w n x1 (27)

modification of Equations 14 and 15 and include the effects of the logical (le) and branch-
ing efforts (be). The effects of le and be cause the gate loading of the input of the word
driver (x1) to be enhanced by a factor of be * le. Substituting for x1 = CL/f2ik and eliminat-
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 31

ing w n between these, we can derive a relation for f 2 as in Equation 28. When R is
ik + 1
 be ⋅ le ⋅ C L C ⋅ f2
R ⋅  C + -------------------------- + f = -------------------------- + f 2 (28)
 f2
ik  be ⋅ le ⋅ C L

negligible and when ik=2, Equation 28 can be solved exactly, but for all other cases it has
to be solved numerically. Table 3.1 lists the optimum efforts obtained from solving Equa-
tion 28 for a few different RAM sizes in the column labeled as OPT and the corresponding
delay is expressed relative to the theoretical lower bound.

We consider two simple sizing heuristics to determine the effort f2 of the word driver
chain, which are an alternative to solving Equation 28 and compare their relative perfor-
mance in the table. In one, labeled H1, the effort of the word driver chain is made such that
it would present the same input load as in the theoretical lower bound design. Therefore
the new effort is given as f2 = f k/ik. In the second heuristic, labeled H2, a fanout of about 4
is used in all the sub chains, i.e f2 is also kept to be equal to f (=3.84). We see that solving
From ik = OPT H1 H2
Rows Cols (19) even_int( relative relative (f1 = f2 = 3.84)
f2 f2
k k) delay delay relative delay
32 32 0.04 2 3.12 1.03 1.04 1.22 1.05
64 64 0.6 2 3.14 1.5 1.03 1.11 1.03
64 512 2.1 2 3.9 4.1 1 1.00 1.00
256 64 1.1 2 3 2.1 1.02 1.04 1.03
256 512 2.7 2 4.6 6.1 1.01 1.03 1.02
Table 3.1: Efforts and delays for three sizing techniques relative to the theoretical
lower bound. Fanout of first chain f1 = 3.84 for all cases.

Equation 28 leads to delay values which are within 4% of the theoretical lower bound. But
heuristic H2 also comes within 3% of the lower bound for large blocks though it is a bit
slower than OPT for any given block size. This heuristic gives reasonable delays for small
blocks too, while heuristic H1 doesn’t perform well for small blocks. Hence H2, which
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 32

uses a simple fanout of 4 sizing in the entire path forms an effective sizing strategy for 2
level decode paths.

Large SRAMs typically use the Divided Word Line architecture which uses an additional
level of decoding, and so we next look at sizing strategies for three-level decoders. Application to a Three-Level Decoder

Figure 3.8 depicts the critical path for a typical decoder implemented using the Divided
Word Line architecture. The path has three subchains, the predecode, the global word

beg bel

R1,C1 R2 C2

w0 v1 vm w1 wn x1 xk

Figure 3.8: Critical path for a 3 level decoder

driver and the local word driver chains. Let the number of stages in these be m, n and k and
the stage efforts be f1, f2 and f3 respectively. Let beg and bel be the branching efforts as the
input to the global and local word drivers and let le be the logical effort of the input NAND
gate of these drivers. We will assume that the lengths of the global word lines are unaf-
fected by the sizes in the local word driver chain, to simplify the analysis. Again from
Appendix A, if there is no constraint on the number of stages (i.e. m, n and k can be any
real numbers), then the lower bound for delay is achieved when f1=f2=f3=f ~ 4 and the
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 33

number of stages in these subchains is given by Equations 29, 30 and 31. By rounding off

R2 ⋅ L ⋅ bl ⋅ g
= ------------------------------- ⋅  1 + 1 + -----------------
k 4f
f (29)
2f  R 2 ⋅ C 2

 1 + 1 + ----------------- 4f 
n C2  R 2 ⋅ C 2
f = b g ⋅ g ⋅ ------ ⋅ ---------------------------------------------- (30)
C1 
----------------- + 1 – 1
 R ⋅C 
1 1

C ⁄ w0
= -------------- ⋅  1 + 1 + -----------------
m 4f (31)
2f  R 1 ⋅ C 1

n and k to the nearest integers in and ik as discussed in the two level case, one can deter-
mine the optimum efforts for a real implementation. Similar to the two-level case, three
alternatives exist: solving for exact values for f2 and f3 with these integral number of
stages or use either of the two heuristics H1 or H2. The former approach of formulating a
pair of equations akin to Equation 28 and solving them simultaneously is very cumber-
some and we will not do that here. We will instead evaluate the performance of the two
heuristics H1 and H2 discussed in the previous subsection and compare them to the theo-
retical lower bound.

Under H1, f2 and f3 are determined such that the input loading of the local and global
word driver chains are kept the same as in the theoretical lower bound case. This is
achieved by making f2 = fn/in and f3 = fk/ik. Under H2, f2 and f3 are kept equal to f (~4).
The relative delays of both these heuristics compared to the theoretical lower bound are
shown in Table 3.2 for various SRAM sizes. The number of cells on the local word line is
128 for this table and we assume a 0.25µm technology (Appendix C). We observe that for
large sizes, heuristic H1 performs better than H2. The main reason is that the wire delay
due to the input loading of the word drivers in conjunction with the wire resistance
becomes important for these sizes. Since H1 ensures that the input loading of the word
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 34

from from (H1) H1
Size (f1 = f2 = f3 =3.84)
(30) (29) in ik (f1 = 3.84) relative
(kb) relative
n k f2, f3 delay
64 1.9 1.0 2 2 3.7, 2.0 1.04 1.04
256 2.6 1.6 2 2 5.6, 3.0 1.02 1.00
512 2.7 1.7 2 2 6.0, 3 1.02 1.01
1024 2.8 2.2 2 2 6.7, 4.4 1.03 1.07
4096 3.8 2.9 4 2 3.6, 7 1.02 1.05
Table 3.2: Relative delays with the two sizing heuristics compared to the
theoretical lower bound.

drivers is the same as for the lower bound solution, it performs better. Conversely, by using
wider wires, the impact of the wire resistance can be reduced to make the two heuristics
give similar performance for large sized arrays. This can be seen in Table 3.3 which lists
Wire H1 relative delay H2 relative delay
width compared to the lower compared to the lower
delay (ns)
(µm) bound bound
0.5 1.02 1.04 3.4
0.75 1.03 1.07 3.0
1.0 1.02 1.02 1.5
Table 3.3: Relative delays for a 1Mb SRAM with different wire sizes

the relative performances of H1 and H2 for a 1Mb SRAM with wire sizes of 0.5µm,
0.75µm and 1.0µm. For the 1.0µm wire width, H1 and H2 are identical. Thus if the wire
delays are kept small, then the sizing rule of H2, which uses efforts in all the stages of
about 4, provides a simple technique to size the decoders.

Minimum delay solutions typically burn a lot of power since getting the last bit of
incremental improvement in delay requires significant power overhead. We will next look
at some simple sizing heuristics which result in significant power savings at the cost of a
modest increase in delay.
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 35 Sizing for Fast Low Power Operation

The main component of power loss in a decoder is the dynamic power lost in switch-
ing the large interconnect capacitances in the predecode, block select and word lines, as
well as the gate and junction capacitances in the logic gates of the decode chain. Table 3.4
provides a detailed breakdown of the relative contribution from the different components
to the total switching capacitance for two different SRAM sizes. The total switching
capacitance is the sum of the interconnect capacitances (CI), the transistor capacitances
internal to the predecoders (CP), the mosfet gate capacitance of the input gate of the global
word drivers (CW1), the transistor capacitances internal to the global word drivers (CG),
the mosfet gate capacitance of the input gate of the local word drivers (CX1) and the tran-
sistor capacitances internal to the local word driver (CL).
Input of Global Input of Local
Interconne Predecode Global Word Local Word
Size ct Internal Word Driver Word Driver
(CI) (CP) Driver Internal Driver Internal
(CW1) (CG) (CX1) (CL)
16kb 11 20 20 10 30 7
1Mb 36 23 21 6 12.5 1.5
Table 3.4: Relative power of various components of the decode path in%

Predecode Predecode Global Word Global Word Local Word

(DP) Wire (DRp) Driver (DG) Line (DRg) Driver (DL)
16kb 56 2 26 1 15
1Mb 44 15.5 17.5 5 18
Table 3.5: Relative delay of various components of the decode path under H1 in %

Table 3.5 shows the relative breakdown of the total delay amongst the predecoder
(DP), the predecode wire (DRp), the global word driver (DG), the global word line (DRg)
and the local word driver (DL).

The two key features to note from these tables are that the input gate capacitance of the
two word drivers contribute a significant fraction to the total switching capacitance due to
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 36

the large branching efforts, and that the delays of the two word drivers contribute a signif-
icant fraction to the total delay. In fact the input gate capacitance of the two word drivers
are responsible for more of the decoder power than what is shown in the table as they also
impact the sizing of the preceding stages. For example in the case of the 1Mb SRAM, by
breaking down the power dissipation in the predecoders into two components, one directly
dependent on the word driver sizes and the other independent on the word driver sizes, we
find that 50% of the decoder power is directly proportional to the word driver input sizes.
This suggests a simple heuristic to achieve a fast low power operation will be to reduce the
input sizes of the two word drivers without compromising their speeds. This can be
achieved by choosing minimum sized devices for the inputs of the word drivers (we use a
minimum fet width which is 4 times the channel length), and then sizing each of the word
driver chains independently to have the highest speed to drive their respective loads
(which means they have a fanout of about 4 each). We label this heuristic as H3 in the fol-
lowing discussion. In order to evaluate the delay versus energy trade off obtained by this
heuristic, we will compare it to the other two sizing heuristics and the optimum delay
energy trade-off curve for a 14 input row decoder of a 1Mbit SRAM in Figure 3.9. All the
data points in the figure are obtained from HSPICE [41] circuit simulation of the critical
path with the respective device sizes. The optimum delay energy trade-off curve represents
the minimum delay achievable for any given energy or equivalently, the minimum energy
achievable for any given delay. It is obtained by numerically solving for the device sizes
using the simple delay and energy equations described in the previous sections and is
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 37

described in more detail in Appendix B. Looking at the trade-off curve in Figure 3.9b, we

Optimal delay energy trade-off curve

Delay (ns)

H2 H3 H1
2.0 H1

2.0 6.0 10.0 14.0 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5
Energy (x 10 pJ) Energy (x 10 pJ)
(a) (b)

Figure 3.9: Delay energy performance of the three sizing heuristics and their
comparison to optimal delay energy trade-off curve. (a) shows the full
graph (b) shows the same graph magnified along the X axis.

can observe that device sizing allows for a trade off between delay and energy of over a
factor of 2.5 along each dimension and hence is a great tool for finetuning the design. We
note here that the fastest design point, labeled A, is very close to the theoretical lower
bound. A factor of 2 savings in energy at only a 4% increase in delay can achieved by
backing away from point A to point B on the trade-off curve. Heuristics H1-3 offer intui-
tive alternatives to the full blown numerical optimization required to generate points on
the trade-off curve and their respective delay and energy are also shown in the figure. H1
comes within 4% in delay and energy of the fastest design point A. H2 uses small fan up
ratios and hence consumes too much energy. H3 offers a reasonable fast low power design
point and has 4% more delay and 2.5% more energy than point B.
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 38

3.2 Decoder Circuit Techniques

The total logical effort of the decode path is directly affected by the circuits used to
construct the individual gates of the path. This effort can be reduced in two complemen-
tary ways, 1) by skewing the fet sizes in the gates and 2) by using circuit styles which
implement the n-input logical AND function with the least logical effort. We first describe
techniques to implement skewed gates in a power efficient way and then estimate the
speed benefits of skewing and discuss sizing strategies for chains of skewed gates. We will
then discuss ways of doing the n-input AND function efficiently and finally do a case
study of three designs of a 4 to 16 predecoder, each progressively better than the previous

3.2.1 Reducing Logical Effort by Skewing the Gates

Since the word line selection requires each gate in the critical path to propagate an
edge in a single direction, the fet sizes in the gate can be skewed to speed up this transi-
tion. By reducing the sizes for the fets which control the opposite transition, the
capacitance of the inputs and hence the logical effort for the gate is reduced, thus speeding
up the decode path. Separate reset devices are needed to reset the output and these devices
are activated using one of three techniques: precharge logic uses an external clock, self
resetting logic (SRCMOS) [20,42] uses the output to reset the gate, and delayed reset logic
(DRCMOS) [28, 21, 43] uses a delayed version of one of the inputs to conditionally reset
the gate.

Precharge logic is the simplest to implement, but is very power inefficient for decoders
since the precharge clock is fed to all the gates so all gates are reset on every cycle. Since
only a small percentage of these gates are activated for the decode, the power used to reset
the gates of the precharge devices is mostly wasted. The SRCMOS and DRCMOS logic
avoid this problem by activating the reset devices only for the gates which are active. In
both these approaches, a sequence of gates, usually all in the same level of the decode
hierarchy share a reset chain. In the SRCMOS approach, the output of this gate sequence
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 39

triggers the reset chain, which then activates the reset transistors in all the gates to eventu-
ally reset the output (Figure 3.10). The output pulse width is determined by the delay

Reset Chain
Reset Chain

weak weak

a) b)

Figure 3.10: SRCMOS resetting technique, a) self-reset b) predicated


through this reset chain. If the delay of the reset chain cannot be guaranteed to be longer
than the input pulse widths, then an extra series fet in the input is required to disconnect
the pulldown stack during the reset phase, which will increase the logical effort of the
gate. Once the output is reset, it travels back again through the reset chain to turn off the
reset gates and get the gate ready for the next inputs. Hence, if the input pulse widths are
longer than twice the delay of going around the reset chain, special care must to be taken
to ensure that the gate doesn’t activate more than once. This is achieved by predicating the
reset chain the second time around with the falling input (Figure 3.10b) (another approach
is shown in [42]).

The DRCMOS gate fixes the problem of needing an extra series nfet in the input gate
by predicating the reset chain activation with the falling input even for propagating the sig-
nal the first time around the loop (Figure 3.11) (another version is shown in [43]). Hence
the DRCMOS techniques will have the least logical effort and hence the lowest delay. The
main problem with this approach is that the output pulse width will be larger than the input
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 40

pulse width and hence not many successive levels of the decode path can use this tech-
nique before the pulse widths exceed the cycle time.

weak Predicated Reset


Figure 3.11: A DRCMOS Technique to do local self-resetting of a skewed gate

Thus, the strategy to build the fastest decoder will be to use DRCMOS gates broken
occasionally by SRCMOS gates to prevent the pulse widths from becoming too large. Two
external constraints might force a modification of this strategy. One is bitline power dissi-
pation and the other is area overhead. Since the bitline power is directly proportional to the
local word line pulse width, the latter must be controlled to limit the overall SRAM power.
This implies that the final level of the decode tree has to be implemented in the SRCMOS
style so that its output pulse width can be controlled independently. As these styles require
a lot of fets for doing the reset, implementing the local word driver in this style will signif-
icantly add to the memory area, because of the large number of these drivers in the RAM.
In a recent design described in [28], we found that the skewed gate implementation of the
local word driver doubles its area and increases the total memory area by less than 4%,
while it reduces the decode delay by only about 2/3 of a fanout 4 inverter delay. Hence it is
preferable to implement the preceding decoder level (in the global word driver or the block
select driver) in the SRCMOS style and implement the local word driver in the conven-
tional unskewed style. Of the global word driver and the block select driver, the latter is a
better candidate for the SRCMOS implementation since the reset chain for the block select
driver can also be used to clock the sense amplifiers within the block (see Chapter 4). Also
most SRAM implementations have asymmetric decoder hierarchies in which the number
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 41

of global word drivers is more than the number of block select drivers, and hence the latter
can tolerate more area overhead.

We will next estimate the maximum achievable speedup and also develop sizing strat-
egies for skewed gate decoders. Figure 3.12 shows a chain of maximally skewed inverters
with the input for each connected only to either the nfet or the pfet. The logical effort of

w0 w1 w2 wn-1

Figure 3.12: Chain of maximally skewed inverters

the nfet input gate is α (=1/3 in the above example) and for the pfet input gate is β (=2/3).
We will assume that the skewed inverter has the same junction parasitics at its output as
the unskewed inverter, because of the presence of the reset devices. The total delay can
then be expressed as the sum of the stage and parasitic efforts of each gate as in Equation
32. The minimum delay condition occurs when the stage efforts are equal to f (Equation

αw 1 βw 2 L
D = ---------- + ---------- -------------- + n ⋅ p (32)
w0 w1 wn – 1

αw 1 βw 2 L
---------- = ---------- = -------------- = f (33)
w0 w1 wn – 1

n n–1 (34)
f ∼γ ⋅ L ⁄ w0

33) and the product of the stage efforts equals the total path effort (Equation 34) (this rela-
tion is approximate for odd n, but for large n the error is very small). Here γ is the
geometric mean of α and β and equals 0.47. Let q be f/γ then the total delay can be rewrit-
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 42

ten as in Equation 35 and optimum q is the solution of Equation 36. We note here that

D ⁄ γ = n ⋅ (q + p ⁄ γ )

p⁄γ (36)
ln ( q ) – 1 – ---------- = 0

Equations 34-36 are still valid when the arbitrary skewing strategy provided γ is the geo-
metric mean of all the logical efforts. For p=1.33, Equation 36 results in q~4.8, and hence
f ~ 2.4 and the delay per stage is about 30% lower than that for an unskewed chain. But the
optimal number of stages is also smaller, giving a net reduction of about 40% for the total
delay. For skewed chains with intermediate interconnect, Equations 19, 20, 29, 30 and 31
are still valid provided f is replaced with q and C, C1, C2 and L are replaced with C/γ, C1/γ,
C2/γ and L/γ respectively and hence the sizing heuristic H3 can be used for high speed and
low power skewed gate decoders too.

3.2.2 Performing an n-input AND Function with Minimum Logical


The n-input AND function can be implemented via different combination of NANDs,
NORs and Inverters. Since in current CMOS technologies, a pfet is at least two times
slower than an nfet, NORs are inefficient and so the AND function is best achieved by a
combination of NANDs and inverters.We will next discuss the three basic styles for build-
ing a NAND gate. Conventional Series Stack NAND gate

Figure 3.13a shows the simplest implementation of a 2 input NAND gate in the series
stack topology. In long channel devices, the nfets will be made twice as big as in an
inverter, but in sub micron devices, because of velocity saturation in the inverter fet, its
drive current will not twice as big as in the series stack. For our 0.25µm technology
(Appendix C), the nfets need to be sized to be 1.4 times as large as the inverter nfet to
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 43

enable the gate to have the same drive strength as the inverter. The pfets are the same size
as that in the inverter, thus resulting in a logical effort of 1.13 for this gate. In a pulsed
decoder since both the inputs are guaranteed to fall low, the pfet sizes can be reduced by
half and still maintain the same delay for the rising output [23]. This reduces the logical

reset 2
1 1
2 reset
1.4 1.4

1.4 1.4 2.1


(a) Non-skewed (b) Skewed (c) Clocked

Figure 3.13: Static 2 input NAND gate for a pulsed decoder: (a) Non-skewed (b)
Skewed and (c) Clocked

effort of this gate to 0.8, down from 1.13 for the conventional static gate. Gates with more
than 2 inputs will have a logical effort of at least 0.8 (for e.g. in a 3 input NAND gate, the
nfet is sized to be 2.1 and pfet is 0.67 which gives a logical effort of 0.92), while a cascade
of 2-input gates will have a total logical effort less than 0.8. Hence AND functions with 3
or more inputs are best built with cascades of 2-input gates to obtain the least logical effort
in this style. Weakening the pfets further reduces the logical effort and for maximum
skewing, when the input is not connected to the pfet at all, the logical effort goes down to

In pulsed decoders the input stage of the decoder needs to be gated by a clock; we can
take advantage of this by implementing the NAND function in the domino style, thus low-
ering the loading on the address inputs. Local resetting strategies discussed in the previous
section can be applied here to reduce the clock load. The precharge pfet connected to the
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 44

clock can be weakened and a separate pfet for the precharge which will be much larger can
be activated locally within the active gate.

This circuit style is very simple and robust to design in and is well suited for use in the
predecoders. In power conscious designs, the input stage of the local and global word driv-
ers will have minimum sized fets to reduce power and hence the gate cannot be skewed
much. Since the 2-input NAND gate in this style does no worse than an inverter, it can also
be used as the input stage of the word drivers without any delay penalty. But the NAND
gates at this location can be constructed with fewer fets in the source coupled style which
we will discuss next. Source Coupled NAND gate

Two fets can be eliminated from the previous design by applying one of the inputs to
the source of an nfet and is called the source coupled style by [24, 26]. Figure 3.14 shows
a 2-input NAND implemented using only two fets. This gate can be at least as fast as an

Figure 3.14: Source Coupled NAND gate

inverter if the branching effort of the source input is sufficiently large and if the total
capacitance on the source line is much greater than the output load capacitance for the
gate. To see this, lets compare the delay of the two paths shown in Figure 3.15. The path
on the left (labeled A) has the NAND gate embedded within it and the path on the right
(labeled B) has an identically sized inverter instead. Both the inputs to the NAND gate in
A as well as the input to the inverter in B are driven by inverters of size w0 through an
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 45

interconnect of capacitance C and have the same branching effort of b. The output load for
x b-1
x b-1

w1 w0 C w1
C B)

x b-1
Figure 3.15: Comparison of delay of the source coupled NAND gate

both the paths is L. For path B, we can write the delay as in Equation 37. For path A, if the

C + b ⋅ C g ⋅ w1 L
D = ------------------------------------ + ------ + parasitic delay (37)
w0 w1

source input falls low much before the gate input and the source line capacitance is much
larger than L, then it can be treated as a virtual ground and hence the delay of the gate will
be the same as the inverter. If the gate input arrives much earlier than the source input, then
the delay is determined by the source input and can be written as in Equation 38. The total

C + ( b ⋅ C j ⁄ 6 + C j ) ⋅ w1 + L L (38)
D = ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + r ⋅ ------ + parasitic delay
w0 w1

capacitance seen by the input inverter is the sum of the line capacitance, the junction
capacitance of b nfets (since nfet size for a 3rd of the inverter size and since their source
junctions are shared between adjacent rows their contribution to the loading is Cj/6), the
junction capacitance of the drains of the nfet and the pfet of the gate and finally the capac-
itance of the load. Here we assume that the nfet source is shared to halve its junction
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 46

capacitance. Since the nfet source starts off at a high voltage and then falls low, the nfet
threshold will also be high to begin with due the body effect and then will reduce which
implies that the average drive current through this nfet will be slightly smaller than that in
an inverter. This is captured in the factor r in the second term. To get some ball park num-
bers for b, lets substitute r=1, and L=4Cgw1 in Equation 38 and compare it to Equation 37.
We find that the NAND gate path will be faster than the inverter if b > 6. The branching
effort and the input capacitance for the source input can be large in the case of the word
drivers due to the interconnect and the loading from the other word drivers. The word driv-
ers can be laid out such that the source area for adjacent drivers can be shared thus halving
the junction capacitance [26]. NOR style NAND gate

Since a wide fanin NOR can be implemented with very small logical effort in the dom-
ino circuit style a large fanin NAND can be implemented doing a NOR of the
complementary inputs (Figure 3.16) and is a candidate for building high speed predecod-
ers. The rationale for this approach is that with increasing number of inputs, nfets are
added in parallel, thus keeping the logical effort a constant, unlike in the previous two

2 2

2 2 2
clk 2

Figure 3.16: NOR style decoder [21]

styles. To implement the NAND functionality with NOR gates, Nambu et. al. in [21] have
proposed a circuit technique to isolate the output node of an unselected gate from dis-
charging and is reproduced in the figure. An extra nfet (M) on the output node B, shares
the same source as the input nfets, but its gate is connected to the output of the NOR gate
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 47

(A). When clock (clk) is low, both nodes A and B are precharged high. When clock goes
high, the behavior of the gate depends on the input values. If all the inputs are low, then
node A remains high, while node B discharges and the decoder output is selected. If any of
the inputs are high, then node A discharges, shutting off M and preventing node B from
discharging and hence causing that output to remain unselected. As this situation involves
a race between A and B, the gate needs to be carefully designed to ensure robust

We will next compare this style with the conventional series stack style in the context
of implementing predecoders. Case Study of a 4 to 16 Predecoder

Lets consider the design of a 4 to 16 predecoder which needs to drive a load which is
equivalent to 76 inverters of size 8 (using the convention of section 3.1). This load is typi-
cal when the predecode line spans 256 rows. We will do a design in both the series stack
style and the NOR style, and for each consider both the non-skewed as well as the skewed
versions. To have a fair comparison between the designs, we will size the input stage in
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 48

each such that the total input loading on any of the address inputs is the same across the
x7 x3

41 163 x76
126 392
63 16/8
clk 32

4 1
Branching efforts 1

Logical Efforts 1 0.77 1

Equivalent size 20 63 82 196 76x8

Total Effort = 76x8 x 0.77 * 4 Optimum Stage Effort = 3.1


Figure 3.17: 4 to 16 predecoder in conventional series nfet style with no skewing

Figure 3.17 shows the design using the conventional series stack nfets and with no gate
skewing. The decoding is done in two levels, first two address bits are decoded to select
one of 4 outputs, which are then combined in the second level to activate one of 16 out-
puts. The fet sizes for the input stage are shown in the figure and result in an output drive
strength which is equivalent to an inverter of size 20. There are 4 stages in total in the crit-
ical path and for minimum delay, the efforts of each stage are made equal to the fourth root
of the total path effort. The optimal sizes for the stages is also shown in the figure.
HSPICE simulations for this design lead to a delay of 316pS (which corresponds to about
3.5 fanout 4 loaded inverter delays) and power of 1.1mW at 2.5V and is summarized in
Table 3.6.

Figure 3.18 shows the skewed gate version of the previous design, with all the gates
skewed such that the fets not required during the output selection phase are made to be
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 49

minimum size and serve mainly to keep the voltage during the standby phase. The gates


132 168
6 41 6 392 x76

6 6 6 6
32 66 196

Branching 1 4 1
Logical 0.43 0.67
Effort 0.67
196 8x76
Sizing 20 66 109

Total Effort = 76x8 x 0.67*0.67*0.43 * 4 Optimum Stage Effort = 2.9


Figure 3.18: Critical path for 4 to 16 decoder in conventional static style with

are locally reset in the DRCMOS style. Consequently, the logical effort of the two invert-
ers is reduced to 0.67 and that for the second level NAND gate is reduced to 0.43,
lowering the total path effort by a factor of 4. The input stage has the same size as before
while all the other sizes are recalculated to yield the minimum delay, by equalizing the
stage efforts and is shown in the figure. HSPICE simulated delay for this design is 234pS
(which corresponds to 2.6 fanout 4 loaded inverters) and the power is 1.1mW. The delay is
lower by 26% because of the skewing and the power is almost the same because the extra
power loss in reset chain is compensated by the lower clock power.
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 50

Figure 3.19 shows the design using the NOR front end. There are 16 such units, one
for each predecoder output. The branching factor of each address bit at the input stage is 8,


6 x76
8 8
60/30 164/82 446/223 16/8

1 1
Branching Effort 1

Logical Effort 1 1 1

30 82 223 8*76
Sizing 11

Total Effort = 76x8 Optimum Stage Effort = 2.74


Figure 3.19: NOR style predecoder with no skewing

which is 4 times bigger than that for the previous two designs. Hence the input fets in the
first stage have a size of only 8, to achieve the same total input loading. The evaluate nfet
at the bottom is chosen to be 32 for good current drive strength at the output and is arrived
at by simulations. The output drive of the first stage is equivalent to an inverter of size 11
and is about half as that in the previous two designs. The total path effort is lower than that
in the first design by a factor of 2 as it saves a factor of 4 in the branching effort at the 3rd
stage, but gives up a factor of 2 in the drive strength of the input stage. The total delay
from HSPICE is 284pS (which corresponds to 3.2 fanout 4 loaded inverters), for a power
dissipation of 1.2mW.
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 51

The final design shown in Figure 3.20 combines skewing and local resetting in the
DRCMOS style. The total path effort is reduced by a further factor of 2.6 compared to the


6 56
6 14 6 242 718
8 8 x76
6 6
clk 16/8
28 141 359
6/6 16/8 38/19 60/30

Branching Effort 1 1 1
Logical Effort 0.67 0.33 0.67
Sizing 11 28 141 359

Total Effort = 76x8 x 0.67*0.67*0.33 Optimum Stage Effort = 1.7


Figure 3.20: NOR style 4 to 16 predecoder with maximal skewing and DRCMOS

skewed design of Figure 3.18, as the second skewed inverter has a logical effort which is
1.3 times lower than the skewed second level NAND gate. This results in the fastest design
with a delay of 202pS (2.25 fanout 4 loaded inverters) which is about 36% lower than the
non skewed version with series stack nfets. We note here that this number is almost the
same as reported in [21], but we differ on what we ascribe the delay gains to. From the
examples it is clear that the major cause for delay improvement in this style is because of
the skewing which buys almost 26% of the reduction as seen row 2 of Table 3.6. The
remaining 10% gain comes from using the NOR front end. Nambu et. al., have reversed
this allocation of gains in their paper [21]. The power dissipation in the above design is
kept to about 1.33mW, because of the DRCMOS reset technique (we include the power
dissipation in the unselected NOR gates, which is not shown in the above figure for sake of
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 52

This design example illustrates the speed and power advantage of the NOR style
design with skewing and local resetting, for implementing the predecoders. The relative
advantage of this approach increases further with larger output loads and increasing num-
ber of address bits.
Delay (pS)/
Circuit Style number of fanout 4 loaded
Series nfet without skewing (Fig. 16) 316 / 3.5 1.1
Series nfet with skewing (Fig. 17) 234 / 2.6 1.1
NOR style without skewing (Fig. 18) 284 / 3.2 1.2
NOR style with skewing (Fig. 19) 202 / 2.25 1.3
Table 3.6: Delay and Power Comparisons of Various Circuit Styles in 0.25µm
process at 2.5V. Delay of a fanout 4 loaded inverter is 90pS.

3.3 Optimum Decode Structures - A Summary

Based on the discussions in the previous sections, we can now sketch out the optimal
decoder structure for fast low power SRAMs (Figure 3.21). Except for the predecoder, all
the higher levels of the decode tree should have a fan-in of 2 to minimize the power dissi-
pation as we want only the smallest number of long decode wires to transition. This
implies that the 2-input NAND function can be implemented in the source coupled style
without any delay penalty, since it does as well as an inverter. The local word driver will
have two stages in most cases, and have four when the block widths are very large. In the
latter case, unless the applications demand it, it will be better to re-partition the block to be
less wide in the interests of the word line RC delay and bitline power dissipation. Skewing
the local word drivers for speed is very expensive in terms of area due to the large numbers
of these circuits. Bitline power can be controlled by controlling the word line pulse width.
This is easily achieved by controlling the block select pulse width. Hence the block select
signal should be connected to the gate of the input NAND gate and the global word driver
should be connected to the source. Both the block select and the global word line drivers
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 53

should have skewed gates for maximum speed. Both these drivers will have anywhere

Global word driver (DRCMOS)

local word

global word line

Block select driver


Nor style skewed predecoders

with self resetting logic
Address inputs
Figure 3.21: Schematic of fast low power 3 level decoder structure

from 2 to 4 stages depending on the size of the memory. The block select driver should be
implemented in the SRCMOS style to allow for its output pulse width to be controlled
independently of the input pulse widths. The global word driver should be made in the
DRCMOS style to allow for generating a wide enough pulse width in the global word line
to allow for sufficient margin of overlap with the block select signal. Since in large
SRAMs the global word line spans multiple pitches, all the resetting circuitry can be laid
out local to each driver. In cases where this is not possible, the reset circuitry can be pulled
out and shared amongst a small group of drivers [21]. Predecoder performance can be sig-
nificantly improved at no cost in power by skewing the gates and using local resetting
techniques. The highest performance predecoders will have a NOR style wide fanin input
stage followed by skewed buffers. When this is coupled with a technique like that pre-
sented in [21] to do a selective discharge of the output, the power dissipation is very
reasonable compared to the speed gains that can be achieved. With the NOR style prede-
Chapter 3: Fast Low Power Decoders 54

coder the total path effort becomes independent of the exact partitioning of the decode
tree, between the block select and global word decoders. This will allow the SRAM
designer to choose the best memory organization, based on other considerations.

Transistor sizing offers a great tool to trade off delay and energy of the decoders. Full
blown numerical optimization techniques can be used to obtain the various design points.
The simple sizing heuristic of keeping a constant fanout of about 4 works well as long as
the wire delays are not significant. For large memories where the wire delay is significant,
either the wire widths can be increased to reduce their impact or the alternative heuristic,
which relies on calculating the optimal transistor sizes for the gates at the ends of these
wires, can be used. For fast lower power solutions, the simple heuristic of reducing the
sizes of the input stage in the higher levels of the decode tree allow for good trade-offs
between delay and power.

Getting the decode signal to the local word lines in a fast and low power manner solves
half of the memory design problem. We will next look at techniques to solve the other
half, namely build a fast low power data path.

4 Fast Low Power SRAM

Data Path

4.1 Introduction
In an SRAM, switching of the bitlines and I/O lines and biasing the sense amplifiers
consume a significant fraction of the total power, especially in wide access width memo-
ries. This chapter investigates techniques to reduce SRAM power without hurting
performance by using tracking circuits to limit bitline and I/O line swing, and aid in the
generation of the sense clock to enable clocked sense amplifiers.

Traditionally, the bitline swings during a read access have been limited by using active
loads of either diode connected nMOS or resistive pMOS [26, 44]. These devices clamp
the bitline swing at the expense of a steady bitline current. A more power efficient way of
limiting the bitline swings is to use high impedance bitline loads and pulse the word lines
[31-34]. Bitline power can be minimized by controlling the word line pulse width to be
just wide enough to guarantee the minimum bitline swing required for sensing. This type
of bitline swing control can be achieved by a precise pulse generator that matches the
bitline delay. Low power SRAMs also use clocked sense amplifiers to limit the sense
power. These amplifiers can be based on either a current mirror [24-25, 45-46] or a
cross-coupled latch [20-22, 47-48]. In the former, the sense clock turns on the amplifier
sometime before the sensing, to set up the amplifier in the high gain region. To reduce
power, the amount of time the amplifier is ON is minimized. In the latch type amplifiers,
the sense clock starts the amplification and hence the sense clock needs to track the bitline

Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 56

delay to ensure correct and fast operation.

The prevalent technique to generate the timing signals within the array core essentially
uses an inverter chain. This can take one of two forms - the first kind relies on a clock
phase to do the timing (Figure 4.1a) [49] and the second kind uses a delay chain within the
accessed block and is triggered by the block select signal (Figure 4.1b) [50]. The main


Sense amps Sense amps

Delay chain
φ1 φ2 φ1
(a) (b)

Figure 4.1: Common sense clock generation techniques

problem in these approaches is that the inverter delay does not track the delay of the
memory cell over all process and environment conditions. The tracking issue becomes
more severe for low power SRAMs operating at low voltages due to enhanced impact of
threshold and supply voltage fluctuations on delays. If T is the delay of a circuit running
2 2 2
σ T σ Vdd + σ Vt
------- ∝ ------------------------------ (1)
2 2
T ( Vdd – Vt )

off a supply of Vdd with transistor thresholds as Vt, then using a simple α-power model for
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 57

the transistor current [67], one can relate the standard deviations of these parameters as in
Equation 1, which shows that percentage delay variations are inversely proportional to the
gate overdrive. Figure 4.2 plots the ratio of bitline delay to obtain a bitline swing of
120mV from a 1.2V supply and the delay of an inverter delay chain. The process and
temperature are encoded as XYZ where X represents the nMOS type (S = slow, F = fast, T
= typical), Y represents the pMOS type (one of S, F, T) and Z is the temperature (H for
115C and C for 25C). The S and F transistors have a 2 sigma threshold variation unless
subscripted by a 3 in which case they represent 3 sigma threshold variations. The process
used is a typical 0.25µm CMOS process and simulations are done for a bitline spanning 64
rows. We can observe that the bitline delay to inverter delay ratio can vary by a factor of


Bitline delay/ Delay-chain delay






Process Type

Figure 4.2: Delay matching of inverter chain delay stage with respect to bitline delay

two over these conditions, the primary reason being that while the memory cell delay is
mainly affected by the nMOS thresholds, the inverter chain delay is affected by both
nMOS and pMOS thresholds. The worst case matching for the inverter delay chain occurs
for process corners where the nMOS and the pMOS thresholds move in the opposite
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 58

direction. There are two more sources of variations that are not included in the graph
above and make the inverter matching even worse. The minimum sized transistors used in
memory cells are more vulnerable to delta-W variations than the non-minimum sized
devices used typically in the delay chain. Furthermore, accurate characterization of the
bitline capacitance is also required to enable a proper delay chain design.

All the sources of variations have to be taken into account in determining the speed
and power specifications for the part. To guarantee functionality, the delay chain has to be
designed for worst case conditions which means the clock circuit must be padded in the
nominal case, degrading performance. The following two sections look at using replicas of
the bitline delay to control both the sense timing and the word line pulse width. These
circuits track the bitline delay much better [+ 10%] and improve both power and access
time especially in high density SRAMs with long bitlines. Section 4.4 then describes
experimental results of SRAMs using replica timing generation described in the previous
sections. These techniques reduce the read power, but leave the write power unchanged.
Section 4.5 looks at a technique of doing low swing write in an SRAM and discusses some
experimental results.

4.2 Replica delay element based on capacitance

Memory timing circuits need a delay element which tracks the bitline delay but still
provide a large swing signal which can be used by the subsequent stages of the control
logic. The key to building such a delay stage is to use a delay element which is a replica of
the memory cell connected to the bitline, while still providing a full swing output. This
section uses a normal memory cell driving a short bitline, while Section 4.3 uses a number
of memory cells connected to a replica of the full bitline. The short bitline’s capacitance is
set to be a fraction of the main bitline capacitance. The value is determined by the required
bitline swing for proper sensing. For the clocked voltage sense amplifiers we use (Figure
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 59

4.3), the minimum bitline swing for correct sensing is around a tenth of the supply. An

b b

Sense clock

Figure 4.3: Latch type sense amplifier

extra column in each memory block is converted into the replica column by cutting its bit-
line pair to obtain a segment whose capacitance is the desired fraction of the main bitline
(Figure 4.4). The replica bitline has a similar structure to the main bitlines in terms of the
wire and diode parasitic capacitances. Hence its capacitance ratio to the main bitlines is

Memory Block

Replica bitline

Replica cell
Extra row

Figure 4.4: Replica column with bitline capacitance ratioing

set purely by the ratio of the geometric lengths, r/h. The replica memory cell is pro-
grammed to always store a zero so that, when activated, it discharges the replica bitline.
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 60

The delay from the activation of the replica cell to the 50% discharge of the replica bitline
tracks that of the main bitline very well over different process corners (Figure 4.5 -circles).



Bitline delay/ Delay-chain delay





Inverter delay chain
Replica delay chain



Process Type

Figure 4.5: Comparison of delay matching of replica versus inverter chain delay

The delays can be made equal by fine tuning of the replica bitline height using simula-
tions. The replica structure takes up only one additional column per block and hence has
very little area overhead.
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 61

The delay element is designed to match the delay of a nominal memory cell in a block.
But in an actual block of cells, there will be variations in the cell currents across the cells
in the block. Figure 4.6 displays the ratio of delays for the bitline and the delay elements
for varying amounts of threshold mismatch in the access device of the memory cell, com-
pared to the nominal cell. The graph is shown only for the case of the accessed cell being

Bitline delay / Delay chain delay


Replica delay element

Inverter chain element

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
Memory cell offset (V)
Figure 4.6: Matching comparisons over varying cell threshold offsets in a 0.25um @

weaker than the nominal cell as this would result in a lower bitline swing. The curves for
the inverter chain delay element (hatched) and the replica delay element (solid) are shown
with error bars for the worst case fluctuations across process corners. The variation of the
delay ratio across process corners in the case of the inverter chain delay element is large
even with zero offset in the accessed cell and grows further as the offsets increase. In the
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 62

case of the replica delay element, the variation across the process corners is negligible at
zero offsets and starts growing with increasing offsets in the accessed cell. This is mainly
due the adverse impact of the higher nMOS thresholds in the accessed cell under slow
nMOS conditions. It can be noted that the tracking of the replica delay element is better
than that of the inverter chain delay element across process corners, even with offsets in
the accessed memory cell.

Though the output of the replica delay stage is a full swing signal, it has a very slow

Word line driver
B3 B4

Replica bitline

B1 B2


Sense clock
Block decoder S2 S3 S4 S5

Figure 4.7: Control circuits for sense clock activation and word line pulse control

slew rate which is limited by the memory cell current. Hence this signal needs to be buff-
ered up before it can be used by the subsequent logic stages. The consequent buffer delay
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 63

will need to be compensated since it will not track the bitline delay. One approach to deal
with this extra delay is to try to minimize it by carefully partitioning the blocks such that
the load that needs to be driven by the replica signal is minimized and is explained further
in Section 4.4.2. An alternative approach is to hide this extra delay by pipelining the
access to the delay circuit and overlapping it with the access to the word line. The circuits
to do this are shown in Figure 4.7. The block decoder activates the replica delay cell (node
fwl). The output of the replica delay cell is fed to a buffer chain to start the local sensing
and is also fed back to the block decoder to reset the block select signal. Since the block
select pulse is ANDed with the global word line signal to generate the local word line
pulse, the latter’s pulse width is set by the width of block select signal. It is assumed that
the block select signal doesn’t arrive earlier than the global word line. The delay of the
buffer chain to drive the sense clock is compensated by activating the replica delay cell
with the unbuffered block select signal. The delay of the five inverters in the buffer chain,
S1 to S5, is set to match the delay of the four stages, B1 to B4, of the block select to local
word line path (the sense clock needs to be a rising edge). The problem of delay matching
has now been pushed from having to match bitline and inverter chain delay to having to
match the delay of one inverter chain to a chain of inverters and an AND gate. The latter is

fwl wl

B1 B2 B3 B4

rbl sense

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5

Figure 4.8: Delay matching of two buffer chains

Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 64

easier to tackle, especially since the matching for only one pair of edges needs to be done.
A simple heuristic for matching the delay of a rising edge of the five long chain, S1 to S5,
to the rising delay of the four long chain, B1 to B4, is to ensure that sum of falling delays
in the two chains are equal as well as the sum of rising delays [51] (Figure 4.8). The S
chain has three rising delays and two falling delays while the B chain has two rising and
falling delays. This simple sizing technique ensures that the rising and falling delays in the
two chains are close to each other giving good delay tracking between the two chains over
all process corners. The delay from fwl (see Figure 4.6) to minimum bitline swing is
tBchain + tbitline and the delay to the sense clock is treplica + tSchain delay. If tbitline equals
treplica and tBchain equals tSchain, then the sense clock fires exactly when the minimum bit-
line swings have developed.

We next look at two design examples, one for a block of 256 rows and 64 columns and
the other for a block with 64 rows and 32 columns. The number of rows in these blocks are
typical of large and small SRAMs respectively. For each block the replica based
implementation is compared to an inverter chain based one. Table 4.1 summarizes the
simulated performance of the 256 block design over various process corners.Five process
corners are considered along with a 10% supply voltage variation at TT corner. The delay
elements are designed to yield a bitline swing of around 100mV when the sense clock
fires, under all conditions with the weakest corner being the SF3 corner with slow nMOS
and fast pMOS (since the memory cell is weak and inverters are relatively faster). For each
type of delay element, the table provides the bitline swing when the sense clock fires and
the maximum bitline swing after the word line is shut off. An additional column notes the
“slack” time of the sense clock with respect to an ideal sense clock, as a fraction of a
fanout of 4 gate delay. This time indicates the time lost in turning ON of the sense amp
compared to an ideal sense clock generator which would magically fire under all
conditions exactly when the bitline swings are 100mV, and directly adds to the critical
path delay for the SRAM. The last column shows the excess swing of the bitlines for the
inverter chain case relative to the replica case as a percentage and represents the excess
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 65

bitline power for the former over the latter. The last two rows show the performance at
Table 4.1: Block parameters: 256 rows, 64 columns

Replica Delay Element (rep- Inverter Chain Element

lica bitline height = 29)
Process, Bit- Max tSlack Bit- Max tSlack Relative
Supply(V) line Bitline (as frac- line Bitline (as frac- Max Bit-
Swing Swing tion of Swing Swing tion of line swing
(mV) (mV) fo4del) (mV) (mV) fo4del) (%)
TTH, 1.2 128 136 1.67 139 158 2.24 16.4
FF3, 1.2 114 133 0.64 181 187 4.2 41
SS3, 1.2 136 138 2.37 126 147 1.63 6
SF3, 1.2 97 102 -0.3 101 110 0 7
FS3, 1.2 167 176 2.17 240 251 5.25 43
TTH, 1.08 121 127 1.55 114 134 0.93 5.6
TTH, 1.32 135 145 1.72 172 187 3.64 30

+10% of the nominal supply of 1.2V in typical conditions. Considering all the rows of the
table, we note that the slack time for the replica case is within 2.4 gate delays while that of
the inverter case goes up to 5.25 gate delays, indicating that the latter approach will lead to
a speed specification which is at least 3 gate delays slower than the former. The bitline
power overhead in the inverter based approach can be up to 40% more than the replica
based approach. If we were to consider only correlated threshold fluctuations for the
nMOS and the pMOS, then the delay spread for both the approaches is lower by one gate
delay, but the relative performance difference still exists. The main reason for the variation
in the slack time for the replica approach is the mismatch in the delays of the buffer chains
across the operating conditions. This comes about mainly due to the variation of the
falling edge rate of the replica bitline. In the case of the inverter based design, the spread
in slack time comes about due to the lack of tracking between the bitline delay and the
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 66

inverter chain delay as discussed in the earlier section. To study the scalability of the
replica technique, designs for a 64 row block are compared in Table 4.2. The small bitline
Table 4.2: Block parameters: 64 rows, 32 columns

Replica Delay Element (rep- Inverter Chain Element

lica bitline height = 6)
Process, Bit- Max tSlack Bit- Max tSlack Relative
Supply(V) line Bitline (as frac- line Bitline (as frac- Max Bit-
Swing Swing tion of Swing Swing tion of line swing
(mV) (mV) fo4del) (mV) (mV) fo4del) (%)
TTH, 1.2 101 198 0.24 123 192 0.38 -3
FF3, 1.2 100 210 0 162 207 0.85 -1
SS3, 1.2 125 193 0.42 102 177 0 -8
SF3, 1.2 101 155 0 100 145 0 -7.5
FS3, 1.2 110 211 0.1 194 211 1.1 0
TTH, 1.08 113 176 0.24 88 162 -0.24 -8
TTH, 1.32 122 228 0.37 162 223 0.83 -2

delay for short bitlines, is easy to match even with an inverter chain delay element and
there is only a slight advantage for the replica design in terms of delay spread while there
is not much difference in the maximum bitline swings. The maximum bitline swings are
considerably larger than the previous case, mainly due to the smaller bitline capacitance.

This technique can be modified for clocked current mirror sense amplifiers, where the
exact time of arrival of the sense clock is not critical as long as it arrives sufficiently ahead
to setup the amplifiers in the high gain stage by the time the bitline signal starts
developing. Delaying the sense clock to be as late as safely possible, minimizes the
amplifier static power dissipation and can be readily accomplished using the replica
techniques. To illustrate this, consider the inverter delay variations in the graph of Figure
4.5. In order to ensure high performance operation under all process corners, the amplifier
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 67

delay chain must be fast enough for the FSC3 corner. But then in the other process corners,
the amplifier will be turned on much earlier than it needs to and it will be wasting biasing
power unnecessarily. If one references the turn on time of the amplifier with respect to the
bitline signal development, then for low power operation across process corners, the
amplifiers need to turn on at some fixed number of gate delays before the bitline swings
develop. This can be achieved via the replica scheme by merely trimming the delay of the
S chain with respect to the B chain to ensure that the sense clock turns on a fixed number
of gate delays before the bitlines differentiate.

While this replica technique generates well controlled sense clock edges, it will be
unable to do the same for the word line pulse widths which turn out to be longer than what
is desired for minimum bitline swings. This is mainly because the word line reset signal
has to travel back from the replica bitline through the B chain which is usually optimized
to speed up the set signals to assert the local word line in order to reduce the access times.
In the next section we will describe an alternative replica scheme which allows for feeding
the replica signal directly into the word line driver. This will then allow the forward path to
assert the local word lines to be optimized using skewed gates [20] without hampering the
local word line pulse width control.

4.3 Replica delay element based on cell current ratioing

An extra row and column containing replica memory cells can be used to provide local
resetting timing information for the word line drivers. The extra row contains memory
cells whose pMOS devices are eliminated to act as current sources, with currents equal to
that of an accessed memory cell (Figure 4.9). All their outputs are tied together and they
simultaneously discharge the replica bitline. This enables a multiple of memory cell
current to discharge the replica bitline. The current sources are activated by the replica
word line which is turned on during each access of the block. The replica bitline is
identical in structure to the main bitlines with dummy memory cells providing the same
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 68

amount of drain parasitic loading as the regular cells. By connecting n current sources to

Dummy Main bitlines


To/From word line drivers



Replica bitline Remove


Replica wl

Programmable current sources

Figure 4.9: Current Ratio Based Replica Structure

the replica bitline, the replica bitline slew rate can be made to be n times that of the main
bitline slew rate achieving the same effect as bitline capacitance ratioing described earlier.

The local word line drivers are skewed to speed up the rising transition and they are
reset by the replica bitline as shown in Figure 4.10. The replica bitline signal is forwarded
into the word line driver through the dummy cell access transistor Ma. This occurs only in
the activated row since the access transistor of the dummy cell is controlled by the row
word line wl, minimizing the impact of the extra loading of F1 on the replica bitline. The
forward path of the word line driver can be optimized for speed, independent of the
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 69

resetting of the block select or global word line by skewing the transistors sizes.

Replica Column

cut Dummy
here Cell
gwl wl

Replica Bitline

Figure 4.10: Skewed word line driver

The control circuits to activate the replica bitline and the sense clock are shown in
Figure 4.11. The dummy word line driver is activated by the unbuffered block select, fwl.
The replica bitline is detected by F1 and buffered to drive the sense clock signal. If the

Table 4.3: Block parameters: 256 rows, 64 columns

Replica Delay Element (rep-

lica current sources = 8)
Process, Bit- Max tSlack
Supply(V) line Bitline (as frac-
Swing Swing tion of
(mV) (mV) fo4del)
TTH, 1.2 120 155 1.2
FF3, 1.2 106 170 0.3
SS3, 1.2 124 155 1.5
SF3, 1.2 94 153 -0.5
FS3, 1.2 144 155 1.53
TTH, 1.08 115 144 1.1
TTH, 1.32 124 172 1.2

delay of the replica bitline is matched with the bitline delay and the delay of F1, S2, S3 is
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 70

made equal to B1, B2, then the sense clock fires when the bitline swing is the desired
amount. Also if the delay of B1, B2 is equal to the delay of generating rn (Figure 4.10)
from the replica bitline, then the word line pulse width will be the minimum needed to
generate the required bitline swing. The performance for a 256 row block with 64 columns
implementing this replica technique, is summarized in Table 4.3 The slack in activating
the sense clock is less than 1.5 gate delays and the maximum bitline swing is within 170

Word line driver
B3 B4

Dummy cells

Replica bitline

B3 B4
B1 B2

Sense clock
Block decoder S2 S3

Figure 4.11: Control circuits for current ratio based replica circuit

mV. When compared with the implementation based on capacitance ratioing discussed in
the previous section, this design is faster by about 2/3rd of a gate delay, due to the skewing
of the word line driver.
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 71

The power dissipation overhead of this approach is the switching power for the replica
bitline which has the same capacitance as the main bitline. The power overhead becomes
small for large access width SRAMs. The area overhead consists of 1 extra column and
row and the extra area required for the layout of the skewed local word line drivers.

4.4 Measured Results

We designed and tested two prototype chips with both kinds of replica delay ele-
ment.The first chip is a 8Kbit RAM built in a MOSIS 1.2µm process and has the
capacitance ratioing replica besides some other low power techniques and will be
described next. Following that we will discuss the second prototype chip which was built
in a 0.25µm process from TI and includes the replica based on cell current ratioing.

4.4.1 SRAM test chip with replica feedback based on capacitance


The replica feedback technique based on capacitive ratioing was implemented in a

1.2µm process as part of a 2k x 32 SRAM [27-28]. The SRAM array was partitioned into
eight blocks each with 256 rows and 32 columns. Making the block width equal to the
access width ensures that the bitline power is minimized since only the desired number of
bitline columns swing in any access. Two extra columns near the word line drivers and two
extra rows near the sense amps are provided for each block with the replica column being
the second one from the word line drivers and the replica cell being the second cell in the
column (Figure 4.12). The extra row and column surrounding the replica cell contain
dummy cells for padding purposes, so that the replica cell doesn’t suffer from any
processing variations at the array edge. The bitlines in the replica column are cut at a
height of 26 rows, yielding a capacitance for the replica bitline which is one tenth that of
the main bitline. Further control for the replica delay is provided for testing purposes by
utilizing part of the replica structure above the cut to provide an adjustable current source.
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 72

This consists of a pMOS transistor whose drain is tied to the replica bitline and whose gate

Padding column Memory Block

Delay Adjust

Replica bitline

Replica cell
Padding row

Figure 4.12: Replica Structure Placement

is controlled from outside the block. Since the replica bitline runs only part way along the
column, the bitline wiring track in the rest of the column can be used for running the gate
control for this transistor. By varying the gate voltage, we can subtract from the replica
cell pull down current, thus slowing the replica delay element if needed. The inverters S1,
S2 and F1 (Figure 4.7) are laid close to replica cell and to each other to minimize wire

Clocked voltage sense amplifiers, precharge devices and write buffers are all laid on
one side of the block as shown in Figure 4.13. Since the bitline swings during a read are
significantly less than that for writes, the precharge devices are partitioned in two different
groups, with one activated after every access and the other activated only after a write, to
reduce power in driving the precharge signal. Having the block width equal to access
width, requires that all these peripheral circuitry be laid out in a bit pitch. The precharge
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 73

and write control are locally derived from the block select, write enable and the replica
feedback signals.
b b

Read precharge

Write precharge

Read sense amp

M1 M2

Write sense amp


s data lines s

Figure 4.13: Column I/O circuits

An 8 to 256 row decoder is implemented in three stages of 2-input AND gates. The
transistor sizes in the gates are skewed to favor one transition as described in [20], to speed
up the clock to word line rising delay. The input and output signals for the gates are in the
form of pulses. In that design, the gates are activated by only one edge of the input pulse
and the resetting is done by a chain of inverters to create a pulse at the output. While this
approach can lead to a cycle time faster than the access time, careful attention has to be
paid to ensure sufficient overlap of pulses under all conditions. This is not a problem for
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 74

pulses within the row decoder as all the internal convergent paths are symmetric. But for
the local word line driver inputs, the global word lines (the outputs of the row decoder)
and the block select signal (output of the block decoder) converge from two different
paths. To ensure sufficient margins for their overlap, the global word line signal is
prolonged by the modifying the global word line driver as shown in Figure 4.14. Here the


Figure 4.14: Pulsed Global word line driver

reset signal is generated by ANDing the gate’s output and one of the address inputs to
increase the output pulse width. Clearly, for the gate to have any speed advantage over a
static gate, the extra loading of the inverter on one of the inputs must be negligibly small
compared to the pMOS devices in a full NAND gate. The input pulses to the row decoder
are created from level address inputs by a “chopper” circuit shown in Figure 4.15, which


Figure 4.15: Level to pulse converter

can be merged with a 2 bit decode function.

Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 75

The data lines in the SRAM, which connects the blocks to the I/O ports, is
implemented as a low swing, shared differential bus. The voltage swings for reads and
writes are limited by using a pulsing technique similar to that described in Section IV.
During reads, the bitline data is amplified by the sense amps and transferred onto the data
lines through devices M1 and M2 (see Figure 4.13). The swing on the local data lines is
limited by pulsing the sense clock. The sense clock pulse width is set by a delay element
consisting of stacked pull down devices connected to a global line which mimics the
capacitance of the data lines. The data line mimic line also serves as a timing signal for the
global sense amps at the end of the data lines and has the same capacitance as that of the
worst case data bit. The global sense amps, write drivers and the data lines precharge are
shown in Figure 4.16. The same bus is also used to communicate the write data from the
s s
Local bus precharge

Global sense amp


Write data driver

Figure 4.16: Global I/O circuits

I/O ports to the memory blocks during writes. The write data is gated with a pulse, whose
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 76

width is controlled to create low swings on the data lines. The low swing write data is then
amplified by the write amplifiers in the selected block and driven onto the bitlines (Figure

Figure 4.17: Die photo of a 1.2µm prototype chip

Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 77

Figure 4.17 displays the die photo of the chip. Only two blocks are implemented in the
prototype chip to reduce the test chip die area, but extra wire loading for the global word
lines and I/O lines is provided to emulate the loading in a full SRAM chip. Accesses to
these rows and bits are used to measure the power and speed. The bitline waveforms were
probed for different supply voltages to measure the bitline swing. Figure 4.18 displays the

Bit Swing (V)


0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (nS)
Figure 4.18: Waveforms on a bitline pair during an alternating read/write access
pattern, obtained via direct probing of the bitline wires on the chip.

on-chip measured waveform of a bitline pair at 3.5V supply with an alternating read/write
pattern. The bitline swings are limited to be about 11% of the supply at 3.5V due to the
action of the replica feedback on the word line. Table 4.4 gives the measured speed,
power, bitline swing and I/O line swing for the chip at three different supply voltages of
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 78

1.5V, 2.5V and 3.5V. The access times at these voltages is equivalent to the delay of a

Table 4.4: Measurement Data for the 1.2µm prototype chip

∆I/Ow ∆I/Or ∆Br Tacc/

(%) (%) (%) Fanout 4 Power (mW)
Inverter units

1.5 16 17 16 60.0ns / 21.84 2.88@10MHz

2.5 12 16 12 21.1ns / 21.53 31.1@37MHz
3.5 11 19 11 12.8ns / 20.7 105@40MHz

chain of about 21 fanout 4 loaded inverters (the delay of a fanout 4 loaded inverter was
obtained from simulations using the process data for this wafer run). The on-chip probed
waveforms for the data lines are shown in Figure 4.19 for a consecutive read and write

3 sb
Local Bus Swing (V)

Write Data s
Read Data

0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (nS)

Figure 4.19: On-chip probed data line waveforms for an alternating read/write
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 79

operation. The I/O bus swings for writes are limited to 11% of the supply at 3.5V, but are
19% of the supply for reads. The rather large read swings is due to improper matching of
the sense amplifier replica circuit with the read sense amplifiers.

4.4.2 SRAM test chip with replica feedback based on cell current

Cell current ratioing based replica technique was implemented in a 0.25µm process
(with wire pitch based on a 0.35µm process) from Texas Instruments. A 2KB RAM is
partitioned into two blocks of 256 rows by 32 columns. Two extra rows are added to the
top of each block, with the topmost row serving as a padding for the array and the next
row containing the replica cells.

The prototype chip (Figure 4.20) has 2 blocks each 256 rows x 32 bits to form a 8Kbit
memory. The premise in this chip was that the delay relationship between the global word
line and the block select is unknown, i.e, either one of them could be the late arriving
signal and hence the local word line could be triggered by either. This implies that the
replica bitline path too needs to be activated by either the local block select or a replica of
the global word line. The replica of the global word line is created by mirroring the critical
path of the row decoders as shown in Figure 4.21. This involves creating replica
predecoders, global word drivers, replica predecode and global word lines with loading
identical to the main predecode and global word lines [53]. The replica global word line
and the block select signal in each block generate the replica word line which discharges
the replica bitline as described in the previous section. Thus the delay from the address
inputs to the bitline is mirrored in the delay to the replica bitlines. But the additional delay
of buffering this replica bitline to generate the sense amp signal cannot be cancelled in this
approach. Hence the only alternative to minimize this overhead in our prototype was to
distribute the replica bitline structure throughout the array. The test chip has one replica
bitline structure per eight bitline columns, with just one sense clock buffer stage (Figure
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 80

4.21). The large swing replica bitline is shielded from the low swing bitlines by cell

Figure 4.20: Die photo of a prototype chip in 0.25µm technology

ground lines running parallel to it. The coupling is further reduced by twisting the bitlines.
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 81

The row decoder is implemented in the postcharge style for high speeds. The global word
One Memory Block ( 256 x 32 )


x15 dwl
Replica cells

Replica x15
Bit cells


x3 x3 x3


8 Senseamps

Figure 4.21: Architecture of a prototype chip in 0.25µm CMOS

line drivers shown are modified from Figure 4.14 to have two fewer transistors and yet

weak Predicated Reset


Figure 4.22: Modified Global Word line Driver

achieve the same functionality of ensuring a fast rising edge with a long pulse at the output
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 82

(Figure 4.22).

Table 4.5 shows the measured results for the chip. The test chip operates down to 0.4V
Table 4.5: Measured data for the 0.35µm prototype

Supply (V) Tcyc (ns) / Power

FO4 inverter delays
1.0 6.6 / 18.9 3.64mW
0.75 14.1 / 18.1 0.99mW
0.5 138 / 19 50µW
0.45 350 / 21.1 17.15µW
0.4 1020 / 23 5.24µW

at 980KHz and 5.2uW dissipation. At 1V the chip was measured to dissipate

3.6mW@150MHz. In an SRAM, except for the bitlines and the sense amps, all the other
circuits are completely digital and hence are expected to have a large operating range. The
use of latch type sense amps (Figure 4.3) coupled with replica based generation of their
sense clock allows for the wide operating range for the whole SRAM path, as we observe
in the table. The energy per access is plotted against the supply voltage in Figure 4.23. The
graph also includes a quadratic curve fit on two of the measured points (the 0.5V and the
1V points). The measured energy (black squares) follows the quadratic curve indicating
that the replica circuits are controlling the bitline swings to be proportional to the supply.
The table also calibrates the SRAM delay in terms of the delay of a fanout 4 loaded
inverter which was measured from the same die. We find that the SRAM delay is about 19
inverter delays for voltages above 0.5V and increases to about 23 gate delays when the
supply voltage approaches the transistor threshold voltage.

The replica predecode structure was simulated to consume 15% of the total power in
the test chip and the replica bitlines paths (4 per block) was simulated to consume 9% of
the chip power. By putting the constraint that the block select cannot arrive earlier than the
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 83

global word line, the replica decode path and the multiple replica bitline paths can be
eliminated to achieve a savings of 20% in the power dissipation. Extrapolating from test
chip measurements, we estimate that a typical cache RAM of 16KB will dissipate
7mW@150MHz at 1V and 10.4µW@980KHz at 0.4V.

Energy per access (pJ)


22.8 * V2 + 1.2

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Supply (V)

Figure 4.23: Measured energy (black squares) versus supply. Also shown is the
quadratic curve fit on the 0.5V and the 1V points.

4.5 Low Power Writes

The bitline power to perform a write operation can significantly exceed the read power
due to the large signal swings required to write into the memory cell. Typically the bitline
is discharged almost all the way to ground before the write is achieved. If the bitline
swings during reads are controlled to be around 200mV, then the bitline read power will be
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 84

only about a factor of 1/5 of that of the bitline write power, for a 1.2V operation. The total
read power will then be typically a factor of 2 smaller than the total write power. For main-
stream computing applications, the number of write accesses is only half as many as read
accesses [52], and so the average read power will be about the same as the average write
power. But for certain applications like video decompression or ATM switching, the writes
to the SRAM are as frequent as the reads. Write power can be reduced by partitioning the
bitline into small segments with very small capacitance [54] or by using small voltage
swings in the bitlines to do the writes. In this section we will explore the latter.

The key problem in achieving a write using small swings is to be able to overpower the
memory cell flip flop with a small bitline differential voltage while ensuring that the cell
will not erroneously flip its state during a read. Larsson et. al. in [29] propose a technique
where they bias the bitlines near the ground voltage. When a small bitline differential is
set up for the write and the word line is activated, the internal nodes of the memory cell are
quickly discharged to the values of the bitlines through the access nfets. When the word
line is turned off, the small differential voltage between the cell internal nodes is amplified
by the cross coupled pfets in the cell. To prevent the reads from over writing the cell, the
authors propose to reduce the word line voltage for the read operation, thus weakening the
access nfets and preventing a spurious discharge of the cell internal nodes. The main
weakness of this approach is that read accesses become slower now since the word line
voltage is smaller. Mori et. al. in [30] use a similar concept, except that they use a bitline
reference of Vdd/2 which is easy to generate and incurs significantly lower read access
penalty. A write is achieved by discharging one of the bitlines to ground. Since the write
bitline swings are halved, a factor of four savings in the bitline write power is achieved. To
improve the robustness of reads, the cell voltage is boosted above Vdd.

In this section we will explore the possibility of using small voltage swings in the bit-
lines while keeping the bitline reference close to Vdd. These small swings are amplified
by operating the memory cell as a latch sense amplifier, accomplished by modifying the
ground connection to the cell as shown in Figure 4.24a. All the cells in a given row share a
ground line, called the virtual ground which is driven by an inverter. During reads and
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 85

standby, the virtual ground is driven low, and the SRAM operates as in the conventional
case. During writes, the virtual ground line is first driven high to reset the contents of the
cells. The write data is put onto the bitlines in the form of small voltage swings. The word
line is pulsed high and the small swing bitline signal is the transferred into the internal
nodes of the cell after which the virtual ground line is driven low, causing the cell to
amplify and latch the data. Since the cell access transistors are nfets, the word line high
voltage needs to be at least an nMOS threshold above bitline high voltage, to enable a full
reset of the cell (see waveform schematics in Figure 4.24b). Thus instead of a number of




b0 b0 bk bk
bs bsw



b, b

Read access Write access


Figure 4.24: a) Schematic of cells for low swing writes b) waveforms

bitlines swinging full rail, this scheme enables all of them to have only small swings at the
expense of an additional full swing line in the word line direction.
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 86

There are a couple of limitations to this approach. Since boosted word lines are used,
the access nfets will have a higher current drive which also makes the cell less stable dur-
ing reads. To achieve a robust cell, either the pull down nfets within the cell have to be
increased in size, the supply voltage to the cell should also be boosted, or the word line
voltage should not be boosted for reads. A more significant problem is that the read cell
currents from all the accessed cells in a row flow through the pull down device of the
inverter VG, causing the virtual ground line, vgnd, to have a small voltage drop. This drop
needs to be limited by carefully sizing the pull down device in VG, to ensure that the
memory cells have sufficient read noise margins. This extra ground resistance can also
slow down the read access since the read cell currents will be reduced. Also, the area of
the word driver increases because of the extra inverter. But this area increase is partially
offset by a reduction in the area for the write drivers and the precharge devices for the bit-
lines as the write swing is reduced.

One limitation of the approach is that since the cells along a word line share the virtual
ground line, all of these will get over written. This implies that the block width needs to be
the same as the write word width. In order to allow for write widths which are smaller than
the block width, the write operation can be modified to first read the cell to transfer their
data on the bitlines, and then writing new data onto the desired subset of bitlines and pro-
ceeding with the write as above. Thus though all the cells are over written, only the desired
subset is written with the new data while the rest are over written with their own data.

Another limitation of the approach is the requirement of boosted voltage for the word
lines during writes. High performance SRAMs are already operated with supplies close to
the upper limit prescribed for the process and there might not be any more head room to
boost the voltages further. An alternative will be to use pfet access devices in the cell and
use a negative going word line. This approach also has the advantage that the same word
line voltage of 0 can be used for both the reads and the writes. The main disadvantage of
this approach is that the pfets are about a factor of three slower than the nfets and hence
the reads become slower.
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 87

One of the prototype chips we designed included a memory block with this circuit
technique. The area overhead over the conventional memory block was 20% and came
about mainly due to the extra gates in the word driver and the area overhead in the memory
cell to accommodate for individual ground lines as opposed to shared ground lines in the
conventional design, though in modern processes this might not be an issue due to avail-
ability of a large number of metal layers. Figure 4.16 shows a die photo of a prototype
implementation, which has three blocks each of 256 by 32 in the 1.2µm technology. The
taller block in the photo is modified to implement the low swing writes while the other two
blocks have conventional write circuitry. Circuit simulations indicated that the total write
power was reduced from 2x of the read power to 1.3x of the read power. The read access
time slows down by about one inverter delay. Due to an error in the connections of the
sense amplifiers to the local I/O bus, the read and write operations to the block could not
be fully verified. But we could probe the bitline waveforms and the measured data for con-
secutive read and write accesses is shown in Figure 4.24. The voltage bumps on the virtual



0 40 60 80 100
Time (nS)

Figure 4.25: On chip probed wave forms of bitlines for low swing writes alternating
with reads.
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 88

ground node is about 1.5V during the read access indicating that the pull down device
width connected to this line is not sufficiently wide. For reliable read operations the device
width needs to be increased by a factor of four, which in turn will increase the total area
overhead by an additional 5%. The area and read access penalty inherent in this approach
might not be acceptable to a large number of applications in return for the lower write

4.6 Summary
The key to low power operation is to reduce the signal swings in the high capacitance
nodes like the bitlines and the data lines. Clocked voltage sense amplifiers are essential for
obtaining low sensing power, and accurate generation of their sense clock is required for
high speed operation. An energy efficient way to obtain low voltage swings in the bitlines
is to limit the word line pulse width, by controlling the pulse width of the block select
signal. The pulse widths are regulated by the aid of a replica delay element which consists
of a replica memory cell and a replica bitline and hence tracks the delay of the memory
cell over a wide range of process and operating conditions. Two variations of the
technique were discussed and their use to generate the sense clock was also demonstrated.
We believe that this is a very simple and robust technique with very low area overhead and
is easily applicable to a wide variety of SRAM designs. The chapter also demonstrates the
application of the technique to achieve low swing data line operation for both the read and
write accesses, by pulsing the control signal which gates the drivers of these lines. The
pulse width is controlled by discharging a replica line which has the same capacitance as
the worst case data line. This replica line is also used to trigger the amplifiers at the
receiving end of these lines. Finally we presented a technique to achieve low bitline write
power, by using small voltage swings on the bitlines during the write operation. The
memory cell structure is modified such that the cells can be used as latch type sense
amplifier to amplify and store the small swing write data presented on the bitlines. This
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 89

technique requires boosted word lines and 20% larger area and hence is suitable only for
certain niche applications.

In the next chapter we will take a step back from detailed circuit design issues and
look at scaling trends of delay and power in SRAMs as a function of their size and
technology. We will assume that the SRAMs have been optimized for speed and power by
using some of the techniques discussed in this chapter.
Chapter 4: Fast Low Power SRAM Data Path 90

5 Speed and Power

Scaling of SRAMs

This chapter analyzes the scaling of delay and power of SRAMs with size and technol-
ogy using some simple analytical models for the various components of the SRAM.
Exploring the large design space using conventional SPICE circuit simulation would be
extremely time consuming and hence simplified analytical models are very valuable. Such
models not only help in designing SRAMs for the current generation, but can also be used
to forecast future trends.

Analytical models for delay, area and energy have been developed separately by a
number of authors [56-59]. Wada et. al. in [56] and Wilton and Jouppi in [57], develop
delay models for the decoder and the bitline path and use it to explore the impact of vari-
ous cache organizations on the access time. Evans and Franzon develop analytical models
in [58-59] for the energy consumption of an SRAM as a function of its organization. This
chapter extends the delay models of [56] and combines them with the energy and area
models for the SRAM. The delay models are modified to include the effects of intercon-
nect resistance and more complex partitioning schemes. We allow for multi-level
hierarchical structures for the bitline and data line muxes [54, 60], which is an additional
degree of freedom in the organization not considered by [56-59]. The models are then
used to estimate the delay, area and energy of SRAMs of various capacities and in differ-
ent technology generations.

With feature size shrinking by a factor of 2 every 18 months, two effects stand out: the
interconnect delay is getting worse compared to the transistor delay and the threshold mis-
matches between transistors are not scaling with the supply voltage [61-62]. One expects

Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 92

both these effects to have a significant influence on SRAMs, since SRAMs require infor-
mation to be broadcast globally across the whole array and part of the signal path within
the array uses small signal swings followed by sense amplification. The chapter investi-
gates both these effects with the aid of the analytical models.

As explained in Chapter 2, a lot of attention is paid to organizing and partitioning the

cell array to manage the delay and power. Hence our analysis incorporates this by examin-
ing a large number of different organizations to determine the optimal ones. Section 5.1
explains our notation for capturing each partition. To keep the analysis tractable, we make
certain simplifying assumptions and discuss the main ones in Section 5.2. An extensive
list of all the other assumptions is provided in Appendix C. Using these assumptions we
then develop models for delay, area and energy for the key components of the SRAM. We
then apply these models to estimate the delay and power for SRAMs and investigate the
scaling trends with densities and technology in Section 5.3.

5.1 SRAM Partitioning

At the top level, any partitioning can be captured by three variables: the number of
macros (nm) which comprise the array, the block width (bw) and block height (bh) of each
of the sub blocks which make up a macro. Figure 5.1 shows an example of partitioning a
1024x1024 array of cells of a 1Mb SRAM for a 64 bit access. The array is broken into 4
macros all of which are accessed simultaneously, each providing 16 bits of the accessed
word. Each macro is further subdivided into four blocks of 512 rows and 128 columns and
with one of the blocks furnishing the 16 bit sub word.

As discussed in Chapter 2, partitioning of the RAM incurs area overhead at the bound-
aries of the partitions. Hence we estimate area as an integral part of the analysis. The next
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 93

section details the assumptions made for the analysis and describes the area, delay and
power models developed for the RAM.

nm = number of macros
bh = block height
nm = 4
bw = block width bw=128 cells





Figure 5.1: Array partitioning example

5.2 Modeling of the SRAM

In order to explore the large SRAM design space in a tractable manner, we make some
simplifying assumptions about certain aspects of the design. We outline and justify the key
assumptions in the next sub section and list all the assumptions in Appendix C. As dis-
cussed in Chapter 2, the SRAM path can be broken into two components, the row decoder
and the RAM data path. We develop simple analytical models for delay, area and power
for these and the verify these against HSPICE circuit simulations.
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 94

5.2.1 Assumptions

The base technology used for this analysis is a 0.25µm CMOS process. A convenient
process independent unit of length called λ is used to describe geometric parameters in the
chapter. λ is equal to half the minimum feature size for any technology. We assume that all
the device speeds and dimensions scale linearly with the feature size. The supply scales as
in SIA road map [55] and the wires scale as described by Bakoglu et. al. in [39] with cop-
per metallurgy from 0.18µm generation onwards.

Mizuno et. al. show in [62] that the dominant source of threshold variations in closely
spaced transistors in deep sub micron geometries, is the random fluctuations of the chan-
nel dopant concentrations. They also show that this portion of the threshold mismatch
remains constant with process scaling (see also [61]). So we assume a constant mismatch
of 50mV in the thresholds of the input differential pair in the sense amplifiers, irrespective
of the process generation.

We model the delay and energy of the RAM core and ignore the external loads as they
are a constant independent of the internal organization. Since the read access results in the
critical timing path for the RAM, only the delay and power consumption of the read oper-
ation is modeled. While ignoring the write power doesn’t alter the main conclusions of
this chapter, it does affect the optimal organization for low power and we will examine this
at the end of the chapter.

We assume a static circuit style for all the gates in the RAM to simplify the modeling
task. The pMOS portion of the gate is sized to yield the same delay as the nMOS portion,
and hence the gate can be characterized by a single size parameter. Since high speed
SRAMs commonly skew the transistor sizes in the decoder gates to improve the critical
path we will quantify its impact on our delay analysis.

There is a large diversity in the circuits used for the sense amplifiers. In this chapter,
we will assume a latch style amplifier which consists of a pair of cross coupled gain stages
which are activated by a clock [21, 30, 20, 27-28]. In these structures, the amplifier delay
is proportional to the logarithm of the required voltage gain [63], and hence if the sense
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 95

clock timing is well controlled, they lead to the fastest implementations. They also con-
sume very low power since they are inherently clocked. We will assume that the sense
clock timing is perfectly controlled but will quantify the impact of non ideal sense clock
generation on our delay estimates.

When the number of wiring levels is limited, space has to be allocated in between
blocks to route the data lines. This significantly adds to the overall memory area, espe-
cially when the block size is very small. Since the number of available wiring levels has
been steadily growing [55], we will assume in this chapter that the data lines can be routed
vertically over the array if required. Thus extra routing space for a horizontal bus is
required only once at the bottom of the array.

Transistor sizing offers another technique to trade-off delay, area and power. In Chap-
ter 3 we found that for high speed designs, sizing each gate to yield a delay of that of a
fanout of 4 loaded inverter works pretty well as long as the wire delays are not significant.
We assume this sizing rule in this chapter to simplify the analysis. While this assumption
does not affect minimum delay solutions, it causes the low energy and low area solutions
to be sub optimal and we examine this further at the end of the chapter.

We use the simple RC models of Chapter 3 to model the delay of the gates and the wires.
In an energy efficient SRAM design, the dynamic power dominates the total power
dissipation, and so we only model the dynamic energy required to switch the capacitances
in the decoder and the output mux. We will next discuss in detail the models for the
decoder and the output mux.

5.2.2 Decoder model

The decoder delay with the fanout of 4 sizing rule is summarized in Equations 1a,b
and is the sum of the extrinsic delays of each gate in the path (each of which is equal to the
extrinsic delay of the fanout 4 inverter, τfo4x), their intrinsic delays and the wire delays. In
these equations N is the number of gates in the path, pi is the parasitic delay of gate i, G is
the gate loading due to all the global word drivers connected to the predecode wire and L
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 96

is the gate loading of all the local word drivers connected to a global word line. Since the

D decoder = N ⋅ τ fo4x + ∑ pi + Dwire (1a)
D wire = r p ⋅ ( c p ⁄ 2 + G ) + r g ⋅ ( c g + L ) ⁄ 8 + r wl ⋅ c wl ⁄ 8 (1b)

local and global word lines are driven from their center by their respective drivers, the RC
delay of these wires is reduced by a factor of 4.

Since bitline delay depends on the local word line rise time, we estimate the edge rate
at the end of the local word line. From circuit simulations the rise time was found to be 1.4
times the delay of the final stage of the word driver and is summarized in Equation 2.

rise time= ( τ fo4 + r wl ⋅ c wl ⁄ 8 ) × 1.4 (2)

Since the final stage is sized to have a fanout of 4, the total delay of the stage is the sum of
a fanout of 4 inverter delay (τfo4) and the RC delay of the local word line (rwl * cwl / 8
assuming that the word drivers drive the local word line from the center of the line).

The gate and wire capacitances in the signal path are added up to give an estimate of
the decoder energy. Decoder area is calculated by estimating the area of the local and glo-
bal word drivers and the area required for the predecode wires. The area of the word
drivers is modeled as a linear function of the total device widths inside the drivers (Equa-
tion 3). The constants for this function have been obtained by fitting it to the areas
obtained from the layout of six different word drivers [28, 30]. The total device width
within the driver is estimated to be 1.25 times the size of the final buffer as the active area
of the pre driver can approximated to be a quarter of the final inverter when fanout 4 sizing
is used for the gates. The area for running the vertical predecode and block select wires is
also added to the total decode area. As an example, the increase in the SRAM array width
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 97

due to the 12 to 4096 decoder of Figure 5.2 is accounted by the areas for 64 local word
drivers, 1 global word driver, and vertical wiring tracks for 16 predecode wires and 64
block select wires.
La W

memory cell

word driver wp/wn

La*H = 24.05*1.25 * (wp + wn) + 497 (in λ2) (3)

Figure 5.2: Area estimation for the word drivers

5.2.3 Output Mux

The output mux consists of the bitline mux which routes the cell data into the sense
amplifiers, and the data line mux which routes data from the sense amplifiers to the output.
Since the signal levels in both these muxes are small (~100mV), the input signal source for
both these muxes can be considered as ideal current sources.

1 R1 2 R2 3
I C1 C2 C3 τRC
τRC=R1*(C1)*(C2+C3) + R2*(C1+C2)*(C3)
(C1+C2+C3) (C1+C2+C3) v1
voltage (C +C +C )V/I
1 2 3
Figure 5.3: a) Current source driving a RC π network. b) Sketch of the node

The degradation of the delay through a RC network for a current source input is differ-
ent from that for a voltage source input. Consider an ideal current source driving a RC π
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 98

network as shown in Figure 5.3a. The voltage waveforms of the nodes 1 and 3 are

(C1 + C2 + C3) ⋅ V
D = ---------------------------------------------- + τ RC (5)

sketched in Figure 5.3b along with the waveform when the resistance is 0 (dashed line).
The time constant τRC of the network is evaluated as in Equation 4 and is easily general-




yk-1 yk-1 y0 y0


Figure 5.4: Bitline circuit

ized for an arbitrary RC chain as the sum of the product of each resistance with a
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 99

capacitance which is obtained by considering all the downstream capacitance lumped

together, in series with all the upstream capacitance lumped together. In steady state (t >>
τRC), nodes 1, 2 and 3 slew at the same rate, and the delay to obtain a swing of V at node 3
δv (6)
D b = ( c b + j mux ⋅ ( k + 1 ) + c s ) ⋅ ---------- + α ⋅ T r + τ RC
I cell

cb: Bitline capacitance

jmux: Unit junction capacitance of the mux switch
k: Number of columns multiplexed into a single sense amplifier
cs: Input capacitance of the sense amplifier
δv: Voltage swing at the input of the sense amplifier
Icell: Memory cell current
Tr: Local word line rise time
α: Proportionality constant determined from HSPICE
τRC: Time constant of the bitline RC network

can be approximated by Equation 5, which is the delay when there is no resistance plus the
time constant of the network. This formula is used for estimating the delay of both the bit-
line and data line muxes.

A single level bitline mux is shown in Figure 5.4 and is modeled as an ideal current
source driving a RC network as in Figure 5.3. Local and global bitline wires and the mux
switches contribute to the capacitances and resistances in the network. The bitline delay to
obtain a signal swing of δv by Equation 7 is the sum of the delay to generate the voltage
swing with no resistance and the time constant of the RC network (Equation 6). Long local
word lines can have slow rise times because of the line resistance. Since the rise time
affects the cell delay, we need to include it in the delay model. The effect of the rise time
(Tr) can be captured by adding an additional term to the delay equation which is propor-
tional to it [57]. The proportionality constant, α, depends on the ratio of the threshold
voltage of the access device in the cell, to the supply voltage and we find it from simula-
tions to be about 0.3 for a wide range of block widths. The RC time constant, τRC, in the
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 100

bitline delay equation is estimated as in Equation 4. Figure 5.5 graphs the estimated and


HSPICE measured

Bitline delay (pS)

1024 cols

16 cols

4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
log2(no of rows)
Figure 5.5: Bitline delay versus column height; 0.25µm, 1.8V and 4 columns

HSPICE measured delay through the local word driver and the resistive word line and bit-
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 101

line, up to the input of the sense amps. The estimated delay is within 2.4% of the HSPICE
delay when the bitline height is at least 32 rows, for both short word lines (16 columns)
and long word lines (1024 columns).

The sense amplifier buffer chain is shown in Figure 5.6 and consists of the basic cross

Icell Memory Cell

Bitline Mux

b bb

ws Gs ws
τs ~ 2*τfo4


out out_b
Figure 5.6: Local sense amplifier structure

coupled latch followed by a chain of inverters and a pair of nMOS drivers [26, 28]. The
latch converts the small swing input signal to a full swing CMOS signal and is used for
both the local and global sense amplifiers. In the case of the local sense amplifiers, the
latch output is buffered by the inverter chain and driven onto the gates of the output nMOS
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 102

drivers. These nMOS transistors create a small swing voltage signal at their outputs by
discharging a previously precharged data lines (analogous to the memory cell discharging
the precharged bitlines). The delay of the sense amplifier structure is the sum of the delay
of the latch amplifier, τs, and the delay to buffer and drive the outputs. τs is proportional to
the logarithm of the desired voltage gain and the loading of the amplifier outputs [63]. For
a gain of about 20 with only the self loading of the amplifier, τs is found to be about 2 τfo4
by both calculations and circuit simulations. If we assume that all the transistors of the
latch are scaled in the same proportion, then its output resistance and input capacitance
can be expressed as simple functions of the size of the cross coupled nMOS in the latch,
ws, as shown in Figure 5.6. The nMOS drivers are modeled as current sources, with their

Rs ⋅ 3 ⋅ C g ⋅ w1 Rg ⋅ 3 ⋅ C g ⋅ w2 R g ⋅ C g ⋅ w n C ⋅ δv
T = D b ( w s ) + τ s + ------------------------------------ + ------------------------------------ . . . ----------------------------- + ---------------- (7)
w s w 1 wn – 1 I n ⋅ wn
+ other constants

G s ⋅ w s ⋅ δv (8)
D b ( w s ) ≈ ---------------------------
I cell

τs = 2 τfo4; amplification delay of the latch sense amp

Gs = 3.8fF/λ: sense amp input capacitance per unit width in 0.25µm process
Rs = 36kΩ-λ: sense amp output resistance per unit width
ws: size of sense amp
Rg, Cg: output resistance and input capacitance per unit width of a 2:1 inverter
In = 37.5 µA/λ: current per unit width of nMOS
C: Capacitance of the data line mux

current output proportional to their size wn. As in the decoders, optimal sizes ws, w1,.. wn
are determined to minimize the total output mux delay. Equation 7 captures the relevant
portions of the output mux delay needed for doing this optimization, and is the sum of the
delays of the bitline mux, the latch sense amp, the buffers and the nMOS drivers. To sim-
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 103

plify the procedure for finding the optimal sizes, impact of the latch sense amp size on the
bitline mux time constant is ignored and only the cell delay is considered (Equation 8).
Similarly, we ignore the effect of the nMOS junction capacitance on the data line RC time
constant. Both these factors have little influence on the optimal sizing, but we include
them for the final delay calculations. The minimum delay through the sense amp structure
occurs when each term in Equation 7 is equal to the extrinsic delay of a fanout of 4 loaded
inverter. The delay of the global sense amp is estimated in a similar fashion, except that
the buffering delay to drive the output load is not considered in this analysis.

With technology scaling if the transistor threshold mismatch in the sense amplifier
doesn’t scale, then the delay of the output mux has a component which doesn’t scale. This
component is the delay of the memory cell to generate the bitline swing of δvm, which is
the input offset voltage of the sense amplifier. Hence for delay estimations in future tech-
nologies, we keep this component a constant.

For low power operation the signals on high capacitance nodes like the bitlines and the
data lines are clamped to have small voltage swings [28]. Bitlines are clamped by pulsing
the word lines, resulting in a total signal swing of about 2 * δv (the data lines are clamped
in an analogous fashion to have similar signal swings). Hence the energy of the bitline and
data line mux is computed as C *Vdd * 2 * δv, where C is the capacitance on the line and
includes the wire, junction and input gate capacitances and Vdd is the supply voltage. The
energy of a unit sized sense amp is obtained from simulations to be 12fJ/λ for the 0.25µm
process and it is scaled up by ws to obtain the sense amp energy.
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 104

The area of the switches in the bitline mux and the circuitry of the sense amplifier, pre-
charge and write drivers add to the vertical area of the SRAM array (Figure 5.7). We base

Memory Cell H


Sense amplifier (2 * wn* 1.33 + ws * 8.7) * 28.83 + 1366

(in λ 2)
Precharge W*H

Write Driver 4*W*H

Figure 5.7: Area estimation of the output mux

the area estimates of these components on data from a previous design [30]. Since the
write driver, precharge and mux transistors are not optimized, we add a fixed overhead of
4, 1 and 2 memory cells respectively. The area of the local sense amps is modeled as a lin-
ear function of the total device width within the sense amp. The parameters to the model
are obtained by fitting it to the data obtained from five different designs [28, 30] and is
shown in Figure 5.7. The total device width within the sense amp structure is itself esti-
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 105

mated from the size parameters ws, wn & wp. The sum of all the device widths within the
latch is estimated as ws * 8.7, where the factor of 8.7 is obtained for the latch design in
[30]. With fanout of 4 sizing, the active area of the buffers prior to each nMOS output
driver is no more than 1/3 of the driver width wn. Hence the active area of two nMOS driv-
ers and their respective buffers is given by 2 * wn * 1.33.

We will next describe the results obtained by using these models to analyze many
RAM organizations of different sizes in various technology generations.

5.3 Analysis Results

We enumerate all the RAM organizations and estimate the area, delay and energy of
each using the simple models described previously. This allows us to determine the opti-
mal organizations which minimize a weighted objective function of delay, area and energy

minimize ( 1 – β – α ) ⋅ Delay + α ⋅ Area + β ⋅ Energy (9)

[over all partitions]

(Equation 9). The trade-off curves are also obtained between these, by varying the weight
values α and β between 0 and 1.

Figure 5.8 plots the delay of SRAMs organized for minimum delay (α = β = 0 in
Equation 7), with and without wire resistance, for sizes from 64Kb to 16Mb with access
width of 64 bits, in the 0.25µm technology. The delay of the SRAM without wire resis-
tance, is about 15 τfo4 for a 64Kb design, and is proportional to the log of the capacity as
observed in [56]. The delay increases by about 1.2 τfo4 for every doubling of the RAM
size and can be understood in terms of the delay scaling of the row decoder and the output
path. The delays for both of these are also plotted in the same graph and are almost equal
in an optimally organized SRAM. In the case of the row decoder, each address bit selects
half the array, and hence the loading seen by the address bit is proportional to S/2, where S
is the total number of bits in the array. With fanout 4 sizing rule, the number of stages in
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 106

the decoder will be proportional to the logarithm to base 4 of the total load, with each
stage having approximately the delay of one τfo4. Hence, each doubling in number of bits
adds about half a τfo4 delay. In the case of the output path, the wire capacitance in the data


Total Delay (no wire res.)

Decoder Delay (no wire res.)
Output Path Delay (no wire res.)
30.0 Total Delay (with wire res.)
Delay (τfo4)



64Kb 256Kb 1Mb 4Mb 16Mb
Figure 5.8: Delay scaling with size in 0.25µm process

line mux increases by about 1.4 for every doubling of the size, since it is proportional to
the perimeter of the array and hence the delay of the local sense amps increase by about
0.25 τfo4. The remaining increase comes about due to the doubling of the multiplexor size
for the bitline and the data line mux and its exact value depends on the unit drain junction
capacitance and the unit saturation current of the memory cell and the nMOS output

The final curve in Figure 5.8 is the SRAM delay with wire resistance. The global wires
for this curve are assumed to have a width of 10λ, (7.5 ohms/mm). Since wire RC delay
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 107

grows as the length of the wire, the wire delay for global wires in the SRAM scales as the
size of the SRAM and becomes dominant for large sized SRAMs.

Wire width optimization can be done to reduce the impact of interconnect delay. Fig-
ure 5.9 shows the total delay for the 4Mb SRAM for two different wire widths in four
different technology generations. It is assumed that the metallization in 0.18um and below
is in copper. The lowest curve plots the delay when the wire resistance is assumed to be

No Wire Resistance
Speed of Light
Wire Width=10λ
30.0 Wire Width=8λ
Delay (τfo4)


0.07,cu 0.10,cu 0.18,cu 0.25,al
Figure 5.9: Delay versus technology for different wire widths for a 4Mb SRAM

zero. Since the threshold voltage mismatch remains constant with technology scaling, the
bitline and data line signal swing do not scale in proportion to the supply voltage and
hence their delays will get worse relative to the rest of the RAM. As seen in the figure, the
delay of the RAM increases by about 2.2 τ fo4 for the 0.1µm and by 3.6 τ fo4 for the
0.07µm, when interconnect delay is ignored. The second curve adds the round trip signal
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 108

delays around the access path assuming a speed of light propagation of 1mm/6.6pS and
gives the lower bound for interconnect delay. The speed of light interconnect delay is
about 1.75 τfo4 for the 4Mb SRAM, independent of the technology and doubles for every
quadrupling of RAM size. The two curves above it graph the delay with wire resistance
being non-zero for two different wire widths of 8λ and 10λ. Significant reduction in wire
delay is possible when fat wires are used for global wiring. Going from 0.25µm with alu-
minum wiring to 0.18µm copper wiring, essentially leaves the delays (in terms of τfo4)
unchanged, but with further shrinks of the design, the delay for any particular wire width
worsens, since the wire RC delay doesn’t scale as well as the gate delay. But by widening
the wires in subsequent shrinks, it is possible to maintain the same delay (in terms of τfo4)
across process generations. A wire width of 10λ brings the delay within a τfo4 of speed of
light limit at the 0.25µm and 0.18µm generations, while wider wires are needed in the
0.1µm and 0.07µm generations. The larger pitch requirements for these fat wires can be
easily supported when the divided word line structure in the decoders and column multi-
plexing in the bitlines are used.

We will next look at some ways in which performance of actual SRAM implementa-
tions might differ from those predicted by the previous curves. Large SRAMs typically
incorporate some form of row redundancy circuits in the decode path. This usually takes
the form of a series pass transistor in the local word driver and will cause the delay curves
to shift up by about 1/2 to 1 τfo4. Fanouts larger than 4 in the word line driver, commonly
done to reduce area, will also shift the delay curves up by about 1/2 to 1 τfo4. High perfor-
mance SRAMs don’t use static circuit style in the entire decode path, but skew the gates in
the predecoders and the global word drivers to favor a fast word line activation [20, 21],
causing the delay curves to shift down. As discussed in Chapter 3, the delay of a skewed
gate is about 70% that of a non skewed gate and grows slower with increasing load. When
applied to the predecoder and the global word driver the delay of the decoder in the 64Kb
RAM reduces to about 6 τfo4 instead of the 8 τfo4 for the static implementation leading to
a net decoder gain of up to 1 τfo4 when combined with the losses due to redundancy and
smaller local word driver. But with every doubling of the RAM size, the decoder delay
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 109

will increase by about 0.3 τfo4 instead of 0.5 τfo4 for the static case. In the output path, the
sense clock for the local sense amplifiers is usually padded with extra delay, to enable
operation over a wide range of process conditions [21, 28] which incurs an additional
delay of up to 1 τfo4, when bitlines are short. With these changes, we would expect the
total delay to start off at about the same point in Figure 5.8 but grow at a slower rate with
size than predicted, due to better decoder performance. The curves in Figure 5.8 indicate
that the decoder and output path delays are about equal. As we shall see later, for these
points, the memory has been partitioned to have the smallest block possible, to minimize
the local bitline delay and the output path delay cant be reduced further by partitioning.
Thus with dynamic decoders, the output path delay will not be able to keep pace with the
decoder delay at least for the circuits we have assumed.


Delay (τfo4)


A: nm=2, bw=64, bh=256

30.0 B: nm=2, bw=128, bh=128

C:nm=4, bw=512, bh=64

52.0 58.0 64.0 70.0 76.0
Area (mm2)

Figure 5.10: Delay versus Area for a 4Mb SRAM in 0.25µm process
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 110

Partitioning allows for a trade-off between delay, area, and power. Trade-off curves
can be obtained by solving Equation 9, with various values for the parameters α and β.
When β equals zero, the delay-area trade-off is obtained and the curve for a 4Mb SRAM
in 0.25µm process is shown in Figure 5.10. Any point on this curve represents the lowest
area achievable via RAM reorganization for the corresponding delay. Starting from a min-
imum delay design which is finely partitioned, significant improvements in the area is
possible by reducing the amount of partitioning and incurring a small delay penalty, while
subsequent reduction in partitioning results in decreasing improvements in area for
increasing delay penalty. Partitioning parameters for three points A, B and C are shown in
the figure. Points A & B are in the sweet spot of the curve, with A being about 22% slower
and 22% smaller area and B being 14% slower and 20% smaller area when compared to
the fastest implementation.

Of the various organization parameters, the RAM delay is most sensitive to the block
height and fast access times are obtained by using smaller block heights. Figure 5.11
shows the delay and area for a 4Mb SRAM for various block heights, while using optimal
values for the remaining organization parameters. Small block heights reduce the delay of
the bitlines, but increase the delay of the global wires since the RAM area is increases due
to the overhead of bitline partitioning. For very large block heights, the slow bitline delay
limits the access time. Hence an optimum block height exists and is 32 rows for the exam-
ple above. Increasing the block height to 128 rows incurs a delay penalty of about 8%
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 111

while the area can be reduced by 7.6%, illustrating the area - delay trade-off that are possi-
ble via partitioning.

43.0 86

38.0 76

Area (mm2)
33.0 66

28.0 56

23.0 46
16 32 64 128 256 512
Block Height
Figure 5.11: Delay and Area versus block height for a 4Mb SRAM in a 0.25µm

By setting α equal to 0 in Equation 9, one can obtain the delay-energy trade-off

through partitioning, with no constraints on the area, and is shown in Figure 5.12. The unit
used on the left hand vertical axis is the energy consumed to switch the gate of a 16λ/32λ
sized inverter (Eunit = 72fJ). Partitioning allows for a large trade-off between energy and
delay as noted in [58-59]. The figure also indicates the optimal degree of column multi-
plexing (cm) and the block height (bh) required to obtain the corresponding delay and
energy for some of the points. We find that for low energy solutions, the column multi-
plexing is one, i.e. the block width is equal to the access width, since this enables only the
minimum number of bitline columns to switch. Since we do sizing optimization to mini-
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 112

mize delay, the final transistors in the output of the local sense amps become large and
consequently have a large capacitance associated with their drain junction capacitance.
Hence in the low energy designs, it is advantageous to have large block heights as noted in
[58-59], since this allows most of the multiplexing to be done in the bitline mux where the
junction capacitances from the memory cell’s access transistor are very small compared to

11000.0 82.2
cm=32, bh=32

9000.0 61.8


7000.0 50.4

cm=2, bh=128

5000.0 36
cm=1, bh=128
cm=1, bh=2048

3000.0 21.6
22.0 26.0 30.0 34.0 38.0

Figure 5.12: Energy versus Delay for a 4Mb SRAM in 0.25µm process

the junction capacitances in the data line mux. We also find that the energy consumption in
optimally organized SRAMs, can be expressed as a sum of two components. One is inde-
pendent of the capacity and depends only on the access width, and is due to the local word
line, the precharge signal, local and global sense amps etc. The other component scales as
the square root of the capacity as observed in [58-59] and is related to the power dissipa-
tion in the global wires and the decoders.
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 113

The trade-off curves of Figures 5.10 and 5.12 can be improved upon if one were to
also perform transistor size optimization along with partition optimization. We would
expect the optimal trade-off curves to have the same high speed end point as those shown
in the figures, but rotated towards the origin (since the sizing is done for fastest speed the
corresponding end point is already optimal). We would also expect the optimal trade-off
curve to support smaller block sizes since the area and energy overhead of these will be
offset by the smaller transistor sizes.

5.4 Conclusions
Analytical models for delay, area and energy, allows one to explore a range of design
possibilities in a very short span of time. These models are used to study the impact of
SRAM partitioning and it is found that a substantial trade-off between area, delay and
energy can be obtained via the choice of SRAM organization.

The models are also used to predict the scaling trends of delay with capacity and pro-
cess technology. The delay of SRAM can be broken into two components, one is due to
the transistors in the technology (gate delay) and the other is due to the interconnect (wire
delay). The gate delay increases by about 1.2 τfo4 for every doubling of the RAM size,
starting with 15 τfo4 for a 64Kb RAM, when a static circuit style is used to design the

Non-scaling of threshold mismatches with process scaling, causes the signal swings in
the bitlines and data lines also not to scale, leading to an increase in the gate delay of an
SRAM across technology generations. For an optimally organized 4Mb SRAM, the
increase in delay is about 2 τfo4 in the 0.1µm and 3.6 τfo4 in the 0.07 µm generations, and
is worse for other organizations. This delay increase for most SRAM organizations can be
mitigated by using more hierarchical designs for the bitline and data line paths, and using
offset compensation techniques like in [60, 64].

The wire delay starts becoming important for RAMs beyond the 1Mb generation.
Across process shrinks, the wire delay becomes worse and wire redesign has to be done to
Chapter 5: Speed and Power Scaling of SRAMs 114

keep the wire delay in the same proportion to the gate delay. Divided word line structure
for the decoders, and column muxing for the bitline path, opens up enough space over the
array for using fat wires, and these can be used to control the wire delay for 4Mb and
smaller designs across process shrinks. The wire delay is lower bounded by speed of light
and this is about 1.75 τfo4 for the 4Mb SRAM, and doubles with every quadrupling of
capacity. Thus for high performance RAM designs at the 16Mb and higher level, the RAM
architecture needs to be changed to use routing of address and data (see for example [65]),
instead of the current approach where the signals are broadcast globally across the array.

6 Conclusions

In this thesis we looked at design trade offs for fast low power SRAMs. The SRAM
access path is split into two portions: the row decoders and the read data path. Techniques
to optimize both of these were investigated. In Chapter 3 we sketched out the optimal
decoder structure for fast low power SRAMs. Optimal decoder implementations result
when the decoder, excluding the predecoder, is implemented as a binary tree. This mini-
mizes the power dissipation as only the smallest number of long decode wires transition.
Also this doesn’t introduce any delay penalty if the 2-input NAND function is imple-
mented in the source coupled style, since in this style the delay is almost the same as that
of an inverter. Except for the final word driver in the decoder, all the other stages should be
implemented using skewed circuit techniques with self resetting. The highest performance
predecoders will have a NOR style wide fanin input stage followed by skewed buffers.
When this is coupled with a technique like that presented by Nambu in [21] to do a
selective discharge of the output, the power dissipation is very reasonable compared to the
speed gains that can be achieved. With the NOR style predecoder the total path effort
becomes independent of the exact partitioning of the decode tree, which will allow the
SRAM designer to choose the best memory organization, based on other considerations.

Transistor sizing offers a great tool to trade off delay and energy of the decoders. The
presence of RC limited interconnect within the decode structure makes the decoder sizing
problem a little different from the sizing of only logic gates. Full blown numerical optimi-
zation techniques can be used to obtain the various design points. The simple sizing
heuristic of keeping a constant fanout of about 4 works well for high speed designs, as
long as the wire delays are not significant. For fast lower power solutions, the heuristic of

Chapter 6: Conclusions 116

reducing the sizes of the input stage in the higher levels of the decode tree allows for good
trade-offs between delay and power. Getting the decode signal to the local word lines in a
fast and low power manner solves half of the memory design problem.

The key to low power operation in the SRAM data path is to reduce the signal swings
in the high capacitance nodes like the bitlines and the data lines. Clocked voltage sense
amplifiers are essential for obtaining low sensing power, and accurate generation of their
sense clock is required for high speed operation. An energy efficient way to obtain low
voltage swings in the bitlines is to limit the word line pulse width, by controlling the pulse
width of the block select signal. The pulse widths are regulated by the aid of a replica
delay element which consists of a replica memory cell and a replica bitline and hence
tracks the delay of the memory cell over a wide range of process and operating conditions.
Two variations of the technique were discussed and their use to generate the sense clock
was also demonstrated. We believe that this is a very simple and robust technique with
very low area overhead and is easily applicable to a wide variety of SRAM designs. This
method can also be used to design a low swing data line operation for both the read and
write accesses, by pulsing the control signal which gates the drivers of these lines. The
pulse width is controlled by discharging a replica line which has the same capacitance as
the worst case data line. This replica line is also used to trigger the amplifiers at the
receiving end of these lines. We finally presented a technique to achieve low bitline write
power, by using small voltage swings on the bitlines during the write operation. The
memory cell structure is modified such that the cells can be used as latch type sense
amplifier to amplify and store the small swing write data presented on the bitlines. This
technique requires boosted word lines and 20% larger area and hence is suitable only for
certain niche applications.

We finally looked at scaling trends of delay and power in SRAMs as a function of their
size and technology. Simple analytical models for delay, area and energy are used to
explore a range of design possibilities. These models are used to study the impact of
Chapter 6: Conclusions 117

SRAM partitioning and it is found that a substantial trade-off between area, delay and
energy can be obtained via the choice of SRAM organization.

The models are also used to predict the scaling trends of delay with capacity and pro-
cess technology. The delay of SRAM can be broken into two components, one is due to
the transistors in the technology (gate delay) and the other is due to the interconnect (wire
delay). The gate delay increases by about 1.2 τfo4 for every doubling of the RAM size,
starting with 15 τfo4 for a 64Kb RAM, when a static circuit style is used to design the

Non-scaling of threshold mismatches with process scaling, causes the signal swings in
the bitlines and data lines also not to scale, leading to an increase in the delay of an SRAM
across technology generations. For an optimally organized 4Mb SRAM, the increase in
delay is about 2 τfo4 in the 0.1µm and 3.6 τfo4 in the 0.07 µm generations, and is worse for
other organizations. This delay increase for most SRAM organizations can be mitigated
by using more hierarchical designs for the bitline and data line paths, and using sense
amplifier offset compensation techniques like in [60, 64].

The wire delay starts becoming important for RAMs beyond the 1Mb generation.
Across process shrinks, the wire delay becomes worse and wire redesign has to be done to
keep the wire delay in the same proportion to the gate delay. A divided word line structure
for the decoders, and column muxing for the bitline path, opens up enough space over the
array for using fat wires, and these can be used to control the wire delay for 4Mb and
smaller designs across process shrinks. The wire delay has a lower bound set by the speed
of light and this is about 1.75 τfo4 for the 4Mb SRAM, and doubles with every quadru-
pling of capacity. Thus for high performance RAM designs at the 16Mb and higher level,
the RAM architecture needs to be changed to use routing of address and data (see for
example [65]), instead of the current approach where the signals are broadcast globally
across the array. Wire delay is also directly proportional to the cell area, and hence cell
designs with smaller area will win out for large RAMs, even if the cells are weaker. Thus
Chapter 6: Conclusions 118

the DRAM cell, multi-valued cells, TFT based cells, and other novel cell designs will be
worth investigating for designing future high performance high capacity RAMs.
Appendix A

Optimum sizing of buffer chains

with intermediate interconnect
In this appendix we will derive the conditions for optimum fan up of chains of buffers
with intermediate interconnect. For a simple chain of inverters driving some fixed load CL,
the optimum fan up, f, is obtained by solving (1). In this equation p is the ratio of drain

ln ( f ) – 1 – --- = 0 (1)

junction capacitance to the gate capacitance. We will first solve the two subchain case and
then use the results to solve the three subchain case.

Appendix A Optimum sizing of buffer chains with intermediate interconnect 120

A.1 Chain of buffers with one stage of intermediate

Consider a chain which has two sub chains of buffers which are separated by an inter-
connect having a resistance R and capacitance C (Figure 1). The total delay can be

0 1 n R 1 k

C/2 C/2
w0 w1 wn x1 xk
Figure 1: Buffer chain with intermediate interconnect

expressed as the sum of delays for each stage plus the delay of the interconnect as in (2).

w1 w2 ( C + x1 ) CL
D = ------ + ------ -------------------- + R ⋅ ( C ⁄ 2 + x 1 ) ------- + ( n + k + 1 ) ⋅ p (2)
w0 w1 wn xk

Delay of 1st chain Interconnect 2nd chain Parasitic delay

Delay is minimized when the gradient of delay with respect to the sizes is zero and is
achieved when conditions (3), (4) are satisfied, viz., the efforts of all the gates in the first
chain are equal (and denoted as f1), and the efforts of all the gates in the second chain are
equal (and denoted as f2). The total path delay for minimum delay can than be rewritten in
w1 w2 ( C + x1 )
------ = ------ = -------------------- = f 1 (3)
w0 w1 wn

x2 CL
( R + 1 ⁄ w n ) ⋅ x 1 = ----- = ------- = f 2 (4)
x1 xk

D = ( n + 1 ) ⋅ f 1 + ( RC ) ⁄ 2 + ( k + 1 ) ⋅ f 2 – ------ + ( n + k + 1 ) ⋅ p (5)
w n
Appendix A Optimum sizing of buffer chains with intermediate interconnect 121

terms of the optimal efforts as in (5). Also any wi = w0 * f1i and xi = CL/f2(k-1-i). The opti-
mum values of f1, f2, n and k can now be found by taking the gradient of D in (5) with
respect to these and setting it to 0. To simplify the description we will call x1/wn as A (6)
and write the natural logarithm of f1 and f2, i.e. ln(f1) and ln(f2), as lf1 and lf2. A differential

x1 C L ⁄ w0
A = ------ = ----------------- (6)
wn n k
f1 ⋅ f2

change in A is related to the differential changes in f1, f2, n, k as shown in (7). The differen-

n k
∆ A = – A ⋅ l f 1 ⋅ ∆n + ------ ⋅ ∆ f 1 + l f 2 ⋅ ∆k + ------ ⋅ ∆k (7)
f 1 f 2

tial change in D can then be expressed as in (8). Since the chain has only two subchains,

n k
∆D = [ f 1 + Al f 1 + p ] ∆n + [ f 2 + Al f 2 + p ] ∆k + n + 1 + A ------ ∆ f 1 + k + 1 + A ------ ∆ f 2
f1 f2


there are only two independent variables in the problem and we choose them to be f1 and
f2. Hence we can express ∆n and ∆k in (8) in terms of ∆f1 and ∆f2. Expanding the last term
of (3) and the first term of (4) we get (9) and (10). Taking a differential of these we get

CL n+1
C + ------- = f 1 ⋅ w0 (9)
CL k+1
R ⋅ C L + ------- = f 2 ⋅ w0 (10)
Appendix A Optimum sizing of buffer chains with intermediate interconnect 122

(11) and (12), where A is as defined in (6). We can now use these two equations to express

f 1 ⋅ l f 1 ⋅ ∆n + ( n + 1 ) ⋅ ∆ f 1 + A ⋅ l f 2 ⋅ ∆k + A ⋅ ------ ⋅ ∆ f 2 = 0 (11)
f 2 ⋅ l f 2 ⋅ ∆k + ( k + 1 ) ⋅ ∆ f 2 + A ⋅ l f 1 ⋅ ∆n + A ⋅ ------ ⋅ ∆ f 1 = 0 (12)

∆n and ∆k in terms of ∆f1 and ∆f2. Doing (11) * f2 - (12) * A leads to an expression for ∆n
in (13) (similarly for ∆k in (14)). Putting (13) and (14) in (8) and simplifying leads to an

2 n
( n + 1 ) ⋅ f 2 – A ⋅ ------
A ⋅ ∆f2 f1
∆n = ---------------------------------------------- – --------------------------------------------------- ⋅ ∆ f 1 (13)
2 2
( f1 ⋅ f2 – A ) ⋅ lf1 ( f1 ⋅ f2 – A ) ⋅ lf1

2 k
( k + 1 ) ⋅ f 1 – A ⋅ ------
A ⋅ ∆f1 f2
∆k = ---------------------------------------------- – --------------------------------------------------- ⋅ ∆ f 2 (14)
2 2
( f1 ⋅ f2 – A ) ⋅ lf2 ( f1 ⋅ f2 – A ) ⋅ lf2

expression of ∆D only in terms of ∆f1 and ∆f2 as shown in (15). Here Cf1 and Cf2 are

∆D ⋅ ( f 1 ⋅ f 2 – A ) ⋅ l f 1 ⋅ l f 2 = ∆ f 1 ⋅ C f 1 + ∆ f 2 ⋅ C f 2 (15)

expressed as in (16) and (17). Inspecting (16) and (17) we see that the sufficient condition

C f 1 = ( A l f 2 n – ( n + 1 ) f 1 f 2 l f 2 ) ⋅  1 + ------ – l f 1 + Al f 1 f 2 ⋅  1 + ------ – l f 2
2 p p
 f   f  (16)
1 2

C f 2 = ( A l f 1 k – ( k + 1 ) f 1 f 2 l f 1 ) ⋅  1 + ------ – l f 2 + Al f 2 f 1 ⋅  1 + ------ – l f 1
2 p p (17)
 f   f 
2 1
Appendix A Optimum sizing of buffer chains with intermediate interconnect 123

for ∆D to be zero is that (18) and (19) be satisfied and both of these have the same solution
as (1) for the single buffer case.
p (18)
1 + ------ – l f 1 = 0
1 + ------ – l f 2 = 0 (19)

Thus f1 = f2 = f (which is about 4). Substituting this in (9) and (10) we can solve for n
and k and are given in (20) and (21). Multiplying these two equations and rearranging the

n C 4f
f = ------------- ⋅ 1 + 1 + -------- (20)
2 f w0 RC

k RC L 4f
f = ----------- ⋅ 1 + 1 + -------- (21)
2f RC

terms we get (22) which relates the total number of stages in the chain to the output load.

n+k+1 CL
f = ---------------------------------------------------- (22)
4f 2
-------- ⋅  1 + 1 + --------
4f  RC

Notice that this equation is very similar to the single chain case except that the input driver
size w0 is now derated by some factor which is only a function of the interconnect parasit-
ics. Again rearranging the terms in (22) we get an expression for A which is dependent
only on the intermediate interconnect parasitics as shown in (23). Hence the total delay of

x1 C L ⁄ w0 4 f RC
A = ------ = ----------------- = --------------------------------------- (23)
wn f  1 + 1 + ------- 4 f 2
 RC
Appendix A Optimum sizing of buffer chains with intermediate interconnect 124

the chain can be rewritten from (5) as in (24) and is very similar to the delay of a simple
chain except for some additional terms independent of the final load. An equivalent buffer

D = ( n + k + 1 ) ⋅ ( f + p ) + terms independent of the final load (24)

chain with the same delay is shown in Figure 2 and consists of a chain of buffers preceded
by an ideal delay element. The input driver size of the buffer chain is modified according
to (22). We will use this fact to simplify the solution of the three subchain case in the next

0 n+k

τd = τd(f,R,C) w0’
Figure 2: Equivalent model of the buffer chain used for delay calculation


A.2 Chain of buffers with two stages of intermediate

Consider the chain shown in Figure 2 with two stages of intermediate interconnect. We

0 m R1 1 n R2 1 k

v0 vm C1/2 C1/2 w1 wn C2/2 C2/2 x1 xk

Figure 2: Buffer chain with two stages of intermediate interconnect

need to find the optimum number of stages and the effort for each of the three subchains,
which we label as M, N and K subchains. For any size x1 at the input of the K chain, the
problem of optimally sizing M and N chains is the same as discussed in the previous sec-
Appendix A Optimum sizing of buffer chains with intermediate interconnect 125

tion and the optimum design has a stage effort of f and the number of stages and delay
given by (21), (22) and (24) respectively. Hence the M and N subchains can be replaced by
a single chain with no intermediate interconnect, but with an altered input driver v0’ as
shown in Figure 4. From the previous section, the optimum stage effort for the K chain is

0 m+n R2 1 k

x1 xk CL
τd = τd(f, R1,C1) v0’ C2/2 C2/2

Figure 4: Equivalent model for delay calculation purposes

also f. Hence even for the three subchain case, the optimum stage efforts is f for all the
stages. From (21) and Figure 4, we can write the expression for k as in (25). This can be

k R2 C L 4f
f = -------------- ⋅ 1 + 1 + ------------- (25)
2f R2 C 2

used to calculate the size of x1 as CL/fk to give the loading for the first two subchains as
C2+x1. Again using (20) and (21) for the M and N chains with this output load yields the
expressions for m and n as in (26) and (27).

 1 + 1 + ------------ 4f 
n C2  R 2 C 2
f = ------ ⋅ ------------------------------------------ (26)
C1  4 f
------------- + 1 – 1
 R C 
1 1

C 1 ⁄ v0
= ---------------- ⋅  1 + 1 + -------------
m 4f (27)
2f  R 1 C 1
Appendix A Optimum sizing of buffer chains with intermediate interconnect 126
Appendix B

Delay and Energy Trade-off in

Row Decoders
The delay energy trade-off curve with respect to transistor widths can be obtained by
minimizing the weighted objective function of the delay and energy as shown in (1). In

min w …w D ( w 1 …w n ) + λ ⋅ E ( w 1 …w n ) (1)
1 n

this Equation, λ is a lagrangian parameter which is a positive real number. When λ is 0,

the optimization leads to the fastest delay solution and when it is a large positive number,
the optimization leads to the lowest energy solution and these form the two end points of
the delay energy curve. Intermediate points on this curve are obtained by optimizing for a
range of values for λ. Any point on this curve represents the fastest delay achievable via
transistor sizing for the corresponding energy and equivalently, the lowest energy for the

Appendix B Delay and Energy Trade-off in Row Decoders 128

corresponding delay. Consider a generic chain of n+1 logic gates as shown in Figure 1.

b0 b1 b2 bn

R1,C1 R2,C2 Rn,Cn

w0 w1, g0 w2, g1 w3, g2 wn+1, gn

Figure 1: Schematic of a critical path

Each gate has a size wi, logical effort gi-1 and a branching effort of bi at its output. Its out-
put also passes through an interconnect with resistance Ri and Ci. The delay of stage i in
this chain is then given by (2) and is the delay of the gate to drive the output load consist-
ing of the wire loading and the loading of the next stage plus the delay of the interconnect

C i + bi ⋅ gi ⋅ wn + 1
i=0..n D i = -------------------------------------------- + R i ⋅ C i ⁄ 2 + R i ⋅ b i ⋅ g i ⋅ w i + 1 + p (2)

(here p is the self loading factor and is the ratio of the drain capacitance to the gate capac-
itance). The energy dissipation is the sum of the energies to switch all the capacitances at
its output (3). The total objective function of (1) is then the sum of delay and energy of all

i=0.. n E i = C i + bi ⋅ gi ⋅ wi + 1 + p ⋅ wi (3)

the n+1 stages. For any given λ, the objective function is minimized by setting its gradient
to 0. This leads to n equations which can then be simultaneously solved for each different
Appendix B Delay and Energy Trade-off in Row Decoders 129

λ to obtain the n sizes, and a typical equation is shown in (4). The solution to these equa-
for i = 1.. n,
bi – 1 ⋅ gi – 1 C i + bi ⋅ gi ⋅ wi + 1
---------------------------- + R i – 1 ⋅ b i – 1 ⋅ g i – 1 + λ ⋅ ( b i – 1 ⋅ g i – 1 + p ) – ------------------------------------------- = 0
wi – 1 2
w i

tions is guaranteed to be the minima due to the posynomial nature of the objective function
[66]. We choose to solve the n simultaneous equations using a iterative procedure. This is
done by starting off with an initial guess for the sizes and then by repeatedly using equa-
tion (5) which is a reorganization of (4), a sequence of estimates for the sizes is obtained.

C i + bi ⋅ gi ⋅ wi + 1
w i, new = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5)
bi – 1 ⋅ gi – 1
R i – 1 ⋅ b i – 1 ⋅ g i – 1 + ---------------------------- + λ ⋅ ( b i – 1 ⋅ g i – 1 + p )
wi – 1

The procedure is terminated when a new estimate in this sequence differs by less than 1%
from the previous one. The sizes are then used in a HSPICE simulation of the critical path
to obtain the final delay and energy value for the point.
Appendix B Delay and Energy Trade-off in Row Decoders 130
Appendix C

Technology Assumptions

In this appendix we will describe all the assumptions that we have made for develop-
ing the analytical models of Chapter 5. The technology described here is also the one used
in Chapter 3 to compare various decoder architectures and is based on an actual industry


The base technology is assumed to be a 0.25µm CMOS process and the relevant process
details are shown in Table C.1.

Parameter Value Comments

Cg 1.29 fF/µm Unit gate capacitance of an inverter (p-width = 2 x
Cj 1.72 fF/µm Unit parasitic junction capacitance of an inverter
Rg 4.4 KΩ/µm Unit output Resistance of an inverter
τfo4 90pS@2.5V Delay of an inverter driving a load four times its size.
M1 width 0.45µm Minimum width of metal 1
M1 aspect 1.5 Aspect ratio (height/width) of metal 1 cross section.
Table C.1: Features of the base 0.25µm technology

Appendix C Technology Assumptions 132

Parameter Value Comments

M1 cap 0.21 fF/µm Capacitance of metal1
M1 res 0.1 Ω/µm Resistance of metal1, (aluminum)
Table C.1: Features of the base 0.25µm technology

The key features for four different generations are shown in Table C.2. Copper metallurgy

M1 min. M1
L Cg τfo4 Supply M1 cap M1 res, type
Width aspect
(µm) (fF/µm) (pS) (V) (fF/µm) (Ω/µm)
(µm) ratio
0.25 1.29 90 2.5 0.45 1.5 0.21 0.1, al
0.18 1.29 65 1.8 0.324 1.77 0.23 0.12, cu
0.10 1.29 36 1.2 0.18 2.37 0.29 0.29, cu
0.07 1.29 25 0.9 0.126 2.83 0.33 0.49, cu
Table C.2: Technology scaling of some parameters

is assumed from 0.18µm generation onwards.

Higher level metals are designed as “fat” wires, namely, their heights are also scaled along
with their widths to yield a larger cross section, but the heights are increased only by the
square root of the factor of increase of the widths [39]. For example, a higher level metal
layer with twice the minimum width of the metal 1 layer, has a height which is 1.4 times
the metal 1 height, thus resulting in a resistance which is a factor of 3 smaller than the
metal 1 resistance. We assume that the wiring pitch is twice the wire width for all the
global wires.


The SRAM is synchronous, i.e., a clock starts off the access, though the results can be
easily extended to asynchronous SRAMs, by adding the power and delay to generate the
ATD (address transition detection) signal.

An embedded SRAM structure is assumed, viz., all the data bits of the accessed word
Appendix C Technology Assumptions 133

come out of the memory core in close physical proximity to each other, unlike in
stand-alone SRAMs, where the data I/O port locations are optimized for external pad
connections. Since this optimization adds a constant offset to the delay and power of the
SRAM core, the conclusions of this study are applicable even to stand-alone SRAMs.

The RAM cell size used for the analysis is 19.2λ x 32.8λ as in [21], and the cell area is
typical of high density six transistor CMOS layouts.

Circuit Style

The RAM is designed for high speed operation, with low power pulsed techniques which
reduce energy loss without affecting speed as discussed in [27]. The local wordlines are
pulsed to control the bitline swings and small swings are used in the datalines to reduce
power. Since these techniques do not affect the speed of the RAM, our analysis results
pertaining to delay scaling is applicable to any speed optimized SRAM design.

A latch style sense amplifier, with perfect timing control is assumed for the sense amplifier
as this consumes the least power and is the fastest. Hence our analysis results will be of
relevance to both high speed and low power SRAMs. For the 0.25µm process, the optimal
input swing which minimizes the senseamp delay is found from simulations to be 100mV,
of which 50mV is the input offset.

The transistors in the bitline mux have a fixed size of 16λ and those in the dataline mux are
sized to be 50λ wide, to simplify the analysis. Circuit simulations indicate that the RAM
delay is only weakly sensitive to the sizes of these transistors.

Energy Modeling

The swings in the bitlines and I/O lines are limited for low power operation. While ideally
they should be limited to be exactly that required for optimum detection by the sense
amps, in practical designs, there is some slack in how tightly they can be controlled [27]
and hence are assumed to be twice the optimum signal swing. Thus for the 0.25µm
Appendix C Technology Assumptions 134

process, these swing by about 200mV since the optimal swing for the senseamps is about

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