2nd PT English 2
2nd PT English 2
2nd PT English 2
My little brother will destroy his new toy within five minutes.
We stopped on the bridge to watch the fireworks.
11. We took our little brother to the 12. We found a clue in the cool, dark,
doctor for his shots. (1 verb) musty cave. (1 verb)
Circle the form of the verb be that best completes each sentence.
13. The baseball (was, were) given to me.
14. While we (was, were) outside, the phone rang and I missed an important call.
15. It (was, were) apparent that they were having fun playing on the beach.
16. We (was, were) finally able to isolate the problem and fix it.
17. We (was, were) proud of ourselves for scoring the most points.
Circle the form of the verb be that best completes each sentence.
18. It (is, are, am) essential that we leave now or we will be late for the meeting.
19. My calendar shows that I (is, are, am) busy on Thursday morning.
20. There (was, were) ants everywhere at the picnic.
21. I think Atlanta (is, are) the capital of Georgia.
22. Here (is, are, am) the Johnsons, our neighbors.
IV Choose the answer that is a complete and correctly written sentence.
1. We feeling awkward because we were not familiar with the customs
of the Germans.
Max finding a big toad in him garden.
The front of our car is dented.
I had to runs an errand for my mother.
1. If the bananas (is, are, am) not ripe, then we will not buy them.
2. My older brother looks like a tower compared to me because I (is, are, am) so short.
3. The countries (is, are) finally at peace with each other.
4. The tramp (was, were) begging for food.
5. (Is, Are, Am) they going to the zoo with us?
6. My shadow looks much taller than I (is, are, am).
7. I (is, are, am) so excited about turning seven on my birthday.
8. My little brother (is, are, am) only five.
9. The lady with black hair (is, are) very tall.
10. Grace and Michael (is, are, am) giving cookies to the children.
11. We (was, were) filled with bliss at the thought of visiting our grandparents.
12. The rabbit said, "Carrots (is, are) my favorite food."
13. (Is, Are) you going to be in the marching band?
14. The meeting (was, were) held at Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge that is 20 miles
north of Portland, Oregon.
15. The tall flowers in the box (is, are) yellow.
1. Emily and Greg ( comes, come) to my house every Friday for lunch.
3. My friends who are in the band ( wants, want) me to play a musical instrument.
7. The lacrosse team ( hopes, hope) to win the tournament next week.
10. Even though the students like the class, a few ( thinks, think) that it is too
VI Directions: Change each passive voice sentence into the active voice.
Top of Form
1. The winning novel was chosen by a panel of famous fiction writers.
2. Four motorists were killed by automobile accidents over the Memorial Day weekend.
3. The book on glaciers was never sent to the bookstore by the publishers.
5. The dishes were cleared from the table by the impatient server.
6. English sheepdogs are bred and raised by the kennel on 3rd Avenue.
10.A note was written on the brown paper bag by the grocery clerk.
Example: Most successful advertisements (appeals, appeal) to both our minds and our
1. But there (is, are) usually many legitimate claims that can be made about a product or
service if one knows the facts.
2. As a persuasive writer, you must emphasize the facts that (gives, give) your product an
edge over your competitor’s.
3. A successful persuasive letter usually (asks, ask) the reader to do something.
4. The closing of the letter (suggests, suggest) that the reader send for more
information or fill out a questionnaire or an application form.
5. Writers of persuasive letters must make clear exactly what action (he expects, they
expect) from the reader.
6. Most persuasive letters (follows, follow) a set formula: they arouse their readers’
attention; they interest their readers in their product or service; they call for some
response from their readers.
7. Sentences and paragraphs in a persuasive letter (is, are) short; the vocabulary is
simply but mature.
8. The company or firm the writer represents must never seem to be talking down to (its,
their) potential clients.
9. Neither sarcasm not a condescending tone (is, are) appropriate.
10. As in any other kind of business letter, one of the main purposes of a persuasive
letter (is, are) to build goodwill for the company or business.
III Directions: Underline the correct form of the verb from those given in
1. The bell for dismissal hasn't (rang,rung) yet.
2. The old iron bells (rang,rung) through the town summoning the volunteer firefighters.
3. My mother (froze,frozen) enough tomatoes to last the winter.
II Vocabulary
Write the number of the correct answer in the brackets.
4. He has ________ many mistakes in his life but we must forgive him.
(1) made (3) done
(2) performed (4) dictated ( )
8. Mr Lim was feeling ________ at the party because he was a thorn among
the roses.
(1) good (3) awkward
(2) happy (4) strange ( )
9. To prevent the snake's poison from spreading to other parts of the body,
the doctor needs to ________ his leg.
(1) chopped (3) save
(2) amputate (4) saw ( )
10. James is asthmatic, you can hear him ________.
(1) breathing (3) panting
(2) coughing (4) wheezing ( )
III Write the number of the correct answer in the brackets.
4. Mr Lim ________ such a busy man that he has to work all day.
(1) is (3) was
(2) was (4) were ( )
10. My neighbor found out that his car had lost two of ________ wheels.
(1) his (3) it's
(2) their (4) its ( )
2. You were careless. You lost both your wallet and the keys.
because ______________________________________________
10. My mother went to bed. She was very sleepy and tired.
so __________________________________________________
V Read the passage and answer the questions.
Search For Treasure
There comes a time in every boy's life when he suddenly has a strong
desire to go somewhere and dig a hidden treasure. This desire came upon Tom
Sawyer one day. He went to look for Joe but Joe failed to share this desire.
Next, Tom looked for Ben but Ben went out fishing.
As Tom was walking back home, he stumbled upon Huck who was all ears to
Tom's idea. They went to a quiet place and discussed the matter secretly. Huck
was always willing to be part of anything exciting because he was such a
carefree boy.
The last location gave Huck goose pimples but it made him even more
curious to learn about finding treasures.
As they talked, they became more and more excited about treasure
hunting. Both boys started to daydream what they would do with the many
treasures they might find.
Who asked the question "Who hides them?" and why did he ask
4. What is the meaning of the phrase "who was all ears to Tom's idea
5. Why did Huck have goose pimples?
1. 1 + 3 + 2 11. 2 + 5 - 5
2 5 3 3 8 6
2. 6 1 2 12. 5 2 3
x + + x
8 2 5 7 9 4
3. 4 3 5 13. 2 7
+ x x ÷ 5
7 5 7 3 8
4. 1 5 14. 3 3 2
÷ 3 + + -
2 8 10 4 5
5. 5 15. 4 5 2
3 + x 3 x x
6 5 9 3
6. 7 4 1 16. 3 4 2
x + x ÷
8 5 6 4 8 3
7. 5 1 17. 2 1 2
7 - x x ÷
7 3 7 8 3
8. 3 1 5 18. 2 1
+ ÷ x 4 +
5 3 9 9 2
9. 9 3 19. 2 6 6
- + 3 + x
5 4 7 7 7
10. 4 6 3 20. 7 5 1
x x x -
9 7 5 8 7 3
Ali spent of his savings on a pen. He spent of the remainder
on a book. If he had $38 left, how much did he have at the
There are 270 members in a club. are new members. of the
new members are children. How many new members are