Long Quiz
Long Quiz
Long Quiz
Year&Section:____________________ Score:_________
I. Identify the tense of each verb and its form if is not in the basic form.
Example: We have been running
Present perfect progressive
1. I have been looking for you.
2. The art exhibit opened.
3. The boy has slept all afternoon.
4. We were travelling in Europe last summer.
5. They have been seeding their lawn.
6. I will have painted the house by the end of summer.
7. John will be growing corn in his garden this summer.
8. I have been writing a poem until he came.
9. You have failed.
10. She helped.
1. He listens to me.
2. You listen to me.
3. They are ready.
4. Are you ready?
5. I suggest that he listens to me.
6. She wished that she were rich.
7. She was impatient.
8. Will you give me an hour?
9. He insists that they be ready.
10. He demanded that the ransom should be paid.
V. Identify each of the underlined verbs in the following sentences as either an action verb
or a linking verb.
1. The apple pie smells delicious.
2. I tasted a hint of basil in the soup we were served.
3. Following in the family tradition, she became a pharmacist.
4. We stayed at roadside inns throughout our travels in England.
5. The inexperience actor’s mannerism seemed rehearsed and unnatural.
6. The trail looked perilous to the novice hikers.
7. The cat appeared from behind the woodshed.
8. The man looks busy.
9. The man looked for a taxi.
10. I am being unkind.
VI. Choose the verb in parentheses that agrees with the subject of each sentence.