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Block II A Visit To The Museum

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Block II

A visit to the museum

Exercise on Passive Voice - Simple Present
1. He opens the door.

2. We set the table.

3. She pays a lot of Money.

4. I draw a picture.

5. They wear blue shoes.

6. They don't help you.

7. He doesn't open the book.

8. You do not write the letter.

9. Does your mum pick you up?

10. Does the police officer catch the thief?

Exercise on Passive Voice – Simple Present

Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). Use ​Simple Present​.

1. He (sell) cars.
2. The blue car (sell) .
3. In summer, more ice-cream (eat) than in winter.
4. She (call) her grandparents every Friday.
5. The letters (type) .
6. He (take) his medicine every day.
7. Jane (take / not) to school by her father.
8. We (go) to school by bus.
9. She (work / not) for a bank.
10. Milk (keep) in the refrigerator.
Passive Voice – Simple Present

1. ​Mr Jones watches films.

2. The people speak English.

3. He reads comics.

4. We play volleyball.

5. They sing the song.

6. I take photos.

7. She does the housework.

8. The policemen help the children.

9. He writes poems.

10. Mother waters the flowers.

Exercise on Passive Voice - Simple Past

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1. She sang a song.

2. Somebody hit me.

3. We stopped the bus.

4. A thief stole my car.

5. They didn't let him go.

6. She didn't win the prize.

7. They didn't make their beds.

8. I did not tell them.

9. Did you tell them?

10. Did he send the letter?

Exercise on Passive Voice – Simple Past

Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). Use ​Simple Past​.

1. They (visit) their granny.

2. We (visit) by our teacher.

3. My friend Paul (bear) in Dallas.

4. She (go) to school in Boston.

5. Antony (grow up) in the country.

6. The new shopping centre (build) last year.

7. The film (produce / not) in Hollywood.

8. Barbara (know) James very well.

9. The jewels (hide / not) in the cellar.

10. We (spend / not) all day on the beach.

Passive Voice – Simple Past
1. She bought four apples.

2. We won the match.

3. The man stole the blue car.

4. The police arrested the thieves.

5. Jack swam the 200 metres.

6. The dog bit the old lady.

7. Tom and Max ate five hamburgers.

8. Oliver taught the children.

9. Victoria rode the brown horse.

10. Grandmother told good stories.

Passive Voice - Exercise with Auxiliary Verbs
Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1. I can answer the question.

2. She would carry the box.

3. You should open the window.

4. We might play cards.

5. You ought to wash the car.

6. He must fill in the form.

7. They need not buy bread.

8. He could not read the sentence.

9. Will the teacher test our English?

10. Could Jenny lock the door?

Use the given verbs in either​ ​active​ ​or​ ​passive​ ​form with the most

suitable​ ​modal.​

1. The entire valley ---- (see) from their mountain home.

2. He is wearing a gold ring on his fourth finger. He ---- (marry).

3. According to our teacher, all of our compositions ---- (write) in ink. He

won't accept papers written in pencil.

4. I found this book on my desk when I came to class. It (leave) by one

of the students in the earlier class.

5. Five of the committee members will be unable to attend the next

meeting. In my opinion, the meeting ---- (postpone).

6. A child ---- (not give) everything he or she wants.

7. Your daughter has a good voice. Her interest in singing ----


8. Try to speak slowly when you give your speech, If you don't, some of
your words ---- (misunderstand).

9. Some UFO sightings ---- (not explain) easily. No one is able to

explain them easily.
10. What? You tripped over a chair at the party and dropped your plate of
food into a woman's lap? You ---- (embarrass)!
Rank the inventions above in order of importance and give a reason why they are
important to society.

Invention Reason







Conversation Questions 
● What are the best and the most useful inventions of the
mankind in the 20th and 21st centuries?

● What famous inventors do you know?

● What were their inventions?

● Do you know anything about the inventions of Leonardo

da Vinci?

How did the invention of television change people's life?

● Do you think it is a useful invention?

● What is the role of television in your life?

● How often do you watch it?

When did you buy or get your first mobile phone?

● Do you think you can live without your mobile or is it now

an important part of your daily life?

● Are you anxious when the battery is flat or you are out of

What do scientists say about the influence of mobile phones

on our health?

Do you use the Internet?

● Do you feel any addiction to the Internet?

● How much do you spend on the Internet a month?

How did the Internet influence such things as communication,
correspondence, access to information?

● Do you think that the Internet is the good or the evil?

What do you think is the worst invention of the mankind?

(weapon, atomic energy, cigarettes, television, mobile
phones, cars, genetically modified products etc)

Can you name some inventions are you looking forward to?
(human cloning, time traveling, eternal-life-pill, AIDS\cancer
vaccine, teleportation)

● Who invented it?

● How does it work?

Who is Dolly (sheep)?

What is your attitude to human cloning?

● Do you think it should be prohibited?

● What is good and bad about human cloning?

Do you think time machine will ever be invented?

● Would you like to do some time traveling?

● What time would you like to visit, what event would you
like to witness?

● What discoveries and inventions has been made recently

to fight aging?

Do you believe that the elixir of life will ever be discovered?

● Would you like to be immortal or would you just prefer to

remain young throughout your life and die in the end?
What is the use of space exploration?

● What technologies has space exploration brought to our

daily life?

Do you believe that one day people will live on the moon and
on other planets?

What would you invent if your a scientist?

Country/ Nationality

Country Nationality

Denmark Danish

Dinamarca danés

England British / English

Inglaterra británico / inglés

Finland Finnish

Finlandia finlandés, finés

Scotland British / Scottish

Escocia británico / escocés

United Kingdom British

El Reino Unido británico

Belgium Belgian

Bélgica belga

France French

Francia francés

Germany German

Alemania alemán

Switzerland Swiss

Suiza suizo

Italy Italian

Italia italiano

Canada Canadian

Canadá canadiense

United States American

Los Estados Unidos estadounidense

Country Nationality

India Indian


China Chinese

China chino

Japan Japanese

Japón japonés

A telephone call / Giving messages.

Exercise on Reported Speech

Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note whether the sentence is a

request, a statement or a question.

1. He said, "I like this song."

→ He said

2. "Where is your sister?" she asked me.

→ She asked me

3. "I don't speak Italian," she said.

→ She said

4. "Say hello to Jim," they said.

→ They asked me

5. "The film began at seven o'clock," he said.

→ He said

6. "Don't play on the grass, boys," she said.

→ She told the boys

7. "Where have you spent your money?" she asked him.

→ She asked him

8. "I never make mistakes," he said.

→ He said

9. "Does she know Robert?" he wanted to know.

→ He wanted to know
10. "Don't try this at home," the stuntman told the audience.
→ The stuntman advised the audience

Reported Speech
Make reported speech. Start all your answers with 'she', and use the past simple of 'ask',
'say' or 'tell'. It's the same day, so you don't need to change the time expressions.

1) “Don’t do it!”

2) “I’m leaving tomorrow”

3) “Please get me a cup of tea”

4) “She got married last year”

5) “Be quick!”

6) “Could you explain number four, please?”

7) “Where do you live?”

8) “We went to the cinema and then to a Chinese restaurant”

9) “I’ll come and help you at twelve”

10) “What are you doing tomorrow?”

11) “Don’t go!”

12) “Do you work in London?”

13) “Could you tell me where the post office is?”

14) “Come here!”

15) “I’ve never been to Wales”

16) “Have you ever seen The Lord of the Rings?”

17) “I don't like mushrooms”

18) “Don't be silly!”

19) “Would you mind waiting a moment please?”

20) “How often do you play sport?”

Reported Speech
Make reported speech. Start all your answers with 'she', and use the past simple of 'ask',
'say' or 'tell'. It's the same day, so you don't need to change the time expressions.

1) “Come quickly!”

2) “Did you arrive before seven?”

3) “How was your holiday?”

4) “I would have visited the hospital, if I had known you were sick”

5) “Don't touch!”

6) “Do you usually cook at home?”

7) “They had never been to Scotland until last year”

8) “Make sure you arrive early!”

9) “I should have studied harder for the exam”

10) “Would you mind telling me how to get to the art gallery, please?”

11) “Please don’t forget my book”

12) “Make sure you arrive at six!”

13) “Remember to study hard!”

14) “Where do you want to eat tonight?”

15) “I usually drink coffee in the mornings”

16) “Do you like studying English?”

17) “I’ll come and help you on Saturday”

18) “Please buy some bread on your way home”

19) “Please give this to John”

20) “Could you give me the glass on the table, please?”

Reported speech – statements with expressions of time

Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense, although it is
sometimes not necessary.

1. Emily: "Our teacher will go to Leipzig tomorrow."

Emily said (that)

2.Helen: "I was writing a letter yesterday."

Helen told me (that)

3.Robert: "My father flew to Dallas last year."

Robert told me (that)

4.Lisa: "Tim went to the stadium an hour ago."

Lisa said (that)

5.Patricia: "My mother will celebrate her birthday next weekend."

Patricia said (that)

6.Michael: "I am going to read a book this week."

Michael said to me (that)

7.Jason and Victoria: "We will do our best in the exams tomorrow."

Jason and Victoria told me (that)

8.Andrew: "We didn't eat fish two days ago."

Andrew remarked (that)

9.Alice: "I spent all my pocket money on Monday."

Alice complained (that)

10.David: "John had already gone at six."

David said (that)

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