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Influence of Welding Variables On Indentation Depth in Ultrasonically Welded Al/Cu Dissimilar Joints and Theoretical Fracture Load Estimation

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ISSN 2466-2232 (Print)

ISSN 2466-2100 (Online)

Influence of Welding Variables on Indentation Depth in

Ultrasonically Welded Al/Cu Dissimilar Joints
and Theoretical Fracture Load Estimation

Minjung Kang* and Kyuhong Lee**,†

*Joining R&D group, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Incheon, 21999, Korea
**Department of Mechanical Engineering, Incheon National University, Incheon, 22012, Korea

†Corresponding author :

(Received December 9, 2019 ; Revised February 12, 2020 ; Accepted March 9, 2020)

Despite increasing industrial demand, typical fusion welding of aluminum and copper joints remains difficult due
to the formation of intermetallic compounds. Therefore, ultrasonic welding, which is a type of solid-state welding, is
used for combining aluminum and oxygen-free copper. It has a low dependence on the materials and can secure
large bonding joints in a short duration. However, indentations formed due to the vibration and pressure of ultrasonic
welding greatly impact joint quality by affecting joint strength and fracture location.
This study investigated the formation of indentations in accordance with welding variables, and proposed a theoret-
ical estimation of fracture strength in ultrasonic welded joints of aluminum and oxygen-free copper. Since the frac-
ture occurred along the indentation boundary in aluminum substrate—which has lower strength than copper—failure
strength increased with increasing indentation depth in the copper plate. Average fracture strength was 65% of the
tensile strength of base materials due to the stress concentrated around the indentation. Therefore, product design
needs to consider base material strength and fracture propagation path before deciding on a safety factor.

Key Words : Ultrasonic welding, Welding variable, Indentation depth, Al/Cu dissimilar joint, Theoretical strength

welding is a solid-state welding technique. Ultrasonic

welding proceeds through the steps of clamping, vi-
1. Introduction bration, and unloading, as shown in Fig. 1. Indentations
formed by the applied pressure and vibration of the
The spread of electric and hybrid vehicles is accelerat- process affect joint strength and fracture location7).
ing1), with research for enhancing the mileage per Particularly, the shape of the horn and anvil affects the
charge being strategically conducted by increasing bat- joint quality because it directly contacts the substrate7-10).
tery density and efficiency. In battery assembly, a large This study investigates the change in indentations ac-
number of battery cells are connected through tabs or cording to welding variables and analyzes the correla-
bus-bars, and aluminum and oxygen-free copper are se-
lectively applied according to the type of polarity2,3). Clamping Clamping
Joining processes like electric resistance welding, ultra- Horn Horn Horn Horn
sonic welding, laser welding, and mechanical fastening
are used to connect the battery tabs or the lead and Anvil Anvil Heat Anvil Weld Anvil

tab. Among them, ultrasonic welding is typically used (a) (b) (c) (d)
when connecting 30-50 sheets of ultra-thin plates. It Fig. 1 Steps in the ultrasonic welding process: (a) Clamping,
has low dependence on the materials and can secure (b) Vibration and welding, (c) Holding, and (d)
large bonding joints in a short duration, since ultrasonic Unloading7)

Journal of Welding and Joining, Epub ahead of print
Minjung Kang and Kyuhong Lee

tion between welding variables and indentation depth. length of the surface indentation formed after ultrasonic
This study also attempts to predict the maximum theo- welding, and indentation depth was quantified via cross-
retical fracture strength. sectional analysis and a non-contact three-dimensional
measuring machine. At least six pieces of data were de-
2. Experimental Method rived from the fabricated specimens and were averaged
to present the width, length, and indentation depth. A
Overlapping plates of 0.2 mm thick non-coated C1020 tensile-shear test was performed with a head speed of 3
and Al1050 material were ultrasonically welded. The mm/min, and the results were presented as averages of
C1020 showed an average tensile strength of 461 MPa, the three specimens for each condition.
and the Al1050-H18 was 181 MPa. As shown in Fig. 2
(a), the materials were machined to a width of 50 mm 3. Experimental results and discussion
and a length of 80 mm. The copper material was placed
on the top, and the aluminum was placed at the bottom. 3.1 Change in indentation shape with experimental
The overlap length was 25 mm. The knurl of the anvil variables
and horn had a height of 0.22 mm. Figs. 2 (b) and (c) The shape of the indentation on the contact surface of
show the experimental equipment and dimensions of the material and ultrasonic tool changed in accordance
the horn and anvil, respectively. with the experimental variables. Fig. 3 shows the in-
Welding time, clamping pressure, and amplitude were dentation images with different welding times at a
varied as shown in Table 1 to investigate the influence clamping pressure of 0.4 MPa and amplitude of 24 μm.
of these process variables on indentation formation. An At short welding time condition, the indentations in the
optical microscope was used to measure the width and oxygen-free copper surface exhibited were relatively
longer in the transverse direction due to transverse
25 mm
vibration. However, as time progressed, the lengths in
50 mm
Time Top plate (Cu) Bottom plate (Al)
Cu 80 mm
0.2 mm
0.20 s

0.25 s

70 mm
10 mm
0.30 s
15 mm
10 mm
98 mm
<Horn> <Anvll>
0.35 s
Fig. 2 Experimental set up. (a) Schematic diagram of fab-
ricated sample, (b) Images of used ultrasonic weld-
ing machine, and (c) Designs of horn and anvil

Table 1 Ultrasonic welding variables used in experiment 0.40 s

Variable Parameter [Level]

Welding time (s) 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.40 [6 levels]
Clamping pressure (MPa) 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 [3 levels] Fig. 3 Images of surface appearance corresponding to the
welding time and substrates. The specimens were
Amplitude (μm) 24, 29.5, 33 [3 levels]
fabricated under a force of 0.4 MPa and amplitude
Joint type Overlap of 24 μm

2 Journal of Welding and Joining, Epub ahead of print

Influence of Welding Variables on Indentation Depth in Ultrasonically Welded Al/Cu Dissimilar Joints and Theoretical Fracture Load Estimation

Clamping pressure Cu
0.2 MPa
0.3 MPa
150 0.4 MPa

Indentation depth (㎛)

Cu alloy 154.4 ㎛ Cu alloy
101.8 ㎛

Al alloy 100㎛ Al alloy 100㎛

(a) 0.15 s (b) 0.30 s

Fig. 4 Macro-sectional images of the ultrasonic welds at 50

differential welding times. (a) 0.15 s, and (b) 0.30 s
(fixed welding condition; force of 0.2 MPa and
amplitude of 33 μm) 0
0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40

Time (s)
the longitudinal and transverse directions became similar.
(a) 24 μm
In contrast, the aluminum surface indentations ex- 200
hibited no large changes in shape after 0.25 s. As the Clamping pressure Cu
0.2 MPa
horn and anvil have a quadrangular pyramid shape, the 0.3 MPa
surface indentation area has a tendency to increase in 150 0.4 MPa

Indentation depth (㎛)

proportion to the square of the indentation depth (Fig. 4).
The change in indentation depth in accordance with 100
welding variables is summarized in Figs. 5 and 6. As
shown in Fig. 5, the indentations formed on the oxy-
gen-free copper surface were approximately 60 μm for
short welding time but increased to 120 μm for longer
time. In addition, indentations were deep even for short 0
0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
welding times as the amplitude increased. However, the
effect of clamping pressure on indentation depth was Time (s)

unclear, although the indentations were expected to be (b) 29.5 μm

deeper for increasing pressures. At a force of 0.4 MPa Clamping pressure Cu
and amplitude of 29.5 μm, the indentation depth was 0.2 MPa
0.3 MPa
shallow compared to that at low pressure conditions. 150
Indentation depth (㎛)

0.4 MPa
This proves that the increasing pressure enhanced the
frictional force between the tool and substrate. Therefore,
the applied external force was exhausted and the force
transfer in the thickness direction was insufficient. On
the other hand, changes in indentation depth on the alu- 50

minum substrate surface could be neglected, except for

an amplitude of 24 μm as shown in Fig. 6. In most cas- 0
es, the indentation depths converged to approximately 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

110 μm. Time (s)

(c) 33 μm
3.1 Change in joint strength according to experimental Fig. 5 Indentation depth measurement on Cu substrate
variables using non-contact measuring machine according
to the welding variable. At amplitude of (a) 24 μm,
In general, mechanical properties are affected by (b) 29.5 μm, and (c) 33 μm
welding variables such as clamping pressure, welding
time, and vibration width. As shown in Fig. 7, the frac-
The frictional heat generated at the contact interface
ture strength tended to increase with an increase in
and the pressure of the horn/anvil penetrating the sub-
welding time, and higher strengths were measured un- strate are the driving forces that generate a bond in ul-
der large amplitudes even for shorter welding times. trasonic welding. As the aluminum indentations were
However, the effect of clamping pressure on strength similar under all conditions, the increase in strength can
was not clear. This trend matched the changes in in- be attributed to the change in penetration depth in oxy-
dentation depths formed on the oxygen-free copper sur- gen-free copper.
face shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 8 shows the correlation between the joint fracture

Journal of Welding and Joining, Epub ahead of print 3

Minjung Kang and Kyuhong Lee

200 1000
Clamping pressure Al
0.2 MPa
0.3 MPa
150 0.4 MPa 950
Indentation depth (㎛)

Load (N)
100 900

50 850
Force: 0.2 MPa
Force: 0.3 MPa
Force: 0.4 MPa
0 800
0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40

Time (s) Time (s)

(a) 24 μm (a) 24 μm
200 1000
Clamping pressure Al
0.2 MPa
0.3 MPa
150 0.4 MPa 950
Indentation depth (㎛)

Load (N)
100 900

50 850
Force: 0.2 MPa
Force: 0.3 MPa
Force: 0.4 MPa
0 800
0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35

Time (s) Time (s)

(b) 29.5 μm (b) 29.5 μm
200 1000
Clamping pressure
0.2 MPa
0.3 MPa
150 0.4 MPa 950
Indentation depth (㎛)

Load (N)

100 900

50 850
Force: 0.2 MPa
Force: 0.3 MPa
Force: 0.4 MPa
0 800
0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

Time (s) Time (s)

(c) 33 μm (c) 33 μm

Fig. 6 Indentation depth measurement on Cu substrate Fig. 7 Measured tensile-shear load according to the weld-
using non-contact measuring machine according ing variable. At amplitude of (a) 24 μm, (b) 29.5 μm,
to the welding variable. At amplitude of (a) 24 μm, and (c) 33 μm
(b) 29.5 μm, and (c) 33 μm

3.3 Prediction of theoretical fracture strength

strength and indentation depth. Though the indentation
depth on the aluminum substrate was relatively con- According to the tensile-shear test on the ultrasoni-
stant, the fracture strength greatly varied. This in- cally welded dissimilar joint specimen, fractures oc-
dicated that the indentation depth on the aluminum sub- curred along the indentation boundary in the aluminum
strate is independent of changes in strength. In contrast, substrate, as shown in Fig. 9. This is due to the low
the fracture strength tended to increase as the in- strength of aluminum and the stress concentration
dentation formed on the oxygen-free copper substrate formed by knurl penetrates, since fracture typically oc-
deepened. curs in the most vulnerable areas.

4 Journal of Welding and Joining, Epub ahead of print

Influence of Welding Variables on Indentation Depth in Ultrasonically Welded Al/Cu Dissimilar Joints and Theoretical Fracture Load Estimation

The principle of conservation of energy dictates that

mass must be conserved during the welding process.
Therefore, the volume that the knurl penetrates into the
substrate (m1) must equal the amount pushed out to the
around (m2+m3) (Fig. 10(c)). It means that there is no
loss of cross-sectional area regardless of penetration
depth of knurl. As a result, when the space between the
knurls is completely filled, the penetration depth no
(a) (b)
longer increases and converges to a certain value, as
measured above. Fig. 11 (a) Definition of dimension, (b) Schematic dia-
grams of indentation mark, and (c) Sectional im-
ages indicated in Fig. 10

950 Because the stress is concentrated at the tip of the

knurl, a cold-lapped (unbonded) joint interface can
Load (N)

form next to the knurl, and act as a crack tip inside the
Al joint11). In addition, the indentation boundary of the
fracture, which is an interface contiguous with the un-
850 jointed part, can be treated as a sharp crack tip. Plastic
deformation commonly occurs even at low stresses
near crack tips. This is called fracture toughness (Fig.
40 80 120 160 11). A concentrated stress near the knurl can be ex-
Indentation depth (mm) pressed as in Eq. 112,13). Since it has a wide bonding in-
Fig. 8 Relationship between failure load and indentation terface compared to its thickness, a plane stress con-
depth depending on the substrates dition can be assumed. The above assumption justifies
the summarization shown in Eqs. 2 and 3 (where θ =
0). It means that when the material is locally under ten-
sion, it can undergo plastic deformation at less than
70% of the base material strength. The measured frac-
ture strength was 900-950 N, which is 62-65% of the
tensile strength of aluminum substrate, and similar to
the value predicted by the equation.

Fig. 9 Images of ruptured specimen after tensile-shear test

Horn 0.85 0.22 (2)
Anvil 0.85 0.22
(a) (3)
W XAnvil

While some studies have reported that physical prop-

m2 m3 d t
erties change due to indentation deformation, no singu-
larity could be found based on the hardness test in the
experiment (Fig. 12). Some differences are predicted in
accordance with the material used or degree of hardening.
(b) (c)
Deformation hardening under the indentation is im-
Fig. 10 (a) Definition of knurl dimension, (b) schematic portant because the indentation acts as a path of the
diagrams of indentation mark, and (c) sectional
fracture. If a hardness change has occurred, it is neces-
images indicated in Fig. 10(b) (where t is thickness
of substrate, d is indentation depth, W is effective sary to modify σBM in Eq. 3 considering the changes in
width, X and Y is dimensions of horn and envil) hardness under the indentation.

Journal of Welding and Joining, Epub ahead of print 5

Minjung Kang and Kyuhong Lee

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6 Journal of Welding and Joining, Epub ahead of print

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