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BactoScan™ FC+

The approved rapid method for determination of total bacteria in raw milk

Based on the measurement of Individual Bacteria Count (IBC), BactoScan™ FC+ gives an accurate determination of
the hygienic quality of raw milk with a capacity of testing up to 200 samples per hour. The FDA/NCIMS accepted
method delivers results in minutes, allowing farmers, milk testing laboratories and dairies to take action to preserve
and enhance hygienic quality of the milk supply.
Supported by a dedicated Foss IntegratorTM software, which provides a wide range of quality assurance and GLP
features. Foss Integrator shares the same interface for all CMT instruments.

Sample Parameters
• Milk types: cow, goat, sheep and buffalo milk Individual Bacteria Count (IBC/ml)

Dedicated Analytical Solutions

Superior accuracy through Individual
Why choose FOSS?
Bacteria Count
For decades, FOSS has worked side by side with milk testing
BactoScan™ FC+ measures the hygienic quality of milk by
laboratories with the goal of adding value to the central
analysing bacteria in raw milk. As the automated BactoScan™
milk testing business.
FC+ counts the total bacteria as single cells and not clusters,
it gives a uniform high accuracy of results. BactoScan™ FC+
Often the first with groundbreaking innovations in analyti-
can analyse raw milk from various species and the samples
cal technology, we aim to keep you a few steps ahead of
can be analysed directly without prior heating or dilution.
the game with new analysis options for improved business
Analysis on cold samples reduce the risk of bacteria growth
opportunities. For instance, FOSS dedicated analytical solu-
before the test and save time in sample handling, as well as
tions have proven significant for dairy-herd-improvement
cost of water bath. And unlike traditional methods such as
and regulatory purposes of milk testing, standardisation in
plate count, BactoScan™ FC+ reduces the possible influence
dairy production and verification of end-product quality.
caused by the operator to absolute minimum. All ensuring
superior performance.
Today, trends such as increasingly sophisticated consumer
tastes and the relentless pressure for profit improvement
High capacity with confidence make FOSS dedicated analytical solutions more relevant
The new BactoScan™ FC+ can analyse up to 200 milk samples than ever. They provide convenience, speed and labour
per hour to meet the requirements of all milk testing laborato- savings, while delivering high analytical capacity and low
ries. This high performance capacity enables a high throughput cost per sample. Common issues such as the need for
of milk samples, which offloads labour force for other purposes analytical results with minimal operational concerns about
and provides instant results with fast response to farmers. calibration, usability and instrument uptime are constantly
The repeatability and reproducibility of this automated method kept in mind in the design of any FOSS solution.
is excellent compared to plate count methods. In addition,
BactoScan™ FC+ employs a unique self-cleaning program Solutions for central milk testing cover compositional analy-
that is proven to minimize carry-over contamination from sis, somatic cell count and hygienic quality of raw milk and
previous samples. are provided in a flexible solution framework with a high
degree of choice according to your business.

BactoScan™ FC+ highlights:
• Automatic determination of raw milk hygienic quality
by Individual Bacteria Count
• Instant results in 9 minutes
• High capacity up to 200 samples/hour
• FDA/NCIMS approved
• Unique reagent concept
• Bacteria Control Sample for quality assurance and GLP
• Counting from 1500 CFU/ml to 10 mill CFU/ml
• Easy and safe to operate
• Superior routine method for payment analysis

Easy to integrate in milk

testing laboratories Traditional plate count method versus
BactoScan™ FC+ uses the same efficient conveyor system BactoScan™ FC+ farmer and dairy
and Foss Integrator™ software platform as other FOSS instru- benefits
ments for milk testing laboratories such as MilkoScan™ FT+, Although pasteurisation kills the majority of bacteria,
Fossomatic™ FC+ and CombiFoss™ FT+ . This eases training their metabolites may cause off flavours. Plus, enzymes
of laboratory staff and facilitates data transfer, storage and continue their activities resulting in product defects and
handling for more efficient laboratory operations. reduction of shelf life. Catching hygiene breaches early
is imperative for minimizing the impact on milk quality.
The only automated method with U.S.
FDA/NCIMS* approval Because the traditional plate count method requires
The BactoScan™ FC+ is the only FDA/NCIMS approved rapid two-three days of incubation, hygienic problems on
electronic counting method and complies with ISO/IDF guide- the farm may go undetected for days, making correc-
lines**. It has become the industrial standard for counting tive actions more difficult and production losses larger
total bacteria in many countries all over the world, and in than necessary.
the EU more than 75% of all milk supplies are paid based
on BactoScan™ results. Dairy authorities have seen a signifi- In comparison, the BactoScan™ FC+ method delivers
cant improvement in milk quality shortly after introducing the a result in nine minutes. Farmers can be advised about
BactoScan™ method. possible problems the same day as the sample is drawn
allowing timely correction for leaks, insufficient cleaning
or cooling in the milking system, or health problems in
* U.S. Food and Drug Administration / National Committee of the herd.
Interstate Milk Shippers
Further, monitoring the incoming raw milk at dairies
**ISO 16297|IDF 161 Milk - Bacterial count - Protocol for the means that serious contamination can be detected in-
evaluation of alternative methods. stantly. Poor quality milk can be rejected and only the
ISO 21187|IDF 196 Milk – Quantitative determination of bac- best suited milk will be used for dairy production. The
teriological quality – Guidance for establishing and verifying a fast BactoScan™ FC+ response to farmers gives dairies
conversion relationship between routine method results and a direct economic benefit by enabling higher flexibility
anchor method results in collection, transportation and production.

BactoScan™ FC+ is based on flow cytometry technology that Even the uncompensated carry-over is extremely low for the
enables precise and instant milk bacteria analyses. BactoScan™ FC+ and proven to be below 0.5%, which is
superior to the 1% required by the ISO/IDF. A carry-over test
Flow cytometry is a technique that counts bacteria cells. The is a part of the quality assurance and checks that the instru-
principle behind flow cytometry is quite simple: a suspension ment is able to purge a sample completely through the system
of cells is stained and forced through a capilary tube, which is without affecting the next sample. The test complies with the
illuminated in front of microscope objective. Every passing cell ISO/IDF standard.
is registered by photo electronics attached to the microscope.
IBC to CFU conversion
Prior to measurement all components in the milk, except for
BactoScan™ FC+ measures Individual Bacteria Count and
the bacteria, are broken down during an incubation period.
displays results in IBC. However, many laboratories are obliged
Additionally, the bacteria clusters are separated into single
to present their results in Colony Forming Units (CFU), which
bacteria, which are subsequently dyed with DNA specific stain-
can be obtained by a plate count method. Consequently, a
ing medium, ethidium bromide. All the reagents involved are
conversion table has to be created to convert from IBC to CFU.
automatically filtered directly prior the application to eliminate
the risk of contamination from other sources than the milk.
The BactoScan™ FC+ software includes a Guided Conversion
Tool – an easy and rapid software tool to develop a robust
conversion table between IBC and CFU

• Respect to ISO 21187: 2004 (IDF196: 2004)

• Automatic calculation of agreement (Sy,x) with CFU
• Easy trouble shooting and outliers traceability
• Excellent storage for data generated over time
• Simple and time effective use
• Enables to meet the governmental and legislative require-
• Enables use of comparable grading limits for payment

Sample in flow cell

A precise syringe is used to pass the sample through a flow

cell, presenting the bacteria one by one to a fluorescent light
beam from a laser source. The stained bacteria emit red light
with one light pulse for every bacteria passing the beam.

The fluorescent light is detected by a highly sensitive detector

(Photo Multiplier Tube - PMT), which gives electronic impulses.
The electronics count the pulses and display them in a puls
height analysis (PHA) diagram on the PC monitor.

Avoiding carry-over
Conversion graph: IBC/CFU
FOSS has developed a unique self-cleaning program to limit
carry-over contamination from previous samples. Optionally,
the effect of carry-over between the samples may be reduced “BactoScan™ FC+ carry-over below 0.5%which
by a mathematical compensation that is made automatical-
is superior to 1% required by the ISO/IDF”
ly. Such compensation is based on observed carry-over be-
tween the samples and can be deducted from the results.

Special feature for difficult milk samples applied on regular basis, the milk standard plays a crucial role
in quality assurance.
Options are available to handle milk samples from, for example,
sheep and goat which can be subject to high concentrations
of somatic cells - like in goats milk at the end of lactation. This Easy reagents handling – in minutes with
induces background noise leading to high readings on the highest security
BactoScan™ FC+ – often due to increased viscosity of the milk The unique reagent concept ensures simple, safe and very fast
sample, which in turn will make the flow of the sample film reagents handling, which reduces the operator’s dependency.
through the flow cell unstable. The influence of the background Low reagents consumption and low waste contribute to the
noise typically starts > 4 mill. somatic cells/ml. environmental protection. By the process of internal filtration
of reagents, the time is saved and the risk of contamination
The Enhanced mode option stabilizes the flow of the film is eliminated.
through the flow cell. The measuring speed of milk will be
reduced by either 50% with the mode 1, or 75% with the Unique reagent concept:
mode 2 without affecting the speed capacity of the instrument.
• Quality assured with certificates for all reagents*
• Simple, fast and safe mix of reagents
Foss Integrator software platform • Minimum time used for reagent preparation
Foss Integrator is a shared software platform supporting other and less operator dependency
FOSS milk testing solutions. The same user interface, the same • Low reagent consumption and low waste for environmental
conveyors, bar code readers etc. can be used throughout the protection
laboratory. This eases training of laboratory staff and facilitates • Low reagent costs per sample
data handling, transfer and storage. Uniform software provides • Internal filtration of reagents prior to use, saves time
flexibility in the laboratory. and removes risk of contamination

Further, context sensitive help available via Foss Integrator *Available at the FOSS homepage
software provides easy and quick solutions and answers, as
well as provides an excellent tool for quality assurance.

Quality control tools

Together with the BactoScan™ FC+ you get a number of tools
which provide excellent help in recording quality assurance and
following the Good Laboratory Practice:

The Bacteria Control Sample (BCS) ensures the correct per-

formance of the instrument and reagents throughout the
working day and standardises instruments within and between
laboratories. The BCS is made of freeze dried monoculture
harmless bacteria with a known count and specific Pulse Height
Analysis (PHA) curve.

The Particle Control Sample (PCS) enables monitoring of the

technical status of the instrument. It is necessary when adjusting
the optical system and is mainly a service tool for maintenance
and repair. It is made of dyed fluorescent particles with a well
defined PHA curve

A Frozen Milk Standard is used to monitor the accuracy and

stability of the instrument. The frozen milk standard is made
of good quality raw milk with a known bacteria count. When

Range (IBC/µl) SR (log-units) Typical SR (log units)
10 – 50 0.07 0.06
51-200 0.05 0.04
>200 0.04 0.02
Entire range 0.05

Reproducibility* (between instruments):

Range (IBC/µl) SR (log-units) Typical SR (log units)
10 – 50 0.11 0.08
51 –200 0.07 0.06
>200 0.06 0.04

Carry-over effect: < 0.5 % (uncompensated)

Working factor: Standard 300, (optionally: 95, 600 and 1200)
Accuracy: Typical Sy.x < 0.25 log units in the entire measuring range
Reference or anchor method: Standard Plate Count (SPC) (IDF Standard100B:1991)
*For the performance on sheep and goat milk please refer to the Application Note 3511

Installation requirements
Feature Specification
70 x 140 cm (without conveyor)
Dimensions 85 x 195 cm (with Basic Conveyor*)
85 x 260 cm (with Conveyor 4000*)
197 kg (without conveyor)
Weight 205 kg (with Basic Conveyor*)
250 kg (with Conveyor 4000*)
Space requirements Approx. 2 x 4.5 meters
Power supply 110 - 240 V AC
Power consumption 50VA stop, max 2000 VA
Water supply for preparation Purified water (<5 μS/cm3)
Air (for Conveyor 4000*) 0.2 N litres/min at 4.0 – 7.2 bar
Waste Approx. 8 litres per hour
Ambient temperature 15 – 33 °C (59-91.4 F)

Application data
Capacity BactoScan FC+:
Models: 65H, 130H, 200H = 65, 130, 200 samples per hour

BactoScan™ FC+ Semiautomatic is only available at a capacity of 65 samples per hour.

This version does not include Conveyor and Stirrer system

Analysis time: 9 minutes

Sample intake: approx. 4.5 ml

Sample temperature: 2 – 42°C (35.6-107.6 F)

Sample quality: Raw milk of normal composition and good quality. Unpreserved or preserved with azidiol

Data output
Real-time display/print-out, storage on hard disk.
Host transmission (RS232) and PC network transmission (TCP/IP).
Data export using CSV files, CS83 protocol or XML.

Standard equipment
Basic analyser incl. table and reagent containers, PC, software, Conveyor 4000, Basic Conveyor*.

Optional equipment
Printer, extra reagent containers, *ID bar code laser scanner, *2D reader, *ID bottle rotation, *Conveyor 4000, *Conveyor
extensions, *Output buffer, *Sample racks.

Standards and Approvals

BactoScan™ FC+ is CE-labelled and complies with the following directives and regulations:
• EMC (ElectroMagnetic Compatibility) Directive 2004/108/EC
• LVD (Low Voltage) Directive 2006/95/EC
• Machinery Safety Directive 2006/42/EC
• Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixture, CLP (EC)
• WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC
• Packaging and packaging waste Directive 94/62/EC
• REACH 1907/2006/EC

BactoScan™ FC+ technology complies with:

• FDA/NCIMS approved
• ISO/IDF standards, AOAC Number of national approvals e.g.:
Germany: Bundesanstalt für Milchforshung, France: Ceca Lait.

*Semi-automatic version does not include conveyor.

Installing a conveyor on Semi-automatic version requires upgrading of the analyser.

P/N 1026630, Issue 1 GB, May 2013

Foss Allé 1
DK-3400 Hilleroed

Tel.: +45 7010 3370

Fax: +45 7010 3371

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