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Trư NG THPT Chuyên Long An

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Trường THPT Chuyên Long An


Week: 01

Period: 01

A. Aims:
- Help Ss to know about the English book grade 10 in the second semester. (Including
themes, tests, lessons etc. )
- Introduce how to do an oral test, a fifteen - minute tests and a written test.
- Some requires of student to study well English.
- To help Ss have the opportunities to develop their oral fluency.
- To introduce the theme and units.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Get to know the topic, the theme and units.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, sub boards, colored chalks and lesson plan.
- Students: Textbook.
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Time/Stages Activities

Introduces herself to the students

1. Warm-up Asks some students to introduce themselves:
Do you find English easy or difficult?
8 minutes Which is the easiest, the most difficult? reading, speaking, listening, or
Why do you learn English?
How long have you learned English?
Are you good or bad at English?
1. The text- book English 10
2. Presentation The 2nd term:
* Unit 7- Unit 10: 8 parts for each unit: getting started, language, reading,
speaking, listening, writing, communication and culture and looking back
30 minutes & project
* Review 3, 4
* Test yourself 2
* Written tests: 6: 15’(3) 45’(2) end- term (1)
2. Teacher’s demand:
- Read the lesson before studying in class.
- Do all exercises at home.
- It is good to find the meaning and the pronunciation of the new words in

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the dictionary at home.

-Listen to the teacher attentively and take part in the lesson actively and
- Take part in the activities that the teacher required such as pairs work,
group work or individual
- Each S has a notebook and book (student book and work book)
* Text - book English 10
* Work - book English 10
At home:
* Prepare for the new lessons: content, structures, words and phrases,
* Revise the old lessons + do all the homework
At class:
* Participate in all activities
* Keep the discipline
3.Consolidation Students’ assessment
5 minutes What do you find your English?
Very good/ excellent:
Very bad:
- Give feedback.
4. Homework - Prepare Unit 6: GENDER EQUALITY
2 minutes Lesson1: Getting started, Language

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Period: 02

A. Aims and Objectives:

- To teach Ss to listen and read a conversation about gender equality and do tasks: True false
exercise and questions-answers.
- To teach some lexical items related to the topic Gender Equality.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Use some lexical items related to the topic Gender Equality.
+ Make simple dialogues using the given expressions.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up - Ask Ss to discuss the questions:
1. Why do some couples prefer a son to a girl?
2. Do you think so? Why? Why not?
- Ask some Ss to give their opinions.
-Lead in the new lesson: Gender Equality.
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Reading
Task 1: Answer the questions
- Get Ss look at the picture page 6 then answer some questions:
1. Who do you see in the picture?
2. Where do you think they are?
3. What are they doing?
- T plays the recording.
- Ss listen and read the conversation at the same time.
- Get Ss in pairs read the dialogue again/ then ask two pairs to act out the
Task 2:
-Make sense of the sentences in the text.
- Have Ss find out the answers for the questions individually.
- Go round and give help if needed.
- Check Ss by calling some Ss to read sentences aloud and decide if the
statements are true, false or not given, the other Ss give comment.
- Ask Ss to refer back to the conversation to get necessary information.
- Provide final feedback and correction.
* Suggested answers:
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1. F 2. F 3. T 4. NG 5. T
Task 3: Answer the questions
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again and think of the answers to the
- Have Ss work with a partner and switch roles to ask and answer.
- Check the answers and provide the correct ones if necessary.
* Key:
1. Only 82 girls enrolled per 100 boys in secondary school.
2. Because they might be forced to work at home and in the field.
3. There are slightly more boys than girls in both primary and secondary
4. Women do.
5. Gender discrimination should be eliminated so that everyone has equal
opportunities in education.
Post Language
1. Vocabulary:
Task 1: Matching
- Ask Ss to work individually, read the words and phrases in the box, then
discuss and find the meaning for each of them
- T checks some Ss.
- Check answer as a class.
* Key:
1. d 2. f 3. e 4. a 5. c 6. b
Task 2:
- Ask Ss to work individually in 5 minutes then have them compare their
answer with their partner.
- Check Ss' answers and give explanation if any.
- Exchange the answers with their partner.
- Make sure that Ss have the right answers by going over all the answers in
class. Allow Ss to look up the words in the glossary, if necessary.
* Key:
1. enroll 2. force 3. eliminate
4. discrimination 5. equal 6. gender
2. Pronunciation
Task 1: Listen and repeat
- Play the recording and let Ss listen and repeat.
- Play it again with pauses for Ss to repeat each word chorally.
- Have Ss work in pairs.
- Invite two or three Ss read again and then give comment
- Give the meaning of the words if necessary. Help Ss distinguish two-syllable
words with stress on the first or second syllable.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turns reading the words.
Task 2: Listen and mark

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- Play the recording and ask Ss to put a mark (’) before the stressed syllable in
each word.
- Ask Ss to take turns reading the words.
- Invite some Ss to read the sentences in front of the class. Correct mistakes if
Task 3
- Have Ss work individually to put the words in the right box according to their
stress patterns.
- Exchange the answers with their partner.
- Check as a class.
Stress on the first syllable Stress on the second syllable
Woman, gender, treatment, Enroll, perform, agree, allow,
household, equal, college promote
2. Grammar:
Activity 1:
- Explain to Ss that modal verbs are special verbs that behave differently from
other verbs. They are used to express ability, advice, duty, permission,
possibility, prohibition or request.

Modals Functions
Can, could Ability
Should, ought to Advice or duty
Must Duty
Can, could, may Permission
May, might, can, could Possibility
Can’t, mustn’t, may not Prohibition
May, will, would Request
- Ask Ss to read the sentences, check if they understand.
- Ss work individually first and pay attention to all modal verbs used in the
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to check the answer.
- Go over all the answers in class.
* Key:
1. shouldn’t (advice) 2. must (duty) 3. May (permission)
4. might ( possibility) 5. Will (request)
6. mustn’t (prohibition) 7. can (ability)

Activity 2:
- Ask Ss to read the sentences. Have them underline the passive voice with
modals. Let them work with a partner before checking answers as a class.
* Key:
1. may be kept 2. might be forced

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3. shouldn’t be allowed 4. should be eliminated

Activity 3:
- Have Ss work in pairs first, and then write down the correct answers. Observe
and offer help if necessary.
* Key:
1. Lan might be chosen (by our class) to represent us in the School Youth
2. Will Korean be taught in our school next year?
Homework - T asks Ss to do exercises again at home.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 01

Period: 03

A. Aims and Objectives:

- To teach Ss to read for general ideas and for specific information about gender equality in
employment and answer the questions and decide whether the sentences are true, false or not
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for general ideas and for specific
information about gender equality in employment and answer the questions and decide whether
the sentences are true, false or not given.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Gender equality in employment
Activity 1:
- Focus Ss’ attention on the heading of the section Gender equality in
employment. Ask Ss to guess what the text about.
- Inform the class of the lesson objectives: Read for general ideas and for
specific information about gender equality in employment.
- T elicits the answers and leads Ss in the lesson.
Key: They are the symbols of genders, gender equality and gender
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Activity 2:
- Ask Ss to match each of the words with its meaning.
- Have Ss work individually first, and then check with a partner. Let Ss use a
dictionary, if necessary.
- Go over all the answers to make sure they have the correct answers.
* Key: 1. c 2. e 3. d 4. b 5. a
Activity 3:
- Ask Ss to read the text quickly and find the repeated words and their
collocations (e.g. firefighter, firefighter’s, female, women, women’s, male,
man’s, gender, discrimination, gender differences)
- Explain to Ss that repeated vocabulary in the text may imply its main idea or
- Have Ss skim the text to choose the best title.

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* Key: b. A woman Who Did a ‘Man’s Job

Activity 4:
- Ask Ss to look back at the reading text to check if the statements are true, false
or not given.
- Ask Ss to underline the key words in the statements and relevant words/
phrases in the text.
- Check Ss' answer and give feedback.
* Key: 1.F 2 .NG 3.F 4.T 5.T 6F
Post Activity 5:
- Ask Ss to scan the text to find answers to the questions.
- Let them highlight the key words both in the questions and in the text.
- Have Ss take turns asking and answering in pairs.
- Check answers as a class.
* Key:
1. She wanted to become a firefighter.
2. She sued New York City and the FDNY for gender discrimination and won.
3. They became the targets of laughter and anger from the co-workers and local
people. They were unwelcomed at meals, faced loneliness and even violence.
4. They had to do exactly the same jobs as all other male firefighters.
Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the new words.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 02

Period: 04
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss listen for specific information about wage discrimination.
- To teach Ss about wage discrimination against women.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Listen and do the tasks.
+ Develop the listening skills for specific details.
+ Talk about gender equality/ inequality in wages and employment.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up - Inform Ss of the lesson objectives: Listening for specific information about
wage discrimination.
- Ask Ss to explain “Same work-same pay?”
- Explain “Same work-same pay?”
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Task 1:
- Let Ss look at the picture and elicit their answers to the questions. Ask them to
use the caption as suggestion.
Suggested answer: The man looks happy but the woman looks sad because she
gets less pay/ money.
Task 2:
- Have students tell the meaning before listening to make sure they know the
meaning of each word.
- Play the recording and ask Ss to repeat the words one by one. Possibly play
the recording again.
- Check students' answers and comments.
Task 3:
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a talk on (gender) discrimination.
- Ask Ss to read all the statements and guess if they are true (T) or false (F).
- T explains if there are any new words to make sure Ss understand all the
- Play the recording and let Ss do the activity.

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- Check their answers.

- Play the recording again and pause at the place where they can get correct
* Key: 1 F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T
Post Task 4:
- Ask Ss to read the instruction and the sentences 1-4. Make sure that they
understand the sentences.
- Provide help with the new vocabulary, if necessary.
- Play the recording once or twice again for Ss to fill the gaps.
- Ask Ss to work with a partner to compare their answer.
- Check students' answers and comments.
* Key
1. discrimination happens 2. paid more
3. perform 66% 4. own 1%
5. encourage women 6. like nursing
Homework Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 02

Period: 05
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss to talk about equal job opportunities.
- To teach Ss to express agreements or disagreements about equal job opportunities for men and
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Express their opinion about equal job opportunities for men and women.
+ Perform their viewpoints to other people in real life.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up - Ask Ss to call out some phrases to express their point of view.
- Lead in the new lesson.
- T informs Ss of the lesson objectives: Exchanging opinions about equal job
opportunities for men and women.
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Task 1:
- Write Equal job opportunities on the board. Give Ss time to read through the
useful expressions.
- Let Ss work in pairs.
- Go round and help if necessary.
- Have them compare the answer with others.
Check Ss' answers.
- Call on individual Ss to read aloud these activities and the reasons why they
are important.
* Key:
1. A 2.A 3.D 4. A 5.A 6. D
7. Very true, but………………; Sure, but…………… (D)
8. That’s for sure. / Exactly. / I couldn’t agree more (A)
Task 2:
- Have Ss in pairs read the example, and then ask all Ss to share their opinions.
- Guide Ss to prepare the ideas to support their reasons.
- Invite some students to perform their opinion in front of the class.
- Give feedback.
Post Task 3:
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- Ask one student to read out loud the opinion Married women should not
pursue a career and explain the activity to the class.
- Divide Ss into groups of three/ four Ss.
- Ask one group to model the activity using the example conversation. Then ask
all Ss to discuss and note down their group’s discussion.
- After 3-4 minutes, have some Ss from different groups report the results of
their group work back to the class.
Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the expressions.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 02

Period: 06
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss to write about the disadvantaged of being a working mother.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Learn about the disadvantaged of being a working mother.
+ Write about the disadvantaged of being a working mother.
+ Develop the writing skills in general. Build up vocabulary supported for writing.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook and pieces of papers.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Game – Back the Board
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Task 1:
- Write the phrase Working mothers on the board.
- Focus on the pictures and the instructions.
- Elicit Ss’ opinions about the pictures. Give suggestions if necessary by asking
questions like:
Who are these people in the pictures?
What are the women doing?
Are they busy?
Are they housewives?
Do they work?
- Ss can talk about the good sides/ advantages as well as the bad sides/
disadvantages of being a working mother.
* Answer: 1b 2. c 3. a
Task 2:
- Ask Ss to read the sample writing again and complete the outline. Help
Ssanalyse the structure of the text.
- Call on some students to answer and give feedback.
* Key:
A. 2. Life is getting expensive, so women’s salaries are becoming important.
B. 2. They discover strengths and weaknesses, become more knowledgeable and
look for good ways to educate children.
C. 1. Children see parents work hard and share domestic responsibilities, and

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they learn from them.

Task 3:
- Tell students to read the letter again and discuss the words in pairs. - Offer
help if Ss cannot give the answer.
- If necessary, explain to students.
Post Task 4:
- Focus on the instructions and the pictures. Give Ss time to read the
- Call on some Ss to say what they will write as the topic sentence, supporting
ideas 1, 2, 3, and concluding sentence.
- Tell Ss to write a draft first, then write a short text about the disadvantages of
being a working mother.
- Have Ss write the text in class. When they finish, ask them to exchange it with
partner for peer comments/correction.
- Walk around and offer help if necessary.
- Get students' answers and comments.
- Get some outputs to highlight and comment and correct the possible mistakes
of students.
Homework - Write the text again at home.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 03

Period: 07
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss about the present situation of gender equality in the United Kingdom.
- To teach Ss to talk about Viet Nam’s achievements in addressing gender equality.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Understand and talk about the present situation of gender equality in the United Kingdom.
+ Talk about Viet Nam’s achievements in addressing gender equality development.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook and pieces of papers.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Game – Slap the Board
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While 1. Communication
Gender equality in Viet Nam
Activity 1:
- Focus on the instructions and pictures. Inform Ss that they will have more
chances to practice speaking.
- Give them some time to read about the achievements Viet Nam has made in
addressing gender equality.
- Give Ss more freedom by allowing them to add more achievements from
reliable sources.
* Suggested answers:
1. Seventy per cent of all public school teachers are women.
2. Forty-nine per cent of lecturers of two-year-colleges and forty-three per cent
of university lecturers are women.
Activity 2: Exchange your opinion
- Have students work in pairs to talk about achievements in addressing gender
equality in Viet Nam, using the information given in Activity 1 and from other
- Have two Ss model the example.
- Ss work in pairs to exchange their points of view based on the example.
- Go around to offer helps and comments.
- Check answers with the whole class.
Post 2. Culture: Gender equality in the United Kingdom

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Activity 1:
- Focus on the instructions and pictures. Elicit answers from Ss by asking the
class questions like:
Who do you see in the pictures?
What is the man doing?
Are there many man teaching young kids?
What is the woman doing?
Is her job popular with women?
Activity 2:
- Tell the students to read a text and answer the questions.
- Give Ss time to read the text. Pre-teach some words that might be new to Ss.
- Walk round to monitor the class and offer help, if necessary.
- Read the text on their own, find information to answer questions, and compare
with other students.
- Take notes if necessary.
- Check students' answers and comments.
* Key:
1. Girls perform better than boys at all levels of education in the United
2. Women make up 47 per cent of the British workforce.
3. Millions of women and girls still experience domestic violence, and the gap
in full-time wage between men and women is 10 per cent and most of the
people in low-paid jobs are women.
Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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A. Aims and Objectives:
- To help Ss pronounce correctly two-syllable words with stress on the first or second syllable
in isolation and in context.
- To teach Ss some lexical items related to the topic Gender Equality.
- By the end of the lesson Ss are able to:
+ Pronounce correctly two-syllable words related to the topic Gender Equality.
+ Use some key words of the same topic and the passive voice with modals.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up - Ask students to recall what they have learnt in Unit 6.
- Speak out their ideas and opinions, knowledge that they have learnt in Unit 6.
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Pronunciation:
Activity 1:
- Ask Ss to put the two-syllable words in the box in the correct columns
according to their stress patterns.
- Help Ss review the stress patterns of two-syllable words.
* Key:
Stress on the first syllable Stress on the second syllable
symbol, letter, healthcare, complete, infect, suggest,
challenge, income, workforce, improve, become
Activity 2:
- Play the recording. Ask Ss to listen and repeat the words.
Activity 1:
- T has Ss work in pairs, read the sentences carefully and choose the words to
complete the sentences.
- T goes around and gives helps if necessary.
- T checks with the class by saying the number
* Key: 1. gender equality 2. preference 3. eliminated
4. right 5. access 6. caretaker
7. discrimination 8. progress
Post Grammar:
Activity 1: - Remind Ss to use the forms of the passive voice.
- Give time for Ss to make their own choice.
- Have them check in pairs.

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- Call on some Ss to read their sentences for the class to comment.

- Correct the errors, if necessary.
* Key: 1. c 2. f 3. e 4. d 5. a 6. b
Activity 2: - Remind Ss to use the forms of the passive voice.
- Ask Ss to work in individually first.
- Elicit the answers and correct the answers.
- Give explanations, if necessary
* Key:
1. An essay on gender equality must be written (by each student)
2. This exit door can be opened in case of emergency.
3. Men and women should be given equal pay for equal work.
4. My mother might be given an award.
5. More progress will be made (by the Vietnamese government) in gender
6. Obesity may be considered as serious health problem.
Homework Project:
Students do the survey in PROJECT in groups at break time. Teacher design the
form and students hand in the results in written form as assignment.

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Week: 03

Period: 08-09
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To give sts some more exercises to practice
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook and pieces of papers.
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm- Game – Slap the Board
Pre + Review vocabulary
TASK 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from the others.
1.A. discrimination B. elimination C. television D. instruction
2.A. eliminate B. violence C. right D. childcare
3.A. enrollment B. force C. loneliness D. control
4.A. contribute B. sue C. food D. improve
5.A. inequality B. qualified C. quantity D. equal
6.A. labor B. remarkable C. participate D. wage
7.A. support B. workforce C. chore D. world
8.A. preference B. preparation C. precaution D. predator
9.A. progress B. property C. profile D. program
10.A. outside B. personal C. sure D. society
Answer keys:
1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.C
TASK 2: Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the
1.A. affect B. address C. challenge D. enroll
2.A. healthcare B. gender C. income D. pursue
3.A. proceed B. project C. protect D. promote
4.A. treatment B. perform C. become D. complete
5.A. firefighter B. caretaker C. designer D. housekeeper
6.A. equality B. education C. limitation D. opportunity
7.A. encourage B. effective C. engagement D. government
8.A. allow B. college C. female D. hunger
9.A. against B. strictly C. aware D. exhaust
10.A. effort B. follow C. target D. reduce
Answer keys:
1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.D

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While TASK 3: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences :

1. Detroit ....................... as the first capital city of Michigan, but now Lansing is
the capital city of Michigan.
A. chosen B. was chosen C. have been chosen D. is chosen
2. The university of Michigan is one of the best universities in the United States
and it ................ in Ann Arbor
A. located B. location C. is located D. locates
3. There ................. be a fire over there as I see smoke from here.
A. must B. should C. might D. could
4. Our organization seeks to improve the social ................. of disable people.
A. stand B. seat C. status D. place
5. There .................. a new law to protect endangered species if we don’t want
them to disappear from the earth.
A. must to be B. needs to be C. might be D. may be
6. The role of women of society has been greatly ................. in the last few years.
A. overtaken B. overcome C. overcast D. overlookd
7. “ “ in the sentence below is not correct. You mustn’t take the test if
you don’t want to . It’s optional
8. Wage ................ exists when workers are equally qualified and perform the
same work but one group of worker is paid more than another.
A. equality B. payment C. discrimination D. income
9. For many ................... parents, balacing their jobs and their family obligations
can be a challenge.
A. worked B. working C. work D. career
10. After her parents died, she ................... by her uncle and aunt.
A. was grown up B. was brought up C. brought up D. was brought
11. Siobhan and Ray have just ...................... engaged.
A. been B. become C. get D. got
12. Although males seem to have ................ in many ancient cultures, ancient
Egypt still had female rulers, such as Cleopatra.
A. dominating B. domination C. dominated D. dominate
13. Each district was ................ up into a number of sub-divisions.
A. split B. splitted C. divided D. dividing
14. Recent laws that prohibit specific types of job discrimination in certain
workplaces have promoted ................... in the USA.
A. equal property B. equal opportunity in annual income
C. equal income D. equal employment opportunity
15. Most of the space in his room ...................... by an enormous wardrobe.
A. has taken up B. took up C. is taken up D. takes up
16. Does it bother you if I go out late tonight ? - ...................................
A. Yes, go ahead B. It doesn’t matter to me
C. No. I want you to stay at home D. I’m tired of being with you
17. Mark gets special ........................... because he knows the boss

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A. treatment B. cure C. treat D. instruction

18. Fathers tend to .................. more household chores and responsibilities than
ever before
A. take up B. take in C. take off D. take on
19. I’m against .................................
A. violating B. violent C. violence D. violate
20. Hundreds of people ....................... the job in the company but only five
workers were employed.
A. asked for B. appointed C. recruited D. applied for
Answer keys:
1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.B
11.D 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.B 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.D
7. mustn’t  needn’t
TASK 4: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences :
1. In some companies, it is suggested that female officers should be supported by
their male co-workers
A. colleges B. colleagues C. villages D. collectors
2. John:I suppose that woring mothers are good educators for their children-
Mary: “..................................”
A. I agree with you. They know little about educating B. I couldn’t agree
more.They are able teach them at home
C. That’s true. They don’t know how to teach their chidren D. Because educators
are teachers
3. In order to be .................... for this position, candidates must have not only an
MA degree but also work experience.
A. qualify B. quality C. qualified D. qualification
4. Taking part in social activities and interacting with different cultures widen
their knowledge and gradually ................
A. nature B. mature C. future D. picture
5. “The protestors couldn’t persuade the president to change the law” has the
closest meaning to :
A. The president couldn’t be persuaded to change the laws
B. The president couldn’t persuaded to change the laws
C. The president couldn’t be persuade to change the laws
D. The president couldn’t persuade to change the laws
6. The afternoon meeting...................... because three of the five commitee
memberse unable to attend
A. might postpone C. might be postpone
B. might postponed D. might be postponed
7. dental appointments ................... so as not to conflict with school commitments
A. should be arranged B. should not be arranged
C. should be arrange D. should not arrange

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8. This beer can be served .................. beersteak

A. from B. by C. with
9. Many parents think that fast food .................. in schools
A. should not sold D. should not be sold
B. should not be sell C. should be not sold
10. Jenny and Jim have been looking for a caretaker to look after their parents
who are both old and sick in their house
A. test taker B. caregiver C. test giver D. checker
11. Modules ...................... in the minimum amount of time
A. cannot always be completed B. cannot be completed always
C. can always be not completed D. can be not always completed
12. The return of assignment , exams and final grades .............. by lecturers’ time.
A. could affected C. could affect
B. could be affected D. could be affect
13. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. accept B. inspire C. reveal D. workforce
14. A study guide .................... by all Independent Study students
A. must be purchase C. must be purchased
B. must purchased D. must purchase
15. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. pursue B. courage C. hobby D. standard
16. Both gender should be provided ....................equal rights to education,
employment and healthcare
A. from B. by C. with D. on
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting: Students enrolling for the first
time will be charge 9 dollars per course
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting:
Any bicycle brought onto school grounds should clearly babel with the owner’s
19. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. bulky B. handsome C. employ D. basic
20. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. machine B. answer C. mistake D. alone
Answer keys:
1.B 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B
11.A 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.C 18.C 19.C 20.B

TASK 5: Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to
Women in Families
Role reversal has not really become popular. Couples who swap roles are

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still few and far between. Is that because women are better at rearing
children? Or are men just afraid to resist tradition?
The isolation was the worst thing, said Andrew Timpson, who left
teaching to take care of his home and children for two and a half years.
The idea of swapping roles-for the father to stay at home while mum goes
out to work - is still a relatively new one. In the 70s it sounded like a great
idea. Let the newly liberated women make progress with her career while the
New Man stays at home and takes care of the house and children.
Now, 10 years or so later, it seems as if we were a li tt le premature. A recent
report by the Family Policy Studies Center concludes: "Despite important
social changes, particularly greater female employment, it is still women in
families who undertake the great bulk of house-work, cooking, child-care and
taking care of elderly relatives - The much hyped New Man remains a rare
Certainly some would argue that a man cannot replace a mother - that
mum is the natural homemaker, while dad is the provider. Some men might
give help with shopping and cooking, but most would do little more. Some
men even believe that doing housework is an insult to their masculinity.
Others, like Andrew, want to stay at home-but with reservations. Andrew, who
is now about to return to work, says, "I don't know that I could have continued
doing it for the rest of my life. I enjoyed it, but I do want to support my family
and I do want to work. I thought I could handle being dependent on Maureen,
but it proved to be tough for both of us." Maureen says, "I've got a job I really
love. Continuing working has allowed me to fulfill my potential ."
For many couples who swap roles, traditional attitudes are a major
problem. Frank and Joan Roberts found that they were confronted with strong
views when Frank left his job to look after Michael, five, while Joan
continued with her career. Frank says, "It is not socially acceptable where we live.
People here are reared to believe that the man goes out to work and woman stays
at home."
1: According to the passage, that couples who change roles has
been ...........................
a. still rare b, very popular c. popular d. not happened
2: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
a..Women should not go out to work because they are better rearing children.
b..Men don't want to change roles because they are traditionally weak.
c..Andrew Timpson left teaching to take care of his home and children for two
and a half year.
d. Fathers have to stay at home to take care of their children because they are no
longer the provider.
3: The Family Policy Studies Center concluded that_______ . present, women still do most of the housework
b..many women change their traditional roles, because there are many jobs

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created for them

c..the men stay at home to take care of the house and children
d..a and c are correct
4: In the last paragraph, Frank and Joan Roberts were confronted with
strong views because ...............
a..Frank went out to work and Joan Roberts looked after her child
b..both of them went out to work
c..Frank was unable to look after his child
d..Frank left his job to look after his child, while his wife went on with her
5: The word “ swap ” in the passage most nearly means________
a. improve b. make better c. share d. change
6: Choose the best expression to replace the phrase “ fulfill my potential” in
the passage.
a. fulfill myself b. improve myself
c. improve my potential d. gain success
7: The word “ major ” in the passage most nearly means________
a. big b. primary c. important d. best
8: Frank said that _________
a.. his society encourages men to stay at home to look after children
b. men where he lives are brought up to do the housework
c. it is very common for women to go out to work where he lives
d. his society does not accept the fact that women go out to work while men
stay at home
9 : The word “ resist ” in the passage most nearly means_____
a. follow b. oppose b. eliminate d. realize
10: The topic of this paragraph might be ________
a. stay-at-home fathers b. stay-at-home mothers
c. taking care of children d. women's careers.
Answer keys: 1.a 2.c 3.a 4.d 8.c
TASK 6: Choose the word or phrase ( a, b , c or d) that best fits each space in
the following passage.
Rwanda will soon become the first country (1) ____ the world where
female politicians (2) ____  male politicians. The small central African country
has made huge progress since its (3) ____ genocide in the 1990s. It can now
proudly call itself a beacon of sexual equality. The ruling party coalition won 78%
of seats in the election. Women took at (4) ____ 44 out of a total of the 80 seats.
Women may still win another three undecided seats. The head of the country’s
election commission stated: “It's clear women representatives will be more than 50
per cent." Since the genocide, the government (5) ____ encouraged women into
politics. Many in Rwanda say the election results show that people are fed (6)
____ with male-dominated politics. They say women will bring freshness and
change to the nation.

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Women’s groups were (7) ____ to praise the government of President Paul
Kagame for promoting such a strong gender equality programme. A female voter
told the BBC’s Focus on Africa show that the new political (8) ____ would help
strengthen her country. She explained: "Men, especially in our culture, used to
think that women are there to (9) ____ in the house, cook food, look after the
children... but the real problems of a family are known by a woman and when they
do it, they help a country to get much better." A local newspaper editor told the
Voice of America website of his new (10) ____ in his country: “We have really
been the first…where the women have broken the glass (11) ____ …now it's like
we are enlightened. We are no longer in this (12) ____ sort of thinking,” he said.
1. (a)With (b) at (c) on (d) In
2. (a)Numeric (b) numeral (c) outnumber (d) number
3. (a)Tragedy (b) tragic (c) tragically (d) tragedies
4. (a)Least (b) lost (c) last (d) Lest
5. (a)Did (b) was (c) has (d) would
6. (a)Out (b) in (c) down (d) Up
7. (a)Quicken (b) quick (c) quickly (d) quickness
8. (a)Landscape (b) seascape (c) cityscape (d) moonscape
9. (a)Do (b) be (c) Have (d) been
10. (a)Proudly (b) proud (c) Pride (d) praise
11. (a)Ceiling (b) floor (c) Roof (d) wall
12. (a)Backspace (b) backfire (c) backdated (d) backward
Answer keys:
1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.A
Post TASK 7: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means
the same as the sentence printed before it.
1. It’s not neccessary for you to do the test 
You ....................................................................................................
2. Nobody can deny that she has a beautiful voice 
It .............................................................................................
3. They will catch all the prisoners again tonight  all the
prisoners ........................................................................
4. They haven’t cleaned the street this week  The
streets .......................................................................................
5. He could repair the broken vase  The broken
vase ..............................................................................................
6. The could not trace who had supplied the information in the first place  The
course .........................................
7. I gave Tom the message, but he already knew about it  I
needn’t .......................................................................
8. It’s a pity you didn’t come to the party because you’d have loved it 
You ..........................................................
9. It is essential that no one be told about our plans 

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You .......................................................................................
10. It was wrong of you not to call the doctor at once 
You ....................................................................................
Answer keys:
1. needn’t / don’t need to do the test 6. of the information couldn’t be
2. cannot be deny that she has a 7. have given Tom the message he
beautiful voice already knew about it
3. will have been / be caught agan by 8. should have come to the party
tonight because you’d have loved it
4. have not been cleaned this week 9. mustn’t tell anyone about our plans
5. could not be repaired 10. should have called the doctor at
TASK 8: Give the correct form of the words in brackets:
1. She faced .............................. because she not only had few friends but also was
unwelcomed in that area ( lonely )
2. That a woman becomes a ..................... has ever been considered to be weird, as
people have assumed that this job is only for men ( firefight )
3. Although she was aware of gender .................. in favor of boys, she applied for
that position ( prefer )
4. This university is ranked as one of the most successful institutions which have
made ................. progress in gender equality ( consider )
5. in order to eliminate gender inequality, domestic ................. need to be shared
by both husband and wives ( responsible )
6. The number of female ................... has increased sharply for the past few years
( enroll )
7. My uncle is very .................... about rhinos. He has studied about them for a
long time ( knowledge )
8. By knowing their children’s strength and .................. parents can find
appropriate strategies to educate them( weak )
9. She contributed to the information of an ....................... for female pilots, gave
advice to women on careers and helped inspire others ( organize )
10. Even today, her life and career remain many people ( fascinate )
Answer keys:
1. loneliness 2. firefighter 3.preference 4. considerable

6. enrollments 7.knowledgeable 8.weaknesses 9.organization

Home- - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
work - Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 04

Period: 10


A. Aims and Objectives:

- To teach Ss to listen and read a conversation about Vietnamese weddings and do tasks:
Questions and answers.
- To teach some lexical items related to traditions, cultural characteristics and superstitions.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Use some lexical items related to the topic Cultural diversity.
+ Make simple dialogues using the given expressions.
+ Get to know the topic: Cultural diversity
+ Master some vocabularies about wedding traditions and customs in Vietnam.
+ Get to know two grammar points.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up - Ask Ss to compare the two photos of a traditional wedding and a modern one.
- Elicit more ideas from Ss’ background knowledge
- Elicit any topic-related words that Ss may know: ritual, costumes,
- Encourage and accept different comments and opinions
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Wedding in Vietnam
Activity 1: Listen and read
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation in the school library
between two friends: Kevin and Maria
- Have Ss predict what Kevin and Maria are talking about
- Encourage all kinds of predictions
- Tell Ss not to worry about new words or grammar points because these will be
dealt with later.
- Play the recording

Activity 2: Answer the question

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What is the conversation about?

- Have Ss discuss their answers in pairs. Then check their answers.
a. The Vietnamese wedding
Activity 3: Read the conservation again, and give answers to the following
- Tell Ss to focus on the instructions
- Checks Ss' understanding of the questions
- Set time for this activity, base on Ss’ level proficiency
- Get Ss to work in pairs or groups to discuss the answers.
- Call on different Ss to answer these questions
1. Because he is preparing for his presentation about the similarities and
differences between a traditional Vietnamese wedding and a modern one.
2. They follow the same core procedure which consists of the proposal
ceremony, the engagement ceremony and the wedding ceremony
3. The modern weddings are less complicated
4. Yes, they get some help from their parents and the attending guests
5.Students’ answers
Activity 4:
- Ask Ss to work in small groups
- Ask Ss what they know about Vietnamese weddings, based on the
conversation and their background knowledge as well
- Encourage Ss to take notes and plan a short report
- Ask one or two groups at random to present their report to the whole class
- Give feedback on Ss’ presentations.
Post A. Vocabulary:
Activity 1: Matching
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again to find and underline the seven words
- Have Ss identify the part of speech of these words (they are all nouns)
- Ask Ss to study the words and phrases around these seven words and predict
their meanings
- Tell Ss to match these words with their given definitions
- Let Ss work on their own first, then compare their answers with a partner
- Check the answer as a class
- Teacher may teach some related words or phrases depending on Ss’ level of
+ to be/ get engaged to sb +to propose to sb: to ask sb to marry you
+to arrange / plan a wedding +to make a toast to the bride and groom
+the newly-wedded couple
* Key: 1. g 2. e 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. f

Activity 2:

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- Introduce and explain the requirement of this activity is to choose the correct
word for the context in each sentence.
- Set a time limit for completing the activity
- Encourage Ss to exchange their answers with a partner to see if they
understand the contexts and meaning of each sentence
- Elicit answers from the whole class and give more explanation to help Ss
understand correctly, if necessary
* Key: 1. wedding 2. groom 3. bride
4. reception 5. guests 6. before 7. engaged
2. Pronunciation
Activity 1: Listen and repeat
- Tell Ss to listen and repeat sets of words with the same spelling
- Ask Ss to pay attention to the stress patterns
- Encourage Ss to say how the stress patterns are different in these words.
- Give them the meaning of these words, if necessary.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turns reading these words in columns and in
- Invite individuals Ss at random to read the words. Correct them, if necessary
Activity 2:
- Ask Ss to listen to the sentences and practice saying them correctly
- Pay attention to the stress of the underlined words consisting of two syllables
- Have Ss listen and put a mark (’) before the stressed syllable.
- Check if Ss have marked the stress correctly and let them practice in pairs
saying these sentences
- Invite some Ss to read these sentences in front of the class and correct
mistakes, if there are any.
2. Grammar:
Activity 1: Comparative and superlative adjectives
- Firstly ask Ss to look at the examples and revise the comparative and
superlative form of the adjectives.
E.g: My house is smaller than your house.
My house is the smallest in this street.
Exercise 1 is more difficult than exercise 2.
Exercise 1 is the most difficult in this book.
- Ask Ss to tell the T the comparative and superlative form of the adjectives.
Adjectives Comparatives Superlatives
Short adjs .....- er the .....- est
long longer the longest
hot hotter the hottest
.... ..... .........
Long adjs more ..... the most ....
expensive more expensive the most ex.
....... .......... ...........

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- Listen to the S and give remarks.

- Notes:
Irregular adjs
good => better => the best
bad => worse => the worst
far => further/farther => the furthest/farthest
Task 1:
- Explain the activity
- Ask Ss to read through the six statements
- Help them to understand the meaning of these statements. Explain any new
words that they don’t know
- Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss whether or not they agree with these
statements. Ss are encouraged to speak their minds. Tell Ss that there are no
right or wrong answers here
- Call on some groups at random to report their opinions.
- Ask Ss to study words or phrases in italics and work out the rules for
comparative and superlative adjectives
- Go through the examples in Do you know…? box and provide any
Task 2:
- Explain the activity: write five sentences comparing the two weddings
- Ask Ss to work in groups. Give each group a large size piece of paper to write
down their sentences
- Set a time limit for this activity. When time is up, ask all the groups to stick
their paper on the board or around the classroom.
- Give Ss time to look at other groups’ sentences to see if they have interpreted
and presented the information from the table in the same way
- Check all groups’ sentences and encourage Ss to come up with sentences
using other comparatives in addition to the suggested answers.
- Give Ss time to write the correct sentences into their notebook.
1. Mr Smith’s wedding was more crowded than Mr Long’s (wedding)
2. Mr Smith’s wedding reception was more expensive than Mr Long’s
3. Mr Smith was older than Mr Long when he got married.
4. Mr Long’s engagement period was longer than Mr Smith’s
5. The service at Mr Smith’s wedding was better than at Mr Long’s wedding
Activity 2: Articles
* Presentation:
+We use a/an with c countable noun when we first mention it and the after that
Eg: He is planning a wedding reception
He has invited 100 people to the wedding reception
+ We use the when it is clear in the situation which thing or person we mean
Eg: The bride looks very happy

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- Tell Ss that in this activity they are expected to choose the correct articles
from the ones given in brackets.
- Let Ss work individually first. Set a time limit for this activity and assist Ss if
they have any problems understanding the information from the text
- Ask Ss to check with a partner to see if they have the same answers. If they
have different answers, ask them to explain their choices
- Check the answers with the whole class and ask Ss to refer to Do you
know…..? box for further explanation.
Key: 1. a 2. a 3. the 4. the 5. the
6. the 7. a 8. the 9. The
Homework - Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to the wedding ceremony
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 04

Period: 11

A. Aims and Objectives:

- To teach Ss to read for general ideas and for specific information about superstitions in Viet
Nam and do tasks: answer the questions and discuss.
- To teach Ss some words and phrases related to traditions, cultural characteristics and
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for general ideas and for specific
information about superstitions in Viet Nam and answer the questions.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up - Ask Ss to look at the picture and describe it
- Ask some guiding questions to facilitate them
1. Is this an altar?
2. How do you know that?
3. Can you see the peach blossoms?
4. What is it laid on the altar?
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Activity 1: Are you superstitious?
Are the following statements true for you?
- Ask Ss to read the statements and help them to understand the meaning
- Ask Ss to work in groups and exchange their answers
- Encourage Ss to give explanations or reason for their behaviour
- Elicit answers from the whole class. Encourage different viewpoints and
- Tell Ss that they will read a text on a topic related to the things they have just
Pre-teaching vocabulary:
+ superstition (n) sự mê tín, dị đoan
+ superstitious (a) mê tín
+ mystery (n) bí ẩn
+ legend (n) truyền thuyết
+ ritual (n) lễ nghi
+ prestigious (a) có uy tín

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+ fortune (n) vận may

+ ancestor (n) tổ tiên
Post Activity 2:
- Ask Ss to read the questions. Help them to understand the questions if
- Get Ss to look at the options and predict the answers based on the answer
options given and Ss’ background knowledge
- Set a time limit for Ss to read the text and answer the questions
- Ask Ss to exchange their answers in pairs or groups and encourage them to
discuss the reasons for their options if necessary
- Ask Ss to read the text again to see if they still find it difficult to understand
any part of the reading text and assist them if necessary
- For stronger class, ask Ss to summarize the main content of the reading and
present their summaries to the whole class
1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A
Activity 3:
* The aim of this activity is for Ss to reflect on their experience and express
- Tell Ss to work in pairs
- Have Ss read the questions and practice asking and answering them
- Encourage Ss to give reason to support their opinions
- Ask several Ss to report what they learn about their partners from their
discussion in pairs.
Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the new words.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 05

Period: 12
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss listen for specific information about the wedding traditions of a small community
in the USA.
- To teach Ss about the wedding traditions of a small community in the USA.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Listen and do the tasks.
+ Develop the listening skills for specific details.
+ Talk about the wedding traditions of a small community in the USA.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up - Inform Ss of the lesson objectives: Listening for specific information about the
wedding traditions of a small community in the USA.
- Ask Ss to look at the photo of an Amish wedding and elicit Ss’ impression
about this community.
- Ask Ss to read a number of statements about the Amish community
- Help Ss to understand these statements if necessary
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and exchange their predictions
- Elicit Ss’ predictions about this community, accepting different opinions
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
1. approval (n) sự đồng thuận
2. newly-wed (n) cặp vợ chồng mới cưới
3. signify (v) báo hiệu
+ Checking vocabulary
While Task 1:
- Have Ss listen to the CD for the first time and try to note down the information
that helps them to check their answers
- Ask Ss to share with their friends to see if they have the same answers or not
- Let Ss listen to the CD for the second time and try to note down information
they didn’t understand for the first time
- Elicit answers from Ss and ask them to give clues to their answers
- Let Ss listen again and pause at certain places if necessary to help Ss hear the
information they need.
*Key: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T

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Task 2:
- Ask Ss to skim the given text, paying attention to the context around the gaps,
and predict the information needed for each gap: eg. parts of speech; their
- Ask Ss to share their prediction in pairs
- Elicit Ss’ predictions
- Let Ss listen and fill in the gaps. Let them again if necessary
- Elicit Ss’ answers and give them the correct ones.
1. December 2. two or three 3. approval
4. wedding meal 5. visiting relatives
Post Task 3:
- Have Ss work in pairs to name the things they have learnt about the Amish
wedding customs and talk about whether they find anything unusual or
- Call on some Ss at random and have them express their opinions to the whole
Homework - Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 05

Period: 13
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss to talk about superstitions in different countries.
- To teach Ss to compare traditions and customs in two countries and discuss those in Vietnam.
- To teach Ss to practice sharing and giving responses to new information.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Express their opinion about superstitions in different countries.
+ Compare traditions and customs in two countries and discuss those in Vietnam.
+ Perform their viewpoints to other people in real life.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and elicit any words related to the topic
*Expected answer:
+ Pic 1: Superstitions about black cats,
+ Pic 2: samovar – a traditional way of making tea.
+ Pic 3: skating – a national sport
+ Pic 4: fish and chips – a traditional food, figure
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Activity 1:
- Tell Ss that they will do a quiz about two countries: the UK and Russia. Elicit
any background knowledge about cultural aspects of these two countries.
- Ask Ss to do the quiz individually and then check their answers in pairs.
Encourage Ss to explain their choice
*Key: 1.b 2.a 3.b 4.a
Activity 2:
- Divide the whole class into two big teams of equal number of members: Team
A and Team B
- Each team (then further divided into smaller groups) will read about one
country, either the UK or Russia.
- Set a time limit for this activity and walk around the classroom to monitor,
facilitate and assist Ss when necessary.
- Have Ss note down the most interesting things about the country that they read
and then share the information with other members of their group.

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- Encourage them to use the superlative adjectives

- Call several groups at random to report their viewpoints
A: I think the most interesting thing about….is that……
B: Do you? I think…… more interesting.
C: I agree with B. I find ……the most interesting
Post Activity 3:
- Ask Ss to share information with members of other group
- Have Ss study the example carefully
- Ask them to practice in pairs as the example
- Move around to assist or listen to different pairs to detect errors /problems
- Call on several Ss at random and have them tell the whole class what they
learnt about the other country from the conversation with their partners.
- Give feedback on Ss’ performance: eg. Pronunciation, ideas, using body
language, turn-taking
Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the expressions.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 05

Period: 14
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss to write about the typical characteristics of the Vietnamese people.
- To teach Ss to develop ability to think in a logical way when rearranging sets of jumbled
paragraphs to form a well-structured text.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Learn about the typical characteristics of the Vietnamese people.
+ Write about the typical characteristics of the Vietnamese people.
+ Develop the writing skills in general. Build up vocabulary supported for writing.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook and pieces of papers.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Game – Back the Board
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Task 1:
- Ask Ss to rearrange the jumbled paragraphs to make a meaningful text
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually
- Set a time limit for this activity and assist Ss if necessary
Key: 1-b 2-c 3- d 4- a
Task 2:
- Draw Ss’ attention to the instructions and questions
- Get Ss to work individually to find the answer
- Ask them to practice in pairs
- Call on a few Ss to report the answers
1. He was born in 1923
2. He was born in HaiPhong
3. It was “TienQuanCa”
4. He died in 1995 inHanoi
5. Answer vary

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Task 3:
- Draw Ss’ attention to the instructions, the photos, and the fact files.
- Point out to Ss how to write a biography
- Pre teach the key words/ phrases
+ patriotic + occasional opera:
+ national assembly: + liberation movement:
+ child prodigy: thần đồng + uprising: nổi dậy
+ ballade: bài ca sử thi
+ technically demanding: yêu cầu kỹ thuật cao
- Have Ss pay attention to punctuation, structure elements and liking words.
- Ask Ss to write paragraphs about early years and typical works
- T goes around and gives help, collects common mistakes for later correction.
- Collect 5 paragraphs to mark in class so that all Ss feel the need to do the task
- Give feedback on these papers
Post Task 4:
- Focus on the instructions and the pictures. Give Ss time to read the
- Call on some Ss to say what they will write as the topic sentence, supporting
ideas 1, 2, 3, and concluding sentence.
- Tell Ss to write a draft first, then write a short text about the disadvantages of
being a working mother.
- Have Ss write the text in class. When they finish, ask them to exchange it with
partner for peer comments/ correction.
- Walk around and offer help if necessary.
- Get students' answers and comments.
- Get some outputs to highlight and comment and correct the possible mistakes
of students.
Homework - Write the text again at home.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 05

Period: 15

A. Aims and Objectives:

- To teach Ss about the gift-giving in the UK and the ideas of success in the USA and Vietnam.
- To teach Ss to talk about the gift-giving in the UK and the ideas of success in the USA and
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Understand and communicate about the gift-giving in the UK and the ideas of success in the
USA and Vietnam.
+ Talk about the gift-giving in the UK and the ideas of success in the USA and Vietnam.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook and pieces of papers.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up - Inform the class of the lesson objectives: Further skill development
- Show some pictures of gift-giving custom in some celebrations and festivals
- Ask Ss on what occasions people often give and receive presents Activity Key
a. Christmas b.Valentine c. Tet holiday
d. Teacher’s Day e. Mother’s Day f. Birthday
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While 1. Communication:
Activity 1:
- Pre teach some key words
+ stocking: (n)
+ symbolise: (v) tượng trưng
+ Santa Claus: (n) ông già Noen
+ Easter: (n) lễ tạ ơn
+ legally (adv) một cách hợp pháp
- Ask Ss to read the text individually and, for each occasion, highlight the
similarities and differences with the customs in Vietnam.
- Give Ss enough time to read the text

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- Have Ss study the sample conservation, assisting them if necessary.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and role-play a conversation, using the information
that they have highlighted
- Call on some pairs at random to perform their conversations in front of the
whole class.
- Give feedback on their performance.
Activity 2:
+ Ask Ss to work individually to put the jumped words and phrases to make
questions about giving and receiving presents
- Call some Ss to read aloud or write on the board those questions and correct
any mistakes
+Have Ss take turns asking and answering these questions in pairs.
- Walk around to facilitate Ss when they need help.
- Call on several Ss at random to report what they have learnt about their
partner, and then give feedback.
Key: 1. Who do you often buy presents for?
2. On what occasions do you buy presents?.
3. Which shop do you usually go to when you’re shopping for presents?
4. What’s the most expensive present you’ve given?
5. On what occasions do you receive presents?
6. What presents do you normally get?
7. What is the best present you’ve ever received?
Post 2. Culture:
* Pre teach the key words
+ standard of living: (n) mức sống
+ properous (a) thịnh vượng
+ self-reliance (a) tự chủ
+ respect (v) tôn trọng
+ high-status (a) địa vị cao
- Divide the class into two big groups. Each group will read one reading passage
to get the main idea.
- Ask one student from group A to work with one student from group B to form
a pair and exchange the information that they have just read.
- Have each pair find out the similarities and differences of the idea of success
between these two nations.
- Ask several pairs to report their findings.

1. For the Americans, success means providing their family with a decent
standard of living and ending their career in a higher and more prosperous
position than when they began it. Success is also the result of hard work and

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2. For Vietnamese, success goes along with a high-status job with good income
and respect at work.
3. Both the American and Vietnamese associate success with earning a lot of
4. The Americans rely more on themselves, while the Vietnamese expect more
respect from other people.
Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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A. Aims and Objectives:
- To help Ss pronounce correctly two-syllable words of different parts of speech but the same
spelling in isolation and in context.
- To teach Ss some lexical items related to the traditions, cultural characteristics and
- By the end of the lesson Ss are able to:
+ Pronounce correctly two-syllable words related to the topic Cultural diversity.
+ Use some key words of the topic Cultural diversity.
+ Do the exercises on comparative and superlative adjectives as well as articles.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up * Checking
- Ask students to recall what they have learnt in Unit 6.
- Speak out their ideas and opinions, knowledge that they have learnt in Unit 7.
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Pronunciation:
Activity 1:
- Ask Ss to tell the differences in stress patterns of the words that have the same
spelling, but belong to different parts of speech
- Play the CD once and ask S to put the mark before the stressed syllable in the
words given.
- Let them listen again if necessary
- Ask Ss to check their answer with other classmates
- Elicit answers from the whole class
- Let Ss listen again and pause to help them to notice the stress of the target
*Key: 1. ex’port 2. ‘protest 3. ‘contrast
4. im’port 5. ob’ject
Activity 1:
- Ask Ss to work on their own first.
- Then ask Ss to compare answers with a partner to see if they have the same
- After that, elicit answers from the whole class and correct the wrong ones
- Ask Ss to read the text again and practice retelling the story in pairs or groups
if there is enough time
*Key: 1. wife 2. get married 3. engaged
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4. reception 5. honeymoon. 6. wedding

7. bridegroom 8. best man 9. bride 10. bridesmaids
Post Grammar:
Activity 1: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the adjective in brackets.
Add any other words if necessary.
- Elicit the rule of forming comparative and superlative of adjective from Ss
- Ask Ss to work individually and then exchange with others
*Key: 1. harder, easier 2. more/less dangerous
3. the most famous 4. more polluted 5. the most delicious
Activity 2 Correct the sentences, adding articles when necessary
- Ask Ss name the grammar point
- Ask them to do the activity to reinforce these grammar points
- Check the answers with the whole class and explain any points if necessary
* Key: 1. We are having a great time in Hanoi
2. Let’s go to Nha Trang for a week next summer
3. Where’s the money I gave you on the first of this month?
4. For my birthday, I got a book, a DVD, and the latest CD by my favourite
5. On the radio, I heard a/the song that I really liked.
Students do the survey in PROJECT in groups at break time. Teacher design the
form and students hand in the results in written form as assignment.
Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 06

Period: 16-17
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To give sts some more exercises to practice
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook and pieces of papers.
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm- Game – Slap the Board
Pre + Review vocabulary
TASK 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from the others.
1.A. bridesmaid B. season C. sandwich D. proposal
2.A. complication B. custom C. community D. communicate
3.A. ritual B. Russia C. social D. nation
4.A. mirror B. sticky C. gift D. bride
5.A. ceremony B. careful C. standard D. servive
6.A. engagement B. changeable C. prestigious D. superstitious
7.A. mystery B. myself C. myriad D. myth
8.A. superstition B. stocking C. occasion D. asleep
9.A. scatter B. value C. adult D. vary
10.A. chocolate B. characteristic C. children D. change
Answer keys:
1.C 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.B
TASK 2: Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the
1.A. alert B. alter C. altar D. album
2.A. ancestor B. article C. assignment D. additive
3.A. decent B. descent C. detect D. debate
4.A. venture B. object C. magpie D. fortune
5.A. deplete B. balloon C. arrange D. impact
6.A. prefer B. present C. prepare D. pretend
7.A. react B. remain C. rebel D. refuse
8.A. image B. immigrate C. imitate D. import
9.A. percent B. perfect C. perform D. perhaps
10.A. confident B. concent C.contrast D. constant
Answer keys:
1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.C

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While TASK 3: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences :

1. I’m kind of superstitious .............. the number 13.
A. of B. about C. with D. at
2. “ “ in the sentence below is not correct.
I’m afraid the weather is getting hotter and hottest
3. Hair color is one of ......................... characteristics to be used in identifying
A. the most obviously C. obviously the most
B. most obvious D. the most obvious
4. The gap between the sides is not ....................... it was.
A. as wide as B. the wider as C. the widest as D. wide than
5. He is not .............................. he used to be
A. such good as a player as C. so good as a teacher
B. such a good player as D. as a teacher as good
6. Brian has been working ................... since he was promoted
A. much harder B. as harder C. more hardly D. far hardly
7. Unfortunately, her illness was ............................ we thought
A. the seriousest C. more seriouc than
B. the most serious D. seriouser than
8. In households where the father works full time and the mother works part time
or not at all, the distribution of labor when it comes to childcare and housekeeping
is ...........................
A. as balanced C. less balanced
B. more balanced D. least balanced
9. Division of the labor between mothers and fathers is .................. regarding
playing or doing activities with children.
A. as even as B. more even C. most even D. more even
10. Kate is learning to play .................... piano
A. the B. a C.  D. some
11. The club has members from many different cultural .......................
A. nations B. features C. manners D. backgrounds
12. It is a .......................... belief that broken mirrors will bring bad luck.
A. usual B. normal C. similar D. common
13. Thank you. That was ...................... very nice lunch
A. a B. an C. the D. 
14. Halley was excited to be his friend’s .................... in his wedding.
A. close man B. closest man C. best man D. better man
15. Get off the bus .............................. it stops
A. so quick as B. so fast as C. so soon as D. as soon as
16. After ....................... lunch, we went for a walk by ..................... sea
A. the / the B.  /  C.  / the D. the / 
17. The French language lost its official ...................., And English became the
speech not only of the common people but of courts and parliament as well.

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A. pretigious B. prestige C. fame D. famous

18. I never listen to ................. radio . In fact I haven’t got .............. radio.
A. a / a B. a / the C. the / the D. the / a
19. Today, fathers are taking .................... role in caring for children and helping
out around the house.
A. a more active B. more active C. the more active D. as active
20. We live at ......................third house from the church.
A. the B. a C. an D. 
Answer keys:
1.B 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.B
11.D 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.D 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.A
TASK 4: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences :
1. The bride is accompanied by the groom during the wedding ceremony.
A. bridegroom B. bridesmaid C. broom D. bride
2. What is the similarity between Vietnamese culture and Thai culture ?
A. That sounds interesting B. I couldn’t agree more. I like
Vietnamese culture and Thai culture
C. That’s true. They don’t know much about this D. I think it is food
3. It can be seen that these cultures have ................. lot of things in common
A. a B. an C. the D. 
4. Taking part in social activities and interacting with different cultures widen
their knowledge and gradually .............. them .
A. nature B. mature C. future D. picture
5. “Jim is more popular than any other painter in this district” has the closest
meaning to:
A. Another painter is more popular than Jim
B. Jim is more popular than no other painter in this district
C. Jim is the more popular than any other painter in this district
D. Jim is the most popular painter in this district
6. He has worked as ................... coordinator for more than 4 years
A. a B. an C. the D. 
7. Older athletes are getting faster and .............. than in the past.
A. fitter B. fittest C. fit D. more fit
8. Mount Everest is ................ mountain on the earth.
A. the tallest B. the taller C. tall D. tallest
9. My closest friend is looking forward to receiving a scholarship to study at a
university in ................ Italy
A. a B. an C. the D. 
10. Before the wedding, the groom usually asks her brother, best friend or father
to be his best man
A. bride B. bridegroom C. groomsman D. bridesmaid
11. Today’s top sports people receive a lot .................. money than in the past.
A. much B. many C. more D. most

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12. Pain killers are much .................. now than in the past.
A. effective B. more effective C. most effective D. the more effective
13. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. increase B. bridesmaid C. wedding D. workforce
14. That was probably .................... enjoyable meal I’ve ever had
A. least B. less C. the less D. the least
15. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. contrast B. courage C. venture D. legend
16. Our atmosphere is gradually becoming more and ................. polluted
A. much B. many C. more D. most
17. “ ” in the sentence below is not correct:
We didn’t realize that it was the most fastest way to cross the country
18. “ ” in the sentence below is not correct:
In fact, France has a more lower overall medal total than Russia
19. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. bulky B. altar C. employ D. object
20. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. machine B. expense C. import D. alone
Answer keys:
1.A 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.A 9.D 10.C
11.C 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.A 16.C 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.C
TASK 5: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences :
1. Alan and Susie ................. an argument. They’re not speaking to each other.
A. must have B. might have C. must have had D. might had
2. Many old people don’t like change. They are very set in their ....................
A. life B. habits C. routines D. ways
3. Under the circumstances it .................. be best to wait for a few weeks
A. seemed B. ought C. might D. should
4. Some people are .................... interested in animals than in other people.
A. further B. far more C. much D. most
5. For this recipe to be successful, you ............... cook the meat for at least 2 hours
in a moderate oven
A. need B. must C. ought D. will
6. He doen’t travel .................. he used to.
A. more than B. as much than C. as much as D. more than as
7. I’m afraid we can’t raise your ................. this year. The company’s operating on
a very tight budget.
A. salary B. promotion C. job D. equality
8. “ ” in the sentence below is not correct:
Ducks are less susceptible to infection as other types of poultry

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9. are surprisingly widespread, including a fear of Friday the 13th

and a belief in good-luck charms
A. Superstitions B. Superstitious C. Traditions D. Custom
10. People aren’t working because it is a holiday. The children ................... go to
school either.
A. don’t have to B. mustn’t C. don’t D. haven’t to
11. Cultural ............... is the equality of different cultures, as opposed to
monoculture, as in the global monoculture, or the variety of human societies or
cultures in specific region, or in the world as a whole.
A. equality B. difference C. distinct D. diversity
12. “ ” in the sentence below is not correct:
One of the more beautiful botanical gardens in the US is the wild and lovely
Magnolia Garden
Answer keys:
1.C 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.A 11.D 12.B
TASK 6: Choose the word or phrase ( A, B , C or D) that best fits each space
in the following passage.
Throughout the world there are different (1)_________ for people to greet
each other. In much of the world, a handshake is the common form of welcoming
and greeting someone. In many countries around the Mediterranean Sea a light
kiss on the cheek is the appropriate way to welcome friends and family. It can be a
very (2)_________ surprise if you expect to shake hands and get a kiss or a hug
At times, it is difficult to tell what sort of greeting (3)_________ is
followed. People may bow, wave another’s arm or even slap the other person on
the back. In some places people just smile, look at (4) _________ face and say
Most people in the world are tolerant of, visitors and don’t mind what
travelers do that seems wrong as long as the visitors are (5) _________ . A big
part of the delightfulness of world travel is experiencing different customs.
1.A. means B. ways C. methods D. techniques
2.A. huge B. large C. big D. great
3.A. habit B. routine C. custom D. tradition
4.A. each other B. the others C. theirs D. the other’s
5.A. sincere B. truthful C. faithful D. hopeful
Answer keys:
1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.A
TASK 7: Choose the word or phrase ( A, B , C or D) that best fits each space
in the following passage.
As our world shrinks everyday and people are travelling all over the world,
we are all being exposed to more varieties fro cultures. But we don’t always have
to (1) ..................... home to meet people from all over the world. Just look in the
backyard of your own hometown, city and state. We are all now more a

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(2) ................. of a truly global culture than ever before. We are now meeting,
dating, falling in love and marrying people of many different cultural and religious
(3) .............. than oue town.
Your wedding will be special no matter what traditions you follow, as long
as you have someone special ( 4) .................... your side. Wedding are as
individual in style as they are universal as a ritual. Weddings are a time of family
and friends, and traditions; family heritage (5) .................. to incorporate culture
items in the theme of your wedding. Traditions can be small subtle things that
(6) ....................the couple’s faimlies’ heritages. Or you can make your cultural or
religious traditions the rmain theme for your wedding. Cultural (7) ................ is
one way to personalize your wedding. Or you can have special segments to
promote our and or your fiance’s heritage. It is a nice and easy way to incorporate
personal pride in your ancestry, especially today when more couples are
multiculture ones. Each and evey culture is rich in wedding customs and
traditions. (8) ..................... up your special day with a salute to your heritage. Or
you can start your own traditions or borrow from another culture’s customs and
traditions. Then some couples will have a traditional Western ceremony and then
do a special ceremony from their own like a Korean tea ceremony.
1.A. leave B. move C. change D. build
2.A. role B. part C. lot D. number
3.A. knowledge B. expertise C. qualifications D. backgrounds
4.A. near B. close C. by D. with
5.A. is B. being C. uses D. using
6.A. present B. represent C. symbol D. make
7.A. variety B. wealth C. diversity D. abundance
8.A. Spice B. Put C. Give D. Salt
Answer keys:
1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.A
TASK 8: Choose the word or phrase ( A, B , C or D) that best fits each space
in the following passage.
Do you avoid walking under ladders ? Do black cats make you (1) ...............
? Some people care very superstitous. They carry a lucky charm such as a rabbit’s
foot everywhere they go. Why is a rabbit lucky ?
Because it’s born with its eyes open, of course!
Where do superstitions come from ? Long ago, people didn’t have the
scientific knowledge we do today. To reduce their fear about (2) ...................
events, people came up with rituals. They passed their beliefs down from
generation to generation. Some superstitions are timeless. Floors in buildings still
go from the 12th to the 14th floor, even though nobody can agree (3) .................
the number 13 is unlucky.
Superstitous people think they can turn bad luck (4) .................. . They
“knock on wood” to avoid jinxing themselves. For example, if you say “I’ve never
broken a limb” you should immediately search for a table to knock on to avoid a

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(5) .................. of luck. You may break your leg tomorrow if you don’t.
Many superstitions are related to money. For example, if you give money
away on Mondays, you’ll give money away all week long. If you leave your purse
on the floor, you’ll go broke. Gamblers (6) ............. notoriously superstitious. If
you’re in a casino, never get up to use the washroom. You’re lucky streak will go
down the toilet.
Superstitions (7) ............... from culture to culture. A superstitious African
mother won’t cut her baby’s hair before her child’s first birthday! In Mexico, a
bride must not wear pearls on her wedding day. Pearls symbolize tears and an
unhappy marriage.
Are you superstitious ? How would you (8) ................. if someone opened an
umbrella in your living room ?
1.A. nerve B. nervous C. nervously D. nervousness
2.A. inexplainable B. imexplainable C. unexplainable D. disexplainable
3.A. why B. how C. what D. when
4.A. on B. up C. off D. away
5.A. reverse B. reversal C. reversing D. reversed
6.A. have B. get C. are D. do
7.A. move B. different C. diverse D. differ
8.A. react B. reacting C. reacted D. reaction
Answer keys:
1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A
TASK 9: Choose the word or phrase ( A, B , C or D) that best fits each space
in the following passage.
As more women in the United States move up the professional ladder, more
are finding it necessary to make business trips alone. Since this is new for many,
some tips are certainly in order. If you are married, it is a good idea to encourage
your husband and children 5 to learn to cook few simple meals while you are way.
They will be much happier and probably they will enjoy the experience. If you
will be eating alone a good deal, choose good restaurants. In the end, they will be
much better for your digestion. You may also find it useful to call the restaurant in
advance and state that you will be eating alone. You will probably get better
service and almost certainly a better table. Finally, and most importantly,
anticipate your travel needs as a businesswoman; this starts with lightweight
luggage which you can easily manage even when fully packed. Take a folding
case inside your suitcase; it will come in extremely handy 15 for dirty clothes, as
well as for business documents and papers you no longer need on the trip. And
make sure you have a briefcase so that you can keep currently required papers
separate. Obviously, experience helps, but you make things easier on yourself
from the first by careful planning, so that right from the start you really 20 can
have a good trip!
1. Which of the following can be concluded from the passage?
A.A greater percentage of women are advancing professionally in the U.S. than

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B.Professional men refuse to go with women on business trips.
C.Each year there are more women tourists in the United States.
D.Businesswomen become successful by showing a willingness to travel alone.
2. In this passage, what advice does the author have for married women ?
A. Stay home and take care of your family
B. Encourage your husband and kids to be happy and have fun while you are away
C. Help your family learn to prepare food for themselves
D. Have your whole family take gourment cooking classes together
3. Why are better restautants especially preferable for frequent travellers ?
A. The food is usually better for your health B. The tables are better
C. You can call ahead for reservations D. You will not have to eat alone
4.Why is lightweight luggage important for the traveling businesswomen?
A.It provides space for dirty clothes.
B.It allows for mobility
C.It can double as a briefcase.
D.It is usually big enough to carry all business documents.
5. Which of the following is closest meaning to the word “ papers” ?
A. newspapers B. certificates C. contracts D. documents
Answer keys:
1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D

TASK 10: Choose the word or phrase ( A, B , C or D) that best fits each space
in the following passage.
One custom that gives insight into people’s history and values is the way
they greet one another. There is a wide range of greetings around the world. These
range from the common handshake to other strange rituals found in some
countries. Let’s take a look at how the simple action of greeting someone differs
greatly from place to place.
In the United States and Canada, for example, a simple handshake or nod is
the norm. The handshake has an interesting origin: it started long ago as a way of
showing people that you weren’t carrying a weapon. Shaking the person’s right
hand while looking him or her in the eye is the usual method. Handshakes are also
common in other parts of the world, including Britain and Russia. In Russia, males
grasp other men’s hands very strongly during the handshake. Handshakes are also
how most people in New Zealand greet each other. However, the native Maori
people of that country display more physical contact: they press their noses
together in a sign of trust and closeness.
In other countries, such as France and Belgium, hugging and kissing are
more common when two people meet. In those cultures, people kiss each other on
the cheeks. The number of times varies depending on the particular country. In
Saudi Arabia, men might hug and kiss each other (but not a woman) on the cheek.
Men will also shake hands with other men there. In some Eastern countries,

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including Korea and Japan, bowing is the traditional greeting. In Japan, the deeper
the bow, the deeper the respect shown. The strangest custom, though, is likely in
Tibet. People there opt to stick out their tongue to greet others.
1. What is this reading mainly about ?
A. The importance of handshakes all around the world
B. The origins and histories of various greetings
C. The strangest types of greetings on Earth.
D. The wide range of greeting customs in the world
2. Which of the following sentence is TRUE ?
A. People in Russia, but not England, shake hands
B. The number of times people kiss on the cheek varies
C. In the past, people nodded If they weren’t carrying a
D. You shouldn’t look at people when shaking their
hands in the United States
3. How do most people in New Zealand greet each other ?
- .......................................................
A. With a handshake B. By pressing noses together
C. With a kiss on the cheek D. By sticking cut their tongue
4. Which type of country is NOT mentioned in the reading ?
A. A North American country B. A European country
C. A South American country D. An Asean country
5. What can be inferred about getting customs in Saudi Arabia ?
A. Men shake hands with women when meeting them for the first time
B. It’s not proper for men to kiss women when they meet
C. Women do not kiss other women when they meet
D. Women can kiss men, but men can’t kiss women when they meet.
Answer keys:
1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B

Post TASK 11: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to
the first one.
1. The film I saw last week was better than this one ( good )
 This film .................................................................... the one I saw last week
2. Mary used to be better paid than she is these days ( as )
 These days Mary is .................................................... she used to be
3. There are ver few buildings in the old city higher than this ( one )
 This is ............................................................................ buildings in the old city
4. I can’t believe this is the best room there is ( better )
 There must ......................................................................... this one.
5. My house is as big as Peter’s ( same )
 Peter’s house ............................................................................... mine

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6. Louisa does a full-time job and looks after the house too ( well )
 Louisa does a full-time job ............................................................. the house
7. “I’d love to be the same height as my sister” said Jolie enviously ( tall )
 Jolie wishes ............................................................................... her sister
8. Dinner will be served immediately upon our arrival at the hotel ( soon )
 Dinner will be served ........................................................................ at the hotel
9. Take my advice and don’t drink so much whisky ( if )
 I’d drink ............................................................................... you
10. Dan thinks English food is better than French food ( prefers )
 Dan ........................................................................... French food
Answer keys:
1. isn’t as / so good as 2. not as / so well paid as 3. one of the highest
4. be a better room than 5. is the same size as 6. as well as looking after
7. she were as tall as 8. as soon as we arrive 9. less whisky if I were
10. prefers English food to
TASK 12: Give the correct form of the words in brackets:
1. The ................ ceremony is one of the 3 stages of a Vietnamese traditional
wedding ( propose )
2. Before a wedding ceremony, there must be an ................... ceremony ( engage )
3. As a rule of thumb, a number of superstitious people choose a ......... date before
starting something ( favour )
4. It is believed that meeting a black cat is lucky , but it is ................. to walk
under a ladder or break a mirror ( luck )
5. Working as a volunteer provides you with opportunities to know more about
cultural ............. ( diverse )
6. If you want to get on well with your colleagues, you should pay ............. to
some common features of their cultures ( attend )
7. He is trying to work hard so that he is promoted to a higher and more .............
position ( prosper )
8. After he had flirted her for a long time, they ...................fell in love ( gradual )
9. It cannot be denied that superstitious ............... exist in many cultures ( believe )
10. After the wedding day, the ................. of couples leave on honeymoon in a
very romantic places ( major )
Answer keys:
1. proposal 2. engagement 3. favourable / favourite 4. unlucky 5. diversity
6. attention 7. prosperous 8. gradually 9. beliefs 10. majority
Home- - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
work - Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 06

Period: 18

A. Aims and Objectives:

- To teach Ss to listen and read a conversation about personal electronic devices and do tasks:
Questions & answers and true/false exercises.
- To teach some lexical items related to:
+ Electronic devices that can help us learn
+ Using the Internet to learn English
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Use some lexical items related to personal electronic devices.
+ Make simple dialogues using the given expressions.
+ Master some vocabularies about personal electronic devices.
+ Get to know one grammar point.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Ask Ss these questions:
1. Have you ever owned any personal electronic devices?
2. What are they used for?
- Leads in the new lesson
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While - Introduce the topic of the lesson:
New ways to learn
Activity 1: Listen and read
- Ask As look at the pictures and guess the topic of the conversation.
- Have Ss predict what they are talking about
- Encourage all kinds of predictions
- Tell Ss not to worry about new words or grammar points because these will be
dealt with later.
- Play the recording

Activity 2: True/ False

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What is the conversation about?

- Go through the statements to make senses quickly.
- Ask Ss do it individually in 5 minutes
- Encourage Ss to compare the answers with a partner.
- Invite some Ss to give the answer and then explain their choices.
- Give feedback to Ss’ work.
1. F 2.F 3. NG 4. T 5. F 6. T
Activity 3:
- Have Ss work in pairs to find the adjectives which describe the devices used as
learning tool then discuss the meaning in five minutes
- Invite some Ss to give the words and the meaning.
- Give feedback on Ss’ presentations
* Suggested answer:
1. personal: your own
2. electronic: having many small parts that control and direct a small electric
3. modern: relating to the present time or recent time
4. excellent: exceptionally good
5. useful: being of practical use
6. mobile: able to be moved easily
7. digital: showing information by using figures
8. perfect: being complete & without weaknesses
9. great: superior in quality or degree
Activity 4: Read the conservation again, and give answers to the following
- Tell Ss to focus on the instructions
- Checks Ss' understanding of the questions
- Set time for this activity, base on Ss’ level proficiency
- Get Ss to work in pairs or groups to discuss the answers.
- Call on different Ss to answer these questions
1. They are talking about smartphones, laptops and tablet computers.
2. They have changed the way we learn.
3. They use them to take photos or record their work, which can be later shared
with the class.
4. because they can be used to store information, take notes, write essays and do
5. He does his assignments and projects, and studies English.

Post 1. Vocabulary:

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Activity 1: Matching
- Ask Ss to work individually, read the phrases(1-5) then find the meaning for
each of them (a-e) in 3 minutes
-Elicit Ss to use the context of the conversation to choose the meaning for each
* Key:
1. a 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. a
Activity 2:
- Invite some Ss to check the answer
-Ask Ss to work individually first, then check with a partner.
- Check with the whole class and ask Ss if they have ever used one of these
devices and add more uses if any.
* Key: 1. A,B,C 2. A, C 3. A, C
4. B 5. B 6. A,B, C
2. Pronunciation
Activity 1: Listen and repeat
- Play the recording for Ss to listen.
- play it again with pauses for Ss to listen and repeat.
- Ask some Ss to read the words again and give comment on Ss’ pronunciation
- Invite individuals Ss at random to read the words. Correct them, if necessary
Activity 2:
- Focus on the stress patterns of three- syllable adjectives and verbs.
- Ask Ss to listen and practice saying them correctly
- Play the tape again. Ask Ss to put a mark before the stress syllable in each
- Check with the whole class to make sure that every student has done this
exercise correctly.
* Key:
‘concentrate ‘similar con’tribute
‘digital intro’duce ‘excellent
‘personal ‘interest sym’bolic
3. Grammar: Defining and non-defining relative clauses
Activity 1:
- Ask Ss to read the sentences taken from Getting started underlined the relative
pronouns and their functions.
- Revise the uses of the relative pronouns through these sentences.
- Help Ss to distinguish defining relative clause vs non-defining relative
- Check Ss’ work and comment.

* Key:

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1. that 2. which 3. That 4. which 5. whose

- These pronouns are used to define or identify the nouns preceding them.
+ Defining relative clauses: 1,3,5
+ Non- defining R.Cs: 2,4
Activity 2:
- Have Ss work in pairs to match sentence part in A with a suitable one in B in
4 minutes.
- Check some Ss’ answer and comment.
- Ask Ss to read watch out, check for comprehension.
* Key:
1. e 2.d 3. a 4. f 5. c 6. b
Activity 3:
- Let Ss do this exercise in 4 minutes.
- Call some Ss at random to give the answer and then give feedback to Ss’
1. which/ that 2. whose 3. which
4. who/ that 5. whose 6. who
Homework - Ask Ss to learn by heart the phrases related to the personal electronic devices.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 07

Period: 19

A. Aims and Objectives:

- To teach Ss to read for general ideas and for specific information about new ways to learn
English and do tasks: Answer the questions and discuss.
- To teach Ss some words and phrases related to new ways to learn English.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for general ideas and for specific
information about new ways to learn English and answer the questions.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Game – Back the Board
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Activity 1:
-Let Ss look at the pictures and answer the questions.
1. What are students doing?
2. What is the reading text about?
1. They are using smartphones, and tablets to study in the classroom.
2. We are going to read about electronic devices which help us learn
Activity 2:
- Check if Ss know the meaning of the words on the left, explain these words if
- Have Ss match each of the words with its meaning first then check with a
- Go over the answer to make sure Ss have done correctly.
* Answer:
1. c 2.d 3. a 4. e 5. f 6.b
Activity 3:
-Make sense of the three options.
-Ask Ss to read the text silently in 5 minute.
-Have Ss choose the best title and give their explanation for their choice.
- Call one or two Ss to check the answer
* Key: b. New ways to learn English

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- Work in pairs to do this activity.

-Take turns asking and answering
Activity 4:
- Ask Ss to scan the text to find the answer for the question.
- Have Ss in pairs ask and answer
- Check some pairs, give feedback to Ss’ answer.
* Key:
1. We can download them in mobile devices and study anywhere.
2. We can see words on the screen and hear them spoken.
3. We can choose to practice with native speakers of different accents and
4. We can use them to record real life English speech, lessons, songs or English
language films.
5. Because it will make learning English easier, faster, more effective and more
Post Activity 5:
- Divide class into groups of 4 or 5 Ss and let them discuss the question.
- Walk round to monitor the class and offer help.
- Invite two or three groups to report what they have talked.
- Give comment to Ss’ talks.
* Suggested answers:
Some Ss in my groups have smartphones and laptop. We use these devices to
look up new words, download and store digital lessons and practice. These
devices help us improve our pronunciation, vocabulary and skills as well.
Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the new words.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 07

Period: 20
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss listen to instructions on how to access and use online English language materials
for specific information.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Listen and do the tasks.
+ Develop the listening skills for specific details.
+ Talk about how to use electronic devices to study English online.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up - Have students look at the pictures and elicit their answers to the questions in
the instructions.
Ex: What are the students doing?
What do you think you are going to listen about?
- Ask them to use the caption to help them guess.
Suggested answers:
The students are learning English with computers. Maybe they are searching
the Internet for information or using a webpage to study.
We guess we are going to listen to some new ways to learn using the Internet
and electronic devices.
- After all, inform students of the lesson objective: listening for specific
information about using electronic devices to study English.
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
- get tired of
- search engine
- level
- record
- native speaker
- effectively
- success
+ Checking vocabulary

While Task 1: True or False?

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+ Ask Ss to read all the statements and guess if they are true of false. Make sure
that students understand all the statements before listening.
- Explain if there are any new words. Give the Vietnamese equivalents if
- Play the recording and have students do the activity. Check their answers.
- Play the recording again if many students in the class have incorrect answers,
pausing at the places where they can get the correct information.
*Key: 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T
Task 2: Listen again and complete the following sentences by writing no
more than three words.
- Teacher asks students to read the instructions and the sentences 1-5. Make
sure that they understand the sentences. Provide help with the new vocabulary if
- Play the recording once or twice again
- Ask students to work with a partner to compare their answers.
- Invite representatives from some pairs to report their answers to the class.
Give feedback and correct any wrong answers.
1. easily and effectively
2. access and take
3. learning vocabulary
4. native speakers
5. chance of success.
Post Task 3: Discussion
- Inform students that this is a post-listening activity.
- Ask students to work in groups of 3 or 4 and discuss the questions. Students
note down their group members' answers and get ready to report. Have some
students present their reports to the class.
- Check and give feedback.
- Call on some Ss at random and have them express their opinions to the whole
Homework Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 07

Period: 21
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss to talk about how electronic can help us learn.
- To teach Ss to practice sharing and giving responses to new information.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Express their opinion about how electronic can help us learn.
+ Give a report about how their classmates use the devices to learn school subjects.
+ Perform their viewpoints to other people in real life.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook and pieces of papers.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Show several images of electronic devices on the screen, ask sts to write the
names and how do they help you learn at school?
* Suggested answer:
Personal computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet, speakers
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Activity 1:
- Give Ss time to read through the arguments in favour of using electronic
devices in learning and match arguments 1-4 with explanations a-d
- Ask them to compare the answer with a partner.
- Call on some Ss to check
- Ask Ss to exchange the answer with a partner.
* Answer:
1.d 2. b 3. c 4. A
Activity 2:
- Guide Ss to understand the requirement of this activity.
- Give Ss several ways to express their ideas about the most effective ways of
using electronic devices.
- Present a model
E.g: In my opinion, making learning and teaching faster, easier and better is an
effective way of using electronics because teachers can use these devices to
prepare for the lesson, and students can look for information on electronics.
- Have Ss, in groups, to express their ideas.
-Call on some Ss to check.

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Activity 3:
- Call on some Ss to check.
- Ask two Ss to model the example
- Have Ss discuss in pairs in 5 minutes.
-Walk round and offer help if necessary
- Check two pairs and comment.
Post Activity 4:
- Divide class into groups of 3 to 4 students, ask Ss to focus on getting answer
to the questions and note down their group’s discussion in 4 minutes.
- Ask the representatives from some groups to report the results of their group
work to the class.
Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the expressions.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 08

Period: 22
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss to write about the advantages and disadvantages of electronic devices as learning
- To teach Ss to talk about electronic devices used among children in the USA.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Write about the advantages and disadvantages of electronic devices as learning tools.
+ Develop the writing skills in general. Build up vocabulary supported for writing.
+ Talk about electronic devices used among children in the USA.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook and pieces of papers.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up - Write the phrase Using electronic devices in learning on the board. Focus on
the pictures and the instructions.
- Elicit students' ideas about the pictures. Give suggestions by asking some
questions to help students think and talk about the advantages and
disadvantages of using electronic devices in learning.
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Activity 1:
- Give students time to read the sentences about some advantages and
disadvantages of using electronic devices in learning.
- Give the explanation and meaning of some new words and phrases mentioned
in the texts.
- Have them compare their answers with a partner first, and then ask some
students to read out loud their answers to check as a class.
A: 2, 4, 6. D: 1,3,5
Activity 2:
- Give students time to read the text about the disadvantages of using electronic
devices in class.
- Elicit students' answers about the use of linking words.
Linking words:
First of all, Second, Last but not least, In conclusion.
Activity 3:

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- Ask students to read the sample writing again. Remind them of the structure of
a short text that starts with a topic sentences, followed by supporting ideas 1,2,3
and ends with a concluding sentence.
- Tell students to write a draft first, then write a short text about the advantages
of electronic devices as learning tools.
- Students write the text in class. When they finish, ask them to exchange it with
a partner for peer comments/correction.
- Walk around and offer help if necessary.
- Alternatively, have students write the text at home.
- Collect students' papers in the next lesson. Give feedback on some papers in
Post - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Focus on the form of a biography
- Ask Ss to complete the writing at home and collect
- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
What can you do now?
Expected answer:
- I’ve learnt how to write a short text with supporting ideas and detailed
- I can write about the advantages and disadvantages of electronic devices as
learning tools.
Homework - Write the text again at home.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 08

Period: 23


A. Aims and Objectives:

- To teach Ss to talk about the electronic devices used among children in the USA.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Understand and communicate about electronic devices used among children in the USA.
+ Talk about the electronic devices used among children in the USA.
+ Talk and express their ideas and opinions about the effects of personal electronic devices.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook and pieces of papers.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Inform the class of the lesson objective. (further skill development, after
reading some comments on electronic devices and a text about how children in
the United States use electronic devices, Students have more chances to
practice speaking.)
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While 1. Communication:
Activity 1:
- Ask students to read the comments on personal electronic devices and decide
the most reasonable comment, and to provide reasons for their choice.
- Encourage students to express their own opinions.
Activity 2:
- Have students read the instructions carefully. Ask a pair of students to model
the example. Have all students work in pairs (and use their own arguments if
they can).
- Go around the class to offer help if necessary.
- T may provide students new words, phrases, and structures that they may need
to express their opinions.
Student A: What do you think could be the disadvantage of electronic devices?
Student B: Some people think that electronics are bad for your eyes, and
radiation from them could harm your body.
Student A: Oh, really? I cannot believe that I think they are harmless to users.

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2. Culture:
Activity 1:
* Pre teach the key words
- Teacher teaches students the meaning of some new words and phrases in the
- modern technology: (np)
- do assignments: (vp)
- promote: (v)
- ability: (n)
- critical thinking :(np)
- bad effect (np);
- After that, teacher asks students to read the text about how electronic devices
are used among children in the United States.
- Have students read and answer the questions in pairs. Then check students'
answers as a class.
- Some students present their results to the class.
- Teacher controls the performance of correction among students.
1. They use them to look up and store information, do assignments and projects,
do calculations and play games.
2. About 2 out of 5 have.
3. They may help promote listening and speaking ability.
4. They may help improve their critical thinking, reading, writing, and maths
5. They can be great educational tools, but the wrong use may cause very bad
Post Activity 2:
- Teacher has students in groups of 4 or 5, and talk about how children in their
area/Vietnam use mobile/ electronic devices.
- Students work in groups of 4 or 5 to talk about how children in Vietnam use
mobile electronic devices.
Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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A. Aims and Objectives:
- To help Ss pronounce correctly three -syllable adjectives and verbs in isolation and in context.
- To teach Ss some lexical items related to new ways to learn.
- By the end of the lesson Ss are able to:
+ Pronounce three -syllable adjectives and verbs related to the topic new ways to learn.
+ Use some key words of the topic new ways to learn.
+ Do the exercises on relative clauses.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up * Checking
- Ask students to recall what they have learnt in Unit 7.
- Speak out their ideas and opinions, knowledge that they have learnt in Unit 7.
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Pronunciation:
Activity 1:
- Teacher plays the recording. Have students listen and repeat after the
- Teacher helps students to review the stress patterns of three-syllable adjectives
and verbs.
Activity 2:
- Teacher plays the recording again. Students listen and put a mark (') before the
stressed syllable.
‘adjective, e’lectric, e’ffective, ‘wonderful, con’venient, ‘similar, ‘graduate,
de;velop, con’tinue, con’sider, ‘dedicate, recom’mend
Activity 1:
- Teacher informs students that the words in the box are among the most
commonly used in the unit. Students decide which words best complete the
- Teacher may help to remind the meaning and use of the words given.
Alternatively, extend this activity by asking students to make their own
sentences with each of the words.
*Key: 1. D 2. E 3. B 4. C 5. F 6. A
Activity 1:
- Teacher sets the time limit and gets students to do the activity individually,
then call on some students to tell their answers and write the correct answers on
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the board.
- Ask Ss to work individually and then exchange with others
*Key: 1. which/ that 2. who 3. which 4. whose
5. who/ that 6. whose
Activity 2:
- Teacher asks students to pay attention to the instructions. Set a time limit and
have students do the activity individually.
- Call on six students to write their answers on the board. Underline any
mistakes and ask other students to correct them. Provide help, if necessary.
Students do the survey in PROJECT in groups at break time. Teacher design the
form and students hand in the results in written form as assignment.
Post - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
What can you do now?
Expected answer:
+ I can pronounce correctly three -syllable adjectives and verbs.
+ I can use relative pronouns “which, that, who and whose.”
Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 08 -09

Period: 24-25
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To give sts some more exercises to practice
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook and pieces of papers.
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Game – Slap the Board
Pre + Review vocabulary
TASK 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from the others.
1.A. mobile B. device C. lifestyle D. ritual
2.A. software B. aware C. cigarette D. careful
3.A. electronic B. information C. technology D. historic
4.A. assignment B. submit C. survey D. sugar
5.A. application B. suggestion C. invention D. calculation
6.A. access B. account C. accompany D. accept
7.A. tablet B. taboo C. talent D. task
8.A. portable B. organic C. import D. opportunity
9.A. native B. nature C. national D. naked
10.A. diversity B. distract C. discover D. disruptive
Answer keys:
1. D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A
TASK 2: Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the
1.A. concentrate B. condition C. confession D. conclusion
2.A. diploma B. division C. digital D. disable
3.A. educate B. educator C. edible D. edition
4.A. syllable B. similar C. sibling D. systemic
5.A. advantage B. advertise C. advancement D. adapted
6.A. persuasive B. period C. personal D. permanent
7.A. instruction B. Instagram C. installment D. insurance
8.A. recognize B. realize C. reconnect D. reference
9.A. understand B.overcome C. underrmine D. overcoat
10.A. critical B. creative C.criminal D. criticize
Answer keys:
1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.B
While TASK 3: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences :
1. The word “ breaker” refers to the ocean ...............................
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A. the waves break onto the shore

B. the waves of which break onto the shore
C. it’s waves break onto the shore
D. which its waves break onto the shore
2. The 12 km race route, ........................, goes from San Francisco Bay across
town to the Pacific Ocean.
A. most of its lined with people
B. which most of it is lined with people
C. which most of people line it
D. most of which is lined with people locates
3. Playing games online has begun to have a serious ................ on students’
sleeping habits
A. impact B. act C. attack D. affect
4. John gained access ...................... the computer after he had entered the
password three times
A. for B. with C. on D. to
5. The year .................. the first man travelled in space will never be forgotten
A. which B. that C. when D. where
6. The advantage of the smaller tablets is its greater ..........................
A. portability B. portable C. portably D. pocket
7. “ “ in the sentence below is not correct:
One reason birds have been so successful is because of their able to escape from
danger quickly
8. Bay to Breakers, , is a marathon race held annually in San
A. which the runners wear hilarious costumes
B. its runners wear hilarious costumes
C. the runners of which wear hilarious costumes
D. which its runner wear hilarious costumes
9. The teacher had to seperate the two friends because they tend to .....................
each other in class.
A. addict B. rebel C. violent D. distract
10. I have sent him 2 letters , neither of .....................has arrived
A. which B. who C. them D. that
11. “ “ in the sentence below is not correct:
Personal electronic devices may bring more harmful than good to students
12. The town ..................... we are living is noisy and crowded
A. in where B. which C. at which D. where
13. says, the radiation from electronic devices could do harm to
your body
A. Legend B. Legends C. Legendary D. Legendarily
14. The educational ..................... of computer has not yet been full realized

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A. amount B. quality C. value D. worth

15. All of the latest items of NYIC Company are available for ................. on the
A. download B. search C. browse D. look up
16. He talked about the books and the authors ............... interested him
A. who B. that C. which D. whom
17. the screen with your finger!
A. Use B. Take C. Hold D. Touch
18. There are a lot of mobile ...................... for English learners nowadays.
A. information B. applications C. knowledge D. assignments
19. He is loyal to .................... trusted him.
A. whomever B. whom C. whoever D. what
20. storms are characteristics of certain parts of the world.
A. Electric B. Electronic C. Electrically D. Electricity
Answer keys:
1. B 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.D 10.A
11.C 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.A
TASK 4: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences :
1. People at the conference agreeed that they used smartphones mostly for
A. shortly B. likely C. mainly D. manly
2. What do you think could be the negative effects of overusing computers ?
A. I think it is negative
C. It may not be effect
B. It might be bad for our eyes and harmful to our brain
D. You should not use computer
3. Bill Gate, .................. is the owner of Microsoft Corporation, donates nearly all
of his money to charity
A. who B. that C. which D. whose
4. This is the picture ................... they intend to buy
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
5. “He wants to see the stamps. We have collected them recently.” has closest
meaning to:
A. He wants to see the stamps which we have collected them recently
B. He wants to see the stamps we have collected recently
C. He wants to see the stamps that we have collected them recently
D. He wants to see the stamps who we have collected recently
6. The book .................. she wrote 10 years ago has just been published
A. who B. whom C. that D. whose
7. Older athletes ................... achievements used to be considered low, are getting
faster and fitter than in the past.
A. who B. whom C. that D. whose
8. Big Ben, ..................... has been visited by millions of people, is in England.

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A. which B. whom C. that D. whose

9. I have got today’s newspaper, ...................has a list of film.
A. which B. whom C. that D. whose
10. Some experts advise that student should take advantage of their smartphones
to have fun and good learning results.
A. take care of B. make use of C. make fun of D. take photos of
11. Some kinds of softwarecan be used with only some certain types of media ......
A. plays B. playing C. played D. players
12. What was the name of the company ......... factory burned down yesterday ?
A. which B. whom C. that D. whose
13. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. introduce B. underline C. undertake D. following
14. They take part in social activities and interact with different cultures, ..............
widen their knowledge and gradually matures them.
A. who B. that C. which D. whose
15. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. dangerous B. encourage C. successful D. defining
16. Some students take a years out before university, .................. allows them to
work or travel.
A. who B. that C. which D. whose
17. “ “ in the sentence below is not correct:
He is a kind of person who job involves travelling a lot
18. “ “ in the sentence below is not correct:
I have never been to Da Nang, that is said to be the most peaceful city in Vietnam
19. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. poisonous B. relative C. remember D. meaningful
20. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. official B. embarras C. unequal D. natural
Answer keys:
1. C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.B
11.D 12.D 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.D
TASK 5: Choose the word or phrase ( A, B , C or D) that best fits each space
in the following passage.
Just as computer play a central part in developing and applying scientific
knowledge, they can also facilitate learning of science. It is, therefore, the position
of the National Science Teachers Association that computer should have a major
(1) ................ in the teaching and laerning of science. Computers have become an
essential classroom tool for the acquisition, analysis, presentation, and
communication of data in ways which (2) ................... students to become more
active participants in search and learning. In the classroom, the computer offers
the teacher (3) .................. flexibility in presentation, better management of

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instructional techniques and easier record keeping. It offers students a very

important (4) ................ for learning the concepts and processes of science through
simulations, graphics, sound, data manipulation, and model building. In the field,
the (5) ....................of the latop computer enables students to actively gather and
analyze data and take it back to the classroom for in-depth study and the sharing
of information. These capabilities can (6) .................. scientific learning and
facilitate communication of ideas and concepts. In case the emphasis
(7) ................... computer is misunderstood, we assert immediately that computers
should enhance, but not replace essential “ hands on” laboratory activities.
1.A. role B. factor C. effect D. duty
2.A. let B. allow C. have D. suggest
3.A. fewer B. less C. most D. more
4.A. resource B. result C. product D. tecnology
5.A. portably B. portable C. portability D. importable
6.A. protect B. improve C. preserve D. impact
7.A. in B. for C. on D. above
Answer keys:
1. A 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.C
TASK 6: Choose the word or phrase ( A, B , C or D) that best fits each space
in the following passage.
Enjoy some great computer facts and interesting information about
these(1) ............ devices which play such an important role in our modern day
lives. Learn about parts of the computer such as the RAM, ROM and CPU as well
as fun info about how we use computers to make our lives (2) ................ and more
Early electronic computers, developed around the 1940’s, were the size of a
large room and consumed huge amounts of (3)................... They were vastly
different to the modern computers we use today, especially when compared to
small and portable laptop computers. Computers (4) .................... to carry out
instructions. These instructions are usually very simple and require adding
numbers together, moving data from one place (5) .............. another etc. A
computer program can include as little as a few instructions to upwards of millions
of instructions depending on the complexity of the program. Modern
(6) ................. such as word processors, web browsers and graphic editors take
large teams of programmers a long time to complete.
A computer’s memory stores numbers in huge amounts of cells that are
addressed and can be quickly (7) .................... by the CPU to perform calculations.
There are two main types of computer memory, ROM (read only memory) and
RAM (random access memory). ROM contains pre-written software and data that
the CPU can only read, while RAM can be accessed and written to at any time.
Computers interact (8) .............. a number of different I/O (input/output) devices
to exchange information. These peripheral devices include the keyboard, mouse,
display, hard drive, printer and more.

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Computers are used to help link the world in the form of networks.
Networked computers allow users to share and exchange data that is stored in
different locations. You may have heard of a local area network (LAN) or wide
area network (WAN) (9) ............... connects areas of various sizes. The Internet is
a vast network of computers spanning the globe (10) ............... allows users to
access email, the World Wide Web and other applications. Although we normally
think of computers as the ones we use in our everyday lives to surf the web, write
documents etc, small computers are also embedded into other things such as
mobile phones, toys, microwaves and MP3 players. We use computers all the
time, often without even knowing it!
1.A. amazed B. amazing C. amazingly D. amaze
2.A. easier B. more easier C. much easy D. a lot easy
3.A. elect B. electrical C. electrically D. electricity
4.A. progammed B. are programmed C. program D. are programming
5.A. on B. for C. to D. about
6.A. applications B. application C. apply D. applied
7.A. acceses B. accessed C. accessing D. accessory
8.A. on B. for C. to D. with
9.A. whose B. who C. which D. whom
10.A. whose B. who C. that D. whom
Answer keys:
1. B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.C
TASK 7: Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C, D best
fits each space. (10 points)
Do you think computer games are just for kids? Then you should think
again. You might be (46)________ to learn that the game industry now makes
more money than Hollywood. (47)________ a family buys a new PC, all they
want to do is to play games. It is hardly surprising that video (48)________ has
become one of the most popular (49)________ of entertainment today. A good
game is like a good film; it will hold your (50)________, capture your imagination
and play with your emotions.
The big (51)________, however, is that watching a movie is a passive
(52)________ you have no say in how the plot develops or which characters
dominate the story. With computer games, you direct your (53)________ and that
is what makes them so exciting. Finding the (54)________ game is likely to signal
the beginning of a lasting love affair with the interactive (55)________ of make-
It is wrong to think of gaming as something simply for children and
teenagers. In fact, the biggest growth area of the market is the 25-35 age group.
46. A. concerned     B. admired   C. surprised     D. startled
47. A. as soon as  B. as well as     C. as far as    D. as long as
48. A. game B. games    C. gamers     D. gaming
49. A. places     B. branches      C. shapes     D. forms

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50. A. gaze    B. attention C. breath     D. control

51. A. gap B. variety C. difference  D. direction
52. A. pastime B. task      C. routine D. employment
53. A. movement     B. change     C. performance D. action     
54. A. accurate     B. right     C. complete      D. proper
55. A region     B. area     C. world D. society    
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
Post TASK 8: Give the correct form of the words in brackets:
1. One of the functions of computer, which only some people know, is to
do .................... ( calculate )
2. Voice ........................... is the app which helps some types of smartphone
attracts customers ( recognize )
3. She had a ....................... influence on the rest of the class, as her phone rang
suddendly ( disrupt )
4. accessing to .............. information harms your mental health ( appropriate )
5. Some people support the view that ............. electronic devices may bring more
harm than good to students ( person)
6. An Iphone 6 is said to offer a lot of useful ................ for learning and
entertaining ( apply )
7. Nowadays, ......................... betwwen people around the world is becoimng
much more convenient thanks to the aid of modern technology ( communicate )
8. She was ..................... with her son beacuse he overused the Internet and did not
concentrate on his study ( appoint )
9. In order to make language learning more ................. you must choose a device
which is suitable for your learning style ( effect )
10. Your ................. which affects your speaking achievement, can be improved
by taking advantage of some types of software ( pronounce )
Answer keys:
1. calculations 2.recognition 3.disruptive 4.inappropriat 5. personal
6.applications 7.communicati 8. 9. effective 10.
on disappointed pronunciation
TASK 9: Rearrange the words / phrases to make meaningful sentences:
1. smartphone / this / the / which / is / I / given / years / was / 2 / ago.
2. friend / live / with / my / I / dear / is / quite / who / hardworking
3. Tom / is / the / girl / that / you to / want / to / introduce
4. She / whose / is / nurse / the / homeland / Mexico / is
5. could not / he / his / partners / persuade / which / his / was / failure
Answer keys:
1. This is the smartphone which I was given 2 years ago
2. I live with my dear friend, who is quite hardworking
3. Is that the girl you want to introduce to Tom ?

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4. She is the nurse whose homeland is Mexico

5. He could not persuade his partners, which was his failure

Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 09

Period: 26
(đính kèm)

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Week: 09

Period: 27
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To revise the language and skills Ss have learnt and practiced in unit 6-8.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Pronounce correctly two- syllable words and three -syllable adjectives and verbs
+ Understand and use the language and skills Ss have learnt and practiced in unit 6-8.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Teacher may introduce the review by asking Ss if they remember what they
have learnt so far in terms of language. T then summarizes Ss’ answers and
adds some more information, if necessary.
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While A. Vocabulary:
Task 1:
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a
- Write the correct answers on the board. Ask students to raise hands if their
answers match.
Answers: 1. pay 2. discrimination 3. right 4. gender 5. inequality
Task 2:
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually.
- Ask a student to write his/ her answers on the board. Read each one and ask
the class if they agree or not, then confirm the correct one.
1. electronic 2. player 3. television shows 4. tablet 5. software
2. Pronunciation
Task 3: Sort out the words
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a
- Show the correct answers on the board.
actor relax indicate
lovely forget organise

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artist enjoy modernise

famous remove difficult
- T asks Ss to read these words.
2. Grammar
Task 4:
- Elicit the form and use of the passive voice, and the meaning of the modals:
must, will, should, may.
- Ask a student to write his/ her answers on the board while other Ss do this
activity individually.
- Check answers as a class.
Answers: 1. This door must be kept shut.
2. Refreshments will be served (by someone).
3. Bicycles must not be left in the hall.
4. Milk should be shaken before it is used.
5. Books may be kept for two weeks.
Task 5:
- Elicit the form and use of comparative and superlative of adjectives. Ask Ss to
do this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner’s.
- Ask a student to write his/ her answers on the board.
- Check answers as a class.
Answers: 1. more simple (or simpler) than 2. the oldest
3. more important than 4. the most beautiful
5. heathier (or more healthy) than
Post Task 6: Matching
- Elicit the use of relative clauses (defining and non-defining). Ask Ss to do this
activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner’s.
- Write the correct answers on the board.
1. Tom works for a company that/ which makes electronic devices.
2. Linda told me her e-mail address, which I wrote on a piece of paper.
3. I don’t like people who/ that are never on time.
4. What was the name of girl whose mobile phone was stolen?
5. Mr Brown, who has worked for the same university all his life, is retiring
next month.
Homework - T asks Ss to do exercises again at home.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

Week: 09

Period: 28
A. Aims and Objectives:

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By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Listen for gist and specific information
- Use the words and phrases related to words related to new ways to learn.
- Read for general ideas and specific information about an interactive white board.
- To talk about different customs in Vietnam and in the world.
- Write about what each person’s daily life is like.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Teacher may introduce the review by asking Ss if they remember what they
have learnt so far in terms of language. T then summarizes Ss’ answers and
adds some more information, if necessary.
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While I. Reading
- Ask Ss to do activities 1 and 2 individually, and check their answers with a
partner’s. Give correct answers and explanations if necessary.
1b: 1.d 2.c 3. b 4. a
2: 1. It helps students learn English in a more stimulating way.
2. Because it can engage students and provide them with interactive
3. Because with it teachers can make grammar or vocabulary presentations and
save them for using again.
4. They can download gap-fill exercises, multiple-choice quizzes or games.
5. They can drag and drop their answers into the gaps with their fingers.
II. Speaking
- Ask Ss to work in groups, reading about different customs in four countries.
Then ask Ss to discuss the three questions that follow.
- Ask Ss to share their opinions with their partners.

III. Listening
- Play the recording once for Ss to listen and choose their answers.
- Play the recording again for Ss to check their answers. Then give the correct
- Alternatively, play one or more times for Ss to choose the correct answers.
Key: 1. F 2. T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6. F

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IV. Writing
- Ask Ss to use the points given in Dos and Don’ts (of their own ideas) to write
about what customs a visitor to Viet Nam should know. Ask Ss to write the
draft first in class, and then they may write their final versions at home.
Post - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Give feedback.
- Summarize the main points of the lesson.
Homework Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 10

Period: 29
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss to listen and read a conversation about environment impacts and ways to protect
the environment and do tasks: Questions & answers and matching exercises.
- To teach some lexical items related to preserve the environment.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Use some lexical items related to environment impacts and ways to protect the environment.
+ Make simple dialogues using the given expressions.
+ Master some vocabularies about environment impacts and ways to protect the environment.
+ Get to know one grammar point: Reported speech
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Ask Ss these questions:
1. Have you been aware of environmental problems?
2. What have you done for the environment?
- Leads in the new lesson
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While - Introduce the topic of the lesson:
Preserving the environment
Activity 1: Listen and read
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and guess the topic of the conversation.
- Have Ss predict what they are talking about
- Encourage all kinds of predictions
- Tell Ss not to worry about new words or grammar points because these will be
dealt with later.
- Play the recording
Activity 2: Matching
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to label the photos.
- Allow 2 minutes for the pairs to look up the words and phrases in a dictionary
and confirm their meaning.
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. Have Ss note down the words in their

Answers: a. greenhouse effect b. pollution

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c. deforestation d. polar ice melting e. fossil fuels

Activity 3: Questions and answers
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again and think of the answers to the
- Ask Ss to work individually. Allow enough time for them to check the
information. Remind Ss to underline the key words in the questions, and use
them to scan for the relevant information in the conversation.
- Elicit answers from different Ss.
* Suggested answer:
1. He is writing a letter for the school newsletter.
2. The editor asked Nam to write some practical advice on environmental
3. It means the negative influence or effect on the environment.
4. Because he thinks if we can see the impacts on the natural environment, we
will know how to protect it.
5. They are deforestation, pollution, global warning, fuel depletion, polar ice
melting and the rise of sea levels.
6. Answers will vary.
Post 1. Vocabulary:
Activity 1:
- Go through the words in the box and check Ss’ understanding.
- Ask Ss to complete the sentences individually. In a weaker class, get them to
work on the sentences in pairs.
- Check answer as a class.
* Key: 1. preserve 2. Deforestation 3. Fossil fuels
4. greenhouse effect 6. Global warming 7. depletion 8. Damage
Activity 2:
- Read the information in Do you know…? and go through the nouns and verbs
with the class.
- Elicit or explain the meaning of the words.
- Ask Ss to work individually.
- Check answer as a class.
* Key: 1. protect 2. preservation 3. contaminate
4. consumption 5. deforest 6. pollute 7. deplete
Activity 3:
- Ask Ss to read the sentences first for comprehension, and then underline the
key words and phrases. These words are often used together as collocations, and
can be used to figure out the missing words.
- Check answers as a class or have Ss compare their completed sentences.
1. consumption 2. consume 3. preserve
4. preservation 5. polluted 6. pollution
7. contamination 8. contaminate

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2. Pronunciation
Activity 1: Listen and repeat
- Focus Ss’ attention on the instructions and the word box. Play the recording
and pause after each word for Ss to repeat chorally and individually.
- Elicit the meaning of the words and help Ss identify the syllable in each word.
- Ask Ss to to read quickly the sentences in the VOCABULAY section 3, and
underline three-syllable nouns. Ask Ss to add two of them to the word box.
Suggested answers: energy, atmosphere
Activity 2:
- Focus Ss’ attention on the instruction. Have Ss read through Do you know…?
Check understanding of the activity.
- Play the recording once through for Ss to listen.
- Play the recording again for Ss to do the activity.
- Check answer as a class.
* Key:
’article ’influence ’energy so’lution
’newsleter po’llution pro’tection ’atmosphere
’editor con’fusion ’scientist ’chemical
3. Grammar: Reported speech
Activity 1:
- Focus Ss’ attention on the instructions and ask them to read Do you know…?
Check understanding.
- Ask Ss to read the conversation in GETTING STARTED again and find the
speakers’ names to fill the gaps..
* Key:
1,3,5: Nam 2: the editor 4,6: Nam’s father
Activity 2:
- Read the instructions and analyse the first sentence as example. Remind Ss of
the changes to the verb form and pronoun.
* Key:
1. Nam said (that) pollution was one of the problems in his neighbourhood.
2. The editor said (that) more people were aware of the preservation of natural
3. The students told their teacher (that) they were discussing the protection of
the natural environment.
4. Nam’s father told him to use the web search engine to find the information
that he need.
5. Nam said (that) air pollution was one of the causes of the greenhouse effect.
Homework - Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to environment impacts
and ways to protect the environment.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

Week: 10
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Period: 30
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss to read for general ideas and for specific information about threats to natural
environment and do tasks: Matching and true/false exercise and discuss.
- To teach Ss some words and phrases related to preserving the environment.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for general ideas and for specific
information about threats to natural environment and do tasks.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Game – Bingo
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Activity 1: Prediction
- Let Ss look at the photos and the instructions. Ask what can you see in the
photos? What is the environmental impact in each photos?
- Elicit the answers and put and put them on the board.
- Give feedback.
Key: a. noise pollution b. water pollution
c. air pollution d. soil pollution
Activity 2:
- Ask Ss to read the instruction and the options carefully, and underline any key
words that may help them predict the content of the text.
- Allow enough time for Ss to skim the paragraphs quickly. Encourage Ss to
share their ideas with their partners.
- Check the answer.
* Answer: c
Activity 3:
- Focus Ss attention on the instruction. Write all the highlighted words from the
reading text on the board.
- Go over the definitions with the whole class.
- Check comprehension and have Ss match the words.
- Alternatively, ask Ss to work in pairs.

1. ecosystem 2. pesticides 3. inorganic
4. vegetation 3. fertilizer 6. pollutants
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Activity 4:
- Ask Ss to read the instructions carefully, and underline the key words in the
sentences provided.
- Encourage Ss to underline the parts of the reading text relevant to the
- Check answer as a class, and encourage Ss to justify their choices by referring
to the relevant information in the reading text.
* Key:
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. T
1. Environmental pollution is one of the impacts of human activities.
2. The greenhouse effect is a result of air pollution.
Post Activity 5:
- Ask Ss some guiding questions before their discussion: What type of pollution
is there in your neighborhood? What are the causes and effects? How can you
help reduce this type of pollution?
- Arrange Ss into group of 3 or 4 and let them discuss the question.
Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the new words.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 11

Period: 31
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss listen to a student’s talk on environmental impacts.
- Check comprehension and ask Ss to brainstorm ideas on what to do to preserve the natural
- Write their ideas on the board to avoid repeating the same information.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Listen and do the tasks.
+ Develop the listening skills for gist and specific details.
+ Talk about environmental impacts.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up - Have students look at the pictures and elicit their answers to the questions in
the instructions.
Ex: What are the students doing?
What do you think you are going to listen about?
- Ask them to use the caption to help them guess.
Suggested answers:
The people are planting a tree.
- After all, inform students of the lesson objective: listening for gist and specific
information about environment impacts.
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Task 1
- Elicit, model 3 times, ask Ss to repeat in chorus then individual, write on the
board, check meaning, stress and get Ss to copy down.
- Teacher may give more explanation on the use of these words and phrases.
Task 2:
This activity focuses listening for gist.
- Ask them to read the instructions and the titles. Make sure that Ss understand
the task and vocabulary.
- Check comprehension and explain degradation (loss or decrease of quality).
- Play the recording twice, pausing before and after the second listening for Ss
to read and check their answers.
- Tell Ss to go through the answer opinions and select the most appropriate one.

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Check answers as a class and ask Ss explain why this is the correct choice.
Keys: c. Environmental Degradation
Task 3: Discussion
This activity focuses on listening for specific information.
- Ask Ss to read the instruction and the words provided individually. Make sure
that they understand the task and the vocabulary.
- Play the recording again for Ss to do the task. Allow 2 minutes for Ss to
discuss the meaning of the words in pairs or to look them up in a dictionary.
- Check answers as a class.
1. degraded (lower in quality); resulted (cause at outcome); erosion (condition
in which the earth’s surface in worn away by the action of water or wind);
sewage (waste matter from home, carried away in a system of pipes); aquatic
(of water or living in water); awareness (knowledge of something)
Task 4:
This activity focuses on listening for specific information.
- Focus Ss’ attention on the instructions. Allow enough time for Ss to read the
sentences. Check comprehension.
- Ask Ss to guess the word(s) and complete the sentences. Then play the
recording again for Ss to check.
- Alternatively, play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen and
complete the sentences.
- Check answers as a class.
Key 1. affected 2. global warming 3. Ecosystem
4. health problems 5. control 6. friendly materials
Post Task 5:
Allow time for Ss to read the instruction and the questions. Remind them to
underline the key words and phrases in each question. Check comprehension.
- Play the recording again, pausing at times. Tell Ss to note down the answers
during the pauses.
- Check answers as a class.
1. The natural world in which people, animals and plants live.
2. The burning of fossil fuels by factories and motor vehicles.
3. the use of harmful chemicals in agriculture.
4 The extinction of rare animals and extreme floods and land erosion.
5. We should dump harmful rubbish and chemicals at appropriate places.
6. We should replace deforestation with forestation.
7. We should make every effort to preserve the environment for the next
Homework Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 11

Period: 32
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss to talk about the environment impacts of human activities.
- To teach Ss to practice sharing and giving responses to new information.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Express their opinion about the environment impacts of human activities.
+ Give a report about the environment impacts of human activities.
+ Perform their viewpoints to other people in real life.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook and pieces of papers.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up - Ask Ss to write sentences using some words in context:
Vegetation, fertilizers, pesticides, pollutants
- Feedback
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Activity 1:
- Ask Ss to label the photos with the types of pollution.
- Check the answers and have different Ss write them on the board.
* Answer:
a. soil pollution b. water pollution
c. air pollution c. noise pollution
Activity 2:
- Guide Ss to understand the requirement of this activity.
- Focus Ss’ attention on the instructions and the table.
- Ask Ss to work individually and read the text carefully before they complete
the table. Remind them to refer back to the reading text to get the necessary
- Encourage Ss to share their ideas with a partner. Check answers as a class and
write them on the board.

Human activity Type of

pollution Consequence

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fossil fuel burning by a series of environmental

motor vehicles, problems such as acid
factories, aircrafts and rain, greenhouse effect,
rockets globe warming and
health problem
fertilizers and pesticide contaminated vegetation
sprays, harmful and the decrease of soil
rubbish and chemicals fertility leading to the
thrown in the rivers negative utilization of
loud and annoying human psychological
sounds from factory and health problems such
machinery, motor as stress, the increase of
vehicles, aircraft, and health rate and hearing
musical instruments damage
Activity 3:
This activity focuses on speaking about environmental impacts.
- Give enough time for Ss to read the conversation individually. Check
comprehension as a class.
- Have Ss practise the conversation in pairs.
- Monitor the activity and select some pairs to role-play the conversation in
front of the class.
Activity 4:
Focus Ss attention on the instructions.
- Divide the class into groups of 3 – 4 students.
- Allow Ss enough time to select the type of pollution and prepare their
- Encourage Ss to write the main points or ideas expressed by each speaker.
Help Ss with any problems and remind them that they can add their own ideas
while discussing.
Post Activity 5:
- Have Ss act out their conversations in front of the class. Discuss their
performance as a class.
- Alternatively, have Ss discuss and act out their conversations in groups.
Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the expressions.
- Prepare for the next lesson.
Week: 11

Period: 33
(đính kèm)

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Week: 12

Period: 34
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss to write about environmental problems and give some practical advice to preserve
the environment.
- To teach Ss to talk about environmental problems.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Write about environmental problems and give some practical advice to preserve the
+ Develop the writing skills in general. Build up vocabulary supported for writing.
+ Give some practical advice to preserve the environment.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook and pieces of papers.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Focus Ss’ attention on the topic of the writing. Ask different Ss about their
monthly water/ electricity bills of their homes by asking: How much does your
family pay for water/ electricity? Ask different Ss to give some practical advice
on reducing their bills, and write the information on the board.
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Activity 1:
- Ask Ss to look at the picture and read the caption.
- Elicit answers from different Ss. Write their answers on the board.
Activity 2:
- Focus Ss’ attention on the instructions and the text. Remind them to underline
key words and phrases. Check comprehension.
- Allow enough time for Ss to read through the text and do the matching
individually. Give vocabulary explanations or offer help if necessary.
- Ask Ss to share their answers with their partners.
- Check answers as a class.
Natural resources: all the land, forests, minerals, etc. existing naturally in a
place that can be used by people.
1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a

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Activity 3:
Ask Ss to focus on the instructions and underline the key words. Check
- Allow Ss enough time to read the information and do the matching
- Check answers as a class.
a. 3 b. 1 c. 4 d.2
Activity 4:
Focus Ss’ attention on the instructions and the table. Check understanding.
Explain the structure of the model to make sure Ss can use it.
- Ask Ss to work in groups of 3 or 4 to select one of the natural resources and
discuss the information in the table. Encourage the groups to write complete
sentences using information provided.
- Go round and offer help with any vocabulary or grammar question.
- Ask representatives of different groups to read their drafts to the class. Correct
the errors, if necessary.
- Ask Ss to use the group drafts and write their own texts individually. If there is
not enough time, assign the task for home work.
- Ask different Ss to write selected paragraphs on the board for the class to give
Post - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Focus on the form of a biography
- Ask Ss to complete the writing at home and collect
- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
What can you do now?
Expected answer:
- Now I know what the natural resources are and how to write practical advice
on preserving them.
Homework - Write the text again at home.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 12

Period: 35

A. Aims and Objectives:

- To teach Ss to talk about the organization “World Wide Fund for Nature”.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Understand about “World Wide Fund for Nature”.
+ Discuss environmental problems and solutions.
+ Talk and express their ideas and opinions about environmental problems and
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook and pieces of papers.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Inform the class of the lesson objective: Further develop Ss’ communication
skills and their ability to discuss environmental problems and solutions.
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While 1. Communication:
Activity 1:
- Focus Ss attention on the instructions and the photos. Check comprehension.
- Ask different Ss to describe how the action will affect the environment in each
photo. Put the information in two columns on the board.
Key: Photo a: A man is spraying pesticides.
This can cause soil pollution.
Photo b: Forest trees were cut down. This is deforestation and it will
result in climate change, global warming, extreme floods and erosion.
Activity 2:
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to two speakers talking about one of the
photos in 1. Focus Ss’ attention to the instructions and questions, and remind
them to underline the key words in the questions. Check comprehension.
- Play the recording twice, pausing before the second listening for Ss to note
down the answers.
- Check answers as a class.
Key: 1. Photo b. 2. Deforestation.
3. Climate change, global warming, and extreme floods.
4. Control deforestation and have proper forestation plans.

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Activity 3:
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and read the instructions. Check understanding of the
task and allow enough time for the groups to brainstorm ideas and prepare.
- Call on representatives of different groups to report their ideas to the class.
Post 2. Culture:
Activity 1:
Focus on the picture of the animal and the abbreviation. Check comprehension.
- Have Ss make their predictions individually.
- Check as a class.
Key: A panda. It comes from China. WWF is for World Wide Fund for Nature
(formerly World Wildlife Fund)
Activity 2:
- Allow enough time for Ss to read the questions and underline the key words
individually. Then ask them to read the text and underline information. Monitor
the activity and offer help with vocabulary, if necessary.
- Encourage Ss to share their answers in pairs or groups.
- Call on different Ss to report their answers to the class.
Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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A. Aims and Objectives:
- To help Ss pronounce correctly three -syllable nouns in isolation and in context.
- To teach Ss some lexical items related to preserve the environment.
- By the end of the lesson Ss are able to:
+ Pronounce correctly three -syllable nouns related to the topic the environment.
+ Use some key words of the topic the environment.
+ Do the exercises on reported speech.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up * Checking
- Ask students to recall what they have learnt in Unit 9.
- Speak out their ideas and opinions, knowledge that they have learnt in Unit 9.
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Pronunciation:
Task 1:
- Play the recording, pausing after each word for Ss to repeat chorally and
Task 2:
- Play the recording again, pausing after each word for Ss to listen, and put a
stress mark (’) before the stressed syllable.
- Check answers as a class.
- Ask different Ss to read out the words to the rest of the class.
Key: 1. po’llution 2. e’rosion 3. ’energy 4. ’animal
5. con’sumption 6. a’wareness 7. ’poverty 8. de’pletion
9. so’lution 10. pro’tection
Activity 1:
- Ask Ss to focus on the instruction and the words in the box. Tell them that
these words are nouns or verbs. Encourage Ss to re-read Do you know…?on
page 40 in the student’s book to help them identify the class of the words.
- Check answers as a class.

Key: Verb: preserve protect consume

emit deplete erode
Noun: animal pollution energy
resource threat disposal
Activity 2:

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- Allow time for Ss to read the instruction and the sentences individually. -
Check comprehension and offer help with any unfamiliar vocabulary if
- Ask Ss to work individually and encourage them to share the answers with
their partners.
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.
Key: 1. preserve 2. pollution 3. Awareness 4. protect
5. consumption 6. depletion
Activity 1:
- Ask Ss to read the instructions and look at the photo. Elicit some descriptions
of the photo from the class by asking: Where are the people in the photo? What
are they doing? Why are they doing it?
- Give SS time to read the text and do the task individually. Go round and offer
help with any unfamiliar vocabulary. Check comprehension.
- Check answers as a class.
Key: ‘All this rubbish is killing fish and other sea creature’.
‘We can clean the beach together’
‘I will ask our friends and neighbours to come and help us’
‘I’m happy to hear that, children’.
‘protect yourselves from germs’
Activity 2:
Focus Ss’ attention on the instruction and sentences. Check comprehension, and
remind Ss to reread Do you know…? on page 40.
- Ask Ss to do the task individually. Go round and offer help if necessary.
- For peer review, call on different Ss to write their sentences on the board for
the class to comment.
Key: 1. Mr Jones was very sad and said that all that rubbish was killing fish and
other sea creatures.
2. Nick said that they could clean the beach together.
3. Mary told them she would ask their friends and neighbours to come and help
4. Mr Jones told his children were so happy to hear that.
5. Mr Jones gave the people gloves and told them to protect themselves from
Post Project:
Inform the class of the lesson objectives: further explore the topic and develop
their communicative skills.
1. Ask Ss to read the instructions and check understanding of the activity. Point
out that they should first select a typical pollution problem that they want to
discuss. Then they should brainstorm all the necessary information, and arrange
it in a logical order. Finally, they should discuss, and decide on some practical
advice. Encourage them to write a draft to share with other groups before they

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write the final advice. Have more able Ss write a plan including specific action
points, e.g. organise tree-planting days twice a year.
- Encourage Ss to search for some pictures or photos to support their ideas.
2. Ask Ss to read Do you know…? on page 30 Unit 3, Tieng Anh 10, student’s
Book for the information on how to make an effective presentation.
- Since the project is rather demanding, allow enough time for its completion or
so assign it as homework.
Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 12-13

Period: 36-37
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To give sts some more exercises to practice
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook and pieces of papers.
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm- Game – Slap the Board
Pre + Review vocabulary
TASK 1: Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of
the others
1.A. energy B. finally C. hospital D. denial
2.A. beautiful B. consumption C. offensive D. aquatic
3.A. orginize B. picturesque C. engineer D. afternoon
4.A. article B. chemical C. etiquette D. Japanese
5.A. employee B. committee C. referee D. absentee
6.A. confusion B. degraded C. editor D.pollutant
7.A. pestiside B. habital C. important D. adventure
8.A. dangerous B. harmony C. natural D. mountaineer
9.A. animal B. destruction C. unfriendly D. solution
10.A. government B. understand C. mystery D. tropical
Answer keys:
1. D 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.A
While TASK 2: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences :
1. There is a ...................... water because it hasn’t rained for a long time.
A. shortage B. short C. shortest D. shorter
2.One of the aims of Greenpeace is to .................... of the environmental problems
facing our planet.
A. take responsibility C. raise concern
B. arouse interest D. raise awareness
3. The creation of nature reserves will help to ensure the .................. of many
endangered species
A. extinction B. survival C. elimination D. disappearance
4. are very anxious about the falling rhino population.
A. Environmentalists C. Conservationists
B. Environmental activities D. Naturalists
5. Earth day was started by John McConnell in 1970 as a way to make

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people .............. the problems of the environment

A. attention to B. responsible with C. aware of D. attentive to
6. The heavily polluted water near the factory .................. the safety of the local
A. endangers B. preserves C. contaminates D. is threatened
7. The huge oil slick is moving slowly towards Ireland, and several miles of
coastline are under ....................
A. threat B. stake C. pressure D. damage
8.Tornadoes are very dangerous because there is ................., and people do not
have much time to find a safe place
A. small warning B. a lot of warning C. little warning D. few warning
9. We admire Lucy for her intelligence, cheerful disposition and ................
A. honest B. honesty C. honestly D. honested
10. Several ..................... are known to cause cancer to develop.
A. chemist B. chemistry C. chemical D. chemicals
11. “Thank you so much for your support” - ...........................................
A. Welcome! It’s very nice of you B. Well done
C. There is nothing I can do about it D. It. s my pleasure
12. Farmers can enrich the soil by using ......................
A. fertile B. fertility C. fertilizers D. fertilize
13. Sugar is the ....................... of healthy teeth.
A. destruction B. destructively C. destroying D. destroyer
14. The river has been polluted with toxic waste from ..................... factories.
A. local B. locate C. locally D. locality
15. Why aren’t you coming with us ? - ................................
A. That’s why I don’t like going out B. I have too much assignments to do. I’m sorr
C. I was very tired. That’s why D. I don’t agree. I’m afraid
16. Hello, Jim. I didn’t expect to see you today. Sonia said you .................. ill.
A. are B. were C. was D. should be
17. The man .................... that he had done this before and that he had some
experience in the field.
A. told B. said me C. talked D. said
18. A nuclear reactor releases radiation which is .......... ..... to the environment.
A. dangerous B. endangered C. in danger D. danger
19. Human ................. have not shown their intention to live in harmony with the
A. race B. beings C. being D. kind
20. The poor people in the city ................... terrible suffering as a result of disaster
A. have experienced C. experience
B. had experienced D. have been experienced
Answer keys:
1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D
11.D 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.A

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TASK 3: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences :

1. Overusing chemical sprays and fertilizers makes land arid and vegetation
harmful to human health.
A. very dry B. very wet C. stormy D. rainy
2. How can we deal with environmental pollution?
– “ .................................................”
A. Environmental pollution can be dealt with
B. We should deal with environmental pollution
C. We should strictly ban the disposals of chemical rubbish
D. Environmental pollution is unclean
3. Alice .................... to her husband that she would work for that firm.
A. say B. said C. tell D. told
4. Tom ................... me that his picture had been sold the day before
A. say B. said C. tell D. told
5. “Jim is more popular than any other painters in this district ” has the closest
meaning to ................
A. Another painter is more popular than Jim
B. Jim is more popular than no other painter in this district
C. Jim is the more popular than any other painter in this district
D. Jim is the most popular painter in this district
6. He ..................... his new friend that he had worked as a coordinator for more
than 4 years
A. told B. insisted C. thought D. agreed
7. Her boss wanted to know where ................. 2 years before.
A. did she work C. she has worked
B. had she worked D. she had worked
8. They ................. the foreigner where he came from
A. asked B. said C. informed D. stated
9. He appologized ..................... late
A. for coming B. came C. has come D. had come
10. One of the main area of this organization is the sustainable use of natural
A. maintainable B. forgetable C. visible D. vegetable
11. For the .................. of environment and for the people who live in it, we must
eliminate poluttion immediately.
A. sick B. rich C. sake D. harmful
12. The reporter said that factory ............... down the day before.
A. had burned B. has been burned C. burns D. has burned
13. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. attention B. agreement C. protector D. chemical
14. He ................... his employees that the schedule has been changed.
A. informed B. agreed C. said D. thought
15. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.

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A. animal B. appointment C. designer D. erosion

16. He promised ................. his assignment on time
A. submit B. to submit C. submitted D. submitting
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting: He asked his father when would
he deal with the problem
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting:
They announced that he has met a number of key figures the day before
19. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. extinction B. detergent C. newsletter D. appointment
20. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. consumption B. pesticide C. destruction D. disposal
Answer keys:
1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.A
11.C 12.A 13.D 14.A 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.B
TASK 4: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences :
1. In the age of technology, you can take ................. of new applications which are
very used for your learning.
A. advantage B. use C. effect D. function
2. There are more and more species that are in danger of ..................
A. extinct B. extinction C. death D. dead
3. Internet shopping has begun to have a serious .................. on the traditional
A. impact B. act C. attack D. significance
4. Peter, .................. everyone suspected , turn out to be innocent.
A. whom B.  C. that D. A or C
5. I ................... I could meet you this evening, I’m really busy
A. told B. said C. asked D. wondered
6. Only 40  of 5 year-olds have access ............... pre-school education
A. with B. for C. to D. in
7. David told me my letter ................ the day before
A. arrived B. would arrived C. has arrived D. had arrived
8. “ “ in the sentence below is not corrcect:
Students can now study at home instead of at the library because the Internet
9. One ...................... prepared this report must have a real talent for writing
A. which B. who C.  D. whose
10. Seoul, .................... is the capital city of Korea, is well-known for its shopping
A. which B. that C. where D. A or B
11. consummers have been encouraged to use ............... products.
A. environment friendly C. environmentally friend
B. environmental friendly D. environment ally friendly

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12. Water ................ are things such as detergents, pesticides, oil and other
chemicals and rubbish blockages in rivers that make the water unclean or
A. pollution B. pollutants C. polluted D. polluting
13. Choose the answer which needs correcting: The new computer made easier
for the students to finish the project
14. Choose the answer which needs correcting: Works writing by Shakespear
often have an unhappy ending
15. James often asks himself .................. in the next 10 years
A. where will he be C. where he will be
B. where he would be D. where is he
Answer keys:
1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.A
11.D 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.C
13.B made easier  made it easier 14. writing by  written by
TASK 5: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C
or D.
Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human
life. (1) _____ human activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the
western world carries on consuming two-thirds of the world's resources while half
of the world's population do so just to stay alive we are rapidly destroying the (2)
_____ resource we have by which all people can survive and prosper. Everywhere
fertile soil is either built on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources are
exploited so much that they will never be able to recover completely. We
discharge pollutants into the atmosphere without any thought of the consequences.
As a (3) _____ the planet's ability to support people is being reduced at the very
time when rising human numbers and consumption are (4) _____ increasingly
heavy demands on it.
          The Earth's natural resources are there for us to use. We need food, water,
air, energy, medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to (5) _____ us fed,
comfortable, healthy and active. If we are sensible in how we use the resources,
they will (6) _____ indefinitely. But if we use them wastefully and excessively,
they will soon run out and everyone will suffer.
1. A. Although       B. Still              C. However          D. Eventually
2. A. alone      B. individual       C. lone            D. only
3. A. development B. result              C. reaction D. product
4. A. doing             B. having            C. taking             D. making
5. A. hold        B. maintain          C. keep             D. stay
6. A. last                B.stand            C. go          D. remain

Answer keys:
1.C 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.A

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TASK 6: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C
or D.
In many ways, the increasingly rapid pace of climate change is a direct
result of the growth of the human population. In the last 100 years, the world
population has more than tripled. Obviously, this has meant that the world has
needed to produce three times as much food, energy, and other natural resources.
In addition, the average person uses more energy and natural resources than
the average person one hundred years ago, meaning that the rates of consumption
are actually much higher than just the increase in population would imply.
All of these activities: food production, energy usage, and the use of natural
resources, contribute to climate change in some way. The greater amounts of oil
and other fuels burned to create energy release chemicals which add to global
warming. In order to produce more food, farmers cut down trees to gain more land
for their fields. In addition, we cut down trees to build the houses needed for a
larger population. Those trees are an essential part of controlling global warming.
In addition to a growing population, the world also has a population that
desires a higher standard of living than in the past, and a higher standard of living
requires the use of even more natural resources. For example, China is the world’s
most populous nation, with 1.3 billion people. Currently, the standard of living for
most of those people is far below that of people in first world nations. Therefore,
the average Chinese citizen uses far fewer natural resources and less energy than
the average citizen of the US or Japan. If every Chinese person attains a first
world lifestyle, the amount of energy and natural resources needed in the world
will double, even if the standard of living in every other nation on Earth remains
the same as it is today.
1. The word “pace” in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.
A. growth B. speed C. problem D. pollution
2. The word “consumption” in the passage is closest in meaning to _____.
A. development B. usage C. population D. increase
3. According to the passage, how does food production contribute to global
A. Food production requires that the forests be cleared to create farmland.
B. Food production uses many chemicals which add to global warming.
C. Producing more food leads to growth in the world population.
D. Food production decreases the ability of the air to release heat.
4. According to the passage, how does the standard of living affect global
A. Higher standards of living are better for the environment.
B. First world nations create less population than developing nations.
C. The use of natural resources is directly related to the standard of living.
D. High standards of living lead to increases in world population.
5. Why does the author discuss China, Japan and the United States?
A. To compare the standards of their citizens.

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B. To explain why China will not be able to become a first world nation.
C. To explain why the world’s use of energy will need to double soon.
D. To better illustrate the effects of an increase in standards of living.
Answer keys:
1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D
Post TASK 7: Read the following passage and fill in each numbered blank with
one suitable word. (10 points)
Many species are now in (1) ________ of being extinct. Among the threats
to endangered species are businesses that buy and (2) _______ animals for their
skin and other (3) ______. Unfortunately, the people who run these businesses are
not discouraged by fines, which they see as just another business expense. A (4)
_______way to control the problem would be to force whoever (5) _________
caught buying or selling products made from endangered species (6)______ do
community service. Their community service should require work that helps (7)
______ the animals they are harming. Such a law should be quite effective. If
people trafficking in (8) _______ animal products were forced to help endangered
species, they might understand (9) ________destructive their business is. Also,
their community service tasks turn them into helpers rather (10) _______
destroyers .
Answer keys:
1. danger 2. sell 3. parts 4. 5. is 6. to 7. protect 8. 9.
better illegal how
TASK 8: Provide the correct form of the words in capital letters to complete
the sentences. (10 points)
1. In winter it is important for farmers to provide food and ________ for their
animals. (WARM)
2. He said “Good morning” in a most ________ way. (FRIEND)
3. The police are interested in the sudden _________ of the valuable paintings.
4. Could you _________ the picture over the sofa? (STRAIGHT)
5. It was _________, so they had to drive very slowly. (FOG)
6. Playing for the national team for the first time was an ________ experience for
him. (FORGET)
7. I found the visit most _________. (EDUCATION)
8. Traditional _________are a good source of fun and entertainment.
9. The public were angry with the Minister’s _________ to tell the truth about the
bribery. (REFUSE)
10. Our house is ____________ by several burglar alarms. (PROTECTION)
Answer keys:
1. warmth 2. friendly 3. disappearance 4. straighten 5. foggy
6. unforgettable 7. educational 8. celebrations 9. refusal 10. protected

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TASK 9: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means
exactly the same as the sentence printed before it.
1. “Would you like to go to the concert with us tonight?” they said to me.
 They invited _______________________
2. The story of their sufferings was painful to listen to.
 It was___________________________________________
3. The last time James met Tom was in 2008.
 James hasn’t _____________________________________________
4. Mrs. Green is proud of her son’s contribution to the play.
 Mrs. Green is proud of what _____________________.
5. I had to cancel the birthday party because my closest friend is seriously ill.
I had to cancel __________________.
Answer keys:
1. They invited me to go to the concert with them that night.
2. It was painful to listen to the story of their sufferings.
3. James hasn’t met Tom since 2008.
4. Mrs. Green is proud of what her son can contribute to the play.
OR: Mrs. Green is proud of what her son contributes /contributed to the play
5. I had to cancel the birthday party because of my closest friend’s serious illness.

Home- - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.

work - Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 13

Period: 38
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss to listen and read a conversation about ecotourism and do tasks: Questions &
answers and matching exercises.
- To teach some lexical items related to the importance, benefits and principles of ecotourism.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Use some lexical items related to the importance, benefits and principles of ecotourism.
+ Make simple dialogues using the given expressions.
+ Master some vocabularies about the importance, benefits and principles of ecotourism.
+ Get to know one grammar point: Conditional sentences
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Inform the class of the lesson objectives: getting to know how the topic, some
vocabulary related to ecotourism, and the use of conditionals 1 and 2.
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Activity 1: Listen and read
- Ask Ss to look at the map of Australia and the pictures, and guess what
tourists can do there.
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation at a travel agent’s.
- Play the recording. Ask Ss to listen as they read silently.
Suggested answer: Tourists can go scuba-diving, ride camels in the desert, and
see kangaroos and penguins.
Activity 2: Matching
This activity focuses on comprehension.
- Let Ss work in pairs to practice asking and answering the questions.
1. Because both Mr and Mrs Collin love nature.
2. Ecotourism means travel to areas of natural or ecological interest to observe
wildlife and learn about the environment.
3. Tourists can see different kinds of animals like crocodiles, snakes, frogs,
birds, butterflies and other rare animals; go scuba-diving to see coral reefs; of
go camping.
4. They would have to pay 6,000 dollars for two people.
5. A two per cent discount.

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Activity 3:
This activity introduces the grammar point: conditional sentences.
- Ask Ss to find the conditional sentences used in the conversation and write
them in the space provided.
* Suggested answer:
- If you also want to go on a camping safari, you’ll need another three days.
- But if we could take the seven-day tour, how much would it be per person.
- … if you book early and pay two months before departure, you’ll get a two per
cent discount.
Activity 4:
This activity helps Ss to review the verb forms in conditional sentences that
they have learnt previously.
- Have Ss work in pairs and underline the verbs in both the main clauses and if-
Key: - If you also want to go on a camping safari, you’ll need another three
days. (Type 1)
- But if we could take the seven-day tour, how much would it be per person.
(Type 2)
- … if you book early and pay two months before departure, you’ll get a two per
cent discount. (Type 1)
Post 1. Vocabulary:
Activity 1:
Explain to Ss that some suffixes can be added to verbs (V + ing, -ed, -able) or
nouns (N + -al, -ial, -ical) to
form adjectives.
- Have Ss use a dictionary to look for the adjective form of the given words.
Nouns/verbs + suffixes Adjective
1.culture (n) + -al Cultural
2. nature (n) + -al Natural
3. environment (n) + -al environmental
4. ecology (n) + -(i)al Ecological
5. interest (v) +-ing/-ed interesting, interested
6. sustain (v) +-able Sustainable
7. relax (v) +-ing/ -ed relaxing, relaxed
Activity 2:
- Ask Ss to read the sentences and pay attention to the context, that is, the words
surrounding the missing adjectives. For examples, for sentences 1,3,4 and 5, they
should consider which adjectives can go with the nouns that follow. For
sentences 2 and 6, they should decide whether to use the adjectives ending in –
ing or -ed.
* Key: 1. sustainable 2. relaxing/ interesting 3. cultural; natural
4. ecological 5. environmental 6. interested

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2. Pronunciation
- Activities 1 and 2 focus on the stress patterns of words of more than three
Activity 1: Listen and repeat
- Have Ss listen and put a mark (’) before the syllable with the primary stress.
Explain to them that when an affix is added to a word, the primary stress may
shift to another syllable
Suggested answers: a. su’stainable b. preser’vation
c. en’vironment d. inviron’mental e. e’cology
f. eco’logical g. rela’xation h. ’scuba-diving
i. ’ecotourism j. eco-’friendly
Activity 2:
- Play the recording for Ss to repeat chorally and individually.
- Check answers as a class.
3. Grammar: Conditional sentences
a. Conditional sentence Type 1
Exercise 1:
Explain to Ss that conditional sentences Type 1 are used to describe present/
future activities or events that are real/ very likely to happen. In the main clause,
different modal verbs (can, may, might, will) can be used, which can modify the
meaning of the main verb.
- Have Ss first choose a suitable verb for each sentence from the word box, and
then use the correct form of this verb (present tense in the if-clause or modal
verb in the main clause to complete sentence).
* Key:
1. leaves 2. will/ may/ might not get 3. fail
4. will/ may/ might get 5. Pay 6. will/ may/ might eat
7. will call 8. can/ may/ might go
- Have Ss discuss the meaning of sentences 2,4,6 and 8, and explain the
difference between the modals.
Exercise 2:
- Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully, identify the if-clauses and use the
correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
* Key: 1. will be; fail 2. will/ may/ might help; have
3. will/ may/ might feel; comes 4. need; will you lend
5. throw; may/ might eat; die 6. will/ may/ might cause; make; leave
7. will/ may/ might be; fly; make 8. will take; do not know
- Ask Ss to read Watch out! and discuss with a partner. Check for
comprehension. Elicit explanations from Ss about the two examples.
b. Conditional sentence Type 2
Explain to Ss that conditional sentences Type 2 are used to describe present of
future activities or events that are unreal or unlikely to happen.
- Ask Ss to join the first part and second part together and make a meaningful

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sentence. Then have them decide on the correct verb form in each case.
Exercise 3:
- Explain to Ss that conditional sentences Type 2 are used to describe present of
future activities or events that are unreal or unlikely to happen.
- Ask Ss to join the first part and second part together and make a meaningful
sentence. Then have them decide on the correct verb form in each case.
Key: 1. d lived; would/ could work 2. a were; would tell
3. f didn’t start; would be 4. b used; would be
5. g Would you change; had 6. c were; would/ could travel
7. h would / could go; was/ were 8. e would be; stopped
- Have Ss discuss the meaning of each sentence, and explain the difference
between would and could.
Exercise 4:
- Ask Ss to read each situation carefully and decide which statement is the
cause, and which is the effect.
- Explain that ‘effect’ should be the main clause of the conditional sentence.
For example, in sentence 1, he can’t get a job is the effect, so it is the main
Key: 2. If Nancy lived near the park, she would/ could go running three every
3. If Nam could swim, he would/could go to swimming pool alone.
4. If tom had a passport, he would/ could travel abroad.
5. If there weren’t so many tourists visiting the national parks, the environment
there would not be badly damaged.
6. If tourists didn’t throw litter in the river, the water would not be polluted.
7. If these students worked hard, they would/ could pass the exam.
8. If Hoa didn’t have so much homework, she would/ could go out with her
friends tonight.
Homework - Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to environment impacts
and ways to protect the environment
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 13

Period: 39
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss to read for general ideas and for specific information about Ecotourism and do
tasks: Questions and answers and discuss.
- To teach Ss some words and phrases related to the topic Ecotourism.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Read for general ideas and for specific information about Ecotourism and do tasks:
Questions and answers and discuss.
+ Use words and phrases related to the topic Ecotourism.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Inform the class of the lesson objectives: skimming and scanning a text for main
ideas and specific information.
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Activity 1: Prediction
- Ask Ss to look at the tourist map of Costa Rica and the details given in the
legend (in the bottom left corner of the map).
- Have Ss work in pairs and guess what tourists can do or see in Costa Rica
Suggested answers: Tourists can swim in the sea, visit marine national parks,
see the volcanoes, watch the monkeys in national parks, etc.
Activity 2:
- Ask Ss to read the two opinions quickly and find the main idea of each
- Have Ss choose the best title for the text from the three options.
Key: b (Pros and cons of Ecotourism)
Activity 3:
- Ask Ss to read the text again and underline the five words from activity 3.
- Encourage Ss to guess the meaning of these words from the text and match
them with the correct definitions in the table.
Key: 1. e 2.c 3.a 4. b 5.d
Activity 4:
- Have Ss work in pair and list the positive and negative effects of ecotourism
mentioned by the two speakers.
Key: - Positive effects: more money for the local government to preserve

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nature; tourists’ awareness of how to protect the environment; more jobs and
higher income for local people.
- Negative effect: changing local people’s way of life
Activity 5:
- Explain Ss how to do the Activity 5: Read each statement, underline key
words and then scan Marco’s and Pablo’s opinions to find similar ideas or
Key: 1. Marco and Pablo (Marco: They [Tourists] stay with local families;
Pablo: There are more jobs for us…)
2. Marco (I think ecotourism can help to solve this problem…)
3. Pablo (To entertain tourists, we have to change our usual foods to suit their
tastes and adapt dances and traditions to suit their needs.)
4. Marco (More and more hotels are built while forests and beaches are
5. Marco (Tour guides and travel brochures educate tourists about the protection
of the environment.)
6. Pablo (I don’t really know what it is.)
7. Marco (Marco gave examples of sustainable ecotourism and its benefits)
Post Activity 6: Discussing
- Have Ss discuss in group of 3 or 4. Ask them some guiding questions before
they start their discussion: What do tourists need when they visit a place? What
do local people do to provide good services for tourists (such as food, water
and vehicles)?
Suggested answers: To some extent, the answer is yes. The money from
ecotourists may be used to preserve nature. However, the local people have to
use up their resource (such as energy sources, food and water) to provide good
service for tourist. More tourists mean more vehicles, more water and food
consumption, and more waste. Even though the discharge of waste and
consumption of nature resources by tourists are minimized, air, water and noise
pollution is unavoidable.
Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the new words.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 14

Period: 40
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss listen to a news report about ecotourism for gist and specific information.
- Check comprehension and ask Ss to brainstorm ideas on ecotourism.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Listen and do the tasks.
+ Develop the listening skills for gist and specific details.
+ Talk about ecotourism.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Inform Ss of the lesson objectives: listening for gist and specific information
about ecotourism.
Game – Back the Board
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Task 1:
- Have Ss look at the pictures showing different activities for tourists and
discuss with a partner which activities tourists usually do when they go on a
tour to the Mekong Delta.
Suggested answer:
Tourists can do all these activities, but the most common ones are listening to
traditional music, eating local food and catching fish.
Task 2:
This activity focuses on listening for gist in a news reports.
- Play the recording without pauses. Have Ss listen and choose the caption that
best summarises the main idea.
a. (How the MeKong Delta became an ecotourism destination)
Task 3:
- Have Ss underline key words in the questions and focus on these words while
- Let Ss listen again and answer the questions. Then ask Ss to compare their
answers with a partner.
Key: 1. Tourists did not have many interesting activities to do.
2. 100 3. 2005

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4. They released small fish back into the pond.

5. 300
Task 4:
This activity focuses on listening for specific information in the news report
about the two farmers’ ecotourism places.
- Ask Ss to guess what kind of information they may
need to write in the gaps.
- Have Ss listen and complete the gaps.
Key: 1. Ba Đức
- garden area: 2.5 hectares
- activities for a. visiting the old house
b. catching fish
c. enjoy home – made meals
d. cooking local food/learning how to cook
local food
2. Tư Bình
-fish pond area: 2.1 hectares
-activities a. catching fish
for tourists:
b. watching birds
c. riding ostriches
Post Task 5:
Have Ss discuss in pairs which activities mentioned in 4 they would enjoy doing
the most and give reasons.
Homework Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 14

Period: 41
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss to talk about what tourists can do on an eco-tour.
- To teach Ss to practice sharing and giving responses to new information.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Express their opinion about what tourists can do on an eco-tour.
+ Use conditional sentences Type 1 and to talk about present or future activities. And
events that are real/ probable or unreal/ nor probable.
+ Perform their viewpoints to other people in real life.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook and pieces of papers.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Inform the class of the lesson objectives: Talking about ecotourism activities.
Game – Simon says
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Activity 1:
- Ask Ss what they think the heading of the speaking section (‘Travel and
enjoy’) means and guess the topic.
Suggested answer:
Tourism and what activities tourists can enjoy doing while travelling.
- Ss practice the conversation in pairs.
Activity 2:
- Have Ss identify the main ideas in the dialogue. Ask them to complete the
table with the information from the conversation.
Where Peter will go Bach Ma National Park
explore the forests, watch the birds,
What he will do and see look at the plants, spend a night at
an old villa.
What else he will do if he visit Hue, enjoy the local food
has more time
Where else he may visit Lang Co beach
- Explain to Ss that when making their own conversations about the three
tourists destinations, they should use the four questions in the table.
Activity 3:

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- Divide the class into groups of 4 – 5 students. Have each group choose one
ecotourism destination in Vietnam, find information about it, and introduce this
place to other groups. Their presentation should include interesting information
about the destination and ecotourism activities there.
- For more able classes, ask Ss to choose destinations in other countries for their
Post - Summarize what they have learnt by asking Ss some questions:
What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
- Suggested answers:
+ I have learnt about some interesting activities for ecotourists indifferent
places in Vietnam. I can talk about these destinations and ecotourists’
Homework - Ask students to learn by heart the expressions.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 14

Period: 42
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To teach Ss to write a travel brochure promoting an eco-tour.
- To teach Ss to talk about ecotourism.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Write a travel brochure promoting an eco-tour.
+ Develop the writing skills in general. Build up vocabulary supported for writing.
+ Give some practical advice to an eco-tour.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook and pieces of papers.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Inform Ss of the lesson objectives: preparing a travel brochure promoting an
Game – Back the Board
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Activity 1: Vocabulary
- elicit, model 3 times, ask Ss to repeat in chorus then individual, write on the
board, check meaning, stress and get Ss to copy down
+ sunrise # sunset
+ take aboat to
+ hunt for food
+ litter
+ cause a fire
+ brochure
Activity 2:
- Explain to Ss that a travel brochure provides tourists with information about a
destination. It could be a small booklet or just one page.
- Ask Ss to read through the different sections in the brochure and match the
numbered parts (1-6) with the content definitions (a-f)
1.c 2.e 3. d 4.a 5.f 6.b

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Activity 3:
The focus of this activity is on designing a brochure. Ss can make a brochure by
hand or with the help of some software available in their computer (such as
Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher).
- Put Ss into groups of 4 or 5. Ask them to choose one destination (Sa Pa or
Central Highlands) and design a travel brochure for it.
- Encourage Ss to look for some other travel information (prices, duration of
stay, departure times) and pictures about the chosen destination to make their
brochure information and attractive.
Activity 4:
- Have each group show their brochure and give a brief report on their eco tour.
- Ask the whole class to give comments and votes for the best brochure.
Post - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Focus on the form of a biography
- Ask Ss to complete the writing at home and collect
- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
What can you do now?
Expected answer:
- Now I have learnt how to design and make a brochure for an eco-tour.
Homework - Write the text again at home.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 15

Period: 43

A. Aims and Objectives:

- To teach Ss to talk about problems with ecotourism in Vietnam and Africa.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Understand about problems with ecotourism in Vietnam and Africa.
+ Discuss problems with ecotourism in Vietnam and Africa.
+ Talk and express their ideas and opinions about ecotourism.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook and pieces of papers.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Inform the class of the lesson objective: further skill development.
Game – Guessing
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While 1. Communication:
Activity 1:
- Explain to Ss that they need to go back to the previous sections of the unit and
choose one place of their interest to practice speaking.
- Help Ss to complete the diagram with appropriate information about that
Example: Destination: Sa Pa
- The most enjoyable activities on the tour: visit Cat Cat village, go camping in
the forest
- The benefits for me: know more about local people’s life and traditions, relax
more, enjoy nature
- The benefit for the environment and local people: more jobs and income for
the local people, more money for the local community to preserve nature.
Activity 2:
- Have Ss work in pairs and practice the model conversation, using their notes
in 1.

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2. Culture:
Activity 1:
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and discuss with a partner how the tourism
activity in each situation may affect the environment.
Suggested answers
a. Tourists may leave litter on the beach, which may cause land and water
b. Making a campfire requires breaking tree branches or cutting down trees for
firewood. Campfires may cause forest fires if they are left unattended.
c. Hunting animals may lead to their extinction. Endangered animals can be in
danger of extinction.
Activity 2:
- Tell Ss that they are going to read about some problems with ecotourism in
Viet Nam and some countries in Africa (Kenya and Tanzania).
- Ask Ss to guess which problems mentioned in 1 can be found in Viet Nam and
- Have Ss read the text and choose suitable titles for two articles.
Key: 1. c 2. a
Activity 3:
Explain to Ss how to do the next activity: Read through the five principles in the
table first, and then read each article carefully to decide if these principles have
been applied in Viet Nam or Africa.
Principles of ecotourism VN Afric
Reduce the impact of tourism activities on the
a X X
local nature and culture.
Increase tourists’ environmental and cultural
b X NG
awareness and respect.
Provide financial benefits for the conversation of
local destinations.
d Provide financial benefits for local people. NG X
Provide positive experiences for both visitors and
e X X
- Principle a: In neither places, there are strong measures to limit tourists’
activities that may harm the environment (littering, cutting tree branches,
- Principle b: In VN, tourists have little or no access to environmental
information or local cultural activities.
- Principle d: In Africa, ecotourism has not provided more jobs for the local

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- Principle e: In VN, tourists have little or no understanding of the local culture;

Post Africa, local people are deprived of their best land.
Activity 4:
- Have Ss work in pairs. Ask Ss to look back at the pictures and tourists’
harmful activities that have been discussed in 1 (leaving litter, making
campfires, and hunting animals.)
- Ask Ss to suggest what should be done to restrict the harm or damage that
tourists may cause to the environment and local people.
Suggested answers
- More efforts (such as producing educational brochures and TV programmes
about ecotourism) need to be made to fully inform and educate tourists on the
environmental and social impacts of ecotourism.
- Moreover, there should be regulations and laws banning the promotion of
unsustainable ecotourism projects and activities that may harm the local
cultures and nature (such as projects to cut down trees to build hotels and
hunting activities).
Homework - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.
- Prepare for the next lesson.

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A. Aims and Objectives:
- To help Ss mark stress in words of more than three syllables in isolation and in context.
- To teach Ss some lexical items related to ecotourism.
- By the end of the lesson Ss are able to:
+ Pronounce correctly words of more than three syllables related to the topic the ecotourism.
+ Use some key words of the topic the ecotourism.
+ Do the exercises on conditional sentences.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Game – Back the Board
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While Pronunciation:
Task 1:
- Help Ss to review the pronunciation rules for words ending in –ity,-ic, -ica,
-tion on page 98 (Student’s Book)
- Have Ss put a stress mark before the syllable with the primary stress in each
word, and then say these words aloud.
Key: ac’tivity conser’vation tra’ditional desti’nation
eco’nomic eco’nomical under’standing degra’dation
Activity 1:
- The six words in the box are the ones most commonly used in the unit. Ask Ss
to write them in the gaps, using the plural forms of the nouns when necessary.
Key: 1. conservation 2. Destinations 3. impacts, environment
4. ecology 5. exotic
Activity 1:
The focus of this activity is on using conditional sentences Type 1 to talk about
present or future activities that are real or very probable.
- Let Ss read through the eight cues to grasp the general idea of the story they
are going to create.
- Ask Ss to make sentences, with the main clause of the previous sentence (the
effect) becoming the if-clause (the cause) of the next sentence.
Key: 3. If I miss the lesson, I will not do the test well.
4. If I don’t do the test well, I’ll feel very sad.
5. If I feel very sad, I’ll go to the gym.

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6. If I go to the gym, I’ll keep fit.

7. If I keep fit, I’ll look attractive.
8. If I look attractive, I’ll be very happy
Activity 2:
The focus of this activity is on using conditional sentences Type 2 to talk about
present or future activities that are unreal or unlikely to happen.
- Ask Ss to read situations carefully and write the conditional sentences with the
same meaning.
Key: 1. If I could swim, I’d go scuba-diving with you. (or: I’d go scuba-diving
if I could swim.)
2. I’d go on an eco-tour to Phu Quoc National Park if I had any holiday left. (or:
If I could manage an eco-tour to Phu Quoc National Park, I’d go on one.)
3. If Sue had Tony’s email address, she would send him a message. (or: Sue
would send him a message if she had his email address.)
4. I’d make a cake for you now if there were eggs in the fridge. (or: If there
were eggs in the fridge, I’d make a cake for you now.)
5. Phong would/ could travel abroad if he had enough money. (or: If Phong had
enough money, he would/ could travel abroad.)
6. If I drove too close to the animals on safari, they would get scared. (or: The
animals on safari would get scared if I drove too close to them.)
7. I could/ would go to the concert if I didn’t have so much homework to do.
(or: If I didn’t have so much homework to do, I could/ would go to the concert.)
8. If Nam had a camera, he’d take pictures of his trip. (or: Nam would/ could
take pictures of his trip if he had a camera.)
Activity 3:
This activity helps Ss to review how to use conditional sentences Type 1 and 2,
and modals correctly. Give Ss some hints about how to explain each type of
conditional sentences.
Hints: - For Type 1, the modal verb ‘might’ should be used because it expresses
If your test score is high…-> The test score might be high.
- For type 2, the verb ‘is’ or ‘isn’t’ should be used to express a present activity
or event that is unreal or not probable.
If your test score was high…-> The test score isn’t high.
If the air was not polluted…-> The air is polluted
Key: 3. The computer isn’t working. 4. It might snow tonight.
5. This golden block might be made of pure gold.
6. My father isn’t here now. 7. The air is polluted.
8. John might call.
Post Project:
- For this project, Ss carry out a survey on their group members’ eco tour

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Students do the survey in PROJECT in groups at break time. Teacher design the
form and students hand in the results in written form as assignment.
Homework Prepare for the Speaking Test

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Week: 15

Period: 44-45
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To give sts some more exercises to practice
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook and pieces of papers.
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm- Game – Slap the Board
Pre + Review vocabulary
TASK 1:.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
the others.
1.A. where B. wonder C.whole D. win
2.A. honest B. heal C. health D. horse
3. A. science B. scandal C. scissors D. scenery
4. A. swamp B. sweet C. sword D. swear
5. A. listen B. sister C. Christ D. thirsty
6. A. leaves B. apples C. scenes D. manages
7. A. pleased B. liked C. laughed D. produced
8. A. replied B. acted C. cubed D. caged
9. A. splash B. shrank C. nature D. gasoline
10.A. sniff B. swing C. smith D. slide
Answer keys:
1. C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.D
TASK 2: Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the
1.A. epidemic B. competitive C. arrangement D. eradicate
2.A. incredible B. integration C. participate D. ambitious
3.A. unemployed B. disappointed C. independent D. impossible
4.A. confidential B. intellectual C. ecotourism D. vegetation
5.A. mysterious B. photography C. scientific D. geography
6.A. fundamental B. resonsible C. invisible D. biology
7.A. development B. helicopter C. watermelon D. literature
8.A. characteristic B. classifcation C. university D. qualification
9.A. equality B. technology C. identify D. unrealistic
10.A. irregular B. minority C. appreciate D. independent
Answer keys:
1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.D

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While TASK 3: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences :

1. The National Park is open to all visitors who undertake ......... the rules.
A. to obey B. to break C. to violate D. to consider
2. Pollution will get worse ...................... we continue to live in a throwaway
A. unless B. proving that C. as long as D. in case
3. If they build a five-star hotel there, the heritage population .................... from
A. will hide B. will be hidden C. is being hidden D. is hiding
4. There has been a .................. increase in the number of tourists visiting the city
since the museum was opend
A. fast B. rapid C. quick D. large
5. Would you mind turning your stereo down ? - .........................................
A. Not at all C. I’m sorry. I’m not paying attention
B. I’d be gald to D. Sorry. I didn’t mean it
6. Lan: “I’m sorry. I can’t be of more help in this matter”.
–Tuan: “ ....................................................”
A. Yes, the matter is helpless B. That’s fine. I understand
C. You are welcome D. That’s a problem
7. Marry: “Thank you so much for your support.”
– John: “ ...................................................................”
A. Welcome! It’s very nice of you B. Well done
C. It’s my pleasure D. There is nothing I can do about it
8. I can’t decide what to do. What would you do if you .......... in my position ?
A. are B. have been C. will be D. were
9. You risk losing your job if your boss ................. you weren’t really ill.
A. will find out B. found that C. finds out D. founded
10. if you want to see the manager.
A. You make an appointment B. Make an appointment
C. You would make an appointement D. Should you make an appointement
11. It came as .................. to me to hear about Tom’s victroy in the competition
A. not amazed B. shock C. surprising D. no surprise
12. Passengers must ........................ their seatbelts before take-off and landing
A. fasten B. tie C. knock D. lock
13. Large areas of national parks also experienced .................. fires.
A. maintaining B. preserving C. devasting D. building
14. Today, many governments have taken into consideration the ................... of
water resources.
A. conversation B. conserve C. conservatism D. conservative
15. During his .................., his family lived in the United States.
A. child B. childish C. childlike D. childhood
16. Marry: “ Do you fancy black coffee or white coffeee?”
- John: “................................................”

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A. Let me make you a hot cup B. Never mind

C. It’s all the same to me D. I love one
17. Most of the shops in the area are ................... just before Christmas.
A. populous B. narrow C. overcrowded D. thick
18. Lotus is a very busy restaurant, it’s always better .................... a table in
A. to request B. to book C. to order D. to buy
19. The flight stops at Hong Kong before going on to its final .......................
A. destination B. target C. stop D. arrival
20. His work has never gained the international .................... it deserves
A. recognize B. recognizing C. recognized D. recognition
Answer keys:
1. A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.B
11.D 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.D
TASK 4: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences :
1. The environmental habital of some rare animals is being threatened. The
underlined word has closest meaning to:
A. aware B. endangered C. dangerous D. share
2. Kara: “Do you want to book an eco tour or a camping safari?”
- Bella: “...............................................”
A. Yes, I want to book an eco tour
B. An eco tour sounds more interesting to me
C. No, I do not like a camping safari
D. I couldn’t agree more
3. If she .................. to know more about it, she will need to spend more time
A. want B. wanted C. wants D. will want
4. I am sure that if we persuade them, they .................... their bad lifestyle.
A. change B. changed C. will change D. would change
5. “If he does not pay careful attention to lesson, he cannot keep pace with his
classmates” has closest meaning to:
A. Unless he pays careful attention to lesson, he cannot keep pace with his
B. Unless he pays careful attention to lesson, he can keep pace with his classmates.
C. Unless he doesn’t pay careful attention to lesson, he cannot keep pace with his
D. If he pays careful attention to lesson, he cannot keep pace with his classmates.
6. Many species of fauna and flora in this national park is being in danger. The
underlined word has closest meaning to:
A. sauna B. coral C. animals D. coastal
7. These children live in the city, so they know little about rural life. If they ............
in the countryside, they would know about the life of farmers.
A. live B. will live C. would live D. lived
8. If she ..................... on well with her colleagues, they will support her a lot with

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her work.
A. get B. got C. gets D. will get
9. He would work in aviation if he .................... 6 years younger
A. were B. is C. will be D. would be
10. The factory was fined for discharging chemicals into the river. The underlined
word has closest meaning to:
A. charging B. throwing C. in charging D. discounting
11. Da Nang is said to be one of the best tourism .................. in Vietnam.
A. destinations B. destination C. nation D. nations
12. If I were you, I ....................... your partners.
A. apologize C. will apologize
B. apologized D. would apologize
13. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. ecology B. contributor C. operator D. economy
14. Your library books are overdue. You .................. if you return those books
A. will not fine C. will not be fined
B. will not fined D. will be not fine
15. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. relaxation B. conservation C. sustainable D. incompletion
16. I stop eating so much chocolate, I am going to get fat.
A. If B. Unless C. In case D. But for
17. “ “ in the sentence below is not correct:
If they lived in Vietnam, they will experience terrible traffic
18. “ “ in the sentence below is not correct:
They announced that he has met a number of key figures the day before
19. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. degradation B. destination C. unavoidable D. deforestation
20. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. entertainment B. ecological C. economic D. encouragement
Answer keys:
1. B 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B
11.A 12.D 13.C 14.C 15.C 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.D
TASK 5: Read the following passage and choose the correct word for each space.
Although some groups of people have always lived outdoors in tents, camping
as we know it today only began to be (1)………..about 50 years ago. The increase
in the use of cars and improvements in camping (2)……… have allowed more
people to travel longer (3)…………into the countryside and to stay there in greater
comfort. Many campers like to be (4)………..themselves in quiet areas, so they (5)
………….their tent and food and walk or cycle into the forests or the mountains.
Others, preferring to be near people , drive to a public or privately-owned campsite

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(6)…………..has up-to-date facilities ,(7)………….hot showers and swimming

pools. Whether campers are (8)………….in the mountains or on a busy site, they
should remember to (9)…............ the area clean and tidy. In the forests, they must
put out any fires and keep food hidden to avoid attracting (10) ………animals.
1. a. famous b. popular c. favorite d. current
2. a. tools b. baggage c. equipment d. property
3. a. ways b. directions c. voyages d. distances
4. a. on b. by c. at d. of
5. a. take b. make c. pick d. do
6. a. where b. who c. which d. when
7. a. such b. like c. as d. just
8. a. lonely b. single c. separate d. alone
9. a. remain b. stay c. leave d. let
10. a. wild b. natural c. loose d. free
Answer keys:
1. B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A
TASK 6: Choose the best answer from the four options (marked A, B, C, or D)
to complete each of the numbered blanks in the following passage by writing
the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D on the answer sheet.
Most people enjoy going ______(1) for their holidays, and having the
opportunity to _______(2) in an interesting city or a seaside ______(3). If you
speak _____(4) languages, you can make new friends, and ______(5) home some
interesting _______(6) as presents. But before you can do that, you have to
______(7) your destination, and that is often a problem! If you fly, then you may
find that your flight has been ______(8). ________(9) by train can also be difficult,
since trains are often ______(10) in the summer, you might have to reserve a
_______(11) in advance. Whichever way you ______(12) , you can have problem
with your _______(13), and it is often difficult to find good ______ (14) . Apart
from this, you might not be able to afford the ________(15).
1. A. out B. forward C. abroad D. foreign
2. A. remain B. pass C. spend D. stay
3. A. resort B. post C. too D. one
4. A. strange B. stranger C. foreigner D. foreign
5. A. fetch B. take C. go D. get
6. A. memories B. souvenirs C. recollections D. memoirs
7. A. reach B. arrive C. go D. travel
8. A. waited B. reversed C. delayed D. booked
9. A. Journeys B. Travels C. Voyages D. Passes
10. A. filling B. occupied C. overdone D. crowded
11. A. post B. chair C. seat D. position
12. A. voyage B. travel C. trip D. tour
13. A. baggages B. luggage C. goods D. sacks
14. A. staying B. homes C. accommodation D. lodges
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15. A. fare B. fair C. far D. fur

Answer keys:
1.C 4. D 7. A 10. D 13. B
2. D 5. B 8. C 11. C 14. C
3. A 6. B 9. A 12. B 15. A
TASK 7: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the
same as the sentence printed before it.
1. We don’t see you very often because you live so far away
 If you ....................................................................
2. This book is too expensive, so I’m not going to buy it
 I’d ...............................................................................
3. We don’t go out very often - we can’t afford it.
 We .........................................................................................
4. I can’t meet you tomorrow- I have to work late
 If ............................................................................................
5. It’s rainning, so we can’t have lunch outside
 We ............................................................................................
6. I don’t want his advice, and that’s why I’m not going to ask for it
 If ..............................................................
7. I don’t want them to be upset, so I’ve decided not to tell them what heppened
 They’d ..................................
8. I’ll call the police if you don’t leave me alone
 Unless .....................................................................................
9. If you see Pete, tell him to be here at 8:00
 Should ............................................................................................
10. In the snowy weather, we don’t go to school
 If .............................................................................................
Answer keys:
1. didn’t live so far, we would see you very often
2. buy this book if it wasn’t so expensive
3. would go out more often if we could afford it
4. I didn’t have to work late, I could meet you tomorrow
5. could have lunch ouside if it wasn’t rainning
6. I wanted his advice, I would ask for it
7. be upset if I told them what happed
8. you leave me alone, I’ll call the police
9. you see Pete, tell him to be here at 8:00
10. the weather is snowy, we won’t go to school
TASK 8: Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the
Conservation conflicts arise when natural-resource shortages develop in the
face of steadily increasing demands from a growing human population. Controversy
frequently surrounds how a resource should be used, or allocated, and for whom.

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For example, a river may supply water for agricultural irrigation, habitat for fish,
and water-generated electricity for a factory. Farmers, fishers, and industry leader
vie for unrestricted access to this river, but such freedom could destroy the
resource, and conservation methods are necessary to protect the river for future
Conflicts worsen when a natural resource crosses political boundaries. For
example, the headwaters, or source, of a major river may be located in a different
country than the country through which the river flows. There is no guarantee that
the river source will be protected to accommodate resource needs downstream. In
addition, the way in which one natural resource is managed has a direct effect upon
other natural resources. Cutting down a forest near a river, for instance, increases
erosion, the wearing away of topsoil, and can lead to flooding. Eroded soil and silt
cloud the river and adversely affect many organisms such as fish and important
aquatic plants that require clean, clear freshwater for survival.
1. What does “supply” in line 3 mean?
A. cover B. provide C. make up for D. compensate for
2. Which word in the reading means “ living or growing in, or relating to water” ?
A. agriculture B. major C. fresh D. aquatic
3. When do conflicts get worse ?
A. when natural-resource shortages increase in the features of gradually increasing
demands from a rising human population.
B. when a natural resource crosses political borders
C. when freedom could destroy the resource.
D. when eroded soil and silt cloud affect many organisms.
4. Which sentence below is NOT correct?
A. Argument often surrounds how a resource should be used, or allocated, and for
B. A river may provide water for agricultural irrigation, habitat for fish, and water-
generated electricity for a factory
C. Conservation methods are incidental to care for the river for future use.
D. Farmers, fishers and industry leaders vie for open access to this river.
5. What is the passage above mainly about?

A. Conservation conflicts B. Agricultural irrigation

C. The headwaters of a major river D. Natural-resource shortages

6.What does “arise” in line 1 mean?

A. get up B. sit up C. stand up D. spring up
7. What does “methods” in line 6 mean?

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A. plans B. orders C. structure D. ways

8. Which word in the reading means “a promise that something will be done or will
happen, especially a written a particular period of time?
A. shortage B. guarantee C. population D. habitat
Answer keys:
1. B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A
Post TASK 9: Complete each sentences with a word made from the word given
1. No taking exerise is rather ..................................... ( health )
2. It’s ......................... cold today, considering it;s still summer ( usual )
3. There was no .................... for crash of the airliner ( explain )
4. Our teacher was really .................... when she found out the truth ( anger )
5. Mike tried ....................... to phone Cathy several times ( success )
6. Most people have no real ................... in ghost ( believe )
7. These old envelops are so we can save money ( use )
8. Eddie put the .................. food in the freezer ( freeze )
9. Harry asked for a ................ and the casher gave him one ( receive )
10. , my father used to go to school with your father. ( interest )
11. Do you think you have the ...................... to pass the test ( able )
12. They didn’t give Gary the job as he was ........................... ( experience )
Answer keys:
1.unhealthy 5. unsuccessfully 9. receipt
2.unusually 6.belief 10.interestingly
3.explanation 7.reusable 11.ability
4.angry 8.frozen 12.inexperienced
TASK 10: Give the correct form of the words in brackets:
1. Our ....................... traditiona should be maintained and introduced to friends all
over the world ( culture )
2. It is advised that ....................... must be responsible for their action during the
trip ( tour )
3. The ........................... loss of land is the result of severve deforestation ( mass )
4. One of the solutions which are being discussed is to increase tourist’s
envoronmental and cultural ................... and respect ( aware )
5. If ecotourism is effectively managed, it can provide ............. benefits to local
people because there will be more jobs for them and they will earn more ( finance )
6. Ecotourism is thought to be ......................, as it helps the preservation of species
of fauna and flora ( sustain )
7. Money should be used for the preservation of .................. parks where many
endangered species live ( nation )
8. We can also visit a number of coffee ................. where we can enjoy fresh coffee
( plant )
9. The ..................... of ecotourism of lakes, rivers, seas and forests must be
prevented ( destroy )

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10. We can explore the .................. hiking paths and observe wild animals when
visiting Cuc Phuong National park ( mystery )
Answer keys:
1. cultural 2. tourists 3. massive 4.awareness 5. financial
6. sustainable 7. national 8.planations 9. destruction 10. mysterious

TASK 11: Rearrange the words / phrases to make meaningful sentences:

1. not / if / does / rain / it / they / go / out / will / for / walk / a
2. there / if / plant / more / we / trees / be / more / will / birds / this / in / area
3. earn / unless / works / she / hard / will / nothing / she
4. if / I / accept / that / were / company’s / would / offer / I / Alan
5. following / they / that / device / that / would / announced / be / produced / the /
Answer keys:
1. If it does not rain, they will go out for a walk
2. If we plant more trees, there will be more birds in this area
3. Unless she works hard, she will earn nothing
4. I would accept that company’s offer if I were Alan

Home- - T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.

work - Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 16

Period: 46
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To revise the language and skills Ss have learnt and practiced in unit 9-10.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Pronounce correctly words of more than three syllables.
+ Understand and use the language and skills Ss have learnt and practiced in unit 9-10.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Teacher may introduce the review by asking Ss if they remember what they
have learnt so far in terms of language. T then summarizes Ss’ answers and
adds some more information, if necessary.
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While A. Vocabulary:
Task 1:
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a
- Write the correct answers on the board. Remind Ss of the use of suffixes to
form adjective from nouns or verbs.
Key: 1. natural 2. polluted 3. environmental
4. sustainable 5. ecological
Task 2:
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually.
- Ask a student to write his/ her answers on the board. Check answers as a class.
Key: 1. pollution 2. global warming
3. Deforestation 4. protect 5. Acid rain
2. Pronunciation
Task 3: Sort out the words
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a
- Show the correct answers on the board.

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Ooo OOo oOOO ooOo

poverty pollution economy conservation
energy solution sustainable preservation
chemical awareness ecology relaxation
newsletter protection environment composition
poverty pollution economy conservation
- T asks Ss to read these words.
2. Grammar
Task 4:
- Elicit the form and use of the reported speech. Remind Ss of the changes to
pronouns, possessive adjectives and verbs
- Ask a student to do the task on the board while other Ss also do this activity
- Check Ss’ answers or as them for explanations, if necessary.
1. Mary said (that) people are cutting down the rainforests.
2. Tom said (that) car pollution was/ is a big problem in his city.
3. scientists say (that) chemicals are destroying the ozone layer.
4. He told me to shut the door but not to lock it.
5. Our teacher explained (that) burning gas, oil, and coal could/ can cause acid
Task 5:
- Elicit the form and use of conditional sentences Type 1 and 2.
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a
- Ask a student to write his/ her answers on the board.
- Check answers as a class.
Key: 1. didn’t throw 2. will go
3. close down 4. is 5. build
Post Task 6:
- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a
- Write the correct answers on the board, and give explanations if necessary.
Key: 1. will; do 2. would be 3. were; would go 4. use
5. knew; would/ could phone
Homework - T asks Ss to do exercises again at home.
- Prepare for the next lesson.
Week: 16

Period: 47
A. Aims and Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

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- Listen for gist and specific information

- Use the words and phrases related to words related to environmental problems and solutions.
- Read for general ideas and specific information about environmental problems and solutions.
- To talk about the destinations for ecotourism in Vietnam.
- Write about environmental problems and give advice on how to solve them.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, cassette.
- Students: textbook
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Teacher may introduce the review by asking Ss if they remember what they
have learnt so far in terms of language. T then summarizes Ss’ answers and
adds some more information, if necessary.
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While I. Reading
- Ask Ss to do activities 1 and 2 individually, and check their answers with a
partner’s. Give correct answers and explanations if necessary.
Key: 1b
1. rubbish dump (n) landfill (n)
2. hide underground (v) bury (v)
3. serious skin disease (n) skin cancer (n)
4. waste gases (n) exhaust gases (n)
5. process (v) treat (v)

What can be done to solve the
1. Linda landfills do more recycling

the thinking of
2. Jenny drive less
the ozone layer
treat all waste more
3. Kate water pollution

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II. Speaking
Task 3:
Ask Ss to work in pairs, choosing one of the destinations of ecotourism in Viet
Nam. Ask each pair to report their choice and explain the decision.
Task 4:
Ask Ss to work in pairs and answer the three questions. Then ask Ss to discuss
their answers with a partner’s.
Ask Ss to present their answers to the class.
III. Listening
- Play the recording about Cuc Phuong National Park, while Ss fill in the
missing information.
- Play the recording again for Ss to listen and check their answers.
- Alternatively, play one or more times for Ss to work out the answers. Provide
the correct answers, and give any explanations if necessary.
Key: 1. 135 2. tourists and scientists
3. 2000; 450 4. most impressive 5. 1000
Post IV. Writing
Ask Ss to use the points given (or their own ideas) to write a paragraph about
one of the different environmental problems and give advice on how to solve
them. Ask Ss to write the first draft in class, and then write their final versions
at home. Ss may start their writing like this:
Today, people are producing too much waste. The city landfills are nearly full.
So we should do more recycling and…
Homework Prepare for the next lesson.

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Week: 16

Period: 48
(đính kèm)

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Week: 17

Period: 49
(đính kèm)

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Week: 17

Period: 50
A. Aims and Objectives:
- To practice speaking, reading, listening and writing.
- To make Ss feel confident of their ability in order to understand and speak English by setting
tasks within their competence.
- To help Ss have the opportunities to develop their oral fluency.
- To introduce some words and phrases.
- Language focuses:
+ Relative clauses
+ Reported speech.
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: handouts, textbook, sub boards and colored chalks.
- Students: textbook.
C. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative.
D. Procedures:
Stages Activities
Warm-up Game – Slap the Board
Pre + Pre-teaching vocabulary
+ Checking vocabulary
While I. Grammar:
1. Definite Relative clauses.
Eg : This is a man who is living in Hanoi.
2 . Non – definite relative clauses.
Eg : The Mekong River , which starts in Tibet, is the longest river in Indonesia.
3. Reported Speech
Direct speech Indirect speech
Present simple Past simple
Present continuous Past continuous
Present perfect Past perfect
Present perfect Past perfect continuous
Past simple Past simple/ Past perfect

II. Exercises:
Exercise 1: Underline the relative clauses in the sentences. Then add commas
to separate the Non-restrictive relative clauses.
1. The man who is talking to the principal is our form teacher.

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2. The boys who are sitting in the first row will receive the medals.
3. The students who are in the grade 10th are going to clean the school yard.
4. The animals which are kept in iron cages will be carried back to the forest
5. Mr Tan who is our gymnast is very thin and tall.
6. The book which we borrowed from the library must be returned by Monday
7. The little boy who is crying over there lost his way.
8. Mrs Van who lives next door to Hoa works at the television station.
9. The dog which has some black spots is Ba’s.
10. My mother bought the shoes which were made from Hong Kong.
Exercise 2: Change into Reported speech
1. He said to her, “You are my friend.”
2. Johnny said to his mother, “I don’t know how to do this exercise.”
3. “Don’t come back before one o’clock”, advised my brother.
4. “Cook it in butter”, Mrs Brown said to her daughter.
5. The pupils said “Teacher, give us better marks, please.”
6. My friend said, “Are you going to leave tomorrow?”
7. “Have you done your homework?” said my mother.
8. I asked Bill,” What time did you go to bed last night?”
9. Paul said, “I must go home now.”
10. “There is an accident”, said the policeman.
Post - Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
What can you do now?
- Teacher asks Ss to give examples for the grammatical parts above.
Homework Prepare for the Final Test

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Week: 17 – 18

Period: 51 – 52
(đính kèm)

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Week: 18

Period: 53
(đính kèm)

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Week: 18

Period: 54
(đáp án đính kèm)

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