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Review 3

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REVIEW 3 - Lesson 1: Language

Timing: 1 period (45 minutes)
I. Objectives
1.Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
a. Skills:
*Sub- skill:
Listening: listen to stress patterns in Units 7,8, 9 and how to pronounce these words with
correct stress.
b. Languages:
Vocabulary: revise words related to natural wonders ofthe world, tourism, world englishes.
Grammar: revise the use of Yes / No questions into reported speech and use relative
pronouns in sentences
2. Competence
Students can develop communication skills, creativity and cultural awareness, be
collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork, and actively join in class activities.
3. Attitude
Students can develop self-study skills and know the importance of revision, ready and confident in
the midterm test.
II. Teaching aids (& materials)
- Grade 9 textbook, Review 3 – Language.
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV
- ppt file, -
III. Procedure
Activity 1: Warming-up (5 minutes)
Goal The activity aims at creating an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson
and leading into the new lesson
Input * Guessing game:
find a keyword for each set of pictures.
- Teacher shows 3 sets of pictures and asks students to find a keyword for each set
of pictures.
- Students raise their hands to answer.
- Students work individually and follow teacher’s instruction to play the game
- Teacher and students discuss the answers.
- Teacher checks the answers as a class.
Outcome Suggested answer: - tourism - world Englishes - natural wonders of the world
Activity 2: Pronunciation (5 minutes)
Goal The activity aims at helping students review the stress patterns in Units 7 - 9, and
how to pronounce these words with correct stress

Procedure – T asks Ss to read the sentences first. Correct their pronunciation if needed.
– T allows Ss some time to do the exercise.
– T plays the recording for Ss to listen and mark the stressed syllable in each
underlined word.
– T calls on some Ss to share their answers.
– T confirms the correct answers as a class.
– T plays the recording again for Ss to listen and repeat in chorus and then do it
– T has Ss review the common rules for stress patterns of words containing the –ic,
-ious, –ion and -ity suffixes.
Outcome Students can identify stress patterns of the given words and repeat the sentences
Answer key:
1. This snack is nu`tritious and easy to prepare.
2. He is a bit slow, but he’s am`bitious.
3. Seafood is a local speci`ality, but I’m a`llergic to it.
4. The elec`tronic dictionary includes some ani`mations.
5. The cele`bration continued with a fan`tastic ac`tivity.

Activity 3 : Vocabulary ( 10 minutes)

Goal The activity aims at helping Ss revise the use of some keywords and phrases in

Procedure - Have Ss do the task individually or in pairs.

- Ask Ss to read each sentence and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best
completes the sentence.
- Call on some Ss to share their answers with the class.
- Confirm the correct answers as a class. Explain if necessary.
Outcome Key: 1.D 2. A 3.B 4.C 5. A
Activity 4 : Vocabulary (10 minutes)
Goal The activity aims at providing Ss with more practice in the use of some keywords
and phrases in new contexts.

Procedure – T has Ss do this exercise in pairs.

– T asks Ss to read the words in the box first and see if they remember their uses and
– T asks Ss to read each sentence and decide which word or phrase from the box best
fits each blank.
– T checks the answers as a class. Highlight the key word(s) in each sentence which
help(s) Ss do the task.
Outcome Key: 1. Promotes 2.native speaker 3. package tour 4. varieties5. flora and fauna

Activity 5 : Grammar ( 5 minutes)

Goal The activity aims at helping Ss revise how to change Yes / No questions into
reported speech

Procedure – T quickly reviews the rules of changing Yes / No questions into reported speech
(using if / whether, changing tenses, time, places …).
– T has Ss do this exercise individually.
- Students work independently to do the activity.
– T calls on some Ss to share their answers with the class.
– T confirms the correct answers as a class.
- Students check the answers as a class
Outcome Answer key:
1. They asked Jane if / whether the plane was arriving soon.
2. The teacher wanted to know/ asked me if / whether I could write a report after my
visit to the Dolomites.
3. She asked me if / whether the tour guide had my telephone number.
4. I asked Kate if / whether anybody would meet her at the airport the next day.
5. I asked them if / whether they were sure about the quality of those English
Activity 6 : Grammar ( 5 minutes)
Goal The activity aims at providing Ss with more practice on relative pronouns and
relative clauses.

Procedure – T helps Ss revise the use of the relative pronouns who, which, and whose in
relative clauses.
– T has Ss work individually
- Students work independently to do the activity.
– T calls on some Ss to share their answers with the class.
- T calls 1-2 students come to the board to write the answer.
- 1-2 students come to the board to write the answer.
- Some Ss give explanation
– T confirms the correct answers. Explain if necessary. T may then call on some Ss
to read aloud the correct combinations.
Outcome Answer key:
1. The path was made by walkers who cross the mountains each summer.
2. I know an English restaurant which serves excellent fish and chips.
3. The local people who we met last week were very friendly and helpful.
4. Ms Linda teaches a class of students whose native language is not English.
5. The English dictionary which I can’t afford to buy is very useful
Wrap-up: ( 5 minutes)
- Do exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare for Review 3 – Skills.

REVIEW 3 - Lesson 2: Skills
Timing: 1 period (45 minutes)
I. Objectives:
1.Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
a. Skills:
*Main skill:
Writing: practise writing sentences from words and phrases given.
Speaking: practise talking about some of the world’s natural wonders.
*Sub- skills:
Listening: practise listening for specific information about some tips for travellers to
follow to reduce their impact on a natural wonder
Reading: practise reading for specific information about ways to learn English through
b. Languages:
Vocabulary: revise words related to natural wonders ofthe world, tourism, world
2. Competence
Students can develop communication skills, creativity and cultural awareness, be collaborative and
supportive in pair work and teamwork, and actively join in class activities
3. Attitude
Students can develop self-study skills and know the importance of revision and need to study harder
in the midterm test
II. Teaching aids (& materials)
- Grade 9 textbook, Review 3 – Skills. - Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV - ppt file,
III. Procedure
Activity 1: Warming-up (5 minutes)
Goal The activity aims at creating an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson
Input - Board Race
1. hard copy (n) 2. revise (v) 3. dictionary (n) 4. phrase (n)
- T divides the class into four teams. One representative from each team comes to
the board.
- T asks a question, and the first person to write the correct answer on the board wins
a point for their team.
- Note: the students on the board only get one try. If they all miss the question, T
takes the answer from the first person in the audience who raises their hand.
- The team with the most points becomes the winner
- T leads in the reading part of the lesson.
Outcome 1. Ss have an exciting atmosphere to start the lesson
2. Suggested answer:
1. hard copy (n)
2. revise (v)
3. dictionary (n)
4. phrase (n)

Activity 2: reading (9 minutes)

Goal The activity aims at helping Ss practise reading for specific information
Input - Task 1: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D
to each question.
Procedure – T asks Ss to do the task individually first. Tell them to read the passage two or
three times, then read each question.
– T explains the new words and clarify anything difficult. T may ask more questions
to see if they understand the text fully.
- Students work independently to complete the task.
– T calls on some Ss to share their answers with the class.
– T confirms the correct answers as a class.
- Students check their answers as a whole class
Outcome Answer key:
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. D
Activity 3 :speaking (9 minutes)
Goal The activity aims at providing Ss with an opportunity to practice their speaking skills
about the world’s natural wonders.

Procedure – T has Ss work in pairs.

– T asks Ss to read the list, discuss and rank the natural wonders from 1 - most
interesting to 5 - least interesting, based on how interesting the places are for them.
– T allows Ss some time to talk. Give help when necessary.
- Students work in pairs to complete the task.
– T calls on some pairs to talk in front of the class. T and other Ss listen and
Outcome - Suggested answer: Students’ answer
Model: The place I would like to visit most is Mount Everest. Because I want to go
on an adventure of climbing and standing on top of Everest. Furthermore, it has
breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks, and vast glaciers, creating a magnificent
landscape that captivates the soul. Visiting Everest also offers an awe-inspiring sense
of adventure and a chance to explore the beauty of the natural world.

Activity 4 : Listening ( 6 minutes)

Goal The activity aims at helping students practise listening for specific information
Input - Task 3: Listen to the passage and fill in each blank with no more than TWO words.
Procedure – T has Ss read the sentences first to get an overall idea of what they are going to
listen and to decide what information they need to fill in each blank.
- Students read the statements and guess the possible answers.
– T plays the recording and allows Ss some time to complete their answers.
- Students do the task individually then listen again to the recording to check the
– T checks the answers as a class. If needed, play the recording again and pause
when an answer comes
Outcome Answer key:
1. some tips 2. material 3. throw rubbish 4. plants 5. preserve

Activity 5 : Writing ( 12 minutes)

Goal The activity aims at helping ss practise writing sentences from words and phrases
Input Task 4: Make sentences using the words and phrases given.
Procedure – T asks Ss to read all the words and phrases to have a general idea about the content
of each sentence they are going to write.
– T asks Ss to determine what is most suitable tense for each word and phrase.
- Students work in pairs first to figure out the general ideas of the sentences and
determine the suitable tenses, then write the sentences individually.
– T has Ss work individually. Allow Ss some time to write the sentences.
- One/two students come to write their sentences on the board.
– T calls on some Ss to read aloud their sentences. - Other students give comments.
– T provides correct sentences. Explain if needed.
Outcome Answer key:
1. The village is nearly inaccessible by cars on rainy days.
2. In what countries do people speak English as a first language?
3. You should learn to speak English fluently with a native speaker.
4. We will stay at the hotel which my friend has recommended to us. /
We stayed at the hotel which my friend recommended to us.
5. Many foreign tourists like Viet Nam because the accommodation and food are
Wrap-up: ( 4 minutes)
- Ask Ss to summarise what they have learnt in the lesson.
- Do exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare for Unit 10 – Getting started

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