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Nautical Research Towing Tank and Ship Manoeuvring Simulator

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Nautical research

Towing tank and

ship manoeuvring simulator
1. Knowledge Centre - “Manoeuvring
in Shallow and Confined Water”

Ports are important for economic prosperity;

this applies especially to the Flemish ports with
their supraregional importance; they handle a
considerable part of European import and export.
Ensuring the accessibility to these ports is thus
of crucial importance to maintain economic

Shipowners want to transport as much as possible

as cheaply as possible. This can be achieved by
an increase in scale. Larger vessels can, with a
same crew complement and an almost equivalent
remaining fixed cost, transport more freight and
therefore generate a higher profit. The fact that
vessels are becoming larger, with no corresponding
immediate increase of the vertical and horizontal
dimensions of the navigable waterways is a
drawback however. The larger vessels thus must
reach the ports via relatively small waterways. This
affects their manoeuvrability considerably.
• The limited water depth will change the
pressure distribution around the vessel and
lead to an increase in hydrodynamic forces. The
manoeuvrability decreases which, amongst
other things, manifests itself in a substantial
increase in the turning circle of the vessel or
the required bend radius, e.g. on a river.
• The squat (a combination of a mean bodily
sinkage plus a trimming effect) increases by
a decreasing keel clearance which makes
touching bottom more probable. An analogous
remark can be made for entrance channels
subject to the influence of waves, such as the

mud accumulates on the fairway bottom. This
mud layer requires maintenance dredging to
ensure the harbour access. The upper layer
however usually consists of highly liquid
mud, which is difficult to dredge. Increasing
draught of vessels causes keels to make
contact with the mud. The manoeuvrability of
the vessel is significantly affected even with
a small under keel clearance above the mud
Scheur [fairway]. Through the waves the In May 2008, the Knowledge Centre ”Manoeuvring
vessel will pitch, heave and roll. With larger in Shallow and Confined Water” was established.
vessels, this pitching and heaving response It has as objective to collect and record the
may be less, dependent on the wave scientific and experience-based knowledge
spectrum, but the probability of touching concerning the behaviour of vessels in shallow
bottom nevertheless increases on account of or confined waterways, to expand this and to
the decreased keel clearance and the greater keep this knowledge available, in support of
effect of the rolling motion (due to waves, the admittance policy and the development of
wind, bends) by vessels with a larger beam. the waterways for vessels bound for Flemish
ports and inland shipping. The organization of
• There is much shipping traffic to a busy port
the Knowledge Centre is that of a co-operation
such as Antwerp. Vessels meet and overtake
between Flanders Hydraulics Research and
each other, by which the hydrodynamic
the Maritime Technology Division of Ghent
pressure fields of both vessels influence
each other and forces between both vessels
interact. This ship-to-ship interaction can
cause the vessels to drift toward each other,
resulting in a collision. The increasing size
of vessels elevates the probability of such
interactions as well.
• Interactions do not only occur between
the vessels themselves, but also between
the vessel and the river or sea bank. If the
vessel is sailing eccentrically in a channel,
the hydrodynamic pressure field differs
between starboard and port. As a result of
this, a lateral force and a bow out moment
act on the vessel, usually sucking it to the
nearest bank. Smaller under keel clearances
still reinforce this phenomenon. At different
ports throughout the world (amongst others,
Zeebrugge, and to a lesser extent, Antwerp)
2. Towing tank
As research into the behaviour of vessels in confined water often requires model testing, a shallow
water towing tank was constructed during the years 1992-1993. The “Towing Tank for Manoeuvres in
Shallow water (co-operation Flanders Hydraulics Research – Ghent University)” has been a member
of the ITTC (International Towing Tank Conference) since 1993. It is equipped with a “Planar Motion
Mechanism”, a wave generator and an auxiliary carriage or a second beam connected to the towing
carriage for the testing and measuring of ship hydrodynamic forces and moments. The automatic
control allows the carriage to operate unmanned, so that tests can be automatically carried out and
this on a 24/24, 7/7 basis.

Main dimensions – towing tank

Total length 87.5 m
Effective length 68.0 m
Width 7.0 m
Maximum water depth 0.5 m
Length of ship models 3.5 to4.5 m

The towing tank has a total length of 87.5 m, approximately 68 m of which can be used for tests,
and a width of 7 m. The water depth has been intentionally limited to 0.5 m, as Flanders Hydraulics
Research only investigates the behaviour of vessels in shallow water, such as typical at ports,
entrance channels and canals.

In order to assure the quality of the test results, the rails on which the towing carriage moves have
been meticulously aligned: the height difference between the two rails and the transverse deviation of

Main carriage

Ship model

Built-in inclined bank

the guide rail is less than 0.5 mm. The height difference
over the entire length of the rails is less than 1 mm.

In order to improve the test results for experiments

with a very small under keel clearance, extensive
Main carriage

maintenance was carried out on the bottom of the

towing tank in 2008. The bottom of the towing tank was
completely milled level so that the height difference
between the lowest and the highest point of the bottom
did not amount to more than 2 mm over the entire
length of the tank.

The towing carriage is equipped with a “Planar Motion

Mechanism”. With this, captive manoeuvring tests can
be carried out. These are performed via a ship model,
equipped with propellers and rudders, which follows
Auxiliary Carriage with second ship model

a predetermined trajectory imposed by the towing

carriage. During this trajectory, the forces acting on the
vessel (hull, propeller(s) and rudder(s)) are measured.
In this way, a trajectory in the horizontal plane can be
imposed to the ship model. The model can move freely
along the vertical plane. The measurement results
are used to derive mathematical formulas expressing
the forces acting on the vessel. This set of formulas is
used to predict the manoeuvring behaviour of a vessel
during simulations on the manoeuvring simulator.
Wave generator
Main carriage Lateral carriage Yawing
Position Min 0.00 m -2.55 m -130.0 °
Max 68.0 m +2.55 m +220.0 °
Velocity Min 0.05 m/s 0.00 m/s 0.00 °/s
Max 2.00 m/s 1.30 m/s 16.0 °/s
Acceleration Max 0.40 m/s² 0.70 m/s² 8.0 °/s²
Power output 4 x 7.2 kW 4.3 kW 1.0 kW

The towing tank is also equipped with a wave generator enabling the study of wave induced vertical
motions made by a vessel induced by waves. A wave generator can generate both regular as well
as irregular waves. This wave generator allows captive sea keeping tests to be carried out, with
which the track of the ship model is imposed by the towing carriage in the horizontal plane. The
vertical response under influence of the generated wave pattern is not impeded and can therefore
be measured experimentally. The wave generator is driven by an electro-hydraulic unit with as
kinematic properties: impact length 0.3 m, velocity 0.6 m/s, acceleration 4.4 m/s².

In order to enable ship interaction tests, the towing tank is equipped with an auxiliary carriage. This
auxiliary carriage can propel a second ship model along a straight course at a maximum velocity of
1.2 m/s, so that tests can be carried out with two encountering or overtaking vessels.

Auxiliary carriage for ship interaction tests

An alternative for the execution of ship-ship interaction tests is a second beam, which is mounted on a
fixed frame that can be attached to the carriage.

Ship interaction tests: tugboat and Container ship. Ship-ship interaction tests: Aframax and VLCC

During spring 2009 the towing carriage was adapted so that free running manoeuvring tests with a high
level of automation can be carried out as well.

The towing tank application software comprises both the control of the three horizontal degrees of
freedom, rudder, propulsion and other auxiliary equipment, such as the communication between the
PC and the DIOCs (Direct Input-Output Control). The communication between the DIOCs and the PC can
run through a serial port or an Ethernet connection.

The DIOCs provide for:

• The control of the input ports;
• The logging of the input ports;
• The control of the output ports;
• The on and off switching of the logging accordant to a predetermined track.

DIOCs for communication with the computer
The control and measurement are fully integrated. A mechanical safety device was installed to
prevent the ship model from touching bottom, which could cause damage to the hull, rudder(s),
propeller(s) and/ or force gauges.

1. Rudder mechanism 7. Propeller revolutions counter 13. Propeller control

2. Electronic rudder 8. Sensor amplifier 14. Bilge water safety device

3. Bilge pump (bilge water pump) 9. Sinking meter (4x) 15. Vertical motion limiter (4x)

4.Battery 10. Longitudinal force gauge 16.Vertical guide rails

5.Propelling force and shaft 11. Transversal force gauge (2x) 17. Universal joint (pitching and
coupling torque gauge rolling motions)

6. Propeller driving motor 12. Roll moment meter


Nautical bottom The asymmetrical flow around a vessel, such as

induced through the proximity of banks, leads
The nautical bottom is defined by PIANC to pressure variations between the starboard
(International Navigation Association) as the and port sides. Consequently, the vessel will
level where the physical characteristics reach a be attracted to the nearest bank, while the bow
critical limit beyond which contact with a ship’s is pushed towards the fairway. The effect is,
keel causes either damage or unacceptable of course, largely dependent on the distance
effects on controllability and manoeuvrability. between the vessel and the bank, but also on the
vessel’s speed and under keel clearance. Control
The concept of the nautical bottom is often of the vessel will become impossible with too
applied with mud covered beds. For reasons strong bank effects. A reliable estimate for these
of survey technology, the density of the mud is bank effects is of importance in order to be aware
used to determine the critical limit. For the Port of the limit conditions for safe traffic.
of Zeebrugge, e.g., the nautical bottom has a
density level of 1200 kg/m³. This level is based on A website was built for this specific research:
experimental research carried out at Flanders
Hydraulics Research since 2001.
The research contributes toward determining
The results of simulator research should the limits of safe shipping traffic to the Flemish
however be checked against reality. This requires, ports.
amongst other things, the monitoring of arriving
and departing deep-draughted vessels and
a follow-up of the evolution of the mud layer
characteristics. Enabling the passage of deep-
draughted vessels - this also applies to larger
container ships with a capacity of up to 14000
TEU - over the mud layers requires an adequate
training of the pilots involved. More research
proved to be required for this.

In 2008, a new consolidated mathematical model

was implemented in the simulators enabling
the simulation of a vessel’s behaviour above
and in contact with any realistic mud layer. The
year was concluded with the implementation of
experimental research aimed at the behaviour of
bow thrusters in muddy navigation areas.
The ship passes along the built-in banks to measure
the ship-bank interaction forces.
Ship-ship interaction

Applications of ship-to-ship interaction for the

transfer of liquid cargoes such as oil and LNG* will
greatly increase in the future. It is expected that
these complex operations will increasingly take
place under adverse weather conditions. In order to
better understand the hydrodynamic effects, which
are of great importance to these manoeuvres,
a research project entitled ‘Investigating
hydrodynamic aspects and control strategies for
ship-to-ship operations’ was set up, co-ordinated
by MARINTEK (Trondheim, Norway) and financially
supported by the Research Council of Norway.

The principal objective of this research project

is that of improving the current ship-to-ship
interaction training on ship manoeuvring simulators
by enhancing the knowledge of the complex flows
arising between vessels that sail closely to each
other. The project comprises four work packages:
1 CFD* calculations, 2 PIV* measurements, 3
mathematical modelling for simulators, 4 nautical
safety and control aspects.

Within the scope of the third work package, model

tests have been carried out in the Towing Tank
for Manoeuvres in Shallow Water. A model of an
Aframax tanker was attached to the PMC* of the
towing tank, whilst a VLCC* model was directly
connected to the towing carriage. Forces, moments
and displacements were accurately measured on
both ship models. The water surface was monitored
by three wave gauges.


*LNG: liquefied natural gas, CFD: computational

fluid dynamics, PIV: particle image velocimetry,
PMC: planar motion carriage, VLCC: very large
crude oil carrier.

Tugboat bow wave interaction

When a tugboat is close to the bow of a container ship, its dynamic behaviour and controllability will
substantially change. Tests were carried out with models in the Towing Tank for Manoeuvres in Shallow
Water in order to determine these effect and their interdependencies. For a clear understanding of
the physical phenomena arising in the proximity of a container ship and a tugboat, the flow around
the container ship and tugboat has been registered. Based on the measurements from the towing
tank, a numerical model will be validated in order to improve the prediction of motion behaviour. This
research is carried out on behalf of the towing and salvage company URS by a student from the Delft
University of Technology within the scope of his Master’s thesis for a Master of Science degree.
Panama (Research outside the towing tank)

The Consorcio Post-Panamax commissioned

Flanders Hydraulics to carry out a scale model
Panama Canal study for the navigation in the new designed locks
(Third Lane) for the Panama Canal. The design
vessel is a 12000 TEU container ship. The layout
comprises a lock without an approach wall, with
a permeable approach wall or with a closed
approach wall against which the vessel can align
or be moored before entering the lock, such as
is presently the case in the Panama Canal locks.
Different situations for this 3-stage lock were
required to be examined, both the entering as well
as the exiting at the ocean side, as well as the lake
Lock gate side and the sailing from chamber to chamber.

The tests took the density variations between

the ocean and the lock into account. Tugboat
assistance, entry method and choice of approach
wall were deduced from these measurements.

Lock chamber

Support for the probabilistic admittance policy to the Flemish ports:
Start-up of the ProToel programme for Zeebrugge Port

For the entry to the Port of Zeebrugge there is a deterministic admittance policy which requires a
minimum under keel clearance over the entire itinerary. Moreover, the transverse current velocity at
the port moles may not exceed a maximum value.

A tidal window can be determined on the base of predictions of current and tide. A specific vessel shall
use it to sail, problem-free, an entire itinerary (for example, from Kwintebank to Albert II dock in the Port
of Zeebrugge). However, a probabilistic analysis, which takes the waves, the resulting vessel motions
and bottom touching probability into account, allows a better determination of the tidal windows.

Within the scope of this project, a programme to determine a probabilistic tidal window was implemented.
The databank of vessel motion characteristics has, with the aid of model tests and numerical calculations
with Seaway and Aqua+, been expanded to vessels with a length of 400 m (E- type of Maersk Sealand).
Local information is available for currents, the astronomical tides and standard wave spectra for the
years 2008 and 2009. Furthermore, it is possible to retrieve up-to-date predictions of current, tides and
wave spectra from the HYDRA server and to use these during the calculations.

The user can select a vessel, as well as the draught and the itinerary and indicate the date and time.
The results of the calculations are automatically saved in an XML format and can be directly viewed as
a table in ProToel (Figure 1). This table can be exported to a PDF.
Results of ProToel calculations

3. Simulator
The ship manoeuvring simulator comprises various components. There is firstly the mathematical
model. This is the calculating core behind vessel motions. Different forces act upon a sailing vessel:
forces generated by the movement of the vessel through the displaced water, by wind, current, waves
and other passing vessels.

Secondly, the simulator has a navigation bridge. From the instruments, the radar and the exterior
view through the windows of the simulated bridge, the captain or pilot can see how the vessel
behaves. With adaptive commands (rudder(s), telegraph, tugboat assistance) he/she steers the
vessel. Dependent on these commands, the interaction of forces on the vessel can be calculated.
From this, the speed and the new position of the vessel is calculated and displayed on instruments
and radar. In this manner, manoeuvring is simulated as realistically as possible.

Mathematical model

The most important component of the simulator is the mathematical model. On the one hand, it
predicts the effect of external forces acting upon the vessel and on the other hand, the hydrodynamic
forces acting on the vessel’s hull, rudder and propeller.

The mass and all forces acting upon the vessel are calculated five times per second. The new position,
speed and course of the vessel are derived from this. At this new position, all the forces are calculated
anew for a next time-step. From these calculations again the position, speed and course of the vessel
can be derived allowing the vessel to continue to sail up to the end of the manoeuvre.

objective of this will be clarified later.

After the on site work, the design phase follows.

One starts with making a wire frame model.
Angles, lines and surfaces are added at the
correct height in order to obtain a three-
dimensional representation of the surroundings.
The wire frame model must still be “clad”. This
can be accomplished through colouring the
Ship’s bridge
different surfaces. Finally, parts of the photos
of the area are draped as a layer over the wire-
The ship’s bridge is equipped with the necessary
frame model. The buildings are finished similar
instruments and control devices for the steering
to as they are in reality.
of the various types of vessels (e.g. container
ship, cruise ship, tugboat etc.).
Later, “other” vessels are also inserted which
will meet the “own vessel” controlled on the
Instructor area
bridge during the simulation.
The exercise conditions (ships, place, current,
wind etc.) can be set up in the instructor area. It
is also possible to set the atmospheric conditions
of the exterior view. These can range from a
very calm sea with a haze up to rough storm

The instructor controls the movement of other

vessels and can thus stimulate the navigator
on the bridge to anticipate this. The instructor
also operates tugboat assistance requested for,
bridges, lock chambers and ship traffic lights.

Exterior view

The exterior view is a display of the surroundings

visible from the ship’s bridge up to a distance of
some 10 kilometres on both sides of the waterway.
The time for creating an exterior view can be
estimated to be approx. 30 to 40 working days,
but it strongly depends on the extend and the
detailing of the surroundings to be displayed.

The first task when creating an exterior view is to

explore and to photograph the environment; the
Finally animations such as smoke, undulating Western Scheldt, the Shipping and Assistance
water, weather conditions, indicating lights, Services requested research to scientifically
ambient sound etc. are added to the exterior validate a new arrival and departure regulation.
The dimensions of the examined container ships
were selected in accordance with the maximum
Simulation techniques can be applied for testing size of existing or planned container ships. The
specific proposals for new designs of ports, dimensions of these vessels are given in the
approach/ entrance channels by qualified pilots. table below.
These persons can assess whether a new design
does not hinder navigation so that the limits for MAERSK CMA-CGM MSC MAERSK
safe traffic, the maximum dimensions of the TEU 8400 11400 13230 14000
vessels calling at a port, the maximum allowed LOA (m) 352.0 365.5 381.0 397.6
wind or current on entry, what action to take by
LPP (m) 331.8 349.5 362.4 376.0
poor visibility etc. can be defined.
B (m) 42.8 48.4 51 56.4

It is also possible to examine if new nautical T1 (m) 12.2 12.8 13.1 13.1
procedures and auxiliary resources improve T2 (m) 14.6 15.4 16.0 16.6
safety, e.g. use of tugboats, moving of buoys etc.
The Western Scheldt is a winding river
characterized by a limited water depth and a
RECENT PROJECTS limited width. Predicting the behaviour of the
container ships on the river required the setup
Arrival and departure regulation for 8000 and
more TEU container ships with a maximum of an extensive mathematical modelling which
draught of 145 dm. takes the phenomena given below into account:
• Manoeuvring behaviour in open water with
an under keel clearance varying from 10% to
‘Notice to Mariners 02-2005’ mentions that from 100% of the vessel’s draught;
September 2005 on the arrival and departure
for container ships with a length from 340 m up
to a maximum of 360 m is regulated. Container
ships having the mentioned length can only have
the respective draughts of 140 dm and 130 dm.
Shipping companies were however, on their
request, granted exceptional exemptions on
the base of which some large container ships
departed with a draught of 135dm.

To have examine the influence of the new

generation of container ships – with lengths
exceeding 360 m – on shipping traffic on the

• The influence of banks on the manoeuvring scenarios were simulated as prescribed by
behaviour; the Steering Committee. It concerned head on
encounters between two large container ships at
• The influence of the interaction with other
three unfavourable locations on the Scheldt (see
vessels on the manoeuvring behaviour.
figure) by a maximum ebb current and maximum
• Apart from the influence of the restricted flood current. Both the approaching as well as
sailing environment on the manoeuvring the departing container ship, were steered by
characteristics, squat also plays a significant pilots on a separate simulator bridge for which a
role in the accessibility for large container coupling of both simulators was necessary.
ships. Squat is the sinking and trimming of the
vessel under the influence of the disturbance This required ten simulation days, with 112
caused by its sailing speed in surrounding encounters carried out in six different situations
water. If a vessel sails in very shallow water, (3 locations by 2 current situations). For each
then this extra sinking may be responsible for of these situations, the encounters could be
bottom touching or serious vibrations may evaluated on the basis of the lateral distance
occur. kept during the encounters and the distance
kept by both vessels up to the line of buoys.
Within the scope of the study 689_04, extensive
research of squat was performed focussing on As an example, the evaluation of encounters is
the effect of the below-mentioned parameters: visualized in the bend of Bath by a flood current.
• Forward speed through the water; The different encounter locations are depicted in
a colour which indicates the reserves with which
• Propeller action; the encounters were carried out. Low evaluation
• Transverse speed through the water; figures (see legend) correspond to favourable
• Yaw rate;
• Other shipping traffic;
• Banks.
The models for squat and manoeuvring behaviour
in confined waters were implemented into the
mathematical model of the ship manoeuvring


The accessibility for the examined container

ships was evaluated on the basis of real-
time simulations carried out on both ship
manoeuvring simulators, SIM360+ and SIM225.
During these simulations, the most difficult

Encounters near to buoy 68 were carried out with

a generally favourable outcome. Encounters more
to the south were subject to greater difficulties.


From the research that was carried out,

preconditions could be formulated connected to
the arrival of larger container ships to the port of

Accordingly, encounters with large vessels at

some locations turned out to be unrecommend-
able and valuable data were obtained regarding
the squat with large container ships. Moreover,
it appeared that the approach or departure with
relevant container ships should be carried out
in an expedient manner and that also the other
shipping traffic is required to be attuned to
these container ships. More extensive research
(amongst other things, by low water conditions)
is required to supplement the research in study

aasland Port, accessibility for a 400 m container ship

In this study the accessibility of a second lock, which gives access to the Waasland Port (Antwerp
harbour), was examined for a container ship with a length of 400 m. Currently, the Kallo Lock is the
only access way to this part of the port’s left bank. The vessel has a beam of 56.4 m whilst the lock
has a width of 68 m and a length between the outermost gates of 500 m. In previous studies, the
accessibility was examined for a bulk carrier, and a 350 and 366 m container ship. The entrance
layout of the 2nd lock on the Waasland canal, as amended in the design phase in 2007, was again
used in this study. Additionally, wheel fenders with their depression properties were installed at all
corners of the lock as indicated by the Municipal Port Authority.

These real-time simulations were carried out by the river pilots at the Deurganck Dock and by the
pilots of CVBA Brabo on the Waasland canal while assistance was provided by the tugboat captains
of URS and the port authority towage service. The objective of the simulations was to evaluate the
conditions to be met in order to safely pilot this 400 m container ship in and out the lock. Wind
conditions with different wind directions and wind speeds corresponding to 5 and 6 Bf were applied.
Tugboat configurations were assessed as optimal when the pilots could safely execute manoeuvres
with a minimum contact with the wheel fenders in the lock.
Manoeuvre simulations - largest sea lock within Flexible tugboat alternative for the protecting
Terneuzen complex pontoons at the West Lock, Terneuzen

The project’s largest sea lock within the Terneuzen During 2008, the bascule bridges of the West
complex (see figure) is accessible for vessels with Lock at Terneuzen were replaced with new
a length of up to 366m and a beam up to 49m. bridges built at a larger distance from the lock
During this study, the behaviour of both a bulk chamber. As a consequence the probability of
carrier as well as a container ship having the car carriers hitting the sensitive superstructure
maximal dimensions was studied in the outer of the bridges was reduced. Simulation research
port configuration by means of a two-dimensional examined which tug assistance was required to
real-time simulation. It encompassed an entry protect the new lock configuration instead of
and departure simulation carried out by the river protecting pontoons (the buffer pontoons AK3
and canal pilots on the basis of a two-dimensional and AK4 and the Europa barge).
plan view, or bird’s eye view, of the vessel and the
surroundings. Further, the influence of the flexible
deployment of towing vessels was examined.
The study yielded information on the required Recommendations were formulated with respect
stopping distance for the studied vessels; the to the most favourable tugboat configuration
optimal position of the sea lock within the dependent on wind conditions.
complex; the optimal configuration of the port
entrance and the necessary tug assistance
depending on the wind condition.

The position, velocity components and forces
acting upon the vessel during simulation runs
are saved and can thereafter be used for further

A view of the AK4 pontoon during the entry of a car

carrier. This pontoon could be replaced by the flexible
use of a tugboat.

Carrying out real-time simulations on simulator

Training SIM225.

The simulator has a certificate from the Maritime

Inspectorate and can be used for the training of
ship’s officers.

What do these navigators do on the simulator? They

sail and manoeuvre with small and large vessels
in the most difficult situations conceivable:
• They sail into locks and to quays on a river and
carry out anchoring manoeuvres;
• They approach the various jetties and terminals
and moor to these;
• They learn to work with tugboats in an efficient
and safe manner;
• They are trained to follow correct procedures
and acquire a number of necessary routines;
• Etc.

Sailing course plot: vessel entering the port of

Maritime Technology Flanders Hydraulics Research
Ghent University Berchemlei 115
Technologiepark 904 2140 Antwerp
9052 Ghent Belgium
Tel: +32 3 224 60 35
Tel: +32 9 264 55 59 Fax: +32 3 224 60 36
Fax: +32 9 264 58 43
Websites www.


Flanders Hydraulics Research

Responsible editor

dr. Frank Mostaert

Head of division
Berchemlei 115
2140 Antwerp

Repository number



May 2010

Website Knowledge Centre Manoeuvring
in Shallow and Confined Water:

Website Flanders Hydraulics Research

Website Ghent University - Maritime Technology:

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