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The 6th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Marine Hydrodynamics-APHydro2012 Malaysia, September 3-4, 2012

The Concept of Hybrid Ballast Free System

Hairil Afif, Norul Hidayah, Mohd Zamani Ahmad, Mohd Afifi Abdul Mukti, Adi Maimun Abd Malek, Agoes Priyanto
Department of Marine Technology,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
Skudai, Johor,

ABSTRACT water by pumping through three times of volume for each

ballast tanks. The ships taking sequential method is not included
A hybrid ballast free system is proposed on a selected LNG as these ships are filling and emptying the tanks completely.
vessel. The particulars of the vessel are LBP 266.0 m, beam
41.63 m and depth 3.91 m. The additional system is coupled to LITERATURE REVIEW
the existing conventional ballast system. The hybrid system
There are various methods for preventing the transportation of
requires the introduction of longitudinal tunnels on each side of
the vessel centre line in the double bottom. The tunnels occupy non native species in ballast water around the world rather than
the full height of the double bottom, thus maintaining the LNG performing ballast water exchange at the appropriate locations.
ship cargo space. The volume of 57,839 m3 is available for The ship can treat ballast water either at port or onboard to kill
the organisms contained in ballast water. Treating ballast water
ballast water could be maintained or slightly reduced. Of the
3 3 has several techniques such as filtration, UV radiation, heat
total tunnel volume of 10,370.02 m , 4,941.77 m would be
treatment, electrolysis, chlorination, etc. These techniques will
allocated to the tunnels in the double bottom.
give different level of killing/preventing the unwanted species in
KEYWORDS: hybrid ballast free concept, ballast management ballast water. To obtain more efficiency in killing the
system, conventional ballast system, equilibrium polygon organisms, some of the technologies are combined together such
as filtration + chlorination, filtration + UV radiation, and
INTRODUCTION filtration + ozonation + ultrasound. Alternatively, the unwanted
species can be evaded from being transferred to another port by
Every sea-going ship must load ballast. Ballast is useful to designing the new concept of ship - a non ballast ship. A few
adjust draft to ensure bow and stern is submerged at desired innovative ships are being designed in order to reduce the need
depth, maintain the ship‟s stability during voyage, compensate of ballast. These new design of ship might save energy and
the strength during cargo loading and unloading, alter the ship‟s money by reducing the amounts of sea water transported in
trim to provide better manoeuvrability and visibility, etc. ballast tanks (Claes et al., 2009).
However, ballast water transported in ballast tanks contains
marine organisms that might establish unwanted non indigenous By solving the problem in different point of view, Claes et al.,
species (Carlton et al., 1993). The species, such as Asian Kelp, (2009) changed the conventional hull shape into a V-shaped hull
Mitten Crab, European Green Crab, Toxic Algae and Zebra along with pod propulsion to allow sufficient draft during
Mussel become invaders and able to interrupt the local loading conditions so that a minimum amount of ballast water
ecological balance (Armstrong, 2007). These species might could be taken into ballast tanks. The design can save up to 9%
threaten public health, fisheries activities and damage the ship‟s of fuel compared to a same size and conventional features
equipment. The invasions of non native species also give the Diesel-Electric Dual Fuel LNG ship (Claes et al., 2009). King
negative consequences on animals, plants and human who live (2010) developed a trapezoidal shape hull to eliminate the need
near to the port. of ballast. During lightship, the ship is able to submerge its
propeller without ballast water. A greater draft can be achieved
In order to prevent the transportation of unwanted species, with smaller tonnage. In respond to the longitudinal moments,
International Maritime Organization (IMO) introduced ballast King (2010) equipped four longitudinal cargo boundaries and
water management plan consists of Ballast Water Exchange transverse bulkheads to minimize sloshing and the effect of
Standard (D1) and Ballast Water Performance Standard (D2) in longitudinal free surface. However, the ships reduced its cargo
the International Convention for the Control and Management of carrying capacity to shape its hull into trapezoidal compared to
Ship‟s Ballast Water and Sediments (IMO, 2004). In the IMO conventional ship. On the other hand, Tatsumi et al., (2010)
Regulation D1, the ship must perform ballast water exchange at designed the ship‟s hull into round and streamlined shape
least 200 nautical miles from the nearest shore with depth more instead of V-shaped hull and claimed that the ship reduces both
than 200m. If the exchange at distance more than 200 nautical wetted surface and friction resistance by 6.1%. The ship also
miles is not possible, the ship must exchange ballast water as far equipped with pod type propulsion to submerge the propeller in
from the nearest shore as possible or at least 50 nautical miles no load condition.
from the shore with at least 200m of depth. In the IMO
Regulation D2, any ship that uses flow-through and dilution Another concept of non ballast ship has been proposed by
ballast exchange method must replace 95% volume of ballast Kotinis et al., (2004) on bulk carrier. The ship consists of
structural longitudinal trunks that extended from forward to aft
The 6th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Marine Hydrodynamics-APHydro2012 Malaysia, September 3-4, 2012
below ballast waterline to replace conventional ballast tanks. so that no major modification required for the ship to have a
The height of the double bottom is increased slightly to serve new ballast management system. The concept is to share
full ballast volume for ballast free system. The ship‟s depth is existing ballast spaces without the introduction of another space
also increased to cater the loss of cargo capacity due to the on the ship. Several part of the ballast spaces that previously
increase of double bottom‟s height. The concept is reducing its assigned in conventional system to keep the sea water within the
buoyancy rather than adding weight to allow continuous hull are utilized as ballast free tunnels especially at the double
seawater flow from bow to aft during ship motion due to bottom. Moreover, the current research is to obtain the current
hydrodynamic pressure differential between intake and required draft, trim and heel using the hybrid ballast free system.
discharge location and hence prevent the transportation of
unwanted species to another port. When the cargo is ready to The conventional ballast system comprises a few sections
load on the ship, the sea water inside the tunnels is pumped out including filtration unit, treatment unit, tanks, discharge
using conventional ballast pumps. The location of the inlet and overboard and ballast pumps as well as stripping pumps as can
discharge location has been investigated to ensure maximum be seen in Figure 1. The filtration unit is to remove large
hydrodynamic pressure differential between bow and stern. particles in the sea water before entering the main system. Any
Large pressure differences between the plenum will generate large particles might damage ballast pumps and block the entire
water flow inside tunnels and increase the ability of the trunks to ballast lines. The next section is treatment unit where this unit
flush the sea water. Moreover, Parsons et al., (2011) assessed will kill the microorganisms contained in the sea water and to
the ability of the ship to provide enough draft and trim control prevent the transportation of local microorganisms to another
and the capability is presented using equilibrium polygon. port. There are various methods of treatment being used
nowadays such as electrolysis, chlorination, etc. The aqueduct
The ship‟s ballast tank arrangement for the selected LNG ship is supplies the sea water into ballast tanks by opening the
„L‟ tanks where the tanks at port and starboard are separated at corresponding hydraulic operated butterfly valves. The sea
the centreline. The total amount of ballast water is 57,893.5m 3 water then is pumped out through discharge overboard located
while the sum volume of ballast water at wing tanks double above ballast waterline. The sea water remains in the tanks that
bottom is 36,613.7m3. The volume of ballast tanks below deck cannot be pumped out using main ballast pumps is pumped out
is 7,587.5m3 and the cofferdam‟s volume is 9,939.4m3. The total using stripping pump.
volume of aft and fore peak is 5,654.7m3. Draft and trim of the
ship might be changed with the change of the ship‟s design.
However, there are some requirements regulated by MEPC
(2002) on the ship‟s draft and trim. The moulded draft at
midship must at least 0.02 of the ship‟s length plus 2 meters (T m
≥ 2.0 + 0.02L) while the ship‟s trim by stern must not exceed
1.5% of the ship‟s length (tstern ≤ 0.015L). The draft at aft
perpendicular, Taft is always set to the level of full propeller
immersion. The design of hybrid ballast free system is referred Figure 1: Conventional ballast system (Source: MISC
to an existing LNG ship. There are some particulars of the (1978))
selected LNG ship. The ship‟s overall length is 280.62m,
266.00m of length between perpendiculars, 41.63m of beam, The ballast free system developed by Kotinis et al., (2004)
27.50m of depth, 3.91m of lightship draft and 11.724m of placed the aft and forward plenums so that these plenums are
summer draft. During normal ballast condition, the ship‟s draft always filled with sea water. Figure 2 represents the block
is 9.755m where the draft at fore is 8.53m while at the aft of the diagram of ballast free system. Aft and forward plenums are
ship is 11.05m. The trim value during normal ballast is 2.52m connected to both end of each trunk and separated by valves.
by stern. The ship is trimmed up to 3.5m for better tank drainage When the ship is stationary, the sea water can flow either from
and minimum draft of 7m forward during de-ballasting aft plenum or forward plenum but when the ship is moving the
operation (MISC Report, 2005).During cargo loading operation, sea water can only flow from forward plenum to aft plenum.
the ship must be at even keel while the draft cannot exceed the The isolation valves are installed on the trunks at each cargo
ship‟s summer draft in order to ensure a safe cargo handling separation. The intake flow control valve is located at the intake
operations (MISC Report, 2003). plenum and the discharge flow control valve is placed at the
discharge plenum. The main ballast pumps are operated to pump
METHODOLOGY out the sea water inside each trunk through discharge overboard
while the cargos are being transferred into the ship.
This paper is to propose the concept of hybrid ballast free
system. The system is combining the conventional ballast
system with ballast free system by sharing some characteristics
of conventional system and ballast free system. The
hybridization of ballast system might cut the treatment cost by
reducing the amount of sea water stored in conventional ballast
tanks and allowing the sea water to flow freely inside the
tunnels. The philosophy behind the hybridization of the system
is to maintain cargo carrying capacity for the ship being used as Figure 2: Ballast Free System (Source: U. S. Patent
reference. There is no increase in double bottom‟s height as well #6,694,908 (2004), Kotinis et al., (2004), Kotinis (2005),
as the ship‟s depth. The dimension of the ship remains the same Parsons et al., (2006, 2007, and 2011) and Parsons (2010))
The 6th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Marine Hydrodynamics-APHydro2012 Malaysia, September 3-4, 2012
The term hybrid is used due to the introduction of the new bottom‟s tunnels. On both ends of the side tunnels, there will be
system, in this case ballast free tunnelling system, within the intake chests which operate similarly with inlet and discharge
existing ballast spaces with the use of current parts and plenum. The intake and discharge plenum as well as intake
equipments. An additional parts and equipments might be chests for side tunnel are fitted with removable gratings.
required for the instalment of ballast free system. The control of
ballast free tunnelling system can be joined with conventional In hybrid ballast free concept, the outer double bottom tunnels
system where the synchronous control system might be applied are not only allowing the free flow of sea water but instead, the
on the hybrid ballast free concept to match both conventional tunnels are serving the sea water into the conventional ballast
and ballast free system where the system must able to supply the tanks to replace the function of aqueduct in conventional ballast
sea water into the appropriate tunnels and conventional tanks system. The sea water is pumped using conventional ballast
according to the ship‟s loading condition at the port while pumps from the tunnels before it can fill the tanks by opening
allowing the corresponding valves to be opened or closed. On the corresponding valves mounted on the tunnels‟ wall that
the conventional ballast system, there is an aqueduct, a separated the tunnels itself and the conventional ballast tanks at
longitudinal tank with valves that separated the tanks and double bottom. Once the ballasting of conventional tanks is
located at the double bottom near to centreline either at port or completed, the valves can be closed and the aqueducts are now
starboard side. The purpose of this aqueduct is to supply sea operated as ballast free tunnels. In order to empty the tunnels, all
water to the conventional ballast tanks. Due to the introduction valves at the inlet and discharge plenum must be closed and the
of ballast free tunnels the aqueduct is removed. To solve the conventional ballast pumps will do the discharging of sea water
problem, the ballast free tunnels shall also serve as the aqueduct. process. The sea water inside the tunnels is forced out through
The hybridization of ballast free system can be shown in Figure discharge overboard. Stripping pump will remove ballast water
3 where the shared components between the conventional ballast inside the tanks and trunks completely that cannot be reached by
system and ballast free system are shown in the bidirectional the ballast pumps. For side tunnels the process of discharging
arrows. the sea water is similar as in double bottom‟s tunnel, except the
valves at the side tunnels‟ floor are opened to allow the sea
water to flow to double bottom tank so that it can be pumped out
from the double bottom tanks too. Figure 4 below shows the 3-
dimensional configuration of no. 5 cargo hold, ballast tanks,
ballast free tunnels, valves and line system.

Figure 3: The hybridization of ballast system


Hybrid Ballast Free System

The system is implementing the concept of ballast free system

into the existing ballast system for LNG ship. There are two
longitudinal structural tunnels on each side of the centreline in Figure 4: The drawing of no. 5 cargo tank and ballast tanks
double bottom and extended from bow to stern. The height of
the tunnels is the height of double bottom. These tunnels are to The philosophy of the tunnelling design process is to optimize
replace a part of the conventional double bottom ballast tanks to the use of available spaces generally before the CFD analysis of
allow continuous flow of sea water. The outer double bottom the tunnels can be started. The tanks and tunnels configurations
tunnels are segregated according to the ship‟s cofferdam and are designed in Hydromax and the results are automatically
valves are placed on each tunnel separation wall. The plenums generated. The width of double bottom tunnels is 3.07m and
are located right at both ends of the tunnels. One additional each double bottom tunnels has the same width. The total width
tunnel is placed at each ship‟s side below ballast waterline to of these tunnels is 12.28m. The separation between outer tunnels
give extra volume for ballast free system. The height of the side and conventional ballast tanks is located at 6.14m from the
tunnels is set so that it is always below ballast draft. These ship‟s centreline. The height of double bottom tunnels is 2.64m
tunnels are extended from bow to stern same as the double which is the double bottom‟s height of the ship. The
The 6th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Marine Hydrodynamics-APHydro2012 Malaysia, September 3-4, 2012
measurement is taken from outer hull up to the inner hull. The carrying any consumable load as shown in Figure 6 while the
total volume of double bottom tunnels beneath no. 5 cargo other case is 50% of consumable load is placed onboard shown
compartment is 927.672 m3 which give 249.936 tonne of sea in Figure 7. The solid line represents ballasting process while
water weight. The side tunnels are located at 2.64m from the the dashed one is de-ballasting process. In the first case, the
outer hull with 6.09m of height and 6.70m of width. The height tanks and tunnels are filled by the sea water in sequence.
of side tunnel is taking into consideration the ship‟s trimming so Assuming the ship is in lightship condition (T = 3.984m and t =
that the intake chests are always submerged. These tunnels 4.368m) initially, the aft peak tanks at port and starboard are
cover 5428.25 m3 of volume and 5565.042 tonne of sea water filled and changes draft and trim to 4.607m and 8.068m
weight, extending from bow to aft. Figure 5 shows the respectively at point A. At point B the double bottom tunnelling
dimensions of the tunnels at no. 5 cargo hold and Table 1 system is flooded with sea water and provides draft at 5.069m
summarizes the details of ballast free tunnelling system. The and trim 6.904m by stern. Point C shows that the draft is 5.658m
particulars of tunnelling system are obtained from Hydromax while trim is 6.113m after side tunnels are flooded. The graph
software. moves toward point D when the tanks at double bottom which
are not covered by the tunnelling system are filled with sea
water. The draft and trim at this point is 6.709m and 4.913m
respectively. Next, side tank bottom tank is filled and changes
draft to 6.779m as well as trim to 4.381m as shown at point E.
There is a huge change in draft and trim which are 8.129m and
2.207m respectively from point E to point F after side ballast
tanks are filled. The cofferdams changed draft and trim to
9.293m and 0.202m respectively. Top tank is then filled and the
draft moves at 9.766m and 0.678m trim by the bow. Finally,
fore peak tank is filled to locate the ship at 9.999m of draft and
2.656m trim by the bow.

No load, full
ballast H
10 G
Figure 5: Dimension of the tunnels’ transverse section at no.
5 cargo tank F
Table 1: The details of ballast free tunnels E D
Draft at LCF, m

Tank/Tunnel Capacity, LCG, TCG, VCG,

m3 m m m 6
DB Trunk 1 S 1 1119.998 167.351 1.554 1.071 A
DB Trunk 1 P 1 1108.843 168.194 -1.567 1.075 4

DB Trunk 2 S 1 163.785 241.307 4.552 1.453

DB Trunk 2 S 2 226.269 213.48 4.643 1.21 2

DB Trunk 2 S 3 279.429 176.09 4.634 1.12 De-ballasting

DB Trunk 2 S 4 264.384 134.618 4.629 1.076 Ballasting


DB Trunk 2 S 5 231.918 95.409 4.623 1.058 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10

Trim (+ by stern), m
DB Trunk 2 P 1 163.785 241.307 -4.552 1.453
DB Trunk 2 P 2 226.269 213.48 -4.643 1.21 Figure 6: Draft and trim capability of hybrid ballast free
DB Trunk 2 P 3 279.429 176.09 -4.634 1.12 system with no consumable load onboard
DB Trunk 2 P 4 264.384 134.618 -4.629 1.076
De-ballasting process is assumed to be occurred during full
DB Trunk 2 P 5 231.918 95.409 -4.623 1.058 ballast condition by first emptying aft peak tanks at port and
Bow Intake 43.851 272.994 0 3.507 starboard. Draft and trim at this stage is 9.608m and -5.881m
Bow Plenum 120.195 260.011 0 2.292 (trim by the bow) respectively. Next, the sea water inside double
bottom tunnels is pumped out and gives 9.105m of draft and –
DB Plenum Aft 217.317 74.424 0 1.358 4.941m of trim. Then the side tunnels are emptied and reach
Side Tunnel S 2714.125 155.236 18.532 5.415 8.506m draft and -4.314m trim. After that the tanks at double
Side Tunnel P 2714.125 155.236 -18.532 5.415 bottom are emptied. The draft is 7.443m while trim is -3.302m.
There are slightly changes in draft and trim when side tank
When the tunnelling system and conventional ballast tanks are bottom is emptied where draft reach 7.359m and 2.714m trim by
ready, the performance of the ship to obtain draft and trim is the bow. Side ballast tanks are then emptied. Ship‟s draft at this
analyzed in Hydromax. There are two cases is taken into stage is 5.959m and -0.619m trim by stern. When the
consideration where the first case is when the ship is not cofferdams are emptied, the draft changed to 4.713m while trim
The 6th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Marine Hydrodynamics-APHydro2012 Malaysia, September 3-4, 2012
changed to 1.182m. When the top tanks are emptied, the draft meters plus 0.02L (Tm ≥ 2.0 + 0.02L) for the moulded draft at
changes to 4.199m and trim changes to 1.999m by stern. The midship and trim by stern is less than 0.015L. The result also
last tank to be emptied is fore peak tank. The draft and trim satisfies the required draft and trim on the selected LNG ship
value is 3.984m and 4.368m respectively which is the which is 9.755m of draft and 2.52m trim by stern respectively
lightship‟s value. The same sequence is applied when 50% of during normal ballast. The capability of the ship to obtain the
consumable load are placed on the ship. The polygon is moving required draft and trim can be visualized using equilibrium
to the positive side of trim and gain more draft compared to the polygon by varying the amount of load in ballast tanks and
previous polygon but the shape is remain the same due to 50% tunnelling system. The ship can reach maximum draft of
of consumable load. The graphs show that the capability of 10.436m in 50% consumable load full ballast condition. The
hybrid ballast free system is sufficient to obtain required draft ship is able to reach the maximum trim allowed, which is 3.5m.
and trim by the ship. On no load full ballast condition, the ship can only reach draft
up to 9.999m which is enough to submerge the propeller.
12 Furthermore, the ship‟s trim on no load full ballast condition is
50 % load,
more than enough to reach the allowable range of trim.
full ballast H
The basic ballast free system as proposed by Kotinis et al.,
8 E D (2004) is a promising solution in overcoming the root problem
of transportation of microorganism by allowing the sea water to
Draft at LCF, m

B flow through the ship‟s hull below ballast draft. However, it has
6 A
been indicated that there are important issues to be taken care
of; the reduced cargo carrying capacity due to the increasing of
double bottom height and the ship‟s depth to cater the loss of
cargo carrying capacity. The proposed hybrid ballast free system
Initial should improve the ballast free system. The key strength of the
hybrid ballast free system are it fits within the existing space of
Ballasting the conventional ballast tanks without major modification and
adequate to provide the ship‟s draft and trim. Additionally, the
0 hybridization can be considered as straight forward because it
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 shares the common required equipments such as main ballast
pumps, stripping pumps, discharge overboard and aqueduct.
Trim (+ by stern), m
Additional equipments required are of the shelf types such as
valves for the tunnels.
Figure 7: Draft and trim capability of hybrid ballast free
system with 50% of consumable load onboard
DISCUSSION Armstrong, G., (1997), “Ballast System Design for Flow-
Through Exchange of Ballast Water”, Trans IMarE, Vol
There are two longitudinal structural tunnels located on each 109, Part 3, pp. 257-269.
side of the double bottom and a structural tunnel is located at the Carlton, J.T., Geller, J. B., (1993), “Ecological roulette:
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ballast water on conventional ship is 57,839m 3 and the volume nonindigenous marine organisms”, Science, Vol. 261, pp.
of ballast at wing tanks double bottom is 36,613.7m 3. The entire 78–82.
volume of ballast free tunnelling system is 10,370.02m3. The Claes, L., Guillaume-Combecave, J., -L., (2009), “An
tunnelling system at double bottom comprises 4,941.774m3. The Innovative LNG Carrier”, Proceedings of IMPROVE Final
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or zero modification of the ship is taken into consideration, the IMO, (2004), “International Convention for the Control and
volume of ballast free system must be less than or equal the Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments”,
volume of conventional ballast tanks and the volume of tunnels International Maritime Organization, London.
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zero load full ballast and 50% load full ballast. The ship‟s draft
and trim is sufficient using the hybrid ballast free system if it is
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The 6th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Marine Hydrodynamics-APHydro2012 Malaysia, September 3-4, 2012
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