Breaking Free From Stronghold
Breaking Free From Stronghold
Breaking Free From Stronghold
War against God is ongoing.
Throughout this epistle, we’ve been looking at the tests of true faith. We saw in chapter 1 how a true faith
handles trials, how a true faith handles temptation, how a true faith responds to the Word, how a true faith is
concerned with purity of life. In chapter 2, we saw how a true faith is concerned about people in need, people
who are poor, and is no respecter of persons. We saw how a true faith produces works, good works, righteous
works, righteous deeds.
In chapter 3, we saw how a true faith can be made manifest in the use of the tongue, in the patterns of
speech and also in the matter of wisdom; that is, the behavior by which your lifestyle is identified. And then at
the beginning of chapter 4, we saw how true faith is separated from the world. It does not love the world, it is
the friend of God and the enemy of the world, not the enemy of God and the friend of the world.
So James has been saying put your life up against the tests, and having said all of that down through
chapter 4, verse 6, he now calls for a proper response to saving faith and gives, in a sense, his invitation before
he goes on with some closing things in this epistle. If we have studied cautiously and carefully through the
epistle of James, and particularly if we’ve been listening to what has been said since chapter 3, verse 13, we are
very much aware that he has been speaking about unbelievers who, for example, back in chapter 3, verse 13,
have a wisdom that is not of God.
I. Breaking away from the Enemy’s Stronghold
The temptation for worldliness
A move from being the secret spirit of civilized secularism where life is organized and supposedly rational,
and God is not needed and Satan is not feared, and very likely neither of them exists—a move from this secret
place of power to a much more overt display of uncivilized, barbaric, crude, primitive wickedness.
Spiritual Warfare is a steady, reasonable, balanced and biblical look at the reality that we are engaged in a
life-long, age-long battle with dark spiritual forces. And it is a detailed examination of the means we have been
given to wage this war. This is a subject that every Christian reader should attend to on a regular basis, and the
reader will not do a whole lot better than this.
The second half of Ephesians 6 is the clearest biblical description of spiritual warfare as well as the most
detailed description of the manner in which we are to fight this war. Here Paul describes a Roman soldier,
looking at each part of the soldier’s armor and weaponry, and drawing a parallel to the Christian life. Spiritual
Warfare is, at heart, a detailed but reader-friendly examination of this text and the armor it describes.
And in the text we have read, there is ongoing war not only to Satan but against worldliness.
Nakakalungkot man sabihin na matapos tayong palayain ng Panginoon sa kasalanan ng tayong sumampalataya
sa Kanya ay may mga mananampalataya pa rin ang pinipiling magpa-alipin sa minsang naging panginoon nila.
1. You love the world
2. Follow the World and
3. Worship the World
Pero ang nakakalungkot Christians are making themselves in chain again in this strongholds.
a. Definition of Stronghold
“The devil has no authority over any Christian, except the authority we grant him by believing him.”
What are the satanic strongholds that spiritually imprison people, the strongholds that we seek to destroy?
Arguments and opinions. Where is the battle raging? Where our thoughts are. And arguments are not merely
strongholds; they are weapons of mass destruction. Adam and Eve (and all of us with them) fell because of an
argument. They believed the serpent’s argument and stopped believing God.
That is the deadly essence of sin: not believing God. To not believe God is to ally with Satan, whom Jesus said is
“a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth. . . . For he is a liar and the father of lies” (John
8:44). You don’t want Satan as an ally. He’s treacherous. He’s out to murder you with lies.
The defining mark of a stronghold is ITS RECURRING PATTERN. It literally has a “strong hold” on you so that
you find it extremely difficult to break free from it, so you keep coming back to it (that’s your first indication that
it’s a stronghold).
The enemy has erected strongly fortified garrisons to resist the Truth and thwart God’s plan of redemption.
There is the fortress of human reasoning, reinforced with many subtle arguments and the pretense of logic.
There is the castle of passion, with flaming battlements defended by lust, pleasure, and greed. And there is the
pinnacle of pride, in which the human heart sits enthroned and revels in thoughts of its own excellence and
b. Cause of Strongholds
Nagsisimula ito sa pagtatapon sa ating ng mga unti-unting kasinungalingan tungkol sa atin, sa Diyos at sa
ating kapwa. It often starts with a wound we experience, a hurt or disappointment that makes our heart fertile
ground for seeds of lies to be planted. On this foundation, the enemy then begins to build brick by brick, a wall
of lies, inaccurate ideas about the person of God, erroneous interpretations of Scripture, prideful thoughts, and
distorted perceptions of how God sees us and feels about us when we sin.
When we buy into these lies and agree with the enemy, thereby ceding control, that area of our loves
becomes a stronghold, which the enemy vigorously defends and retains control of.
Ridding yourself of these strongholds not only requires great intentionality, but also an understanding of its
root cause and how it got constructed in the first place, and how God’s word empowers you to break free from
it. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 says, “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary,
they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself
up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” demolish
arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every
thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). The “arguments” are the philosophies, reasonings,
and schemes of the world. The “pretensions” have to do with anything proud, man-centered, and self-
Watch your emotions. They are signals of arguments. Your emotions, which can land on you like vague
impressions or moods, are usually responses to an argument. Moods don’t come out of nowhere. When we are
angry, discouraged, depressed, anxious, self-pitying, fearful, or irritable, it is likely because we are believing
something very specific.
To battle sin is to battle unbelief — or destroy arguments. And in order to battle unbelief effectively, we
must press doubts and temptations into specific arguments. What specifically is being asserted or promised to
us? Only then can we destroy the enemy’s false arguments with true ones.
c. Area of Strongholds
1. UNCONFESSED OR UNREPENTANT SIN IN YOUR LIFE: The Biblical fact is this, there is no sin in your life that is
so great that the cross of Jesus isn’t greater than and that hasn’t already paid for. However, God will not heal
that which you will not own up to. The spiritual enemy of your soul thrives on secrecy and will establish a
stronghold in unexposed sin in your life.
2. OCCULT ACTIVITY you’ve engaged in, some of which you may still be participating in. Whether it’s Wicca,
Fortune Telling, Black or White Magic, Spiritism, or conjuring spirits, or even yoga (depending on who your focus
is on during meditations). It’s like placing a “vacancy” sign on your life for evil spirits. Have you knowingly or
unknowingly dabbled in any occult-like practices in your past? That may be where you issues stem from.
3. LIES YOU HAVE BELIEVED: These include lies about God, about yourself, and lies about how God sees you. Lies
that the enemy has been playing over and over in your mind for years, which, in your pain, you’ve unfortunately
bought into. What lies have you believed?
4. UNFORGIVENESS: If you are still nursing bitterness against someone/people, the enemy will take advantage
of that to keep you in bondage. The people who wounded you may not deserve to be forgiven, but we forgive
because Jesus Christ forgave us for a an even greater sin against God. Secondly, we forgive because it sets us
free from bondage produced by bitterness.
1. There is an unresolved conflict.
2. There is a hindered growth.
3. There are ministries overlooked.
4. There will be self-boasting.
5. Sins are flourishing.
Sharing the gospel is not the only time we see resistance. We can also face demonic strongholds in our own
lives, in our families, and even in our churches. Anyone who has fought an addiction, struggled with pride, or
had to “flee youthful lusts” knows that sin, a lack of faith, and a worldly outlook on life are indeed
The Lord is building His Church, and the “gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). What
we need are Christian soldiers, totally surrendered to the will of the Lord of Hosts, who will use the spiritual
weapons He provides. “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD
our God” (Psalm 20:7).
The more real Satan appears in our day, the more precious the victory of Christ will become to those who
believe him. The New Testament teaches that when Christ died and rose again Satan was defeated. A time of
limited freedom is granted to him, but his power against God's people is broken and his destruction is sure.
1 John 3:8, "The Son of God appeared to destroy the works of the devil." Hebrews 2:14, "Christ took on human
nature that through death he might destroy him who has the power of death, that is, the devil." Colossians
2:15, "God disarmed the principalities and powers and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in
him." In other words the decisive blow was struck at Calvary. And one day, when Satan's time of limited
freedom is over, Revelation 20:10 says, "The devil . . . [will be] thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone . . .
and will be tormented day and night for ever and ever." (See Matthew 8:29; 25:41).
What does this mean for those of us who follow Jesus Christ? "There is therefore now no condemnation for
those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1). "Who shall bring any charge against God's elect? It is God who
justifies!" (Romans 8:33). "Neither angels nor principalities nor powers nor anything else shall separate us from
the love of God in Jesus Christ" (Romans 8:38f). "He who is in us is stronger than he who is in the world" (1 John
4:4). "We conquer him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony" (Revelation 12:11).