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The 2 Major Types of Anointing

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How God Speaks – 3 Major Ways

here are 3 major ways in which God speaks;

1. Through dreams and visions

2. Through a vessel
3. The heart

How God Speaks – 3 Major Ways

1. Dreams and visions

God speaks both to believers and the unbelievers through dreams and visions.

In the Bible, unbelievers like Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, etc, had dreams and saw

Dreams and visions are not a sign that you are a Bride of Christ because unbelievers too
have them but fruits of the Holy Spirit are a sure sign of a Bride of Christ – a tree is known
by its fruits.

See baptism with the Holy Spirit

Satan also gives dreams, visions and prophesies as you see in the Bible that Saul prophesied
through an evil spirit.

One major deceiving spirit of his, is the spirit of divination. See the spirit of divination

Today every person having the spirit of divination is called a prophet/prophetess and the church
has embraced them as their prophets thus the enemy stealing killing and destroying unstopped.
If you see a person dreaming dreams, seeing visions, prophesying, but there is no fruits of
the Holy Spirit manifested in the person nor the temple in and outside does not manifest
holiness – be very careful!

See a temple in whom Jesus Christ dwells is holy inside and outside

God speaks to His Bride through dreams and visions. It’s God’s Will that all those in Him, in the
Last Days (after Jesus death and resurrection) dream dreams and see visions as prophesied by

Joel 2:28 And afterward, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will
prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions – and this started at
the Pentecost as testified by Peter the apostle of Christ Jesus (Acts 2)

And Jesus testified that those in Him dream dreams and sees visions by saying,

John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me

Through dreams and visions, God leads, guides, directs, reveals, speaks, etc, to those His

Having dreams and visions does not make you a prophet or a prophetess. The problem we have
today is that we call every person who has dreams and visions is a prophet or prophetesses and
they brand themselves so, even those with spirit of divination.

See the 4 prophetic Realms

God gives dreams and visions, so is the devil, but there is a huge difference between God dreams
and visions and those of the enemy.

Unless you fully submit yourself to God and resist the devil (James 4:7), the enemy has the right
to give you dreams and visions even if you are of God because of the open doors you have
granted him.

See how we open the doors for the enemy to kills destroy and steal from us
2. Through a vessel

God speaks through vessels. A vessel is not only a human being but every creation of God is a
vessel before Him including the Angels.

To the children of Israel, Moses was His vessel uttering His words. And so were the prophets,
John the Baptist, Jesus Christ apostles, etc.

Balaam donkey was a vessel before God

A vessel can utter God’s Words but the vessel not be a vessel of honor; not a Bride of Christ –
remember there are vessels of honor and dishonor.

Saul prophesied by the Spirit of God but he was not a vessel of honor. So was Balaam and many
more in the Scriptures.

In the same manner, many people preach Jesus Christ gospel but they are not of Him and this is
what Jesus was speaking of in Mt 7:21-23.

Here is a Principle; God cannot send a vessel not His to those His – a person not a Bride of
Christ cannot be send by God to you a Bride of Christ unless you are hard-

Remember Satan too uses vessels to speak his words upon people. Those words are seeds planted
to steal kill and destroy you – be very careful which vessel is speaking to you.

Reason when you come to Jesus Christ, you need to pray and ask Jesus to break and cancel every
word spoken to you by the enemy.

I have come into contact with many people whose life’s have been destroyed by so called
prophets and prophetesses, people with dreams and visions saying God said, yet it is the enemy

When a person comes to speak upon your life, or tell you God says, I have dreamed, etc,
and you are a Bride of Christ, first thing to do is to ask Jesus if the vessel or words or both
are His or Not and wait upon the Lord to answer; be patient (a fruit of the Holy Spirit). Do
not take what the person says without God confirming if the person is His or if the words
are His or both.

And God will never speak against Himself, against His Will, against His doctrine, etc. Example;
when a person comes and tells you that God tells you to divorce, that’s Satan not God.

Truth sets a person free (John 8:32) – separates light and darkness. The Truth, Jesus Christ, will
set you free from every voice of the enemy and his vessels.

3. The heart

To believers, those baptized with the Holy Spirit, God speaks not to their minds, ears, but to their
hearts. See God can speak to you but not be dwelling in you

If the Holy Spirit is indeed dwelling in you, you will hear Him clearly speaking in you – not
from outside but inside you

The problem we have is that people do not know the voice of the Holy Spirit thus God speaking
in their hearts because they do not know Jesus Christ

John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me

When Jesus was on earth preaching, He was speaking to the ears and minds of world people but
to His people, He was speaking to their hearts.

Reason when He spoke to Peter telling him, ‘Follow me, I will make you fisher of men’ (Mt
4:18-10), Peter at once left the net and all and followed Him because Jesus was speaking to the
heart of Peter.

To those His, God does not speak to our minds because in our minds is the power to say yes
or no, to choose to obey or not, but He speaks to our hearts for He knows we have no other
choice but to obey thus follow Him.
Reason you find people with a deep Godly desire in their hearts which cannot be fulfilled by
anything else except obedience and it’s until you obey, you have joy peace happiness in you
which the world cannot comprehend.

In the same manner with unbelievers – they have ungodly desires pushed to fulfill them but they
do not have joy peace and happiness even after obeying the desires.

The heart of a human being is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick (Jer 17:19),thus if
you are not baptized with the Holy Spirit, listen not to your heart but pray saying, ‘create in me a
clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me’ (Psalms 51:10).

You have heard people say, ‘follow your heart’, that is demonic, not Biblical – we are to follow
Jesus Christ not our hearts. We follow the voice of the Holy Spirit in us.

The Holy Spirit speaks also to the unbelievers but it’s to convict them (John 16:8). But the
evil spirits have dominion in these people thus they cannot hear and obey.

Not every person who hears God obeys – and there is the biggest problem

Obedience is the fruit of Faith a substance of True Believe. See obedience is the fruits of

Do you obey?

Jesus is Coming

Repent Repent Repent

Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand

The 3 Types of Tongues (Speaking in Tongues)
There are 3 types of tongues to humans;

1. Angelic/heavenly tongues
2. Tongues of men
3. Demonic tongues
See speaking in tongues

The 3 Types of Tongues (Speaking in Tongues)

1. Angelic tongues

Angelic tongues are also referred to as heavenly tongues – they are tongues of the Angels or of

1 Cor 13:1 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love …

This is the tongue Angels speak in heaven – remember we will be like the Angels in heaven
(Mk 12:25, Mt 22:30) thus speaking in Angelic tongues is a shadow/taste of heaven on

Angelic tongues are used to speak only to God and that is the tongue Paul the Apostle of Jesus
was speaking of saying,

For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men, but to God. Indeed, no one understands
him; he utters mysteries in the Spirit (1 Cor 14:2)

Even yourself you do not know what you are saying in Angelic tongues
1 Cor 14:14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding unfruitful

Because Angelic tongues are for you to speak only to God, the Holy Spirit will only enable
you to speak in an Angelic tongue when in secret, in prayer, for our God is in secret and we
do not pray as the heathens (Mt 6)

You cannot be in public, speaking to men and you speak in angelic tongues – that is a lie!

Even when Angels are send to humans to speak to them, they do not speak in Angelic tongues
but in a tongue you understand, the tongues of men.

A human being has no control of Angelic tongue but they are only under subjection of the Holy
Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who takes over your tongue at His Will, appropriate time and place for
you to speak only to God.

Since the tongue is in control of the Holy Spirit, there is no repetitions (Mt 6), you speak fluently
flawlessly, and as you go on praying in Angelic tongues as Spirit enables you, you are
completely encompassed and filled with joy happiness peace calmness and all fruits of the Holy
Spirit to a level the world cannot comprehend.

As you speak in tongues of the Angels, every worry, problem, the world and all in it vanishes,
and it is only you and heaven

Baptism with the Holy Spirit is a prerequisite to speak in Angelic tongues. See how to know
you’re baptized with the Holy Spirit

Every person who is baptized with the Holy Spirit can pray to God in secret in Angelic tongues –
this is not a gift for few, for it is a taste of heaven on earth thus every person of heaven on earth
can speak in Angelic tongues.

2. Tongues of men

1 Cor 13:1 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love …
Tongues of men are the languages of men – e.g. English, Spanish, French, Japanese,
Chinese, etc.

Humans were created with one tongue but when they started building the tower of babel, God
confused their language and tongues of men were born.

Gen 11:7 Come, let Us go down and confuse their language, so that they will not understand one
another’s speech

The tongues of men are from God – God is the creator

It’s for this reason God can open a human being tongue to speak in a tongue of men s/he has
never spoken nor learned, in the same manner He did to men building the tower of Babel.

The Holy Spirit has power to enable a human being speak all/any tongues of men without
him/her learning them

When the Holy Spirit came down to the disciples in the Pentecost, they did not speak in Angelic
tongues but were speaking in tongues of men reason every person heard a disciple speaking
his/her own language as written

Acts 2: 6, 11 Now when they heard this sound, the multitude came together, and were
confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language – we hear them
declaring the mighty works of God in our own tongues!

The disciples were speaking in the tongues of the Parthians, Medes, and Elamites, residents of
Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the
parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome, Jews and converts to Judaism; Cretans and
Arabs (1 Acts 2: 8-11) – these are all tongues of men not of Angels.

Why were they speaking in tongues of men not of angels?

Because they were speaking publicly to men not privately in secret to God – they were declaring
to men the mighty works of God in their own native languages (Acts 2:6, 11)
The Holy Spirit cannot enable a man speak tongues of Angels to fellow men – He is not
confused. In the same manner Angels cannot come to man and speak in their tongues.

When speaking to humans, you must speak in a tongue the human understands or else have an
interpreter – it’s a must not a request or else be quiet!

1 Cor 27:28 If anyone speaks in a tongue, two, or at most three, should speak in turn, and
someone must interpret. But if there is no interpreter, he should remain silent in the church and
speak only to himself and God.

Reason you see preachers with interpreters – the interpreters interprets from one tongue of men
to another; no human being can interpret Angelic tongues and no preacher of God preaches in
Angelic tongues.

You have seen preachers who in public utter words you cannot understand and they call them
‘speaking in tongues’ – be very careful

When Paul said, ‘I speak in other tongues more than all of you’ (1 Cor 14:18), Paul was saying
that he speaks more tongues of men (not of Angels) that most. And yes, Paul spoke in many
tongues of men.

3. Demonic tongues

Demonic tongues are the opposite of both Angelic tongues and tongues of men

Satan was an Angel, speaking in tongues of the Angels, and when he was cast from heaven, he
counterfeited and made a tongue for his kingdom, kingdom of darkness.

These are the tongues used to communicate in the kingdom of darkness reason they are
called demonic tongues.

There are 2 types of people in the kingdom of darkness;

1. The ignorant – they are the lukewarms, hypocrites, etc, (they can quote bible verses,
say name Jesus, pray, etc but with the same tongue they blaspheme Him – one leg in
Jesus and another in the darkness)
2. Those who know they are in darkness serving it – they include Satanists, devil
worshippers, magicians, witchdoctors, sign readers, fortune tellers, top world music
stars, etc

The second group of people all speak in demonic tongues – it’s a tongue of communication
between them and the kingdom of darkness.

Satan uses the first group of people without their knowledge – they can speak in demonic
tongues without knowing if it’s demonic or Angelic or tongues of men.

Demonic tongues are used to communicate to the kingdom of darkness e.g reason
witchdoctors have to chant in tongues

You know tongues of men and can name many, but what are the differences between demonic
tongues and tongues of the Angels;

Differences between Angelic tongues and demonic tongues

1. Repetitions

God hates repetitions for He is not deaf (Mt 6) and when speaking in Angelic tongues you cannot
speak in repetitions

Demonic tongues are full of repetitions and chantings

2. Spoken publicly

Angelic tongues are for you to speak secretly only to God

Demonic tongues are publicly used for fame, pride, prestige, envy, show-off, boasting, etc
3. Not fluent and with flaws

In the same manner you speak tongues of men fluently and flawlessly, so do you speak angelic
tongues under the Holy Spirit, but this is not so with demonic tongues.

Demonic tongues are not fluent, full of repetitions, same words, same sentences and full of flaws

4. Spoken by people with no fruits of the Holy Spirit at all

Angelic tongues are spoken by those in Jesus, Baptized with the Holy Spirit, thus fruits of the
Holy Spirit are manifested in them

Demonic tongues are spoken by those without the fruits of the Holy Spirit, the wicked,
blasphemous, hypocrites, those who deny the Power and fight it, godliness with no power, etc.

When indeed you have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you, you can identify a demonic tongue
from miles away

What is spoken in majority of churches today in the name of speaking in tongues is

demonic tongues

Unless a person is delivered, many speaking in demonic tongues cannot know its demonic –
a prisoner knows no freedom

Jesus is coming

Repent Repent Repent

Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand

Do not Walk by Your Thoughts – Walk by the Spirit of God
Do not walk by your thoughts, but walk by the Spirit of God – a
disaster many calling themselves of God commit.

Gal 5:6 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh

See how to walk by the Spirit of God

Do not Walk by Your Thoughts – Walk by the Spirit of God

The body of a human being is the temple of God with 3 main parts as was the Old Jewish temple;

1. The Flesh represented by the Outer Court

2. The Soul represented by the Inner Court
3. The Spirit represented by the Holy of Holies

See the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and the Old Jewish temple

The soul constitutes of the mind – the mind is the source of thoughts and imaginations in a man.

As I taught you in, God can speak to you but not be dwelling in you, Satan areas of attack to a
human being are the Soul (mind, thoughts, imaginations, etc) and the flesh (eyes, ears, etc), and
after this he captures entire temple (the body).

The biggest battle area is a person’s mind, through thoughts and imaginations.

It’s written,
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,
and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor 10:5)

What does this means? This means that the imaginations and thoughts of a man are not in
obedience to Christ Jesus unless a person casts them down and brings them to obedience.

One powerful weapon of warfare we have, is to cast down imaginations and bring to captivity
every thought to obedience of Christ Jesus (2 Cor 10:4-5). Remember our war is not physical, of
flesh and blood.

When the enemy came to the Woman in the Garden of Eden, the enemy planted thoughts and
imaginations to her mind, she entertained them and that was the start of the fall.

Sin enters through thoughts and imaginations. The enemy plants a seed of a thought or
imagination in your mind and as you entertain it, the flesh desires and you sink into sin.

As long as you are a human, the enemy has the power to plant thoughts and imaginations in your
mind even without being in you – the problem is entertaining them.

To win this battle, you must also set your mind on things above not on earthly things (Col 3:2).
Humans fall into sin the moment their minds are on the earthly things.

And this can only be accomplished with a renewed mind.

Rom 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of
your mind

You will only have a renewed mind if you have great faith in Jesus Christ. Every faithless and
doubter conforms to the world. See levels of faith

The capability to understanding is in the mind. Reason Scripture tells us,

Prov 3:5 Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding
Trusting the Lord with all your heart means walking by His Spirit not your thoughts and

God does not want you to use your thoughts and imaginations

When God told Moses that they will eat meat for a whole month until it comes out of their
nostrils, Moses started using his thoughts (Num 11:18-23) – a mistake for in his thoughts he
limited God.

When the spies came back from exploring Canaan, their flesh saw giants, and their imaginations
and thoughts became dark, shut their eyes from seeing God but only giants (Num 13)

You are a human – your thoughts and imaginations are limited and they will always be a
hindrance, shutting you from seeing and trusting God, and will limit His Power

Isaiah 55: 8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares
the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and
my thoughts than your thoughts

If you closely look at Paul’s writings, he distances what is from his mind from what is God’s –
because Paul knew our thoughts and imagination may not be God’s.

Our problem is that we trust our thoughts and imaginations and walk by them – the result
is always us going/doing against God and His Will upon us.

Today church is out empowering thoughts and imaginations of a man, giving flesh strength,
instead of making man cast them down and bring them to captivity in Christ Jesus.

One verse widely misquoted is,

Prov 16:9 The mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps

A man can direct his steps. If you plan to steal and go to steal, who has directed your steps – God
or yourself? Do not make God a sinner – do not charge God with wrong.
Not all man steps are directed by God – a man can direct His steps and do what’s against
God and His Will. God only directs steps of a person walking by the Spirit.

A person may claim how righteous and holy they are, but they have forgotten we sin in our
thoughts and imagination, in our minds we sin – the mind has power to lie to you.
See righteousness is a robe of Jesus Christ

Before a man’s eyes, all his/her ways including thoughts and imaginations are right before
him/her, but this may not be so with the Lord.

God is our Father. Our thoughts to God are like thoughts of a child (a kid) to the Father.
Does a loving father allow his kid to walk by his/her own thoughts? No! Unless the kid is
disobedience and rebellious. It is the father who knows what is good for the child. Are you
a child before God or a grown up walking by your thoughts and imaginations?

Cast down your imaginations and bring every thought to captivity in Jesus Christ

Learn to separate your thoughts and imaginations from God’s Word, His voice, voice of the
Holy Spirit and the Truth, and you will live in obedience to Jesus Christ. See 3 major ways
in which God speaks and obedience is a fruit of faith

The moment you use your thoughts and imagination, it’s very hard to obey Him and walk
by Him – the woman’s mistake in the Garden of Eden was using her mind not asking God
what He is saying.

Jesus is Coming

Repent Repent Repent

Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand

Abomination – Turn Your Faces Away from All Abominations

An abomination is a detestable thing or act before God. An abomination is not a sin but beyond

Ezek 14:6 Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘thus says the Lord God, ‘Repent, turn away from
your idols, and turn your faces away from all your abominations’

Abomination – Turn Your Faces Away from All Abominations

Scripture (Bible) mentions many abominations, some are;

1. Foreign gods/idols

Deut 27:15 Cursed is the man who makes an idol or a molten image, an abomination to the
LORD, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and sets it up in secret

Earrings and all ornaments are foreign gods, abominations to the Lord – you cannot come before
God with them, reason Jacob told his household to put them away before meeting God at Bethel
for his blessings and name change from Jacob to Israel (Gen 35: 2, 4). See ornaments are foreign

Today, money, ‘career’ and world education are foreign gods worshiped and served by many

2. Women in men clothing and men in women clothing

Deuteronomy 22:5 A woman shall not wear man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s
clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God

Not only is the act abominable but you yourself become an abomination to the Lord
3. Homosexuality

Leviticus 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination

Leviticus 20:13 If a man lies with a man as with a woman, they have both committed an
abomination. They must surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. Read also Romans

4. Abominable clothing of the temple

Jeremiah 32:34 But they put their detestable things in the house which is called by My name, to
defile it

The Body is the temple (house) of God and it must not be clothed with anything
abominable or in an abominable manner.

See the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit


Every cloth with images of foreign gods, demonic images, cult images, bearing allegiance to
darkness is abominable and must not be put on the temple of the Lord

Deuteronomy 7:26 You shall not bring an abomination into your house, and like it come under
the ban; you shall utterly detest it and you shall utterly abhor it, for it is something banned

Not only in clothing the temple, but no abomination should be where you live, in your homes
and houses. Many people homes and houses are full of abominations (I’ll talk more in accursed
things teaching).

Bible does not contain all the truth, it just carries the foundations and testifies of the Truth – the
Truth is Jesus Christ. See Bible is not Jesus but testifies of Him
It is the Holy Spirit to reveal to you all the abominations in your life and this world, for you to
turn your face away

John 16:13 But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth

Wages of Abominations

In abomination;

1. There is no salvation

The wage of every abomination in the Bible was death, perishing, hell – no salvation

With sin, you repent, Jesus forgives you and you go sin no more but this is not so with
abomination – abomination is beyond sin.

The first step with abomination is turning your face away from it – this means if you are a
homosexual, you stop being one. It’s after you turn your face away from abomination that you
repent – you cannot repent and God hear you unless you turn your face away from an

In the old times, when you went before God with an abomination, you died instantly and many
times because of abominations, many children of Israel perished.

I asked God why He is not killing those coming before Him with abominations and He answered
and said unto me,

‘Joshua, I turn My face away from every person in abominations, for if I turn My face and look
at them, I will kill them’

And I understood one reason people are praying and praying, Nothing! Offering and offering,
Nothing! Calling the Name of Jesus all in vain – because God has turned His face away from you
(go understand what it means when God turns His face away from a person)
Even your prayers become an abomination to God

Proverbs 28:9 He who turns away his ear from listening to the law, even his prayer is an

The moment you are in an abominable act, you are no longer of Jesus but a firewood of hell
– it does not matter how much you pray, mention the Name Jesus, do good deeds, confess
your believe, etc.

2. Doorway of the enemy

Abominations are doorways of the enemy. See how we open the door for the enemy

The enemy cannot steal kill destroy you unless you have opened a door for him – problem with
today so-called-Christians is that they are fast to make God a sinner and accuse others, instead of
looking at the doors opened for the enemy in their life.

3. Land vomits you out

Because of abominations, land vomits out people.

Lev 18:27-28 For the men who were in the land before you committed all these abominations,
and the land has become defiled. So if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it spewed out
the nations before you

Abominations are a fruit of wickedness. See difference between sin transgression iniquity and

Because of abominations, the first world was destroyed, Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed,
nations before the children of Israel were destroyed, this world will be destroyed as its
wickedness keeps growing from generation to generation, and so is every person in

Today do not be surprised by earthquakes, Tsunamis, floods, etc, killing many people – its land
vomiting out people because of abominations
4. No Baptism with the Holy Spirit

A temple in whom Jesus dwells is holy inside and outside – God cannot dwell in a temple in
and with abominations.

And the disaster in today’s so-called-church is that 99.9% are in/with abominations yet claiming
to be Bride of Christ and baptized with the Holy Spirit – a lie, yet the church is quite as many

God can speak to you but not be dwelling in you. Because God is speaking to them, they think
that equals salvation – it doesn’t. See God can be with you but not be in you

A Bride of Christ is that person in whom the Holy Spirit dwells in otherwise you are not His
Bride – not a heaven citizen

5. No victory

Every time the children of Israel went to war and there was one person with an abomination, the
children of Israel were defeated and many killed including the person.

In abomination there is no victory – you cannot defeat the enemy.

It does not matter how many times you call the Name of Jesus but Jesus never appears in
the scene because He has turned His face away from you

And this is the sad state of today so-called-church; it’s a defeated church calling the Name of
Jesus in vain – one reason being abominations.

It’s a defeated church because instead of the sick being healed in the Name of Jesus, the church
is the one taking them to physicians ‘hospitals’ and contributing to pay bills – you should cry and
mourn for this

A defeated church that instead of it being the one feeding its people, it begs its people – a beggar
is unrighteous (Psalms 37:25)
The enemy has no problem with people going to church because in the church and outside, they
have abominations, so when they come out of the church, 7 more demons came in them and they
become worse (Mt 12). It’s for this reason the state of the church is turning from worse to worse.

You cannot cast out a demon in the Name of Jesus if you are in/have an abomination – you
are already defeated by the enemy. When you try, the demon calls 7 more and comes in
you. See do not disrespecting Satan

It’s one of the reasons you see many preaching a gospel of mere words with no signs miracles
and wonders, just talking talking talking – a powerless gospel.

Reason Jesus takes years molding His servants in wilderness to clean them from every
defilement for battle with the enemy. Moses in Egypt had the abominations of the Egyptians
therefore he had to go into wilderness for years to be cleaned completely from them.

The moment you have anything of the enemy, you cannot defeat him, you will call the
Name of Jesus in vain – you must first be clean from all his

Consecrate yourself, clean yourself from abominations, and turn your faces away from all

Revelation 21:27 And nothing unclean, and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall
ever come into it, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

Lev 18:29 – 30 For whoever does any of these abominations, those persons who do so shall be
cut off from among their people. You must keep My charge not to practice any of the
abominable customs that were practiced before you, so that you do not defile yourselves by
them. I AM the LORD your God
Title: Kingdom of Darkness is on Earth Until Harvest Time

The Kingdom of darkness is on earth until harvest time. Fighting to remove it from earth now is
a losing battle.

Mt 13: 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the
reapers, ‘First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the
wheat into my barn’. Read (Mt 13:24-30)

Kingdom of Darkness is on Earth Until Harvest Time

When Satan was cast down from heaven to earth, earth was defiled reason earth must pass away

Rev 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were
passed away; and there was no more sea

God gave Satan authority to rule the world reason he is called ‘the ruler of the world’ (2 Cor
4:4), and reason he had audacity to give Jesus all kingdoms of the world

Mt 4:8-9 Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms
of the world and their glory. ‘All this I will give You’, he said, ‘if You will fall down and
worship me’

As I taught you, a person only gives what s/he has – world and all its kingdoms are Satan’s.
See you cannot give what you do not have

Satan defiled the first world until its filthiness reached the Throne of God and was destroyed by
water, only Noah and his generation were saved. Though the first world was destroyed and all in
it, Satan was not.
It is for this reason you see him busy defiling earth and world today and wickedness will reach
its peak, for wickedness grows from generation to generation, and the world will be destroyed by
fire. See vision of Armageddon battle

Why does God not remove Satan and his kingdom from earth?

Because God respects timings and plan He set before the foundations of the earth for Him to
finish everything and subject all to His Son, Jesus, (1 Cor 15:28) as written,

Sit in the place of honor at My right hand until I humble Your enemies beneath Your feet
(Psalms 110:1, Mt 22:4)

Who is the enemy? Satan (John 10:10). Who are Jesus enemies beneath His feet? Beneath Jesus
feet is the world and hell whose ruler is Satan (Isaiah 66:1)

God Set Plan and Timings

From creation until the time Jesus was on the cross (32AD), God was only dealing with Israel
(the Jews) but through prophesies He spoke of time for gentiles salvation.

In Daniel 70 weeks, Israel time is divided into 2; first 69 weeks, a gap enters, then the last 1
week. See Daniel 70 weeks prophecy

69 weeks ends with Messiah cut off, 70th week starts with the prince of the people, the Antichrist
(Dan 9:24-27). In between there is a gap, a prophetic time, the church age, which started with
Jesus death and resurrection and ends at the rapture.

After rapture, church prophetic time, Age of grace ends and the 70th week of Daniel starts, which
is the Great Tribulation Period. It is in it when Antichrist and the false prophet are revealed to the
world. See who the Antichrist is

At the end of the 70th week, Jesus with His Bride appears in the clouds (Rev 19:11), entire earth
sees them and Armageddon Battle culminates. See vision of Jesus appearing in clouds with
Saints and ancient Jewish marriage customary. Jesus wipes out everything on earth, flattening
mountain and hills, only the Jews are saved – no gentiles.

See Vision of Armageddon Battle

Then the Antichrist and the false prophet are captured and casts alive into the Lake of fire

Rev 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before
him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that
worshiped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone

Satan is laid hold of and bound for a 1000 years

Rev 20:1-2 And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and
holding in his hand a great chain. 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil,
or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years

The 1000 years is the Millennium reign and at the end of the 1000 years, Satan is cast into the
lake of fire

Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where
the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever

When a king or ruler of a kingdom is destroyed, the kingdom vanishes, thus the end of the
kingdom of darkness comes when Satan is cast into the Lake of fire.

Since God has set an appointed time to destroy Satan and his kingdom, why fight to remove him
from earth now?

Fighting Satan and his kingdom to remove them from earth now is a losing battle. It is a
sure proof that a person does not know God and His Word.

You cannot remove Satan and his servants; false preachers, prophets, Satanists, devil worshipers,
magicians, witchdoctors, etc, from the earth and world now because there appointed time has not
yet come.
When Jesus was on earth, Satan and his servants were there but He was not involved in
fighting/confronting them to stop/remove them as I taught you in do not disrespect Satan. Why
can’t you be like Jesus?

Jesus taught about this in the parable of wheat and tares (Mt 13:24-30) saying,

Mt 13: 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the
reapers, ‘First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the
wheat into my barn’.

The reapers are Angels not you (Rev 14:14-19).

When you fight to stop/remove the kingdom of darkness, you will indeed fight those of God as
Jesus revealed saying,

The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ But He said, ‘No, lest
while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them’ (Mt 13:28-29)

Those busy claiming to be fighting false preachers, prophets, Satanists, witchdoctors,

magicians, etc, are indeed too fighting those of Jesus Christ.

Reason when the disciples came to Jesus and told Him they saw a man preaching in His Name
and stopped him, Jesus told them not to stop him (Mk 9:38-40)

Jesus came not to remove Satan and his kingdom from earth but to destroy his works because
Jesus knows the set times

1 John 3:18 Jesus Came to Destroy the Works of the Devil

We are send to destroy the works of the devil not fight to remove him and his kingdom
from the earth

We destroy his works on the people who run to Jesus Christ not those who choose darkness and
the world, reason Jesus healed all who came to Him (Mt 15:30, 19:2, 12:15). See there is time to
pray and time to run physically to Jesus
The moment you fight the kingdom of darkness to remove it from earth, it’s disrespecting
God, His plan timings and Will, and also you disrespect Satan. See do not disrespect Satan

Fighting a losing battle opens the door for the enemy to steal kill and destroy you as he
wishes – see that with Israel wars. See how we open doors for the enemy

It’s time to mature up. When a baby feeds only on milk forever without being introduction
to meat, the baby stagnates and Satan overtakes the baby – and that is the sad state of
today’s church; a small piece of meat chokes them – it’s sad.

Jesus is Coming

Repent Repent Repent

Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand

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