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Q1: Narrate The Quranic Teachings of Adab-e-Nabi Related To Surah Al-Ahzab

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Subject: Islamic Studies Class: BS Geo-phy/Geo/En

Instructor’s Name: Dr. Sanaullah Date of Submission: 31/05/2020
Student Name: __Awais Arshad____ Max Marks:15
Enrollment No: __01-165182-031___


Q1: Narrate the Quranic Teachings of Adab-e-Nabi related to Surah Al-

ahzab. 5Marks

Verse 6:

We know from the Quran and Hadith that our love for our Prophet is a part of our faith. And it’s
no ordinary kind of emotion; but a love which moves us towards an unquestioning obedience of
the Prophet (s.a.w).
Just think about these words: “the Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves”
Are we believers? And do we know about the Prophet?
We trust whom we are close to; we believe in their judgment; we act upon their advice. So do we
feel the same way towards the teachings of the Prophet (s.a.w)?
It is a pity that we have “invented” lots of ways to show our love of this great personality
through extravagant displays on his birthday, although the Prophet himself has warned us against
these innovations. And we conveniently turn our eyes away from the fact that the only way
acceptable to Allah and His Messenger, to prove our love for him is that we wholeheartedly
accept his teachings and follow his Sunnah.

Verse 32:

What is the status of women in Islam?

The following verses which are addressed primarily to the wives of the Prophet (s.a.w), prove
that in Allah’s eyes, women are the foundations of a society. Their conduct and personality
affects the environment of the home and families, who in turn transfer it to the whole society.
Therefore it was very important that their education should be given top priority. Look at how
Quran provides us with a set of values, beginning with the most honorable of Ladies, the blessed
Wives of the Prophet (s.a.w) who are the mothers of the believers, and thus a role model for us to

Verse 33:

This is the best education because it is coming directly from Allah. And so the order of
commands is so amazingly perfect.
What is the first thing about a personality that needs to be put right?
Women should be very careful because the way they talk has a far reaching effect on the listener.
So the tone they reserve for their loved ones should not be used randomly for every other man.
Also they have been told to talk in a straightforward manner. Being precise in the choice of
words, prevents misinterpretation and saves a lot of time.
It should be a place she loves, because she knows that her honors and dignity are preserved
within its boundary. It doesn’t mean that Allah has forbidden her to step outside the house. She
can go out occasionally but not without a solid reason. Obviously Allah is not holding her back
from going out for education, or going to a doctor, or fulfilling other Needs.
Another important factor here is that when a woman has to go out of necessity then she should
go in respectable attire and not copy the fashions of the ignorant. Isn’t it ironical that nowadays
we associate being fashionable to being educated and Allah is calling it the way of the ignorant
people!! And then at the end Allah is assuring us that these are not restrictions.

Verse 40:

It means that the Prophet Muhammad was not genetically related to anyone to whom the
Message was being revealed and that the lineage of the Prophethood terminated with him.

Verse 53:

Even with this great honour and status, given by Allah, the Prophet (s.a.w) was the most humble
and soft-hearted person; quick to show mercy to all, especially to the weak and downtrodden
ones, and even to those who annoyed him. However this softness of attitude caused some people
to take undue advantage of him.
Verse 56:

The one line that captured my attention the most is that the person you are offending,
intentionally or otherwise, might be too good natured and shy to tell you so because he does not
want to hurt your feelings; but don’t forget that Allah is watching and keeping a record of your
deeds and “He Doesn’t feel shy in telling the truth” So we should look deep into our own selves
and make corrections before the Almighty decides to tell us the truth about ourselves.

It really makes me feel a tremendous love for my Beloved Prophet to imagine how much he went
through, including the painful attitudes of the people, so as to accomplish the task of conveying
to us the message of Allah, to connect us with Allah through this never ending bond of the

Q2: What do you know about the Basic Concept of Hadith and Important
Events from the life of Prophet at Madina. 5Marks

Basic concept of Hadith:

“The saying of holy prophet (s.a.w) is known as hadith.”
Hadith represent the Sunnah of Prophet (SAW). The Sunnah of Prophet (SAW) are
comprised of:
His Statements
His Actions
His (tacit or silent) Approvals
His Personal Characteristics
“Is a form of Hadith, in which Prophet Mohammad is not supposed to be saying
something, but some guy with the similar chain of narrations is saying that a guy
(like Abu-Huraira or someone else) saw him “doing” something”.
Kinds of Hadith:
There are four kinds of hadith:
Quali Hadith: It is the kind of Hadith in which the sayings of the prophet (s.a.w) are
mentioned is known as quali hadith.
Faili Hadith: It is that kind of Hadith in which the deeds and lifestyle of the holy prophet
(s.a.w) is mentioned is known as faili hadith.
Taqreeri Hadith: It is the kind of Hadith in which the silence of the holy Prophet is
mentioned when his companion did something or said something in his presence is known as
taqreeri hadith.
Quidsi Hadith: The kind of hadith in which the prophet (s.a.w) said exactly the same thing
and words as Allah said is known as quidsi hadith.

The Life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) at Madina:

The Prophet (PBUH) was 53 years of age at the time of his migration. In Madina he spent
the remaining 10 years of his life. The divine call now entered a decisive stage and many
important events took place in Madina, which eventually laid a firm foundation for the
spread of Islam to the furthest reaches of the globe. Here we shall study some of the major
events in the life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and Islam at Madina.
1. The Building of the First Masjid
After entering into Madina the first and foremost act which the prophet (PBUH) did was the
building of the Masjid, for the Muslims who had just emerged from years of oppression in
Makkah. It was one of the most important landmarks for Muslims who now had a centre of
their own for open gatherings, a school for learning the Qur'an and a headquarters for
receiving necessary instructions from their leader.
Now the days has gone of secret underground meetings in Makkah, where there was always
the fear of persecution. Madina provided a free open atmosphere for the growth of the true
2. Brotherhood
The second important step taken by the Prophet in Madina was the fraternizing of
'Muhajireen' (Makkan Immigrants) with the 'Ansar' (Madni Helpers) in the bonds of Islamic
brotherhood. He fraternised each Muhajir with an Ansar, joining them together as brothers in
faith. And he himself clasped the hand of his beloved cousin Ali bin Abi Talib as the
supreme symbol of brotherhood.
Allah, the Exalted describes them in the Qur'an as follows:
“And as for the first and foremost of the Muhajireen (emigrants) and the Ansar
(helpers), and those who followed suit in good deeds; Allah is pleased with them and
they are pleased with Him; and He has prepared for them gardens watered by running
streams, therein dwelling forever; that is a supreme triumph.” (9:100)
The Muhajireen as the name suggests were the Muslim emigrants from Makkah who had
followed the Prophet of Madina to safeguard their faith and to escape persecution from the
infidels. They had embraced Islam in its early years and most of them had suffered severe
pain and hardships in the way of liberty, truth and justice.
3. Jihad
The next stage was Jihad or holy struggle, a thing not known in Makkah. It was the natural
consequence to the setting up of a state. Unbelievers, were wanted to finish the divine call
but seeing Islam finely set up unto a secure state they became more aggressive. They also
started preparation to fight against Muslims. The Muslims had to defend their faith, and
according to Allah's injunctions went out to do battle with the aggressors.
The first ever battle between believers and nonbelievers occurred in the second year of the
Hijra at a place called 'Badr' in which the new-found Islamic State, with a force of only 313
Muslims defeated a big army of disbelievers. The victory led to many other battles with the
Makkan infidels, who each time came out in larger numbers to avenge their previous defeat,
but by Allah's Grace suffered defeat after defeat from the hands of the Muslims.
The victories brought strength and courage to the Muslims and helped facilitate the spread of
Islam and monotheism to the farthest reaches of Arabia.
4. The Treaty of Hudaibiyah
Another important landmark in the Prophet's life and progress of the Islamic call was the
treaty of Hudaibiyah.
One night Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had a dream in which he saw that he and his
companions were entering in Makkah to perform the 'Tawaf', but the infidel Arabs were
trying to obstruct their entrance. Following the dream, Prophet (PBUH) decided to go to
Makkah with some 1,500 Muslims to perform the pilgrimage. It was in the sixth year of the
Hijra, and when the they arrived at a place called Hudaibiyah, the infidels blocked all routes
to Makkah. After some deliberations the infidels and the Prophet concluded a treaty, saying
that the Muslim party would for the moment go back to Madina, but would return the next
year for performing the pilgrimage. There were some other terms too.
As per the treaty the Messenger and his companions turned back to Madina, but the next year
the Prophet along with a group of Muslims entered Makkah seven years after his historical
migration to perform the Umrah. Thus, his dream came true, and it was another proof of his
5. The Conquest of Makkah
Next followed the great event in the history of Islam that was the conquest of Makkah. The
event took place during the month of Ramadan, in the year 8 A.H. and Makkah was liberated
without a fight. Almighty Allah filled the hearts of the idolaters with such fear that when
Abu Sufyan, the leader of the infidels, and his men, saw the Muslim forces they were struck
with fear and surrendered themselves. Thus the Messenger and his companions entered
Makkah triumphantly, smashed the idols and performed the Tawaf.
The Holy Prophet then announced amnesty for the nonbelievers. While they have thought
that today is the hard day for them. Today the Prophet (PBUH) will take all the revenges and
after that they would celebrate the victory. But it was the Prophet’s greatness that He not
only forgives them but also allows them to live in their houses with freedom and without any
fear. Hence a large number of people embraced Islam by seeing such a great behavior of the
Muslims. That was the result of the great moral teachings of Prophet (PBUH) toward the
6. The Farewell Pilgrimage
In the tenth year of the Hijra, the Messenger of Allah performed the Hajj, with all his wives
and a fairly large number of his Companions.
He reached Makkah on the 4th of Dhul Hijja and was soon joined by Ali (a), who hastened
back from his successful missionary deputation to Yemen. During the Hajj ceremonies, the
Prophet addressed a great multitude from Mount Arafat, in words which are eternal to this
day in the hearts of believers. After praising the Almighty, he expounded the laws and tenets
of Islam and abolished all existing practices of the days of Jahiliyah, charging the gathering
to inform those not present and also to convey to posterity his eternal message.
The famous tradition called 'Thaqalain' was part of this sermon and we reproduce it below
from 'Sahih Tirmidhi' for the benefit of our readers.
“I have been summoned (by Allah) and the moment is near for me to answer (to die). I leave
among you the 'Thaqalain' (two precious things): the Book of Allah and my progeny; Allah's
Book is like a rope extending from heaven to earth, and my progeny are the Ahlul-Bayt. The
Merciful informed me that the two will not part with each other until they meet me at the
pool (of Kawther in Paradise). I warn you against deserting them.”

Q3: Explain the Basic Concepts of Islamic Political System. 5Marks

The Islamic Political System is based on some fundamental concepts. These are follows:

Definition of a Muslim, the Islamic ideology:

The followers of Islam are called Muslim. Islamic ideology; Islam as a Deen (complete code
of life). Islamic ideology helps the people to spend their lives according to the teachings of
Quran and Sunnah. It provides a complete picture of Islamic way of life and traditions. It
helps in the construction of Islamic society according to the commands of Allah. It helps in
establishing the basic principles like Human respect, justice and equality, fraternity and
mutual co-operation.

Sovereignty of Allah:
Sovereignty of Allah means the super power and authority of Allah over his creators. Allah
is the main source of all power and laws. The Quranic concept of sovereignty is simple.
Allah is the Creator of the universe. He is its real Sustainer and Ruler. It is his will that
prevails in the cosmos all around. As all creation is his, his command should also be
established and obeyed in man’s society. An Islamic state must put those laws into practice
for greater good of its citizens.

Human Rights:
It is a very sad paradox that Muslims have been accused of violating human rights at a time
when Muslims, whether they are peoples, governments, individuals or groups, are being
subjected to all kinds of aggression and their basic rights and freedom are being violated. It
is obvious that governments and politicians in powerful countries are using double standards.
When they deal with non-Muslims they seek justice and show respect to human rights
charters, but when they deal with Muslim governments or countries, oppression is tolerated
and aggression is justified.
Accountability of Government:
The Islamic political system makes the government responsible firstly to Allah and then to
the people. The government is elected by the people to exercise powers on their behalf. Then
government shall have to work for the welfare of the people according to the Qur’an and
Sunnah. A government is a servant of the people of Islam. Both the government and the
governed are the Khalafah of Allah and both will appear before Allah and account for their
actions on the Day of Judgment. But the responsibility of the government or ruler is heavier
then the governed or ruled. This accountability of government is not related only with the
Day of Judgment but also in the present life. Any ordinary citizen of an Islamic state has the
right to ask any question on any matter to the ruler and the government.

The Islamic political system ensures equality of all citizens before the law. It does not
recognize any discrimination on the basis of language, color, territory, sex or descent
(birth/origin). Islam recognizes to preference of one over the other only on the basis of
Taqwa (Allah fearing in every steps of life).
The Prophet of Islam has said- “All men are equal like the teeth of comb.”
So, all men are equal in Islam. And the one who fears Allah most is the noblest in Islam

Concept of Khilafah:
Khilafah means succession or representative. In Islamic constitutional law Khilafah refers to
the government. In Islam, Khilafah means the person who would implement the will of
Allah on earth as His deputy or representative.
“And it is He Who has made you generations coming after generations, replacing each other
on the earth. And He has raised you in ranks, some above others that He may try you in that
which He has bestowed on you. Surely you Lord is Swift in retribution, and certainly He is
Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” Surah Al-An’am (6:165)
So, man’s designations are Khilafah and his mission is to establish Khilafah. It is indeed a
great honor and prestige to a man to be the Khilafah or representative or vicegerent of Allah
among all of his creatures.

Legislation by Shura:
Shura is an Arabic word. It means consultation or to take advice from experts in a particular
subject related with the administration of state. Shura means to take decision by consultation
and participation. It is the law making body of a state. And this is the important part of the
Islamic Political System. Islam teaches us to run a government by the process of Shura.
Legislation by Shura means democratic system of government that opposes autocratism.
This is the dominant principle of Islamic system if government.

Women in Islamic Political System:

We have presented the evidence for the validity of our Fiqh (Jurisprudence) argument that
the woman has the same rights as the man regarding participation in parliamentary,
legislative and trade union elections. She also has the right to nomination and election at
these councils. She has the right to any public office, except the Imamah Al-Uzmah ( the
higher office of ruling) and whatever else falls under that category. As for her taking judicial
appointments, the door of Ijtihad open so long as any such study bears in mind the woman's
chastity, bashfulness, and honor.

Islam and Democracy:

Islamic democracy is a political ideology that seeks to apply Islamic principles to public
policy within a democratic framework. Islamic political theory specifies three basic features
of an Islamic democracy: leaders must be elected by the people, subject tosharia, and
committed to practicing "shura", which is Arabic for "consultation". The expression of
Islamic democracy is different in different Muslim majority countries, as sharia
interpretations vary from country to country, and the use of sharia is more comprehensive in
countries in which sharia forms the basis for state laws.

Features of The Islamic State:

The features of the Islamic state are following:
 The Islamic state is an ideological state; hence it can be run only by the people who
believe in its ideology.
 The Islamic state will provide equality to all its citizens regardless of their color, race
language and their regional identity.
 Islam agrees with democracy’s principle: government by the people. However, it is
against the western concept of people’s sovereignty.
 It is a theocracy in that t rests sovereignty in the hand of Allah but differs from it in
its application.
 The Islamic state is set up consciously by an independent people and act in
accordance with his guidelines and principles as protected in the Quran and the

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