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Fa19-Bph-026 Islamic Studies Final Exam

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Question no. : 1
Give a complete description about the compilation of the Quran.

The revelation of Quran was based on hifz and memorization . The holy prophet (PBUH) was the first
who committed a revelation to memorization after the angel Gabriel had brought it to him.

Companions of prophet who memorized the Quran first was

 Abdullah B Masood
 Mosab B Umayr
 Muadh B Jabaal

Unfortunately, the holy Quran was not compiled in the form of a book when our holy prophet left this
world. When Hazrat Abu Bakar became caliph, he started wars with those who stated false predictions.
During these wars many huffaz who memorizers of the Holy Quran acquired martyred. In the history of
Islam this fight is known as the Yamama battle. Hazrat Umar was noticing this situation very closely. He
discussed all the issues with Hazrat Abu Bakar. Hazrat Abu Bakar was disinclined in doing something
which was not done in the time of our holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH).  

But WHEN Hazrat Umar Stand firmly, hazrat Abu bakar agreed to compile the holy Quran. In order to
achieve this purpose, Hazrat Abu Bakar prearranged Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit with 25 other companions.
Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit was leading this team. Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit confirmed all the verses. In order to
cleared check the Qur’anic verses, he made it compulsory to present at least two witnesses per verse.
He denied to accept the verses without two persons who could bear witness that they were there when
the ayat was being written. In the period of our holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH) the ayat were written
on leaves, stones, and parchments etc. He tried to collect all of these ayaat written on these things.
Apart from that, he called the remaining huffaz as well. The script prepared by Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit was
handed over to Hazrat Abu Bakar first then it was handed over with caliphate to Hazrat Umar and then
it was given to Hazrat Hafsa.

Materials used writing quran verses are

 Leather
 Pieces of thin animal skin
 Palm leaf stalk
 Wooden wide tablet
 Palm steam or branch
 Camel shoulder bone
 Stone tablets

During the period of hazat Usman the third caliph, there was a dispute in Azerbaijan regarding the
difference in recitations of Quran . At that time there was no standardized writing of Quran. There were
no dots, diacritical marks and no vowels. There is huge difference in the recitation of Quran. hazrat
Usman wanted to standardized the writing of Quran . Companions of only prophet who gathered the
Quran into one compilation are the one who memorized the entire Quran based on oral tradition.
Quran is not itself a primary source in which it can be protected through oral memorization. In order to
verify the correct pattern of recitation they send Quran to different hufazan

Hazrat Zaid and three companions went back to hazrat hafsa to collect all the compilation of Quran and
tried to prepare the Quran according to the restriction and recommendation of hazrat Usman .

One of the Quran was written in quraish dialect or pronunciation

E.g. Momin and mo’min ; MALIK AND MALIK

Both these are same but there pronunciation was different .then finally Quran was standardized in
quraish dialect which was the language of holy prophet (PBUH).

Then hazrat Usman completed this mission and sent identical copies of Quran to various Islamic centers
and higher governors. He also ordered to burn all the old copies of Quran which were not based on
quraish dialect.

Question no. : 2
Name and explain the concept of laws of Allah with the help of five examples
for each law. Relate daily life examples to explain the concepts.

every person in the world has a incredible relationship between GOD and human
being weather Muslim and non Muslim, as well as man and things which is part of
this creation in universe. We are living in society we daily get up, stars and moon
revolving according to nature who control this system? Who run this system?
How this world comes to exists? This type of different question which comes into
mind to being a observer. So we are follower of Islam , if we talk about being a
human being rather than any religion we observe the creation of this world it is
made beautifully done by a big power which is our out of sight.
Laws of Allah (SWT):
There are two types of laws
1. Visible or instantaneous Laws
2. Invisible or delayed Laws
Visible Laws.
visible means which can see by eyes which is happen in front of your eyes, which
can be touchy, massive it belong to physical world so we taking example we
inhale air but you are not able to drink air and eat. Same we are not able to
change weather according to our wish we cannot change cold weather into hot
instantaneously so these are some things which is under control of GOD.
Invisible Laws.
Invisible means which are out of sight and not completely on the spot of time in
other sense delay in response. To understand this point we will take help from
Quran and Sunah. Islam is vast religion and it is understand by Quran which is
revealed by Allah and Sauna is teaching of our Holy Profit ALLAH Muhammad
these are two major sources. Explain this point by some examples
1: In Quran ALLAH said about angles so we believe on angles invisibly we have a
faith on angles we studied four angles briefly that did their duties.
2: we have a concept of Hallal and haram Islam forbidden from haram things and
haram relationship. We have some restriction by breaking we have punishment if
we talk about zinnia , we have punishment if we speak lie same in any case which
is Islam forbidden.
3: if we talk about punishment in Islam there as well as reward for good deeds
ALLAH promise for Jannah there QURAN SAID

Say: Shall I give you glad tidings of things Far better than those? For the righteous
are Gardens in nearness to their Lord... and the good pleasure of Allah. For in
Allah's sight are (all) His servants" "
4: our solar system has a great example of GOD creation our faith there is some
kind of big power which is created this world and run this system of universe
5: a baby born is done by super power we are not able to produce child being a
human we passed out from different phase like youth ,teen age ,old age and birth
to die we have a story which is written by ALLAH.

Question no. : 3
Explain the effects of believing in six articles of faith in daily life.
Six Articles of Believes:

There are 6 main articles of faith in Islam. These are based on the statements in the Quran: As stated in
the following Surah.

“Oh yes who have believed, believe in Allah and his

messenger and the book that he sent down upon

his messenger and the scripture which he sent down

before. And whoever disbelief in Allah, his angels, his

books, his messengers and the last day has certainly

gone far astray.”

The six articles of belief are as follow:

One God (Tawhid):

As a muslin our first faith is to believe in the tawhid which means oneness of God. Allah is one. Allah has
no son or daughter, no mother or father. Allah is the creator of All human beings. He is the Allah of all
people, races, groups, tribe, all colour people. Allah asks us to follow his laws, worship him, love him,
believe him, and have strong faith on the oneness of him. All Muslims believe that no one is like Allah. If
we don’t believe in the oneness of Allah which means that we do shirk because it is the direct
negotiation of Kalima tawhid.

As mention in above surah:

“Oh yes who believed, believe in Allah.”

Belief in Angel (Malaikah):

Angels were the first creation of Allah and they always obey him. Allah’s greatness is that he does not
communicate with humans directly instead he passed messages to his Messengers through Angels.
Angels are pure and spiritual creation of Allah. They worship him all the time and Allah created them to
fulfil his commands. Some of angels have given name and these names are as Jibril, Mikael, Malik, and
many more. Muslim believe in angels and the attributes of angels that have been described in Islam and
prophet Muhammad (peace be Upon Him) teaches us.

These angels perform certain tasks and these tasks are as Jibril has been given the duty to deliver the
messages of Allah to all the messengers. Ridwan was entrusted with paradise and Malik has been
appointed with hell. And the main believe of the Muslims is that the two angels are appointed with us
who record all our doings whether they are good or bad.

Prophets (AS):

The believe of all Muslim should be on the prophets of Allah. Allah appointed all the angels to teach all
the humankinds how to follow Allah’s law and obey them. Allah have communicated to all the prophets
through the angels. Muslims believe that all the prophet should be respected but not worshipped. As a
Muslim we should just believe in the teachings of prophets that Allah teaches them through angels. 25
messengers have been mentioned in Quran by name included Adam, Idrees, Noah, Salih and many
more. Prophets and messengers were chosen by Allah and were sent to every nation. Prophets were
commanded to warn those who disbelieve with the punishment of hell and who believe give them the
happiness of reward of paradise on the day of judgement.

As for Muhammad (peace be Upon Him) he was given more blessings then other prophets. The greatest
blessing of Allah on him is that he is the last prophet of all humankind and Allah given him the Quran.

As mentioned in above surah:

“Oh yes who have believed, believe in Allah and his


Revelations (Books):

All the Muslims have believed on the revelations of Allah on the prophets including Quran. All the holy
books of Islam should be respected by all Human beings. That is especially true for Quran which is the
unchanged book of Allah. In Islam it is a part of faith to believe in all the books of Allah revealed on
messengers. The Quran is the last book of Allah and the word of Allah. As a Muslim we should believe in
all books of Allah not just the Quran.

As mentioned in above surah:

“Oh yes who have believed, believe in Allah and his

messenger and the book that he sent down upon

his messenger and the scripture which he sent down


Resurrection and Judgement:

Muslims have believed that all the human beings will be judged on the day of judgement based on all
the actions and deeds that we did on this life and recorded by angels. And if our action is according to
teaching of Allah and prophet (P.B.U.H) then we will be rewarded with Jannah otherwise we will be
punished with hell. All the Muslims have believed on the day of judgement and hell and heaven. All the
Muslims believe that when this world will end then all human will be brought back to life and they will
face they day of judgement. We as Muslim believes that life on earth is test for us.

Qadr (Divine Decree):

All Muslims believe that everything is happen according to divine decree means whatever happens in
one’s life is preordained. This concept does not negate the concept of free will as humans does not have
prior knowledge of divine decree, so they have freedom of choice. Basically, divine decree means that
everything happens with the will of Allah and everything is under control of Allah.

According to one surah of Quran:

“In all things master planning is Allah’s.”

Every Muslim believes that life of every person is mapped out by Allah.

Question no. : 4
The era of the Abbasid Caliphs’ construction and rule of Baghdad is known as
the Golden Age of Islam. Defend?
Golden Era of Abbasids:
In 750 CE , the umayyed were completely wiped out by the abbasids. The muslim
empire expansion was gaining strength. Abbasids have tackle the internal conflict .
the period between 786 CE to 861 CE was known as the golden era of the
Abbasids .

Abbasids construction and rules in golden age of islam:

Abbasids built a centralized state with Baghdad as Capital. during the golden age of Islam they built
bait-ul-hikma as called a house of wisdom. Its center of excellence for knowledge. Muslim were
very much into these houses of wisdom and they many many discoveries.
Advancement in education , different degree granting many universities ,
In law, islamic jurisprudence , matter of fiqh, asool-al-fiqh, and they built many parks and road
around the city .

Question no. : 5
Discuss the types of corruption in which Muslim Ummah are currently

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